Index: Chapter-2 P
Index: Chapter-2 P
Index: Chapter-2 P
Profile of CESU
Research methodology
Data collection
Cauterization scheme
Organization structure of CESU
Research Methodology
Data collection
Primary source
Secondary source
The primary data are the basis but important source though which we
collect the data have been collected by meeting the various employees,
executives and other supporting staff of the CESU.
The Secondary data are another source through which we collect the
data and information. Secondary data have been collected from the internet .
Different books, journals and other materials pertaining to the company and
industry have also been consulted. My survey was basically done under the
HR Department.
Research Instrument
Questionnaire design
Period of study
The study was under taken for a period of 45 days during August-Sep 2010
Questionnaires were pre tested
Objectives were set and questionnaires were finalized
Data were collected and recorded
Data were analyzed and interpreted
Reports were generated
The survey was conducted in CESU Bhubaneshwar and its finds are
applicable to this division and further sample being small, the findings
cannot be generalized in the whole of the CESU
It is possible that due to paucity of time some areas many not have been
adequately covered.
The closely related and similar activities are grouped together for the
departments, divisions or sections. The co-ordination among the activities
can only be achieved through proper grouping. The grouped activities can be
assigned to different positions. The assignment of activities to individuals
relates authority and responsibility. The authority is delegated to the lower
levels of various departments.
Delegation of authority
A sound organization should also make the fullest use of labor power.
Personnel must be carefully selected for every work. Again, the factors that
increase labor efficiency must be borne in mind. For example, the efficiency
of the typist may be considerably increased by introduction of suitable
seating accommodation, lighting and ventilation resulting in decrease in
fatigue. The efficient organizer would therefore always be on the alert to see
whether his arrangements need modification to obtain better results.
Principle of Simplicity
Organization structure are usually of line and staff and functional types. Line
structure is part of every organization. The staff and functional types are
modifications of the line structure . Staff and functional structure seldom
exist apart from a combination with line structure.
Vision of CESU
Its Mission
- Be a corporate responsible to care for human lives
Customer Focus
In every business enterprise the source of all authority rests with the Board
of Directs. The primary authority and responsibility of making fundamental
decision in respect of the location and exercise of general function of
direction, supervision and control of administration rests with the Board.
The exercises the supreme power of direction and control. It frames rules
and regulations, organizes its functions, and plans its projects .It determines
the activities to be undertaken, determines the pattern of the organization,
the personnel to be employed, frames the rules and regulation, and
determines the grant of funds and exercises supervision over all the
Sub Section (ii) of Section 5 of the said Scheme states that subject to
overall supervision, control and delegation of power by the Management
Board and directions of the Commission-
Legal Wing – This wing looks after the legal matter of the organization . It is
constituted as under :
Public Relation s Wing: It takes care of the public relation affairs of the
Utility . This wing is headed by a Dy Manager (PR)
l. Designation
1. Sr General Manager
2. Dy Manager(Mech)
3. Dy Manager (Technical )
4. Dy Manager (Technical)
5 Assistant Manager (Electrical)
5. Junior Manger
6. Junior Manager
7. Junior Manager
Finance Wing
From the above it is apparent that the number of Division under each
Circle is not similar. For example, Bhubaneshwar circle has 2 distribution
and Cuttack Circle have 1 Distribution and two Electrical Divisions each
under their jurisdiction. Similarly, remaining three Circle have only
Electrical Divisions under them. The office of the Superintending Engineer
is under :
Establishment Section
Finance Section
Clerical A& Clerk B
Data entry officer
Work and purchase
Technical is organized as:
Technical Assistant
Organization of a Division
(a) Assistant Manager
(b) Divisional Accountant
(c) Head Clerk
(d) Cleck (a) & Clerk (b)
The last formation of CESU is the Section which is headed by a
Junior Manager. He reports to the Sub divisional head.
Company profile
No. of Circles 5
No. of Divisions 20
No. of Supporting Division 4
(E&MR.MRT, Store & Supply)
No of Subdivision 68
No of Sections 245
Length of 33 KV.CKM 2741.798
Length of 11 KV CKM 15779.57
Length of LT line 18904.776
No. of 33 KV feeder 125
No. of 11 KV feeder 584
No of distribution transformer 17405
Objectives of CESU
Vision of CESU
Its Mission