Civil Work Specification Part 42
Civil Work Specification Part 42
Civil Work Specification Part 42
A single run of weld metal deposited on surface.
Butt Weld
A weld in which the weld metal lies substantially within the extension of the planes arc the surfaces
on the parts joined.
A depression left in weld metal where the arc was broken or the flame was removed.
End Crater
A crater at the end of a weld or at the end of a joint.
Fillet Weld
A weld of approximately triangular cross-section joining two surfaces approximately at the right
angles to each other in a lap joint, tee joint or corner joint. It is of two types:
(1) Continuous
(2) Intermittent.
Fusion Welding
Any welding process in which the weld is made between metals in a state of fusion without
hammering or pressure.
The metal deposited during one passage of the electrode or blow pipe in the making of a joint.
Throat thickness
See Fig. 10.1.
A union between two pieces of metal at faces rendered plastic or liquid by heat or pressure, or both,
Filler metal may be used to effect the union.
Micro-Alloying Elements
Elements such as niobium, boron, vanadium and titanium added singly or in combination to obtain
higher strength to weight ratio and better toughness, formability and weldability as compared to
unalloyed steel of similar strength level.
Controlled Rolling
A hot rolling process in which the temperature of the steel and its reduction ratio are controlled,
particularly during the final rolling passes, in order to achieve fine grain micro structure and optimum
mechanical properties.
Normalizing Rolling
A hot rolling process in which the final rolling passes are carried out at a suitable higher temperature,
followed by cooling in natural air to a temperature below the transformation temperature, in order to
produce a structure, analogous to that obtained by a separate normalizing treatment of hot rolled
10.1.1 Steel Supply of Material : General requirements relating to supply of structural steel shall conform
to IS 8910. Grades : There shall be nine grades of steel as given in Tables 10.1 and 10.2. While placing
the order the steel should be designated by ‘Designation’ (See Table 10.1 and 10.2). Manufacture : The processes used in the steel making and further hot rolling into steel plates,
strips, sections, flats, bars, etc., are left to the discretion of the manufacturer/supplier. If required,
secondary refining may follow steel making, as also normalizing rolling/controlled rolling during
manufacturing of sections or as per the agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer/
supplier. All finished materials shall be well and cleanly rolled to the dimensions, sections and
masses specified. The finished material shall be reasonably free from surface flaws; laminations; rough/
jagged and imperfect edges and all other harmful defects. Minor surface defects may be removed by the manufacturer/supplier by grinding provided
the thickness is not reduced locally by more than 4 percent below the minimum specified thickness.
Reduction in thickness by grinding greater than 4 percent but not exceeding 7 percent may be made
subject to mutual agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer/supplier. Subject to agreement with the purchaser, surface defects which cannot be dealt with as in may be repaired by chipping or grinding followed by welding and inspection by a mutually
agreed procedure such that :
(a) After complete removal of the defects and before welding, the thickness of the item is not to be
reduced by more than 20 percent at any place.
(b) Welding is carried out by procedure APPROVED by competent authority with approved
electrodes and the welding is ground smooth to the correct nominal thickness; and
(c) Subsequent to the finish grinding, the item may be required to be normalized or otherwise heat-
treated at the purchaser’s discretion. Welding as mentioned in is not permissible for grade designation E 250 material.
10.1.2 Rivets
Rivets shall be made from rivet bars of mild steel as per IS 1148.
10.1.3 Bolts
These are of two types namely turned and fitted bolts and black bolts. Turned & fitted bolts are
turned to exact diameter in automatic lathe. For these bolts, whether reamed or drilled bolts, the same
unit stresses are allowed as for rivets. In case of black bolts which are not finished to exact sizes, a
lower working stress other than for turned bolts is adopted. They shall conform to IS 1367 – Technical
supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners.
10.1.4 Electrodes
The electrodes required for metal arc welding shall be covered electrodes and shall conform to
IS 814.
