Lab 11 ANOVA 2way Worksheet
Lab 11 ANOVA 2way Worksheet
Lab 11 ANOVA 2way Worksheet
Fill in different amounts for the means for the H0: µ and HA: µ, n, σ, α level. Use the update button to see what
your choices do to the power (probability) of your data finding significance.
PART 2: Using SPSS to analyze two-way ANOVA problems. Open the data file called Dating.sav.
Click ANALYZE, General Linear Model, Univariate (because you have just 1 DV) to get into the dialog box
where you have to specify your DV and different types of IVs. We will use attract and approach as Fixed Factors
and time as the DV. Under Options chose descriptive statistics.
Write a few sentences in APA style to describe these results. Include both which effects are significant and
then describe the findings in terms of this study (including both IV and DV). Remember that if significant,
interactions should be discussed first and are the primary findings, because the main effects are qualified by
the interaction.
PART 3: For this part you will be using the dataset “anorexia. sav”. It is located on the K: drive in the folder
Psych 248 Huselid DATA. Remember, the data is simulated (made up) data and so you should not give any
validity to the results you get other than that this is to help you learn how to run 2-way ANOVA.
1. Look at the Medication variable. How many levels does it have? _________
Look at the Therapy-type variable. How many levels does it have? _________
How many different groups would there be in this ANOVA analysis? ________
2. Now, run a two-factor ANOVA by going to ANALYZE GENERAL LINEAR MODEL
UNIVARIATE [enter the correct dependent variable, and select the two independent variables and put
them into the fixed factors section; CLICK on PLOTS and put therapy_type into horizonatal axis,
medication into separate lines and click ADD; click OPTIONS and check off descriptive statistics and
homogeneity tests]. Paste your syntax and then highlight the syntax and click run.
a. What are the results of the Levene’s Test of Equal Variances? Can we assume homogeneity?
b. Based on the plot graph, which group had the greatest mean weight change?
c. Based on the graph, is there an interaction between therapy type and medication? How can you tell?
3. Run a post-hoc test (Tukey) only on the factor or interaction that is significant. Describe the results of
the post-hoc if you do one, and state which level of which factor showed the greatest weight change.
a. List the 95% confidence intervals for the pairs that show a significant difference.
Explain what the 95% confidence interval means.
4. Calculate effect size (eta squared) for any factors that are significant.
a. How do you interpret this effect size?
5. Explain the results of these analyses in 1 or 2 APA style sentences. Include any factors that are
significant, results of the post-hoc, confidence intervals and effect sizes.