5.8c Earth Rotation
5.8c Earth Rotation
5.8c Earth Rotation
In ancient Greece, people believed that powerful gods were
responsible for all things that happened in nature. The Greeks believed that
Helios, the Sun god, drove his fiery chariot from one end of Earth’s sky to the
other each day. His daily trip caused sunrise in the morning and sunset in the
evening. At night, Selene, Helios’s sister and the goddess of the Moon, made
her own trip across Earth’s sky. Today, scientists know that these stories are only myths. Do you
know what really causes sunrise, sunset, day, and night?
As you read this sentence, Earth is rotating around its tilted axis at a rate of 1,000 miles (1,609
kilometers) per hour! Why, then, does it feel like Earth is standing still? In comparison to
humans and other things on Earth, the planet is incredibly huge. Because of this difference in
size, you cannot feel the speed of Earth’s rotation. We know the planet is rotating, though,
because we see the effects of it every day.
Earth makes one complete rotation on its axis every 23 hours and 56 minutes, which is rounded
up to 24 hours. Does this time sound familiar? The 24 hours that Earth takes to make one
rotation is equal to one day. Suppose you have a big math test in 3 days. How many rotations
will Earth make in that time? If you answered 3, then you are correct. Every planet rotates on
an axis, but they do it at different speeds. Venus has a very slow rotation. It takes 8 months for
Venus to spin one time on its axis. Because a rotation is the same as a day, a day on Venus lasts
for 8 months. Jupiter, on the other hand, rotates quite fast. One rotation is less than 10 hours.
Describe the positions of Earth and the Sun when it is daytime. How pendulum: a weight
are they different at night? hung from a single
As Earth rotates on its axis, the different locations on Earth change point that is allowed to
position in relation to the Sun. A city on Earth that faces toward the move freely with
Sun at noon will rotate to face away from the Sun 12 hours later. The
positions of Earth and the Sun over the course of a 24-
hour rotation cause sunrise, sunset, day, and night.
At all times, half of Earth faces toward the Sun and half
faces away from the Sun. The half that faces toward the
Sun is illuminated by the Sun’s glow. It is daytime on that
half of the planet. At the same time, the half of Earth that
faces away from the Sun is in darkness. It is nighttime on
that half of the planet. As Earth rotates, the Sun-facing
half steadily moves from sunlight into darkness. From our
position on Earth, this appears as sunset. Meanwhile, the
dark-facing half of Earth steadily moves into the sunlight.
We see this process as sunrise.
Because one rotation takes 24 hours, you might think revolution: Earth’s
that each side of Earth spends approximately 12 hours motion around the
facing the Sun and 12 hours in darkness. This is true of Sun; Earth takes one
year, or 365 days, to
places located on or near the equator. However, as make a single
you move toward the North and South Poles, the revolution
length of daytime and nighttime varies. The closer a city is to the North
or South Pole, the more extreme the difference in daylight hours and nighttime hours is. This is
due to the tilt of the axis and Earth’s revolution around the Sun.
As Earth moves around the Sun, the North Pole is tilted toward the Sun for part of the year.
When this happens, the days are very long and the nights are very short. Eventually, Earth’s
revolution causes the North Pole to tilt away from the Sun. When this happens, the days are
Then, have your child explain the scientific reason behind each observation. Encourage your
child to draw diagrams or construct models showing how your position on Earth rotated into
the Sun-facing side during your sunrise observations or into darkness during sunset. For any
explanations that your child doesn’t know, have him or her use the knowledge of Earth’s
rotation to hypothesize a possible explanation.
Then, ask your child why the Greeks thought the Sun god Helios traveled across the sky each
day. How did your observations correlate to the ancient Greek myth? Take your child to a
library or conduct an Internet search to find stories about day and night from other ancient
cultures. What do the stories have in common? How are they different? Why do you think so
many cultures have myths about day and night? Which are the most scientifically accurate?