Research in Home Economics:: Interdisciplinary
Research in Home Economics:: Interdisciplinary
Research in Home Economics:: Interdisciplinary
Donna Pendergast
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whichleadto an integration ofdisciplinary insightJ' generalisations. However, despite there being little
(Newell & Green, 1982:24). This is supported by research in home economics which is
Vaideanu (1987:494) who explains the meaning interdisciplinary in nature, there are three factors
of interdisciplinarity as: which have facilitated the move towards
interdisciplinariry in the field of education:
...the encounter and cooperation oftwo or more
progress made in scientific research; the potential
disciplines, each of which brings with it, at the
for new ways of looking at the teaching-learning
level of theory or ofempirical research, its own
process; and the evolution of world problems
conceptual approaches, ways of defining
which are typically complex, global and
problems, and research methods.
interdependent (Vaideanu, 1987). These three
An assumption underlying this paper then is that factors also are reflected in home economics -
home economics is interdisciplinary in nature, particularly the third point, which emphasises the
and so brings with it the characteristics of overlapping problems typitying home economics.
individual disciplines, including forms of research
Given that home economics is interdisciplinary in
and theory; In particular, the aspect around which
nature, and that the disciplines upon which it is
this paper is focused is the question of research in
constructed favour certain research paradigms, it
the field of home economics. The emphasis on
is important to understand the differing
research in recent years has been towards
characteristics and features of the research
specialisation by disciplinary base or subject
methodologies. In this way the potential
matter area in order to focus on problems of
contribution of both qualitative and quantitative
manageable size and these are typically
research can be appreciated, and the benefits of
characterised by a dominant research paradigm.
interdisciplinary research using both paradigms
For example, the sciences of nutrition, textiles and
will become apparent. It is important that home
food have a research base which historically
economists, located in an interdisciplinary field,
reflects the positivist paradigm, quantitative
recognise the benefits of interdisciplinary
methodologies, and the empirical sciences. On
research. Indeed, as Vaideanu (1987:489) has
the other hand, the disciplines that deal with
suggested "... interdisciptinarity hasbeen regarded as
inter/intra-personal and family relationships,
an idea with a great jitture, a refUge flr superficial
sociocultural and aesthetic environments, and
researchers... ':
psychosocial development historically have a
research base that characterises phenomenologies
2. Compare quantitative and qualitative
associated with interpretive sciences (Bobbin,
research methodologies which characterise
1993). This is problematic for home economics in
that ideally "interdisciplinary" research should be
Research relies on two contrasting paradigms -
undertaken in interdisciplinary fields ofstudy and
experimental (normative) and phenomenological
therefore a variety of research methodologies
(interpretive). The normative approach is
should be utilised collaboratively. Most of the
"concerned with discovering natural and universal
research called interdisciplinary by home
laws regulating and determining individual and
economists is a cooperative effort with one or
social behaviour" (Cohen & Manion, 1985:6).
more scientists in the core disciplines (Horn,
The positivism paradigm is the basis for the
1993), with a neglect of the connections and
quantitative methodologies and the empirical
overlaps that ought to be, and could be, made
science mode of research. The strength of the
among the various specialisarions of the field.
quantitative approach depends on how effectively
This is shortsighred in a field that typically deals
the research questions reflect the reality of the
with issues that, as Horn (1993) explains, do not
human systems and environments being studied
fit conveniently into narrow categories or
(Bobbin, 1993). The phenomenological
paradigm "emphasises how people diffir from
Vincenti (1990) suggests that the major reason inanimate, naturalphenomenon, and indeed, from
why interdisciplinary approaches to learning, and each other" (Cohen & Manion, 1985:6). The
interdisciplinary research have not gained more mode assumes phenomena can be understood
attention in home economics is the increased from people's perceptions of the situation. Its
emphasis on scientific research, with its prescribed purpose is to understand the perceptions and
methodology that atomises knowledge into perspectives of people involved in situations with
components in order to control variables, isolate emphasis on the micro/macro contexts of
phenomena from their context, and develop relationships. Qualitative approaches to study of
Research in home economics
humans and their environments permits variables and specificiry, thus determining the
expanded perceptions which contributes to "reality".
