Tube Clamp Hydac

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Clamps to DIN 3015

DIN 3015-1 Light Range

DIN 3015-2 Heavy Range
DIN 3015-3 Twin Clamps

General Assembly Recommended distance

Clamps to DIN 3015 are a sophisticated All the pipe clamps in the HY-ROS range between pipe supports
modular system for fixing pipes with offer extremely impressive features:
static and dynamic loads. excellent resilience, optimal material
It offers several advantages: resistance to tensile and tear stress, and
high abrasion resistance.
 Damping of shocks, vibrations and
noise, as well as compensation of
The type of pipe clamp, size and
pipe tolerances through the use of
material are selected depending on the
elastomer inserts
application and type of stress (thermal /
 High strength ensured by ribbed clamp mechanical).
 Weld plate from a single pulled piece  For secure mounting, stable carrier
 Steel parts with sufficient surface units, such as base plates and
protection mounting rails, are required according
to the load requirements. Distance between Pipe diameter D
 Secure overhead installation through pipe supports L
clamping effect of the plastic parts  The first clamp should be mounted
[m] min [mm] max [mm]
directly after the threaded connection.
 Can be installed on C mounting rails,
This protects the connection from 1.0 6.0 12.7
also available with weld struts
vibrations. 1.2 12.7 22.0
 Efficient plug/screw installation
 Bends in the pipe should be clamped 1.5 22.0 32.0
of the mounting rail nuts
on both sides of the bend (pulsation
 Optional: direction must be taken into account). 2.0 32.0 38.0
– Elimination of rust penetration due to  The prescribed material property limits 2.7 38.0 57.0
all-round anti-corrosion coatings must be observed. 3.0 57.0 75.0
– Gentle component mounting  In the absence of any past experience, 3.5 75.0 76.1
with clamp bodies made of a the recommended distance between 3.7 76.1 88.9
thermoplastic element pipe supports must be adhered to (see
right). 4.0 88.9 102.0

 If valves are incorporated in the 4.5 102.0 114.0

pipelines, it is recommended that 5.0 114.0 168.0
support is provided in front of and 6.0 168.0 219.0
behind these valves.
6.7 219.0 324.0
7.0 324.0 356.0
EN 8.183.6/04.18

Material properties of clamps to DIN 3015
Material Density Yield stress and/or Shore hardness Temperature Fire protection
tensile strength resistance
ISO 1183 ISO 527-2 ISO 868 EN 45545-2
Polypropylene 0.9 g/cm³ 26 MPa - -30 to +90 °C -
Polyamide 1.13 g/cm³ tr. 90 / lf. 45 Mpa - -40 to +120 °C -
Polyamide, flame- 1.14 g/cm³ tr. 80 / lf. 40 Mpa - -40 to +120 °C R22, R23 /
retardant (PAFF) HL1, HL3, HL3
Thermoplastic 0.97 g/cm³ 8.3 Mpa 73 ±5° Shore A -40 to +125 °C -
elastomer (TPE) Others on request
Acrylonitrile butadiene 1.35 g/cm³ 25 Mpa 73 ±5° Shore A -35 to +90 °C -
elastomer (NBR) Others on request

Bolt torque rating to DIN 3015 Part 10

Standard Thread Nominal size Torque rating [Nm] with clamp material
Light range M 6 0 to 6 8 10 12
Heavy range 1 to 2 12 20 30
M 10
3 15 25 35
M 12 4 30 40 55
M 16 5 45 55 120
M 20 6 80 150 220
M 24 7 110 200 250
8 180 350 500
M 30 9 200 370 500
10 270 470 600
Twin clamps M 6 1 5 6 -
2 to 4 12 12 -
M 8
5 8 8 -
Note: The specified bolt torque ratings relate to assembly with cover plates and hex. head bolts to ISO 4014 / 4017.
EN 8.183.6/04.18

Packing details for light range DIN 3015 Part 1
Light range Pairs of clamp jaws Weld and cover plates  Bolts
Box (pairs) Bag (pairs) Box (pieces) Bag (pieces) Box (pieces) Bag (pieces)
0 1000 - 50 250 500 50 1000 50
1 1000 500 50 250 500 50 1000 50
2 1000 250 50 250 250 50 1000 50
3 500 250 50 250 250 50 1000 50
4 500 200 25 200 200 25 1000 50
5 250 100 25 100 200 25 500 50
6 250 100 25 100 200 25 500 50

TMV 6 / TM6 1000 50

Washer - 50
Stacking bolt the same as normal bolts 

Packing details for heavy range DIN 3015 Part 2

Heavy range Pairs of clamp jaws Weld and cover plates  Bolts
Box (pairs) Bag (pairs) Box (pieces) Bag (pieces) Box (pieces) Bag (pieces)
1 500 250 25 100 25 250 50
2 250 150 25 100 25 250 50
3 250 100 25 100 25 250 50
4 250 (pieces) - - 25 (AP), 50 (DP) - 100 -
5 120 (pieces) - - 25 - 25 -

TM 10 250 50
TM 12 250 50
Washer - 50
Stacking nut size 1 - 4 250 50
Stacking nut size 5 100 -
Stud size 1 - 3 250 50
Stud size 4 250 -
Stud size 5 100 -

