Hapit Na
Hapit Na
Hapit Na
Chapter 2
This chapter discusses the related literature and studies which are useful
endogeneity problems may severely bias naive OLS-estimates of the class size
effect, and that exogenous sources of variation in class size are key for a
however, not led to a definite conclusion about the magnitude or even the sign of
the class size effect. Most of the (quasi-) experimental studies report that a
reduction in class size boosts achievement (Angrist and Lavy, 1999; Boozer and
Rouse, 2001; Browning and Heinesen, 2007; Krueger, 1999; Urquiola, 2006).
Some of the studies that attempt to correct for endogeneity do, however, report
opposite results (e.g. Hoxby 2000). Moreover, the studies reporting negative
effects of bigger classes vary considerably in the size of this effect thereby
researched in various fields and the results of this research show mixed effects
theory of the effects of class size on learning, focusing on how instructors and
students behave differently in large and small classes. It is noted that discussion
time becomes fragmented among students in large classes and instructors may
rely on passive lecturing, assign less written homework or fewer problem sets,
and may not require written papers. In addition, instructors may find it difficult to
know each student personally and tailor pedagogy to individual student needs in
suggests that learning is not affected much by class size largely because
wisdom indicates that class size affects students’ learning, most of the earlier
studies were not conducted in higher education and report little more that
class size. Students’ responses to a survey also suggest that the effectiveness of
various pedagogies may not differ much between large and small classes.
Several other related studies have tended to put more emphasis on the various
Siegfried and Walstad (1990) found that study effort, age of a student, and
a good match between student’s learning style and instructor’s teaching style
achievement was independent of class size. Hill (1998) investigated the effect of
and found that the size of the class did not have a significant effect on student
classes when controlling for attendance and university GPA. Hill concluded that
large class size may be more of an expectations issue rather than a performance
issue, since students reported that they felt the class size was too large. Papo
(1999) found that the size of the class taught does not have an impact on
by students since the teaching and learning success may depend, in part, on
what is taught. What the optimal size of class is for a particular course and
class size, textbooks and study effort did not seem to matter very much.
However, Previous research also has found that class size can also affect
students’ performance. Class size can be defined as the total number of students
that a teacher has under his or her supervision. The class size gives little effect
on students’ performance in class [7], but in [3] found out that the performance of
students is better if the class size is lower. This statement is contrary to [11],
which had carried out a research on the possible effects of class size on
regression results did not show any negative and significant effect of class size
on a student’s academic performance. On the other hand, the class size affected
the teachers’ efficiency more. In [5] also stated that class size has no effect
time spent in studies other than class hours as major contributors for higher
and Aptitude test in favour of male students. Ariz, and Farah (2017) reported
mixed outcomes in which the performance scores of males were found higher in
development, Oba and Lawrence (2014) agreed that gender plays insignificant
Adeyemi, (2008) pointed out that class-size is an educational tool that can
be used to describe the average number of students per class in a school and
measure the performance of the education system. Yusuf, Onifade and Bello,
(2016) found that class size has a highly significant impact on students’ attitudes
strongly, then punctuality, motivation and participation but not the rate of
participation and asking or answering questions. It is on this note that the ability
of the teacher to recognize the students and accord individual assistance to them
teaching and learning process. Small classes could help to improve teacher
morale, reduce discipline problems, and reduce the need for remediation through
are other positive impact of smaller class size (Normore and Ilon, 2006).
lower the number of students in the classroom, the better the educational quality
of the learners involved. It could be deduced that the nature of the subject
involved and teachers’ teaching strategies and skills are other essential factors in
moderate in the class, for a subject which requires both theory and practice, a
lower number of ten students may be ideal (Duflo, Dupas and Kremer, 2007)
achievement. Jacob, Olawuyi and Jacob (2016) noted that class size has
For instance, large class size schools among other KIU Journal of
comprehensive curriculum than small class size schools and also reduce per
student operating costs. It has also been argued, that large class size schools
provide better academic out-comes and are less expensive to operate. In the
view of Jepsen (2015), smaller classes are associated with increased student
achievement. It was reported that the positive relationship between smaller class
size and student achievement holds for students in different grades as well as in
relationship between class size and student achievement, while reducing class
absenteeism (Jepsen, 2015). Muraina & Muraina (2014) supported that there is a
significant relationship between the class size and secondary school students’
scholastic achievement.
exists between low and high achieving schools indicating that the class has no
secondary, senior secondary, 25, 35, 35, and 40 respectively; while the number
in technical colleges is 20, due to the technical nature of the instructions (Federal
Republic of Nigeria, 2013). Although, class size is seen as one variable in the
complex culture of school life; other related factor like the school location must be
what others refer as school ethos, school cultures or the school climate.
