Preparation and in Vitro Evaluation of Polystyrene-Coated Diltiazem-Resin Complex by Oil-in-Water Emulsion Solvent Evaporation Method

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AAPS PharmSciTech 2006; 7 (2) Article 46 (

Preparation and In Vitro Evaluation of Polystyrene-Coated Diltiazem-Resin

Complex by Oil-in-Water Emulsion Solvent Evaporation Method
Submitted: January 24, 2005; Accepted: January 21, 2006; Published: May 26, 2006
Arindam Halder1 and Biswanath Sa1
Centre for Advanced Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur
University, Kolkata – 700 032, India

The purpose of this study was to examine the suitability of Multiunit controlled-release drug delivery systems such as
polystyrene-coated (PS-coated) microcapsules of drug-resin microcapsules and microspheres are becoming popular be-
complex for achieving prolonged release of diltiazem-HCl, cause they (1) pass through the gut as if a solution, avoiding
a highly water-soluble drug, in simulated gastric and intestinal the vagaries of gastric emptying and different transit rates,1
fluid. The drug was bound to Indion 254, a cation-exchange (2) spread over a large area of absorbing mucosa, prevent-
resin, and the resulting resinate was microencapsulated with ing exposure to high drug concentrations,2 and (3) release
PS using an oil-in-water emulsion-solvent evaporation meth- drug in a more predictable manner.3 One of the widely in-
od. The effect of various formulation parameters on the vestigated methods for microencapsulation of drugs is the
characteristics of the microcapsules was studied. Mean di- oil-in-water emulsion-solvent evaporation (ESE) technique.4
ameter and encapsulation efficiency of the microcapsules The characteristics of the microcapsules such as drug en-
rose with an increase in the concentration of emulsion sta- trapment efficiency and release of drug, however, depend
bilizer and the coat/core ratio, while the same characteristics on the aqueous solubility of the drug, the type of organic
tended to decrease with an increase in the volume of the solvent or solvent mixture used, the phase ratio of the emul-
organic disperse phase. The desorption of drug from the un- sion system, the temperature, and the type and concentration
coated resinate was quite rapid and independent of the pH of emulsion stabilizers.5 The encapsulation efficiency of
of the dissolution media. On the other hand, the drug release water-soluble drugs, in particular, by the oil-in-water ESE
from the microcapsules was prolonged for different periods method has been low because of partitioning of drugs from
of time depending on the formulation parameters and was the organic phase to the external aqueous phase.6 Several
also found to be independent of the pH of the dissolution strategies have been developed to improve the encapsula-
media. Both the encapsulation efficiency and the retar- tion of water-soluble drugs by the oil-in-water ESE method.
dation of drug release were found to be dependent on the Adjustment of pH and saturation of the external aqueous
uniformity of coating, which in turn was influenced by phase with the drug have been used to reduce the parti-
the formulation parameters. Kinetic studies revealed that tioning of the drug from the organic disperse phase to the
the desorption of drug from the resinate obeyed the typi- external aqueous phase and, thereby, to improve the drug
cal particle diffusion process, whereas the drug release from content of microcapsules.7 A water-in-oil-in-water ESE
the microencapsulated resinate followed the diffusion- technique has also been developed to encapsulate highly
controlled model in accordance with the Higuchi equation. water-soluble drugs.8,9 However, use of ion-exchange res-
PS appeared to be a suitable polymer to provide prolonged inate, instead of free drug, appears to be more useful in
release of diltiazem independent of the pH of the disso- achieving high loading of water-soluble drugs and pro-
lution media. longed release from the microcapsules prepared by the oil-
in-water ESE method. Various sulfonic acid and carboxylic
acid types of cation exchange resins such as Amberlite
and Dowex have been extensively used to provide drug-
KEYWORDS: Diltiazem, cation exchange resin, polystyrene resin complexes for subsequent microencapsulation.10-16
microcapsules, drug release, release kineticsR Indion 254, another sulfonic acid type of cation exchange
resin, has not been used for this purpose. Like other cation
exchange resins, Indion 254 forms resinates with cationic

