Study, Analysis and Improving of Handover Process in LTE System
Study, Analysis and Improving of Handover Process in LTE System
Study, Analysis and Improving of Handover Process in LTE System
Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 11(35), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2018/v11i35/98797, September 2018 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645
Objectives: To ensure handover in LTE system and to improve the overall network performance, besides diminish negative
effects of handover like HO failures. Methods/Statistical Analysis: The impact of handovers on the system performance is
more serious when there is an external interference i.e. when LTE system coexists with other mobile systems operating in
the same geographical area. In this research we study the performance of a system in coexistence with other LTE network
by Monte-Carlo method with the help of SEAMCAT software. We reduce the influence of external interference to ensure
the network performance. Findings: The SINR received by the user and its data rate were studied when the users move on
the network. Then, the handover failure rate was investigated to design and optimize the network. The simulation results
indicated that to achieve a better performance in the network, it is necessary to consider a protective distance between
the systems that operate in the adjacent band. with the design of appropriate filters in the transmitter and receiver to
control and attenuate the power received from the adjacent band, the protective distance between the two networks can
be reduced leading to improved received SINR. Thus, according to the design and optimization purposes, by developing
an appropriate protective distance and controlling the received power from the interference system, the desired network
performance could be achieved. Application/Improvements: For the future research it would be great to design some
filters so the coexistence network could operate without any distance.
not be able to experience mobility and their connection Section 3 introduces handover and the parameters used
is interrupted when exiting one cell and entering another in our simulations. The results are explained in Section 4
cell. and finally the conclusion and suggestions are given in
Since the first generation of cellular systems, many Section 5.
studies have been conducted to optimize the handover
performance. In1, a mathematical model for handover
performance has been proposed to predict handover
2. LTE Downlink Network
parameters and to improve its efficiency and reliability LTE aims to produce an uninterrupted IP-based connec-
in LTE networks. The results shows that the proposed tion between a subscriber and a Packet Data Network
model improves the handover failure rate and the rate (PDN) in a network that only supports packet-switched
of ping pong effect. In2, the handover performance has service. Mobility is supported entirely by the LTE net-
been improved by controlling intercellular interference. work. The user should not be disconnected when he uses
According to the results, the optimal handover per- the service while in moving. To achieve this goal, the
formance can be achieved by controlling intracellular radio access and the core network were changed to meet
interference. The research in3 introduced an algorithm to radio access requirements.
optimize the handover performance. In this algorithm, The developed radio access network is called LTE
The Trigger Time (TTT) and Handover Margin (HOM) while the core network is called EPC. Along with EPC,
values vary automatically. In this method, the best HOM other aspects were changed and the System Architecture
and TTT values are selected to improve the network per- Evolution (SAE) was defined. In fact, the EPC is part
formance. In4, a model has been proposed to investigate of the SAE so that LTE and SAE networks together are
the impact of speed, direction of movement and propaga- known as EPS8.
tion environment on the handover performance. As shown in Figure 1, the core network contains a
In5, handover estimation has been considered as number of nodes with different functions, while only one
a method to improve the system performance. In this type of node called eNodeB is available in the access net-
research, motion estimation and future position of the work9.
user have been used for a fast and uninterrupted hando-
ver. In6, a number of methods have been used to estimate
handover. This technique employs the average displace-
ment and movement pattern which reduces the number
of handovers and ping pong effects. In7, the handover per-
formance in LTE scenario has been analyzed considering
the impact of handover parameters such as offset, TTT
and the filter coefficients to reduce the handover failure
rate by choosing the best parameters.
As seen in many areas, the base stations of different
operators are placed very close to each other. In the pres-
ent research, the impact of interference due to proximity
of two different operators on the handover performance
and its failure rate are investigated. In fact, we seek to
answer “whether the presence of two different LTE net-
works operating in adjacent frequency bands will affect Figure 1. System Architecture Evolution (SAE) and LTE
the system quality. If this is the case, what strategies can Network9.
be used to improve the quality of system, i.e. to improve
the handover process. The LTE network lacks an independent monitoring
In brief in this paper, we examine handover perfor- center and its control tasks are organized by the eNodeB.
mance when two LTE networks are located in the vicinity In fact, in the third-generation technology, the access net-
of each other and have co-channel or adjacent interfer- work includes RNC and NodeB. The NodeB is the contact
ence. Section 2 concerns the LTE downlink network. point between the radio link and the user on the one hand
2 Vol 11 (35) | September 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Alireza Zolghadrasli and Sara Hamidi
and the fixed part of the network or RNC on the other links on the user side are released before establishing new
hand. The RNC node is the heart of the radio section and links. In a hard handover, the connection between the user
all decisions on the radio section are made by RNC. After and the resource cell is cut and then a new connection is cre-
numerous studies, 3GPP decided to control the radio sec- ated with the destination cell. The LTE network only supports
tion in the LTE network by NodeB to remove the RNC. the hard handover. This means that there is a short interrup-
Accordingly, all radio-related functions can be imple- tion in service during the handover13. The hard handover
mented in the eNodeB to achieve a smooth more suitable was selected for the LTE network by 3GPP because it has
architecture10. a smooth IP-based architecture without any independent
In the absence of an independent control center, due control center. The use of hard handover reduces both the
to user movement in E-UTRAN was shown in Figure 2, complexity techniques and the handover delay time.
data must be buffered in the eNodeB during the hando- In soft handover, the radio link is added and discon-
ver. Data protection during handover is performed by the nected in such a way that the user always accesses at least
Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) layer11. PDCP one radio link to the UTRAN. Soft and softer handovers are
is one of the sub-layers or the data link layer. PDCP ends done in WCDMA architecture. In this architecture, there
at the eNodeB on the one hand and the user on the other is a central controller called Radio Network Controller
hand. The protocol is active in both the user and control (RNC). RNC controls the handover for each user. In this
panels. This sub-layer processes the messages of Radio architecture, each user is able to be connected to two or
Resource Control (RRC) layer on the control panel and more cells simultaneously during a call. From this point
Internet Protocol (IP) on the user panel12. of view, soft handover is more suitable than hard hando-
ver because it holds an active meeting without interrupted
conversation. However, soft handover requires signaling
and a more complex architecture like WCDMA13.
