ESY Curriculum 2017 V1
ESY Curriculum 2017 V1
ESY Curriculum 2017 V1
Curriculum Overview
Introduct i on
In the kitchen classroom, the teachers cook, the cooks teach, and
teacher and student alike gather around the table to share meals
of their own creation. In the garden, students are the keepers of
the soil and shepherds of the harvest, sowing seeds and tending to
the produce that fills bellies and fuels exploration, imagination, and
learning. Students learn by doing and engage all of their senses.
To that end, the goal of this book is to share our theory and practice
of how to transform the schooling experience for every student. At
the heart of our approach is our curriculum; it is our main tool for
3. Children learn with all their senses. When At the same time, it has been a persistent challenge
children’s senses are awakened and educated— for our nation to live up to the noble ideals enshrined
and they can taste, smell, touch, hear, see—they in this educational pledge, especially (though not
experience the world around them with new only) in our public schools. We have struggled,
richness and complexity. often valiantly, to make these promises a reality, but
continue to fall too far short of universally achieving
4. Children thrive in nature. When children grow
them. If we are to make true progress, we must face
food, cook, eat together, and return nutrients to
the ways in which the US educational system has
the soil, they come to respect and appreciate their
maintained a stratification of students on the basis of
interconnectedness with the cycles of life.
class, race, and gender.
5. Good food is a right, not a privilege. When public
schools make a free, delicious, organic school From Thomas Jefferson’s 1814 proposal for two
lunch for every student, we not only address the different tracks to educate the “laboring and the
critical social inequities of hunger and obesity, we learned” to the institution of “zero tolerance policies”
truly nourish every child. in the last two decades and the resulting school-
to meet those goals. I have the ability to grow and develop my skills,
knowledge, and abilities through effort and
How we want our students to feel:
I can do this.
It is okay not to know.
My presence and contributions matter and are
When I encounter a problem, don’t know
something, or feel unsure, I know how to get the
I feel safe. support I need to figure it out.
Avoid commenting on students’ eating habits (e.g. access and promote buy-in for all students.
“Wow, you just inhaled that plate!”) and support Interrupt and explicitly name harmful or
students in doing the same. unacceptable behavior. Describe clearly what
you are seeing and why it is not okay. Base your
When a student says they don’t want to try a
observations in firsthand experience and use “I”
food, insist on serving a very small “no thank you”
language to root your observations in a shared
portion so they have the opportunity to try it if they
change their mind, but do not insist that they try it.
Eliminate barriers to participation by providing
Serve up food with the stated goal of fairness and
gloves, work boots, aprons, kneepads, and ponchos
ask students to help you in achieving that.
to students in garden classes and aprons and latex
Make a positive phone call home to share a
gloves to students in kitchen classes. For students
student’s successes and achievements in class.
anxious about keeping their hands, shoes, or
Appreciate the difference between intent and clothes clean and dry, protective gear gives them
impact: When conflict arises, recognize that the opportunity to participate without having to
frequently the harm caused was not intended, but sacrifice this priority. Similarly, though we ask all
that lack of malice does not mean a harm caused students in the kitchen to wear aprons, if this acts
is not real. Support students to understand the as a deal breaker for any student, we never force
difference. them to.
5. Encourage students to take ownership seen to be logical and reasoned. Sharing your
of their learning through inquiry, process with students allows them to develop the
an art installation, or developing a cooking lesson routine. This practice, from Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall
for younger students, project-based learning allows of Science BEETLES program, invites students to
students to identify real-world problems and focus on an object from nature and share with a
develop solutions. This type of learning cultivates partner, in alternating succession, what they notice
a tremendous level of ownership by exciting and about the object. Then, when instructed, they switch
motivating students to leverage their agency as to what they wonder, and finally what the object
learners. Students practice communicating their reminds them of. This routine helps students develop
ideas, designing solutions that represent the entire a mind-set of curiosity and provides language tools
group’s vision, and collaborating to develop the to engage with the natural world. It also encourages
skills needed to complete their project. students to relate nature to their own lives and
share more about themselves in the process.
Encourage student leadership. If a student has
already worked on a kitchen or garden skill, Build on lessons over multiple classes/grade levels.
ask them to teach their peers. For routines that By referencing a previous experience in the kitchen
students complete often, like a tasting or opening or garden, students are able to make connections,
circle, invite a student to give the instructions or deepen their understanding, and build on skills.
facilitate the conversation. Encourage a wide range We use our scope and sequence document
of students to practice their leadership skills and to determine how to intentionally sequence
Use questions to further students’ thinking and Using food as a hook. In general, students
prioritize the thought process over the final answer. love to cook (and eat!). Consider ways you can
Spark a conversation with open-ended questions intentionally link food to your lesson’s content, so it
that encourage students to synthesize information, is more than just an “add-on.”
draw on their experiences, brainstorm solutions Plan for how students will get to interact in any
to a problem, and develop their own opinions. activity. Oftentimes the best learning builds
Questions encourage students to take ownership community through fun and memorable shared
of their learning process, rather than looking to experiences.
teachers as the source of knowledge. By modeling
Provide learning opportunities unique and
the use of questions in academic conversations and
authentic to your classroom space. If you are
explorations, you can help students develop their
working outdoors, consider whether you could do
own questioning skills.
What foods are important to our students? All What equipment and tools do we have? Which
students should feel welcome, seen, and recipes best meet the constraints or qualities
represented in our space. We cook foods from a of our space? We think about work flow when
variety of cultures, and frequently ask students choosing a recipe or multiple recipes. If we already
what foods they eat at home and which foods are know a lesson includes one dish that will be cooked
important to them. When creating a new lesson, we at the stove, maybe we’ll add a recipe that will be
actively seek input and feedback from students and eaten raw, or one to be cooked in the oven, to best
community members who identify with that food. use our resources and avoid overcrowding any one
or practice? If our
aim is for students
W hat w ill the students do or experi ence to reach the
to develop their knife
learning object ives and for the lesson goals to be me t ?
skills, just making
pancakes is not the
best choice to serve that goal. Add supremed citrus Will students make the recipe at home? We choose
and thinly sliced candied citrus peels to that lesson, recipes that students can replicate at home
and you may have the ideal food. with basic equipment and tools and affordable,
What themes or topics do we want to explore? If easily sourced ingredients. When we use special
we’re building a lesson around the spread of spices equipment in the kitchen, we suggest alternatives
from India along the Silk Road to support the sixth- (such as using a glass or bottle as a rolling pin), and
grade history curriculum, we’ll choose a recipe that always provide copies of the recipes for students to
What goals do we have for student behaviors made French onion soup and probably never will,
and habits of work? If we’re aiming to increase because what kid wants to spend a 90-minute
How many students will we have? What is the What does the garden need? Just as we have our
adult-to-student ratio? The greater the number of students work with real tools, we always want the
students and the fewer adults, the more important work our students do in the garden to be authentic
it is to choose a recipe that students can be to the true needs of the space. Working on real
successful at relatively independently. gardening jobs allows students to work toward
mastering gardening skills that will continue to
Will there be enough meaningful jobs? We want all
serve them after graduating from our program;
students to be engaged for the full time that they
it teaches students through experience how to
are with us, whether it be preparing the recipe,
identify and recognize the needs of a garden
setting the table, harvesting herbs for our water,
and how to meet those needs; and it develops in
How much time do we have? For many of our successful at relatively independently.
students, learning to appreciate the rewards of the Will it make best use of the space? Whenever we’re
work required to maintain and care for a garden making a new lesson, we always ask ourselves,
is already a major lesson in patience. Whenever “Could this same lesson happen inside?” If the
possible, we try to have students work on jobs answer is “yes,” we know the lesson isn’t there yet.
that can come to some form of conclusion or The most valuable experiential learning happens
culmination in the time we have to work. We try to in the garden when activities are authentic to the
provide opportunities for students to see the results richness and uniqueness the space has to offer.
of their efforts over the short and long term. We also always look to have a variety of tasks that
What gardening skills do we want students to can be completed in different areas of the garden.
learn or practice? Our goal is that every student As much as possible, we aim to distribute working
will graduate from our program with the basic groups throughout the garden to avoid cramping
knowledge and experience required to successfully one area.
grow food. In most lessons, we include some Do the tasks appeal to the diverse interests and
variation of four gardening jobs: propagate, energy levels of our students? In every garden
cultivate, harvest, and compost. Over the course class we try to present a variety of jobs that appeal
of a student’s three years in our program, we to all students. For example, students with a lot
intentionally build opportunities for them to develop of energy will thrive in more physical jobs, while
capacity in these areas. artistic students love a job in which they can spend
What themes or topics do we want to explore? the working period painting colorful signs for the
We collaborate closely with King Middle School’s garden beds.
science teachers and use the Next Generation
Science Standards (NGSS) as an invaluable 4. C rystallize Connecti ons
resource to translate academic ideas or concepts What teaching practices, structures, or strategies
into hands-on garden-based experiences. We truly will we use to crystallize the connections between
believe that anything can successfully be taught in the food, crop, or activity and the specific learning
a garden classroom—collaborating with a diverse objectives? Defining a learning objective and
group of stakeholders can be key in identifying rich choosing a food that relates to that objective doesn’t
connections. necessarily set students up to meet the learning
Can many hands complete the task? We want objective. In this step, we get specific about how the
our students to be meaningfully engaged for the students will relate with the food, crop, or activity
entire work period. If one task won’t be enough in a way that facilitates the learning we want to
but is something we feel strongly that we’d like our happen. This step is especially important because so
students to have the opportunity to do or that the much of the learning that occurs in our classrooms is
garden urgently needs, we’ll often have that group experiential. Being intentional about how we frame
spend half the period completing the task and the and set up student experience in our lessons means
other half preparing a tasting, working on another the difference between, for example, students having
job, or in free exploration time. a great time propagating starts in the greenhouse
L esso n G o a ls :
S t u d e n t L e a r n i n g O b j ect i v es :
Lesson Review
Does this lesson do what we want it to do? What does this lesson do? Reflect on all lesson materials and
content. Rate considerations in each category below based on how well the lesson does it:
YS Yes (strong)
Y W Yes (weak)
N No
P Potentially! Not yet, but could be developed
Student Experience
____ How might different aspects of student identity impact a student’s experience of this lesson?
Is there anything in this lesson that could alienate, hurt, or cause a student to feel unwelcome on
the basis of any aspect of their identity? Consider race, gender, class, family structure, religion,
ability, sexuality, body type, other, etc.
____ Provides opportunities for students to learn about self and identity
____ Presents opportunities for critical thinking—especially about identity and access to resources
____ Helps to shift assumptions and dominant stories about what is normal
(re: race, gender, class, family structure, religion, ability, sexuality, body type, etc.)
____ Provides opportunities for students to think critically about the narratives told about food and
morality in our culture (e.g. good vs. healthy vs. unhealthy)
____ Incorporates visual aids that are representative of different cultures and experiences
____ Provides opportunities to take action on issues that affect students and their communities
By drawing connections between lessons learned in kitchen and garden classrooms and the
larger world
By observing and articulating large-world phenomena/big ideas playing out in kitchen and
garden classroom “laboratories”
By articulating their own ideas in a variety of formats with a variety of participation protocols
____ Provides opportunities for students to develop their identity as a successful student and sense of
self-efficacy around learning
____ Provides students the opportunities to build positive relationships with people who can support
their academic success
____ Connects to NGSS, Common Core, CA State History-Social Studies, or other standards
Practical Considerations
____ Practical in the time given
builders, artists, and students with the intention students to propagate plants for the Edible
of empowering students to operate independently Schoolyard garden, the annual plant sale, and
in the space and creating rich opportunities for donations for other local garden programs. In
exploratory learning. Below, we describe the major the greenhouse area we work with students to
structures in our garden with notes on their design propagate plants by sowing seeds, using cuttings,
and use. We hope that this context will allow you grafting, or making divisions from existing stock.
students are given the opportunity to taste fresh The perimeter fence is a 6-to-7-foot open-air metal
honeycomb. mesh fence that keeps deer out of the garden
without obstructing lines of sight. By keeping deer
Orchard s out, we are able to protect our crops from their
We have two orchards in the garden: the Hillside nibbling mouths, and keep out any contaminants
Orchard, comprising about 30 fruit and nut trees, they may bring with them.
essential aspect of every Sledgehammers
student’s experience at the Pick axes
they come out to the garden, and then they are given a tool shed Watering wands
orientation during their first garden class. Below is a list of tools Egg baskets
we find essential to run a successful garden program, along with
Compost thermometer
a list of optional tools we find useful to run a large middle school
(or high school to adult) program. Choose the tools from the Greenhouse aprons
optional list that will be best suited to your program. Crowbar
Essentials in the ESY Tool Shed Pads (for seating on wet days)
Composting (e.g., building a new pile or turning intentionally grow a variety of crops that ripen at
an old one; sifting fresh compost; harvesting different times of year and are easy and delicious
Sixth grade: Students draw on their five senses In the weeks before students are scheduled to
to make an observation about the fruit or come to the garden, garden teachers visit students’
vegetable that they tasted (e.g., “My name is science classrooms to present descriptions of each
______ and my apple tasted sweet”). track option. Students then have the opportunity
to indicate their personal preferences for which
Seventh and eighth grade: Students draw on
track they follow by ranking the options from top to
their five senses to create a simile about the
least favorite. The voting process gives choice and
tasting (e.g., “My name is ______ and my apple
flexibility to the students, which helps to inspire buy-
tasted sweet like honey”).
in and set up the dynamics of the groups for success.
Report Backs: In a Report Back, one or more Below is an example of a voting ballot we used for
representatives from each working group shares one seventh-grade immersion:
a description of their garden job, including any
progress they made during the period and how the
garden job contributes to the garden at large (e.g.,
“We finished cultivating the bed and it is ready to
plant the cilantro starts from the greenhouse”).
Thank you! We will do our best to place you in one of either Thu rsday or Friday )
The Edible Schoolyard Garden Immersion week We use a voting process to give students choice and
was developed so that each science class from the flexibility. It also helps achieve student buy-in while
seventh and eighth grade could have a full week of setting up the groups for success. Here is an example
The eighth-grade classes receive one week in After each option below, please circle if it is your 1st,
the spring rotation. 2nd, 3rd, or 4th choice.
Prior to their garden week, students are presented (You can only have one 1st choice, one 2nd choice,
with track descriptions in their classroom and are etc.)
asked to rank their choices from most to least
All About Chickens: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
(with Ms. Rachel)
The track groups work with an individual garden
Climate Change: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
teacher for the duration of the immersion week,
(with Mr. Geoff)
creating and achieving their own group goals.
Gardening & Cooking: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
T rack Des cr iption s (with Mr. Jason)
Each garden teacher creates a track based on their Mini-Habitats: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
interests and specialization. Tracks also incorporate (with Ms. Tanya)
the needs of the garden for that season.
Thank you! We will do our best to place you in one of
In some cases, tracks have an overarching theme your top choices.
for the week, where each track makes an attempt
to include activities that relate to the theme.
G6 – 0 Respect in Setting behavior Students ask Edible Schoolyard 1.0 BUSD’s Behavioral Expectations
C u rr i c u lu m : g a rd en
the Garden expectations questions about the In the Program: Be safe
In academic garden Techniques 2.7: Students follow a
Be respectful
classroom set of rituals and routines that help
work go smoothly and develop into Be responsible
lifelong habits Be an ally
G6 – 1 Garden Meet staff, learn White board Edible Schoolyard 1.0 Common Core:
Orientation / routines and questions & In the Program: comprehension and collaboration
Card Hike systems conversation Concepts 3.9: Notice and appreciate grade 6
beauty. We take ownership in
pleasing and awakening our
senses to communicate care
and value, because beauty can
deliver a message of optimism and
expectation without saying a word.
T h e E d i b le S c h ooly a r d g a r d e n cl a ss r oo m
G6 – 2 Garden Work Review “Respect in Tasting Edible Schoolyard 3.0 Common Core:
Garden,” emphasize In the Garden, grade 6: comprehension and collaboration
systems/ tool shed Tools 1.1: Identify, begin to use, and grade 6
orientation care for basic garden tools.
Techniques 2.3: Decomposition
G6 – 3 Compost Lab Big ideas unit, cycles Tasting Edible Schoolyard 3.0 California State Standards:
of matter, FBI In the Garden, grade 6: Ecology 6.5.b: Students know matter
Techniques 2.3: Observe fungus, is transferred over time from one
bacteria, and invertebrates in organism to others in the food web and
decomposition; between organisms and the physical
6th Grade Scope and Sequence
G6-4 Bees Native pollinators, Edible Schoolyard 3.0 MS-LS1-4: Use argument based on
Bee hive exploration In the Garden, grade 6: empirical evidence and scientific
Concepts 3.9: Observe the garden
reasoning to support an explanation
as a habitat for pollinators, for how characteristic animal behaviors
understand the impact for and specialized plant structures
pollination on our food supply, affect the probability of successful
reproduction of animals and plants
G6 – 6 Apple Cider Seasonality, volume Cider tasting 20 lbs of Edible Schoolyard 1.0 California State Standards:
and displacement apples per In the Program: Number Sense 6.1.1: Write and solve
(as it relates to class Concepts 3.11: Understand one-step linear equations in one
melting polar ice), 220 lbs total seasonality by recognizing and variable
and ratios (with enjoying foods at their peak of
press gears) flavor and ripeness.
3.0 In the Garden, grade 6:
Techniques 2.4: Harvest and
prepare crops with guidance,
recognize the relationship between
the kitchen and the garden, and
6th Grade Scope and Sequence
34 C urriculu m: g ard e n
l ess o n
n am e /
L ess o n # ma in fo c u s c losing acti vi t y produce ESY Standard Aca de mic sta n da r ds
o pe n i n g
act iv it y
G6 –7 Welcome Seasonality, garden Identify one thing Edible Schoolyard Common Core:
C u rr i c u lu m : g a rd en
Back / work that has changed in 1.0 In the Program: Grade 6, Comprehension and
Discussion of the garden – tell your Concepts 3.11: Understand collaboration
Seasonality garden name seasonality by recognizing and
/ Re- enjoying foods at their peak of
Orientation flavor and ripeness.
G6 – 9 Garden Final celebration Tasting of kale pesto Per class: Edible Schoolyard 3.0 Common Core:
Work/ on baguette and 5 baguettes, In the Garden, grade 6: comprehension and collaboration
Kale Pesto lemonade Students tripled Techniques 2.3: Decomposition grade 6
sit at the long table kitchen
Techniques 2.4: Harvest
for closing circle and lemonade
enjoy eating together recipe, Techniques 2.5: Cultivation
doubled Techniques 2.6: Propagation
kitchen kale
pesto recipe
6th Grade Scope and Sequence
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Explain the behavioral expectations in the garden using information on the 4B’s poster
as a guide
Demonstrate an emerging understanding of the Edible Schoolyard routines and rituals
During this lesson, students will:
Live chicken
Assorted garden tools
Visual aid
2. Ask if there is a volunteer that is willing to read the “Be Safe” section of the visual aid
to the group.
Ask if anyone has an example of why we ask students to ask before picking.
Explain that asking before eating garden crops is critical to students’ safety. Just
because it’s called the ‘Edible’ Schoolyard does that mean everything out there is
Explain that the kitchen classroom needs to have enough food for planned lessons.
All crops taste best when they are ripe and ready to eat.
Point out that seasonal forage crops like raspberries, ground cherries or cherry
tomatoes are exceptions to this rule: these are things that students are allowed to
pick and eat without asking.
3. Ask if there is a volunteer that is willing to read the “Be Respectful” section of the
visual aid to the group. Ask students to volunteer ideas of how they can show
respect to insects, chickens, and each other. Demonstrate the safest way to catch,
hold, and pet a chicken.
4. Ask if there is a volunteer that is willing to read the “Be Responsible” section of the
visual aid to the group. Demonstrate how to use the tools responsibly and safely.
Ask students what some of the possible consequences of using tools incorrectly
or irresponsibly could be. It’s also fun to demonstrate what NOT to do in your
demonstration and ask students to give you feedback. Ex. “What’s wrong with the
way I’m holding this tool?”
5. Ask if there is a volunteer that is willing to read the “Be an Ally” section of the visual
aid to the group. Ask students for suggestions on how they can be an ally in the
garden and clarify as needed.
6. Introduce the ESY values that are especially applicable in the Garden: teamwork,
collaboration and open-mindedness. Ask students how they can demonstrate these
in the garden.
7. Ask students to contribute other ideas that could be included on the Respect in the
Garden poster.
8. Encourage students to look for ways to demonstrate the 4B’s in the garden.
9. Explain that this is our contract together and ask students to sign their name (in the
air) saying we all agree these 4b’s in the garden setting.
Teaching Notes
We have found that a team of two works best to deliver this brief presentation (approx
20 min). One teacher goes over the poster and the other does the chicken and tool
It’s really exciting for students to meet you, their garden teacher, in classroom and, of
course, the chicken demonstration is a favorite.
By presenting this in classroom students are now ready for the hands on experience of
their first garden class.
Connections to Standards
Common Core , E n gl is h Lang uage Arts & Literacy, Grade 6
RI.6.7 Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively)
as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
Card Hike
In this 6th grade introductory lesson, students first encounter the garden as a classroom. They
meet the garden staff, tour the garden, learn the basic systems and routines of the garden
classroom, and are introduced to the Edible Schoolyard culture and expectations for learning in
an outdoor setting. Students work together in small groups to explore the garden, pose questions
and make discoveries.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
During this lesson, students will:
Respect in the Garden Visual Aid
Job Board
Cards and stakes for the Card Hike
2. Explain that the Ramada is part of the garden classroom, where all garden classes
will begin and end with an opening and closing circle.
4. Remind students about the Respect In the Garden (RIG) Poster and introduce the job
board as a place where students can look to find out what’s happening each day in
garden class.
5. Referencing the “Job Board” by having students call out what the activity of the day
is and briefly explain that today’s activity is essentially a tour of the garden.
6. Finally, introduce the cowbell as the signal to finish activities, clean and put away any
tools and head back to the Ramada for Closing Circle.
I n t h e Fie ld
1. Frame the card hike activity by telling students that this card hike will give them the
opportunity to see many of the systems and infrastructures in the garden and orient
them to the space.
2. Begin the Card Hike by leading your group around the garden from card to card.
Explain that they will take turns in the reading of the cards. Two prompts that we
want students to keep in mind while going through the card hike: #1 Ideas for the
garden name game (looking for something garden related that starts with the same
letter of your first name. EX. Mushroom Maiesha.) and #2 a place in the garden that
they would like to return to and explore more in depth after the structured card hike
activity. Each small group starts at various points along the hike, allowing each group
to participate in the activity simultaneously with enough space between.
3. Once the structured card hike is completed, gather students in a circle and lead them
through the name game. Tell students that this is the time to think back on the card
hike and recall the names of plants, animals, or other various aspects of the garden.
This reflection will be helpful in participating in the name game activity. Garden
Name Game. To play, students introduce themselves by their first name followed by a
word associated with the garden that begins with the same letter (Simona Sunshine,
Iseah Iceberg Lettuce, and so on). Have students turn to their neighbor and come up
with a garden name together (Think-Pair-Share), before sharing out to the group.
Go around the circle giving each student the opportunity to share their own garden
name. If someone is stuck and can’t think of a garden name in the moment, ask
students to help out their fellow classmate by taking suggestions, so that the person
giving their name has options to choose from. As students share their garden name,
4. Frame the students 10 minutes of self-guided exploration time. Explain that they will
have an opportunity to go anywhere in the garden that they would like to further
explore. Explain that they will need to report back what they discovered, by bringing
one question and one observation back to closing circle.
Closin g Circle
1. Welcome students back to the Ramada and lead them through the Whip Around
activity, where students and garden teachers share their garden names and one of
their observations or questions.
2. Multiple learning styles are used from visual aids, interactive team building games,
listening and speaking, reading and verbal communication. Every student receives a
similar experience.
Job Board
Teaching notes
Biodiversity of plants and animals in the garden is emphasized in this activity. The
concept of ecosystems and the caring for the natural world are expressed through
an exploratory process, where students are given the opportunity to learn about the
garden by the reading of a series of cards that leads them throughout the space. Having
opportunities for each student to read is a great way of both increasing student talk time,
use of academic language, focusing on listening, speaking and following directions.
The concept of foraging is introduced and potential crops are identified as crops students
can eat without asking, fostering a sense of ownership with their school and school
garden. With an emphasis on their 5 senses students are encouraged to sample crops
like ground cherries, tomatoes, lemon verbena and mint.
Students are encouraged to explore on their own with one hope that they fall in love with
the space.
With the Garden Name activity, students formulate a garden name for themselves and
communicate through a Think -Pair Share activity and Whip Around in the Ramada circle.
RH.6.7 Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with
other information in print and digital texts
SL.6.1.c Pose and respond to specific questions with elaboration and detail by making comments
that contribute to the topic, text, or issue under discussion.
SL.6.1.d Review the key ideas expressed and demonstrate understanding of multiple perspectives
through reflection and paraphrasing.
C u rr i c u lu m : g a rd en
46 C urriculu m: g ard e n
g a r d e n L esso n # 2 G r a d e 6 , fa ll R o tat i o n
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Interact with the systems of the garden toolshed, use and put away any tools needed for
garden tasks.
Enjoy a seasonal tasting from the garden.
During this lesson, students will:
Have a deeper understanding of the routines and rituals in garden class.
Practice using factual observations to describe their tastings.
Job Board
Respect in the Garden board
Word of the Week board
Sentence frame for tasting board
Seating pads
Op enin g Circl e
Students arrive to the garden and gather in the Ramada.
We use the opening circle to welcome students and frame the garden class. Garden
teachers rotate the role of facilitating the circle.
From their seat in the circle, each garden teacher gives a brief description of the
garden job they will be leading that day. The brief description of the garden job
facilitates student buy-in by keeping students informed and allowing them to pick
the garden job that interests them the most.
3. Introduce the closing circle activity so that students are prepared upon returning to
I n t h e Fie ld
After Opening Circle, students break up into working groups. Each group has an average
of 6-10 students and one garden teacher.
Invite a student to choose a “reflection card” for the group. The reflection cards are
tools to help the group reflect on their own behavior during garden class. (Examples
are: Tools, safe use, care, right tool for the right job. People, flexibility and maturity,
inclusivity, respect and kindness.) Ask the student to read the chosen card aloud
Break down the steps to executing the garden job and have students identify the
necessary tools before going to toolshed.
3. Integrate student buy-in by taking short breaks for foraging or stopping 5 minutes
early and providing some self-guided exploration time.
Closin g Circle
We use closing circle in the garden to conclude the garden class with an assessment or
Each student shares their name and, dependent on grade level, provides either an
observation or a simile based on their tasting. Using a Think-Pair-Share activity,
students share with each other and then volunteers share out to the whole group.
Sixth grade: Students draw on their five senses to make an observation of the fruit
or vegetable that is being tasted.
Seventh and eighth grade: Students draw on their five senses to create a simile
about the tasting.
Some examples include apples, soft herbs, turnips, radishes, carrots, asparagus,
kiwi, and sorrel.
2. Report Backs
Each working group updates the class on their respective garden job. A
representative of each group:
Job Board
Report Back
Write garden jobs and/or the lesson of the day on the Job Board prior to class and
hang the Job Board in the Ramada for all to see.
Ask check-in questions in small circle groups that set the tone.
Set high and clear expectations with the Respect in the Garden poster.
Provide diverse garden jobs that appeal to every student. (For example: sign painting
for artsy students, mulching for high-energy students, and propagation for mellow
Break up the class into small working groups that are spread out in the garden.
Encourage students to pick the garden job that appeals to them most with open-
Maintain a level of flexibility and adaptability based on the needs of the students.
Whenever possible, say “Yes.”
Reward students with more responsibility and give students an empowering task
when they seem to be off task.
Compost Lab
In this 6th grade science class, students will begin to understand the process of decomposition
and learn about the organisms responsible for breaking down matter. Students will also begin to
make the connection with finished compost as food for plants in the garden.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Explain the different layers in a compost pile (browns, greens, food scraps, manure, water, and air)
Identify the organisms responsible for decomposition, FBI (fungus, bacteria, invertebrates)
Explain the process of decomposition
Explain the importance of compost
During this lesson, students will:
Discuss and label the necessary components of the compost pile using the Compost Cake
visual aid (browns, greens, food scraps, manure, water, and air)
Discuss the organisms responsible for decomposition (fungus, bacteria, and invertebrates)
Identify and discuss compost at several different stages on Compost Row from food scraps to
fertile soil
Discuss that making compost piles speeds up decomposition, reduces waste, and replenishes soil
Compost pile or Compost Row (several piles of compost at different stages of decomposition)
Example of compost deconstructed: three small piles of greens, browns, and food scraps
Compost Cake visual aid
Compost Cake ingredient cards with Velcro backing
File folder labeled “Top Secret” with images of the FBI inside
Bucket of sifted finished compost
At the Op ening Circle
1. Welcome students and introduce the Compost Lab by asking students to help us with
this “Mystery of Decomposition.” Ex. “Help us with this mystery. What is going on
with this apple (insert any half-rotten piece of fruit)? It’s not looking so good…”
2. Have students participate in a Think-Pair-Share and discuss what they think is going
on with the apple. Ask for two or three people to share out their thoughts. If possible,
have students build on the ideas of others in the conversation.
3. Explain that students will take a break from their working groups to visit the Compost
Lab. Explain that the garden can be thought of as an outdoor laboratory – a place to
experiment and figure things out together.
4. Go over the garden jobs and divide students into working groups. In your small
group, ask students to share one question they have about decomposition before
participating in the lab.
3. Show students the Compost Cake visual aid and explain that building a compost pile
is similar to building a layer cake. This layer cake/ compost pile is feeding the FBI.
4. Show students the Compost Cake ingredient cards, and invite them to identify
each one as they are arranged on the visual aid: C is for Carbon (sticks, straw, dry
material “the browns”), N is for Nitrogen (living plant matter like leaves and grasses,
5. Explain that Decomposers, like all living organisms, have three main needs for
survival; food, water, air. When building our compost piles, we are creating an
environment suitable for the FBI by providing food, water, and air.
6. Open the “Top Secret” file folder and have students identify the FBI while looking at
images of each.
7. Have students review what elements are found in the staged piles of food scraps,
browns and greens. (carbon and nitrogen). Explain that we layer the browns, greens
and food scraps to make our compost piles.
8. Have students gather around the newest hottest compost pile and direct students’
attention to the thermometer in the compost pile. Take guesses from students on how
hot the compost pile gets and why it heats up. Have students read the thermometer
and explain that decomposition is happening fastest when the compost is at the ideal
temperature of 130-160 degrees Fahrenheit.
9. Take guesses for what causes the heat. Draw an analogy between a middle school
dance with a hundred students moving around in one room, and the bacteria in the
compost pile. Individually, we hardly notice our own body heat, but when we are
all together eating, digesting, and moving around, our heat is noticeable and the
room heats up. Explain that the billions of active bacteria give off heat while they
decompose the pile.
10. Show students the progression of the compost piles from start to finish with a walk
down Compost Row. Ask students to make an observation about the difference
between the first and the last pile (looks like soil, no longer hot, can no longer
recognize the parent material, smaller in volume).
11. After showing all the stages of decomposition, gather students around a bucket of
sifted finished compost.
12. Invite students to hold finished compost in their own hands. Explain that the
components of this pile have been decomposed and changed into living soil. Take a
handful of soil and explain that there are billions of bacteria in each handful.
13. Prompt students to think about why we might build compost piles in the garden
when decomposition is occurring all around us all the time. Explain to students that
composting speeds up decomposition, reduces waste, and replenishes soil. Ask
students to now come up with a working definition of decomposition together. Have
a student read aloud the dictionary definition of decomposition and notice how the
two are similar.
Teaching Notes
Students learn that the process of decomposition helps reduce waste and replenishes
soil by amending the soil with finished compost. The concept of soil fertility is discussed.
Students are given the opportunity to learn that topsoil is alive and is a habitat for many
organisms. Healthy soil translates to healthy plants and healthy plants translates to
healthy humans and animals. The concept of Matter Cycles is used to drive home this
The nuts n bolts skill of how to build a compost pile is valuable for students to know in
our collective effort to maintain the garden space.
Throughout the year when groups are working on composting they can reference the
compost lab to bring meaning to the work.
Connections to Standards
Californi a State , Sc ienc e , Grade 6
6.5.b Students know matter is transferred over time from one organism to others in the
food web and between organisms and the physical environment.
6.5.e Students know the number and types of organisms an ecosystem can support
depends on the resources available and on abiotic factors, such as quantities of light
and water, a range of temperatures, and soil composition.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
Compost_Lab_Cake_Visual_Aid .pdf
C u rr i c u lu m : g a rd en
60 C urriculu m: g ard e n
g a r d e n L esso n # 4 G r a d e 6 , fa ll R o tat i o n
In this lesson, students study bees in the garden and the important role of pollinators while
rotating through three stations: Beehive; Catch, Observe, and Release; Honey Tasting.
Students will be able to:
Students will:
H i v e S tat i o n C a tc h , O b se r v e , a n d Rele a se S t a t i o n
Op enin g Circl e
1. Introduce the lesson and tell students that today they will learn all about bees.
2. Invite students to share something they already know or think they know about bees
by participating in Think-Pair-Share.
4. Explain that bees have three major interests: pollen, nectar, reproduction
5. Clarify when and why bees sting and review the warning signs before they sting:
Fly away
Buzz louder
6. Introduce the three stations and describe briefly what will happen in each one:
Hive station: students will learn about the colony and observe the bees at work on
the honeycomb.
Tasting station: students will taste bee-related foods and learn about pollination.
Catch, observe, and release station: students will learn about both honeybees and
native bees, then go out into the garden to safely catch, observe, and release bees.
7. Frame the Closing Circle question: “Why do we have a beehive in the garden?”
I n t h e Fie ld
Ask students what type of behavior is best to have when approaching the hive
(calm, relaxed, quiet).
2. Point out the flight path to students, drawing the analogy of a busy doorway, and
explain the importance of keeping the flight path clear.
4. Now that students know how to safely be around the hive, explain to students that
the beekeeper has two main priorities:
Maintain the health of the hive by checking for parasites and intruders (other
Monitor the growth of the hive by checking in on the amount of eggs that the
queen is laying.
5. Explain that when entering the hive, two factors are crucial: protection and
Show students the bee hat and explain how the hat protects the face from any
potential bee stings.
Show students the smoker and demonstrate its use while also explaining how
the bees become distracted. The smoke gives bees the illusion of a fire. In order
to survive the flight away from the hive, bees will begin gorging on honey and are
thus distracted from the beekeeper’s entrance.
6. Explain that the beekeeper must work fast to avoid heat escaping from the hive. Bees
are cold-blooded and need the hive to be around 95 degrees Fahrenheit.
7. Show students how the bars line up, and explain how the bees build the honeycomb
on the bar. Show students a honeycomb and pass it around while encouraging
students to smell it.
8. Open the observation window and explain how bees build the honeycomb starting
with the bar closest to the entrance.
9. Have students move to a separate table removed from the hive, where the
observation comb is set up and ready for viewing. Remind students what type of
behavior they should produce (calm, relaxed, quiet), emphasizing respect and no
tapping of the glass window. Give students a chance to quietly listen to the hum
of the bees before the next step. Let students know that there are two sides of the
comb and that they should observe both sides by crouching down to its level. Allow
a couple of minutes for students to observe and take note of what they see and
produce questions. Once the time is up, ask students to raise their hand and take
turns asking questions and making observations. Use the questions and observations
to open up the conversation. If time allows, go over any other observations not
mentioned or prompted by students.
10. Explain that there are three types of honeybees in the colony:
Queen: The queen’s job is to lay eggs (she can lay up to 2,500 a day). The queen
can live three to five years.
Worker bees: They have the highest population in the hive and perform all of the
following jobs: cleaning the hive, feeding the brood, attending the queen, receiving
nectar and processing it into honey, building more wax comb, guarding bees, and
foraging for nectar, pollen, and propolis.
11. Explain that bees forage by collecting nectar and pollen from many flowers, storing
the nectar in their bodies and storing the pollen in their pollen sacs.
12. Give students an opportunity to observe the pollen in the jar and, if they want, to
taste a little.
13. Explain that bees use the comb to store nectar, lay the eggs, feed the larvae, and
make honey. Beginning with the area of the comb closest to the bar, point out the
Capped honey storage: bees can access the honey by poking a hole
14. Bees transform the nectar into honey by regurgitating the stored nectar and fanning
it with their wings.
15. Bees also collect propolis, sap from the trees that they combine with wax to seal the
hive from intruders.
16. Show students bee pollen and point out the different colors of the pollen.
Explain that different flowers have different-colored pollen and nectar, which
affects the color of the honey.
17. Explain to students how the queen bee is replaced in the hive.
When the queen is injured or old, the bees in the hive will pick 5-7 larvae to feed
royal jelly in order to create the new queen bee.
18. Explain to students that bees communicate within the hive by doing the bee dance.
Bees can communicate the direction of the nectar source through a defined angle
from their abdomen to the sun.
Bees can communicate the distance of the nectar source through the length of the
2. Ask students what their favorite fruit is and explain that without pollinators, those
fruits would not exist.
3. Explain that the bee is an incredibly efficient pollinator but is not the only pollinator
in the environment. Ask students for examples of different pollinators. Briefly explain
pollination and define pollen as the genetic material from the male organ of the
flower. Reference the three main interests of honeybees from the Opening Circle
(nectar, pollen, and reproduction).
4. Taste sunflower seeds and explain that honeybees are the primary pollinators for
sunflower seed production.
5. While students are enjoying the sunflower seeds, pass out honey fun fact cards and
have students read aloud:
To make a 16 oz. jar of honey, honeybees have to travel 112,000 miles and visit
4.5 million flowers.
Raw honey also boosts the immune system and soothes burns.
6. Ask students if they know what honey is made of and how and why bees make it.
Explain that worker bees collect nectar (sugar water or glucose). Have students
recall that photosynthesis is the process by which all plants make sugar. Worker
bees store nectar in their bodies and carry it back to the hive, where they then
regurgitate it.
8. Show students the two different types of honey and ask why they might look and
taste different.
Explain to students that different flowers have different-colored pollen and nectar,
which affects the color and taste of the honey.
2. Review the three main interests of bees: nectar, pollen, and reproduction.
3. Explain that only a female bee can sting. The bee’s stinger is in its oviduct, from which
eggs are released. Male bees do not have stingers.
There are 85 species of bees in Berkeley, 1,600 in California, and between 20,000
and 40,000 in the world.
