Course Book 2018-2019
Course Book 2018-2019
Course Book 2018-2019
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Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................. 3
Learning objectives ................................................................................... 6
Course structure ....................................................................................... 7
Literature ................................................................................................. 8
Assessment .............................................................................................. 9
Grading .................................................................................................. 10
Fraud and Plagiarism ................................................................................ 11
Complaints .............................................................................................. 11
Course schedule ...................................................................................... 13
Lectures & Tutorials.................................................................................. 14
Course Coordinators
Lena Pieper:
Room: B2.23, Phone: 043 388 49 23
Course Description
This course is an introduction to the area of auditing (or, in Dutch,
accountantscontrole). This area concerns the external attestation of financial
reports, which is the main activity of auditors working within accounting firms.
Auditing services are part of a wider group of services called assurance services.
The IAASB (International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board) defines an
assurance engagement as: “an engagement in which a practitioner expresses a
conclusion designed to enhance the degree of confidence of the intended users
other than the responsible party about the outcome of the evaluation or
measurement of a subject matter against criteria”. The subject matter of
assurance services can take many forms, like for example assurance on the
effectiveness of internal control, performance on human rights, or sustainability
performance. The audit of the financial statements is an example of an assurance
service focusing on the reliability of financial information, and for which IFRS
(International Financial Reporting Standards) are generally used as benchmark
Course Objectives
The objectives of this course are twofold. First, students should obtain a solid
knowledge of the literature on auditing. To that end, both a textbook and
This course is part of the tracks preparing for the post-graduate program
auditing (to obtain the license of Registeraccountant), both within the economics
and international business programs. This course prepares for the assurance
services course in the master program and the advanced auditing course in the
post-graduate program. Hence, a top-down approach is applied: this auditing
course provides an overview of the auditing area, the assurance services course
focuses on the economics of assurance services and the functioning and
regulation of the audit market and the post-graduate course discusses the
various auditing processes in more detail. In addition, the post-graduate course
emphasizes the practical skills required to conduct audits.
Use of PBL
The tutorial meetings will make use of PBL. In each tutorial meeting, a discussion
leader will be appointed who is responsible for structuring the session and
making sure that all relevant topics are covered sufficiently. Notes need to be
taken individually by the students.
Knowledge and understanding of internal control and accounting systems (level
comparable to: course Internal control & accounting systems). Exchange
students are advised to take at least two courses of the available Fiscal
Economics courses.
Knowledge & Insight Our graduates are able Students read and
to understand and use discuss academic
academic knowledge in a articles.
self-directed manner.
This course includes three lectures: two guest lectures and one lecture by the
course coordinator. The first guest lecture by Prof. Jean Bedard (Bentley
University) takes place on 09 May at 13.30 hrs. The second lecture by Guy
Parmentier (Certified Auditor) is on 20 May at 11.00 hrs. The lecture by the
course coordinator Prof. Ann Vanstraelen will give you an overview of the course
and takes place on 22 May at 11.00 hrs All lectures are mandatory. Only for the
lecture by the course coordinator, you have a valid reason not to attend if you
have a class of another course at the same time.
The bulk of the course consists of tutorial meetings, 9 in total. The tutorials take
place twice a week on Monday and Thursday. The format is PBL. A discussion
leader will be appointed for each meeting. Students are required to take notes on
an individual basis. A grade for participation will be given for each tutorial
meeting. All tutorials are in principle mandatory unless you have a valid reason
for being absent! In the latter case, you hand in your preparation for the tutorial
meeting before the start of the meeting.
A workshop in collaboration with PwC is scheduled on 16 May from 13.00 to
17.30 hrs. The workshop kicks off in room TS53 H0.06. The workshop is
Case presentations
Students are required to work on 3 case-studies in small groups (3 to 4
students). Cases will be provided one week in advance. The cases will be
presented during a tutorial meeting. One group of students has to present their
memo on the case, and one group has to comment on the content of the
presentation. Finally, all students can ask questions about the case and comment
on the content and style of the presentation. The text of the case memos is
limited to at most seven pages (excluding tables and appendices).
Textbook (mandatory)
The textbook used in this course is:
This textbook covers a wide range of topics regarding auditing. Like this course,
the book covers the whole auditing process, includes the international standards
on auditing (ISAs), and it will guide you in solving the cases. Furthermore, every
chapter contains a section on “what you will learn” (i.e. the learning objectives)
and sections on “why it matters” to help students seeing beyond the factual
insights provided in the chapters.