Packing details for twin clamps DIN 3015 Part 3

Twin clamp Pairs of clamp jaws Weld and cover plates Bolts
Box (pairs) Bag (pairs) Box (pieces) Bag (pieces) Box (pieces) Bag (pieces)
1 1000 50 200 250 50 500 50
2 750 50 100 200 50 500 50
3 500 50 100 200 50 500 50
4 250 25 100 100 25 200 25
5 250 25 100 100 25 200 25

TMV 6 / TM6 50
TM 8 25
Stacking bolt the same as normal bolts
Note: Only available in given pack sizes
EN 8.183.6/04.18

Metric / imperial conversion table
Pipe Inches Nominal bore Pipe Inches Nominal bore Pipe Inches Nominal bore
outside Ø outside Ø outside Ø
[mm] [mm] [mm]
 6 - - 30 - -  80 - -
 6.4 1/4 - 32 1 1/4 -  88.9 3 1/2 G3
 8 5/16 - 33.7 - G1
 9.5 3/8 - 35 - -  90 - -
38 1 1/2 G 1 1/8  96 - -
10 - G 1/8
12 - - 40 - - 101.6 4 G 3 1/2
12.7 1/2 - 42 - G 1 1/4 108 4 1/4 -
13.7 - G 3/4 44.5 1 3/4 - 114.3 4 1/2 G4
14 - - 48.3 - G 1 1/2 136 - -
15 - - 139.7 5 1/2 G5
16 5/8 - 50.8 2 - 168 6 1/2 G6
17.1 - G 3/8 54 - - 177.8 7 -
18 - - 57 2 1/4 - 193.7 7 5/8 G7
19 3/4 -
60.3 - G2 219.1 8 5/8 G8
20 - - 63.5 2 1/2 - 244.5 - -
21.3 - G 1/2 65 - - 273 - G 10
22 - -
23 - - 70 - - 323.9 12 3/4 G 12
25 - - 73 - - 355.6 - G 14
25.4 1 - 76.1 3 G 2 1/2
26.9 - G 3/4 406.4 - G 16
28 - -
EN 8.183.6/04.18

Light Range
to DIN 3015 Part 1


Size Pipe outside Ø Model code

[mm] (also order example) HRL 2 A 16 PP ST M BL
0 9.5 HRL = HY-ROS clamp, light range with ribbed internal surface
10 HRGL = HY-ROS clamp, light range with smooth internal surface
6 Size
6.4 0 = size 0
8 1 = size 1
1 2 = size 2
10 up to size 8
12.7 Model for complete clamps
(pair of clamp jaws not mentioned)
A = with weld plate, cover plate and hex. head bolt
14 AV = with extended weld plate, cover plate and hex. head bolt
2 15 A1 = with cover plate and hex. head bolt
16 A1TM = with cover plate, hex. head bolt and mounting rail nut
17.1 B = with weld plate, hex. socket cap bolt and washer
18 BV = with extended weld plate, hex. socket cap bolt and washer
B1 = with hex. socket cap bolt and washer
B1TM = with hex. socket cap bolt, washer and mounting rail nut
C = with weld plate, slotted-head bolt and washer
21.3 CV = with extended weld plate, slotted-head bolt and washer
3 22 C1 = with slotted-head bolt and washer
23 C1TM = with slotted-head bolt, washer and mounting rail nut
25 D = with stacking bolt and safety plate
26.9 Pipe diameter
4 28
30 Material of clamp jaws
32 PP = polypropylene
PA = polyamide
PAFF = polyamide, flame-retardant to EN 45545-2 R22, R23, HL3
35 TPE = thermoplastic elastomer
38 AL = aluminium (sizes 0, 7, 8 on request)
42 Material of steel parts
44.5 ST = steel
6 48.3 A2 = stainless steel (on request)
50.8 A4 = stainless steel (on request)
Thread type
M = metric thread
Plating of steel parts
BL = weld plate unplated, cover plate zinc-plated, bolts zinc-plated
EN 8.183.6/04.18

76.1 ZN = weld plate zinc-plated, cover plate zinc-plated, bolts zinc-plated

88.9 Others on request

Models for light range DIN 3015 Part 1
Model A Model AV Model A1 Model A1TM
Size 0 - 8 Size 0 - 8 Size 0 - 8 Size 0 - 8