5. Demonstrate how to catch and release bees while noting the following:
Bees can see the colors purple and blue best, so when looking for bees try plants
with purple and blue flowers.
6. After catching the bee, look to see whether it is a native bee or honeybee and
whether it is female or male.
7. Explain to students that bees have been around for 130 million years and have co-
evolved with flowers.
Closin g Circle
1. Have students answer the question “Why do we have a beehive in the garden?”
by participating in a Think-Pair-Share activity. When students are done with their
discussion, allow several students to share out to the whole group.
2. Answers include but are not limited to: so we can have honey; to have more
pollinators (i.e. more fruit); an educational tool to teach people about bees.
Queen bee
Native bee
Connections to Standards
E di bl e Sch oo lyard 3.0 In the Garden Classroom, Grade 6
Concepts 3.9 Observe the garden as a habitat for pollinators, understand the impact of pollination
on our food supply, develop appropriate responses to them, and consider the
multitude of habitats throughout the garden.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
C u rr i c u lu m : g a rd en
Honey Fun Facts
• An average worker bee makes 1/12 tsp. of honey in her lifetime.
• Raw honey also boosts the immune system and soothes burns.
72 Curriculu m: g ard e n
g a r d e n L esso n # 5 G r a d e 6 , fa ll R o tat i o n
Greenhouse Lab
In this sixth-grade science class, students will begin to understand what the greenhouse effect is
and how it is connected to global warming.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
During this lesson, students will:
Experientially explore how greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere.
Reusable name tags for the students labeled “Heat” and “Greenhouse Gases”
Academic Language Sentence Structure written on whiteboard for Closing Circle/reflection
At the Op ening Circle
Welcome students and introduce the Greenhouse Lab. Let students know that they will
be taking a break from their garden jobs today to visit the Greenhouse Lab.
1. Comment on the fact that they are studying Energy and Heat in their classrooms. We
have a greenhouse in our garden – has anyone seen it or know where it exists?
2. We will be doing our Greenhouse Lab at the greenhouse today. Does anyone know
how the greenhouse works?
3. Go over garden jobs and mention that in Closing Circle students will be doing a
tasting and a Give One, Get One with two different sentence frames. Have a volunteer
read out loud the sentence structure. Divide students up into small work groups.
2. Gather the students together just outside the greenhouse and ask if there is a
volunteer willing to explain in their own words what is going on in a greenhouse
effect visual aid.
3. Explain that, as a group, we will act out this process. Assign them “roles” to act
out the greenhouse effect. Have some of the students be “Heat” and others be
“Greenhouse Gases.” (Just be sure that there are more “Heat” students then
“Greenhouse Gases” students.) Hand out name tags and have students put them on.
(Inform “Greenhouse Gases” students that they can choose what kind of gas they are
for the game. The top 5 greenhouse gases are: water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane,
nitrous oxide, and ozone.) Label the far side of the area the “Sun” and the area inside
the greenhouse “Earth.” “Heat” students should stand at the “Sun” end of the space
while just two of the “Greenhouse Gases” students should stand in the middle,
outside the door of the greenhouse. Other “Greenhouse Gases” students can wait and
watch on the sidelines.
4. Remind students that the sun produces heat waves that reach the Earth’s surface.
Ask students to wiggle their arms in a wave motion to represent the oscillation of
heat waves. At this time have the “Heat” students walk from one side of the space to
the other, demonstrating heat traveling from the sun to the Earth.
5. Explain that most heat escapes back into space while gases in the atmosphere trap
some of the heat. These “greenhouse gases” allow the Earth to stay warm and allow
life to flourish. We’re using the word “trap” as that’s one way to scientifically explain
it (have the “Greenhouse Gases” students point to the “Heat” student they wish to
“trap” and say, “Trapped”). To demonstrate this, have the “Heat” students “bounce”
off Earth and travel back to the other side of the space, but this time the “Greenhouse
Gases” students each trap one “Heat” person, keeping them on the “Earth” side
of the space, allowing the others to “escape.” Students need to be aware that the
greenhouse effect is a beneficial, natural process and that without it the Earth would
be too cold to sustain life.
6. Now introduce the idea that things are changing on Earth, and there are now more
greenhouse gases. Have all the remaining “Greenhouse Gases” join the other “Gases”
in the middle of the space. Ask the students to predict what would happen when
more greenhouse gases are added to the atmosphere.
8. Walk and Talk back to your garden job. Students should be partnered for the Walk
and Talk: how do greenhouse gases get into our atmosphere? When you reach your
destination (take the long way if necessary to give students more time to talk), have
a quick circle up to share out what was just talked about on the walk. Facilitate a
discussion on the difference between human vs. natural contributions to greenhouse
gases: human impacts such as fossil fuel combustion, and natural processes such
as changes in incoming solar radiation, volcanic activity, or forest fires (cow farts
is a popular one). The top five greenhouse gases are: water vapor, carbon dioxide,
methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone.
Closin g Circle
1. On a white board have, this sentence structure for students to use as they reflect on
the lab:
“At opening circle I thought _________, and after going through the greenhouse lab
I now think ________.”
Greenhouse effect Global warming Greenhouse gases
Teaching Notes
We have found this game effective and fun in conveying the concept of the greenhouse
effect. While it is not essential to do it in or near a greenhouse, it sure does make it more
We designed the game as something that allows you to participate interactively with the
concept of the greenhouse effect but doesn’t devolve into students grabbing or holding
each other.
Connections to Standards
MS-ESS3-5. Ask questions to clarify evidence of the factors that have caused the rise in global
temperatures of the past century.
Greenhouse Greenhouse
Gases Gases
Greenhouse Greenhouse
Gases Gases
Greenhouse Greenhouse
Gases Gases
Heat Heat
Heat Heat
Heat Heat
80 C urriculu m: g ard e n
C u rr i c u lu m : g a rd en
At opening circle I thought _________, and
after going through the greenhouse lab I now
think ________.
Apple Cider
In this sixth-grade seasonal lesson, students use teamwork to collectively press cider and learn
about apples.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
During this lesson, students will:
F o r t h e O pe n i n g C i r cle
Visual aid
F o r t h e C i d e r S tat i o n
At the Op ening Circle
(Use the word collaborate in a sentence: “We will collaborate to press cider so that we
can all enjoy a sip at the end.”)
2. Explain that in celebration of fall, students will learn about apples in Opening Circle,
press cider, and enjoy cider in Closing Circle.
4. Ask if anyone has heard of displacement and invite students to share what they
know about it. Describe how displacement can be used to measure volume.
5. Ask a student to use the measuring guidelines on the side of the bucket to figure out
how much water is in the bucket.
6. Have students guess how high the water will rise once the apples are placed in the
7. Ask a student to put the apples in the bucket of water, instructing students to watch
the level of water as the apples are submerged. Explain that the apples float because
they are less dense than the water. Have a student push the apples down so they are
completely submerged.
8. After all the apples are in the water, have a student read the measurement on the
side of the bucket to figure out how much water was displaced. Remind students that
this number indicates the volume of the apples.
9. Review garden jobs and explain that students will rotate through the cider station in
their working groups.
10. Divide the class into groups for garden jobs. Rotate each group through the apple
cider station during garden work time.
2. Describe how the apple press operates, emphasizing safety, and move students
through each job (holding the press, putting apples in, cranking the gears, and
catching the cider).
3. After everyone in the first group has had a chance to do each job, return students to
their garden job and bring in the next group. Once all the groups have taken a turn
grinding apples, invite students from the final group to press the apples to collect the
remaining juice. Pour cider into small cups to be served during closing circle.
5. Once everyone has been served and has tasted the cider, ask each student to share
their name and an observation.
Connections to Standards
Common Core E n gl is h Lan guage Arts & Literacy, Grade 6
RI.6.7 Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively)
as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.
RH.6.7 Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with
other information in print and digital texts.
2.4 Techniques: Harvest and prepare crops with guidance, recognize the relationship
between the kitchen and garden, and learn the seed to table concept.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
Read about this lesson in the ESY Berkeley Journal
After this lesson, students will be able to:
During this lesson, students will:
Respect in the Garden Visual Aid
Garden tools necessary for jobs
Usually there are four jobs, or four jobs and one lab, or one to three stations for
students to rotate between.
Have each teacher explain further about the job they will be leading.
3. Tell students to note one thing that has changed in the garden to share in Closing
Circle and to remember their garden name from the fall semester.
I n t h e Fie ld
Class is broken into four groups, each with one garden teacher and six to eight students
who focus on one job.
Ask if they notice anything that has changed in the garden since their last day
before winter break.
Remind them to remember their answer, or look for one if they didn’t have one yet,
to share in Closing Circle.
3. Break down the steps for the garden job and have students identify necessary tools
before going to the toolshed.
SL.6.1.b Follow rules for collegial discussions, set specific goals and deadlines, and
define individual roles as needed.
SL.6.1.d Review the key ideas expressed and demonstrate understanding of multiple
perspectives through reflection and paraphrasing.
SL.6.2 Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually,
quantitatively, orally) and explain how it contributes to a topic, text, or issue under
SL.6.4 Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent
descriptions, facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate
eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
SL.6.6 Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal
English when indicated or appropriate. (See grade 6 Language standards 1 and 3 for
specific expectations.)
L.6.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
L.6.1.a Ensure that pronouns are in the proper case (subjective, objective, possessive).
L.6.1.b Use all pronouns, including intensive pronouns (e.g., myself, ourselves) correctly.
L.6.1.c Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and person.
L.6.1.d Recognize and correct vague pronouns (i.e., ones with unclear or ambiguous
L.6.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or
L.6.3.a Vary sentence patterns for meaning, reader/ listener interest, and style.
L.6.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific
words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase
important to comprehension or expression.
1.1.1 – 1.3.12 This lesson fulfills all Edible Schoolyard Program standards, numbers 1.1.1 through
1.3.12. See The Edible Schoolyard Berkeley Standards for details.
1.3.11 Understand seasonality by recognizing and enjoying foods at their peak of flavor
and ripeness. Students know that locally sourced foods are good choices because
they provide optimum freshness, support the local economy, and help offset global
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are developed in collaboration with the teachers
and staff of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
G6-0_Visual_Aid.pdf (See lesson G6-0)
BEETLES_Learning_Cycle.pdf (See lesson G6-0)
Flower Discovery
In this sixth-grade science lesson, students explore and study flowers like scientists do, learn
about and practice scientific drawing, label the structures and their function, and discuss their
findings, questions, and ideas.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Name some of the structures of a flower.
Draw what they see.
Make an inference of the function of flower structures.
During this lesson, students will:
Visual aid of the cross-cutting concept Structure and Functions with definition
Hand lenses
Blank paper
Biology of a Flower key
Fresh flowers growing in the garden for drawing
Student cross-pollinating questions copy for each garden teacher
Small circle check-in Think-Pair-Share questions copy for each garden teacher
At the Op ening Circle
1. Welcome students and introduce this Flower Discovery lesson as an opportunity for
them to learn how flowering plants reproduce by studying real flowers.
I n t h e Fie ld
1. Get students excited about exploring by telling them there’s cool stuff all around us!
We’re going to explore and study flowers kind of like scientists do.
Ask a student to read out loud the structure and function definition.
Introduce techniques that are used in scientific illustrations: draw what you see,
detail, labeling, questions, multiple angles.
It’s not about making a pretty picture. It’s about noticing things accurately and
writing them down.
Sometimes a drawing will help show what you noticed; sometimes words will
communicate it better. Use both in your study.
3. Tell pairs they are going to go on a Flower Hunt to explore and find as many types
of flowers as they can. Explain safety for the flowers, and boundaries. Give out hand
In pairs, you’ll have five minutes to explore this area and observe as many flowers
as you can. We will not be harvesting the flowers, but rather focus on their
You can grab a clipboard, pencil, and blank paper either now or in five minutes,
after your exploration. You will choose your favorite flower and make a scientific
drawing of it, recording as many observations and questions as you can, like a
scientist would.
4. Facilitate student exploration; circulate and troubleshoot. After five minutes, inform
students it’s time to choose their flowers and begin drawing. Each pair chooses one
flower to focus on.
5. Make sure each student has a clipboard, pencil, and blank paper; each student
records observations through writing and drawing. Give them about 15 minutes to
6. Assign each student pair to a different group; one will be “Student A,” the other
“Student B.”
7. Circulate to each pair to explain how this “swap” time will work. The “A” students stay
with their flower to share findings. “B” students will circulate among the “A” students,
like a pollinator. The “B’s” are to visit at least two flowers.
8. Let students/scientists know they’ll be discussing their discoveries and questions, not
just lecturing each other on what they found.
Using the sentence prompts “I noticed,” “I wonder,” and “It reminds me of,” “A’s”
and “B’s” will discuss flowers.
9. Begin swap convention with “B” students circulating and instructor participating.
10. After the “B’s” have visited two flowers (approx. 10 minutes), ask students to circle
up for a share out of their discoveries. Do a Think-Pair-Share—what structures or
functions did you notice? Students will be sharing out this information in the Closing
Circle, so give them the opportunity to practice using the sentence structure “I
noticed, I wonder, It reminds me of.”
11. Provide students with a targeted exploration time in which they apply the structure
and function lens to the garden scape, including the chickens! Ask that they be
prepared to share their observations in Closing Circle.
Concepts 3.9: Observe the garden as a habitat for pollinators, understand the impact of pollination
on our food supply, develop appropriate responses to them, and consider the
multitude of habitats throughout the garden.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
Read about this lesson in the ESY Berkeley Journal
Flower Discovery Key
Student Cross-Pollinating questions
Small Circle Check-In Pair-N-Share questions
96 C urriculu m: g ard e n
C u rr i c u lu m : g a rd en
What do you notice about the
flowers in the garden?
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Read and follow a recipe and understand that some recipes are flexible and some are specific.
Connect the kitchen experience with the garden.
Practice basic knife skills.
During this lesson, students will:
Successfully make Kale Pesto and Lemonade.
Translate kitchen skills into cooking outdoors.
Maintain the same number of fingers as when they started.
Job Board
G6-12 Kale Pesto recipe
G6-12 Lemonade recipe
F o r t h e K a le P esto S t a t i o n F o r t h e K a le P esto
1. Welcome students and introduce today as their last class in the garden as 6th graders.
2. Explain that you have designed a delicious way to celebrate and reflect on your time
together in garden class over the entire school year.
3. Divide the class into four groups: one Kale Pesto group, one Lemonade group, and
two garden job groups.
I n t h e Fie ld
Garden Work Rotation or O utdoor Cookin g
Students choose to either work in the garden or prepare food to eat at Closing Circle.
1. Two groups of students will participate in garden jobs, one group will make Kale
Pesto, and the other group will make Lemonade.
Explain what they will be making and that they will be serving it to the rest of
class at Closing Circle.
Prepare the dish and have it ready to serve by the end of class.
The Kale Pesto Station will slice the baguettes, spread pesto on each piece, and
place them on serving trays for the end of class.
The Lemonade Station is also responsible for setting the table with napkins and
a cup of lemonade for each student, teacher, and volunteer.
1. Have the class sit all together at the long table while select students from the Kale
Pesto group serve the rest of the class.
2. Each student may choose three pieces of bread to start and the rest (if there is any) is
passed out to those who want seconds.
4. When the bell rings, have students bus their cup and napkin to a bus tub at the end
of the table.
RST.6.3 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
RST.6.7 Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version
of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or
SL.6.1.b Follow rules for collegial discussions, set specific goals and deadlines, and define
individual roles as needed.
SL.6.1.c Pose and respond to specific questions with elaboration and detail by making
comments that contribute to the topic, text, or issue under discussion.
SL.6.1.d Review the key ideas expressed and demonstrate understanding of multiple
perspectives through reflection and paraphrasing.
SL.6.2 Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively,
orally) and explain how it contributes to a topic, text, or issue under study.
SL.6.4 Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions,
facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye contact,
adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
SL.6.6 Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal
English when indicated or appropriate. (See grade 6 Language standards 1 and 3 on
page 53 for specific expectations.)
L.6.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
L.6.1.a Ensure that pronouns are in the proper case (subjective, objective, possessive).
L.6.1.b Use all pronouns, including intensive pronouns (e.g., myself, ourselves) correctly.
L.6.1.c Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and person.
L.6.1.d Recognize and correct vague pronouns (i.e., ones with unclear or ambiguous
L.6.3. Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or
L.6.3.a Vary sentence patterns for meaning, reader/ listener interest, and style.
1.1.1 – 1.3.12 This lesson fulfills all Edible Schoolyard Program standards, numbers 1.1.1 through
1.3.12. See The Edible Schoolyard Berkeley Standards for details.
Techniques 2.2.6 Read and follow recipes, and understand that some recipes are flexible and some
are specific.
Techniques 2.2.7 Taste finished dishes and discuss their sensory observations using descriptive
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are developed in collaboration with the teachers
and staff of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
History Walk
In this sixth-grade humanities lesson, students learn about ancient technologies from around the
world by rotating through three stations in the garden: grain grinding, roller sledge, and irrigation.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
During this lesson, students will:
Give an example of a modern-day technology that originated from one of these ancient
F o r t h e Rolle r S le d ge S t a t i o n F o r t h e I r r i g at i o n S tat i o n
F o r t h e G r a i n G r i n d i n g S tat i o n
Large bucket (for capturing released water)
Grain cards
Mortar and pestle
Wheat stalks
Bags for threshing
Raw wheat berries
Cooked wheat berries for tasting and serving spoon
Grain grinding bicycle (optional)
C r e a te t h e G r a i n G r i n d i n g S t a t i o n
C r e a te t h e I r r i g a t i o n S t a t i o n
At the Op ening Circle
Use the word “comparable: in a sentence: “What ancient technologies are comparable to
modern day technologies?”)
1. Welcome students and introduce this history walk, which is about ancient
2. Tell students that they will rotate through three stations to learn about different types
of ancient technologies from all over the world.
3. Point out each station and make sure students can see the set-up materials, but don’t
name them or explain what they are.
Invite students to share the ancient civilizations they have already learned about in
their classroom.
Ask them if they think any of those civilizations will be represented today on the
Ancient Technologies Walk, and what they think they will be doing at each one.
Introduce each station and briefly describe what will happen there.
Roller sledge station: Students will demonstrate using an ancient tool that
makes work more efficient.
Grain grinding station: Students will thresh, winnow, and grind wheat or barley.
Ask students to think about modern-day technologies that may have derived from
the ancient technologies they will learn about in the walk.
Divide students into three groups and rotate the groups through each station.
2. Show students the cards of workers building the pyramids using the roller sledge
technique and invite them to share their observations.
3. Share the facts aloud that are on the back of the Roller Sledge Cards:
The great pyramid is 1½ football fields tall and 2½ football fields wide.
4. Explain that today’s challenge is to move very heavy “rocks” from one location to
another as a team using the roller sledge.
5. Assign students roles: pullers, wooden pole movers, and rocks (a nonspeaking part).
Rocks should always be in a sitting position with hands and feet away from the edge.
Polers should always wait until the pole is completely released before reaching for it.
Ask the students to put on gloves and set up the roller sledge by placing half the
poles parallel on the ground, roughly two feet apart, and placing the pallet on top.
Ask the rocks to get on board and tell the pullers to pull slow and steady, making
sure to give the pole movers enough time to move each pole from the back to the
front as the pallet moves forward. Pole movers will have the remaining poles in
hand at the ready.
Once they have completed a successful test run, ask students if they’re up for the
challenge of putting more weight on the pallet and going up hill. When they accept
the challenge, take all supplies to the bottom of the hill and begin the process
again. Give students the option of switching roles at this time. Remind students
that they are moving hundreds of pounds of weight up hill without motors or
2. Prompt students to think about the challenges of living where there are periods of
drought and periods of flooding.
6. Explain that each student is responsible for creating a system of irrigation that will
move water from the main river to their plot using reservoirs, canals, dams, and
10. Re-create a flood scenario with storytelling and water flowing through the hose into
the sandbox.
11. Give the students an opportunity to assess their irrigation system, make
improvements and try again.
13. When time is up, send students to the Grain Grinding Station.
2. Explain that wheat was one of the staple crops in Ancient Egypt.
3. Show students the card with an image of a harvester, and ask them to describe what
they see.
Explain that in the image the person is harvesting and threshing grain.
4. Hold up an example of a wheat stalk and ask if students know how wheat turns into
5. Tell students that in this station they will process grains in three different ways.
6. Show students the card with an image of someone using the mortar and pestle, and
ask them to describe what they see.
7. Explain that today students will be using the mortar and pestle to grind wheat berries
into flour.
9. Ask a student to demonstrate using the mortar and pestle, reminding them to be
10. Ask a student to demonstrate using the bag method to thresh, and how to use your
breath to winnow.
11. Explain that you will be choosing students two at a time to ride the grain-grinding
12. Divide students into three groups and have them rotate through all three substations
of the Grain Grinding Station.
13. When time is up, send students to the Roller Sledge Station.
Think: Give students an interesting broad question to think or write about briefly.
Pair: Pair students, and ask them to discuss the question(s) with their partner.
Share: Students share their discussion ideas with another pair of students or the
instructor leads a whole group discussion about the topic.
3. Ask students to choose one of the stated technologies, turn to a neighbor, and
connect it to a modern-day technology.
4. Invite students to share what they discussed with their partner with the group.
Staple crop
Roller sledge
Constructing explanations and designing solutions in 6–8 builds on K–5 experiences and
progresses to include constructing explanations and designing solutions supported by
multiple sources of evidence consistent with scientific ideas, principles, and theories.
Construct a scientific explanation based on valid and reliable evidence obtained from
sources (including the students’ own experiments) and the assumption that theories and
laws that describe nature operate today as they did in the past and will continue to do so
in the future. (MS-ESS2-2)
Undertake a design project, engaging in the design cycle, to construct and/or implement a
solution that meets specific design criteria and constraints.
6.2.1 Locate and describe the major river systems and discuss the physical settings
that supported permanent settlement and early civilization
6.2.2 Trace the development of agricultural techniques that permitted the production of
economic surplus and the emergence of cities as centers of culture and power.
Common Core State Standards, Engl ish La nguag e Arts a nd Literacy, Grade 6
RH.6.7 Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with
other information in print and digital texts.
RI.6.7 Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively)
as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.
RST.6.3 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
RST.6.7 Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version
of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table).
SL.6.1.b Follow rules for collegial discussions, set specific goals and deadlines, and define
individual roles as needed.
SL.6.1.d Review the key ideas expressed and demonstrate understanding of multiple
perspectives through reflection and paraphrasing.
SL.6.2 Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively,
orally) and explain how it contributes to a topic, text, or issue under study.
SL.6.4 Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions,
facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye contact,
adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
SL.6.5 Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, images, music, sound) and visual displays
in presentations to clarify information.
SL.6.6 Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal
English when indicated or appropriate. (See grade 6 Language standards 1 and 3 on
page 53 for specific expectations.)
L.6.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
L.6.1.a Ensure that pronouns are in the proper case (subjective, objective, possessive).
L.6.1.b Use all pronouns, including intensive pronouns (e.g., myself, ourselves) correctly.
L.6.1.c Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and person.
L.6.1.d Recognize and correct vague pronouns (i.e., ones with unclear or ambiguous
L.6.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or
L.6.3.a Vary sentence patterns for meaning, reader/ listener interest, and style.
L.6.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific
words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase
important to comprehension or expression.
1.1.1 – 1.3.12 This lesson fulfills all Edible Schoolyard Program standards, numbers 1.1.1 through
1.3.12. See The Edible Schoolyard Berkeley Standards for details.
Concepts 3.3.10 Acknowledge water as a precious resource that is intrinsic to all living organisms,
explore methods of water conservation, and are encouraged to do the same in their
own lives as well.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are developed in collaboration with the teachers
and staff of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
G6-7_ Roller_Sledge_Cards.pdf
Track Pitches
The Art of Cultivating : Wi t h Mr . Jason
During this week, we will focus on a variety of garden activities. Our week will start with
preparing beds for our upcoming spring/summer plantings. We’ll start by cultivating the rainbow
beds, amend them with compost and sow a quick cover crop to occupy them for the next 5-6
weeks. We’ll also have the opportunity to transplant out a new lettuce patch, including cilantro
and radishes. We’ll harvest crops for kitchen classes, and lay down wood chips throughout the
main pathways. Like all the other groups, we will culminate the week by cooking in the wood
fired oven and eating at the picnic table.
This week, we will be cultivating the perennial beds around the passion fruit tunnel, by removing
all the grasses, planting new perennial flowers and herbs, and mulching the beds. These
perennial beds often have a tree or two in them, and we can work around, add compost, and
plant companion plants to encourage the trees health and growth.
Depending on the garden needs, we may spend a day doing any last minute plant sale upsizing,
or watering. We also may care for our strawberry patch. We will plant new strawberry plants in
the places where others had died, edging and trimming the beds, adding compost, and mulching
the plants to boost their vitality. Like all the other groups, we will culminate the week by cooking
in the wood fired oven and eating at the picnic table.
In this track we will be cleaning up around our fences. We will start with the espalier apple fence
line; weeding, composting, and mulching around each tree and repairing any broken or damaged
supports on the fence line. We will also cut back the ivy growing behind the espalier apple fence.
We will then move onto eradicating the booming field of fennel near the fence by the outdoor
oven. Our week will end with the removal of two trees growing near the fence line in the back 40.
Track Pitches
Broccoli For The People : Wi t h Mr . Jason
During this week, students will focus on gardening activities. Our week will start with an
overview that will help set goals and will include fun team-building and trust games. With
a strong cohort of students, we will work together to complete various garden tasks that
are needed before the long winter break. Some of the garden tasks that need to happen are
transplanting broccoli in garden beds,harvesting for the kitchen needs,laying down straw and
woodchip mulch, and other tasks TBD. For the food activity, our group will be responsible for
making the snack for the entire class. We will take the time to harvest ingredients from the
garden and make hot tea and popcorn, so we can all sit together and celebrate on the final day!
We are going to get an early start to propagating for the annual ESY Plant Sale. We will be
scouting our winter garden and digging up some of the plants to make divisions of Irises, Mints,
Lemon Balm, Yarrow, and Comfrey to name a few. We will also learn to make our own potting
soil blend. We will plant seeds in seed trays and take cuttings from many of our perennials,
including lots of types of sage, and even fruit trees. If you like to keep relatively clean and chill
with the plants by the Greenhouse then this job is for you.
If you like climbing trees with sharp tools then this is the job for you. In this track we will be
pruning the trees of the garden and providing them with general care. There are many ways to
train and prune fruiting trees, and no single method is right for all situations. In this group you
will learn different pruning techniques and find your inner creative self through sculpting the
natural world. Brace yourself for a lot of work and some good ‘ol fashion fun.
Track Pitches
The Art of Cultivating : Wi t h Mr . Jason
During this week, we will focus on a variety of garden activities. Our week will start with
preparing beds for our upcoming spring/summer plantings. We’ll start by cultivating the rainbow
beds, amend them with compost and sow a quick cover crop to occupy them for the next 5-6
weeks. We’ll also have the opportunity to transplant out a new lettuce patch, including cilantro
and radishes. We’ll harvest crops for kitchen classes, and lay down wood chips throughout the
main pathways. Like all the other groups, we will culminate the week by cooking in the wood
fired oven and eating at the picnic table.
This week, we will be cultivating the perennial beds around the passion fruit tunnel, by removing
all the grasses, planting new perennial flowers and herbs, and mulching the beds. These
perennial beds often have a tree or two in them, and we can work around, add compost, and
plant companion plants to encourage the trees health and growth.
Depending on the garden needs, we may spend a day doing any last minute plant sale upsizing,
or watering. We also may care for our strawberry patch. We will plant new strawberry plants in
the places where others had died, edging and trimming the beds, adding compost, and mulching
the plants to boost their vitality. Like all the other groups, we will culminate the week by cooking
in the wood fired oven and eating at the picnic table.
In this track we will be cleaning up around our fences. We will start with the espalier apple fence
line; weeding, composting, and mulching around each tree and repairing any broken or damaged
supports on the fence line. We will also cut back the ivy growing behind the espalier apple fence.
We will then move onto eradicating the booming field of fennel near the fence by the outdoor
oven. Our week will end with the removal of two trees growing near the fence line in the back 40.
Track Pitches
Sweet Pea Patch : Wi th Mr . Jason
During this week, we will focus on a variety of garden activities. Our week will start with
preparing our sweet pea patch for the spring garden. Our hope is to have the sweet pea patch
blooming for the annual Edible Schoolyard Plant Sale! We will work together to lightly cultivate
the gardens beds, transplant the sweet peas, and take down the perimeter fence that encloses
these beds. We may also have the opportunity to plant the first of our Dahlia tubers, take down
old cover crop beds, and lay down straw and woodchip mulch. For the food activity, every group,
including ours will have the opportunity to use the wood fire oven on the last day, harvesting
crops from the garden in order to cook and eat together at the picnic table.
We will start this week by planting all our sunflowers for the Plant Sale into 6-packs. Then we
will be revamping and caring for our strawberry patch. We will plant new strawberry plants in
the places where others had died, edging and trimming the beds, adding compost, and mulching
the plants to boost their vitality. We may also transplant some of the perennial flowers that are
growing nearby to a better spot for them, all for the love of strawberries. Like all the other groups,
we will culminate the week by cooking in the wood fired oven and eating at the picnic table.
Calling all mad scientists, poets, and radical thinkers! Frankenstein’s creation was great, but have
you ever heard of a Franken-Tree? In this track we will be piecing together bits and pieces of
fruit trees to make our own edible creature, in a process known as grafting. We will also have an
opportunity to take care of some of the already living Franken-tree’s throughout the garden by
pruning, weeding, and feeding them yummy compost. If you like creating new things and helping
give shape and form to the world around you then this is the track for you.
C u rr i c u lu m : g a rd en
Franken-Tree Care 1st 2nd 3rd Franken-Tree Care 1st 2nd 3rd
(with Eli) (with Eli)
Sweet Pea Patch 1st 2nd 3rd Sweet Pea Patch 1st 2nd 3rd
(with Mr. Jason) (with Mr. Jason)
For the Love of Strawberries 1st 2nd 3rd For the Love of Strawberries 1st 2nd 3rd
(with Ms. Tanya) (with Ms. Tanya)
Name: _________________ Teacher: _______________ Period:____ Name: _________________ Teacher: _______________ Period:____
After each option below, please circle if it is your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd choice. After each option below, please circle if it is your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd choice.
(You can only have one 1st choice, one 2nd choice, etc.) (You can only have one 1st choice, one 2nd choice, etc.)
Franken-Tree Care 1st 2nd 3rd Franken-Tree Care 1st 2nd 3rd
(with Eli) (with Eli)
Sweet Pea Patch 1st 2nd 3rd Sweet Pea Patch 1st 2nd 3rd
(with Mr. Jason) (with Mr. Jason)
For the Love of Strawberries 1st 2nd 3rd For the Love of Strawberries 1st 2nd 3rd
(with Ms. Tanya) (with Ms. Tanya)
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Explain the behavioral expectations in the garden using information on the 4B’s poster as a
Demonstrate an increased ability to work independently using the Edible Schoolyard tools,
techniques, and concepts.
Explain the concepts of compost, harvest, cultivation, and propagation.
Discuss in detail events and phenomena that regularly occur in the garden ecosystem.
During this lesson, students will:
Review the behavioral expectations in the garden using the 4B’s poster.
Discuss how teamwork, unity, and confidence can be developed in the garden.
Partake in garden work that focuses on compost, harvest, cultivation, or propagation.
Use observation and awareness to explore, investigate and be inquisitive learners in the
Garden tools necessary for jobs
Respect in the Garden Visual Aid
At the Op ening Circle
1. Welcome students to the Ramada and introduce the Job Board.
Usually there are four jobs, or four jobs and one lab, or one to three stations for
students to rotate between.
2. Have each teacher explain further about the job they will be leading.
3. Introduce the Closing Circle activity so that students are prepared upon returning to
I n t h e Fie ld
Check-in questions should be provocative and fun and may not have anything to
do with gardening.
3. Break down the steps for the garden job and have students identify necessary tools
before going to the toolshed.
For a tasting:
Have a group of students prepare the tasting during their Garden Work Rotation.
Servers pass a tray with the tasting around the Ramada at Closing Circle.
Students each take one piece, and must wait until everyone has been served to
Encourage them to use their other senses to investigate the food until then.
Job Board Opening Circle
Ramada Closing Circle
SL.8.1.b Follow rules for collegial discussions and decision-making, track progress toward
specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed.
SL8.1.c Pose questions that connect the ideas of several speakers and respond to others’
questions and comments with relevant evidence, observations, and ideas.
SL8.2 Analyze the purpose of information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g.,
visually, quantitatively, orally) and evaluate the motives (e.g., social, commercial,
political) behind its presentation.
SL.8.4 Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner
with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate
eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
SL.8.6 Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner
with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate
eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
L8.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
L.7.1.b Form and use verbs in the active and passive voice.
L.7.1.c Form and use verbs in the indicative, imperative, interrogative, conditional, and
subjunctive mood.
L.7.1.d Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb voice and mood.*
L.7.3.a Use verbs in the active and passive voice and in the conditional and subjunctive
mood to achieve particular effects (e.g., emphasizing the actor or the action;
expressing uncertainty or describing a state contrary to fact).
L.8.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific
words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase
important to comprehension or expression.
1.1.1 – 1.3.12 This lesson fulfills all Edible Schoolyard Program standards, numbers 1.1.1 through
1.3.12. See The Edible Schoolyard Berkeley Standards for details.
Tools 3.1.2 Select, use, and care for scientific measuring tools in the garden, measure precisely
and understand what results mean.
Techniques 3.2.3 Build, tend, and sift a compost pile from start to finish independently, explain
how fungus, bacteria and invertebrates are part of decomposition; identify that
decomposition is occurring all around us all the time.
Techniques 3.2.4 Harvest and prepare crops independently; explain the seed to table concept,
recognize ripeness and seasonality, and identify crops ready for harvest.
Techniques 3.2.5 Explain the purpose of soil cultivation, cultivate a bed independently from start to
finish; explain the purpose and function of crop rotation.
Techniques 3.2.6 Sow seeds and transplant seedlings independently; graft plants and propagate
cuttings more independently; make soil mixes for sowing seeds and upsizing
plants; explain why the greenhouse provides an optimal environment for plant
Concepts 3.3.7 Use observation and awareness to explore, investigate and be inquisitive learners
in the garden. The garden classroom provides the opportunity for students to
tap into their inherent curiosity about the natural world, observe patterns and
connections and understand cause and effect.
Concepts 3.3.8 Understand that soil is the lifeblood and fertility of the garden: it is alive, diverse,
and deserving of our care in cultivation and preservation.
Concepts 3.3.10 Acknowledge water as a precious resource that is intrinsic to all living organisms,
explore methods of water conservation, and are encouraged to do the same in their
own lives as well.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are developed in collaboration with the teachers
and staff of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
C u rr i c u lu m : g a rd en
RIG Review
Students divide up into teacher-led
groups to get work done.
This lesson fulfills Common Core State Standards
for following a multistep procedure; collaborative Sustainability
discussion; analyzing the purpose of information; Rituals and routines of the garden set the
speaking and listening; and language. stage for learning in nature, where
students observe natural processes
occurring in the garden ecosystem
Students sample forage crops and have
a seasonal fruit, vegetable or herb
tasting in Closing Circle.
Life Skills
Students focus on
listening and
participate in
class routines
and learn what it
takes to grow food.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Use scientific tools to determine whether the soil is acidic, basic, or neutral.
During this lesson, students will:
Accurately test and record the pH of the soil using a pH strip and probe.
G8-2 Visual Aid Signs for sample areas
Watering cans Clipboards
Sticks for stirring Pencils
pH strips Soil pH Lab worksheets
pH color key Calculator
Tell them that the ideal acidity level for soil is between 6 and 7.
4. Explain that microorganisms, like bacteria, are most prevalent in slightly acidic soil (6-
7) and that microorganisms are responsible for making nutrients available to plants.
5. Explain that students will use pH strips to test the pH of three different areas in the
An annual bed
A perennial bed
A compost pile
6. Prompt students to think about scientific procedures and why it is necessary to test
three different areas of the garden.
7. Ask students to predict which site will be in the ideal 6-7 window on the pH scale
and why.
8. Divide students into four working groups for garden jobs, and lead one of the groups
to the pH lab for the first rotation.
I n t h e Fie ld
1. Each group rotates through the pH Lab as the other groups work in the garden.
2. The first group jumps to “At the pH lab” while the other three groups begin their
garden work.
3. When the first group is done with the pH lab, they return to (or begin) their Garden
Work Rotation and the next group starts the pH Lab.
4. It takes a total of 80 minutes of class time to get all groups through steps 2 and 3.
2. Each group of 2-3 students will test a sample from the site.
3. Bring students to their test site and demonstrate how to make a soil solution, dip the
pH strip, and how to read the key.
4. Have each group take a reading from the strip, record their data on the worksheet
and return to the station to derive a mean average.
6. Ask students what abiotic factors might alter the pH of the soil (rain, sun,
7. Prompt students to think about methods that can be used for maintaining the soil pH
between 6 and 7 (compost, amendments like lime stone and sulfur).
8. Have students reset the pH lab for the next group and return to garden work.
2. Ask students what they notice about the pH of each site and prompt them to think
about methods that can be used for maintaining the soil pH between 6 and 7
(compost, amendments like lime stone and sulfur).
Basic or alkaline
Planning and carrying out investigations in 6-8 builds on K-5 experiences and
progresses to include investigations that use multiple variables and provide evidence to
support explanations or solutions.
Conduct an investigation to produce data to serve as the basis for evidence that meet
the goals of an investigation.
Common Core State Standards, Engl ish La nguag e Arts and Literacy, Grade 8
RST.6-8.3 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
SL.8.1.a Come to discussions prepared, having read or researched material under study;
explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or
issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion.
SL.8.1.b Follow rules for collegial discussions and decision-making, track progress toward
specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed.
SL.8.1.b Pose questions that connect the ideas of several speakers and respond to others’
questions and comments with relevant evidence, observations, and ideas.
SL.8.4 Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner
with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate
eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
SL8.6 Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal
English when indicated or appropriate. (See grade 8 Language standards 1 and 3 on
page 53 for specific expectations.)
L.8.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
L.8.1.d Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb voice and mood.
L.8.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or
1.1.1 – 1.3.12 This lesson fulfills all Edible Schoolyard Program standards, numbers 1.1.1 through
1.3.12. See The Edible Schoolyard Berkeley Standards for details.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are developed in collaboration with the teachers
and staff of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
BEETLES_Learning_Cycle.pdf (See lesson G6-0)
C u rr i c u lu m : g a rd en
Soil pH
Students work together in small teams to collect and analyze data and make suggestions for raising
or decreasing soil pH in areas of the garden, if necessary.
