Powerplant Text 7-12
Powerplant Text 7-12
Powerplant Text 7-12
This chapter covers methods used to inspect, service, troubleshoot, and repair fuel metering systems and
components. Also covered are float-type and pressure-type carburetors as well as fuel injection systems.
Turbine engine fuel control inspections, and field maintenance are also covered. Proper inspection, ser-
vicing, and troubleshooting of basic fuel systems, engine-driven fuel pumps, fuel strainers, transfer pumps,
relief valves and bypass valves are covered as well.
7-22. M02 v 7-22. Answer A. JSPT 7-25 (AC 65-12A)
- :
■■ ■'■ The force that is responsible for discharging fuel into
The fuel metering force of a conventional float-type the throat of a float-type carburetor is a result of the dif-
carburetor in its normal operating range is the differ- ferential pressure between the fuel discharge nozzle
ence between the pressure acting on the discharge noz- within the venturi and the pressure exerted on the fuel
zle located within the venturi and the pressure within the float chamber. As engine speed increases
the amount of air flowing past the venturi increases
A acting on the fuel in the float chamber. B of causing a greater pressure differential and correspond-
the fuel as it enters the carburetor. C of the air as it ing increase in fuel flow. Answer (B) is incorrect
enters the venturi (impact pressure). -: ' ' - ; i because the needle valve regulates fuel flow into the
. ■ :
■-■ "■■■ • float chamber and, in effect, isolates the float chamber
from fuel pump pressure. Answer (C) is wrong because
impact pressure is not a fuel metering force.
7-26. M02 7-26. Answer C. JSPT 7-31 (AC 65-12A) One way to
One of the things a metering orifice in a main air bleed help promote better fuel vaporization within the throat of
helps to accomplish (at a given altitude) in a carburetor a carburetor is to allow a calibrated amount of air from
is an air bleed to be mixed with the fuel as the fuel enters
the carburetor throat. Mixing fuel and air also allows
A pressure in the float chamber to increase as air- better control of the fuel discharge rate, especially at
flow through the carburetor increases. low engine speeds. Answer (A) is incorrect because
B a progressively richer mixture as airflow through most float chambers are vented directly to the
the carburetor increases. atmosphere and, therefore, the pressure within them is
C better fuel vaporization and control of fuel dis- the same as atmospheric pressure. Answer (B) is
charge, especially at lower engine speeds. wrong because the main air bleed actually helps
maintain the desired fuel/air mixture rather than allow
the mixture to become progressively richer as airflow
7-41. M02 7-41. Answer C. JSPT 7-35 (1TP-P2) The fuel level in
Select the statement which is correct relating to a fuel the float chamber of a carburetor should be one-eighth
level check of a float-type carburetor. inch below the main discharge outlet. When measuring
this level, your measurements should be taken away
A Use 5 pounds fuel pressure for the test if the car- from the edge of the float chamber since the fuel tends
buretor is to be used in a gravity fuel feed system. to cling to the walls of the chamber. If a measurement
B Block off the main and idle jets to prevent a con- were taken at the edge, an inaccurate measurement
tinuous flow of fuel through the jets. may result. Therefore answer (C) is correct. Answer (A)
C Do not measure the level at the edge of the float is wrong because there is no specific requirement that
chamber. fuel be pressurized to 5 pounds of pressure to set the
float level. Answer (B) is incorrect because an
insignificant amount of fuel will flow through the main
or idle jets in the absence of suction from the venturi.
Fuel and Fuel Metering 7-11
: ::
7-46. v M02 -^ '- - '- 7-46. Answer B. JSPT 7-23 (AC 65-12A)
■'"■■ '■-■ - - In a float-type carburetor, the throttle valve controls the
Where is the throttle valve located on a float-type car- mass airflow through the venturi and, therefore, must
buretor? be located downstream of both the venturi and the
main discharge nozzle. However, in pressure injection
A Between the venturi and the discharge nozzle. B carburetors the throttle valve is located after the venturi
After the main discharge nozzle and venturi. C and just before the main discharge nozzle (answers A
After the venturi and just before the main discharge and C).
7-47. Answer B. JSPT 7-27 (AC 65-12A)
7-47. M02 Carburetors are calibrated at sea level, and the correct
An aircraft carburetor is equipped with a mixture con- fuel/air mixture is established at that altitude with the
trol in order to prevent the mixture from becoming too mixture control set in the FULL RICH position.
However, as altitude increases, the density of air enter-
A ean at high altitudes. ing the carburetor decreases while the density of the
B rich at high altitudes. fuel remains the same. This means that at higher alti-
C rich at high speeds. tudes, the mixture becomes progressively richer
(answer B). Therefore, the purpose of the mixture con-
trol is to allow the pilot to control the amount of fuel that
is mixed with the incoming air.
7-50. M02 7-50. Answer C. JSPT 7-25 (AC 65-12A) The main air
7-MJ. MUZ bleed on a float-type carburetor allows air to be mixed
One purpose of an air bleed in a float-type carburetor with the fuel being drawn out of the main discharge
is to nozzle to decrease fuel density and decrease surface
tension. This results in better fuel vaporization and
A increase fuel flow at altitude. allows better control of fuel discharge rates, especially
B meter air to adjust the mixture. at low engine speeds. Answer (A) is incorrect because
C decrease fuel density and destroy surface tension. fuel flow is a function of airflow through the venturi and
is not affected by the air bleed. Answer (B) is wrong
because an air bleed does not adjust the mixture, but
instead helps produce a more uniform mixture.
