Undreamed Posibilities PDF
Undreamed Posibilities PDF
Undreamed Posibilities PDF
Self-Realization Fellowship
An introduction to
Self-Realization Fellowship
The teachings of
Paramahansa Yogananda
M ost of us are accustomed to looking outside of
ourselves for fulfillment. We are living in a world that
conditions us to believe that outer attainments can give
us what we want. Yet again and again our experiences
show us that nothing external can completely fulfill the
deep longing within for “something more.”
Most of the time, however, we find ourselves striv-
ing toward that which always seems to lie just beyond
our reach. We are caught up in doing rather than being,
in action rather than awareness. It is hard for us to pic-
ture a state of complete calmness and repose in which
thoughts and feelings cease to dance in perpetual mo-
tion. Yet it is through such a state of quietude that we
can touch a level of joy and understanding impossible
…You realize that all
to achieve otherwise.
along there was something It is said in the Bible: “Be still, and know that I am
God.”* In these few words lies the key to Self-realization.
tremendous within you, The science of Yoga offers a direct means of stilling the
natural turbulence of thoughts and restlessness of body
and you did not know it.
that prevent us from knowing what we really are. By
Paramahansa Yogananda practicing the step-by-step methods of Yoga — taking
nothing for granted on emotional grounds or through
blind faith — we come to know our oneness with the
* Psalms 46:10.
toward this goal, each one a specialized branch of one bines the essence of all the other paths.
comprehensive system: At the heart of the Raja Yoga system,
balancing and unifying these various
Hatha Yoga — a system of physical
approaches, is the practice of definite,
postures, or asanas,
scientific methods of meditation that
whose higher purpose is to purify the
enable one to perceive, from the very
body, giving one awareness and control
beginning of one’s efforts, glimpses of
over its internal states and rendering it
the ultimate goal — conscious union
fit for meditation.
with the inexhaustibly blissful Spirit.
Karma Yoga — selfless service to Such methods are an integral part of the
others as part of one’s Self-Realization Fellowship teachings.
larger Self, without attachment to the
results; and the performance of all ac-
tions with the consciousness of God as T HE S CIENCE OF K RIYA Y OGA
the Doer. T he quickest and most effective approach to the
Mantra Yoga — centering the con- goal of Yoga employs those methods of medi tation
sciousness within that deal directly with energy and consciousness. It is
through japa, or the repetition of certain this direct approach that characterizes Kriya Yoga, the
universal root-word sounds represent- particular system of meditation taught by Paramahansa
ing a particular aspect of Spirit. Yogananda. Specifically, Kriya is an advanced Raja Yoga
Bhakti Yoga — all-surrendering devo- technique that reinforces and revitalizes subtle currents
tion through which one of life energy in the body, enabling the normal activities
strives to see and love the divinity in of heart and lungs to slow down naturally. As a result,
every creature and in everything, thus
the consciousness is drawn to higher levels of percep-
maintaining an unceasing worship.
tion, gradually bringing about an inner awakening more
Jnana Yoga — the path of wisdom, blissful and more deeply satisfying than any of the ex-
which emphasizes the
periences that the mind or the senses or the ordinary
application of discriminative intelli-
human emotions can give.
gence to achieve spiritual liberation.
All scriptures declare man to be not a corruptible
Raja Yoga — the royal or highest path
of Yoga, formally sys- body, but a living soul. The ancient science of Kriya
tematized in the second century B.C. by Yoga reveals a way to prove this scriptural truth.
the Indian sage Patanjali, which com- Referring to the sure and methodical efficacy
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* Spiritual teacher (from the Sanskrit gu, “darkness” and ru, “that which
dispels”). The real meaning of the word guru is sometimes lost sight of.
Mahatma Gandhi’s Ashram in Wardha
Today it is commonly misused to refer simply to a teacher or instructor.
But a true, God- illumined guru is one who, in his attainment of self- Yogananda is reading a note that Gandhi (right) has just written (it was a Mon-
mastery, has realized his identity with the omnipresent Spirit. Such a day, the Mahatma’s day for observing silence). On the following day, August
one is uniquely qualified to lead the seeker on his or her inward journey 27, 1935, at Gandhiji’s request Sri Yogananda initiated him in Kriya Yoga.
toward perfection.