Microorganisms and soil pH are interconnected, an ideal pH will help provide nutrients like
nitrogen or carbon to plants in an ecosystem, and testing is a best practice for farmers and
gardeners as the pH of the soil fluctuates depending on season and abiotic factors.
Microorganisms are responsible for making nutrients available to plants, and a slightly acidic pH
level (between 6-7), is ideal so that the plants provide humans with the best possible nutrition when
we eat them.
Life Skills
Students work together in small teams to complete research, focus on listening, speaking and
following directions and participate in class routines.
This lesson fulfills Next Generation Science Standards for planning and
carrying out investigations; Common Core State Standards for
following multistep procedures; integrating quantitative or technical
information; collaborative discussion; speaking and listening;
language; and acquiring words and phrases.
CHNOPS Abstract
In this eighth-grade science lesson, students review the six essential elements of life and discuss
how they function in the garden.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
During this lesson, students will:
List carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur as the six elements of life.
Discuss the role of bacteria in converting non-usable forms of the six essential elements into
usable forms.
Connect the essential elements to processes in the garden while playing a game called The
Wind Blows.
Compost Cake Visual Aid with Velcro-backed ingredient cards, elements, and file folder
Nitrogen Cycle Visual Aid
Example cover crop plant (legume) with nitrogen nodes on roots
The Wind Blows game cards
The Wind Blows element and bacteria signs
At the Op ening Circle
1. Welcome students and explain that we will be talking about CHNOPS in Opening
Circle before working in the garden today.
2. Introduce the six essential elements of life and the acronym CHNOPS.
3. Explain that all living organisms need the essential elements of life to live.
4. Prompt students to think about how, as humans, we get the six essential elements of
Begin with oxygen and hydrogen and explain that we rely on bacteria to convert
the remaining four into usable forms.
5. Show students the compost cake, highlighting the six essential elements in each layer
of the compost pile.
Explain that within the FBI, the bacteria are primarily responsible for breaking
down and converting the elements into a usable form that plants can uptake
through their roots.
6. Show the cover crop and explain that it is an example of bacteria “fixing” nitrogen.
Refer to the nitrogen cycle poster and further clarify the process.
7. Explain that when plants are able to uptake the essential elements of life, we are
then able to intake those elements when we eat plants.
8. Repeat the CHNOPS acronym, and call for choral responses after saying each letter.
9. Tell students that in Closing Circle they will play The Wind Blows game, identifying
the six essential elements of life and the role of bacteria.
10. Divide the class into four groups for garden jobs.
11. Encourage students to observe examples of the six essential elements during their
time in the garden.
All students for whom the statement is true stand up and change seats.
The last student standing without a seat reads a follow-up to the statement
and then reads the next statement. In this particular instance of the game, the
statements are about the six essential elements of life.
Carbon Sulfur
Hydrogen Bacterium
Nitrogen Cover crop
Oxygen Nitrogen fixation
Within individual organisms, food moves through a series of chemical reactions in which it is
broken down and rearranged to form new molecules, to support growth, or to release energy.
SL.8.1.a Come to discussions prepared, having read or researched material under study;
explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or
issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion.
SL.8.1.b Follow rules for collegial discussions and decision-making, track progress toward
specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed.
SL.8.1.b Pose questions that connect the ideas of several speakers and respond to others’
questions and comments with relevant evidence, observations, and ideas.
SL.8.4 Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner
with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate
eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
SL8.6 Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal
English when indicated or appropriate. (See grade 8 Language standards 1 and 3 on
page 53 for specific expectations.)
L.8.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
L.8.1.d Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb voice and mood.
L.8.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or
L.8.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific
words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase
important to comprehension or expression.
RST.6-8.3 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are developed in collaboration with the teachers
and staff of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
BEETLES_Learning_Cycle.pdf (See lesson G6-0)
After this week of lessons, students will be able to:
During this week of lessons, students will:
Work together to prepare a class meal on the last day of Spring Intensive.
Be part of a team for the whole week.
Care for the Edible Schoolyard Garden.
G8-SI Track Descriptions
G8-SI Ballots
Materials needed for each track
I n t h e Fie ld
At t he T rack Stations
Each group leader spends the first part of class covering material necessary for the day’s
work or investigation.
Years ago, there was a giant bird’s nest in the garden where you could sit with
your friends and enjoy the view of the Golden Gate Bridge. In honor of the
Edible Schoolyard’s 20th anniversary, we’re going to bring back this much-loved
structure. We’ll be working together to collect natural building materials and
weave sticks together to build a giant bird’s nest!
We will be beautifying the entrance to the Edible Schoolyard, from the Kitchen
along the path to the gate that leads to the Outdoor Kitchen. This area is known
as our Herb Garden. We will select from culinary, tea, and medicinal plants, as well
as a variety of flowers that will complement the area. We will start by weeding
or clearing out any plants we don’t want, plant the ones we do want, then mulch
the areas between the plants so they both stand out as well as conserve water.
Learning this whole cycle is similar to learning landscaping. We may also do some
greenhouse work, as needed.
We will cultivate for the dried pole bean patch, using forks, shovels, and pick axes.
Students will use saws to cut bamboo in lengths for the beans to climb up and
sow the bean seeds in ground. Students will also spend a day harvesting and
preparing the tasting for closing circle on the last day.
Our team will be responsible for building new tables and workbenches for the
greenhouse plant propagation area in the garden. Jobs will include measuring,
cutting, and hammering together the tables. We will be using the age-old
guideline of measure twice cut once. Leave a legacy here at King. Build a table.
C u rr i c u lu m : k i tch en
Kitchen Program – Systems and Planning
Take Home 1 of 3
Intensive 2016
In the Edible Schoolyard kitchen, our space has been Three Grou ps, T hree Tables,
specifically designed to enable students to operate Three Cooking Station s
independently and create rich opportunities for The most fundamental design feature of our kitchen
exploratory learning. Every choice—from the number space is that it is set up to support three small
and size of our tables, the location of cooking tools groups cooking relatively independently from one
and equipment, to the layout of our toolboxes—has another. In the center of the room are three main
been made with the intention of creating intuitive, tables, each of which seats up to about 15 people. At
user-friendly systems. Below, we describe our key the start of each class, everyone meets around the
kitchen equipment and systems, and discuss the center table for the Chef Meeting, and then students
role each element plays in a typical kitchen class. break into their small groups, one group at each
At the end, we include inventories of the tools and table. Tables are labeled by color (red, green, and
equipment we use in our kitchen classroom for blue), and each has a toolbox and small compost
reference. We hope that this context will allow you bin, also labeled with colored tape that matches the
to understand how our specific infrastructure and table color. Each toolbox contains basic knives and
systems support the curriculum we teach and enable measuring devices, and each cooking station has a
you to more easily adapt what you find useful or sink, two electric burners, basic pots and pans, and
interesting in the lessons that follow to your own cleaning supplies (for a comprehensive list of toolbox
kitchen classroom. and cooking stations tools and items, see “Kitchen
Station Inventory”). The drawers and cabinets of the
A Typical Kitchen Class: cooking station bear signs and other visual cues that
An Infrastructure and remind students what goes where. Students in the
Systems View table groups are responsible for the care of all tools
and equipment in their toolbox and at their cooking
C ubb i es station.
The first thing students do when they enter the
kitchen classroom for a kitchen lesson is to put Toolboxes
their backpacks and any other stuff (including their We emphasize the use of real tools in the kitchen.
phones) in a cubby. This reduces clutter and keeps Professional tools instill a feeling of responsibility
the space safe by limiting potential distractions, in students as well as an expectation of serious
reducing the possibility of unwanted materials or effort. Our toolboxes contain all the tools students
germs entering the food, and eliminating the tripping most commonly used in class, including chef knives
hazard of stray backpacks and sweatshirts. and paring knives (for a comprehensive list, see
Dishes for setting the table and eating are stored in Recipe Files
the Dish Cupboard; the Dish Tower stores platters The recipe files hanging on the wall by our door
and various serving bowls; and the Metro Shelf contain a rotating supply of paper copies of the
stores larger stockpots, mixing bowls, and a variety recipes we’re preparing in the kitchen. We label the
of cooking tools like spatulas, tongs, ladles, and recipes clearly, and remind students at the end of
sieves. All three are open-face and clearly labeled to every class that the recipes are available for them to
show the correct place for the tools and utensils that grab and take home at any time. Placing them right
belong there. next to the door makes them easily accessible for
students on their way out.
Each time students set the table to eat they have the Equ ipment
opportunity to decorate their table with bouquets, We have the following equipment in our kitchen
items harvested from the garden, and other beautiful classroom:
or interesting objects that the kitchen has collected Electric burners—six total; two at each of our three
over the years. We keep all of the items for table cooking stations
decorating on a side table called the Altar. We’ve
Toolbox 1 sink
1 saucepan
1 salad spinner
2 tablecloths
range anywhere from four to ten students for every In the Chef Meeting we introduce and frame our
adult, depending on the size of the class, the number lesson for the day, deliver content to all students
of community volunteers, and whether or not the before breaking into smaller groups to cook and
classroom teacher is actively participating. eat, and facilitate class discussions. Chef Meetings
vary greatly in content, framing, and duration
Typical Class Flow depending on the lesson’s learning objectives; some
take the form of an interactive lecture, others of a
A typical kitchen class is divided into three main
demonstration, story, or skit; some are facilitated as a
parts: the Chef Meeting, At the Table, and the Closing
rotate the role of facilitating the Chef Meeting, and Depending on the students’ skill level, this may
often different Chef Teachers will add a personalized involve a detailed step-by-step demonstration
spin to their version of a lesson’s Chef Meeting or may simply be a quick verbal summary of the
to keep it interesting, engaging, and relatable. recipes students will be preparing that day. This is
We keep internal Chef Meeting notes for each when we introduce any new cooking techniques
lesson to maintain institutional memory and track (cutting an onion, mincing garlic, etc.); demonstrate
modifications or improvements from year to year. The or describe how students will prepare each
“At the Chef Meeting” section in each of the following ingredient on the platter and have students identify
lessons is this year’s version of each lesson’s Chef the right tools for the jobs; and break down the
Meeting. In cases where different Chef Teachers had steps of the recipe(s), note especially important
notably different versions of the Chef Meeting for the steps, and explain the cooking jobs.
same lesson, we’ll often include both versions.
3. Facilitate the div ision of cooking
After the Chef Meeting, students wash their hands remainder of the class so we always try to make
and break up into three cooking groups. Generally, sure that students feel heard and respected
the classroom teacher divides the students into three through the process. Our goal is for the students
groups before arriving to their first kitchen class, and to perceive the process as fair and match every
students remain in the same groups for the duration student to a job that they are excited to do. This
of their kitchen rotation. Each group has an average provides buy-in and engagement throughout class.
of 10 students, one ESY Chef Teacher, and one to For some lessons, we divide the work based on
two community volunteers. In their small groups, ingredients, and for others by recipe. Generally, for
Chef Teachers will: younger students we give individual ingredients
as jobs and for older students we denote entire
1. Lead a small-group check- in recipes as job groups and have them independently
( 5 m i n u t es ) organize specific jobs within the recipes. Our
Have each student answer a check-in question favorite methods for dividing work (from most
(e.g., If you could teach one subject in school, which teacher-driven to most student-driven) are:
would it be? What is your favorite way to eat Top Two: After introducing the jobs for the day,
noodles or pasta?). This can be a fun or provocative go in a circle and have each student name their
question that may or may not be food-related but top two choices. Write down their preferences
will allow the teachers to get to know the students and try to match each student to one of their top
and vice versa. Check-in questions should be easy two picks.
and quick to answer, answerable by all (don’t rely
Raising Hands: Good for lessons when there
on some specialized knowledge or experience), and
are only a few types of jobs available. Introduce
interesting to hear multiple answers to. This is a
to show which ones they’re interested in. If the The table group begins to eat only once every
groups are appropriately proportioned, proceed member of the group has been served.
with the work. If not, ask for a volunteer to
This is a chance to talk about ideas related to the
switch groups.
lesson, the recipe, or whatever interests the group.
Students Decide: During Iron Chef and in Generally we try to balance time spent discussing
our eighth-grade Independence Series, we lesson content with casual conversation.
ask our students to divide up the work and
Since table groups sit down to eat as the food
jobs amongst themselves. This is a high-
is ready, different groups may eat at slightly
level collaboration skill that we scaffold by
staggered times.
making our processes visible in their sixth- and
seventh-grade kitchen classes. In this method, 6. Cleanup (10 minu tes)
4. Cook and se t the table ( 4 0 -6 0 m i nu tes) One table group works at the dishwasher to wash
the plates, cups, and silverware for the entire class.
Students read the recipe together before breaking
The other two table groups finish cleaning their
up into their cooking jobs.
table and cooking station, as well as the table and
While cooking, students practice our “clean as you cooking station for the group at the dishwasher.
go” routine. We expect students to clean up after Cleanup jobs include: cleaning and organizing
finishing a cooking job before they move on to the the toolboxes, taking out the compost, sweeping,
next task. cleaning and organizing the cooking station, and
Students taste as they cook and adjust the helping to set up for the next class.
seasoning along the way.
When the students have finished preparing the Closing Circle ( 5 minu tes )
ingredients and the food is still cooking, students Closing Circle provides an opportunity for us to hear
clean and set the table. We typically use a plate, what our students took away from kitchen class. We
silverware, cups, and napkins, and students are generally ask them to rate the food on a scale of 1 to 5
also encouraged to create a unique centerpiece using their fingers to indicate how delicious they found
using flowers from the garden and other interesting the meal. Depending on how much time remains, we’ll
items they find around the kitchen. also often pose a question to the group to prompt
further reflection on the lesson content (e.g., If you
Unless we are demonstrating a new cooking
were living at the time of the Silk Road, where would
method or helping a student to learn or improve
you want to live and why?), facilitate students in
a technique, teachers’ hands almost never touch
imagining how to apply the skills they practiced in the
the food. We aim to have the students cook as
lesson in their own lives (e.g., If you were to prepare
independently as possible from their first time
this recipe at home, what ingredient would you
in the kitchen. We’ll often encourage any adults
add?), or to get information on whether the learning
in the space to hold on to a cup of tea or water
objectives we have identified have been reached
throughout class, just to serve as a reminder
to leave the cooking and cleaning work to the by the lesson as it has just been delivered (e.g., Can
K6 – 1 Kitchen Orientation & Meet staff, learn Peppers Edible Schoolyard Common Core:
(85-90 Min) Food Memories with a routines and systems Cucumbers 2.0 In the Kitchen, Grade 6: ELA and Literacy:
garden snack Tools 1.1 Identify basic tools at the
Apples LS.6.4. Determine or clarify the meaning
ESY Cooking Station and use and of unknown and multiple-meaning
Carrots care for them with guidance. words.
Turnips Tools 1.2 Identify measuring and
LS.6.6. Acquire and use accurately
K6 – 2 Greens over Grains Knife safety and skills, Swiss Chard Edible Schoolyard Common Core:
T h e E d i b le S c h ooly a r d Be r keley
(85-90 Min) connect the kitchen to Kale 2.0 In the Kitchen, Grade 6: ELA and Literacy:
the garden Tools 1.3: Identify different
Bok Choy RST.6-8.3. Follow precisely a multistep
knives from the ESY Toolbox and procedure when carrying out
Collards demonstrate basic knife skills, experiments, taking measurements, or
Garlic safety, and care with guidance. performing technical tasks.
Amaranth Techniques 2.4: Identify ingredients
168 Curriculu m: ki tc h e n
L ess o n # R ec ipe M ai n Fo c us F rom the Garden ESY Standard Aca de mic Con n ect i o n
K6 – 3 Pan de los Muertos Complete a precise Amaranth Edible Schoolyard Common Core:
(85-90 Min) recipe, measure Eggs 2.0 In the Kitchen, Grade 6: ELA and Literacy:
accurately, reflect on Tools 1.2 Identify measuring tools
RI.6.7. Integrate information presented
and share emotional from the ESY Toolbox and follow
connections to food in different media or formats (e.g.,
instructions to use and care for visually, quantitatively) as well as
C u rr i c u lu m : k i tch en
them. in words to develop a coherent
Techniques 2.5 Use basic understanding of a topic or issue.
techniques as instructed, and refer RST.6.3. Follow precisely a multistep
to them by name in conversation. procedure when carrying out
experiments, taking measurements, or
performing technical tasks.
RH.6.4. Determine the meaning of
words and phrases as they are used
in a text, including vocabulary specific
to domains related to history/social
T h e E d i b le S c h ooly a r d Be r keley
K6 – 4 Autumn Harvest Soup Vegetable Stock & Potatoes Edible Schoolyard Common Core:
(85-90 Min) Soup, complete a Greens 2.0 In the Kitchen, Grade 6: ELA and Literacy:
flexible recipe Tools 1.3 Identify different knives
Celery RI.6.7. Integrate information presented
from the ESY Toolbox and in different media or formats (e.g.,
Winter Squash demonstrate basic knife skills, visually, quantitatively) as well as
Onions safety, and care. in words to develop a coherent
Garlic Techniques 2.6 Read and follow understanding of a topic or issue.
Broccoli recipes, and understand that some
recipes are flexible and some are
Herbs specific.
Techniques 2.7 Taste finished
dishes and discuss their sensory
observations using descriptive
6 t h G r a d e K i tc h e n S c o p e a n d S e q u e n c e
K6 – 5 Frittata Knife skills, safety, and Beets Edible Schoolyard Common Core:
(85-90 Min) kitchen systems Broccoli 2.0 In the Kitchen, Grade 6: ELA and Literacy:
Techniques 2.6 Read and follow the
Carrots RST 6-8.3. Follow precisely a multistep
recipe, and understand that some procedure when carrying out
Collard greens recipes are flexible and some are experiments, taking measurements, or
Chard specific performing technical tasks.
K6 – 6 Steamed Dumplings The Silk Road: China Greens Edible Schoolyard California State:
(85-90 Min) Goods, ideas, and Green garlic 2.0 In the Kitchen, Grade 6: HistorySocial Science:
foods that originated Cilantro Concepts 3.11 Make connections
6.6.2 Explain the geographic features
in China and were between the diets of historic of China
traded along the Silk cultures and foods we eat today.
6.6.7 Cite the significance of the trans-
Eurasian “silk roads”
Common Core:
ELA and Literacy:
SL.6.1: Engage effectively in a range of
collaborative discussions
RI.6.7: Integrate information presented
in different media or formats (e.g.,
visually, quantitatively) as well as
in words to develop a coherent
understanding of a topic or issue.
6 t h G r a d e K i tc h e n S c o p e a n d S e q u e n c e
170 Curriculu m: ki tc h e n
L ess o n # R ec ipe M ai n Fo c us F rom the Garden ESY Standard Aca de mic Con n ect i o n
K6 – 7 Vegetable Curry The Silk Road: India Cabbage Edible Schoolyard 2.0 In the California State:
(85-90 Min) Goods, ideas, and Cauliflower Kitchen, Grade 6: History–Social Science:
foods that originated Coriander Concepts 3.11 Make connections
6.6.7 Cite the significance of the trans-
in India and were between the diets of historic Eurasian “silk roads”
traded along the Silk Cilantro cultures and foods we eat today.
6.6.8 Describe the diffusion of Buddhism
C u rr i c u lu m : k i tch en
northward to China during the Han
Seasonal Vegetables Dynasty.
Common Core:
ELA and Literacy:
SL.6.1: Engage effectively in a range of
collaborative discussions
RI.6.7: Integrate information presented
in different media or formats (e.g.,
visually, quantitatively) as well as
in words to develop a coherent
T h e E d i b le S c h ooly a r d Be r keley
K6 – 8 Homemade, Hand- The Silk Road: Rome Eggs Edible Schoolyard 2.0 In the California State:
(85-90 Min) rolled Pasta & Goods, ideas, and Lemons Kitchen, Grade 6: History–Social Science:
Gremolatta foods that originated Concepts 3.11 Make connections
Garlic 6.6.7: Cite the significance of the trans-
in Rome and were between the diets of historic Eurasian “silk roads”
traded along the Silk Parsley cultures and foods we eat today.
6.7.2: Describe the government of the
Roman Republic and its significance
6.7.8: Discuss the legacies of Roman
art and architecture, technology and
science, literature, language, and law.
Common Core:
ELA and Literacy:
SL.6.1 Engage effectively in a range of
collaborative discussions
RI.6.7: Integrate information presented
in different media or formats (e.g.,
visually, quantitatively) as well as
in words to develop a coherent
understanding of a topic or issue.
6 t h G r a d e K i tc h e n S c o p e a n d S e q u e n c e
K6 – 9 Rice Pudding Silk Road: Trading for Eggs Edible Schoolyard 2.0 In the California State:
(85-90 Min) Rice Pudding Citrus Kitchen, Grade 6: History-Social Science:
Culmination of Silk Concepts 3.11 Make connections
6.6.7 Cite the significance of the trans-
Road between the diets of historic Eurasian “silk roads”
cultures and foods we eat today.
6.7.8 Discuss the legacies of Roman
art and architecture, technology and
science, literature, language, and law.
172 Curriculu m: ki tc h e n
k i tc h e n L esso n # 1 G r a d e 6 , Fa ll R o tat i o n
Kitchen Orientation
This lesson introduces sixth-grade students to the kitchen classroom. Students meet staff,
explore the kitchen, learn the basic rules and systems, and practice setting the table to eat a
garden snack. Students mark the transition from the garden to the kitchen by harvesting herbs to
make herbal tea that they drink with their snack. While eating, they share a food memory.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Name and locate the basic tools and equipment in the kitchen.
During this lesson, students will:
Set the table, compost food scraps, and correctly utilize the bussing system.
Share a personal food memory using descriptive language and sensory details.
F o r t h e O pe n i n g T ools Equipment
2. Introduce kitchen staff, volunteers, and all facilitators of the lesson. Have a student
volunteer from each group choose a question from the question cards to ask each staff
member as they introduce themselves.
3. Describe what students can expect in the kitchen – cooking and eating together.
4. Emphasize the students’ transition from the garden to the kitchen, and invite them to
share examples of plants they saw growing in the garden throughout the fall. Explain
that they’ll get to see how the kitchen and garden interact. We’ll be eating produce
that comes from the garden, which means we’ll be eating “sesonally.”
5. Discuss the behavior expectations in the kitchen. Emphasize that the 4B’s for how to
be in the kitchen are the same as in the garden and their academic classrooms.
3. Bring students outside to the herb garden. Have every student pick two leaves to
bring inside, wash, and add to a teapot for herbal tea.
4. Return to table groups and give students time to explore their cooking stations and
toolboxes. While at the cooking stations, challenge students to find one tool or item
that everyone recognizes, and one tool or item that no one in the group is familiar
with. While exploring the toolboxes, ask students to report on their findings using the
“I notice, I wonder, It reminds me of” sentence frame. Introduce the reflection cards.
5. Quiz the group after exploration time to help them recall the names, uses, and
locations of basic tools, ingredients, and equipment.
6. Explain to students that they are responsible for cleaning and maintaining the tables,
the toolboxes, and the cooking stations.
2. Eat.
3. While eating, encourage students to share a food memory, or use the question cards
to engage the full group in shared conversation.
4. Flicker lights. Explain this is a way we get everyone’s attention. Announce that now it
is time to transition into bussing dishes.
2. Invite students to share something they still wonder about the kitchen.
Teaching Notes
Introducing the teachers: We use the question cards to introduce ourselves to the students
because it models showing up in a genuine way. We find students are often quite
captivated by teachers’ responses to challenging questions.
The 4B’s: We introduce the 4B’s with short skits. First we demonstrate what not to do and ask
students to give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down—are we following the 4B’s? We call on
students with raised hands to give corrections, and then do the demonstration again with
correct behavior or practices.
Be concise: Avoid “lose interest” point. Labels are things students need to know the names of.
Collaboration with academic teachers: Academic teachers complete the food memory activity
with their students before their first kitchen lesson so that students are prepared to share
a memory at the table.
Sharing food memories: Sharing a food memory can be a vulnerable experience for some
students. Throughout this lesson, and especially while students are sharing their food
memories, teachers are mindful and explicit in facilitating a respectful, safe environment
for all students to engage with the group.
Connections to Standards
Californi a State , Englis h–Lang uag e Arts, Gra de 6
2.1.a. Establish and develop a plot and setting and present a point of view that is appropriate
to the stories.
LS.6. Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific
words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase
important to comprehension or expression.
Tools 1.2 Identify measuring tools from the ESY Toolbox and follow instructions to use and care for
Tools 1.3 Identify different knives from the ESY Toolbox and demonstrate basic knife skills, safety,
and care.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
Food Memory Worksheet
Kitchen Orientation Visual Aid
Kitchen Floorplan
C u rr i c u lu m : k i tch en
What is the scariest thing about becoming an adult?
What is something you want to learn that they don’t teach you in school?
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be?
What is one lesson that you had to learn the hard way and what did you learn?
What makes you angry and how can you change that?
What is a piece of wisdom that you would pass on to your kids about being your age?
What is something you wish you could change about your life?
If you could visit any time period, which would you choose?
Would you rather have a job with average pay that you love or a job with great pay that you hate?
180 Curriculu m: ki tc h e n
C u rr i c u lu m : k i tch en
If you could supersize one of your senses, which one would it be?
(taste, sight, touch, hearing, smell)
If you could make any dish in the world, what would you make?
What is an essential life skill you need in order to live on your own?
If you could rename the Golden Gate Bridge, what would you call it?
What do you do when you are talking with friends and someone makes an offensive
(i.e. racist, sexist, homophobic) comment?
If your life had a soundtrack, what would be theme song and why?
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
What is one thing you wish adults understood better about young people and why?
What is one thing you wish you understood better about adults and why?
If you could meet one historic figure, living or dead, who would it be and why?
If you had 5 minutes to meet with the US President, what would you say?
If you were stranded on an island and could only bring 3 things what would you bring and why?
What is one thing people don’t know about you that you wish they knew?
182 Curriculu m: ki tc h e n
k i tc h e n L esso n # 2 G r a d e 6 , Fa ll R o tat i o n
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Practice basic knife skills while demonstrating proper knife safety and care.
During this lesson, students will:
Mince or slice ingredients while demonstrating proper knife technique, safety, and care.
istinguish between the “Ingredients” and “Directions” sections of the Sautéed Greens recipe
F o r t h e C h ef Meet i n g I n g r e d i e n ts F o r t h e S a u t é e d G r ee n s
Sautéed Greens recipe Assorted grains (such as Assorted greens (such as dinosaur kale,
Ingredients and tools millet, quinoa, and/or barley) bok choy, rainbow chard, and collards)
for demonstration Olive oil
Visual aid Ginger
Soy sauce
Toasted sesame oil
Rice vinegar (optional)
Wooden spoon Collect all the tools and ingredients, and then distribute them to the tables.
Chef’s knives Gather supplies for the Chef Meeting.
Paring knives Create the visual aid.
Cutting boards Copy the Sautéed Greens recipe to hand out.
Measuring cups Copy the Millet & Quinoa recipe to hand out.
Measuring spoons Cook the grains (millet, quinoa, and/or barley).
At the Chef M ee ting
1. Welcome students to the kitchen. Review the 4B’s: Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be
Respectful, and Be an Ally. Emphasize that today, as the students’ first time cooking
in the kitchen, they will have the opportunity to practice these 4B’s.
2. Introduce the lesson for the day: Greens over Grains. This is a chance for students to
prepare food from the garden while learning basic knife skills, safety, and care.
3. Ask students if there are any foods on the board that they recognize growing in the
4. Ask students to identify the greens by name. Emphasize that they may use the visual
aid as a resource. Hold up the greens one by one. Ask students to raise their hands
quietly when they know what a green is called, and all call out the name on the count
of three. For some greens, have students yell as loudly as they can, for others have
them whisper, or ask them to identify the greens in happy, tired, confused, or other
kinds of emotive voices.
5. Show students a copy of the Sautéed Greens recipe. Explain that they have just
identified most of the ingredients they’ll be using, and that these recipes will give
them all the information they need about what to do with those ingredients—at
the top of the recipe is a list of ingredients and amounts, and the bottom has the
directions, or what to do with the ingredients. Emphasize that the 4B’s will be
especially important for the students to successfully prepare the meal because our
goal as teachers is to have them work as independently as possible. The recipe and
their group mates will be their most valuable resources.
2. Demonstrate how to mince the garlic and prepare the greens as part of a knife skills
and safety demonstration (see “Knife Skills and Safety Demonstration” resource).
5. Eat.
6. Clean up.
Teaching Notes
Identifying the greens: We like to vary how we ask for the students to respond when they
are identifying the greens by name in the Chef Meeting. Mixing high- and low-volume
responses helps to modulate the energy and prepare them to be attentive listeners during
the knife skills and safety demonstration. Introducing the greens this way is fun, and
generates ownership and excitement around the food.
Visual aid: Clearly labeled visual aids that identify the ingredients in this lesson are key in
creating access for all of our students. Different students enter the kitchen with varying
experiences with cooking and the ingredients we use in this lesson. We want all of our
students to be able to participate fully from the beginning, and we never want a student
to feel inadequate or unwelcome for not already knowing something that one of their
peers does. When we ask students to identify the greens during the Chef Meeting, we
explicitly refer to the visual aid as a “resource” and ask students to “do their research”
before we ask for them to call out the name. We wait to ask for them to call out the name
until all hands are in the air. Asking students to call out as a group instead of calling on
individual raised hands is an equity strategy because it provides access for students who
reach the answer more slowly than their peers.
Bok choy and cultural imperialism: We have noticed that some of our students respond to the
name “bok choy” by mocking it with caricatured chicken-like clucking noises or saying
the name with a stereotypical Asian immigrant accent. We have noticed a similar
pattern in recipes that use hoisin sauce, which some students will jokingly refer to as
“poison sauce.” Though such reactions are meant jokingly and almost always represent
no intentional malice or ill-will on the part of the student, we still recognize them as
manifestations of the xenophobia and racism in American culture that labels anything
outside of mainstream, dominant white culture as “other.” We address these moments
Recipe reading: We explicitly introduce the format for reading the Sautéed Greens recipe, noting
that many recipes will have a similar format—a list of ingredients with their amounts
at the top and directions at bottom. We emphasize that you must read the directions to
know what to do with the ingredients.
Knife skills and safety demonstration: This is the first time our sixth-grade students work
with knives in the kitchen space so we start the lesson with a knife skills and safety
demonstration. As part of the demonstration, we recognize that some students might
have experience with knives at home, but that the guidelines around knives in this space
are different because there are different concerns and constraints with so many people
working at once. This helps to draw the attention of students who may otherwise feel
that the guidelines are irrelevant to them. For a more detailed description of our knife
demonstration, see “Knife Skills and Safety Demonstration” resource.
Help and consent: Because this is the first time cooking with these students, we pay special
attention to noting the skills and levels of experience with cooking our students are
bringing to the table. We moderate group dynamics so that every student feels welcome,
accomplished, and a sense of ownership over the space regardless of cooking skills. For
experienced students wanting to showcase those skills by helping their less-experienced
peers, we often prompt them to ask their peers if they want or need support before they
jump in to “helping” them.
Team-building and cleaning: As the first time cooking in the space, this is also the time to
establish team ownership of tasks including cleaning.
Sauté Chop
Mince Fibrous
Slice Whole grain
Connections to Standards
Californi a Common Core English Languag e Arts Standards, Science &
Tech nical Subjects
RST.6-8.3. Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
Techniques 2.4 Identify ingredients by name, and discuss them using descriptive words in
Concepts 3.8 Approach lessons with intention by thinking through how the recipe relates to the
kitchen, garden, and wider environment as a whole.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
Read about this lesson in the ESY Berkeley Journal
Greens over Grains Visual Aid
Sautéed Greens Recipe
After this lesson, students will be able to:
iscuss the traditional view of death in Día de los Muertos and articulate the role of food in
During this lesson, students will:
Select the correct measuring tool for each ingredient in the Pan de los Muertos recipe.
Practice precise measurement to follow the Pan de los Muertos recipe to completion.
hape a piece of bread dough into a shape that honors someone in their life who has passed
and write a remembrance to place on the Día de los Muertos altar that celebrates that person’s
or creature’s life.
F o r t h e C h ef Meet i n g I n g r e d i e n ts
F o r t h e P a n d e los M u e r tos
Pan de los Muertos recipe
Flour Orange zest (optional)
Ingredients and tools for demonstration
Amaranth flour Eggs
Visual aid
Baking powder Milk
Sugar Vegetable oil
At the Chef M ee ting
1. Welcome students back to the kitchen and introduce the lesson for the day: today we
are going to celebrate Día de los Muertos by making Pan de los Muertos. Who knows
the name for this holiday in English? Day of the Dead. Can anyone tell us a little bit
about this holiday? What does it celebrate? How do people celebrate it?
2. Day of the Dead is a holiday that remembers and honors the lives of loved ones who
have died. The modern holiday combines 3000-year old Aztec traditions of honoring
the “Lady of the Dead” with a full month of festivities with the Catholic observance
of All Saints Day and All Souls Day. It takes place on November 1 and 2 and is
celebrated throughout Latin America and places around the world with a Latino
3. There are many ways to participate in the Day of the Dead. In Mexico and other
parts of Latin America, families visit the graves of their loved ones. They clean and
decorate the graves, tell endearing and humorous stories, share memories, and
prepare and eat their loved one’s favorite foods. It is not considered a sad day, but a
4. Can anyone think of another holiday that falls around that time of year, maybe near
the end of October, that deals with the theme of death? Halloween. Halloween and
Día de los Muertos share the theme of death, but actually have completely different
origins. Halloween originated with Celtic pagan rituals in Northern Europe. There
are holidays all around the world that happen at this time of year that deal with the
theme of death.
5. Why do you think these two holidays might happen around this time of year? They
mark the turning of the season—the transition from the fall harvest to the colder,
darker winter months. They both began as ways for human societies to honor death
as a part of the human experience.
6. In the cultural tradition of Mexico, and much of Latin America, Day of the Dead
celebrates death as a part of the human experience, not a time of grieving and
sadness. In fact, tradition holds that to be sad would offend the dead, so Day of the
Dead festivities honor them with laughter and joy.
7. Today we will be celebrating Day of the Dead by making Bread of the Dead. You
will be making the dough and then dividing it among your table-mates. Each of us
will make a piece of bread to honor someone who has died. Once you decide who
you would like to remember and honor, you will form your dough into a shape that
represents them in some way. Maybe your Grandma loved to fish and you make
your bread into a fish shape; maybe you had a beloved hamster who slept in a sock
and you shape your bread into a sock to represent them. You may choose to honor
someone you knew personally or someone from history whom you admire but never
met. What is important about this lesson is that you choose someone who means
something to you. Traditionally Bread of the Dead is baked and placed on the altar.
Today we will be eating the bread we make and placing a written remembrance on
our altar. You may choose to share your remembrance or keep it private.
8. In this lesson, we’ll be engaging with food as something that nourishes not just our
physical health but our emotional and spiritual health as well. The ritual of making
food offerings to the spirits of those who have passed for Day of the Dead recognizes
that food is deeply emotional, and can strengthen our connections to people who
have passed, as well as the communities we surround ourselves with. Today as we
bake, reflect on a food that that nourishes more than just your body.
9. Ask students to wash their hands and join their table group.
At the Table
1. Small-group check-in: What is your favorite baked good?
2. Meet with the table groups to review the recipe, check in, and assign jobs.
5. While the bread is baking, invite students to write a remembrance and place it on the
6. Eat. While the students are eating, invite them to share whom they made the bread
for, what shape they chose, and why.
7. Clean up.
Teaching Notes
Allergies: we double-checked before every class that we knew of all the students with allergies
or eating restrictions that would prevent them from enjoying the recipe as written.
We created alternate recipes for those students to cook and eat. For vegan bread, we
substituted 2 tablespoons applesauce for 2 eggs and an equal amount non-dairy milk for
dairy milk. For gluten-free bread we substituted 1:1 gluten-free flour mix for wheat flour
(amaranth flour is gluten-free).
Creating space for grief: some of our students came into this lesson in various stages of grief,
and every student had different norms, levels of comfort, and strategies for engaging
with the theme of death. We communicated with teachers and counseling staff before
each lesson to be aware of students who might need extra support. We never forced a
student to share more than they wanted to (we were explicit with the “opt-out” option
during all group discussions) and held ourselves and our students to rigorous standards
of respect (sometimes using the language of “risk and respect” to honor that sharing
something important or intimate can feel like a risk and should be met with equivalent
respect). We recognize that even with our best intentions, this lesson still was not
altogether enjoyable or easy for some of our students freshly dealing with grief. This
remains an area of growth for us.
Planning for success: we asked students to start thinking about who they were going to shape
their bread for as they were washing their hands. If students had a specific idea about
who they were shaping their bread for, we found the activity was far more successful,
focused, and meaningful.
Personal anecdotes: at the small group, either before dividing into jobs or just before handing
out dough, teachers shared a personal anecdote about who we were making our bread
for. We didn’t necessarily go into the details of how the person died, but focused instead
on remembering and honoring the person’s life and our memories of them. We found
Toppings and mix-ins: we found that the toppings and mix-ins were crucial for the students to
have enough work. Class runs much more smoothly when students are occupied with
enough cooking jobs. We also found that having a variety of toppings inspires artistry
and care with the activity. Mixing the nuts and fruit into the dough while shaping can be
fun and make bread more delicious.
Kneading: we found that class ran the most smoothly when the teacher partially or fully kneaded
the dough. Especially at the beginning, the dough will be sticky, so having a teacher
knead was necessary for time’s sake. This was a good time to explain how kneading
builds structure in the dough by organizing the gluten to yield bread with a springier
texture. Students often noticed how much smoother it became.
Cleaning with flour: clean the dough out of the bowl and off hands with flour. This saves dough
and saves the drain from getting clogged.
Cinnamon sugar: we found that having the teacher sprinkle cinnamon sugar on the bread right
before baking helped to avoid a sugar-frenzy.
Measuring games: anticipating some down time while the students were waiting for the
bread to bake, we developed a few measuring games for students to practice precise
measurement. At one station we put a quart-size yogurt container filled with water, a
measuring beaker, and some measuring spoons in a bus tub. On a note card, we asked
them to figure out how many cups were in a quart, and how many tablespoons were
in a quart. At a second station, we put a bowl of flour, a cup measure, and a baking
scale in a bus tub. On a note card, we asked students to see what the heaviest cup of
flour they could make was, and what the lightest cup of flour they could make was. At
a third station, we put a bowl of salt, an empty bowl, some measuring spoons, and a
¼-cup measure in a bus tub. On a note card, we asked how many teaspoons were in a
tablespoon, how many tablespoons were in a ¼ cup, and how many teaspoons were
in a ¼ cup. At a final station, we filled a large clear container with dried rice and asked
students to estimate how many cups were in the container, promising a prize at the end
of the lesson rotation to the student with a closest estimate.
