Moral Competence of Nursing Students in Lyceum of The Philippines University: Implications To Nursing Practice
Moral Competence of Nursing Students in Lyceum of The Philippines University: Implications To Nursing Practice
Moral Competence of Nursing Students in Lyceum of The Philippines University: Implications To Nursing Practice
Mario R. Marasigan
Lyceum of the Philippines University
UNP Research Journal, Vol. XXIII
January – December 2014
ISSN 0119-3058
This is because nursing practice depends not only on technical knowledge and
skills but also on values, beliefs and ethics, which play a significant role in decision
making. Competence in ethics has also become part of the caring qualities of health
care personnel, including nurses and physicians.
Moral Competence of Nursing Students in Lyceum of the Philippines University: Implications to Nursing
For these reasons, nursing schools and educators play critical role in developing
responsible and value-laden nurses.
It is in this context that the researcher would like to explore on the moral
competence of student nurses since understanding their values, qualities and
competence will help educators decide what aspect of moral formation should be
emphasized to promote moral competence among nursing students. The findings can
also be used as baseline data for the college of nursing in improving the current
competence on the nursing curriculum.
This study used the descriptive method of research. The respondents of the
study were 73 nursing students from levels I to IV. They comprised the 30 percent of
the total population (242) of nursing students enrolled in the College of Nursing,
Lyceum of the Philippines University for the first semester of School Year 2013-2014.
The respondents were selected through purposive sampling. They are the students
who were available and willing to participate in their study during the time of data
Data were collected through a questionnaire, some items were adopted from
the study of Jormsri et al. (2005) and the remaining items were content validated by
three clinical instructors from the College of Nursing. The questionnaire included 5-
item statements corresponding to the eight attributes of moral competence: loving
kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, equanimity, responsibility, discipline, honesty
and respect for human values, dignity and rights.
UNP Research Journal, Vol. XXIII
January – December 2014
ISSN 0119-3058
The weighted mean was the main tool that was used to treat and analyze the
data. This tool determined the level of moral competence of nursing students at
Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas in terms of loving kindness,
compassion, sympathetic joy, equanimity, responsibility, discipline, honesty and
respect for human values, dignity and rights.
Table 1
Moral Competence of Nursing Students in terms of
Loving Kindness
Loving Kindness Weighted Verbal Interpretation Rank
I have the desire to care for patients. 3.79 Strongly Agree 3
I have good intentions towards my patient and 3.95 Strongly Agree 1
significant others
I have the desire to make others happy 3.70 Strongly Agree 4
I understand patient’s conditions and 3.56 Strongly Agree 5
I am concerned with the well being of patients 3.85 Strongly Agree 2
and significant others
Composite Mean 3.77 Strongly Agree
Loving Kindness
Table 1 shows that the nursing students strongly agree that they possess the
characteristics of loving kindness based on the composite mean score of 3.77.
It can be noted that nursing students have good intentions towards their
patients and significant others (M=3.95), they are concerned with the well-being of
patients and significant others (M=3.85) and they have the desire to care for patients.
Moral Competence of Nursing Students in Lyceum of the Philippines University: Implications to Nursing
On the other hand, least among the items were the desire to make others happy
(M=3.70) and understanding patient’s conditions and circumstances (M=3.56).
With this, it is expected that nurses have the innate concern of care for clients
and their families. This implies that students in nursing should have the desire to care
for others. Tongprateep (2002) posited that loving kindness is the most significant
value for nursing care, especially for a good relationship between nurses and patients.
It is related to the wellbeing of patients and significant others. That is, when nurses
exhibit loving kindness with good intention, patients will benefit most.
Table 2
Moral Competence of Nursing Students in terms of
Compassion Weighted Mean Verbal Rank
1. I have the desire to free patients from 3.79 Strongly Agree 2
their pain
2. I avoid harmful actions towards my 3.82 Strongly Agree 1
3. I support patient’s feelings 3.55 Strongly Agree 4
4. I perform nursing roles to alleviate 3.66 Strongly Agree 3
5. I pity the suffering of others 3.33 Agree 5
Composite Mean 3.63 Strongly Agree
Table 2 presents the moral competence of nursing students in terms of
compassion. The results revealed that the respondents tend to be highly
compassionate as evidenced by the composite mean score of 3.63.
