IPDS Guideline QAP
IPDS Guideline QAP
IPDS Guideline QAP
The Project Implementation Agency (PIA) shall be solely responsible & accountable for
assuring quality in Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) works. Project
Implementing Agency (PIA) shall formulate a detailed comprehensive Quality Assurance
(QA) plan for the works to be carried out under DDUGJY scheme with an objective to create
quality infrastructure works. The QA and Inspection Plan shall be integral part of the contract
agreement with turnkey contractor or equipment supplier and erection agency as the case may
be in case of turnkey/partial turnkey/ or departmental execution of works. PIA has to ensure
that the quality of materials/equipment’s supplied at site and execution of works carried out at
field under DDUGJY scheme is in accordance to Manufacturing Quality Plan
(MQP)/Guaranteed Technical Particulars (GTP) and Field Quality Plan (FQP)/Approved
Drawings/Data Sheets respectively.
a. 100% pre-dispatch inspections of all materials viz. as per MQP/ Approved Drawings/
Technical Specifications/Datasheet/GTP/applicable national & international standards.
b. 100% villages with all infrastructures are to be verified for quality as per
MQP/Datasheet/GTP/ Approved Drawings/Technical Specifications and FQP.
c. 100% of all 66/11 or 33/11 kV sub stations (New & Augmented) for quality of material as
per MQP/Approved Drawings/Technical Specifications/Datasheet/GTP and erection
works in the field as per FQP/approved survey drawings/layout.
d. 100% verification of BPL HHs connections released.
e. 100% verifications feeders created under the scheme.
f. 100% verification of materials utilised under the scheme.
g. 100% verification of works done in Metering, SAGY & System Strengthening.
Vendor approval: All the materials procured for DDUGJY works shall be purchased from
the authorised vendors approved by their Quality Assurance Department of PIA. Approved
vendors list is to be uploaded periodically (monthly) on the PIA web portal.
FQP for Civil works: PIA shall prepare a separate FQP for civil works supported with
drawings which shall be approved by their competent authority which shall be uploaded at
web portal. The turnkey contractor shall adhere to this FQP while carrying out physical
FQP for testing & commissioning: PIA shall prepare a comprehensive FQP for testing &
commissioning of 33/11kV or 66/11kV substation, Distribution transformer Substation etc. as
well as infrastructure created during electrification of villages/habitations. The electrical
system shall be energized only after performing all tests as described in the FQP. Proper
records in this regard, including tests on earth resistance, insulation resistance of 11 kV line
& Distribution Transformer etc. shall be maintained, jointly signed by PIA and turnkey
contractor representatives.
QA documentation: All the quality assurance checks shall be conducted in the field as per
approved Field Quality Plan(FQP) and shall be documented properly and signed by the
quality engineer of the turnkey contractor & countersigned by PIA's representative and shall
be kept for future reference. These documents shall be maintained by PIAs in proper order
and shall be made available at site for verification by Quality Monitors during inspection.
DDUGJY Projects shall have a single tier Quality Assurance Mechanism (QAM). The single
tier QAM shall exclude the in-house process quality checks followed by the Project
Implementation Agency (PIA) during the physical execution of the project.
Rural Electrification Corporation (REC), the nodal agency for the DDUGJY scheme shall
operate for Quality Assurance Mechanism. REC shall designate a senior officer (ZM/CPM of
the state) as REC State Quality Assurance Coordinator (RSQAC) at its State level
Zonal/Project office. REC corporate office shall designate a senior officer not below the level
of AGM/GM as RQAC.
Under this mechanism, RQM shall oversee the compliance of DDUGJY guidelines, adherence
to system procedures etc. shall be verified by an independent inspecting agency.
1.2. Inspection of Village Electrification Materials: The materials which have been
identified for pre-dispatch inspection at manufacture premises is as follows:
1. Distribution Transformer,
2. Overhead Conductor,
3. Energy Meter,
4. Pole,
5. Insulators,
6. Cables,
At least one type from each of the aforesaid 6 (six) materials to be utilized in
substations and villages’ electrification shall be inspected by the RQM as per
MQP. The inspection/testing/witnessing of acceptance tests shall be as per
approved Drawings/Technical Specifications/Datasheet/GTP/ and applicable
national & international standard.
All expenditures that shall incurred towards packing, transport, inspection, testing
charges etc. are to be borne by the PIA.
1.3.1. 100% Un-Electrified (UE) and 10% of Intensive Electrified (IE) villages
are to be inspected in 2 (two) stages including SAGY villages. Stage-I &
Stage-II inspections shall cover 50%UE & 5% of IE villages respectively.
1.3.3. Stage-II inspection of RQM shall commence and end in a project when 100
% of UE & 70% of IE villages are completed in all respect.
1.4. (a) Inspection of 100% new (33/11 or 66/11 kV) substation for quality works as
per FQP.
(b) Inspection of 25% augmented (33/11 or 66/11 kV) substation for quality
works as per FQP.
1.5. Inspection of 100% works carried out in Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana(SAGY)
including HT Lines, LT lines, Distribution Transformer Substation, BPL HHs
connection released or any other works not stated herein but have been carried out
under the scheme in that village(s).
1.7. REC Quality Monitor shall also oversee the Contract Management Part of PIA
like adherence to Standard Bidding Document, PMA appointment, adherence to
Quality Assurance Mechanism of DDUGJY scheme, Contractual provisions
pertaining to defects identification and rectification, resolution of project related
issues and action on delayed project. In their visit, RQM would give thrust on
adherence on systems and procedures of DDUGJY schemes by PIA and turnkey
contractors during project implementation. Also, RQM would ensure availability
and awareness of project specific drawings, documents, quality assurance plans
among all stake holders in PIA contractor staff/workers.
1.8. REC Quality Monitors shall oversee the progress of up-loading of monitoring
observations raised by inspectors during inspection and submission of compliance
by PIA with supporting site photographs details in DDUGJY web portal.