Common Core: Reading Standards for Literacy in History and Social Studies
RH.6.4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including
vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.
Techniques 2.5 Use basic techniques as instructed, and refer to them by name in conversation.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
Read about this lesson in the ESY Berkeley Journal
Pan de Los Muertos Visual Aid
Pan de Los Muertos Recipe
After this lesson, students will be able to:
During this lesson, students will:
repare the vegetables for the Autumn Harvest Soup, and sort the remaining parts for the
F o r t h e C h ef Meet i n g I n g r e d i e n ts F o r t h e A u t u m n H a r v est S o u p
2 stockpots Stove
Strainer Befo r e Y o u Beg i n
Garlic peeler Collect all the tools and ingredients, and then distribute
Wooden spoon them to the tables.
Ladle Gather supplies for the Chef Meeting.
Chef knives Create the visual aid.
Paring knives Copy the Autumn Harvest Soup recipe to hand out.
Cutting boards Prepare the vegetable stock (for the first class).
Measuring beaker Warm vegetable stock on the griddle.
Measuring cups
Measuring spoons
At the Chef M ee ting
1. Welcome students and introduce the Autumn Harvest Soup recipe. Explain that
Autumn Harvest Soup is a seasonal recipe and that the largest harvest of the year is
in the fall.
2. Invite students to name vegetables that are in season based on what they’ve seen
growing in the garden or the produce they see available at the store. Introduce the
vegetables we will be using in the Autumn Harvest Soup.
3. Describe the difference between a recipe that needs to be followed precisely and a
recipe that is flexible, like Autumn Harvest Soup. A flexible recipe can be adjusted
with what is in the garden or on hand.
4. Explain that for the Autumn Harvest Soup recipe, although the specifics are flexible,
we’ll be making the soup by following a specific set of steps that helps to build the
best flavor. First, we’ll cook our aromatics, including onions, garlic, and herbs. This
infuses the cooking oil with flavor and brings lots of flavor to the finished dish. Then
we’ll add the vegetables and cook them partially, so that they are all coated with the
flavored oil. Then we’ll add the stock and simmer to finish cooking the vegetables and
allow the flavors to combine.
5. Introduce the term “vegetable stock.” Explain that cold water heated slowly over low
heat extracts flavor from the vegetables. Ask students to use the visual aid to identify
which parts of the vegetables will be used for the soup, the stock, or put into the
6. Ask students to wash their hands and divide into their table groups.
2. Refer to Greens over Grains to review that different vegetables and various parts of
the same vegetable can cook at different rates. Divide vegetables into two categories,
based on how long they take to cook. Explain that students will be using this concept
to decide what size they cut the vegetables and what order they add them to the soup.
4. Assign jobs.
6. Ask students to taste the soup and adjust the seasoning. Demonstrate how to taste
Teaching Notes
The aromatics: This is an excellent lesson to introduce students to the concept of building flavor
by starting any dish by cooking a basic mix of finely chopped vegetables, herbs, or spices
in oil. It can be fun to compare the different ingredients commonly used in a variety of
cuisines: mirepoix in France (carrots, celery, onions), soffrito or battuto in Italy (carrots,
celery, onions, and often herbs or pancetta), suppengrun in Germany (carrots, celery root,
leeks), the “holy trinity” of Cajun cooking (onion, celery, green bell pepper), and minced
garlic, ginger, green onions, and spices in various Asian cuisines. Ask students to share if
there are any basic ingredients that are frequently used in their kitchens at home.
Stock: We find that although it is a very simple job, students really enjoy making stock during this
lesson. Encourage them to smell the stock and ask if they can identify what ingredients
are in it based on the smell.
Jobs: We like to divide students into jobs by having them choose to work on aromatics, crunchy,
or leafy vegetables. Because understanding these three basic categories is one of the
main objectives in this lesson, we find that identifying which group they want to work
with helps them to retain a better understanding of the different categories.
Knife skills and flavor: In addition to reflecting on how the density and size of a vegetable may
affect its cooking rate, we also invite students to try cutting their vegetables in a couple
different shapes and tasting them—does the shape of a vegetable affect its flavor? This
type of exploration often gives students the confidence to make their own judgment calls
Right tool for the job: This is only the second lesson in which our students use knives, so we
focus on supporting every student to understand how to choose the right tool for the job.
Knife techniques: Depending on the skill level of a group, we’ll often review basic knife
techniques (dicing, slicing, mincing) before breaking up into jobs.
Collaborative process: We like to emphasize with students that making the soup will be a
group process (“We’re all working on parts of a recipe. You may not see the whole thing
through”). This is a helpful reminder for some students to make sure everyone gets a
chance at the stove and everyone takes a turn at the sink.
Hot sauce diversity: We made multiple hot sauces available to our students during this lesson
(Crystal, Tapatío, Cholula, Sriracha). Students often identified very strongly with one
or two hot sauces and were very happy to see their own hot sauce because it was an
opportunity for them to see their culture represented in the space.
Vegetable stock
Connections to Standards
Common Core , E n gl is h Lang uage Arts, Gra de 6
RI.6.7 Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively)
as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.
Techniques 2.7 Taste finished dishes and discuss their sensory observations using descriptive
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
Autumn Harvest Soup Visual Aid
Autumn Harvest Soup Recipe
In this sixth-grade humanities lesson, students make frittata They practice their knife skills and
safety, and practice using kitchen systems.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
ead and follow a basic recipe, and understand that some recipes are flexible and some are specific.
Practice basic knife skills while demonstrating proper knife safety and care.
escribe and apply the concept of cooking rate when preparing a dish with a variety of
During this lesson, students will:
eview basic knife skills and safety guidelines, and slice, dice, chop, and mince a variety of
Decide what order to add the frittata ingredients to the skillet based on their cooking rates.
F o r t h e C h ef Meet i n g I n g r e d i e n ts T ools
Stove Collect all the ingredients and tools and distribute them to the tables.
Oven Gather supplies for the Chef Meeting.
Gather supplies for the Closing.
Create the visual aid.
Copy the frittata recipes to hand out.
Steam potatoes (if using in frittata).
At the Chef M ee ting
1. Welcome students back to the kitchen and introduce the recipe for the day: frittata.
2. Remind students that the 4B’s (Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, Be an Ally)
still apply in the kitchen classroom.
3. Review basic knife skills and safety with a demonstration: Go through the process of
chopping a carrot (or other vegetable), intentionally making mistakes as you go. Stop
frequently to ask for students’ thumbs up or down depending on whether they think
your actions are safe or not. If not, ask them to give you tips about how to make them
safer. Review using a cutting board, using a claw grip to protect your fingers, wiping
the blade of the knife with a bench scraper and not your fingers, wiping the knife
down with a damp cloth at the table, and how to carry a knife safely if you have to
walk somewhere with it.
4. Explain that a frittata is a baked omelette that contains lots of vegetables and
cheese, similar to a quiche without crust. Explain that to make the frittata students
will first prep all the vegetables on the platter by cutting them into small pieces, grate
the cheese, and whisk the eggs. Then they will sauté the vegetables on the stove
until they are mostly cooked, pour in the eggs, and cook them almost like scrambled
eggs until they are half done. They will finish cooking the frittata in the oven, which
allows the eggs to stay light and fluffy. We’ll be eating the frittata in slices, like a pie.
6. Ask students to wash their hands and join their table groups.
At the Table
1. Small-group check-in: What is your favorite way to eat eggs? What is one of your
favorite breakfast foods?
2. Introduce the jobs and demonstrate how to prepare the ingredients on the platter.
Review how to mince.
3. Explain that we’ll be cutting the vegetables into fairly small pieces so that we get a
6. Eat.
7. Clean up.
Teaching Notes
Eggs: The recipe calls for 8 to 20 eggs. When making this recipe with a class, we always use 8
eggs because it cooks a little bit faster.
What’s a frittata? For students who are unfamiliar with frittatas, we describe them as a baked
omelette, or like a quiche without crust.
Cheese inside and on top: We encourage students to put some of the cheese in the egg mixture
and reserve some to sprinkle on top before putting the frittata in the oven.
Cracking an egg: We like to demonstrate how to crack an egg while the students are working.
Most students know how, but for the few who are unfamiliar with the skill, it can feel
embarrassing and vulnerable to admit that to their groupmates.
Raw egg: Show students how to work next to the compost bucket while cracking the eggs so
they don’t drip raw egg everywhere.
Eggs and cheese: Some students can be hesitant about the combination at first, but even those
who profess to hate eggs and cheese together tend to love the frittata.
Cooking rates: The recipe says to add the vegetables and herbs at the same time, but this is a
good lesson to prompt students to recall the idea of cooking rates and add them to the
pan at different times (aromatics, then crunchy, then leafy).
Hot sauce diversity: We made multiple hot sauces available to our students during this lesson
(Crystal, Tapatío, Cholula, Sriracha). Students often identified very strongly with one
or two hot sauces and were very happy to see their own hot sauce because it was an
opportunity for them to see their culture represented in the space.
Onions: We used spring onion instead of bulb onion for this lesson because it is less irritating to
the eyes. When cooking frittatas with seventh and eighth graders, we generally use bulb
onions, but for sixth graders, spring onions are a better choice in our experience.
Browning: This lesson is a good opportunity to show students how a little bit of browning on the
bottom of the pan can add a lot of flavor.
Herbs: We use a variety of herbs in this lesson so that students can taste them and choose
which to include in their frittata. Encourage students to use all their senses when
choosing the herbs.
Fairness: Sometimes students become anxious when we start cutting the frittata for serving. We
find it helps to name that you’re trying to slice the frittata as evenly as you can and that it
is very difficult to make it perfect, so please be understanding of that.
Testing for doneness: You know the frittata is done when the egg looks solid and doesn’t shake
when you shake the pan.
Return and review: This is the first time back in the kitchen for the sixth graders after the fall
rotation. We chose this recipe specifically for this lesson because it is an excellent
opportunity to review knife skills, safety, and kitchen systems.
Board to pan technique: We show students how to add vegetables from their cutting boards to
the pan so that their boards don’t flip and vegetables don’t fall on the floor or counter.
Cleaning practice: Because this is the first time the sixth graders are in the kitchen after their
fall rotation, we like to review standards of cleanliness and hygiene. We make it more
fun and increase student engagement by having them rate the cleanliness of the cooking
station and toolboxes after cooking using their fingers. We use the scale of 1 to 4,
because it mirrors the grading system they use in their academic classes and we find that
doing so increases their buy-in and sense of importance around the assessment. After
they rate the cleanliness, we talk a little bit about what we see that has been cleaned
well and what could be improved.
Frittata for everyone: This year we made frittatas with the seventh and eighth graders as
well as the sixth graders. With seventh and eighth graders, we made the lesson more
challenging by adding salads.
Cast-iron skillet
Cooking rate
RST 6-8.10. By the end of grade 8, read and comprehend science/technical texts in the grades
6-8 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
Techniques 2.7 Taste ingredients and discuss sensory observations using descriptive vocabulary
Concepts 3.8 Approach lessons with intention by thinking through how the recipe relates to the
kitchen, garden, and wider environment as a whole
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Identify geographic features that isolated China before the Han Dynasty.
Explain why certain items were valuable for trade along the Silk Road.
During this lesson, students will:
Name ideas, goods, and foods from China that were traded along the Silk Road
Name a geographic features that isolated China before the Han Dynasty
F o r t h e C h ef Meet i n g I n g r e d i e n ts
F o r t h e S te a m e d D u m pl i n gs
Steamed Dumplings recipe
Extra-firm tofu Sesame oil
Dipping Sauce recipe
Carrots Salt
Piece of silk
Napa or Savoy cabbage Fresh ginger
Ingredients and tools
for demonstration Scallions Garlic (optional)
P r ep a r a t i o n Befo r e Y o u Beg i n
Collect all the tools and ingredients, and then distribute them to the tables.
Gather supplies for the Chef Meeting.
Create the visual aid.
Copy the Steamed Dumplings recipe to hand out.
Copy the Dipping Sauce recipe to hand out.
Press the tofu to remove excess moisture.
At the Chef M ee ting
1. Today we are starting a four-lesson series in which we’ll be talking about the Silk
Road. Could someone help us out—what do I mean when I say the “Silk Road”? What
do you know about the Silk Road already?
2. The Silk Road was an ancient trading route that stretched 4,000 miles, all the way
from China to Rome. It started more than 2,000 years ago, and lasted for almost
1,000 years. It existed in a time before trains, planes, cars, phones, computers, and
email, so the goods, religions, ideas, and food traded along the Silk Road were all
carried by foot or animal. Over the next four lessons, we’ll be traveling along the Silk
Road—from China, to northern India, to Rome—and cooking foods that originated
in each of those regions. Today I’m going to tell you a story about how the Silk Road
started in China. Part of this story is also how the dumpling made it to China—
because believe it or not, the dumpling was not always. The beginning of our story
takes us back 2,000 years ago, to around 150 BC in Imperial China.
3. Tell the story of how the Silk Road began in China. This story involves three groups
of people—the Chinese, Xiongnu, and Yuezhi—and begins more than 2,000 years
ago, in 198 BC. Back at this time, the Chinese Empire was geographically isolated by
the Pacific Ocean to the east, the Himalayan, Kunlun, and Karakoram mountains to
the west, and the Taklimakan and Gobi deserts to the northwest. The Chinese only
had extensive contact with one group: the Xiongnu (now known as the Huns). The
4. Prompt students to reference the visual aid: What were some items the Chinese might
have traded for these horses? What made silk especially valuable as a trading item? (It
was lightweight, packable, couldn’t break, and only the Chinese knew how to make it.)
5. They exchanged a variety of goods for the horses (silk was the most valuable and
sought-after), built up their army, and eventually secured their northern border,
ensuring safe passage along the Gansu Corridor for continued trade—this was the
beginning of the Silk Road.
6. Dumplings were originally a food developed by the Xiongnu and other nomadic
people of Central Asia. Their importance in Chinese culture is evidence of the cultural
exchanges that occurred even between peoples at war. Today we are making a
Chinese version of the dumpling, with tofu, vegetables, soy sauce, and hoisin sauce.
7. Next lesson we’ll be continuing this story, moving west to northern India, and looking
at the history of the Silk Road there.
At the Table
1. Small-group check-in: What is your favorite food to eat that is wrapped, or that has
an inside and an outside (e.g., dumplings, empanadas, ravioli, enchiladas, pork buns)?
2. Explain that class will happen in two parts: First we’ll prepare the dumpling filling,
then we’ll come back together to clear the table and wrap the dumplings.
3. Introduce the filling jobs and emphasize that all the ingredients should be cut, grated,
or minced into very small pieces.
5. Prepare the filling, wrap the dumplings, and set the table.
6. Eat.
7. Clean up.
Teaching Notes
Narrative-style Chef Meeting: We treat this Chef Meeting like a story. We find that presenting
the information in a narrative style engages the students deeply in Silk Road history and
sets them up well to be curious about “what comes next” for their next three lessons. It
differs from most of our other Chef Meetings in that there is a greater amount of teacher
talk time and we don’t emphasize direct student participation as much. Dramatic,
engaging storytelling is very important to make this lesson a success—but when it is, it
often has the students on the edges of their seats in rapt attention the way only a good
story can.
Two-part lesson: We teach the cooking portion of this lesson in two parts. First, all the students
work on preparing the filling. Then we clear off the table, demonstrate how to wrap a
dumpling, and everyone wraps the dumplings together. When we’re introducing the jobs,
we explain that the first part of the lesson (making the filling) should happen fairly quickly
so that we have enough time to wrap, cook, and eat the dumplings.
Shredding the cabbage: We like to shred the cabbage ahead of time for our students. We have
found that it is difficult for them to shred it finely enough to cook fully in the short time it
takes the dumplings to cook.
Flexible recipe: The filling in this recipe is quite flexible. Add more vegetables if you need more
work or eliminate some if you need less. We often add one or two cloves of garlic
because it’s a delicious addition and students love to practice mincing.
Dumpling skins: We buy our dumpling skins premade (often found in the freezer section or next
to the tofu). We like to get a combination of square and round skins because students like
to experiment with both shapes. If you make the skins from scratch, note that the dough
needs to rest 30 minutes to two hours, or in the fridge overnight. Rolling the skins thin
enough for steaming can be challenging.
Ginger: The ginger should be prepared in very small pieces. If mincing, show students how to peel
the ginger with a spoon. If using a microplane grater, there’s no need to peel before grating.
Tasting the Dipping Sauce: Some of our students discovered that when they were tasting the
Dipping Sauce, the sesame oil coated their fingers or spoons so that it was all they could
taste. All the flavors will be present when served with the dumplings.
Seasoning the filling: We put the soy sauce, hoisin sauce, sesame oil, salt, and pepper on a
separate table (the Spice Table in our Kitchen Classroom) so that students can have
convenient access to measure all these ingredients. We highlight these ingredients on a
copy of the recipe and hang it above the Spice Table so students can be independent.
Dessert dumpling challenge: A fun challenge for conversation at the table is to prompt students
to imagine delicious dessert dumpling recipes.
Meat dumplings: Replace pork for tofu and knead the pork with some salt first.
Silk Road Cultural exchange
Geographically isolated Dumpling
Gansu Corridor Steamer
Xiongnu Wok
Connections to Standards
Californi a State , History–S ocial Science , Gra de 6
6.6.2 Explain the geographic features of China that made governance and the spread of ideas
and goods difficult and served to isolate the country from the rest of the world.
6.6.7 Cite the significance of the trans-Eurasian “silk roads” in the period of the Han Dynasty
and Roman Empire and their locations.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Describe how religions in general, and Buddhism in particular, spread along the Silk Road.
During this lesson, students will:
Name ideas, goods, and foods from India that were traded along the Silk Road.
I dentify Buddhism as a religion that spread from India to China along the Silk Road and describe
how the local culture and geography of each place impacted the depictions of Buddha.
easure, toast, grind, and combine spices for the Vegetable Curry and taste and season the
F o r t h e C h ef Meet i n g I n g r e d i e n ts F o r t h e C u r r y S p i ce M i x
Coconut milk
Cilantro (optional)
At the Chef M ee ting
1. Welcome students and introduce the lesson for the day: making vegetable curry
and learning about India’s contributions to the Silk Road. We will be traveling to
the city of Kashgar, an oasis town on the western edge of the Taklimakan Desert.
Though Kashgar isn’t technically in India, it was a central meeting place for the three
main regions of the Silk Road: China, India, and Rome. Many of the items that were
traded from India along the Silk Road passed through Kashgar, including a variety of
religions that spread along the Silk Road.
2. During the time of the Silk Road, Kashgar was one of if not the greatest market city
in the world. Imagine arriving from a months-long journey through deserts, over
mountains, and across treacherous terrain to a city bustling with activity. At its peak,
caravans of more than a thousand camels or yaks arrived each day carrying silk,
spices, gold, gemstones, and people from every part of the world. There was not a
greater mixing pot of people and cultures than Kashgar. Walking through the streets,
you would see goods from all over the world and hear more languages spoken than
any other place on Earth at the time.
3. Prompt students to imagine they are walking through a Kashgar market. Ask them to
recall goods traded from China along the Silk Road. What are some of the things they
might see being traded from China? What about from India? Encourage students to
use the visual aid to do some “research.”
5. Explain that many religions spread along the Silk Road (including Zoroastrianism,
Manichaeism, Buddhism, and, later, Christianity and Islam). This was partly because
of the diversity of people who traveled the road. At a time when most people lived
their entire lives within the same small village or town, people with new ideas were
often drawn to Silk Road trade routes or cities like Kashgar where they were less
likely to face persecution for being different.
6. The Silk Road also offered an ideal place for missionaries to make a living. Travelers
along the often-treacherous routes (the land just outside Kashgar towards China was
known as the “Trail of Bones” because so many travelers lost their lives there) were
well known to take out “insurance” against whatever misfortune might befall them
by donating to whatever religious person or group they might encounter. Buddhists
especially proliferated along the Silk Road, where the fact that they were willing to
live isolated and simple lives allowed them to be happy living with less. They set up
temples and way houses where many travelers stayed the night in return for a small
payment, and often left with a new religion.
7. As religions spread, they often changed according to the unique cultures of the
people that practiced them. This is reflected in the difference in appearance between
the Indian and Chinese buddhas. What differences do you notice between these two
buddha depictions?
8. The Indian buddha represents Siddhartha, the rich young prince who renounced his
birthright as ruler to travel throughout India on the search for enlightenment. On his
journey, he almost starved to death before encountering “the middle road,” a way of
living that involved neither deprivation or excess. The Chinese buddha is one of many
Chinese buddha depictions, and likely is modeled after an overweight friendly zen
monk or healer that traveled the Chinese countryside in 950 AD helping people.
9. Today we are making vegetable curry. This food is another example of something
that spread throughout Asia during this time but was greatly influenced by the local
cultures of the places that adopted it. There are different types of curry all over Asia
that use different combinations of spices. Today we are making a version of curry
representative of one that might be made in southern India, with coconut, mustard
seeds, and curry leaves.
10. Ask students to wash their hands and go to their table groups.
At the Table
1. Small-group check-in: What item would you want to trade for from India?
2. Review the recipe and explain that just like with the Autumn Harvest Soup lesson,
today we’ll be using the concept of cooking rates to decide what order our ingredients
get added to the curry as we cook. We’ll start with the “aromatics” or “flavor base”—in
Teaching Notes
“Spiced” vs. “Spicy”: When they learn we’re cooking with spices, some students are nervous
that the curry will be too spicy for them. We’re careful to make the distinction between a
dish that is highly “spiced” and one that is “spicy.” This is not a spicy curry.
Masala paste: The ground-up blend of curry powder, garlic, and ginger is called “masala paste”
and serves as the flavor base for this recipe. Preparing the ingredients this way is fun
(students love to use the mortar and pestle) and helps to intensify the curry flavor. If
you’re in a rush or don’t have a mortar and pestle, you may mince the garlic and ginger
and skip grinding them together with the dry spices—just add them all to the pot when
you would the masala paste.
Curry leaves: Curry leaves are the aromatic leaves of the curry tree, native to subtropical areas of
India and South Asia. They are optional in this recipe, but highly recommended if you can
find them. They freeze well and may be used directly out of the freezer as if they are fresh.
Kohlrabi: We used kohlrabi when we taught this lesson and students loved it! They were very
excited to try a novel vegetable. We often described it as like a cross between an apple
and a broccoli stem, which tended to promote buy-in.
Paying it forward: Each class uses curry powder made by previous classes to prepare their curry
and makes a batch of fresh curry powder for the following class in this lesson. We do this
because it helps to streamline the process time-wise. We always share this information
at the beginning of class so that students are prepared to part with the curry powder that
they personally grind.
Curry powder: We make our own curry powder from scratch because it is fun (students love
using the mortar and pestle to grind the spices) and results in a more vibrant flavor. This
recipe is also delicious with store-bought curry powder. We tell our students this because
many of them may not have access to a wide variety of spices at home.
Toasting the spices: Toast the spices just until the mustard seeds begin to pop and the cumin
seeds begin to get darker. Be careful not to toast too long to avoid an acrid, or burnt, taste.
Grinding the spices: It is easier to grind the whole spices to a fine powder if you wait until after the
wholes spices are fully ground to add the turmeric and chile flakes to the mortar and pestle.
Other uses for curry powder: This curry powder is delicious on popcorn, roasted nuts and seeds,
or roasted vegetables.
Preventing burning: This curry tastes best when the masala paste has been thoroughly fried
in oil. That makes this lesson an excellent opportunity to show students how to deglaze
the pan with water to scrape up bits of flavor that get stuck to the bottom and prevent
“No thank you” portions: Some of our students were hesitant about trying this recipe because it
was unfamiliar to them and highly flavored. We always serve them very small “no thank
you” portions so that they have the opportunity to take a small taste if they want to.
Almost without fail, every student that tried a small taste came back for a full serving.
Toast (spices)
Bloom (spices)
Connections to Standards
Californi a State , History–S ocial Science , Gra de 6
6.6.7 Cite the significance of the trans-Eurasian “silk roads” in the period of the Han Dynasty
and Roman Empire and their locations.
Read about this lesson in the ESY Berkeley Journal.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Make connections between the diets of historic cultures and foods we eat today.
During this lesson, students will:
Answer questions about the spread of Roman ideas, goods, and food along the Silk Road.
earn that noodles and pasta were important foods in ancient Rome and China, and will
arefully follow a precise process to make handmade noodles from scratch, and compare the
F o r t h e C h ef Meet i n g
F o r t h e Ho m e m a d e H a n d - Rolle d P a st a F o r t h e G r e m ol a t a
T ools Equipment
Zester Paring knives Collect all the tools and ingredients, and
Grater Cutting boards then distribute them to the tables.
Crinkle cutter Measuring cups Gather supplies for the Chef Meeting.
Spider strainer Measuring spoons Create the visual aid.
Pasta crimper Forks Copy the Homemade Hand-Rolled Pasta
Rolling pins recipe to hand out.
Copy the Gremolata recipe to hand out.
Prepare pasta dough (if possible, use
dough made in an earlier class).
At the Chef M ee ting
1. Welcome students and introduce Rome as the final stop on their Silk Road journey.
Today we’re going to learn how silk made it to Rome and almost made the Roman
Empire go broke.
2. Remind students of the long trip through China and India, and ask for examples of
important goods, ideas, and foods from each region that were traded on the Silk
Road. Have students recall the foods they prepared in class when studying those
3. Explain that Rome was one of the most powerful empires in the history of the
Western world. It began in Italy and expanded to include most of Europe, North
Africa, Egypt, and Syria over a period of 500 years. The Roman Empire became part
of the Silk Road 200 years after China. And the Romans were absolutely crazy
about silk.
4. Our story begins after the treaty between the Chinese and Xiongnu in 198 BC in
which Emperor Gaozu gave his daughter to the Xiongnu and began to pay an annual
5. Prompt students to use the visual aid: What were some of the goods traded by the
Romans for silk?
6. The Romans started spending so much gold on silk that by 14 CE Emperor Tiberius
actually introduced a ban on silk to try and rein in Roman spending. The Romans
wanted to make silk themselves, but the Chinese carefully guarded the secret of how
to make silk because it was a source of great wealth for their empire.
7. Buddhism was not the only religion to spread along the Silk Road; Christianity also
came by way of missionaries from the Roman Empire (and Islam from the Middle
East, though not until later). In 552 CE, two Assyrian Christian monks visited China,
learned the secret of silk, and smuggled out silkworms and mulberry seeds in their
walking sticks (Assyria was at this time a province of the Roman Empire). The
Romans could then make their own silk, though it was never of the same quality as
that made by the Chinese.
8. Today we are making Homemade Hand-Rolled Pasta with Gremolata. Noodles, like
silk, originated in China and came to Italy by way of the Silk Road where they became
very popular. Today we are making an Italian version of the Chinese-originated dish.
9. Review the recipes and demonstrate how to make the dough directly on the table or
in a mixing bowl.
10. Ask students to wash their hands and join their table group.
At the Table
1. Small-group check-in: What is your favorite way to eat noodles or pasta?
3. Divide into three working groups: The first group of students rolls, cuts, and cooks the
pasta using previously prepared pasta dough. The second group of students prepares
pasta dough for the following class. The third group of students grates cheese and
prepares the gremolata.
Dough: We made four batches of dough with each class of about 30 students (each of the three
table groups made one batch, and we made a sample batch as part of the Chef Meeting
at the beginning of class).
Pay it forward: This dough needs at least 20 minutes to rest and can rest overnight in the fridge
(it rolls best when warm, so it is best to give it at least 15 minutes to warm up at room
temperature if you keep it in the fridge). We use the pay-it-forward model by having each
class make dough for the following class. We made four batches of dough before the first
class in the rotation.
Flour: Every table should have its own container of flour to minimize mess and make more flour
easily accessible to keep the dough from getting too sticky.
Science of pasta dough: We found that explaining the “why” behind the dough-making process
helped our students to make more successful pasta. You let the dough rest so that it’s
not too tough and won’t crack when you try to roll it out. The dough only has to rest 20
minutes, and beyond that, more resting doesn’t considerably change the consistency.
You mix the wet and dry ingredients together relatively slowly as opposed to dumping
them all in a bowl at the same time in order to avoid big clumps and get the smoothest
possible dough, but you don’t have to mix so slowly that it’s a grain of flour at a time.
Kneading: We reference the Pan de los Muertos lesson that the sixth graders did in the fall to
remind them of kneading technique. We explain that you don’t want the dough sticky,
but you want to add as little flour as you can get away with to keep it from getting sticky.
Your goal with kneading is to produce a smooth texture, so you don’t want to tear the
dough (you want to organize the proteins in the flour into a neat structure, which tearing
disrupts. This highly organized protein structure is what yields the best texture for pasta).
Rolling the dough: The dough should be rolled very thin. This is most easily done if the recipe is
portioned into at least four or more pieces as opposed to being rolled as one large piece.
Pass-it-on rolling technique: We generally break students into three groups to complete this
recipe: making dough, rolling dough, and making gremolata. The dough makers and
gremolata makers will likely finish in time to also have a turn to roll out and cut dough.
Have students who rolled the first few pieces of dough teach the students who start
later. Tell the first rollers that this will happen so they can practice perfecting their
technique and plan how they’ll teach their classmates.
Cutting the pasta: We cut our pasta with roller cutters, bench scrapers, or a knife on the cutting
board. With roller cutters, it’s important to press firmly and roll one way in order to get the
cleanest cut. In terms of shape, there are a million ways to cut pasta and every single one
is delicious. A favorite of our students is making bowties, by cutting out rectangles and
then crimping the middles.
Putting it all together: There are many ways to assemble the gremolata, cheese, olive oil, salt,
and pasta for the final dish. We found the gremolata tastes best if you massage the
parsley, lemon zest, and garlic with salt, then toss it with oiled pasta, then put cheese
on top. Students also love to just throw little bits of each component into the bowl as the
pasta comes out of the pot and assemble the dish little by little.
Dietary restrictions: We always keep gluten-free and vegan versions of the recipe on hand for
students who may need them.
Cultural influence
Status symbol
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are developed in collaboration with the teachers
and staff of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Cite the contributions of China, India, and Rome to the Silk Road.
Describe the significance of trade along the Silk Road on how we eat today.
Explain the magnitude of cultural exchange that occurred as a result of trade along the Silk Road.
During this lesson, students will:
Name ideas, goods, and foods from China, India, and Rome that were traded along the Silk Road.
Trade goods and foods they have for goods and foods they need to prepare rice pudding.
rade goods and foods silently, using visual cues and other forms of silent communication to
F o r t h e C h ef Meet i n g I n g r e d i e n ts
Cast-iron Dutch oven Collect all the tools and ingredients, and then distribute them to the tables.
Zester Gather supplies for the Chef Meeting.
Wooden spoon Create the visual aid.
Chef’s knives Copy the Rice Pudding recipe to hand out.
Paring knives Copy the Trading Values sheet, one for each table.
Cutting boards Copy the China worksheet, once for the corresponding table.
Measuring cups Copy the India worksheet, once for the corresponding table.
Measuring spoons Copy the Rome worksheet, once for the corresponding table.
Prepare the rice.
At the Chef M ee ting
1. Meet the students outside and instruct them to wash their hands and go directly to
their tables when they enter the kitchen.
2. Welcome students to the kitchen for the culminating lesson of their Silk Road journey.
Inform the students that today each table will represent China, India, or Rome.
Explain that on each table, under the tablecloth, is a set of goods and foods that
is unique to each region. Explain that today’s recipe uses ingredients from all three
regions of study along the Silk Road: China, India, and Rome. The recipe is a secret
that will be revealed at the end of the trading.
3. Invite students at each table to state their region, and make educated guesses about
items that might be under the tablecloth using the visual aid provided.
4. Explain that each table has a worksheet that provides a list of the goods and
foods needed to prepare the secret recipe, and also a Trading Values sheet, which
replicates information found on the visual aid.
5. Explain that students will work in pairs, and are responsible for trading their region’s
items in two places: once in each of the other regions.
6. Tell students that once all groups have all the necessary ingredients, there will be
a final trade: information for information. Students will explain the item they were
trading and what their item was worth in the other regions. In return, the teachers
will give them the secret recipe.
7. Tell students that as a final challenge, the trading period will be silent. That means
no one may speak, not even to individuals within their own group. This is because on
the Silk Road, many traders did not share a common language, making other forms of
communication crucial.
2. Unveil the ingredients and assign each pair of students an item to trade.
3. Have students use the worksheet to determine what goods and foods from their
region they need for the recipe, so they know what remains for trade.
4. Have students visit the other regions (tables) to make their trades. As students are
trading, have the scribe keep track of the goods and foods that are coming to the table.
5. Once all the trading is complete, have each pair of students relay what good or food
they traded and what it was worth in the other two regions.
6. Tell students that the secret recipe they will be preparing is rice pudding, and give
them the recipe so they can begin to cook.
Teaching Notes
Small-group Chef Meetings: We do the chef meeting at our small groups for this lesson instead
of gathering around the middle table. This helps to focus students’ energy (which tends
to be high upon entering and seeing the concealed items on each table) and generally
results in students having a better understanding of the trading process, which can feel
complicated to some when it is explained to the full class.
Synchronizing timing: Doing small-group chef meetings instead of one large meeting together
can make it difficult to coordinate timing across groups. It is important that the trading
begins all at the same time, so the three table teachers signal to one another that their
groups are ready to trade by standing up. When all three teachers are standing, one
signals the beginning of the silent trading period by hitting a gong—the clue to students
that it is time for silence.
Silent trading period: We have our students trade in silence because it helps to keep the energy
more focused during this very exciting activity. It also is a fun challenge for students to
find new forms of communication to make the necessary trades.
Dietary restrictions: Keep alternatives on hand for vegan or lactose-intolerant students. Coconut
milk and oil work as excellent substitutes for dairy milk and butter in this recipe.
Cardamom: Smashing the cardamom pod to slightly open it helps to release its flavor.
Raisins: The recipe calls for adding the recipes into the pudding, but we always facilitate a group
decision about whether to add the raisins or keep them as an optional topping because
some students have a strong dislike of raisins.
Citrus: We teach students how to supreme the orange (and lemons) by cutting off the skin and
then cutting out segments, resulting in citrus slices without pith.
Mango: The mango is often a very popular topping. Cut it up small so that everyone can have
Fair share: When we sit down to eat, we always explicitly name that because we are sharing
toppings as a group and everyone will be serving their own, it is important to take only
enough of each so that everyone who wants some can have some.
When is it done? Students often wonder if you can you overcook rice pudding, or how to tell
when the pudding is done. We explain that you can’t overcook rice pudding because
deciding when it is done is based on personal preferences around texture and thickness.
The longer it cooks, the thicker it will be.
Stirring: Stirring the rice pudding helps it to develop a creamy texture by releasing the starch
from the rice, like risotto.
Leftover rice: We always point out to our students that this recipe is an excellent use for leftover
rice. Many are very excited to hear this because they often have leftover rice at home.
Sending spices home: We try to keep a few extra spices on hand for students to take home if
they want to make the rice pudding.
Exchange rate
Connections to Standards
Californi a State , History-So cial Science , Gra de 6
6.6.7 Cite the significance of the trans-Eurasian “silk roads” in the period of the Han Dynasty
and Roman Empire and their locations.
6.7.8 Discuss the legacies of Roman art and architecture, technology and science, literature,
language, and law.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
WHAT WE NEED to begin:
12 cups Rice
______ 4 cups Rice
3 Oranges
______ 4 cups Milk
3 Cast Iron Pots ______ 2/3 cup Sugar
18 Dried Apricots ______ 2 Eggs
______ 1/2 cup Raisins
6 Lemons
______ 6 Dried Apricots
______ 4 Cardamom Pods
______ 1 teaspoon Cinnamon
______ 1 Orange
______ 2 Lemons
______ 2 Mangos
______ 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
______ 2 tablespoons Butter
______ 1 Cast Iron Pot
______ Glassware
(12 cups, 2 water pitchers)
WHAT WE NEED to begin:
Vanilla Extract
C u rr i c u lu m : k i tch en
their impacts on Carrots technological, and commercial
by using different cuts and sizes developments during the Tang and
rice production and Cilantro while demonstrating knife safety
Chinese culture Sung periods.
Garlic and care.
Greens Concepts 3.11 Make connections
K7 – 2 Middle Eastern Meze The influence of the Carrots Edible Schoolyard 2.0 California State:
(90-110 Min) Platter (hummus, pita, four climatic regions of Mint In the Kitchen, Grade 7: History-Social Science
T h e E d i b le S c h ooly a r d Be r keley
cruditee, and dates) the Arabian Peninsula Tools 1.3: Select correct knives from
on regional agriculture Parsley 7.2.1 Identify the physical features
the ESY Toolbox. Refine knife skills and describe the climate of the
and diet Lemons by using different cuts and sizes Arabian Peninsula, its relationship to
while demonstrating knife safety surrounding bodies of land and water,
and care. and nomadic and sedentary ways of
Techniques 2.4: Understand the life.
versatility of ingredients, and
realize that certain ingredients are
available in particular seasons.
K7 – 3 Ghanaian Black Eyed The global movement Onions Edible Schoolyard 2.0 California State:
(50 Min) Peas of food during and Greens In the Kitchen, Grade 7: History-Social Science
as a result of the Concepts 3.11 Make connections
Columbian Exchange Carrots 7.11.2 Discuss the exchanges of plants,
between the diets of historic animals, technology, culture, and ideas
Potatoes cultures and the foods we eat among Europe, Africa, Asia and the
Cilantro today Americas in the fifteenth and sixteenth
centuries and major economic and
social effects on each continent.
7 t h G r a d e K i tc h e n S c o p e a n d S e q u e n c e
K7 – 4 Three Sisters Tacos Comparison of ancient Beans Edible Schoolyard 2.0 California State:
(80-90 Min) (corn tortillas, beans, Mesoamerican and Cilantro In the Kitchen, Grade 7: History-Social Sciences
roasted squash, modern agricultural Tools 1.1: Use and care for tools
cabbage slaw) techniques Onions 7.7.1 Study the locations, landforms,
and equipment at the ESY Cooking and climates of Mexico, Central
Garlic Station, and begin to choose the America, and South America and their
Winter squash right tool for each job. effects on Mayan, Aztec, and Incan
Concepts 3.11: Make historical economies, trade, and development on
connections between the diets of urban societies.