greater breadth and depth of study. Research from
In contrast, the phenomenological tradition is the
a qualitative perspective is based upon an subjective approach to ontology of nominalism,
organismic view; the sum is greater than the parrs that is, that reality is internal to the individual, it
(Bobbitt, 1993). is '~he product ofindividual consciousness" (Cohen
It is the purpose of this section of the paper to & Manion, 1985:6), therefore, everything is
compare and contrast the opposing paradigms of unique and responses are unique. Nominalists
qualitative and quantitative research, by contend that "objects of thought are merely words
considering six distinguishing features of the and there is no independently accessible thing
research paradigms. In this way, a greater constituting the meaning of a word" (Cohen &
understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of Manion, 1985:7). The phenomenological
the methodologies can be appreciated and the approach is a study of what is the perceived reality
potential for interdisciplinary with possibly multi- of a particular phenomena.
methodological research is highlighted. The issues Epistemology
to be addressed are:
Epistemology, according to the Oxford Dictionary
(a) definitions/orientarions to 'reality' and is <~he theory ofthe method, orgrounds ofknowledge'~
'knowledge; Thus, what constitutes knowledge is an issue of
(b) the kinds of research questions generated; debate between the opposing functions of research.
(c) the conduct of scientific inquiry, in particular The view that knowledge is "hard, objective and
the role of the researcher and the issue of tangible" is subscribed to by the normative
"control"over the study context; paradigm ~ and is known as positivism. In contrast,
the anti-positivism approach of the
(d) the issue of" cause"and "effect'; phenomenological tradition sees knowledge as
(e) whar counts as "data" and what are "personal, subjective and unique" (Cohen &
appropriate methods of data collection; and Manion, 1985:7). The positivist approach believes
knowledge is tangible and quantifiable, while the
(f) the issues of "reliability" and "validity" in anti-positivist regards knowledge as qualitative.
The normative tradition is that of the realist and
(a) Definitionslorientations of reality and positivist. Research is "directed at analysing the
knowledge relationships and regularities between selected
Phenomenological and normative approaches to factions ... this perspective expresses itself most
research contrast on the basis of ontology and forcefUlly in a search for universal laws which
epistemology. According to the Oxford explain and govern the reality which is being
Dictionary, ontology is rhe "branch ofmetaphysics observed" (Cohen and Manion, 1985:8). Thus
dealing with the nature of being'; that is, the researchers are observers. They do not become
'conception of reality. parr of the reality quantified, and they aim to
apply their discoveries as generalisations. This is
Ontology the concept of nornorherics - the staring of laws.
The normative tradition is based on the objective The ideographic approach - understanding
approach of realism reality being external to the individual behaviour - is the phenomenological
individual and actually taking effect on the form of research. The tradition is concerned
individual, resulting in certain outcomes. Cohen with ...
& Manion (1985:7) explain that "the realist
an understanding of the way in which the
position contends that objectives have an
individual creates, modifies and interprets the
independent existence and are not dependent on it
world in which he or shefinds himselfor herself
for the knoioer". Thus, it would be acceptable to
The approachnow takes on a qualitative as well
assume that extraneous factors will have similar or
as quantitative aspect. (Cohen and Manion,
predictable effects on different people. The
normative paradigm develops the reality which is
most likely to lead to experimental success. The approach therefore requires an involvement
Normative research establishes predefined with the subjects, so the researcher is able to
relevant parameters, determining controls, identify and interpret the 'reality' and 'knowledge'
Donna Pendergast
operating in the way we do as a result of internal - the realism approach while the interpretive or
and/or external causes. Critics highlight the lack nominal viewconsiders each situation to be unique,
of acceptance the normative researchers have of situation specific and therefore inappropriate to
the ability for people to interpret their experiences employ scientific inquiry.
and consequently, the findings are said to be so Within this framework, what of the role of the
restricted, simplified and controlled as to end up researcher? Depending on the particular
with data which is so Out of touch with reality it paradigm, whether normative or interpretive, the
is irrelevant. Typical procedure for experimental researcher will identify certain issues of interest
research is to consider the theory, hypothesise and ignore others; they will ask certain questions
about relationships perhaps suggesting cause-and- and not others; they will adopt certain research
effect or causal links, and find data which either methods rather than others; and they will show a
supports or disproves the hypotheses. This preference for certain kinds of analysis,
method of scientific inquiry leads to questions explanation and theory.