Model B Model BV Model B1 Model B1TM

Size 0 - 8 Size 0 - 8 Size 0 - 8 Size 0 - 8

Model C Model CV Model C1 Model C1TM

Size 0 - 6 Size 0 - 6 Size 0 - 6 Size 0 - 6

Model D
Size 0 - 6

No washers are required in the AL version for series B and C.
EN 8.183.6/04.18

Dimensions for light range DIN 3015 Part 1
Size 0 Size 1-8

Size Dimensions [mm] Hex. head Hex. Stud Slotted

socket head
a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 h1 h2 ISO 4014 ISO 4762 DIN 938 ISO 1207
0 -  30  28  44  58 16  32 M6 x 30 M6 x 20 M6 x 20 M6 x 20
1  20  36  36  50  64 16  32 M6 x 30 M6 x 20 M6 x 20 M6 x 20
2  26  42  40  56  70 19.5  39 M6 x 35 M6 x 25 M6 x 25 M6 x 25
3  33  50  48  64  78 20.5  41 M6 x 40 M6 x 30 M6 x 30 M6 x 30
4  40  60  57  73  87 24  48 M6 x 45 M6 x 35 M6 x 35 M6 x 35
5  52  72  70  86 100 32  64 M6 x 60 M6 x 50 M6 x 50 M6 x 50
6  66  88  86 100 116 36  72 M6 x 70 M6 x 60 M6 x 60 M6 x 60
7  94 122 121 136 150 51.5 103 M6 x 100 M6 x 85 - -
8 120 148 147 162 178 64 128 M6 x 125 M6 x 110 - -
NOTE: For sizes 7 and 8, the cover plate and weld plate are 5 mm thick.

EN 8.183.6/04.18

Individual parts for light range DIN 3015 Part 1
Pair of clamp jaws, ribbed Model code
(HRL...KP...) (also order example) HRL 3 KP 23 PP
Size 0 Size 1 - 8

HRL = HY-ROS clamp, light range with ribbed internal surface
HRGL = HY-ROS clamp, light range with smooth internal surface

(as per dimensions)

Pair of clamp jaws, smooth Designation

(HRL...KP...) KP = pair of clamp jaws
Size 0 Size 1 - 8
Pipe diameter

Material of clamp jaws

PP = polypropylene
PA = polyamide
PAFF = polyamide, flame-retardant to EN 45545-2 R22, R23, HL3
TPE = thermoplastic elastomer
AL = aluminium (sizes 0, 7, 8 on request)

Cover plate (DP) Model code

Size 0 Size 1 - 8 (also order example) HRL 3 DP ST ZN

HRL = HY-ROS light range

(as per dimensions)

DP = cover plate

Material of steel parts

ST = steel
A2 = stainless steel (on request)
A4 = stainless steel (on request)

Plating of steel parts

BL = unplated
Others on request

Weld plate (AP) Model code

Size 0 Size 1 - 8 (also order example) HRL 2 AP ST M BL

HRL = HY-ROS light range

(as per dimensions)

Extended weld plate (APV) AP = weld plate
Size 0 Size 1 - 8 APV = extended weld plate

Material of steel parts

ST = steel
A2 = stainless steel (on request)
A4 = stainless steel (on request)

Thread type
M = metric thread
EN 8.183.6/04.18

Plating of steel parts

BL = unplated
Others on request

Interconnecting weld plate (RAP) Model code
(also order example) HRL 2a RAP ST M BL

HRL = HY-ROS light range

(as per dimensions)

RAP = interconnecting weld plate

Material of steel parts

ST = steel
A2 = stainless steel (on request)
A4 = stainless steel (on request)

Thread type
M = metric thread

Plating of steel parts

BL = unplated
Others on request

Size Number of Dimensions [mm]

Dimensions clamps e1 e2 e3 e4 L
0 10 - 30 - - 298
1b 10  17 40 20  7 394
2a 10  20 43 26  7 427
2b 10  20 52 26  7 508
3a 10  24 52 33  7.5 516
3b 10  24 75 33  7.5 723
3 mm thick 4  5  28.5 60 40  8.5 297
5  5  35 75 52  9 370
6  5  43 90 66 10 446

Double weld plate (DAP) Model code

(also order example) HRL 2a DAP ST M BL

HRL = HY-ROS light range

(as per dimensions)

DAP = double weld plate

Material of steel parts

ST = steel
A2 = stainless steel (on request)
A4 = stainless steel (on request)

Thread type
M = metric thread

Plating of steel parts

BL = unplated
Others on request

Dimensions Size Number of Dimensions [mm]

clamps e1 e2 e3 e4 L
0 2 - - 30  9.5 63
1b 2 18 40 20  8 75
2a 2 21.5 43 26  8.5 86
2b 2 21 52 26  8 94
3a 2 26 52 33  9.5 104
3b 2 25 75 33  8.5 125
4 2 28.5 60 40  8.5 117
5 2 35 75 52  9 145
EN 8.183.6/04.18

3 mm thick
6 2 43 90 66 10 176

Bolts Model code
(also order example) 6kt-shr.ISO4014 - M6 x 30 - 8.8 A3B
Hex. head bolt ISO 4014
6kt-shr.ISO4014 = hex. head bolt to ISO 4014
Zyl-shr.ISO4762 = hex. socket cap bolt to ISO 4762
Zyl-shr.ISO1207 = slotted-head bolt to ISO 1207

Hex. socket cap bolt
ISO4014 ISO4762 ISO1207 for HRL size
ISO 4762 M6 x 30 M6 x 20 M6 x 20 0+1
M6 x 35 M6 x 25 M6 x 25 2
M6 x 40 M6 x 30 M6 x 30 3
M6 x 45 M6 x 35 M6 x 35 4
M6 x 60 M6 x 50 M6 x 50 5
M6 x 70 M6 x 60 M6 x 60 6
M6 x 100 M6 x 85 - 7
M6 x 125 M6 x 110 - 8
Slotted-head bolt ISO 1207 Bolt quality
8.8 = to ISO 4014, ISO 4762
4.6 = to ISO 1207

