Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
This report details the preliminary concept design of a LNG Bunker Supply Vessel. The project was
undertaken by a group of 4 Master of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering students of the
University of British Columbia as part of the NAME 591 Computer Aided Ship Design Course. Whilst
working with a mentor Dan McGreer from Vard Marine and members of the industry including Teekay
Shipping, and Lloyds Register Marine. The main goal of the project was to address the need for a vessel
to be able to bunker LNG to other LNG carrying vessels operating of the coast of B.C. The team in
consultation with Teekay, performed extensive research in order to develop a set of mission
requirements for the vessel. The project attempted to analyse the current infrastructure of LNG terminal
in Kitimat B.C., Vancouver Port, and Nanaimo Port and see the feasibility for having such a vessel in the
near future. The design team performed one full loop of the design spiral addressing all major aspects of
the design at least once whilst performing many iterations and design matrices for all critical aspects
that were key towards meeting the mission requirements.
In the light of ever-tightening emission regulations, LNG as a marine fuel is both a proven and available
commercial solution. While different technologies can be used to comply with air emission limits, LNG
technology is the only option that can meet existing and upcoming requirements for the main types of
emissions (SOx, NOx, PM, CO2). LNG can be competitive pricewise with distillate fuels and, unlike other
solutions, in many cases does not require the installation of additional process technology. The growing
demand of LNG as marine fuel in near future, has been a huge factor in our decision to design a LNG
bunker supply vessel operating on the west coast of Canada.
The concept was created in order to fulfill the mission requirements which was to carry 4500 𝑚3of LNG
and 550 𝑚3 Marine Diesel Fuel from Kitimat to Vancouver port with a design speed of 13 knots. The
concept adheres to Lloyds Registers Rules for the Classification of Ships. The final design consisted of a
mono hull ship with a Length of 97 meters, Beam of 18 meters and Draft of 5.2 meters. It displaces 6500
tonnes and has a two Rolls Royce Z-Drives and, 1 Bow Thruster, powered by 2 Wartsila 9L20DF, and 1
Wartsila 6L20DF dual fuel Wasilla engines. It accommodates 14 crew members.
The purpose of the project was to come up with a solution to part of Vancouver’s lack of infrastructure
to supply LNG to LNG carrying vessels and the growing need to address the prospect of using LNG as an
alternative fuel solution for ships in the near future. In recent years, there has been a growing concern
on air pollution and air quality, the extent and complexity of regulations have increased while
regulations have become tougher. Annex VI of the MARPOL Convention applies to all ships trading
internationally andhas been used as the basis for many regulations. With MARPOL Annex VI, the
International Maritime Organization (IMO) has prioritised reduction of NOx and SOx emissions to air. In
order to comply with SOx compliance, a low sulphur fuel needs to be used. There are many low sulphur
fuels such as Liquefied Natural gas (LNG), Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), and biofuels. Unlike SOx
emissions which are a product of fuel sulphur content, NOx emissions are created during the
combustion process. How much NOx created depends on the fuel being used. Some fuels such as LNG
and methanol, have lower NOx emissions than the marine fuels.
MARPOL Tier III emission limit for NOx will take effect for marine diesel engines installed on ships whose
keels are laid on or after January 1st 2016 if they are operating within the North American and US
Caribbean Sea. This emission limit is equivalent to 80 % reduction of NOx emissions from marine diesel
engines. In order to be compliant to this requirement, there are several possible solutions, a selective
catalytic reduction (SCR), exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). These Tier III engine installations can be very
different to existing Tier II engines, these differences may take the form of alternative fuelssuch as
natural gas or liquefied natural gas (LNG) change of fuel type to LNG.
LNG is low in sulphur and easily combusted in engines and boilers. Furthermore, Gas engines are widely
used in land based industries, and also in LNG carriers for many years. With the new regulations coming
into effect within the next few years, the potential for a new fuel that is more environmental friendly
can be seen. The LNG would also be compliant to ECA regions, which would make it a viable choice for
the ship owners who would be transitioning from the conventional distillates.
A study conducted by Colombia Institute (Institute, 2015) has shown potential promise in B.C. for the
shipbuilding sector in the future. This along with a recent federal bid to make B.C. the lead regulator of
LNG terminals, would be a great opportunity for the design and construction of LNG vessels.Hence the
core reason for taking up this project was to show that this can be done. By transporting LNG from
Kitimat terminals and supplying it to the local vessel running on LNG fuel, we could utilize this and
provide a feasible solution by our concept design for a LNG bunkering Vessel which could be taken to
other stages by industry professionals.
The primary driving factor for the design of this vessel, was the selection and arrangement of the LNG
cargo tanks. The group came up with a dozen conceptual designs for a variety of arrangements and tank
types. And from our customer’s requirement (Teekay shipping), the vessel has to carry 4500 meters
cube of LNG, we choose the optimum design and receive approvals from project mentors after
consulting with them. This design calls for two Type C IMO approved LNG tanks placed longitudinally.
The vessel also carries 550 meters cube of Diesel Oil in order to supply to ships. Table 1 below,
overviews the principle particulars of the vessel.
Particular Value
LOA 97
The project became successful due to several reasons, the first was having a well-defined needs
statement. Since LNG bunkering vessels are relatively new types of designs, there are very few parent
vessels out there and the group lacked adequate information. The only help the group received was a
few brochures’ with pictures of proposed designs for such vessels. The owner’s requirement was well
defined and helped us initially have the parameters to which we needed to design. Furthermore, mentor
Dan McGreer provided much guidance and feedback on our design, progress, and the further needed
iterations for us to be able to complete this project. When necessary, the design team performed
calculations based off of available information in order to determine additional requirements.
