Critical Thinking Can Be Defined As Disciplined Thinking Regulated by Clear
Critical Thinking Can Be Defined As Disciplined Thinking Regulated by Clear
Critical Thinking Can Be Defined As Disciplined Thinking Regulated by Clear
Thinking Skills are just like other skills, they need to be explicitly taught and
practiced in all subject areas so that students can apply them in all their learning.
As students learn, they go beyond the information given to them, and are able to
help students to construct their own learning and build their capacity to do
In our daily lives, students and people in general face problems every single day;
some maybe simple while others complex. In order to find the solutions to everyday
problems, one need to have thinking skills. Thinking skills are sequences of
choices, made via various mental process. Your repertoire of thinking skills
comprises your strengths and weaknesses in each skills area (Richard Nelson-
Jones, 1989). But it is insufficient just to know what a thinking skill is. You have to
use it when required. Effectively using your thinking skills helps you to both prevent
2000; as cited by Dr. Haresh & Dr. Anton, 2013). Critical thinking skill emphasizes
on analytical ability; how to logically follow an argument, how to compare, classify
and sequence, and how to use deductive and inductive reason to arrive at a
personal prejudices and biases, to prepare and come up with convincing reasons
thinking that improves the chances of new thoughts transpiring. Creative thinking
involves thinking outside the box which can be difficult at times. There are five
five characteristics can help you build up your creative abilities if you are willing to
make the effort to develop them. Lateral thinking is defined as a way of solving a
problem in which you use your imagination to try to think about it in a different or
manner, lateral thinking has the ability of transforming problems into opportunity
search for alternative solutions and significantly increase your number of original
and practical ideas employing unusual thinking techniques that are normally not
products that are valid within the context of available knowledge and experience
and that promote continued growth in these and other intellectual skills. Higher
order thinking skills are grounded in lower order skills such as discriminations,
simple application and analysis, and cognitive strategies and are linked to prior
logical thinking, inductive thinking, analytical thinking and analogical thinking. The
definition of thinking skills, adopted in this study was, the process of using the mind
of ideas or products and to make a good judgement for problem solving and
decision making, reflection and metacognition of the experienced process ([18 and
[19]). However, thinking skills discussed in this study only focuced on critical
thinking skills, creative thinking skills, problem solving skills and decision-making
Educators must not only have sound knowledge about the subject in their fields to
promote thinking skills among students, they must also be well equipped with good
pedagogical knowledge to improve students' thinking skills and general skills in the
context of the subject matter [20]. [21] explained that, the dimensions of thinking
thinking into the "knowledge of the elemental thinking". [21] further mentioned that,
there were four sub-categories, which were very useful for future references to
thinking skills.
The delivery of quality health care in today’s environment requires that learners
good thinking skills. These are the skills that will enable them to apply successfully
they learn in class to workplace situations in which their actions and decisions have
potentially serious consequences. Knowing how to observe, assess, ask
questions, see relationships, and draw conclusions are skills that require
practice. It is a large order for instructors, who have a great deal of technical
information to
Long after memorized facts are forgotten, learners can use their ability to think to
research and gather needed facts and information. Learning to learn is more
critical today
than ever because of the rapid changes taking place in society in general and
health care in
The authors have included features to assist instructors in the challenging task of
teaching thinking skills to their learners. The following suggestions draw on the
elements in
mind. These are named according to the operations performed; problem solving,
reflective thinking, creative thinking, reasoning and so on. These are the reasons
thinking, the individual must use the thinking process in an effective and
needs to construct his thinking system in a good way (Fisher, 2005, Ersoy & Basar,
unlike feelings, impressions and designs, is defined as the independent and unique
outcome of all
college (university) graduates (Oliver, 2001; Perkins & Murphy, 2006). Social
believe that collaborative work can help problem solving or learning performance
2008). There are few studies which focus on critical thinking (Perkins & Murphy,
Khine, Yeap & Lok, 2003). With appropriate course design and instructional
interventions, critical
(Yang, Newby
& Bill, 2005). The asynchronous discussion forum affords students the time for
thoughtful analysis,
instructors to model foster and evaluate the critical thinking skills exhibited during
the discussion.
Though difficult to foster, teaching and learning critical thinking is worth the effort
according to
research in the area (Yang, Newby & Bill, 2005; Perkins & Murphy, 2006).
