Lifting and Rigging
Lifting and Rigging
Lifting and Rigging
& Distribution
OSHA Construction Outreach
Training Course
Presenter Guide ‐
4th Quarter 2016
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This Lifting & Rigging continuing education course is designed to be presenter lead.
The presenter may choose to augment the material with videos, handouts or other media to
enhance the learning experience. The presenter may choose to incorporate visual aids such
as rigging equipment both good and damaged, and/or handouts to enhance the presentation.
Using this material in combination with practical experience, good presentation skills and
knowledge of adult learning techniques, the presenter has a greater opportunity to deliver the
information effectively.
Edgar Dale stated that 2 weeks after a learning event, adult learners remember:
Microsoft® PowerPoint® combined with good instructional skills and instructor/student dialogue
work strongly in the fifty to seventy percent range. PowerPoint® presents the information to the
attendee and the instructor summarizes the content of the slides. It is critical to engage and
involve the attendee in the process. Ask open-ended questions that will elicit conversation and
discussion, but be cautious to maintain control of the discussion.
Conversation and scenarios are good, but can cause the discussion to run long. If it seems like
the group is losing focus during the course, the facilitator can direct the group back on track by
using comments like “This is a great discussion, but let’s get back to the subject at hand”.
Another tool is the “Parking Lot” which is simply a newsprint chart, dry erase board, or note pad
where the presenter records questions that are not answered or comments not addressed
during the meeting and that may require more research. It is vital to capture any ongoing
discussions or questions on the “Parking Lot” and follow up when the information is known.
This refresher is to be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2016. Delivery time is approximately 1
to 1.5 hours in one setting or divided-up into multiple, shorter sessions. It is critical that
the presenter familiarizes himself or herself with the material prior to delivery.
At the end of this document are three handouts that discuss rigging hardware
inspection, manual material handling, and an OSHA Fact Sheet that explains the
requirements for a qualified rigger. The presenter can use this material in conjunction
with the PowerPoint® presentation to augment the topic.
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Slide 1
Introduce the subject. Explain that this is the continuing education module for the 4th quarter
Slide 2
Upon completion of this continuing education
module you should be able to:
Describe the four main causes of crane accidents
Describe pre-use inspection criteria for hoisting
and rigging equipment
Describe how sling angles affect sling capacity
Describe safe manual material handling practices
Describe the Do’s and Don’ts of forklifts
Discuss the objectives of this course. Explain that you are going to discuss all types of lifting
and rigging from mechanical (cranes and forklift trucks) to manual methods (lifting with the
human body).
Slide 3
Falls (from
Explain that OSHA has identified some major causes of crane accidents. In nearly 45 percent
of the incidents, boom or crane contact with energized lines has been the cause. Others
include dropped loads, boom collapse, workers crushed by the counter weight, outrigger
misuse, falls, and rigging failures. Another key issue is crane failures that occur due to
machines not being properly maintained or inspected regularly to ensure safe operation.
Slide 4
Explain that before a load is lifted, certain criteria must be established. The competent person
must ensure the equipment is in good working order. The crane must be level and the surface
must be able to support the load. If surface will not support the load and crane weight, you must
use cribbing, matting, or other material to make the surface stable.
The operator must know the crane capacities, limitations and job site restrictions such as
location of overhead energized lines, unstable soil, or high winds. Prior to making the lift, make
sure other personnel on site are aware of overhead lifting operations. Never let anyone get
beneath an overhead load.
All personnel must be aware of the hazards of swinging loads. When using cranes that the
house rotates over the outrigger beams, it is necessary to barricade an area 360 degrees
around the crane to avoid workers from entering an area where they can be caught between the
counterweight and a stationary object.
Slide 5
Competent Person
The competent
person must
inspect all
machinery and
equipment prior to
each use, and
during use, to
make sure it is in
safe operating
Explain that OSHA regulations state that the employer must designate a competent person who
will inspect all machinery and equipment prior to each use, and during use, to make sure that it
is in safe operating condition. Any deficiencies will be repaired, or defective parts replaced,
before continued use. In addition to frequent inspections, a thorough, annual inspection of the
hoisting machinery will be made by a competent person, or by a government or private agency
recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor. Records must be maintained of the dates and
results of inspections for each hoisting machine and piece of equipment
Competent Person: 1926.32(f) of the OSHA standards defines a competent person as one who
is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working
conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has
authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.
Slide 6
Explain that when using a spotter the spotter must not be given other responsibilities, and must
be free from distractions. The spotter must have an unobstructed view both horizontal and
vertical. They also need to maintain communications with the operator.
Slide 7
Explain that 1926.1417(c)(1) states that the procedures applicable to the operation of the
equipment, including rated capacities (load charts), recommended operating speeds, special
hazard warnings, instructions, and operator's manual, must be readily available in the cab at all
times for use by the operator.
