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An introduction to

Self-Realization Fellowship
An introduction to
Self-Realization Fellowship

The teachings of
Paramahansa Yogananda

Copyright © 1982, 1997 Self-Realization Fellowship

All rights reserved

hat human being has not longed to under-

W stand the meaning of existence, to fathom

the ultimate purpose of creation? And who
among us does not desire a sense of security and well-
being, the self-confidence and strength to cope with
life’s problems? Who has never yearned for perfect love,
a love that does not fade with time, old age, or death?
We all want to experience lasting satisfaction and
perfection, but is it really possible? Or are such desires
and longings merely an escapist’s approach to the hard
realities of human existence?
Through the example of his life and teaching, Para-
mahansa Yogananda shows that the inner fulfillment
we seek does exist and can be attained. In truth, all
the knowledge, creativity, love, joy, and peace we are
looking for are right within us, the very essence of our
beings. To fully realize this — not just as an intellectual
philosophy but as an actual experience that brings
strength and understanding into every area of our daily
lives — is what Self-realization is all about.
Paramahansa Yogananda
(January 5, 1893–March 7, 1952)

M ost of us are accustomed to looking outside of
ourselves for fulfillment. We are living in a world that
conditions us to believe that outer attainments can give
us what we want. Yet again and again our experiences
show us that nothing external can completely fulfill the
deep longing within for “something more.”
Most of the time, however, we find ourselves striv-
ing toward that which always seems to lie just beyond
our reach. We are caught up in doing rather than being,
in action rather than awareness. It is hard for us to pic-
ture a state of complete calmness and repose in which
thoughts and feelings cease to dance in perpetual mo-
tion. Yet it is through such a state of quietude that we
can touch a level of joy and understanding impossible
…You realize that all
to achieve otherwise.
along there was something It is said in the Bible: “Be still, and know that I am
God.”* In these few words lies the key to Self-realization.
tremendous within you, The science of Yoga offers a direct means of stilling the
natural turbulence of thoughts and restlessness of body
and you did not know it.
that prevent us from knowing what we really are. By
Paramahansa Yogananda practicing the step-by-step methods of Yoga — taking
nothing for granted on emotional grounds or through
blind faith — we come to know our oneness with the

* Psalms 46:10.


Infinite Intelligence, Power, and Joy which gives life to

all and which is the essence of our own Self.
Ordinarily our awareness and energies are directed
outward, to the things of this world, which we perceive
through the limited instruments of our five senses. Be-
cause human reason has to rely upon the partial and
often deceptive data supplied by the physical senses,
we must learn to tap deeper and more subtle levels of
awareness if we would solve the enigmas of life— Who
am I? Why am I here? How do I realize Truth?
Yoga is a simple process of reversing the ordi-
nary outward flow of energy and consciousness so that
the mind becomes a dynamic center of direct percep-
tion —no longer dependent upon the fallible senses but
capable of actually experiencing Truth.
In past centuries many of the higher techniques
of Yoga were little understood or practiced, owing to
mankind’s limited knowledge of the forces that run the
universe. But today scientific investigation is rapidly
changing the way we view ourselves and the world. The
Quite apart from the charm of the new and traditional materialistic conception of life has vanished
the fascination of the half-understood, there is with the discovery that matter and energy are essentially
good cause for Yoga to have many adherents. It one: every existing substance can be reduced to a pat-
offers the possibility of controllable experience and tern or form of energy, which interacts and interconnects
thus satisfies the scientific need for “facts”; and, with other forms. Thus modern science is confirming the
besides this, by reason of its breadth and depth, ancient principles of Yoga, which proclaim that unity
its venerable age, its doctrine and method, which pervades the universe.
include every phase of life, it promises undreamed-
of possibilities. The word yoga itself means “union”: of the individ-
ual consciousness or soul with the Universal Conscious-
Dr. Carl G. Jung
ness or Spirit. There are various paths of Yoga that lead
(Opposite) Self-Realization Fellowship members gather at an annual Convocation held
each summer in Los Angeles.


