Viscosity of Liquid

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The report discusses measuring viscosity experimentally by timing small balls as they fall through different liquids. Viscosity is a measure of internal friction in fluids and can be quantified using the viscosity coefficient.

Viscosity is a measure of internal friction in fluids caused by interactions between molecules. It can be quantified using the viscosity coefficient, with more viscous liquids having higher coefficients. One way to measure viscosity is using a viscosimeter, which measures the velocity of a load moving between two concentric cylinders in a liquid.

Viscosity depends on properties of the liquid such as temperature and molecular structure. Generally, thicker liquids like syrup have higher viscosities than thinner liquids like water. Liquids also have higher viscosities than gases.


Basic Physics

“Viscosity Of Liquid”

Arranged by :

Nama : Putri Margaretha Glaudy Pani

NIM : 19101105032

Departement : Pharmacy

Group : V (Five)

Dosen / Asisten





A. Aim

a. Able to explain the friction experienced by moving objects in the fluid

b. Able to explain the behaviour of thick fluid

c. Able to determine the thickness coefficient of viscous fluid

d. Able to apply and interpret the data obtained into the graph

B. Equipment Required

1. Long tube (1000ml measuring cup )

2. Viscous fluid ( oil, glycerin)

3. Small balls

4. Micrometer screw

5. Stop watch

6. Filter spoon

7. Aerometer
C. Introduction
Real fluids actually have an internal friction called the viscosity found in liquids and gases and
generally cause friction symptoms. In liquids, viscosity is caused by cohesive forces between
molecules, whereas in gas viscosity is collisions between molecules. Different fluids will have
different viscosities. For example, syrup is thicker than water, lubricating oil is thicker than engine
oil, liquids are generally thicker than gases. The viscosity of the different fluids can be expressed
quantitatively by the coefficient of viscosity, ŋ. (Dr.Tan Ik Gie.1998)
Viscosity or viscosity can be imagined as friction between one part with another part in the
fluid. In thick fluids we need force to shift one fluid over another. In fact, every fluid, both gas and
liquid, has viscosity, because the particles in each other collide. Now you might ask how do we
express the nature of viscosity quantitatively or numerically. One of the tools used to measure the
viscosity of a liquid is a viscosimeter. (sutrisno.1997)
Viscosimeter example:

gambar c.1
Viscosimeter parts like in the following picture:

gambar c.2

The liquid substance to be measured viscosity is inserted in the space between the two concentric
cylinders, that is cylinder A which is a container and cylinder B. cylinder B is wrapped with a rope at the
end of its contents hung by a load. If released, the load will initially accelerate but due to friction between
the inner cylinder and the liquid, soon the load will move down at a constant speed. The thicker the liquid
between the two cylinders the slower the speed of the final load. By comparing the final velocity of the
load or the final angular velocity of cylinder B, we can quantitatively determine the viscosity of a liquid.
In an ideal fluid there is no viscosity to hinder the fluid layers as they slide past one another.
Whithin a pipe of uniform cross section, every layer of an ideal fluid moves with the same velocity, even
the layer next to the wall. When viscosity is present, the fluid layers have different velocities.the fluid at
the center of the pipe has the greatest velocity. In contrast, the fluid layer next to the wall surface does not
move at all, because it is held tightly by intermolecular forces. So strong are these forces that if a solid
surface moves, the adjacent fluid layer moves along with it and remains at rest relative to the morving
surface. (John.D.Cutnel,dkk.2013)

To help introduce viscocity in a quantitative fashion. The top plate is free to move, while the
bottom one is stationary.if the top plate is to move with a velocity v relative to the bottom plate, a force F
is required. For a highly viscous fluid, like honey, a large force is needed. For a less viscous fluid, like
water,a smaller one will do. As part b of the drawing suggests, we may imagine the fluid to be composed
of many thin horizontal layers. When the top plate moves, the intermediate fluid layers slide over each
other. The velocity of each layer is different, changing uniformly from V at the top plate to zero at the
bottom plate. The resulting flow is called laminar flow, since a thin layer is often referred to as lamina. As
each layer moves, it is subjected to viscous forces from its neighbors. The purpose of the force F is to
compensate for the effect of these forces, so that any layer can move with a constant velocity.