1926.1417(c)(2) states that where rated capacities are available in the cab only in electronic
form: In the event of a failure which makes the rated capacities inaccessible, the operator must
immediately cease operations or follow safe shut-down procedures until the rated capacities (in
electronic or other form) are available.
Also, explain that hand signal charts must be either posted on the equipment or conspicuously
posted in the vicinity of the hoisting operations.
Slide 8
Explain that you are now going to discuss pre-use inspection of general rigging hardware and
discuss a few safe work practices associated with rigging and lifting.
Slide 9
Slide 10
Employers must ensure
that rigging equipment
has permanently affixed
and legible identification
markings as prescribed
by the manufacturer that
indicate the
recommended safe
working load
Explain the OSHA requirements. Employers must ensure that rigging equipment:
Has permanently affixed and legible identification markings as prescribed by the manufacturer
that indicate the recommended safe working load;
Not be loaded in excess of its recommended safe working load as prescribed on the
identification markings by the manufacturer; and
Slide 11
Each day before being used, the sling and all
fastenings and attachments shall be inspected
for damage or defects by a competent person
designated by the employer
Additional inspections shall be performed
during sling use, where service conditions
Damaged or defective slings shall be
immediately removed from service
OSHA and ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) require that a visual inspection
for damage will be performed by the user or other designated person each day or shift the sling
is used. Damaged slings will be removed from service and not be used until they are repaired
or they are discarded.
Slide 12
Explain that when inspecting wire rope slings, the user will look for items such as:
Broken wires
Bird caging
Crushing or deformation of the rope
Slide 13
Explain that in this picture the main strand misplacement in this eye will require that this winch
be taken out of service.
Slide 14
6 randomly distributed
broken wires in one lay
3 broken wires in one
strand in one lay
Explain that this winch must be removed from service because of number of broken wires.
Depending on the type of wire rope, for winch lines, six randomly distributed broken wires in one
lay or three broken wires in one strand in one lay is cause for removal from service.
Slide 15
Sheave Inspection
• The grooves
must be
smooth and
free from
surface defects
which could
cause rope
damage Damaged Sheave
Explain that sheave grooves will be smooth and free from surface defects that could cause rope
Slide 16
Explain that all web slings must be marked with the name or trademark of the manufacturer, the
rated capacities for the different types of hitches and they type of material. If the sling has a tag
and the tag is missing or is not legible, it must be taken out of service.
Slide 17
Shackle Inspection
Look for:
• 10% wear in the bow
• 10% wear in the pin
• Any Unusual Bends
• Any Change in Shape
• Cracks or Sharp Nicks
• Modifications
• Pin replaced with a bolt
Explain that when inspecting shackles, the main points are to look at the pin, and the bow. If
the pin does not insert correctly or all the way, this is a sign of damage. In addition, if the bow is
worn more than 10 percent, this is a sign of wear. Do not modify a shackle by replacing the pin
with a bolt or other object. A damaged shackle cannot be repaired and must be discarded.
Slide 18
In our industry, fiber rope is one our most useful items. Rope is used to secure, haul, and
rescue. Rope should be kept dry and as clean as possible. As with all other rigging equipment,
it must be inspected for wear and damage. When inspecting a fiber rope sling, first examine the
surface. Look for dry, brittle, scorched, or discolored fibers. Scratch the fibers with a fingernail.
If the fibers come apart easily, the fiber sling has suffered some kind of chemical damage and
must be discarded.
Slide 19
Explain that a buildup of powder-like sawdust on the inside of the fiber rope indicates excessive
internal wear and is an indication that the rope is unsafe.
Slide 20
Chain Slings
Each chain sling must be inspected daily before use. Each chain sling must have a minimum
annual inspection by a competent person. That inspection must also be documented.
Slide 21
Explain that Snatch blocks should be inspected for wear, loose parts, and lubrication.
Slide 22
Explain that the periodic inspection is determined based on the use. A periodic inspection
is a more thorough inspection than the frequent inspection.
Slide 23
When inspecting hooks look for distortion or bending. When looking head on at the hook tip,
there should be no twist of deflection in any direction. Check for wear, cracks, etc.
Slide 24
Explain that the following section will discuss safe rigging practices.
Slide 25
Rigging Equipment
Working Rules for Slings
• Never exceed the rated capacity
• Never use a damaged sling
• Never shorten with knots, bolts, or other
• Always protect slings from sharp edges of the
• Always keep hands and fingers clear of
slings under tension
Slide 26
Rigging Equipment
Consider the following
• Lifting Factors
• Sling angle
• Capacity of rigging hardware
• Weight of the load
• Environment
• Wind
Before lifting any load, you must take into consideration the size, weight, and center of gravity of
the load. This will help determine how many slings to use and how the object will be rigged.
In addition, sling length will have an effect on the sling angle. A small sling angle can have a
significant effect on the sling tension.
Do not exceed capacity of any lifting equipment.