toward this goal, each one a specialized branch of one bines the essence of all the other paths.
comprehensive system: At the heart of the Raja Yoga system,
balancing and unifying these various
Hatha Yoga — a system of physical
approaches, is the practice of definite,
postures, or asanas,
scientific methods of meditation that
whose higher purpose is to purify the
enable one to perceive, from the very
body, giving one awareness and control
beginning of one’s efforts, glimpses of
over its internal states and rendering it
the ultimate goal — conscious union
fit for meditation.
with the inexhaustibly blissful Spirit.
Karma Yoga — selfless service to Such methods are an integral part of the
others as part of one’s Self-Realization Fellowship teachings.
larger Self, without attachment to the
results; and the performance of all ac-
tions with the consciousness of God as T HE S CIENCE OF K RIYA Y OGA
the Doer. T he quickest and most effective approach to the
Mantra Yoga — centering the con- goal of Yoga employs those methods of medi tation
sciousness within that deal directly with energy and consciousness. It is
through japa, or the repetition of certain this direct approach that characterizes Kriya Yoga, the
universal root-word sounds represent- particular system of meditation taught by Paramahansa
ing a particular aspect of Spirit. Yogananda. Specifically, Kriya is an advanced Raja Yoga
Bhakti Yoga — all-surrendering devo- technique that reinforces and revitalizes subtle currents
tion through which one of life energy in the body, enabling the normal activities
strives to see and love the divinity in of heart and lungs to slow down naturally. As a result,
every creature and in everything, thus
the consciousness is drawn to higher levels of percep-
maintaining an unceasing worship.
tion, gradually bringing about an inner awakening more
Jnana Yoga — the path of wisdom, blissful and more deeply satisfying than any of the ex-
which emphasizes the
periences that the mind or the senses or the ordinary
application of discriminative intelli-
human emotions can give.
gence to achieve spiritual liberation.
All scriptures declare man to be not a corruptible
Raja Yoga — the royal or highest path
of Yoga, formally sys- body, but a living soul. The ancient science of Kriya
tematized in the second century B.C. by Yoga reveals a way to prove this scriptural truth.
the Indian sage Patanjali, which com- Referring to the sure and methodical efficacy

8 9

When you go beyond the consciousness of

this world, knowing that you are not the body
or the mind, and yet aware as never before that
you exist — that divine consciousness is what
you are. You are That in which is rooted every-
thing in the universe.

The aftereffects of Kriya bring with them the

utmost peace and bliss. The joy that comes with
Kriya is greater than the joys of all pleasurable Luther Burbank and Paramahansa Yogananda
Santa Rosa, California, 1924
physical sensations put together.
Luther Burbank, world-renowned horticulturist and Kriya Yoga disciple
of Paramahansa Yogananda, wrote: “The system is ideal for training and
harmonizing man’s physical, mental, and spiritual natures....By simple and
Through the use of the Kriya key, persons scientific methods of concentration and meditation, most of the complex
problems of life may be solved, and peace and goodwill come on earth.”
who cannot bring themselves to believe in the
divinity of any man will behold at last the full
divinity of their own selves.
of devoted practice of the Kriya science, Paramahansa
from the writings of
Yogananda declared: “It works like mathematics; it can-
Paramahansa Yogananda not fail.”


Through a series of printed lessons that can be
studied at home, Self-Realization students devote them-
selves to a period of preliminary study and meditation
in order to prepare themselves physically, mentally,
and spiritually for Kriya practice. During this time they


