Nestlé” is a Swiss-German word which means “Little Nest” which is its trademark
Nestlé is the worlds’ number one food company 5th largest company of the world
according to its turn over 2 million 31 thousand people employed from all over the
world Present in 86 countries of the globe having 522 factories Over 700 products
renovated or innovated in the past five years, with wellness in mind. In the 1860s
Henri Nestlé, a pharmacist, developed a food for babies who were unable to
breastfeed. His first success was a premature infant who could not tolerate his
mother’s milk or any of the usual substitutes. High infant mortality rates, and the
lack of suitable replacement foods for babies with no access to breast milk, were
the motivation behind Henri Nestlé’s invention of Farine Lactee. He was also able
to offer his food — to convalescent and elderly people, thus laying the foundations
of today’s concept of nutrition. He said, “The thought that my invention could save
the lives of so many children counted enormously, the financial gain was not the
prime motivation.
Product Lines:
Quality and nutritional value are the essential ingredients in all brands of Nestlé.
Millions of people prefer Nestlé products every day, happy with the addition to
their wellness that they bring. Nestlé is giving its products in 10 different
categories of food with 75 brands. These food categories with
Organizational structure is the formal framework by which jobs tasks are divided,
grouped, and coordinated. Nestlé is a function-based organization. The tasks are
divided into separate jobs and then these jobs are grouped together under different
departments i.e. functional departmentalization is found in organization. Each
major area is kept under the manager who is specialist in that concerned field and
is responsible for all activities, which that department