British Columbia is known for its expansive picturesque coastlines, and for its enormous supply of
natural gas specifically in the Northeast. An estimated 2933 trillion cubic feet primarily in four areas: the
Horn River Basin, the Montney, the Liard Basin and the Cordova Embayment. This is enough natural gas
to support energy needs not only in Canada but also around the world for more than 150 years
Since natural gas is the cleanest, most efficient fossil fuel available, it has world-wide demand. When it is
chilled -160 °C, natural gas becomes liquid, shrinking to 1/600th of its original volume. This would make
it very efficient and economical to send to the overseas markets.As of October 2014, it has been
proposed that there would be up to 18 industry projects that produce and export LNG from plants along
B.C’s coast (Columbia, 2015). A key strategy of B.C. government’s LNG strategy is to promote the
advantages ports in Kitimat and Prince Rupert. Transportation of LNG within British Columbia waters
would provide the ideal scenario for a bunkering vessel to be present in order to provide bunkering to
LNG carrying vessels. This gives rise to the purpose of our project. In an initial study, it was determined
that there is a lack of such a vessel in the coast of B.C. Furthermore, the infrastructure presented at
Kitimat is ideal for a bunkering vessel to bunker LNG and travel down the coast of B.C., once reaching
near ports of Vancouver, or Nanaimo, it could bunker LNG to LNG carrying vessels. This is ideal since the
provincial government hasheavily invested in shipbuilding and LNG. The group saw a golden opportunity
to take the initiative and come up with a vessel that will address the needs of LNG vessels that do not
have the opportunity to bunker LNG at Vancouver ports as the necessary infrastructures are not present
yet. The team conferred with mentor Dan McGreer, senior Naval Architect at Vard marine, and also with
Sergiy Yakovenko from Teekay shipping, to get a better understanding of the customer needs, as well as
the project scope and deliverables.
In the article LNG Bunkering Infrastructure Study (Aagesen, 2010), published by Lloyd’s Register, Jesper
Aagesen, Senior Surveyor, Ship Design Specialist, said that the year 2015 is an important year for the
shipping industry. During that time, Jasper mentioned there will be stricter requirements on fuel oil
sulphur content. This will enter into force in emission control areas (ECAs) which are the Baltic Sea, and
the North American Coast together with the U.S. Caribbean. Then from 2015, the maximum allowable
sulphur content in fuel oils is 0.1 percent in the ECAs. From 2020 onwards, a global requirement of
maximum 0.5 percent sulphur (outside of ECAs) will also apply. It is important to understand since
Jasper argued that vast majority of the world merchant fleet will enter ECAs during their lifetime and
since more ECAs are expected to be introduced in the future, action needs to be taken. Using LNG as an
alternative fuel Jasper mentioned would be one of the best alternatives, not only to meet these needs
but also eventually leave burning of fossil fuels behind. The Teekay shipping who are our customer, has
shown a lot of interest in our vessel. Teekay Shipping has a lot of stake in the gas sector, especially in
LNG carrying vessels. They are experts in the transfer of LNG to other vessels. They could use vessel such
as ours for their operation in the Pacific North West region.
The Vessel shall be operated as LNG bunker supply vessel that will serve a varied clientele. The primary
mission of the vessel is to provide safe, efficient, reliable, and economic bunkering options to LNG fueled
vessels operating in and around Vancouver region. The vessel has home port Kitimat, and it will load at
the Kitimat LNG terminal. The ship will then sail to Vancouver/Nanaimo region following coastal routes,
where it meets the client vessel in order to perform the bunkering operations. Once the vessel has
bunkered to the client vessel, it will travel back to its home port. All of the ship board operations shall be
executed at the home port.
Level of Safety: The ship shall be built as per Lloyds register Class rules and Transport Canada
regulations. The ship should have dedicated muster stations. The vessel shall be equipped with
emergency towing arrangements at both ends.
Sea Keeping: The vessel shall be fully operable in sea state 3 as per Beaufort Number.
Transfer Rate: 300 m^3/hr.
The vessel shall be operated as LNG bunker supply vessel that will serve a varied clientele. The
primary mission of the Vessel is to provide safe, efficient, reliable, and economic bunkering
options to LNG fueled vessels operating in and around Vancouver region.
The ship is expected to have an operational life of 20 years. During this period, it shall be taken
to a dry dock every 2.5 years for intermediate service, and every 5 years for major service.
The vessel should operate in 13 knots but be able to operate in different speeds and should be
easily maneuvered with maximum reliability.
The vessel shall be equipped with a dual fuel engine, propelled by diesel and Liquefied Natural
Gas (LNG) as per tier 3 restrictions, Annex 6 of MARPOL. The designer shall select the
appropriate engine and propulsion option to meet the vessel’s speed, propulsion and fuel
The vessel shall be equipped with the latest telecom facilities, communications, and navigation
The vessel will have the following emergency safety feature:
1. Electrical emergency fire pump
2. Emergency air compressor
3. Emergency lighting
4. Emergency generator
5. Emergency battery back up
6. All the doors shall be water tight wherever required, and A60 class standard. Also it
shall be fitted with self-closing mechanism.
7. Adequate life boats, and life rafts shall be provided as per Lloyd’s Register Rules.
The vessel shall be equipped with emergency towing arrangements.
Bunkering of the vessel shall happen on Vancouver/Nanaimo coastal areas.
100 tons of domestic fresh water tank shall be provided to serve ships domestic requirements.
The water shall be bunkered at Kitimat.
Underway conditions- At all throttle settings, the accommodation and engine control room will
be provided with HVAC. Optimum level of noise vibration as per Lloyd’s Register shall be
The funnel location shall be located at the aft end of the ship in order to prevent the smoke
falling onto the open decks. The height of this shall be in accordance as per Lloyd’s Register
It shall a hull corrosion prevention system
The vessel shall carry the necessary drugs and medication for all of the minor health problems
The operation crew of the vessel shall be certified and competent and will need to have the
following ranks:
(a) Navigation department
(i) 1 Captain
(ii) 1 Chief officer
(iii) 1 second officer
(iv) 3 deck crew
Typical LNG characteristics, including chemical components and composition, heating value, methane
number, liquid density, and methane vapor pressure (boiling pressure) are provided in the Appendix.
The following characteristics represent key considerations for handling LNG and highlight its important
differences from typical liquid fuel storage and bunkering.Bunkering (Loading) Temperature: At
atmospheric pressure, natural gas will liquefy at a temperature of about -162°C (-260°F). As LNG
increases in temperature, its vapor pressure increases and its liquid density, decreases. These physical
changes need to be considered because they may increase the required storage tank volume and
pressure rating.Filling Limit: The filling limit of an LNG tank is the maximum allowable liquid volume in
the tank, expressed as a percentage of the total tank volume. The filling limit is not the same as the
loading limit. The maximum filling limit for LNG cargo tanks is 98 percent at the reference temperature.
