Dream: Vishnu Vasudev Narlikar

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August 2019 l Vol. 21 l No. 11 l Rs. 5.00

Vishnu Vasudev Narlikar

An Extraordinary

l Editorial: Independence to reliance and thereafter ...
l Vishnu Vasudev Narlikar: An Extraordinary Mathematician
l Climate Change and India
l Quantum Plasma in Space
l Recent Developments in Science and Technology
l VP News

Independence to reliance
and thereafter ...
Nakul Parashar
Thinking of August every year, one date fresh challenges with time. It’s notable that operated way that hindered the numbers to
that crops up in the mind of every Indian is the process has accelerated in recent decades. be produced, compromising with fluctuating
the 15th of August. The day when India In this regard, many expertsbelieve that the quality due to manual intervention and
embarked on a journey to redeem her pledge advent of artificial intelligence has the potential increasing costs enhanced the risk of losing
made during the tryst with destiny many many to radically transform the world of science and out on the project itself. Artificial intelligence,
years ago. It is this day when India woke up technology. finally, saved the day in the end.
to freedom and thus breaking the 200-year-old I distinctly remember once when I was The point is to draw attention towards
shackles of dependence. In 1947, this moment thrown upon a challenge of getting headnotes the immense potential of this upcoming
was as much an occasion of rejoicing as it was written for around 8 lakh cases emanating domain, that’s finding a place for itself in every
a challenge. India thus needed to the required from various courts of the Indian judiciary. part of life. The list of benefits and applications
guidance to reach the goal of self-reliance I started looking for duly qualified advocates of artificial intelligence is growing rapidly...
through the shortest possible route. and law graduates to assist me in meeting this This has thus, led to the emergence of a new
This, obviously, could not have been humongous task. The assignment was big, but field of opportunity -- data science.
possible without science and technology. New- finding people with the right skill-set was far Computer science and statistics are one
age temples of modern India were conceived more challenging. Since all these cases belonged of the greatest gifts of science & technology
and constructed. This is where rationality to different courts at different levels, they had that independent India has given to the world
worshipped the ideals of the greater public no resemblance to one another. Therefore, it community. It is not only propelling the growth
good through the instruments of modern was difficult to apply pattern recognition. of artificial intelligence but also helping the
science. Establishing the Council of Scientific This is when computer science, statistics, and country reach new heights of self-reliance. We
and Industrial Research (CSIR) was a milestone related data scientists came to my rescue. are making continuous efforts with relentless
in this direction. Consequently, 38 different We sat together with a team of legal commitment towards greater self-sustenance
laboratories came up in the country. The task of experts, who could write headnotes correctly as and reliance.
building various components of infrastructure domain experts, and the necessary team of data Back at Vigyan Prasar, after Bangla,
related to science and technology at different scientists. The task at hand was to write new Urdu, Malayalam, and Tamil, we are now
levels was expedited. A special emphasis was algorithms that could help us extract various headed towards the launch of our Marathi
laid on making science and technology as an elements of a headnote, most of which were and Gujarati editions. Our aim is to take
important part of our education. The result quite subjective in nature. Even after penning science to the masses in their own languages.
was the emergence of some of the globally- down over 66,000 statistical rules, small and From Newsletters and writing original books
acclaimed institutes in this field. This journey big, artificial intelligence could bring us to VIPNET clubs in schools; the list of our
of augmenting country's prowess in science only limited success. We could match some activities is getting longer rapidly.
and technology still continues. Both the components of these headnotes without any Wishing you Happy Independence Day.
Indian government as well as the private sector intervention of the human mind. However, Jai Hind!
have made theircontribution to making the the real goal was still far away. We kept on
realization of self-reliance easier. Yet, much still augmenting the numbers of algorithms. On Email:nakul.parashar@vigyanprasar.gov.in
remains to be accomplished. The ever-evolving the other hand, the number of cases was still (Translated by Shri Deepak Sharma) n
world of science and technology keeps throwing increasing. Employing the traditional hand-
Editor : Nakul Parashar Vigyan Prasar is not responsible for the statements/opinions expressed and
photographs used by the authors in their articles/write-ups published in
Associate editor : Rintu Nath “Dream 2047”
Production : Manish Mohan Gore and Pradeep Kumar Articles, excerpts from articles published in “Dream 2047” may be freely
Expert member : Biman Basu reproduced with due acknowledgement/credit, provided periodicals in
Address for Vigyan Prasar, C-24, which they are reproduced are distributed free.
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35 Dream 2047, August 2019, Vol. 21 No. 11