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Excerpts From the Writings of Paramahansa Yogananda
Mankind is engaged in an eternal quest for that “something Our great whirling planet, our human individuality, were not
else” he hopes will bring him happiness, complete and unending. given to us merely that we might exist for a time and then vanish
For those individual souls who have sought and found God, the into nothingness, but that we might question what it is all about.
search is over: He is that Something Else. To live without understanding the purpose of life is foolish, a
waste of time. The mystery of life surrounds us; we were given
intelligence in order to solve it.
P aramahansa Yogananda’s lifework and world
mission began at the age of seventeen with the spiritual
training he received from his guru, Swami Sri Yukteswar.
In 1915, he was initiated into the ancient monastic Order
of Swamis.* Shortly thereafter he founded a small school,
which has since grown to twenty-one educational institu-
tions in India.† He was encouraged in this undertaking
by the counsel of his guru, who reminded the young
monk that he who renounces the usual worldly du-
ties must assume a greater responsibility: to love and
Administration building, Self-Realization Fellowship International serve as his own the larger family of humanity. Subse-
Headquarters, atop Mt. Washington overlooking the city of Los Angeles
quently he established the Yogoda Satsanga Society of
India, which now has centers throughout India. From
its headquarters in Dakshineswar, YSS disseminates his
teachings to students residing in India, Pakistan, Nepal,
and Sri Lanka. It also oversees the administration of its
many educational and charitable activities.
In 1920, Paramahansa Yogananda left India to
serve as a delegate to an international congress of reli-
gious leaders in Boston. Soon after his arrival in the
United States, he founded Self-Realization Fellowship
so that the ancient teaching of Kriya Yoga might
be made available in the West. Today Self-Realization
* The meaning of the word swami is “he who is, or is striving to be, one
with the Self (Swa).”
† Ranging from primary through college level, these “How-to-Live” schools
present, in addition to a standard academic curriculum, Paramahansa
Yogoda Math, headquarters and publishing center of Yogoda Satsanga
Yogananda’s principles for the harmonious development of body, mind,
Society of India (Self-Realization Fellowship), Dakshineswar, Calcutta and spirit. Class instruction in the schools is given in Hindi and Bengali. In
time such schools will also be established in the West.
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The ten-acre SRF Lake him to carry on his work, led by Sri Mrinalini Mata,
Shrine in Pacific Palisades, president of Self-Realization Fellowship.
California, is an ideal setting
for quiet reflection and med- Monks and nuns of the Order serve in many capaci-
itation. On the shore of the
natural, spring-fed lake is a
ties in the Self-Realization Fellowship ashram centers,
picturesque chapel housed and travel to Self-Realization Fellowship temples and
in an authentic reproduc-
tion of a 16th-century Dutch meditation centers around the world to conduct lec-
windmill. tures and classes. In addition to offering individual and
The Lake Shrine, with its group guidance in the teachings through such visits, they
Gandhi World Peace Memo-
rial containing a portion of provide written counsel to thousands of students each
the Mahatma’s ashes, was month through correspondence.
opened to the public in
1950. Addressing the assem- In an ashram environment at the Self-Realization
blage during the dedication
Sri Yogananda said: “We Retreat in Encinitas, California (located one hundred
must recognize the unity of miles south of Los Angeles, over looking the Pacific
mankind, remembering that
we are all made in the im- Ocean), SRF students and friends may stay for a few
age of God. There must be
world brotherhood if we are
days or up to two weeks for a time of spiritual renewal.
to be able to practice the Monastic disciples also conduct retreats several times a
true art of living. This shrine has been created for all religions, that all may
feel the unity of a common faith.” year elsewhere in the United States and abroad.
Through its worldwide service, Self-Realization Fel-
lowship seeks to awaken greater understanding of the
harmony underlying all true religions, and a fuller ex-
pression in this world of the love that unites all peoples
when they realize their oneness in God.