This same limit is expected to apply to LNG fuel tanks. A higher filling limit may be allowed on a caseby-
case basis based on requirements from classification societies and regulatory bodies.Reference
Temperature: The reference temperature is the temperature corresponding to the saturated
vapor pressure of the LNG at the set pressure of the pressure relief valves. For example, if the LNG tank
has a pressure relief valve set pressure of 0.7 barg (10.15 psig), then the reference temperature is -
154.7°C (-246.4°F), which is the temperature that natural gas will remain a liquid at
0.7 barg (10.15 psig).Loading Limit: The loading limit is the maximum allowable liquid volume to which
the tank may be loaded, expressed as a percentage of the total tank volume. This limit depends on the
LNGdensitiesattheloadingtemperatureandreferencetemperatureandisdeterminedbythe following
Typical loading limits for gas fueled vessels are expected to range from 85 to 95 percent depending
on tank type, pressure relief valve settings, and other vessel specific considerations.Effect of
Temperature and Pressure on Loading Limit: To understand the effect of temperature and pressure on
the loading limit, itis helpfulto consider an example where LNG and vapor are not being
consumed from the tank. In this case, the LNG tank is a closed system and remains at a saturated
condition, meaning the liquid and vapor are in equilibrium. Even though the tank is insulated, some heat
will leak into the tank and cause an increase in the liquid and vapor temperatures while they remain in
a saturated condition.
Liquid density decreases as temperature increases. If the tank is nearly full, the space available for vapor
is relatively small, so the increase in liquid volume due to a lower density can significantly reduce the
available vapor space volume. This decrease in available vapor volume as a result of the temperature
changes will result in higher vapor pressure.
Ifthetanktemperatureisallowedtoincreaseunchecked,thepressureinthetankwillincrease tothe
Usable Capacity: In general, the usable capacity of the LNG tank is equal to the loading limit minus the
heel, expressed as a percentage of the total tank volume. The usable capacity is the consumable
volume of bunkered LNG in the tank.
generally only capable of sending one signal. They are typically used as the emergency
2. Emergency Shutdown (ESD): Having a means to quickly and safely shut down the bunkering
operation by closing the manifold valves, stopping pumps, and closing tank filling valves is
essential to ensure safety. The ESD should be capable of activation from both the bunker receiving
ship and the bunker supplier, and the signal should simultaneously activate the ESD on both sides
of the transfer operation. No release of gas or liquid shall take place as a result of ESD activation.
Typical reasons for activation of the ESD include thefollowing:
• Gas detection
• Fire detection
• Manual activation from either the supplier or receiver
• Excessive ship movement
• Powerfailure
• High level in receiving tank
• Abnormal pressure in transfer system
• High tank pressure
• Other causes as determined by system designers and regulatory organizations
3. Special Precautions for LNG: The issues associated with cryogenic substances like LNG are
extremely important to understand and respect. LNG cannot simply be handled as ‘cold
diesel’. It is in fact extremely cold and can cause serious burns to human flesh. Even
uninsulated LNG pipes and equipment can become cold enough to cause serious injury to
personnel. In addition, the cryogenic temperatures are cold enough to cause steel to become
brittle and crack. Because of these issues, the piping system, material requirements, and
safety issues are much different than for an oil fuel system. The hull or deck structures in
areas where LNG spills, leaks or drips may occur must be either suitable for the cold
temperatures or protected from the cold temperatures.
Drip trays are commonly used to contain LNG leakage and prevent damage to the ship’s
structure. This includes the location below any flanged connection, which are typically fitted
with spray shields, in the LNG piping system or where leakage may occur. Drip trays should be
sized to contain the maximum amount of leakage expected and made from suitable material,
such as stainless steel. Cryogenic pipes and equipment are typically thermally insulated from
the ship’s structure to prevent the extreme cold from being transferred via conduction. These
requirements are especially important at the bunker station because this is where LNG leaks or
spills are most likely to occur.
4. Inerting and Purging: Before bunkering, itis necessary to inert and purge the bunker hoses and
other warm bunker lines. In order to prevent a flammable gas mixture, the inerting process
includes displacing air from the bunker lines with inert gas, typically nitrogen, to ensure the
oxygencontentislessthanorequalto1percent.Purging,alsoknownasgassing upandgasfilling,
istheprocessofdisplacing theinert gaswithwarmnaturalgas.Purging can either be done with
vapor purge lines, which force vapor from the tank through the bunkerlines; or by slowly
pumping small volumes of LNGthroughthebunkerlines,whichwill quickly vaporize and purges
thelines.Afterthebunkerlineshavebeeninertedandpurged, the lines are slowly cooled to the
temperatureof LNGwith theuseof coldLNGvapor and/or LNG. Thisprocesspreventsthe riskof
coldshockanddamage thatwouldoccurifLNGwas allowedtoflowthroughthewarmhosesand
pipes at the normal flow rate. Once the bunker lines have been cooled,the transfer of LNGcan
After bunkering, it is very important to drain the bunker lines so that LNG does not remain
trapped in pipes or hoses. If LNG remains trapped in a sealed section of a pipe or hose, it will
warm, vaporize and pressurize the pipe and may cause the pipe or hose to burst. One way to
drain the bunkerline isto allow the LNG to vaporize in the pipes while the valvesleading to the
ship’sfueltankareleftopen.ThisallowstheLNGandnaturalgasvaportoflowtothe tank.Purge
connections also can be used after bunkering to force the remaining LNG into the ship’sfuel
When bunkering is complete and the lines have been drained of LNG, it is necessary to inert the
LNG bunker lines to prevent a flammable gas mixture from accumulating in the pipes or hose.
Inerting is to be completed prior to disconnecting the bunker lines. Typically, nitrogen is used to
displace the warm natural gas from the bunker lines. The bunker facility and receiving ship should
agree on the means to properly manage and dispose of the remaining natural gas and nitrogen
so that the natural gas is not released into the atmosphere. This may be accomplished by pushing
the natural gas and nitrogen mixture back into the bunkering facility tanks or by using gas
combustion units or boilers. Furthermore, it should be confirmed with all agencies having
jurisdiction over the bunkering operation that the proposed procedure is acceptable. Figure 3
shows a typical sequence for a simplified bunkering process including the inerting and purging of
the bunker hose and associated piping.
