Compiled Charter of Duties-All Dtes PDF

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1. Air Cmde/Cmde (P & C)

(i) Will be responsible for functioning of Coord, Planning and Publicity

sections at NCCHQ.

(ii) Oversee arrangements and conduct of all conferences pertaining to NCC


(iii) Oversee ceremonial matters.

(iv) Co-ordination between Dtes and NCC HQ, between NCC HQ and the

(v) Oversee constitution of State Advisory Committees and Central Advisory

Committee (CAC).

(vi) Oversee conduct of DG’s/ADG’s meeting at NCC HQ.

(vii) Oversee submission of various returns to MOD.

(viii) Oversee processing of Parliament Questions with the MOD/Dtes and

correspondence from VVIP/VIPs.

(ix) Charter of duties-NCCHQ, Dtes, Gp HQs and Units.

(x) Oversee processing of Annual Inspection Reports of NCC Units and

Gp HQ.

(xi) All matters pertaining to PE/PET of NCC Dtes, Gp HQs, and NCC Units
including CCPA cases regarding amendment of PE/PET.

(xii) Policy planning and issue of orders for command and control of NCC Units.

(xiii) RDC/IDC/NCC Day duties as per laid-down orders.

(xiv) Provision of advice on all training policy matters and activities for Navy/Air
force whenever sought for.

(xv) Development of Comprehensive Data Base on Planning matters.

(xvi) Command & Control (Army, Navy & Air Units) and related issues.

(xvii) Withdrawal / re-allotment of NCC Troops / suspended Animation : School &


(xviii) RDC / NCC Day : Coord Cultural Activities.

2. Col (Coord)

(i) Officiate as Air Cmde/Cmde (P&C) in the latter’s absence.

(ii) Preparation and issue of Agenda, after obtaining inputs from internal and
external Dtes, on important conferences/Committees like CAC, JSR&D & DDsG

(iii) Consolidation and forwarding of minutes of the above conference, once

recd from internal Dtes.

(iv) Consolidation and forwarding of replies to Parliament Questions after

receipt of information from internal Dtes.

(v) Issue of DG’s tour notes after receiving draft on the same from SO to DG
or the visiting State Dte.

(vi) Leave policy/planning and processing in respect of State

ADsG/DDsG/Comdt OTAs.

(vii) Staff duties : To perform the duties of SO to DG.

(viii) To carry out liaison with civil/military police and CBI for making security
arrangements during PM’s Rally, VIP visits to the RDC and various other RDC &
IDC functions.

(ix) To carry out all the security arrangements including holding of security
conferences and issue of security passes, obtaining letters of officials, participants
and spectators and sending these to the PM’s Security Office.

(x) Revision of Aims of NCC, if necessary.

(xi) Issuing & accounting of Identity card to WTLOs.

(xii) Projecting of Budget for RDC invitation cell and NCC National game to
P&F Dte considering the various aspects related to the events in mind.

3. GSO-1 (Coord)

(i) Officiate as Col Coord in the latter’s absence.

(ii) To assist Col Coord in functions of Coord matter.

(iii) Convening of Board of officers in NCC HQ.

(iv) Printing, Preparation and monitoring of invitation cards connected with all
functions of RDC PM’s rally and RD Camp, Issue Duty passes and on Duty
Vehicle Stickers.

(v) All matters concerning dress regulation & issuance of relevant orders.

(vi) To assist Col (Coord) to carry out all the security arrangements including
holding of security conferences and issue of security passes, obtaining letters of
officials, participants and spectators and sending these to the PM’s Security

(vii) Preparation of briefs on NCC and material for Consultative Committee of

the Ministry of Defence.

(viii) Compile and monitor progress on DG’s tour notes and submit to DG for

(ix) Preparation and issue of Agenda and the subsequent minutes of the DG’s
and ADG (A)’s periodical meetings with the Ministry of Defence.

(x) Preparation and issue of minutes of DG’s and ADG (A)’s meetings at NCC
HQ, except meetings concerning RDC.

(xi) To monitor consolidation and submission of annual reports and returns to

the MoD.

(xii) To prepare briefs for DG, ADG (A) and Air Cmde (P&C).

(xiii) Process RTI applications.

(xiv) To check & put up various board of officers received from internal Dtes to
cater for their respective requirements.

(xv) NCC Day Celebration – To coordinate with NCC Dte Delhi and other Army
units / Estt for smooth conduct of events.

4. DD (Coord)

(i) Handling of RTI Cases – Getting appropriate replies from internal Dte and
forwarding it to the applicant duly signed by CPIO. Transfer of cases under
section 6(3) of RTI act. Monitoring of RTI cases.

(ii) All aspects related to smooth conduct of CAC/JS R&D/ DG’s Conference.

(iii) Forwarding of VIP cases and petitions received from higher offices to
concerned Dtes / sections for obtaining inputs and disposal of cases.

(iv) Parliament Questions – To obtain the inputs and forwarding the same to
MoD with the approval of DG.

(v) To promote the official language in day to day functioning. Compiling of

quarterly report and submitting it to Rajbhasha section.

(vi) Monitoring of annual inspection reports and ensuring time rendition.

(vii) Monitor timely processing / forwarding of replies, initiation of documents

from the Coord section.

(viii) Monitor and co-ordinate office functioning of Coord section including

administration / leave of the staff.

(ix) Ensure all office machines are operational.

5. AD (Coord)

(i) Distribution of work among the staff as evenly as possible.

(ii) Management and coordination of the work.

(iii) Responsibilities relating to Dak – To go through the receipt, to submit

receipt which should be seen by the higher officers, to keep a watch on any hold
up in the movement of dak.

(iv) To see that all corrections have been made in the draft before it is marked
for issue.

(v) To keep note of important receipts with a view to watching the progress of

(vi) To ensure that cases are not held up at any stage.

(vii) Issuing acknowledgement, reminders and other routine communications.

(viii) To review the recorded files before weeding out and supervise periodic
weeding of unwanted spare copies.

(ix) Ensuring proper maintenance of registers required to be maintained in the


(x) Ensuring neatness and tidiness in the section.

(xi) Ensure the section task is distributed among the staff with alternate staff to
handle in absence of original staff.

6. GSO-1 (Plg ‘A’)

(i) All expansion plans of NCC Cadet Strength increase/Upgradation of

Units/related issues.

(ii) All admn and coord matters related to the Section.

(iii) Presentations of Conferences, Meetings and other issues related to

Planning Section.

(iv) Provisioning Policy – Interaction with MoD Army HQ/SD Dte / MISO.

(v) Reports & Returns related to Cadet Strength, Institutions and Suspended
Animation : Monitoring, Compilation and Analysis.

7. GSO-1 (Plg ‘B’)

(i) Withdrawal/Re-allotment of NCC Troops/suspended Animation : Schools &
Colleges, setting up of Dressing Room for Girls and other associated issues.