The number of students in a class has the potential to affect how much is
learned in a number of different ways. For example, it could affect how students
interact with each other—the level of social engagement. This may result, for
example, in more or less noise and disruptive behavior, which in turn affect the
kinds of activities the teacher is able to promote. It could affect how much time
the teacher is able to focus on individual students and their specific needs rather
smaller group, the smaller the class size, the more likely individual attention can
The class size could also affect the teacher’s allocation of time and,
hence, effectiveness, in other ways, too—for example, how much material can be
when they have smaller classes. For example, they may assign more writing, or
time period of exposure, or it may have longer term or delayed effects (e.g., by
these reasons, changes to the class size are considered a potential means of
changing how much students learn. Not only is class size potentially one of the
factors. Some are related to the classroom and school environment in which the
class takes place, but others are related to the student’s own background and
motivation and broader community influences. When we ask whether class size
matters for achievement, it is essential to ask also, how class size matters. This
First, if we can observe not only achievement differences, but also the
mechanisms through which the differences are produced, this will increase our
confidence that the differences are real, and not an artifact of some unmeasured
Second, the effects of class size may vary in different circumstances, and
identifying how class size affects achievement will help us to understand why the
but only when teachers modify instructional practices to take advantage of the
smaller classes. If a few teachers make such modifications, but most do not, then
understanding how class size affects achievement in some cases will help reveal
In the late 1970s, Glass and Smith (1978; Glass, Cahen, Smith, & Filby,
a total of 725 effects from 77 different studies. When all 77 studies in the meta-
analysis are included, the data allowed for the following conclusions:
• There was a clear and strong relationship between class size and
student achievement Sixty percent of all 725 effects showed achievement higher
in small classes.
perform about 10 percentile points higher; that is, performance moved from the
50th to 60th percentile. From these overall results, classes would have to be
effect. Glass and Smith (1978) noted that many of the 77 studies had neither
good experimental controls nor sound research designs. When Glass and Smith
removed the studies that did not have good experimental controls, only 14
studies remained, but with 109 effect measures comparing small and large
classes. With just these results, the data allowed for the following conclusons:
• When class size was reduced to 10, achievement improved about 1/2
standard deviation, or from the 50th to the 70th percentile. Glass and Smith
(1978) analyzed the data even further by separating the above effects into two
categories of length of instrument— more than 100 hours and less than 100
hours. The "more than 100 hours of instruction" category approximates the
amount of instruction a student would receive for a subject or class that provided
one hour of instruction during a typical school semester (90 days) or school year
(180 days),1 thus approximating the real impact of a policy that would reduce
class sizes. From this subanalysis, even stronger conclusions can be drawn from
their data:
standard deviation.
topic, such as class size and student achievement, it has recently been criticized
(Slavin, 1984) and an alternative has been proposed (Slavin, 1986). The first
criticism is that meta-analysis gives equal weight to all study findings, whether
The second criticism is that metaanalyses often combines studies that are on
reasons and purposes, some of which include for pleasure, leisure, relaxation,
information and for knowledge. Ogbodo (2010) further identifies three main types
an activity one does because one derives some joy and satisfaction from doing it.
Its purpose is to widen the reader’s horizon areas like educational, religious,
political, economic, current affairs, fiction and non-fiction. The practice of reading
as a hobby helps one to be versatile in knowledge in many areas and the person
recreation or relaxation is very common among the educated elite. People who
have gainful employment spend the whole day in the offices trying to solve
problems related to the jobs they do. When they come back from work, they
materials which are different and of interest to them. Students should been
courage to read magazines instead of reading textbooks all the time. Students,
who read magazines at intervals learn to relax, cool their brain and avoid mental
fatigue and also makes them live a disciplined life in the school. In most cases,
its effect in inducing sleep and rest after tedious reading in the classroom or the
library adds to good health habits. The concentration reading is the most
important type of reaching the desired outcome. It is the bedrock and the result
Florence et.al (2017) said that the reading habits of students in all the
surveys carried out, can be categorized as heavy readers (reading various texts
moderate readers (reading few texts and novels as seem convenient for them);
dormant readers (those who liked to read and they regarded themselves readers
but did not take time to read regularly and update their knowledge). These
readers give priority to other social activities such as sports, partying and school
work. Unmotivated nonreaders (those who do not have any inclination to read
neither are they open to the suggestion of future reading nor do they have any
choose to read lecture notes when they visit the library. Unlike the 62% of the
students, 25% of them prefer to read textbooks in the library. As for the other 3%
and 10%, they are more likely to read novels and other materials available in the
library. From the statistics above, it is clearly stated that majority of the students
prefer academic reading materials notes especially when they are in the library.
This is one of the reasons why they have a high level of academic performance.