5. Safety and Firefighting: SOLAS Chapter II-2 can be referenced for fire protection requirements for
an LNG fueled vessel. A permanently installed fire extinguishing system will typically be fitted at
the bunker station and drip trays. Manual release of the system should be easily possible from
that the ship is completely isolated from the supplier, it may be necessary to isolate mooring
lines, gangways, cranes, and any other physical connections. This is typically done by using
rope tails on mooring lines, insulating rubber feet on the end of gangways, and prohibiting
the use of certain equipment that would otherwise pose an unacceptable risk of arcing.
Figure 3: Electrical Isolation
4.3.2 Other Operational Phases Related to LNG Storage
In addition to the actual bunkering process, there are several LNG handling and storage
operations on board the receiving ship that are unique to cryogenic fuels. These involve
managingthestoragetank temperatureandthemixingofLNGofdifferentdensities.
1. Initial Gassing Up: Before the initial filling of an LNG fuel tank or after it has been completely
emptied and gas-freed, it will be full of air. Before LNG can be introduced to the tank, the air
needs to be removed by inerting the tank (typically with nitrogen) to ensure an explosive mixture
of gas and air is never present in the tank. Some ships might not be fitted with a nitrogen
generator or nitrogen storage tank with sufficient capacity to inert the entire fuel tank or tanks.
This task might be accomplished by the LNG bunker supplier or another source, such as a nitrogen
tank truck or a fixed tank onshore. Even if the ship has a large enough nitrogen capacity, it should
have proper connections to accept an outside source of nitrogen in case of system failure or
LNG bunkering can begin only after the LNG fuel tank has been properly inerted, purged and
cooled down. The tank is inerted with nitrogen gas. After inerting the tank, the inert gas is
typically displaced with warm natural gas. Displacing the inert gas with warm natural gas is
known as purging, gassing up or gas filling. The inert gas is either returned to the shore facility
or vented. Venting of the inert gas is stopped when the natural gas vapors are detected. It
should be confirmed with all agencies having jurisdiction over the bunkering operation whether
the inert gas can be released into the atmosphere; some agencies may require that the inert
gas be captured and stored or processed since it could contain natural gas. The tank is then
gradually cooled in stages to the temperature of the incoming LNG. The cooldown process can
be accomplished using cold natural gas and/or LNG.
This initial cooldown is typically done by spraying LNG into the fuel tank to slowly cool the
piping, the tank and the gas in the tank. This is a slow process that uses a much lower flow
rate than normal bunkering to ensure uniform cooling and minimize induced thermal stresses
in the tank. The cooldown process may take several hours, typically 12 to 18 hours,
depending on the size of the tank. The cooldown procedure is typically developed by the
tank’s manufacturer and includes directions for the use of the tanks spray nozzles and
bottomfilling.Once the tank is cooledtothe specifiedtemperature, continuousfillingofthe
tank cancontinue to thedesiredlevel.Although the procedures andsequence ofeventswill
differ, the use of cold nitrogen gas and/orliquid nitrogen also is common for the cooldown
2. Transit andStorage:During transit,the ship’sfueltanks willnormally contain somequantity of
LNG.ThevolumeofcoldLNGinthetank,asaminimum,shouldbesufficienttomaintain the cold
temperature in the tank. Tank pressure during transit can be maintained within acceptable
limits by consuming LNG or by using vapor control methods. Draining and Stripping: The
requirement to strip the LNG fuel tank prior to entry into a shipyard may vary worldwide
depending on shipyard or port authority policies. Tank stripping can be accomplished by building
up the tank pressure to force the LNG out of the ship’s tank to another tank, or by using stripping
pumps. Any liquid left in the tank after stripping can be removed by circulating warm methane
vapor from the ship’s vaporizer. After stripping, the tank will need to be inerted with nitrogen. If
human entry and inspection is required, the tank has to be purged with fresh air to gas-free.
As specified in the ABS Gas Fueled Ships Guide, all LNG fueled ships also should have some means
of emptying the fuel tanks without relying on the ship’s own gas machinery system. This
capability would allow another vessel or shore side facility to empty and strip the LNG fuel tank
for scheduled events or in case of an emergency where the tank could release gas.
3. Rollover: When LNG from different sources with different densities are mixed (such as during a
bunkering operation when new LNG is introduced into a tank), the LNG with the higher density
(typically lower temperature) settles at the bottom with the lighter density on top. If the tank
remains relatively stationary (no sloshing or mixing takes place) heating of the lower part of the
tank will decrease its density and increase its vapor pressure, but the hydrostatic pressure of the
LNG on top will keep gas from boiling off. If the density difference becomes too large or the tank
is disturbed so rapid mixing occurs, the LNG with higher vapor pressure at the bottom will rise up
and encounter the lower pressure at the top of the tank. This is called rollover and can lead to
rapid boil-off and generation of large amounts of vapor in extreme cases. This could lead to a large
gas release through the pressure relief valves.
LNG density can vary significantly with change in temperature, but it also can vary depending on
the physical composition of the LNG. As LNG warms, the lighter components boil off first and the
remaining LNG has a different composition, with an increased density. According to the Society of
International Gas and Tanker Operators (SIGTTO) publication, Guidance for the Prevention of
RolloverinLNGShips,studieshaveshownthatdensitydifferences aslow as 1 kg/m3 can lead to
stratification ifthe LNG fill rate is very slow. This hazard has occurred in shore terminals where
there is no motion of the tank, and potentially is a hazard forships which remain stationary in
port. A vesselrolling atsea will have less of a tendency forthisto occur because the sloshing of
the LNG in the tank will cause mixing. It is unlikely for bunkered LNG to have the same
temperature and density asthe LNGremaining in the fueltank,so itis importantforthe LNGto
A typical way tominimize the risk ofstratification isto use the top or bottomfill linestomix the
incoming LNG with the retained heel in the tank. Ifthe bunkered LNG islighter(lower density)
than the heel, the bottom filling connection should be used. This will cause the bunkeredLNG
to rise to the top of the denser heel, mixing in the process. Conversely, if the bunkered LNG is
heavier(higherdensity)thenthetopfillingconnectionshouldbeused. Mixing jet nozzles fitted
to the fill line in the bottom of the tank can be used to increase movement within the tank and
help to mix the bunkered LNG with the existing contents of the tank. Once the vessel goes to sea
and rolling commences, mixing will tend to happen naturally, reducing the risk of rollover.