Large areas A, being in contact with more fluid, require larger forces, so that the forcesis
proportional to the contact area ( F α A). for a given area, greater speeds require larger fprces, with the
result that the force is proportional to the speed ( F α v). the fprce is also inversely proportional to the
perpendicular distance y between the top and bottom plates ( F α 1/y). the larger the distance y, the
smaller is the force required to achieve a given speed with agiven contact area. These three
proportionalities can be expresses simultaneously in the following way : F α Av/y. expresses this
relationship with the aid of a proportionality constant ŋ (greek letter eta),which is called the coefficient of
viscosity or simply the viscosity. (John.D.Cutnel,2013)
Values of viscosity depend on the nature of the fluid. Under ordinary conditions, the viscisities
of liquids are significantly larger than those of gases. Moreover, the viscosities of either liquids or gases
depend markedly on temperature. Usually, the viscosities of liquids decrease as the temperature is
increased. Anyone who has heated honey or oil, for example, knows that these fluids flow much more
freely at an elevated temperature. In contrast, the viscosities of gasesincrease as the temperature is raised.
An ideal fluid has ŋ = 0 P. Viscous flow occurs in a wide variety of situations, such as oil moving through
a pipeline or liquid being forced through the heedle of a hypodermic syringe identifies the factors that
determine the volume rate Q (in m3/s) of the fluid. First, a difference in pressures P2 – P1 Must be
maintained between any two locations along the pipe for the fluid to flow. In fact, Q is proportional to P2
– P1, a greater pressure difference leading to a larger flow rate. Second, a long pipe offers greater
resistance to the flow than a short pipe does, and Q is inversely proportional to the length L. Third, high-
viscosity fluids flow less readily then low-viscosity fluids, and Q is inversely proportional to the viscosity
ŋ. Finally, the volume flow rate is larger in a pipe of larger radius, other things being equal. The
dependence on the radius R is a surprising one, Q being proportional to the fourth power of the radius, or
R4. If, for instance, the pipe radius is reduced to one-half of its original value, the volume flow rate is
reduce to one-siwteenth of its original value, assuming the other variables remain constant. The
mathematical relatation for Q in terms of these parameters was discovered by poiseuille and is known as
Poiseuille’s law. (John.D.Cutnel,dkk.2013)
Fluids in motion exhibit a certain resistance to motion which is called viscosity a sort of internal
molecular friction. The viscous drag is caused in liquids by short-range molecular cohesive forces, and in
gases by collisions between fast-moving molecules. In both liquids and gases, the drag is proportional to
the speed, as long as the speed is slow enough so that streamline flow takes place . however, in turbulent
flow, the viscous drag increases rapidly, more nearly proportional to thesquare or cube of the velocity.
Streamlining of cars amd planes means just what it says, design to permit streamline flow at high
velocities and hence with less friction. There is no simple law giving the relationship between force and
velocity. Whatever the law, one thing is certain : viscous drag in crease as velocity increases. The
dependence of the force of viscosity upon velocity is nicely illustrated by the terminal velocity reached by
a falling body . as a parachutist falls, his velocity increases, and hence the upward viscous force of the air
increases. Sooner or later the upward drag equals the downward force (his weight) and then the net force
on the man is zero. The parachutist has reached a constant terminal velocity which depends on his weight
and the size of theparachute. A typical value of terminal velocity for man parachute combination is about
25 mi/hr. while the system is picking up speed, the viscous drag is less than the man’s weight. Using
newton’s second law, net F = ma or Weight-viscous drag = ma ( FranklinMiller,1959)
The weight is constant, but the viscous drag is increasing so the net force is not constant,and
hence the acceleration is not constant. The velocity increases asymptotically toward the terminal velocity.
Without a parachute, the area exposed to the air stream is much smaller and the balance of forces occours
at a higher speed. Before opening his chute, if he falss far enough, the parachutist attains a terminal
velocityof about 125 mi/hr, regardless of the height from which he falls. In liquids, terminal velocity is
illustrated by the motion of a streamship. The forward thrust of the propellers causes the velocity to
increase. As the velocity increases, so does the viscous dragof the water. Eventually , equilibrium is
reached ( a condition of no acceleration) when the forward thrust equals the viscous drag and then the
ship’s velocity remains constant. Viscosity depends on temperature, but in a different fashion for liquids
and gases. The viscosity of most liquids decreases as temperature increases molasses in june less viscous
than molasses in January. This is why we use a “lighter” motor oil for our winter driving. On the other
hand, at high temperature the viscosity of gases increases. ( FranklinMiller,1959)
Specifically for objects that are spherical and moving in a homogeneous fluid will experience
the force according to the law of Stokes as follows:
F = 6πŋRv
ŋ = coefficient of thickness, R=soccer ball, v = the relative speed of the motion of the ball in the fluid.
The use of Stokes law above must meet the following conditions:

A. infinite fluid space (large enough compared to the object)

b. turbulence does not occur in fluid (the speed of the ball must not be too large).
If the ball previously had a density released without initial velocity above the surface of the thick fluid,
then the ball moves downward at a constant speed. This constant velocity is achieved because of the
equilibrium force between the archimedes force, the stokes force that is directed upward with the gravity
that is directed downward. the number of forces acting on the ball equals zero, through the following
equation: Fa + Fs – W = 0
Fa = law of Archimedes , Fb = law of Stoke, W = weight
After the above equation is solved, a mathematical relationship can be obtained between constancy and
other physical quantities as follows,
ŋ = 2R2g/9v (ƥ-ƥ0)
ƥ0 = fluid type density, ƥ = ball tipe density
from the above equation another equation can be derived as follows :
tR2 = 9ŋd/2g((ƥ-ƥ0)
where R = radius and t = travel time for distance d.
D. Procedur
1. The diameter of the ball is measured using a screw micrometer
2. Using a balance sheet, the mass of the ball is weighed
3. By regular means or by aerometer the density of the measured fluid (mass ratio
to volume)
4. The tubes are marked to calculate the velocity of the ball (± 3 cm below the surface of the fluid
and from the bottom of the tube). The distance of the two tents was measured.
5. The time taken by the ball is measured from the first to the second.
6. Steps 4 and 5 are repeated for some distance variations
7. Steps 4,5 and 6 are repeated for other fluids and spheres.

E. Result (Data Processing)

F. Analysis
Materi praktikum kali ini membahas mengenai viskositas zat cair. Dimana praktikan melakukaan
berbagai eksperiment untuk menghitung viskositas zat cair. Sebelum memulai praktikum, untuk mengetes
kemampuan dan kesiapan praktikan dalam mengikuti praktikum, maka sebelum memulai praktikum,
diadakan pretest. Praktikan yang tidak lolos dalam mengikuti pretest, maka tidak diijinkan untuk
mengikuti praktikum. Maka dari itu praktikan sebelumnya harus mempersiapkan diri dengan baik, karena
untuk melakukan praktikum bukanlah hal yang mudah, butuh kesiapan dan ketelitian.

Praktikan terlebih dahulu harus mengetahui alat dan bahan serta prosedur atau cara kerja dalam
melakukan praktikum. Praktikan dibagi dalam beberapa kelompok dan Setiap kelompok harus memiliki
buku penuntun praktikum. Dalam praktikum viskositas zat cair, praktikan memiliki delapan data yang
berbeda-beda sesuai dengan jarak fluida sampai ke dasar tabung. Jarak yang pertama sejauh 0.27 cm
sampai kedasar tabung, praktikan menghitung dalam tiga percobaan waktu maka memperoleh data t1, t2,
dan t3. Setelah memperoleh ketiga data, praktikan menghitung rata-rata waktu dan menentukan kecepatan
dengan cara membagi jarak dengan jumlah rata-rata ketiga waktu.

V = jarak / waktu atau V = m/s

Setelah menghitung jarak praktikan diminta untuk mengolah data, menggunakan semua rumus yg ada,
seperti menghitung koefisien kekentalan fluida, menghitung nilai kecepatan, menghitung rata rata
kecepatan waktu, menghitung nilai rata-rata koefisien kekentalan, ralat mutlak, ralat relatif, ketelitian,
ralat lambat dan sebagainya dari kedelapan data percobaan. Memang susah namun praktikan berusaha
untuk memahami, dan dibantu oleh asisten dosen yang senantiasa memberikan penjelasan ketika
praktikan mulai mengalami kesulitan.
Dalam mengikuti praktikum viskositas zat cair, praktikum akhirnya mengetahui bahwa jika sebuah
benda bergerak dalam suatu zat liquid yang kental maka terjadi gaya viskos (gesekan) antara benda
tersebut dengan larutan. Sebelum mengikuti praktikum ini, praktikan belum mengetahui bahwa ternyata
zat liquid juga bisa saling bergesekan.

Kekentalan zat cair ternyata dapat dihitung secara kuantitatif, dengan menggunakan rumus viskositas
zat cair. Dalam gerak bola dalam sebuah campuran homogen berlaku gaya stokes dan gaya archimedeas.
Dimana ketika kita melepaskan bola yang memiliki masa jenis kedalam fluida kental, maka bola tersebut
lama-kelamaan bola tersebut akan menuju kedasar dengan kecepatan yang konstan. Hal ini menunjukkan
bahwa terjadi kesetimbangan antara gaya archimedes, gaya soteks dengan massa benda. Hal ini
menunjukkan bahwa ternyata Praktikan dapat menghitung gerak dari suatu benda dalam larutan yang

mengikuti praktikum viskositas zat cair, praktikum dapat menyimpulkan bahwa

1. Setiap benda yang bergerak didalam zat cair akan mengalami gaya gesekan
2. Tingkat kekentalan suatu fluida dapat diketahui secara kuantitas
3. Bendaa yang bergerak didalam fluida memiliki kecepatan konstan
4. Terjadi kesetimbangan antara gaya archimedes, stokes, dan gaya berat
5. Semakin kental suatu fluida semakin besar gaya gesekan yang terjadi

H. Reference

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