(ii) Allotment of NCC to Kendriya Vidyalaya, Sainik Schools & Private Schools.

(iii) PE/PET : NCC Organisation and Extension of PE.

(iv) VIP Reference cases – Monitoring.

(v) Parliament Questions related to Planning.

8. DD (Plg)

(i) Representation and RTI-2005 Act – Reply to the representation involving

Planning issues.

(ii) Conferences – DG’s, JSR&D & CAC, DG’s Weekly, etc

(iii) SUS No allotment to newly raised units.

(iv) Briefs/Progress Reports on various issues pertaining to Planning.

(v) Charter of Duties – NCC Organisation : HQ DGNCC, State Directorates,

Gp HQs, CO NCC Units.

(vi) Annual Report for MOD : Preparation of material on Planning issues.

(vii) Budget issues including Oucome Budget.

(viii) Preparation of all cases concerning Planning taken up with the Ministry.

(ix) Re-affiliation of NCC Establishments.

9. GSO-1 (Publicity)

(i) Collection, classification and indexing of publicity material such as clippings

from the newspapers, articles published on NCC in various magazines, etc.

(ii) Collection and classificaiton of various photographs concerning NCC


(iii) Designing and Publishing of ‘The Cadet’ Journal published annually.

(iv) Organising the publicity of Republic Day Camp, NCC National Games,
Central Advisory Committee Conferences, JSRD Conferences, DG’s Conference,
Visits of Foreign Delegations and Cadets, Expeditions and Adventure activities.

(v) Editing and Printing of various publications dealing with NCC activities.

(vi) Liaison with the Central and State Publicity Departments.

(vii) Liaison and ensuring visibility of NCC with the National media such as
Radio, TV etc.

(viii) Issue of all policy instructions relating to publicity of the NCC Dtes.

(ix) Maintenance of Publicity Account with Department of Advertising and

Visual Publicity (Information & Broadcasting Ministry).

(x) Organising photo exhibitions during Republic Day Parade Camp and as
required during various Conference and Seminars.

(xi) Organise Photography and Video Coverage of important events and

maintaining archive.

(xii) Designing and Printing of various Publicity Material viz, Advertisements in

National Dalies, Defence Magazines/Publication, Posters, Diaries, Calendars and
ensure its distribution down to unit level.

(xiii) Ensure receipt of messages from VVIPs on NCC day.

(xiv) Maintenance of NCC Motivation Hall in DGNCC Camp and ensure

updation through Trg Dte.

(xv) Regular write ups in Sainik Samachar and other related magazines.

(xvi) Handling of NCC Twitter handle.

10. Asstt Dir (Pub)

(i) Supervision of Staff.

(ii) DAVP and RDC Budget management and correspondence.

(iii) Clearing of Bill from Regimental Funds, OCG and Republic Day Fund,
DAVP etc.

(iv) Inventory Management.

(v) Maintenance of Leave record of staff.

(vi) Posting/transfer of staff.

(vii) Assist in publication of Coffee Table Book, Cadet Journal etc

(viii) Maintenance of Motivation Hall (Supervision).


11. Brig (Lgs)

(i) Administration of all NCC entities (including Headquarters and Units) with
regard to aspects of accommodation, clothing, vehicles, equipment and stores.

(ii) Co-ordination and formulation of logistics budget.

(iii) Procurement of clothing items, vehicles, ammunition, Army, Air and Naval

(iv) Sanction and progressing works, allotment of funds to directorates and

Quartering Policy.

(v) KLP of HQ DGNCC and State Directorates.

(vi) Regularisation of losses.

(vii) Handling of audit objections including MFAI cases pertaining to Lgs Dte.

(viii) Administration of HQ DGNCC Camp.

(ix) Setting up, coordination of Republic Day Camp and NCC National Games
to include all logistics issue.

12. Col Logistics (A)

(i) Ensure timely Forecast, Provisioning and Procurement of clothing and

equipment for NCC.

(ii) Present annual requirement of clothing stores/equipment to the Ministry

of Defence.

(iii) Ensure Budget control, timely forecast and planning and monitoring
expenditure of stores/equipment.

(iv) Process introduction of new equipment with Ministry of Defence.

(v) Prepare date sheet and brief for Tender Purchase Committee and assist
the Committee in finalisation of the procurement proposals.

(vi) Monitoring the progress of materialization of stores/equipment from the

Trade/Ordnance/Ordnance Factories.

(vii) Regular interaction with DGQA for quality assurance and inspection of
clothing, equipment, vehicles, controlled stores and accessories.

(viii) Responsible to ensure timely publication of tender notice and its opening
by Purchase Cell.

(ix) Responsible for fixing TPC and other meeting with Ministry of Defence
related with procurement of stores and equipment.

(x) Oversee the functions of DDs Clothing and JD Lgs (Veh & Eqpt), Air and
Purchase Cell.

(xi) To lay down policy on procurement of clothing and necessaries including

life cycle and wastage policy.

(xii) Ensure timely and correct issue of supply orders after approval of
minutes / CFA approval and monitoring of supplies.
(xiii) To monitor items purchased are delivered to the users as per schedule.

(xiv) Act as advisor to Brig Lgs on Equipment and Stores.

(xv) Will hold addl charge of AQMG Lgs (Veh & Eqpt) in his absence.

13. Col Logistics (B)

(i) Responsible for processing of cases pertaining to works, accommodation,

quartering and land with Ministry of Defence / Director General Defence Estate /
Quarter Master General.

(ii) Progress Policy issue on works.

(iii) Release funds for works at Non-Military Stations where land has been
obtained and Administrative approval has been accorded by CFA.

(iv) Processing of cases for all major work projects.

(v) All cases relating to transfer of cost free land/defence land.

(vi) Key Location Plan of NCC / OTM accn for HQ NCC and State Dtes.

(vii) Processing of cases pertaining to lease deed.

(viii) Policy – SFA, CILQ and quartering.

(ix) Hiring of Directorates office building, Officers’ Messes and married


(x) Release funds for payment of rentals for hired buildings.

(xi) Release funds for purchase of ready built flats.

(xii) Formulate standardized briefing for all conferences/seminars/workshops.

(xiii) Act as advisor to DDG Lgs on all aspects of Works and lands.

(xiv) Will hold addl charge of JD Lgs (Wks & Qtr) in his absence.

14. AQMG (Coord)

(i) Enlistment of vendors for various items / services for NCC National
Games (NG) and Republic Day Camp (RDC).

(ii) Contracts of furniture for NCC National Games and (Horse Show and
PM’s Rally).

(iii) Contract of Dry / Fresh ration and cooking services for NCC NG and

(iv) Contract for Medals and trophies for TSC, NCC NG and RDC.
(v) Arrangement of fire tender, water bowsers during NCC NG and RDC and
ambulances for NCC NG.