ROTAT I ON 2 - sp r ing
L ess o n # R ec ipe M ai n Fo c us F rom the Garden ESY Standard Aca de mic Con n ect i o n
K7 – 5 Tortilla Scramble Coordinating the Cilantro Edible Schoolyard 2.0 Common Core:
(80-100 Min) timing of two recipes Eggs In the Kitchen, Grade 7: ELA and Literacy:
Techniques 2.7: Refine tasting skills
Onions SL.7.1. Engage effectively in a range of
and adjust seasoning, compare collaborative discussions (one-on-one,
Potatoes and contrast different recipes in in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse
conversation using more advanced partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and
descriptive vocabulary. issues, building on others’ ideas and
Concepts 3.9: Collaborate to expressing their own clearly.
identify, choose, and complete jobs RI.7.7 Integrate information presented in
to execute recipes, and explain different media or formats (e.g., visually,
each individual contribution to the quantitatively) as well as in words to
end result. develop a coherent understanding of a
topic or issue.
RST.6-8.3. Follow precisely a multistep
procedure when carrying out
experiments, taking measurements, or
performing technical tasks.
7 t h G r a d e K i tc h e n S c o p e a n d S e q u e n c e
252 C urriculu m: ki tc h e n
L ess o n # R ec ipe M ai n Fo c us F rom the Garden ESY Standard Aca de mic Con n ect i o n
K7 – 6 Udon Noodle Soup Coordinating the Broccoli Edible Schoolyard 2.0 Common Core:
(80-100 min) timing of a variety of Carrots In the Kitchen, Grade 7: ELA and Literacy:
recipes Tools 1.3 Select correct knives from
Cilantro RH.6-8.7. Integrate visual information
the ESY Toolbox. Refine knife skills with other information in print and
Eggs by using different cuts and sizes digital texts.
Green onions while demonstrating knife safety
C u rr i c u lu m : k i tch en
RST.6-8.3. Follow precisely a multistep
Leeks and care.
procedure when carrying out
Sugar snap peas Techniques 2.4 Understand the
experiments, taking measurements, or
versatility of ingredients, and performing technical tasks.
realize that certain ingredients are
available in particular seasons.
Techniques 2.7 Refine tasting skills
and adjust seasoning, compare
and contrast different recipes in
conversation using more advanced
descriptive vocabulary.
T h e E d i b le S c h ooly a r d Be r keley
K7 – 8 Sauté, Roast, Steam Cooking techniques Carrots Edible Schoolyard 2.0 Common Core:
(80-100 Min) and group decision- Herbs In the Kitchen, Grade 7: ELA and Literacy:
making Tools 1.3: Select correct knives from
Lemons RST.6-8.7. Integrate quantitative or
the ESY Toolbox. Refine knife skills technical information expressed in
Onions by using different cuts and sizes words in a text with a version of that
while demonstrating knife safety information expressed visually (e.g., in
and care. a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or
Techniques 2.4: Understand the table)
K7 – 9 Iron Chef Assessment Seasonal vegetables Edible Schoolyard 2.0 Common Core:
(80-100 Min) Teamwork and Herbs In the Kitchen, Grade 7: ELA and Literacy:
collaboration, kitchen Eggs Assessment: ALL SL.7.1.b. Follow rules for collegial
skills and systems discussions, track progress toward
specific goals and deadlines, and define
individual roles as needed.
SL.7.1.c. Pose questions that elicit
elaboration and respond to others’
questions and comments with relevant
observations and ideas that bring the
discussion back on topic as needed.
SL.7.1.d. Acknowledge new information
expressed by others and, when
warranted, modify their own views.
7 t h G r a d e K i tc h e n S c o p e a n d S e q u e n c e
254 Curriculu m: ki tc h e n
k i tc h e n L esso n # 1 G r a d e 7 , Fa ll R o tat i o n
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Describe how technological and agricultural advancements during the Song Dynasty in China
resulted in the ability of Chinese farmers to grow surplus rice.
Explain why the ability of Song Dynasty farmers to grow surplus rice resulted in major cultural,
technological, and scientific developments during that time period.
Give examples of cultural, technological, and scientific developments that occurred in China
during the Song Dynasty.
Explain the connection between time, money, and cultural development.
Give examples of components of their own cultures.
Cut vegetables at an angle.
During this lesson, students will:
Describe how technological and agricultural advancements during the Song Dynasty in China
resulted in the ability of Chinese farmers to grow surplus rice.
Explain that rice was the staple crop in Song Dynasty China, and describe why the ability
of Song Dynasty farmers to grow surplus rice resulted in major cultural, technological, and
scientific developments during that time period.
Name cultural, technological, and scientific developments that occurred in China during the
Song Dynasty.
Describe how they spend their time and money, and how those choices impact their “personal
culture of one.”
Reflect on attributes that define the cultures of Berkeley, King Middle School, their families and
friends, and their “personal cultures of one.”
Cut vegetables at an angle.
Vegetable Fried Rice recipe Crinkle cutter Collect all the ingredients and tools, and
Ingredients and tools for Wooden spatulas then distribute them to the tables.
demonstration Chef’s knives Gather supplies for the Chef Meeting.
Visual aid Paring knives Create the visual aid.
At the Chef M ee ting
Version #1 (if students have not seen the f lipped classroom video)
1. Welcome students and introduce the recipe for the day: Vegetable Fried Rice. People
cook different styles of fried rice all around the world. Today we’re going to cook a
version based on the traditional southern Chinese style, and we’ll be looking back at a
time in history when rice became China’s staple crop.
2. Believe it or not, until around 2,000 years ago, most people in China ate wheat or
millet for every meal. But starting with the Song Dynasty, rice became a staple crop.
4. Describe how time- and labor-intensive it was for people at this time to feed
themselves, and how droughts or storms could often mean a year’s entire crop might
be lost because farmers could only grow one crop per season.
5. Explain how advances in technology (the chain pump, the harrow) reduced the
manual labor required to grow rice, and how agricultural developments (quick-
growing, drought-resistant rice introduced from the Kingdom of Champa, or
modern-day Vietnam) allowed farmers to produce more crops of rice in a year
6. Ask students to define the term “surplus.” Encourage students to “do some research”
by referring the visual aid. Wait until every hand in the class is raised to call on
7. Describe how the surplus of rice led to a population increase, along with the
emergence of trade, commerce, urbanization, and leisure time. All these things, in
turn, led to the advancement of Chinese culture, technology, and science.
8. Share some examples of the innovations that occurred during the Song Dynasty in
China, including paper money, the compass, mass production of steel, gunpowder,
and major advancements in understanding magnetism, optics, and that the sun and
moon were round, not flat. Describe how the ceramics, poetry, and paintings from the
Song Dynasty are still some of the most admired artistic artifacts in the world today.
10. We’ve been talking about culture, but that can be a big concept. What is culture?
Facilitate students in generating a list of components/aspects of culture. This may
include things like music, greetings, clothes, food, religion, etc.
11. Transition from the list of components of culture to a share out by naming that
aspects of Song Dynasty culture are still present in our culture today. One example of
a cultural element from Song Dynasty China that is still widely present today is that
most Chinese people started eating rice and drinking tea instead of eating wheat and
millet and drinking wine during the Song Dynasty—these traditions persist today and
form the foundation of what most of us know and recognize as traditional Chinese
cuisine. Another example is that the Song Dynasty was the first society in world
history to institutionalize a “merit bureaucracy,” or “civil service,” in which government
officials were selected for their moral qualities and performance on the civil service
exam, not for their wealth or social status. This concept—that the state was
responsible for ensuring people’s welfare through moral, judicious, and just rule—was
one of the founding ideas of American society. Even though almost one thousand
years have passed since the time of the Song Dynasty, the agricultural developments
in China during this time that allowed farmers to grow surplus rice were a big deal!
Developments and ideas that are still very important in our lives today originated all
the way back then.
12. Our culture today is a big collage of aspects and influences of many other cultures.
Ask for students to share elements of their own cultures based on the categories on
the class-generated list. Thank students for their input.
13. Ask students to wash their hands and join their table group.
2. Think-Pair-Share: Before coming here, you all saw a video about some agricultural
and cultural developments that occurred during the Song Dynasty in China—if you’ll
recall, rice was at the center of that story. Take a moment to think back on what
you remember from the video. Use the visual aid for reference. (Give students 10-20
seconds of silent reflection). Now turn to a neighbor and take about two minutes to
recall as much as you can from the video. See how much detail you can use to explain
the historical processes represented on the poster.
3. Facilitate a full-class summary of the historical content from the video: With a raised
hand, who can share one or two points from their conversation with their neighbor?
4. We’ve been talking about culture, but that can be a big concept. What is culture?
Facilitate students in generating a list of components/aspects of culture. This may
include things like music, greetings, clothes, food, religion, etc.
5. Transition from the list of components of culture to a share out by naming that
aspects of Song Dynasty culture are still present in our culture today. One example of
a cultural element from Song Dynasty China that is still widely present today is that
most Chinese people started eating rice and drinking tea instead of eating wheat
and millet and drinking wine during the Song Dynasty—these traditions persist
today and form the foundation of what most of us know and recognize as traditional
Chinese cuisine. Another example is that the Song Dynasty was the first society
in world history to institutionalize a “merit bureaucracy,” or “civil service,” in which
government officials were selected for their moral qualities and performance on the
civil service exam, not for their wealth or social status. This concept—that the state
was responsible for people’s welfare through moral, judicious, and just rule—was
one of the founding ideas of American society. Even though almost one thousand
years have passed since the time of the Song Dynasty, the agricultural developments
in China during this time that allowed farmers to grow surplus rice were a big deal!
Developments and ideas that are still very important in our lives today originated all
the way back then.
6. Our culture today is a big collage of aspects and influences of many other cultures.
Ask for students to share elements of their own cultures based on the categories on
the class-generated list. Thank students for their input.
7. Ask students to wash their hands and join their table group.
2. Demonstrate how to cut vegetables at an angle and explain to students that we are
cutting at an angle to make the vegetables easier to pick up with chopsticks, and
also to increase the surface area and decrease cook time. Explain that short, fast
cook time over high heat is characteristic of the stir-fry method that we’ll be using to
prepare the rice.
4. Prepare the recipe and set the table. Provide chopsticks for students who want to use
them, and facilitate a skill share between students who know how to use chopsticks
and those who don’t.
5. Eat. While eating, have students share aspects of culture they identify with. If they
need prompting, have them refer to the class-generated list of components of culture.
6. Clean up.
2. If there is time, ask students to share one aspect of a culture they identify with.
Teaching Notes
Think-Pair-Share as an equity strategy: If students have seen the flipped classroom video
before class, we like to do a “think-pair-share” as a way to review the video content. The
“think”—giving students a few moments of quiet reflection with the visual aid before they
articulate concepts they remember from the video—allows students who take longer
to verbalize their thoughts to participate more fully in the “share” portion of the activity.
The visual aid offers an excellent access point for students who have a harder time
internalizing information from just hearing it. The “pair” portion creates space for every
voice to be heard in a context that can be less intimidating than in front of a whole class.
The “share” portion gleans the collective wisdom from the room and establishes that
all knowledge is shared, placing value on every student’s contribution to the collective
understanding of video content.
Knife safety reminder: This was the first lesson back in the kitchen for our seventh graders. As
such, we included a brief reminder of knife technique and safety when demonstrating
cutting on a bias at the small tables.
Cooking in two batches: Cooking the fried rice on high heat yields a vastly more delicious flavor
and superior texture. In order to ensure even cooking and prevent burning, we cook
our fried rice in two batches, reserving half the ingredients for each round of cooking.
We divide our groups into two cooking teams. While the first cooking team cooks, the
second cooking team finishes collecting ingredients, cleans up the table, and begins to
Eating with chopsticks: Many of our students were not familiar with eating with chopsticks. If a
student in the group was skilled with chopsticks, we often had them teach other students
how to use them. If not, we offered a brief chopstick tutorial at the table just before
eating or while the second cook group was finishing the second batch of rice. If we had
down time at any point during the class, chopstick challenges, in which students were
challenged to move uncooked grains of rice and other objects between bowls, were a big hit.
Cultural context for chopsticks: We ate our fried rice off plates. Some students became
frustrated at how difficult it was to pick the last bits of rice up with chopsticks, which
sometimes prompted them to deride chopsticks as an illogical and difficult eating utensil.
We shared with them that eating rice with chopsticks is typically done out of a rice bowl
that is brought up to your mouth.
Staple crop
Connections to Standards
Common Core
RI.7.2. Determine two or more central ideas in a text and analyze their development over the
course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.
SL.1.a. Come to discussions prepared, having read or researched material under study;
explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue
to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion.
SL.2. Analyze the main ideas and supporting details presented in diverse media and
formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how the ideas clarify a topic,
text, or issue under study.
RH.6-8.3. Identify key steps in a text’s description of a process related to history/social studies.
RH.6-8.7. Integrate visual information with other information in print and digital texts.
RST.6-8.3. Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
Concepts 3.11 Make connections between the diets of historic cultures and the foods we eat today
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
Vegetable Fried Rice Recipe
Vegetable Fried Rice Visual Aid
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Identify the four climatic regions of the Arabian Peninsula and the crops native to each region.
Understand how the climate of each region influenced the lifestyles and diets of people native to that region.
Refine knife skills and practice different cuts and sizes.
During this lesson, students will:
Answer questions about the climatic regions and foods of the Arabian Peninsula.
Describe the four climatic regions of the Arabian Peninsula and discuss their effects lifestyles and diets of
people native to each region.
Cut vegetables into a variety of sizes and shapes based on how they will be eaten (either for dipping in
hummus and yogurt sauce or eating in a pita pocket), and arrange the cut vegetables on a platter with
attention to presentation.
F o r t h e C h ef Meet i n g I n g r e d i e n ts F o r t h e P i ta
T ools Equipment
Garlic peeler Collect all the tools and ingredients and distribute them to the tables.
Mortar and pestle Gather supplies for the Chef Meeting.
Wooden spoons Create the visual aid.
Chef’s knives Copy the Pita recipe to hand out.
Paring knives Copy the Hummus recipe to hand out.
Cutting boards Copy the Yogurt Sauce recipe to hand out.
Measuring beaker Cook the garbanzo beans.
Measuring cups Make a batch of pita dough. Allow to rise 30 minutes to 3 hours at room
Measuring spoons temperature, or overnight in the refrigerator.
At the Chef M ee ting
Version #1 (if students have not seen the f lipped classroom video)
Welcome students and introduce them to the lesson of the day: a Middle Eastern meze
platter. The meze platter is a perfect example of how secrets of world history can be
unlocked simply by studying the food we eat.
1. First, let’s take a moment to recall the previous lesson because today’s story
is directly connected to our story from last week. Ask for student volunteers to
summarize a few key points from the lesson: During the Song Dynasty, Chinese
scientists, engineers, and farmers developed new technology to grow rice more
efficiently, which resulted in a surplus, which led to population growth, urbanization,
and a burgeoning of cultural, scientific, and technological development.
2. Trade is the invisible force behind all of this. Last week we talked about all the
3. Ask students to recall the Silk Road lesson series from sixth grade, when they made
dumplings, curry, pasta, and rice pudding. Explain that today we’ll be moving west
along the Silk Road to the Arabian Peninsula in the Middle East. Explain that the
Arabian Peninsula was the center of trade—for knowledge, ideas, technology, goods,
and food—between the civilizations of Europe, Africa, and Asia for thousands of years.
4. This bring us back to our recipe for the day: a Middle Eastern meze platter. Ask for a
student volunteer to describe what a meze platter is (a variety of small snacks eaten
together as a meal). Meze platters originated in the Middle East, and today are
enjoyed all over the world, especially throughout the Mediterranean region. Typical
components of a meze platter include vegetable salads, grilled meats, dips like hummus
and baba ganoush, cheeses and yogurts, olives, pickles, and flat breads like pita.
5. Meze platters are symbolic of the importance of trade in Middle Eastern history.
Every area has a unique meze platter based on its traditional dishes and ingredients
of the region, and mezes change seasonally. They are a dish made specifically for
socializing, and the story goes that they began thousands of years ago as a way for
people to gather around the table with traders or travelers from out of town, to share
some of the local culinary specialties and enjoy small bites of whatever the visitor
had brought from far away. This mixing of local and foreign food is typical of Middle
Eastern cuisine: As a cuisine that developed at the crossroads of civilization, almost
every Middle Eastern dish is a mix of ingredients and techniques from near and far.
6. Today we’ll be making a meze platter with pita, hummus, yogurt sauce, and raw
vegetables. In keeping with the tradition of meze, we’ll be using seasonal vegetables
from our garden, as well as ingredients from farther away. Our meze represents
ingredients from all four climatic regions of the Arabian Peninsula.
7. Ask students to identify the four climatic regions of the Arabian Peninsula: desert,
oases, coastal plains, and mountains. Review how climate and geography influence
lifestyle and impact diet. Factors such as temperature, precipitation, and soil type
determine what you are able to grow to eat, what materials are available to build
your house with, etc.
Date Palm (Oases): Regarded as the “tree of life.” Part of the tree was used: the
fruit was eaten, the sap was drunk, palm wood was used to build houses, the
leaves were used for roofs, the fibers were woven into rope, hollowed-out trunks
were used as irrigation pipes, and date pits fed to camels.
Wheat (Coastal Plains): Originated in the Middle East and was first domesticated
by the Mesopotamians.
Yogurt (Desert): The nomadic peoples of the desert relied on their herds of goat
and sheep for everything from food to shelter.
9. The meze we’re making today is an Edible Schoolyard–Arabian Peninsula fusion meze.
While we’re cooking, take a moment to reflect on what dishes you might include if
you were to make a meze platter that represented your own home and culture.
10. Ask students to wash their hands and join their table groups.
2. First, let’s take a moment to recall the previous lesson because today’s story
is directly connected to our story from last week. Ask for student volunteers to
summarize a few key points from the lesson: During the Song Dynasty, Chinese
scientists, engineers, and farmers developed new technology to grow rice more
efficiently, which resulted in a surplus, which led to population growth, urbanization,
and a burgeoning of cultural, scientific, and technological development.
3. Trade is the invisible force behind all this. Last week we talked about all the incredible
innovations that occurred during China during this time. This growth and innovation
were a direct result of people having a more secure food source, and they were also
entirely dependent on China’s ability to trade and sell the surplus rice and new goods
it had with other societies. This takes us to the Arabian Peninsula.
4. Ask students to recall the Silk Road lesson series from sixth grade, when they made
dumplings, curry, pasta, and rice pudding. Explain that today we’ll be moving west
along the Silk Road to the Arabian Peninsula in the Middle East. Explain that the
Arabian Peninsula was the center of trade—for knowledge, ideas, technology, goods,
and food—between the civilizations of Europe, Africa, and Asia for thousands of years.
5. This bring us back to our recipe for the day: a Middle Eastern meze platter. Ask for a
student volunteer to describe what a meze platter is (a variety of small snacks eaten
together as a meal). Meze platters originated in the Middle East, and today are
enjoyed all over the world, especially throughout the Mediterranean region. Typical
components of a meze platter include vegetable salads, grilled meats, dips like hummus
and baba ganoush, cheeses and yogurts, olives, pickles, and flat breads like pita.
7. Today we’ll be making a meze platter with pita, hummus, yogurt sauce, and raw
vegetables. In keeping with the tradition of meze, we’ll be using seasonal vegetables
from our garden, as well as ingredients from farther away. Our meze represents
ingredients from all four climatic regions of the Arabian Peninsula.
8. Think-Pair-Share: Before coming here, you all saw a video about the four climatic
regions of the Arabian Peninsula. Take a moment to think back on what you
remember from the video. Use the visual aid for reference. (Give students 10-20
seconds of silent reflection.) Now turn to a neighbor and take about two minutes
to recall as much as you can from the video. See how much detail you can use to
describe the four climatic regions represented on the poster, and see if you can
identify which region each of our recipes represents.
9. Facilitate a full-class summary of the content from the video: With a raised hand,
who can share one or two points from their conversation with their neighbor? Ask
students to identify which climatic region each component of the meze represents.
10. Ask students to wash their hands and go to their table groups.
At the Table
1. Meet with the table groups and review the recipes. Emphasize that both the hummus
and yogurt sauce are “flexible recipes,” which means that adjusting the written
recipes according to taste is an important part of preparing both dishes.
2. Demonstrate how to cut vegetables into a crudité and emphasize that attention to
detail and presentation are key in preparing today’s platter.
5. Eat.
6. Clean up.
Selling the yogurt sauce: Making a connection between ranch dressing and yogurt sauce can
often increase student buy-in.
Making the hummus: Hummus can be one of the most popular recipes we make, but can also
be one of the least, depending on whether or not the cooks add enough salt, acid, and
fat. Students are always very excited to create something really delicious that compares
to what they get at the store, so we often provide a fair amount of support in helping
students to analyze what they’re tasting, and to keep working on the recipe until it is
“delicious” and not just “okay.” A good prompt here is: “That’s pretty good. Do you think
it could be better?” To smooth or thin the hummus while maximizing flavor, try adding
bean-cooking water instead of plain water.
Create a virtual meze platter: This can be a fun conversation to have around the table while
eating. For example, “I’m having a meze platter party at my house. I’m bringing tamales
because they’re important to my culture. What are you bringing?” Prompt each student to
take a turn sharing something important to their home or culture to create a table group
meze. Once it’s been made, see if there is anyone who can remember what every person
is bringing.
Selling the dates: Students tend to love the dates once they try them, but can be hesitant to try
one at first. We call dates “nature’s candy” or “the sweetest thing you can get off a tree,”
and that usually drums up any enthusiasm that may be lacking.
Arabian Peninsula
Coastal plains
SL.2. Analyze the main ideas and supporting details presented in diverse media and
formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how the ideas clarify a topic,
text, or issue under study.
RH.6-8.2. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide
an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
RH.6-8.7. Integrate visual information with other information in print and digital texts.
RST.6-8.3. Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
Concepts 3.11: Make connections between the diets of historic cultures and foods we eat today.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
Arabian Peninsula Visual Aid
Pita Bread Recipe
Hummus Recipe
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Discuss the major economic and social effects of the Columbian Exchange on Eurasia, Africa, and the
Describe how the exchange of food crops during and after the Columbian Exchange impact the foods we eat
During this lesson, students will:
Discuss the exchanges of plants, animals, technology, culture, and ideas between Eurasia, Africa, and the
Americas during the Columbian Exchange.
Realize that different plants and animals originate in different regions of the world.
F o r t h e C h ef Meet i n g I n g r e d i e n ts O pt i o n a l I n g r e d i e n ts
At the Chef M ee ting
1. Welcome students back to the kitchen and introduce the recipe for the day: Black-
Eyed Pea Stew. The main ingredient in Black-Eyed Pea Stew is black-eyed peas,
small white beans with a black spot that looks little bit like an eye. These beans
are one of the oldest foods in the world, eaten as a staple crop in Ethiopia and
throughout Africa for almost 6,000 years. But the recipe we’re making today would
not have been possible to make until about 500 years ago. Today we’re going to talk
about the Columbian Exchange, a major historical event that fundamentally changed
how people all over the world ate and part of the reason that we can make this
recipe today.
2. Let’s start by taking a look at the visual aid. This map shows different foods and
where they originated. Until about 500 years ago, all of these foods were almost
exclusively found in the places where you see them on the map, so lots of the foods
we know and love today did not exist. So for example, there were no such thing as
garlic fries. Ask students: Why not? Because potatoes are from South America and
garlic is from the Middle East. And there was no such thing as pasta with tomato
sauce, hot chocolate, or BLTs. Ask students: Where did the ingredients for those
3. There were some foods that originated in Asia that maybe you could find in Europe,
or that originated in Europe that could potentially be found in the Middle East for
example, but there were absolutely no foods from the Americas in Europe, Asia,
or Africa, and vice versa. Why was this? What happened 500 years ago that may
have changed this? Does the year 1492 ring a bell for anyone? In 1492, Christopher
4. But let’s take a step back, because our story really starts all the way back at the
time of the Silk Road. Who remembers one of the major foods that traders from
India traded on the Silk Road? Spices. People in Europe loved spices. They had an
insatiable appetite for them, so much so that the Romans even mined gold just to
pay for spices. Spices were very expensive. Why? There was a relatively small supply
relative to the demand, and all spices traded from India went through the Middle
East, from trader to trader. Every trader took a cut of the profits from the sales, and so
by the time they made it all the way to Europe, they were very expensive.
5. European royalty were determined to find a better, cheaper way to get spices. They
came up with a brilliant idea: They couldn’t get the spices by going east, but maybe
they could find a new passage to India by sailing west and have a cheaper supply of
spices without the middlemen. So the Spanish monarch, Isabella, sent the explorer
Christopher Columbus out to find a new route to India. They had absolutely no idea
that the entire continents of North and South America were right in the middle of their
planned route.
6. Christopher Columbus sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean and in 1492 landed in
the Americas. He was convinced he had found India. He didn’t find any of the spices
Queen Isabella was looking for, but he did encounter many new foods, plants, and
animals he was completely unfamiliar with, and he met some of the native people
of the Americas. He came back three more times, and the Spaniards sent other
explorers as well, to investigate this land that was novel and unfamiliar to them. As
they began to meet and make contact with more native people, they began to admire
the beautiful gold and gemstone jewelry that some of the local rulers wore, and heard
stories of rich empires farther inland.
7. The Spanish empire sent more ships and the conquistadors sought to enrich
themselves and their crowns, and convert the locals to Christianity by any means
necessary. European explorers began to conquest and colonize the Americas, leading
to the fall of the Aztec, Inca, and many other civilizations. As they did so, they took
over native agricultural and mining enterprises and sent foods, gold, and other
precious metals and gems back to Europe.
8. Europeans sending goods and resources from the Americas back to Europe was part
of what we now call the Columbian Exchange—the exchange of plants, animals,
technology, culture, ideas, diseases, and people between the Americas, Europe,
Africa, and Asia from 1492 to the mid-1600s.
9. But Europeans didn’t just bring things back from the Americas to Europe—they
also brought things with them that they introduced to the Americas. Perhaps the
most influential item traded as part of the Columbian Exchange was disease. Out
of everything exchanged during the Columbian Exchange, the diseases brought
from Europe to the Americas made by far the greatest impact on human history.
Europeans brought diseases like smallpox, chicken pox, measles, and the flu. Today
10. The European rulers became limited in their productivity because of the devastating
impact of their diseases and genocide. There were very few native people left to
work on the farms and in the mines that supplied them with the riches and foods the
crowns desired, especially sugar and tobacco. Wanting to further enrich their nations,
European rulers looked to find a new source of labor. What do you think happened
next? Where do you think they turned?
11. Europeans began to enslave people from Africa to work on American plantations.
This was how the Columbian Exchange led to the Atlantic slave trade. This remains a
major part of our country’s history and present-day reality.
12. And this brings us back to our recipe. Who can see where black-eyed peas came
from? West Africa. The West Africans who were enslaved and brought to the
Americas were not able to bring very much with them when they came. But they
knew that if there was one small thing they could bring that would remind them of
home and give them hope for survival and resilience in an uncertain future, it was
13. Have you all heard of cornrows? Small, tight braids in your hair. The name comes
from the practice of enslaved Africans hiding seeds of corn and other crops in their
hair on the journey across the Atlantic. When they made it to their destination, they
could unbraid their hair and plant the seeds to feed themselves. Black-eyed peas
were one of the foods that traveled to the Americas this way.
14. In addition to black-eyed peas, our recipe today will use ingredients from all over the
world, including tomatoes from the Americas, coconut milk from East Asia, spices
from India, and garlic from the Middle East, just to name a few. As we cook and
eat today, take a moment to reflect on the stories and memories that exist behind
everything we eat.
15. Ask students to wash their hands and go to their table groups.
At the Table
1. Meet with the table groups to review the recipe and assign jobs.
3. Eat.
4. Clean up.
2. If there is time, have students use the visual aid to identify foods that they eat that
incorporate ingredients from three or more continents.
Teaching Notes
Different students will have very different responses to, relationships with, and
background knowledge about this topic that may be related to their identity.
Silk Road: We refer to the Silk Road at the beginning of the Chef Meeting in this lesson as
a way to connect back to the four-lesson Silk Road series students did in sixth grade.
This is a very foolproof recipe. We always add potatoes, carrots, and greens. Any
vegetable that you would like to add is fine.
This is a richly flavored, highly seasoned dish that may be surprising for some kids and
familiar and comforting for others.
Black-eyed peas prepared in the dish Hoppin’ John is a dish traditionally eaten on New
Year’s, especially in African-American communities in the South.
Berbere is a spice mix that contains many different spices. It is hard for students to obtain
at home. Make extra spice blend and send some home with students.
You can substitute butter for spiced butter and the dish is delicious.
Connections to Standards
Common Core , E LA-Literacy
RH.6-8.6. Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author’s point of view or purpose (e.g., loaded
language, inclusion or avoidance of particular facts).
RH.6-8.7. Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps)
with other information in print and digital texts.
Read about this lesson in the ESY Berkeley Journal.
Columbian Exchange Visual Aid
Black-Eyed Pea Stew Recipe
Spiced Butter Recipe
Berbere Recipe
Ghanaian Black-Eyed Peas, Berbere, and Spiced Butter recipes are adapted from Marcus
Samuelsson’s The Soul of a New Cuisine.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Explain the agricultural techniques used by the Maya, Aztec and Inca civilizations.
Understand how the geographic locations, landforms, and climates of Mexico, Central America, and South
America affected the food and farming of the Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations.
Make connections between the diets of historic cultures and foods we eat today.
During this lesson, students will:
Identify the agricultural techniques used by the Maya, Aztecs, and Incas by name, and use the visual aid to
explain the meaning of each term.
Explain what can be deduced about the geography and terrain of each civilization based on the agricultural
techniques they used.
Recognize how foods that originated in the Americas are prepared and eaten in modern times.
F o r t h e O pe n i n g C i r cle
F o r t h e T o r t i ll a s
Queso fresco
Mixing bowl
F o r t h e T o r t i ll a s
Tortilla press
Masa (made from masa harina or ground fresh
(with plastic sheet to prevent sticking)
nixtamalized corn)
Offset spatula
F o r t h e Be a n s
Heavy-bottomed pot
F o r t h e Be a n s
Wooden spoon
Cooked beans
F o r t h e C a b b a ge S l a w
Variety of spices (such as ancho chile powder,
New Mexico chile powder, paprika, ground Mixing bowl
cumin, ground coriander) Reamer
Salt Chef’s knives
F o r t h e C a b b a ge S l a w Paring knives
Scallions F o r t h e Ro a ste d S q u a s h
F o r t h e Ro a ste d S q u a s h Equipment
Befo r e Y o u Beg i n
Collect all the tools and ingredients, and distribute them to the tables.
Gather supplies for the Chef Meeting.
Create the visual aid.
Create the Roasting instructions.
Copy the Cabbage Slaw recipe to hand out.
Soak and cook the beans.
Prepare the tortilla dough.
Preheat the oven.
Preheat the griddle.
2. The Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations were not the only major ancient American
civilizations, but they were three very important, powerful, and influential civilizations
of their times. Often when one thinks of power it is easy to think only of brute
strength. And each of these civilizations did indeed conquer other civilizations
and have armies. But what really allowed them to be so powerful was they were
masterful at growing food—they were excellent farmers.
3. In fact, about 70% of the foods we eat today originated in the Americas, many of
them first domesticated and cultivated by the Aztec, Inca, or Maya people. Today
we’re going to learn about some of the agricultural techniques they used.
4. Ask students if there is anyone who knows about the three sisters. Give students a
clue that the three sisters are not people, but three types of foods.
5. The three sisters are beans, corn, and squash. They are called the three sisters
because they grow together and support each other. Prompt students to think of
the corn they have seen growing in the garden. How does a corn plant look? It is
tall. How does a bean plant grow? It grows as a vine. When corn and beans grow
together, what do you think happens? The corn supports the bean by giving it a place
to climb, and the bean fixes nitrogen in the soil, enriching it for the corn and squash.
What does a squash plant look like? It has large leaves and covers a lot of ground.
Why would that help the corn and beans? It shades out weeds, keeps nibbling
creatures away, and prevents moisture in the soil from evaporating. This is how the
three sisters support one another.
6. Companion planting the three sisters was one agricultural technique that people all
over the Americas used.
8. Prompt students to reference the poster to identify an agricultural technique that both
the Maya and Aztec used: canals. Ask students to use the poster to define “canal”
and explain the benefits of building canals. Ask students: What does the fact that
both the Maya and Aztec built canals tell you about the places they lived? They were
both marshy, so they used canals to drain the places that were too wet, bring water
to places that were too dry, and extend the amount of land suitable for agriculture.
10. Today as we make our Three Sisters Tacos, reflect on the fact that if it weren’t for
the farming expertise of these three civilizations, many of the foods we eat and love
today might not exist, including the three sisters.
At the Table
1. Small-group check-in: Which of the three sisters is your favorite to eat? Which of the
three sisters do you eat most often? What is your favorite kind of flatbread (tortillas,
pancakes, pita, lavash, etc.)?
4. Eat.
5. Clean up.
Companion planting
“Wait, where’s the meat?”: The language of “slaw” and “taco” can evoke specific expectations
for students that don’t match the recipes we use in this lesson. We like to acknowledge
that directly when it comes up and flip it to a positive: “Isn’t it kind of cool? You can make
a taco with anything! Can you think of anything you couldn’t put in a taco? If you were
going to make a dessert taco, what would you put in it?”
“Floating gardens”: It can be a common misconception that Aztec chinampas were floating.
They were in fact human-made islands built up in bodies of water, so they were
connected to the lake or river bottom and not just floating on top of the water.
Peeling the squash: Winter squash can be very difficult to peel. Depending on the skill level of
the students, we may pre-peel the squash, or we may demonstrate how to use a paring
knife to peel. With the paring knife, we emphasize how gently sawing, not just pushing
straight down, works the best.
Smelling the squash: Students often really enjoy smelling the winter squash and notice that
the odor is similar to watermelon or cucumbers. If you use a variety of squash, this
comparison can be really fun.
Cutting the squash: Cutting the winter squash is a good opportunity to show students how
to use their body weight to cut tough vegetables. Depending on how hard the specific
squash we’re using for a lesson is, sometimes we pre-cut the squash in slices so students
need only to dice it.
Cutting for even cooking: Making roasted squash is a good opportunity for students to practice
cutting squash pieces into consistent sizes so that they cook at the same rate. We often
tell our students that one trick is to make the initial slices the same width.
Seasoning the squash: When seasoning the squash to roast, we tell our students to use enough
oil so that every piece of squash is shiny all over, but there’s no oil pooling at the bottom
of the bowl. We encourage them to taste for salt.
Scallions vs. red onions: Either scallions or red onions may be used in the cabbage slaw. We
generally prefer to use scallions because they are easier on the students’ eyes.
Salting the cabbage: Slicing the cabbage as thinly as possible and salting it early yield the most
delicious results. Salt helps to draw excess water out of the cabbage, making it softer and
allowing it to more fully take on the flavor of the dressing.
Cilantro stems: We like to chop both the stems and the leaves to add to the slaw. We find the
stems have a really delicious sweet flavor.
“Winter salsa”: Calling the cabbage salad a “slaw” can evoke specific expectations for students
(i.e., sweet mayonnaise dressing). We took to likening the cabbage slaw to a “winter
salsa,” explaining that if it were summer, we’d be making a salsa with tomatoes (pico de
gallo), but because tomatoes weren’t in season we were using cabbage instead. This
Bean and masa amounts: We used 4 cups of cooked beans and made masa from about 3½
cups of masa harina for each group of 10-12 people (about 4 cups dried beans and 10½
cups masa harina for a class of 30).
Seasoning the beans: Make sure students heat the beans as they season them. The spices will
taste different as they warm and as they have time to simmer. Encourage students to
taste the spices while the beans are heating before they decide which ones and how
much of each spice they want to add.
Spicy ingredients: Both the beans and slaw have the option of going spicy in this lesson. We find
this is a good opportunity for groups to practice coming to a consensus about seasoning.
We often remind them that you can always add spice but not take it away, and that
those in charge of making the beans or slaw have the responsibility of cooking for the
whole group.
Designating tortilla masters: Making the tortillas is often a very popular job. We like to give
everyone a chance to make a couple, and find that this is an ideal opportunity to have
students who have already made a few teach those who are just starting out.
Tortilla pressing tips: We use wooden tortilla presses and line each side of the press with a
piece of plastic to prevent the masa from sticking to the wood. We always show students
how to gently peel the plastic off of the pressed tortillas instead of the other way around
to keep the raw tortillas from ripping.
Cooking the tortillas: Patience is key in getting the best product here. Wait for the middle of the
tortilla to steam and for the edges to curl up before attempting to flip. Flip too early, and
you risk ending up with tortilla scramble. We keep the tortillas wrapped in tea towel after
taking them off the griddle, which keeps them warm and moist.
Hot sauces: We always have a variety of hot sauces available. Different students identify with
different hot sauces, and we find students are excited to see their culture represented in
the space. It can be a great conversation starter to ask students which hot sauce is their
favorite, or whether they like to eat different kinds with different foods.
RST.6-8.3. Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
Tortilla Scramble
with Roasted Potatoes
In this seventh-grade humanities lesson, students prepare a Tortilla Scramble with Roasted
Potatoes and are introduced to the Reflection Cards as a means of identifying and practicing the
kitchen skills utilized in their culminating lesson: the Iron Chef Challenge.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
During this lesson, students will:
Focus on the People, Kitchen Classroom, and Clean as You Go Reflection Cards and practice maintaining a
clean cooking station through collaborative and individual work.
Communicate clearly to complete two dishes requiring different timing.
Follow and complete Tortilla Scramble recipe.
F o r t h e C h ef Meet i n g
At the Chef M ee ting
1. Welcome students back to the kitchen and introduce the lesson: Tortilla Scramble and
Roasted Potatoes. Explain that their spring rotation consists of five lessons, with the
fifth and final lesson being the Iron Chef Challenge.
2. Introduce the Reflection Cards as categories from the Iron Chef ballot and explain
that the kitchen staff has prepared a series of lessons and matched each one with a
few of the Reflection Cards to help students practice specific skills.
3. Identify People, Kitchen Classroom, and Clean as You Go as the cards/skills matched
with this lesson.
4. Define the People category as focusing on teamwork and collaboration and give
examples such as: Was the group inclusive when sharing ideas and making
decisions? Did you listen when others were talking?
