Daftar Diagnosa Non Spesialistik: No DX Utama DX Kategori 1
Daftar Diagnosa Non Spesialistik: No DX Utama DX Kategori 1
Daftar Diagnosa Non Spesialistik: No DX Utama DX Kategori 1
No Dx utama Dx kategori
1 (A01-Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers); (A01.0-Typhoid fever); (A01.1-Paratyphoid
Demam tifoid fever A); (A01.2-Paratyphoid fever B); (A01.3-Paratyphoid fever C); (A01.4-
Paratyphoid fever, unspecified)
(A06-Amoebiasis); (A06.0-Acute amoebic dysentery); (A06.1-Chronic intestinal
amoebiasis); (A06.2-Amoebic nondysenteric colitis); (A06.3-Amoeboma of intestine);
(A06.7-Cutaneous amoebiasis); (A06.8-Amoebic infection of other sites); (A06.9-
Disentri basiler,
2 Amoebiasis, unspecified); (A03-Shigellosis); (A03.0-Shigellosis due to Shigella
disentri amuba
dysenteriae); (A03.1-Shigellosis due to Shigella flexneri); (A03.2-Shigellosis due to
Shigella boydii); (A03.3-Shigellosis due to Shigella sonnei); (A03.8-Other shigellosis);
(A03.9-Shigellosis, unspecified)
(A09-Other gastroenteritis and colitis of infectious and unspecified origin); (A09.0-
Other and unspecified gastroenteritis and colitis of infectious origin); (A09.9-
Gastroenteritis Gastroenteritis and colitis of unspecified origin); (A08-Viral and other specified
3 (termasuk kolera, intestinal infections); (A08.0-Rotaviral enteritis); (A08.1-Acute gastroenteropathy due
giardiasis) to Norwalk agent); (A08.2-Adenoviral enteritis); (A08.3-Other viral enteritis); (A08.4-
Viral intestinal infection, unspecified); (A08.5-Other specified intestinal infections);
(A02-Other salmonella infections); (A02.0-Salmonella enteritis)
(A15-Respiratory tuberculosis, bacteriologically and histologically confirmed); (A15.0-
Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by sputum microscopy with or without culture);
(A15.1-Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by culture only); (A15.2-Tuberculosis of lung,
confirmed histologically); (A15.3-Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by unspecified
means); (A15.4-Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes, confirmed
bacteriologically and histologically); (A15.5-Tuberculosis of larynx, trachea and
bronchus, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically); (A15.6-Tuberculous
pleurisy, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically); (A15.7-Primary respiratory
Tuberkulosis paru
4 tuberculosis, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically); (A15.8-Other respiratory
tanpa komplikasi
tuberculosis, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically); (A15.9-Respiratory
tuberculosis unspecified, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically); (A16.1-
Tuberculosis of lung, bacteriological and histological examination not done); (A16.2-
Tuberculosis of lung, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation);
(A16.7-Primary respiratory tuberculosis without mention of bacteriological or
histological confirmation); (A16.8-Other respiratory tuberculosis, without mention of
bacteriological or histological confirmation); (A16.9-Respiratory tuberculosis
unspecified, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation)
(A18-Tuberculosis of other organs); (A18.4-Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous
5 Skrofuloderma
Leptospirosis (A27- Leptospirosis); (A27.0-Leptospirosis icterohaemorrhagica); (A27.8-Other forms
(tanpa komplikasi) of leptospirosis); (A27.9-Leptospirosis, unspecified)
7 Lepra (A30-Leprosy [Hansen disease]); (A30.0-Indeterminate leprosy); (A30.1-Tuberculoid
leprosy); (A30.2-Borderline tuberculoid leprosy); (A30.3-Borderline leprosy); (A30.4-
Borderline lepromatous leprosy); (A30.5-Lepromatous leprosy); (A30.8-Other forms
of leprosy); (A30.9-Leprosy, unspecified); (B92-Sequelae of leprosy)
8 Pertusis (A37-Whooping cough); (A37.0-Whooping cough due to Bordetella pertussis);
(A37.1-Whooping cough due to Bordetella parapertussis); (A37.8-Whooping cough
due to other Bordetella species); (A37.9-Whooping cough, unspecified)
9 Erisipelas (A46-Erysipelas); (O86.8-Other specified puerperal infections )
10 Sifilis stadium 1 dan (A51-Early syphilis); (A51.3-Secondary syphilis of skin and mucous membranes);
2 (A53-Other and unspecified syphilis); (A53.0-Latent syphilis, unspecified as early or
late); (A53.9-Syphilis, unspecified); (A65-Nonvenereal syphilis)
11 Sindrom duh (A54-Gonococcal infection); (A54.0-Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract
(discharge) genital without periurethral or accessory gland abscess); (A54.3-Gonococcal infection of
(gonore dan non eye); (A54.5-Gonococcal pharyngitis); (A54.6-Gonococcal infection of anus and
gonore) rectum); (A54.8-Other gonococcal infections); (A54.9-Gonococcal infection,
unspecified); (A56-Other sexually transmitted chlamydial diseases); (A56.0-
Chlamydial infection of lower genitourinary tract); (A56.2-Chlamydial infection of
genitourinary tract, unspecified); (A56.8-Sexually transmitted chlamydial infection of
other sites); (A64-Unspecified sexually transmitted disease)
12 Gonore (A54-Gonococcal infection); (A54.0-Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract
without periurethral or accessory gland abscess); (A54.3-Gonococcal infection of
eye); (A54.5-Gonococcal pharyngitis); (A54.6-Gonococcal infection of anus and
rectum); (A54.8-Other gonococcal infections); (A54.9-Gonococcal infection,
unspecified); (A64-Unspecified sexually transmitted disease)
13 Demam dengue, (A90-Dengue fever [classical dengue]); (A91-Dengue haemorrhagic fever)
14 Herpes (B00-Herpesviral [herpes simplex] infections); (B00.8-Other forms
simpleks tanpa of herpesviral infection); (B00.9-Herpesviral infection,
komplikasi unspecified)
15 Varisela tanpa B01-Varicella [chickenpox]); (B01.9-Varicella without
komplikasi complication)
16 Herpes zoster (B02-Zoster [herpes zoster]); (B02.9-Zoster without complication)
17 Morbili tanpa (B05-Measles); (B05.9-Measles without complication)
18 (B07-Viral warts)
Veruka vulgaris
19 (B08-Other viral infections characterized by skin and mucous
Moluskum kontagiosum
membrane lesions, not elsewhere classified); (B08.1-Molluscum
20 Hepatitis A (B15-Acute hepatitis A); (B15.9-Hepatitis A without hepatic coma)
21 Parotitis (B26-Mumps); (B26.9-Mumps without complication)
22 Tinea kapitis (B35-Dermatophytosis); (B35.0- Tinea barbae and tinea capitis)
23 (B35-Dermatophytosis); (B35.0- Tinea barbae and tinea capitis)
Tinea barbe