Although different polymers such as ethylcellulose, poly-

Corresponding Author: Biswanath Sa, Division of methylmethacrylate, Eudragit RS 100,11 and cellulose acetate
Pharmaceutics, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, butyrate12 have been used to coat resinates by the oil-in-
Jadavpur University, Kolkata – 700 032, India. water ESE method, to the best of our knowledge polysty-
E-mail: rene (PS) has not been used to encapsulate the drug-resin
AAPS PharmSciTech 2006; 7 (2) Article 46 (

complex for achieving prolonged release. PS is the poly- Drug Content of Resinate
mer most often used to study phagocytosis, owing to its About 20 mg of accurately weighed resinate was shaken
ready availability, uniform size, stability, and nontoxic for 48 hours in 250 mL of USP phosphate buffer solution
properties.17 PS has also been used to encapsulate corrosion (pH 7.2) and then filtered. The filtrate, following suitable
inhibitors18 and unresinated ketoprofen in combination dilution, was assayed spectrophotometrically (Hitachi, 200-
with cellulose acetate butyrate19 and to prepare nanocap- 20, Tokyo, Japan) at 236 nm for diltiazem HCl.
sules as a carrier for human epithelium growth factor.20
There appears to be no report on the use of PS as a coating
material for resinates. Preparation of Microcapsules
The objective of this study was to examine the suitability Resinate-loaded PS microcapsules were prepared by the
of PS-coated microcapsules of diltiazem-Indion 254 com- oil-in-water ESE method. A known amount of resinate was
plex as a prolonged-released device and the effect of some dispersed in the dichloromethane solution of PS at 15-C
formulation variables on the various characteristics of the and was emulsified at 500 rpm in 150 mL of methylcellu-
resinate-loaded microcapsules. Diltiazem HCl has been lose mucilage maintained at 15-C. Stirring was continued
selected as a model water-soluble cationic drug. Moreover, at ambient temperature for 2 hours. The suspension of the
this calcium channel blocker, which is used to treat angina microcapsules was poured into 600 mL of cold deionized
pectoris, arrhythmias, and hypertension, appears to be a water and was stirred for 2 more hours. The resulting mi-
suitable drug candidate for microencapsulation because of crocapsules were vacuum-filtered, washed with 3 × 50 mL
its short biological half-life and frequent administration. deionized water, and dried at 50-C under the vacuum for
24 hours. The microcapsules were fractionated by sieving.

The following experimental parameters were varied: (1) keep-

ing the coat/core ratio and the volume of the organic dis-
Materials perse phase constant, the concentration of methylcellulose
Diltiazem HCl (Stadmed Pvt Ltd, Kolkata, India), sulfonic was varied from 0.025% to 0.2% wt/vol; (2) keeping the
acid cation exchange resin in Na+ form (Indion 254; Ion methylcellulose concentration and the coat/core ratio con-
Exchange (India) Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India), and PS (Grade stant, the volume of the organic disperse phase was varied
McG-100, general purpose; M/S Hindusthan Polymers, Kol- from 5 to 12 mL; and (3) keeping all the parameters con-
kata, India) were obtained as gift samples. Methylcellu- stant, the coat/core ratios were varied from 5:2 to 10:1.
lose (3000-4000 mps, Loba Chemi, Mumbai, India) and all
other reagents were obtained commercially and used as
Mean Diameter of Microcapsules
The microcapsules were placed on the top of a nest of Brit-
ish Standard sieves stacked from bottom to top in ascend-
ing order of aperture sizes ranging from 44 to 350 μm. The
Methods sieves were shaken using a mechanical shaker for 15 min-
Preparation of Resinate utes. The particles that passed through a 300-mesh screen
were studied under a microscope, found to be uncoated res-
Resins (300-350 mesh) were washed with deionized water
inate, and discarded. The microcapsules retained on each
(200 mL) and methanol (2 × 50 mL) to remove impurities.
sieve were weighed, and the arithmetic mean diameter was
The resins were activated by recycling alternately 3 times
with 1M NaOH (60 mL) and 1M HCl (60 mL) and wash-
ing after each treatment with deionized water. The resins in
hydrogen/acid form were washed with deionized water un- Drug Entrapment Efficiency of Microcapsules
til the elute was neutral and were then vacuum-dried at
50-C to constant weight. About 20 mg of accurately weighed resinate-containing mi-
crocapsules having a mean diameter of 163 µm were dis-
Resins of about 100 mg, accurately weighed, were stirred solved in 25 mL of chloroform. Exactly 250 mL of USP
at 30-C in 75 mL of diltiazem HCl solution (0.8 mg/mL) phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.2) was added, heated with
for 3 hours. The resulting resinates were separated by continuous stirring to remove chloroform, and cooled down
vacuum filtration and washed with deionized water until to 30-C. The stirring was continued for ~48 hours. Then the
the filtrate showed no absorbance at 236 nm for diltia- resinates were removed by filtering through Whatman filter
zem. The resinate was vacuum-dried at 50-C to constant paper. The filtrate following suitable dilution was assayed
weight. spectrophotometrically (Hitachi, 200-20) for diltiazem HCl