4.4 Bunker Operations
Theuseofstandardizedprocedures andchecklistsfromexistingprojectsmay behelpfulasguidance.
However,vessel-specificproceduresforthebunkeringoperationshould bedevelopedtoincludeany
characteristics orfeaturesthat are unique to the particular bunkering facility andreceiving vesselor
The following is a simplified bunker operation sequence. Actual sequences will vary depending on the
suppliers and receiver’s equipment and capabilities. More detailed sequences are currently available
online from some ports, such as the Port of Rotterdam.
Before Transfer:
1. Notifyport authorities ofintenttobunker,whenrequiredtodoso.
2. Compatibility confirmed between the supplier and receiver regarding e q u i p m e n t , procedures
and protocols.
3. Receiving ship moors alongside the quay or pier, or bunker vessel moors alongside receiving ship.
4. Security and safety zones areestablished.
5. Any pre-bunkering checklist, procedures, and communication protocols are completed and
agreed between the supplier and receiver. Persons-in-charge are designated.
6. Communications, monitoring and ESD links have been established. ESD is to be tested.
7. Supplier evaluates tank pressure and temperature (depends on tank types and bunker
8. Firefighting equipment is readied for immediate use.
9. All safety systems, such as gas detection and alarms, are operational and have beentested.
10. Sufficient lighting is established.
11. All involved personnel put on required PPE.
12. Weather and sea conditions are deemed to be within established limits.
13. Electrical isolation or bonding connections, as applicable, are c o n f i r m e d .
14. Waterspray curtains and drip trays, as applicable, are in place.
15. Supplier’s bunker hoses or transfer arms are connected between the supplier’s and
receiving ship’s manifolds.
16. Supplier and/or receiver should inert and then gas up and cool down all required bunker lines and
equipment that will be utilized.
17. LNG transfer starts.
During Transfer:
1. Monitor tank levels.
2. Monitor tank pressures and temperatures.
3. Monitor pump transfer rates.
4. Adjust pump flow rates as necessary.
5. Adjust top spray and bottom fill rates as necessary to control tank pressure.
6. Adjust mooring lines and bunker hoses and arms as necessary.
7. Monitor that the integrity of security and safety zones is maintained. Monitor that weather
and sea conditions remain within limits.
After Transfer:
1. LNG transfer stops.
2. LNG in lines is allowed to vaporize and displace the remaining liquid back to the tanks.
3. Supplier and receiver inert all bunker lines and bunker hoses utilized during the
bunker operations.
4. Supplier’s bunker hoses, communications, monitoring, ESD and electrical isolation or
bonding connections are disconnected from the receiving ship’s manifold.
5. Receiving ship unmoors from the quay or pier, or bunker vessel unmoors from the receiving ship
and notifies port authority.
4.4.1 Emergency Procedures
Emergency response planning and preparedness are critical to protect personnel, the environment,
the public and assets during an incident. In addition to the typically required emergency response
plans aboard the ship, specific plans relevant to an emergency involving the LNG system and bunkering
operations also should be developed and implemented.
Emergency procedures can be classed as‘higherlevel’ and ‘lowerlevel’.Higherlevel procedures are
intended to provide general instruction to all relevant personnel, while lower level procedures are
more specific to certain incidents, areas aboard the vessel, or equipment. The emergency
procedures are intended to provide guidance and direction on how to carry out an organized and
effective response to an incident, which may include LNG spill and/or gas release, fire or other
hazardoussituation. Some possible incidentsthat directly affect bunkering are loss of power by the
supplier or receiver, non-LNG related fire near the bunkering, unexpected breakaway of one of the
vessels, etc. Emergency procedures also should existfor other external incidents not directly related
to the bunkering, such as a fire or gas release on a quay, pier or bunker vessel. Other emergency
proceduresshould handle incidentsrelating to injury sustained by personnel involved in bunkering,
suchasfrostbiteinducedbycontactwithextremely coldLNGorequipment.
It is important that personnel from both the supplier and the receiving ship are familiar with and trained
in the emergency procedures and have access to them at all times. The training, drills, and exercises
should ensure that all involved personnel understand the procedures, their role and responsibilities, and
the use of the emergency response equipment available at the supplier and aboard the receiving ship.
The emergency procedures can be updated to reflect lessons learned from previous incidents or
exercises or to reflect any modifications made by the supplier or receiving ship. SIGTTO and other
agencieshavedevelopednumerouspublicationsspecificallyrelatedtothehazardsofLNGwhich canbe
4.4.2 Responsibilities
A designated person-in-charge should be presentfor every LNG bunkering operation from both the
receiving ship and the supplier’s side. Aboard the receiving ship, this person-in-charge is normally
an officer permanently assigned to the ship who has the proper training and experience with all
relevant characteristics of the ship for the purposes of LNG bunkering. This includes the LNG
bunkering systems and procedures, monitoring and control systems, shipboard emergency
equipment and procedures, and pollution reporting procedures. The supplier also should have a
person-in-charge who is familiar and experienced with all aspects of the supplier’s bunkering
equipment and procedures. Both persons-in-charge should coordinate the bunkering operation and
have an adequate understanding of the other party’s bunkering capabilities and responsibilities
before starting the operation. Both personsshould have complete responsibility fortheirside ofthe
bunkeringoperation andshould be presentforthe entire duration.
4.4.3 Manning
Well-designed bunker facilities and LNG fueled ships may only require one or two people each
during a typical bunkering operation, but additional crew will be necessary for normal vessel
operations and should be available in case of emergency or other circumstances. The number of
bunker supplier personnel depends on the method of supply (e.g., truck, barge, ship or fixed
facility). Actual manning requirements will be dependent on the bunker procedure, facilities, and
regulatory requirements. All personnel involved in the bunkering operation should have the
necessary training and certification.
