Trans-Membrane Pressure in Nanofiltration: J. Gilron, N. Daltrophe, O. Kedem
Trans-Membrane Pressure in Nanofiltration: J. Gilron, N. Daltrophe, O. Kedem
Trans-Membrane Pressure in Nanofiltration: J. Gilron, N. Daltrophe, O. Kedem
Most studies to date of Donnan exclusion in membrane separation of mixed solutions of permeating and completely retained salts with shared
mobile counter-ions have focused on its effects on negative salt rejection. A theoretical examination is presented here of the effects of Donnan
exclusion on flux in general and the threshold trans-membrane pressure for nonzero flux in particular. These effects are expressed through the
osmotic pressure of the different solutions in equilibrium with the membrane, which is directly affected by the value of the activity coefficient of the
polyelectrolyte counter-ion, φp . The osmotic pressure of polyelectrolyte solutions is determined by measuring the threshold trans-membrane pressure
for non-zero flux, and from this the activity coefficient is evaluated. The activity of the permeating salt in a mixed solution can then be predicted
and used to estimate the partition coefficient, β, of the permeating salt between the mixed and pure salt solution separated by a semipermeable
membrane. This value is found to be in reasonable agreement with partition coefficients determined directly in dialysis experiments. Finally, the
depression of the threshold trans-membrane pressure for nonzero flux upon adding salt to a polyelectrolyte system is reasonably estimated from
values of the permeating salt partition coefficient, β, previously determined in dialysis experiments.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction were 0.62 m/s with Reynolds number ∼2500. The relatively low
concentration polarization is illustrated for sodium polyacrylate
Negative salt rejection in nanofiltration of mixtures has been used as a polyelectrolyte in this study. The mass transfer coeffi-
observed and analyzed in a number of systems [1–6]. How- cient for sodium polyacrylate with MW of 2100 was previously
ever, the relation between volume flow, applied pressure and estimated to be around 3.5 × 10−5 m/s [6]. At a flux of 10 L/m2 h
salt rejection has not been explicitly treated in these studies. this gives a concentration polarization of 1.08 and it will be cor-
In the following, the pressure–flux relationship for nanofiltra- respondingly less at the lower pressures.
tion of solutions based on irreversible thermodynamics is briefly
reviewed for one-solute and two-solute systems with no common 2. Theory
ions. The influence of negative salt rejection in mixed solutions
on the flow/pressure relation is then analyzed. 2.1. Transport equations for RO and NF
Concentration polarization may significantly influence salt
rejection and the effective trans-membrane pressure. While it In highly selective RO membranes, water flux and salt flux
is not considered in the transport equations for membranes can be described separately. Water flux, which is practically
presented here, the feed concentration has to be corrected for equal to volume flux, is proportional to the difference of its
polarization in any practical application. In this study most chemical potential between the two sides of the membrane in a
measurements are carried out at very low fluxes where concen- wide range of pressures and compositions:
tration polarization effects are expected to be less pronounced,
given that the tangential velocities in the flat test cells used Lp
Jv = μw = Lp (P − Π) (1)
∗ Corresponding author. Fax: +972 8 6472960. where P and Π refer to the differences between the external
E-mail address: (J. Gilron). feed and permeate solutions adjacent to the membrane.
0376-7388/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
70 J. Gilron et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 286 (2006) 69–76
The small solute flux is proportional to its concentration gra- Assuming an ideal solution, the gradient of osmotic pressure is
dient: written in terms of the concentration gradient as
Js = Ps C (2) dπ dc
= vRT (7)
dx dx
In less selective RO and in NF, both fluxes are important. Water
where v is the number of ions per molecule of salt.
and solute flows have to be treated simultaneously and the
Introducing Eq. (6) and (7) into Eq. (4a), an alternative form
interaction between them has to be taken into consideration,
of the flux equation is obtained:
following the formal framework of non-equilibrium thermody-
1 dμw dμs
For the large flows and forces characterizing the RO/NF pro- Jv = −L̄p + (1 − σ)c
V̄w dx dx
cess, differential transport equations are used [7]:
dp dπ dc
dc = −L̄p − − L̄p (1 − σ)vRT (4b)
Js = −P̄s + Jv c(1 − σ), P̄s = Ps x (3) dx dx dx
According to Eq. (3) the solute flow is driven by the gradient
dp dπ of its concentration dependent thermodynamic potential and by
Jv = −L̄p −σ , L̄p = Lp x (4)
dx dx the convective coupling to volume flow.