Vishnu Vasudev Narlikar : An

Extraordinary Mathematician
Utpal Mukhopadhyay

School of Kolhapur. Despitethe

Vishnu VasudevNarlikar untimely death of his father, Vishnu
was one of the two Vasudev continued his studies
and stood fourth in Matriculation
pioneers in research examination. Securing a scholarship,
on general theory of he studied in Elphinstone Collegeand
Royal Institute of Science in Bombay
relativity in India. (now Mumbai) with Honours in
Mathematics. In 1928, he obtained
He made important first class first with 96% marks in B.Sc.
contributions in various final examination. After doing B.Sc.,
Vishnu Vasudev went to Cambridge
fields of mathematical for higher studies by virtue of J.N.
physics like, extension Tata Endowment Scholarship. He
received some financial assistance
of Bode’s law, Milne’s from Kolhapur State also on the
kinematical relativity, condition that after completing his
studies, he would have to serve in
gravitational space- that state. In Cambridge, he became
Star Wrangler in Mathematical Tripos
time matrix , equations Examination in the year 1930.
of Unified Field Vishnu Vasudev Narlikar Vishnu Vasudev started his
research career by investigating
Theory of Einstein Most of us are familiar with the name the famous work of Russian
and Schrödinger and of famous cosmologist Professor Jayant
Vishnu Narlikar (born 1938). In scientific
mathematician and physicist Alexander
Lyapunov (1857-1918) on rotating fluids. In
many more. He was a community he is well known as JVN. October 1930, he was awarded the prestigious
However, it is a little-known fact that his Issac Newton Fellowship and Rayleigh Prize
very successful teacher father Vishnu Vasudev Narlikar (VVN) was for writing an important paper on the
and his students had a prolific mathematician. method of Lyapunov and its critical analysis.
Vishnu Vasudev was born in Kolhapur Then he started research work under the
a great respect for on 26 September 1908 in British India. At supervision of famous British Astrophysicist
him. To him teaching present Kolhapur is a city in Maharashtra,
but at that time it was a native Indian
Arthur Stanley Eddington (1882-1944).
In 1931, V.V. Narlikar became Fellow of
and research work state. Vishnu Vasudeb was the youngest Royal Society (FRS) at an age of twenty-
were complementary son of Vasudev Shastri, a Sanskrit scholar.
Academic life of VVN started in Vidyapith
three. In 1932, he came to India for a brief
period. Shortly before that Pandit Madan
to each other.
Utpal Mukhopadhyay is a teacher of Satyabharati Vidyapith, Barasat, West Bengal, PIN - 700126. He is actively engaged in science
popularization and has published over 200 articles in various English and Bengali journals and magazines. Email: utpalsbv@gmail.com
Dream 2047, August 2019, Vol. 21 No. 9 34
general relativity and Riemannian geometry, about five years before Lemaitre’s paper
Professor Narlikar taught a variety of topics, was published, Russian mathematician
viz., modern algebra, wave mechanics, Alexander Friedmann (1888-1925) did the
spinor and their applications, Hilbert space, same work in his two papers published in a
quantum mechanics, stellar structure, etc. mediocre journal of Russia in 1922 and 1924
Professor Vishnu Vasudeb Narlikar was and hence it remained largely unknown
a very successful teacher and his students had to scientific community. When in 1929,
a great respect for him. To him teaching and Edwin Hubble (1889-1953), by virtue of
research work were complementary to each his observational work, announced that the
other. For this reason, his reputed student universe is not static but is expanding, then
Prahlad Chunilal Vaidya (1918-2010) called only the theoretical works of Friedmann and
him teacher-mathematician. According to Lemaitre received due recognition. Thus, it
Narlikar- “The first lesson that I learnt was: was unfortunate that Narlikar’s effort had
one cannot be a good teacher, a successful gone in vain. Similarly, an important work
teacher without being always absorbed in on curvature invariant, done in 1949 by
the research topics concerned with lectures”. Professor Narlikar and his research scholar
After retirement, Professor Narlikar spent K.R. Karmakar remained almost unknown
last eighteen years of his life with his elder due to its publication in Proceedings of
Madan Mohan Malaviya son Jayant Vishnu Narlikar. The legendary Indian Academy of Sciences, a not-so-
mathematician Vishnu Vasudev left this reputed journal, although later it came to be
Mohan Malaviya (1861-1946) founded world due to old age problems on 1 April known as Narlikar-Karmakar invariant.
Benaras Hindu University (BHU). Pandit 1991. Vishnu Vasudev Narlikar has made
Malaviya invited Vishnu Vasudev to join
important contributions in various fields
in the Mathematics Department of BHU
Scientific Contributions of mathematical physics,viz., extension of
and advised him to attract young scholars
Bode’s law, Milne’s kinematical relativity,
of India towards mathematical science by Vishnu Vasudev Narlikar was one gravitational space-time matrix and their
pursuing research work himself staying in of the two pioneers in research on general fourteen invariants, equation of motion
his motherland. Pandit Malaviya sent a letter theory of relativity in India, the other person of Einstein-Infeld-Tolman, equations
in this regard to Eddington who advised being renowned applied mathematician of Unified Field Theory of Einstein and
Vishnu Vasudev to join BHU. At that time Nikhil Ranjan Sen (1894-1963). The Schrödinger, etc. In forty years of his
Vishnu Vasudev was scheduled to spend a main equation of general relativity of research career, spanning from 1931 to
year at California Institute of Technology Einstein hinted at a dynamic universe. For 1971, Narlikar had 39 publications. More
and Mount Wilson Observatory for research this reason, Einstein, a believer in static than half of them were related to theory
work. But keeping aside that attraction and universe, included a new term denoted by of relativity. Of those 39 papers, 11 were
without completing his research under the Greek letter Lambda (Λ) in his equation of published in Nature, 9 in Philosophical
guidance of Eddington, he joined BHU as general relativityto give the universe a static Magazine and one in Proceedings of Royal
a Professor and Head of the Department nature. At the beginning of his research
of Mathematics. Pandit Malaviya himself under Eddington, Vishnu Vasudev solved
repaid the debt of Narlikar to Kolhapur state. Einstein’s equation of general relativity
In 1932, Vishnu Vasudev married Sridevi ignoring the Lambda term and obtained
Navare. But after her demise within a few a picture of a dynamic universe. When he
years, Narlikar married SumatiHuzurbazar showed his results to Eddington, he was
who was sister of famous statistician Vijay very much pleased and advised Narlikar to
Shankar Huzurbazar (1919-1991). prepare a research paper on it and send it
Vishnu Vasudevand Sumatihave two to the prestigious journal Monthly Notices
sons–cosmologist Jayant Vishnu (born 1938) of the Royal Society. But right at that time
and physicist Anath Vishnu (born 1940). Eddington received by post a paper of
During 1932-1960 Vishnu Vasudeb was Georges Lemaitre (1894-1966) published
Professor of mathematics in BHU. Within in 1927 in which the same equation was
this period, he obtained M.A. degree in solved without Lambda termand the same
mathematics, relativity and cosmology from picture of dynamic universe was obtained.
Cambridge University in the year 1946. That paper of Lemaitre was published
From 1960 to 1966 he acted as Chairman in a little-known Belgian journal and
of Public Service Commission of Rajasthan. hence it remained completely unknown
Again in 1966, he joined Pune University to Eddington. Expressing his sadness,
as Lokmanya Tilak Professor and retired Eddington told Narlikar that his paper
from there in 1973. In BHU, apart from could not be published. But historically, A. S. Eddington

33 Dream 2047, August 2019, Vol. 21 No. 11

Society A. That means more than half of Vishnu Vasudev Narlikar was
the research papers of Professor Narlikar associated with many scholastic institutions.
were published in world-famous journals. He was Fellow of Royal Astronomical
This denotes the high quality of the papers Society and National Academy of Sciences of
written by him. India. He was the President of Mathematics
During his tenure in BHU, Narlikar Section of Indian Science Congress in 1953.
created an active school of research in During 1958-1960 he was a member of
relativity. Under his guidance nearly twenty Calcutta Mathematical Society. In 1970
scholars obtained their Doctorates by and 1981 he acted as President of Indian
working on the solution of equations of Association of General relativity and
general relativity, solution of equations of Gravitation (IAGRG) and The Indian
Unified Field Theory, scalar invariant of Mathematical Society respectively.
Riemannian metric, etc. Not only that, some In 1991, after demise of Professor
of those scholars created their own groups of Narlikar, IAGRG introduced a prize
research scholars. The greatest achievement awarded once in every four years to the best
of research work under the leadership of thesis on general relativity and its related
Professor Narlikar is ‘Vaidya Metric’. Prahlad areas done during that period. Afterwards,
Chunilal Vaidya (whose name has been in accordance with the suggestion of
mentioned already), after obtaining post Professor Vaidya, it was named as ‘V. V.
graduate degree from Bombay University, Narlikar Best Thesis Award’. Ranjan Sharma
joined BHU as a research scholar in 1942 P. C. Vaidya of North Bengal University in West Bengal
for working under the supervision of was the first recipient of this award for the
Vishnu Vasudev Narlikar. In should be author. In this connection Professor Vaidya period 2000-2004. The title of his thesis was
mentioned here that German mathematician has written – “A research paper was presented A Model for a Class of Compact Stars. For
and astrophysicist Karl Schwarzschild on the solution. He put down my name as paying tribute to Prof. Narlikar, Centre for
(1873-1916) was the first to solve Einstein’s the soleauthor. Though he had suggested Theoretical Physics of Jamia Milia University
equation of general relativity for a spherically the problem and guided me throughout, he organises ‘V. V. Narlikar Memorial Lecture’.
symmetric (for instance, a star), non- gave full credit to me because the idea which In 2009, the first Memorial Lecture was
rotating, uncharged body (one may consult provided the breakthrough had been mine. delivered by Professor Naresh Dadhich of
the article ‘Karl Schwarzschild and His Last The paper became famous. What came to Inter University Centre for Astronomy and
Gift’ in Dream 2047, November 2017). The be known as Vaidya metric could have been Astrophysics, Pune. The title of his lecture
metric, i.e., the distance formula he used called the Narlikar metric if he so desired. was Why Do We Live in Four Dimensions?
for that purpose is known as Schwarzschild But Professor Narlikar preferred purer Finally, it must be mentioned that in the
metric. For his solution, Schwarzschild academic norms to those prevailing”. This history of relativistic research in India, the
assumed that the neighbouringregion of the comment of Vaidya highlights the greatness name of Vishnu Vasudev Narlikar will be
spherically symmetric body is empty. But of Professor Narlikar. written with golden letters forever.
in reality, radiations coming from a stellar
body must be present in the adjoining area
of it. For this reason, Professor Narlikar
advised Vaidya to solve Einstein’s general
relativity equation considering the presence
of radiation fieldaround a spherically
symmetric body. This means that the task
of extending Schwarzschild’s work was given
to Vaidya. While working on the problem,
Vaidyarealised that Schwarzschild metric was
not suitable for that purpose. So, selecting
an appropriate metric, he solved Einstein
equation for a radiating sphere by adopting a
special mathematical technique. The metric
devised by Vaidya subsequently became
famous as Vaidya metric. Nearly twenty-five
years after the inception of Vaidya metric,
the physical significance of it was realised for
research on quasars, active galactic nucleus,
gamma ray bursts, etc. That important paper
of was published with Vaidya as its sole

Dream 2047, August 2019, Vol. 21 No. 9 32


Climate Change and India

Shephali Sachan

“Climate change is now affecting What is ‘climate change’?