Safety/ Major Hazards
LNG presents hazardsthat are different than conventional marine fuels, like heavy fuel oil (HFO) and
marine gas oil (MGO). If released at normal ambient temperatures and pressures it will form a
flammable vapor, so the release of LNG or natural gas should be prevented at all stages of the
bunkering process. Furthermore, in its liquid phase, LNG is cold enough that it can cause ordinary
steel to become brittle and crack, so any contact with steel structures and decks should be
avoided.Becauseofthesehazards andothersthat canoccur,safety andthepreventionof leakage
need to be among the primary objectives in the development of LNG bunkering system designs
The three primary safety objectives for bunkering operations are as follows:
• Preventtheoccurrenceofanyhazardousreleaseofgasorliquid.
• In the event of a release, prevent or contain any hazardoussituations.
• If a hazardous incident does occur, limit the consequences and harmful effects.
Major Hazards
The primary hazards of LNG are:
• Serious injuries to personnel in the immediate area if they come in contact with cryogenic
liquids. Skin contact with LNG results in effects similar to thermal burns and with exposure to
sensitive areas, including eyes, tissue can be damaged on contact. Prolonged contact with skin
canresultinfrostbiteandprolongedbreathingofvery coldair candamage lungtissue.
• Brittle fracture damage to steel structures exposed to cryogenic temperatures. If LNG comes
into contact with normalshipbuilding steels, the extremely cold temperature makes the steel
brittle, potentially resulting in the cracking of deck surfaces or affecting other metal
• Formation of a flammable vapor cloud. As a liquid, LNG will neither burn nor explode; however, if
released from bunkering equipment, it will form a vapor cloud as the LNG boils at ambient
temperatures. To result in a fire or explosion, the vapor cloud must be in the flammable range, which
for methane is between 5 and 15 percent by volume in air, and there must be an ignition source
• Asphyxiation. If the concentration of methane is high enough in the air, there is a potential for
asphyxiation hazard for personnel in the immediate area, particularly if the release occurs in
confined spaces.
Some of the key hazards are discussed in more detail as follow:
Gas or LNG Release: The release of natural gas or LNG is to be prevented because of its flammable
and cryogenic nature leading to many of the hazards which can be done by:
1. There are a number of factors affecting the consequence potential of an LNG release, including:
the surface it is released on, the amount released, air temperature, surface temperature, wind
speed, wind direction, atmospheric stability, proximity to offsite populations and location of
ignition sources. Although LNG vapors can explode (i.e., create large overpressures) if ignited
within a confined space, such as a building or ship, there is no evidence suggesting that LNG is
Cryogenic Temperatures: The cold temperature (about -162°C) of LNG is a hazard to normal steel,
other materials, and personnel. It will cause embrittlement of normal steel leading to fracture and
can similarly cause failure of other materials, such as rubber. It is an obvious hazard to any personnel
handling LNG system components. Special materials, such as cryogenic stainless steels, should be
used for structures like drip trays that could be exposed to LNG. Countermeasures, such as water
curtains, can be used to prevent excessive cooling of any regular steel structures that could be
exposed to LNG. Insulation is also necessary on any exposed components, particularly in areas where
personnel will be working.
5.0 Special Equipment’s
5.1 Nitrogen Plants
One nitrogen generator is installed in the engine room, they are used to produce nitrogen in a gaseous
manner which is used for the following functions:
Purging for pipelines and boil off gas system.
Purging various parts of the cargo pipping and fuel gas lines.
5.2 Re liquefaction plant
The liquefaction system is designed to provide cargo tank pressure control by liquefying all of the boil-
gas from the cargo tanks during normal ship operations so protecting the tanks from over-
The boil-off gas from each of the cargo tanks is collected in a common vapour main then pre-cooled in a
heat exchanger, compressed in a two-stage centrifugal (BOG) compressor, cooled and then condensed
a large multi-pass heat exchanger which is part of the cold box.
The BOG loop consists of the following main equipment:
• Two BOG compressors, one duty and one standby
• Two LNG transfer pumps, one duty and one standby
• One BOG pre-cooler
• One plate-fin cryogenic heat exchanger (part of the cold box)
• One liquid BOG phase separator (part of the cold box)
• Auxiliary systems
The plate fin cryogenic heat exchanger and the separator are assembled in one enclosed module located
in the compressor room and is called the ‘cold box’.
5.2.1 Pre-Cooler
The pre cooler is there to make sure that the boil of gas (BOG) compressor discharge temperature
constant, therefore protecting the cold box from a large temperature variations and damages caused by
the thermal stress. This consists of a heat exchanger that is in a vertical separator and is designed to cool
the incoming BOG from -100 degrees Celsius to -120 degrees Celsius.
Another function of the pre-cooler is to separate the liquid droplets from the vapour in order to protect
the compressor from any liquid carry-over. A safety feature in pre-cooler shuts down the BOG
and closes the LNG supply value when activated.
5.2.2 BOG Compressors
The BOG compressor is a two stage centrifugal compressor that controls the compressor capacity. This is
done by DGV (diffuser guide vanes) which is used on each stage. When one BOG compressor is running,
the suction pressure controller will modulate the recycle valve and the DGV’s to control the pressure in
the cargo tanks. In case the pressure for the cargo tank increases above the set point, the recycle valve
closes and the DGV’s will open, but this doesn’t happen until the valve is fully closed. The BOG
is running at 100% capacity when the DGV’s are fully open. When however, the suction pressure drops
below the set point, the DGV will close and then recycle valve will open.
5.2.3 Cold Box
The compressed boil-off gas transferred from the BOG compressor is cooled and condensed in a large
multi-pass heat exchanger called a cold box. The temperature in the heat exchanger is lowest at the
bottom (-164°C) and highest at the top where it is slightly above the cooling water temperature. The low
pressure nitrogen flows through from the bottom of the cryogenic heat exchanger to the top before it is
returned to the suction side of the first stage compressor on the nitrogen compander.
The heat exchanger temperature is allowed to change at a maximum rate of 0.7°C per minute and the
expander bypass valve protects the cold box temperature from changing quicker than this.