7-65. ■;■& M03 -.■-'■ - ' ''- ■"■ 7-65. Answer C. JSPT 7-23 (AC 65-12A) According to
V-" ■- ■"." Bernoulli's Principle, as the velocity of a fluid increases,
What is the relationship between the pressure existing its internal pressure decreases. In other words, pressure
within the throat of a venturi and the velocity of the air is inversely proportional to velocity. Answer (A) is wrong
passing through the venturi? ■■."> ■■• because, as Bernoulli's Principle states, pressure and
velocity are inversely related. Answer (B) is incorrect
A There is no direct relationship between the pres- because pressure is inversely proportional to velocity,
sure and the velocity. not directly proportional. ■
B The pressure is directly proportional to the
C The pressure is inversely proportional to the
velocity. -; ■ ■■ ,: 7-66. Answer C. JSPT 7-44 (AC 65-12A) Backfiring is
a condition that occurs when the fuel/air mixture within
7-66. :^ :■ M03 ■■.^.■>r<- ^. ■ the induction system ignites and explodes when the
■ ■-■■. ■ ■■-■■■■■ ■ Which of the following intake valve opens. In a direct cylinder fuel injection
is least likely to occur during operation of an engine system, the intake valve only allows air to enter the
equipped with a direct cylinder fuel injection system? cylinder, while the fuel is injected through a separate
nozzle. This eliminates any mixing of fuel and air in the
A Afterfiring. induction system which, in turn, prevents backfiring.
B Kickback during start. Answer (A) is incorrect because a direct cylinder fuel
C Backfiring. injection system is susceptible to afterfiring when
unbumed fuel enters an engine's exhaust system and
ignites. In addition, direct cylinder fuel injection systems
can experience kickback during start (answer (B), which
is a reverse rotation of the propeller during an engine
start that is caused by premature ignition.
> RICH > * RICH \
_ ■ ---
___ - - - — ----
- —
rLEAN ^~ > rLEAN
1 2
1 i k
/ \
X \ X ^^
\ __
f LEAN \ > rLEAN
RP \
--------- CHECK
7-110. N01 7-110. Answer A. JSPT 7-8 (AC 65-S The purpose of
Most large aircraft reciprocating engines are equipped the engine-driven fuel pump is to deliver a continuous
with which of the following types of engine-driven supply of fuel at the proper pressure at all times during
fuel pumps? engine operation. Therefore, a positive displacement
A pump must be used. One type of positive displacement
- Rotary-vane-type fuel pump. pump that is widely used is the rotary-vane-type fuel
B - Centrifugal-type fuel pump. pump (answer A). Answer (B) is incorrect because
- Gear-type fuel pump. centrifugal-type fuel pumps are not positive
C displacement, and answer (C) is wrong because
gear-type pumps are not commonly used as fuel
7-124. N02 7-124. Answer C. JSPT 7-9 (AC 65-9A) Fuel pump
Fuel pump relief valves designed to compensate for relief valves designed to compensate for atmospheric
atmospheric pressure variations are known as pressure variations operate on the principle that, within
the valve, a balance between fuel pressure and
A compensated-flow valves. atmospheric or carburetor inlet air pressure is
maintained. Thus, these valves are often referred to as
B pressurized-relief valves. balanced-type relief valves. "Compensated-flow
valves" (answer A) and "pressurized-relief valves"
C balanced-type relief valves. (answer B) are terms that are not commonly applied to
fuel pump relief valves.
Fuel and Fuel Metering 7-31
7-125. N02 . 7-125. Answer B. SJPT 7-8 (AC 65-12A)
Fuel lines are kept away from sources of heat, and To reduce the possibility of vapor lock, fuel lines are
sharp bends and steep rises are avoided to reduce the kept away from heat sources, are sometimes wrapped
possibility of with insulation, and installed in a smooth, flowing man-
ner with no sharp bends. Answer (A) is wrong because
A liquid lock. liquid lock occurs when oil or fuel enters the lower
B vapor lock. cylinders of a radial or inline engine and prevents
C positive engine rotation. Answer (C) is incorrect because "posi-
lock. tive lock" is not a term used in aviation maintenance.
7-131. N02 7-131. Answer B. JSPT 7-12 (ASTM Spec. D-910, D-1655)
Kerosene is used as turbine engine fuel because Aviation gasoline (100LL) has a heat energy of
112,320 BTUs per gallon while kerosene (Jet A fuel)
A kerosene has very high volatility which aids in has a heat energy of 123,541 BTUs per gallon. In
ignition and lubrication. addition, kerosene's high viscosity allows it to act as a
B kerosene has more heat energy per gallon and lubricant in pumps and fuel control units. Therefore,
lubricates fuel system components. answer (B) is correct. Answer (A) is incorrect because
C kerosene does not contain any water. kerosene-based jet fuels are significantly less volatile
than gasoline. Answer (C) is wrong because kerosene
can contain significant amounts of entrained water.
