Dream: Vishnu Vasudev Narlikar
Dream: Vishnu Vasudev Narlikar
Dream: Vishnu Vasudev Narlikar
August 2019 l Vol. 21 l No. 11 l Rs. 5.00
l Editorial: Independence to reliance and thereafter ...
l Vishnu Vasudev Narlikar: An Extraordinary Mathematician
l Climate Change and India
l Quantum Plasma in Space
l Recent Developments in Science and Technology
l VP News
Independence to reliance
and thereafter ...
Nakul Parashar
Thinking of August every year, one date fresh challenges with time. It’s notable that operated way that hindered the numbers to
that crops up in the mind of every Indian is the process has accelerated in recent decades. be produced, compromising with fluctuating
the 15th of August. The day when India In this regard, many expertsbelieve that the quality due to manual intervention and
embarked on a journey to redeem her pledge advent of artificial intelligence has the potential increasing costs enhanced the risk of losing
made during the tryst with destiny many many to radically transform the world of science and out on the project itself. Artificial intelligence,
years ago. It is this day when India woke up technology. finally, saved the day in the end.
to freedom and thus breaking the 200-year-old I distinctly remember once when I was The point is to draw attention towards
shackles of dependence. In 1947, this moment thrown upon a challenge of getting headnotes the immense potential of this upcoming
was as much an occasion of rejoicing as it was written for around 8 lakh cases emanating domain, that’s finding a place for itself in every
a challenge. India thus needed to the required from various courts of the Indian judiciary. part of life. The list of benefits and applications
guidance to reach the goal of self-reliance I started looking for duly qualified advocates of artificial intelligence is growing rapidly...
through the shortest possible route. and law graduates to assist me in meeting this This has thus, led to the emergence of a new
This, obviously, could not have been humongous task. The assignment was big, but field of opportunity -- data science.
possible without science and technology. New- finding people with the right skill-set was far Computer science and statistics are one
age temples of modern India were conceived more challenging. Since all these cases belonged of the greatest gifts of science & technology
and constructed. This is where rationality to different courts at different levels, they had that independent India has given to the world
worshipped the ideals of the greater public no resemblance to one another. Therefore, it community. It is not only propelling the growth
good through the instruments of modern was difficult to apply pattern recognition. of artificial intelligence but also helping the
science. Establishing the Council of Scientific This is when computer science, statistics, and country reach new heights of self-reliance. We
and Industrial Research (CSIR) was a milestone related data scientists came to my rescue. are making continuous efforts with relentless
in this direction. Consequently, 38 different We sat together with a team of legal commitment towards greater self-sustenance
laboratories came up in the country. The task of experts, who could write headnotes correctly as and reliance.
building various components of infrastructure domain experts, and the necessary team of data Back at Vigyan Prasar, after Bangla,
related to science and technology at different scientists. The task at hand was to write new Urdu, Malayalam, and Tamil, we are now
levels was expedited. A special emphasis was algorithms that could help us extract various headed towards the launch of our Marathi
laid on making science and technology as an elements of a headnote, most of which were and Gujarati editions. Our aim is to take
important part of our education. The result quite subjective in nature. Even after penning science to the masses in their own languages.
was the emergence of some of the globally- down over 66,000 statistical rules, small and From Newsletters and writing original books
acclaimed institutes in this field. This journey big, artificial intelligence could bring us to VIPNET clubs in schools; the list of our
of augmenting country's prowess in science only limited success. We could match some activities is getting longer rapidly.
and technology still continues. Both the components of these headnotes without any Wishing you Happy Independence Day.
