Cbse 11 History Notes Ch04
Cbse 11 History Notes Ch04
Cbse 11 History Notes Ch04
Class 11 History
Revision Notes
Chapter 4: Central Islamic Islands
1. Rise of Islam
Three Phases - Faith, Community & politics
(a) Faith :
Polytheistic Arabs :
The Arabs divided into Qabilas. Each tribe had its own god or goddess, who was
worshipped as an idol (sanam) in a shrine (masjid).
The polytheistic Arabs were vaguely familiar with the notion of a Supreme God, Allah
(possibly under the influence of the Jewish and Christian tribes living in their midst),
their attachment to idols and shrines was more immediate and stronger.
Prophet Muhammad:
Scene before - 12 AD
Between 950 and 1200, Islamic society was held together not by a single political order
or a single language of culture (Arabic) but by common economic and cultural
The Muslim population, less than 10 per cent in the Umayyad (a prosperous clan of
(b) Community
(c) Polity
After Muhammad's death in 632 AD political authority was transferred to the Umma
with no established principle of succession.
This created opportunities for innovations but also caused deep divisions among the
The biggest innovation was the creation of the institution of caliphate, in which the
leader of the community (amir al-muminin) became the deputy (khalifa) of the
The twin objectives of the caliphate were to retain control over the tribes constituting
the umma and to raise resources for the state.
The main duties of the Khalifas were to safeguard and spread Islam.
2. Modern Islam
By twenty-first century there are over 1 billion Muslims living in all parts of the
3. Early Islam
Before 612 AD - Jahiliyyah is an Islamic concept of the period of time and state of
affairs in Arabia before the advent of Islam. It is often translated as the "Age of
The Jahiliyyah age was age of the tribes.
In the seventh century, prior to rise of Islam, Arabia was socially, economically,
politically and religiously backward. Arabia was dominated by Bedouins, a nomadic
tribe moving from dry to green areas.
Institution of slavery was prevalent, trade was not developed, tribes indulged in loot
and plunder.
The principle of 'Might is Right' due to lack of central authority.
In Medina, Muhammad created a political order from all three sources which gave his
followers the protection they needed as well as resolved the city’s ongoing civil strife.
The umma was converted into a wider community to include polytheists and the Jews
of Medina under the political leadership of Muhammad.
Muhammad consolidated the faith for his followers by adding and refining rituals and
ethical principles.
The community survived on agriculture and trade, as well as an alms tax (zakat).
After death of Muhammad in 632 AD - The biggest innovation for creation of the institution
of caliphat are as follows:
The third caliph, Uthman (644-56) was assassinated and Ali became the fourth caliph
The rifts among the Muslims deepened after Ali (656-61) fought two wars against
those who represented the Meccan aristocracy.
Ali’s supporters and enemies later came to form the two main sects of Islam: Shias
and Sunnis.
Ali established himself at Kufa and defeated an army led by Muhammad’s wife, Aisha,
in the Battle of the Camel (657). He was, however, not able to suppress the faction
led by Muawiya, a kinsman of Uthman and the governor of Syria.
The first Umayyad caliph, Muawiya became the next caliph in 661, and founded the
Umayyad dynasty in 661 which lasted till 750.
Muawiya moved his capital to Damascus and adopted the court ceremonies and
administrative institutions of the Byzantine Empire.
b) Abbasid Revolution
The Abbasid state became weaker from the ninth century because Baghdad’s control
over the distant provinces declined, and because of conflict between pro-Arab and
pro-Iranian factions in the army and bureaucracy.
In 810, a civil war broke out-between Amin and Mamun, sons of the caliph Harun al-
From the eleventh to the thirteenth centuries, there was a series of conflicts between
European Christians and the Arab states.
7. Economic factors -
a) Agriculture
The economic condition of the Islamic world, during medieval period was very
Agriculture was the principal occupation of the settled populations in the newly
conquered territories
The lands conquered by the Arabs that remained in the hands of the owners were
subject to a tax (kharaj), which varied from half to a fifth of the produce, according to
the conditions of cultivation.
When non-Muslims started to convert to Islam to pay lower taxes, this reduced the
income of the state. To address the shortfall, the caliphs first discouraged conversions
and later adopted a uniform policy of taxation.
Agricultural prosperity went hand in hand with political stability
Islamic law gave tax concessions to people who brought land under cultivation.
c) Commerce
Political unification and urban demand for foodstuffs and luxuries enlarged the
circuit of exchange.
Geography favoured the Muslim empire, which spread between the trading zones of
the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean
For five centuries, Arab and Iranian traders monopolised the maritime trade between
China, India and Europe.
This trade passed through two major routes, namely, the Red Sea and the Persian
High-value goods suitable for long-distance trade, such as spices, textile, porcelain and
gunpowder, were shipped from India and China to the Red Sea ports of Aden and
Aydhab and the Gulf ports of Siraf and Basra.
For religious scholars (ulama), knowledge (ilm) derived from the Quran and the
model behaviour of the Prophet (sunna) was the only way to know the will of God and
provide guidance in this world. Before it took its final form, the sharia was adjusted to
take into account the customary laws (urf) of the various regions as well as the laws of
the state on political and social order (siyasa sharia).
A group of religious-minded people in medieval Islam, known as Sufis, sought a
deeper and more personal knowledge of God through asceticism (rahbaniya) and
mysticism. The Sufis were liberal in their thought and they dedicated their lives for
By the tenth century, an Islamic world had emerged which was easily recognisable by
Religious buildings were the greatest external symbols of this world. Mosques, shrines
and tombs from Spain to Central Asia showed the same basic design – arches, domes,
minarets and open courtyards – and expressed the spiritual and practical needs of
In the first Islamic century, the mosque acquired a distinct architectural form (roof
supported by pillars) which transcended regional variations.
The Umayyads built ‘desert palaces’ in oases, such as Khirbat al-Mafjar in Palestine
and Qusayr Amra in Jordan, which served as luxurious residences and retreats for
hunting and pleasure.
The palaces, modelled on Roman and Sasanian architecture, were lavishly decorated
with sculptures, mosaics and paintings of people.
The rejection of representing living beings in the religious art of Islam promoted two
art forms: calligraphy (khattati or the art of beautiful writing) and arabesque
(geometric and vegetal designs).
The history of the central Islamic lands brings together three important aspects of
human civilisation: religion, community and politics.
These three circles merge and appear as one in the seventh century. In the next five
centuries the circles separate.
The Muslim community was united in its observance of the sharia in rituals and
personal matters. It was no more governing itself (poltics was a separate circle) but it
was defining its religious identity.