This chapter covers the components found in engine electrical systems and with reciprocating turbine
engine ignition and starting systems. Inspection and repair of electrical components and the servicing, trou-
bleshooting, and repair of high and low tension ignition systems are also covered.
8-3. A04 8-3. Answer C. JSPT 8-97 (AC 65-12A) One way of
One of the best indicators of reciprocating engine com- determining combustion chamber problems is by
bustion chamber problems is examining the condition of the spark plugs. For
example, normal operation is indicated by a spark plug
A excessive engine vibration. having a relatively small amount of light brown or tan
deposit on the nose of the center electrode insulator.
B starting difficulties. However, if heavy oily deposits are found on the spark
plugs, it is a good indication that the rings or valve
C spark plug condition. seals are worn and allowing oil to seep into the
cylinder. Answer (A) is incorrect because excessive
engine vibration is normally caused by a malfunction-
ing ignition system or propeller imbalance, not spark
plugs. Answer (B) is incorrect because most starting
difficulties are from mismanagement of the fuel system
or from incorrect ignition timing.
A Compound.
B Series.
C Shunt (parallel).
8-29. J01 8-29. Answer B. JSGT 3-38 (AC 65-S The capacity of
How many hours will a 140 ampere-hour battery a storage battery is rated in ampere-hours which is the
deliver 15 amperes? amount of electricity that can be taken out of a battery
when a current of one ampere flows for one hour. This
A 1.40 hours. rating indicates the minimum amount of amperes that a
B 9.33 hours. battery can put out in one hour. Therefore, a battery
C 14.0 that can supply 140 amperes in one hour can deliver
hours. 15 amps for 9.33 hours (140 amp-hour -f15 amps -
9.33 hours).
- .;-■■■
115 200 14 28 20 18 16 o -f 1 2
800 100 200
14 12 10 8 6 ^ ^ 0 0
600 75 150 \s / /\s
0 z
/ / S> ^
Q 400 700 50 100 b<>> * J
(D 360 630 45 90 Z2 Y_
§ 320 560 40 80 * / 7Z7 7^
O 280 490 35 70
v zzz
> 240
CD 200
30 60
25 50
~7 Y_
777/. z
1 160 280 20 40
o 120 210
< 15 30
o 100 175
12 25 /
1 80 140 10 20 V77
LU 72 120 9 18 ~7_Z 7
64 112
56 98
48 84
777// CURVES
LU 36 63 4 9
32 56 8
24 42 3 6
20 35 2 5
6 4 2 1 1 2
4 7 .5 1 3 4
v ;
20 18 16 WIRE SIZE
14 12 10 8
= (F x 60) -r (P -H 2)
N = 400 hz x 60 seconds - ^8 ^- 2 N
= 24,000 hz/second -r 4 N = 6,000
20 18 14 12 10 8 6 2 1 142 0 3
115 20 14 28 16 17 / s\/ 0 0
800 0 100 200 AMPERES
o /
LU 7 ~z 7 7_ 7_
es / 77, V// /7 7 77-
7 7 77
o 7_ ~7 z
600 75 150 77// / /77
20 18 14 11 2 - 3
400 70 50 10 16 12 40 0
0 0
0 0 7/7,
360 63 45 90
320 56
0 40 80 7/77.
280 49 35 70
240 42
200 35
30 60
25 50
160 28 20 40
120 21 15 30
100 17 12 25
80 5
14 10 20
72 12
0 9 18
64 11
0 8 16
56 98
2 7 14
48 84 6 12
40 70 5 10
36 63 4 9
32 56 8
28 49 7 10
24 42 3 6
20 35 2 5
4 7 .5 1
8-75. '■-^■- L01 ■ ' ' ■:■■ - 8-75. Answer B. JSPT 8-80 (AC 65-9A)
■■■ ■■■-■:■ -When a magneto is disassembled, Almost all magnets, regardless of their retentivity, lose
keepers are usually placed across the poles of the some of their magnetic strength when their lines of flux
rotating magnet to reduce the loss of magnetism. These pass through the air. Therefore, during the overhaul of a
keepers are usually made of magneto, when the rotating magnet is removed, it
should be placed in a soft iron keeper to prevent loss of
A chrome magnet steel. magnetism. A "keeper" is a piece of soft iron that is
B soft iron. C cobalt used to link the magnetic poles and provide a highly
steel. permeable path for the flux. "Chrome magnet steel"
(answer A) is not a commonly used term and does not
describe an actual alloy. Answer (C) is incorrect
because cobalt is rarely alloyed with steel.
8-79. L01 8-79. Answer B. JSPT 8-82 (AC 65-12A) The internal
Magneto breaker point opening relative to the position timing of a magneto is most easily set when the
of the rotating magnet and distributor rotor (internal magneto is being assembled prior to installation. Both
timing) can be set most accurately answers (A) and (C) are wrong because both answers
require the magneto to be installed and it is nearly
A during the magneto-to-engine timing operation. impossible to internally time a magneto when it is
B during assembly of the magneto before installa- installed on an engine.
tion on the engine.
C by setting the points roughly at the required
clearance before installing the magneto and then
making the fine breaker point adjustment after
installation to compensate for wear in the mag-
neto drive train.