The combined efforts every country on every continent. It is
at the local level and disrupting national economies and affecting According to the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), climate
lives, costing people, communities and
by every individual are countries dearly today and even more change refers to the long-term changes
essential to combat effects tomorrow. People are experiencing the (typically decades or longer) in the average
state of the climate with statistically
of climate change. To significant impacts of climate change, which
include changing weather patterns, rising
significant variations. The IPCC is anUN
achieve the goal, firstly, sea level, and more extreme weather events.
panel which deals with the science related to
climate change.
there should be the The poorest and most vulnerable people are
being affected the most.” – Goal 13, UN
awareness to be created Sustainable Development Goals Why is climate change happening?
among every section of The word "climate change" has
The Earth’s climate has always
the society. Secondly, become a very loud and vibrant word in
present times. The reason behind this is
been changing. This is how we and our
there is need to follow its extremely dangerous impact on every
surroundings have evolved. But in the last
hundred years or so, the Earth's climate has
a few simple steps like corner of the globe, which is continuously
drastically changed and become warmer
increasing somewhere gradually and
cleanliness of nearby somewhere rapidly. First of all, what does
than before. Also, besides the increasing
temperature, there are increased levels of
surroundings, proper climate change mean? Why is the impact atmospheric carbon dioxide, changes in
of climate changeso dangerous and why is
management of daily it increasing; how to protect ourselves from
the precipitation (rainfall and snow) and in
some extreme climatic events.
garbage, reduce water this situation? The phenomenon of climate change
wastage, reduce the use has been the result of natural processes as
of plastics, judicious well as human-created process. However,
the rapidly increasing population and
use of electricity, reuse the in discriminate use of land and water
of garbage, reduce the resources by human beings have become
the main cause of worsening the situation.
emission of harmful Deforestation, shifting cultivation
gases and discharge (cultivating a piece of agricultural land
temporarily and then abandoning it to allow
of chemicals from it to revert to its natural vegetation), wasting
industry and last but and polluting water, decreasing agricultural
Picture showing decline of arctic land, increasing mining and industrial
not the least, plant sea-ice due to rise in temperature, activities and spreading of urban areas are
more and more trees. 1984-2012 some of the examples of human/man-made
Shephali Sachan is pursuing Ph.D in Forestry (Forest Ecology and Environment discipline) from Tropical Forest Research Institute (ICFRE
Institute), Jabalpur. Email : shefalisach@gmail.com
31 Dream 2047, August 2019, Vol. 21 No. 11
Why is climate change a threat? major effects and events are
given below:
The changing climatic conditions are 1. Kolkata and Mumbai
affecting every corner of the Earth. Itsmain are the ‘potential major
impacts aregivenbelow: hotspots’ for the direct
1. There is a rise in the average and greater impact
temperature of Earth by 1°C as of sea-level rise and
compare to pre-industrial times and flooding.
may reach 1.5°C between 2030 and 2. Rapid deforestation
2052 if the warming continuesat the in the Himalayas has
current rate. changed its ecology,
2. The polar ice is melting and leading posing a potential
to rising sea levels, risking flood-like threat to the greenery
situation in many coastal areas, small of the Indo-Gangetic
islands and nearby cities. belt, causing sporadic Picture showing Alaska's Muir Glacier's contined retreat
3. The rainfall patterns have changed floods in some and and thining in the second half of the 20th century,
as a result of which somewhere there droughts in other from 1941 to 2004 (Source: https:climate.nasa.gov/
is drought and somewhere there is a areas. climate_resources/4/graphic-dramatic-glaciers-melt/)
flood-like situation. 3. About 32.55% of
4. The quality and quantity of the How to protect ourselves and the
the land of the country is affected by
major food and resource sectors like environment?
drought-stress spread over Andhra
agriculture, forestry and fisheries have Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, International / National Level –
declined and continue to deplete at a Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, There is need for stricter laws, acts, rules and
faster rate. Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, regulations enacted at the global level, and
5. Several plant and animal species Odisha, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar at the Central as well as State government-
have become extinct and many are Pradesh and West Bengal. levels to reduce the process of climate change
approaching to become extinct. 4. The districts located in Gangetic by man-made activities. For example, in the
6. Due to rising temperatures, growing Plains, the Brahmaputra Valley, Paris Agreement of 2015, all nations were
seasons are becoming longer and there Eastern Coastal plain and in western bought together to take necessary steps to
is anorthward shift in the range of Rajasthan (Indira Gandhi canal understand the climate change problems
insect species. command area) are under the strong and fight against it. The Indian government
7. The less-developed countries are pressure of water logging. has also enacted stricter legal boundaries
facing more difficulties due to climate 5. 142 districts distributed in Gujarat, to maintain the air and water quality the
change. Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar violation of which is punishable with fine
Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and criminal prosecution.
Climate change in India and Tamil Nadu are affected by soil Local / Individual Level –The
salinity (accumulation of salt in soil). combined efforts at the local level and by
India is a large developing country 6. There are visible vegetation-shift every individual can improve the chances
with a population of 1.35 billion (2019). patterns in the Northeast, Himachal of reduction of climate change in India.
Climate change is affecting the major Pradesh and the Western Ghats along To achieve the goal, firstly, there should
climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture, with declining biodiversity. be the awareness about the meaning,
fisheries and forests on which nearly two- 7. Several animals including the yak, causes and effects of climate change at
thirds of the population depend directly. house sparrow, Indian bustard, Red the level of local communities /groups,
More than 50 million people in India panda, Nilgiritahr, etc., and plants individuals and students invarious schools,
would be directly affected by sea-level rise including the Red sandalwood, Musli, colleges, institutions and other private and
and associated coastal flooding. Two-thirds Malabar mahogany, Ebony, etc., are government sectors. Secondly, there is need
of the agricultural land of the country is endangered (approaching to become to follow a few simple steps like cleanliness
affected by drought and about one-fifth extinct) of nearby surroundings, proper management
is very frequently exposed to floods. The 8. Rice, wheat, maize and sorghum are of daily garbage, reduce water wastage,
impacts also include intensified heatwaves, the most climate-change-sensitive reduce the use of plastics, judicious use
salinisation of soil, increasing barren crops. of electricity, reuse of garbage, reduce the
and degraded lands, habitat degradation 9. The 2013 Uttarakhand floods and emission of harmful gases and discharge of
and reduction of crop yields and forest landslides, the 2015 Chennai flood chemicals from industry and last but not the
productivity. and the 2016 drought conditions least, plant more and more trees.
Decreasing food and resource are examples of direct and dangerous
availability also creates health problems in impact of climate change in India.
animals and human beings. Some of the