AAPS PharmSciTech 2006; 7 (2) Article 46 (

at 236 nm. Drug entrapment efficiency was determined as The coated surface was observed under a scanning electron
follows: microscope (Jeol, JSM-5200, Tokyo, Japan).

Experimental diltiazem content

Drug entrapment efficiency ¼  100 ð1Þ
Theoretical diltiazem content Statistical Analysis
Theoretical drug content ðmg=100mg of microcapsulesÞ Each formulation was prepared in duplicate, and each analy-
Amount of resinate taken  Drug content of resinate sis was duplicated. Statistical analysis of the data was per-
¼  100 ð2Þ
Total weight of microcapsules formed using analysis of variance (single factor) with the
aid of Microsoft Excel 2002. Differences were considered
Resinate encapsulation efficiency significant when P G .05.
After weighing, microcapsules were placed on the top of a
nest of British Standard sieves stacked from bottom to top in
ascending order of aperture sizes ranging from 44 to 350 μm.
The sieves were shaken using a mechanical shaker for In the absence of emulsifier, emulsification at 500 rpm in
15 minutes. The microcapsules retained in each sieve were deionized water of a disperse phase containing 18.57% wt/wt
weighed. The microcapsules retained on the sieve of ap- resinate in 5% wt/vol PS solution led to rapid coalescence of
erture size 44 μm were studied under a microscope and were the dispersed droplets, resulting in the formation of an ag-
found to be uncoated resinate and discarded. The resinate glomerated mass. Although 0.4% sodium lauryl sulfate was
encapsulation efficiency was determined as follows: reported to stabilize ethylcellulose microcapsules containing
unresinated sulphathiazole,21 neither sodium lauryl sulfate
Resinate encapsulation efficiency ð%Þ
(0.01%-0.1%) nor Tween 80 (0.01%-0.1%) was capable of
Amount of resinate taken  Amount of uncoated resinate stabilizing the resinate-loaded PS microcapsules. However,
¼  100 ð3Þ
Amount of resinate taken methylcellulose (0.025%-0.2%) was found to stabilize the
emulsion and to form nonagglomerated microcapsules. The
Drug Release Study formulation parameters that were varied to prepare the PS
microcapsules have been presented in Table 1. Sieve analy-
In vitro release of diltiazem from the resinate (48.5 µm) sis revealed that out of the average yield of ~92%, more
and the microcapsules (mean diameter 163 µm) was moni- than 66% (by weight) of the microcapsules were within
tored in 900 mL of simulated gastric fluid (SGF; 0.1N HCl, the size range of 111.5 to 323.5 μm. However, the size dis-
pH 1.2) and simulated intestinal fluid (SIF; USP phosphate tribution pattern was influenced by the various formulation
buffer solution, pH 7.2) at 37 ± 1-C using a programmable parameters.
dissolution tester (paddle type, Electrolab, model TDT-06P
(USP), Mumbai, India) at 100 and 50 rpm, respectively.
Aliquots were removed at predetermined times and were Size Distribution of Microcapsules
replenished immediately with the same volume of fresh
media. The aliquots, following suitable dilution, were as- Effect of Concentration of Emulsion Stabilizer
sayed spectrophotometrically at 236 nm. An increase in the concentration of emulsion stabilizer in-
creased the diameter of the microcapsules (Table 2). As
the concentration of emulsion stabilizer was increased, the
Scanning Electron Microscopy viscosity of the aqueous dispersion medium increased,
The dried microcapsules were mounted onto stubs using which hindered the initial breakdown of the disperse phase
double-sided adhesive tape and vacuum-coated with gold into the smaller droplets and led to the formation of bigger
film using a sputter coater (Edward S 150, Watford, UK). microcapsules.