The cold box is shown in Figure 4. It consists of a plate-fin heat exchanger and a liquid separator
inside a pearlite insulated steel casing. A nitrogen purging system ensures that there is an over-pressure
in the cold box at all times and a cold box gas detector has been placed in the purging stream outlet to
detect if there is a leak inside the cold box.
Control panel
Flow element with transmitter
The LNG transfer pumps operate automatically based on the liquid level in the separator. They have a
variable frequency drives that would regulate the pump capacity depending on the level controller in
separator, allowing the pump to run on minimum speed until the valve has opened completely. And if
flow is too small, the pump will be turned off. The pumps are also fitted with vent valve to allow purging
of the motor cage with nitrogen before first start up, but it is closed under all other operations mode.
There is also a vent line with isolated valves for each pump to prevent the pump casing from gassing up.
5.2.6 Vent Gas Heater
The vent gas is heated to the ambient temperature in the unit called the vent gas heater which is
of the GCU. The outlet temperature is controlled so that the temperature of the gas stays within the
operating limitations.
5.2.7 Nitrogen Re-liquefaction Loop
The main task of the re-liquefaction loop (also known as R loop) is to provide the necessary refrigerant
liquefy the boil-off gas from the cargo tanks. The main components of the R-loop are the following:
2 sets of nitrogen commanders (3-stage compressor, an expander, and two stage intercoolers
and one aftercooler)
1 cold box
2 sets of nitrogen booster compressors with 1 on duty and 1 on standby
2 sets of nitrogen dryers
1 nitrogen reservoir
Auxiliary systems
There is also a nitrogen booster compressor and associated items to replenish the re-liquefaction loop
with nitrogen due to leakages from nitrogen compressor seals. The nitrogen booster compressors will
to maintain a pressure in the nitrogen reservoir based on a set point.
5.2.8 Operations stages
There are the following modes for the Re-liquefaction mode:
Plant off
Re-liquefaction plant standstill
Standby mode
Vent gas mode
Excess boil-off gas mode
Each will be discussed in greater detail in the subsequent sections
Based on estimation of these volumes and taking margins on the cargo volume for equipment, piping,
and following safety norms and industry best practices an initial vessel length of approximately 97
was estimated. Based on the standard hull form ratios of similar vessel the corresponding beam was
to be 15 meters at a depth of 11.5 meters and a draft of 5 meters.
The hull form was developed after gathering data on existing vessels of a similar nature and after a
thorough review of the existing rules and regulations for Gas Carriers. The table below shows the details
of these parent vessels. After forming the hull form, it was realised that the ship was a little skinny as
compared to the parent vessel. Also there was not enough space for inspection of inner hull LNG tank
surface. Thus, it was decided to increase the beam to 18 meters. A comparison of the different parent
vessels is shown below.
• Nature of cargoes, together with maximum vapour pressures and minimum liquid temperature
for which the pressure vessels.
• Particulars of materials for the construction of the vessels.
• General arrangement plan showing location of pressure vessels in the ship unit.
• Plans of pressure vessels showing attachments, openings, dimensions, details of welded joints.
We considered three metals practically established in various applications for handling LNG. There
applications, physical and chemical properties are discussed in the tables below.
Different Applications of the chosen materials:
Table 6Materials and Application
= 233 N/mm2
for 9 Ni- Fe
= 233 N/mm2
for 36 Ni- Fe
∆σA = allowable dynamic membrane stress
The minimum design pressure is intended to ensure that the dynamic stress is sufficiently low so that an
initial surface flaw will not propagate more than half the thickness of the shell during the lifetime of the
Table 6 Summary of Tank Design
7.5 Shell Thickness
The shell thickness shall be as follows:
1. For pressure vessels, the thickness calculated according to given formula shall be considered as
a minimum thickness after forming, without any negative tolerance.
10 𝜎𝐴 𝐽− .5𝑝
+ .75 mm
2. For pressure vessels, the minimum thickness of shell and heads including corrosion allowance,
after forming, shall not be less than 5 mm for carbon-manganese steels and nickel steels, 3 mm
for austenitic steels or 7 mm for aluminium alloys.
3. The welded joint efficiency factor to be used in the calculation according to given table below:
Since we are designing tanks for carriage of LNG which is stored at – 163 deg C, we decided to go with
class 1 pressure vessel keeping an additional FOS. Final Results of the thickness for all the considered
materials is given below
If the insulation efficiency should deteriorate for any reason, the effect may be a lowering of the inner
hull steel temperature, i.e. a cold spot and an increase in boil-off from the affected tank. If necessary,
increased boil-off gas may be vented to the atmosphere via the vent riser and gas heater, which will
in the loss of LNG. Also the inner hull steel temperature must, however, be maintained within
limits to prevent possible brittle fracture.
We carried out our research further to decide the type of insulation and came across 3 different
used for the insulation of LNG tanks as approved by Classification societies.
1. PU- Foam Insulation
2. Vacuum Perlite Insulation
3. Aerogel mat Insulation
Their advantages and disadvantages are shown in the table below.
We chose to go for Vacuum Perlite Insulation because of its various advantages specified above and
choosing any other insulation would have increased the overall height of the cargo hold which was
From the table above we found the range of areas for different bulbous bow that can be used for our
Vessel. The bulb area was calculated to be in a range from 11.2 m2 - 22 m2.. In order to choose the right
bulb area Holtrop method had a direct empirical relation for the bulb resistance which is mentioned
J= 𝑉𝑎
Here ΔCD is the difference in the drag coefficient of the profile section,P is the pitch of the propeller and
C0.75 is the chord length at a radius of 75 percent and Z is the number of blades.In this formula t/c is the
thickness –chordlength ratio and Kp is the propeller blade surface roughness.
For this roughness the value of kp=0.00003m is used as a standard figure for new propellers.
The chord length and the thickness ratio can be estmiated using the following empirical formulae:
In order to choose the best propulsion selection for our vessel, we had an option of two propulsion
Conventional Single Screw Propulsion
Z-Drive Rolls Royce Propulsion
Conventional Single screw propulsion systems are generally fixed or controllable pitch type. Propellers
the FP-type are cast in one block and normally made of a copper alloy. The position of the blades, and
thereby the propeller pitch, is once and for all fixed, with a given pitch that cannot be changed in
operation. This means that when operating in, for example, heavy weather conditions, the propeller
performance curves, i.e. the combination of power and speed (r/min) points, will change according to
physical laws, and the actual propeller curve cannot be changed by the crew. Most ships which do not
need a particularly good manoeuvrability are equipped with an FP-propeller.