Dream 2047, August 2019, Vol. 21 No. 9 30


Quantum Plasma
in Space
Kaushik Roy & Prasanta Chatterjee

Quantum mechanics was born to mechanics are different, but they are same
describe physics in a completely new way according to the concept of physics.
in the first quarter of the 20th century. In 1929, American physicists Lewi
About 90% of all matter The interpretation of quantum theory Tonks and Irving Langmuir first coined the
in the visible universe looks confusing, but has a wide range of term ‘plasma’ (the word ‘plasma’ in Greek
applications in astrophysics, microelectronics means ‘something formed’) to describe
exists in the form of and nanotechnology. In physics, many- the inner region of a glowing ionised gas
plasma. Plasmas are body systems are described by a so-called
density matrix, which has no classical
produced by means of an electric discharge
in a tube. Plasma is considered as the fourth
observed on the Sun’s counterpart. Many scientists like Max state of matter, next to solids, liquids and
Plank, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Werner gases. Plasma physics deals with the N-body
surface, and in Earth’s Heisenberg, Erwin Schrodinger, and Paul dynamics of a system of charged particles
magnetosphere and Dirac significantly contributed to develop interacting through electromagnetic forces.
the subject. The development came about in The study of plasma arose in the twentieth
interplanetary and two stages. The first stage started with Max century when scientists got interested in
interstellar media. In Plank’s hypothesis, which is a combination the physics of gas discharges. After World
of classical and non-classical theory. On War II, researches in plasma physics got a
modern physics there are 14 December 1900, Plank delivered a tremendous boost because of its applications
numerous applications of presentation at a meeting of the German
Physical Society in which he stated that
in nuclear fusion, as in hydrogen bomb or
in energy production through controlled
quantum plasma. There radiation is emitted or absorbed by matter in thermonuclear fusion. Plasma physics
discrete packets or quanta each of energy h was also developed by astrophysicists and
has been a growing interest ν, where ν is the frequency of radiation, and geophysicists. About 90% of all matter in
in quantum plasmas, h the Planck’s constant. the visible universe exists in the form of
The second stage of quantum plasma. Plasmas are observed on the Sun’s
motivated by applications mechanics started in 1925, where Heisenberg surface, and in Earth’s magnetosphere and
in ultra-small electronic introduced a particular form of quantum
mechanics, which is also called ‘matrix
interplanetary and interstellar media.
A classical system of charged particles
devices and dense mechanics’. The following year, Schrodinger qualifies as plasma if it is quasi-neutral (a
introduced another mathematical form of region where electric field is zero) and if
astrophysical plasmas. quantum mechanicscalled ‘wave mechanics’. collective effects play a significant role in
This mechanics combined the theory of the dynamics. Actually, traditional plasma
the classical waves and Louis de Broglie’s physics has mainly focussed on regimes
wave-particle relationship. Mathematically, characterised by high temperatures and low
theories of wave mechanics and matrix densities for which quantum mechanical
Dr. Kaushik Roy is Assistant Teacher in Mathematics, Beluti M.K.M. High School, P.O. Beluti, District: Birhum, West Bengal - 731301;
Email: kaushikbolpur@rediffmail.com
Prof. Prasamta Chatterjee is Professor, Department of Mathematics, Viswa Bharati University, Shantiniketan, West Bengal

29 Dream 2047, August 2019, Vol. 21 No. 11

effects have virtually no impact. However, In 1926, American astrophysicist the Sun. Cosmic rays are positively-charged
recent advances in semiconductor A. Fowler had assumed that electrons particles which interact with the nuclei of
technology have made it possible to envisage move non-relativistically (not according to atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen to yield a
practical applications of plasma physics relativity) inside the core of stars. Since the highly complex mixture of corpuscular and
where the quantum nature of particles plays discovery of the first white dwarf, over 3,000 electromagnetic radiations.
a crucial role. At room temperature and of these objects have been discovered in The meaning of the word ’aurora’
standard metallic densities, quantum effect our Galaxy. Several interesting possibilities is Goddess of Dawn. The aurora occurs
can no longer be ignored, so that electron exist for degenerate matter. If the mass simultaneously in both the Polar Regions
gas constitutes an ideal arena to study the of a white dwarf is increased, then the due to complicated interactions between
dynamical properties of quantum plasma. electrons are forced to “squeeze” together the solar wind magnetic field and the Earth’s
However while studying some astrophysical
even more and consequently the radius of magnetosphere. The potential difference
objects under extreme conditions of
the star decreases. So, massive white dwarfs between the aurora and the magnetic field-
temperature and density, such as white dwarf
are smaller compared to white dwarfs aligned currents accelerate the electrons
stars and neutron stars, where the density is
with lesser mass. In 1937, Indian-born along the magnetic field lines and the
some tens of magnitudes larger than that of
American astrophysicist Subrahmanyan electron shower reaches the ionosphere.
ordinary solids, quantum aspect should be
Chandrasekhar had shown that if enough The aurora lights are emitted when atoms
considered along with plasma.
In 1960s, American physicist mass is piled onto a white dwarf (up to 1.4 and molecules in the ionosphere are hit by
David Pines first studied the quantum times the mass of the Sun), the velocity of electrons blowing in from the Sun.
plasmas, which consist of electrons, ions, the electrons continues to increase until they In modern physics there are numerous
positrons, and holes. The concept of approach the speed of light and the white applications of quantum plasma. There has
quantum plasma was developed with the dwarf explodes as a supernova. been a growing interest in quantum plasmas,
help of famous mathematical models, A surface temperature of 8,000K to motivated by applications in ultra-small
namely (i) Schrodinger-Poisson model, (ii) 4,0000K and a Fermi temperature of 105K electronic devices and dense astrophysical
Winger-Poisson model, and (iii) Quantum to 108K make white dwarfs an interesting plasmas. The interaction and the quantum
hydrodynamics model. Quantum plasma object for the study of plasma dynamics effects are also significant in dense plasmas
differs significantly from classical plasma around them. A neutron star is one of the which are relevant for intense laser solid-
in that in quantum plasma the density possible end stages of a massive star which density plasma experiments, microplasmas,
is extremely high and temperature is has mass greater than 4 to 8 times that of micro and nano scale objects like quantum
comparatively low. In contrast, traditional our Sun. After exhaustion of the nuclear diodes, quantum free-electron lasers,
plasmas have high temperature and low fuel, it undergoes a supernova explosion, quantum dots and nano-wires, nano-
density. Plasma can be regarded as quantum which blows off the outer layers of the star. photonics, and ultra-small electronic devices,
plasma when the quantum nature of its The central region of the star collapses under and semiconductors, etc.
particles significantly affects its macroscopic gravity such a way that protons and electrons
properties. combine to form neutrons. Hence they are
Both fusion and space plasmas are called neutron star. Pulsar is a neutron star in VP Website
characterised by regimes of high temperature which 99% electrons have been captured by
and low density, for which quantum effects protons; 1% are left as electrons and protons.
are totally negligible. However, physical Astrophysicists and geophysicists
systems where both plasmas and quantum have discovered that the Sun emits some
effects co-exist do occur in nature; the most kind of invisible “corpuscular rays” towards
obvious example being the electron gas Earth all time. In 1896, the Norwegian
in ordinary metal. Quantum plasma also physicist Kristian Birkeland first discovered
occurs in some astrophysical objects like that besides light there were ions of many
white dwarf stars and neutron stars where chemical elements coming to Earth from
the magnitude of density is larger than that the Sun. According to him the aurora
of ordinary solids. Because of such larger borealisis the result of the electrically Join Vigyan Prasar digital library to
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Dream 2047, August 2019, Vol. 21 No. 9 28


