Course Objectives and Syllabus: Thermodynamics (MAE 320) Spring 2017
Course Objectives and Syllabus: Thermodynamics (MAE 320) Spring 2017
Course Objectives and Syllabus: Thermodynamics (MAE 320) Spring 2017
Leonard C. Nelson College of Engineering & Sciences
Department of Mechanical Engineering
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Thermodynamics (MAE 320)
Course This course deals with the fundamentals of Thermodynamics including thermodynamic
Objectives systems and properties, relationships among the thermos-physical properties, the laws
of thermodynamics and applications of these basic laws in thermodynamic systems.
This course will provide the essential tools required to study thermodynamic systems
in Applied Thermodynamics (MAE 321).
Expected After successful completion of this course the students will be able to:
Outcomes 1. Explain fundamental concepts relevant to thermodynamics.
2. Explain the concepts of work, power, and heat in thermodynamics; determine
work and heat sign conventions; determine work involved with moving
boundary systems (graphical and analytical methods).
3. Explain the first law of thermodynamics for a closed system.
4. Perform energy analysis of refrigeration and heat pump thermodynamic cycles.
5. Determine thermodynamic properties of pure substances.
6. Apply the first law of thermodynamics for a control volume, including with
turbines, compressors, nozzles, diffusers, heat exchangers, and throttling
7. Explain the second law of thermodynamics, including why it is necessary,
how it is defined (Kelvin-Planck and Clausius), the nature of irreversibility,
and the Carnot cycle.
8. Explain the concept of entropy, including the Clausius Inequality, using
thermodynamic tables, setting up entropy balances, and calculating isentropic
efficiency of pumps, compressors, turbines, and heat exchangers.
1. Homework In order to encourage you to closely follow the material covered in the lectures and
provide you with opportunities to practice the concepts taught in the class through
problem solving, some problems will be assigned as homework assignments; some in
the form of handouts or continuation of the class examples. It is strongly recommended
that the assignments are completed independently. All assignments are due the next
session unless another due date is announced by the instructor. The assignments will be
collected, graded, and returned as soon as possible, particularly before the tests. They
will count toward your final grade as indicated below. Half the homework points will
be given for each problem seriously attempted; the other half will be based on successful
solution of the problem. Late homework will be accepted with 20% penalty per day
unless there is a legitimate excuse.
The purpose of homework in this course is also to develop skills in clearly, logically,
and completely communicating problem-solving methodologies. Therefore:
Each problem must have sections: “Given,” “Find,” “Assumptions,” and
“Solution.” Sketches must be employed to illustrate the system in question,
whenever the spatial relationships of quantities are not obvious.
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Thermodynamics (MAE 320)
The units must be clear for every numeric value. Real values must have at least
three significant digits for intermediate results to avoid excessive error
accumulation due to truncation. Final answers must have significant digits that
reflect the known precision of the solution.
All computations must first show equations symbolically and then with numeric
values, without any rearrangement of variables.
Submitted work must be neat. Use a ruler and compass for diagrams; underline or
put boxes around answers.
Convince me you have the correct answer!
3. Attendance Regular attendance is highly recommended. However, the records of your attendance
will not be maintained. In case you have to miss a class, you are responsible for keeping
up with the class work and being informed of all announcements made in the class
concerning homework, quizzes, tests, etc. If you encounter difficulties of any kind, feel
free to come and see me in my office.
4. Assignments Occasionally, assignments on topics of current interest will be assigned to provide you
with opportunities to learn more about the applications of thermodynamics in your daily
life. Usually, they will include reading of a recent scientific article and/or conducting
background research and literature review on a specific topic. Also, some hands on
experiments and/or software modeling will be assigned for this purpose. You will be
asked to prepare a short report based on your research and/or participate in a class
discussion. These may be either individual or small group exercises. You should follow
the given instruction when preparing your reports.
5. Examinations Two term tests are scheduled. They will consist of a closed-book and closed-note section
on concepts, definitions, and short exercises plus an open-book and closed-note section
with numerical problems. You may use one-page, self-written formula sheet (without
any solved problems) for your reference in the latter part of the tests. A final
comprehensive examination will be given according to the school schedules based on
the same format as the term tests. Make-up exams may be given for legitimate excuses
if you contact the instructor as soon as you return to the school.
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Thermodynamics (MAE 320)
70 - 79% C
60 - 69% D
Less than 60% F
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