Cases (mandatory)
The cases that need to be solved will be announced during the course, one week
in advance.
The assessment of the course is based on course work and an exam. The course
work consists of class participation and working on cases in small groups (3 to 4
Your presence at the lectures, tutorial meetings and workshop is
required. In case you cannot attend a lecture, meeting or workshop due to
unforeseen circumstances, you have to inform your tutor by e-mail about the
reason for your absence and you should include your preparatory work for the
assignments for that meeting (if applicable). You are not allowed to miss more
than 2 meetings (including opening lecture, guest lecture, tutorials, and
workshop); otherwise you will fail the course.
Every student is required to carefully and thoroughly read the literature and
prepare the assignment before each tutorial meeting. You will receive a grade
for class participation for each tutorial meeting.
You will receive the case material one week in advance. Do not search on the
internet for possible solutions to the case studies. This will be
considered as fraud and plagiarism (see also section Fraud and Plagiarism
The written cases must be handed in:
a) per email to your tutor before 8:30am the same day the presentation is
scheduled, and
b) as hardcopy during the same group session in which the presentation is
scheduled, otherwise it will be judged 0.0 (nil).
At the end of the course there will be a written exam consisting of open
questions and possibly some multiple-choice questions. In case you need to take
a re-sit, the exam format will be an oral exam.
The exam (both first-time and re-sit) will cover the lectures and literature
(textbook and articles) discussed during the tutorial meetings. It is a closed-book
exam so you cannot bring the textbook and articles. You are, however, allowed
to bring a non-programmable calculator, and a dictionary.
Please read the rules of procedure for examinations (to be found on the Student
Portal) carefully. Take into account that it is not allowed to take any of the
examination papers or your scrap paper home.
At the end of the course there will be a written exam with open questions. The
exam will cover the textbook and the journal articles discussed during the
Summary Grade:
Written case analyzes 20%
Case presentation 10%
Class participation 20%
Written exam 50%
To pass, the summary grade should be minimally a 5.5. The average grade for
the cases (analyzes, and presentation) and class participation should be
minimally a 5. The grade for the examination should also be minimally a 5. It
should be noted that the grade for the cases and class participation is valid up
until the start of next year's course. Hence, students failing to pass the course
(either the first time, or by taking repeat exams) before the start of next year's
Auditing course should do all course work again.
As noted above, you are required to attend the lectures, tutorial meetings and
workshop. If you cannot attend one of the meetings, you inform your tutor
before the start of the meeting by e-mail of the reason of absence and you
include your homework of the tasks for that meeting (if applicable). Missing more
than two meetings (including lectures, tutorials, and workshop) implies failure of
the course.
If you do not agree with the examination or the results therefore, there are
several procedures in place you can make use of. Please refer to the Student
Portal for more information.
Within five days after the examination date you can submit comments on the
content and design of the examination (questions) to the course coordinator.
Students can lodge a complaint during the inspection by using the complaint
For information regarding an appeal procedure, please read the information on
the Student Portal carefully.
Chapter 1, p. 2-19, 24-35
Reliable financial information is key for decision makers such as investors and
lenders. The role of external auditors is to enhance the reliability of the
information by performing a quality financial statement audit. Since financial
statement users expect a quality audit, the requirements for external auditors
are demanding. Furthermore, effective audit processes by themselves are not
sufficient to achieve audit quality since it is the combination of different factors
that determines audit quality. In addition, there are a number of professional
conduct requirements and fundamental ethics principles of which regulators
expect that these will help auditors to make professional quality decisions,
including ethical decisions, throughout the audit. One of the key concerns is that
auditors lack independence in fact or in appearance. Hence, many of the
regulations are intended to safeguard auditor independence. However,
ultimately, professional audit judgment plays a key role in achieving audit quality
and requires that the auditor exercises professional skepticism.
Task 1a:
Define the learning objectives from the summary above.
a. What is the objective of external auditing, and how did Forbes’ and
Bentley’s actions fail to achieve that objective?
b. Why did Alloy Steel require an independent audit on its financial
c. Which parties are likely users of Alloy Steel’s financial statements? How
might they have been adversely affected by Forbes’ actions?
d. In most situations, we would worry about fraud in terms of the client,
not the audit firm. In this case, Robert Forbes essentially committed
fraud in that he signed the audit report knowing that he did not do the
work required of him. What skills and knowledge were required to do a
quality audit of Alloy Steel’s financials statements? How did the
individuals who actually performed the audit work on the Alloy Steel
engagement fail in this regard?
