COA AS Memo2018-014 06082018 PDF
COA AS Memo2018-014 06082018 PDF
COA AS Memo2018-014 06082018 PDF
Commollwea{tn }l:venue, Q_uezo11 City
No.: 2C1~·0'\4
Date: JUN a B 1015
TO All COA Officials and Employees
SUBJECT: Changes in the flow of the requests for authority on foreign personal travel of
regional personnel and travel authority in view of the issuance of COA
Memorandum No. 2018-006 dated May 31, 2018 amending COA Memorandum
No. 2015-002 dated February 3, 2015
In view ofCOA Memorandum No. 2018-006 dated May 31,2018 amending the rule on
signing authority whereby the Regional Directors (RDs)/Officers-in-Charge (OICs) of COA
Regional Offices are authorized to sign the personal foreign travel of regional personnel holding
salary grades of 26 and below, the existing procedures and flow of documents are hereby
1. The COA Regional Office shall submit the request for authority, application for leave
for foreign personal travel, and travel history directly to the Human Resource
Management Office (HRMO) at least one month before the date of travel, to allow
ample time to process the COA Central Office Clearanc9 (CCOC) and to determine
sufficiency of leave credits. ·
2. For request of regional personnel holding salary grades of 26 and below, the HRMO,
after completing the processing of the eeoc and the review of leave credits, shall
prepare the proposed travel authority and return the same to the COA Regional Office
for final approval by the RD/OIC. The proposed travel authority shall b(;; supported
with the eeoc and application for leave with leave credit balance duly certified by
the Leave-in-Charge of the Leave Administration and Retirement Services, HRMO.
3. Requests of the RD/OIC and Assistant RD/OIC for authority for personal travel
abroad, shall likewise be directly submitted to the HRMO, furnishing a copy to the
Assistant Commissioner, Local Government Sector (LGS). The proposed travel
authority, together with the documents cited in Item 2 above, shall be released to the
Office of the Assistant Commissioner, LGS, for approval.
4. The approved travel authority and supporting documents shall be released through the
Records Management Services, General Services Office, Administration Sector, fo r
mailing through courier services (LBC, Air 2 1). An advance copy may be released
through electronic mail by the HRMO or the Office of thb Assistant Commissioner,
LGS, to the concerned COA Regional Office. \
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All officials and employees are hereby advised that the HRMp shall recommend deletion
from the payroll of officials and employees who have insufficient or!no leave credits resulting in
leave without pay (LWOP) pursuant to the conditions for payroll deletion provided under Item
No. 4.3.3 of Memorandum dated January 22, 2015 of the Assistant Commissioner, Plarming,
Finance and Management Sector re: Guidelines on the Centralization of COA Payroll effective
January 2015.
As the above-cited COA Memorandum was issued in the interest of expediency, the said
Memorandum is understood to take effect immediately.