Indian government as well as the private sector intervention of the human mind. However, Jai Hind!
have made theircontribution to making the the real goal was still far away. We kept on
realization of self-reliance easier. Yet, much still augmenting the numbers of algorithms. On Email:nakul.parashar@vigyanprasar.gov.in
remains to be accomplished. The ever-evolving the other hand, the number of cases was still (Translated by Shri Deepak Sharma) n
world of science and technology keeps throwing increasing. Employing the traditional hand-
Editor : Nakul Parashar Vigyan Prasar is not responsible for the statements/opinions expressed and
photographs used by the authors in their articles/write-ups published in
Associate editor : Rintu Nath “Dream 2047”
Production : Manish Mohan Gore and Pradeep Kumar Articles, excerpts from articles published in “Dream 2047” may be freely
Expert member : Biman Basu reproduced with due acknowledgement/credit, provided periodicals in
Address for Vigyan Prasar, C-24, which they are reproduced are distributed free.
correspondence : Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110 016 Published and Printed by Manish Mohan Gore on behalf of Vigyan
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Shephali Sachan
Quantum Plasma
in Space
Kaushik Roy & Prasanta Chatterjee
Quantum mechanics was born to mechanics are different, but they are same
describe physics in a completely new way according to the concept of physics.
in the first quarter of the 20th century. In 1929, American physicists Lewi
About 90% of all matter The interpretation of quantum theory Tonks and Irving Langmuir first coined the
in the visible universe looks confusing, but has a wide range of term ‘plasma’ (the word ‘plasma’ in Greek
applications in astrophysics, microelectronics means ‘something formed’) to describe
exists in the form of and nanotechnology. In physics, many- the inner region of a glowing ionised gas
plasma. Plasmas are body systems are described by a so-called
density matrix, which has no classical
produced by means of an electric discharge
in a tube. Plasma is considered as the fourth
observed on the Sun’s counterpart. Many scientists like Max state of matter, next to solids, liquids and
Plank, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Werner gases. Plasma physics deals with the N-body
surface, and in Earth’s Heisenberg, Erwin Schrodinger, and Paul dynamics of a system of charged particles
magnetosphere and Dirac significantly contributed to develop interacting through electromagnetic forces.
the subject. The development came about in The study of plasma arose in the twentieth
interplanetary and two stages. The first stage started with Max century when scientists got interested in
interstellar media. In Plank’s hypothesis, which is a combination the physics of gas discharges. After World
of classical and non-classical theory. On War II, researches in plasma physics got a
modern physics there are 14 December 1900, Plank delivered a tremendous boost because of its applications
numerous applications of presentation at a meeting of the German
Physical Society in which he stated that
in nuclear fusion, as in hydrogen bomb or
in energy production through controlled
quantum plasma. There radiation is emitted or absorbed by matter in thermonuclear fusion. Plasma physics
discrete packets or quanta each of energy h was also developed by astrophysicists and
has been a growing interest ν, where ν is the frequency of radiation, and geophysicists. About 90% of all matter in
in quantum plasmas, h the Planck’s constant. the visible universe exists in the form of
The second stage of quantum plasma. Plasmas are observed on the Sun’s
motivated by applications mechanics started in 1925, where Heisenberg surface, and in Earth’s magnetosphere and
in ultra-small electronic introduced a particular form of quantum
mechanics, which is also called ‘matrix
interplanetary and interstellar media.
A classical system of charged particles
devices and dense mechanics’. The following year, Schrodinger qualifies as plasma if it is quasi-neutral (a
introduced another mathematical form of region where electric field is zero) and if
astrophysical plasmas. quantum mechanicscalled ‘wave mechanics’. collective effects play a significant role in
This mechanics combined the theory of the dynamics. Actually, traditional plasma
the classical waves and Louis de Broglie’s physics has mainly focussed on regimes
wave-particle relationship. Mathematically, characterised by high temperatures and low
theories of wave mechanics and matrix densities for which quantum mechanical
Dr. Kaushik Roy is Assistant Teacher in Mathematics, Beluti M.K.M. High School, P.O. Beluti, District: Birhum, West Bengal - 731301;
Email: kaushikbolpur@rediffmail.com
Prof. Prasamta Chatterjee is Professor, Department of Mathematics, Viswa Bharati University, Shantiniketan, West Bengal
R. Vathsala
The human brain is considered to Now the question arises: Can animals
be the ultimate product of evolution. It is also use tools? The sight of an animal making
highly evolved and most sophisticated and and using a tool is an interesting sight,
Tool use by animals is a can perform very complicated and complex perhaps because it makes us to question
tasks. The biggest and the most important some of our ideas about human uniqueness.