8-80. L01 8-80. Answer C. JSPT 8-90 (AC 65-12A) The ignition
Why are high-tension ignition cables frequently routed harness on reciprocating engines serve several purposes.
from the distributors to the spark plugs in flexible It supports the wires going from the magneto to each
metallic conduits? spark plug and protects them from engine heat, vibration,
and weather. Ignition harnesses also serve as a conductor
A To eliminate high altitude flashover. for the stray magnetic fields that surround the wires as
B To reduce the formation of corona and nitric they momentarily carry high-voltage current. Therefore, by
oxide on the cable insulation. routing the ignition leads through metallic conduits, the
C To reduce the effect of the high-frequency elec- stray magnetic fields are easily conducted to ground,
tromagnetic waves emanated during operation. thereby reducing electrical interference with aircraft radio
equipment. Answer (A) is wrong because flashover occurs
in a distributor when high voltage current flashes across a
wet insulating surface to ground. Answer (B) is incorrect
because a corona occurs when a high voltage breaks
down a conductor's insulation and discharges to the
atmosphere or to some adjacent conductor. Since flexible
metal conduits do not provide any additional insulation
they do not prevent corona discharge.
8-20 Ignition and Electrical Systems
8-92. '■■'■■ L01 ■ -■ :-■ 8-92. Answer B. JSPT 8-73 (AC 65-12A)
<■■■ :*■■■-.■■:i-~. :.. ,:■,■■ In an aircraft ignition The purpose of the capacitor in the primary electrical
system, one of the functions of the capacitor is to circuit is to prevent arcing between the points when
they are opened, and to hasten the collapse of the
A regulate the flow of current between the primary magnetic field surrounding the primary coil. Answer (A)
and secondary coil. B facilitate a more rapid is incorrect because there is no flow of current between
collapse of the magnetic the primary and secondary coils. Answer (C) is wrong
field in the primary coil. C stop the flow of because opening the points stops current flow in the
magnetic lines of force when the primary circuit, not the flow of magnetic lines of force.
points open.
8-93. Answer A. JSPT 8-79 (AC 65-12A)
8-93. L01 A high voltage is induced into the secondary winding
When will the voltage in the secondary winding of a when there is a rapid change in the magnetic field sur-
magneto, installed on a normally operating engine, be rounding the primary coil. The amount of voltage within
at its highest value? the secondary winding builds from its lowest value
immediately before the breaker points close to a maxi-
A Just prior to spark plug firing. mum value just prior to the spark plug firing. Answer (B)
B Toward the latter part of the spark duration when is incorrect because the voltage within the secondary
the flame front reaches its maximum velocity. C winding approaches its lowest value toward the latter
Immediately after the breaker points close. part of the spark duration. Answer (C) is wrong
because when the breaker points are closed, there is
little current induced in the secondary coil.
8-107. L01 8-107. Answer B. JSPT 8-83 (AC 65-12A) When the
Alignment of the marks provided for internal timing of timing marks within a magneto are aligned, the
a magneto indicates that the magnets are in the E-gap position and the breaker
points are just beginning to open. Answer (A) is wrong
A breaker points are just beginning to close for because when the timing marks are aligned, the points
No.l cylinder. are just beginning to open, not close. Answer (C) is
B magneto is in E-gap position. C No.l cylinder incorrect because the timing marks within a magneto
is on TDC of compression stroke. do not indicate the position of the number one piston.
8-108. L01 8-108. Answer A. JSPT 8-89 (AC 65-12A) When using
When using a timing light to time a magneto to an air- a timing light to time a magneto to an engine, the
craft engine, the magneto switch should be placed in master switch must be turned on and the ignition switch
the placed in the BOTH position. If the magneto switch is in
the OFF position (answer B), the timing light will not
A BOTH position. indicate when the breaker points open, and if the
B OFF position. magneto switch is in either the LEFT or RIGHT position
C LEFT or RIGHT position (either one). (answer C), you could only time one of the magnetos.
8-26 Ignition and Electrical Systems
8-148. L02
Hot spark plugs are generally used in aircraft power- 8-148. Answer B. JSPT 8-95 (AC 65-12A)
plants -.-.:.■,;■ The heat range of a spark plug refers to the ability of
the insulator and the center electrode to conduct heat
A with comparatively high compression or high away from the plug tip. Hot spark plugs, or plugs that
operating temperatures. have a long insulator, slowly transfer heat and are typi-
B with comparatively low operating temperatures. cally used in engines whose cylinder temperatures are
C which produce high power per cubic inch relatively low. Cold spark plugs, on the other hand,
displacement. have a short insulator that rapidly transfers heat which
makes them appropriate for hot running, high-com-
pression engines. Using a hot plug in a hot-running
engine (answer A) typically causes plugs to overheat
and cause preignition. An engine's power output per
cubic inch displacement (answer C) is a function of its
design and is not affected by a spark plug's heat range.
