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According to the Hindu SJ1stem


19 6 3



Copyright © 1963
A II Rights Resen·ed

Other Books by ROBERT DE LUCE


Printed by The Cunningham Press

Alhambra, California, U.S.A.

This book on the Hindu, or constellational, system of Naturally, a work of this scope could not have been
astrology has been in preparation for the greater por- accomplished without the inspiration, guidance and
tion of my life, although it was not a consciously held assistance of many persons. My heartfelt gratitude is
aim until relatively recent years. My first studies in here expressed to the astrologers in India who were so
astrology, accompanied by interest in Eastern philoso- helpful in my quest, particularly V. Subrahmanya
phies, began about the turn of the century. But it was Sastri and Bal Gangadhar Tilak, both of whom became
not until some thirty years later that the material pre- friends as well as mentors. It is also fitting to express
sented here took embryonic form. Initial preparation my thanks to Miss Judith Tyberg, who first taught me
involved the study of Sanskrit, following which was a Sanskrit, for without this knowledge it would n;t have
two year period (1936-1938) of travel in Europe, the been possible to study the ancient Hindu texts, many
Middle East, and India, for the purpose of conferring of which are yet untranslated.
with astrologers of both \Vest and East. A basic por- Also I am grateful for the assistance given by
tion of the ultimate fruits of these endeavors first ap- Vallejo Teater, who first came to me in 194 7. . to study
peared as correspondence courses in Hindu astrology astrology, remained to learn the Hindu method. and
during the post World War II period. became a valued co-worker in organizina the material
Horoscopy based upon the constellations rather than for Constellational Astrology. It \\~uld n~t be fitting to
the signs of the zodiac has only recently become of leave unmentioned the indefatigable labors perfor~ed
popular interest in Western astrological circles. Time, by my deceased wife, Dorothea, particularly her work
bringing further familiarity with the two systems, will on the correspondence courses in Hindu astrology and
reveal the value inherent in both, and their respective the calculations involved in many of the Tables and
applicability. Western astrologers have yet to learn the Schedu1cs used in this book. Nor should I omit giving
implacable law of Karma as written in the stars. I do thanks to my present wife, Grace, who has done the
not know what Hindu astrologers have to learn from the editing and final typing, and along the \Vay confronted
West, unless perhaps our version of Horary astrology. me with the necessity of clarifying certain points not
The veracity of the Hindu system in modern times is sufficiently clear in the text. Grace, like Dorothea and
contingent upon a very important point: the ayanamsha- Val Teater, came into my life as a student of astrology.
a term designatina
._ b the number of years which have Without the combined help of these three. the book
elapsed since 0° Aries in the constellations last coin- would have remained a Neptunian dream!
cided with 0° Aries in the signs. The ayanamsha cur- A final word to the prospective Western reader:
rently used by both Hindu and Western astrologers basic understanding of the structure and techniques of
ranges from 18 ° to 22 °. and appears to be based on astrology is a pre-requisite to the study of C onstella-
the assumption that the foremost ancient Hindu astro- tional Astrolog_v. The text would be meaningless other-
logical authority. Varaha Mihira, lived only about wise, inasmuch as the zodiac of the constellations and
fifteen to seventeen hundred years ago. My mvn re- the zodiac of the signs have a definite bearing upon
searches, and countless test cases. have persuaded me one another. Although this book is primarilv addn:-ssed
to accept as probable fact that Varaha Mihira actually to \Vestern astrologers, it is my hope that ~1\' Eastern
Jived about the time of Christ. I am indebted to one colleagues \Vill find interest in this major effo~t to con-
of my Hindu colkagues for the clue which led me to struct a bridge of understanding between adherents of
the ayanamsha which is used in this book, although he the two systems.
himself does not employ it. The simple fact is that it
has ''proven out,'' most noteworthily in calculating the RonFRT DE Luer
Los Angeles. 1963
length of life of Queen Victoria and Louis Napoleon
the II I.


Page Page
FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . v PART TWO


Various types of chakras (charts)
THE AY ANAMSHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 SHASTYAMSAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Symbolism attached to each half degree
Constructing a Nirayana Horoscope in the zodiac. Benefic Sapta Vargas. Da-
THE RASIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 samsas and Shodasamsas.
SHAD BALA (Six Strengths). . . . . . . . . 10 RAJA YOGA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Sthanna Bala (Positional Strength) 11 Conditions for kingship, or outstanding
The Sapta Vargas: Calculating strength leadership. Misuse or loss of power.
of planets; friendships and enmities be-
tween planets; Mula Trikona and Swak- CHANDRA YOGA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
shetra; exaltation points, angular strength; GANDANTA (Inauspicious Time of
masculine and feminine planets; sex
Birth) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Dik Bala (Directional Strength) . . . . 25 DELINEATION OF THE HOUSES 65
Kala Bala (Time Strength) . . . . . . . . 26 First House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Day or night birth; Light or Dark of the Second House .................. 68
Moon; planetary ruler of birth day, hour,
Third House ................... 80
astrological month and year.
Ahargana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Fourth House 82
Ayana Bala (Declinational Strength). 32 Fifth House .................... 87
Chesta Bala (Motion Strength) . . . . . 34 Sixth House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Naisarga Bala (Values According Seventh House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
to Brightness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Eighth House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Ninth House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
(Drislzti and Yudlza) .......... 38
Tenth House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
COMPONENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Eleventh House ................. 101
Calculating strength of Ascendant ... 46 Twelfth House .................. 102


Page Page
DELINEATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 ACCORDING TO ASHTAKA VARGA .. 146


HOROSCOPES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Composite chakra derived from
Trimsamsas; N akshatras. ashtaka varga chakras.
MOON IN THE RA SIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 SARVA ASHTAKA VARGA AYURDAYA .. 152
THE NAKSHA TRAS (Lunar M {fnSions) 109 Judging length of life if Saturn is
strongest factor in the horoscope.
lmportance in Marriage.
THE AYURDAYA (Natural Length
NATURE OF THE NODES . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 of Life) ..................... 158
Rahu and Ketu in the houses during
Dasas. Bhuktis and Antaradasas. Short. average and long life span.

PART THREE PINDAJA AYURDAYA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162

Judging length of life if Sun is
PLANETARY PERIODS OF LIFE- strongest factor in the horoscope.
Dasas, Bhuktis and Antaradasas. SYSTEl'vt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Timing planetary rulership of an
event. THE VARSHIKA HOROSCOPE . . . . . . . . . 168

JUDGING INFLUENCES OF DASAS, The "Solar Return" in the

BHUKTIS AND ANTARADASAS .... 129 constellations.

Dasas according to house rulership. APPENDIX ....................... 175

The bhuktis within each dasa.
THE ASHT A~A VARGA (I udging TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Transits) .................... 141
GLOSSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Computation Wheel; construction
and method of use.
BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211


1. Queen Victoria-Sayana & Nirayana Horoscopes . . . . . . . . 8
2. Calvin Coolidge-Sayana & Nirayana Horoscopes . . . . . . . . 12
3. Schedule of Sapta Vargas-Calvin Coolidge . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4. Natural Planetary Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5. Diagram of Accidental Friends & Enemies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6. Mula Trikona of Planets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
7. Speculum of Friendships & Enmities-Calvin Coolidge . . . . 19
8. Speculum of Sapta Varga Values-Calvin Coolidge . . . . . . 20
9. Uccha and Neecha Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
I 0. Shad Bala Speculum-Calvin Coolidge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
11. Schedule of Dik Bala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
12. Tribhaga Rulerships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
13. Naisarga Values ................................... 38
14. Graph of Drishti Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
15. Drishti Analysis-Calvin Coolidge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
16. Drishti Analysis-Queen Victoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
17. Shad Bala Speculum-Queen Victoria .................. 44
18. The Rasi Chakra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
19. Bhava Chakra-Calvin Coolidge ...................... 52
20. Adolph Hitler-Rasi Chakra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
21. Benito Mussolini-Rasi Chakra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
22. Rasi Chakras of Three I 6th Century Kings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
23. Kaiser Wilhelm and Czar Nicholas-Rasi Chakras . . . . . . . . 59
24. Mahatma Gandhi-Nirayana Horoscope: Rasi and
Navamsa Chakras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
25. Emperor Franz Joseph-A Gandanta Horoscope ......... 63
26. Sir Winston Churchill-Rasi Chakra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
27. Sri Rama-Rasi Chakra ............................. 73
28. Jay Gould-Rasi Chakra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
29. Barney Barnato-Nirayana Horoscope; Rasi, Navamsa
and Saptamsa Chakras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
30. Henry Ford-Nirayana Horoscope, Rasi and Navamsa
Chakras ....................................... 78
31. Alexander the Great-Rasi Chakra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
32. Count Joseph Kwilecki-Rasi Chakra ................. 84
33. Rasi Chakra Indicating Fertility Periods ............... 106
34 a) Calvin Coolidge-Rasi Chakra ..................... 142
34 b) Calvin Coolidge-Ashtaka Varga C'hakras .......... 142
35. Diagram of Ashtaka Varga Computation Wheel ......... 144
36. Calvin Coolidge-Sarva Ashtaka Varga Chakra .......... 150
37. Louis Napoleon 111-Sayana & Nirayana Horoscopes;
Rasi, Sarva, Trikona and Ekadhipatya Chakras ........ 154
38. Louis Napoleon II I-Summation of Life Span .......... 156
39. Harry S. Truman-Sayana & Nirayana Horoscopes . . . . . . 171
40. Harry S. Truman-Varshika Horoscopes, 1948 .......... 172
41. Harry S. Truman-Solar Return Chart, 1948 ............ 173


A. Outline of Shad Bala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

B. Trimsamsa Rulerships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
C. Basis for Computing Compound Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
D. Drishti Bala Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
E. Symbolism Attached to the N akshatras ..................... 110
F. Personal Characteristics Bestowed by the Moon in
the Nakshatras ...................................... 112
G. Bhuktis of Saturn Dasa - Calvin Coolidge .................. 126
H. Counts for Ashtaka Varga System ......................... 140
I. Sarva Calculation - Calvin Coolidge ....................... 149
J. Uccha Contributions to Pindaja Ayurdaya .................. 162
K. Chakradahani of Planets ................................. 163


I. (a, b, c) Sap ta Varga Boundaries ...................... 177

II. Ahargana ........................................... I 80
III. Shastyamsas ......................................... 182
IV. Nakshatras - Nirayana Zodiacal Longitudes ............... 185
V. Bhuktis & Antaradasas for Planets & Nodes ................ 186
VI. Days Between Two Dates .............................. 195
VII. Cumulative Tables - Bhuktis & Antaradasas ............... 196
VIII. Varshika - Increment in Local Mean Time ............... 206


THERE ARE TWO MAJOR SYSTEMS of astrology, each Both systems use a division of twelve equal parts,
complete within itself, and each based upon a different and the symbolic names of these twelve divisions are
concept of the beginning point of the zodiac. The similar in meaning and influence. However, because of
Western system uses a zodiac which starts with 0° the astronomical phenomenon known as precession of
Aries, that point when the Sun in its northern transit the equinoxes, the Western zodiac, with its beginning
crosses the celestial equator, termed the vernal equi- point at 0° of the sign Aries, continues to move back-
nox, when day and night arc equal. The Sun reaches ward at the mean rate of 501/4" per year, while the
its ultimate northerly movement at 0° Cancer, bringing Hindu system retains a zodiac which remains the same
the summer solstice and the longest day of the year. at all times. Thus the two zodiacs are not the same,
Reversing this apparent movement, the Sun then pro- posing the question: Which is correct or the more
ceeds southward, crossing the celestial equator at 0° accurate?
Libra, marking the autumnal equinox, when day and It may be said that both systems are valid, but apply
night are again equal, and reaches its southernmost to different philosophical and spiritual activity and
point at 0° Capricorn, known as the winter solstice and ideals. In traditional India, life was patterned by a sub-
the longest night in the year. (Summer and winter ordination of the individual to the family unit and the
solstices arc of course the reverse in the southern caste system. Caste combined the functions of a labor
hemisphere.) union, a cooperative venture, a community church and
Thus the cycle of the year as conceived in the West- a town hall with its council. Until recently, to be "out-
ern zodiac is seasonal, and the cardinal points, i.e., the cast" was equivalent to being condemned to suicide or
solstices and equinoxes, mark the beginnings of the death by starvation or lack of attention.
seasons. This cycle is divided into twelve equal parts Western culture has emphasized the individual as the
called signs, consisting of 30° each. Cardinal signs social unit; admiring the self-made man, and basing its
(Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) designate the be- sociological and philosophical outlook upon approval of
ginnings of the seasons. Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scor- personal initiative. There arc, of course, exceptions to
pio, Aquarius) mark the continuation of the seasons. this general concept, but as a rule this society judges a
Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) person upon his ability as an individual and not upon
represent the periods of change which lead back to the his caste or antecedents.
cardinal points. Oriental cultures have long been preoccupied with
The other system, termed constellational astrology, the intangible values of the spirit which lead to a pas-
uses twelve constellations of 30° each as divisions of sive acceptance of the changes in the material world
the Sun's yearly travel through the ecliptic. Since the about them. Western culture is absorbed with the
constellations arc fixed, or immovable, they do not active challenging of fate in the form of improvement
coincide with the movement of the Sun across the of the human situation, which of necessity begins with
ecliptic points except at extremely long intervals of the improvement of the condition of the individual. To
time. Constcllational astrology is the system used in the Oriental mind, Western man appears aggressive and
India. Sanskrit texts still extant indicate this system to materialistic, whereas Western man considers the Ori-
he the older of the two. ental as passive and fatalistic, little concerned by the

