CV Prof. DR., Zairin Noor (English) - March 2019
CV Prof. DR., Zairin Noor (English) - March 2019
CV Prof. DR., Zairin Noor (English) - March 2019
1. Elementary School Graduate : 1973, SD Beringin Banjarmasin.
2. Junior High School Graduate : 1976, SMPN - VII Banjarmasin.
3. Senior High School Graduate : 1980, SMUN – Cimindi Bandung.
4. Medical Doctor Graduate : 1987, Padjadjaran University, Bandung.
5. Orthopaedic Surgery : 1995, Padjadjaran University, Bandung.
6. Spine Surgery Consultant : Orthopaedic Spine Fellow, sub div Orthopaedic
Surgery. Dept of Surgery Faculty of Medicine
University of Indonesia / Cipto Mangunkusumo
Hospital (1998 – 1999).
7. Magister Management : Faculty of Economic – Lambung Mangkurat
University Banjarmasin 2001 – 2003
8. PhD Program on Biomedical : Postgraduate Biomedical Program. Faculty of Medicine
Brawijaya University Malang (2009-2011)
1. Resident in Basic Surgery, Dept. of Surgery Faculty of Medicine Padjadjaran University
/ Hasan Sadikin Hospital – Bandung (1991-1993).
2. Trainee in Basic Surgery, Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery Faculty of Medicine Padjadjaran
University / Hasan Sadikin Hospital. Bandung (1993-1995).
3. Orthopedic Fellow, Department of Orthopaedic, Chonnam University Hospital, Gwang-
Ju. Korea. (August – November 1994).
4. Lee / Show Foundation orthopaedic fellow attached to Dept. of orthopaedic Surgery –
National University Hospital – Singapore (February 1995 – July 1995).
5. Orthopaedic Spine fellow, Sub div of orthopaedic surgery. Dept. of Surgery Faculty of
Medicine University of Indonesia / Cipto Mangunkusomo Hospital (1998-1999).
6. Orthopaedic Spine fellow (under Prof. Hansen Yuan, MD), Syracuse University of New
York, Health science center, Syracuse, NY- USA (August to October 1998).
7. Training Non Gelar Luar Negeri PIU-IDB 7in1 ULM “Learning Program On Strategic
Leadership and Governance for College Deans and Vice Rectors of universitas Lambung
Mangkurat” 12-19 Nopember 2016 at USAID HELM Manila (Filipina)
8. TFI HEAL (Temasek International Foundation – Healthcare Leadership in Asia Temasek
International Foundation – SingHealth, SINGAPORE 15 – 19 Januari 2018
- Medical Doctor / Staff of Department of Surgery Ulin General Hospital Banjarmasin
(1988 – 1990).
- Orthopaedic Resident-Hasan Sadikin Hospital Padjajaran University-Bandung
- Staff of Department of orthopaedic Surgery Ulin General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine
Lambung Mangkurat University (1995-Now)
- Head of Spine Section Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Ulin General Hospital,
Faculty of Medicine Lambung Mangkurat University (1998-Now)
- Chairman of Ethical Clearance Team, Faculty of Medicine Lambung Mangkurat
University (2003-now)
- Chairman of Medical Committee Ulin General Hospital Banjarmasin (2003 -2006)
- Chairman of Indonesian Osteoporosis Association of Banjarmasin (2003 – 2006)
- Chairman of Department of Orthopaedic surgery Ulin General Hospital, Faculty of
Medicine Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin (2002 – 2009)
- Chairman of Department of Surgery Ulin General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine
Lambung Mangkurat University (2009 – 2012)
- Vice dean , Faculty of Medicine Lambung Mangkurat University (October 2012-2016)
- Dean , Faculty of Medicine Lambung Mangkurat University (August 2016- now)
- President of Annual Meeting of the Pasific and Asian Society of Minimally Invasive
Surgery (Bali, September 2016)
- President of Indonesian Orthopaedic Association (November 2016 – now)
