Solid Rocket Motor Propulsion

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Solid rocket motor propulsion

Satellite design & engineering

Propulsion basics

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Principles of propulsion

A reaction force (thrust) is created by the ejection of gas.

F ≈ q . Ve
The thrust created by a balloon is clearly not sufficient !
Let’s try to improve this technology !
Furthermore, the pressure in the balloon drops quickly !
We must find a way to maintain the pressure inside the motor.
We need to increase q and Ve

To do that, the best solution is to use a controllable exothermic chemical reaction that transforms a liquid
or a solid into a gas at high temperature : the commonest one is : combustion, but there are other
solutions !

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Other types of propulsion

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Liquid or solid propulsion
We will limit ourselves to combustion, and give the advantages of the two solutions

• High specific impulse
• Re-ignition and throttling possible

SOLID (fuel and oxidizer mixed in one solid

block (grain)
• Can deliver high thrust from a limited volume
• Almost immediate availability
• High reliability
• Moderate costs

From now on, we will limit ourselves to solid propulsion.

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Solid propulsion
To reach sufficient thrusts, we will have to operate at pressures of several tens to hundreds bars, and eject
the gasses at supersonic velocities.
Therefore, the main elements of a solid rocket motor are :




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History and applications
The first utilization dates back to 7th century, when black powder was invented in China, as
incendiary arrows.

Propelled arrows were found in the 11th century, also in China

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History (2)
The first scientific study is made by William Congreve, and the first rockets were used in battles against
Napoleon, in particular Waterloo (1815).

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History and applications
In 1888, Alfred Nobel discovers the
homogeneous double base
propellants, and that leads the way
to military applications, which start
growing during WWII.

Are well known the Stalin organs

C-130 takes off with the help of JATO rockets
(USSR – 1941), the anti-tank
weapons like the Panzerfaust
(Germany – 1943), and the bazooka
(USA – 1944).
We find also applications to
accelerate vehicles : (Opel car – 1928)
and the JATO system (USA – 1942)

M13 rocket for Stalin organ

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Opel rocket car RAK-1 – 1928 -

Modern applications : military
Strategic – ICBM Trident D2 (US) Tactical – air-to-air MICA (France) Tactical : anti-tank LAHAT (Israel)

Boosters for missiles

Tomahawk cruise missile (US)

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Modern applications : civilian
Launcher stages Launcher boosters Other applications

STAR-5D rocket motors used to

decelerate Mars Pathfinder to
AJ-60A boosters mounted on Atlas V launcher zero velocity on the Martian

Vega launcher – 3 solid propellant stages

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The propellant grain

We have to define two parameters : composition and shape : these will define the performance and the
thrust law of our motor.


History :

The first propellant was black powder (mixture of sulfur, charcoal and saltpeter [KNO3]). Inefficient as

From end of XIX° century : homogeneous double base propellants : mixture of nitrocellulose and
nitroglycerine. Still in use today (smokeless), but not able to be used in large motors (tens to hundreds of

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Composite propellants
Criteria of choice :

Energetic performances (high reaction temperature)

Kinetic performances (combustion velocity)
Mechanical behavior (resistance to loads)
Safety and vulnerability (resistance to unwanted ignition)
Resistance to ageing (life duration in storage)
Cost in production
Interface specifications

I will present here the composition that all the above requirements, and is used on all space launchers :
• Ammonium perchlorate (oxidizer) (70 %)
• Aluminum powder (fuel) (15 %)
• Polybutadiene matrix (binder and fuel) (12%)

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Composite propellants

Ammonium perchlorate is a white powder. Its particle size controls :

• The viscosity
• The combustion velocity
• The particle size of Al2O3 (combustion by-product)

Aluminum is used in the form of powder. It increases

the reaction temperature

The polybutadiene is a polymer that allows cross-linking between

chains after curing, giving to the propellant grain its mechanical
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The propellant grain
After ignition, the burning reaction takes place on the free surface of the propellant.
The mass flow, and consequently the thrust generated by a propellant grain is proportional to the
combustion surface at any moment of its operation.
Assuming that the combustion velocity is the same in all directions, the combustion proceeds in parallel
Therefore, the thrust depends on the motor and the propellant grain geometries.
This initial geometry is the only way to control the thrust law of a solid rocket motor.
There are many geometries according to the required thrust law