10.2.0 The steel work in single section of R.S. joists, flats, Tees Angles fixed independently with or
without connecting plate, is described in these clauses.
10.2.1 Fabrication
The steel sections as specified shall be straightened and cut square to correct lengths and measured
with a steel tape. The cut ends exposed to view shall be finished smooth. No two pieces shall be welded
or otherwise jointed to make up the required length of member.
All straightening and shaping to form, shall be done by pressure. Bending or cutting shall be carried
out in such a manner as not to impair the strength of the metal.
10.2.2 Painting
All surfaces which are to be painted, oiled or otherwise treated shall be dry and thoroughly cleaned
to remove all loose scale and loose rust. Surfaces not in contact but inaccessible after shop assembly,
shall receive the full specified protective treatment before assembly. This does not apply to the interior of
sealed hollow sections. Part to be encased in concrete shall not be painted or oiled. A priming coat of
approved steel primer such as Red Oxide/Zinc Chromate primer conforming to IS 2074 shall be applied
before any member of steel structure are placed in position or taken out of workshop.
10.2.3 Erection
Steel work shall be hoisted and placed in position carefully without any damage to itself and other
building work and injury to workmen. Where necessary mechanical appliances such as lifting tackle
winch etc. shall be used. The suitability and capacity of all plant and equipment used for erection shall
be upto the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.
10.2.4 Measurements
The work as fixed in place shall be measured in running metres correct to a millimetre and weights
calculated on the basis of standard tables correct to the nearest kilogram. The standard weight of steel
sections shall conform to IS 808 with tolerance in sizes as per IS 1852. Tolerance in weight is given in
Table 10.3. Steel sections shall be acceptable within tolerance limits. Payment for steel sections shall
be made as per actual weight within tolerances. Sections having weight on higher side than permissible
Unless otherwise specified, weight of cleats, brackets, packing pieces, bolts, nuts, washers, distance
pieces, separaters, diaphgram gussets (taking overall square dimension) fish plates, etc. shall be added
to the weight of respective items. In riveted work allowance is to be made for weight of rivet heads.
Unless otherwise specified an addition of 2.5% of the weight of structure shall be made for shop and site
rivet heads in riveted steel structures.
No deduction shall be made for rivet/ or bolt holes (excluding holes for anchor or holding down bolts).
Deduction in case of rivet or bolt hole shall however be made if its area exceeds 0.02 sqm.
The weight of steel sheets, plates and strips shall be taken from relevant Indian standards based on
7.85 Kg/m2 for every millimetre sheet thickness. For rolled sections, steel rods and steel strips, weight
given in relevant Indian Standards shall be used.
10.2.5 Rate
Rate includes the cost of labour and materials required for all the operations described above.
10.3.2 Fabrication
Fabrication shall generally be done as specified in IS 800. In major works or where so specified,
shop drawings giving complete information for the fabrication of the component parts of the structure
including the location, type, size, length and details or rivets, bolts or welds, shall be prepared in
advance of the actual fabrication and approved by the Engineer-in-charge. The drawings shall indicate
the shop and field rivets, bolts and welds. The steel members shall be distinctly marked or stenciled with
paint with the identification marks as given in the shop drawings.
Great accuracy shall be observed in the fabrication of various members, so that these can be
assembled without being unduly packed, strained or forced into position and when built up, shall be true
and free from twist, kinks, buckles or open joints.
Wooden or metal sheet templates shall be made to correspond to each member, and position of rivet
holes shall be marked accurately on them and holes drilled. The templates shall then be laid on the steel
members, and holes for riveting and bolting marked on them. The ends of the steel members shall also
be marked for cutting as per required dimensions. The base of steel columns and the positions of anchor
bolts shall be carefully set out at the required location. The steel section shall be straight or to be straightened or flattened by pressure unless
required to be of curvilinear form and shall free from twists. These shall be cut square either by shearing
or sawing to correct length and measured by steel tape. No tow pieces shall be welded or joined to
make up for the required length of member. Making Holes : Holes through more than one thickness of materials for members, such as
compound stanchion and girder flanges shall, where possible, be drilled after the members are
Rivet Holes
The diameter for rivets and black bolts holes shall be taken as the nominal diameter of a rivet/ black
bolts plus 1.5 mm for rivets/ bolts of nominal diameter less than or equal to 25 mm” and 2.0 mm for
rivets of nominal diameter exceeding 25 mm, unless specified otherwise. Holes for turned and fitted
bolts shall be drilled or reamed large by 0.2 to 8 mm depending upon the dia. of bolts.