Similarly, the volume flow – which practically equals the
where x is the coordinate perpendicular to the membrane sur- water flow – is driven by the thermodynamic potential gradient
face within the membrane, P̄S the local solute permeability, of the water, and dragged along by the diffusing solute (Eq. (4b)).
L̄p the local hydraulic permeability, σ the reflection coefficient As pointed out above, one of the basic assumptions of
and x is the membrane thickness. The concentration c is the membrane transport is that equilibrium is maintained at the
corresponding concentration, defined as the concentration in a solution–membrane interfaces. Thus μw is continuous and
hypothetical thin layer of aqueous solution that would be at
equilibrium with the membrane at point x [7]. It defines the com- μw = V̄w (P − Π) (8)
position dependent part of the thermodynamic potential. Fol-
lowing this corresponding concentration, π is the corresponding where P and Π refer to the differences of applied and
osmotic pressure. (Note that here and in the following, capital osmotic pressures between the external feed and permeate solu-
letters denote parameters in the feed and product solutions, small tions adjacent to the membrane.
letters the corresponding parameters in the membrane.) Integrating Eq. (4b) assuming constant L̄p , the volume flow
Assuming constant coefficients, integration of the differen- across the membrane is then:
tial equations over large concentration and pressure gradients
can then be carried out. At the membrane surfaces, equilibrium Jv = Lp (P − Π) + Lp (1 − σ)(π − π ) (9a)
of solute and water is maintained between the adjacent solutions
Note that the first term on the right hand side of Eq. (9a)
and the membrane phase. With concentrations of feed and prod-
refers to external solutions whereas the second term refers
uct solutions C and C , respectively, the boundary conditions
to the corresponding osmotic pressures in the membrane at
for c are c = C at the feed side, and c = C at the product side
the solution–membrane interface. The relation between trans-
of the membrane. The product concentration is equal to the ratio
membrane pressure and flux is determined by the boundary
between solute flux and volume flux namely, C = Js /Jv .
conditions that define the values of these corresponding osmotic
The mutual coupling between the flows of solute and volume
pressures, π and π .
is clearly brought out by reformulation of Eq. (4):
Writing Eq. (9a) in terms of corresponding concentrations
we have:
dp dπ dπ
Jv = −L̄p − − L̄p (1 − σ) (4a)
dx dx dx Jv = Lp (P − Π) + Lp (1 − σ)vRT (c − c ) (9b)
The gradient of the thermodynamic potential of the water, μw ,
is a function of the applied pressure and osmotic pressure: 2.2. Trans-membrane pressure in nanofiltration of a single
dμw dp dπ
= V̄w − (5)
dx dx dx In a solution of a single salt the corresponding osmotic pres-
sures near the surfaces are equal to those of the solutions:
Neglecting the pressure dependent part of the thermodynamic
potential of the solute, the gradient of the osmotic pressure is π − π = Π (10)
directly related to it by
Introducing Eq. (10) into Eq. (9a) the volume flow is obtained:
dμs 1 dπ
= (6) Jv = Lp (P − σΠ) (11)
dx c dx
J. Gilron et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 286 (2006) 69–76 71
Eq. (11) can be rewritten in terms of the applied pressure and by pressure at a given volume flow are additive. Note that at zero
introducing the salt rejection: flow, P = Π i .
Including the effect of polarization, Eq. (17b) can be modified
Π = Π R and P = σRΠ + (12) as follows:
Jv Jv Jv
Examining Eq. (12) we see that the minimal pressure required P = Πi,b exp + σΠs,b exp R+ (17c)
kd,i kd,s Lp
for positive flow at a given feed concentration is lower than in
highly selective RO for two reasons: the osmotic gradient is 2.4. Mixture of one completely rejected polyelectrolyte and
smaller (R < 1) and the convective interaction between salt and one uni-univalent salt, with common ion
water flows contributes to the volume flow (σ < l).