8-162. d> L02 8-162. Answer B. JSPT 8-97 (AC 65-12A) Lead
Spark plug fouling caused by lead deposits occurs fouling can occur at any power setting, however, it is
most often most frequently associated with cruising power settings
with lean mixtures. At these power settings, the
A during cruise with rich mixture. cylinder head temperature is relatively low and there is
B when cylinder head temperatures are relatively an excess of oxygen above that needed to consume all
low. C when cylinder head temperatures are the fuel in the fuel/air mixture. The excess oxygen ends
high. up combining with lead and builds up in layers on the
cool cylinder walls and the spark plugs. A rich mixture
(answer A) combines with most of the oxygen to
reduce lead deposits, although a too-rich mixture can
lead to carbon fouling. At high cylinder head tempera-
tures (answer C) the lead vapors cannot easily solidify
on the cylinder walls, so lead buildup is minimized.
Which of the following are distinct circuits of a high- A high-tension magneto system is divided into three
tension magneto? distinct circuits: the magnetic, the primary, and the sec-
ondary. Therefore, answer (A) is correct. The E-gap
1. Magnetic. represents a specific position of a magneto's rotating
2. Primary. magnet just before the breaker points open. The P-
3. E-gap. lead, on the other hand, identifies the wire that is used
4. P-lead. to ground a magneto.
5. Secondary.
A 1,2, 5.
B 1,3,4. . .
c 2,4,5. ;\;. .; ;;.;.:,.; .;'/ .".
8-172. L02 8-172. Answer A. JSPT 8-68 (AC 65-12A)
What are two parts of a distributor in an aircraft engine The distributor in a magneto ignition system consists of
ignition system? two parts. The revolving part is called a distributor rotor
and the stationary part is called a distributor block.
l.Coil. Therefore, answer (A) is correct.
2. Block.
3. Stator.
4. Rotor.
5. Transformer.
A 2 and 4.
B 3 and 4.
C 2 and 5. ,
8-173. L02 8-173. Answer C. JSPT 8-69 (AC 65-12A)
What is a result of "flashover" in a distributor? Flashover in a distributor can lead to carbon tracking,
which appears as a fine pencil-like carbon trail where
A Intense, voltage at the spark plug. the flashover occurred. This carbon trail typically col-
B Reversal of current flow. lects on the distributor and forms a conductive path to
C Conductive carbon trail. ground which increases the potential for additional
flashover to occur. Answer (A) is incorrect because
flashover actually discharges the high-voltage charge
before it reaches the spark plug and, therefore, results
in a less intense spark at the spark plug. Answer (B) is
incorrect because a magneto produces direct current
that can only flow from source to ground and cannot
8-174. L02 8-174. Answer A. JSPT 8-74 (AC 65-12A)
What is the relationship between distributor and crank- In order for a magneto to provide a spark at the appro-
shaft speed of aircraft reciprocating engines? priate time in the four-stroke process, the distributor
must turn at one-half the crankshaft speed. Another
A The distributor turns at one-half crankshaft speed. way to look at this is that it takes two revolutions of the
B The distributor turns at one and one-half crank- crankshaft to fire all the cylinders and, therefore, the
shaft speed. distributor only needs to rotate at half the crankshaft
C The crankshaft turns at one-half distributor speed. speed.
Ignition and Electrical Systems 8-41
8-179. L02 ; ;-4 r :'i '.:: -, ,, ■■■ 8-179. Answer B. JSPT 8-69 (AC 65-12A)
What component of a dual magneto is shared by both A dual magneto incorporates two magnetos in one
ignition systems? housing. This configuration allows somewhat of a
weight savings because one rotating magnet and one
A High-tension coil. B cam can be used for both magnetos. Answers (A) and
Rotating magnet. C (C) are wrong because each ignition system requires
Capacitor. its own high-tension coil and capacitor. .
8-184. L03 8-184. Answer A. JSPT 8-45 (ITP P-2)
(Refer to figure 5.) With power applied to the bus bar, Only the engine master switch is necessary to be
what switch changes will allow the ignition exciters changed in order to allow the ignition exciters test
test switch to function? switch to function. With start switch on, the test switch
would be inoperative since exciters would already be
A Engine master switch and power lever switch.. : activated. The test switch would be functional with the
B Engine master switch, start switch, and test master switch and power lever switch on. The answer
switch.. C Engine master switch, battery with master and power lever is chosen over the answer
switch, and power with master, battery and power lever since the battery
lever switch. switch would already be on to provide power to the bus,
or if powered by external power, would be inoperative
due to the external power receptacle switch.
(Shown with
------------------- : ----- *- ext. power
To ext. power receptacle not
I Under current
j relay
Engine master
Battery Qff
switch ______ *
Ext. pwr.
receptacle Battery
switch 13
Pwr. lever
Test switch
(Shown with
------------------------- >- ext. power
T Stop relay cord
To ext. power receptacle not
Engine master
Ext. pwr.
receptacle Battery on
* switch
Pwr. lever
A 2 or 4. , .:■■■■•
B 1 or 3. j ' : :
C 3 or 4. ' /
To generator B
control A
Ext. pwr.
Battery -> switch
Test switch
8-197. L04
Inspection of pneumatic starters by maintenance tech- 8-197. Answer A. JSPT 8-51 (ITP-P2)
nicians usually includes checking the Because of their high rotational speed, pneumatic
starters require frequent inspection of their oil level and
A oil level and magnetic drain plug condition. the condition of their magnetic drain plugs. Answer (B)
B stator and rotor blades for FOD. is wrong because pneumatic starters rarely sustain
C rotor alignment. . damage from foreign objects, and answer (C) is wrong
because a pneumatic starter's rotor alignment is typi-
cally checked at overhaul.