Table 1. Formulation Parameters of Polystyrene Microcapsules

Formulation Methylcellulose Concentration in Aqueous Formulation Coat/Core Formulation Mean Diameter
Code Dispersion Medium (% wt/vol)* Code Ratio† Code (µm)‡
A 0.025 E 5:1 G 6
B 0.05 F 10:1 H 9
C 0.1 I 12
D 0.2
*Coat/core ratio 5:2; volume of dichloromethane 10 mL.
†Methylcellulose in aqueous dispersion medium 0.1% wt/vol; volume of dichloromethane 10 mL.
‡Methylcellulose in aqueous dispersion medium 0.1% wt/vol; coat/core ratio 5:2.

AAPS PharmSciTech 2006; 7 (2) Article 46 (

Table 2. Effect of Formulation Variables on Mean Diameter, (Table 2). The gradual augmentation of the microcapsules’
Resinate Encapsulation Efficiency, and Drug Entrapment diameter with increases in the coat/core ratio was attributed
Efficiency of Resinate-Loaded Polystyrene Microcapsules to the higher viscosity of the disperse phase, which in turn
Resinate increased the interfacial viscosity, making the breakdown
Encapsulation Drug Entrapment of the disperse phase into smaller droplets difficult.
Mean Efficiency (%) Efficiency(%) of
Formulation Diameter of Unsieved Microcapsules
Code (µm) Microcapsules Having 163 µm
Resinate Encapsulation Efficiency of Microcapsules
A 127 40.14 ± 1.03 39.02
B 139 63.38 ± 0.98 61.26 The resinate encapsulation efficiency of the microcapsules
C 161 79.11 ± 0.56 77.76 was found to be influenced by the concentration of emul-
D 165 80.89 ± 0.94 80.13 sion stabilizer, the coat/core ratio, and the volume of the
E 195 92.88 ± 1.40 92.19 organic disperse phase (Table 2). Increases in the concen-
F 207 94.46 ± 0.91 93.98 tration of emulsion stabilizer and the coat/core ratio and
G 246 98.55 ± 1.22 98.00 decreases in the volume of the organic disperse phase in-
H 175 88.33 ± 1.14 87.60 creased the resinate encapsulation efficiency of the micro-
I 135 50.95 ± 0.85 45.80 capsules. It has been reported that the resinate encapsulation
efficiency of microcapsules prepared by the oil-in-water
ESE method is related to the partitioning of the resinate
Effect of Volume of Organic Disperse Phase
from the organic disperse phase to the aqueous dispersion
To investigate the effect of the volume of the organic disperse medium and that increases in the drug loading make the
phase on the size distribution of the microcapsules, the vol- resinate more hydrophobic and decrease the partitioning of
ume of dichloromethane was varied from 5 to 12 mL; the the resinate in the aqueous phase, increasing the resinate
results are shown in Table 2. Increasing the volume of the encapsulation efficiency.11 Since, in the present study, the
organic disperse phase decreased the diameter of the micro- maximum drug-loaded resinate was used for encapsulation,
capsules. At the lowest volume, the disperse phase was highly the encapsulation efficiency appeared to depend on the vis-
viscous, adhered to the propeller shaft and vessel wall, and cosity of both the disperse phase and the aqueous disper-
was agglomerated. When the volume was increased above sion medium. Low viscosity of the dispersion medium and
this level, the disperse phase became more and more fluid disperse phase, resulting from decreases in the concentration
and was converted into particles of gradually decreasing sizes. of the emulsion stabilizer and coat/core ratio and increases in
the volume of the organic disperse phase, enabled the res-
inate situated at the periphery of the microcapsules to hy-
Effect of Coat/Core Ratio drate and swell easily, leading to rupture of the microcapsules
With the concentration of emulsion stabilizer and the vol- and liberation of resinate in the aqueous dispersion medium.
ume of the organic disperse phase constant, increasing the Scanning electron microscope studies of the gross morphol-
coat/core ratio increased the diameter of the microcapsules ogy of the microcapsules (Figure 1) also demonstrated that