phenomenon in which an part of the brain, Does the tool-
animal uses any kind of the cerebral cortex,
controls all the
making animal
know how the tool
tool in order to achieve voluntary muscles works? Does the
of the body. The animal anticipate
a goal such as acquiring frontal lobe of the the need for the
food and water, grooming, cerebral cortex is
the area responsible
tool and make it in
advance? Animals
defence, recreation or for all voluntary engage in many
movements. other complex
construction. Originally The region of activities, like nest
the cerebrum that building and we
thought to be a skill only controls the muscles know that complex
possessed by humans, of the hand is large, behaviour need
in the sense that each not be cognitively
some tool use requires and every muscle of
The cerebral cortex
demanding. But
the hand controlled tool-using
a sophisticated level of by a particular part behaviour can
cognition. There are many of the brain performs a particular skilful
movement. The human hand can draw,
also provide a powerful opening into the
minds of animals and help us learn what
tool users among animals paint, sculpt, operate intricate machines, can capacities we share with animals.
perform micro surgeries, use complicated Tool use by animals is a subject of vast
including mammals, tools and much more. controversy, for it is difficult to draw a line
birds, fish, cephalopods between instinct and culturally transmitted
learning. Learning process in young animals
and insects. Humans is based on instinct rather than on intelligence
and is transferred from the parents to the
are not the only species offspring through observation and training.
Tool use by animals is a phenomenon in
endowed with this ability. which an animal uses any kind of tool in
order to achieve a goal such as acquiring food
and water, grooming, defence, recreation or
construction of a shelter.
Human hands at work
Ms. R. Vathsala is a retired Vice Principal from a CBSE School in Chennai.She has served for more than 30 years in the field of education and
at present is engaged in preparing educational software for school children.Email: vathsalarangachari@gmail.com
27 Dream 2047, August 2019, Vol. 21 No. 11
Originally thought to be a skill only Orangutans use a variety of tools for seen pushing a stick into the ground and
possessed by humans, some tool use requires extracting insects or honey and for opening using it as a stabilising stick while gathering
a higher level of cognition. A wide range of up fruits. They use tools made from branches aquatic plants.
animals including mammals, birds, fish and and leaves to scratch, scrape, wipe, clean, Tool use has been observed in
many invertebrates such as cephalopods and swat, scoop, hit and cover. They will break- capuchin monkeys. These animals use a
insects are known to use tools. off a tree branch, remove the twigs and then stick to push food from the centre of a tube
Let us take as an example the sea use the stick to dig in holes for termites. Some and retrieving it when it reaches the far end.
otters smashing mollusc shells with rocks. Is orangutans They have been observed cracking nuts by
it because they are intelligent and adaptive, use handfuls placing them on a stone anvil and hitting
or are these mammals born with this innate of leaves as them with another large stone (hammer).
ability? napkins to
The coconut octopus, a tiny wipe their
cephalopod, has been observed retrieving faces while
discarded coconut half-shells, swimming in parts of
with them up to 15 metres away and then Sumatra
carefully arranging the shells on the sea floor they are
for later use. Other octopus species also known to
engage in tool use, surrounding their dens Orangutan using a tool use leaves
with shells, stones, and even bits of discarded as gloves,
plastic garbage, but it is not clear whether helping them handle spiny fruits and Tool-using chimpanzees
this behaviour is any more “intelligent” than branches, or as seat cushions on spiny trees.
the nests built by terrestrial birds. In some primates, tool making reveals Capuchin monkeys also use pieces of stone
higher cognitive functioning. Chimpanzees as digging tools for probing the substrate
pick up leafy twigs, remove the leaves and and sometimes for excavating tubers from
Elephants are equipped with a very
efficient natural “tool”, namely their long,
flexible trunk. These mammals use other
tools also. Asian elephants have been known
to rip-off smaller side branches from fallen
tree branches with their trunks and then
use these tools as primitive back-scratchers. Capuchin monkey breaking a nut
Some elephants cover up small watering
holes with “plugs” made of stripped tree bark, ground and use sticks to flush prey from
which prevents the water from evaporating inside rock crevices.