Students’ Comments learn three important techniques of the Self-Realization

“The energization technique has improved my health
markedly. What used to be a drab existence has changed to
1. Technique of Energization: enables one to
one of enthusiasm and new interests. It seems as if a new
dimension has been added to my life. draw energy consciously into the body
“The benefits derived from the concentration technique from the Cosmic Source. This technique of
must be experienced to be realized. While practicing the tech- life-energy control purifies and strength-
nique it seems as if I perceive the true meaning behind life, ens the body and prepares it for medita-
its order and righteousness. The practice has given me a new tion, making it easier to direct the energy
love and joy in life.”—D. F., East Canton, Ohio
inward in order to reach higher states of
“Since I began practicing the technique of energization consciousness. Regular practice also pro-
my friends say I look twenty years younger. But the joy of it motes mental and physical relaxation and
is in the way I feel—wonderful! The exercises have made my develops dynamic will power.
mind clearer and more alert. The whole study has promoted
an ability to relax such as I would not have believed possible 2. Technique of Concentration: helps to de-
before.”—G. F., Boston, Massachusetts velop one’s latent powers of concentration.
Through practice of this technique one
“The technique of concentration is more and more be-
coming a part of my life, because it can be practiced at any learns to withdraw thought and energy
time or place, and each practice takes me a step deeper....I from outward distractions so that they
feel a great peace within and without whenever I practice this may be focused on any goal to be achieved
simple but dynamic technique. It really proved its value when or problem to be solved. Or one may direct
I was in college, where tension and strain are ever present. that concentrated attention toward realiz-
And whenever I practiced it before playing solos on my vio-
ing the Divine Consciousness within.
lin, instead of the usual stage fright I would feel serene peace
beyond words.”— J. O., Jacksonville, Florida 3. Technique of Meditation: shows one how
“I practice the technique of meditation before any special to use the power of concentration in the
undertaking, or when guidance is needed; and help is always highest way — to discover and develop the
forthcoming....The peace of meditation flows into daily living. divine qualities of one’s own true Self. The
This peace and joy brings poise and a sense of security, with technique expands the awareness beyond
underlying vitality and strength.”—D. S., Victoria, Australia limitations of body and mind to the joyous
“After practicing your Lessons for six months, I have realization of one’s infinite potential.
found all you have taught me to be true. You have proven
the existence of God to me, something I once thought impos- Since Yoga is based on practice and experience
sible.”—C. C., Vienna, Virginia rather than on adherence to a particular set of beliefs,
followers of all religions can benefit from these tech-


niques. When practiced regularly, the methods of Yoga

lead unfailingly to deeper levels of spiritual awareness
and perception.
After the preliminary period of study and practice, It is not a pumping-in from the outside that gives
which takes about a year to complete, students may wisdom; it is the power and extent of your inner recep-
decide whether they want to receive Kriya Yoga, which tivity that determines how much you can attain of true
knowledge, and how rapidly. You can quicken your
signifies the establishment of the disciple-guru* rela-
evolution by awakening and increasing the receptive
tionship. Before making such a decision, however, all power of your brain cells.
students — whether already versed in metaphysics and Paramahansa Yogananda
meditation or just beginning — study the first two steps
of the Self-Realization Lessons and practice the three
techniques described above. These techniques prepare
body and mind to receive the liberating power of Kriya
Yoga. And such practice also gives students the oppor-
tunity to apply the teachings and make them a part of
their lives and consciousness before deciding to go on
to Kriya Yoga.
Should students wish, they may continue to study
the teachings and practice the basic methods of medita-
tion taught in the Lessons without receiving Kriya Yoga.
All those who are sincere and earnest in their practice
will realize for themselves the truth in Paramahansa Yoga-
nanda’s assurance that one can reach the highest states of
Divine Consciousness through any of the Self-Realization
techniques of concentration and meditation.

* Spiritual teacher (from the Sanskrit gu, “darkness” and ru, “that which
dispels”). The real meaning of the word guru is sometimes lost sight of.
Mahatma Gandhi’s Ashram in Wardha
Today it is commonly misused to refer simply to a teacher or instructor.
But a true, God- illumined guru is one who, in his attainment of self- Yogananda is reading a note that Gandhi (right) has just written (it was a Mon-
mastery, has realized his identity with the omnipresent Spirit. Such a day, the Mahatma’s day for observing silence). On the following day, August
one is uniquely qualified to lead the seeker on his or her inward journey 27, 1935, at Gandhiji’s request Sri Yogananda initiated him in Kriya Yoga.
toward perfection.

14 15
Excerpts From the Writings of Paramahansa Yogananda

Mankind is engaged in an eternal quest for that “something Our great whirling planet, our human individuality, were not
else” he hopes will bring him happiness, complete and unending. given to us merely that we might exist for a time and then vanish
For those individual souls who have sought and found God, the into nothingness, but that we might question what it is all about.
search is over: He is that Something Else. To live without understanding the purpose of life is foolish, a
waste of time. The mystery of life surrounds us; we were given
intelligence in order to solve it.