Bolt plating
A3B = zinc-plated
Others on request

Stacking bolt (AF) Model code

(also order example) HRL 4 AF ST M ZN

HRL = HY-ROS light range

Dimensions (as per dimensions)

AF = stacking bolt

Material of steel parts

ST = steel
A2 = stainless steel (on request)
Size Dimensions [mm] A4 = stainless steel (on request)
L1 L2 L3
0+1 34 14 M6 Thread type
2 39 14 M6 M = metric thread
3 44 14 M6
4 49 14 M6 Plating of steel parts
5 64 14 M6 ZN = zinc-plated
6 74 14 M6 Others on request
NOTE: Size 7 + 8 on request

Safety plate (SIP) Model code

(also order example) HRL 0 SIP ST ZN

HRL = HY-ROS light range

0 = for all sizes
Dimensions (for all sizes)
SIP = safety plate

Material of steel parts

ST = steel
A2 = stainless steel (on request)
A4 = stainless steel (on request)
EN 8.183.6/04.18

Plating of steel parts

ZN = zinc-plated
Others on request

C mounting rail (TS) Model code
C mounting rail TS
(also order example) HRL TS28x11 ST BL 1m

HRL = HY-ROS light range

TS28x11 = C mounting rail 28x11
TS28x14 = C mounting rail 28x14
C mounting rail with weld struts TS28x30 = C mounting rail 28x30
TS28x11AS TS28x11AS = C mounting rail with weld struts 28x11

Material of steel parts

ST = steel
AL = aluminium (on request)
A2 = stainless steel (on request)
A4 = stainless steel (on request)

Plating of steel parts
BL = unplated
ZN = zinc-plated
Others on request
C mounting rail TS
available in 1 m and 2 m pieces
2 m (not for C mounting rail with weld struts)
Other lengths on request

C mounting rail with weld struts

available in 1 m pieces

Mounting rail nut (TM) Model code

(also order example) HRL TMV6 ST ZN

HRL = HY-ROS light range

TMV6 = mounting rail nut with anti-twist protection, size M6 (standard)
Dimensions TM6 = mounting rail nut without anti-twist protection, size M6

Material of steel parts

ST = steel

A4 = stainless steel (on request)


10.6 Plating of steel parts

ZN = zinc-plated
Others on request
EN 8.183.6/04.18


The information in this brochure
relates to the operating conditions and
applications described. For applications
and operating conditions not described,
please contact the relevant technical
Users bear the responsibility in all cases HYDAC Accessories GmbH
for determining the product’s suitability Hirschbachstr. 2
EN 8.183.6/04.18

in the specific application. Figures given 66280 Sulzbach/Saar

for product characteristics are average Tel.: +49 (0)6897 - 509-01
values for a new product which are Fax: +49 (0)6897 - 509-1009
subject to an ageing process. Subject to Internet:
technical modifications and errors. E-mail:
Light Range
with Elastomer Insert
to DIN 3015 Part 1

Size d d Model code

internal internal (also order example) HREL 4 A 16 PP ST M BL
surface surface
smooth ribbed
[mm] [mm] Designation
6 - HREL = HY-ROS clamp, light range,
elastomer insert with smooth internal surface
8 - HRERL = HY-ROS clamp, light range,
10 10 elastomer insert with ribbed internal surface
12 12
12.7 - Size
4 = size 4
4 14 14
6 = size 6
15 15
16 16 Model for complete clamps
17.2 17.2 (pair of clamp jaws not mentioned)
18 - A = with elastomer insert, weld plate,
cover plate and hex. head bolt
19 -
20 20 Pipe diameter
21.3 -
22 22 Material of clamp jaws
23 - PP = polypropylene
6 25 25 PA = polyamide
PAFF = polyamide, flame-retardant to EN 45545-2 R22, R23, HL3
26.9 -
28 28 Material of steel parts
30 30 ST = steel
32 - A2 = stainless steel (on request)
A4 = stainless steel (on request)

Model A Thread type

Size 4, 6 M = metric thread

Plating of steel parts

BL = weld plate unplated, cover plate zinc-plated, bolts zinc-plated
Others on request
EN 8.183.6/04.18


Size Dimensions [mm] Hex. Hex. Stud Slotted

head socket head
d1 d2 a1 a2 a3 h1 h2 ISO 4014 ISO 4762 DIN 938 ISO 1207
4 25.5 31 40 59 57 23.5 47 M6 x 45 M6 x 35 M6 x 35 M6 x 35
6 39 46 66 88 86 35.5 71 M6 x 70 M6 x 60 M6 x 60 M6 x 60

Individual parts
Pair of clamp jaws (KP) Model code
Size 4, 6 (also order example) HREL 4 KP PP

HREL = HY-ROS clamp, light range, with elastomer insert

4 = size 4
6 = size 6

KP = pair of clamp jaws

Material of clamp jaws

PP = polypropylene
PA = polyamide
PAFF = polyamide, flame-retardant to EN 45545-2 R22, R23, HL3

