Innovation Project Work Plan: Page 1 of 6 LRRB Inv #: TBD SP&R #: TBD
Innovation Project Work Plan: Page 1 of 6 LRRB Inv #: TBD SP&R #: TBD
Innovation Project Work Plan: Page 1 of 6 LRRB Inv #: TBD SP&R #: TBD
(include below any additional personnel whose participation is essential for the success of the project)
TECHNICAL LIAISON (or Mn/DOT Project Manager) Signature of TL or PM:
I agree to accept responsibility for the management of this __________________________________________
project in accordance with the final approved schedule and
budget. Date:
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (IF RESEARCH Signature of Principal Investigator:
PROPOSAL) Print Name:
I agree to accept responsibility for the scientific conduct of
this project in accordance with the schedule and budget in Date:
this work plan and to provide the required progress reports.
OFFICE DIRECTOR OR DISTRICT ENGINEER Signature of Office Director or District Engineer:
Office or District: ______
I hereby certify sufficient staff time will be scheduled for the __________________________________________
Project Manager and staff to complete the project as
provided in the attached work plan, and commit any Office Date:
or District funds as listed above.
DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH SERVICES SECTION Signature of the Director of Research Services:
1) From the Roadmap Product Form (Part 1 of the Innovation Funding Request) what transportation problem or need is
addressed by this innovation project?
2) What has been attempted in the past to address this problem or need, and what are the barriers?
3) How does the proposed project build upon previous research? Provide a brief and concise summary of the results of the
literature search as it relates to the proposal. (Evaluate previous research conducted nationally and in other states as well
as Minnesota.) If this is a research work plan, why does similar previous research not solve the Minnesota transportation
problem being addressed and why is further research needed?
4) What are the roadmap products that will be developed as a result of this project to help transportation end-users
(practitioners, managers or decision-makers) do their jobs better?
PERFORMANCE MEASURES Provide details to support the performance measures listed in the Roadmap Product Form
(Part 1 of the Innovation Funding Request). For each performance measure, answer the following questions:
a) Measure description (What existing performance measure will be used, or is it a new measure?)
b) Measure responsibility (Who will collect the information and report the results? Who will use the results?)
c) Measure resources & cost (Is data collection and reporting included in this work plan or already being done?)
d) Measure schedule (When will information be collected and how will the results be reported and used?)
LITERATURE SEARCH Include your findings related to this project from a literature search. A literature search is
required before any contract negotiations begin. The literature search is expected to cover sources, including results from
Minnesota, other states and national efforts.
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WORK PLAN TASKS In chronological order, list and number the major tasks necessary to complete the project, including
the elements listed below. The tasks, deliverables and task budgets will form the basis of the contract scope of work. The
work on each task will be reviewed to track progress of the project and to determine when payment will be made. Payments
are made on the basis of each completed task, after approval of the deliverable for the task.
Description: For each task, describe the work that will be included the task (the scope of work for the task). Identify why the
task is necessary to achieve the project scope or objective.
Responsibility: For each task, identify who is responsible for performing the work. Work may be performed by consultants,
contractors, university researchers, Mn/DOT personnel, or others. More than one party may be responsible for
a task if the roles are clearly identified. If the work will be performed by someone other than a Mn/DOT
employee, identify the Mn/DOT person who will oversee or manage the task (for academic research projects,
technical oversight will be delegated to the Technical Liaison and Technical Advisory Panel).
Duration: For each task, indicate the amount of time needed to complete the task, in terms of the number of months. The
contract time and task completion dates will be based upon the task durations provided in the work plan and the
actual contract execution date. The contract execution date will be unknown at the time the work plan is
prepared, so it is important to note any specific requirements for task start or ending dates, such as for
seasonally-dependent work.
Deliverables: For each task, list all deliverables that will result from the work on the task, such as reports, test results, maps,
software, etc. The minimum deliverable for any task is a 1 – 2 paragraph write-up describing the outcome of
the task.
Budget: For each task, provide the total cost to complete the task. Tasks performed by Mn/DOT personnel may have
zero-dollar budgets for the purpose of this work plan.
OTHER ASSISTANCE If the project requires specialized help or input including data, materials, equipment, facilities, etc,
it should be documented. Include names or job titles if necessary:
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PROJECT MILESTONES AND SCHEDULE CONSTRAINTS List any specific dates or activities that should be
considered in establishing the contract schedule or that may require confirmation prior to finalizing a contract:
SALARY (Note: There are restrictions on the use of research DOLLAR AMOUNT (OMIT CENTS)
funds to reimburse offices or Districts for Mn/DOT salaries,
and this can be done only in special circumstances, with prior
approvals required.)
Provide information here describing the methods used to develop salary budgets and other costs:
List Task number and dollar value for each task in the work plan. Insert additional rows as necessary. For academic research
contracts, equipment and subcontractors should not constitute over 50% of total work plan budget. List each equipment vendor
or subcontractor as a separate task to facilitate timely payment. If project includes consultant/contractor or equipment
purchased under a Mn/DOT P.O., provide breakdown of task budget for Materials and consultant/contractor.
NOTE TO USERS REGARDING FUNDING This work plan template was developed for innovation projects that propose
to use funding from the FHWA State Planning and Research (SP&R) program, or other funding sources. SP&R projects
funded through this program typically require 20% non-federal matching funds from Mn/DOT District or Office consultant
budget, District state road construction (SRC) budget, Local Road Research Board (LRRB) budget or Mn/DOT state research
program (SRP) budget. List all In-Kind contributions. In-kind contributions proposed as part of any non-federal money to
match federal funding are subject to a separate approval process. The general exception to the 20% non-federal matching
requirement is for SP&R pooled fund multi-state projects, which use a different work plan approval process. Contact Mn/DOT
Research Services Section for information.
NOTE TO USERS REGARDING CONTRACT PROCESS Requisition for contract is sent through Research Services for
coding of accounting information. Contracts for consultants/researchers will be processed through Consultant Services and
encumbered directly from assigned accounts.
1) Describe how the proposed contract is necessary and reasonable to advance the statutory mission of the agency;
a) explain why the contract is necessary, e.g. “advances a transportation purpose”
b) explain why its reasonable to use a contract, e.g. staff limitations or special equipment/expertise is necessary]
2) Describe the performance measures or other tools that will be used to monitor and evaluate contract performance
and how the results of the work will be used.
The results of the work will be used _____________
3) No state employee is (a) able and (b) available to perform the services called for by the contract.
a. How did you reach this conclusion?