Why should you think He is not? The ether is filled with

music that is caught by the radio — music that otherwise you Change yourself and you have done your part in changing
would not know about. And so it is with God. He is with you the world. Every individual must change his own life if he wants
every minute of your existence, yet the only way to realize this to live in a peaceful world. The world cannot become peaceful
is to meditate. unless and until you yourself begin to work toward peace. It is
only by removing hate from our hearts that we can live a Christ-
like life.

“It is not a question of belief,” [my guru said]. “The scientific

attitude one should take on any subject is whether it is true. The It is not your passing thoughts or brilliant ideas so much as
law of gravitation worked as efficiently before Newton as after your plain everyday habits that control your life....Live simply.
him. The cosmos would be fairly chaotic if its laws could not oper- Don’t get caught in the machine of the world — it is too exact-
ate without the sanction of human belief.” ing. By the time you get what you are seeking your nerves are
gone, the heart is damaged, and the bones are aching. Resolve
to develop your spiritual powers more earnestly from now on.
Learn the art of right living. If you have joy you have everything,
Your being has two sides — one visible, the other invisible. so learn to be glad and contented....Have happiness now.
With open eyes you behold objective creation, and yourself
in it. With closed eyes you see nothing, a dark void; yet your
consciousness, even when dissociated from form, is still keenly Birth, play, marriage, children, old age — life is finished.
aware and operative. If in deep meditation you penetrate the That is not living! Life is much deeper and more wonderful than
darkness behind closed eyes, you behold the Light from which that....When you know God, there is no more sorrow. All those
all creation emerges. By deeper samadhi, your experience tran- you loved and lost in death are with you again in the Eternal
scends even the manifested Light and enters the All-Blissful Con- Life.
sciousness—beyond all form, yet infinitely more real, tangible,
and joyous than any sensory or supersensory perception.
You will tire quickly of all material things once you have
them....But one thing you will never be tired of, either now or
throughout eternity: the ever new joy realized in God-communion.
In seemingly empty space there is one Link, one Life eternal, Joy that is always the same may cause boredom, but joy that is ever
which unites everything in the universe — animate and inani- new and continuous will entertain you forever. Such joy can be
mate — one wave of Life flowing through everything. found in deep meditation.

P aramahansa Yogananda’s lifework and world
mission began at the age of seventeen with the spiritual
training he received from his guru, Swami Sri Yukteswar.
In 1915, he was initiated into the ancient monastic Order
of Swamis.* Shortly thereafter he founded a small school,
which has since grown to twenty-one educational institu-
tions in India.† He was encouraged in this undertaking
by the counsel of his guru, who reminded the young
monk that he who renounces the usual worldly du-
ties must assume a greater responsibility: to love and
Administration building, Self-Realization Fellowship International serve as his own the larger family of humanity. Subse-
Headquarters, atop Mt. Washington overlooking the city of Los Angeles
quently he established the Yogoda Satsanga Society of
India, which now has centers throughout India. From
its headquarters in Dakshineswar, YSS disseminates his
teachings to students residing in India, Pakistan, Nepal,
and Sri Lanka. It also oversees the administration of its
many educational and charitable activities.
In 1920, Paramahansa Yogananda left India to
serve as a delegate to an international congress of reli-
gious leaders in Boston. Soon after his arrival in the
United States, he founded Self-Realization Fellowship
so that the ancient teaching of Kriya Yoga might
be made available in the West. Today Self-Realization
* The meaning of the word swami is “he who is, or is striving to be, one
with the Self (Swa).”
† Ranging from primary through college level, these “How-to-Live” schools
present, in addition to a standard academic curriculum, Paramahansa
Yogoda Math, headquarters and publishing center of Yogoda Satsanga
Yogananda’s principles for the harmonious development of body, mind,
Society of India (Self-Realization Fellowship), Dakshineswar, Calcutta and spirit. Class instruction in the schools is given in Hindi and Bengali. In
time such schools will also be established in the West.