2 Constellational Astrology
conditions of his environment or in changing it. Such in the next life. Like begets like, but not in exact cor-
simplified distinctions are inadequate and not neces- respondence. Each action creates its own result through
sarily true. The logical answer to this dichotomy lies in cosmic justice. Lack of discipline or character engen-
an interpretation of the relation and value of the soul ders further conditions which promote weaknesses or
to the body, which the two systems of astrology treat the sufferings resulting from them, and thus make it
and seek to balance in the life of the individual. more difficult to attain positive attitudes; whereas ad-
It is important to understand this duality in attempt- herence to cosmic law creates strength and conditions
ing a comparison of these two systems. One treats of which increase this virtue in the next life, and thus
man as a creator on the material plane, while the other enables the ego to avoid further punishment due to its
regards him as a spiritual being inevitably conditioned ignorance or violation of spiritual values.
by a universal system consisting of infinite causes and Viewed in this light, the catastrophes and seemingly
effects, actions, reactions, and ultimate balances. unjust conditions of life are not results of chance or
Only through both concepts of man can he be really whim of the gods, but stem from implacable cosmic
understood. Effects of the material world are every- law. In essence it seems fatalistic, but careful consid-
where in evidence, but the motives underlying and pro- eration indicates that karma can be modified, just as
duc.i~g activities in the material world are deep-seated, in the Bhagavad-Gita, the Lord Krishna says to Arjuna,
denvmg from man's spiritual make-up and impreg- "As the burning fire reduces fuel to ashes, so docs wis-
nated. upon his character and psyche as a result of his dom reduce karma to ashes."
~arm1c necessities. Astrology based upon the constella- Hindu astrologers prefer the fixed zodiac of the con-
tions ~oes not lack practical application. On the con- stellations to the movable zodiac of the signs because it
trary, it deals with many explicit details of the material is more suitable for revealing karma. Due to the pre-
fortune which may be outlined and foreseen from the cession of the equinoxes, the two systems coincide only
natal horoscope due to the accuracy of calculation and every 26,000 years. To use the sign zodiac for karmic
th e mu Ir1Pricity
· of its approaches. Many of these mat- delineation would only result in inaccuracies and con-
ters cannot be determined by the methods of delineation fusions.
nor~ally used in Western astrology. At some time near the beginning of the Christian era
d Hi~d~ astrologers are accustomed to giving minute the constellations and the signs coincided, so that the
escnpti~ns of the native's life, such as the situation vernal equinox occurred at 0° of the constellation
surround mg his b ir · th , th e h ouse, number of persons m . Aries. Signs and constellations then had the same
attendance and oth names, rulers and characteristics However, the prc-
ma d . ' er matters of ritualistic import. He
y elme.ate outstanding events in the life of the cessional rate of the vernal equinox, beginning at 0° in
parents, children and 1 .
h d re atives. And more significantly the sign Aries, has, as already noted, a mean rate of
e oes not hesitate t 0 t '
rives.. the karma to b reat of the client's previous
501/4" per year, or about 1° in 72 years. In approxi-
accumul· f f ~ reaped m this life and possible mately 2170 years this accumulation of difference re-
a ion o ment or d . . sults in 30°, or one complete sign, so that the fixed
other state f . ement m preparation for
body In th~ o existence after death of the present stars of the constellations appear to have moved one
. is respect ff d sign ahead during this interval of time. In every 26,000
to include not onl t' m u astro.logy ranges in scope
necessary fo M yk he present existence, but the steps years this precession completes the entire circle of the
r oo sha ( · · zodiac and returns to the point when 0° Aries of the
ultimate C'lU f h emancipation), which is the
' se o c ange k . signs and of the constellations once again coincide.
Hindu ast 1 ' or arm1c activity. Thus the
ro ager acts not o I . . . These periods of 2170 years in which it takes the
or material aff . b n Y as advisor m practical
adjustment to tah1rsk, ut counsels his client as to proper vernal equinox to move back one complete constella-
e arma of h" .. tion arc properly termed Ages. When the vernal equi-
actions which . h is soul cond1t1on and those
mig t enable h"1 t l
of this karma and h . ~ o c rnnge the direction nox occurred in the constellation Taurus there was the
festations. c annel it mto more spiritual mani- Taurcan Age, characterized by Egyptian civilization.
Karma, with its doctri . . . This was followed by the Arian Age, during which time
of Hindu astr n.e of re111carnat1on, 1s the core Moses led his people out of bondage (in Egypt), and
accept implicit~ og{ whic.h the majority of Hindus gave the Israelites the Ten Commandments. The Chris-
thoughts wo 1·d y. arma 111 this life is the result of tian era was initiated when the vernal equinox occurred
• ' s or deed , 10
· f .
t1ons or cruelty . ~ armer lives. Violent ac- in both the sign and constellation at 0° Aries, and
ftammatory di·s . one life begets accidents, acute in- began moving "backward" through the constellation
. eases op ·
' pression by enemies or tyrants Pisces, giving us the Picean Age. Since the Spring
Introduction 3
equinox is now occurring m the early degrees of the obliged to do from karmic necessity. It might be said
constellation Pisces, and will soon be moving into that the two systems represent the Dr. Jekyl and Mr.
Aquarius, we know that the Aquarian Age is at hand. Hyde in each person.
This movable, or sign zodiac is a pictorial analysis
of the Sun's function in relation to the Earth as it makes Experience has taught that failure to understand or
the yearly cycle of the seasons. It is analogous to the recognize this dual nature in man leads to great unhap-
intellect which apparently can be employed to modify piness. Each zodiac expresses itself in various functions
the action of the Will. The zodiac of the constellations of the body (the signs through the brain, sensory appa-
describes man's spiritual status expressed through the ratus; the constellations through the endocrine glands,
subconscious mind, creating the limitations of his intel- the autonomic nervous system, etc.). It is vital for
ligence, revealing his compulsions, obsessions, passions mental and physical health that the inner and outer
and drives, as well as his fundamental psychic pattern natures work in harmony. The study of these two sys-
which must be adjusted to family, society, religion and tems of astrology provides valuable clues as to the
the natural clements. Signs indicate what man might methods and means whereby this most important co-
wish to do, while constellations indicate what he is operation can be achieved.

The difference in longitude between the 0° Aries alteration in mass consciousness, resulting in changes
point of the constellations and the 0° Aries point of the in cultural attitudes, religious beliefs and institutions.
signs (vernal equinox) is referred to by the Hindus as No date in the history of the past two thousand years
the ayanamsha, from the Sanskrit words, ayana, mean- is so indicative of such changes as the period in which
ing "season of the year," and amsha, which means "a the birth of Christ occurred (Jesus of Nazareth). The
portion." The ayanamsha is used to calculate the con- archetypal symbol of the fish is frequently found in the
stellational longitude of a celestial body or point when New Testament, which in itself would seem to verify
its position in sign longitude is known, such as is given the theory that the equinox had changed from Aries to
in Western ephemerides. Pisces at that time. One of Christ's first miracles was
An ayanamsha is calculated by using the time elapsed the feeding of the multitude on five loaves and two
between any given event and the date when the signs fishes. He called fishermen to follow Him, and sent
and constellations coincided in 0° Aries. The American them out to be fishers of men. As the Lamb of God
Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, gives the formula (Aries), He was sacrificed to make way for the new
for calculating the rate of precession for any calendar dispensation. The Age that followed His birth has been
year as 50.2564" plus T (minus 1900), times rightly termed Piscean.
0.000222". In this formula, 'T" means the calendar Ancient man used waterways as means of exploring
year for which the precession is desired.* Since this and contacting the world about him, but this was neces-
rate changes very slowly, the mean yearly rate of 50%" sarily limited in range due to dependence on primitive
may be used for the next three hundred years. How- craft; his journeys were confined to rivers and shore-
ever, in calculating the ayanamsha for longer periods, lines. It was in the Piscean Age that Norsemen and
such as several hundred or a thousand years, it would Mediterranean peoples ventured to cross large bodies of
be necessary to follow the formula given to obtain more water, their Jupitcrean curiosity culminating in the
exact results. great maritime discoveries of the 15th and 16th cen-
From the preceding method for determining the turies. The conquest of the sea was facilitated by such
ayanamsha it may be seen that it is necessary to know inventions as the compass, sextant, the keel and rudder
the date on which the beginning point of the signs and which made it possible to sail against the wind, and
constellations coincided. In India today there is dis- finally in more recent times, the steam engine and
agreement among astrologers as to the date of zero screw propeller were introduced to make ocean travel
ayanamsha. Presumably for religious and metaphysical not only reliable, but to link the ports of the world in a
reasons it has been hidden in order to exclude those vast network serving commerce.
who are not properly initiated to possess this essential Many other manifestations of the Piscean Age are
key to the vital secrets of scientific astrology. Personal similarly positive in nature. The elevation of the status
research, including eighteen months in India at such of women, for example - Pisces being a feminine con-
centers of astrological culture as Madras, Tanjorc, stellation. Jupiter's influence as ruler of Pisces is seen
Bombay, Ujjain, Jaipore, Benares and Kashmerc, com- in the concept of humanism with its ideal of social
. bine<l with other astronomical and historical data, has responsibilities. During this period there has also been
been the basis of the ayanamsha used in this text and the development of salesmanship, either on the reli-
the evidence supporting it. gious level (evangelism), or in merchandising. The rise
Astrologers generally agree that the passage of the of the merchant class created the necessity for stand-
equinox from one constellation to another produces an ards of measurement and exchange suitable to all
countries, and brought into being banking systems,
°F<1r <·xampJ.·: At lh1· lwgi1111ing of tlw Chri~tian r·ra, "T" <·q11al~ J. For th1· international law and diplomacy, all of which arc of a
Y•«u I !JOO. thi· fon1111la lw< 0111•·~ .)0.2..)fi·t" minus 1800, timc·s .000222", J upiterean nature.
wh1"11 I~ ..121 HOO". Subtract thi-, ligun· frr>1n
The negative aspect of Jupiter may be seen in the
- .4218 general acceptance by all countries and cultures of the
"war of justification." Herc the hypocrisy of Jupiter

The Ayanconsha 5
evidences itself in a clear-cut manner. Nations attack stellationally. Until more precise limitations can be
other nations and excuse their actions on the basis of determined it is logical to use the beginning of the
"liberating·· the peoples of the nations attacked, "'for Christian era as the beginning point of the ayanamsha,
their own good:· Previous to the Pisccan Age, such when the difference of signs and constellations was zero.
concepts w~rc not prevalent. \Vars were waged. to be Further proof of this date as the initial point of the
sure. but the conquerors felt no need to justify their precession is contained in the Hindu work. Surya
malcfk purposes. There is no denying that the Piscean Siddhanta. which uses a detailed cryptogram involving
Age has witnessed the evils of war many times over. key numbers and their multiples to reveal the true
m~tivatcd by different needs or conditions. just or un- ayanamsha. This is explained in the Appendix. How-
just. Regrettably. the of11cial explanation is always ever. it suffices to note here that the beginning point of
hypocritical, being of a nature to conceal the real pur- the ayanamsha lies bct\veen 56 B.C. and 1 A.D. The
poses and causes, such as economic. imperialistic. pres- ayanamsha used in this text takes as its beginning cal-
sure of population growth, etc. \Var has also been culation date, 1 A.D.
\Vagcd under the guise of religion, social progress. or
Proceeding on this opinion. the ayanamsha for the
for the emancipation of oppressed peoples. The gen-
year 1900 A.D. is 26° 24' 4 7". For each year follow-
eral public usually recognizes the underlying motiva-
ing this date the ayanamsha increases at the rate of
tions of war. but is inclined to condone and even
501/4" annually. Thus the ayanamsha for 1940 is
demand their justification.
26° 58' 17". and that for 1960 is 27° 15' 02". For
Such is the duplicity of Jupiter, which was additionally any date prior to 1900. decrease the ayanamsha of
manifested until recently in the tacit approval of slavery 1900 by 501/4" per year. As an example, the ayanamsha
by the major religions. despite the latter's avowed be- for 1850 A.D. (1850 from 1900). would be 50 X
lief in the equality of all men. In place of open forms 501/4, or 41' 52". This figure is subtracted from the
of slavery. there is now the enslavement of ostracism. ayanamsha of 1900 (26° 24' 47"), giving 25° 42' 55"
race prejudice and exclusion of minority peoples from as the ayanamsha for 1850.
the rights of full citizenship. Many other examples
To change the customary sign zodiac horoscope used
could l1c cited. but these few should sumce to indicate
in Western astrology to a constellational horoscope.
the predominant elements characteristic of the Piscean
subtract the ayanamsha for the given year from the
longitude on the cusps of the houses and from the
The theory of coincidence of the constellations and longitude of each of the planets. In this connection it
the signs at approximately the beginning of the Chris- is to be noted that the Hindu system. dealing primarily
tian era is given strength by the estcL'l11ed Hindu astrol- with karmic factors. docs not use the three transcend-
oger. Varaha Mihira. who was virtually contemporary ental planets, Uranus. Neptune and Pluto. The tradi-
with Christ. Varaha Mihira was not only a highly tional rulcrship of Saturn for Aquarius. and Jupiter for
respected writer of astrological works, but was desig- Pisces prevails. However. since the Ml'on's Nodes fig-
nated as one of the seven notable men who graced the ure prominently in delineation, the ayanamsha must be
court of the Indian ruler, Vikranwditya. who ascended applied to them as \vcll as to the other points in the
the throne of Ujjain in 56 B.C. chart. (The North Node is termed Rahu. the South
In his work. Brilzat Swnlzit{{, Varaha Mihira makes Node. Ketu.)
the following observations: '·The Sun's southern course
Application of the ayanamsha to a \Vestern horo-
be~an at one time from the latter hair of the nakshatra
scope is the first step in constcllational astrology. The
Aslesha (I 13°20' to 120° zodiacal longitude). and the
horoscope based on the movable zodiac is termed a
northern course at the beginning of thL' nakshatra
sayana chart~ the constcllational horoscope is called a
oancshta ( 293°20' to 300''00' zodiacal longitude).
nirayana chart.
This must inc.Iced have been so, since it is recorded in
our ancient shastras. As an example in comparing a sayana chart with its
nirayana counterpart. the horoscope of Queen Victoria
"At present, one course of the Sun begins in the
provides a foretaste of what can be accomplished with
commencement of the constellation Cancer and the
no more than the application of the ayanamsha to the
other in the commencement of Capricorn."
usual Western natal horoscope. The data for the
These pronouncements by Yaraha Mihira can only sayana chart is May 24, 1819. 4: 16 A. M.. London,
mean that in his time the summer solstice \Vas in CY' England. The ayanamsha for the birth is 25 ° 18'
( ·anccr and the vernal equinox \\as in 0 AriL'S con- (Figure 1).
6 Constellatfonal Astrology
It will be seen that the three vital centers, Sun, Moon tion to the task of placing her children in secure
and Ascendant, are in the sign Gemini, indicating a positions in the monarchies of Europe. She also ex-
person with the Mercurial characteristics of this mut- celled in being a ruler, maintaining the empire while
able and adaptable sign. Gemini gives interest in intel- expanding its resources. Nor was she above placing
lectual matters as well as curiosity about the persons her royal relatives in positions from which they derived
in the native's immediate environment. comfortable incomes from public funds. And like a
Applying the ayanamsha to the sayana chart places good Venusian, she so loved flattery that Disraeli owed
the Sun, Moon and Ascendant in the fixed constella- much of his success to his facility in this art.
tion Taurus, indicating a personality which is deter- Such activities indicate the fixed Venusian constella-
mined, possessive of material goods, conservative, and tion, which readily reveals the source of her motives
dedicated to the preservation of the status quo in so far and ambitions. If Gemini be taken as the Ascendant it
as it insures personal comfort. Such a person wo~ld be would be difficult to account for this conduct, but if
a formidable opponent, but also would be susceptible Taurus is understood as the dominant influence, by
to praise and flattery. virtue of the constellational position of her vital centers,
Obviously Taurean characteristics differ from those her actions were logical. In this respect it is important
of Gemini. According to accounts of her life, Victoria's to note that the consteIIational characteristics became
youth was predominantly of a Gcminian nature, but evident only when she had reached maturity.
became more and more the staid Taurean as she grew Although her mourning for the Prince Consort took
older. Before reaching maturity (generally around the her into seclusion for many years, during the latter
thirtieth year), she was a gay, open-hearted young period of her reign, which was under th~ planetary
woman, fond of amusements and travel about the coun- period of Venus, she resumed her royal duties and
tryside. In her many letters to relatives and friends she again became active in public events. She also did con-
displayed much wit, coupled with a lively interest in siderable traveling on the continent, primarily for her
the world about her. health.
After she was forty her attitudes changed and were There is no question that Queen Victori·ac W"'uS a grca t
marked by a strong determination to hold her place as success as a ruler, which her nirayana horosco . pc ':m d"i-
a powerful monarch, which she did for sixty years. This cates. Venus, ruler of the Ascendant, is only 40 f
alone would be quite an undertaking for a Gemini per- . h"1g h est exa 1tat1on
its . an d m
. a position tern . d rom
. . 1c vargot-
sonality, but was perfectly in keeping with the Taurus toma by the Hmdus, both . of which arc highl y s1gni · ·fi1cant
side of her nature. of honor and success m office. Furthcrmor M ·
· h" so f · . c, oon is
During Victoria's long reign, Edward, Prince of w. it I? . d~ itsdexbacht exal_tat1on. Her unusual luck pub-
Wales, attained such an advanced age that he lived only 1ic 1y 1s m 1cate y er birth occurring in ,d I unar h our,
ten years after his coronation. During his protracted on a Monday (ruled by the Moon ' exalt.C(l an d con-
wait for the crown he had little to do but amuse him- JUnct
the Ascendant). Venus rules he r astro ogica
1 · I
self, and became internationally known as a playboy. birth month as well as the Ascendant wh"I h
. . . ' 1 c t e ruler
Because of his reputation, the royal family did not of the astrological blfth year Is Jupiter wh · I .
' 1c 1 occupies
consider him well-suited for the responsibilities of the h
t e I t 0 h h ouse. The element of timelinc ,
. . . ss as ca 1culated
monarchy. It would seem that the Queen felt it her duty m the Hmdu system IS very strong That h ·
. . . · .. s c was timely
to retain the crown in order to prevent Edward from meetmg with and cxpressmg the sp"1 r·t 1 f I · '
• • o t 1e era in
ruling! This is not to say that she consciously enter- which she ruled, 1s evident in th ·1t it } b ..
. .. 1as een named
tained such ideas, but the astrological evidence in the after her, despite the fact that she herself f
nirayana horoscope points to this factor, which the per ormcd no
remarkable deeds or other distinguishin
findings of modern analytic psychology might well . .d g acts.
K arm1c ev1 ences in the chart are ind· t d b h
support. I f h .. ica c y t e
ru er o t c 7th house, a malefic, situated in the 12th,
Upon the death of the Prince Consort in 1861, Vic- the house of secret sorrow and loss'. She OU tl.IVC d p nncc .
toria ceased inviting to the court any of the inteIIectual Albert by many years, suffering intensely f ·
· h rom t 11is sep-
and literary giants which abounded in her era. The aration. T e lack of sympathy 'md <
•1 rr cc ion b ctwcen
company of the great philosophers. poets, writers and herself and her mother,· the Duchess o f K cnt, 1s · well
scientists did not interest her, which, as a Gemini, known, and 1s shown by the Moon. ruler of th 4 th .
she would have found indispensable in her reign. His- · · ·h e in
.. wit the Sun , symbol of th c overpowering ·
tory records her lack of concern with mentally stimu- amb1t1on and of rapport on }1 er par t wit · l1 t l1e
lating people and ideas. but it also records her devo- . lack .
mother. J up1tcr m the 10th indic-1tes .. stic
. cess, ut m h · the
The Ayanarnslza 7
constellation Capricorn reveals a very practical and With this brief analysis, a general outline of some of
worldly ambition. Eminently practical in all things - the more essential differences between the sayana and
religion, duty, marriage, family, money and responsi- nirayana charts may be seen. Queen Victoria's horo-
bility - Victoria can scarcely be typed as a humani- scope was selected because her life is well documented,
tarian, which Jupiter in Aquarius (sayana horoscope), affording anyone who is interested in pursuing the mat-
would indicate. However, Jupiter as ruler of Pisces and ter in detail, ample material for research. Her nirayana
the 12th house cusp does show her active interest in chart will again be used later in the text to illustrate
promoting aid and comfort to the wounded and their another aspect of Hindu astrology - the Ayurdaya sys-
wives in the Crimean and Boer Wars; also her support tem for calculating the length of life, and the Pindaja
of Florence Nightingale's selfless service as a nurse. planetary periods of life.