Holes shall have their axis perpendicular to the surface bored through. The drilling or reaming shall
be free from burrs, and the holes shall be clean and accurate. Holes for rivets and bolts shall not be
formed by gas cutting process.
Holes for counter sunk bolts shall be made in such a manner that their heads sit flush with the
surface after fixing. Assembly : Before making holes in individual members, for fabrication and steel work intended
to be riveted or bolted together shall be assembled and clamped properly and tightly so as to ensure
close abutting, or lapping of the surfaces of the different members. All stiffeners shall be fixed (or placed)
tightly both at top and bottom without being drawn or caulked. The abutting joints shall be cut or dressed
true and straight, and fitted close together.
Web plates of girders, which have no cover flange plates, shall have their ends flush with the tops of
angles unless otherwise required. The web plate when spliced, shall have clearance of not more than
5mm. The erection clearance of cleated ends of members connecting steel to steel shall preferably be
not greater than 1.5 mm. The erection clearance at the ends of beams without web cleats shall not be
more than 3 mm at each end but where for practical reasons, greater clearance is necessary, seating
designed suitably shall be provided.
Column splices and butt joints of struts and compression members requiring contact for stress
transmission shall be accurately, machined and close butted over the whole section. In column caps and
bases, the ends of shafts together with the attached gussets, angles, channels etc. after riveting
together shall be accurately machined so that the parts connected, butt against each other over the
entire surfaces of contact. Connecting angles or channels shall be fabricated and placed in position with
great accuracy so that they are not unduly reduced in thickness by machining.
The ends of all bearing stiffeners shall be machined or grounded to fit tightly both at top and bottom. Riveting : Rivets shall be used, where slip under load has to be avoided.
Preliminaries before Rivetings:- Members to be riveted shall have all parts firmly placed and held
together before and during riveting, and special care shall be taken in this respect for all single riveted
connections. For multiple riveted connections, a service bolt shall be provided in every third or fourth
Process of Riveting
The riveting shall be carried out by using machines of the steady pressure type. However, where
such facilities are not available hand riveting may be permitted by the Engineer-in-charge. The rivets
shall be heated red hot, care being taken to control the temperature of heating so as not to burn the
steel. Rivets of diameter less than10mm may be driven cold. Rivets shall be finished neat with heads full
and of equal size. The heads shall be central on shanks and shall grip the assembled members firmly.
For testing rivets, a hammer weighing approx. 0.25 kg shall be used and both heads of the rivet
(Specially the machine head) shall be tapped. When so tested, the rivets shall not give a hollow sound
and a jar where so specified, other tests shall be carried out to ensure the soundness of rivets.
All rivets heads shall be painted with approved steel primer paint within a week of their fixing. Bolting : The nominal length of the bolt shall be the distance from the underside of the head to
the further end of the shank. The nominal diameter of the bolt shall be the diameter at the shank above
the screwed threads. Bolts, nuts and washers shall be thoroughly cleaned and dipped in double boiled
linseed oil, before use. All bolts heads and nuts shall be hexagonal unless specified otherwise. The
screwed threads shall conform to IS 1363 and the threaded surface shall not be tapered. The bolts shall
be of such length as to project at least two clear threads beyond the nuts when fixed in position, and
these shall fit in the holes without any shake. The nuts shall fit in the threaded ends of bolts properly.