For very high volume flow, the salt rejection approaches σ. For a system containing a small salt in solution with poly-
For ions which cannot pass the membrane and possess common
Jv mobile counter-ions, salt rejection phenomena have been ana-
Jv → ∞, R → σ, P = σ 2 Π + (13)
Lp lyzed previously [6], while osmotic pressure in such systems
was measured in dialysis experiments over forty years ago [8].
In practice, this maximal rejection may not be reached because The strong electrostatic interaction between a large ion carry-
of mass transfer and osmotic pressure limitations. ing multiple charges and its counter-ions causes significant devi-
ations from ideality. In studies of sodium polyacrylate (NaPAA),
2.3. Nanofiltration of salt in the presence of completely osmotic pressure was determined by the equilibration of water
rejected neutral solute between salt-free solutions of NaPAA and solutions of PEG of
known osmotic pressure across a membrane that was imperme-
The thermodynamic properties of a solution containing salt able to both polymers [8]. The results showed that for polyelec-
and an additional component depend on the interaction between trolyte solutions of this type, the non-ideal interaction could be
the solutes in any specific system. represented in terms of fractions of bound and free counter-ions,
In the absence of specific interactions, the activity of the salt in which the latter behave ideally. Thus the osmotic pressure of
may be unchanged and the osmotic pressure of the mixture will salt-free solution of a polyelectrolyte with molar concentration
be equal to the sum of each component’s separate contribution Ci , was given by
to the osmotic pressure:
Πi = RT (Ci + φp CM ), where CM = vCi (18)
Π = Πi + Πs (14)
And υ is the number of charges carried by the poly-ion. For high
For example, this was found to be the case for a solution contain- molecular weight polyelectrolytes υ 1 and the contribution of
ing salt and polyethylene glycol (PEG) as the uncharged solute Ci to osmotic pressure can be neglected, but this would not be
[8]. true for a large mobile ion carrying a few charges, such as, e.g.,
If the membrane is impermeable to the neutral component, citrate. It was also found that the osmotic factor, (φ)p , was not a
the corresponding salt concentration in the membrane at the feed function of concentration and could be interpreted as the fraction
boundary is equal to the salt concentration in the external feed of free counter-ions.
solution (cs = Cs ). Thus, the corresponding osmotic pressures Further studies [8] were conducted measuring the osmotic
are given in terms of the external solutions by the following: pressure and activity of salt in a mixed solution containing
NaPAA at concentration, Ci and NaCl at a concentration, Cs
π = Πs and π = Π (15)
separated by a dialysis membrane from a second solution con-
Introducing the osmotic pressure (1) and these values of the taining NaCl at concentration c and polyethylene glycol of
corresponding osmotic pressures into the general Eq. (9a): known osmotic pressure. In such a system the distribution of
salt across the dialysis membrane is given by the Donnan equi-
Jv = Lp (P − Πi − Πs + Π ) + Lp (1 − σ)(Πs − Π ) (16) librium expression shown in Eq. (19), assuming ideal solution
and the trans-membrane pressure is behavior for the salt and the free counter-ions contributed by the
polyelectrolyte [8]:
P = Πi + σΠs + (17a) (CM φp + Cs )Cs = c2 (19)
Expressing this trans-membrane pressure in terms of salt rejec- Hence the distribution coefficient for salt between the two sides
tion we have of the membrane is given by
Jv c CM φp 1/2
P = Πi + σΠs R + (17b) =β = 1+ (20)
Lp Cs Cs
where the reflection coefficient is as measured for nanofiltration It is important to note that unlike the salt and water, the poly-
of the single salt. As seen in Eq. (17), the contributions of the electrolyte is not in equilibrium across the dialysis membrane
salt and the completely rejected neutral solute to the required which is impermeable to it.
72 J. Gilron et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 286 (2006) 69–76
Fig. 1. Analogy between equilibration of nanofiltration membrane and dialysis experiment. (a) Equilibration of membrane at feed surface with feed solution; (b)
equilibration in dialysis experiment.