They prefer to spend their leisure time by focusing and improving on their
Otherwise, the Turkish High School students in London also have their
own preferences when it comes to choosing reading materials. As for this one, it
includes other different regions in London. The reading materials preferred are
the ones outside of school. 89.7% of the students prefer to read novels while
70.2% prefer magazines as their reading material. Then, 66.5% of the students
like to read materials on websites. The rest prefer other materials (Kutay, 2014).
especially teenagers because fictions are non-academic books and are usually
In addition, the reading materials most Sri Lankan students prefer to read
are relevant academic books. The response rate for such reading materials is
320. As for novels, the response rate is 158 which is half of the response rate of
(Kulatunga, 2016). This indicates that Sri Lankan students prefer to read
newspapers more than novels. One of the possible reasons why the response
rates stated above are as such is because these students would want to gain
improving the students’ grades. However, they highly prefer reading materials
As for the students in Vietnam, they prefer the traditional reading materials
which are printed books. There are about 59.6% of them who prefer to read
fictions. It is undeniable that the contents of the fictions are found to be more
and computers were reading platforms that they use (Khoi, 2016). There are
students who prefer online reading materials so that reading can be done
anywhere and at any time. E-books applications, especially, have made it easier
for them in terms lowering cost, consuming less energy and time. Free
reading materials. According to Dollah et al. (2017), 44.8% of the students prefer
obtained easily from the Internet. Besides, 20% of them would choose
magazines over other reading materials. Magazines are usually easier to read as
the contents of the magazines are little. Magazines are usually read during
leisure time. The other 18.1% and 17.1% prefer newspapers and books. As
traditional and conventional printed materials may be, some students get more
Further added by the result of the study of Issa et al (2012), the majority
response indicated that students with good reading habits are able to understand
questions easily and better express themselves as opposed to those who do not
have good reading habits or did no reading at all. This finding agrees with that
As gleaned from the study of Florence (2017) there is the need for
students to read more of novels and articles in order to boost their vocabulary.
Students should make the library their first point of call to get updated from time
to time. Also, it was inferred that half of the respondents love reading
encouraged the more, so that the students will experience all round development
Nigeria show that majority of the respondents who took part in the study are not
used to their time for reading and they purposely read for examination, self-
reading the same. Nowadays, students not only read merely through books,
but their formats of reading seemed to be different from the older generations
as reading can also be done on the Internet. Back when the Internet is not a
thing, books can be seen purchased by everyone and they seem to enjoy it,
but now they prefer the Internet as a source of finding reading materials. Thus,
it is merely and unfairly matter to really estimate how coefficient does these
students read and how do they react towards reading. The environment,
surrounding and peers might affect them in a way of how they are taught to
Most people are actually incredibly capable readers and can read at a
good pace just from the techniques they first learnt when they were a child.
However, as we are required to become more and more specific with our
information people start to read much slower, focusing specifically on one word
at a time as they believe this will improve their comprehension rates. Ways
(2017) said that bad reading habits can slow you down in speed, may question
activity to engage in. However, it can easily become ineffective particularly when
studying non-fiction material as bad reading habits can limit the processing of
Reading has been the passion of the greatest personalities of all times.
Humans have been reading since ages and thus words of knowledge have been
and systematic reading sharpens the intellect, refines the emotions, elevates
tastes and provides perspectives for one’s living; and thereby prepares a person
for an effective participation in the social, religious, cultural and political life.
Reading fires the imagination of the person. It adds new sight to eyes and new
The individual who reads well has at his command a means for widening
vital factor affecting intellectual and emotional growth. Sir Richard Steele has
reading has undergone through many changes. In the past, reading simply
meant to extract visual information from any given codes or systems. However,
thereafter, reading became much more complex and involved the understanding
cited by Loan (2011) defined reading as “an active attempt on the part of reader
to understand a writer’s message”. Loan (2011), from Irvin’s idea, describes the
reading process as “the interaction of what is in the head with what is on the
page within a particular context that causes students to comprehend what they
read.” Thus, reading is the ability to recognize, and examine words or sentences
a written linguistic message and to examine and grasp the meaning of written or
Gallo, as gleaned by (Issa. et al, 2012), said that “Books, yield their best to
you, if you read them at the age at which each particular masterpiece can ideally
be chewed and digested. They believe that from middle childhood through
processor of text.”
Oriogu (2017), stated from the report of National Endowment for the Arts
intellectual capacity and capability of students. One ongoing way to acquire new
effective reading habit, his learning skills, his understanding of learning materials
and his memory processing both test and examination are improved appreciably.
There are benefits of Good Reading Habits that students can invariably
3.) Good reading habits develop reading speed, fluency, vocabulary, general
especially the young, to develop a love for books by reading at least 20 minutes
day will expose readers to about 1,800,000 words a year, and enable them to get
basis so that you will become good at it. It is simple human psychology that you
are only good at things that you do often. And if you don’t read often, you will not
be good at it.