Ayanamsha: 25° 18'
May 24, 1819, 4: 16 A.M.
20= Ayanamsha
London, England Complement: 4° 42'

Sayana Horoscope

Zodiacal Longitudes:
0 36° 48'
:D 38° 15'
t 352° 17'
~ 13°37'
21 291 ° 39'
~ 1° 20'

Nirayana Horoscope

? 333° 28'
Ase. 40° 14'
Desc. 220° 14'
M.C. 276° 42'
I.C. 96° 43'

6° § 42'


The rasis are comparable to the signs in the Western Feminine. Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,
zodiac. Each rasi of the twelve constellations measures Aquarius and Pisces are considered to be diurnal~
30° along the ecliptic of the zodiac. Their names are while Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Capricorn are
the same as those of the signs in the Western system, nocturnal. In addition, certain rasi have geographic
and with one exception have a Sanskrit equivalent for affinities based on their elemental qualities. Fire rasis
the Latin terminology. The 10th rasi, which is Capri- represent the Eastern sector, Earth rasis the Southern,
corn ( seagoat), in Sanskrit is called Makara ( croco- Air rasis the Western sector, and Water rasis the
dile). Western scholars have accused the Hindus of Northern sector. Application of geographic affinities re-
borrowing their astrology from the Greeks, but this vealed by the rasis is of particular use when removal to
detail in the nomenclature of the 10th rasi casts doubt another locality is under consideration, or if two oppor-
on such a theory. Rather, the Hindu zodiac agrees with tunities are presented with equal attractiveness and un-
the Egyptian in this matter, which regards the 10th distinguished in other respects, the better choice would
sector of the zodiac as symbolic not of Earth alone, as be indicated by the geographic quarter in which the
Western astrology interprets Capricorn, but of part benefics are found.
Earth, part Water. In general, the rasis are considered as having the
Rasis have the same rulers as the signs of the zodiac, same qualities as their sign equivalents. For purposes
and are classified by the properties of Fire, Earth, Air of comparison, the following list gives the Latin names
and Water. They are also defined as Cardinal, Fixed, of the signs, the Sanskrit of the rasis, their symbols and
Mutable, as well as Odd and Even, Masculine and corresponding rulers.

Latin Sanskrit Symbol Ruler

Aries Mesh a Ram Mars
Taurus Vrishaba Bull Venus
Gemini Mithuna Twins Mercury
Cancer Kataka Crab Moon
Leo Sim ha Lion Sun
Virgo Kanya Virgin Mercury
Libra Tula Balances Venus
Scorpio Vrischika Scorpion Mars
Sagittarius Dhanus Archer Jupiter
Capricorn Makara
(Goat) (Crocodile) Saturn
Aquarius Kumba Waterman Saturn
Pisces Meena Fishes Jupiter

Perhaps the most interesting refinement of Hindu *Hora 1/2 rasi (15°)
astrology is the use of subdivisions of the rasis, of which * Drekana 1/3 ras1 (10°)
there is no current parallel in Western astrology with * Saptamsa 1/7 rasi ( 4°17'08.5")
the exception of the Drekana, comparable to the deca- * Navamsa 1/9 rasi (3°20')
nates in the Western system. These subdivisions are ex- * Dwadasamsa 1/12 rasi (2°30')
tensively employed, and it will facilitate calculations if Shodasamsa 1/16 rasi ( 1°52'30")
the student memorizes them, particularly those marked * Trimsamsa 1/30 rasi (10)
by an asterisk, which are primary divisions of the Sapta Shastyamsas 1/60 rasi (0°30')
Varga Bala. Nadi 1/150 rasi (0°12')


Hindu astrologers have devised a very exact system merical values, termed virupas. Very little delineation
of determining the strength of each. planet in the horo- or prognostication can be done with any horoscope
scope, based upon a six-point process designated as the until the Shad Bala of the planets has been reckoned.
A planet having a high Shad Bala brings more influence
Shad Bala (shad = six; bala = strength), an outline
for good into the life than a planet low in Shad Bala, so
of which is given in Schedule A. Calculation of the
that a strong malefic is more fortunate than a weak
Shad Bala ascertains the strength of each planet in nu- benefic.


1. STHANNA BALA - Positional Strength B. PAKSHA BALA ("Wing" Strength - light or dark of
A. SAPTA VARGA BALA (Seven Division Strength): Moon):
Rasi, Hora, Drekana, Saptamsa, Navamsa, ( 1) Sun-class, gains as Moon near dark.
Dwadasamsa, Trimsamsa. (2) Moon-class, gains as Moon near full.
( 1) Position of planets in sapta vargas. (3) Mercury, good in Moon-class; poor in Sun-
(2) Relation between occupant and ruler of varga. class.
(3) Friendships and Enmities: C. TRIBHAGA BALA (Three Divisions of Day and
(a) Natural (constant for all charts). Night):
( b) Accidental (based on the individual Planetary ruler of bhaga containing natal Sun
chart). gains tribhaga bala.
(c) Compound (Natural and Accidental D. DINA BALA (Day Strength):
combined). Ahargana Tables used to obtain ruler of day of
( 4) Numerical value ( virupas) of relationships. birth.
(a) Mula Trikona.
E. Ho RA BALA (Hour Strength) :
( b) Swakshetra.
Planetary Hour Book used to obtain ruler of
B. UcCHA BALA (Exaltation Strength): birth hour.
Shortest distance from planet to Neecha (value
F. MASA BALA (Month Strength):
zero), divided by 3.
Ahargana manipulated to produce ruler of birth
C. KENDRA BALA (Angular Strength):
Planet's relative strength from angular, succed-
ent or cadent houses.
G. VARSHA BALA (Year Strength):
D. YuGMA BALA (Odd or Even Strength) : Ahargana manipulated to produce ruler of birth
( 1) Planets divided into male and female classes.
(2) Location in odd or even rasis and navamsas. 4. AYANA BALA - Strength According to North or
E. LINGA BALA (Sex Strength): South Declination.
( 1) Planets divided into male, neutral and female (I) Sayana horoscope used, substituting Sun's declina-
classes. tion for that of the planets'.
(2) Location in 1st, 2nd or 3rd drekanas. (2) Planets classified warm or cold in relation to
2. DIK BALA - Directional Strength declination.
Planets' highest values (calculated as for U ccha 5. CHESTA BALA - Motion Strength
Methods of calculation hased on a) Sun; h) Moon:
JUPITER MOON c) Superior planets; cl) Inferior planets.
Values taken from schedule of planets' natural
M.C. jSuN brightness.
3. KALA BALA - Time Strength
DRrSHTI BALA - Strength derived through rece1vmg an
A. NATONNA BALA (Meridian Strength): aspect from a preceding planet in the horoscope.
( 1) Sun-class, gains as Sun is near M.C. YuoHA BALA - Strength from Com hat (rarely used),
(2) Moon-class, gains as Moon is near J.C. applied when two planets (luminaries excepted) are
(3) Mercury, full strength always. in exact conjunction.


THE SAPTA VARGAS forth in the first half of Aries, converts to the negative
(receptive) aspect ruled by the Moon in the second
In the Shad Bala, the first source of strength is half of Aries, and continues in that phase through the
Sthanna Bala (sthanna = position; bala = strength), first half of the next rasi, Taurus. At 15° Taurus
of which the first subdivision is Sapta Varga Bala another conversion takes place. This latter half of
(sapta == seven; varga = division). This strength de- Taurus becomes positive and Sun-ruled, and continues
pends upon a planet's situation in a rasi or rasi subdivi- as such through the first half of Gemini, which then
sion whose ruler is either friendly or unfriendly to the gives way to the Moon-ruled portion of the rasi, and
occupying planet. The position of each planet in the extends into the first 15° of Cancer. Throughout the
rasis and rasi subdivisions is determined according to twelve rasis this positive-negative, negative-positive
the Sapta Varga Boundaries (Table I - a, b, c). After interlocking takes place.
these preliminaries have been completed, it is then
necessary to establish the relationship of friendship or DREKANA SAPTA VARGA (1/3 of a rasi, or 10°)
enmity existing between the planets in the individual The first 10°, or drekana of any rasi, is named for
the rasi itself. The second drekana ( 10° to 20°) is
The subdivisions of the rasis have planetary rulers named for the fifth rasi forward in the zodiac. The
corresponding to the rulers of the rasis. In other words, third drekana (20° to 30°) of any rasi is named for
each varga (division) has the same ruler as the rasi the ninth rasi forward in the zodiac. Thus it may be
(constellation) for which it is named. For example, an seen that the decanates of Western astrology are iden-
Aries or a Scorpio drekana is ruled by Mars, as is an tical with the Hindu drekanas. All drekanas of a Fire
Aries or Scorpio navamsa; whereas a Taurus drekana, rasi belong to Fire rasis (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). The
saptamsa, etc., will have Venus as its ruler. drekanas of an Earth rasi are named for the Earth
The system of identifying the vargas follows the order rasis· likewise with the drekanas of Air and Water rasis.
of the zodiac in a definite manner, although it is not
SAPTAMSA SAPTA VARGA (1/7 of a rasi, or 4°17'08.5")
always a consecutive order. This system is explained in
the following sections, but the student need not commit The first saptamsa of odd-numbered rasis has the
it to memory, since the Tables of Sapta Varga Boun- same planetary ruler as the rasi itself. Succeeding sap-
daries furnish all the needed information. tamsas are named in regular zodiacal order, consecu-
tively. The first saptamsa of an even-numbered rasi is
named for the seventh rasi forward in the zodiac from
RASI SAPTA VARGA (30°, or a complete rasi)
the starting rasi. The succeeding saptamsas of the rasis
The initial strength of a planet according to its rasi are named in regular zodiacal order, counting forward.
For example, in the odd-numbered rasi Aries, the
saptamsas are named Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer,
HoRA SAPTA VARGA ( 1/2 of a rasi, or 15°) Leo, Virgo and Libra. In the odd-numbered rasi Gem-
Horas arc exceptions to the general rule in that they ini, the saptamsas begin with Gemini, followed by
arc not named for rasis, but are assigned to the rulcr- Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. In
ship of either the Sun or the Moon. The first 15° of the the even-numbered rasi Taurus, the first saptamsa is
odd rasis (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and named for the rasi opposite, which is Scorpio (the 7th
Aquarius), arc ruled by the Sun, and the remaining rasi forward), follmved by Sagittarius, Capricorn,
15 ° arc ruled by the Moon. The first 15 ° of the even Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, and ending with Taurus. Like-
rasis (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and wise, in the even-numbered rasi Cancer, the first
Pisces) are ruled by the Moon, and their remaining saptamsa would be Capricorn, followed by Aquarius,
15 ° are ruled by the Sun. etc., and concluding with Cancer.
Thus each rasi is divided into a positive (male) and
negative (female) component, representing the two NAVAMSA SA PTA VARGA ( 1/9 of a rasi. or 3°20')
opposites of the same rhythm, both equally essential. Being one-ninth of a rasi, three navamsas constitute
The positive force represented by the Sun, which holds a drekana (one-third of a rasi), and thus the naming



July 4, 1872 Ayanamsha, 26°0 l '20"

9:00A.M.LMT Ayanamsha-Complcmcnt, 3°59'
Plymouth, Vermont
72°45' W., 43°33' N.



Sayana Horoscope

4° ~ 2'

Zodiacal Longitudes 0
'° 0

Nirayana Horoscope
0 76°47'
» 63°48'
~ 64°08'
?I 87°54'
2! 98°35'
(_( 73°33'
r,, 262°21'
Ase. 129°17' Desc. 309°17'
M.C. 34°02' I.C. 214°02'

Sapta Vargas 13

of the navamsas relates to the triplicities of Fire, Earth, DWADASAMSA SAPTA VARGA (l/12 of a rasi, or 2°30')
Air and Water, as does the naming of the drekanas. In The first dwadasamsa of any rasi is named for the
all rasis, the first navamsa is named for the Cardinal rasi itself, and the subsequent divisions follow in regu-
lar zodiacal order, so that a complete round of the
rasi of its triplicity. The remaining eight navamsas fol-
twelve constellations is represented within each rasi.
low in regular zodiacal order. For example, in any Fire
rasi, the first navamsa is Aries (Cardinal Fire), and the TRIMSAMSA SA PTA VARGA (l/30 of a rasi, or 1°)
remaining eight will be Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, etc., Trimsamsas differ somewhat from the preceding
sapta vargas in that they are ruled in groups which
concluding with the Fire rasi Sagittarius. In Earth rasis,
contain varying numbers in this series: 5°, 5°, 8°, 7°,
the first navamsa is Capricorn (Cardinal Earth), fol-
5 °, or its reverse, as shown in Schedule B. The order
lowed by the regular order of rasis, ·and ending with the of the planetary rulership of the trimsamsas in even-
Earth rasi Virgo. Accordingly, the navamsas for all Air numbered rasis is inverse to the order in odd-numbered
rasis begin with Cardinal Air - Libra, and end with rasis. The original Sanskrit writings do not ascribe rasi
Gemini; the navamsas for all Water rasis begin with rulership for these groups of trimsamsas, but merely list
Cancer, Cardinal Water, and end with Pisces. them in terms of the planetary rulers.