18 19

Fellowship has centers and meditation groups on six

In the more than thirty years that Paramahansa
Yogananda lived and taught in the West, he traveled
extensively in the United States and abroad, lecturing
in principal cities and initiating thousands of sincere
students in the science of Kriya Yoga. The lectures
and classes he gave were transcribed and, at his direc-
tion, compiled to form the Self-Realization Fellowship
Lessons. He also devoted much of his time to writ-
A few of the delegates to the International Congress of Religious Liberals, Octo-
ber 1920, Boston, Massachusetts, at which Yoganandaji gave his first speech in
ings, such as Autobiography of a Yogi, through which
America many have been introduced to the infinite potentials
of Yoga.
Most of his students, then as now, are men and
women with responsibilities to work and family, who
learn through the Self-Realization teachings how to bal-
ance their active lives with meditation. As a result, they
not only find fulfillment within themselves, but are able
to approach all their endeavors with a greater enthusi-
asm and efficiency.
During his lifetime, Paramahansa Yogananda also
Los Angeles Times, January 28, 1925:
accepted for training those who wished to dedicate their
“The Philharmonic Auditorium presents the extraordinary spectacle of thou-
sands...being turned away an hour before the advertised opening of a lecture lives to meditation and service within the monastic Self-
with the 3000-seat hall filled to its utmost capacity. Swami Yogananda is the
attraction. A Hindu invading the United States to bring God in the midst of a
Realization Order.* Today, the spiritual and humanitar-
Christian community, preaching the essence of Christian doctrine.” ian work begun by Paramahansa Yogananda continues
Fortnightly Field Notes, Los Angeles, January, 1925: under the guidance of disciples personally trained by
“...The Philharmonic lobby looked like the New York subway Times Square
station in the evening rush. By six-thirty every seat within the huge auditorium * Single persons who have studied the Self- Realization Lessons for at
had been taken....Outside, the total number drawn by the event was swelled least a year, and who have no family obligations, may be in touch with
to an easy six thousand. And the occasion? Not the coming of Christ but of Self- Realization Fellowship headquarters should they be interested in
another oriental, Swami Yogananda.” the monastic way of life.

20 21

The ten-acre SRF Lake him to carry on his work, led by Sri Mrinalini Mata,
Shrine in Pacific Palisades, president of Self-Realization Fellowship.
California, is an ideal setting
for quiet reflection and med- Monks and nuns of the Order serve in many capaci-
itation. On the shore of the
natural, spring-fed lake is a
ties in the Self-Realization Fellowship ashram centers,
picturesque chapel housed and travel to Self-Realization Fellowship temples and
in an authentic reproduc-
tion of a 16th-century Dutch meditation centers around the world to conduct lec-
windmill. tures and classes. In addition to offering individual and
The Lake Shrine, with its group guidance in the teachings through such visits, they
Gandhi World Peace Memo-
rial containing a portion of provide written counsel to thousands of students each
the Mahatma’s ashes, was month through correspondence.
opened to the public in
1950. Addressing the assem- In an ashram environment at the Self-Realization
blage during the dedication
Sri Yogananda said: “We Retreat in Encinitas, California (located one hundred
must recognize the unity of miles south of Los Angeles, over looking the Pacific
mankind, remembering that
we are all made in the im- Ocean), SRF students and friends may stay for a few
age of God. There must be
world brotherhood if we are
days or up to two weeks for a time of spiritual renewal.
to be able to practice the Monastic disciples also conduct retreats several times a
true art of living. This shrine has been created for all religions, that all may
feel the unity of a common faith.” year elsewhere in the United States and abroad.
Through its worldwide service, Self-Realization Fel-
lowship seeks to awaken greater understanding of the
harmony underlying all true religions, and a fuller ex-
pression in this world of the love that unites all peoples
when they realize their oneness in God.

(Opposite) The Indian Ambassador to the United States, Mr. Binay Ranjan
Sen, with Sri Yogananda at Self-Realization Fellowship International Head-
quarters, Los Angeles, March 4, 1952— three days before the passing of the
great yogi.
In a eulogy at the funeral on March 11, Ambassador Sen said: “If we
had a man like Paramahansa Yogananda in the United Nations today,
probably the world would be a better place than it is.”