The Animal Tool Users

R. Vathsala

The human brain is considered to Now the question arises: Can animals
be the ultimate product of evolution. It is also use tools? The sight of an animal making
highly evolved and most sophisticated and and using a tool is an interesting sight,
Tool use by animals is a can perform very complicated and complex perhaps because it makes us to question
tasks. The biggest and the most important some of our ideas about human uniqueness.
phenomenon in which an part of the brain, Does the tool-
animal uses any kind of the cerebral cortex,
controls all the
making animal
know how the tool
tool in order to achieve voluntary muscles works? Does the
of the body. The animal anticipate
a goal such as acquiring frontal lobe of the the need for the
food and water, grooming, cerebral cortex is
the area responsible
tool and make it in
advance? Animals
defence, recreation or for all voluntary engage in many
movements. other complex
construction. Originally The region of activities, like nest
the cerebrum that building and we
thought to be a skill only controls the muscles know that complex
possessed by humans, of the hand is large, behaviour need
in the sense that each not be cognitively
some tool use requires and every muscle of
The cerebral cortex
demanding. But
the hand controlled tool-using
a sophisticated level of by a particular part behaviour can
cognition. There are many of the brain performs a particular skilful
movement. The human hand can draw,
also provide a powerful opening into the
minds of animals and help us learn what
tool users among animals paint, sculpt, operate intricate machines, can capacities we share with animals.
perform micro surgeries, use complicated Tool use by animals is a subject of vast
including mammals, tools and much more. controversy, for it is difficult to draw a line
birds, fish, cephalopods between instinct and culturally transmitted
learning. Learning process in young animals
and insects. Humans is based on instinct rather than on intelligence
and is transferred from the parents to the
are not the only species offspring through observation and training.
Tool use by animals is a phenomenon in
endowed with this ability. which an animal uses any kind of tool in
order to achieve a goal such as acquiring food
and water, grooming, defence, recreation or
construction of a shelter.
Human hands at work
Ms. R. Vathsala is a retired Vice Principal from a CBSE School in Chennai.She has served for more than 30 years in the field of education and
at present is engaged in preparing educational software for school children.Email: vathsalarangachari@gmail.com
27 Dream 2047, August 2019, Vol. 21 No. 11
Originally thought to be a skill only Orangutans use a variety of tools for seen pushing a stick into the ground and
possessed by humans, some tool use requires extracting insects or honey and for opening using it as a stabilising stick while gathering
a higher level of cognition. A wide range of up fruits. They use tools made from branches aquatic plants.
animals including mammals, birds, fish and and leaves to scratch, scrape, wipe, clean, Tool use has been observed in
many invertebrates such as cephalopods and swat, scoop, hit and cover. They will break- capuchin monkeys. These animals use a
insects are known to use tools. off a tree branch, remove the twigs and then stick to push food from the centre of a tube
Let us take as an example the sea use the stick to dig in holes for termites. Some and retrieving it when it reaches the far end.
otters smashing mollusc shells with rocks. Is orangutans They have been observed cracking nuts by
it because they are intelligent and adaptive, use handfuls placing them on a stone anvil and hitting
or are these mammals born with this innate of leaves as them with another large stone (hammer).
ability? napkins to
The coconut octopus, a tiny wipe their
cephalopod, has been observed retrieving faces while
discarded coconut half-shells, swimming in parts of
with them up to 15 metres away and then Sumatra
carefully arranging the shells on the sea floor they are
for later use. Other octopus species also known to
engage in tool use, surrounding their dens Orangutan using a tool use leaves
with shells, stones, and even bits of discarded as gloves,
plastic garbage, but it is not clear whether helping them handle spiny fruits and Tool-using chimpanzees
this behaviour is any more “intelligent” than branches, or as seat cushions on spiny trees.
the nests built by terrestrial birds. In some primates, tool making reveals Capuchin monkeys also use pieces of stone
higher cognitive functioning. Chimpanzees as digging tools for probing the substrate
pick up leafy twigs, remove the leaves and and sometimes for excavating tubers from
Elephants are equipped with a very
efficient natural “tool”, namely their long,
flexible trunk. These mammals use other
tools also. Asian elephants have been known
to rip-off smaller side branches from fallen
tree branches with their trunks and then
use these tools as primitive back-scratchers. Capuchin monkey breaking a nut
Some elephants cover up small watering
holes with “plugs” made of stripped tree bark, ground and use sticks to flush prey from
which prevents the water from evaporating inside rock crevices.
Rain cover- chimpanzee In the wild, mandrills have been
observed to clean their ears with twigs.
use the stems to fish for insects. Chimpanzees Asian, crab-eating macaques use
are highly evolved tool users doing tasks like stone tools to open nuts, oysters and other
cracking nuts with stone tools. These animals bivalves, and various types of sea snails
not only use sticks to fish out their meal, but
they in fact build their own ‘tool kits’ .They
first use a smaller stick to break open the
termite or ant mound, then use a larger stick A community of dolphins was
to make holes in the prey’s colony, and then observed to use conical sponges as tools while
Elephant using tools insert a ‘fishing probe’ into the hole and pull hunting for food. This behaviour, termed
and keeps it from being drunk by other out the termites or ants that have gathered “sponging”, occurs when a dolphin breaks off
animals. Both wild and captive elephants on the stick. a sponge and wears it over its rostrum while
are known to create tools using their trunk Both bonobos and chimpanzees foraging on the seafloor. During sponging,
and feet, mainly for swatting flies, scratching have been observed making “sponges” out dolphins mainly target fish that burrow in
and reaching tree branches which are out of of leaves and moss that suck up water and the substrate. Therefore, the sponge may be
reach. using these for grooming. Wild chimpanzees used to protect their rostrums as they forage
predominantly use tools in the context of in a niche where echolocation and vision are
food gathering, while wild bonobos use tools less effective hunting techniques.
mainly for personal care. Bottle-nose dolphins have also been
Primates are well-known for using Gorillas use tools in several ways, observed carrying conch shells. In this
tools for hunting or gathering food and including using wood wool as “slippers” behaviour, dolphins insert their rostrum into
water, cover for rain, and self-defence. when walking on hard ground. A gorilla was the shell's aperture. They appear to use the

