General Education Drill #4 (50 Items) : A. Establish Justice B. Secure The Blessings
General Education Drill #4 (50 Items) : A. Establish Justice B. Secure The Blessings
General Education Drill #4 (50 Items) : A. Establish Justice B. Secure The Blessings
General Education Drill #4 (50 Items) develop peace and solve their problems?
a. Christianity b. Islam c. Buddhism d. Judaism
1. Areas in both the tundra and subarctic zones have 15. Which battle/attack signified the beginning of the American
frozen layers of soil called... Civil War?
a. steppes b. permafrost a. Battle of Lexington and Concord b. Attack on Fort Henry
c. ice caps d. grasslands c. Attack at Fort Sumter d. Attack at Fort Summer
2. Which Gladiator carries a dagger and shield and also 16 Which religion has the 4 Noble Truths?
wears a leather belt and leg band? a. Hinduism b. Islam c. Christianity d. Buddhism
a. Andabatus b. Thracian
c. Myrmillo d. Secutor 17 .The Native Americans called these crops the 'Three Sisters' a.
Watermelons, strawberries and peanuts
3. The world's first nation state was created in b. Tomatoes, avocados and potatoes
a. Egypt b. India
c. Peas, collards and pumpkins
c. England d. New York
d. Corn, squash and beans
4. The framers designed a system of checks and balances
18. Who was the leader of the Nazi's during World War II?
a. Tony Blair b. Stalin c. Adolf Hitler d. King George
a. share power between the states.
b. make it difficult to amend the Constitution.
c. make the Constitution the supreme law of the land. 19 ____ is directing water from the source to an area where
d. keep any one branch of government from becoming too there is no water.
powerful. a. Flooding b. Trapping c. Irrigating
5. What is the longest river in the United States? 20 Supporters of the new Constitution were known as
a. Missouri River b. Nile Rile a. Republicans b. Patriots c. Anti-federalists d. Federalists
c. Mississippi River d. Colorado River
21 How was Harold Godwinson rumoured to have been killed at
6. The duties of American citizens include obeying laws, the Battle of Hastings?
paying taxes, defending the nation, serving in court, and a. Head chopped off b. Arrow in the eye
a. attending church b. attending school c. Sword in the heart d. Fell off his horse
c. volunteering d. voting
22 What River did Mexico say was the southern boundary of
7. In the Preamble, what phrase means "maintaining Texas?
peace and order" in our country? a. Rio Grande River b. Brazos River
a. Establish Justice b. Secure the Blessings c. Red River d. Nueces River
c. Insure domestic tranquility d. We the people
23 Volunteerism involves giving ____to others without receiving
8. What is the largest desert in the world? payment.
a. Sahara b. Arabian a. money b. orders c. responsibilities d. time and services
c. Kalahari d. Gobi
24 The branch of government that carries out laws is
9. In what year did America officially declare war against a. Executive b. Electoral College c. Judicial d. Legislative
a. 1893 b. 1895 c. 1898 d. 1901
25 What is the term for the dominance and power asserted by
one nation over less powerful nations?
10. Which of the following supports the claim that benefits of
a. Socialism b. Imperialism c. Domesticism d. Racism
the Columbian Exchange did not outweigh the drawbacks?
a. Without Columbus's discovery there'd be no United States
26 What is the name of the political party most often associated
b. Native Americans were introduced to horses
with Nelson Mandela?
c. Native Americans were exposed to many European diseases
a. National Party b. African National Congress
like small pox
c. South African Worker's Party d. Socialist Party of South Africa
d. Food became cheaper for many Europeans
27 The Sahara Desert is:
11. The French term for middle class is.
a. in Northern Africa b. in Southern Africa
a. politique b. bourgeoisie
c. in Eastern Africa d. in Western Africa
c. estate d. bureaucracy
28 Which date is the oldest?
12. Why was James Madison known as the "Father of the a. 1301 AD b. 12000 BCE c. 1044 CE d. 120 BC
a. He took so many notes 29 An important challenge facing the Constitutional Convention
b. His influence was so great during the convention was how to balance the
c. He was the smartest delegate a. needs of eastern and western states
d. He did so much research b. interests of large and small states
c. demands of farmers
13. The heart of the Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great was d. rights of women
located in the present-day country of
a. Saudi Arabia b. Turkey c. Greece d. Iran e. Pakistan
30 What Chaldean king formed an alliance with the Scythians b. The Nile River gave them everything they needed to survive
and Medes to form the Second Babylonian Empire? c. the Egyptians took gifts to the Nile
a. Nabopolassar b. Ashurbanipal
c. Shalmaneser d. Nebuchadnezzar 45 This source is information gathered by someone who did not
take part in or witness an event.