It was found [8] that the osmotic pressure of the mixed solu- membrane at the feed surface:
tion is additive so that for the solution on the feed side of the
dialysis membrane the osmotic pressure was given by c = βCs (22)
where Π s is the osmotic pressure of a salt solution at concen- c = Cs (23)
tration Cs and Π i is as defined in Eq. (18). The fraction of
as above in the single salt case.
counter-ions contributed by the polyelectrolyte which behave
With these boundary conditions, integration of the local salt
as free ions, φp , was found to be unchanged by the addition of
flux Eq. (3) gives the salt rejection, R [1,6]:
The results from this older dialysis study help to understand (1 − σ)β −Jv (1 − σ)
what happens during nanofiltration of a polyelectrolyte–salt R=1− , F = exp (24)
1 − σF Ps
mixture. Salt and water in the feed solution equilibrate with
the membrane surface adjacent to the feed solution. For the salt At vanishing volume flow, F approximates 1 and the rejection
species this is analogous to the equilibrium reached in a dialysis tends to the Donnan equilibrium:
experiment (see Fig. 1): the thermodynamic potential of salt in
R=1−β (Jv = 0) (25)
the membrane adjacent to the feed surface (Fig. 1a) is equal to
its potential in the mixed feed solution just as it would be in a In order to obtain the volume flow in nanofiltration of the mixed
salt solution after equilibration in a dialysate compartment sepa- solutions, the corresponding concentrations for these solutions
rated by a dialysis membrane from a mixed salt–polyelectrolyte (c and c ) and the osmotic pressure of the feed solution have to
solution of the same composition as the feed in the nanofiltration be introduced into the general equation for volume flow, (9b),
experiment (Fig. 1b).1 in terms of the external solution compositions. Thus, with Eqs.
Hence, the corresponding concentration in the NF membrane (22), (23) and (14) substituted into Eq. (9b), Jv in a mixed solu-
adjacent the feed solution is given by the same Donnan distri- tion is given by
bution factor defined for the case of dialysis in Eq. (20), where
Cs will now be the concentration of salt in the NF feed solu- Jv = Lp [P − (Πi + Πs − Πs )] + Lp (1 − σ)vRT (βCs − Cs )
tion (Cs ). The distribution coefficient β can be predicted from
the concentration of polyelectrolyte counter-ions CM , if (φp is
known, or β can be measured directly by dialysis [6]. In terms of osmotic pressure:
Returning to the equations for membrane transport, the equi-
libration between feed solution and the membrane adjacent to Jv = Lp [P − (Πi + Πs − Πs )] + Lp (1 − σ)(βΠs − Πs )
the feed surface gives the following boundary condition on the (27)
The total pressure difference between feed and product as a
The dialysis experiments reported here were carried out between mixed
function of flux is then given by
solutions of polyelectrolyte and salt on one side and salt solution on the other
side without adding PEG. As shown in Ref. [8] this does not influence the Jv
salt distribution between the two sides. Therefore, the distribution coefficient P = Πi + Πs (1 − β) + σ(βΠs − Πs ) + (28)
obtained in our experiments is appropriate for the analysis of the NF situation. Lp
J. Gilron et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 286 (2006) 69–76 73
Πi − P0 Π (β − 1)
= s (30)
Πi Πi
If the reflection coefficient is zero, pressure as well as salt rejec- Fig. 2. Experimental flow loop for determining threshold pressures for zero flux.
tion are defined by the Donnan equilibrium also at non-zero Module was equipped with 16 cm2 active membrane area of NF-200.
volume flow, as shown by Eqs. (28) and (24). For β = 1, Eq. (28)
reduces to Eq. (17a) for neutral rejected solutes.