Dream 2047, August 2019, Vol. 21 No. 9 26

sea urchins over and expose their more confirmed to using tools in the wild, captive
vulnerable ventral side. blue jays have been observed using strips of
The archerfish is found in tropical newspaper as tools to obtain food
mangrove Blue jays are highly curious and are
swamps of Asia considered intelligent birds. Young blue
and Australia. jays playfully snatch brightly coloured or
They approach reflective objects, such as bottle caps or
the surface, pieces of aluminium foil, and carry them
take aim at around until they lose interest.
insects that Crows, ravens and rooks are well-
sit on plants known for their large brains and subsequent
Bottle-nose dolphin using sponge
above the water tool use. They mainly manufacture probes
conch shells to scoop fish from the substrate surface, squirt Archer fish shooting at prey out of twigs and wood (and sometimes metal
then carry the shell to retrieve the fish near a jet of water wire) to catch
the surface. at them, and grab them after the insects have larvae.
Sea otters use stones to break open been knocked-off into the water. The jet of Finches and
their prey like shells. This appears to be a water is formed by the action of the tongue, woodpeckers also
learned behaviour passed down by parents to which presses against a groove in the roof of insert twigs into
offspring in only a few bloodlines—but the the mouth. Some archerfish can hit insects trees in order to
ones that do are extremely nimble with their up to 1.5 m above the water surface. They catch or impale Woodpecker finch fishing
“tools”. Sea otters have been seen wielding use more water, which gives more force to larvae. out worms with a stick
their stones (which they store in specialised the impact, when aiming at larger prey. Warblers
sacs underneath their arms) as hammers to Several species of wrasses have been build ‘pouches’ to make their nests. Some
smash snails, or as “anvils” resting on their observed using rocks as anvils to crack birds, such as weaver birds build complex
chests on which they dash their hard-shelled bivalve (scallops, urchins and clams) shells. nests.
prey. Some sea otters even use stones to pry These are examples of highly specialised The tailorbird makes a pouch out
barnacles off undersea rocks natural adaptations. of leaves by stitching them together with
thread made
Alligators Birds of spider web.
The bird then
Alligators were observed gathering There is a genetic predisposition for builds its nest
sticks on their heads during bird nesting tool use in birds, which is then refined by in the pouch.
season, when there is fierce competition for individual trial-and-error learning during The leaves are
nest-building materials. Desperate, unwary early development. While young birds in the sewn together
birds see the sticks “floating” on the water, wild normally learn to make stick tools from in such a way
dive down to retrieve them, and are caught elders, crows are among the only animals that the upper
and eaten up by the alligators that create their own tools. Tool use in other Tailor bird building nest surfaces are
birds is best exemplified in individual nest outwards making
Fishes building ability. the structure difficult to see. The punctures
Crows use stick tools to make first made on the edge of the leaves are minute
The tusk fish are known to fan sand contact with objects that are new to them and do not cause browning of the leaves,
to unearth a bivalve, takes it into its mouth, further aiding camouflage. The processes
swim several metres to a rock and use it as used by the tailorbird have been classified as
an anvil for smashing the mollusc apart with sewing, riveting, lacing and matting. There
thrashing of the head. It has been reported are many variations in the nest.
that freshwater sting-rays use water as a tool Brown-headed nuthatches have been
by manipulating their bodies to direct a flow observed to methodically use bark pieces to
of water and extract food trapped amongst remove other flakes of bark from a tree. The
plants. Tool-using crows
birds insert the bark piece underneath an
Before laying their eggs on a vertical and hence potentially dangerous. It has been attached bark scale, using it like a wedge and
rock face, male and female whitetail major claimed that the tool-making skills of the lever, to expose
damselfish clean the site by sand-blasting it. crow exceed those of chimpanzees and are hiding insects.
The fish pick up sand in their mouths and more like human tool-making than those of Macaws
spit it against the rock face. Then they fan any other animal. have been
the area with their fins. Finally, they remove Other related species, such as rooks repeatedly
the sand grains that remain stuck to the rock can also make and use tools in the laboratory, observed to
face by picking them off with their mouths. showing a degree of sophistication like use tools when
The triggerfish blows water to turn that of New Caledonian crows. While not breaking open Macaw using a stick

25 Dream 2047, August 2019, Vol. 21 No. 11

nuts, for example, by using pieces of wood snail shells, etc. effectively in different situations.
as a wedge. Several birds have been observed Honey badgers have been filmed 2. For collecting water
to wrap a piece of leaf around a nut to hold manipulating various objects to assist them When chimpanzees cannot reach
it in place. This behaviour is also shown in climbing. water that has formed in hollows high up
by cockatoos. The blue-coloured hyacinth North American badgers hunt ground inside trees, they have been observed taking
macaw uses tools to manipulate nuts. squirrels. The most common hunting a handful of leaves, chewing them, and
When an Egyptian vulture encounters technique is excavation of burrow systems dipping this “sponge” into the pool to suck
a large egg of a prey, it takes a stone in its beak and plugging of openings into ground- out the water.
and forcefully throws it at the egg until the squirrel tunnels. Badgers usually use soil It has been reported that orangutans
shell breaks, usually taking a few minutes. from around the tunnel opening. use tools for a wide range of purposes
including using leaves as protective gloves or
napkins, using leafy branches to swat insects
or gather water and as covers to protect them
The octopus uses a nut-shell and clam- from the rain or hot sun. Orangutans have
shell as shelter. The coconut octopus retrieve also been observed using sticks to measure
coconut shells, manipulating them, stacking the depth of water. Sumatran orangutans
Egyptian vulture using stone to break egg them, transporting them some distance and use large leaves as umbrellas in a tropical
then reassembling them for use as a shelter. rainstorm.
These birds also use twigs to collect sheep The octopuses eventually use the shells as 3. For reproduction
wool for padding their nests. Although both a protective shelter in areas where no other Prior to laying their eggs on a vertical
twigs and wool can serve as nesting material, shelter exists. If they just have one half, they rock face, male and female whitetail major
this appears to be deliberate tool use. simply turn it over and hide underneath. But damselfish clean the site by sand-blasting it.
In Australia, the black kite, whistling if they are able to retrieve two halves, they 4. For grooming
kite and brown falcon use their beaks or assemble them back into the original closed 5. For protection
talons to carry burning sticks from a forest coconut form and sneak inside. Orangutans use large leaves like
fire to spread the fire, complicating human Octopuses deliberately place stones, banana leaves for protection from rain or
efforts to contain forest fires using firebreaks. shells and even bits of broken bottle to form hot sun.
Seagulls have been seen dropping a wall that constricts the entry to the den, a Taking inanimate objects and using
oyster shells on hard surfaces or roads so that type of tool use. them to solve a problem was, until relatively
vehicles can drive over them and break the recently, thought of as being an exclusively
shell. Some species of seagull exhibit tool human skill. But the more we observe the
use behaviour using pieces of bread as bait natural world, the more we discover about
to catch fish. Some ants in the wild pick up stones the extraordinary ways other animals have
Shrikes impale their prey like lizards and other small objects with their mandibles managed to survive.
and insects on thorns for future use. Several and drop them down the vertical entrances Sometimes the tools are simple – for
of rival colonies, allowing workers to forage example, Galapagos finches use cactus spines
for food without competition. Several to fish for insects in hollows. But some
species of ants are known to use substrate animals are very sophisticated in their tool
debris such as mud and leaves to transport use, putting effort to produce new objects to
water to their nest. improve their effectiveness.
Hunting wasps use weights (such as Tool use by animals is a phenomenon
small pebbles) to settle sand surrounding a in which an animal uses any kind of tool in
Shrike with impaled dead lizard
recently made burrow containing eggs and order to achieve a goal such as acquiring food
other birds use spines or forked sticks to live prey in order to camouflage and seal the and water, grooming, defence, recreation
anchor a carcass while they flay it with their entrance. or construction. Originally thought to be
beak. However, the use of fixed skewers may a skill only possessed by humans, some
not be true tool-use because the thorn or tool use requires a sophisticated level of
What governs the tool using
forked stick is not manipulated by the bird. cognition. There is considerable discussion
process in animals?
The green heron and the striated heron about the definition of what constitutes a
have been seen using food (bread crusts), 1. For getting food tool and therefore which behaviours can
insects, leaves, and other small objects as Tool use by animals may indicate be considered as true examples of tool use.
bait to attract fish, which they then capture different levels of learning and cognition. For As we have seen, there are many tool users
and eat. some animals, tool use is largely instinctive among animals including mammals, birds,
and inflexible. For example, the woodpecker fish, cephalopods and insects. Humans
finch of the Galápagos Islands uses twigs or are not the only species endowed with this
spines as an essential and regular part of its ability.
Mongooses regularly use a hard shell foraging behaviour. This type of tool using
to open food items such as beetles, bird eggs, is often quite inflexible and is not applied