5. Tell the story of an Iron Chef team that had the most delicious, beautifully presented
food but lost points because they did not work collaboratively and harmoniously.
6. Introduce the Kitchen Classroom Reflection Card and have students do a quick review
of kitchen systems.
7. Introduce the Clean as You Go Reflection Card and explain that they will be practicing
8. Introduce the Tortilla Scramble recipe, review the method for roasting vegetables, and
point out that these two recipes have different cooking times, requiring students to
coordinate with each other to ensure that the dishes are ready at the same time.
9. Ask students to wash their hands and join their table groups.
At the Table
1. Small-group check-in: What is your favorite way to prepare eggs?
2. Meet with the table groups to introduce the ingredients, review the recipe, and assign
4. Eat.
5. Clean up.
Dutch Oven
Teaching Notes
Adding jobs - Preparation of optional toppings can provide additional jobs. Ideas for toppings
are: cilantro, scallions, lime, jalapeños, and sour cream.
Corn tortillas - we liked the 100% corn tortillas better than ones with both corn and wheat flour.
The wheat-corn mix tended to become too sweet when cooked.
Tortilla mush - sauteing the vegetables and tortilla strips over high heat, waiting until the
vegetables are quite cooked to add the tortillas, and stirring sparingly all help to keep the
tortilla strips from getting mushy.
Hot sauces - we always have a variety of hot sauces available. Different students identify with
different hot sauces, and providing an array of hot sauces acknowledges students’
personal preferences and cultures. It can be a great conversation starter to ask students
which hot sauce is their favorite, or whether they like to eat different kinds with different
Potatoes - we used 2¼ pounds of potatoes per group (about 10 people) for this lesson.
Timing - this is a great lesson for students to think about cooking rates and practice
communicating with one another to coordinate timing between dishes. To make sure both
eggs and potatoes are hot when they get to the table, help students plan to wait until
the potatoes are mostly cooked to start scrambling the eggs. It is fine to saute the onions,
peppers and tortillas before-hand and turn off the heat if you need to wait. Just make
sure to heat the pan again before adding the eggs.
High heat - this recipe came out best for us when we started sauteing on high heat.
Popular food - Students really loved the scramble and the potatoes, and were impressed by how
similar the roasted potatoes were to french fries.
Connecting to home - Asking about how students cook eggs at home was a great conversation
starter that got students excited to share what they cook at home.
Previous experiences - Students often wanted to do the scrambled eggs their way instead of
following the tortilla scramble recipe. Asking them how they cook them and affirming
that their methods sounds good too could often help them come to terms with cooking it
differently in class.
Connections to Standards
Common Core , E n gl is h Lang uage Arts & Literacy, Grade 6
SL.1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups,
and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building
on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
RST.6-8.3. Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
Concepts 3.9: Collaborate to identify, choose, and complete jobs to execute recipes, and explain
each individual contribution to the end result.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Understand that simmering ingredients in boiling water infuses the water with flavor, and apply that
knowledge to make a variety of stocks, broths, and teas.
Demonstrate safety and precision in a variety of basic knife skills.
Use their knowledge of the timing required to prepare a range of recipes to coordinate as a group in preparing
the recipes to be eaten at the same time.
During this lesson, students will:
Make a simple vegetable stock by simmering chopped vegetables, shiitake mushrooms, and kombu seaweed,
and seasoning with soy sauce and mirin.
Julienne carrots and thinly slice sugar snap peas as toppings for their udon bowls.
Coordinate as a group to prepare a number of components for their udon noodle bowls, timing them all to be
ready to eat at the same time.
F o r t h e C h ef Meet i n g F o r t h e T a b le
F o r t h e U d o n B r ot h
Parchment paper
Carrots Strainer
Ginger Ladle
F o r t h e Ro a ste d B r occol i
Collect all the tools and ingredients, and then distribute them to
the tables.
Gather supplies for the Chef Meeting.
Create the visual aid.
Copy the Udon Noodle Soup recipe to hand out.
Copy the Marinated Tofu recipe to hand out.
F o r t h e T opp i n gs
Copy the Soft-boiled eggs recipe to hand out.
Prepare three recipes of Marinated Tofu (preferably at least
Radishes 12 hours before the first class in the rotation to allow time to
Snap peas marinate).
Scallions Toast sesame seeds to be used in the Marinated Tofu.
2. Explain that udon noodle soup is a dish traditionally eaten in Japan, but also very
popular in many places around the world in areas where people from Japan have
immigrated at some point and introduced the food. Just like ramen, another example
of a Japanese noodle soup, there are many kinds of udon eaten with a variety of
broths and toppings that vary by region and season. What distinguishes udon as
udon is the noodle.
3. Udon noodles are thick wheat noodles that originated in Japan. But even though
udon and other noodle soups like ramen are now very popular in Japan, the Japanese
have not always made noodles. Ask students to recall the Silk Road lesson series
from sixth grade: Do you remember where noodles originated?
4. Noodles originated in China as early as 25 AD. About 800 years later, in the ninth
century, they first came to Japan. There are many udon origin stories, but the most
common one is that in the ninth century, a Japanese monk named Kukai traveled to
China to study Buddhism. In the monasteries where he studied in northern China,
one of the main foods was noodles. He thought noodles were delicious, and so when
he went back to Japan, he brought back information on how to make thick wheat
noodles. Over time, what we know today as udon slowly evolved.
5. Traditionally, toppings were based on the season because when people first started
eating udon mostly they were farmers and the only foods they had access to were
the ones they grew or foraged for. We will also be using seasonal vegetables for our
toppings. Right now it is spring. Ask students to think of vegetables that are currently
in season.
6. Right now broccoli is in season, so today we are going to roast broccoli as a topping.
Ask students to recall from the previous lesson in which they made roasted potatoes
the four steps for roasting vegetables: wash, cut, season and cook.
7. Our other toppings today will include sliced carrots, scallions, and mushrooms, as well
as soft-boiled eggs. Ask students to explain the difference between a soft-boiled and a
hard-boiled egg. Soft-boiled are similar to hard-boiled eggs, but with a runnier yolk.
8. Tell students they will hear more about the recipes and jobs in their table groups.
At the Table
1. Check-in question: What is your favorite kind of soup?
2. Explain recipes and cooking jobs in greater detail: Everyone will start by preparing
the udon broth. To make the broth we will simmer chopped vegetables, including
2. If there is time, ask students to share what toppings they would add to their noodle
soup if they were to make it at home.
Broth Marinate
Julienne Kombu
Teaching Notes
Student-created lesson: This lesson was created by five eighth-grade students who worked
with us for the 2016-17 school year as IWEs (Independent Work Experience). Designing
the lesson from start to finish—including brainstorming and deciding on the recipe
and lesson focus, recipe testing, researching and developing the Chef Meeting and
Small Group meetings, creating the lesson materials, and teaching the lesson in the
classroom—was one of the major projects they worked on during the year.
Cooking jobs: During the small-group check-in, students chose between three jobs: marinated
tofu, roasted broccoli, or toppings. Whichever students finished their job first moved on to
work on eggs and noodles.
Knife skills: This is a great lesson for students to practice focus and precision with their knife
skills. Add or modify any toppings to teach any knife skills.
Cooking techniques: Because this lesson is one of the four leading up to our Iron Chef challenge,
in which seventh grade students plan and prepare a meal independent from adult help,
we make sure to highlight the transferable cooking techniques they’re using. We point
out that this is a second way of preparing eggs (after the scramble they created in the
previous lesson), and the second time they’ve roasted a vegetable (after the potatoes
from the previous lesson).
Mirin: Mirin is a cooking wine often used in Japanese cuisine. It contains a small amount of
alcohol that cooks out while the broth simmers. We chose to use Eden brand because
it doesn’t list alcohol content on the outside of the bottle, and also doesn’t contain any
additives that many other brands have.
Salty soy sauce: Encourage students not to add salt to the broth while it cooks because they’ll
add soy sauce later in the cooking process.
Kombu and mushrooms: The kombu and mushrooms both add a savory meaty flavor to the
broth. While the mushrooms are excellent cooked for as long as possible, the kombu
should be added at the end and simmered gently. Take care not to boil the kombu too
long or hard because it may leave a fishy flavor in the broth. The mushrooms can be
reserved after the broth has finished cooking and sliced to be used as udon toppings.
Flavorless veggies: Our students were often consternated at first to see the vegetables used
to make the broth going in the compost because to them it seemed very wasteful. They
were delighted to taste them, though, and discover that they had lost their flavor, which
was now in the broth.
Soft-boiled eggs: Not every student wanted a soft-boiled egg so we often had one student take
“egg orders.” Sometimes if very few students ordered an egg, we would cook a few extra.
Though students could initially be skeptical of soft-boiled eggs, they tended to love them
in the udon broth. The soft yolks add a delicious richness.
Straining the broth: This felt scary for some students. We intentionally taught them how to pour
away from themselves to avoid being burned by steam, and sometimes did it ourselves
depending on how comfortable the students were with it.
Pay-it-forward tofu: We used a pay-it-forward model for the marinated tofu where each class
made tofu for the following class and ate tofu prepared for them by the previous class.
This gave the tofu time to marinate and become very flavorful.
Marinating: Have students taste the tofu before and after they season it to see how tofu absorbs
flavor. Have them also compare the flavor of the marinated tofu they make, and the
marinated tofu made by the previous class to see how flavor soaks in over time. If they
want to, they can season the already-marinated tofu with a little more of the same
ingredients to layer and intensify the flavors.
Medium to firm tofu: We used medium or firm tofu for this recipe (not soft or extra-firm).
Tofu literacy: We were surprised how many students were baffled by how to open a package of
tofu. We started explicitly teaching this to each tofu group, showing them how to open it
at the sink and drain the liquid before taking out the tofu.
Tofu sauce: Try pouring some of the marinated tofu sauce into your broth. It’s delicious!
Timing and stove space: We used two burners to complete all the components of this meal. On
one burner we made the broth. On the other burner we boiled a large pot of water and
first boiled the eggs, then cooked the noodles in the same water. If you do this, make sure
to cook the eggs early (about 20 minutes before sitting down to eat) to make sure you
have enough time to get the water back to boiling and cook the noodles after the eggs
are done.
Bringing it home: This recipe is very popular with students, and we always make sure to point
out how easy it is to make at home. Students can make their own broth, or use any
premade broth, dried noodles, and any toppings they like.
Table etiquette: We point out that this style of food originated in a place with different etiquette
and norms around eating. Encourage students to hold the bowl close to their mouths while
they eat to minimize dripping and to drink from the bowl like a cup to enjoy all the broth.
Awareness of self and others: This lesson is a great opportunity for students to practice
awareness of self and others while eating. We had students serve themselves, but
pointed out that they should be aware of how much food they take so that everyone gets
a fair share.
Popular recipe: Our students loved this food. It was one of our most Instagrammed recipes.
Connections to Standards
Common Core , E n gl is h Lang uage Arts a nd Literacy, Grade 7
RH.6-8.7. Integrate visual information with other information in print and digital texts.
RST.6-8.3. Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
Techniques 2.4 Understand the versatility of ingredients, and realize that certain ingredients are
available in particular seasons.
Techniques 2.7 Refine tasting skills and adjust seasoning, compare and contrast different recipes in
conversation using more advanced descriptive vocabulary.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
Maki Sushi
In this seventh-grade humanities lesson, students make maki sushi and focus closely on their
knife skills and on displaying their food artfully. This is the third in the five-lesson series leading
up to Iron Chef, the culminating challenge of the seventh-grade kitchen experience.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Cut vegetables into a variety of sizes and shapes depending on their intended use.
Focus closely on their work, striving to improve with each iteration.
Prepare aesthetically pleasing presentations of food.
During this lesson, students will:
F o r t h e C h ef Meet i n g I n g r e d i e n ts fo r t h e M a k i S u s h i
Saucepan Stove
Vegetable peeler Griddle or large cast-iron pan
Crinkle cutter Befo r e Y o u Beg i n
Offset spatula Collect all the ingredients and tools, and distribute them to the tables.
Chef’s knives Gather supplies for the Chef Meeting.
Paring knives Create the visual aid.
Cutting boards Copy the Maki Sushi recipe to hand out.
Measuring spoons
Large mixing bowls
At the Chef M ee ting
1. Today we are going to make Maki Sushi. I know some of you may be wondering how
we can make sushi without using any fish or shellfish. We are going to make some
delicious vegetable and egg sushi.
2. Egg sushi or tamago (yaki) is one of the most important types of sushi. It is a rolled
or folded omelette that is then sliced and served in sushi. It is traditionally used as a
test of a sushi chef’s ability. If a sushi enthusiast goes to a new sushi restaurant, they
might order one order of the tamago to see how the chef prepares it. If it is good, they
will stay for a whole meal; if not, they would pay and leave to find another place to eat.
3. Today’s areas of focus are beauty and focus. We are going to dive into focus through
looking at the Japanese principle of kodawari. Kodawari is the relentless and
uncompromising pursuit of perfection, complete devotion to a mastering a craft. To
practice kodawari is to have complete focus on your work. One example of a person
who exemplifies kodawari that I have benefited from personally is the bladesmith
Shosui Takeda of Takeda Hamono. Takeda Hamono is a family blacksmithing
business started in 1920. Shosui started working in the shop learning the craft from
his grandfather and father at age 12 but didn’t commit to it full-time until he was
28. That was in 1985. He has been building upon his father’s and grandfather’s
knowledge and striving to make the best possible knives for the last 30 years.
Here is one of his knives. (Show knife and take one or two questions.) I absolutely
love my knife and think it is perfect. It cuts wonderfully and I love the experience of
sharpening it. It is forged from Aogami super steel, which is incredibly tough. This
makes it harder to forge, but it also means that I can sharpen it to a very fine edge
that will stay razor sharp for a very long time. I think its Kurouchi finish is gorgeous
and the handle feels wonderful. It is a beautiful and exceptional tool. Despite all this,
“A true craftsman chooses the method which creates the best knife for the user.
Even if this process means more work to make and sell the knife, this is the path
I will always choose. My goal is to pursue the best quality no matter what...
Even after twenty-six years of knife making, I still don’t know what the perfect
knife is and all I can do is my absolute best every time. I still haven’t produced a
knife that I’m one hundred percent happy with.”
4. This practice of kodawari can be applied to any activity, craft, hobby, or type of work.
Today I am asking you to try to practice kodawari in your work today as we prepare
Maki Sushi. I don’t expect you to master the skills we are going to practice today, but
I think you may be surprised at how much you can improve if you focus closely on
your work. In your small group, your teacher will demonstrate how to cut on an angle
and how to julienne vegetables. Some of you may have tried this before in the udon
lesson. If you are doing it again, work to improve upon your technique.. You are doing
this for yourself, not to impress others. You are doing this because you can get better
by focusing.
5. When you are done cutting or preparing your ingredient, take time to lay it out in a
beautiful way so that our food can be the centerpiece of our table today. Your care
and focus will come through in the food that you prepare. When you are eating, look
for this care and focus in things that others have prepared.
6. See if any students have questions about sushi, kodawari, the knife, or Mr. Takeda.
At the Table
1. Small-group check-in: What is something you do where you get very focused? This
could be a sport, a hobby, reading, or school work.
2. Introduce jobs for the day in more detail. Demonstrate how to julienne and cut on a bias.
4. Cook.
5. Eat. Circle back to the students’ answers to the check-in question and learn more
about their pursuits in which they find great focus.
6. Clean up.
At the Closin g
1. Ask students to rate the food using their fingers from 1 to 5.
2. If there’s time, reflect on discussion from the small table groups. Encourage students
to continue reflecting on the idea of kodawari.
Kodawari: Introducing the specific concept of kodawari in the chef meeting for this lesson was
new this year. We were captured by the sense of pride in work and attention to detail it
seemed to inspire in many students.
Julienning: Some students were intimidated by the precision required for a julienne cut. When
introducing it, we often shared that this was a technique that would be difficult to get
at first—they shouldn’t expect to be successful the first time they try it. However, if they
continue to work on it over the course of the class period, they will improve very rapidly
and may be surprised by the mastery they’ll be able to develop by the end of class.
Raw food: We liked to remind students to prioritize hygiene in this lesson by frequently washing
their hands because we would all be eating the food raw.
Varying cuts: Encourage students to try multiple cutting techniques in this lesson, including
dicing, slicing, julienning, grating, and chopping or mincing.
Nori: Share with students that nori is dried seaweed. Some students with sushi-making
experience were disappointed at first to find out that we weren’t rolling long sushi rolls
and instead cutting nori sheets into quarters. We explained that this way you can add
more toppings and try multiple different combinations.
Egg techniques: This was the third consecutive lesson in which our students cooked eggs using
a different technique (the first was tortilla scramble and the second was soft-boiled egg
for udon noodle soup). Asking students which egg-cooking technique was their favorite,
and also whether they have special ways of making eggs at home, can make for good
conversation at the table.
Cooking the eggs: We cooked the rolled omelette on a griddle at about 375F. It could also be
made in a heated pan on medium.
Vinegar smell: Many students were shocked by the smell of the vinegar heating up for the rice
dressing. We warned students that it would have a pungent smell, but assured them that
this was the typical way to make a sushi rice dressing.
Bringing it home: Asking students if they practice kodawari in any activities in their daily life can
be a great conversation.
Food as the centerpiece: When setting the table, we encouraged students to think about
presentation and to lay the sushi fillings out beautifully. Many students were very excited
to do this.
Pacing: Encourage students to think about quantities for everyone’s fourth rolls when taking rice
and toppings for the first.
Connections to Standards
Common Core State Standards, Engl ish La nguag e Arts and Literacy, Grade 7
RH6-8.7 Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with
other information in print and digital texts.
RST.6-8.3 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Draw upon their knowledge of multiple cooking techniques to prepare fresh vegetables
without following a recipe.
Work collaboratively and inclusively to make group decisions.
Cook without relying on the support or guidance of an adult.
During this lesson, students will:
Sauté, roast, and steam vegetables following simple technique guidelines instead of detailed recipes.
Decide how to cook each of their vegetables while practicing positive group behaviors and habits.
Prepare their meal independently of their cooking teacher.
F o r t h e C h ef Meet i n g I n g r e d i e n ts
Small stockpot Oven Collect all the ingredients and tools, and distribute them
Steamer basket Stovetop to the tables.
Roasting pan Copy the Sauté, Roast, Steam methods sheet to hand out.
At the Chef M ee ting
1. Today’s lesson is built around giving you practice for Iron Chef. During Iron Chef, you
are going to be cooking without recipes and without adult support. You are also going
to be making group decisions about what to prepare and who is going to work on
each task. Today you will practice those skills in our Sauté, Roast, Steam lesson.
2. You are going to prepare some of the cauliflower using each of these three cooking
methods so that you can compare how each method impacts flavor and texture. You
will decide how to prepare each of the other vegetables as a group.
3. Can anyone explain what it means to “sauté” something? To sauté means to cook
something in a pan with a little oil over medium-high heat, typically with some onion
or garlic and salt, pepper, or other spices or seasonings.
4. What dishes use sautéing that you cook at home? That we have cooked here?
5. Based on your experience eating sautéed dishes, how would you describe how
sautéing impacts flavor?
6. What does it mean to “roast” something? Roasting is a way of cooking food in a dry,
hot (400F+) oven. Generally ingredients are covered with a little oil, salt, and other
seasonings before going into the oven.
7. What vegetables have we roasted here? How would you describe how roasting
impacts flavor? Texture?
8. Steaming or boiling is a quick cooking method that highlights the existing flavor of
vegetable without changing it much. It’s especially good for delicately flavored or
textured vegetables.
10. Emphasize that boiling or steaming should be a quick process. Remind the students
how tasteless the vegetables were after boiling for 20 minutes to make stock in a
previous class.
11. We are also going to make homemade ranch dressing that you can eat with your
vegetables if you choose.
17. Ask students to wash their hands and go to their table groups.
At the Table
1. Small-group check-in: How are you doing today?
2. Explain that in a few minutes the students will be taking the lead and making a group
decision of how to prepare the meal. To prepare them for that process, you are going
to share some teamwork and collaboration skills.
3. We noticed that teamwork and collaboration are often talked about, but not often
defined. The kitchen teachers sat down and decided that the most important aspects
for Iron Chef that the judges should watch for are the following:
Group is inclusive.
All members contribute.
Group members listen to each other.
Group members are respectful of one another.
4. It is easy to think about how not to follow those ideals and what negative, destructive
behaviors look like. It’s obvious that we don’t want to be exclusive by pushing
people outside the group, shutting down specific people when they try to contribute,
interrupting, or fighting.
6. What is a thing you can do in a group setting to make the group more inclusive? Say
someone is sitting removed from the table while everyone else is huddled in closely?
Allow students to answer these questions if they can. If not, offer answers such as:
Invite that person to join the group.
Ask that person or people if there is something blocking them from
7. What can you do if you notice that you or another group member is talking most of
the time and that another person hasn’t spoke at all?
Ask for their opinion on something.
Structure a pause to allow them time to jump in.
8. How can you be a better listener? What practices have you learned or heard of for
being a better listener?
Give eye contact to the speaker.
11. Think about this and practice this today! This is not just for kitchen. This is for life.
13. Cook.
14. Eat. A good topic for conversation during this lesson is group dynamics and reviewing
their group decision-making process.
At the Closin g
1. Ask students to rate the food using their fingers from 1 to 5.
2. If there’s time, reflect on discussion from the small table groups. Encourage students
to continue reflecting on their group decision-making process.
Teaching Notes
Iron Chef prep: We developed this lesson as the final seventh-grade lesson before Iron Chef,
the culminating challenge of the seventh grade year in the kitchen. In Iron Chef, students
plan, prepare, and serve a meal using surprise ingredients, no recipes, and no adult help.
We found that this lesson was a great practice run for Iron Chef because it clearly lays
out three cooking methods that students report feeling more confident improvising with
after the lesson, and also provides them with the opportunity to practice making group
decisions and cooking without recipes.
Scaffolding the experience: Our goal with this lesson is for groups to work independently from
adult help, but different groups require different kinds of support to make this lesson
successful. The role of the teacher here is to carefully observe each individual group and
provide support where needed, encouraging independence and team collaboration as
much as possible.
Group dynamics: Though we step back from the cooking process in this lesson, we make sure to
be intentional about stepping in when group dynamics aren’t working. One technique we
often use here is simply to name what we’re seeing. (E.g., when all the female students
are working on cleaning up and the male students have sat down and are waiting for the
meal to begin: “I’m seeing that who is cleaning and who isn’t is falling along gender lines.
Let’s change that.”)
Time management: This is an excellent lesson to help students communicate with one another
to coordinate the timing of all their dishes. We introduce this as a central part of the
lesson and tell students that this serves as excellent practice for Iron Chef.
Steamer basket: Many of our students were unfamiliar with using steamer baskets, so we
started introducing it as part of the Chef Meeting.
Vegetable prep and cooking time: This lesson is a great time to remind students that the size
and shape of each vegetable will affect the cooking time and outcome. Encourage them
to consider this when choosing how to cut their vegetables.
Tasting and seasoning: Encourage students to taste and season as they go to get a sense for
how each cooking method impacts flavor and texture. We often tell students that when
roasting, you generally season before cooking; when sautéing, you generally season
while cooking; and when steaming, you generally season after cooking.
Reflecting on team dynamics: After the cooking period in this lesson, we always facilitate group
reflection and discussion at the table about how the team worked together and made
decisions. Encourage students to reflect on what went well and what didn’t go as well as
it could. What could they do differently as a group to improve on their teamwork for Iron
Asparagus: Show students how to cut the dry, tough bottoms off the asparagus. Make sure they
know the tops of the spears are edible—we were surprised how many of our students
threw both the tops and bottoms in the compost at first.
Ranch: This recipe ended up being a big hit with our students despite initial skepticism on the
part of many.
No right or wrong answers: Deciding how to cook the vegetables can sometimes feel a
little overwhelming. Assure students that there is no right or wrong way to cook the
Growth through failure: Conversely, when groups don’t succeed they often jump to critical self-
reflection and learn much more quickly than if told by a teacher. This happened frequently
with clean-up and having lots of dishes left over. Providing space for some failure can be
an incredibly effective teaching technique.
Connections to Standards
Common Core , E n gl is h Lang uage Arts a nd Literacy, Grade 7
SL.7.1.b. Follow rules for collegial discussions, track progress toward specific goals and deadlines,
and define individual roles as needed.
SL.7.1.c. Pose questions that elicit elaboration and respond to others’ questions and comments
with relevant observations and ideas that bring the discussion back on topic as needed.
SL.7.1.d. Acknowledge new information expressed by others and, when warranted, modify their
own views.
RH.6-8.7. Integrate visual information with other information in print and digital texts.
2.2.4 Understand the versatility of ingredients, and realize that certain ingredients are
available in particular seasons.
2.2.5 Execute an increasing variety of techniques, begin to choose the correct technique for
each job, and discuss reasons to use different techniques.
2.2.6 Read and follow recipes with increasing skill, begin to recognize when alterations or
adjustments are possible, and improvise recipes when ingredients are provided.
2.2.7 Refine tasting skills and adjust seasoning, compare and contrast different recipes in
conversation using more advanced descriptive vocabulary.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
Iron Chef
In this seventh-grade creative assessment, students work in groups to plan and prepare a meal
using a surprise set of ingredients without adult help. Guest judges from the school and local food
community observe and evaluate their work, provide feedback to each team, and award honors
in various categories.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Work independently from adult help and collaboratively with peers to plan and prepare a meal.
Progress into the eighth grade with mastery of the tools, techniques, and concepts introduced
in the seventh grade.
Reflect on their personal level of mastery of the skills and techniques taught in the kitchen
classroom and on their own strengths and learning edges.
During this lesson, students will:
Work with their team, without adult help, to plan and prepare a meal.
Demonstrate mastery of the sixth- and seventh-grade Edible Schoolyard kitchen standards
for tools, techniques, and concepts.
Apply their knowledge of skills and techniques and assess their contributions to the team,
including their strengths and learning edges.
At the Chef M ee ting
1. Meet the students outside the kitchen classroom and inform them that instead of
meeting around the middle table for the Chef Meeting, students will wash their hands
and go straight to their table.
3. Share the Iron Chef rules and answer questions from students.
4. Introduce the three judges and explain the scoring system. Each judge will observe
all three tables and award them a score out of 10 for each ballot category: group
brainstorming and menu planning, safety, hygiene, clean as you go, mastery of
kitchen terminology, mastery of kitchen skills and techniques, presentation, taste, and
cooperation. Stress that out of all the categories, the majority of points will be awarded
for group brainstorming and menu planning, cooperation, presentation, and taste.
5. Explain that after the food is prepared and the table is set, judges will visit each table
one at a time, and that the students will eat when the third and final judge visits their
group. The judges may ask any manner of questions about the food, so groups should
be prepared to talk about the food they make, as well as the process of making it.
6. Judges will tally up the scores while the class busses their dishes. Students will clean
all the tools and materials they use for cooking. Teachers will be washing the dishes.
9. Tell students they have 45 minutes remaining; unveil the ingredients and begin.
At the Table
1. Students work with their table groups to brainstorm menu options. Judges observe
and take notes.
4. When the time is up, have judges rotate through the tables to taste the food.
Students introduce, explain, and list the ingredients of each dish to all the judges.
5. Students serve themselves and eat with the last judge to visit their group.
6. Students bus their dishes and finish cleaning while the judges tally their scores.
Students return to their table to hear the results.
Teaching Notes
Creative Assessment - This lesson is a great way for us as teachers to reflect on how we’re
doing. By stepping back and allowing students to work entirely independently, we are
able to observe what they know, what skills they have mastery over, how they work
together, and in which areas students have not met our learning objectives. These
observations are invaluable to informing our development as teachers.
Lost Skills - Over the years, a few of the skills we have noticed students are missing when we
get to Iron Chef are: how to turn the stove on, remembering to preheat the oven, how
to turn the oven on and set the temperature, knowing where the pots and pans are,
knowing where to find extra paper napkins, remembering to use oil or another fat when
sautéing, knowing that oil or fat will burn if left in a heated pan too long without any
other foods, and a mastery of hygienic tasting technique. When we notice patterns of
deficit emerge, we are able to intentionally structure those skills into our lessons the
following year. Many of the skills that we find lacking are things that we often do for our
students and forget to explain to them what we are doing and why.
Iron Chef Ramp-up - This year we developed all four lessons in the 7th grade spring rotation
(Tortilla Scramble, Udon Noodle Soup, Maki Sushi, Sauté Roast Steam) with Iron Chef in
mind. Specifically, we wanted to support our students in working together well as a team
(with a focus on inclusivity, self-awareness as strategies for effective collaboration), and
being able to work independently with a variety of cooking techniques. We were very
pleased with how this specific lead-up to Iron Chef resulted in teams that operated very
Ham it Up! - The Iron Chef lesson is modeled off of cooking shows on TV. We always ham up the
introduction like a TV show, which students tend to find very amusing.
Visual Aid - We found that including representations of all the recipes students had cooked
throughout the year seemed helpful for jogging students’ memories of recipes and
techniques they had practiced. We also put up a simple visual aid of cooking techniques
to help students remember their options for cooking vegetables.
Reflection Cards - This year we created large versions of the Reflection Card decks from
our toolboxes to hang as decorations in the Kitchen classroom. We structured the
lessons leading up to Iron Chef to provide opportunities for groups to practice the skills
associated with each card, and spent time during each lesson explicitly reflecting on how
that practice had gone. These cards became the categories in which Iron Chef teams
were evaluated by the guest judges. We liked how this worked because students were
already familiar with what they were being evaluated in and were able to refer to the
large versions hanging in the room as reminders.
Flexible Scoring - This year we didn’t impose a pre-decided structure for how the scoring of
Iron Chef would go. Sometimes we awarded each group a ‘win’ in a different category;
sometimes we awarded an overall winner; sometimes we included honorable mentions;
and other times judges simply provided specific feedback to each group. We liked how
this kind of flexibility allowed the scoring and feedback to be judge- and class-specific,
resulting in what felt like more meaningful and satisfying learning experiences for our
Students with Aides- Though the lesson is a chance for students to operate independently from
adult help, students with aides continue to work with their aides in this lesson so that
they are able to participate fully.
Garden - We give students free access to the garden to harvest flowers and other herbs
throughout the cooking period.
Judges - We like to have all three judges float for the full class as opposed to staying with specific
groups. This helps to adjust for discrepancies in judging style and scoring, and also creates
a very enjoyable experience for the judges and students. Judges are always very excited
to see all three groups, and the students are excited to get a variety of feedback.
Judges and Community-Building - We invite adults from within the school and in the broader
community, especially food professionals, to be judges. It is very exciting for students to
showcase their skills and share their meals with a variety of adults, and we find Iron Chef
is a great opportunity to bring people from the community into our program. Judges tend
to have a really enjoyable time and are blown away by how capable middle schoolers
can be in the kitchen. Over the years, judges from Iron Chef have become many of our
most staunch and devoted supporters.
Scaffolding the experience - the goal of this lesson is for every student to engage in a fun,
meaningful challenge. We vary the expectations and the support we provide to different
groups in order to faciliitate this.
Timing - We aim to have groups finish cooking about a half hour before the end of class. This
allows for a leisurely pace while judges rotate between groups trying their food and gives
them time to tally scores and give awards and feedback at the end.
Performance Anxiety - This idea of this lesson can feel stressful for some students. Each year
we work on figuring out ways to be sensitive to that while maintaining the level of
excitement and competition that many of our students find so fun. Generally, it is not hard
to see who feels stressed when they walk in for class. Check in with them and reassure
them that the competition isn’t the important part. In our experience, even students
who feel anxious before the lesson begins have a really enjoyable time once it starts.
Adequate preparation (both in cooking skills and collaboration skills) is very important for
this challenge feeling enjoyable to students.
Connections to Standards
Common Core , E n gl is h Lang uage Arts a nd Literacy, Grade 7
SL.7.1.b. Follow rules for collegial discussions, track progress toward specific goals and deadlines,
and define individual roles as needed.
SL.7.1.c. Pose questions that elicit elaboration and respond to others’ questions and comments
with relevant observations and ideas that bring the discussion back on topic as needed.
SL.7.1.d. Acknowledge new information expressed by others and, when warranted, modify their
own views.
2.1.2 Identify measuring tools from the ESY Toolbox and follow instructions to use and care for
2.1.3 Identify different knives from the ESY Toolbox and demonstrate basic knife skills, safety,
and care with guidance.
2.2.4 Identify ingredients by name, and discuss them using descriptive words in conversation.
2.2.5 Use basic techniques as instructed, and refer to them by name in conversation.
2.2.6 Read and follow recipes, and understand that some recipes are flexible and some are
2.2.7 Taste finished dishes and discuss their sensory observations using descriptive vocabulary.
2.1.2 Begin to select correct measuring tools from the ESY Toolbox and recognize the need for
precision in measuring.
2.1.3 Select correct knives from the ESY Toolbox. Refine knife skills by using different cuts and
sizes while demonstrating knife safety and care.
2.2.4 Understand the versatility of ingredients, and realize that certain ingredients are
available in particular seasons.
2.2.5 Execute an increasing variety of techniques, begin to choose the correct technique for
each job, and discuss reasons to use different techniques.
2.2.6 Read and follow recipes with increasing skill, begin to recognize when alterations or
adjustments are possible, and improvise recipes when ingredients are provided.
2.2.7 Refine tasting skills and adjust seasoning, compare and contrast different recipes in
conversation using more advanced descriptive vocabulary.
2.3.9 Collaborate to identify, choose, and complete jobs to execute recipes, and explain the
importance of each individual contribution to the end result.
2.3.10 Fully engage their senses and use descriptive vocabulary to discuss sophisticated
observations, situations, events, moods, and other subjects including and beyond food.
2.3.11 Make connections between the diets of different cultures throughout history and foods
we eat today.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
Iron Chef Visual Aid
Iron Chef Rules
Iron Chef Ballot
1. Each table is competing against the other two tables and will have 45 minutes
to plan and execute their menu.
2. Every table has identical secret ingredients, plus unlimited access to the spice
table, onions, garlic, and olive oil.
3. A portion of all ingredients on the platter must be used.
4. Explain that from the Wild Card Table, each group can use one starch (e.g.
bread OR potatoes) and a choice of two other ingredients (e.g. soy sauce and
5. Adults will not be available for any advice, ideas, direction, or reminders.
6. Teachers will announce the time remaining throughout the period.
7. When the time is up, cooking stations should be clean and the tables must be
set. Tables should include three place settings for the judges.
C u rr i c u lu m : k i tch en
with a focus on Station, anticipate steps of the on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on
group decision- recipe, and take initiative to cook others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
making independently. SL.8.1. b. Follow rules for collegial discussions
2.2.6. Read and follow recipes, and decision-making, track progress toward
customize recipes when alterations specific goals and deadlines, and define
and adjustments are possible, and individual roles as needed.
improvise recipes after choosing L.8.4.a. Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of
seasonal ingredients. a sentence or paragraph; a word’s position or
2.2.7. Demonstrate mastery of function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning
tasting and seasoning skills based of a word or phrase.
on sensory observations, identify
T h e E d i b le S c h ooly a r d Be r keley
332 Curriculu m: ki tc h e n
L ess o n # Rec ipe Ma in Fo c u s From the Garden ESY Standard Aca de mic Con n ect io n
K8 – 3 Eggs, Potatoes, Independence Eggs ESY Standards 2.0 Common Core (CCSS.ELA)
(85-105 Min) Homemade Ketchup Series: Potatoes In the Kitchen, Grade 8: SL.8.1. Engage effectively in a range of
and Herbal Tea Practicing teamwork 2.1.1. Choose the right tool for collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
and collaboration each job at the ESY Cooking groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners
with a focus on Garlic Station, anticipate steps of the on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on
group timing and Assorted herbs recipe, and take initiative to cook others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
C u rr i c u lu m : k i tch en
coordination Tea herbs independently. SL.8.1.b. Follow rules for collegial discussions
2.1.3. Demonstrate mastery of and decision-making, track progress toward
knife skills, safety and care using specific goals and deadlines, and define
knives from the ESY Toolbox. individual roles as needed.
2.2.4. Demonstrate a working L.8.4.a. Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of
knowledge of ingredients, a sentence or paragraph; a word’s position or
understand and explain function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning
seasonality, and identify which of a word or phrase.
ingredients are grown in particular RST.8.3. Follow precisely a multistep procedure
seasons. when carrying out experiments, taking
T h e E d i b le S c h ooly a r d Be r keley
L ess o n # Rec ipe Ma in Fo c u s From the Garden ESY Standard Aca de mic Con n ect io n
334 Curriculu m: ki tc h e n
L ess o n # Rec ipe Ma in Fo c u s From the Garden ESY Standard Aca de mic Con n ect io n
K8 – 4 Red Lentil Stew with Debate Plate: Carrots ESY Standards 2.0 Common Core:
(105 Min) Spiced Cabbage Health and Cabbage In the Kitchen, Grade 8: ELD & Literacy
Slaw Nutrition 2.1.1. Choose the right tool for
Cilantro 2.3.9. Collaborate to identify, choose, and
Reflecting each job at the ESY Cooking complete jobs…
on personal Station, anticipate steps of the
SL.8.1. Engage effectively in a range of
C u rr i c u lu m : k i tch en
relationships to food recipe, and take initiative to cook
and exploring the independently. collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
themes of health groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners
2.1.2. Select measuring tools
and balance in on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on
from the ESY Toolbox to others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
relationship to food measure precisely and convert
SL.8.1.d. Acknowledge new information
expressed by others, and, when warranted,
2.3.8. Approach lessons with
qualify or justify their own views in light of the
intention by thinking through how evidence presented.
the recipe relates to the kitchen,
SL.8.4. Present claims and findings (e.g.,
garden, and wider environment as
a whole. argument, narrative, response to literature
presentations), emphasizing salient points
T h e E d i b le S c h ooly a r d Be r keley
336 Curriculu m: ki tc h e n
L ess o n # Rec ipe Ma in Fo c u s From the Garden ESY Standard Aca de mic Con n ect io n
C u rr i c u lu m : k i tch en
justice and labor 1.2 Make positive contributions to ideas; provide an objective summary of the
issues in the food small group discussions. text.
system; 1.3 Communicate relevant SL.8.1. Engage effectively in a range of
questions to classmates; build collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
language and listening skills groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners
by practicing self-control, self- on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on
awareness, and noticing our others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
impact on others. SL.8.1.a. Come to discussions prepared, having
read or researched material under study;
explicitly draw on that preparation by referring
to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe
T h e E d i b le S c h ooly a r d Be r keley
338 Curriculu m: ki tc h e n
L ess o n # Rec ipe Ma in Fo c u s From the Garden ESY Standard Aca de mic Con n ect io n
K8 – 8 Vegetarian Chili Debate Plate: Carrots ESY Standards 2.0 Common Core:
(90 min) with Cornbread Cost and Access Cilantro In the Kitchen, Grade 8: ELD & Literacy
Food access as a Eggs 2.1.1. Choose the right tool for
SL.8.1. Engage effectively in a range of
social justice issue each job at the ESY Cooking collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
and considering Garlic Station, anticipate steps of the groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners
Green onions
C u rr i c u lu m : k i tch en
how issues of recipe, and take initiative to cook on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on
health, environment, independently. others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
and labor interact 2.1.2. Select measuring tools
SL.8.1.b. Follow rules for collegial discussions
and are affected by from the ESY Toolbox to
our food choices and decision-making, track progress toward
measure precisely and convert specific goals and deadlines, and define
measurements. individual roles as needed.
