Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
A Case Study
Presented to the Faculty of
Maryhill College
Lucena City
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements
For the Subject
Building and Enhancing Learners Across the Curriculum
Albunan Geleen
Mendoza Erika Joy
Nada, Rose Marie
May 2019
Maryhill College is one of the Catholic educational Institutions in Lucena City in 1983.the
school was initially name Lucena Catholic School. This moment of Grace was coupled with the
mission of the Maryknoll sisters in the same year; they were Sr.Mary de Chantal, Sr. Maria
Concepcion and Sr.Maura Shaun. This Institution offer different kinds of Courses like bachelor of
The quality of education provided by the institution can be measured through the
perspective of students who are part and engaged in the institutions activities and various services
at the campus and just like the other Institution Attendance is a must for them too as well as the
Tardiness for the students not to be late on the Discussion, Activities and Quizzes.
individual and the work of the class and may be an early warning of other difficulties” The tardy
student creates a diversion of attention as he/she walks in late in class and disturbs other students
and the teacher with his/her inquiries about the missed lesson. Additionally, the school as an
institution is also vastly affected. “Lateness inhibits the process of achieving the goals of the
The Objective of this study is to inform the Maryhill College Higher Education students
about tardiness and its effect to them as well as to the other students. In addition, this study also
aims to determine the possible solution on how the students coped up with their tardiness.
Background of the study
The history of tardiness are said to be the habit of students or delaying arrival. Being late
school, etc. An opposite personality trait is punctuality. According to Maryhill College Higher
Education Students Handbook (2012) students will be tardy it depends on the length hour of class
for One (1) hour student will be late after ten(10) minutes of the original time while if the class
hours was One and half hours (1 ½) student will be late after fifth teen (15) minutes and If the
class was for Three(3) hours the student will be late after thirty(30) minutes of the time and two(2)
Understanding the background for this particular study requires a look into three subject
areas: how do students manage their time, what is the reason of their tardiness, what are the ways
that students do to overcome this bad habits Pimentel and Quijada (2011) said that lack of sleep
causes neural malfunctions and further affects a person’s behavior and it is not solely the students’
fault why they keep on being late in coming to class. The distance between the student’s home and
According to King Saud University (2014) Put yourself in the student’s shoes and try to
see what is the motivation behind this disruption issue, be a role model for the behavior you require
of your students and always begin and end classes on time and use the first 15 minutes of class
are expected to attend lectures and other prescribed assignments, except when ill or otherwise
Change your thinking by adjusting your plans so that your expected arrival time is
10 to 15 minutes earlier than you should be there. This extra little chunk of time will go a long
way in reducing your stress level, Prepare the night before or Gather together what you need for
the next day the night before. Put your purse, wallet, backpack, keys, necessary paperwork and
anything else you need by the door you exit through. If possible, go ahead and load what you need
into the car the night before. Double check appointment times, address and directions the night
before so you can plan accordingly then Use a calendar and be sure to mark all appointments and
commitments on one calendar as quickly as you can. This way you can see conflicts immediately
and also see where you may need more of a time gap between appointments for more travel time.
important not to dwell on negative statistics around attendance. While participants need to
understand the issues and potential impact, we would like to emphasize that most students come
2011),Students who are frequently late to school often miss out on important opening
announcements and academic activities so that the teachers can become frustrated as late students
disrupt instruction, often requiring re teaching of what they have missed. Tardy behavior can also
negatively affect the overall classroom environment and arriving late to school can also mean that
students miss out on activities designed to build connections with their peers, potentially impacting
their social interactions and creating a greater sense of alienation from their classmates.
Possible Solution
Students who consistently miss school hours develop habits that will lead into their adult life,
affecting their education, career, and social connections. In this part teacher also check the absentee
Nakpodia and Dafiaghor stated that school administrators must lead by example. They
should be punctual in their own meetings and classes to avoid students to think that being late is
just alright since even the authoritative persons are doing it. They should as well teach it and
integrate it in every lesson. The effort on the remedy on lateness or tardiness does not start and end
with the school. It must begin with the parents of the students and the government must take part
as well. Transportation must be improved in order to avoid students getting stuck in traffic or
The best solution in order to meet the satisfaction of the students in the services offered by
the Institution is Set Clear Expectations. Make it clear right up in front that prompt attendance is
expected of them during their education from admissions to orientation to the first day in your
classroom; be clear on what is expected of them. Guide the children and also to give your children
advice and cheer them up. Help the students to become a responsible enough to do your task which is to
sleep on time and woke up early so that you can attend class on time and you can also manage your time
(1) Set Clear Expectations. Make it clear right up front that prompt attendance is expected of
them during their education. From admissions to orientation to the first day in your
classroom, be clear on what is expected of them. Always set high expectations for your
(2) Be the Example. Always begin your class on time. You can’t start late and ask the students
to show up on time. When you start class late you encourage students to do the same in
(3) Start Class Powerfully. Not only should you always start on time but you should start with
a bang. Begin with a fun activity or game to engage the students. As the late students come
walking in, they will have to wait until it is over and miss out on the fun. This may help
(4) Thank You. How about a simple “thank you” to the students who arrived on time? Positive
reinforcement and praising the students who do things right is a powerful tactic.
(5) Reward Early Arrivals. Speaking of positive reinforcement, reward those who arrive early
and are prepared for class by having a short assignment on the board. The assignment is
one that can be completed before class begins, such as a video they can watch on their
phone, a blog article to read, or an Instagram account to look up. For all students who arrive
early, they can complete the short assignment before class begins and receive 5 extra credit