UNP Research Journal, Vol. XXIII
January – December 2014
ISSN 0119-3058
Avoiding harmful actions means that nurses provide the best and appropriate
care to their clients. Care and interventions which are safe and effective will harness
faster recovery. Further, the findings suggest that when these nurses perform these
roles their primary concern would be how they could be of help to their patients.
On the other hand, it can be noted that “I pity the suffering of others”
(M=3.33) has the least mean among the items. This finding implies that student nurses
understand the condition and the feelings of their clients which are suggestive of
acceptance and empathy.
Table 3
Moral Competence of Nursing Students in terms of
Sympathetic Joy
Sympathetic Joy Weighted Verbal Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. I respond gladly by providing help and support 3.64 Strongly Agree 4
to others as they struggle to do good.
2. I maintain and encourage good relationships 3.67 Strongly Agree 3
between nursing students and others
3. I create happy and peaceful health care 3.62 Strongly Agree 5
4. I express pleasure when patients succeed in 3.70 Strongly Agree 2
obtaining medical care and regain their health.
5. I cooperate with nursing team members and 3.79 Strongly Agree 1
other health care providers by providing sincere
help and support
Composite Mean 3.68 Strongly Agree
Sympathetic Joy
The composite mean score value of 3.68 revealed in table 3 suggests that
nursing students are morally competent in terms of sympathetic joy.
Moral Competence of Nursing Students in Lyceum of the Philippines University: Implications to Nursing
and are willing to collaborate with them for the welfare of their patients. Further, good
relationships are integral to nursing care since most nursing actions are greatly
dependent on the trust between nurse and the patient.
Table 4
Moral Competence of Nursing Students in terms of
Equanimity Weighted Verbal Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. I understand that everyone experiences good 3.52 Strongly Agree 4
and evil in accordance with their actions
without prejudice or preference.
2. I view right or wrong by means of principles 3.62 Strongly Agree 2
reasons and equity.
3. I understand patient’s experience according to 3.58 Strongly Agree 3
the cause of their action
4. I see things as they are with mind that are even, 3.49 Agree 5
steady, firm and fair or inequality in health care
delivery system.
5. I provide care based on a holistic approach that 3.71 Strongly Agree 1
considers physical, mental, social and spiritual
Composite Mean 3.58 Strongly Agree
Table 4 shows that nursing students strongly agree that they possess the
characteristics of equanimity based on the composite mean score of 3.58.
It can be noted that student nurses provide care that is based on a holistic
approach that considers physical, mental, social and spiritual aspects (M=3.71); view
right or wrong by means of principles reasons and equity (M=3.62); and understand
patient’s experience according to the cause of their action (M=3.58). Nurses are
known to provide total care to patients since they consider the individual as a holistic
human being. All dimensions of care are being considered in order to promote quality
of care among their patients. The study of Rassin (2008) attested that fundamental
values among nurses are concerning human dignity, equality among patients and
prevention of suffering.
On the other hand, least among the items pertaining to “I see things as they
are with mind that are even, steady, firm and fair” with a mean score of 3.49 and
UNP Research Journal, Vol. XXIII
January – December 2014
ISSN 0119-3058
interpreted as agree. This suggests that because of some factors in the present health
care delivery system in the present health care status in the country, inequality is
observed by these student nurses.
Table 5
Moral Competence of Nursing Students in terms of
Responsibility Weighted Verbal Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. I promote an environment in which values 3.78 Strongly Agree 1
and beliefs are respected
2. I hold in confidence personal information 3.70 Strongly Agree 3
and uses judgment in sharing information
3. I carry personal responsibility and 3.63 Strongly Agree 5
accountability for nursing practice
4. I assume major roles in implementing 3.67 Strongly Agree 4
acceptable standards of clinical nursing
5. I sustain a cooperative relationship with 3.77 Strongly Agree 2
fellow students
Composite Mean 3.58 Strongly Agree
The composite mean score value of 3.58 as revealed in table 5 suggests that
nursing students are morally competent in terms of responsibility.
This means that student nurses consider the overall integrity of their patients
and maintain not only the physical characteristics but also the personal integrity.
Moral Competence of Nursing Students in Lyceum of the Philippines University: Implications to Nursing
effective patient advocates and mediate ethical conflict among patients, significant
others, health care team members, and other interested patients.