Figure 1. Scanning electron micrographs of 6 formulations of resinate-loaded polystyrene microcapsules.

AAPS PharmSciTech 2006; 7 (2) Article 46 (

as the concentration of emulsion stabilizer and the coat/core

ratio were increased and the volume of the organic disperse
phase was decreased, the amount of fractured microcap-
sules decreased and more uniformly coated microcapsules
were formed.

Drug Entrapment Efficiency of Microcapsules

The drug content in the resinate was experimentally found
to be 38.41%. Therefore, at a coat/core ratio of 5:2, 5:1,
and 10:1, the drug entrapment efficiency of the resinate-
loaded microcapsules theoretically should be 10.97%,
6.40%, and 3.49%, respectively. However, the drug entrap-
ment efficiency was found to be influenced by the formu-
lation parameters and was related to resinate encapsulation
efficiency (Table 2). Increasing the concentration of the
emulsion stabilizer increased the drug entrapment effi- Figure 3. Release of diltiazem from resinate-loaded polystyrene
ciency of the microcapsules. On the other hand, decreasing microcapsules in simulated gastric fluid (dotted line) and
the volume of the organic disperse phase and increasing the simulated intestinal fluid (firm line).
coat/core ratio tended to increase the drug entrapment ef-
ficiency. It has been reported that the drug entrapment ef- Indion 254 resin-drug complex was found to be indepen-
ficiency is closely related to the initial coat/core ratio and dent of pH. The release of drug from the microcapsules was
polymer concentration.12 slower than that from the uncoated resinate, and the retar-
dation of drug release was influenced by the formulation
parameters. Figure 2 shows that increasing the concentra-
Drug Release From Microcapsules tion of emulsion stabilizer from 0.025% to 0.2% decreased
the release of the drug: as significant difference (P G .05)
The release profiles of the drug from uncoated resinate and
coated resinate prepared using different concentrations of was observed among the dissolution efficiency parameters
(DEP).23 However, beyond 0.1% no significant effect of
the emulsion stabilizer appear in Figure 2. The drug re-
lease from the uncoated resinate was rapid and complete in the emulsion stabilizer in retarding the drug release was
observed. Similarly, the microcapsules that were prepared
2.5 hours. Although drug release from Dowex 2  10 resin
has been reported to be slower in SGF than in SIF because using a decreased amount of the organic disperse phase and
a higher coat/core ratio discharged the drug more slowly
of the larger size of the exchanging phosphate anion and
(Figures 3 and 4). The observation could be corroborated
the lower affinity of the functional groups of the resin for
phosphate,22 in the present study the drug release from the

Figure 2. Release of diltiazem from resinate (▲) and resinate- Figure 4. Release of diltiazem from resinate-loaded polystyrene
loaded polystyrene microcapsules in simulated gastric fluid microcapsules in simulated gastric fluid (dotted line) and
(dotted line) and simulated intestinal fluid (firm line). simulated intestinal fluid (firm line).