1. Consultant in Orthopaedic & Spine Surgery, Ulin general Hospital Banjarmasin.
2. Consultant in Orthopaedic & Spine Surgery, Suaka Insan Hospital Banjarmasin.
3. Consultant in Orthopaedic & Spine Surgery, Banjarmasin Siaga Surgery Hospital
4. Lecturer in Faculty of Medicine Lambung Mangkurat University (2003-now)
5. Outstanding Lecturer in Orthopaedic & Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Padjadjaran Bandung (2006-now)
6. Vice dean , Faculty of Medicine Lambung Mangkurat University (October 2012-now)
7. President of PCI (Pedicle Club Indonesia) (2014 – 2016)
8. President elect of IOA (Indonesian Orthopaedic Association) (2016 – 2018)
9. Chairman of Medical Advisory Board / Dewan Pertimbangan Medik (DPM) BPJS
Banjarmasin (2016)
1. Member of HMI – Bandung Branch 1980 - …. (with current Leader was Mr. Udi Barak
2. Indonesian Medical Association.
3. Indonesian Orthopaedic Association.
4. Spine section of Indonesian Orthopaedic Association 5. Pedicle Club Indonesia.
6. Indonesian Spine Society
7. Asean Orthopaedic Association 8. Asia Pacific Orthopaedic
9. Spine Section of Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association
10. AOspine Asia Pacific
11. Faculty Member of The Pacific and Asian Society of the Minimally Invasive Spine
Surgery (PASMISS)
12. Faculty Member of Asian Congress of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery & Techniques
13. Fellow of The International College of Surgeons (FICS)
14. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
15. American Federation of Spine Association (FOSA)
16. SICOT (Societe Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopedique et de Traumatologie)
17. National Board Member of Examiner Indonesian Orthopaedic Association.
18. Corresponding Member of EuroSpine.
x Hibah Non Kompetitif FK.Unlam „Identifikasi Jenis Bakteri dan Persentasenya pada
Fraktur Terbuka Pre- dan Pasca- Debridement di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin.
Dr.dr.Zairin Noor Helmi, SpOT(Ketua), dr.Eka Yudha Rahman, M.Kes, SpU
(Anggota), dr. Husna Dharma Putera,M.Si, SpOT (anggota). 2012
x Biomedical Engineering x
Tropical Wetland Journal
x Indonesian Journal of Orthopaedic (IJO)
1. Noor Zairin, Gatam L, Tobing SDAL, Soedarsono R, Sapardan Subroto : Anterior Screw
Fixation in odontoid fracture. A Case report, Journal of the Indonesian orthopaedic
Association,. Vol 26, NO. 1/6. 1998 : 75-77. ISSN : 0216 – 7255
2. Noor Zairin, Soedarsono, Tobing SDAL, Sapardan Subroto : Penyakit Degenerative
vertebra Lumbal operatif atau non operatif (Instrumentasi atau non Instrumentasi).
Journal of Indonesian orthopaedic Association. Vol XXVI, NO.2. December 1998, ISSN
0216 – 7255.
3. Noor Zairin : Spondilitis Tuberkulosa, Tinjauan multidisiplin Tuberkulosis, edisi satu,
2001, hal 158 – 162 .
4. Noor Zairin : Tuberkulosis Tulang dan Sendi, Tinjauan multidisiplin Tuberkulosis, edisi
satu, 2001, hal 164 – 173.
5. Noor Zairin, Pra Dhani D, Purnamasidi A : Pemasangan Implant DinamisInterspinosus
Setelah tindakan Dekompresi pada Kasus Stenosis Lumbal Degeneratif di Banjarmasin-
Kalsel. Journal of The Indonesian Orthopaedic Association. Vol.XXXVII No.1/Juni
2009 : 1 – 4. ISSN : 0216-7255.
6. Zairin Noor, Sutiman B Sumitro, Moh.Hidayat, Agus Hadian Rahim, Ahmad taufiq :
Assesment of microarchitecture and crystal structure of hydroxyapatite in osteoporosis.
Universa medicina journal, January-April 2011, Vol.30-No.1, hal:29-35. ISSN 1907
7. Zairin Noor, Moh.Hidayat, Agus Hadian Rahim, Sutiman B. Sumitro. Bone
Microstructure and Atomic Periodic Disharmonization in Osteoporosis. Universa
Medicina Journal, May-August 2012, Vol.31 No.2. Page 96-104. ISSN. 1907 3062
8. Zairin Noor, Sutiman B Sumitro, Moh. Hidayat, Agus Hadian Rahim. “Mesostruktur
dan Karakteristik Atom Mineral pada Fenomena Osteoporosis”. Majalah Kedokteran
Indonesia. J Indon Med Assoc, Volum: 62, Nomor: 10, Oktober 2012. Hal: 391-396.