31 A ___________ is an area that has at least one characteristic a. Primary Source b. Secondary Source
in common. c. Both d. Neither
a. lake b. dessert c. a friend d. region
46 Which city was the capital of the Assyrian Empire?
32 Which of the following is NOT one of the requirements a. Ur b. Agad c. Babylon d. Nineveh
for immigrants who want to become a US citizen?
a. You must be 18 years or older 47 Today Egypt, Tunisia,and Algeria are
b. You must be a resident of the US for at least 10 years a. governed by dictators b. constitutional monarchies
c. You must be able to read, write and speak English c. oligarchies d. democratic republics
d. You must be a lawful person
48 What is a group of people called when they believe in one
33 Which of the following, is an example of Absolute
a. Monothesim b. Theocracy c. Polythesim d. Muslium
a. 40*N, 90* E b. 167 Fairway Drive, Helena, MT 59601
c. The distance from The Denver Center for the Performing
Arts, to the Pepsi Center 49 The Constitutional Convention took place in
d. The Statue of Liberty is in New York Harbor,across from Philadelphia.
the Island of Manhattan. a. True b. False
34 The best description of the theme of location is 48 What do an absolute monarchy and an autocracy have
a. the human and physical characteristics of an area. in common?
b. how humans adapt to and modify the environment. a. a single legislative house b. a written constitution
c. migration across the planet. c. a single ruler d. a national court system
d. a definite reference to locate a place
e. divides the world into manageable units for geographic 49 The best description of the the theme of place is
study. a. the human and physical characteristics of an area
b. how humans adapt to and modify the environment.
35 Who defended the British soldiers after the Boston c. migration across the planet.
Massacre? d. a definite reference to locate a place.
a. John Adams b. Samuel Adams e. divides the world into manageable units for geographic
c. Thomas Preston d. George Washington study.
36 Which text feature is a drawing or chart that represents 50 Which of the following is not one of the defenses at
all or part of the earth's surface? Constantinople?
a. timeline b. graph c. map d. table a. Moat b. Roman Fire c. Walls d. Greek Fire
38 The number of books available to people increased due LET REVIEWER 2019
to the development in the 1400s of
a. the modern novel b. epic poetry 1. Which of the following emphasizes the right of citizens
c. the printing press d. writing paper to quality education?
a. The basic education level b. Tertiary level
39 Which two countries had the biggest colonies in South c. The graduate level d. All levels
a. Spain and Portugal b. England and France 2. Which educational level/s provide/s for free and
c. the United States and Spain d. Portugal and France compulsory education as stipulated in Article IV, Section 2
of the Philippine Constitution?
40 Who was the first Roman emperor? a. Elementary level b. Secondary level
a. Tarquin the Proud b. Marcus Aurelius c. Elementary and secondary levels d. Tertiary level
c. Augustus d. Hadrian
3. Who among the following is in the category of non-
41 In what area has Nigeria worked to specialize? academic personnel as provided for under Education Act of
a. Oil production b. gold and salt trade 1982?
c. corn and wheat production d. iron and steel a. Guidance counselors b. School principal
c. School nurse d. School librarian
42 _____wanted to reunite the Roman Empire.
a. Theodora b. Theoria c. Justinian d. Tribonian 4. How is gradual progression of teacher's salary from
minimum to maximum done?
43 The best description of the theme of movement is a. Regular increment every year b
a. the human and physical characteristics of an area. . Increment after ten years of service
b. how humans adapt to and modify the environment. c. Regular increment every 3 years
c. migration across the planet d. Increment after five years
d. a definite reference to locate a place.
e. divides the world into manageable units for geographic 5. Which of the following is NOT recognized by the Magna
study. Carta for Public School Teachers?
a. Quality education depends primarily on the quality of
44 ____ abolished serfdom in 1861 as his first major reform socio-economic status of teachers.
of the Russian Empire. b. Advancement in education depends on the teachers'
a. Tsar Nicholas I b. Alexander I qualifications and ability.
c. Alexander II d. Prince Rudolf c. Education is an essential factor in the economic growth
of the nation.
45 Which documents addressed colonial concerns about d. Education is development and vice-versa.
English policies?
a. Mayflower Compact b. Declaration of Independence 6. What appointment can be given to Teacher A who
c. Bill of Rights d. U.S. Constitution possesses the minimum qualifications but lacks the
appropriate but lacks the appropriate civil service eligibility?
46 Who was the most important Admiral for the Union a. Contractual basis b. Permanent
Navy? c. Provisional d. Substitute
a. Robert E. Lee b. John Brown
c. U.S. Grant d. David Farragut 7. Which of the following rights is intended for parents
under Education Act of 1982?
47 The Writs of Assistance a. The right to academic freedom
a. allowed colonial women to buy British cloth at reduced b. The right to privacy of communication
prices. c. The right to seek redress of grievance
b. allowed tax collectors to search for smuggled goods c. d. The right to full access to the evidence of the case
helped colonists pay for imported tea.