(Opposite) The Indian Ambassador to the United States, Mr. Binay Ranjan
Sen, with Sri Yogananda at Self-Realization Fellowship International Head-
quarters, Los Angeles, March 4, 1952— three days before the passing of the
great yogi.
In a eulogy at the funeral on March 11, Ambassador Sen said: “If we
had a man like Paramahansa Yogananda in the United Nations today,
probably the world would be a better place than it is.”
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THE SELF-REALIZATION LESSONS In his Autobiography of a Yogi Paramahansa Yoga-
nanda has included a clear, comprehensive exposition
The Dynamic Power of Will of the science of Yoga, giving encouragement to all in
quest of Self-realization. As a first step, you will find it
Quickening Human Evolution
helpful to read this book.
How to Meditate
If you feel drawn to the philosophy and ideals pre-
Friendship sented in Autobiography of a Yogi, or other writings of
The Art of Developing Memory Paramahansa Yogananda, and wish to begin an in-depth
Finding Your True Vocation in Life study of his teachings, you may do so by enrolling for
Ideal Married Life the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons. These Lessons
Developing Creative Ability were arranged from lectures and informal talks given by
Paramahansa Yogananda over the years, and are mailed
Overcoming Bad Habits
biweekly to students around the world. The Lessons pres-
How to Rid the Mind of Worry ent the techniques of energization, concentration, and
Banishing Fear meditation, and cover a wide range of other subjects,
The Chemistry of Feelings giving practical advice and spiritual insight for every
Overcoming Fear of Death aspect of life.
Correct Breathing The lectures and classes from which the Lessons are
Physical and Mental Relaxation drawn were originally given in English. Students are en-
How to Overcome Nervousness couraged to receive the Lessons in this language if they
can, so that they may study the actual words of the Guru.
Diet and Fasting
For those who do not understand English, translations
The Law of Divine Healing are available in German and Spanish; and a Meditation
How You Can Change Your Life Summary Lesson is available in French, Italian, Portu-
The Phenomena of Dreams guese, Dutch, and Japanese.
States of Consciousness You will find information about how you may sub-
Life After Death scribe for the English Lessons series in the application
Reincarnation enclosed with this booklet. To request additional ap-
plications, or information about any of the Lessons avail-
Karma —The Law of Cause and Effect
able in translation, complete the form at the back of the
How to Build World Unity booklet and send it to the Self-Realization Fellowship
International Headquar ters in Los Angeles.
Letters From Self-Realization Students
“After a lifetime of atheism, agnosticism, and not-too-successful attempts to ‘be-
lieve,’ I have found that Self-Realization Fellowship teachings go right to the heart of
how to find and commune with God.”—H. R., San Diego, California
“The Lessons have transformed my life as no other writings have. In this world of
fads and ‘quick cures,’ it is an invaluable gift to have an extensive yet concise set of
instructions on right habits of diet, exercise, thought, and spiritual development from
a true master. There is a timeless quality about them.”—M. S., Boulder, Colorado
“I have been a student of the Self-Realization teachings just one year and my
life has completely changed. My health has improved 100%. Mentally I am calm and
undisturbed. Spiritually I am becoming more and more aware of myself as a perfect
manifestation of God, and have the blessed assurance that I am one with God and
lack nothing needed.”—C. W., Pasadena, California
“My Lessons mean a great deal to me. For the first time in my life I feel like
a complete person—at peace with myself, with my friends, with my loved ones.”
—E. B., St. Paul, Minnesota
“The year with SRF has brought me more peace and spiritual wisdom and answers
to problems than time spent in any other practice. The spiritual truths of the Chris-
tian Bible and of all other scriptures become increasingly clear.” —P. S., Agincourt,
Ontario, Canada
“Yogananda has made no false promises. Everything he has taught is true and
real. I had a lot of doubts in the beginning, but I do not have them anymore.”—J. B.,
Camena, Tasmania, Australia
Self-Realization Fellowship
3880 San Rafael Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90065-3219
Telephone: (323) 225-2471
Fax: (323) 225-5088
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Self-Realization Fellowship
3880 San Rafael Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90065-3298