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Shapes of propellant grain

Cylindrical shape
Star shape

Axisymmetric shape with teeth

Cylindrical shape with rear finocyl

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Shapes of propellant grains and thrust laws

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Grain shape and thrust law : case of Ariane 5 MPS

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Solid propulsion fundamental equations
ρ . Vc . Sc = CD . Pc . At = gas mass flow
Where ρ = propellant density
Vc = combustion velocity /
Sc = surface of combustion With Γ .
CD = nozzle discharge coefficient
PC = combustion pressure
At = nozzle throat area

For most solid propellants :

Vc = a . ( Pc )n with n < 1

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Operation point of a solid rocket motor
n < 1 (curve concavity
oriented to the bottom)
means stable operation
for the motor.

n < 1 for most

propellants, but not all !


The linear burning rate of the

propellant is the velocity at
which the chemical reaction
progresses under the effect of
conduction and radiation and is
function of pressure, but also of
the initial temperature

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Propellant grain design

Requirements Propellants database Ballistics + structural integrity

(see next page)

Choice of propellant Choice of grain geometry

(fuel + oxidizer)

Thrust = f (t)

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Requirements for propellant design

• Energy performance : Isp , Tc , density

• Kinetic performances : maximum pressure, overall dimensions, weight
• Resistance to loads : shrinkage during curing, long-term storage, thermal
cycles, firing
• Safety : resistance to mechanical or electrical aggression
• Resistance to ageing
• Compliance with interface specifications
• Production cost

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Main steps to manufacture a propellant grain

Perchlorate manufacturing Pre-mixing of polybutadiene with

with particles size control aluminum powder and additives*

Additives :

Mixing • Burning rate

modifiers (Fe2 O3)
• Surface agents
• Catalysts
Vacuum casting • Anti-oxidants

Controls : propellant integrity Curing

through X-ray inspections, few days at 60°C
ballistic data and mechanical
characteristics through
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Thermal protections

• Protects the casing from combustion gas when propellant has completely burned
• Inhibits the combustion where it is not needed (on Ariane MPS : frontal PT)
• Controls the loads due to propellant shrinkage when curing
• Made of rubber + additives

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Thermal protections

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Thermal protections installation

On metallic casings :
• Two possible processes
• TP is installed on a mandrel, polymerized, machined, and then installed in the casing
• TP in raw rubber is installed inside the casing by winding or draping and then polymerized in an

On composite casings :
TP is wound around a mandrel, polymerized, machined, and then the casing is wound around the PTI.

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Thermal protections installation

Rubber tape machine feeding

Manual draping on mandrel Automatic winding machine

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Casings (structures)

Two types of casings :

Metallic : steel or aluminum

Composite : carbon, glass or Kevlar fibers embedded in resin (epoxy)

The criteria of choice are :

• Production costs (raw materials, machines, control equipment, manufacturing difficultness)

• Performance (weight / allowable stress)
• Resistance to environment (heat, mechanical or chemical aggression)
• Other constraints (interfaces)

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Comparison between materials

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Metallic casings
Example : MPS of Ariane 5

Material : Steel D6AC

Domes : disk formed in shape of domes

Cylinders : from
preforms flow-forming
into cylinders, then
heat treatment and
welding of three

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Composite casings

Carbon fiber
Polymerization in autoclave

OR Winding on TP
Pre-impregnated fibers

Mandrel removal and final


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Composite casings

There are essentially two types of winding : polar and hoop

P80 (1st stage of VEGA) winding

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Composite casings

Finished P80 composite casing Finished Pathfinder booster segment (Prototype

for SLS booster)

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Booster segments
• For space launchers, the propellant grains are manufactured in several segments.

• To cast a booster grain in one piece would require huge installations for casting, handling and

• However, progress is made, and newer boosters stages are manufactured in one segment.

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Booster segments (2)

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The joints between the segments are critical for safety. Any hot gas leak to the outside of the booster
can have catastrophic consequences

Casing tightness is made by redundant o-rings

Thermal protection tightness is made by a labyrinth geometry filled with grease. No flow → the gasses
cool rapidly.