8-198. L04
Air turbine starters are generally designed so that 8-198. Answer C. JSPT 8-51 (ITP-P2)
reduction gear distress or damage may be detected by Most air turbine starters utilize a self-contained lubrica-
tion system that incorporates a magnetic chip detector.
A characteristic sounds from the starter assembly When inspecting a chip detector, if metallic particles
during engine start. B breakage of a shear are found, it may indicate internal stress or damage to
section on the starter drive the starter's reduction gearing (answer C). Answer (A)
shaft. C inspection of a magnetic is incorrect because starters are not designed to make
chip detector. a specific sound to indicate reduction gear damage.
Answer (B) is wrong because the purpose of the shear
shaft is to prevent the engine from over speeding the
starter, not to indicate reduction gear damage.
8-199. L04
Airflow to the pneumatic starter from a ground unit is 8-199. Answer B. JSPT 8-49 (ITP-P2)
normally prevented from causing starter overspeed In the normal operation of a pneumatic starter, once
during engine start by the starter reaches a predetermined drive speed, the
starter's air supply is cut off by a centrifugal cutout fly-
A stator nozzle design that chokes airflow and sta- weight switch (answer B). If the cutout switch should
bilizes turbine wheel speed. B activation of a fail, most pneumatic starters incorporate a stator noz-
flyweight cutout switch. C a preset timed cutoff of zle that chokes the incoming airflow supply to stabilize
the airflow at the source. the turbine wheel speed below the burst speed
(answer A). Answer (C) is wrong because a timed cut-
off cannot take into account varying air supply pressure,
changing ambient conditions, or other factors that can
affect a turbine engine start sequence.
Ignition and Electrical Systems 8-49
A .005 inch.
B lus .001 inch.
C minus .001 inch. , 9-3. Answer C. JSPT 9-18 (AC 65-12A)
One of the most widely used automatic oil temperature
9-3. A03 control devices is the floating control thermostat. This
The floating control thermostat, used on some recipro- unit provides both manual and automatic control of the
cating engine installations, helps regulate oil tempera- amount of air that passes through the oil cooler by con-
ture by trolling the oil cooler air-exit door. Both answers (A)
and (B) are wrong because a floating control thermo-
A controlling oil flow through the oil cooler. stat does not control oil flow through the oil cooler or
recirculate hot oil back through the sump.
B recirculating hot oil back through the sump.
C controlling air flow through the oil cooler.
9-2 Lubrication Systems
9-66. K03
The pumping capacity of the scavenger pump in a dry 9-66. Answer A. JSPT 9-12 (AC 65-12A)
sump aircraft engine's lubrication system The scavenger pump in a dry sump lubrication system
is responsible for pumping circulated oil from the sump
A is greater than the capacity of the oil supply back to the oil tank. However, because the oil thermally
pump. expands once it gets to the sump, scavenger pumps
B is less than the capacity of the oil supply pump. must have a greater capacity than the pressure pump
C is usually equal to the capacity of the oil supply to prevent oil from collecting in the sump. A scavenger
pump in order to maintain constant oiling condi- pump with less capacity than the pressure pump
tions. (answer B) or an equal capacity (answer C) could not
return enough oil to the oil tank which could lead to
pressure pump cavitation.
9-16 Lubrication Systems
9-70. K03
A turbine engine dry sump lubrication system of the 9-70. Answer B. JSPT 9-26 (AC 65-12A)
self-contained, high-pressure design The dry-sump lubrication system of a typical turbine
engine consists of pressure, scavenge, and breather
A has no heat exchanger. subsystems. The pressure system supplies oil to the
B consists of pressure, breather, and scavenge sub- main engine bearings and to the accessory drives,
systems. C stores oil in the engine crankcase. while the scavenge system returns the oil to the engine
oil tank for recirculation. The breather system vents the
individual bearing compartments and the oil tank to
atmosphere through a breather pressurizing valve.
Answer (A) is incorrect since all turbine engine lubrica-
tion systems contain a heat exchanger to cool the oil.
Answer (C) is wrong because a turbine engine has no
crankcase and, therefore, oil cannot be stored there.
Lubrication Systems 9-17
This chapter covers reciprocating engine cooling, including baffles, augmentor tubes, and cowl flaps. Also
covered are cooling features found in turbine engines.
The chapter covers the different types of fire detection and extinguishing systems used with aircraft
pow-erplants and the inspection servicing, troubleshooting, and repair of these systems.
M \) /I M G A J S R E I G
L CE / h -
CD ^
LL T 500 ^
GO 400 ^
" -= — _ -_
CC 300 ^ -
- —
--- ^
Q_ ,
200 -** - \
— M N M U vl 3 G—R E D N
100 l / EA
-A 0
-20 -10
10 20
30 40 60
90 F)
70 80
Figure 3. Fire Extinguisher Pressure Chart.
This chapter discusses the various types of propellers, including fixed pitch, constant-speed, and feather-
ing propellers and the operating principles of propeller governors. Also covered is the inspection, removal,
repair, installation, and balancing of propellers.