Elastomer insert smooth Model code

(HRES…EE…) (also order example) HRES 2/4L EE 16 TPE
Size 2/4L, 3/6L

HRES = elastomer insert, internal surface smooth
HRERS = elastomer insert, internal surface ribbed

2/4L = size 2 (HRS), size 4 (HRL)
3/6L = size 3 (HRS), size 6 (HRL)

EE = elastomer insert

Pipe diameter
(as per dimensions)
Elastomer insert ribbed
(HRERS…EE...) Insert material
Size 2/4L, 3/6L TPE = thermoplastic elastomer
EN 8.183.6/04.18

Heavy Range
to DIN 3015 Part 2


Size Pipe outside Ø Model code

[mm] (also order example) HRS 2 A 30 PP ST M BL
6 13.7
6.4 14
8 15 HRS = HY-ROS clamp, heavy range with ribbed internal surface
1 9.5 16 HRGS = HY-ROS clamp, heavy range with smooth internal surface (on request)
10 17.1
12 18 Size
1 = size 1
12.7 2 = size 2
19 25.4 3 = size 3
20 26.9 up to size 10
2 21.3 28
Model for complete clamps
22 30
(pair of clamp jaws not mentioned)
25 A = with weld plate, cover plate and hex. head bolt
25 35 AV = with extended weld plate, cover plate and hex. head bolt
30 38 A1 = with cover plate and hex. head bolt
3 A1TM = with cover plate, hex. head bolt and mounting rail nut
32 40
(only up to size 4)
33.7 42 B = with weld plate, hex. socket cap bolt and washer
30 55 (only up to size 7)
38 57 material of clamp jaws AL
42 60.3 D = with stacking bolt and safety plate
4 (only up to size 7)
44.5 63.5
G = with double weld plate, double cover plate and hex. head bolt
48.3 65
50.8 70 Pipe diameter
38 76.1
65 80 Material of clamp jaws
5 PP = polypropylene
70 88.9
PA = polyamide
PAFF = polyamide, flame-retardant to EN 45545-2 R22, R23, HL3
65 114.3 TPE = thermoplastic elastomer
96 127 AL = aluminium
108 Material of steel parts
90 ST = steel
A2 = stainless steel (on request)
7 A4 = stainless steel (on request)
168 Thread type
168 M = metric thread
193.7 Plating of steel parts
219.1 BL = weld plate unplated, cover plate zinc-plated, bolts unplated
219.1 (from size 8 cover plate unplated)
BL/ZN = weld plate unplated, cover plate zinc-plated, bolts zinc-plated
9 ZN = weld plate zinc-plated, cover plate zinc-plated, bolts zinc-plated
EN 8.183.6/04.18


Models for heavy range DIN 3015 Part 2
Model A Model AV Model A1 Model A1TM
Size 1 - 10 Size 1 - 10 Size 1 - 10 Size 1 - 4

Model B
Size 1 - 7

No washers are required in the AL version for series B.
Model D
Size 1 - 7

Model G
Size 1 - 10
EN 8.183.6/04.18

Dimensions for heavy range DIN 3015 Part 2

Size Dimensions [mm] Hex. head Hex.

a1 a2 a3 a3 a4 a5 b1 b2 h1 h2 s1 s2 ISO 4014 ISO 4762
1  33  73  55  57  85 113  30  60  24  48  8 11 M10 x 45 M10 x 25
2  45  85  70  70  97 125  30  60  32  64  8 11 M10 x 60 M10 x 40
3  60 100  85  85 112 140  30  60  38  76  8 11 M10 x 70 M10 x 50
4  90.5 140 115 119 160 190  45  90  54.5 109 10 14 M12 x 100 M12 x 80
5 122 180 152 160 205 240  60 120  70 140 10 18 M16 x 130 M16 x 110
6 168 225 205 215 270 310  80 160 100 200 15 22 M20 x 190 M20 x 150
7 205 270 252 258 320 370  90 180 115 230 15 26 M24 x 220 M24 x 180
8 265 340 320 323 - - 120 240 160 320 25 - M30 x 300 -
9 395 520 466 475 - - 160 324 235 470 30 - M30 x 450 -
10 530 680 630 630 - - 180 364 295 590 30 - M30 x 560 -

EN 8.183.6/04.18

Individual parts for heavy range DIN 3015 Part 2
Pair of clamp jaws, ribbed (HRS...KP...) Model code
Size 1 - 10
(also order example) HRS 3 KP 23 PP

HRS = HY-ROS clamp, heavy range with ribbed internal surface
HRGS = HY-ROS clamp, heavy range with smooth internal surface

(as per dimensions)

Pair of clamp jaws, smooth Designation

(HRGS...KP...) KP = pair of clamp jaws
Size 1 - 10
Pipe diameter

Material of clamp jaws

PP = polypropylene
PA = polyamide
PAFF = polyamide, flame-retardant to EN 45545-2 R22, R23, HL3
TPE = thermoplastic elastomer
AL = aluminium (not for HRGS)