about the closed nature of the researcher:
The role of the normative researcher is to collect
In normative studies, data are always data flr data with attitudes, values, skills and objectives
some hypothesis or other, if theyarewhat isgiven derived from the positivistic model. They do not
then the researcher must have hypotheses to be become involved in the situation, are detached,
eligible to receive them. Data in interpretive objective, neutral and conceptual. Their goal is to
studies, on the other hand, are the source of consider theory, determine hypotheses and slot
hypotheses, of interpretation; they precede any issues into 'straight-jacket social reality" (Cohen &
theorising or explanation which takes place. Manion, 1985:27). The researcher is at no time
(Cohen & Manion, 1985:27) "involved" in the issues being studied, the activity
Thus, the interpretive philosophical approach is is retrospective and requires the establishment of
where data generates relationships and causal links. The role of the interpretive researcher
contrasts sharply with that of the normative
interpretation. Phenomenological research is
researcher. They favour "an inner view of social
inductive, in stark contrast to the deductive
approach of the experimentalist. Hence, the
reality and are therefore much more involved,' an
involvement which frequently demands
scientific method is not applied in its traditional
participation as an ongoing member of the group
form to interpretive research methods.
theyarestudying"(Cohen & Manion, 1985:28).
The interpretive approach tackles research by
Phenornenolcgisrs look for explanations and
studying people in their natural environment, in
patterns in collected data. Observation is typically
contrast to experimental research which operates
employed as a tool for the interpretive researcher,
under the strict confines of the controlled
of which there are two principal types: participant
scientific method. The basic premise underlying
observation, and non-participant observation.
the interpretive model is:
Phenomenologists use their experiences in the
1. The naturalistic-ecological hypothesis: i.e. study as data. They become a part of the research.
research must the natural setting or According to Wilson, who summarises the
similar if generalisations are to occur. process as a series of issues: entry and
establishment of researcher role; data collection
2. The qualitative - phenomenological hypothesis,
procedures; objectivity and analysis of data; the
i.c. the researcher cannot understand the
role of the researcher determines the success of
framework within which the subjects
each of these facets, uiz.:
(participants) interpret their thoughts, actions
and fielings unless they useinterpretive methods. ...the participants must come to trust and value
(Wilson, 1977:47) the observer enough to be willing to share
intimate thoughts with him (sic) and answerhis
The interpretive and normative pos1tlons to the
(sic) endless questions. (Wilson, 1977:87)
conduct of scientific inquiry are at opposing
stances. The experimental method adopts scientific An example of the role of researcher in
inquiry as its base, while phenomenologists phenomenalogical research is reponed by
consider the scientific approach to be directing, Sullivan, Queen & Patrick, who carried out a
objectiveand setting a priorilimitations to the point participant-observation study to gain an insight
of being unable to reflect true events. The aim of into the motivations and attitudes of training
the normative approach is to determine global laws personnel in a Military Training Program. The
Donna Pendergast
researchers role was covert. He enlisted as a basic Accommodating the structures of experimental
trainee - his identity, mission and role as a control requires manipulation of phenomena
researcher unknown to everyone except the which distorts the naturaloccurrence,
investigator. The extent of the role involved
Another secondary aspect of control contrast
minor surgery; loss of 35 pounds, training on
between normative and interpretive methods is
reporting techniques and a long-term
the degree of control the researcher has over their
commitment to the study (Sullivan et al, 1970).
study. The normative approach sets out with
Such extremes in interpretive research are rare,
definite aims, is tightly structured, rigid. All
but illustrates the degree phenomenologists will
aspects are controlled, to the point where the
extend themselves to attain subjectivity, as
researcher has control, and is set in a rigid,
opposed to the objectivist normative approach.
inflexible framework. In comparison, the
Problems associated with the researchers role in interpretive researcher allows the situation to
interpretive research may include: bias, loss of direct them, directional control is enormous.
identity, the need to constantly review and Phenomenologisrs have the ability to adjust and
monitor reactions, remaining distant enough to adapt because of this flexible approach.
test emerging hypotheses - none of which are
(d) The issue ofcause and 4ftct
encountered in the role of the experimenralisr.