First 5° ruled by Mars First 5° ruled by Venus
Next 5° ruled by Saturn Next 7° ruled by Mercury
Next go ruled by Jupiter Next go ruled by Jupiter
Next 7° ruled by Mercury Next 5° ruled by Saturn
Last 5° ruled by Venus Last 5° ruled by Mars


Sapta Varga Bala is the strength a planet possesses planet being processed. Read across to the right of the
in whatever rasi it occupies, together with the modifica- column for the rasi of the planet in question, according
tions exercised by the six major rasi subdivisions, as to its longitudinal degree, and enter in the graph the
already enumerated. The nirayana horoscope of Calvin symbols found on this line for each of the six subdivi-
Coolidge is used to illustrate the procedure in calculat- sions. If no symbol appears on the line itself, use the
ing this seven-fold division of strength (Figure 2). The symbol which is next above it in the same column.
first step is to find the position of the seven planets in
each of the sapta vargas, noting the ruler of the con- With these seven positions of the planets indicated,
stellation in which they are placed. The nirayana figure as in Figure 3, the next process is to calculate the
gives the rasi positions; the remaining six vargas arc virupas (strength) each earns by virtue of its position
determined from the Tables of Sapta Varga Boundaries in the sapta vargas, as determined by the Friendships
(Table I - a, b, c). and Enmities existing between planets. Unlike Western
astrology, the Hindu system has five possible relation-
To use these Tables, enter on a graph as in Figure 3, ships, compounded by inter-relationships of five addi-
the nirayana longitude of the Sun, Moon and planets. tional categories. The basic relationships arc: l) Nat-
From the Tables of Sapta Varga Boundaries for the rasi ural Friend; 2) Natural Neutral~ 3) Natural Enemy~
which they occupy respectively, find the nearest lesser 4) Accidental (temporary) Friend~ 5) Accidental
number of degrees and minutes to the longitude of the (temporary) Enemy.
(From Tables of Sapta Varga Boundaries)

Sapta Vargas 0 » ~ ~ 2! 9 ?
RASI 16°II47' 3°Il48' 4°II08' 27°II54' 8°§35' 13°II33' 22° t 21'
HORA !> 0 0 !> !> 0 ))

_,..._ ,_, _,..._


* TTJ2

*J 1TL 1TL II 1lJ2 - _,..._

s; s; _,.._

TRIMSAMSA J er er 1lJ2 t II

NATURAL FRIENDS, NEUTRALS AND ENEMIES, are so- 1. AU planets occupying the same house as the
called because certain planets by their basic nature are planet being processed are Accidental Enemies, since
either harmonious or inharmonious to each other. they would be rivals, or contestants for the territory.
These relationships are called Natural (or permanent), 2. All planets occupying the house directly opposite
because they are always the same in every horoscope, the planet being processed are Ii kewise Accidental
as shown in Figure 4. Enemies.
3. All planets occupying the four houses adjacent to
FIGURE 4 the house opposite the planet being processed are Acci-
NATURAL PLANETARY RELATIONSHIPS dental Enemies. These would be the houses on either
side of the 7th from the planet, i.e., the 6th, 5th, 8th

0 )) J u ~ 9. ? The relationship of Accidental Friends and Enemies

is shown by diagram in Figure 5. The shaded areas
)) ~o 6 u T? 9. indicate the houses of Natural Enemies for a planet
J 0)) u <? T? ~ being processed which is located in the first house.
Wherever such a planet is located, that is its first house.
~ 0 <? 6 u I? J)
For example, a planet in Cancer would have as an
u 0 )) ~ T? ~ <? Accidental Enemy any occupant not only of its own
rasi, but in the 7th from it (Capricorn), and the two
9. 11 ? 6 u 0 » rasis adjacent to Capricorn on either side (Sagittarius -
1,, 11 9. u 0 )) 6 Aquarius; Scorpio - Pisces).
Note the 5° orbs indicated. There are valid reasons
for allowing such a margin in making this calculation.
ACCIDENTAL FRIENDS AND ENEMIES vary with the in- As shown in the diagram, the area in the 1st house is
dividual horoscope, depending upon the house posi- extended into the 12th by 5 °, and the area of the 1 Oth
tions of the planets. Since these result from the "acci- extends into the 9th house by 5 °, while the 5th house
dent" of birth, they arc termed Accidental, and because extends into the 4th by 5°. Also the 2nd extends into
they vary from chart to chart, they are also termed the I st house by the same margin. This variation is in
temporary. The rules to determine these relationships accord with the rule of Ptolemy which states that a
are as follows: planet within 5° of the cusp of the following house, in



a counterclockwise direction, is considered as actually from it are Friends; those in the remaining houses are
being in that house. Since there are no unnaturally Enemies.
abrupt changes in astrology, the rule is logical, and has In the Coolidge chart, an exception to this mle and
been affirmed by years of experience. Observance of a demonstration of the 5 ° orb allowance is provided by
these orbs of house cusps is an integral part of delin- Jupiter, which is in the 11th house, but less than 5°
eation in the Hindu system. from the 12th house cusp. Hence, for purposes of this
calculation, it is in the 12th house. Thus Mercury, Sun
In calculating the Accidental relationships of a horo-
and Venus, all in the 11th house of the chart, are in
scope, the Ptolemaic rule is most important, since
Jupiter's adjacent house, which makes them Accidental
planets may appear to be in the same house when, by
Friends. Moon and Mars in the 10th house, are in the
virtue of the 5 ° orb, one or more may be located in the
11th from Jupiter, and arc therefore also Accidental
next house. Thus the particular planets involved would
Friends. Saturn remains as the only Accidental Enemy,
be Accidental Friends instead of Enemies. Likewise, a
since it occupies the 6th house from Jupiter.
planet may appear to be in a friendly house, but actu-
In looking for Accidental Friends or Enemies of the
ally be in an unfriendly position.
Moon, Mars might appear to be another exception to
The horoscope of Calvin Coolidge provides an ex- the rule, since it lies so close to the cusp of the 1 l th
ample of the method by which Accidental Friends and house. However. it lacks a few minutes of hcing within
Enemies are determined in the nirayana chart. Saturn the 5° orb, and must he counted as an Accidental En-
is most conspicuous, since it stands alone in the 5th emy of the Moon (in the Moon's own territory), along
house. All other planets oppose it, being either in the with Saturn, which lies in the 8th house from that occu-
9th or I 0th house, in the opposite sector of the chart. pied by the Moon. The remaining four planl'ls - Venus,
According to the general rule, the house containing the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter - occupy the 2nd and 3rd
planet under consideration is counted as the I st house, houses from that of the Moon, and therefore arc Acci-
and planets in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th, I I th or 12th dental Friends.

16 Constellational Astrology
The Accidental relationships of the other planets in The particular order of the planets in this speculum-
the Coolidge horoscope are quite evident. Sun in the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn
1 lth house, flanked by Venus and Mercury in the same - is according to the planetary rulerships of the days of
house, places them as Enemies of the Sun. Saturn, oc- the week. It is an order adhered to by the Hindu astrol-
cupying the 7th house from the Sun, is also an Enemy. oger, and will be used throughout this book. This se-
Jupiter, considered to be in the 12th house, which is quence is followed so consistently in India that planets
the 2nd from the Sun, is an Accidental Friend. Mars are often referred to merely by number. In a Sanskrit
and Moon, being in the 12th house from that of the text, 1 may refer to the Sun, and not be intended as a
Sun, are also Accidental Friends. numeral; similarly, Moon is 2, Mars is 3, etc.
By the same procedure, the relationships of Venus, COMPOUND FRIENDSHIPS, NEUTRALITIES AND ENMITIES
Mercury and Mars are established. The entire list of are determined by combining Natural and Accidental re-
Accidental relationships in the chart of Coolidge is lationships. From this Compound relationship the sapta
given in the Speculums of Friendships and Enmities, varga virupas are derived, by which the strength of a
and Sapta Varga Values (Figures 7 and 8). planet is measured. A virupa is l/60th of a rupa, the
In any horoscope under consideration, the Accidental maximum strength obtainable from any one source of
Friends and Enemies of each planet must similarly be planetary strength, and is the unit used in Hindu calcu-
ascertained and designated in the respective columns of lation. Rupa is derived from a Sanskrit term meaning
a speculum as shown in Figure 7, I and IL There must "body"; in Hindu astrology the rupa is the complete
always be a total of six planets in the various columns body of potential planetary strength. The virupa values
for each planet processed. are given subsequently.


Compound relationships deal with the Friendships or The Spcculums of Friendships and Enmities (Figure
Enmities existing between planets, but they do not in- 7), and of Sapta Varga Values (Figure 8), for the horo-
clude those instances when a planet occupies a constel- scope of Calvin Coolidge, will be used to demonstrate the
lation or subdivision of which it is the ruler. In the process of calculating Compound relationships in any
latter instances, a planet receives more virupas than any horoscope. Section I in Figure 7 comprises Natural
derived from Compound associations. There are two Friends, Neutrals and Enemies, which are the same for
such possibilities: Mula Trikona (mula = root; trikona every horoscope. Section II lists the Accidental Friends
= three-angled), Figure 6; and Swakshetra (swa = and Enemies of each planet in the individual horoscope.
own; kshetra = field), when a planet occupies a rasi or Relationships between these two divisions are registered
subdivision over which it has ordinary rulership. in Section III, as Great Friends, Friends, Neutrals, Ene-
There is no Western astrological equivalent for mula mies and Great Enemies.
trikona rulership. With the exception of the Moon,
The five basic categories under I and II are com-
mula trikona is similar to regular rulership, but is con-
fined to only one constellation per planet. Thus Mer- bined in the following manner to form the compound
cury, although having rulership over both Gemini and
Virgo, is mula trikona in Virgo, but swakshetra in Natural Friend + Accidental Friend == Great Friend
. Gemini. This mula trikona value is limited to the rasi Natural Enemy + Accidental Enemy == Great Enemy
position of the planet, and does not apply in the sub- Natural Friend + Accidental Enemy = Neutral
divisions. When a planet is in a subdivision of a rasi Natural Neutral + Accidental Friend =Friend
over which it has rulership, the swakshetra value is
Natural Neutral + Accidental Enemy =Enemy
given. A planet in mula trikona receives 45 virupas; in
swakshetra, 30 virupas. For example, Sun in Leo rasi In Schedule C, the basis for computing Compound
would receive 45 virupas mula trikona, but if in Leo relationships is given in graphic form, together with
hora, drekana, or any of the other subdivisions, it would their virupa values, which remain the same for all
receive only 30 virnpas for being swakshetra. horoscopes.





22.50 Virupas 15.00 Virupas 7 .50 Virupas 7.50 Virupas 3.75 Virupas l .875 Virupas

SUN »~ 2! ~ T? ~ »t 2! ~ T,, ~

MOON 0 ~ ~ t 2! T;> - o~~ t 2! T;> -

MARS 0 » 2! ~ T;> ~ 0 » 2! ~ T;> ~

MERCURY o~ t 2! T;> » o~ t 2.f. T;> »

JUPITER 0 »J l;> ~ Q 0 »t T;> ~ ~

VENUS ~ T;> 2! 3 0 » ~ T;> 2! t 0 »

SATURN ~ ~ 2! 0 »t ~ ~ 2! \..:) 1) ~

18 Constellational Astrology
SAPTA VARGA VALUES Jupiter, which is both Natural and Accidental Friend,
becomes a Great Friend (22.50 virupas). Mercury,
Planet in Mula Trikona Rasi -45.00 virupas being a Natural Neutral, but an Accidental Enemy, be-
comes a Compound Enemy (3.75 virupas). Venus,
Planet in Swakshetra - 30.00 virupas both a Natural and Accidental Enemy, becomes a
Great Enemy ( 1.875 virupas). Saturn is also both a
c"j Ruled by Great Friend - 22.50 virupas
'-< Natural and Accidental Enemy, and becomes a Great

>>. Ruled by Friend - 15.00 virupas Enemy ( 1.875 virupas).

Following the same procedure in determining the
<= Ruled by Neutral 7.50 virupas Compound relationships (and virupas) for the Moon,
.s..... both Sun and Mercury are Natural and Accidental
Ruled by Enemy 3.75 virupas
Friends, hence they are Great Friends. Jupiter and

0:: Ruled by Great Enemy 1.875 virupas Venus are Natural Neutrals and Accidental Friends,
and become Compound Friends. Mars and Saturn are
Natural Neutrals but Accidental Enemies, and become
In the Sapta Varga Speculum (Figure 8), the Com-
Compound Enemies.
pound relationships of each planet are totaled accord-
In the speculum (Figure 8), the virupa values have
ing to their respective virupas. Values derived from
been entered in the column for the Sun according to
mula trikona or swakshetra, if any exist, are also en-
the planetary ruler of the constellation in which sapta
tered. In the horoscope of Coolidge, there are no plan-
varga falls (obtained from Figure 3). For the Moon, it
ets in mula trikona, but several are in swakshetra
will be noted that dwadasamsa sapta varga is under
vargas. Virupas for the planets are taken from the
Cancer, ruled by the Moon, thus giving it 30 virupas
Speculum of Compound Relationships (Figure 7, III).
for being swakshetra. The same situation occurs under
Using the Sun as an example of combining Natural Mars, which is in its own field in Scorpio navamsa and
and Accidental relationships, it will be seen that Moon Aries trimsamsa. Mercury is in its own field in its rasi
is both a Natural and Accidental Friend, making Moon and navamsa rulcrships. The same occurs under Jupi-
a Compound Great Friend of the Sun (22.50 virupas). ter, who is ruler of his saptamsa, which appreciably
Mars is also a Natural and an Accidental Friend, so aids in giving this planet next to the highest virupa
that it is a Great Friend (22.50 virupas). Likewise sapta varga value in the horoscope of Calvin Coolidge.




0 )) ~ 2! ~ ~ ? 2! ~ )) ~ 9 ?

)) ~o ~2!?9 90 ~ 2! J ?

J 0)) 2! 9 ? ~ 90 ~ 2! )) ?

~ o~ ~ 2! ? )) 2! )) ~ ~O?

2! 0)) ~ ? ~ 9 )) ~ 90 ~ ?

Q ~ ? ~ 2! 0)) )) ~ 2! O~?

? ~ ~ 2! 0)) ~ 0»~~2!9



22.50 Virupas 15.0 Virupas 7.50 Virupas 3.75 Virupas 1.875 Virupas

0 2! ~ )) ~ ~ T?

)) o~ Q 2! ~ ?

~ 02! Q ~ )) T?

~ 2! ~ )) ~ 0 l?

2! )) ~ 0 <;? ~ T?

~ J 2! )) ~ l? 0

? 9 ~ 2! 0}) ~



The zodiacal symbols for the vargas of each planet have been taken from the
Schedule of Sapta Vargas, Figure 3, to which is here added the planetary ruler.
Virupa values arc from the Speculum of Compound Relationships, Figure 7-III.
A planet in swakshctra (SW) = 30 virupas. Mula trikona (MT) = 45 virupas.

Nirayana 0 )) ~ Q u 'i? T;i

3° II48' 4°II08' 27°II54' 8°§35' 13°II33' 22°121'

Longitude 16.:cII47'

II II n Il §
GF 22.50 II N 7.50 t E 3.75
RASl E 3.75 GF 22.50 N 7.50 SW 30.00 )) ~ 2!
~ Q ~ ~

HORA GF 22.50 GF 22.50 GF 22.50 ))_ N 7.50 » GF 22.50 0 GE 1.875 )) GE 1.875

D 0 0
_...__ ~ 1.875
1.875 II IT :::::: § .J'\..

DRE KANA GE GF 22.50 N 7.50 E 3.75 GF 22.50 SW 30.00 GE

9 ~ ~ }) 'i? 0
II II t (:)
E 3.75
GF 22.50
N 7.50
F 15.00
*2! SW 30.00 11).1
N 7.50

II :::::: .J'\..
GF 22.50 Til
E 3.75 Tll
SW 30.00
SW 30.00 HQ
N 7.50
N 7.50
N 7.50

D\\'ADASA~SA J GF 22.50 '.:.)

SW 30.00 § (:) .J'\..
F 15.00 Til F 15.00 ~ GE 1.875
N 7.50 N 7.50
'r )) )) 'i? 'i? 0 0

,, GF 22.50
re E 3.75 ')'
SW 30.00
N 7.50 11).1
N 7.50 t F 15.00 Il N 7.50
- 6 3 ~ ~ 2l l;!