Cover plate (DP) Model code

Size 1 - 10 (also order example) HRS 2 DP ST BL

HRS = HY-ROS heavy range

Double cover plate (DDP) (as per dimensions)
Size 1 - 10
DP = cover plate
DDP = double cover plate
SIP = safety plate (only up to size 7)

Material of steel parts

Safety plate (SIP) ST = steel
Size 1 - 7 A2 = stainless steel (on request)
A4 = stainless steel (on request)

Plating of steel parts

BL = unplated
ZN = zinc-plated (only up to size 7)

Weld plate (AP) Model code

Size 1 - 10 (also order example) HRS 2 AVP ST M BL

HRS = HY-ROS heavy range

(as per dimensions)
Extended weld plate (APV)
Size 1 - 10 Designation
AP = weld plate
APV = extended weld plate
DAP = double weld plate

Material of steel parts

ST = steel
A2 = stainless steel (on request)
A4 = stainless steel (on request)
Double weld plate (DAP)
Size 1 - 10 Thread type
M = metric thread
EN 8.183.6/04.18

Plating of steel parts

BL = unplated
ZN = zinc-plated

Bolts Model code
(also order example) 6kt-shr.ISO4014 - M10 x 70 - 8.8 A3B
Hex. head bolt ISO 4014
HRS size 1 -10 Range
6kt-shr.ISO4014 = hex. head bolt to ISO 4014
Zyl-shr.ISO4762 = hex. socket cap bolt to ISO 4762

ISO4014 ISO4762* for HRS size
M10 x 45 M10 x 25 1
Hex. socket cap bolt ISO 4762 M10 x 60 M10 x 40 2
HRS size 1 -7 M10 x 70 M10 x 50 3
M12 x 100 M12 x 80 4
M16 x 130 M16 x 110 5
M20 x 190 M20 x 150 6
M24 x 220 M24 x 180 7
M30 x 300 8
M30 x 450 9
M30 x 560 10 * only AL version
Bolt quality
8.8 = to ISO 4014, ISO 4762

Bolt plating
no details = unplated
A3B = zinc-plated

Stacking bolt (AF) Model code

(also order example) HRS 5 AF16 ST M ZN

HRS = HY-ROS heavy range

(as per dimensions)

AF10 = stacking bolt M10
AF12 = stacking bolt M12
AF16 = stacking bolt M16
AF20 = stacking bolt M20
AF24 = stacking bolt M24
Material of steel parts
ST = steel
A2 = stainless steel (on request)
A4 = stainless steel (on request)

Thread type
M = metric thread

Plating of steel parts

Size Dimensions [mm] BL = unplated
L1 L2 d ZN = zinc-plated
1 50 25 M10
2 65 25 M10
3 75 25 M10
4 106 26 M12
5* 145 35 M16
6* 200 50 M20
7* 236 56 M24
* without washer
EN 8.183.6/04.18

C mounting rail (TS) Model code
(also order example) HRS TS40x22 ST BL 2m

HRS = HY-ROS heavy range

TS40x22 = C mounting rail 40x22

Dimensions Material of steel parts

ST = steel
A2 = stainless steel (on request)
A4 = stainless steel (on request)

Plating of steel parts
BL = unplated
ZN = zinc-plated

Note: 2m
available in 1 m and 2 m pieces Other lengths on request

Mounting rail nut (TM) Model code

(also order example) HRS TM10 ST M ZN

HRS = HY-ROS heavy range

TM10 = mounting rail nut size M10
TM12 = mounting rail nut size M12

Dimensions Material of steel parts

Mounting rail nut TM10 ST = steel
A2 = stainless steel (on request)
A4 = stainless steel (on request)

Thread type
M = metric thread

Plating of steel parts

ZN = zinc-plated
Others on request

Mounting rail nut TM12

EN 8.183.6/04.18

Heavy Range
with Elastomer Insert
to DIN 3015 Part 2

Size d d
internal internal Model code
surface surface (also order example) HRES 2 A 16 PP ST M BL
smooth ribbed
[mm] [mm]
6 - Designation
HRES = HY-ROS clamp, heavy range,
8 - elastomer insert with smooth internal surface
10 10 HRERS = HY-ROS clamp, heavy range,
12 12 elastomer insert with ribbed internal surface
12,7 -
2 14 14 Size
2 = size 2
15 15 3 = size 3
16 16 4 = size 4
17,2 17,2 5 = size 5
18 - 6 = size 6
19 - 7 = size 7
20 20 Model for complete clamps
21,3 - (pair of clamp jaws not mentioned)
22 22 A = with elastomer insert, weld plate,
23 - cover plate and hex. head bolt
3 25 25 Pipe diameter
26,9 -
28 28 Material of clamp jaws
30 30 PP = polypropylene
32 - PA = polyamide
33,7 - PAFF = polyamide, flame-retardant to EN 45545-2 R22, R23, HL3
35 -
Material of steel parts
38 38 ST = steel
40 - A2 = stainless steel (on request)
42 42 A4 = stainless steel (on request)
45,5 44,5
48 48 Thread type
M = metric thread
51 -
53,4 -
56,4 57 Plating of steel parts
BL = weld plate unplated, cover plate zinc-plated, bolts unplated
60 -
BL/ZN = weld plate unplated, cover plate zinc-plated, bolts zinc-plated
65 - ZN = weld plate zinc-plated, cover plate zinc-plated, bolts zinc-plated
5 70 -
73 -
76 76
83 -
89 89
94 -
101 -
EN 8.183.6/04.18