Table 6
Moral Competence of Nursing Students in terms of
Discipline Weighted Verbal Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. I am aware of my roles and functions 3.78 Strongly Agree 2
2. I organize my life for personal growth 3.70 Strongly Agree 3
3. I conduct myself properly in the social 3.68 Strongly Agree 4
4. I control exploitative acts in performing my 3.66 Strongly Agree 5
5. I value my ability to perform helpful acts to 3.81 Strongly Agree 1
my patients
Composite Mean 3.73 Strongly Agree
Table 6 presents the moral competence of nursing students in terms of
discipline. The results revealed that these students are highly disciplined as evidenced
by the composite mean score of 3.73.
The results attested that nursing students value their ability to perform helpful
acts to their patients (M=3.81); aware of their roles and functions (M=3.78) and
organize their life for personal growth (M=3.70). The results suggest that nurses
understand the responsibilities that they have and the need for continuous
improvement through professional growth.
UNP Research Journal, Vol. XXIII
January – December 2014
ISSN 0119-3058
Table 7
Moral Competence of Nursing Students in terms of
Honesty Weighted Verbal Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. I respect my patients as a human beings 3.95 Strongly Agree 1
2. I uphold the truth and avoid deceit 3.85 Strongly Agree 3
3. I strive to be sincere with others 3.89 Strongly Agree 2
4. I clear up any misunderstandings when they 3.78 Strongly Agree 4
5. I avoid gossip, back-biting, harsh words and idle 3.60 Strongly Agree 5
Composite Mean 3.81 Strongly Agree
Table 7 shows that nursing students strongly agree that they possess the
characteristics of equanimity based on the composite mean score of 3.81.
It can be noted that nursing students respect their patients as human beings
(M=3.95); strive to be sincere with others (M=3.89) and uphold the truth and avoid
deceit (M=3.85). Also, nurses clear up any misunderstandings when they occur
(M=3.78) and avoid gossip, back-biting, harsh words and idle speech (M=3.60). This
confirms the study of Jormsri et al. (2005), which states that honesty focuses on
human respect that upholds the truth, avoids deceit and strives to be sincere with
others. Nurses must practice honesty in their actions especially when they face choices
of actions that can be either honest or dishonest.
Table 8
Moral Competence of Nursing Students in terms of
Respect for Human Values, Dignity and Rights
Respect for Human Values, Dignity and Rights Weighted Verbal Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. I understand that my patients are both equal and 3.85 Strongly Agree 1.5
2. I plan and decide in respect of my patient 3.79 Strongly Agree 5
3. I protect patient’s rights 3.85 Strongly Agree 1.5
4. I respect one’s dignity and humanity 3.92 Strongly Agree 3.5
5. I understand that everyone has their own values 3.92 Strongly Agree 3.5
Composite Mean 3.81 Strongly Agree
Moral Competence of Nursing Students in Lyceum of the Philippines University: Implications to Nursing
The characteristics of “I understand that their patients are both equal and
unique” and “I protect patient’s rights” had a similar weighted mean score value of
3.85 followed by “I respect one’s dignity and humanity” and “I understand that
everyone has their own values” which both have 3.92 weighted mean.
Respect, humanity, and dignity are the foundations of the nursing practice.
Focusing on these three components enables nurses to understand and more fully
appreciate patient’s personal experiences on health, thus allowing them to develop
approaches to help patients and support them. With these characteristics, Lycean
nurses may value each person as individuals, respect their aspirations and
commitments in life and seek to understand their priorities, needs, abilities and limits.
Tiwattananon (2007) stated that there must be respect for people’s dignity and
humanity because everyone has his/her own values. Moral competence consists of
attributes derived from personal, social and professional values.
Table 9
Summary of the Moral Competence of Nursing Students
Moral Competence of Nursing Students Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Rank
Loving Kindness 3.77 Strongly Agree 3
Compassion 3.63 Strongly Agree 6
Sympathetic Joy 3.68 Strongly Agree 5
Equanimity 3.58 Strongly Agree 7
Responsibility 3.73 Strongly Agree 4
Honesty 3.81 Strongly Agree 1.5
Respect for Human Values Dignity and 3.81 Strongly Agree 1.5
Grand Mean 3.72 Strongly Agree
Table 9 shows that student nurses are morally competent with a grand mean
of 3.72. Results indicate that nurses are honest and they respect human values dignity
and rights sharing same weighted mean of 3.81; Loving kindness (M=3.77);
Responsibility (M= 3.73); Sympathetic joy (M=3.68); Compassion (M= 3.63); and
Equanimity (M= 3.58) being the least.