(vi) Enlistment of vendors for hiring of CHT and repair / maint of vehs.

(vii) Allotment of Camp accommodation and NCC Auditorium.

(viii) Coordinate hiring of CHT for officers detailed for temporary duty in Delhi.

(ix) Obtain prior approval of ADG (B) before hiring tpt for impromptu indentors
and also for conferences.

(x) Coordinate MT for providing transport for local movement to officers

posted in HQ DGNCC.

(xi) Oversee the functions of DD Coord and OC Camp and perform the duties
of MTO of DGNCC Camp.

(xii) Ensure timely conditioning of tubes/ tyres/ btys/ tarpaulines/ VKL items in
respect of MT of HQ DG NCC.

(xiii) Preparation of MVR. FOL provisioning, demanding, storing and Budget


(xiv) Prog audit objections relating to MT.

(xv) Prog backloading of vehs/accessories.

(xvi) Assist Brig Lgs in co-ordination of RDC which includes purchase of

stores, employment of labour and oversee functions of Quartermaster and MTO.

(xvii) Assist Brig Lgs for complete logistics co-ordination of PM’s Rally, in
coordination with OC Camp.

(xviii) Officiate as OC Camp, DGNCC Camp in his absence.

15. OC /AD Camp

(i) Administration of DGNCC Camp.

(ii) To perform duties of Asst Security Officer of Camp.

(iii) Custodian of all RDC stores.

(iv) To ensure maintenance and serviceability of all RDC stores.

(v) To look after all horticulture assets of Camp.

(vi) To ensure that NCC auditorium is maintained at all times and utilised
properly by agencies to which it is allotted.

(vii) To ensure hygiene & sanitation of camp.

(viii) To ensure that all building and accessories are maintained properly.

16. AQMG (Vehicle & Equipment)

(i) Carry out Annual Provision Review of all Equipments, Vehicles, Arms,
Ammunition and other controlled stores after obtaining inputs from all NCC Dtes.

(ii) Maintain and monitor the holding, surplus and deficiency of A and B vehs
including specialist vehicles.

(iii) Maintain liaison with MISO and E&M / WE Dtes for release of vehicles of
Army origin.

(iv) Arms and Ammunition:-

(a) Policy on storage and safe custody of arms/ammunition.

(b) Processing of stock and expenditure return of ammunition from all
NCC units for further follow-up action.

(v) Monitor and obtain various reports and returns from Directorates on
holdings serviceability and budgeting.

(vi) Issuing policy on quality control, repairs, inspection, revising and updating
of PET of Directorates, Group HQ and Units.

(vii) Distribute, project cases to MOD for approval of Provision review and
procurement of Vehicles.

(viii) Maintain and monitor budget allocation and its expenditure for
procurement, repairs and spares/accessories for vehicles.

(ix) Issue instructions for attachment of vehicles for various centralised

functions / events.

(x) Issue Road Move sanction and Extra Meterage sanction.

(xi) Arrange for A and B vehicles and other accessories for Republic Day
Camp (RDC) and B Vehicles for NCC National Games.

(xii) Disposal of obsolete B vehicles and update discard policy of B vehicles.

(xiii) Assist the Brig (Lgs) in establishment and running of the RDC with
respect to:-

(a) Attachment/administration of vehicles for duties during RDC and

NCC National Games from neighbouring State Directorates.
(b) Associated functions as per Red Book.

(xiv) Officiate as Col Lgs (A) and AQMG Lgs (Navy) in their absence.

17. AQMG Air (Tech)

(i) Specialist officer posted to oversee the technical aspects related to
microlites, aircraft and other air eqpt.

(ii) Training of maintenance staff of microlites.

(iii) Monitor proper repair of microlites.

(iv) Act as adviser to Brig Lgs and all Air Sqns on all technical aspects relating
to microlites and gliders.

(v) Officiate as AQMG Lgs (Air) in his absence.

18. AQMG (Air)

(i) To collate recurring requirements as per consumption pattern/ advice by

OEM or supplier as well as examine demands received from various Air NCC
Sqns also for new acquisition in future after induction.

(ii) To call for quotation from the OEM/ Supplier for repair/demanded items
on approved format (as per Appendix ‘B’ of SOP 01/2012).

(iii) To carry out price negotiation, if considered necessary.

(iv) To obtain approval of CFA for the finalized price (including taxes, charges,
installation, commissioning, etc. If any) and to place appropriate supply/ work/
repair order on the concerned firm/ OEM for procurement / taking up rectification
for which quotation has been already received from the firm.

(v) To carry out follow up action with Col Lgs B-2, for fund allotment on
earmarked basis under code head 01/544/01 for air assets.

(vi) To monitor the fund allotted under code head 01/544/01 and forecast
further demand of funds, wherever necessary.

(vii) To obtain CFA sanction for all purchase/ repair / work prior to placement
of order.

(viii) To process the bills for payment to the firm through CDA.

(ix) To compile date on hangarage space with Air Sqns.

(x) Assist Brig Lgs in performing Logistics duties as part of Logistic Cell in

(xi) Act as adviser to Brig Lgs and all air squadrons on logistics matters of air
less technical aspects.

(xii) Officiate as AQMG Lgs Air (Tech) in his absence.

19. AQMG (Works & Quartering)

(i) Responsible to Col Logistics (B) and in his absence perform his duties.

(ii) Forecast and project anticipated Budget for Works for ensuring year.

(iii) Budget management with regard to Capital and Revenue works and
monitor progress of works.

(iv) Process cases pertaining to Capital and Revenue works within the power
of DG seeking Administrative approval and release funds.

(v) Process cases pertaining to allotment of maint funds.

(vi) Allotment of funds for payment of electricity/water/municipal taxes.

(vii) Provide effective works services to NCC RDC and ensure timely repair
and maint in coordination with OC Camp.

(viii) Ensure standby power of Lgs.

(ix) Evolve methodology for effective implementation of camp works.

(x) Maint and updating of progress of works on regular basis.

(xi) Assist Brig Lgs in performing Logistics duties as part of Logistics Cell in
RDC and NCC National Game related to accommodation and allied services.

(xii) Officiate as Col Lgs (B) in his absence.

20. AQMG (Navy)

(i) Naval Eqpt. Following matters related to Naval equipment held with Naval

(a) Returns of Naval equipment.

(b) Process case for CFA sanction for the repair of equipment.

(c) Process case for CFA approval of equipment declared BER by


(d) Monitor cases procurement of Naval equipment based on authority

and life cycl e concept of condemnation.

(ii) Progress cases with MoD for sanction of Naval Eqpt authorised in PET.

(iii) Progress cases with MoD for introduction, authorization and sanction of
Naval Stores and Eqpt for Naval NCC units.

(iv) Monitor state of boats in Naval NCC units and obtain CFA sanction for
repairs and BER approval.

(v) Act as advisor to Brig Lgs and all Naval Units on naval logistic matter.

(vi) Assist Brig Lgs in performing Logistic duties as part of Logistics Cell in
RDC and NCC National Games.
21. Dy Director Logistics (Coord)

(i) Co-ordination of various activities in Logistics directorate.

(ii) Progress on DG, ADG’s & DDG’s Tour Notes on points pertaining to

(iii) Preparation and compilation of Administrative / Logistics points for


(iv) Issue and monitor progress on minutes of all conferences presided over
by DDG (Lgs ).

(v) Issue minutes of the Logistics Conference / Logistics Cadre.

(vi) Processing and Regularisation of losses pertaining to stores of NCC


(vii) Processing cases of Major accounting and financial irregularities and

settlement of audit objections.

(viii) Obtain permission for opening / closing of Logistics directorate from

Security Office, H Block on quarterly basis.

(ix) Officiate as AQMG Lgs (Coord) in his absence.

22. Dy Dir (Purchase)

(i) Responsible for efficient and effective functioning of Purchase Cell and
carryout all tasks related to Purchase Cell.

(ii) Responsible for purchase of clothing and equipment items for NCC.

(iii) Responsible for timely publication of tender enquiry and its opening as
per prescribed procedure.

(iv) Sale of Tenders.

(v) Issue of timely and correct Supply Orders after approval of minutes / CFA
approval and monitoring of supplies.

(vi) To ensure items purchased are delivered to the users as per schedule.

(vii) To report to the Director Logistics on all matters related to purchase.

(viii) To attend legal cases including audit objections relating to purchase.

(ix) To ensure that warranty clause is adhered to by the supplier.

(x) Attend legal cases incl audit objection relating to purchase.

(xi) Attend arbitration proceedings.

23. Brig (MS)

(i) All MS Matters pertaining to regular officers posted in NCC, Whole Time
Lady Officers (WTLOs) and retired Whole Time Officers (WTOs).

(ii) Management of ANOs.

(iii) ACRs of regular and Whole Time Lady Officers (WTLOs).

(iv) Complaints regarding ACRs.

(v) All cases pertaining to Extn/ Re-emp/ Premature Retirement/

Superannuation of all serving officers in NCC.

(vi) Management of Permanent Instructional (PI) staff.

(vii) Processing of all disciplinary cases in respect of regular and Whole Time
Lady Officers (WTLOs).

(viii) All matters relating to vigilance and legal aspects.

(ix) Courses/ study leave of regular officers.

(x) Issue of provisional move sanctions and attachments.

(xi) Honours and Awards to personnel of NCC Cadre including cadets.

(xii) Grant of Hony ranks to Vice Chancellors and Ex ANOs.

(xiii) Appointment of three service Chiefs as Colonel/ Captain/Commodore in

Chief of NCC.

(xiv) Conduct of all RD Banner and AITSC competitions.

(xv) Any other additional duties as ordered by the DG NCC from time to time.

24. Col (MS)

(i) Induction of regular officers in conjunction with MS 3 Army HQ and

Persbranches of Naval and Air HQ as per laid down criteria.

(ii) All matters pertaining to posting of regular Army, Navy and Air Forces
officers to maintain NCC Directorates, Groups and units to the accepted strength,
as laid down from time to time.

(iii) Policy matters regarding posting of regular officers in consultation with

Army, Naval and Air HQs.

(iv) Promotion of Whole Time Lady officers to include holding of Promotion

Boards, obtaining Min of Defense, Govt of India approval and promulgation.

(v) Processing of cases of officers proceeding on premature retirement/


(vi) Processing of cases of officers for initial grant and extension of re-
employment of all service officers.

(vii) Processing of cases of representations of regular officers against posting

and other MS matters.

(viii) Any other MS or allied matters assigned by Brig(MS) from time to time.

(ix) To assist Brig(MS) in discharging his duties and officiate in his absence.


(i) All matters pertaining to posting of regular Army (AMS A), Navy (AMS
Navy) and Air Force officers (AMS Air) to maintain NCC Directorates, Groups and
units to the accepted strength, as laid down from time to time.
(ii) Processing of manpower cases for raising of new NCC units.

(iii) Maintenance of Record of Service of officers posted to NCC.

(iv) Maint of posting orders of offrs of the three services.

(v) Processing of welcome DOs.

(vi) Cases of extension of tenure/ posting of officers of all three services.

(vii) Taking up cases for de-induction of officers from NCC to parent services
(Army/Navy/ Airforce).

(viii) Upgradation of minor units (all three services).

(ix) Liaison with service HQ regarding pers matters.

(x) Posting policy, induction and turnover of officers of respective services.

(xi) Maintain officer strength returns.

(xii) Diary and dispatch of mails.

(xiii) Maintenance of Dte wise data of officers and updation of computerized

data and records.

(xiv) Processing of Re-employment cases of officers by AMS (Navy).

(xv) AMS (Air) is also responsible for management of Permanent Instructional

Staff (PI Staff) of Air Force posted to NCC units.

(xvi) AMS (Army) to officiate in absence of AMS (Girls) and vice versa.

(xvii) AMS (Air) to officiate in absence of AMS (Navy) and vice versa.

26. AMS(Girls)

(i) Posting management of WTLOs

(ii) Publication of Draft Gazette Notificationof WTLOs.

(iii) Policy matters of WTLOs.

(iv) Probation of WTLOs.

(v) Promotion/Resignation of WTLOs.

(vi) Detailment of WTLOs for courses.

(vii) Arr/Dep reports of WTLOs.

(viii) Processing of Child Care Leave applications.

(ix) Service matters of WTLOs.

(x) Strength returns of WTLOs.

(xi) Updation of dossiers of WTLOs.

(xii) All matters less DV cases of WTLOs.

(xiii) Monitoring of ACRs of WTLOs.

27. AMS (Coord)

(i) Coordwhich includes conferences, delegation of duties within MS Dte and

implementation of various orders and follow up action as elucidated below:-

(a) Passage of info/ directions to all section of MS Dte.

(b) Passage of info with reference to conferences/ meetings

(c) Coord leave plan

(d) Coord staffing.

(e) Coord indenting requirement of office and computer stationery and

overall accounting of stationery released by P&F Dte.

(f) Coord transport requirements of MS Dte.

(g) Compliation and of DG’s weekly update.

(h) Submission of Higher Circulation Folder.

(ii) Attachments/ temporary duties and issue of Provisional Move Sanctions.

(iii) Pre-mature retirements.

(iv) Detailment of officers for various duties ie. BOO for conduct of
competitions during TSC(Boys/Girls), NCC National Games and RDC.

(v) Detailment of LOs/ Ushers during central events.

(vi) Honours and Awards to WTLOs, ANOs, GCIs and cadets serving in NCC.

(vii) Assist Brig (MS) and Col(MS) in Coord and conduct of RDC Competitions

(viii) Any other MS or allied matters assigned by Brig (MS)/ Col(MS) from time
to time.

28. AMS (B)

(i) Resignation, retirement, voluntary retirement, death cases, pension and

terminal benefits in respect of Whole Time NCC officers (WTOs) and Whole Time
NCC Lady Officers (WTLOs).

(ii) Issue of retirement orders in respect of Whole Time Lady officers.

(iii) Group Insurance claims and payments in respect of WTLOs and policies
(iv) Drafting, processing and progressing enactment of new NCC Act and

(v) Court cases relating to aspect of retirement and pension in respect of

WTOs and WTLOs. All court cases have being handed over to MS (DV).

(vi) Nodal officer for all RTI cases concerning MS Dte.

29. AMS (ANO)

(i) Selection, commission, promotion, relinquishment and extension of service

of Associate NCC officers (ANOs) and Policies thereof.

(ii) Gazette notification of Ex ANOs and strength of ANOs.

(iii) Extension of supernumerary period of ANOs. Follow up the complaints and

court cases of ANOs pertaining to matters dealt by MS(D) section in consultation
with MS (DV).

(iv) Appointment of three service Chiefs as Colonel/ Captain/ Commodore in

Chief of NCCand grant of Hony rank of Col to Vice Chancellors of Universities
and policies thereof.

(v) Individual documentation of ANOs.

(vi) To officiate as AMS (PI) in his absence.

30. AMS(C)

(i) Processing of ACRs of regular officers and WTLOs.

(ii) Processing of statutory/ Non Statutory complaints against ACRs/

supersession of regular officers.

(iii) Processing complaints against ACRs of WTLOs.

(iv) Processing of cases of Honours and Awards for regular service personnel
posted in NCC.

(v) Maintenance of CR dossiers of NCC WTLOs.

(vi) Maintenance of medical documents of NCC WTLOs and dispatch for

re-categorisation boards.

(vii) Processing cases for condonation of delay of AME/PME and recat medical

(viii) Maintenance of Records of Service of regular officers posted in NCC and


(ix) Processing of application for final withdrawal from DSOP Fund of regular

(x) Processing cases of regular officers for study leave.

(xi) Processing of application for visit abroad for regular officers posted in NCC
and WTLOs.

(xii) Resettlement Training courses.

(xiii) Processing of appointment for deputation for regular officers posted in


(xiv) Substantive promotion regular.

(xv) Processing of appointment for civil employment of regular officers posted in


31. AMS (DV 1)

(i) He will be responsible for all matters pertaining to discipline, vigilance and
legal cases. He will be the vigilance officer for NCC and will be responsible to the
DG through Brig (MS) and ADG (B) for all matters pertaining to vigilance. He will
be assisted by AMS(DV 2) as considered appropriate by him.

(ii) Discipline. He will be responsible for all matters pertaining to discipline as


(a) Discipline cases of regular service officers and NCC WTLOs.

(b) Anonymous/Pseudonymous complaints against service officers and

WTOs/WTLOs where gross impropriety, indiscipline and allied matters are

(c) Progressing of disciplinary awards as a result of court of inquiries

pertainingto disciplinary cases where disciplinary action by the DG has
been directed and then transferred to DV Dte for further processing of
disciplinary awards.

(d) Vetting and compilation of monthly and quarterly discipline reports.

(e) Formulation and issue of policy letter on discipline.

(f) Interaction and liaison with DV Dte/ equivalents of Army, Navy and
Air Force for progressing of discipline cases.

(g) Statutory/Non statutory complaints concerning regular officers and

WTLOs against disciplinary awards.

(h) Maintenance of register of important disciplinary/ vigilance cases.

(iii) Vigilance. All matters pertaining to vigilance cases as enumerated


(a) Liaison and interaction wih D (Vig)/ Vig/ CVO Min of Def.

(b) Coordinate all cases/ complaints received from CVO Min of Def and
forward to concerned Dtes at DG NCC for processing and monitoring their

(c) To examine in detail the existing organization and procedure with a

view to eliminate or minimize factors which provide opportunities for
corruption or malpractices.

(d) Planning and enforcement of regular inspections, surprise visits for

detecting failure in quality or procedures which would be indicative of
existence of corruption or malpractices.

(e) Location of sensitive spots regular and surprise inspections of such

spots and proper scrutiny of personnel who are posted in sensitive posts.

(f) To ensure prompt observance of conduct rules relating to integrity,

covering statement of assets and acquisitions gifts and relatives employed
in private firms or doing private business.

(g) To ensure speedy processing of vigilance cases at all stages.

(h) To ensure that proper assistance to the CBI, where necessary in the
investigation of vigilance cases entrusted to them or started by them on
their sources of information.

(j) Rendition of vigilance returns to the CVO Min of Def.

(k) To review from time to time the existing arrangements for vigilance
work in the Directorate General NCC.

(l) Watching and progressing all cases of MACT pending in the courts
in consultation with Min of Def.

(m) Providing prompt advice on all legal matters relating to efficient

management and defence of suits on all service matters.

(n) Rendering legal advice on all disciplinary cases all-important

questions relating to Military Law in conjunction with Ministry of Defence,
JAG, AG’s Branches of Army, Navy and Air HQ.

(o) Maintaining regular liaison with Govt standing counsel and registrars of
the various High Courts through respective State Dtes, to obtain first hand
information writ petitions and civil suits filed by servicemen/Ex-servicemen
and civilians employed in NCC wherever the DGNCC is respondent.

(p) Render advice on preparation of the Counter Affidavits to writ

petitions and other claims.

32. AMS (DV 2)

(i) He will assist AMS (DV 1) in all matters pertaining to Discipline and
Vigilance. He will be specifically responsible for the following:-
(a) Maintenance of registers on complaints, Court of Inquiry, discipline,
MACT cases and other Court cases arising out of discipline.

(b) Security officer Dte Gen NCC (Vig aspects).

(c) Issue of DV clearance certificates.

(d) Progress of Court cases of all nature and progress of Court of


(e) General Administration of the section.

(f) Compilation of Reports and returns of the section.

(g) To officiate as JDMS (DV) in his absence.

33. AMS (PI)

(i) He will be responsible for management of Permanent Instructional Staff (PI

Staff) of Army and Navy posted to NCC units under the supervision and direction
of Col (MS) and Brig (MS).

(ii) Policy, Planning and provisioning of PI Staff.

(iii) Rationalisation of ERE vacancies of PI Staff in NCC formations and units

conjunction with service HQs.

(iv) Grant of extension of ERE tenure of PI staff.

(v) Attachment of pers on compassionate grounds of Arms/Service of all three

services with various NCC Dtes/Units.

(vi) Formulation and promulgation of Qualitative Requirement of PI Staff.

(vii) Sanction of Temp Duty move sanction for the PI Staff of all three services
posted to all NCC units.

(viii) Premature reversion of unsuitable PI Staff.

(ix) Posting and transfers of PI Staff on compassionate grounds/ Medical


(x) Regularisation of irregularities pertaining to Pay and Allowances of PI Staff.

(xi) Detailment of posted PI Staff for NCC National Games, security of RDC
Camp, PM’s Rally and other central NCC activities.

(xii) Any other responsibilities pertaining to administration and management of

PI Staff assigned by the Brig (MS) from time to time.

(xiii) Posting of PI Staff for upgradation/ Raising of new NCC units.

(xiv) Attachment of PI Staff with HQ DGNCC Camp for Administrative duties.

(xv) Monitoring and confirmation of Non-initiation/ delay in initiation of ACR of
all PI Staff.

(xvi) Processing of application of Permanent Commission/SSC/Special


(xvii) Non-implementation of posting orders of all three services by the NCC


(xviii) Implementation of E-ticketing in NCC.

(xix) Implementation of Shekatkar Committee recommendations.

(xx) To officiate as AMS (ANO) in his absence.

34. AMS (IT)

(i) Planning and Implementation of IT Projects at HQ DG NCC

(ii) Maintenance and Updation of NCC Website

(iii) NIC Mail Admin Tasks on

(iv) Advice on Procurement of IT Hardware and Software

(v) Cyber Security Offr

(vi) Liaison with NIC and Army HQ Sigs.

35. DDMS (Coord)

(i) DD(MS) will assist AMS (Coord) for coordination work of MS Dte which
includes conferences, delegation of duties of civilian employees within MS Dte
and implementation of various orders and follow up action. He will be responsible

(a) Passage of info/ directions to all section of MS Dte.

(b) Passage of info with reference to conferences/ meetings.

(c) Coord leave plan of all civ employees of MS Dte.

(d) Coord indenting requirement of office and computer stationery and

overall accounting of stationery released by P&F Dte.

(e) Assist AMS (Coord) to pursue cases awaiting MoD approval of MS


(ii) Preparation of registers for entry of Attachments/Temporary Duties and

Provisional Move Sanctions.

(iii) Processing of application of officers for Pre-mature retirement.

(iv) Assist AMS (Coord) in Coord and conduct of RDC competitions and other
MS related tasks during RDC.

(v) Work as Nodal officer for Hindi language implementation in MS Dte as per
the guidelines received from Hindi section, P & F Dte.

(vi) Any other MS or allied matters assigned by Col MS/AMS (Coord) from time
to time.

(vii) To officiate as AMS (B &Coord) in his absence.


36. PD (P&F) Overall supervisory control of P&F Dte. Financial scrutiny of all
allocations/proposals and overall monitoring of expenditure including coordination of HQ
DGNCC interactions with MoD at all stages of budget review during the FY and accord
of AIP for all IT proposals of Rs 1 Lac and below post technical vetting and prior

37. DDG (P&F) Direct control of Budget & Finance, Pers (C) and Estt matter.

38. Dir (Fin) and DD (Fin) Controlling of Budget & Finance and implementation of
Official Language (Rajbhasha). DD (Fin) reports to Dir (Fin)/DDG(P&F) on all Budget &
Finance issues.

39. Dir (Pers) and DD (Pers) The officers are responsible handling personnel
matters of NCC Civilians posted in State NCC Dtes/OTA such as apptt,
posting/transfers, Court cases, CPGRAMS etc. During RDC, the Officers are responsible

for establishment of civilian cook house , cadet cafeteria, recreation room for boys and
girl cadets and detailment of civilian staff from State Dtes.

40. Dir (Estt) and DD (Estt) The officers are responsible for handling personnel
matters of civilians posted in HQ DGNCC. Also responsible for maint & upkeep of office
accommodation, library, wet canteen and Central Registry of DGNCC.

41. SAO/AO Offers his/her comments on all financial and technical issues i.e. for
GFR, DFPs etc. He/She also controls budget of RDC and its expenditure. In the
channel of reporting, he/she reports to DD (Fin)/Dir (Fin).

42. AD (OL) – I &II Rajbhasha Section has two AD (OL). They are responsible for
implementing Official Language policies of Union of India and vetting of translated

43. OIC CWS He is responsible for the functions of Cadets Welfare Society and
operating the CWS Fund A/c. The CWS cell comprises of 01 Computer Operator, 01
Accountant and 01 Peon, all are on Contractual basis.

44. Budget & Finance Section

(a) Broadly the main functions of Budget and Finance are as under:-
(i) All financial matter of DGNCC, the most important being the
formulation of Annual Budget and timely allocation of the same to all
budget holders at the HQ, 17 State Dtes and the 2 OTAs for meeting their
respective requirements.
(ii) Projection, compilation and obtaining IFA concurrence for the RDC
(iii) Framing of policy guidelines and SOPs etc. on allocation and
utilization of budget, monitoring of expenditure and exercising the
necessary budgetary and financial control.
(iv) Updation of financial powers of DG NCC from time to time.
(v) Review of various allowances, grants and incentives to Cadets and
(vi) Any other issue concerning the financial matters of DG NCC.

(b) As it exists today, the NCC has a dual funding pattern i.e. both the Central
and the State Govts fund the NCC establishment and activities. While the Central
Budget is utilized for meeting all the expenditure at the HQ and state Dtes level,
the state Govts meet the expenditure at the Group/Unit and Battalion level.
Further, expenditure on specific NCC activities like Camps etc. and allowances for
Cadets and ANOs are shared between Centre and state as per the scales fixed
by the Govt.
45. Pers Section
(a) The Pers Section is responsible for the cadre management of Civilian
Central Employees of NCC and acts as the records keeper of the entire civilian
staff posted in state Dtes and OTAs as detailed below:-
(i) Management of Central Govt Civilian Personnel including GCIs
posted in NCC Dtes/Trg Estt. This consists of recruitment, posting,
transfer, promotion, grant of financial upgradation under Modified Assured
Career progression (MACP) Scheme, discipline, Court Cases, revision of
recruitment rules, terms & conditions, cadre review etc.
(ii) Temporary duty move sanctions.
(iii) Conduct of Limited Department Competitive Examination (LDCE).
(iv) Holding of III level meeting of Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM).
(v) Sanction of various advances and reimbursement of Medical claims.
(vi) Processing of DGNCC Commendation.
(vii) RTI, Court cases, discipline and Vigilance cases.
(viii) Monitoring of CPGRAMS.
(ix) Setting up of Cadet Cafeteria and Civil Mess and detailment
Civilians during RDC.
(x) Periodical review of performance of NCC Central Govt civilian staff
under FR 56 (j).
(b) Girl Cadets Instructor The NCC has an all Girls NCC specific Cadre
designated Girl Cadets Instructor (GCIs). Their primary duty is to escort the girl
cadets whenever they move around for any NCC related activity. The present
authorized strength of GCIs is 372 and the present holding is 259.
(c) Like dual funding in the NCC, the civilian manning in NCC is also on dual
basis as the civilian employees are drawn both from Centre as well as State
Govts. While both Centre and State Govt employees are posted at State Dtes,
only State Govt civilian staff is posted at Gp HQs/Units level by the respective
State Govts.

46. Establishment Section
(a) Establishment section is one of the most important sections under the P&F
Dte as it is responsible for the entire housekeeping of HQ DG NCC on daily basis
as also the nodal agency for liasoning with CPWD be it civil, electrical or
horticulture requirements for the office. Broadly, the Establishment wing takes
care of the following:-
(i) Staffing of AFHQ Civilian Employees at the Dte Gen NCC and their
admin matters.
(ii) Maintenance and upkeep of the office accommodation.
(iii) Procurement and provisioning of furniture, Office equipments,
General Stores and Stationery under OCG.
(iv) Telephones and Internet facility.
(v) Management of NCC wet Canteen and library.
(vi) Issue of Part II Orders for Service Officers.
(vii) Central Registry.
(viii) All Printing works.
(ix) Settlement of various bills under OCG.
(x) Horticulture requirement.

47. ररररररर रररररर

(i) रर.रर.रर. रर. ररर ररररर रररररररररर ररर ररर रर ररररररर
रररर रर ररररररर रररर ररर ररर ररररररररररर ररररर
(ii) रररररररररररररररररर ररररररररर, रररररररररररररररर ररररर
, ररररररररर रररररररररर

(iii) रररररररररररररररररररररर
(iv) रररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररर
रररररररररर, ररररर
रररररररररररर ररररररररररररर

(v) रररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररर

(vi) ररररर रररररररररररररर ररररररररररररररर ररररररररररर ररररररररररररररररररररर


(vii) ररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररर

(viii) रररररररररररररररररररर

(ix) रररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररररर

48. Cadets Welfare Society (CWS)

(a) The NCC Cadets Welfare Society was established in 1985 to provide
financial assistance to Cadets in case of demise/injury during any NCC activity.

(b) It has a two tier management i.e Governing Body and the Managing
Committee headed by the Additional Secretary (MoD) and the DG respectively.
The aims and objectives of the Society are:-
(i) To give financial relief to Cadets on sustaining injury/disability
during NCC activity and to NOK/nominee in case of demise.

(ii) To grant Scholarships to academically brilliant students and

to grant Best and 2nd Best Cadet awards at Group level.

(iii) To conduct sports and adventure activities which cannot be

funded by Public Funds.

(iv) To hold rallies/campaigns/road shows for bringing in social


(c) The regular source of income of the Society is the membership fee paid by
each Cadet at the time of enrolment and interest on FDs. The present corpus of
CWS is about Rs 8.40 Cr.

49. Brig (Trg)

(i) All matters concerning trg of Offrs, PI Staff & Cadets.

(ii) Grievances pertaining to training matters.

(iii) Formulation and dissemination of syllabus for training of cadets on socially

relevant issues.

(iv) Social Service & Community Devp.

(v) Adventure activities.

(vi) All competitions pertaining to Camps/Courses.

(vii) Youth Exchange Programme.

(viii) All training matters pertaining to OTA Kamptee and Gwalior.

(ix) All matters as above related to Air Wing training.

(x) All matters as above related to Naval Wing training.

(xi) Management of Training Budget.

(xii) Security of HQ DGNCC Camp during RDC & NCC National Games.

(xiii) Formulation of response to Parliamentary questions on matters pertaining

to Trg Dte.

50. Col Trg (A)

(i) Formulation, publication and dissemination of Training Directive for
conduct of NCC Trg.

(ii) Planning and conduct of activities in training Campus.

(iii) Planning and conduct of Social Service activities in NCC.

(iv) Planning of attachment training with regular units.

(v) Training and Camp syllabus of all Wings.

(vi) Planning, coordination and monitoring of ATC/CATC, EBSB,COC and ALC


(vii) Planning, coordination and monitoring of Social Service & Community

Development (SSCD) Activities as per Action Plan.

(viii) Formulate and process trg issues related to conferences of all types
including ADsG/DDsG, JSR&D and CAC.

(ix) Printing and distribution of certificates and medals for Centrally Organised

(x) General Proficiency and Achievement Competitions.

(xi) Publication of Cadet’s Hand Book/ANO’s Hand Book.

(xii) Pers & descp matters of Civilian Staff of Trg A section.

(xiii) Issue of Gen instr and processing case for addl funds for TSC.

(xiv) Assist Brig (Trg) in security related duties/tasks.

(xv) Issue of policy on the following:-

(a) Safety of Cadets.

(b) Security of cadets & PI Staff during trg activities.

(c) Conduct of camps.

(d) Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan.

51. GSO-1 Trg (A)

(i) Implementation of NCC as an elective subject in CBSE Schools and


(ii) Mail procedures and circulation of common mail.

(iii) Coord security and safety of offices of Trg Dte incl opening/closing.

(iv) Office maint and stores procedures, requisitioning and disposal etc.

(v) Coord office staff and contingencies.

(vi) IT hardware and software for Trg Dte.

(vii) Conduct of conf/mtgs in Trg Dte

(viii) Coordination of leave of Offrs in Trg Dte

(ix) Collate action taken on remarks on files and letters.

(x) Collating feedback on various issues as required for Trg Dte.

(xi) Collate feedback and fwd replies to MS Dte

(xii) Detailing of Trg Dte officers for various duties (boards/TDs etc) as required
by P&C Dte

(xiii) Collate weekly updates for Trg Dte

(xiv) Collate absence brief for DG/Addl DG

(xv) Collate replies on trg matters for Parliamentary questions.

(xvi) Collate status of daily trg activities.

(xvii) Process pers / discp matters of civ staff.

(xviii) Insp, audit and functions in Trg Dte

(xix) Officiate as Col Trg (A) in his absence.

(xx) Monitor progress of RTI, CP GRAM, VIP References, Grievances and

Complaints till final submission.

(xxi) Corres related to Minutes of Conf and CAC Meetings incl Agenda Points.

(xxii) Data Collection wrt ATC/CATC, COCs and Social Service & Community
Development Activities.

52. Col Trg (B)

(i) Act as Secretary RDC incl issue of Standing Orders/Instructions.

(ii) RDC Plg, prep and conduct.

(iii) Conduct of Cert Exams and issue of Certs as per SNCCO 3/5/96

(iv) Coord trg relating to RVC

(v) All trg at OTA Gwalior and OTA Kamptee

(vi) NCC Spl Entry Schedules

(vii) Coord sports activities in NCC incl participation in national level events.

(viii) Oversee all matters pertaining to the following:-

(a) Conduct of treks & adventure activities

(b) Mountaineering Expeditions

(c) Youth Exchange Programme

(d) SSB Coaching

(e) Disaster Management incl disaster management courses

(ix) Pers & discp matters of Civilian Staff of Trg (B) section

(x) Officiate as GSO-1 Trg (B) in his absence

53. GSO-1 Trg (B)

(i) Assistant Secretary RDC

(ii) OTA Kamptee & Gwalior Trg Budget and allied matters

(iii) Coord NCC participation in NRAI and Shooting Competitions

(iv) Coord attendance in Civil Defence Course

(v) Conduct of certificate exams incl Certificate printing and distribution

(vi) Process issues related to NCC Special Entry Scheme

(vii) Conduct of SSB Coaching for NCC cadets

(viii) Subroto Cup Football Tournament and other games

(ix) JL Nehru Hockey Competition

(x) Disaster Management

(xi) Represent NCC at various sports conferences

(xii) Plg & conduct of bal cadet trg during RDC and NCC National Games

(xiii) Assist Col Trg (B) in plg, prep and conduct of NCC National Games

(xiv) ‘Liaise with MoD for clearances of files pertaining to trg at OTAs, Sports
Competitions, RDC, SSB Screening, ATG/ any case taken up with MoD.

(xv) Remount and Veterinary Training and Equestrian/Polo shows to incl:-

(a) Plg, preparation and Execution of R&V Trg

(b) Monitoring of institutional trg of R&V Regts & Sqns of all Dtes and
up gradation of horses.

(c) Org Horse Show and competitions during RDC

(d) Liaise with HQ DG R&V for tech matters, issue of horses and other

(e) Liaise with EFI & University sports Control Board

(f) Coord for trg and participation of NCC in various National and
Regional equestrian competitions.

(g) Scrutiny of trg reports & return and follow up actions

(xvi) Officiate as Col Trg (B) in his absence

54. GSO-1 Trg (Adv)

(i) Planning and conduct of all Army Oriented Adventure Trg Activities of NCC

(ii) Preparation, Planning and conduct of the following:-

(a) All India Trekking Expeditions

(b) Para Basic Course

(c) Camel Safari

(d) Parasailing

(e) Mountaineering Courses at:-

(i) ABVIMAS, Manali

(ii) NIM, Uttarkashi

(iii) HMI, Darjeeling

(iv) JIM & WS, Pahalgam

(f) Snow Skiing Course at IISM, Gulmarg

(iii) Planning & Preparation of budget and obtaining MoD Sanction (incl
financial & administration approvals) for the adventure activities.

(iv) Planning, preparation and conduct of two Mountaineering Expeditions per

year for Boy and Girl cadets incl-

(a) Planning & Selection of Peaks and expedition team

(b) Briefing/ Debriefing, Flag Off/Flag In of mountaineering expeditions

(v) Processing of adventure activities conducted at State Level for which

sanction of DGNCC is required viz:-

(a) Cycling

(b) Motor Cycle

(vi) Coord Parasailing & Slithering activities during PM Rally. Obtaining

sanction for heptrs from AF and AAW for Slithering during PM Rally

(vii) Accounting and maintenance of stores on charge (Code Head 1/550/02)

(viii) Look after the duties of GSO-1 Trg (B) in his absence

55. GSO-1 (YEP)

(i) Coord selection of officers and cadets and dispatch of cadets and officers
for YEP

(ii) Conduct orientation camp for outgoing NCC delegations

(iii) Investigation of Grievances pertaining to YEP

(iv) Conduct visit of foreign officers and cadets to India

(v) Liaison with MoD and foreign missions with regard to YEP

(vi) Process cases for settlement of Account with PCDA

(vii) Any other duties related to YEP

(viii) Officiate as JD Trg (Air) in his absence

56. GSO-1 TRG (NAVY)

(i) All matters pertaining to Naval Wing Training including Naval oriented
adventure training

(ii) Conduct of All India Nau Sainik Camp and RD Naval Wing Competitions

(iii) Advance Leadership Camp with Naval Bias

(iv) Naval Wing Technical Camp

(v) Sea Attachment and Sea Training for Cadets and ANOs

(vi) Foreign Cruises with the Ships of Indian Navy and Coast Guard

(vii) All India NCC Yachting Regatta

(viii) Special Yachting Camp

(ix) Annual Training Camp for SW Cadets

(x) Attachment Training for SD Cadets at Naval Academy

(xi) SCUBA Diving Camps

(xii) NCC Teams participation in YAI activities

(xiii) Scrutiny of Sailing Expedition proposals and reports

(xiv) Revision of Cadets Hand Book

(xv) Review of training reports and returns and follow-up action

(xvi) Naval Training Syllabus

(xvii) Processing of applications for commission in the Indian Navy

(xviii) Pre-commission Training and Refresher Training of Naval Wing ANOs

(xix) Orientation and Refresher Training of Naval Wing PI Staff

(xx) Grievances and Court of Inquiries pertaining to Naval Camps and Courses

(xxi) Duties of GSO-1 Trg (Adv) during his absence

57. Gp Capt (Air)

(i) Planning and conduct of all Air Wing Activities in NCC.

(ii) Planning of attachment training with regular units.

(iii) Training and camp syllabus of Air Wing.

(iv) Planning, coordination of All India Vayu Sainik Camp.

(v) Formulate and process trg issues related to conferences of all types
including ADsG/DDsG.

(vi) Coord various aspect of Microlights in NCC.

58. Wg Cdr, JD (Air) ‘A’

(i) Coordinate specialized trg of PI Staff and Cadets in Air Force subjects
including Microlite flying & Aero-modelling

(ii) Coordinate rationalization of Microlite aircraft and

conversion/currency/flying practice of Air Force Officers posted to NCC Air Sqns

(iii) Attachment trg with Air Force Stations and AFA

(iv) Coord precommission, refresher and att training of ANOs & Cadets
including coord with Air HQ, AF Stations and AFA. Detailment of instructional
staff and obtaining clearance from Air HQ to conduct courses at AF Station

(v) Obtain government sanctions and coord conduct of Air Wing competitions
during All India Vayu Sainik Camp (AIVSC) including compilation of results for

(vi) Formulation and issue of Air Wing training syllabus & Airwing Cadet’s Hand

(vii) Issue of Air Wing Instructions to all State Dtes on operational flying/trg
matters from time to time

(viii) Coord with Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and Airport Authority of India
(AAI) for air clearances for Microlight A/c flying during PM’s Rally

(ix) Oversee all Flight Safety matters including follow up of C of I of flying


59. Wg Cdr, JD (Air) ‘B’

(i) Responsible to scrutinize and process and NCC entry applications for
commissioning courses in Air Force

(ii) Coord with Air HQ (VB) and Western Air Command, IAF for provisioning of
Helicopter and Helipad parties and BHCT teams, for slithering activity during PM’s
Rally each year.


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