ISSN: 0377-1121
9. Zairin Noor, Sutiman B Sumitro, Mohammad Hidayat, Agus Hadian Rahim.
“Karakteristik Atom Mineral pada Osteoporosis dengan Arsitektur Porosis dan
Nonporosis”, Majalah Kedokteran Bandung, (Bandung Medical Journal). Volume 45
No.1 Tahun 2013. ISSN 0126-074X
10. Nurikhwan PW, Noor Z, Audhah NA. Description Of Effectiveness Of Cilostazol And
Aspirin As Adjuvant of Diabetic Foot Wagner Grade II And III. Berkala Kedokteran.
2014; 10(2): 85-94.
1. Z.Noor, S.B.Sumitro : How correlation between micro/nano structure and with atomic
configuration in Indonesian osteoporosis phenomenon. Osteoporosis International with
other metabolic bone disease, Vol:21 Suppl.5 December 2010, Page:729-730.(IOF
Singapore, 2010)
2. Zairin Noor, Sutiman Sumitro, Mohammad Hidayat, Agus Rahim, Ahmad Taufiq :
Microstructure and Hydroxyapaite Crystal on Indonesian Osteoporosis Phenomenon.
Osteoporosis International with other metabolic bone disease, Vol:22 Suppl.1 March
2011, Page:266. (IOF Valencia-Spain, 2011)
3. Z. Noor, S.B. Sumitro, M.Hidayat, A.H Rahim, A. Sabarudin, T.Umemura : Bone
Strength and Atomic Mineral Characters in Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis International with
other metabolic bone diseases, Vol.22 Suppl 4 september 2011. Page : 572-573. (IOF
Australia 2011)
4. Zairin Noor, Sutiman Sumitro, Mohammad Hidayat, Agus Rahim, Akhmad Sabaruddin,
Tomonari umermura. “Atomic Mineral Characteristics of Indonesian Osteoporosis by
High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectometry”.The Scientific World
Journal. Volume 2012, Article ID 372972, 6 Pages. ISSN. 1537-744X. Received : 31 Oct
2011. Accepted:25 Des 2011. ( 10.1100/2012/372972)
5. Z. Noor, B.Setiawan. “Effect of Subchronic Coal Dust Exposure on
Microstructure and
Atomic Mineral Profile in Head Femoral Rats“. Osteoporosis International with Other
Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 23 Supp 2 March 2012. Page : S376. (IOF Bordeaux,
France 2012)
6. Zairin Noor, Bambang Setiawan. “Combined inhalation of cigarette smoke and
coal dust particulate matter 10 increas bone iron level in rat“. Journal of
Experimental and
Integrative Medicine. Published online: 22 November 2012. J Exp Integr Med 2013;
0(0):0-0. ISSN:1309-4527. ( /
7. Z. Noor, B.Setiawan. “Ovariectomized Decrease Serum Bone Turnover Markers
But Not Change The Ratio of Bone Mineral Elements in Rats“. Osteoporosis
International with
Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 23 Supp 7 Desember 2012. Page : S804. (IOF Kuala
Lumpur 2012)
8. Z. Noor, M. Hidayat., A.H.Rahim., S.B.Sumitro. “Mesostructure and Atomic
Composition in Osteoporosis“. Osteoporosis International with Other Metabolic Bone
Diseases, Vol. 23 Supp 7 Desember 2012. Page : S804. (IOF Kuala Lumpur 2012)
9. B.Setiawan, Z. Noor “The Effect of Acute and Subchronic Inhalation Particulate
10 (PM10) of Coal Dust in Femur Mineral Element of Rats“. Osteoporosis International
with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 23 Supp 7 Desember 2012. Page : S805. (IOF
Kuala Lumpur 2012)
10. Zairin Noor, Bambang Setiawan. Subchronic inhalation of coal dust particulate matter 10
changes bone mesostructure, mineral element levels and turnover markers in rats. Journal
of Experimental and Integrative Medicine. Published online: 29 March 2013. J Exp Integr
Med 2013; 3(2):153-158. ISSN:1309-4527. ( /
11. Zairin Noor, Bambang Setiawan., Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Cinnamon on Bone
Turnover and Mineral Elements in Osteoporosis Rats (P498), Osteoporosis International
with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 24 Supp 01 April 2013. Page : S271. (IOF
Rome, Italy 2013)
12. Zairin Noor, Izaak Z.Akbar, Nia Kania, Dian Nugrahenny, Frans Tony, Bambang
Setiawan. Effect of Red Seaweed on Bone Properties of Male Rats Exposed to Chronic
Coal Dust (P499). Osteoporosis International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol.