Tot~d~ in \'irupas 99.375 127.50 112.50 101.25 120.00 84.375 31.895

The Shad Bala 21
exaltations occur in the constellations ( rasis), these
have the same names as the signs in which they occur
in the Western system. For example, Moon is exalted
SAPTA VARGA BALA in the rasi Taurus, Sun in the rasi Aries, and so forth.
Thus, in the matter of exaltations there is an apparent
1. Using the nirayana horoscope, determine the posi- contradiction between the Hindu and Western systems,
tion of the planets from the Tables of Sapta Varga since Moon exalted in the sign Taurus, in all proba-
Boundaries (Table I - a, b, c), as illustrated in Fig- bility is in the rasi Aries; whereas Moon exalted in the
ure 3. rasi Taurus, is in all probability in the sign Gemini. In
neither instance would it have exaltation value.
2. Prepare a speculum as in Figure 7, and determine
the Friendships and Enmities of each planet according This seeming discrepancy lies in the different view-
to its house position in the chart, observing the Ptole- points of the two methods, and is not essentially a con-
maic orb of 5 ° as shown in Figure 5. flict. In the Western school, Moon exalted in Taurus
3. Combine the Natural and Accidental positions of indicates a person well-equipped to profit materially in
matters ruled by the Moon. In the Hindu school, Moon
the planets and enter the results in the Speculum for
exalted in the rasi Taurus indicates one who in former
Compound Relationships in the proper columns.
lives has performed creditably in those fields of activity
4. Enter in a speculum as in Figure 8, the nirayana under rulership of the Moon, thereby gaining spiritual
longitude of the natal planets. List the sapta vargas in a merit in this incarnation.
column to the left, and place the proper symbol for each
(from Step 1) in the columns headed by the planets, Sign exaltation of the Moon would enable a person
and add the planetary rulers of these sapta varga to gratify personal desires in this world, insofar as they
positions. relate to lunar activities. Because of this material ad-
vantage, there is always the possibility of creating new
5. From the Speculum of Compound Relationships karmic debts to be paid in future lives. In its rasi exalta-
(Step 3), take the virupa value for each planetary ruler tion, the Moon signifies a spiritual lesson accomplished,
of the sapta vargas (Schedule C), and enter these fig- freeing the person from further involvement in matters
ures in the Speculum of Sapta Varga Values, as in Fig- governed by the Moon. Consequently, there may not be
ure 8, making sure to observe when any planet is mula great material rewards in this incarnation, but there is
trikona (Figure 6) or swakshetra. liberation from those affairs which so often occupy the
6. Complete the sapta varga bala by totaling the full attention of most people. This distinction applies
virupas for each of the planets. similarly to all the planets i_n their various signs or rasis
of exaltation.
A major difference between the Hindu and Western
systems lies in the farmer's use of degrees of exaltation.
UCCHA BALA Whereas in the Western system a planet is accorded a
particular degree in which it is at its strongest point of
Uccha means exaltation. Each planet has its own exaltation, and has dignity if it occupies any position
point of highest exaltation, the value of which is 60 within the 30° limit of the sign, the Hindus allow for a
virupas. However, a planet always receives a propor- graduated value encompassing the entire zodiac, which
tion of this full strength according to the relative dis- permits finer shades of delineation.
tance from its exaltation point.
Each planet has an exact degree of exaltation in its
Among its various functions in the delineation of a rasi, and receives a proportionate virupa value accord-
horoscope, Uccha Bala describes a person's soul growth ing to its distance from that degree. The zero point,
and age, as well as his relationship to karmic necessity. termed neecha (point of deepest depression), is always
Thus it reveals the proper vocation and the portion of 180° from the exaltation point. In Figure 9. the Uccha,
success in life. It is also a factor in determining the
or exaltation degree, is given for each planet, \vith a
length of life.
value of 60 virupas. Ncecha points, being exactly oppo-
In Western astrology we arc familiar with the exalta- site uccha, have a value of 0 virupas. Uccha bala is
tion of planets by signs. Although in Hindu astrology, calculated from neecha.
22 Constellational Astrology
FIGURE 9 Since 180° of uccha bala equals one rupa, or 60
virupas, it follows that anything less than 180° would
UCCHA AND NEECHA POINTS result in a fraction of a rupa. To arrive at this frac-
tional value, convert the minutes of a planet's distance
Planet Uccha-60 Virupas Neecha-0 Virupas from its neecha point by changing into decimals of a
degree (dividing by 60). The result is then divided by
SUN 10° ARIES 10° LIBRA 3, which gives the planet's uccha bala in virupas.
The Sun in the horoscope of Calvin Coolidge will
serve as an example in finding the uccha bala of a
MERCURY 15° VIRGO 15° PISCES planet. (In these calculations, the nirayana chart is
always used.) Sun is 16°47 1 Gemini, or 76°47 1 zo-
diacal longitude. The Sun's neecha point is 10° Libra,
VENUS 27° PISCES 27° VIRGO or 190° zodiacal longitude, which is greater than that
of the Sun. Therefore, the Sun's position is subtracted
from the neecha point.

Sun's Neecha, 10° Libra 190° Zod . Long.

The object of calculating the uccha bala is to ascer- 1

tain the relationship of each planet to the point of its Sun, 16°47 Gemini 76°47 Zod. Long.

highest exaltation. There are a number of calculations Arc of Distance 113°13 1

in the Hindu system based upon the same principle of Convert minutes to decimals of a degree:
measuring a planet (or point) along an arc of 180°, .216°
lying between its maximum and minimum value loca-
60 ) 13.000
tions. Consequently, all planets earn a proportional
value based upon their position along this arc. It is a
simple system which can readily be visualized by imag- Sun's distance from Neecha = 113.216°
ining a planet occupying its exact exaltation point ( 60 113.216° -;- 3 = 37.74 virupas of Uccha Bala for
virupas), so that a planet 90° away from this point the Sun.
would receive only 30 virupas, or Yi of its full value.
If it were 45° away, it would receive % of its full value, In this same horoscope, Saturn illustrates an instance
or 45 virupas. when the planet's longitude is greater than its neecha
However, a planet is not always conveniently located
at one of these points; therefore an intermediate posi-
tion is determined by use of straight zodiacal longitude 1
Saturn, 22°21 Sagittarius 262°21 1 Zod. Long.
- the distance of a planet (degrees, minutes and sec-
Saturn's Neccha, 20° Aries - 20° Zod. Long.
onds) from 0° Aries. (A planet in 5° Taurus is 35°
from 0° Aries, or 35° zodiacal longitude.) For easy Arc of Distance = 242°21 1
reference it is advisable to list on any nirayana chart Since this arc exceeds 180°, add 360° to Neecha
the zodiacal longitudes of all the planets and the Nodes. Zod. Long.
This has been done in the example horoscopes of Queen Neecha Zod. Long. = 380° (20° + 360°)
Victoria and Calvin Coolidge (Figures 1 and 2). Saturn's Zod. Long. - 262°21 1

To determine a planet's uccha bala, subtract the Arc of Distance 117°391

planet's longitude from that of its neecha, or zero point, Convert minutes to decimals of a degree: 39 1 - ; - 60
if the- neecha longitude is the greater of the two. If the = .65°
longitude of the planet is the greater, subtract the 117.65°-;- 3 = 39.22 virupas Uccha Bala for Saturn.
neecha longitude from the planet's longitude. In no in-
stance should a planet's uccha bala exceed 1800. When The uccha bala of the remaining planets is calculated
this occurs, add 360° to the zodiacal longitude of the in the same manner, and their virupa strength entered
planet or its neecha point which is to be subtracted. in the Shad Bala Speculum, Figure 10.


3.75 22.50 7.50 30.00 22.50 7.50 3.75

22.50 22.50 22.50 7.50 22.50 1.875 1.875
1.875 22.50 7.50 3.75 22.50 30.00 1.875
3.75 22.50 7.50 15.00 30.00 7.50 7.50
Sap tams a
22.50 3.75 30.00 30.00 7.50 7.50 7.50
22.50 30.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 15.00 1.875
3.75 30.00 7.50 7.50 15.00 7.50
Trimsamsa 22.50
127.50 110.50 101.25 120.00 84.375 31.875
SAPTA VARGA Totals 99.375
17.96 34.30 58.80 34.48 39.22
Uccha 37.74 49.73
60.00 30.00 15.00 30.00 30.00
Kendra 30.00 60.00
15.00 30.00 30.00
Yugma 15.00 15.00 - -

Ling a 15.00 - 15.00 - -

- -

218.46 195.55 208.80 148.86 131.10

STHANNA Totals 182.12 252.23
46.20 49.77 13.17 44.36
DIK 45.75 9.92 49.97
60.00 45.75 45.75 14.25
Natonna 47.75 14.25 14.25
55.27 4.33 4.33 55.27
Pak sha 55.27 4.33 55.27
60.00 60.00 - -
Tribhaga - - -
- 45.00 - -
Dina - - -
- -
Hora - - - -
30.00 - -
Masa - - - -
- 15.00 -
Varsha - - - -
185.08 125.08 69.52
103.02 18.58 69.52 175.27
KALA Totals
54.00 59.00 58.00
59.00 -- 60.00 56.00
AYANA 15.66 2.80 57.31
59.45 4.33 11.53 15.10
CHESTA 34.29 42.86 8.58
60.00 51.43 17.15 25.72
547.60 391.77 368.87
509.34 336.48 426.63 513.84
SHAD BALA TOTALS -14.3 -12.9 -10.6 +16.4
-12.2 -5.7 -5.9
Yudha (none)
499.54 534.70 381.17 385.27
497.14 330.78 420.73
TOTALS (Modified)

24 Constellational Astrology
KENDRA BALA horoscope. Yugma reveals the attitude toward karmic
activity, whether aggressive or passive.
Kendra means angular; Kendra Bala refers to the In calculating yugma bala, the position of a planet in
planetary strength of the angular houses of the horo- both rasi and navamsa must be considered and com-
scope, hence reveals the extent of action possible in bined. Rasis and navamsas are classified as odd or even
fulfilling karma in this incarnation. In Western astrol- in the same manner as in Western astrology. Aries, the
ogy, planets occupying angular houses have precedence first rasi, is "odd" (or masculine), Taurus is "even" (or
because they are most active and therefore more power- feminine), and so on throughout the twelve rasis of the
ful than planets in other houses. The same rule applies zodiac. Masculine planets arc more favorably situated
in Hindu astrology, with certain refinements in evaluat- in odd-numbered rasis and navamsas, while feminine
ing the strength a planet may have when it is not in an planets do best in even-numbered rasis or navamsas.
angular position. Planets receive virupas according to Planets receive virupas of yugma bala according to the
occupancy in: following schedule:
Angular Houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) -
60 virupas Kendra Sun - Mars - Mercury Moon - Venus
Succedent Houses (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th) - Jupiter - Saturn
30 virupas Kendra In odd rasis or navamsas In even rasis or navamsas
Cadent Houses (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th) -
15 virupas Kendra 15 virupas

The Ptolemaic 5 ° orb is applied in deciding the In Coolidge's nirayana horoscope, Sun, Mars, Mer-
house which a planet occupies. If it is within 5° of the cury and Saturn, masculine planets, are in odd-num-
cusp of the following house, it is counted as being in bered rasis, giving them 15 virupas each under yugma
that house. In the horoscope of Coolidge, Jupiter, being bala. Jupiter is also a masculine planet, but in an even-
within 5° of the 12th house cusp, is consequently in a numbered rasi, and consequently receives no yugma
cadent house and receives only 15 virupas kendra bala. bala credit. Moon and Venus, feminine planets, are in
Mercury, Sun, Venus and Saturn are all in succedent odd rasis, and likewise receive no yugma bala.
houses, and receive 30 virupas; whereas Moon and The navamsa position of each planet is taken from
Mars, both angular in the 10th house, receive the full
the Speculum of Sapta Varga Values (Figure 8). Sun is
60 virupas of kendra bala.
in the even-numbered navamsa Pisces, which gives it
Without wishing to confuse the student with extra- no credit; whereas the feminine Moon in the even-
neous matter, but desiring to meet possible objections of numbered navamsa Scorpio, receives 15 virupas. Mer-
advanced students of Hindu astrology who may ques- cury and Saturn, being in odd-numbered navamsas,
tion the 5° Ptolemaic orb, it should be mentioned that receive 15 virupas each, but Jupiter and V cnus, being
this orb has been accepted after year~ of personal ex- in incompatible navamsas, earn nothing.
perience. It is somewhat at variance with, but not alto- Combining these values from rasi and navamsa posi-
gether contradictory to, Hindu concepts of the limits of tions, Mercury and Saturn each have a total yugma
a house, which will be discussed when erection of the bala of 30 virupas. Sun and Mars each receive 15
bhava chakra is considered. No doubt certain differ- virupas yugma bala for their rasi position; Moon re-
ences between Eastern and Western philosophies are ceives 15 virupas for her navamsa position. Venus and
involved, which may well account for the accuracy of Jupiter receive nothing, being in rasis and navamsas
the results which have been obtained by using the which give them a zero value. The total yugma values
5° orb. are entered in the appropriate columns of the Shad Bala
Speculum (Figure 10).
Yugma Bala is referred to in Hindu texts as yugma-
yugma, meaning ''even-numbered - not even-num- In Sanskrit, linga means the male sex organ. In its
bered," conceiving it as an operation of the positive context here it indicates sexual potency or sex differen-
and negative, masculine and feminine values in the tiation in its esoteric or spiritual concept. Linga Bala
The Shad Bala 25
reveals the potential creative force brought to bear in by the 1st drekana of the following rasi. The area be-
karmic situations. For purposes of calculating linga tween, or the 2nd drekana of any rasi, is a neutral field,
bala, the planets are classified as male, neutral, and and hence the most favorable position for '"neutrar'
female, and receive 15 virupas according to these planets.
drekana positions:
In the nirayana chart of Calvin Coolidge, two male
MALE - Mars, Sun, Jupiter - in 1st drekana of planets - Mars and Jupiter - are in the 1st drekana of
any rasi the rasi which they occupy. Each receives 15 virupas
NEUTRAL - Mercury, Saturn - in 2nd drekana of linga bala. Mercury and Saturn are in the 3rd drekana
any rasi of their rasis, Sun and Venus are in the 2nd drekana,
FEMALE - Moon, Venus - in 3rd drekana of any Moon in the 1st drekana - all positions which earn no
rasi virupas of linga bala.
While Mercury and Saturn are masculine planets, Calculation of the linga bala completes the various
they are not considered generative, hence the distinc- steps in computing sthanna bala, or positional strength
tion between "male" and "neutral'' masculine planets. of the planets in the nirayana horoscope. Sthanna bala
It is logical that the positive, aggressive planets would is the first of the six strengths which constitute the en-
be best situated in the initial third of a rasi, or its 1st tire Shad Bala. At this point, the virupas which each
drekana; and the naturally receptive, feminine planets planet has earned in sthanna bala should be totaled. as
would be in the last drekana of a rasi, where they are in the Shad Bala Speculum for Calvin Coolidge (Fig-
in a position to receive the masculine power represented ure 10).


Whereas Sthanna Bala is comprised of several subdi- The logic underlying these allocations is based on
visions, all of which necessitate separate calculations, the nature of the various planets. Since the Ascendant,
Dik Bala entails only one consideration: the directional or Eastern horizon of the chart, is more representative
strength of the planets. Dik means "direction," as indi- of the individual than any other of the angles of direc-
cated by the magnetic compass. In any horoscope the tion, and since Mercury and Jupiter are both planets
Ascendant marks the East; the Descendant, the West; dealing with the intelligence, it is evident that it w~uld
the Midheaven, the South; and the Lower Meridian, be most favorable to have these ambassadors of light
the North. and perception placed where they ~vo~l~ ha;e the
Dik bala is based upon the assumption that certain greatest positive influence upon the md1v1dual s per-
planets are best situated when in one of these four sonal expression.
compass directions. The Brilzat Jataka gives the fol- The I Oth house cusp, or Southern point of the chart,
lowing as the most favorable locations for the seven stands for career and honor in the \Vorld. Energy, ag-
planets. gressiveness, ardor and command are all esscnti~~l. to
making a mark in the world. Sun and Mars are vmk,
self-assertive planets, hot and dry, \Vith energy but not
SCHEDULE OF DIK BALA too much sympathy, and thus arc best-placed in the
Midhcaven. This is especially so since Sun represents
PLANET STRONGFST POSITION glory and authority, and Mars represents practical am-
bition as well as the energy to execute or accomplish
MERCURY, JUPITER Eastern Horizon ( ASC.)
its aims.
SUN, MARS Southern Meridian ( M.C.) Saturn is a limiting planet, typifying prudcncL', cn1-
SATURN Western Horizon ( DESC.) tion and restraint. Too much of this restrictive influ-
MOON, VENUS ence, whL'n near the Ascendant, would make the per-
Northern Meridian ( l.C.)
sonality cold, hesitant and self-seeking. At the farthest
26 Constellational Astrology
distance from the Ascendant these qualities can act The horoscope of Calvin Coolidge again is used to
advantageously as a balance upon the personality, illustrate the necessary steps. As in uccha bala, the arc
hence Saturn is at its best when near the Descendant, of distance must never exceed 180°. Arcs in excess of
or Western horizon. this amount are corrected by adding 3 60° to the planet
Moon and Venus are both feminine planets, mani- or zero point having the lesser zodiacal longitude.
festing the receptive principle in the cosmic process of
creativity. The Northern point of the chart, the 4th JUPITER (zero Dik on Desc.)
house cusp, signifies the foundations of life, the mother Zod. Long. of Desc. 309°17 1
and the home, where these two planets have their
Zod. Long. of Jupiter - 98°35 1
greatest rapport.
Dik bala is calculated in the same manner as uccha Arc of Distance 210°42' (in excess of 180°)
bala, in that a planet receives maximum strength of 60 98°35' + 360° - 458°35'
virupas if it is in its strongest point of dik bala, and -309°17' (Zod. Long. of Desc.)
zero virupas if it is located in the degree exactly oppo-
149°18' (or 149.3°)
site that point. Planets in intermediate positions receive
relative values. Also as in uccha, dik bala is calculated 149.3° -7- 3 = 49.77 virupas Dik Bala for Jupiter.
from its zero point. Thus, zero dik for Mercury and
Jupiter is the Descendant; for Sun and Mars, the Nadir; SUN (zero Dik at Nadir)
for Saturn, the Ascendant; and for Moon and Venus,
Zod. Long. of Nadir 214°02'
the Midheaven.
It may readily be seen that dik bala is based upon Zod. Long. of Sun - 76°47'
the individual horoscope, the accuracy of which is con- Arc of Distance 137°15' (or 137.25°)
sequently relative to the accuracy of the birth chart.
Since four minutes of time equals one degree on the
137.25° -7- 3 = 45.75 virupas Dik Bala for Sun.
Midheaven, a twelve minute deviation from the correct
birth time results in one virupa of inaccuracy in dik The remaining planets are calculated in the same
bala. However, an incorrect birth time would cause manner. The virupas of dik bala for each planet in the
only a slight discrepancy in the total Shad Bala, provid- nirayana horoscope of Calvin Coolidge are shown in
ing the birth time is approximately correct. the Shad Bala Speculum (Fig. 10). It will be noted
To calculate dik bala, determine the distance between that five of the seven planets have a value far above
the position of the planet in question and its zero point, average. Only Moon and Venus are exceptionally de-
using zodiacal longitude. Convert this difference into ficient in this strength, indicating by this arc of direc-
decimals of a degree and divide by three. The result is tion a withholding nature in expression of the receptive
the planet's dik bala in virupas. principle in life.