8. What can help achieve relevant quality education? 19. Teacher H contracted an illness that required rest for
a. Strong curriculum b. Competent instruction c. more than one year. Which leave should she apply for?
School-community relations d. Competent administrator a. Sick leave b. Personal leave
c. Vacation leave d. Indefinite leave
9. Which of the following provisions under the Magna Carta
for Public School Teachers will most likely promote 20. A school personnel can avail of free legal service under
teachers' welfare and defend their interests? certain circumstances. Principal I was accused of maligning
a. Be promoted in rank and salary her neighbor. Is Principal I entitled to the said service?
b. Regulate their social involvement a. Yes, she should defend herself.
c. Undergo and participate in professional development b. No, if funds are not available.
d. Establish, join and maintain professional and self- c. No, it might bring some disagreements in school
regulation organizations d. No, the case is not related to her professional duties.
10. What does "teachers are persons in authority" imply? 21. Teacher J discusses conflicts between warring groups
a. Teachers cannot be charged. in Mindanao. Which pillar should he stress more?
b. No person can assault a teacher. a. Learning to be b. Learning to live together c.
c. Teachers have immunity from arrest. Learning to do d. Learning to know
d. Decisions made by teachers are deemed right.
22. Teacher K teaches in a public school in her locality.
11. Who among the following characterizes a professional Due to teacher shortage, her classroom teaching starts
teacher? from 6 am and ends at 3 pm. Is the assignment given her
a. An education graduate who received honors just?
b. A teacher who has taught for at least six years a. Yes, the situation demands that she render longer
c. A teacher who has attended national seminars on teaching hours.
teaching b. Yes, as long as she signs a conforme letter to that effect.
d. A teacher who qualifies for a permanent position under c. No, rendering longer teaching hours would make the
RA 4670 teacher tired and exhausted.
d. No, Magna Carta for Public School Teachers states that
12. Who are covered by RA 4670? in the exigencies of service, any teacher may be required
a. Teachers in all levels to render more than six hours and n ot more than eight
b. Teachers in all public elementary schools hours of actual classroom teaching a day.
c. Teachers in both public and private schools
d. Teachers in public elementary and secondary schools 23. Teacher L, a graduate of BSEd with majorship in
Mathematics teaches in a national high school in her
13. Teacher B has been in active service for 10 years when province. Since she has been rated outstanding in her
he decided to pursue higher studies. Under RA 4670, what performance, can she be exempted from taking the LET?
kind of leave of absence can s/he avail of? a. Yes, that is a privilege that must be given to teachers
a. Indefinite leave b. Scholarship leave whose performance is outstanding.
c. Study leave d. Vacation leave b. Yes, if approved by PRC.
c. No, RA 7836 states that no person shall practice or offer
14. When can teachers be required to work on assignment to practice the teaching profession in the Philippines or be
not related to their duties? appointed as teacher to any position calling for a teaching
a. When on probation b. When found inefficient position without having previously obtained a valid
c. When lacking in educational qualifications certificate and a valid license from the Commission.
d. When compensated under existing laws d. No, professional license is required of all teachers
regardless of age and teaching performance.
15. Teacher C has been teaching 7 straight years and
therefore qualities for a study leave with pay for one year. 24. Which of the following statements is NOT true about
Should she pursue it, how much pay is she entitled to the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?
receive? a. The teacher must select which information to keep
a. 50% of monthly salary b. 60% of monthly salary c. confidential
70% of monthly salary d. 100% monthly salary b. The teacher must demonstrate full commitment and
devotion to duty
16. Which of the following laws strengthens teacher c. The teacher must manifest pride in the nobility of the
education in the Philippines through the establishment of teaching profession
centers of excellence? d. The teacher must make no prejudice or discrimination
a. RA 7722 b. RA 7784 c. RA 7796 d. RA 7834 against any learner
17. What does free public secondary educational under the 25. Which of the following could be the reason for the
law mean? teacher's suspension from the practice of the teaching
a. Right of every student to enter public secondary schools profession?
b. Free from being screened to enter pubic secondary a. Immoral, unprofessional or dishonorable conduct
schools b. Observing proper procedures in obtaining a certificate of
c. Free from payment of school fees identifies and registration
authorized by law c. Faithfulness to the code of ethical and professional
d. Free from payment of tuition and other fees for students standards for professional teachers
enrolled in public secondary schools d. Willingness to attend seminars, workshops, conferences
and the like or the continuing education program prescribed
18. Teacher D is assigned in a rural area; Teacher E in a by the Board and the Commission.
depressed community; Teacher F in a hazardous area; and
Teacher G in a place where standard of living is high. Who
is entitled to a hardship allowance?
a. Teacher D b. Teacher E c. Teacher F d. Teacher G