Propellers of the CP-type have a relatively larger hub compared with the FP-propellers because the hub
has to have space for a hydraulically activated mechanism for control of the pitch (an gle) of the blades.
The CP-propeller is relatively expensive, maybe up to 2-3 times as expensive as a corresponding
FPpropeller. Furthermore, because of the relatively larger hub, the propeller efficiency is slightly lower
also CP propellers do not have the steering capability.
Z-Drives or the Azimuth propulsion are popular for vessels where there is a requirement of high degree
of maneuverability. Our vessel being a LNG bunker vessel will require a propulsion system which has
maneuvering capacity and the captain can have full command over the vessel.
An Azimuth thruster is an arrangement of marine propellers placed in pods which can be rotated to any
horizontal angle (azimuth). The ships fitted with this system give better maneuverability than a fixed
propeller and rudder system. This assembly consists of the podded propeller connected to a motor and
an azimuth well to support the propeller. As thrust acts on the assembly, the well is supported by
structures like brackets, struts etc.
Azimuth thrusters are mounted on a 360˚ rotating shaft under the ship. The most important advantage
azimuth thruster is an optimal thrust in every direction. There is no rudder required in an azimuth
and hence, the underwater dynamics are improved which not only increase maneuverability, but also
azimuth thrusters include the advantages of combined engine systems.
With the invention of azipod propulsion system, steering behavior has been increased. It can be built for
pushing or pulling operation, at low or high speeds. Additional maneuverability may be attained by
changing the azimuth elevation. Using azimuth thrusters, the crash stop distance can be halved
to conventional propeller systems.
More advantages are electrical efficiency, better use of ship space, and lower maintenance costs. Ships
with azimuth thrusters do not need tugboats to dock, though they still require tugs to maneuver in
Finally a matrix was created in order to have better decision, the matrix is shown as below:
Table 10 Propeller Selection Matrix
Azimuth twin screw was chosen to be the optimal propulsion system for our LNG vessel.
10.0 Main Engine Selection
Choosing a propulsion engine or engines and the most suitable plant configuration for a given
or retrofit project is not a simple decision. It dictates careful study of the machinery options available
the operating profile of the ship.
There is a wide variety of engines which can be selected and based on the MARPOL Tier III regulations,
decided to go with Dual Fuel engines which complies MARPOL Tier III regulations. Also our vessel was
carrying LNG so it was easy for us to manage boil off gases by supplying it to the engines.
Other Advantages of using Dual Fuel Engines/Diesel Electric propulsion:
Simple shafting arrangements
Fuel processing machinery and system not required
Reduced maintenance costs
12.1 Analysis
Maxsurf was used to assess the damage stability. The calculations generated by the program were
reasonable overall. As per IGC Codes our vessel was assessed to be of type 2PG. This kind of a vessel
size less than 150 m is expected to be able to sustain one compartment flooding. As per our analysis on
Maxsurf it was observed that the vessel is capable of surviving.
12.2 Conclusion
As of today the vessel is equipped with 5 watertight bulkheads in accordance with Lloyd’s rules and can
with stand up to one compartment flooding in accordance with IGC Codes for Liquefied Gas Carriers of
type 2PG.
13.0 General Arrangement
The arrangement of machinery and spaces have been discussed in the following section. This section
mainly focuses on the following decks:
1) Main deck
2) First Deck
3) Second Deck
4) Third deck
5) Bottom Platform
6) First Platform
7) ECR Platform
E/R Bottom Platform contains 3 main engines (2 Wartsila 9L20DF and 1 Wartsila 6L20DF), auxiliary
for Fuel transfer, Ejector Pump, Ballast Pumps, Sea water cooling pumps, and bilge pumps. All the main
tanks required for normal operation are placed at this platform which includes 2 tanks for fresh water, 2
diesel oil fuel tanks, 1 lube oil tank, 1 bilge water tank. All tanks are of capacity 33.5 m3
. Also a cofferdam
of .76 m is placed between each tank. Sludge tank and waste oil tank are placed in the double bottom.
Wmargin = Lightship design (or Acquisition) weight margin that is included as protection against
the under- prediction of the required displacement
The estimation of weight at the early parametric stage of design typically involvesthe use of parametric
models that are developed from weight information for similar vessels. A fundamental part of this
modeling task is the selection of relevant independent variables that are correlated with the weight or
center to be estimated.
15.1.1 Structural Weight
The structural weight includes (1) the weight of the basic hull to its depth amidships; (2) the weight of
the super- structures, those full width extensions of the hull above the basic depth amidships such as a
raised forecastle or poop; and (3) the weight of the deckhouses, those less than full width erections on
the hull and superstructure. Because the superstructures anddeckhouseshaveanimportanteffecton the
overall structural VCG and LCG, it is important to capture the designer’s intent relative to the existence
and location ofsuperstructures and deckhouses as early as possible in the design process.
E = Ehull + ESS + Edh
E = L(B + T) + 0.85L(D – T) + 0.85 ihi + 0.75 jhj
Thisindependent variable is an area type independent variable. The first term represents the area of the
bottom, the equally heavy main deck, and the two sides below thewaterline.(The requiredfactoroftwois
absorbed into the constant in the eventual equation.) The second term represents the two sides above
the waterline, which are somewhat (0.85)lightersince they do not experience hydrostatic loading.
Thesefirst two terms are the hull contribution Ehull. The third term is the sum of the profile areas
(length x height) of all of the superstructure elements and captures the superstructure contribution to
the structuralweight.Thefourth term is the sum of the profile area of all of the deckhouse elements,
which are relatively lighter (0.75/0.85) because theyarefurtherfromwaveloads andareless than fullwidth.
We calculated the structural weight by using the given formula:
WS = WS(E) = K E1.36 [1 + 0.5(CB – 0.70)]
Where CB´ = CB + (1 – CB)[(0.8D – T)/3T]
The weight estimate for a single deckhouse can be estimated using the following approach:
Wdh = WS(Ehull + ESS + Edh) – WS(Ehull + ESS)