Kala Bala is the third major division of the Shad TRIBHAGA BALA: The third of the day or night of
Bala by which planetary strengths are determined. Kala birth.
means "time," and under it are seven subdivisions
DINA BALA: Planetary ruler of the birth day.
which are sources of strength derived from the time of
birth, as follows: HORA BALA: Planetary ruler of the birth hour.
NATONNA BALA: Time of day or night when birth MASA BALA: Planetary ruler of the astrological
occurred. month.
PAKSHA BALA: Time of month (Light or Dark of V ARSHA BALA: Planetary ruler of the astrological
the Moon). year.
The Shad Bala 27
NATONNA BALA In calculating paksha bala the planets are divided
into two classes, with the Moon heading one, together
N atonna Bala means "meridian strength," and de- with the benefics, Jupiter and Venus, and Mercury if it
rives its power according to the Sun's distance from the is well-associated. All planets in this class are credited
Midheaven at birth. This meridian distance not only with whatever paksha bala the Moon receives. In the
determines the natonna bala of the Sun, but of all the second class are Sun, Mars and Saturn, and Mercury if
other planets as well, with the exception of Mercury, it is badly associated. As in natonna bala, the strength
which is in a class by itself. In natonna bala the planets of one class of planets increases at the expense of
are divided into two groups. One is headed by the Sun, the other. Note also that in both cases the benefics are
and includes Jupiter and Venus. The other is headed in the same class as the protagonist. In theory, natonna
by the Moon, and includes Mars and Saturn. bala indicates that the day, in contrast to the night, is
expansive and fosters life and vitality. Paksha bala re-
When the Sun is on the Midheaven, the life forces gards the Light of the Moon also as expansive and co-
are at their fullest power and greatest effectiveness. inciding with an increase of vitality, whereas the Dark
Jupiter and Venus, which embody expansive and light- of the Moon does not.
giving qualities, also share this upper meridian strength.
The Moon, ruler of the night, has as its companions In deciding upon Mercury's strength, if it is in con-
Mars and Saturn, whose natures tend to be destructive junction with a benefic it is well-associated and receives
and restrictive. the same credits as the Moon in paksha bala. If con-
junct a malefic, it is badly associated, and receives the
Mercury stands apart from both groups inasmuch as same credits accorded the Sun group in paksha. If Mer-
his activities, as "messenger of the gods," are neutral, cury is neither in conjunction with a benefic nor a male-
being neither restrictive nor expansive. The power of fic, then its relationship to Mars or Saturn must be
thought, which is Mercury's field, is the same regardless examined by the following rules:
of the time of day or night when one is born. Conse- 1. When Mercury is forward in the horoscope from
quently, the natonna bala of Mercury is always given the position of Mars by as many degrees as would equal
the maximum strength of 60 virupas. 3, 6, or 7 rasis (a rasi = 30°), then it is badly associ-
ated with Mars. This means 90°, 180° or 210° forward
Since the Sun has its maximum natonna strength of from Mars, allowing an orb of 15 °.
60 virupas when located at the Midheaven of the horo-
scope, and is weakest when on the Nadir, it follows that 2. When Mercury is forward in the horoscope from
it has the same value as was determined in dik bala. Saturn by as many degrees as would equal 2, 6, or 9
Thus the Sun's virupa strength in natonna bala is the rasis, then it is in bad association. This means 60°,
same as in dik bala; and, by virtue of association with 180° or 270° forward from Saturn, allowing an orb
the Sun under natonna, Jupiter and Venus each receive of 15°.
the same number of virupas. Moon, Mars and Saturn 3. When Mercury's position in one of the above rules
receive the amount resulting from subtracting Sun's na- is doubtful, he is considered to be in good association.
tonna virupas from the maximum of 60 virupas.
Like so many of the methods of calculation in Hindu
astrology, the one for paksha bala is based upon the
PAKSHA BALA zero value point of the paksha, when Moon is conjunct
Sun. The first step is to find the shortest distance in
Paksha means "wing," and poetically refers to the longitude between the Sun and Moon by subtracting the
month as having two wings, formed by the Light ( sukla one from the other, using their zodiacal longitudes. The
paksha) , and Dark ( krishna paksha), phases of the answer should never exceed 180°; if the resulting arc is
Moon. Hence, in Paksha Bala the strength credited to more than 180°, the full circle of 360° should be added
each planet depends upon the position of the Moon to the lesser longitude. When this arc is determined, the
relative to the Sun. Paksha is strongest when the Moon minutes are converted to decimals of a degree and the
is Full, or in opposition to the Sun, and weakest when result divided by 3, which gives the Moon's paksha bala
the Moon is New, or in conjunction with the Sun. Maxi- in virupas. All planets in the Moon's class each receive
mum value (Full Moon) is 60 virupas, and minimum the same number of virupas, while the Sun and the
value (New Moon) is zero virupas. planets in its group receive the difference between the
28 Constellatfonal Astrology
Moon's paksha bala and the maximum paksha value of TRIBHAGA BALA
60 virupas.
Tribhaga Bala (tri = three; bhaga = division) is
PAKSHA BALA - Calvin Coolidge: based upon the concept of dividing the day and night
hours each into three parts. This makes six divisions,
Zod. Long. of Sun 76°47' each of which has a planetary ruler. The ruler of the
Zod.Long.ofMoon -63°48' division in which the Sun is located receives a credit of
60 vim pas. Jupiter is an exception in this bala, in that
Arc of Distance 12°59' or 12.98°
he has no rulership over any division, but is given a
3 ) 12.98° ( 4.33 virupas Paksha Bala of Moon credit of 60 virupas in every chart. From the following
diagram the position of the natal Sun may readily be
Moon, Venus and Jupiter receive 4.33 virupas ascertained, together with the planetary ruler of that
Maximum Paksha Bala = 60 virupas division.
In the horoscope of Calvin Coolidge, the Sun in the
- 4.33
11th house is within the sector ruled by Mercury.
55.27 virupas Therefore Mercury receives 60 virupas of tribhaga bala.
Generally speaking, the 1st and 2nd houses are ruled by
Mars, the 3rd and 4th by Venus, the 5th and 6th by
Sun, Mars, Saturn and Mercury (because the latter Moon, the 7th and 8th by Saturn, the 9th and 1Oth by
is badly associated in this horoscope), each receive Sun, and the 1 lth and 12th by Mercury. However, there
55.27 virupas. are sayana horoscopes which have intercepted houses,

The Ahargana 29

and when converted to the nirayana chart may still have the day of the week of this date can be obtained. In this
the same interception. In these instances, care should be instance, the result is 102,057,729,796, with a remain-
taken to divide the degrees contained in the arc from der of 1. This remainder gives the clue, indicating that
the Ascendant to the Descendant into three equal sec- January 1, 1860, fell on the first day of the week, or
tors, using the corresponding points from Descendant to Sunday.
Ascendant. Results in such cases will not always coin- One may or may not accept as fact the Hindu tradi-
cide with the house boundaries. tion which claims to know the day of this Creation. Be
this as it may, by means of the ahargana it is possible
to discover on which day of the week any particular
AHARGANA date fell. This is the first step necessary in calculating
the remaining elements of kala bala in order to ascer-
Before proceeding with the remaining divisions of tain the virupas which each planet may receive accord-
kala bala, it may be of interest to the student of Hindu ing to the astrological hour, day, month and year of a
astrology to consider some of the philosophic factors person's birth.
which underlie the calculation of this Time Strength. The planetary rulers of the days of. the week, begin-
In the Hindu tradition, the first day of the present ning with Sunday, are Sun, Moon, Mars,. Mercu~,
Creatio,n is believed to have occurred in the first degree Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. As a matter of interest, it
of the constellation Aries as the Sun was rising, to- may be noted that although calculation of the planetary
gether with the Moon and the five planets which com- hour depends upon the day of the week, actually it is
prise the seven karmic heavenly bodies. This astronomi- the planetary hours which have fixed both the rulership
cal phenomenon is recorded in the Surya Siddhanta and naming of the days of the week. These names are
(surya = Sun, or brightness of the Sun; siddhanta = very ancient, as evidenced by the universality of their
established). From the title it is evident that the work correspondence according to planetary order, and to the
pertains to that which has been established, and conveys gods of mythology which personify the planets. In the
the idea that the Spirit of the Sun inspired or revealed Romance languages the names of the days closely fol-
cosmic knowledge to its authors. low the Latin nomenclature, but English equivalents are
The version of the Surya Siddlzanta now extant dates derived from Anglo-Saxon terminology.
from the 5th Century A.D., at which time it was already Each weekday is named for the ruler of its own first
an ancient work. In the 19th Century the Reverend planetary hour - the hour following upon sunrise,
Ebenez tiurgess, an Episcopal Minister who investi- which marks the beginning of the natural day. Just as
gated and became familiar with the Hindu system of the interval between sunrise and sunset varies according
astrology through the pundits themselves, translated to the time of year, latitude, etc., so the length of the
this Sanskrit text, adding copious commentaries, which planetary hours also varies. Thus a planet~ry ~our _is
was published in 1860 in The Journal of the American longer in the daytime and shorter in the mghtt1me m
Oriental Society. From this work we can obtain the Northern latitudes during the summer, while the reverse
calculations given in the Surya Siddhanta brought up to is true during the winter months.
1860 A.D. Since the Sun is the center around which all planets
In Sanskrit, the term for the period of days elapsed move, it is the first of the celestial bodies, and has ruler-
since Creation is ahargana, which literally means "heap ship over the first hour of the first day of the :vee~.
of days." An abbreviated ahargana is given in Table II. From this, the day takes its name, Sunday, which is
It is abbreviated inasmuch as the number of days since self-explanatory. The order of rulership of the remain-
Creation has been reduced by extracting common mul- ing planetary hours and the subsequent days of the
tiples of all the Time cycles involved. While the actual week derives from the relative speed of each planet in
figures have been reduced, making calculations simpler, its orbit. Saturn, Father Time and patriarch of the gods
the relative values have remained unchanged. in ancient myths, has both the greatest orbit and the
According to the interpolation by Burgess, the num- slowest rate of motion among the karmic planets. Thus
ber of years elapsed between the beginning of Creation the planets are arranged according to their rate of mo-
and 1860 A.D., amounts to I ,955,844,960. The tion: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, (SUN), Venus, Mercury,
ahargana, or number of days since the beginning of Moon. Sun stands midway in the series, marking the
Creation, is given for the Prime Meridian of India at dividing point between those bodies lying beyond the
midnight, January I st, 1860, as 7 14,404, I 08,5 73 civil Sun's orbit, and those with orbits lying between the
days, Gregorian style. Dividing this number by seven, Earth and the Sun.
30 Constellational Astrology
Starting with the Sun as ruler of the first hour of the DAY OF BIRTH: Add the number of days elapsed from
first day of the week, the order of the planetary hour zero days of the birth month to the two figures obtained
rulerships for Sunday are subsequently Venus, Mer- from the above steps. The total is the ahargana for the
cury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. This series is horoscope in question. This sum is required in deter-
continued in a cycle until on the 25th hour, or the first mining the dina, masa, and varsha balas, and should be
hour of the next day, the planetary ruler is the third noted on the horoscope for future reference.
planet forward from the one which ruled the previous
The chart of Calvin Coolidge illustrates this proce-
day. Thus, Sun rules the 1st hour of the first day; on
dure, which is applicable for all horoscopes. Refer to
the 25th hour, the Moon, third planet forward in the
Table II.
series, has rulership, and the day takes its name from
this planetary ruler, i.e., Monday. On Tuesday, Mars, DATE: July 4, 1872
the third planet forward from the Moon, has rulership; YEAR: 1872
on Wednesday, Mercury, the third planet forward from
Mars, rules; on Thursday, Jupiter, third planet forward
(Leap Year) = 24235 days, Ahargana
from Mercury, rules; on Friday, Venus, third planet MONTH: July 182 days (Leap Year for Months)
forward from Jupiter, rules; and on Saturday, Saturn, DAY OF MONTH: 4 days (From 0 July)
third planet forward from Venus, rules. Thus the cycle
is completed and begins again with the Sun for the first Total 24421 days, Abbreviated Ahargana
day of the week.
The astrological month is comprised of exactly 30 DINA BALA
days, and the astrological year consists of 360 days.
Astrological months are ruled by the planet ruling the To obtain the planetary ruler of the day of the week
first day of the astrological month, while the astrological in which birth occurred, the ahargana is employed as
year is ruled by the planet ruling the first day of the follows:
astrological year.
1. Divide ahargana of the birth by 7.
Planetary rulers of the hour, day, month and year of
2. Disregard quotient. Remainder indicates the day
birth receive credits as follows:
of the week on which birth occurred, and its planetary
Ruler of Planetary Hour - 60 virupas Hora Bala ruler. A remainder of 1 indicates Sunday, ruled by
Sun; a remainder of 2 equals Monday, Moon; 3 is
Ruler of Day of Week - 45 virupas Dina Bala Tuesday, Mars; 4 is Wednesday, Mercury; 5 is Thurs-
Ruler of Astrological day, Jupiter; 6 is Friday, Venus; and 0, or no remain-
der, indicates Saturday, Saturn.
Month - 30 virupas Masa Bala
Ruler of Astrological Dividing by 7 extracts the number of complete weeks
in the ahargana of a particular horoscope. Hence the
Year - 15 virupas Varsha Bala
quotient, representing the number of complete cycles,
or weeks which have elapsed, is discarded. What is
In order to ascertain these values it is necessary to
sought here is the day of the week on which birth took
use the ahargana for the birth date. This is obtained by
adding together the figures for the following items, as place; the remainder indicates this day. Saturday, being
taken from the Abbreviated Ahargana (Table II). the 7th day of the week, always gives an 0 remainder,
since the ahargana is being divided by 7, and no re-
YEAR OF BIRTH: found in first portion of Table. The mainder of 7 is possible.
ahargana for the year of birth follows. Leap years are
indicated by an asterisk. DINA BALA - Calvin Coolidge
Ahargana: 24421 --;-- 7 = 3488 quotient, with a re-
MONTH OF BIRTH: found in the succeeding two sections mainder of 5, indicating Thursday as the day of birth,
of the Table, the first for common years, the second for with Jupiter as planetary ruler. Jupiter is therefore
leap years. The figure adjacent to the birth month rep- given 45 virupas dina bala in the Shad Bala Speculum.
resents the number of days elapsed since the beginning (The ruler of the day of birth always receives 45
of the birth year. virupas.)
The Shad Bala 31

Although the ruler of the planetary hour of birth can Masa Bala is derived from the planet ruling the first
be calculated by trigonometry, using latitude of birth- day of the astrological month in which birth occurred.
place and declination of the Sun on the birthday, it is Just as the planet ruling the first hour rules the entire
more efficient to use a Table of Planetary Hours erected day, so the planet ruling the first day of the month rules
for various latitudes and days of the year. One of the the entire astrological month. Since the astrological
best such works published in the United States is the month consists of 30 days, the first step in calculating
Improved Perpetual Planetary Hour Book, by Llewellyn masa bala is to divide the ahargana for the given horo-
George, compiled for latitudes 27° to 55° North, for scope by 30. The quotient represents the number of
any year, and includes complete instructions for finding complete months elapsed since Creation, and the re-
the planetary hour of birth. mainder is discarded.
Inasmuch as the astrological month consists of four
A portion of page 86 from this book is reproduced weeks and two days, the first day of every month will
here, selected to demonstrate the manner in which the be two days later in the week than the first day of the
ruler of Calvin Coolidge's birth hour is determined. preceding month. Hence, the next step is to multiply
From the Table encompassing the day of birth (July the quotient by 2, which gives the number of days since
1st to 7th), select the latitude of the birthplace, which the first day of the first month of Creation. (This total
is 43° N. The time of birth was 9 :00 A.M. In the col- has been reduced for ease of handling in the Abbrevi-
umn for 43° N., locate the nearest lesser time to that ated Ahargana, Table II.)
when birth occurred. This is 8: 14 (Day Hours; Sunrise Creation having begun on Sunday, or the first day
to Sunset). Having already determined the day of birth of the week, and since the beginning of each successive
as Thursday, and Jupiter as ruler of the first planetary week is seven days plus one, 1 is added to the product
hour, find in this column the planet given for 8: 14, obtained from multiplying the quotient by 2. This sum
which is Venus, ruler of the planetary hour of birth, is then divided by 7, which gives the entire number of
and as such receives 60 virupas hora bala entered in weeks since Creation; the remainder indicates the day
the Shad Bala Speculum. of the week which is the first day of the astrological

JULY 1st to 7th, ANY YEAR

Day Hours; Sunrise to Sunset. Mean Time.