22 23
THE SELF-REALIZATION LESSONS In his Autobiography of a Yogi Paramahansa Yoga-
nanda has included a clear, comprehensive exposition
The Dynamic Power of Will of the science of Yoga, giving encouragement to all in
quest of Self-realization. As a first step, you will find it
Quickening Human Evolution
helpful to read this book.
How to Meditate
If you feel drawn to the philosophy and ideals pre-
Friendship sented in Autobiography of a Yogi, or other writings of
The Art of Developing Memory Paramahansa Yogananda, and wish to begin an in-depth
Finding Your True Vocation in Life study of his teachings, you may do so by enrolling for
Ideal Married Life the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons. These Lessons
Developing Creative Ability were arranged from lectures and informal talks given by
Paramahansa Yogananda over the years, and are mailed
Overcoming Bad Habits
biweekly to students around the world. The Lessons pres-
How to Rid the Mind of Worry ent the techniques of energization, concentration, and
Banishing Fear meditation, and cover a wide range of other subjects,
The Chemistry of Feelings giving practical advice and spiritual insight for every
Overcoming Fear of Death aspect of life.
Correct Breathing The lectures and classes from which the Lessons are
Physical and Mental Relaxation drawn were originally given in English. Students are en-
How to Overcome Nervousness couraged to receive the Lessons in this language if they
can, so that they may study the actual words of the Guru.
Diet and Fasting
For those who do not understand English, translations
The Law of Divine Healing are available in German and Spanish; and a Meditation
How You Can Change Your Life Summary Lesson is available in French, Italian, Portu-
The Phenomena of Dreams guese, Dutch, and Japanese.
States of Consciousness You will find information about how you may sub-
Life After Death scribe for the English Lessons series in the application
Reincarnation enclosed with this booklet. To request additional ap-
plications, or information about any of the Lessons avail-
Karma —The Law of Cause and Effect
able in translation, complete the form at the back of the
How to Build World Unity booklet and send it to the Self-Realization Fellowship
International Headquar ters in Los Angeles.

P erfect wisdom, perfect joy, and

perfect love seem to have no reality in this
world—yet the ideal of perfection is within
each one of us. The path of Yoga that Parama-
On March 7, 1977, the twenty-fifth anniversary of hansa Yogananda has given to the world shows
the passing of Paramahansa Yogananda, the Govern-
ment of India issued a commemorative stamp in his us the way to find this lost perfection within
honor. In announcing the issue, the Government paid ourselves…to discover the wonder and joy of
tribute to him in a descriptive leaflet distributed with
the stamp and first-day covers. Excerpt:
our own existence…to become convinced be-
“The ideal of love for God and service to human- yond any doubt that we are loved, cherished,
ity found full expression in the life of Paramahansa and protected by that Invisible Power which
Yogananda....He had but one goal: God-realization,
and one program: to unite East and West by spiritual upholds universes and gives beauty and place
understanding....Though the major part of his life was to the smallest living thing.
spent outside India, still Paramahansa Yogananda
takes his place among our great saints. His work con-
tinues to grow and shine ever more brightly, drawing
people everywhere on the path of the pilgrimage of
the Spirit.”


T he yearning for our lost perfec-

tion, the urge to do and be that which is
the noblest, the most beautiful of which
we are capable, is the creative impulse of
every high achievement. We strive for per-
fection here because we long to be restored
to our oneness with God.
Paramahansa Yogananda
The life story of Paramahansa
Yogananda has become a classic
in its field since its publication in
AIMS AND IDEALS 1946. It has been translated into
Self-Realization Fellowship
more than twenty languages and is
now used as a text and reference
As set forth by Paramahansa Yogananda, Founder
work in colleges and universities
Sri Mrinalini Mata, President throughout the world.