Problem : the casing inflates when the inside pressure increases and the geometry around the o-rings
changes : the pressure has to close gaps and not open them.

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Joints (2)

Primary and secondary


Labyrinth filled with grease

Deformation under pressure (5x)

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The Challenger Space Shuttle accident

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The Challenger Space Shuttle accident
The technical cause
At low temperatures, the elastomeric o-rings became hard, and
they were sensitive to hot gas erosion. This was a known problem
because it was seen on previous flights, but was considered as an
acceptable risk (because of the redundancy of the secondary o-ring.)
This resulted in a hot gas plume impacting the booster attachment
point on the external tank, and eventually a large flame perforating
the hydrogen tank wall. This caused the external tank explosion, and
the vehicle breakup.

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The Challenger Space Shuttle accident
The organizational causes

Reference : “The Challenger Launch Decision” by Diane Vaughan

1. Normalization of deviance : increase of “acceptable risk” criteria : several observations of eroded o-

rings became more and more acceptable, and the argument of the redundancy of the secondary O-
ring was more and more used, but wrong.

2. Culture of production : initially, NASA was managed by technicians, but it became more complex and
bureaucratic, and the budgetary constraints transformed the organization into a production
organization, with the objective to recommend launch in all cases.

3. Secrecy of information : the way information circulates, the processes, and the structure of
regulatory relations have as a result that the information available to the top managers is filtered,
and technical details, considered by engineers as “acceptable risk” were not clearly presented.

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The Challenger Space Shuttle accident

The lessons

1. The assessment of risks may not rely upon routine evaluations. In a production process, you may not
use the argument “This has been already accepted” because other influential factors, or the
environment, may have changed.

2. The budget scarcities, or the delay constraints, or the bureaucratic organization may not change the
risk evaluation or let you use a limited rationale, not taking into account all the contributing factors.

3. The way information is relayed to top decision makers, and the way this information is presented
(this is particularly true for statistics) must be carefully crafted, and must not deform the engineering

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The nozzle (theory)
Objective : to transform thermal energy of the gasses into kinetic energy.

Modelling of nozzle operation needs several simplifying assumptions :

• Combustion and expansion are two separate phenomena happening respectively in the
combustion chamber and the nozzle.
• The expansion in the nozzle is isentropic
• The flow is one-dimensional.
• The gas kinetic energy at the entrance of the nozzle is negligible.
• The gas flow occurs without separating from the nozzle wall.
• The combustion gas is a perfect gas, and its molecular weight and γ are constant.

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Nozzle theory (2)
We shall use the following variables :
• P, T and ρ : respectively pressure, temperature and density
• V : gas flow velocity
• A : cross section of the nozzle
• R : universal gas constant
• a : the speed of sound
• M : the Mach number

And the following equations :

• The Mariotte law : .
• The continuity equation : . . !" "
• The energy conservation equation : 2. .Δ .
• The Mayer formula : % &

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The nozzle theory (3)
From all the above, we can deduce :

'( '
• The Hugoniot formula : ( % 1 ,showing that on a convergent-divergent nozzle :
• The gas velocity increases continuously;
• The gas velocity is equal to the speed of sound at the throat (M = 1)

• There is a maximum exhaust velocity, reached through isentropic expansion until absolute vacuum :

* 2. . + 2. . . +

• The isentropic flow allows us to write :

, , ,

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The nozzle theory (4)
The velocity at the exit cone section can be written :

1 - ,
0 * 1% where is the expansion ratio.
, 1

To best see the influence of various parameters, this can be rewritten :

1 -
0 . + 1%

The exhaust velocity increases with + , and the expansion ratio, and when the gas molar mass decreases.

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The nozzle – Example of Ariane 5 MPS


Phenolic composites
Carbon/carbon composites
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The nozzle : objectives
1. Transform the thermal energy into kinetic energy.
2. Give a guidance capability by allowing movement of the nozzle

Some figures for MPS nozzle :

• Mass : 6,1 tons
• Throat diameter : 900 mm
• Exit diameter : 2,9 m
• Gimbal angle : 7,1°

The design of a nozzle is very difficult : use of FE thermomechanical model, with complex phenomena like
ablation (material is stripped off through action of 3000 K gas at high velocity.) Also the characterization of
complex materials like carbon/carbon composites at high temperatures is very difficult. And finally, the
loads are difficult to evaluate, due to the very high temperature gradients through the nozzle wall.