:27° 2H 0
I:n ° I :t~
Lat., Lat. Lat. Lat. Lat. Lat. Lat., Lat. I
I:n° I 39° 1. I \ I I ISa ILnt. \Lat.\
41° I Su l\l Tu \V Th F 4;")
Lat.\ Lat.\ Lat.\ Lat., Lat.
-1:~ 0
47° 49° ill 0
35° 0

3.08 5.04 4.fl9 4.fi4 4.4U 4.43 4.37 4.:-n 0 J) ~ ~ 2! 91? 4.24 4.17 4.08 3.39 3.49 3.:~s 3.2;"'i

G.17 6.H 6.10 f).O() fl.ol f>.;)fi fi.!) 1 5.4G 9 ? 0 J) ~ f>.41 f1.3;"'i :i.27 3.'.20 5.12 5.02 4.52
7.06 7.02 ~ ? 0 6.57 6.G:~ 6.47 6.-11 o.:~4 6 <y- 6.18
7.2fi 7.2-1
s.:-rn 8.3-!
7 . 21 7.17 7.1-l 7.10
s.:u 8.W 8.2G 8.2~~ 8.20 8.17 J)
~ 2! 9 ? 0 8.14 8.10 8.0{) 8.01 7.37 ·-'
7.;)1 7.4fl
!).-1;) H.H U.-12 !)AO 9.3U n.:n 9.~m n.82 ? 0 J) ~ ~ 2! 9.30 9.28 9.23 9 ')') n.rn 9.rn 9.11
10.:i-1 10.R2 10.!>1 10.;;o 10.49 10.48 2! 9 ? 0 J) ~ ' ~ 10.-17 10.4() 10.44 10.43 10.42 10.40 10.38
12.0;{ 12.04 12.0-1 12.04 12.04 12.0-! 12.0-1 12.0-1 ~ ~ 2! 9 ? 0 » 12.0-1 12.0-1 12.0-1 12.0-1 12.04 12.04 12.0-1
1.12 i.rn 1.14 1.lfl 1.rn 1.17 1.18 1.18 0 J) ~ ~ 2! 9 ? 1.20 1.21 1.23 1.2-1 l.27 1.28 1.31
2.21 2.23
a.:n 3.3:{
2.2f> 2.27 2.28 2.:~o 2.:~2 2.34 9
3.47 3.49 ~
? 0 » ~ ~
2! 2.37 2.:-m 2.-12 2.4;) 2.49
B.;):~ :J . m 4.01 4.0t3 4.12
2.fi3 2.57
a.:~H 3.38 3.41 3.44 2! 9 ? 0 t 4.17 4.24
4.40 4..43 4.47 4.50 4.G3 4.fl7 fl.02 fl.0-1
6.1() 6.20 ?
? 0 ~ ~ 2! 9 !UO !Ufi fl.21 f>.27 5.34 f).41 fl.GO
5.49 fl.fl:3 ~).;")7 6.01 6.0G 6.11 0 J) ~ ~ 2! 9 6.2H 6.32 fl.-10 G.47 6.!>7 7.0ti 7.17
Night Hours; StmSet t.o Sunrise.
f).;)8 7.03 7.08 7.13 7.18 7.24 7.30 7.35 2! 9 ? 0 J) ~ 7.43 7.50 7.58 S.08 s.rn 8.30 8.4:~
7.49 7.r>:~ 1.m 8.02 8.00 8.11 8.16 8.W ~ ~ 2! 9 ? 61
J) 8.27 8.32 8.-10 8.-17 8.:)7 9.0ti 9.17
8.40 8.43 8.47 8.GO 8.53 8.m 9.01 H.03 0 J) ~ ~ 2! 9 ? 9.10 9.1;) 9.21 D.27 9.:34 9.42
H.31 u.:H 9.:rn !).39 9Al 9.44 9.47 9.4D 9 ? 0 ~ »
~ 2! 9.54 9.fll 10.01 10.on 10.12 10.17 10.'...?-1
10.22 10.24 10.2fl 10.27 10.29 10.:n 10.33 10.34 ~ 2! 9 ? 0 J) ~ 10.:37 10.3D 10.42 10.53 Hl.49 10.:1:3 l0.fl7
11.13 11.H 11. lf> 11.18 11.16 11.17 11.18 11.rn J) ~ ~ 2! 9 ? 0 11.21 11.21 11.23 11.2-1 11.27 11.:.!D 11.31
12.0-1 12.04 12.04 12.04 12.04 12.04 12.04 12.04 ? 0 J) ~ ~ 2! 9 12.0-1 12.04 12.04 12.04 12.04 12.04 12.01
12.G4 12.f>3 12.!)3 12.52 12.!)1 12.50 12.48 2! 9 ? 0 ~ »
~ 12.48 12.4() 12.44 12.42 12.42 12.40 12.38
1.4;) 1.44 1.4:{ 1.41 um 1.B7 1.:~f) 1.:{a ~ ~ 2! 9 ? 0 »
un 1.28 1.2:) 1.22 1.20 1.1() 1.12
2.36 2.3G 2.32 2.30 9 <) .... 2.24 2.21 2.18 0 ~ ~ 2! 9 ? »2.rn 2.10 2.on 2.01 1.67 l.R:{ 1.45
:3.27 3.2i5 3.21 3.18 3.15 3.11 3.07 3.03 9 ? 0 J) c'S ~ 2! 2.fl8 2.G:~ 2.47 2.41 2.37 2.28 2.rn
'1 . 18 4.1;"') 4.12 4.07 4.02 8.!>7 3.:12 3.47 ~ 2! 9 ? 0 » ~ 3.42 3.3;) 3.27 3.20 3.12 B.m 2.f)~

? Saturn; 2! Jupiter; ~ Mars; 0 Sun; ~ Venus; ~ Mercury; » :\loon.

The author hereby expresses gratitude for permission granted by Llewellyn Publications to reproduce
this portion of page 86 from The Improved Perpetual Planetary Hour Book, by Llewellyn George.
32 Constellational Astrology
month of the birth in question. A remainder of 1 would next week. Multiplying by 3 advances by three places
be Sunday, 2 would be Monday, and so forth, as pre- the 1st day of each successive year since Creation.
viously explained. 3. Add 1 to this product and divide the result by 7,
in order to eliminate the number of weeks elapsed
For example, the ahargana for the birthdate of Cal-
since Creation.
vin Coolidge is 24421. Divide this number by 30:
4. The remainder indicates the planetary ruler for
30 ) 24421 ( 814 = quotient. Disregard remainder. the year of birth.
Multiply by 2: 814 X 2 1628 VARSHA BALA - Calvin Coolidge
Add 1: + 1
360 ) 24421 ( 67 = quotient. Disregard remainder.
Multiply by 3: 67 x 3 = 201
Divide by 7: 7 ) 1629 ( 232, with a remainder Add 1: + 1
of 5
Remainder indicates fifth day of the week, or Thurs-
Divide by 7: 7 ) 202 ( 28, with a remainder
day, showing Jupiter as ruler of the first day of the
of 6
astrological month of birth. Therefore Jupiter receives
30 virupas masa bala in the Shad Bala Speculum of Remainder indicates 6th day of the week, or Friday,
Coolidge. so that Venus is the ruler of the first day of the astro-
logical year of birth. Thus, Venus receives 15 virupas
VARSHA BALA varsha bala in the Shad Bala Speculum of Coolidge.
In concluding the kala bala, it is important to keep
Varsha Bala is based upon an astrological year of in mind that the astrological day of the week may not
360 days. The planetary ruler of the year of birth is be the same as the calendar week day, since the calen-
determined by the planet ruling the first day of the dar day begins at midnight, while the astrological day
year. The procedure is virtually the same as in calcu- begins at sunrise. Thus a birth occurring between mid-
lating masa bala. night and sunrise of any calendar day is considered as
1. Divide the ahargana by 3 60 and disregard the being under the planetary rulership of the previous day.
remainder. It is therefore necessary to calculate the various days in
2. Multiply quotient by 3, since the astrological the above balas as indicated, rather than to take them
year contains 51 complete weeks and three days of the from the ephemeris.


Ayana means "season," and since the change of sea- Declination, whether of the Sun or the planetary
sons of the year is dictated by the Sun's declination, bodies, is always measured from the Celestial Equator,
Ayana Bala refers to the declinational strength of the regardless of the season of the year. Each of the planets
planets. The term ayana is already familiar, since it is is constantly changing its declination, since these "wan-
used to designate the Sign (Tropical) zodiac, which is derers" not only progress through the constellations, but
called sayana ("with the seasons"), while the Constel- shift between North and South declination according to
lational zodiac is called nirayana ("without seasons"). a regular pattern. Despite each planet having its own
In the Western system, 0° Aries marks the place and
declination, readily available from any ephemeris, it is
time when the Sun crosses the Celestia] Equator from
not their individual declinations which are used in cal-
South to North declination, usually on March 21st each
culating the ayana bala, but rather the declination of
year. For those living in the Northern hemisphere, this
heralds the warm season, with the Sun reaching its the Sun as if it were in the longitude of the planet. In
maximum strength in North declination at the summer other words, the planets arc considered as agents of the
solstice on June 21st. central, solar power, and not as independent influences.
The Shad Bala 33
Inasmuch as ayana bala is based on the seasonal 4. Determine planet's zero value:
position of the planets in the signs of the zodiac and 24° S. Dec., Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Mer-
not their position in the constellations, it is more con- cury if in N. Dec.
venient to use the sayana horoscope in calculating this
strength. In determining a planet's ayana bala, its dec- 24° N. Dec., Moon, Saturn, and Mercury if in S.
lination is considered to be that of the Sun when the Dec.
Sun transits the longitude occupied by the planet in the
natal chart. In other words, the planet is regarded as a) If planet's longitude and zero position are
having no latitude, but rather as moving in the ecliptic both North or both South, subtract decli-
of the Sun. nation given in ephemeris from 24°.

In ayana bala, the planets are divided into three b) If one is North and the other South, add
classes: planet's declination to 24°.
1. Sun, Jupiter, Venus and Mars are considered in
5. Add to this result one-quarter of itself.
harmony with the season of the year when the Sun is
in North declination and Nature is expansive and 6. The total will be the Ayana Bala in virupas for
ardent. the planet.
2. Moon and Saturn, associated with conditions
(Note: In obtaining the Sun's declination from the
when the Sun is in South declination, marking the win-
longitude of the planet in question, some interpola-
ter season in the Northern hemisphere, are considered
tion may be called for, but this may be done ap-
adverse in North declination.
proximately, since extreme accuracy is not neces-
3. Mercury, being neutral and adaptable, stands
alone, and is considered to do well in any season of
the year.
Although Western ephemerides show the extreme of
(Using nearest whole degrees)
declination of the Sun, both North and South of the
Celestial Equator, as 23° 27', Hindu astrologers always Calvin Coolidge ( sayana horoscope) :
use 24 ° as the extreme for ayana bala. The latter figure
SUN, Longitude 12°48' Cancer
avoids needless labor, and the final result is sufficiently
close for most purposes.
Sun's declination, 12°48' Cancer = 23° North
Zero value, extreme S. Dec. + 24° South
As in previous procedures of calculation, the zero
Distance from zero point = 47°
value is used to obtain the ayana bala. For those plan-
ets in the first class, the ayana bala increases from their Plus 1/4 this distance + 12° (approx.)
zero point at 24° South declination, to their maximum Ayana Bala of Sun = 59 virupas
strength at 24° North declination. Conversely, Moon
and Saturn, being strongest in South declinations, their MERCURY, Longitude 23°55' Cancer
ayana bala zero point is 24° North declination, and Sun's declination, 23°55' Cancer = 21° North
their maximum strength is 24° South declination. + 24° South
Zero value when in N. Dec.
Mercury is always given the maximum ayana bala Distance from zero point = 45°
which his position will permit. If in North declination,
Plus 1/4 this distance + 11° (approx.)
his zero value will be 24° South, and vice versa. In this
manner Mercury partakes of the nature of the class Ayana Bala of Mercury = 56 virupas
which rules the declination he is in at the time.
In calculating the Moon's ayana bala, the Moon's
longitude is 29°49' Gemini, which is greater than the
1. Take planet's longitude from sayana horoscope. maximum declination of the Sun. Consequently. the
2. Locate Sun's transit of that longitude in Western lonoitudc
of the Moon must be taken as 24° North,
ephemeris (any year will do). which is also the Moon's zero ayana point. Both being
3. Take Sun's declination given in the ephemeris for North, Moon's zero point is subtracted from 24° North,
the date when Sun is in planet's longitude. leaving 0 virupas.
34 Constellational Astrology
Queen Victoria ( sayana horoscope) : MOON, Longitude 3°33' Gemini
JUPITER, Longitude 16°57' Aquarius Zero value, extreme N. Dec. = 24° North
Zero value, extreme S. Dec. = 24° South Sun's declination, 3°33'
Sun's declination, 16°57' Gemini - 2 1 ° North
Aquarius 15° South
Distance from zero point 3°
Distance from zero point 90
Plus 114 this distance + 1 ° (approx.)
Plus 114 this distance + 2° (approx.)
Ayana Bala of Jupiter 11 virupas Ayana Bala of Moon 4 virupas