24 Supp 01 April 2013. Page : S271. (IOF Rome, Italy 2013)
13. Bambang Setiawan, Zairin Noor. Effect of Chronic Coal Dust Exposure on Bone
Properties: An Involvement of Inflammation and Oxidative Stress. (P502). Osteoporosis
International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 24 Supp 01 April 2013. Page :
S272-S273 (IOF Rome, Italy 2013)
14. Zairin Noor. Nanohydroxyapathite Application in Osteoporosis Management. Journal of
Osteoporosis. Volume 2013, Article ID 679025, 6 pages. Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
Published Online: 28 Oct 2013; Received 22 July 2013; Accepted 8
September 2013. ( /
15. Zairin Noor, Nia Kania, Bambang Setiawan, Nicolaas C Budhiparama. Effect of
Ethanolic Extract of Cinnamon on Mineral Elements and Mesostructure of Osteoporosis
Rats (P221). Osteoporosis International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 24
Supp 4 December 2013. Page : S603-S604 (IOF Hongkong, 12-15 December 2013)
16. Zairin Noor, Nia Kania, Bambang Setiawan, Nicolaas C Budhiparama. Tibia Mineral
element and Mesostructure at Different Time Course of Ovariectomized Rats (P301).
Osteoporosis International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 24 Supp 4
December 2013. Page : S643-S644 (IOF Hongkong, 12-15 December 2013)
17. Nia Kania, Zairin Noor, Bambang Setiawan, Nicolaas C Budhiparama. Combined
Inhalation of Cigarette Smoke and Low and High Dose of Coal Dust Particulate Matter
10 (PM10) on Bone Histology and Mineral Elements in Rats (P292). Osteoporosis
International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 24 Supp 4 December 2013. Page
: S639 (IOF Hongkong, 12-15 December 2013)
18. Bambang Setiawan, Zairin Noor, Nia Kania, Nicolaas C Budhiparama. The Effects of
Combined Particulate Matter 10 Coal Dust Exposure and High-Cholesterol Diet on
Femur Mineral Elements in Rats. (P302). Osteoporosis International with Other
Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 24 Supp 4 December 2013. Page : S644 (IOF Hongkong,
12-15 December 2013)
19. Zairin Noor, Nia Kania, Bambang Setiawan. Tibia Bone Properties at Different Time
Course of Ovariectomized Rats. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders.2014, 13:91.
20. B. Setiawan, N. Kania, R. Leonas, Z.Noor. The Effects of Euchema Cottonii on The
OPG/RANKL System of Male Rat Fed High-Fat Diet Exposed to Coal Dust (P105).
Osteoporosis International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 25 Supp 5
November 2014. Page : 585 (IOF Regionals 5th Asia Pacific Osteoporosis Meeting, 1416
November 2014, Chinese Taipei)
21. Z. Noor, N. Kania, R. Leonas, B. Setiawan. The Effects of Chronic Inhalation Combined
Cigarette Smoke and Particulate Matter 10 (PM10) of Coal Dust on The OPG/RANKL
System in Male Rats. (P106). Osteoporosis International with Other Metabolic Bone
Diseases, Vol. 25 Supp 5 November 2014. Page : 586 (IOF Regionals 5th Asia Pacific
Osteoporosis Meeting, 14-16 November 2014, Chinese Taipei)
22. N. Kania, Z. Noor, I.Z. Akbar, R. Leonas, B. Setiawan. Effects of Acute Coal Dust
Exposure on the OPG/RANKL System of Middle-Aged Male Rats (P107). Osteoporosis
International with Other Metabolic Bone Diseases, Vol. 25 Supp 5 November 2014.
Page : 586 (IOF Regionals 5th Asia Pacific Osteoporosis Meeting, 14-16 November 2014,
Chinese Taipei)
23. Oktaviannoor H, Noor Z, Setyaningrum R. Correlation between Age and Period of
Working with the Musculoskeletal Disorders Complaints on Palm Farmers in Pt. X. Asian
Journal of Epidemiology 8 (3): 78-83, 2015
24. Rahim AH, Setiawan B, Dewi FRP, Noor Z. Regulation by Phloroglunicol of
Nrf2/MafMediated Expression of Antioxidant Enzymes and Inhibition of
Osteoclastogenesis via the RANKL/RANK Signaling Pathway: In Silico Study. ACTA
INFORM MED. 2015; 23(4): 228-232.
