San Beda University: Mendiola, Manila
San Beda University: Mendiola, Manila
San Beda University: Mendiola, Manila
Mendiola, Manila
Before the Department of Environment and Natural Resources was established, The Inspeccion
General De Minas id created through a Royal Decree under the Spanish regime. It is in charge of
the administration and disposition of minerals and mineral lands in the Philippines in 1837. Its
functions and responsibilities include several concerns related to the management of a wide range
of natural resources such as forest inventory and protection, land classification, watershed
protection, water, biodiversity, and mineral resources conservation.
In 1898, the Department of Public Welfare is established by a decree signed by Gen. Emilio
Aguinaldo. One of its divisions is the Industry and Agriculture Division, and one of its sections is
the Mines and Mountains Section which is related to the environment.
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources was first established on January 1,
1917 as the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR) through the enactment of
Act No. 2666 by the Philippine Commission, otherwise known as "An Act to Re-organize the
Executive Department of the Government of the Philippine Islands," on 18 November 1916, it is
the transferring of the functions and authority regarding agriculture and natural resources from the
Department of Interior to the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR). In 1932,
the DANR was reorganized into the Department of Agriculture and Commerce (DAC with the
addition of the Bureau of Commerce. It also splits the Bureau of Agriculture into the Bureau of
Plant Industry and the Bureau of Animal Industry.)
The Divisions of Accounts and Property, Statistics and Publications, Mineral Resources,
Industrial Engineering, Home Economics and Navigation, Fish and Game Administration, Fiber
Inspection Service, and Scientific Library are organized and placed under the direct control and
supervision of the DAC Secretary in 1933. While the Mineral Resources, Industrial Engineering,
Home Economics, Fish and Game Administration, and Scientific Library is reorganized and placed
under the Bureau of Science in 1934 to 1938. The Bureau of Mines is created by virtue of
Commonwealth Act No. 136.
A shift to the parliamentary form of government leads to the DNR to the Ministry of Natural
Resources (MNR). In 1982, Executive Order (EO) No. 786 creates the Natural Resources
Development Corporation (NRDC) as the corporate arm of MNR. While the Fish and fisheries
concerns are transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture, leaving the MNR with only three bureaus
aside from the attached entities in 1985.
In January 30 1987, EO 131 is issued which creates the Department of Energy, Environment
and Natural Resources (DEENR), taking the powers and functions of the MNR. It also incorporates
the emerging critical concerns about energy and environment. The EO is, however, not
The Government issues EO 192 on June 10, reorganizing the DEENR and renaming it as the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) while transferring energy matters to
the office of the President. The Bureaucracy is decentralized with the transformation of former
line bureaus and most of the line functions to the regional and field offices.
The Philippine Mining Act is passed on 1995, restoring the line functions of the Mines and
Geosciences Bureau, and providing for the creation of its regional offices nationwide. And in 1996,
EO 374 is issued, creating the Presidential task force on water resources development and
Management (PTFWROM). The EO tasks the PTFWRDM to coordinate projects of various
government agencies and departments involved in water to ensure efficient management and
development of water resources.
The Department is the primary agency responsible for the conservation, management,
development, and proper use of the country’s environment and natural resources, specifically
forest and grazing lands, mineral resources, including those in reservation and watershed areas,
and lands of the public domain, as well as the licensing and regulation of all natural resources as
may be provided for by law in order to ensure equitable sharing of the benefits derived therefrom
for the welfare of the present and future generations of Filipinos.
To accomplish this mandate, the Department shall be guided by the following objectives:
1. Assure the availability and sustainability of the country's natural resources through judicious
use and systematic restoration or replacement, whenever possible;
2. Increase the productivity of natural resources in order to meet the demands for forest, mineral,
and land resources if a growing population;
3. Enhance the contribution of natural resources for achieving national economic and social
4. Promote equitable access to natural resources by the different sectors of the population; and
5. Conserve specific terrestrial and marine areas representative of the Philippine natural and
cultural heritage for present and future generations.
A nation enjoying and sustaining its natural resources and clean and healthy environment.
To mobilize our citizenry in protecting, conserving, and managing the environment and natural
resources for the present and future generations.
Agroforestry systems
4. Area management approach - an integrated area development where all basic societal and
economic services are delivered in an area for more impact
5. Capacity building of DENR frontliners, LGus, CSO partners, POs and docial entrepreneurs
7. Certification Systems
Enhanced National Greening Program
The successful implementation of DENR’s national greening program from 2011 to 2016,
the state will extend its implementation to year 2028 and, thereby, issued executive order no. 193,
series of 2015 titled “expanding the coverage of the national greening program”. It aims to cover
the remaining 7.1 million hectares of unproductive, uncovered and degraded forestlands
The 2011-2016 NGP, which was created by virtue of executive order no. 26 issued on
february 24, 2011, posted an accomplishment of some 1.7 million hectares that were planted with
1.3 billion seedlings, including the creation of some four million jobs that benefitted around
558,323 individuals as hired workers.