If you are unsure of the load weight, you can do several things:
Check shipping papers
Check name plates and labels
Ask the equipment manufacturer
Use industry standard tables and charts
Estimate the weight using weights of similar loads, Stay within 50% of cranes rated
capacity when using load weight estimates
Slide 27
Rigging Equipment
Sling Angles 500 lbs 500 lbs
• Two slings, each
supporting the
same weight and
having the same
support angle
results in an equal 1000lb
distribution of the
load to each sling
0º Angle
When two slings of the same length and the same support angle are used on a load that is
balanced, the total weight of the load is divided equally between the sling legs.
Slide 28
H = 10’
20 ÷ 10 = 2
2 x ½ Weight = 10,000
10,000 POUNDS Each leg = 10,000 tension
Two slings, each having the same length, and having the same support angle results in an
equal distribution of the load on each sling. To calculate a load on a sling, you take the length
of the sling divided by the height from the load to the lifting attachment (hook), measured from
the bottom of the hook to the load. This L over H gives you a number from zero to two. That is
your angle multiplier. You then take that number and multiply it by ½ the weight of the load. As
the multiplier increases, the load on the sling leg increases.
Slide 29
Explain that the following section will discuss both manual material handling and the use of
Slide 30
Explain that to lift properly, body mechanics are critical. Always plan the lift. If possible, use a
machine for heavy or awkward loads. When lifting with the body do not bend at the waist,
instead bend the knees. Stand close to the load. Grip with your hands, not just your fingertips.
Bring the load close to the body. Tuck the arms in and make sure the weight is centered. Let
your legs do the work.
Slide 31
When carrying the load, make sure you can see where you are going. If you cannot see, get
help. Do not twist the body, change direction with your feet. Try not to lift the load above
shoulder level. Carry long objects such as conduit over the shoulder. However, watch for ends
hitting people or objects. When unloading, following the same steps as lifting except in reverse
Slide 32
• Inspect daily
• Refuel or recharge only
in designated areas
• Keep loads low and
balanced, tilt back
• Keep wide loads
Explain that only those persons that are trained may operate a forklift. Retraining must be
conducted every three years or sooner if supervision deems necessary. Before operation, the
operator must inspect the unit daily. If there are any problems, do not use the machine. Refuel
or recharge in designated areas. These areas may contain flammable atmospheres, so do not
smoke. When traveling with a load, keep the load low and tilted back slightly. When handling
wide loads, make sure they are centered and balanced.
Slide 33
When traveling on slopes, the load should always be located on the uphill side. If the load
obstructs your view, drive in reverse, except when going uphill. Back out slowly and check the
area around you before moving. It is a good idea to sound the horn before moving to alert
others in the area. When parked, lower forks to the ground. If not possible to park on a flat
surface, chock the wheels.
Slide 34
Do not carry people unless the forklift is equipped to do so. If so equipped, there are special
precautions must be taken. As with all material handling equipment, make sure you are within
the safe working load. Never let another employee get beneath the load. When traveling, keep
the forks as low as possible. Observe basic safe driving rules such as do not speed, keep it
under control, and watch for pedestrians.
Slide 35
1. What are the 4 main causes of crane accidents?
4. You
should always lift with your _________ and avoid
5. When
you park a lift truck the forks should be __________
________ and ___________
Desired answers
Safe Rigging Practices Handout
Material handling using rigging hardware is a special skill, which requires special
tools, special methods, and a special mindset to safely lift, move and locate
materials and equipment. The three most important points to remember when
performing work using rigging hardware and techniques are:
Only lifting chains may be used for lifting
Lifting chains must have a documented inspection
performed at intervals no greater than every 12
Lifting chains must be visually inspected before each
use. The user must inspect all the links, hooks,
rings, and any other attachment(s)
Lifting chains must be tagged to show their capacity
in each hitch configuration and the manufacturer
Do not use cargo chains for lifting
2-Way Chain Sling
Manual Material Handling Handout
Safe lifting and carrying techniques are crucial to prevent painful and expensive
injuries in the workplace. Unfortunately, in practice, most workers do not
consistently use safe practices. These unsafe practices place workers at great risk
to their personal well-being.
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Subpart CC – Cranes and Derricks in
Construction: Qualified Rigger
This fact sheet describes the qualified rigger requirements of subpart CC – Cranes
and Derricks in Construction, as specified in 29 CFR 1926.1401, 1926.1404, and
1926.1425. These provisions are effective November 8, 2010.
This is one in a series of informational fact sheets highlighting OSHA programs, policies or
standards. It does not impose any new compliance requirements. For a comprehensive list of
compliance requirements of OSHA standards or regulations, refer to Title 29 of the Code of Federal
Regulations. This information will be made available to sensory impaired individuals upon request.
The voice phone is (202) 693-1999; teletypewriter (TTY) number: (877) 889-5627.
For more complete information: