Dust Collector: Frequently Asked Questions
Dust Collector: Frequently Asked Questions
Dust Collector: Frequently Asked Questions
– the most basic dust collectors. Disposable filters are effective Why do you recommend
with very low concentrations of dust particulate. Filters are dampers?
replaced, once they are plugged up. Cyclone pre-filters can be Q8)
used to increase filter life. How does ductwork affect my
cartridge collector?
Why do you recommend
differential pressure gages?
If you are working with a high value material or product, have high
maintenance costs to the baghouse/cartridge collector, or want to Q6)
A cyclone, on the other hand, collects the dust and deposits it in Do I have the right type of hood
the hopper continuously. There is very little dust buildup inside of for my application?
Q4 How does the fan wheel style
affect my performance?
The exhaust fan could be the most important component in the dust Dust Collection FAQ
collection system. It provides the motive force for the whole system. If
it isn’t performing as required, the system will fail. The proper fan Q1)
impeller (wheel) must be used if the fan is to operate correctly. What is the suggested maximum
loading for dust collectors?
There are three types of wheels/impellers:
a) Radial wheel (Ex. open material handling and material handling) Why is particle size distribution
- These wheels should be used when the fan is on the dirty side so important?
of a dust collector or after a dust collector where a large amount Q3)
of dust remains in the airstream (ex. after drop out box). The
What are the benefits of using a
wheel is designed so it can handle dust in the air. The open type
cyclone as pre-filter for a
wheel is used when there is a high dust loading and/or the dust baghouse/cartridge collector?
is fibrous. Its design helps prevent the dust from wrapping
around the wheel.
b) 2) Air handling wheel – The air handling wheel is designed How does the fan wheel style
affect my performance?
for clean airstreams or extremely light dust loading. These
wheels should always be used on the clean side of and dust Q5)
collector and never on the dirty side. They are usually more Why do you recommend
efficient in air movement than the radial wheels. differential pressure gages?
c) 3) Axial wheel – These wheels are usually never used on Q6)
dust collection systems. They will move a lot of air, but without
What is a DHA?
much force behind them. If possible, stay away from axial fans
on your dust collector system. Q7)
The differential pressure gage is an often overlooked piece of I have a used dust collector; will
it work in my application?
equipment on dust collectors, especially cyclones. By measuring
the differential pressure across your dust collector, you are
monitoring your system performance.
If the differential pressure gage suddenly changes, it is telling you
something has recently changed in your system. If you see a
gradual change in the differential pressure, then it is telling you that
the system is gradually changing.
etc.) When you see this happen, your removal efficiency will be What is the suggested maximum
affected so it’s better to start identifying the issue before you are loading for dust collectors?
With the release of NFPA 652 and 654, manufacturers that create
dust in their processes are required to conduct a Dust Hazard What is a DHA?
Analysis if the dust is explosive. The Dust Hazard Analysis is Q7)
retroactive, so all manufacturers are required, no one is
Why do you recommend
grandfathered in. dampers?
The DHA should be as simple or as complex as the process and
needs to be documented for OSHA. The main purpose of the DHA How does ductwork affect my
is to educate the owner and operators on the true hazards and
dangers they are facing with their dust, and to make sure they take Q9)
the proper precautions with it. The DHA is there as a tool to Do I have the right type of hood
for my application?
prevent loss of life, equipment, production time, and capital.
Q7 Why do you recommend
Dust Collection FAQ
Dampers are used in dust collection systems to control the airflow
to specific branches of the ductwork. This is done by opening or Q1)
closing the damper. Air, like water, travels the path of least What is the suggested maximum
resistance. By using a damper, you are changing the resistance loading for dust collectors?
to the air. Every dust collection system should have a manual Q2)
damper near each hood/pickup point to balance the system. This Why is particle size distribution
makes sure that the system is properly operating. An unbalanced so important?
system could cause too much air to be pulled from one area Q3)
(causing loss of product) while in another area not enough airflow
What are the benefits of using a
is available to capture dust. Other times, a soft connect (space cyclone as pre-filter for a
baghouse/cartridge collector?
between flanges) is used to control airflow at a pickup point.
However, this isn’t very efficient. This keeps the airflow in that area Q4)
constant, but it’s picking up air from an area where it isn’t required. How does the fan wheel style
A damper would work much better, since you are only moving the affect my performance?
air in the area you need. Soft connects are only advantageous Q5)
when you are looking to cool down an airflow using outside air. Why do you recommend
Dampers can also be used to shut off portions of the system that differential pressure gages?
What is a DHA?
system? How does ductwork affect my
Ductwork is usually by far the largest component and often the
most overlooked. Depending on the size of your system, the
ductwork can span hundreds of feet and have dozens of side Do I have the right type of hood
for my application?
streams. The ductwork is like railroad tracks, it moves the dusty
air from one place to another.
I have a used dust collector; will
Often times, additional lines will be added to a dust collector it work in my application?
system after installation. Without proper evaluation of the system,
this could negatively affect the performance of the whole system.
This means that just because the dust collector system was
operating correctly before, it might not after an additional pickup
point or hood is added. What happens is that when you add
additional pickup points, you change the balancing of the system.
This could change the airflow to each and every hood and pickup
point in the system, so while the system was originally adequately Dust Collection FAQ
venting an area, it might not after a change.
A few things can be done to address this, such as changing fan What is the suggested maximum
speed, adding dampers, modifying ductwork, etc. The main thing loading for dust collectors?
you need to keep in mind is that if you slow the airflow through Q2)
ductwork too much, you begin to build up dust within the line. This
Why is particle size distribution
will further restrict your airflow and become a fire / explosion so important?
hazard. Q3)
The key to a proper operating dust collection system is that the Why do you recommend
differential pressure gages?
right hoods and pickup points are used. An improperly designed
hood will either not collect all the dust, or required more airflow Q6)
than would efficiently work. The first could cause fire and/or What is a DHA?
explosion issues, while the 2nd will cause greater capital and
operating costs. The first step is to check out the Industrial
Why do you recommend
Ventilation Handbook ( https://hubs.ly/H08Lh7p0 ). It will provide dampers?
you with recommended hood designs, airflow requirements, etc.
You can also contact engineering firms, consultants, and
manufacturer representatives to help you select the proper hoods. How does ductwork affect my
Think Differently
I have a used dust collector; will
it work in my application?
At Aerodyne, we approach problems differently, with unique
technology and fresh perspectives that solve your tough dust
Q10 I have a used dust collector;
will it work in my application? Dust Collection FAQ
When dealing with used dust collectors, the best policy is to size Q1)
your dust collection system as you would normally and then What is the suggested maximum
evaluate the used collector to see if it will work. This means, loading for dust collectors?
starting at your pickup points and sizing the hoods and calculating Q2)
the required airflow. Then sizing the ductwork and calculating the Why is particle size distribution
static pressure required. You can then look at your used dust so important?
collector and see if it will work with your required airflow. If it will, Q3)
then calculate the pressure drop through the dust collector and add
What are the benefits of using a
it to the system drop and you can then evaluate the exhaust fan. cyclone as pre-filter for a
baghouse/cartridge collector?
Once you have confirmed that the used dust collector will work, it
would be prudent to have it inspected and brought into working Q4)
order. You can then begin operating. How does the fan wheel style
affect my performance?
What is a DHA?
Think Differently
I have a used dust collector; will
it work in my application?
At Aerodyne, we approach problems differently, with unique
technology and fresh perspectives that solve your tough dust