Your First Horoscope Analysis: Dear $aikishore
Your First Horoscope Analysis: Dear $aikishore
Your First Horoscope Analysis: Dear $aikishore
Dear $aikishore,
Your first horoscope analysis by Pt. Punarvasu would guide you to understand:
The planetary combinations in your horoscope that are shaping up your destiny
How you respond to situations in relationships & personal matters
Your career & fortune trends
Name: $aikishore
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 08 Jan, 2003
Time of Birth: 12:30
Place of Birth: Mandya, India
Moon sign: Aquarius
Vedic Sun Sign: Sagittarius
Western Sun sign: Capricorn
Nakshatra (Constellation): P.Bhadrapada
Lagna (Ascendant): Pisces
Destiny defining planetary positions of your horoscope
Some special planetary configurations in your birthchart are being analysed below:
You have Sun in 10th house of your horoscope. This position of Sun gives you a
strong sense of purpose & duty. Managing power & position comes easily to you at
work as well as in public life. You are blessed with the Sun that carries you forward in
life with a unique energy, sense of purpose and luck that brings position & standing
with the government naturally and the backing of people with political power or king makers. The blazing
energy of Sun is capable of helping you rise to great heights in your profession
You have Jupiter in the 5th house of your horoscope. Placement of Jupiter in fifth house makes you a
fountainhead of ideas, a thinker par excellence & a creator for all around you. It carries you forward in life
with a unique mental energy, an ability to find success where other have failed, handle humungous projects
with the smallest of teams and resources and a golden heart.
You have Venus in 9th house of your horoscope. This position of Venus is making you rise in life with
your own efforts. You would be religious and very hospitable. You would lead your life on righteous path
and have happiness from spouse and children, prosperity, comforts and command respect.
Venus-Mars Combine:
Venus and Mars combination is found in your horoscope. It is like the coming together of two vastly
different energy pools, that combine to create a lots of heat together. This is indicative of the sheer intensity
& aggression with which you would tend to pursue all matters close to your heart, without even worrying
about their consequences. Your personality seems to have a raw appeal & a magnetic effects on others, a
recipe enough for your success in personal as well as professional life. Venus & Mars combine is gifting
you the 'drive' with which you would pursue your relationships as well as your life goals & aspirations. No
wonder that your younger years would fuel enough desire in you, while the Venus-Mars combine would act
like a substantive force to do well in life. more
Luck in Marriage:
Your life seems to get an improved status after marriage. It is quite possible that your
luck improves after you are married. It is a known fact that marriage can change
destiny. Your case also seems similar.
Amala Yoga:
You are blessed with Amala Yoga. This is a simple but unique Vedic Yoga that gives you a special status
& respect in the society because of your good deeds & actions. This yoga promotes a propensity for just &
fair actions in your conscience. A very good part of this yoga is that it promotes goodness & an attraction
for the right path in life. As a consequence of good work, there is an all round appreciation & rise in stature
along with the trust of the society in you. Unlike the majority you don’t feel the need tr go on a wrong path
to pursue greatness in life.
Your horoscope has the promise of special yoga - Veshi / Vasi Yoga - caused by the presence of benign
planets from Sun in second or the twelfth house from it. Sun signifies your authority, ego and status in
society. The presence of this yoga confers financial well being, great dignity and status among people
around you. The support that Sun gets from the presence of Jupiter, Mercury or Venus bestows special
favours & priviledges in life.
Anapha Yoga:
You are blessed with Anapha Yoga which signifies luck carried by you due to karma of past. This yoga
bestows you with good reputation, an exceptional mental strength, talent, ability to deal with people.
Despite the simplicity of this yoga, it is a very rare and extremely effective planetary configuration for
success in life.
Your Traits:
$aikishore, you are generally a peace loving person but may get hot tempered
occasionally. Otherwise you are quite a simpleton and much principled. It seems your
personality has two sides where one is very gentle and civilized and the other is
violent and aggressive. And it appears you are quite sensitive and take to your heart
even a small issue or a minor confrontation. You are particular about your appearance and dressing up and
are fond of good food.
You are largely a just and an impartial person who expresses his opinion and speaks his mind without
taking any side. You are ever ready to lend a helping hand to a needy. At the same time, you do not blindly
follow the principles of religion. But you may still get criticized despite your selfless service to the needy.
You are god fearing and perform religious rites as per the scriptures.
Your Relationships:
$aikishore, you may not get enough love from your mother it seems. She may be busy
or possibly a working woman. You would be proud of your father. Subject to other
planetary positions, you father would have much fame and popularity in the field of
fine arts or in writing field. Though you may disagree and have confrontations with
him at times. You would be sincere and dutiful towards your family.
Your Fortune:
$aikishore, it appears you would be moderately rich and value respect and honor from
others rather than accumulating wealth. You seem to be respected by people in your
life, irrespective of your financial status. You enjoy the confidence of others too.
Period between 24 and 33 years of age will mark remarkable all round progress in
your life, even though occasional mental tension is not ruled out during this period. Period between 40 and
54 years of age seems to be your golden period when you can expect to be fully settled and established.
You are intelligent and have the knack of trade, it seems. You can shine in any role and job you undertake,
$aikishore. If employed in a government organization, you can look forward to some unexpected gains or
promotions. You are capable of quite an independent life both socially and financially. You could make a
good detective, doctor or soldier too. You could shine in the field of business, banking, government job in a
department where money transactions are involved, or as a teacher, actor or writer.
Your Health
Your Health:
It appears you are prone to acidity and problems with liver and joint pains and those
related with feet.
Please note: This section is based on basic analysis of your birth chart and is subject to other influences
that can be delineated only after an indepth analysis of your horoscope.
As Parent: $aikishore, you would want your kids to be independent. You are a parent who
gives kids wings to fly, and never restrict or confine their sense of freedom. You keep the domestic
environment calm and composed, where kids can have fun, learn and innovate. You are a great supporter of
modern educational system and motivate your kids to study in virtual classrooms and use technology. You
are more of a friend and peer than a parent. When it comes to affection and love, you have a hard time
showing your softer side. You would rather display affection in practical terms than tangibly. Loving words
and cuddles are just not your style.
As Child: You would be an eccentric and visionary child with a bizarre taste and a will to
experiment. You could be very moody and unpredictable too. You flourish in ever-changing environment
and like it when lots of relatives and friends keep visiting. You are that kid who smiles at strangers when
accompanying mom to the grocery store. It appears you are interested in the occult and mystical right since
childhood. You would keep popping questions like “Do aliens exist?” You love freedom and don’t like to
be told what to do. Toys and games related to creation and invention interest you a lot.
As Lover: $aikishore, you would want a partner who can grow, expand and evolve with you.
You would never fall for some who wants a planned, comfortable and predictable routine like clockwork.
You find it hard to recognize your feelings. Even when you finally accept that you have fallen for
somebody, you aren’t that vocal about it. This could stem from your fears of rejection. You tend to hide
what you want even from yourself so you might remain detached, indecisive and even nervous. It is not
uncommon for you to just surprise your love interest with your feelings one day.
shocks and surprises every now and then. Your idea of impressing your partner is quite unconventional.
You have a tendency to break what is old and fixed. You believe in following no mundane routines and no
out dated traditions. You are just different from the rest in many ways. You let your partner enjoy freedom
and wouldn’t be insecure and jealous of their talents and success, unlike other men. You give your partner
some autonomy in the relationship. These unconventional ideas and fresh thinking keep your partner
As Boss: $aikishore, you would want to bring innovation to the methods and techniques that
are followed at work. You are very open to new, creative and improved ways of doing things. You have a
liberal and modern outlook towards work and life in general. You admire novel and creative ideas. You
also like a non-rigid, flexible approach to doing things. You won’t mind fun activities at the office as long
as your employees are darn serious while working. You get inspired with intellect and intelligence. You
like to help your workforce to grow in every possible way.
Lucky Gemstones: Depending on other factors gemstones - Blue Sapphire, Diamond, and Yellow
Sapphire may be suitable for you.
A Vedic analysis can be a stunning one when a competent Vedic astrologer reads your chart for you.
Typically such a reading involves making a detailed birth chart covering a number of readings &
combinations along with some unique Vedic yogas & planetary transits that are in operation. We can
recommend a special personal reading for you as per the two possible readings described below:
2019 Horoscope: Year 2019 - overview & detailed forecast for you; development in career
& finances; progress in love & marriage; trends in family life & health and month wise prediction of 2019
for you. Read more | View Sample | Order
Detailed Life Reading: is a highly insightful report to help remove mysteries & uncertainties
from life. Focusing on a specific period of your life, it prepares you for what's in store for you. You would
be ready for the upcoming opportunities and challenges in health, finance, career, love, marriage and
children. You can plan long-term with your Detailed Life Reading & take control of your life!
Read more | View Sample | Order
Your unique Karmic Cycle (based on Vimsottari dasa), representing the timeline of
dates which would describe your destiny:
Indastro serves its members with honest & reliable Vedic astrology services. The
personalized horoscope readings are not computer generated, but are prepared
exclusively by Vedic astrologers in India and delivered to you email box in complete