Where necessary, washers shall be tapered or otherwise suitably shaped to give the heads and nuts
of bolts a satisfactory bearing. The threaded portion of each bolt shall project through the nut at least two
thread. In all cases where the full bearing area of the bolt is to be developed, the bolt shall be provided
with a washer of sufficient thickness under the nuts to avoid any threaded portion of the bolt being within
the thickness of the parts bolted together.
Where there is a risk of the nuts being removed or becoming loose due to vibrations or reversal of
stresses, these shall be secured from slackening by the use of lock nut, spring washers as directed by
the Engineer-in-charge.
10.3.3 Erection Steel members shall be hoisted and erected in position carefully, without any damage to itself,
other structures and equipment and injury to workmen. The method of hoisting and erection proposed to
be adopted by the contractor shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-charge in advance. The
contractor however shall be fully responsible for the work being carried out in a safe and proper manner
without unduly stressing the various members and proper equipment such as derricks, lifting tackles,
winches, ropes etc. shall be used. The work of erection may be done in suitable units as may be directed by the Engineer-in-
charge. Fabricated members shall be lifted at such points so as to avoid deformation or excessive stress
in members. The structure or part of it placed in position shall be secured against over-turning or
collapse by suitable means.
During execution, the steel members shall be securely bolted or otherwise fastened when necessary
temporarily braced to provide for all loads including those due to erection equipments and its operation
to be carried safely by structure during erection. The steel members shall be placed in proper position as
per approved drawing, final riveting or permanent bolting shall be done only after proper alignment has
been checked and confirmed. Trusses shall be lifted only at nodes. The trusses above 10 m in span shall not be lifted by
slinging at two mid points of rafters, which shall be temporary braced by a wooden member of a suitable
section. After the trusses are placed in position, purlins and wind bracings shall be fixed as soon as
possible. Columns and stanchions shall be erected truly vertical with the necessary cross bracing etc.
and the base shall be properly fixed with the foundation concrete by means of anchor bolts etc. as per
drawing. Anchor bolts to be placed in the concrete foundation should be held in position with a wooden
template. At the time of concreting anchor bolt locations shall be provided with suitable timber mould or
pipe sleeve to allow for adjustment which shall be removed after initial setting of concrete. The spaces
left around anchor bolts shall be linked to a stopping channel in the concrete leading to the side of the
pedestal and on the underside of the base plate to allow the spaces being grouted up after the base
plate is fixed in the position along with the column footing. Grouting shall be of cement mortar 1:3
(1 cement: 3 coarse sand) or as specified. Bedding of Column, Stanchions etc.:- Bedding shall not be carried out until the steel work
has been finally levelled, plumbed and connected together. The stanchion shall be supported on steel
wedges and adjusted to make the column plumb. For multistoreyed buildings, the bedding shall not be
done until sufficient number of bottom lengths of stanchions have been properly lined, levelled and
plumbed and sufficient floor beams are fixed in position. The base plates shall be wedged clear of the
bases by M.S. wedges and adjusted where necessary to plumb the columns. The gaps under the base
plate may be made upto 25 mm which shall be pressure grouted with cement grouts.
With small columns, if permitted by the Engineer-in-charge, the column base shall be floated on a
thick cement grout on the concrete pedestal. The anchor bolt holes in the base plate may be made
about 10 to 15 mm larger than the bolts. In such cases suitable washers shall be provided.
10.3.4 Painting
Before the members of the steel structure are placed in position or taken out of the workshop these
shall be painted as specified in 10.2.2.
10.3.5 Measurements
The work as fixed in position shall be measured in running metres correct to a millimeter and their
weight calculated on the basis of standard tables correct to the nearest kilogram.
The standard weight of steel sections shall conform to IS 808 with tolerance in sizes as per IS 1852.
Tolerenace in weight is given in Table 10.3. Steel sections shall be acceptable within tolerance limits.
Payment for steel sections shall be made as per actual weight within tolerances. Sections having weight
on higher side than permissible tolerance, may be acceptable but payment shall be made on the basis of
standard weight only. Steel sections having weight variations lower than permissible variation shall not
be acceptable.
Unless otherwise specified. Weight of cleats, brackets, packing pieces, bolts nuts, washers, distance
pieces, separators diaphragm gussets (taking overall square dimensions) fish plates etc. shall be added
to the weight of respective items. No deductions shall be made for skew cuts. In riveted work, allowance
is to be made for weight of rivet heads. Unless otherwise specified and addition of 2.5% of the weight of
structure shall be made for shop and site rivet heads in riveted steel structures. No deduction shall be
made for rivet/ or bolt holes (excluding holes for anchor or holding down bolts). Deduction in case of rivet
or bolt hole shall, however, be made if its area exceeds 0.02 m2.
10.3.6 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of all materials and labour involved in all the operation described
10.4.0 The steel work in built up sections (welded) such as in trusses, form work etc. is specified in this
10.4.2 Fabrication Straightening, shaping to form, cutting and assembling, shall be as per 10.3.2 as far as
applicable, except that the words “riveted or bolted” shall be read as “welded” and holes shall only be
used for the bolts used for temporary fastening as shown in drawings. Welding : Welding shall generally be done by electric arc process as per IS 816 and IS 823.
The electric arc method is usually adopted and is economical. Where electricity for public is not available
generators shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost unless otherwise specified. Gas welding
shall only by resorted to using oxyacetylene flame with specific approval of the Engineer-in-charge. Gas
welding shall not be permitted for structural steel work Gas welding required heating of the members to
be welded along with the welding rod and is likely to create temperature stresses in the welded
members. Precautions shall therefore be taken to avoid distortion of the members due to these
temperature stresses.
The work shall be done as shown in the shop drawings which should clearly indicate various details
of the joint to be welded, type of welds, shop and site welds as well as the types of electrodes to be
used. Symbol for welding on plans and shops drawings shall be according to IS 813.
As far as possible every efforts shall be made to limit the welding that must be done after the
structure is erected so as to avoid the improper welding that is likely to be done due to heights and
difficult positions on scaffolding etc. apart from the aspect of economy. The maximum dia of electrodes
for welding work shall be as per IS 814. Joint surfaces which are to be welded together shall be free
from loose mill scale, rust, paint, grease or other foreign matter, which adversely affect the quality of
weld and workmanship. Precautions : All operation connected with welding and cutting equipment shall conform to the
safety requirements given in IS 818 for safety requirements and Health provision in Electric and gas
welding and cutting operations. Assembly : Before welding is commenced, the members to be welded shall first be brought
together and firmly clamped or tack welded to be held in position. This temporary connection has to be
strong enough to hold the parts accurately in place without any disturbance. Tack welds located in Erection : The specification shall be as described in 10.3.3 except that while erecting a welded
structure adequate means shall be employed for temporary fastening the members together and bracing
the frame work until the joints are welded. Such means shall consists of applying of erection bolts, tack
welding or other positive devices imparting sufficient strength and stiffness to resist all temporary loads
and lateral forces including wind. Owing to the small number of bolts ordinarily employed for joints which
are to be welded, the temporary support of heavy girders carrying columns shall be specially attended.
Different members which shall be fillet welded, shall be brought into as close contact as possible. The
gap due to faulty workmanship or incorrect fit if any shall not exceed. 1.5 mm if gap exceeds 1.5 mm or
more occurs locally the size of fillet weld shall be increased at such position by an amount equal to the
width of the gap. Painting : Before the member of the steel structures are placed in position or taken out of the
workshop these shall be painted as specified in para 10.2.2.
10.4.3 Measurements
The mode of measurements shall be the same as specified in 10.2.4 except that weight of welding
material shall not be added in the weight of members for payment and nothing extra shall be paid for
making and filling holes for temporary fastening of members during erection before welding.
10.4.4 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of all labour and materials involved in all the operations described
10.5.0 These shall be of approved manufacture and shall be fabricated from the mild steel sections.
10.5.1 The gates shall consist of double or single collapsible gate depending on the size of the opening.
These shall consist of vertical double channels each 20 x 10 x 2 mm. at 10 cm. centre to centre braced
with flat iron diagonals 20 x 5 mm and top and bottom rails of T- iron 40 x 40 x 6 mm @ 3.5 kg/m with 40
mm dia. ball bearings in every fourth double channel, unless otherwise specified. Wherever collapsible
gate is not provided within the opening and fixed along the outer wall surface, T- iron at the top may be
replaced by flat iron 40 x 10 mm.
The collapsible gate shall be provided with necessary bolts and nuts, locking arrangement, stoppers
and handles. Any special fittings like spring, catches and locks, shall be so specified in the description of
item where so required. The gate shall open and close smoothly and easily.
10.5.2 Fixing
T- iron rails shall be fixed to the floor and to the Lintel at top by means of anchor bolts embedded in
cement concrete of floor and lintel. The anchor bolts shall be placed approximately at 45 cm centres
alternatively in the two flanges of the T- iron. The bottom runner (T- iron) shall be embedded in the floor
and proper groove shall be formed along the runner for the purpose. The collapsible shutter shall be
fixed at sides by fixing the end double channel with T-iron rails and also by hold- fasts bolted to the end
double channel and fixed in masonry of the side walls on the other side. In case the collapsible shutter is
not required to reach the lintel, beam or slab level, a Tee-section suitably designed may be fixed at the
top, embedded in masonry and provided with necessary clamps and roller arrangement at the top. All
the adjoining work damaged in fixing of gate shall be made good to match the existing work, without any
extra cost.
10.5.4 Measurements
The height and breadth shall be measured correct to a cm. The height of the gate shall be measured
as the length of the double channels and breadth from outside to outside of the end fixed double
channels in open position, of the gate. The area shall be calculated in square metres, correct to two
places of decimal.
10.5.5 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operations described above.
10.6.0 These shall be manufactured as per drawings and specification. These shall be fabricated from
mild steel sheets.
10.6.1 The shutters shall be double or single leaf shutter as specified. The shutters shall be fabricated of
specified size of M.S. angle iron frame diagonally braced with the same size of M.S. angle riveted /
welded together with 3mm gusset plate at junction to form a rigid frame. M.S. sheet of 1 mm thickness
or as specified shall be fixed to the frame with rivets/welds as approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
These shall also be provided with top and bottom guide rails of specified size angles or T- irons and
25 mm diameter pulley or with 25 mm diameter ball bearing at the bottom and guide block with steel
pulleys at the top. The shutters shall also be provided with locking arrangement, handles, stoppers, and
holdfasts, other fittings as specified in the description of the item.
The guide rails shall be sufficiently long and continued along the wall on both ends so that the sliding
shutters can rest against the walls, giving full opening when so required.
10.6.2 Fixing
The guide rails shall be fixed to the floor by means of anchor bolts embedded in the cement concrete
floor. The steel section at the top shall be suitably supported from the walls. Two channel sections shall
be suitable fixed vertically below the extreme clamps in the wall and floor to avoid the shutter from going
out of the supports at top and bottom. A suitable clamping arrangement will be provided at either end of
the opening to avoid the shutters from rolling back into the opening.
All the adjoining work damaged in fixing shall be made good to match the existing work.
10.6.3 Painting
All members of the sliding shutters including fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned of rust, scales, dust
etc. and given a priming coat of approved steel primer i.e. Red oxide zinc chrome primer conforming to
IS 2074 before fixing them in position.
10.6.4 Measurements
The height and width shall be measured correct to a cm and its area for payment shall be calculated
in square metres correct to two places of decimal. The height of the shutter shall be measured from
outside to outside of the guide rail and width out side to out side of the shutter including the vertical
position channels in sides, when shutter closed.
10.6.5 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operation described above.
It also includes the cost of the full length of guide rails.