12-14. R03 ■'■ ■■■■ ' v--,v.-.. 12-14. Answer A. JSPT 12-59 (AC 65-12A)
■,-.-- ..-■■. ' When a propeller is placed in a vertical position on a
What type of imbalance will cause a two-blade pro- balancing stand and it rotates to a horizontal position, it
peller to have a persistent tendency to come to rest in a is said to be vertically imbalanced. Answer (B) is incor
horizontal position (with the blades parallel to the rect because if a propeller is horizontally imbalanced,
ground) while being checked on a propeller balancing the propeller rotates to a vertical position. Answer (C)
beam? is wrong because harmonic imbalance in a propeller
blade is an uncorrectable vibration that is a function of
A Vertical. B blade design and is only apparent when the propeller
Horizontal. C is rotating. •
12-15. Answer A. JSPT 12-59 (AC 65-12A)
12-15. R03 The basic components of a typical propeller static bal-
What is the purpose of an arbor used in balancing a ance stand include the bushing, arbor, knife edges,
propeller? and balancing stand. The bushings are placed in a pro-
peller's engine shaft hole while the arbor is inserted
A To support the propeller on the balance knives. B through the bushings. The arbor is designed to support
To level the balance stand. C To mark the and permit free rotation of the propeller on the knife
propeller blades where weights are to be attached. edges which rest on the balancing stand. Answer (B) is
wrong because the balance stand is leveled by
jackscrews on its base. Answer (C) is incorrect
because blades are typically marked with a felt-tip
marking pen, not the arbor.
12-18. R03 ■:■-* ■■ ; --/ 12-18. Answer C. JSPT 12-64 (AC 65-12A)
■ ... ,.-,; .... ■■ Centrifugal force increases as an object's rotational
Apparent engine roughness is often a result of pro- speed increases. As a result, vibration emanating from
peller unbalance. The effect of an unbalanced propeller an unbalanced propeller increases with an increase in
will usually be propeller rpm.
12-24. /^ .:.-;■ R04 . "'. ', ;,. 12-24. Answer C. JSPT 12-17 (AC 65-12A)
>.■,;. :' When engine power is increased, the propeller gover-
When engine power is increased, the constant-speed nor senses an over-speed condition. In an over-speed
propeller tries to function so that it will condition, centrifugal force causes the governor fly-
weights to tip outward causing the pilot valve to allow
A maintain the RPM, decrease the blade angle, and oil to drain from the propeller hub. As the oil drains, the
maintain a low angle of attack. B increase the propeller blade angle increases so the selected rpm
RPM, decrease the blade angle, and can be maintained (answer C). Answers (A) and (B)
maintain a low angle of attack. C maintain are incorrect because, when power is increased the
the RPM, increase the blade angle, and governor must increase propeller blade angle to
maintain a low angle of attack. absorb the additional power output from the engine.
Answer (B) is also wrong because the propeller gover-
nor will always try to maintain a constant rpm unless
the prop lever position is changed.
12-44. R05
12-44. Answer A. JSPT 12-16 (AC 65-12A)
What is the result of moving the throttle on a recipro-
When the throttle is opened on an engine which has a
cating engine when the propeller is in the
constant-speed propeller operating in the
constant-speed range with the engine developing cruise
constant-speed range, the propeller governor
increases the blade angle to absorb the additional
engine power and maintain the desired rpm. Answers
A Opening the throttle will cause an increase in
(B) and (C) are incorrect because throttle movement
blade angle. B The RPM will vary directly
will cause the propeller governor to change the
with any movement
propeller blade angle to maintain a constant rpm.
of the throttle. C Movement of the throttle will
not affect the blade
angle. :
12-52. ;■■■ . R05 . v■ '■:■'. 12-52. Answer B. JSPT 12-25 (AC 65-12A)
■_-. ,, .--./ v. > When a propeller is set in the LOW RPM position, the
Which of the following best describes the blade move blade pitch is high. Therefore, when feathering is
ment of a full-feathering, constant-speed propeller that begun, the propeller blades move directly from high
is in the LOW RPM position when the feathering pitch into the feather position. Answer (A) is wrong
action is begun? ... ..,., .,, , ...., , because the propeller blades do not move into low
pitch before going to the feather position. Answer (C) is
A High pitch through low pitch to feather position. incorrect because in the LOW RPM position, the pro-
B High pitch directly to feather position. peller blades are already in the high pitch position.
C Low pitch through high pitch to feather position.
12-53. Answer C. JSPT 12-30 (AC 65-12A)
12-53. R05 The holding coil on a feathering propeller keeps the
The holding coil on a hydromatic propeller feathering feathering button in the depressed position and pro-
button switch holds a solenoid relay closed that applies vides current to the propeller feathering pump motor.
power to the propeller Answers (A) and (B) are incorrect because neither a
hydromatic propeller governor nor the propeller dome
A governor. . .' feathering mechanism is electrically powered and,
' .... therefore, do not utilize a holding coil.