To disseminate among the nations a knowledge of definite scien-

tific techniques for attaining direct personal experience of God.
To teach that the purpose of life is the evolution, through self-
effort, of man’s limited mortal consciousness into God Conscious- “A rare account.”—New York Times
ness; and to this end to establish Self-Realization Fellowship temples “A fascinating and clearly annotated study.”—Newsweek
for God-communion throughout the world, and to encourage the “...earnest narrative that cannot but impress and interest the Western
establishment of individual temples of God in the homes and in the reader.”—Saturday Review
hearts of men.
“Yogananda presents a convincing case for yoga, and those who
To reveal the complete harmony and basic oneness of original ‘came to scoff’ may remain ‘to pray.’”—San Francisco Chronicle
Christianity as taught by Jesus Christ and original Yoga as taught by
Bhagavan Krishna; and to show that these principles of truth are the “These pages reveal, with incomparable strength and clarity, a fas-
common scientific foundation of all true religions. cinating life, a personality of such unheard-of greatness that from begin-
ning to end, the reader is left breathless...one is involuntarily taken back
To point out the one divine highway to which all paths of true to the days of Jesus....In these pages is undeniable proof that only the
religious beliefs eventually lead: the highway of daily, scientific, mental and spiritual striving of man has lasting value, and that he can
devotional meditation on God. conquer all material obstacles by inner strength....This book makes cred-
To liberate man from his threefold suffering: physical disease, ible to the layman truths that had previously seemed to him unbelievable.
mental inharmonies, and spiritual ignorance. We must credit this important biography with the power to bring about
To encourage “plain living and high thinking”; and to spread a a spiritual revolution.”
spirit of brotherhood among all peoples by teaching the eternal basis —Schleswig-Holsteinische Tagespost, Germany
of their unity: kinship with God. “There has been nothing before, written in English or in any other
To demonstrate the superiority of mind over body, of soul over European language, like this presentation of Yoga.”
mind. —Review of Religions,
To overcome evil by good, sorrow by joy, cruelty by kindness, published by Columbia University Press
ignorance by wisdom. “Sheer revelation...intensely human account...should help the human
To unite science and religion through realization of the unity of race to understand itself better...autobiography at its very best...breathtak-
their underlying principles. ing...this book comes at a propitious time...told with delightful wit and
compelling sincerity...as fascinating as any novel.”
To advocate cultural and spiritual understanding between East
and West, and the exchange of their finest distinctive features. —News-Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana
To serve mankind as one’s larger Self. “Paramahansa Yogananda is...a man whose inspiration has been
reverently received in all corners of the globe....There is something
inexpressibly beautiful in the spiritual teaching which comes out of the
East. It is able to heal and change the soul of the West. It is the teaching
of Self-Realization.”—Riders Review, London
“I am grateful to you for granting me some insight into this fascinat-
ing world.”—Thomas Mann, Nobel laureate

Letters From Self-Realization Students
“After a lifetime of atheism, agnosticism, and not-too-successful attempts to ‘be-
lieve,’ I have found that Self-Realization Fellowship teachings go right to the heart of
how to find and commune with God.”—H. R., San Diego, California
“The Lessons have transformed my life as no other writings have. In this world of
fads and ‘quick cures,’ it is an invaluable gift to have an extensive yet concise set of
instructions on right habits of diet, exercise, thought, and spiritual development from
a true master. There is a timeless quality about them.”—M. S., Boulder, Colorado
“I have been a student of the Self-Realization teachings just one year and my
life has completely changed. My health has improved 100%. Mentally I am calm and
undisturbed. Spiritually I am becoming more and more aware of myself as a perfect
manifestation of God, and have the blessed assurance that I am one with God and
lack nothing needed.”—C. W., Pasadena, California
“My Lessons mean a great deal to me. For the first time in my life I feel like
a complete person—at peace with myself, with my friends, with my loved ones.”
—E. B., St. Paul, Minnesota
“The year with SRF has brought me more peace and spiritual wisdom and answers
to problems than time spent in any other practice. The spiritual truths of the Chris-
tian Bible and of all other scriptures become increasingly clear.” —P. S., Agincourt,
Ontario, Canada
“Yogananda has made no false promises. Everything he has taught is true and
real. I had a lot of doubts in the beginning, but I do not have them anymore.”—J. B.,
Camena, Tasmania, Australia

Self-Realization Fellowship
3880 San Rafael Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90065-3219
Telephone: (323) 225-2471
Fax: (323) 225-5088

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3880 San Rafael Avenue
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