Mathematics teaching has always exalted its goal of aiming to develop the ability
to solve a
instruction thus should ideally emphasize the process (how to solve) rather than
the final answer). Problem solving has been operationally defined as a ‘process’
by which students
apply previously acquired skills and knowledge to new and unfamiliar situations
(Branca, 1980;
Kosiak, 2004; Krulik & Rudnick,1989; NCTM, 2000). Problem solving engages
and is believed to be among the most authentic, relevant, and important skills that
learners can
develop. Thus, critical thinking is often associated with problem solving. Critical
thinking is a form
of problem solving, but a major difference between the two is that critical thinking
reasoning about open ended or “ill structured” problems, while problem solving is
discussed critical
thinking involved in solving complex problems as: representing the problem in
context, formulate
sub problems, testing, presenting, justifying the solutions chosen. But much more
than analyzing
arguments, critical thinking is a larger process which includes not only discovery
Experts define higher order thinking skills (HOTS) with different approaches and
viewpoints. Resnick (1987: 44) argues that HOTS is hard to define, but easily
the characteristics of HOTS as follows: (1) non-algorithmic, meaning that the action
steps can not be fully determined at the beginning; (2) tends to be complex,
meaning that steps can not be seen or predictable directly from a certain
perspective; (3) often produces a lot of solutions rather than a single solution; (4)
structure of the irregularity; and (9) requires effortfull. If examined closely, the
general characteristics of HOTS above demonstrates the need for unusual thought
processes or thinking that is more complex and requires an unusual effort anyway.
Thomas & Thorne (2009) state that “higher level thinking is thinking on a level that
is higher than memorizing facts or telling something back to someone exactly the
way it was told to you”. Furthermore Thomas & Thorne (2009) state that “higher
level thinking requires that we do something with the facts. We must understand
them, infer from them, connect them to other facts and concepts, categorize them,
manipulate them, put them together in new or novel ways, and apply them as we
seek new solutions to new problems”. In line with these opinions, Lewis & Smith
(1993: 136) states that “higher order thinking occurs when a person takes new
perplexing situations”. From the opinions that have been raised before it can be
concluded that HOTS demand for more complex thinking in dealing with situations
or solve a problem.
cognitive activity or thinking skills at a high level. In this case, the term is usually
contrasted with the term HOTS LOTS (Lower Order Thinking Skills). Saido, Siraj,
Nordin, & Al-Amedy (2015: 18) states that the LOTS only require routine
memory beforehand and enter the numbers into the formula that has been studied
before, while HOTS requires students to interpret, analyze, or manipulate
Some experts, including Fisher (2010: 375) classifies the cognitive process
cognitive process by Krulik & Rudnick (1999: 138), explained that the critical
thinking and creative thinking as HOTS, while recall and basic included in LOTS.
Krathwohl (2001), Liu (2010: 54) argues that the dimension of the cognitive
Based on some of these opinions can be concluded that HOTS is thinking skills
that are more complex in solving various non algorhitmic problems that include
thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do. Eggen & Kauchak (2012:
111) states that critical thinking is the ability and the tendency of a person to make
and assess the conclusions based on evidence. Based on those two opinions, the
critical thinking can be interpreted as an attempt to process and evaluate the
opinion stated Arends & Kilcher (2010: 233), as many of our readers know, critical
thinking focuses on thinking that is reflective and that is directed toward analyzing
based on evidence and sound judgment. This suggests that the critical thinking
skills provide proper guidance in thinking and working, and help in finding
relationship among elements are known. Thus the critical thinking skills so
Based on the opinion of experts, to determine the indicators of HOTS from the
Based on the results of the synthesis of the above, it can be concluded that in
general critical thinking characterized by their ability to analyze and evaluate. The
ability to analyze emphasis on the ability to specify something basic elements into
parts and see the relationship between these sections. Anderson & Krathwhol
(2001: 79) argues that the ability to analyze operationally characterized by their
Krathwohl (2001: 83), the ability to evaluate the ability can be defined as ability to
make an assessment (judgment) based on the criteria and certain standards. This
ability according to Anderson & Krathwohl (2001: 83) is characterized by the ability
A further aspect in HOTS is creative thinking. In a lot of levels of thinking that has
been compiled by experts, many of which put creative thinking as the highest levels
of thinking. Krulik & Rudnick (Warli & Yuliana, 2015: 211) states that “creative
thinking is thinking that is original and reflective and that produces a complex
product. ... includes synthesizing ideas, generating new ideas, and determining
reviews their effectiveness. ... the ability to make-decisions ...”. Other opinions
materials that are known to generate original ideas and elaborating perspective.