Results further imply that the nursing students have internalized their
knowledge on Republic Act No. 9173 or the “Philippine Nursing Act of 2002”
( ) on the Code of Ethics
for Nurses in the Philippines; devised as a guide for carrying out nursing responsibilities
which would tackle difficult issues and decisions that a profession might be facing, and
give clear instruction of what action would be considered ethical or right in the given
circumstance particularly in Section 5 which states that nurses must uphold the rights
of individuals.
UNP Research Journal, Vol. XXIII
January – December 2014
ISSN 0119-3058
Nursing students were taught to respect human values and dignity and aside
from the inherited values as Filipinos, these are also included on the patient bill of
rights. Provision of privacy whenever needed, and maintaining confidentiality of
patient conditions and management are some of the nurse’s moral competence.
Filipino nurses were honest and should be honest to promote patient recovery
and welfare. From the assessment and gathering of data up to nursing management
and promotion of patient health, they are entailed to write or record only those things
that they see and what they did to patient
The findings imply that student nurses practicing in Batangas are morally competent
in terms of loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, equanimity, responsibility,
discipline, honesty and respect for human values, dignity and rights. This finding
further implies that they understand the extent of their future roles and functions and
will work in accordance to the standards of nursing practice. Based on this, it can be
expected that these student nurses will promote care for the welfare of their patients
and their significant others.
Nursing students who are morally competent will influence and greatly create an
impact to the nursing practice and to the community as well. Nurses who give high
regard to respect and dignity is essential to enable them to undertake care humanely.
Also, nurses who are ethically sound decide on what is fair and just to patients. With
these kinds of nurses in the health care environment, high level of wellness can be
assured to the public in general.
Moral Competence of Nursing Students in Lyceum of the Philippines University: Implications to Nursing
Table 10
Proposed Program to Enhance the Moral Competence
of Nursing Students
Objective Program Strategies/Activities Person Expected Outcome
To enhance Patient Conduct patient Dean Periodical needs
nurses’ Assessment needs assessment Faculty assessment will be
understanding Program for survey Administrators conducted
on patient’s the concept Training Officers
conditions and of suffering, Students
circumstances empathy and Graduates
Include in the Clinical Instructors
related learning will develop a need
experiences (RLEs) assessment form
of nursing students to be implemented
clinical activities during RLE of
focused on nursing students
clients’ needs (e.g. 100% of identified
need assessment nursing students
form) and graduates will
participate in the
Conduct seminar on seminar
client’s behaviour
To enhance Nurses Conduct Up-to-Date Dean 100% of the target
nurses’ ability to Development Trainings on Faculty nurses will attend
provide a Program on Supportive Nursing Administrators the trainings
peaceful Supportive Interventions Training Officers
environment Patient Students
essential for Modalities Include in the Graduates Strategies focused
recovery of that will journal article on environment
patients enhance requirement of will be included in
patient nursing student’s the clinical focus
equanimity topics on helpful
in health strategies and
care delivery interventions for
system patients focused on
health care delivery
To enhance Self- Intensify individual Dean More individual
nurses’ sense of Awareness classroom and Faculty reports will be
responsibility program clinical Administrators submitted by
and requirements Training Officers nursing students
accountability Students
Conduct seminar on 100% attendance
Standards of of nurses and less
Nursing Practice reports of nursing
UNP Research Journal, Vol. XXIII
January – December 2014
ISSN 0119-3058
The nurse educators should include in Elective Course subjects and Nursing
Leadership and Management topics on moral competence and the eight variables of
loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, equanimity, responsibility, discipline,
honesty and respect for human values, dignity and rights. The nursing professional
organizations should contribute to the promotion of moral competence through
seminars and trainings among members. Health care institutions should review
existing policies that will affect or contribute development and enhancement of moral
competence among health care professionals. Health Care Institutions should
continuously develop programs that are focused on the implications suggested by the
findings of the study on nursing practice. The proposed program is hereby
recommended. Future researchers should conduct similar studies to explore on other
factors that may elicit the moral competence of students as well as professional
nurses. Longitudinal studies may also be conducted to have repeated observations and
understanding on the nature of moral competence among student nurses.
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