Chapter 1, p.6-7.
Chapter 5
Task 2a:
Define the learning objectives from the summary above.
Task 2b:
Management assertions reflect the start of the audit process and provide the
basis for the auditor’s examination. For each of the following situations, state the
management assertion that is most likely violated.
Chapter 1, p. 35-40.
Hsieh, Y., and C. Lin (2016). Audit firms’ client acceptance decisions: Does
partner-level industry expertise matter? Auditing: A Journal of Practice and
Theory 35 (2): 9-120.
Client acceptance and continuance decisions are the first major phase in
conducting a quality audit, and are part of the audit firm portfolio management.
Hence, high quality audit firms will not accept to perform the financial statement
audit of any organization that approaches them, and will carefully consider
different types of risk when they make client acceptance and continuance
decisions. Once the audit firm has decided to accept a client, an engagement
letter is prepared.
Task 3a:
Define the learning objectives from the summary above.
Hsieh, Y., and Lin, C. (2016). Audit firms’ client acceptance decisions: Does
partner-level industry expertise matter? Auditing: a journal of Practice and
Theory 35 (2): 9-120.
a. What is the purpose of the study?
Chapter 2 p. 57 - 76, 81 - 84
Dennis, S.A., and K.M. Johnstone (2016). A field survey of contemporary
brainstorming practices. Accounting Horizons 30 (4): 449-472.
Humans may have different reasons to engage in fraud but typically there are
three factors present, which is called “the fraud triangle”. Auditors have clear
responsibilities regarding certain types of misstatements resulting from fraud
during the financial statement audit. However, is it really the task of the auditor
to prevent and detect fraud? What about other parties involved in the financial
reporting process such as management, internal auditors, the audit committee
and regulators? In the history of fraud cases, Enron was a famous example
where many aspects of corporate governance failed and it triggered an equally
famous and unprecedented regulatory response in the form of the Sarbanes-
Oxley Act in the US followed by similar regulations internationally.
Task 4a:
Define the learning objectives from the summary above.
b. Brainstorming sessions
Summarize the PCAOB’s concerns with respect to problems its inspection teams
have noted in auditors’ performance in each of the areas listed.
Chapter 7
During the planning of the audit, the auditor identifies and assesses the risks of a
material misstatement, and then determines the audit procedures to
appropriately respond to the identified risks relevant to the audit. Risk-based
auditing requires a good understanding of the audit risk, inherent risk, control
risk, and detection risk, which are included in the audit risk model.
Task 5a:
Define the learning objectives from the summary above.
Control activities:
3. Payments for goods received are made only by the accounts payable
department on receipt of a vendor invoice, which is then matched for
prices and quantities with approved purchase orders and receiving slips.
Panzero Bread is a major retailer of specialty sandwich items and baked goods.
The following information represents the company’s financial position as of
December 31, 2018, and December 31, 2017.
The auditors have detected misstatement in the accounts receivable in the past.
The auditor knows that management is under considerable pressure to meet
analyst expectations for earnings per share. Reducing earnings per share by
even $ 0.01 would cause the trend in earnings to become even more negative
than the unaudited financial numbers already reveal, and it would cause the
company to miss analysts forecasts for earnings per share by just a small
b. What difficulties does the auditor face when the alternative bench-marks yield
differing conclusions about planning materiality? What qualitative factors
should the auditor consider in making the materiality judgment for this
c. Select the benchmark from those calculated in part (a) to use for planning
materiality and provide your reasons.
The following information show the past two annual periods of results for a
fictional company, Jones Manufacturing, and a comparison with industry data for
the same period.
Average number 39 -- 48 -- 23 36
of days to collect
a. Assume that the auditor expects that the client’s performance in the current
year will be similar to its performance in the prior year. From the preceding
data, identify potential risk areas and explain why they represent potential
risk. Briefly indicate how the risk analysis should affect the planning of the
audit engagement.
b. Identify any of the above data that should cause the auditor to increase the
level of professional skepticism used on the audit.
Chapter 6
An auditor uses audit procedures to obtain evidence in order to reduce the risk
that a material misstatement exists in one or more assertions made by the
client’s management. Auditing standards require the auditor to gather sufficient
and appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for an opinion regarding
the financial statements. For example, testing for the assertion existence
requires a different approach than testing for the assertion completeness. Other
examples are that analytical procedures cannot always be used as a substantive
audit procedure, and that testing accounts based on management estimates
requires a specific auditor understanding.