Vol 11 (35) | September 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
Study, Analysis and Improving of Handover Process in LTE System
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Alireza Zolghadrasli and Sara Hamidi
4.1 Wave Propagation Model obtained according to the calculated SNIR. This chart is
subject to changes based on simulation and its environ-
In this paper, the Hata model developed by 3GPP is used
ment. In this paper, the link performance is obtained
to simulate large cellular systems.
based on the downlink function.
f propagation= ( f , h1 , h2 , d , env )= L + T ( G (σ ) ) The bit rate is obtained from the following equation14:
Pathloss= L + T ( G (σ ) ) Bit Ratekbps =
N total − RB
*( xbps ) SINR * BWMHz * bps _ to _ kbps _ conversion
Vol 11 (35) | September 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5
Study, Analysis and Improving of Handover Process in LTE System
well as the data rate of user are examined. Then, the hando- the SINR received by the users significantly increases by
ver failure rate is investigated with the aim of designing approximately 25 dB. In other words, with an increase
and optimizing the network under consideration. In all in the distance between the two base stations, the SINR
the simulations in this section, the users are located ran- received by the users is significantly improved.
domly. In each run, the users are randomly generated. In
other programs, new users will be randomly generated in
each run. We consider two scenarios for simulations. In
the first scenario, the base station of the desired network
and the interference network are assumed to have one
sector. In the second scenario, the LTE network consists
of three sectors while the interference network has only
one sector.
6 Vol 11 (35) | September 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Alireza Zolghadrasli and Sara Hamidi
power of 35 dBm, the failure rate decreases by 10 per- received by the adjacent band, the handover failure rate
cent and reaches 20 percent which is still high. To obtain can be improved. The simulation results were obtained
a failure rate of less than 1 percent requires a protective using a propagation pattern in such a way that the ratio
distance larger than 3 km for an interference power of 46 of power required for the propagated pattern in the adja-
dBm and more than 1 km for an interference power of cent band is attenuated by 20 dB using a receptor with
35 dBm. Thus, by reducing the interference power and ACS = 33 dB. ACS is a parameter which indicates the
increasing the protective distance according to design receiver filter attenuation on a channel frequency allo-
goals, an acceptable failure rate or successful handover cated to the receiver filter attenuation on the adjacent
can be achieved. channel frequency15. The results of the simulation show
that considering a propagation pattern for the transmitter
and using receivers with the ability to reduce the interfer-
ence power in the adjacent band, it is possible to achieve
a lower handover failure rate at protective distances less
than 700 m.
Vol 11 (35) | September 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 7
Study, Analysis and Improving of Handover Process in LTE System
imately 5.2 dB. In other words, with an increase in the do not overlap with each other, for example at a distance
distance between the two base stations, the SINR received of 3Km, the data rate increases up to 1800 Kbps. In the
by the users is significantly improved. Comparing Figures other words, with an increase in the distance between the
9 and 5, the received SINR range is significantly reduced two base stations, the data rate received by the users (like
to 70 dB. Given that the cell has three sectors and due to SINR) is significantly improved.
the inter-system interference, SINR reduction is justified. Figure 11 shows the handover failure rate versus
the distance between the base station and the external
interference station for a base station with 3 sectors.
Simulations were performed for different values of the
interference signal power. Considering an interference
power of 46 dBm, when the distance between two stations
is 100 m, the failure rate is 26 percent. With reducing the
interference power to 40 dBm, the handover failure rate
reaches to 18% when the distance of two stations is 100 m.
Considering an interference power of 35 dBm, the hando-
ver failure rate will be 12 percent. To achieve a failure rate
of less than 1 percent requires a protective distance more
than 2 km for an interference power of 46 dBm, more than
1 km for an interference power of 40 dBm and more than
700 m for an interference power of 35 dBm. Although
the range of the received SINR (Figure 9) decreases due
Figure 9. Users SINR (second scenario). to reduced intracellular interference as compared with
Figure 5. The handover failure rate is improved about 17
percent due to the increased number of reference cell base
stations (compare Figures 11 with 7).
Figure 10 shows the received data rate in the second Figure 11. Handover failure rate (second scenario).
scenario. As can be seen, with increasing the distance
from 100 m to 500 m, the received data rate increases up As shown in Figure 12, by designing a propagation
to 850 Kbps. With increasing the distance to 1000 meters pattern on the transmitter side so that the radiation power
when the interference station’s coverage area has com- in the adjacent band is properly attenuated as well as by
mon borders with base station’s coverage area, the data using receptors to attenuate the power received by the
rate increases to about 1300 Kbps. With increasing the adjacent band, the handover failure rate can be improved.
distance between the external interference station and the The simulation results were obtained using the propaga-
boundaries of the cell so that the area covered by them tion pattern in such a way that the power propagated in
8 Vol 11 (35) | September 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Alireza Zolghadrasli and Sara Hamidi
the adjacent band is attenuated by 15 dB using a recep- distance and controlling the received power from the
tor with ACS = 33 dB. The results of the simulation show interference system, the desired network performance
that considering a propagation pattern for the transmitter could be achieved.
and using receivers with the ability to reduce the interfer-
ence power in the adjacent band, it is possible to achieve
a lower handover failure rate at protective distances less
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