AAPS PharmSciTech 2006; 7 (2) Article 46 (

increased the path length through which the drug molecule

had to diffuse and the time required to transverse the mem-
brane and, hence, made the drug release slower from the
microcapsules. The release profiles further indicated that the
drug release from the microencapsulated resinates was in-
dependent of pH. Since the gastric residence time of micro-
particles is short, the DEP in SGF and SIF were compared
up to 5 hours. No significant difference (P 9 .05) in DEP in
SGF and SIF was noted in each of the formulations. In-
terestingly, the shape of the microcapsules after the disso-
lution studies was found to be unaltered (Figure 5). This
indicates that the PS coating provided sufficient resistance
to prevent the rupture of the coating film that would nor-
mally result from the rehydration and swelling of the dried
Figure 5. Scanning electron micrographs of resinate-loaded
resinate, and hence, that the process does not require any
polystyrene microcapsules after in vitro release study of
impregnating agent. There was a similar observation for the
Formulation C.
microcapsules prepared with nylon polymer.26
by the morphology of the microcapsules and the complex
drug release mechanism involving penetration of counter
Kinetics of Drug Release
ions into the microcapsules, ion exchange, and subsequent
diffusion of the free drug from the microcapsules. Although The exchange of drug from the uncoated resinate was found
PS is nonporous and not easily permeated by aqueous me- to follow the particle diffusion process in accordance with
dia, porosity develops during the preparation of microcap- the equation proposed by Reichenberg in 1953.27 The drug
sules/microspheres by the solvent evaporation technique; exchange data also fit well into the equation developed by
water-insoluble drugs such as ibuprofen and indomethacin Bhaskar et al (1986),28 confirming that the release rate from
have been reported to be released for a prolonged period the resin was controlled by particle diffusion (Table 3).
from PS microspheres.24,25 Use of a low concentration of Drug release from the coated resinates has also been re-
emulsion stabilizer resulted in the formation of fractured, ported to follow the particle diffusion process.26,29,30 How-
porous, and unevenly coated microcapsules that provided ever, diltiazem release from the PS-coated resinates was
easy access to the counter ions. This resulted in compara- found to deviate from the particle diffusion mechanism.
tively rapid release of the drug. At higher concentrations of Hence, the data were fitted into the Korsmeyer-Peppas31
emulsion stabilizer, the microcapsules were well formed, equation Mt/Mα = atn, where a is a constant incorporating
less porous, and uniformly coated. Consequently, the typi- structural and geometric characteristics of the dosage form;
cal drug release mechanism of the microencapsulated resin- n is the release exponent, indicative of the drug release
ate became operative, resulting in a slower release. Similarly, mechanism; and the function of t is Mt/Mα (fractional re-
increases in the coat/core ratio and decreases in the volume lease of drug). Acceptable linearity was observed, and the
of the organic disperse phase increased the amount of values of n varied from 0.43 to 0.53 (Table 3). This indicates
polymer, which not only caused uniform coating but also that the Fickian type of transport mechanism might be op-
increased the coating thickness of the microcapsules. This erative in the release of diltiazem from the microencapsulated

Table 3. Effect of Formulation Factors on Diltiazem Release Kinetics Data from Polystyrene Microcapsules at pH 7.2
Bhaskar’s Equation Korsmeyer-Peppas’s Equation Higuchi Equation
Formulation Correlation Coefficient Correlation Coefficient Correlation Coefficient Diffusion Rate
Code (r2) (r2) n (r2) (KH) (h–1/2)
A 0.888 0.962 0.52 0.964 29.97
B 0.962 0.986 0.53 0.982 29.45
C 0.955 0.996 0.45 0.997 27.41
D 0.940 0.994 0.50 0.997 27.52
E 0.990 0.991 0.43 0.989 22.87
F 0.990 0.996 0.44 0.996 19.29
G 0.956 0.987 0.47 0.983 21.65
H 0.913 0.998 0.47 0.990 27.36
I 0.857 0.983 0.47 0.996 29.48

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