B dome feathering mechanism. .',.'■
C feathering pump motor. 12-54. Answer B. JSPT 12-11 (AC 65-12A)
Metal tipping is applied to the leading edge and tip of
12-54. R05 wood propeller blades to prevent damage from small
What is the primary purpose of the metal tipping stones or debris which might strike the prop during
which covers the blade tips and extends along the lead- ground operations. This tipping is attached to the blade
ing edge of each wood propeller blade? with countersunk screws in the thick blade sections
and with copper rivets in the thin sections. Answers (A)
A To increase the lateral strength of the blade. and (C) are incorrect because the metal tipping is
B To prevent impact damage to the tip and leading installed for abrasion resistance and provides no lateral
edge of the blade. C To increase the or longitudinal strength to the blade.
longitudinal strength of the blade.
12-55. Answer B. JSPT 12-2 (AC 65-12A)
Blade angle is the acute angle formed by a line per-
12-55. R05 pendicular to the crankshaft centerline and the chord of
Blade angle is an angle formed by a line perpendicular the blade at a specified reference station.
to the crankshaft and a line formed by the
A relative wind. ;
B chord of the blade. C
blade face. 12-56. Answer A. JSPT 12-3 (AC 65-12A)
Propeller blade stations are measured from the hub
12-56. R05 centerline. Each blade has its own set of stations start-
Propeller blade station numbers increase from ing from station zero at the hub centerline and increas-
ing out to the blade tip.
A hub to tip. .."""'
B tip to hub.
: :
C leading edge to trailing edge. 12-57. Answer B. JSPT 12-6 (AC 65-12A)
A propeller blade is an airfoil and is subject to the same
12-57. R05 aerodynamic forces as any other airfoil. On all propeller
The aerodynamic force acting on a rotating propeller blades, the center of lift, or center of pressure, is
blade operating at a normal pitch angle tends to forward of the blade's center of rotation. Therefore,
when a propeller blade is producing lift (thrust), the
A reduce the pitch angle. blade tends to rotate to a higher angle. This is called
B increase the pitch angle. aerodynamic twisting force. Answer (A) is wrong
C bend the blades rearward in the line of flight. because aerodynamic twisting force tends to rotate the
propeller blade to a higher pitch angle, not a low pitch
angle. Answer (C) is incorrect because there is no
aerodynamic force that bends propeller blades
rearward in the line of flight.
Propellers 12-13
12-84. R05
Constant-speed non-feathering McCauley, Hartzell, 12-84. Answer A. JSPT 12-20 (AC 65-12A)
and other propellers of similar design without counter- Most non-counterweight propellers use oil pressure to
weights increase pitch angle using increase the propeller's blade angle. Answer (B) is
incorrect because spring pressure is typically used to
A il pressure. "- :
>:■-.- decrease a propeller's blade angle. Answer (C) is
B spring pressure. wrong because centrifugal twisting moment tends to
C centrifugal twisting moment. v move the propeller blades into low pitch, not high pitch.
12-85. R05
Counterweights on constant-speed propellers are gen- 12-85. Answer A. JSPT 12-18 (AC 65-12A)
erally used to aid in On constant-speed propellers equipped with counter-
weights, centrifugal force acting on the counterweights
A increasing blade angle. B is used to increase a propeller's blade angle. Answer
decreasing blade angle. C (B) is wrong because the centrifugal force,acting on
unfeathering the propellers. counterweights tends to move the counterweights into
the plane of rotation and increase a blade's pitch.
Answer (C) is incorrect because unfeathering is typi-
cally accomplished by a spring or nitrogen charge.
Propellers 12-19
12-109. R07
Minor surface damage located in a repairable area, but 12-109. Answer A. JSPT 12-55 (ITP-P2)
not on the leading or trailing edges of aluminum Repairs on the face or back of a propeller blade are
blades, may be repaired by first made with a spoon-like riffle file, which is used to dish
out the damaged area. Answer (B) is incorrect because
A filing with a riffle file. half round or flat files should not be used on the face or
B filing with a half round or flat file. back of aluminum propeller blades since they have a
C rough sanding and applying a proper filler. tendency to remove too much material. Answer (C) is
wrong because fillers are never used on aluminum pro-
peller blades.
12-110. R07
After proper removal of aluminum blade damage, the 12-110. Answer B. JSPT 12-55 (AC 43.13-1B)
affected surface should be polished with To make sure that all minor scratches or file marks are
removed after a repair is made to an aluminum pro-
A ine steel wool. peller blade you should polish the affected surface with
B very fine sandpaper. very fine sandpaper. The sandpaper should be moved
C powdered soapstone. parallel to the length of the blade and, once the sand-
ing is complete, the repaired area should be treated
with an appropriate protective coating. Steel wool
(answer A) should not be used on aluminum propeller
blades because steel particles could become embed-
ded in the propeller and cause dissimilar metal corro-
sion. Answer (C) is incorrect because powdered
soapstone is typically used as a lubricant, not a polish-
ing compound.
12-111. R07
When preparing a propeller blade for inspection it 12-111. Answer A. JSPT 12-54 (AC 65-12A)
should be cleaned with When preparing a propeller blade for inspection it
should be cleaned with mild soap and water. Answer
A mild soap and water. (B) is wrong because if you use steel wool to clean an
B steel wool. aluminum propeller blade, steel particles could become
C methyl ethyl ketone. embedded in the aluminum and lead to dissimilar
metal corrosion. Methyl ethyl ketone (answer C) is a
powerful solvent that can remove the protective coating
on aluminum propeller blades and, therefore, should
not be used for cleaning.
Propellers 12-25