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The nozzle : operation
Ablated zone



Pyrolized zone Efficiency zone

The performance calculation of the motor must take into account the nozzle
ablation and the corresponding diameter increase.

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Piloting a launcher through nozzle orientation
To reach this objective, the nozzle must be movable in all directions, under control of two actuators
positioned at 90° of each other.
One end of each actuator is fixed on the nozzle, the other end on the stage structure.
Therefore, there must be a flexible object between the nozzle and the stage : on the MPS, it is the flex

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The flex seal

It is composed of alternating spherical layers of steel and rubber. The rubber must remain in compression
under all loads. The flex seal must be protected from the hot gasses by a membrane.


This design allows high stiffness in

compression, but low stiffness in

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The ignition system

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The ignition system

It is essentially a small solid propellant

motor whose objective is to send hot gas
and particles onto the motor propellant
grain to ignite it.
On the Ariane 5 EAP, it is a 3-stage
ignition system :
1. A pyrotechnic ignition system made
of BKNO3 pellets.
2. A relay charge
3. The main charge.

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Thrust oscillations
This behavior can be observed on most Absolute pressure
solid propellant motors

Dynamic transducer (=with

high-pass filter)

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Thrust oscillations
These oscillations are of a few tenths of % in pressure, but of few % in thrust. This amounts to several kN !
The frequency of one of the modes can dangerously approach the structural resonant modes of the stage
or the launcher, and possibly cause damage to the payloads !

This phenomenon has been actively investigated since the years 1970 : the origin is now understood : it
comes from the interaction of vortices at the nozzle entrance and the acoustical cavity formed by the last
segment of the booster.

The last segment is a hollow cylinder which has an acoustic longitudinal resonant frequency which varies
slowly with time.

Vortices are created in the gas flow according to several phenomena.

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Thrust oscillations
1. Parietal vortices (created by the interaction of turbulent flow along the wall)

2. Obstacles vortices (created by inhibitor rings)

3. Discontinuity vortices (geometry of

propellant grain)

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Thrust oscillations

The frequency of these vortex shedding is characterized by a dimensionless number called Strouhal
3 *
number : 2" 4
, where L is a characteristic length, f the frequency of the vortex
shedding, and U is the flow velocity.

The pressure oscillations created by

the vortices create a coupling with
the combustion velocity, which
resonates for certain frequencies
corresponding to specific Strouhal

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Thrust oscillations

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Solid propellant stage qualification
1. Through a qualification flight and, if possible, recovery.
On Ariane 5, there are only a few (20) telemetry sensors, not sufficient to evaluate the correct
operation of the whole EAP stage.
For qualification flights, specific transducers have been added.
The recovery was made on a few stages, but needed a complex parachute system.

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Solid propellant stage qualification
2. Through a firing test on the ground
Necessitates a specific firing test bench, and an additional operational stage, unusable to launch a
satellite !
But : it eliminates the reentry damage, and allows much more measurements (in theory, no limit in the
ground telemetry system), and can later be used for production improvements qualification.
BEAP Kourou NASA Test bench for SLS booster, Utah, USA

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ARTA 6 MPS firing test

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Hybrid propulsion
This type of rocket engine uses liquid oxygen or nitrous
oxide as oxidizer.

The main advantage of hybrid propulsion is that the propellant burn rate is
driven by the oxidizer flow rate, and is therefore independent of defects in the
propellant grain like cracks, debonding. It is also safer to handle and
manufacture, is controllable, and has a higher Isp than solid propulsion.

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Hybrid propulsion
SpaceShip One
That is why this type of
propulsion is used on a
commercial human space
flight project : SpaceShip One
and Two, by the company
Scaled Composites.

SpaceShipTwo was destroyed in

flight due to premature aerodynamic
brake deployment.

SpaceShipTwo and White

Knight mother ship

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Thank you for your attention !

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