3.2. Determination of the threshold pressure (zero flux
3. Experimental
An experimental flow loop was used to determine the pres-
3.1. Determination of distribution coefficient by dialysis sure at which the flux through the membrane would be zero
for a variety of solutions, including sodium polyacrylate and
The dialysis experiments were conducted with 11 mm wide mixtures of sodium chloride with sodium polyacrylate. This
regenerated cellulose dialysis sacks (SpectraPor 7, Spectrum flow loop is depicted schematically in Fig. 2. The feed solu-
Scientific). A 10 ml samples of sodium polyacrylate (NaPAA) tion is maintained in a pressurized feed tank by a nitrogen gas
(Sigma–Aldrich, 2000 MW polyacrylic acid titrated with cylinder equipped with a regulator to control the pressure in the
sodium hydroxide to neutral pH) were placed in a series of sep- feed loop. The solution is recycled with a gear pump (Ismatec,
arate dialysis sacks each containing a different concentration of model 122P) through a flat membrane module at a flow rate of
sodium chloride and with final concentrations of sodium poly- 1.5 L/min. The Plexiglas test cell had a flow channel of 2 mm
acrylate of 0.414 M. The NaCl concentrations were varied to be height and 2 cm width (flow rate of 0.625 m/s and Re ∼ 2500) and
at values estimated to be above and below the concentration that was loaded with a nanofiltration membrane (NF-200 from Dow-
would equilibrate with the large well-stirred reservoir in which Deutschland, Rheinmunster) with an effective membrane area of
the dialysis bags were placed. In series A, the reservoir contained 16 cm2 . The temperature was kept constant by a heat exchanger
0.207 M NaCl and in series B the reservoir contained 0.452 M. within a cooled water bath and the temperature was determined
At times of 0, 15, and 30 min after insertion of the dialysis by thermocouple. The permeate flow rate was determined by
bags into the large reservoirs, the bags contents were sam- collecting samples at 10 min intervals in tared test tubes and
pled and the chloride content was determined by argentometric weighing the samples. The system was operated for 10–20 min
titration. after each pressure change before samples were taken. In
A preliminary osmosis experiment was conducted with dial- those cases where sample size was adequate, the amount of
ysis sacks containing sodium polyacrylate solution suspended chloride in the permeate was determined by argentometric
in a reservoir of water or pure sodium chloride solution so that titrations.
the osmotic pressure difference between the sodium polyacry-
late solution in the dialysis sack and solution in the reservoir 4. Results
is as large as any value expected from the series of dialysis
experiments conducted in this work. The osmotic flow to or 4.1. Osmotic pressure of sodium polyacrylate (NaPAA)
from the dialysis sacks was estimated based on the change in solution
the TOC inside the dialysis sacks. It was found that this flow
would have a negligible effect on the results of the dialysis In the polymer we used, not all acrylic monomers carry car-
experiment. boxylic groups. Table 1 gives the concentration of the polymer
Table 1
Determination of osmotic coefficient on the Na+ counter-ions in NaPAA solutions
Experiment T Concentration of [P] (monomol/l) [Na+ ] (M) α (%) Osmotic Osmolarity of φ
NaPAA (g/l) pressure bar solution (M)
Fig. 3. Dialysis experiment run with 0.414 M carboxylate monomer and 0.487 M Fig. 5. Threshold flux experiments with different solutions using NF-200 mem-
NaCl in the feed solution in the sack and 0.452 M NaCl in the dialysate reservoir. brane. Diamonds are data from pure water, triangles are from ∼5% sodium
polyacrylate solutions, round dots are from mixture of ∼5% sodium polyacry-
late and 0.125 M NaCl.
in monomol/l, [P], the concentration of sodium counter-ion, CM ,
and hence the fraction α of ionizable groups.
The osmotic pressure of NaPAA solution was determined in Table 2
pressure/flux measurements with an NF-200 membrane (triangle Salt distribution coefficients based on osmotic pressure vs. dialysis experiments
symbols in Figs. 5 and 6). The pressure at zero flux is equal to From dialysis experiments Based on osmotic pressure
the osmotic pressure, since this membrane is impermeable to the
Cs cs β Cs CM βcalc
It is seen in Table 1 that the osmolarity obtained, is smaller 0.127 0.21 1.65 0.125 0.414 1.56
than the concentration of the sodium ions, as expected for poly- 0.36 0.452 1.26 0.36 0.414 1.22
electrolyte solutions. The osmotic factor, φp , is given in the last
column of the table.
concentration in the sack, the intersection with the x-axis pro-
4.2. The distribution coefficient, β vides the equilibrium chloride concentration in the sack, which
is analogous to Cs . From this we can then calculate the Donnan
For characterization of the salt distribution which determines distribution coefficient:
the transport behaviour, we set up dialysis measurements to rep-
c dCs,f
resent the equilibria at the feed-solution–membrane interface. β= at =0 (31)
Cs dt t=0
The mixed solutions in the dialysis sack represent the nanofiltra-
tion feed solution, and the dialysate bath solution concentration, The coefficients obtained are shown in Table 2.
