Change in The Concentration of Urolithiasis Markers Depending On The Degree of Activity of Stone Formation in Patients With Recurrent Stone Disease
Change in The Concentration of Urolithiasis Markers Depending On The Degree of Activity of Stone Formation in Patients With Recurrent Stone Disease
Change in The Concentration of Urolithiasis Markers Depending On The Degree of Activity of Stone Formation in Patients With Recurrent Stone Disease
By relapse we mean either the clinical manifestation of urolithiasis by the negative feedback. The expression of bikunin increases with
(renal colic) or the discovery of a new stones using ultrasound or high stone formation activity. For osteopontin, the increase in the
CT scan concentration of this inhibitor in stone formers is due to the fact that
osteopontin is one of the main components of the calcium-oxalate
3. Verified calcium oxalate urolithiasis
stones matrix. The concentration of the free fraction of osteopontin
4. No secondary forms of urolithiasis (malabsorption syndrome, will increase with a decrease in the number of nucleation points and
primary hyperparathyroidism) crystallization. The concentration of nephrocalcin during the whole
period of observation did not change significantly. The results of the
5. The patient is able to understand and give informed consent x-ray spectral microanalysis show the effectiveness of the prescribed
15 patients were excluded from 260 patients during the examination therapy. Almost all patients of the study group (69 patients out of 78)
due to insufficient clinical and laboratory data. Only 152 patients had the low activity of stone formation.
with calcium oxalate urolithiasis were selected from 240 patients in Table 1 Changes in the concentration of bikunin, nephrocalcin, osteopontin in
this study taking into account the inclusion criteria. All patients with the group of patients who were prescribed treatment (n=78)
calcium oxalate urolithiasis were divided into two groups. Patients
from the first group (78 patients) were received treatment for 6 The beginning of 6
3 months
the observation months
months. The 2nd group included 74 patients who were not prescribed
therapy. The follow-up period was 6 months; the control examination Bikunin, mg/ml 5,97±0,94 3,65±0,87 3,28±0,86
was conducted every 3 months. Nephrocalcin, mg/ml 10,3±3,8 9,2±3,7 9,7±2,9
Treatment prescribed to patients from the first group included Osteopontin, mg/ml 2,2±0,32 2,9±0,31 3,4±0,36
the following components: calcium 1200 mg inward (Calcium-D3 0−49 0−70
Nycomed), citrate mixtures (Blemaren) with maintenance of optimal 0−9 patients
patients patients
pH of urine 6.2-6.8, water load (2 liters of liquid per day), oxalate Activity of crystallization
1−23 1−8
in the urine (from 0 to 1−44 patients
diet (recommended products: apples, pears, plums, dogwood, patients patients
3, where 3 is the highest
grapes, decoctions from fruits; exclude: sorrel, potatoes, beets, beet, 2−6
activity) 2−18 patients
rhubarb, beans, rhubarb figs, parsley, onion, black currant, blueberry, patients
gooseberry, cocoa, coffee, chocolate), hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg per 3−7 patients
day for the entire period of observation.2,5−7 0, No activity of stone formation.
As part of the study all patients on each visit underwent a 1, Low degree of activity of stone formation.
comprehensive urological examination, which also included x-ray
2, The average degree of activity of stone formation.
spectral microanalysis, measurement of the concentration of
markers (bikunin, nephrocalcin, osteopontin) and determination of 3, High degree of activity of stone formation.
the daily concentration of calcium ions and oxalates. X-ray spectral
Changes in the concentration of bikunin, nephrocalcin, osteopontin
microanalysis allows determining the degree of activity of the crystals
in the group of patients who have not been prescribed treatment are
growth process. Pathological structural changes in urine, during its
presented below in Table 2.
transition from liquid to solid state, reveal the phenomenon of salt
crystals formation. Also some patients, who had not performed a Table 2 The change in the concentration of bikunin, nephrocalcin, osteopontin
spectroscopy of the stone before going to the clinic, were analyzed for in the group of patients with no treatment (n=74)
the composition of the stone.
The beginning
Calcium concentrations greater than 4 mg/kg/day were defined as of the 3 months
hypercalciuria, and calcium oxalate concentration greater than 40 mg/ observation
day was defined as hyperoxaluria.8 Bikunin, mg/ml 5,86±0,85 6,44±0,95 6,12±0,57
Nephrocalcin, mg/ml 11,3±2,8 9,2±2,9 12,3±3,7
Results and discussion
Osteopontin, mg/ml 2,3±0,32 2,4±0,35 2,3±0,39
We measured the concentration of potential markers of urolithiasis
0−18 0–18
(bikunin, nephrocalcin, osteopontin) at different stages of observation. 0−19 patients
Activity of crystallization patients patients
The activity of stone formation as mentioned above was measured by in the urine (from 0 to 1−35 1− 36
x-ray spectral microanalysis (from 0 to 3, where 3-the highest degree 3, where 3 is the highest 1–35 patients
patients patients
of activity of stone formation). Results of changes in the concentration activity) 2–20
of crystallization inhibitors and stone disease activity are seen below 2–20 patients 2−patients
in Table 1. 0, No activity of stone formation
The concentration of bikunin decreased significantly in 6 months 1, Low degree of activity of stone formation
after the end of treatment (from 5.97±0.94mg/ml to 3.28±0.86).
2, The average degree of activity of stone formation
The concentration of osteopontin increased significantly (from
2.2±0.32mg/ml to 3.4± 0.36mg/ml). There were no significant changes 3, High degree of activity of stone formation
in the concentration of nephrocalcin during the entire observation
During the observation period there were no significant changes in
period. Such a change in the concentration of bikunin can be explained
Citation: Kamalov A, Nizov A, Ohobotov D. Change in the concentration of urolithiasis markers depending on the degree of activity of stone formation in
patients with recurrent stone disease. Urol Nephrol Open Access J. 2018;6(2):60–63. DOI: 10.15406/unoaj.2018.06.00204
Change in the concentration of urolithiasis markers depending on the degree of activity of stone formation Copyright:
©2018 Kamalov et al. 62
in patients with recurrent stone disease
Table 4 The value of the concentration of stone inhibitors in patients of the first group (n=78) after treatment (after 6 months), depending on the presence of
Hypercalciur or hyperoxaluria
Citation: Kamalov A, Nizov A, Ohobotov D. Change in the concentration of urolithiasis markers depending on the degree of activity of stone formation in
patients with recurrent stone disease. Urol Nephrol Open Access J. 2018;6(2):60–63. DOI: 10.15406/unoaj.2018.06.00204
Change in the concentration of urolithiasis markers depending on the degree of activity of stone formation Copyright:
©2018 Kamalov et al. 63
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Citation: Kamalov A, Nizov A, Ohobotov D. Change in the concentration of urolithiasis markers depending on the degree of activity of stone formation in
patients with recurrent stone disease. Urol Nephrol Open Access J. 2018;6(2):60–63. DOI: 10.15406/unoaj.2018.06.00204