2.3.8. Approach lessons with
SL.8.4 Present claims and findings (e.g.,
intention by thinking through how argument, narrative, response to literature
the recipe relates to the kitchen, presentations), emphasizing salient points
garden, and wider environment as in a focused, coherent manner with relevant
a whole. evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-
T h e E d i b le S c h ooly a r d Be r keley
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Identify cooking jobs necessary to complete a recipe by referring to a written recipe or verbal description of
the cooking process.
Work as a group to distribute cooking jobs between all group members so that every group member is
satisfied with their assigned task.
Carry out individual cooking tasks with an understanding of how those tasks fit into the larger group goal:
creating the meal. Specifically, students will be able to time the completion of their cooking tasks in relation to
the timing of other groups.
During this lesson, students will:
Work with their table groups to identify the cooking jobs necessary to complete the meal by referring to the
written recipe and verbal description of the cooking process given by the teacher.
Break up jobs between themselves independent from adult help. Teachers will prompt for awareness of
self and others, and a more inclusive group process if every group member is not initially satisfied with their
assigned task.
Coordinate across recipes to complete each component of the meal at the optimal time.
T ools
Befo r e Y o u Beg i n
Collect all the tools and ingredients and distribute them to the tables.
Gather supplies for the Chef Meeting.
Create the visual aid.
Copy the Fresh Tomato Topping recipe to hand out.
Copy the Pesto recipe to hand out.
Copy the Ricotta Cheese recipe to hand out.
2. Describe how, over the course of these three lessons, as teachers we’ll be looking
for the students to develop even more independence over the cooking process. This
means that not only will we expect them to be doing all the physical work of cooking
and cleaning, but we’ll also be looking for them to do more of the mental work.
3. Ask students: What do you think I mean when I say we want you to do more of the
“mental work” in the kitchen?
That means figuring out what jobs need to be done, dividing up work within their
groups, and coordinating with one another to make sure everything gets done in
a timely way.
4. Increased independence in the cooking process will also require more sophisticated
collaboration skills. Explain that as teachers, we pay a lot of attention to how the
process of splitting up jobs feels, and always aim for fairness—we want every group
member to feel seen, heard, and excited to be part of the group. Encourage students
to pay attention to group dynamics as they work with one another—is everyone’s
voice being heard? Does everyone in the group seem content with the group process?
If not, encourage students who may be talking a lot to step up their listening, and
seek to include the voices of those who aren’t being heard.
5. Ask if there are any students who love cheese. Explain that today we’ll be making
a very simple, very delicious fresh cheese called ricotta. In addition, we’ll be making
spaghetti, and a fresh tomato sauce and basil pesto. Explain that fresh tomato sauce
and pesto are highly seasonal recipes that make use of the late summer harvest.
6. Ask students to wash their hands and break into their table groups.
At the Table
1. Small-group check-in: If you could have an unlimited supply of one fruit or vegetable
growing in a garden near you, what would it be? What is your favorite way to eat
pasta or noodles?
2. Explain that today students will separate themselves by recipe and be responsible
for dividing up jobs within their recipe groups. Note that because there are three
recipes that require the stovetop at some point and only two burners, they may have
to coordinate timing between groups to make sure all the food gets cooked. Also note
that the pasta shouldn’t get cooked until later on in class, so that it doesn’t end up
getting cold before eating. Emphasize that all the information students need about
how to prepare the dishes appears on the recipes—both the ingredients and the
directions—so reading the recipe closely, and communicating between groups, will be
key to successfully preparing the meal.
5. Set the table and eat. While eating, debrief with the group on how the team worked
together. Brainstorm other possible toppings for spaghetti or other foods they could
eat with pesto, ricotta, and tomato sauce.
6. Clean up.
2. If there is time, have students share other foods they could make with pesto, ricotta,
and tomato sauce. Alternately, have students share a secret talent that they have.
Teaching Notes
Teamwork and independence in the kitchen: This was the first lesson back in the kitchen for our
eighth-grade students after the summer. As such, our main goals in this lesson were to
reorient them to the space, reemphasize the importance of teamwork and collaboration in
kitchen class, and start setting them up to work with less direct support from the teacher
in all of their coming lessons.
Dividing up the jobs: In general, we took a very hands-off approach to this process, allowing
students to negotiate among themselves how they divided the work—often, just when it
reached the point that we’d be tempted to intervene to make sure that everyone’s voice
and needs were being heard, the students would self-regulate and bring in quieter voices
or adopt a more consensus-based way of decision-making. If it seemed as if some voices
were overly dominant or there were students whose needs and preferences were being
overlooked entirely, we tended to intervene with a specific reminder to exercise self and
group awareness (“Have we heard from everyone in the group about their preference for
a job?”).
Timing: This is an excellent lesson to prompt students to think about the timing of the meal,
especially because pasta is something many of them will be familiar with cooking.
Making the pesto: The students making pesto will often need prompting to realize that making
pesto in small batches instead of all at once will yield a more even texture. If they do
make the pesto in small batches, you can also remind them that exact proportions of
each ingredient are not necessary in each batch because it will all be mixed together in
the end.
Making the tomato sauce: Because our main goals in this lesson were building independence
and teamwork, we offered the students the option of cooking the tomato sauce or
keeping it raw.
Making the ricotta cheese: The students were very excited going into this lesson about the
prospect of making cheese. The first few times we taught this lesson, a number of our
Cooking the pasta: Pasta should be cooked about 20 minutes before the group eats. Too early,
and it will get cold and soggy.
Straining pasta: This job can be difficult and feel scary to some students. Offer to assist or
support if necessary.
Seasonality Ricotta
Acid Sieve
Curd Whey
Connections to Standards
Californi a Common Core State Standards Engl ish La ng uag e Arts and
Literacy in History/S ocial Studies, Science a nd Technical Su bjects (CCSS.E LA)
Sp eakin g and Listening Standards
SL.8.1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and
teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’
ideas and expressing their own clearly.
SL.8.1.b. Follow rules for collegial discussions and decision-making, track progress toward specific
goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
Spring Rolls
In this eighth-grade humanities lesson, students make fresh spring rolls and create their
own dipping sauces. Students practice their knife skills while preparing a variety of seasonal
vegetables for the spring roll filling; they hone their tasting skills and practice collaboration by
working in small teams to create their own dipping sauce recipes; and they build independence
and teamwork by tracking and managing the group’s timing throughout class.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
During this lesson, students will:
Prepare a variety of vegetables as spring roll fillings using a variety of cutting techniques that they identify
without direct instruction.
Create their own dipping sauce recipes from a variety of optional ingredients according to taste.
Manage their own timing in collectively preparing the meal.
F o r t h e C h ef Meet i n g I n g r e d i e n ts
Ingredients and tools Rice paper wrappers Assorted vegetables Vermicelli noodles
for demonstration Mint (carrots, bell peppers, or mung bean
cucumbers, zucchini, noodles
Visual aid Basil
summer squash, radish, Hoisin sauce
fennel, cabbage, lettuce,
bean sprouts, scallions, etc.)
T ools
F o r t h e S p r i n g Rolls F o r t h e D i pp i n g S a u ces
Befo r e Y o u Beg i n
Collect all the tools and ingredients and distribute them to the tables.
Gather supplies for the Chef Meeting.
Create the visual aid.
Copy the Spring Roll recipe to hand out.
Set up a station for making the dipping sauces (see Teaching Notes).
At the Chef M ee ting
1. Welcome students back to the kitchen. Explain that today we’ll continue to focus on
the independence and seasonality in the kitchen through making fresh spring rolls
and dipping sauces to accompany them.
2. Introduce some of the ingredients we’ll be using to make the spring rolls, noting
that all the vegetables we’ll be using are currently in season. Have students guess
what the rice paper wrappers and vermicelli or mung bean noodles are made out of.
Demonstrate how both turn soft when soaked in warm water.
3. Introduce the sauce table setup and explain that the focus of this station is to practice
honing your tasting skills to create a delicious dipping sauce for the spring rolls. This
4. As a final challenge to the students, each group will be in charge of managing their
own time during this lesson. This means that the teacher will not be telling the group
that it is time to clean up or reminding them to set the table. Instead, the group will be
responsible for tracking time themselves, and managing the tasks so that everything
gets done in time to eat.
5. Ask students to wash their hands and break into their table groups.
At the Table
1. Small-group check-in: What is your favorite kind of roll or wrap? If you could teach
any skill or class, what would it be?
2. Explain that today students will separate themselves into two groups—one to
prepare the fillings for the spring rolls, and one to prepare our dipping sauces. Within
those groups, students will distribute work among themselves. As a table we’ll make
two dipping sauces, and every person will have a chance to roll two spring rolls with
their fillings of choice.
3. The workflow for the day will be to first prepare the vegetables and dipping sauces,
then clean off the table and set up all the ingredients to assemble the rolls. We’ll
assemble the rolls, then clean off the table again, set it, and eat. After, we’ll clean up.
4. Explain that today, to add a further layer of independence, the group will be
responsible for managing their own time. Help them come up with a timeline, working
backwards from when the class ends to figure out when they’ll have to start cleaning
up, when they’ll have to be ready to eat, and when they’ll have to have finished
preparing all the vegetables.
5. Turn it over to the students to break into groups by recipe. Once the groups are
decided, have a student from each group volunteer to act as timekeeper.
7. Set the table and eat. While eating, have the sauce group share what ingredients
went into their sauces. Brainstorm other foods that might taste good with the sauces,
other sauces that might be good with the spring rolls, or other ingredients that would
be good in the spring rolls.
8. At the table, the group could also discuss: What skills do you think you learn
at school? What skills don’t you learn at school? What skills do you learn in the
kitchen in addition to cooking? What skills do you think you need to live and work
independently? Is there an area in your life that you feel very independent in?
9. Clean up.
2. If there is time, have students share other ingredients they could add to spring
rolls. Alternately, have students share a skill they think they need to live and work
Teaching Notes
The dipping sauce station: Because our focus with this lesson was on building independence
in the kitchen, we elected not to provide a sauce recipe. Instead, we took this as an
opportunity for students to practice their tasting skills and creativity. In order to create
enough physical space for multiple groups to be working with the variety of sauce
ingredients, we pulled out a separate table to set up the sauce ingredients on. In addition
to the ingredients, we put two cutting boards with knives, a microplane (grater/zester),
and a damp towel for wiping down the knives next to the garlic, ginger, lemons, and
limes. This allowed students to prepare these ingredients at the table without having
to take the ingredients elsewhere in the room or walk through the room carrying sharp
knives. Finally, in order to encourage students to taste ingredients as they went in a
hygienic way, we put all the liquid ingredients into small dropper bottles (soy sauce, rice
vinegar, black vinegar, sesame oil), and provided coffee stirrers as tasting sticks for the
thicker ingredients (plum sauce, hoisin sauce, sriracha, sambal, tahini, and bean sauce).
Assembling the spring rolls: Depending on the skill level of the group, you may either want to
demonstrate how to assemble a spring roll before having the students roll their own, or
have a student demonstrate based on the recipe instructions. Generally, some form of
demonstration makes the rolling process much smoother and the rolls themselves much
more successful. The most common pitfall that we observed in spring roll assembly was
in soaking the rice paper wrappers too long—if the wrappers get too soggy, then they
rip very easily. Also encourage students to use moderation in adding ingredients so they
don’t end up with a roll that is overfull.
Purple noodles: Our students were delighted to discover that adding sliced purple cabbage to
the noodles turned them purple.
Spring roll variations: Many students will be excited and thinking about imperial rolls, egg rolls,
or other deep-fried types of roll. Note that the process of making those is similar except
for using a wheat-based wrapper and frying before eating.
Leftover fillings: Most classes had a fair amount of fillings left over after students had made their
rolls. We mixed these leftovers in a single bowl with a simple dressing and enjoyed as a
side salad with our rolls.
Sprouting mung beans: Although we didn’t sprout mung beans for this lesson, it would be an
excellent opportunity to do so with students. Students should start the sprouting process
at least four days before they plan to make the rolls.
Connections to Standards
Californi a Common Core State Standards Engl ish La ng uag e Arts and
Literacy in History/S ocial Studies, Science a nd Technical Su bjects (CCSS.E LA)
b. Follow rules for collegial discussions and decision-making, track progress toward specific
goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed.
Language Standards
L.8.4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words or phrases
based on grade 8 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
a. Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph; a word’s position or
function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
RST.8.3. Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Work as a group to identify a decision-making process and make a decision that impacts the group according
to that process.
Work as a group to coordinate the preparation of multiple recipes with a specific deadline in mind.
Cook an egg independently.
During this lesson, students will:
Work as a group to identify a process for deciding how they will cook their potatoes, and use that process to
make the decision.
Identify a target time to be eating the meal, and coordinate the preparation of the potatoes, ketchup, tea, and
eggs in order to reach that target time.
Cook an egg for themselves according to their own tastes.
T ools
Hot pad (for heating water for tea) Heat water for tea.
At the Chef M ee ting
1. Welcome students back to the kitchen. Explain that this is the last of their three
lessons in the kitchen this fall. Today we’ll be making breakfast: eggs, potatoes,
ketchup, and tea.
2. The past two lessons have focused on the themes of independence and seasonality
in the kitchen. This final lesson involves an even higher level of independence and
group autonomy in the kitchen. Greater independence demands even more advanced
collaboration skills, and entails greater responsibility.
3. Today students will decide as a group how they will cook their potatoes. In order
to make this decision, encourage students to rigorously engage with their group
dynamics—challenge them to make the decision in a way that allows everyone in
the group to feel seen and heard. In dividing up work, challenge the groups to aim
for fairness. Explain that if over the previous two lessons certain students took more
vocal roles in facilitating group decision-making, the highest form of leadership is
to recognize when listening more and talking less will allow everyone in the group
to contribute. “Step up, step up” is a saying that recognizes that for people who find
it comfortable to be quiet and listen in a group, becoming more vocal is a way of
stepping up into leadership, and that for people who find it comfortable to be more
vocal, increasing their listening is a way to step up their leadership skills.
4. Explain that in addition to making decisions as a group, groups will coordinate their
timing to prepare multiple recipes. They will be given time to plan when we break into
our small table groups.
6. Demonstrate how to make a scrambled egg and a fried egg. Specifically explain that
you must add oil or butter to the pan before cooking an egg; demonstrate and explain
how to crack an egg; explain that mixing in salt before adding a scrambled egg to the
pan improves flavor and texture; and that if you are using a nonstick pan, you must
use wood or plastic utensils to avoid scratching the pan.
7. Ask students to wash their hands and break into their table groups.
2. Introduce the recipes for today: potatoes, homemade ketchup, herb tea, and eggs.
The group gets to decide whether they prepare their potatoes on the griddle as
homefries, in the oven as oven fries, or a combination of the two. They also have
the option to make mashed potatoes without a recipe if they want to. Because the
ketchup recipe needs to sit overnight in order for the flavors develop, they will be
preparing ketchup for the following day’s classes and personalizing ketchup the
previous day’s classes prepared. There is no recipe for the herb tea—the group gets
to decide what herbs they harvest and include in the tea.
3. Explain that today the group will also be coordinating timing to prepare all the food in
time to eat. Recommend that they consider waiting until the end of class to cook the
eggs because cold eggs are not very delicious. Recommend that they allot about 15
minutes total for each student to cook their own egg. Facilitate the group in working
backwards to identify target times for different stages of the meal preparation—start
with cleanup and work backwards through mealtime, cooking the eggs, setting the
table, etc. Have the group assign at least one timekeeper.
4. Turn it over to the small group to identify and divide cooking jobs.
6. Set the table and eat. While eating, debrief with the group how the team worked
7. Clean up.
2. If there is time, have students share something they learned from the first three
lessons of their eighth-grade rotation.
Teaching Notes
Timing: This lesson required every one of the 85 minutes we had to teach it. Instead of meeting
around the middle table for the Chef Meeting as we normally do, we had students go
straight to their table groups in order to streamline and buy some time.
“Step up, step up”: We observed that overtly naming in the Chef Meeting that the increased
level of independence in the lesson required an increased level of responsibility allowed
our students to collaborate much more successfully. We found that encouraging students
to recognize listening as a form of leadership and pay attention to whose voices were
being heard meant that group power dynamics were less likely to fall along lines of larger
social power dynamics (i.e., the white boys in the group being the most vocal). Setting
Egg demonstration: The first couple of times we taught this lesson, we didn’t demonstrate how
to cook an egg in the Chef Meeting. Instead, we demonstrated how to cook an egg just
in small groups during the cooking time (or had a student demonstrate). We found that
including an egg demonstration in the Chef Meeting helped to streamline the lesson
because students more reliably retained key points (preheating the pan, adding fat to the
pan before the eggs), and showed students how quickly an egg could cook (which also
dramatically cut down on the number of rubbery, overcooked eggs).
Cracking an egg: Students had a much higher success rate cooking their eggs after we started
overtly demonstrating how to crack an egg in the Chef Meeting (both on the table and
pulling the shells apart).
Vulnerability and fear of failure: We observed that not knowing how to cook an egg could
make some students feel vulnerable or embarrassed. For others, cooking their own egg
represented a large responsibility that made them nervous. Often, students expressed
this hesitation by saying that they didn’t want an egg or that they didn’t like eggs. Most
times, offering the student direct support in cooking their egg and explaining they didn’t
have to eat it if they didn’t want to changed their minds and made them eager to try
cooking an egg. In addition we found that the Chef Meeting egg-cooking demo helped
to allay many students’ fears. We also often identified one or two students who had
experience cooking eggs and asked them to go first so others could observe.
Pride in mastery: Students who had experience cooking eggs were often very proud to
showcase their skills. Challenging these students to explain their steps while other
students observed was often a fulfilling experience for them and a good way for less
experienced egg cookers to gain confidence.
Nonstick pans: We used nonstick pans to cook the eggs for ease of turnaround and greater
success rate. We also found that flipping an egg in the nonstick pan could be a fun and
thrilling group moment.
Setting up the egg stations: We preset pans, oil, butter, salt, pepper, eggs, compost bucket for
egg shells, spatulas, bowl, and fork for scrambled eggs at each cooking station.
Potatoes: Parboiling the potatoes makes the home fries cook more quickly. Encouraging students
to let the potatoes sit on the griddle undisturbed, only stirring occasionally, allows the
potatoes to brown and gives students a good opportunity to clean up.
Ketchup: It was more fun and delicious to use herbs, garlic, vinegars, and hot sauces to
customize the ketchup than it was to use dry spices.
Hot sauce diversity: We made multiple hot sauces available to our students during this lesson
(Crystal, Tapatío, Cholula, Sriracha). Students often identified very strongly with one
or two hot sauces and were very happy to see their own hot sauce because it was an
opportunity for them to see their culture represented in space
b. Follow rules for collegial discussions and decision-making, track progress toward specific
goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed.
Language Standards
L.8.4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words or phrases
based on grade 8 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
a. Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph; a word’s position or
function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
RST.8.3. Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Understand and define a variety of basic vocabulary to do with the theme of food choices and food justice
Articulate the concept of food choice and give examples of different considerations someone might have
when choosing what food to buy or where to shop
Discuss and give examples of ways in which issues of health, economic status, and food access intersect
During this lesson, students will:
Read an article that uses specialized food system vocabulary, refer to a glossary to define words they are
unfamiliar with, and use this new vocabulary to answer discussion questions on topics raised by the article
Discuss reasons that consumers might choose to shop at the Mandela Foods Cooperative
Debate whether providing healthy food incentives to residents of low-income neighborhoods that excludes
certain “unhealthy” foods is fair or not
Printed copies of “Commentary: West Oakland foods cooperative defies odds, serves people”
Printed copies of “Mandela Foods Cooperative Discussion Questions/Glossary”
Board or printed copies with exit ticket questions:
To me, the motto “food plus people equals power” means…
The author argues that the Mandela Foods Cooperative impacts West Oakland in a variety
Befo r e Y o u Beg i n
1. Welcome students to the classroom. Explain that next week, they’ll begin a week-
long unit called “Debate Plate” that examines factors and considerations that
influence personal food choices and the impacts of those choices. Today is a preview
day for the conversations they’ll be having in greater depth next week.
2. Hand-out copies of the article. Point out that the title of the article labels it as a
“commentary”. Ask students to define “commentary” and elaborate on what that tells
them about the information presented in the article. This is an opinion-piece written
by an individual with a specific point of view and a purpose in sharing that point of
view with an audience.
3. Hand-out copies of the discussion questions and glossary. Have students read the
article - independently, in small groups, or as a class. Point out to students that they
can use the glossary as a resource while reading the article.
4. After students have read the article, use the discussion questions to facilitate a class
discussion, either as a full class or in small groups.
5. If you have time, choose one of the following prompts for students to complete as an
exit ticket:
The author argues that the Mandela Foods Cooperative impacts West Oakland
in a variety of ways beyond just providing food for people to buy. Think about the
store or market where the majority of the food you eat is bought. What are some
of the impacts you think this store might have on its neighborhood?
The Mandela Foods Cooperative is located in an area with very few other places
to buy groceries. Think about the area where you live - how many places to buy
groceries are located within walking-distance from your home?
6. Thank students for their participation in the class, and tell them that they’ll continue
to dig into connections between food, health, environment, and justice when they go
to the kitchen next week.
Connections to Standards
Common Core: R eading Standards for Informational T ext, Grade 8
RSI.8.2. 2. Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text,
including its relationship to supporting ideas; provide an objective summary of the text.
Cal iforni a State Common Core , Sp eaking a nd Listening Sta ndards, Grade 8
SL.8.1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and
teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on
others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
SL.8.4 Present claims and findings (e.g., argument, narrative, response to literature
presentations), emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with relevant
evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate eye contact,
adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
Edibl e Sch oolyard 1.0 In the Edible Schoo lyard Pro gram:
Tools 1.1. Engage in structured groups to complete tasks and practice teamwork.
Tools 1.3. Communicate relevant questions to classmates; build language and listening skills by
practicing self-control, self-awareness, and noticing our impact on others.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
Mandela Foods Cooperative employee Bryan Daniels holds some local Oakland product sold at the
Oakland grocery store near the West Oakland BART station. Mandela MarketPlace, which launched the
locally sourced, community-based food cooperative in 2009, is planning to open a new grocery store,
food hall and retail concept in a 2,141-square-foot, ground-floor retail space in Ashland Place, an
affordable housing development next to the REACH Ashland Youth Center. The retail space is now under
construction and is set to open in late summer 2017. (Paul Kuroda/Bay Area News Group)
PUBLISHED: January 24, 2017 at 12:48 pm | UPDATED: January 24, 2017 at 1:40 pm
Ten years ago, residents and organizers in West Oakland began negotiations with affordable
housing developer Bridge Housing to secure a 10,000 square-foot retail space to house a
community-owned and operated grocery store.
Mandela Foods Cooperative, was designed and is owned and operated by community members.
Despite widespread neighborhood support of the cooperative, during the final hours of
negotiations, Bridge Housing decided to lease the space on the historic 7th Street to big box
retailer 99 Cents Only; leaving a much smaller retail space for the community-supported
Mandela Foods Cooperative is the only full-service grocery store in West Oakland, and it serves
a much larger purpose than just being a place to shop for healthy fruits and vegetables.
MFC provides jobs, boosts the local economy by creating business ownership opportunities for
residents and creates a place for new local entrepreneurs to retail-test their products.
MFC serves the community — the new residents and long-timers — while also honoring a
historic West Oakland culture in the midst of rapid gentrification.
Conversely, the big-box retailer that originally beat Mandela Foods Cooperative out of the large
space on the corner of 7th Street has now chosen to leave the neighborhood.
Ten years ago, many saw Mandela Foods Cooperative as the store that was a risk, and saw 99
Cents Only Store as the sure thing. Now, 99 Cents Only is pulling out — and Mandela Foods
Cooperative is looking to expand.
Mandela Foods Cooperative has generated more than $6 million in revenue that it has pumped
into the local community and economy. MFC serves as a job-training center and provides local
youth, formerly incarcerated individuals, and other residents with jobs and stable incomes.
Through its purchases of locally sourced goods and produce, Mandela Foods Cooperative has
created more than $200,000 in new income for marginalized farmers and has helped more
than 42 businesses secure retail space for locally produced products.
Zella’s Soulful Kitchen, located in Mandela Foods, launched a café-style restaurant that features
freshly-prepared soul food, continuing a West Oakland tradition of sharing family recipes with
Finally, Mandela Foods Cooperative has contributed more than $45,000 in property taxes to
Alameda County.
Today, Mandela Foods Cooperative continues to serve the local community. The store’s
commitment to community is visible — the store showcases local talent, authors and businesses;
provides healthy food purchase incentives to residents of Mandela Gateway and families using
food stamps; and serves as a center for health education, local culture and fresh, affordable
healthy foods. Additionally, Mandela Foods Cooperative has banked with the community-
initiated Community Trust Credit Union since MFC began operation in 2009.
Now, with the 99 Cents Only store leaving, Mandela Foods Cooperative can confidently expand
into a larger storefront — increasing its benefit to community culture, community economy and
community health. With so much done in a small space, what these business owners can
accomplish in a larger space can only be imagined
Dana Harvey is the executive director of Mandela MarketPlace. For more information, call 510-
433-0993 or visit
Harvey, Dana. “Commentary: West Oakland foods cooperative defies odds, serves people.” East Bay
Times. 24 January 2017,
oakland-foods-cooperative-defies-odds-serves-people/. Accessed 26 January 2017.
1. What are five ways that the author argues Mandela Foods Cooperative benefits West Oakland?
2. The article says that “Ten years ago, many saw Mandela Foods Cooperative as the store that
was a risk, and saw 99 Cents Only Store as a sure thing.” Why do you think this was?
a. What do you think their arguments for the 99 Cents Only Store were?
4. Mandela Foods Cooperative has been successful in turning a profit since it opened. Why do you
think people choose to shop there? Do you think everyone shops there for the same reasons?
5. “Through its purchases of locally sourced goods and produce, Mandela Foods Cooperative has
created more than $200,000 in new income for marginalized farmers and has helped more
than 42 businesses secure retail space for locally produced products.” What does this mean?
Can you give an example? How do you think this is happening? What impacts does it have?
6. In the article, the author says that Mandela Foods Cooperative provides “healthy food purchase
incentives to residents of Mandela Gateway and families using food stamps.” The purchase
incentives she mentions are:
50% off all fresh and frozen produce and bulk nuts and fruits for those who qualify
for food stamps (50% discount does not apply for foods containing added sugar,
salt, or oil)
a. Why would a marketplace offer this type of program? What is their goal?
b. Why do you think they exclude foods containing sugar, salt, and oil from the 50%
discount? Do you think this is fair?
3. MFC also partners with other stores in the area, specifically corner stores and liquor stores, by
delivering fresh produce to them that they can sell. Why would they partner with other stores in
the neighborhood? Wouldn’t they see them as competition?
4. The motto of Mandela Foods Cooperative is “Food plus people equals power.” What does this
Big Box (adj.) A big-box store is a large store, usually the displacement of poor communities by rich
part of a chain, that sells vast quantities of a outsiders. The effects of gentrification are
large variety of things at relatively low prices (ex. complex and contradictory, and its real impact
Walmart, Target etc.). varies. Source: P.B.S.
Entrepreneur (n.) A person who organizes, operates Recession (n.) A period of temporary economic
and runs a business. decline, often accompanied by increased
Full-service grocery (n.) Full-service grocery stores
sell items from at least six of the following Retail-test (v.) Test out a new product by making it
categories: fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh available to consumers and seeing how popular
and uncooked meats, poultry and seafood, it is.
dairy products, canned foods, frozen foods, Revenue (n.) The total dollar amount of sales made by
dry groceries and baked goods, non-alcoholic a business.
beverages. Source: D.C. Alcoholic Beverage
Soul Food (n.) African American cuisine developed
Regulation Administration
primarily by African-American communities in
Gentrification (n.) A general term for the arrival of
the American South from the time of slavery until
wealthier people in an existing urban district, a
related increase in rents and property values, and
Stable income (n.) Someone has a stable income if
changes in the district’s character and culture.
they get paid the same amount of money on a
The term is often used negatively, suggesting
consistent basis.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
During this lesson, students will:
F o r t h e C h ef Meet i n g
Poster paper and pens, or board and sticky notes Spiced Cabbage Slaw recipe
Example bowl of dried lentils “Debate Plate” visual aid
Red Lentil Stew recipe
Befo r e Y o u Beg i n
Collect all the ingredients and tools, and distribute them to the tables.
Gather supplies for the Chef Meeting.
Create the visual aid.
Put up the poster paper to take notes during Chef Meeting.
Copy the Red Lentil Stew and Spiced Cabbage Slaw recipes to hand out.
Soak the red lentils (if concerned with having enough time to cook).
At the Chef M ee ting
1. Welcome students back to the kitchen. Explain that this is the first of five lessons
they’ll have in the kitchen this spring, culminating in a pizza lesson at the end of
the year. This week they’ll be embarking upon a lesson series called “Debate Plate,”
which examines the factors behind what we choose to eat and the impacts of those
choices. They have already started the discussion in their classrooms by reading the
article about the Mandela Foods Cooperative in West Oakland. We’ll continue to talk
about the themes raised in the article, and build on them over the next week. They’ll
2. All week, we’ll be thinking and talking about our relationships to food, engaging
critically with the messages we hear about food and the way the food system
currently works, and asking you to build self-awareness about your own food
choices—the reasons behind them and their impacts. The series is called Debate
Plate because each day we’ll be asking you to construct arguments and defend
your opinions on all kinds of questions related to food. There are no right or wrong
answers for any of what we’ll be talking about, and we’ll definitely raise more
questions than we can answer, so we invite you to dig in without hesitation.
3. Ask for two volunteers to act as scribes. Lead a student brainstorm: What do you
take into consideration when deciding what to eat or not to eat? What influences
your food choices? Put ideas up on the board—leave the board up over the course of
the week to add to as new ideas arise. If students are hesitant to add ideas, name a
few of your considerations to get the process going.
4. You can already see from this list that food choices are complicated and there are
many potential factors involved. There is no such thing as “correct” or “right.” We
have selected four potential considerations to focus on this week: Health & Nutrition,
Environment, Justice & Labor, and Cost & Access. Today we’ll be looking at Health &
5. Student poll: Who has had some form of nutrition education before? This may have
been in school, at home, or by way of information that you’ve seen, heard, or read.
7. There is a lot of information out there! Many of the things you’ve heard probably
seem contradictory. I’m not going to add to that information. Instead, today I want
to share a little of my perspective—how I’ve come to navigate thinking about my
health when I make food choices. I’m not sharing because I want you to think the
way I do or because I think that my way of defining health is correct. My hope is that
hearing my perspective may be useful as you continue to develop your own personal
understanding of health.
8. Share a personal anecdote that illustrates an approach to health and nutrition that
prioritizes long-term balance and emotional well-being as opposed to making every
individual food choice “perfect.”
Nick: I’m going to start by telling you that I love the Nacho Cheese Chalupa from
Taco Bell. For me, there is absolutely nothing like the gooey, chewy, cheesy, crispy
phenomenon that is the Taco Bell Chalupa with nacho cheese. And many of you
are looking at me right now like, “You can’t say that! You’re a Chef Teacher at the
Edible Schoolyard! You can’t like Taco Bell!” And I’m telling you I can, and I do. I
love Taco Bell.
But I try not to worry about having every single food choice I make hit every
consideration—that’s just too much. Instead, I try to think about balancing my
considerations over the long term. Overall, health and nutrition is important to me,
so I wouldn’t eat Taco Bell for every meal. But I also wouldn’t want to never eat a
food that brings me so much joy taste-wise simply because it doesn’t fulfill all of
my standards. I think about long-term balance, not short-term perfection.
10. Introduce recipes for the day: Red Lentil Stew and a Spiced Cabbage Slaw. When I
was walking around the room, I heard a lot of people talking about “this food is bad
for you” or “that food will make you sick,” and not as many people sharing information
they’d heard about foods being good for you or health-giving. I think this is very
representative of the dominant food culture in the US. We have a lot of negative
framing around food that focuses on limiting how much we eat things that we think
will do us harm. We chose to make two recipes from Indian cuisine today because
there is a radically different approach to food in Ayurveda, a traditional medicine
practice from the Indian subcontinent. Ayurvedic thought around nutrition sees foods
as health-giving in different ways, and as nourishing not just our bodies, but also
our minds and spirits. We aren’t going to go in-depth into that as we are no experts.
Rather we wanted to prepare this food today as an introduction into that positively
framed relationship to food, health, and nutrition.
11. Ask students to wash their hands and go to their table groups.
At the Table
1. Small group check-in: What is a comfort food for you?
2. Introduce jobs for the day in more detail. Explain how flavors in the spices we’re using
(coriander, cumin, etc.) are largely fat-soluble, which is why we’ll be frying them in oil
to release the flavors for both the lentil stew and the slaw.
At the Closin g
1. Ask students to rate the food using their fingers on a scale of 1 to 5.
2. If there is time, ask students to share thoughts from their small table group
Teaching Notes
We deliberated on changing the name of this lesson from “Health and Nutrition”
to “Relationship to Food and Food Choices” to more accurately reflect the content.
Ultimately we decided to keep the name “Health and Nutrition” to highlight that having a
healthy relationship to food is part of health and nutrition.
The principal goal of this lesson and series is to encourage students to engage in
reflective, critical thought about their food considerations. We are not trying to change
their considerations in any way except to encourage them to do mental work, which
may result in their own changes. We are actively seeking to avoid shaming any existing
considerations or choices.
We first wanted to build a lesson with positive framing that acknowledges the
tremendous joy that many students derive from eating as a valid input to making
food choices
We wanted to alleviate guilt and shame and share a vision of a healthy
relationship to food as opposed to a narrow focus on healthy foods.
A major part of the desire to do this rose from seeing our students shamed in
other nutrition lessons that vilified foods that they frequently consume.
This happened most often to students of color and students from low-income
Our check-in question for this lesson was, “What is your comfort food?” This is to
reiterate that happiness, pleasure, and emotional well-being are part of health and
We introduced sequence thinking and asked the students to ask themselves questions
such as: “What needs to cook first? Should I cut that first?”
Measuring and combining the lentils and water before class starts allows the lentils to
soak for 20 minutes or so, which speeds up the cook time.
We found that working closely with students on toasting and blooming spices was
important to get the most delicious coleslaw and stew. If the cumin and mustard don’t
get toasted enough, the slaw has very little flavor.
We found that putting a copy of the recipe next to the spices with the spices highlighted
made it significantly easier for students to navigate that part of the recipe.
The coleslaw recipe uses the word “shredded” to describe how to prepare the carrots
and cabbage. We were surprised to see many students confused about what to do with
that instruction. We guided them to using knives, peelers, and graters based on how they
wanted the texture to be for their coleslaw.
Asafoetida is a good addition to the lentil stew if you have it or can get it easily. That
said, it is not essential. The stew is delicious without it as well.
We asked students to try the sliced onion before and after it had sat with the salt and
lime so that they could observe the difference in flavor and texture.
If time allowed we would describe how some flavors are water-soluble while others are
fat-soluble and that cooking in fat and then in something aqueous can extract the most
Students were often skeptical of the concept, the recipe, and the food itself while they
were cooking. We responded by asking them to have faith in us as teachers, cooks, and
eaters and to trust in that we always make delicious foods. Almost all the students really
enjoyed the meal, and many were vocal about being surprised by how much they liked it.
The coleslaw and lentil stew make a great pair of dishes as they have very different
dominant flavors. We encourage the students to try them together in the same bite and
to try them in alternating bites and discuss how they like it better and if they think they
support each other.
At the table we often talked about school lunch and the nutrition guidelines for school
lunches. We asked students if they thought they were a good idea or not and what
effects they have.
If time allowed, we used the food consideration cards after finishing cleanup.
Ask a student to make a map or chart of their food considerations from most important
and most frequently thought about to least important or rarely thought about.
Ask students if they were surprised by anything in their map or if the process helped
them learn about their considerations.
Do they have any cards or considerations that they would like to be in a different place?
Would an aspirational map look different?
We asked students if we should make and include a body image card in the deck to
generate conversation around how they think about food and their physical appearance.
This typically yielded a rich conversation with most students agreeing that we should
include that consideration.
Bloom (spices in oil)
Connections to Standards
Californi a State Common Core , Gra de 8
SL.8.1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and
teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on
others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
SL.8.1.d. Acknowledge new information expressed by others, and, when warranted, qualify or
justify their own views in light of the evidence presented.
SL.8.4. Present claims and findings (e.g., argument, narrative, response to literature
presentations), emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with relevant
evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate eye contact,
adequate volume, and clear pronunciation. CA
RST 6-8.3. Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
RST 6-8.10. By the end of grade 8, read and comprehend science/technical texts in the grades 6-8
text complexity band independently and proficiently.
2.1.2. Select measuring tools from the ESY Toolbox to measure precisely and convert
2.3.8. Approach lessons with intention by thinking through how the recipe relates to the
kitchen, garden, and wider environment as a whole.
2.3.9. Collaborate to identify, choose, and complete jobs to execute recipes, and explain each
individual contribution to the end result.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
During this lesson, students will:
F o r t h e C h ef Meet i n g F o r t h e C los i n g
“Debate Plate” visual aid Salad Dressing recipe Yogurt container lids or
“How Much Water Made My Frittata?” Citrus Dressing recipe other common disposable
visual aid objects
Sesame Soy Dressing recipe
Frittata recipe Mustard Miso Dressing recipe
Befo r e Y o u Beg i n
Collect all the ingredients and tools, and distribute them to the tables.
Gather supplies for the Chef Meeting.
Gather supplies for the Closing.
Create the visual aid.
Copy the Frittata and Salad Dressing recipes to hand out.