cd , will give the corresponding concentration in the membrane Using the values of φp calculated (see Eq. (18)) from the
at the feed boundary, c (see Fig. 1). measured osmotic pressure of the polyelectrolyte solutions as
Fig. 3 shows the dependence of dialysis sack salt concentra- shown in Table 1, the expected distribution coefficients can be
tion (Cs,f ) on time. A polynomial fitting of concentration with calculated from Eq. (20) for polyelectrolyte/salt solutions of a
time allows the differentiation and evaluation of the derivative given composition. These calculated distribution coefficients are
at time t = 0. Fig. 4 shows the results for two different dialysate given in the last column of Table 2. As can be seen, the values
concentrations, c . By plotting the rate of chloride concentration are in reasonable agreement between the osmotic pressure and
change in the dialysis sacks at zero time against the chloride the dialysis measurements.
Fig. 4. Dialysis experiments with sacks containing 0.414 M carboxylate monomer and varying initial concentrations Cs of sodium chloride: (a) dialysis reservoir
contains 0.0210 M NaCl; (b) dialysis reservoir contains 0.0452 M NaCl.
J. Gilron et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 286 (2006) 69–76 75
a+ activity of the counter-ion (Fig. 1)
a− activity of the co-ion (Fig. 1)
c corresponding concentration, i.e. concentration in
a solution that would be at equilibrium with the
solute in the membrane at point x (mol/l)
cd equilibrated salt concentration on dialysate side
Fig. 6. Threshold flux experiments with different solutions using NF-200 mem- in dialysis experiment (mol/l)
brane. Diamonds are data from pure water, triangles are from ∼5% sodium
c corresponding concentration of solute in mem-
polyacrylate solutions, round dots are from mixture of ∼5% sodium polyacry-
late and 0.375 M NaCl. brane adjacent to feed solution (mol/l)
c corresponding concentration of solute in mem-
brane adjacent to permeate solution (mol/l)
Table 3 Cb bulk concentration of solute (mol/l)
Trans-membrane pressure for non-zero flux
CM feed concentration of polyelectrolyte as charged
Cs CM P0,exp (bar) P0,calc (bar) monomer units (equiv./l)
0.125 0.411 1.82 1.56 C feed concentration of solute (mol/l)
0.375 0.396 0.68 0.79 C permeate concentration of solute (mol/l)
Js salt flux through the membrane (mol/m2 h)
Jv volumetric flux through membrane (m/s or l/m2 h)
4.3. Zero flux pressures for sodium chloride/sodium kD mass transfer coefficient (m/s)
polyacrylate mixtures L length of membrane flow channel (m)
Lp membrane-averaged permeability coefficient for
Nanofiltration of mixed solutions is shown in Figs. 5 and 6 the solvent flux (l/m2 h bar or m/s Pa)
carried out with two samples of NF-200 membranes. Extrap- L̄p local hydraulic permeability ((l/m2 h)/(bar/m) or
olation of flux versus pressure gives the minimal pressure for (m/s)/(Pa/m))
positive flux, P0 . It can be seen that the addition of sodium p pressure of a corresponding solution in equilib-
chloride to a sodium polyacrylate solution lowers the threshold rium with a point x in the membrane (Pa or bar)
pressure of zero flux as is expected from the theoretical treat- P pressure in external solution adjacent to mem-
ment. Table 3 compares the actual threshold pressure to that brane (Pa or bar)
calculated from Eq. (29) with β values determined by osmotic P0 threshold trans-membrane pressure at which flux
pressure (Section 4.1). The osmotic pressure-based β was used, drops to zero (Pa or bar)
since compositions in the flux experiment were not identical, [P] polyelectrolyte monomolar concentration in feed
though close, to those in the dialysis experiment. The threshold (mol monomer/l)
pressure observed by addition of salt is given in column 3, and Ps overall diffusive salt permeability of membrane
the threshold pressure expected from Eq. (30) is in the last col- (m/s)
umn. The effect is clearly demonstrated, though agreement is P̄s local diffusive salt permeability (m2 /s)
not quantitative. The largest source of uncertainty is the extrap- Vw molar volume of water (l/mol)
olation to zero flux. x membrane coordinate, distance from membrane/
feed solution interface (m)
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