In the Duterte’s administration the ENGP targets to reforest some 1.2 million hectares
between 2017 to 2022 in accordance w.ith the updated 2016-2028 master plan for forestry
development. ENGP’s objectives is to provide opportunities for communities to develop social
enterprises to produce sustainable livelihood and optimize benefits, and encourage local
government units, organized upland communities in the development of forest plantations
including forest parks. The ENGP also seeks to attract private sector interest to invest in forestry-
related activities like tree plantation development and forest protection projects as a measure to
achieve carbon neutrality.
Clean Air
In clean air program, their priority activities are monitoring of the compliance of firms/industries,
operationalization of airshed governing boards, and calibration and maintenance of air quality
monitoring stations.
Clean Water
For clean water program, the department’s priority activities are monitoring of the compliance of
firms/industries, conduct of classification of water bodies and designation of wqmas
This programs’ priority activities is to neutralize illegal logging hotspots, forest fire prevention
and continuous forest patrolling thru lawin system
Manila Bay Clean Up’s priority activity is the implementation of operational plan for the manila
bay coastal strategy 2017-2022
The manila bay coastal strategy provides a comprehensive environmental management framework,
targeted outcomes and a series of action programs involving the participation of both government
and non-government sectors. This coastal strategy is a document that covers the social, economic
and environmental aspects of manila bay in relation to people’s values, and threats - real or
perceived - that impair those values. Most significantly, the manila bay coastal strategy provides
a comprehensive environmental management framework, targeted outcomes and a series of actions
programs involving the participation of both government and non-government sectors.
In this program their priority activities are establishment of eco-tourism areas, establishment of
critical habitats and establishment and disestablishment of protected areas.
This program is for the development of bio-diversity friendly enterprises, maintenance and
protection of coastal and marine ecosystems and coral reef and sea grass assessment
This program’s activity is the issuance of residential and agricultural free patents for improved
land administration and management.
1998 300,504,000.00
1999 321,128,000.00
2000 328,733,000.00
2001 328,733,000.00
2002 503,653,000.00
2003 419,056,000.00
2004 419,056,000.00
2005 330,738,000.00
2006 330,738,000.00
2007 350,348,000.00
2008 443,559,000.00
2009 591,747,000.00
2010 665,705,000.00
2011 930,064,000.00
2012 1,243,621,000.00
2013 3,254,847,000.00
2014 3,299,376,000.00
2015 3,469,772,000.00
2016 795,440,000.00
2017 1,000,786,000.00
2018 1,263,227,000.00
OUTLIERS (2013-2018)
The budget of 2013 was use in a wastewater treatment facility in Quezon City and was
hailed by Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Undersecretary for Field
Operations Demetrio Ignacio as a manifestation of team work between the government and the
private sector in cleaning up the environment.
The P265-million facility, located in the Project 7 district, was designed with a capacity
sufficient to treat and recycle the wastewater generated by at least 1,800 households within the
45.6-hectare Veterans Village.
The plant’s construction was funded by a P57 million grant under the World Bank’s Global
Environmental Fund-Manila Third Sewerage Project (GEF-MTSP) and P208 million from the
Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS). The local government of Quezon City
and the water concessionaire Maynilad Water Services Inc. (MWSI) are also involved in the
The new facility can discharge up to 2,640 cubic meters per day (cmd) of treated
wastewater with 95-percent treatment efficiency in terms Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
removal. It can also treat septage collected from communal septic tanks within the area. The
plant’s sewage capacity is 2,400 cubic meters per day (cmd) and its septage capacity is 240 cmd.
This year’s budget the Office of the Secretary (OSEC) received the biggest share of the
appropriations, which is P19.834 billion or 84.91%. The National Water Resources Board
(NWRB), on the other hand, received the lowest share of P64.747 million or 0.28%.
The OSEC consists of the Central Office, 16 Regional Offices, the Forest Management
Bureau, Land Management Bureau, Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau, and Ecosystem
Research and Development Bureau.
The increase in the allocation for Operations is attributed to the P1.761 billion increase in
the OSEC. The increase is accounted for as follows:
P709.102 million new allocation for the requirements of the Comprehensive Agrarian
Reform Program
This year’s budget the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has
allocated P12.4 billion for 19 specific programs on climate change adaptation and disaster risk
reduction to be carried out in 2016.
In this year, the increase is attributed to the agency's poverty alleviation programs that put
priority to massive reforestation and climate change initiatives upon which the Duterte
administration's thrust to promote inclusive and sustained economic growth hinges.
DENR Secretary Gina Lopez said that a bigger budget would help the department fulfill
its commitment to social justice through the implementation of environmental programs,
particularly the National Greening Program (NGP).
According to Lopez, the budget increase "mirrors the Duterte administration's push for
social justice where majority of the Filipino people truly benefit from the country's natural
For 2017, the DENR asked the Congress to allocate P9.4 billion for NGP's implementation.
Lopez has vowed to make sure the NGP will continue to benefit the marginalized communities
through ecotourism and agro-forestry development.