Chapter 3
This chapter deals with the research design the respondents of the study,
instrument to be utilized to gather the data gathered and locale of the study.
Research Design
the extent of reading habits of the 3rd year BEED students at Ramon Magsaysay
Memorial Colleges.
Research Locale
General Santos City, the Tuna Capital of the Philippines. It was established in
1957 as the Mindanao Vocational School (MVS). Four years after, MVS earned
its college status and became Magsaysay Memorial Jr. College (MMC). Then, in
1978, the school was again renamed in honor of the former Philippine president
Ramon Magsaysay.
institution in Region XII to have programs accredited by PCUCOA. It has Level III
Accreditations for the Elementary and Secondary Education programs and Level
Computer Science, High School, and MA in Education. The college is also ISO
The school strives to continue its mission and vision to uphold and
The respondents of this study will be the third year BEED students of
Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges, enrolled during the school year 2019-
In choosing the respondents of the study, the researcher will use random
Research Instrument
The instrument that will be used to gather the data that is needed for this
study is the survey questionnaire. The questionnaire is a self-made one and so, it
will undergo careful inspection and proper guidance from the adviser. Also, it will
Data Gathering
In conducting this research, the researcher will observed the following steps:
First, the researcher will send a letter to the College President of Ramon
Third, after the data is gathered, the researcher will submit the results to
Statistical Instrument
respondents and their academic performance while to find out the correlation
Ngoboka, P., & Schultz, B. (2002). The effects of class size on student academic
performance in a principles of microeconomics course. Proceedings of the
Midwest Business Economics Association, 198-207.
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(2017). Factors related to students’ performance in Calculus. J. Appl. Environ.
Biol. Sci, 7(6S), 51-56.
Mahlo, D. (2015). A Comparative Study of Class Size and Academic
Achievement of Pupils in Boarding and Non-Boarding Schools. International
Journal of Educational Sciences, 11(2), 128-136.
STATE, NIGERIA. European Journal of Education Studies.
Abosede, S. C. (2018). School Location, Class Size and Teaching Experience as
Determinants of Academic Achievement of Students’ in Lagos State. KIU Journal
of Humanities, 2(2 (B)), 243-252.
Ehrenberg, R. G., Brewer, D. J., Gamoran, A., & Willms, J. D. (2001). Class size
and student achievement. Psychological science in the public interest, 2(1), 1-30.
Odden, A. (1990). Class size and student achievement: Research-based policy
alternatives. Educational evaluation and policy analysis, 12(2), 213-227.
Pioneer Avenue, General Santos City
Tel No. (083) 552-3348 Fax No. (083) 301-192
May, 2019
Respectfully yours,
May, 2019
Respectfully yours,
Noted by:
Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges
Pioneer Avenue, General Santos City
Tel No.(083) 552-3348 Fax No. (083) 301-1927
May, 2019
Respectfully yours,
Noted by:
May, 2019
Respectfully yours,
Noted by:
March 15,2019
The Respondents
Ramon Magsaysay Memorial colleges
Pioneer Avenue, General Santos City
Dear Respondents:
Greetings of peace!
In connection to this, I would like to ask favor from you by answering the attached
test questionnaire.
I am looking for your whole-hearted cooperation.
Truly yours,
For evaluator: Please check the appropriate box for your rating
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
1. Criteria of directions and the items. The
vocabulary level, language structure and
conceptual level of the respondents. The test
directions and items are written in clear and
understandable manner.
2. Presentation/organization of items. The items
are presented and organized logical manner.
3. Suitability of items. The manner of the items
appropriately represented the substance of the
research. The questions are designed to
determine the conditions, knowledge, perception
and attitude that are supposed to be measured.
4. Adequateness items per category. The items
represent the coverage of the research and
respectively enough of the question needed for
the research.
5. Attainment of the purpose. The instrument as
whose fulfils the objectives of which was
6. Each items question requires only specific
answer of the measures only behaviour and no
aspect of the questionnaire suggest bias of the
7. Scale and evaluation rating system. Scale are
adapted is appropriate for items.
Survey Questionnaire
Direction: Kindly put a check mark (√) to the number according to your
4 – Often 2 – Seldom
Questions 5 4 3 2 1
A. Persuasion
1. I read to learn (e.g. to broaden my
2. I tend to discover many thing by reading and
can connect to the world
3. My comprehension is broaden whenever I
5 4 3 2 1
B. Information
5 4 3 2 1
C. Entertainment
11. I read to entertain myself and for relaxation
12. Mostly, I read for pleasure
Birth date: April 19, 1998
Birth place: Basag, Senator Ninoy Aquino, Sultan Kudarat
Sex: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Father’s Name: Demosthenis A. Ugdamin
Mother’s Name: Elvita C. Ugdamin
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Seventh-day Adventist