108 108
114 -
133 -
140 -

Model A
Size 2 - 7

Size Dimensions [mm] Hex. head

d1 d2 b1 h1 h2 a1 a2 a3 s1 ISO 4014
2  25.5 31 30  31 62  45 85 70 8 M10 x 60
3  39 46 30  37 74  60 100 85 8 M10 x 70
4  65 74 45  53.5 107  90.5 140 115 10 M12 x 100
5  89 98 60  68.5 137 122 180 152 10 M16 x 130
6 116 132 80  98.5 197 168 225 205 15 M20 x 190
7 154 168 90 113.5 227 205 270 252 15 M24 x 220

Individual parts
Pair of clamp jaws (KP) Model code
Size 2 - 7 (also order example) HRES 4 KP PP

HRES = HY-ROS clamp, heavy range, with elastomer insert

2 = size 2
3 = size 3
4 = size 4
5 = size 5
6 = size 6
7 = size 7

KP = pair of clamp jaws

Material of clamp jaws

PP = polypropylene
PA = polyamide
PAFF = polyamide, flame-retardant to EN 45545-2 R22, R23, HL3

Elastomer insert smooth Model code

(HRES…EE…) (also order example) HRES 2/4L EE 16 TPE
Size 2/4L, 3/6L, 4, 5, 6, 7

HRES = elastomer insert, internal surface smooth
HRERS = elastomer insert, internal surface ribbed

2/4L = size 2 (HRS), size 4 (HRL)
3/6L = size 3 (HRS), size 6 (HRL)
4 = size 4
5 = size 5
6 = size 6
Elastomer insert ribbed 7 = size 7
Size 2/4L, 3/6L, 4, 5, 6, 7 Designation
EE = elastomer insert

Pipe diameter
(as per dimensions)
EN 8.183.6/04.18

Insert material
TPE = thermoplastic elastomer
NBR* = acrylonitrile butadiene elastomer
* only sizes 5 -7

Twin Clamps
to DIN 3015 Part 3


Size Pipe outside Ø Model code

[mm] (also order example) HRZ 2 A 16-16 PP ST M BL
8 HRZ = HY-ROS twin clamp with ribbed internal surface
9.5 HRGZ = HY-ROS twin clamp with smooth internal surface
12 Size
1 = size 1
12.7 2 = size 2
13.7 up to size 5
2 15
16 Model for complete clamps
17.1 (pair of clamp jaws not mentioned)
A = with weld plate, cover plate and hex. head bolt
18 A1 = with cover plate and hex. head bolt
19 A1TM = with cover plate, hex. head bolt and mounting rail nut
20 D = with stacking bolt and safety plate
Pipe diameter
3 22
(specification of each Ø as per pipe outside Ø)
25 Material of clamp jaws
25.4 PP = polypropylene
26.9 PA = polyamide
PAFF = polyamide, flame-retardant to EN 45545-2 R22, R23, HL3
4 28 TPE = thermoplastic elastomer
32 Material of steel parts
33.7 ST = steel
35 A2 = stainless steel (on request)
5 A4 = stainless steel (on request)
Thread type
42 M = metric thread

Plating of steel parts

BL = weld plate unplated, cover plate zinc-plated, bolts zinc-plated
(only model A)
ZN = weld plate zinc-plated, cover plate zinc-plated, bolts zinc-plated
EN 8.183.6/04.18

Models for twin clamps to DIN 3015 Part 3
Model A Model A1 Model A1TM
Size 1 - 5 Size 1 - 5 Size 1 - 5

Model D
Size 1 - 5


Size Dimensions [mm] Hex. head bolt

a1 a2 a3 a6 h1 h2 h3 ISO 4014
1 20 37 36 34  18.5 27  43 M6 x 35
2 29 55 53 51  18 26  43.5 M8 x 35
3 36 70 67 64  23.5 37  54.5 M8 x 45
4 45 85 82 78  26 42  59.5 M8 x 50
EN 8.183.6/04.18

5 56 110 106 102  32 54  71.5 M8 x 60

Individual parts for twin clamps DIN 3015 Part 3
Pair of clamp jaws, ribbed (HRZ...KP...) Model code
Size 1 - 5
(also order example) HRZ 3 KP 23-23 PP

HRZ = HY-ROS twin clamp with ribbed internal surface
HRGZ = HY-ROS twin clamp with smooth internal surface

1 = size 1
2 = size 2
up to size 5

Pair of clamp jaws, smooth Designation

(HRGZ...KP...) KP = pair of clamp jaws
Size 1 - 5 Pipe diameter
(specification of each Ø as per pipe outside Ø)