Steam potatoes (if using in frittata).
At the Chef M ee ting
1. Welcome students back to their second day of Debate Plate in the kitchen. Remind
students of the overarching questions of the week: What factors influence what we
eat, and what are the impacts of those choices? Prompt students to remember the
previous day’s lesson: making red lentil stew and Indian-spiced cabbage slaw and
talking about health and nutrition as a lens for thinking about food choices. Introduce
the topic of the day: the relationship between what we eat and the environment.
2. Share a personal anecdote about how you learned to care about the relationship
between your food choices and the environment:
4. Prompt students to brainstorm the inputs that go into producing and processing the
food we eat (water, land, nutrients in the soil, human time and labor, fuel for the farm
equipment and transportation, electricity for processing and refrigeration, materials
for packaging etc.).
5. Today we’re going to focus on water. We did some research to find out how much
water it takes to produce the ingredients that go into our frittata. Introduce the visual
aid—this is just the water used to grow the ingredients, it doesn’t represent any of
the water used in processing or cooking. Ask for student volunteers to guess which
amount of water corresponds to which ingredient (see “Visual Aid” in the Teaching
Notes below for more on how we do this). Once the ingredients have all been matched
with a water amount, reveal the total water used to grow the ingredients for one frittata.
6. Food takes a lot of water to grow! Especially animal products. This does not mean
that growing and eating food is a waste of water—it simply means that growing food
is very water-intensive and educating oneself about the inputs that go into making
your food give you greater agency around the environmental impacts of your food
choices. For example, now consider the statistic that 40% of food in the US goes to
waste. Given what you know now, imagine how much water that represents when
you think that when one single egg goes bad, or breaks accidentally, that’s the same
as wasting three showers’ worth of water. Being aware of this allows you to be more
mindful of food waste. When you reduce waste, you reduce environmental impact.
This type of research could be done for any of the inputs we named earlier.
7. When you take into consideration everything that goes into making the food we eat
available to us, food starts to seem a whole lot more precious. Every bite is a small
At the Table
1. Small-group check-in: What is your favorite way to eat eggs?
4. Cook.
5. Eat. A few good topics for conversation while eating could be:
6. Who do you know that absolutely will not waste food? Why is it important to them
not to waste food? What are some strategies they have for not wasting food?
7. What are ways that you or people you know repurpose things that may otherwise be
8. What kind of environmental education have you had before? How has it made you
feel? Do you think environmental education is important? How do you think these
topics are best taught?
9. Clean up.
At the Closin g
1. Ask students to rate the food using their fingers from 1 to 5.
2. If there’s time, reflect on discussion from the small table groups. Encourage students
to continue reflecting on the idea of waste, and see how much they can notice before
Thursday, when we’ll be meeting back in the kitchen.
3. If there’s considerable extra time, play the “Repurpose Brainstorm Game” by putting a
plastic yogurt-container lid on each table, and have small groups brainstorm as many
ways they can think of to repurpose the lid. Write these ideas down, and afterwards
have groups share out.
Teaching Notes
Teaching to empower: Our goal in every lesson of this Debate Plate lesson series is to support
our students’ development as critical, informed, and self-reflective eaters. We want
to inspire in them a sense of empowerment around the potential impacts of their food
choices. We make every effort to avoid framing our discussions in ways that could shame
or overwhelm them. We want to recognize and honor the areas in which our students
have agency over their food choices, as well as the areas they don’t have agency or don’t
have agency yet.
Visual aid: All the components of the visual aid are drawings that we laminated and attached
to the poster with a piece of tape on the back. We interact with the visual aid in the Chef
Meeting almost like a game show. When students arrive, the image of the frittata is in
the center with the ingredients in a circle around it. The different water amounts are
jumbled up and attached to the sides of the visual aid. During the Chef Meeting, we ask
for students to match the ingredients to their corresponding water amounts. We always
start by prompting students to consider the two largest water amounts and ask which
two ingredients they think they correspond to and why (cheese and eggs). This helps them
to understand that animal products are more water-intensive to produce than vegetable
products. From there, sometimes we prompt more guessing, and sometimes we just match
the amounts for them. Sometimes we’ll also start the lesson with a couple matched to give
them some reference points. At the end, we reveal the total amount of water in one frittata
and hold up the cast-iron skillet we’ll be using to cook it in so they can get a sense of the
size. We find that having an interactive board is a great way to garner student interest,
and makes a lasting impression on students. One of the major takeaways at the end of
the week for many students is how much water it takes to grow food.
What’s a frittata? For students who are unfamiliar with frittatas, we describe them as a baked
omelette, or like a quiche without crust.
Eggs: The Frittata recipe calls for 8 to 20 eggs. When making this recipe with a class, we always
use eight eggs because that way it cooks a little bit faster.
Cheese inside and on top: We encourage students to put some of the cheese in the egg mixture
and reserve some to sprinkle on top before putting the frittata in the oven.
Cracking an egg: We like to demonstrate how to crack an egg while the students are working.
Most students know how, but for the few who are unfamiliar with the skill, it can feel
embarrassing and vulnerable to admit that to their group-mates.
Raw egg: Show students how to work next to the compost bucket while cracking the eggs so
they don’t drip raw egg everywhere.
Eggs and cheese: Some students can be hesitant about the combination at first, but even those
who profess to hate eggs and cheese together tend to love the frittata.
Cooking rates: The recipe says to add the vegetables and herbs at the same time, but this is a
good lesson to prompt students to recall the idea of cooking rates and add them to the
pan at different times (aromatics, then crunchy, then leafy).
Hot sauce and culture: We made multiple hot sauces available to our students during this
lesson (Crystal, Tapatío, Cholula, Sriracha). Students often identified very strongly with
one or two hot sauces and were very happy to see their own hot sauce because it was
an opportunity for them to see their culture represented in the space.
Onions: We used bulb onion for this lesson, but when making frittata with sixth graders we often
use spring onions instead because it is less irritating to the eyes.
Toasted seeds: Toasted pepitas or sunflower seeds are super popular to snack on and include in
Allergies: For students who are allergic to dairy, we reserve all the cheese to sprinkle on top and
leave a piece of the frittata cheese-free. For students who are allergic to eggs, we always
provide an alternative such as fruit, cheese, or toast.
Browning: This lesson is a good opportunity to show students how a little bit of browning on the
bottom of the pan can add a lot of flavor.
Herbs: We use a variety of herbs in this lesson so that students can taste them and choose
which to include in their frittata. Encourage students to use all their senses when
choosing the herbs.
Fairness: Sometimes students become anxious when we start cutting the frittata for serving. We
find it helps to name that you’re trying to slice the frittata as evenly as you can and that it
is very difficult to make it perfect, so please be understanding of that.
Testing for doneness: You know the frittata is done when the egg looks solid and doesn’t shake
when you shake the pan.
Frittata for everyone: This year we made frittatas with the sixth and eighth graders. With the
sixth graders, we made the lesson more simple by cooking just the frittata without the
Table discussion: We’ve found the best conversations around this topic happen when we ask
about people students know who have specific practices or habits around waste. Almost
every student will have a story about at least one person in their life who hates to waste
something—whether it is food, water, clothes, or other things.
Environmental impact
Food waste
Greenhouse gas
SL.8.1.b. Follow rules for collegial discussions and decision-making, track progress toward
specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed.
SL.8.1.d. Acknowledge new information expressed by others, and, when warranted, qualify or
justify their own views in light of the evidence presented.
SL.8.4. Present claims and findings (e.g., argument, narrative, response to literature
presentations), emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with relevant
evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate eye contact,
adequate volume, and clear pronunciation. CA
Californi a State Common Core , Rea ding Sta nda rds for Literacy in Sc ience
a nd Techni cal Subjects
RST 6-8.3. Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
RST 6-8.7. Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a
version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model,
graph, or table).
2.2.6. Read and follow recipes, customize recipes when alterations and adjustments are
possible, and improvise recipes after choosing seasonal ingredients.
2.2.7. Demonstrate mastery of tasting and seasoning skills based on sensory observations,
identify and recreate flavors from different countries and cultures covered in previous
2.3.8. Approach lessons with intention by thinking through how the recipe relates to the
kitchen, garden, and wider environment as a whole.
2.3.9. Collaborate to identify, choose, and complete jobs to execute recipes, and explain each
individual contribution to the end result.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Understand that their food choices as consumers impact other people within the food system.
Discuss the relative proportion of the money they spend on food that goes to each player in
the food system, and compare how these proportions vary depending on the characteristics of
the food system.
Begin to form opinions and build arguments around the theme of justice/injustice in the food
system, and consumer responsibility in regards to food choices.
During this lesson, students will:
Connect consumer choices to farmworkers’ lives by reflecting on the impact paying one penny
more per pound for tomatoes would have on the Immokalee Workers’ pay after watching a
video by the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW).
Create posters summarizing the steps involved and wealth distribution breakdown for an
average U.S. food product from farm to plate after reading an excerpt from “Where Does Your
Grocery Money Go?”
Discuss their thoughts, reactions, and opinions in regards to the CIW video and “Where Does
Your Grocery Money Go?” article.
1. Welcome students to the classroom. “This week we’ve been talking about factors and
considerations that influence food choices. Today we’ll be diving more into some of
the impacts of those food choices on other people by talking about labor and justice
issues in the food system.”
2. When I say “labor,” what does that mean to you? Define “labor.”
3. So when we’re talking about labor in relation to the food we eat, what, or who, do
you think we could be talking about? To put it another way, who are some of the
people who work on getting food from the farm to your plate? Tell students this is just
a preliminary list that you’ll add onto as the class goes on.
4. And what about “justice”? What does justice look like or mean? What does injustice
look like or mean? Define “justice” and “injustice.”
5. Today in looking at labor and justice in the food system, we’ll be focusing mostly
on the work that farmers and farmworkers do and the compensation they receive
for that work. Clarify that “farmers” usually refer to the people who run the farms,
and they may or may not actually work in the fields, and “farmworkers” are paid by
the farmers to do manual labor on the farm—anything from planting to fertilizing,
spraying pesticides if the farm is not organic, and harvesting.
8. Hopefully that gives you a sense of the type of work farmworkers do, and the
conditions workers face on the job. In that video, the workers were asking for just one
penny more per pound that they picked. Now we’re going to jump into some specifics
on where the money that you spend at the grocery store goes.
In the industrial food chain, “for every dollar we spend on food, only about 16
cents goes to the farmer. The other 84 cents goes to the chain that brings the food
from farm to plate: the diesel and truck and driver that move the food from farm
to processing plant or warehouse; the mill or the factory where food is processed,
or the cost of storing it until it is sold. They also pay for the people who sell it
wholesale or to grocers, the restaurant cooks who prepare it for us when we eat
out, the satellite and databases to track shipments, and the workers, forklifts,
In a less-industrialized food cycle with fewer people and processes between the
grower and consumer, a much larger proportion of your food dollars – even up to
100% - goes directly to the farmer and farmworkers.
Source: McMillan, Tracie. “Where Does Your Grocery Money Go? Mostly Not
to the Farmers.” Eatocracy. CNN Online. August 8, 2012. http://eatocracy.cnn.
10. Choose one of the following activities (or do both, time permitting):
Make-a-poster activity:
Students make posters summarizing what they think is the most important or
interesting information for people to know about labor and justice in the food
system based on the video and article.
If there is time, students share the posters with the whole class or in small
Are there any things you have learned about food that affect how you make
food choices?
Are there areas you feel are more or less important to be informed?
Are there any things that you would change about how you eat or the food
available to you, but are not able to?
Have you experienced not being in control of the decisions that affect your
conscience as a consumer?
11. Thank students for their participation in the class, and tell them that they’ll continue
to explore the theme of labor and justice when they return to the Kitchen.
Wealth distribution
Industrial food chain
Connections to Standards
Common Core: R eading Standards for Informational T ext, Grade 8
RSI.8.2. 2. Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text,
including its relationship to supporting ideas; provide an objective summary of the text.
Cal iforni a State Common Core , Sp eaking a nd Listening Sta ndards, Grade 8
SL.8.1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and
teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on
others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
SL.8.1.a. Come to discussions prepared, having read or researched material under study; explicitly
draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe
and reflect on ideas under discussion.
SL.8.1.b. Follow rules for collegial discussions and decision-making, track progress toward
specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed.
SL.8.4 Present claims and findings (e.g., argument, narrative, response to literature
presentations), emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with relevant
evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate eye contact,
adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
SL.8.5. Integrate multimedia and visual displays into presentations to clarify information,
strengthen claims and evidence, and add interest.
Tools 1.3. Communicate relevant questions to classmates; build language and listening skills by
practicing self-control, self-awareness, and noticing our impact on others.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
Immokalee workers video:
McMillan, Tracie. “Where does your grocery money go? Mostly not to the farmers.” Eatocracy.
CNN Online. August 8, 2012.
Well, yes, I conceded, those women could probably afford to pay more. That doesn’t mean we have to.
Because it’s not the farmers who get most of the money we spend on food. It’s everyone who’s standing
past the farm gate.
When we buy food, we think we are paying the farmer. This is true in a very basic economic sense: some
portion of what we spend at the store does trickle back down to the hands that worked the land.
Understandably, we think that if food costs more, it must be because the farmer is getting more for it.
There might be good reasons for prices to rise – the worst drought in a half-century, for instance — or
there might be profiteering reasons for it — padding a supermarket’s bottom line. But the base assumption is
that when we pay more, the farmer makes more.
join mailing list
The problem is, that is almost entirely untrue.
email address
The breakdown
For every dollar we spend on food, only about 16 cents goes to the farmer. The other 84 cents go towards
what economists call “marketing,” which refers not to commercials and advertising, but the entire chain that
ensures food makes it from farm to plate.
from twitter
Those 84 cents pay for the diesel and truck and driver to move the food from farm to processing plant or
warehouse; the mill or the factory where food is processed, or the cost of storing it until it is sold. They also 6 Ways Food Is Immigrat
pay for the people who sell it wholesale or to grocers, the restaurant cooks who prepare it for us when we Success Story https://t.c
eat out, the satellite and databases to track shipments, and the workers, forklifts, warehouse and via @NatGeo thx @Coli
refrigeration at the grocery store.
@RNAeatsbugs ah, i'm
Take, for instance, the humble onion. In 2008, shoppers paid about 67 cents for every pound of onions they old that anyone under 40
bought, with about 13 cents going to the farm, meaning that the farm got 19 percent of what shoppers paid. 20something to me. fixin
(The workers who picked the onions got between 1 and 2 percent, or just about one penny per pound.) in reply to RNAeatsbug
Across all vegetables, the average share paid to farmers is more like 25 percent; fresh fruits pay an @RNAeatsbugs aw, ma
average of 30 percent to the farmer. All the rest of it went to distribution, logistics, overhead – everything wrong? how old are you?
that it takes to get food from farm to plate. reporting for sure. 03-Jun
Distributing wealth
Chefs Make A Tasty Cas
Today, nearly all our meals arrive in our neighborhoods via supermarkets (or supercenters, the term for
operations like Walmart and Target that also sell groceries). Those two kinds of stores sell about 80 percent cc2: @entosense @che
of our food. Walmart, the biggest supermarket in the country, sells roughly one-quarter of the food bought in @Bugsolutely 03-June
the U.S., making it the largest grocer in our history (and that of the world).
Follow @tmmcmillan
But by selling food, supermarkets have also become a de facto infrastructure for distributing it — a fact not
lost on Walmart executives.
“The misconception is that we’re in the retail business,” Jay Fitzsimmons, a senior vice president and
treasurer for Walmart, told investors in 2003. But in reality, “We’re in the distribution business.” Appearances
Bringing distribution in-house is a big part of why Walmart now ranks as America’s largest grocer. When the Articles
mega-retailer expanded into food in the late 1980s, it set off a wave of consolidation within the supermarket
industry as competitors scrambled to match prices. To stay in the game, most had to follow Walmart’s
example and bring distribution in-house, a feat that only mega-sized companies could readily afford. Books
The little guy takes a hit Impact
Local mom-and-pop grocers went out of business, and struggling chains merged or got bought by bigger Interviews and Profiles
ones; giant chains correspondingly gained market share. By 1998, 49 of the 50 largest supermarkets in the
country handled their own distribution — and saved from 25 to 60 percent on operations as a result. Media
The important thing here is to look at why they’ve been so successful: they built, and therefore shrank the
cost of, distribution networks.
And this is where it gets interesting: maybe the key to feeding America well, and from its own farms, is not to
send everyone to the farmers market. Maybe it’s not joining CSAs. Maybe it’s coming up with a way to
reduce the distribution costs for modest American farmers and grocers. Because if we can find some wiggle
room in the 70 to 85 percent of the purchase price that goes to that, chances are there would be room to
send a little more back to the farm.
And what that means — sorry for the wonkery here, but it has to be said — is coming up with an affordable
infrastructure for modest American farmers and grocers so they have a fighting chance when competing
against the giants.
Showing public support for those programs, helping them to succeed, and calling for better ones are the only
way we’re likely to reach a better balance in that farm-marketing split — moving it, ideally, so that it lands a
bit more on the farm, where it belongs.
books articles blog press kit news media ©2013 Tracie McMillan
1. What is the “intense and red-faced” farmer’s argument for why Americans should pay more for
their food?
3. Jay Fitzsimmons, a senior vice president and treasurer for Walmart, is quoted in this article as
saying Walmart is not “in the retail business...We’re in the distribution business.” What does he
mean by that?
4. Over the last 50 years, more and more big chains have gotten into the “distribution business”
like Walmart. How has this impacted small grocers and small and mid-size farmers?
5. What does the author argue would be necessary to better support small and mid-size farmers?
6. Where does your grocery money go? Use the information in this article to make a poster that
illustrates an answer to this question.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Describe a range of jobs that people have within the food system.
Explain how the more highly processed a food is, the smaller a proportion of the cost of the
food will go to the farmer.
Explain how multiple factors interact to inform any given food choice, and that there is no such
thing as a “good,” “bad,” “right,” or “wrong” food choice.
During this lesson, students will:
I n g r e d i e n ts fo r t h e I n g r e d i e n ts fo r T ools Equipment
M a c a r o n i a n d C h eese the Lemonade
Heavy-bottomed Stove
Pasta Lemons stockpot Oven
Day-old crusty bread Sugar or honey Saucepan
Broccoli Water Wooden spatulas
Garlic Ice cubes (optional)
Chef’s knives
Rosemary Mint (optional) Paring knives
Olive oil Cutting boards
Cheese (cheddar or jack) Measuring cups
Milk Measuring spoons
Butter Mixing bowls
Flour Garlic peeler
Salt Whisk
Pepper Baking dish
At the Chef M ee ting
1. Welcome students back to the kitchen. Remind students of the overarching questions
of the week: What factors influence what we eat, and what are the impacts of those
choices? Prompt students to recall the themes they have covered so far: Health &
Nutrition, Environment, and, yesterday in the classroom, Labor & Justice. Explain that
today we will be continuing their discussions from the previous day on Labor & Justice
and making macaroni and cheese and lemonade.
2. Define labor and justice as a lens for thinking about food choices: How do our food
choices impact other people? This is a big topic. Estimates say that 20 million people
in the US work in the food system. Our food choices have real impacts on the lives of
these people.
3. Who are these people? What do they do? Ask students to brainstorm a few of the
jobs people have within the food system (farmer, farmworker, meat packer, grocery
4. Today we are going to focus on farmers. Specifically, we are going to compare how
your choice between three different kinds of macaroni and cheese impacts the
farmers involved in producing the ingredients for them. Who are the farmers involved
in making macaroni and cheese? Wheat farmers and dairy farmers.
5. We did some research to find out where your money goes when you buy these three
different kinds of macaroni and cheese. Specifically, we wanted to know, for each of
these choices, how much of what you spend ends up going to the farmer? Introduce
and explain how to read the visual aid (all the numbers still covered).
6. Start on the left with Kraft. Ask for students to make predictions about how much
money will go to the dairy and wheat farmers involved in making cheese and pasta
for Kraft. Reveal the amounts for Kraft. Ask students to respond to what they see:
Does this seem like a lot or a little? Clarify that these numbers do not represent profit
for the farmers. This is what farmers are paid for their raw products. What costs must
the farmer cover with this money?
7. Ask for students to make predictions for Annie’s. Do they think farmers will receive
more or less than they do for Kraft? Why? Reveal numbers for Annie’s. Ask for
students to explain the similarities in farmer pay between Annie’s and Kraft, and to
explain the higher cost of the Annie’s product. Where does that money go? Is this
what they expected to see?
8. Ask for students to make predictions for the from-scratch mac and cheese. Reveal
the amounts. Ask for students to explain the significantly higher amount received
by the dairy farmer and the equal amount received by the wheat farmer. Explain
that processing milk into cheese happens in-house at the creamery that we buy our
cheese from. This means that the farmer keeps everything that doesn’t go to the
grocery store where we bought the cheese. Ask students whether this means that
the from-scratch farmer makes a larger profit than the Annie’s or Kraft farmers. Not
necessarily—the from-scratch farmer has much higher overhead costs processing
milk to cheese as opposed to just producing milk.
9. Ask for students to reflect on what they have just learned, and consider the fact that
the average annual salary for managers at dairy processing plants is about $125,000
(about $50 an hour) while the average annual salary for dairy farmworkers is about
$25,000 (about $11 an hour), one-fifth of what managers make. Ask students to
consider that choosing between these macaroni and cheese options is about more
than who gets how much money—it is also about what kind of food system you
choose to support.
10. Ask students: If you are looking to support farmers, what’s the best choice? From-
scratch. What about if you are looking for the most budget-conscious option? Kraft.
What if convenience is your top priority? Kraft or Annie’s. And what if protein content
is important to you? From-scratch.
12. Ask students to wash their hands and go to their table groups.
At the Table
1. Small-group check-in: What is your favorite way to eat pasta or noodles? What is
your favorite kind of cheese?
2. Introduce jobs for the day in more detail. Describe how making a roux is a versatile
cooking technique that can be used to thicken many kinds of sauces and stews and
serves as the basis for many foods, such as hollandaise and gumbo.
4. Cook.
At the Closin g
1. Ask students to use their fingers to rate the food on a scale of 1 to 5.
Teaching Notes
Macaroni and cheese: Students are very excited to make this familiar food. They may also be
skeptical that a from-scratch version can be delicious as well.
Labor and “justice”: We wanted this lesson to get to the theme of justice, but we don’t feel that
we made it there with this version, which focuses mostly on labor. We are excited to
bring the theme of justice more explicitly to the front of this lesson next year.
Support students to do the thinking work: We found the Chef Meeting to be highly successful
when we really encouraged students to explain what they were observing and
interpreting from the visual aid. The visual aid supports them well to reach a variety of
important and interesting conclusions.
Food shaming: The goal of this lesson was to provide information that would empower students
to feel a greater sense of agency around their food choices. We explicitly sought to avoid
food shaming students at any time.
Cheese sauce: By simplifying the cheese sauce recipe instead of making a traditional roux, we
make it more failproof. Experiment with different flavors by trying this recipe with any
cheese that melts well.
Grating cheese: Sometimes students have a hard time using the grater. Show them that
applying pressure into the grater gives you better product and makes the process more
efficient. It can also be helpful to remind them that they don’t have to grate into a cup
measure—grate onto a plate and then measure.
Dietary restrictions: We always have gluten-free noodles on hand, as well as vegan cheese,
so that every student can enjoy the meal. If for any reason we don’t have appropriate
substitutes, we’ll offer a piece of fruit.
Broccoli: Many students are skeptical of this variation from tradition. Sometimes we point out
that it’s simply another vessel for cheese sauce, or suggest that it get cut in larger pieces
so if they really don’t like it they can eat around it. Despite any initial trepidation, we find
that generally students really like it.
Brainstorming other uses for cheese sauce: This can be a fun way to generate enthusiasm and
Bread crusts: The bread crusts leftover after preparing the bread crumb topping are excellent for
dipping in the cheese sauce. Students also get very excited about enjoying them with a
simple olive oil and salt dip.
Lemonade: The first time we taught this lesson, we just made mac and cheese and often classes
would finish early and have a little too much idle time. We found that the lemonade recipe
added the perfect number of jobs and that students were very excited to make it.
Simple syrup: We like to show students how to make a simple syrup for the lemonade so the
sugar doesn’t collect at the bottom of the pitcher.
Hot sauces: We always have a variety of hot sauces available. Different students identify with
different hot sauces, and we find students are excited to see their culture represented in
the space. It can be a great conversation starter to ask students which hot sauce is their
favorite, or whether they like to eat different kinds with different foods.
Highlighting recipe sections: This mac and cheese recipe contains a number of moving parts.
We like to highlight either the cheese sauce, the macaroni and broccoli, or bread crumb
topping section on each recipe we print out. This helps students identify which specific
steps they are responsible for, and enables them to work more independently.
Cooking the broccoli: Add the broccoli into the pasta when it is a few minutes from being done
as opposed to cooking it separately to save time.
Talking mac and cheese: Asking students about how they like to eat their macaroni and cheese
can be a great conversation starter. Many students will have experience eating or making
this food. If you were to make this at home, what would you add or take away?
Connections to Standards
Californi a State Common Core , Speaking and Listening Sta ndards, Grade 8
SL.8.1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and
teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on
others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
SL.8.1.a. Come to discussions prepared, having read or researched material under study;
explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to
probe and reflect on ideas under discussion.
SL.8.1.b. Follow rules for collegial discussions and decision-making, track progress toward
specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed.
SL.8.4 Present claims and findings (e.g., argument, narrative, response to literature
presentations), emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with relevant
evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate eye contact,
adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
Cal iforni a State Common Core , R ea ding Sta nda rds for Literacy in History/
Soc ial Studi es 6-12
RSH 6-8.2. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an
accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
Californi a State Common Core , Rea ding Sta nda rds for Literacy in Sc ience
a nd Techni cal Subjects
RST 6-8.3. Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
2.3.8. Approach lessons with intention by thinking through how the recipe relates to the
kitchen, garden, and wider environment as a whole.
2.3.9. Collaborate to identify, choose, and complete jobs to execute recipes, and explain each
individual contribution to the end result.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
During this lesson, students will:
“Debate Plate” visual aid Small pieces of paper and pencils for exit ticket:
Chili and cornbread recipes What was a main takeaway for you this week?
F o r t h e Act i v i ty
What is something you learned this week that surprised you?
Food choice consideration What is a question you still have about something you learned this week?
“lens” cards What is something you learned this week that made a personal impact
on you?
I n g r e d i e n ts fo r I n g r e d i e n ts fo r T ools Equipment
t h e Veget a r i a n C h i l i the Cornbread
Heavy-bottomed Stove
Assorted cooked beans Flour stainless steel pot Oven
(black, kidney, chili, red) Cornmeal Cast-iron skillet
Olive oil Baking powder Small saucepan
Onions Baking soda Wooden spatulas
Garlic Salt Chef’s knives
Carrots Eggs Paring knives
Bell pepper Butter Cutting boards
Crushed tomatoes Buttermilk Measuring cups
(canned or fresh)
Honey Measuring spoons
Ground cumin
Mixing bowls
Chile powder
Dried oregano
Tomato paste
Mortar and pestles
(for grinding spices if
not already ground)
At the Chef M ee ting
1. Welcome students back to the kitchen. Review overarching questions of the Debate
Plate unit: What factors influence your food choices? What impacts do those choices
have on your body? On the environment? On other people? Introduce the theme of the
day: Cost & Access.
2. Explain that cost and access are slightly different from the other considerations we’ve
discussed so far in Debate Plate because while they sometimes might be elective
3. Explain that access is related to cost, but can also be much broader. Ask students:
What are different forms of access? What kinds of things might get in the way of me
being able to choose certain foods? Generate a list of different forms of (in)access,
such as:
Geographic access: Do you have any grocery stores close to you? What food is
available at those grocery stores? How difficult is it to transport food from your
source to your home?
Knowledge access: Do you know where to get food or how to grow it? Do you
know how to prepare the food you want to eat? Do you know how to prepare the
ingredients available to you?
Equipment and tools access: Do you have a place, equipment, and tools to prepare
food? Do you know how to use the equipment and tools you have available? Do the
equipment and tools you have work?
Cultural access: Is culturally relevant food available to you? Do you know where to
find food that is culturally relevant to you?
Health/allergy access: Is food that is good for your health available to you?
4. Explain that once you start considering issues of food access and looking at who
has access to food, who doesn’t, and why, this raises some very large conversations
around justice. These questions are where we’ve been heading all week. They
integrate all the topics we’ve looked at in Debate Plate so far.
5. Think-Pair-Share: Do you think that access to food that is good for you, good for
the environment, and good for other people is currently a right, a privilege, or a
responsibility? Explain that this question asks for some higher-level thinking, and that
there are no objectively right answers. Give students some time to reflect quietly to
themselves, and then turn to a neighbor to discuss. Finally, bring everyone into a full-
class discussion.
6. Ask students to discuss whether they think that food that is good for you, good
for the environment, and good for other people should be a right, a privilege, or a
At the Table
1. Small-group check-in: If you could only eat one food for a year, what would you want
to eat?
2. Introduce jobs for the day in more detail. Describe how chili can really be made with
anything you have on hand. Just like with the spiced red lentils and Indian-spiced
coleslaw, we’ll be cooking the chile powder in oil at the very beginning along with
onion and garlic to help the depth of the flavor infuse the whole dish.
4. Cook.
Has there ever been a time when you have wanted to cook something from the
ESY kitchen at home but have been unable to do so? What are some barriers that
you encountered? These are all forms of access.
What are your top considerations when choosing what to eat? Why?
Has anything you learned this week stuck out to you, made an impact on you, or
changed how you think about your own food choices?
6. Clean up.
At the Closin g
1. Ask students to rate the food using their fingers on a scale of 1 to 5.
2. Exit ticket (students choose one question to respond to and write it on a sticky note at
any time during class and given to the Kitchen Teacher. It won’t be public and can be
What is a question you still have about something you learned this week?
What is something you learned this week that made a personal impact on you?
Build in lots of structured pause time for students to reflect on big questions. Many
students will feel more confident raising their hands to volunteer to speak after they have
had time to process. Name that there are no specific right answers to these big questions.
Define “access” early in the Chef Meeting so that vocabulary is not a barrier to
participation. Access is being able to get something.
Help students brainstorm access and barriers to access by asking them, “What have
you wanted to cook from the ESY kitchen and not been able to?” This helps to ground the
discussion in their experience.
The discussions in the Chef Meeting can surface differences in students’ financial
relationships to food. Balance hands-off and more involved facilitation to name and
explain when students make statements that are offensive or short-sighted—be ready to
disrupt oppressive assumptions and statements.
We introduce the terms “food desert” and “food swamp” in this lesson and acknowledge
that both terms are controversial because they can cast low-income communities in a
negative light.
Beans: The chili is especially delicious when prepared with a variety of beans. We
used black, pinto, and kidney. If cooking beans from scratch, cook in different pots to
accommodate for their different cooking rates.
Crispy cornbread crust: Heat the skillet before adding the cornbread batter to the skillet
to have a crispy crust.
The cornbread recipe involves using the stove to melt the butter and heat the skillet.
Many students were confused and thought that the cornbread would finish cooking on
the stove as well. Share that when a recipe says to “bake” that means putting it in the
Encourage the students to just barely mix the cornbread ingredients. Share that over-
mixing creates a tough cornbread while just mixing a little bit will result in a tender
texture. Explain that it is fine to have a rough-looking batter.
If students leave a lot of dough in the bowl after transferring to the skillet, introduce the
rubber spatula as a great tool for getting every last bit.
Show students how to use a utensil as a cake tester to test if the cornbread is cooked all
the way through. If it comes out covered in dough, then it is not finished.
Encourage the team working on the cornbread to split into dry and wet ingredient groups
to organize and expedite their process.
Advise the students working on the wet ingredients to consider what would happen if
they were to mix the hot melted butter with the eggs directly. Encourage them to mix the
hot butter with the buttermilk first or to let the butter cool before mixing it in.
Call attention to the fact that after cooking the dry spices in the pot, some will stick and
begin to burn unless you quickly add in some liquid. Share that browning is good but
burning will leave an acrid taste. The recipe uses the canned tomatoes as that liquid
which quickly releases the spices and cools down the pan. Name this as similar to
Highlight that cooking the spices in oil before adding the tomatoes is similar to making
the coleslaw dressing on Monday and builds the flavor of the spices.
We found that a combination of chile powder gave us the best flavor. We used equal
parts of ancho and New Mexico chile powders.
Many students are skeptical that a vegetarian chili can be delicious but love it once they
try it.
Soak bulgur in hot water before adding it to the chili to speed up the cooking time. The
bulgur adds the familiar texture of ground beef to the chili. It also adds protein and makes
the chili more filling.
Groups can choose the consistency of their chili by adding bean or tomato liquid or not.
Note that it is easy to add more liquid and thin it out but hard to make it thicker.
Encourage the whole group to work together on the final seasoning so that everyone will
be happy with the level of salt when it is served.
Consumer responsibility
Food justice
SL.8.1.b. Follow rules for collegial discussions and decision-making, track progress toward
specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed.
SL.8.4 Present claims and findings (e.g., argument, narrative, response to literature
presentations), emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with relevant
evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate eye contact,
adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
RST 6-8.3. Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
2.1.2. Select measuring tools from the ESY Toolbox to measure precisely and convert
2.3.8. Approach lessons with intention by thinking through how the recipe relates to the
kitchen, garden, and wider environment as a whole.
2.3.9. Collaborate to identify, choose, and complete jobs to execute recipes, and explain each
individual contribution to the end result.
All lessons at the Edible Schoolyard Berkeley are a collaboration between the teachers and staff
of the Edible Schoolyard and Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School.
3. What is a question you still have about something you learned this week?
4. What is something you learned this week that made a personal impact on you?
3. What is a question you still have about something you learned this week?
4. What is something you learned this week that made a personal impact on you?
3. What is a question you still have about something you learned this week?
4. What is something you learned this week that made a personal impact on you?
Pizza Celebration
In this final eighth-grader lesson, students celebrate their completion of the program by making
wood-fired pizza and lemonade in the ESY garden.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
During this lesson, students will:
Make pizza sauce, pizza dough, lemonade, and prep pizza toppings.
Form their dough and build a pizza with sauce, cheese, and toppings.
Watch their pizza bake in the wood-fired oven and eat it in the ESY garden with their teachers
and classmates.
Befo r e Y o u Beg i n
Collect all materials and build a fire in the wood-fired oven (it takes about 90 minutes to fully
warm the ESY oven).
Make the Pizza Sauce.
Make Pizza Dough for the first class.
Collect all materials and set up the Pizza Building Station and Pizza Building Station Side Table.
Collect all materials and set up the Eating Station.
Collect all materials and set up the Dough Station.
Collect all materials and set up the Grain Grinding Station.
Collect all materials and set up the Lemonade Station.
Collect all materials and set up the Toppings Station.
2. Welcome students and explain that today they will work together to celebrate their
last day in the Edible Schoolyard with pizza and lemonade.
3. Explain that today’s four working groups are all devoted to tasks to prepare for eating
pizza, and that working groups will rotate through the Pizza Building Station where,
in teams of two, students will have the opportunity to form their pizza dough and
build it with sauce, cheese and toppings.
4. Go over today’s jobs and divide students into four working groups, one group for each
job. Today’s jobs are:
Dough: Students “pay it forward” by making dough in the kitchen classroom for later
Grain grinding: Students use a variety of methods to grind wheat to use in the pizza
Lemonade: Students make lemonade at the outdoor kitchen and keep the Eating
Station supplied with it.
Toppings: Students harvest crops from the garden, wash them, and prep them for
use at the Pizza Building Station.
I n t h e Fie ld
Pizza Work Rotation: Each group rotates through the Pizza Building Station as the other
groups work in the kitchen classroom, outdoor kitchen and garden.
1. The Dough group starts at the Pizza Building Station, where in groups of two they
will assemble a pizza.
2. When the first group finishes baking their pizzas, they may sit down at the Eating
Station to eat.
3. When the bell rings, the next group proceeds to the Hand Washing Station and then
to the Pizza Building Station.
4. It will take a total of 80 minutes to rotate all groups through the Pizza Building
Station and Pizza Eating Station.
5. After each group’s Pizza Work Rotation is complete, students may relax in the garden
or visit the chickens.
1. Demonstrate how to pull the dough on a pizza peel and add toppings, making sure
to emphasize using enough flour to ensure adequate “scootch” (the dough’s ability to
2. Give a ball of dough to each team of two students and have them assemble their
4. When pizzas are done, students proceed to the Eating Station, eat their pizza, and
drink lemonade.
2. Ask students to participate in one final Whip Around and share their favorite
experience in the garden over their three years at King Middle School.
SL.8.1.b Follow rules for collegial discussions and decision-making, track progress toward
specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed.
SL.8.1.b Pose questions that connect the ideas of several speakers and respond to others’
questions and comments with relevant evidence, observations, and ideas.
SL8.1.c Acknowledge new information expressed by others, and, when warranted, qualify or
justify their own views in light of the evidence presented.
SL.8.4 Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent
manner with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use
appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
SL8.6 Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal
English when indicated or appropriate. (See grade 8 Language standards 1 and 3 on
page 53 for specific expectations.)
L.8.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
L.8.1.d Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb voice and mood.
L.8.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or
L.8.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-
specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word
or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
RST.6-8.3 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
Health Edu cation Content Standa rds for Cal ifornia Publ ic Schools,
Gra des 7&8
1.4.N Describe how to keep food safe through proper food purchasing, preparation, and
storage practices.
1.8.N Identify ways to prepare food that are consistent with current research-based
guidelines for a nutritionally balanced diet.
4.1.N Demonstrate the ability to use effective skills to model healthy decision making and
prevent overconsumption of foods and beverages.
7.2.N Explain proper food handling safety when preparing meals and snacks.
1.0 Students work with each other and teachers to develop community and personal
stewardship, along with skills that will help them navigate different situations
throughout their lives.
1.1.1 – 1.3.12 This lesson fulfills all Edible Schoolyard Program standards, numbers 1.1.1 through
1.3.12. See The Edible Schoolyard Berkeley Standards for details.
Tools 2.1.2 Select measuring tools from the ESY Toolbox to measure precisely and convert
Tools 2.1.3 Demonstrate mastery of knife skills, safety and care using knives from the ESY
Concepts 2.3.8 Approach lessons with intention by thinking through how the recipe relates to the
kitchen, garden, and wider environment as a whole.
Concepts 2.3.9 Collaborate to identify, choose, and complete jobs to execute recipes, and explain
each individual contribution to the end result.