Chat Acronyms
Chat Acronyms
Chat Acronyms
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Chat Acronyms
by Ross Shannon
In the interests of keeping chat room conversations flowing at a rate comparable to real-life talking, many
acronyms and abbreviated forms of commonly-used words have sprung up to allow fast conveyance of
ideas; and also to destroy the English language. You can use some of these to speed up your chatter, but
try not to rely on them too much.
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Acronyms | Cool-Speak | Smilies
This is a list of the most common acronyms (shortened forms of phrases using capital letters for each
word). Some of these are not used much (you should’ve seen some of the crap I left out), and then others
are used far too much.
You just know that’s not true. The following are some quickly-typed versions of common words, favoured
by the kidz.
2M - tomorrow
2nite - tonight
B4 - Before
cos - because
j/k - Just Kidding
K - ok
kewl - cool
l8rz - see you later
m8 - Mate
n/a - Not Applicable
w/ - With
w/o - Without
You can make your tone clear by suffixing your witty remarks with a punctuational smily.
:) - happy face
:-) - happy face redux
:( - sad face
;) - cheeky winking face
>:( - angry face
:-/ disappointed face