September Adsum
September Adsum
September Adsum
Adsum is published by the seminarians of Mater Dei Seminary for the enjoyment of our families, friends, and benefactors.
The Divine Office to the particular liturgical season and feasts of the saints.
The Divine Office is also divided into “hours”
by a seminarian according to the different hours of the day. Matins and
Lauds are prayed first. The word matins comes from the
Have you ever wondered what the black book is Latin word, matutina, which means morning; the word
that is inseparably found in the hands of your priest? lauds means praise. Matins and Lauds combined make
That black book is called the breviary and it contains the up the longest hour.
Divine Office, the daily prayers which priests and major The little hours of Prime, Tierce, Sext, and None
order clerics (deacons and subdeacons) are obliged to represent the first, third, sixth, and ninth hours of the
pray under grave obligation. day when they were ordinarily prayed. Prime (first) was
After the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the recitation prayed at 7:00 a.m.; Tierce (third) at 9:00 a.m.; Sext
of the Divine Office is the most important prayer that (sixth) at noon; and None (ninth) at 3:00 p.m. This time
the priest offers to Almighty God during the day. The system reminds us of the Jewish system in Our Lord’s
office is chanted by monks in monasteries from large time when we read that Jesus hung on the Cross from the
books with musical notations, called Gregorian Chant; Sixth to the Ninth hour.
however, the simple parish priest has a “small version” Then comes the holy hour of Vespers. Vespers comes
of the Office in a book which contains no musical from the Latin word for evening, for this part of the Divine
notation—thus it is called the breviary (from the Latin Office is ordinarily said in the evening. The last hour of
brevis, for short.) the Office is Compline, so called because it is the last or
The Divine Office is made up of the 150 psalms of completing hour of the day.
the Old Testament, so divided throughout the seven days When the priests and clerics recite their Divine
of the week, that all the psalms are recited in one week. Office, they are praying the same prayers used for
The psalms are prayers written in the Old Testament. centuries in both the Old and New Testaments. They are
They made up the prayers of the Israelites. The principal using the same prayers used for centuries in both the Old
author of the psalms was King David who wrote under and New Testaments. They are using the same prayers
Divine inspiration. which the Israelites used in the Old Testament, which
Besides the psalms, there are readings from Sacred Our Divine Lord and His Apostles used, and which the
Scripture, commentaries on Sacred Scripture from the Catholic Church has used from the beginning.
Fathers and Doctors of the Church, and short accounts of What praise and glory is given to God by His priests
the Lives of the Saints. These readings follow according not only in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass but also in the
Father Connell Answers Moral Questions
by Very Rev. Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R., S.T.D., LL.D., L.H.D.
Adsum, a publication by the seminarians of MATER DEI SEMINARY for the reading enjoyment of friends
and benefactors, is sent free of charge to all who request it. If you are interested, please provide your name
and mailing address to:
7745 Military Avenue
Omaha NE 68134-3356