25. Oktaviannoor H, Helmi ZN, Setyaningrum R. The Correlation between Smoking Status
and BMI with The Complaints of Palm Farmers. International Journal of Public Health
Science (IJPHS); Vol.4, No.2, June 2015, pp. 140~144 ; ISSN: 2252-8806 DOI: 2015
26. Fatchiyah F, Setiawan B, Suharjono S, Noor Z. The anti-osteoporosis effects of CSN1S2
protein of goat milk and yoghurt on a complete Freund’s adjuvant-induced rheumatoid
arthritis model in rats . Biomarkers and Genomic Medicine (BGM) ; Volume 7, Issue 4,
December 2015, Pages 139–146; ISSN: 2214-0247; doi:10.1016/j.bgm.2015.10.001. 2015
27. Leonas R, Noor Z, Rasyid HN, Madjid TH, Tanjung FA. Effect of Lead Nanoparticles
Inhalation on Bone Calcium Sensing Receptor, Hydroxyapatite Crystal and Receptor
Activator of Nuclear Factor-Kappa B in Rats. ACTA INFORM MED. 2016; 24(5):
343346. DOI: 10.5455/aim.2016.24.343-346
28. Adhani R, Putri DKT, Nahzi MYI, Saputra D, Hayatie L, Setiawan B, Noor Z. Mineral
characteristics, hydroxyapatite crystal, and mesostructure among heavy smoker teeth: a
preliminary report. Gülhane Tıp Derg 2016;58:357-360 © Gülhane Tıp Fakültesi 2016
doi:10.5455/Gülhane.208376. 2016
29. Leonas R, Noor Z, Rasyid HN, Madjid TH, Tanjung FA. Effect of lead nanoparticles
inhalation on mesostructure and the osteoprotegerin/receptor activator of nuclear
factorkappaB ligand system in rats. Cukurova Med J 2017;42(1):48-54 DOI:
10.17826/cutf.280083. 2016
30. Nurdiana N, Mariati N, Noorhamdani N, Setiawan B, Budhiparama N, Noor Z. Effects of
Labisia pumila on Oxidative Stress in Rat Model of Post-Menopausal Osteoporosis. Asian
Pasific Journal of Reproduction. 2016; 5(5): 391-394.
31. Kania N, Widowati W, Dewi FRP, Christianto A, Setiawan B, Budhiparama N, Noor Z.
Cinnamomum burmanini Blume increases bone turnover marker and induces tibia’s
granule formation in ovariectomized rats. “Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine;
9(2018) 20-26; DOI: “. 2018
32. Noor Z, Kania N, Azharuddin A, Budhiparama N, Nurdiana N, Hidajat NN, Fatmawati F,
Setiawan B. The Interaction of the Active Compounds of Labisia pumila on
RANKRANKL-OPG System. Clinical Nutrition Experimental. 2017: 1-5.
33. Nurdiana N, Mariati N, Noorhamdani N, Setiawan B, Budhiparama N, Noor Z. Effects of
Labisia pumila on bone turnover markers and OPG/RANKL system in a rat model of post-
menopausal osteoporosis . Clinical Nutrition Experimental; Vol. 20 August 2018; pg. 41-
47; ISSN: 2352-9393; DOI; ISSN: 2352-
9393. 2018
34. Suhartono E, Thalib I, Aflanie I, Noor Z, Idroes R. Study of Interaction Between Cadmium
and Bovine Serum Albumin With UV-Vis Spectrocopy Approach. IOP Conf
Series: Materials Science and Engineering 350 (2018) 012008
35. Noor Z, Azharuddin A, Aflanie I, Kania N, Suhartono E. Interaction Between Lead and
Bone Protein to Affect Bone Calcium Level Using UV-Vis Spectroscopy. IOP Conf.
Series: Materials Science and Engineering 350 (2018) 012009
36. Heriyani F, Prayudha HH, Pratama GA, Khairullah MF, Noor Z. Early Detection of
Potential scoliosis in elementary school student of Banjarmasin: Result of three
examination Models. Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy.
October-December 2018, Vol. 12, No. 4. DOI Number: 10.5958/0973-
5674.2018.00103.X. 2018
37. Poerwosusanta H, Utomo DH, Noor Z, Oktaviyanti IK, Mintaroem K, Pardjianto B,
Widodo MA, Widjajanto E. Eleutherine americana Merr. extract regulates mitochondrial
calcium homeostasis in intra-abdominal adhesion: A computational study. Drug Invention
Today | Vol 11 • Issue 3 • 2019; 5:26.