Rain cover- chimpanzee In the wild, mandrills have been
observed to clean their ears with twigs.
use the stems to fish for insects. Chimpanzees Asian, crab-eating macaques use
are highly evolved tool users doing tasks like stone tools to open nuts, oysters and other
cracking nuts with stone tools. These animals bivalves, and various types of sea snails
not only use sticks to fish out their meal, but
they in fact build their own ‘tool kits’ .They
first use a smaller stick to break open the
termite or ant mound, then use a larger stick A community of dolphins was
to make holes in the prey’s colony, and then observed to use conical sponges as tools while
Elephant using tools insert a ‘fishing probe’ into the hole and pull hunting for food. This behaviour, termed
and keeps it from being drunk by other out the termites or ants that have gathered “sponging”, occurs when a dolphin breaks off
animals. Both wild and captive elephants on the stick. a sponge and wears it over its rostrum while
are known to create tools using their trunk Both bonobos and chimpanzees foraging on the seafloor. During sponging,
and feet, mainly for swatting flies, scratching have been observed making “sponges” out dolphins mainly target fish that burrow in
and reaching tree branches which are out of of leaves and moss that suck up water and the substrate. Therefore, the sponge may be
reach. using these for grooming. Wild chimpanzees used to protect their rostrums as they forage
predominantly use tools in the context of in a niche where echolocation and vision are
food gathering, while wild bonobos use tools less effective hunting techniques.
mainly for personal care. Bottle-nose dolphins have also been
Primates are well-known for using Gorillas use tools in several ways, observed carrying conch shells. In this
tools for hunting or gathering food and including using wood wool as “slippers” behaviour, dolphins insert their rostrum into
water, cover for rain, and self-defence. when walking on hard ground. A gorilla was the shell's aperture. They appear to use the
The Earth is unique in our solar The giant impact hypothesis for the
A recent finding system: It is the only planet of our solar Moon’s formation states that shortly after
system with a large amount of water. Two- formation of an initial crust, the proto-
about the behaviour thirds of the Earth’s surface is covered with Earth was hit by a body about the size of
of thermal plasma on water and most life on Earth cannot survive Mars, called Theia, some 4.4 billion years
without water. It has long been debated how ago. Until now, scientists had assumed that
the Sun shows how our planet got its water. There have been Theia originated in the inner solar system
matter behaves in the many theories; they include collision with
comets, trans-Neptunian objects, or water-
near the Earth, which is considered a hot
and dry region. Researchers from Münster
extreme conditions of rich meteoroids from the outer reaches of the have now shown that Theia did not come
asteroid belt. But new research by scientists from the inner solar system; rather it came
the Sun’s atmosphere. of the University of Münster in Germany from the outer solar system and delivered
Understanding how show for the first time that water came to large quantities of water to Earth (Nature
Earth during the formation of the Moon Astronomy, 21 May 2019; DOI: 10.1038/
plasma behaves in the some 4.4 billion years ago. Besides being s41550-019-0779-y).
Sun’s atmosphere may the source of Earth’s water, the Moon is also The Münster researchers base their
important for us because its relatively large finding on the amounts of the element
help researchers learn size is crucial for stabilising the Earth’s axis molybdenum isotopes present in Earth’s
how to control this of rotation. mantle. According to them, “from earlier
studies, we know that
exotic matter on Earth. the solar system became
structured such that the ‘dry’
Plasma is exotic matter materials were separated from
not commonly found on the ‘wet’ materials: the so-
called ‘carbonaceous’ (carbon-
Earth. It is also known containing) meteorites,
as the fourth state of which are relatively rich in
water, come from the outer
matter (besides solid, solar system, whereas the
drier ‘non-carbonaceous’
liquid and gaseous meteorites come from the
phases) and can be inner solar system. The
measurements made by the
created only at extremely researchers from Münster
high temperatures. Diagram showing the sequence of events leading
show that the molybdenum
isotopic composition of the
to formation of Moon as a result of collision Earth lies between those of
between proto-Earth and Theia, which brought the carbonaceous and non-
water to Earth. (Credit: Sean Raymond) carbonaceous meteorites,
The author is a former editor of the popular science monthly Science Reporter, published by CSIR, He is a winner of the 1994 ‘NCSTC
National Award for Science Popularisation’. He is the author of more than 45 popular science books. Email: bimanbasu@gmail.com
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