Dream 2047, August 2019, Vol. 21 No. 9 24


Water on Earth came from

formation of Moon
Biman Basu

The Earth is unique in our solar The giant impact hypothesis for the
A recent finding system: It is the only planet of our solar Moon’s formation states that shortly after
system with a large amount of water. Two- formation of an initial crust, the proto-
about the behaviour thirds of the Earth’s surface is covered with Earth was hit by a body about the size of
of thermal plasma on water and most life on Earth cannot survive Mars, called Theia, some 4.4 billion years
without water. It has long been debated how ago. Until now, scientists had assumed that
the Sun shows how our planet got its water. There have been Theia originated in the inner solar system
matter behaves in the many theories; they include collision with
comets, trans-Neptunian objects, or water-
near the Earth, which is considered a hot
and dry region. Researchers from Münster
extreme conditions of rich meteoroids from the outer reaches of the have now shown that Theia did not come
asteroid belt. But new research by scientists from the inner solar system; rather it came
the Sun’s atmosphere. of the University of Münster in Germany from the outer solar system and delivered
Understanding how show for the first time that water came to large quantities of water to Earth (Nature
Earth during the formation of the Moon Astronomy, 21 May 2019; DOI: 10.1038/
plasma behaves in the some 4.4 billion years ago. Besides being s41550-019-0779-y).
Sun’s atmosphere may the source of Earth’s water, the Moon is also The Münster researchers base their
important for us because its relatively large finding on the amounts of the element
help researchers learn size is crucial for stabilising the Earth’s axis molybdenum isotopes present in Earth’s
how to control this of rotation. mantle. According to them, “from earlier
studies, we know that
exotic matter on Earth. the solar system became
structured such that the ‘dry’
Plasma is exotic matter materials were separated from
not commonly found on the ‘wet’ materials: the so-
called ‘carbonaceous’ (carbon-
Earth. It is also known containing) meteorites,
as the fourth state of which are relatively rich in
water, come from the outer
matter (besides solid, solar system, whereas the
drier ‘non-carbonaceous’
liquid and gaseous meteorites come from the
phases) and can be inner solar system. The
measurements made by the
created only at extremely researchers from Münster
high temperatures. Diagram showing the sequence of events leading
show that the molybdenum
isotopic composition of the
to formation of Moon as a result of collision Earth lies between those of
between proto-Earth and Theia, which brought the carbonaceous and non-
water to Earth. (Credit: Sean Raymond) carbonaceous meteorites,

The author is a former editor of the popular science monthly Science Reporter, published by CSIR, He is a winner of the 1994 ‘NCSTC
National Award for Science Popularisation’. He is the author of more than 45 popular science books. Email: bimanbasu@gmail.com

23 Dream 2047, August 2019, Vol. 21 No. 11

demonstrating that some researchers carried out the study
of Earth’s molybdenum using large ground-based radio
originated in the outer solar telescopes and ultraviolet cameras
system. onboard NASA’s Solar Dynamics
While previous Observatory to discover how
studies have shown that matter behaves in the extreme
carbonaceous materials were conditions of the Sun’s atmosphere.
likely responsible for delivering Understanding how plasma
the water to Earth, it was behaves in the Sun’s atmosphere
not known when and how may help researchers learn how
this carbonaceous material– to control this exotic matter on
and thus the water–came to Earth(Nature Communications,
Earth.“The molybdenum 24 May 2019 | DOI: 10.1038/
isotopes allowed us to clearly s41467-019-10204-1).
distinguish carbonaceous and The international
non-carbonaceous material, collaboration is led by Dr. Eoin
and as such represent a ‘genetic Carley of Trinity College Dublin
fingerprint’ of material from the and the Dublin Institute of
outer and inner solar system”, Advanced Studies (DIAS). He says,
explains Dr. Gerrit Budde of “The solar atmosphere is a hotbed
the Institute of Planetology in of extreme activity, with plasma
Münster and lead author of the temperatures in excess of 1 million
study. The chemical properties degrees Celsius and particles that
of molybdenum play a key role Ultraviolet image of the Sun taken by the SOHO (SOlar travel close to light-speed. The light-
because, as it is an iron-loving Heliospheric Observatory) satellite. It shows helium plasma speed particles shine bright at radio
element, most of the Earth’s at a temperature of 60,000 degrees Celsius. (Credit: wavelengths, so we’re able to monitor
molybdenum that arrived early SOHO’s Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope) exactly how plasmas behave with large
is found in the core. radio telescopes”.
temperature plasma and maintaining it
The scientists show that most of the The DIAS team worked closely with
for sufficient time to cause fusion. Plasma
molybdenum in Earth’s mantle came from scientists at the Paris Observatory, which has
is exotic matter not commonly found on
the protoplanet Theia, whose collision a long history of making radio observations
Earth. It is also known as the fourth state
with Earth 4.4 billion years ago led to the of the Sun, dating back to the 1950s. The
of matter (besides solid, liquid and gaseous
formation of the Moon. The molybdenum researchers performed observations of the
phases) and can be created only at extremely
that is accessible today in the Earth’s mantle, Sun with a large radio telescope located
high temperatures of the order of 100,000 K
therefore, originates from the late stages of in Nançay in central France. Then they
or more, at which atoms exist in completely
Earth’s formation, while the molybdenum combined the radio observations with
ionised form. Such high-temperature
from earlier phases is present entirely in the images from ultraviolet cameras on NASA’s
plasma, known as thermal plasma, occurs on
core. The scientists’ results therefore show, space-based Solar Dynamics Observatory
the Sun and in fusion reactors that are being
for the first time, that carbonaceous material spacecraft to show that plasma on the Sun
developed and tested for power generation
from the outer solar system arrived on Earth can often emit radio beams that pulse like
on Earth.
late. The scientists say the collision provided a lighthouse. Scientists have known about
One of the major obstacles in the
enough carbonaceous material to account this activity for decades, but the use of
way of generation of fusion power is the
for the entire amount of water on Earth. space and ground-based equipment by the
instability of thermal plasma. In fusion
According to the researchers, “Our international team allowed it to image the
reactors, as soon as the plasma starts
approach is unique because, for the first radio pulses for the first time and see exactly
generating energy, some natural process
time, it allows us to associate the origin of how plasmas become unstable in the solar
switches off the reaction. While this
water on Earth with the formation of the atmosphere.
switch-off behaviour is like an inherent
Moon. To put it simply, without the Moon According to Carley of DIAS, “The
safety switch–fusion reactors cannot form
there probably would be no life on Earth”. collaboration with French scientists is
runaway reactions–it also means the plasma
ongoing and we’re already making progress
is difficult to maintain in a stable state for
with newly built radio telescopes in Ireland,
Study of plasma on Sun may energy generation. Scientists have long
such as the Irish Low Frequency Array
help in fusion power generation been trying to find out the cause for this
(I-LOFAR). I-LOFAR can be used to
instability, but without much headway.
Nuclear fusion offers a clean and uncover new plasma physics on the Sun in
A recent finding about the behaviour
plentiful source of energy if harnessed far greater detail than before, teaching us
of thermal plasma on the Sun by Irish and
properly. But nuclear fusion is not possible about how matter behaves in both plasmas
French scientists may lead the way. The
without creation of adequate high- on the Sun, here on Earth and throughout

Dream 2047, August 2019, Vol. 21 No. 9 22

the universe in general.” Moreover, knowing
how plasmas become unstable on the Sun
can help researchers learn how to control
them on Earth.