Material of clamp jaws

PP = polypropylene
PA = polyamide
PAFF = polyamide, flame-retardant to EN 45545-2 R22, R23, HL3
TPE = thermoplastic elastomer
Others on request

Cover plate (DP) Model code

Size 1 - 5 (also order example) HRZ 3 DP ST BL

HRZ = HY-ROS twin clamp

(as per dimensions)

DP = cover plate

Material of steel parts

ST = steel
A2 = stainless steel (on request)
A4 = stainless steel (on request)

Plating of steel parts

BL = unplated
Others on request

Weld plate (AP) Model code

Size 1 - 5 (also order example) HRZ 2 AP ST M BL

HRZ = HY-ROS twin clamp

(as per dimensions)

AP = weld plate

Material of steel parts

ST = steel
A2 = stainless steel (on request)
A4 = stainless steel (on request)

Thread type
M = metric thread
EN 8.183.6/04.18

Plating of steel parts

BL = unplated
Others on request

Interconnecting weld plate (RAP)* Model code
(also order example) HRZ 2 RAP ST M BL

HRZ = HY-ROS twin clamp

(as per dimensions)

*not to DIN 3015 RAP = interconnecting weld plate

Material of steel parts

ST = steel
A2 = stainless steel (on request)
A4 = stainless steel (on request)
Size Number Dimensions [mm] Thread type
of clamps L1 L2 L d M = metric thread
1 5 18 40 196 M6
2 5 28 58 288 M8 Plating of steel parts
3 5 35 72 358 M8 BL = unplated
4 5 43 90 446 M8 Others on request
5 5 55 112 558 M8

5 mm thick

Safety plate (SIP) Model code

(also order example) HRZ 2-5 SIP ST ZN

HRZ = HY-ROS twin clamp

1 = size 1
2-5 = size 2-5

SIP = safety plate
Size 1 Material of steel parts
ST = steel
A2 = stainless steel (on request)
A4 = stainless steel (on request)

Plating of steel parts

ZN = zinc-plated
Others on request

Size 2 - 5
EN 8.183.6/04.18

C mounting rail (TS) Model code
C mounting rail TS (also order example) HRL TS28x11 ST BL 1m

HRL = HY-ROS light range

C mounting rail with weld struts TS28x11 = C mounting rail 28x11
TS28x14 = C mounting rail 28x14
TS28x30 = C mounting rail 28x30
TS28x11AS = C mounting rail with weld struts 28x11

Material of steel parts

ST = steel
AL = aluminium (on request)
A2 = stainless steel (on request)
A4 = stainless steel (on request)
C mounting rail TS Plating of steel parts
available in 1 m and 2 m pieces BL = unplated
ZN = zinc-plated
Others on request

2 m (not for C mounting rail with weld struts)
Other lengths on request
C mounting rail with weld struts
available in 1 m pieces

Mounting rail nut (TM) Model code

(also order example) HRL TMV6 ST ZN

HRL = HY-ROS light range, for size 1
HRZ = HY-ROS twin clamp, from size 2

TMV6 = mounting rail nut with anti-twist protection, M6 (only size 1)
TM6 = mounting rail nut without anti-twist protection, M6 (only size 1)
TM8 = mounting rail nut M8 (from size 2)

Material of steel parts

Dimensions ST = steel
Size 1 (TMV6) Size 2 - 5 (TM8) A4 = stainless steel (on request)

Plating of steel parts

ZN = zinc-plated

Others on request


EN 8.183.6/04.18

Bolts Model code
(also order example) 6kt-shr.ISO4014 - M6 x 35 - 8.8 A3B
Hex. head bolt ISO 4014
HRZ size 1 - 5 Range
6kt-shr.ISO4014 = hex. head bolt to ISO 4014

ISO4014 for HRZ size
M6 x 35 1
M8 x 35 2
M8 x 45 3
M8 x 50 4
M8 x 60 5
Bolt quality
8.8 = to ISO 4014

Bolt plating
no details = unplated
A3B = zinc-plated

Stacking bolt (AF) Model code

HRZ size 1 - 5
(also order example) HRZ 4 AF ST M ZN

HRL = HY-ROS light range, for size 1
HRZ = HY-ROS twin clamp, from size 2

for HRZ size
0+1 1
2 2
Dimensions up to size 5
AF = stacking bolt

Material of steel parts

ST = steel
A2 = stainless steel (on request)
A4 = stainless steel (on request)

Size Dimensions [mm] Thread type

L1 L2 d M = metric thread
1 34 14 M6
2 33 13 M8 Plating of steel parts
3 44 15 M8 ZN = zinc-plated
4 49 15 M8 Others on request
5 62 15 M8

The information in this brochure
relates to the operating conditions and
applications described. For applications
and operating conditions not described,
please contact the relevant technical
Users bear the responsibility in all cases HYDAC Accessories GmbH
for determining the product’s suitability Hirschbachstr. 2
EN 8.183.6/04.18

in the specific application. Figures given 66280 Sulzbach/Saar

for product characteristics are average Tel.: +49 (0)6897 - 509-01
values for a new product which are Fax: +49 (0)6897 - 509-1009
subject to an ageing process. Subject to Internet:
technical modifications and errors. E-mail:

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