Task 6a:
Define the learning objectives from the summary above.
Following is a list of audit procedures performed. For each procedure, state the
type of audit procedure and identify the primary assertion(s) being tested.
a. Calculate the ratio of cost of goods sold to sales as a test of overall
reasonableness of the balance for cost of goods sold.
c. Test the accuracy of the sales invoice by multiplying the number of items
shipped by the authorized price list to determine extended cost. Foot the total
and reconcile it with the total invoiced.
Assume that an automotive company discloses the following risk factors, listed as
(1) through (3), that might affect the financial statements.
1. Continued decline in market share, and a market shift (or an increase in or
acceleration of market shift) away from sales of trucks or sport utility
vehicles, or from sales of other more profitable vehicles in the U.S.
For each risk factor, identify a related account balance that the risk might affect.
For each account balance identified, indicate how the risk will affect the audit
evidence you will gather. Identify the specific assertion of primary concern to the
Task 6d - MindBridge:
Prior to the tutorial, please set-up your account. Your tutor will send out invites
via e-mail. Please follow the activation link provided in the email. In class, your
tutor will then give you a short tutorial on how to use MindBridge.
Chapter 8
Cao, M., R. Chychyla, and T. Stewart. (2015). Big data analytics in financial
statement audits. Accounting Horizons 29(2): 423-429.
Please note that there are some typos in the calculations presented in
the chapter:
Task 8b:
Indicate which of the following situations involve audit sampling (statistical or
non-statistical) and why.
a. An auditor is examining loan receivables at a local bank. The population of
loans contains two strata. One stratum is composed of 25 loans that are each
greater than €1 million. The second stratum contains 450 loans that are less
than €1 million. The auditor has decided to test all loans greater than €1
million and 15 loans less than €1 million.
b. Assume the same factors as in (a) except that the auditor decides to apply
analytical procedures to the second stratum of loans.
c. An auditor has haphazardly selected 30 sales invoices to be examined for
proper pricing of the goods purchased by the customer.
d. The prepaid insurance account is made up of four policies that total €45,000.
The auditor has decided that this account is immaterial and decides that no
policies will be examined.
5% 2% 1%
10% 6% 6%
$ 27,963.45 $ 23,963.45
$ 18,795.22 $ 17,345.22
$ 223,786.54 $ 217,786.54
Task 8f:
Locate and read the article listed below.
Guest lecture: Fraud, risk assessment and audit risk. 20 May. 11.00 hrs. Room:
TS53 C-1.05
Chapter 9
The revenue cycle is typically considered as high risk because the accounts
related to this cycle are highly susceptible to misstatements, either intentional or
unintentional. One of the primary audit deficiencies identified by public oversight
bodies relate to revenue recognition.
Task 12a:
The following are routine procedures for the audit of revenue processes. For each
procedure, state whether it is a test of controls or a substantive procedure, state
which management assertion the procedure is designed to fulfill and state the
type of evidence used in the procedure.
a. Review minutes from meetings of the board of directors for evidence that
accounts receivable have been factored.
b. Gather a sample of sales invoices and ensure that a copy of the sales order
and the shipping document has been attached.
c. Obtain an accounts receivable aging schedule and assess the likelihood of
Task 12b:
Your client is Grange’s Appliance Company, an appliance wholesaler. Select the
most appropriate audit procedure for the following assertions (see next page) on
the revenue process.
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Prior to completing the audit, auditors perform a wide range of additional tasks
before the auditor decides which type of audit opinion will be issued.
Task 13a:
Define the learning objectives from the summary above.
Task 13b:
Frieda Van Roy, an independent auditor, is auditing the financial statements of
George Henry Lee Corporation for the year ended 31 December 2017. Frieda
plans to sign the auditor’s report on about 10 March 2018 but is concerned about
events and transactions occurring after 31 December 2017 that may affect the
2017 financial statements.
(a) What general types of subsequent events require Frieda’s consideration
and evaluation?
(b) What audit procedures should Frieda consider performing to gather
evidence concerning subsequent events?
Task 13c:
1. While management assertions reflect the start of the audit process, audit
reports reflect the end. Indeed, auditors’ responsibilities are to examine
management assertions and to communicate the results of their examinations.
Indicate for each of the examples below what type of audit opinion is most
a. Although the audit of Den Bossen N.V. went without incident and you are
prepared to issue an unqualified opinion, you discover after the engagement
that one of the partners in your firm (who did not have any direct ties to the
engagement) holds a material investment in their common stock.