However, perhaps the greatest benefit is the The concept of cause and effect is defined by
possibility of eliciting information not accessible Cohen & Manion as "determinism". It is the
to researchers using experimental methods. belief that events have causes, and these causal
links can be determined and isolated and be
The issue of 'control' illustrates how polar
shown to have definite implications, or effects on
normative and interpretive research is. Control is
other factors. The issue of establishing cause and
one of the critical aspects of scientific inquiry - by
effect is not as straight forward as one may
controlling, the scientist is able to determine
association and ultimately gain control (Borg &
Gall, 1983:21). The normative researcher .:« phenomenon invariably occurs as a result of
particularly aims to control the situation and the multiple causation and the problem of
procedure. Phenomenologists reject the concept establishing the actual cause of a particular
of controlling a situation, and few employ phenomenon, especially in the behavioural
procedural control. Experimental researchers sciences, is virtually insoluble. Even in rigorous
deliberately control events and conditions so as experimental situations where variables can be
not to cloud variablesbeing researched. Control is manipulated it is impossible to control all the
used as a factor for establishing validity - high [actors in such a way as to be able to identifY
control links with high validity, and converse. conclusively the causal[actor orftctors. (Cohen
One method of control is the addition of the & Manion, 1985:19)
control group - a reference group which assists in To overcome this difficulty, the concept of
validating results. In this way, the control group probability to causation and correlation is
becomes the basis for comparison, unaffected by recognised and takes into consideration human
variables. The degree of control in experimentalist limitations and practical difficulties in carrying
approaches is on a continuum-dependent upon out research. Mouly clearlystates: "science canonly
the variables, methodology, etc. be approximate and continue to function on a
The phenomenological stance on control contrasts probahilistic basis" (Cohen & Manion, 1982:19).
with this normative approach. Interpretive Thus, in my discussion of cause-and-effect, the
researchers oppose siruarional control, suggesting lesser causal links like correlation are cause-and-
this nullifies their study. In some cases, they permit effect situations, bur of lesser intensity, i.e. cause-
procedural control, e.g. structured/unstructured and-effect from a continuum point of view.
questions; natural/artificial settings. Because of the Normative researchers have as their underlying
nature of most interpretive research, control may
philosopby the idea of cause-and-effect. It is the
actually become a constraint on reliability. As Le
basis of scientific inquiry. The experimental
Compte & Goetz (1982:32) explain:
approach is to identify the extent to which a
The type ofdata and the research process itself' specific cause(s) leads to specific effecrfs). This is
maypreclude the use ofstandardised controls so measured by varying means, and there is a
essential in experimental research. continuum of acceptable causal links. After such
Research in home economics
links are found, to confirm cause and effect, Both paradigms of research play a vital role in
experimental research should be applied. Within research, based on their differences in cause-and-
the normative paradigm - the cause-and-effect effect, depending upon the particular aspect being
philosophy is dominant, and the methodology researched,
employed establishes the degree of linkage, on the
(e) What counts as 'data' and what are
cause-and-effect continuum.
appropriate methodsof 'data collection'?
In distinct contrast, the phenomenological
The aim of all research is to gain data which will
researcher avoids the manipulation of variables to
be of value to the researcher, Normative and
establish causal significance. They reject the
phenomenological paradigms differ with regard to
notion of cause-and-effect, which has global
data and methodology in data collection, What
applications to specified populations. Their aim is
countS as data in interpretive research is described
to observe, probe deeply and analyse from an
by Wilson (1977) as being "multi-modal" and he
ideo graphic, not nomothetic stance. This
suggests each of the following arc relevant kinds of
subjective approach negates the assumption that
data: form and content of verbal interactions
people behave in a certain manner as a
between participants; form and content of verbal
consequence of preceding or future events, thus a
interactions with the researcher; non-verbal
cause-and-effect linkage is invalid.
behaviour; patterns of action and non-action;
The phenomenological paradigm make links traces, archival records, artefacts, documents.
during and after the collection of data, in contrast
This is not to suggest that all methods of data
to the experimenralisrs, who begin with dearly
collection in interpretive research will utilise each
defined hypotheses, which aim to nullify or
of these forms of data, but they are all acceptable
support cause-and-effect relationships. The
forms of data.
interpretive paradigm argues on the grounds of
being nominalist or idealist - that is, that people In direct contrast to this, is the concept of data
interpret the world in which they are in - and and appropriate methods of data collection used
there is no universal law of human society or for normative research. Since it is the aim of
conduct within it. For example, Davies experimental research to collect data which
(1980:258), in her study of school children's establishes relationships between factors by
social interactions, began with no preconceived considering predetermined hypotheses, the
expectations as to outcomes. Her aim was to: normative researcher is not concerned with any
data except that which is specific to the
...get inside the children's world and to hypotheses, Data is therefore limited to that
understand it from their point of view. J have required to establish causal relationships. All other
drawn together some insights into the nature of
data is considered to be superfluous and irrelevant
adult-childinteractions which developed during
to the study. AJ; Cohen & Manion (1985:27)
the course ofmy study.