Arends & Kilcher (2010: 233) argues that creative thinking is another type of
cognitive skills and abilities for coming up with novel solutions to problem
situations. The opinion states that creative thinking is usually associated with
cognitive skills and the ability to find a new solution of the problem. While Perkins
(1988: 58) states that creative thinking leads to creative outcomes, someone said
that creativity is defined as putting things in new ways, observing the other things
to keep working to make things interesting, and the like. In line with these opinions,
Garaigordobil & Berrueco (2011: 609) states that creativity is the capacity to
Effective learning is expected to not only facilitate students to develop the ability
of memorizing, understanding of the concept and its application, but also must
facilitate the students to be able to develop high order thinking skills. Thus the
teacher must have appropriate learning strategies in order to meet these demands.
Learning strategies that can be used to develop HOTS students in the class are
summarized in the opinion of King, Goodson, & Soul (2010) are as follows:
3) The presentation of no more than fifteen minutes and adjusted the process gain
7) Activities in learning tasks that involve challenging the need for students,
Further results of research conducted by Miri, David, and Uri (2007) proposes
three strategies of learning in high school that can be used to develop HOTS,
namely: (1) providing real-world problems in the classroom; (2) provide an open
classroom discussion; and (3) guide students conduct investigations and research.
Thus the effective learning to develop HOTS students are essentially involves the
students to play an active role in the learning process itself. Besides giving
In more detail Murray (2011) suggest that in HOTS facilitate the learning of
mathematics can be focused on the following aspects: (1) mastery of content and
cognitive and metacognitive strategies; (4) the mathematical relationship with life
and other disciplines; (5) the application of knowledge to solve problems; (6)
submitted by teachers; and (8) habituation critical thinking. This suggests that the
ability to think critically is one of the capabilities that need to be trained in order to
develop HOTS students. Therefore, for effective learning to develop HOTS should
Based on some opinions on the above, it can be concluded that for effective
to make the process more complex thinking. To realize that the activities can be
done: (1) elaboration; (2) small group discussions, peer tutoring, and cooperative
learning; (3) The problem solving; and (4) metacognitive and critical thinking
activities. The main role of the teacher in this case is to give feedback on any
Saido, Siraj, Nordin, & Al-Amedy (2015) stated that the strategy can be used to
demand for math teachers to have the skills to provide the problems that can
develop students’ HOTS. Here is one example of the use of problem oriented
students’ HOTS in mathematics quoted from PISA (Ward & Rumiati, 2011: 31).
The training model misses the most salient fact about implementation: that it is a
and socio-cultural context, physical resources, student needs, and pedagogical
goals. The
innovation process doesn't end, but begins, with the teacher. (p. 140)
Thinking involves critical and creative aspects of the mind. In our thinking process,
mind. These are named according to the operations performed; problem solving,
reflective thinking, creative thinking, reasoning and so on. These are the reasons
thinking, the individual must use the thinking process in an effective and
needs to construct his thinking system in a good way (Fisher, 2005, Ersoy & Basar,
unlike feelings, impressions and designs, is defined as the independent and unique
associated with many fields, and can develop to a certain degree (Maddox, 2002).
important feature that distinguishes man from other living things, means being able
experienced events; to interpret and rearrange them from its own point of view.
education constitutes one of the most important building blocks of basic education.
solving apart from gaining calculation skills and teaching numbers and
skills are learned, develop and support each other as they are used, mathematical
make meaningful or develop one another (Olkun & Toluk, 2006). A mathematical
world. Physical, mental, and emotional connections are seen as requirements that
& Bukova, 2005). It can be said that mathematical thinking is a form of thinking
numbers and abstract mathematical concepts but also in daily life (Yesildere &
involves all important skills such as logical and analytic thinking as well as
statistical thinking develop creative and critical thinking (Mason, Burton, & Stacey,
When looked at the studies on mathematical thinking, it is evident that the studies
common. (Alkan & Bukova, 2005; Yesildere & Turnuklu, 2007; Arslan & Yildiz,
Celik & Erduran, 2013; Ersoy & Guner, 2014; Gibney, 2014; Herlina, 2015; Saragih
Henderson & Hudson, A, 2016). The authors emphasize the need for continuous
in mathematics education.
Coskuner, Gacar & Yanlic, 2010; Certel, Catikkas & Yalcınkaya, 2011; Hekim &
Kucuk & Oncu, 2014; Kiremitci & Canpolat, 2014; Holmes, Liden & Shin 2013,
2013; Chatzipanteli, Digelidis, Karatzoglidis & Dean, 2014; Furley & Memmert,
High Order
Thinking Skills
The high technology like computers and calculators has profoundly changed the
essential for learning, but also how mathematics is done and what attitude towards
thinking processes and attitude are also essential core components for
its emphasis to the fostering of HOTS. In general, measures of high order thinking
include all intellectual tasks that call for more than the retrieval of information.