NASA’s Twin Study reveals

implications of long space flights

Space environment is entirely different

from what we experience here on Earth.
Lack of gravity, low temperature and high
radiation levels are a few of the factors an
astronaut has to contend with while living in
space. While spacecraft do offer protection
from cold and radiation to some extent,
they cannot provide gravity, which leads to
several problems such as lack of orientation
and weakening of bones and muscles. But Scott Kelly-on-ISS
till recently, several other effects of long- expression changes, immune system A third significant finding is the
duration stay in space were not known, response, and telomere dynamics. There variability in gene expression, which reflects
which have come to light during a year-long was thickening of the walls of Scott’s carotid how a body reacts to its environment and will
study by NASA with a pair of identical twin artery and thickening of his retina. He also help inform how gene expression is related
astronauts, one of whom, Scott Kelly, spent experienced weight-loss, changes in his gut to health risks associated with spaceflight.
340 days on board the International Space microbes, and reduced cognitive abilities. While in space, researchers observed changes
Station (ISS) while the other, Mark Kelly Many of the findings are consistent with in the expression of Scott’s genes, with
stayed back on Earth. Scott spent nearly a data collected in previous studies, and other the majority returning to normal after six
year on the ISS, in a mission launched in research in progress. months on Earth.
2015. The study revealed some interesting, According to the published study, Jennifer Fogarty, chief scientist of
surprising and reassuring data about how when Scott returned to Earth after spending the Human Research Program at NASA’s
one human body adapted to – and recovered 340 days in the zero gravity confines of the Johnson Space Centre in Houston said, “We
from – the extreme environment of space International Space Station, he had grown have only scratched the surface of knowledge
during long space travel (Science, 11 April 5-cm taller, but soon returned to his original about the body in space. The Twins Study
2019 | DOI: 10.1126/science.aau8650). height. In addition, during his stay on the gave us the first integrated molecular view
Key results from the NASA Twins ISS, Scott experienced decreased body into genetic changes and demonstrated how
Study include findings related to gene mass, instability in his genome, swelling a human body adapts and remains robust
in major blood vessels, changes and resilient even after spending nearly a year
in eye shape, metabolism shifts, aboard the International Space Station. The
inflammation and alterations in data captured from integrated investigations
his microbiome as well as a strange like the NASA Twins Study will be explored
lengthening of his telomeres, the for years to come”.
protective structures at the ends According to NASA, the Twins Study
of chromosomes, which, however, helped establish a framework of collaborative
shortened again after he landed. research that could serve as a model for
A second key finding is future biomedical research. “Supported
that Scott’s immune system by 84 researchers at 12 locations across
responded appropriately in space. eight states, the data from this complex
For example, the flu vaccine study was channelled into one inclusive
administered in space worked study, providing the most comprehensive
exactly as it does on Earth, and integrated molecular view to date of
which is significant because how a human responds to the spaceflight
a fully functioning immune environment”. However, we must keep
system during long-duration in mind that while the present study is
Identical twin astronauts Scott and Mark Kelly were
space missions is critical to significant, it is difficult to draw conclusions
subjects of NASA’s Twins Study. Scott (right) spent a year
protecting astronaut health from for all humans or future astronauts from
in space while Mark (left) stayed on Earth as a control
opportunistic microbes in the a single test subject in the spaceflight
subject. Researchers looked at the effects of long-duration
spacecraft environment. environment.
space travel on the human body. (Credit: NASA)

21 Dream 2047, August 2019, Vol. 21 No. 11


Science Fusion-2019
Science Activities for Children

Vigyan Prasarorganised aseven-days- Communicator; Important of Oral care

long science activity-based programme –Practical Demonstration by Dr. Tanya
Science Fusion- 2019 exclusively for Kumar, Practitioner, Delhi; Science Quiz
children from 6-9th std from Delhi-NCR by Shri Sachin Narwadiya, Scientist- C,VP;
region during 20-27 June 2019, at Vigyan Nature Walk by Mr. Ishtiyak, Bombay
Prasar, A-50, Sector 62, Noida (UP). Natural History, (CEC), New Delhi;
Several hands-on activities on science and Astronomy & Sky Watching by Mr. Vipin
technology were organisedfor enabling Singh Rawat, VP & Mukesh, Bhopal (MP);
children to learn and understand science by Joy of Aerodynamics by Shri Bhargav,
doing things themselves. The objectives of MYSTEM Lab, Delhi; Hands on Robotics
the programme were; i) to sensitise children by Shri Vivek & Team, MYSTEM Lab,
about the activity-based science learning;
ii) to induce an interdisciplinary integrated Science by Prof Monika Koul Hans Raj
approach to science learning through college Delhi University, Delhi; How we
experimentation; and iii) to inculcate know that Earth is going around the Sun? by
scientific temper among children through Dr. T.V Venkateswaran, Scientist F, VP; on
hands-on activities. Biodiversity by Shri B.K. Tyagi, Scientist F,
The programme was inaugurated VP; followed by science movie shows daily.
with anaddress by Dr. Nakul Parashar, The main attraction of this event
was the various Hands-onsessions on
Construction of solar light by Shri Kuldeep,
Toy-Joy by Dr Surjeet Singh, by Ex-Scientist,
NISCAIR, New Delhi, Fun with Chemistry
by Shri Narendra Singh, PGT, Delhi, Activity
based science learning by Shri Kapil Tripathi,
Scientist 'F', VP; Science & Math Puzzles Delhi and Science Theatre by Shri Ashok,
by Ms Mohini Kumar, Delhi Math Club; Theatre Artist, IPTA,Nainital.
Construction of Electronic circuit Science The event Science Fusion-2019
by Prof. Rashmi Chawla, YMCA University concluded with the valedictory session
Faridabad; Day time Astronomy by Shri on 27 June 2019. Dr Hukum Singh, Ex
Vipin, Hands-on “Radio Communication” professor and Head Mathematics, NCERT,
by Shri Sandeep Baruah, Scientist F,VP; New Delhi delivered the keynote address on
Director, Vigyan Prasar, Noida on 20 June Sound Energy by Ms. Anshumala Gupta, this occasion. Shri Kapil Tripathi, Scientist
2019, followed by keynoteaddresses by Shri Joy of learning Foundation, Delhi; Wonder F, VP share his view to the young children
Shri Gyanendra Kumar, Director, National of Life Science, by Dr Irfana Begum, VP; and appreciated the hard work done by
Navodaya Leadership Institute, Navodaya Fun with optics by Shri Vikas, Science them during the programme. Children
Vidyalaya Samiti, Noida (UP). On this also perform a Science Drama during this
occasion two activity kits for science fusion session. Dr Irfana Brgum, VP, coordinated
were released. Shri Kapil Tripathi, Scientist this session. A total 70 children from NCR
E, VP made a presentation on overview of region participated in the programme.
the programme. The session ended with Resource materials developed by VP were
avote of thanks by Dr. Irfana Begum, Project provided to the children and certificates
officer, EduSat,VP. were also given to the participants.
The main programme included
aninteractive lecture session on Joy in (Report by Shri Kapil Kumar
learning Mathematics, by Shri Rintu Nath, Tripathi, Scientist-F, Vigyan Prasar)
Scientist F, VP; Robotics in Ecological

Dream 2047, August 2019, Vol. 21 No. 9 20

19 Dream 2047, August 2019, Vol. 21 No. 11

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