DENR programs such as the forest protection program was allocated P674 million of the
budget; Integrated Natural Resources and Environmental Management Project, P966 million;
Forestland Management Project, P1 billion; biodiversity conservation program, P763 million;
coastal and marine rehabilitation project, P633 million; and the Manila Bay cleanup project, P80
A total of P3.37 billion was earmarked for DENR's two line bureaus. The Environmental
Management Bureau will enjoy the bigger chunk of P2.2 billion to implement projects on solid
waste management, clean air and clean water.
The Mines and Geosciences Bureau is allocated P1.15 billion for its mining regulation
services and geohazard assessment and mapping.
P1.59 billion was allocated for the DENR’s attached agencies. The National Mapping
Resource and Information Authority or NAMRIA is allocated with P1.37 billion, P394 million of
which will be used for the government's unified mapping project. The Palawan Council for
Sustainable Development is allocated with P92 million. Some P129 million will go to the National
Water Resource Board for the implementation of its two major projects: the Comprehensive Water
Resources Assessment in Major River Basin and the Establishment of Monitoring Stations in
Water Constrained Cities.
The budget of the DENR is above the maximum amount of range because according to
department’s secretary Roy Cimatu “With the budget, the DENR will work towards ensuring
ecological integrity and improving the socio-economic conditions of resource-based communities
by sustaining biodiversity and the functioning of ecosystem services, improving environmental
quality, and increasing the adaptive capacity and resilience of ecosystems”..
Based on the DENR budget, the Enhanced National Greening Program gets the lion’s share
of P7.1 billion, which seeks to plant some 198 million seedlings in 210,852 hectares.
From 2016 up to June this year, the DENR has recorded a total of 303,188 hectares of new
plantations under eNGP, generating some one million jobs in the process.
Under its 2018 budget, the DENR earmarks Php 1.25 billion for its intensified
environmental protection program to pursue clean water, air and solid waste management; PhP
1.08 billion for biodiversity conservation and the scaling-up of its Coastal and Marine Ecosystems
Management Program; Php 634 million for forest protection and anti-illegal logging campaign;
Php 585.5 million for land administration and management; and Php399.3 million for geohazard
mapping, groundwater assessment and responsible mining.
For its attached agencies, the National Mapping and Resource Information Authority or
NAMRIA, the National Water Resource Board (NWRB) and the Palawan Council for Sustainable
Development, will get P1.46 billion, P145 million and P100 million, respectively.
1998-1999 -0.69
1999-2000 1.29
2000-2001 0.00
2001-2002 14.92
2002-2003 -23.85
2003-2004 0.00
2004-2005 10.83
2005-2006 0.00
2006-2007 29.02
2007-2008 14.16
2008-2009 52.64
2009-2010 -1.62
2010-2011 0.70
2011-2012 38.40
2012-2013 36.17
2013-2014 0.91
2014-2015 -9.97
2015-2016 3.93
2016-2017 21.99
2017-2018 -6.51
20.00 MEAN
10.00 MIN
In 2008-2009, there is a rapid increase in budget because of the US financial crisis that is
why the Government designed a reform oriented budget that can be antidote in economic
stagnation. It was also designed soften the impact of the global economic crunched spawned by
the US financial crisis.
While in 2011-2012, DENR Secretary Ramon J. P. Paje said the proposed DENR 2012
budget will go to two key poverty alleviation thrusts of the Aquino Administration on reforestation
and land distribution. Paje said some P3.56 billion will be allocated for the cadastral survey
program and some P2.68 billion will be earmarked for the Aquino Administration’s landmark
reforestation program called National Greening Program (NGP) which target to reforest some
200,000 hectares.
In this year’s budget, DENR also allocates for the typhoon Sendong, one of the deadliest
typhoon in 2011 struck the Philippines. Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Ramon J.
P. Paje committed some PhP49.6 million in financial assistance to enable the ARMM government
to carry out a massive tree planting program within its five provinces, to include Basilan, Lanao
del Sur, Maguindanao, Sulu and Tawi-tawi.
While in 2012-2013, the budget is to ensure that social commitments are instituted with a
focus on the country’s idle assets and turn these into productive lands and to continue the National
Greening Program. The budget allocated will also use in the department’s target for 2013 which
is the maintenance of another 300,000 hectares of established plantation and the protection of
some 4.7 million hectares of untenured forestland .
In the lands sector, Paje bared that the DENR target for 2013 is 102,573 residential and
other patents, 113,636 agricultural patents covering 100,000 hectares to beneficiaries of the
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) and 1,992 government lands covering 39,123
hectares. He also said that the DENR aims to digitize some 2,389,956 public land and survey
records percent of surveyed lands covering 245 million hectares. In the 2013 budget the key
activities will be funded which includes the rehabilitation of some 30,000 hectares of coral reefs
and 2,000 hectares of denuded mangrove areas,
The 2013 budget is also to fund the protection of the country’s protected areas (PAs)and
geo hazard mapping which includes the creation of an integrated map system as a guide for
planning and decision making.
In this graph, it shows the forecasted budget of Department of Environment and Natural resources
for the next five years (2019-2023). This forecast was computed using the formula of y=a+bx,
where a = 12,385,863,571.43 and b= 1,165,270,525.97