Such is typical of research undertaken in the
In normative studies, data are always data fOr
phenomenological view there are no cause-and-
some hypothesis or other; if they are what is
assumed to exist, that is, based upon external reporting and anecdotal or impressionistic storytelling"
reality. (Gay, 1976).
Donna Pendergast
Research in home economics
the vocational and other benefits of the subject - direction of home economics related to relevance
reasons for choosing; how the subject has and application, diversity, and the need for greater
measured up to expectations; strengths and professionalism.
weaknesses, and so on. The methodology used
There is, of course broad research in specific
was a quantitative approach.
educational and cultural disciplines which have
A Project of National Significance In the informed the field of home economics, though
Education of Girls, funded by the Department of not with research specific to the field. Some of the
Employment, Education and Training was more notable among the theorists include
undertaken in Western Australia. Smir has Bernstein (1987); Bigum & Green (1993); Davies
examined the potential of the home economics (1989, 1992); Fraser (1989); Habermas (1974);
curriculum for broadening girls' post-school Limerick (1991); Reiger (1987, 1990, 1991);
options (1991 :5). This research utilised a Waring (1989); Watrs (1992); Wearing (1989);
combination of quantitative and qualitative Weedon (1987). The areas of expertise include
methodologies. Home economics was selected for technology education, feminism, critical theory,
investigation because of the existence of gender social and political theory, gender and social
issues associated with the curriculum area which justice, and each typically utilise research
had not previously been the focus of gender work. paradigms which reflect the values of the
The most significant finding of the project was discipline.
that home economics can improve girls' poSt- It is important to recognise that both approaches
school options. Emerging from this, Kenway to research are legitimate mechanisms in theory
(1993) has explored the notion of home development, application and testing and for
economics as an inclusive curriculum, focusing on contributing to a more holistic, detailed
the possible contribution of home economics to framework for understanding humans and their
the education of males and females, in addition to environmental interactions; particularly when the
its role in enhancing girls' futures. Kenway character of home economics as interdisciplinary
emphasises the need for demythologising is acknowledged. Qualitative methods can benefit
partriarchally approved structures of society, and from quantitative approaches, and together they
suggests there is a need to undertake this can provide a depth of perception or a binocular
challenge through the development of strategies view that neither can provide alone. By
to revalue traditionally undervalued outcomes acknowledging the value of qualitative and
(Kenway, 1993:9). quantitative research, home economists can make
In my own previous work (Pendergast, 1991; contributions toward meaningful data
1992; 1995) I applied feminist posrstructural interpretation by "demythologising" the
theory to a discourse analysis of transcriptions of quantitative-qualitative dichotomy - as Bobbitt
audio tapes of deliberations from a state (1993) suggests, a holistic profession requires
holistic approaches, including research. There is
conference of home economists. This utilised a
no doubt that research will be considerably
combination of qualitative and quantitative
enriched as qualitative and quantitative
methodologies. The conference was held to
researchers learn to integrate their approaches.
discuss the future development of the senior
syllabus of home economics which was (and still
is), under review. I identified three speaking Becher, T. (1990). "The counter-culture of specialisation."
positions used by home economists. Each was European journal ofeducation, 25(3), 333-346.
Bcrnstcin, R. (1987). The restructuring ofsocial and political
located in the marginal discourse and offered theory. Great Britain; Methuen and Co. I,rd.
subjecriviries which were disernpowered through Bigum, C. and Green, B. (1993). Curriculum and technology:
patriarchy. Other research I have undertaken with Australian perspectives and debates, in D. Smith, (1993).
Australian curriculum reform: action and reaction. NSW:
Burke (Burke & Pendergast, in press) reports on Roberr Burron Printers.
the current thinking and attitudes of home Board of Senior Secondary School Studies. (1989). Review of
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Borg, Wand Gal1, M. (1983). Educational research: An
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