Therefore, in broad terms, HOTS can be considered as the skills required for
performing these tasks. Five fundamental HOTS have been identified in the
Syllabus. They are: problem solving skills, inquiring skills, reasoning skills,
these skills and use them to construct their mathematical knowledge, and hence
Teachers should note the following four points. First, there is no simple, clear and
universally accepted definition of HOTS. In fact, they may be arranged into several
complex; it involves self-regulation of the thinking process and often yields multiple
solutions to tasks. This generally agreed features of HOTS give rise to the common
High Order
Thinking Skills
This technique gives students chances to think about mathematics and to talk
Second, the five HOTS cannot be easily isolated from each other in mathematical
work. For example, a student using reasoning skills to solve a problem may also
compiled in this teaching package only demonstrate the main HOTS which can be
Third, HOTS can be taught in isolation from specific contents, but incorporating
into content areas seems to be a popular way of teaching these skills. The key to
generalizing HOTS into a content area is for the student to focus on a skill that was
Fourth, computer provides an excellent tool for teaching HOTS because of its
interactive capabilities and its ability to present and stimulate problems. The
computer is an effective medium to help teach the skills initially and to promote
generalizations. Using a computer enables students to spend more time on the
thinking tasks rather than on peripheral and trivial activities. It indirectly enhances
thinking skills by making it possible for students to spend their overall time more
High Order
Thinking Skills
solve a problem, students draw on their knowledge and develop new mathematical
a plan of solving the problem, carrying out the plan, examining the reasonableness
the result and making evaluation2. These four phases have formed a framework
a procedure for determining the solution is not known. Intuition may also be
may make conjectures and try many different ways to tackle the problem. Teachers
should note that any method, which can be properly used to solve a problem is a
method is too long or too complicated. Instead, teachers should guide the student
demonstrate their problem solving skill. However, teachers should note that
problems of the similar type, even they are non-routine or open-ended problems,
when done repeatedly, will become routine problems and hence lose their function
fostering students’ HOTS.
Teachers should note that problem solving is more than solving problems. The
involves strategy of writing down the rule (or formula), demonstrating how to use
rule and providing exercises to students for practising the rule. The former, on the
High Order
Thinking Skills
Inquiring Skills
Posing questions is one popularly adopted means to guide students to make
discover similarities, differences, patterns and trends. Students may also be asked
Inquiring activities designed should cope with the abilities of students so that they
arrange students in small groups (whenever possible) because it is easier for them
put forward their ideas. The following list of verbs may be helpful in guiding
Inquiring activities usually requires some teaching aids. Teachers should therefore
make proper preparations well before the lesson so that adequate sets of aids are
• Will students be grouped when performing the activities? If yes, how many
• How can we ensure that the right amount of guidance (in the form of hints or
questions) is provided? (It should be noted that either insufficient or too much
• When computers are available, what software could be used? Is there sufficient
High Order
Thinking Skills
Communicating Skills
Communication involves receiving and sharing ideas and can be expressed in the
build meaning for ideas. Through the communication process, students learn to be
clear and convincing in presenting their mathematical ideas, which definitely help
However, it should be noted that both oral and written language are needed to
describe, explain and justify mathematical ideas. These abilities can help students
clarify their thinking and sharpen their understanding of concepts and procedures.
consolidate their mathematical understandings.
students with a record of their own thinking and ideas. Moreover, the process of
Investigative activities and project work are ideal tasks for developing students’
own responses and encourage divergent or creative thinking furnish fertile areas
communication. Small group discussions and debates are also helpful. They can
be used to encourage students to read, write and discuss their mathematical ideas.
groupings for facilitating students to share their ideas. Small collaborative groups
Thinking Skills
Reasoning Skills
while deductive reasoning moves from the other way round, that is, from the more
general to the more specific. By its very nature, the inductive reasoning method is
more open-ended and exploratory and the deductive one is narrower in nature and
etc., students are able to understand and appreciate the power of reasoning and
produce proofs, which entail logical deductions of conclusions from theories and
in different contexts.
High Order
Thinking Skills
processes. Questions which are useful to help students develop their reasoning
• If the lines are not parallel, the theorem is not true. Why?
Conceptualizing Skills
ideas and generalize from the particular experiences. The formation of concepts
mathematical concepts from the examples and use these concepts to solve
problems in
unfamiliar situations.
When a new concept is introduced (like “All symmetrical triangles are similar.”),
be asked to explore the information relevant to the concept (like similar triangles
symmetrical triangles) and classify the similarities and differences in the examples.