Chesta means "motion." Chesta Bala is the strength much spiritual or intellectual insight; or to one who
derived from a planet's motion. Unlike in Western as- moves slowly and methodically, gaining much in knowl-
trology, the Hindus consider a planet as having its edge of how to handle karmic situations. If we are to
strongest chesta when it is stationary or retrograde. achieve proper awareness of the meaning of karma, it
Conversely, a planet has its least chesta bala when mov- is of great importance to recognize the forces with
ing most swiftly. Calculations of this strength are there- which we deal, and their limitations and capabilities
fore based upon a planet's position at birth relative to when we marshal them to our aid. Chesta and uccha
these two points of slowest or fastest motion. balas provide the key which reveals these factors as
This particular bala is especially valuable in delinea- well as to what extent karma can be modified, and the
tion when it is combined with uccha bala (exaltation departments of life in which it is most readily accom-
strength), and is used in certain systems for calculating plished.
the natural length of life as well as evaluating the effects To the Hindu astrologer, the first consideration in
of transits and planetary periods used in predictive delineating a horoscope is determination of the natural
work. Chesta bala may be likened to speed, and uccha length of life. This is done through use of the Shad
bala to mass, which when combined, give the relative Bala, of which uccha and chesta are a part. Should it
release of energy, or penetration of a planet's influences be observed that death will occur at an early age, fur-
at various times of life. Uccha denotes the spiritual ther calculations are not undertaken. The Shad Bala
strength gained from previous incarnations, while chesta gives the actual starting point of life, and as a logical
has the effect of giving strength through repeated action, sequence, the end of life. However, particular varia-
regardless of the nature of the action. Together they in- tions arc ascertained from the uccha and chesta balas
dicate the nature of the karma to be reaped in this life, which, taken together, reveal the timing of events in
the time it is to be expected, and the spiritual resources the life.
with which a person may react to this karma. In calculating chesta bala the five karmic planets are
Uccha bala represents the capacity to understand and divided into two classes designated by the astronomical
react properly to life situations, especially those of "un- terms, "superior" and "inferior," according to whether
known cause," or the product of a "blind and cruel their orbits lie within or without that of the Earth.
fate." Persons with little spiritual insight, or those other- Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, whose orbits are beyond the
wise forced to re-learn certain spiritual truths, are said Earth from the Sun, move most swiftly from the geo-
to be in "Hell" previous to reincarnating. Such a person centric viewpoint when they are in conjunction with the
would lack the ability to avert adverse happenings be- Sun, and move most slowly when retrograde, which
cause he would not be able to foresee their occurrence, occurs when they are in opposition to the Sun. Being
or would be unable to act in a manner which would superior in their orbit, they can never form an inferior
tum the event into a spiritual lesson, even when advised conjunction with the Sun (i.e., a conjunction in which
by those of greater spiritual perception. a planet lies between Earth and Sun).
On the other hand, chesta may be likened to a person Venus and Mercury have orbits lying between the
either racing through life's experiences without gaining Earth and the Sun, and arc thus classified as inferior
The Shad Bala 35

planets. They cannot form an opposition to the Sun, CALCULATING SUN'S CHESTA BALA
since Venus is never more than 47°, and Mercury never Calvin Coolidge - July 4, 1872
more than 27° from the Sun. They form their superior
conjunction with the Sun while direct in motion and Perihelion for 1900 = 15°14' Sagittarius, or 255°14'
farthest away from Earth, at which time they are mov- Long.
ing at their highest rate of speed. They form their in- Birth year - 1872
ferior conjunction with the Sun when they are stationary
11" X 28 yrs. = 5'08" (disregard seconds)
or retrograde, at which time they are at their slowest
rate of motion. Perihelion for 1872 = 255°14' - 5' = 255°09'
Sun's Nirayana longitude 76°47'
The Moon has its highest chesta bala when it is Full,
or in opposition to the Sun, so that its strength is iden- Perihelion Arc 178°22'
tical with its paksha bala. Dividing by 3 gives 59°27'
Maximum chesta bala for the Sun occurs when it is Converting minutes to decimals 59.45°
apparently moving most slowly, which is the point of Chesta Bala for Sun is 59.45 virupas.
its greatest distance from Earth (aphelion). Sun has its
minimum chesta when it is moving most swiftly and is
closest to the Earth (perihelion). The perihelion of the
Sun moves forward in the zodiac at the very slow rate 1. From planet's longitude at birth locate the longi-
of 11" each year. As a constant for calculating the tude previous to birth in which either a superior or
Sun's chesta, the perihelion for 1900 A.D. is 15°14' in inferior conjunction with the Sun occurred, if the planet
the constellation Sagittarius. For any year prior to that is Venus or Mercury. If the planet is Mars, Jupiter or
date, subtract 11" for each year elapsed, and for any Saturn, find the longitude in which a conjunction or
year following 1900, add 11" for each year. opposition to the Sun occurred.
When the perihelion for the birth year has been cal- 2. Determine the longitude of the point in which a
culated, determine the distance in longitude between it superior or inferior conjunction occurred _after_ birth
and the longitudinal position of the Sun, using the (Venus and Mercury), or the point of con1unct10n or
nirayana longitude of the Sun. For birth dates occurring opposition to the Sun (Mars, Jupiter and Saturn)·
when the Sun is in a longitude less than 15°14' Sagit-
3. Determine the longitude in which a planet either
tarius, the longitude of the Sun is subtracted from the
begins or ends its retrogression, either before ~r af~er
longitude of the perihelion (255°14'). For birthdays
birth. Since both inferior conjunction of the mfenor
occurring after this longitude, subtract the perihelion
planets, and opposition of the superior planets occ~rs
from the longitude of the Sun. When this arc has been
during retrogression, this information can be a gmde
determined, divide it by 3 and convert minutes to deci-
as to the type of motion the planet has prior or subse-
mals; the result is virupas of chesta bala.
quent to its position on the day of birth.
Persons with birthdays close to the summer solstice
will have a high chesta bala for the Sun. Births occur- I - VENUS AND MERCURY (Inferior Planets)
ring close to the winter solstice will have a low chesta
bala for the Sun. Birth dates close to the spring or a) Maximum Chesta Arc comprises the arc from
autumnal equinoxes will have about one-half the full superior conjunction to the point where plan-
virupas ( 60) chesta bala for the Sun. et's retrogression begins or ends, added to the
arc from the latter point to the point of in-
In calculating the chesta bala for the planets, the
sayana longitude is used for convenience. Western ferior conjunction.
ephemerides give the longitude of the planets (in the b) Chesta Arc of a direct planet comprises dis-
signs), and since the relative values between the posi- tance between superior conjunction and plan-
tion of the planet and its point of swiftest or slowest et's position at birth.
motion arc used, the results would be the same for c) Chesta Arc of a retrograde planet is the sum
either sign of constellational longitude. It will be neces- of the arc from superior conjunction to the
sary not only to have an ephemeris for the birth year, point where retrogression begins or ends, and
but perhaps also for the year previous to or following the arc from the latter point to the planet's
birth, in order to fulfill the conditions here outlined. position at birth.
36 Constellational Astrology
FORMULA: Chesta Arc X 180°
Chesta Bala = M ax1mum
. Ch es t a A re 20.23° x 180°
= 45.46° --;- 3 = 15.15 virupas
80.08° Chesta Bala for Mercury
Change to decimals and divide result by 3.
The quotient equals virupas of chesta bala for CHESTA BALA FOR VENUS - Calvin Coolidge
the planets in question (Venus and Mercury).
These rules are expressed in diagram form as fol- Venus Moving From Inferior to Superior Conjunction:
lows: IC !}+ p SC
When at birth Venus or Mercury is moving direct 9/26/71 10/18/71 7/4/72 7/15/72
to a point following birth, where it begins retrogression, 182°59 1 174°52' 99°34' 113°57'
it has:
Rule I - a) 360°00 1 (Used when arc has
SC P 1) IC :ij +
185°08' (Distance from lJ + to
When at birth Venus or Mercury is retrograde or
0° Aries)
moving from a retrograde position prior to birth, it has:
+ 113°57' (Distance from 0° Aries

~ IC I)+ P SC 299°05' (Arc from If+ to SC)

IC 1s2°59'
P Planet's position at birth
- :ij+ 174°521
SC Superior Conjunction
]} Retrogression begins 8°07 1 + 299°05 1 = 307°12'
ij + Retrogression ends Maximum Chesta Arc
or 307.2°
IC Inferior Conjunction
Rule I - b) SC 113°57'
(Note: When an arc passes 0° Aries, the longitude
-P 99°34'
of the point which is prior to 0° Aries must be sub-
tracted from the full circle of 360°, and the remainder 14°23' Chesta Arc
of the arc added to this figure.) or 14.38°
(Using sayana horoscope, with date and longitude of
14.38° x 180°
= 8.42° --;- 3 = 2.8 virupas Chesta
each of the points of calculation.) 307 20
· Bala for Venus
Mercury Moving From Superior to Inferior Conjunc-
tion: II - MARS, JUPITER AND SATURN (Superior Planets)

SC p :ij IC a) Maximum Chesta Arc comprises the arc from

conjunction with the Sun to point where plan-
6/24/72 7/4/72 8/17/72 8/30/72
et's retrogression begins or ends, added to the
93°48 1 113 °55 1 165°47 1 157°48 1 arc from the latter point to the point of oppo-
Rule I - a) I~ 165°47 1 ~ 165°47
1 sition to the Sun.
- SC 93°48 1 IC 157°41 1 b) Chesta Arc of a direct planet comprises dis-
71°59 + 1
8°06 1
tance between its conjunction with the Sun and
= 1
80°05 Maximum Chesta Arc or 80.08° its position at birth.

Rule I - b) p 113°55 1 c) Chesta A re of a retrograde planet is the sum of

- SC 93°41 1 the arc from conjunction with the Sun to the
point where retrogression begins or ends, and
20°141 Chesta Arc the arc from the latter point to the planet's po-
or 20.23° sition at birth.
The Shad Bala 37

FORMULA: Chesta Arc X 180° Rule II-a)

Chesta Bala =
Maximum Chesta Arc c 131°35 1 0 114°521
- J} + 109°51 1 - !}+ 109°51 1
Change to decimals and divide result by 3.
The quotient equals virupas of chesta bala for 21°44 1
+ 5°01' = 26°45 1 Maximum
the planet in question (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn). Chesta Arc
or 26.75°
CHESTA BALA FOR MARS-Calvin Coolidge Rule II-b)

P = Birth Position
131°35 1
- p 124°361
7/ 4 /72 0°09' Cancer 90°09' Long.
6°59' Chesta Arc
C = Conjunction Sun
or 6.90°
7 /17 /72 26°58' Taurus 56°58' Long.
I} = Retrograde Begins FORMULA:
3/23/73 15°16' Scorpio 225°16' Long. 6.90° x 180°
= 46.43° ---:-- 3 = 15.47 virupas Chesta
0 = Opposition Sun 26.75° Bala for Jupi-
4/27 /72 7°22' Scorpio 217°22' Long. ter
Mars Moving from Conjunction to Opposition:
c P B o CHESTA BALA FOR SATURN-Calvin Coolidge
Rule II-a)
(Note that Saturn is retrograde in this chart.)
I; 225°16' I; 225°16' P = Birth Position
- c 56°58' - 0 217°22'
7 /4/72 18°22' Capricorn 228°22' Long.
7°54' = 176°12' Maximum
Chesta Arc
C =
Conjunction Sun
1/3/72 12°29' Capricorn 282°29 1 Long.
or 176.2°
I} = Retrograde Begins
Ruic Il-b)
5 /2/72 21° l 61 Capricorn 291°16' Long.
p 90°09'
0 = Opposition Sun
- c 56°58'
7 /9/72 18°00' Capricorn 288°00' Long.
33°11' Chesta Arc
or33.18° Saturn Moving from Conjunction to Opposition:

c ~ p 0

33.18° x 180° Rule II-a)

33.32 ---:-- 3 11.10 virupas Chesta 1; 291°16' 1; 291°16'
176.2° Bala for Mars - c 2s2°29' - o 2ss 00' 0

3°16' = 12°03 1 Maxinwm

Clzesta Arc
P = Birth Position or 12.05°
7 / 4 /72 4°36' Leo 124°36' Long. Rule II-c)
C = Conjunction Sun R 291° 16' R291°16'
8/3/72 11°35' Leo 131°35'Long. - c 282°29' - p 288°22'
0 :-c= Opposition Sun 2°54' = 11°4l'ClzestaArc
1/15/72 24°52' Cancer 114°52'Long. or 11.68°
r; t == Retrograde Ends FORMULA
3/16 72 19°5l'Canccr 109°5l'Long. 11.68° x 180°
= 174.47°---:-- 3 = 58.15 virupas Chesta
J upitcr Moving from Opposition to Conjunction: 12.05° Bala for Sat-
0 I,~ t p c urn

Naisarga means "brightness." This source of planet- scope. Consequently, no calculation is required for this
ary strength is based upon the natural brightness of the final sector of Shad Bala. The virupa values of the Sun,
karmic planets as they appear in the heavens. The Moon and the planets arc entered in the Shad Bala
values are invariable, and are the same in every horo- Speculum according to the following schedule.



SUN 60.00 virupas MERCURY 25.72 virupas

MOON 51.43 virupas MARS 17.15 virupas
VENUS 42.86 virupas SATURN 8.58 virupas
JUPITER 34.29 virupas



Drishti Bala ("to see") is the strength given to a 6. Jupiter sees full strength at 180°, also at 120°
planet due to its being aspccted by another planet and 240° ( trine aspects).
which precedes it in the zodiac. The virupa value of 7. Saturn sees full strength at 180°, also at 60° and
such an aspect is estimated according to the following 270° from itself (sex tile and square aspects).
1. A planet cannot "see" backwards, but only in a Whether a drishti is benefic or malefic depends solely
forward direction in the zodiac. For example, Mars in on the planet which does the seeing, or aspecting. Ma-
the 1st house would be the aspecting planet to Sun in lefic planets are rated minus - Sun, Mars and Saturn,
the 4th house, which would be the aspected planet, and also Mercury if badly associated. Moon, Venus, Jupiter
modified according to the nature of Mars and the dis- arc plus, and Mercury if well-associated.
tance between it and the Sun. The first step in computing drishti bala is to deter-
2. A planet cannot aspect another planet that is mine the arcs of distance between planets within the
closer than 30° forward from itself. limits of the 30° to 300° range. This can be done by
3. All planets aspect other planets with full strength filling out a speculum, such as for Calvin Coolidge and
at 180° from themselves. Queen Victoria (Figures 15 and 16). In the Drishti
4. All planets have zero strength at 30°, 150° and Speculum each planet appears twice, once as the aspect-
300° (the extreme limit a planet can aspect another). ing planet, shown in the vertical column to the left, and
Drishti strength gives two extra virupas to the aspccted once as the aspected planet, arranged horizontally at
planet for each degree beyond 150° and up to 180° the top. To guard against errors in calculating the arcs,
distant from the aspecting planet. it is advisable to enter the planets in the order of their
5. Mars sees fu11 strength not only at 180° but also increasing straight longitude in both columns. Each suc-
at 90° and 210° (square and opposition plus semi-sex- cessive calculation acts as a check upon the previous
tile aspects). one.

Drishti Bala 39

After determining the arcs between planets that are and 60°. The aspected planet (with the exception of
more than 30° and less than 300° forward in the horo- Saturn) is given Yi virupa for each degree over 30°
scope, the drishti value of each planet is established (and up to 60°), or 3 virupas in this case.
according to Schedule D, and as diagrammed in Figure
14. The planets are divided into four groups, and des- Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury constitute the basic
ignated as either plus or minus. scheme of drishti values, while Mars, Jupiter and Sat-
The drishtis aspccting any planet according to the urn provide variations, as graphically shown in Figure
method of evaluation here outlined are then combined 14. Virupa strength increases or decreases according to
with each other. The sum remaining after this algebraic the degrees of the aspecting arc, which are either added
combination is noted as plus or minus and entered in to or subtracted from the preceding virupa value which
the proper column of the Drishti Analysis Speculum. marks its boundary according to the schedule for each
These sums, either plus or minus, are then divided by of the planets. An arc between 60° and 90° for planets
four, and the quotient treated as virupas to modify each listed under I, II, and III, is calculated from 15 virupas,
planet's Shad Bala. (See Figures 10 and 17.)
whereas Saturn within the same arc is calculated from
60 virupas, at which point he loses strength, whereas
the others are still adding. An arc between 90° and
Virupa strength varies according to the limitations
of the degrees within which an aspect occurs (Schedule 120°, with the exception of Mars, is calculated from 45
D). If, for example, there is an arc of 36° between an virupa~. Note that Mars maintains full strength between
aspecting and aspected planet, the arc falls between 30° 180° and 210°.

I - SUN (Minus), MOON (Plus), VENUS (Plus), II - MARS (Minus)

MERCURY (Plus if well associated; Minus if badly
associated) 30° = 0 Virupas (V)

30° = 0 Virupas (V) 60° = 15 V. Add to 0 V, Yi number degrees over 30°

60° = 15 V. Add to 0 V, Yi number degrees over 30° 90° = 60 V. Add to 15 V, 1 Yi times number degrees
90°= 45 V. Add to 15 V, 1 for each degree over 60° over 60°

120° = 30 v. Subtract from 45 V, Yi number degrees 120° = 30 V. Subtract from 60 V, 1 for each degree over
over 90° 90°

150° = ov. Subtract from 30 V, 1 for each degree oyer 150° = 0 V. Subtract from 30 V, 1 for each degree over
120° 120°
180°= 60 v. Add to 0 V, 2 for each degree over 150° 180° = 60 V. Add to 0 V, 2 for each degree over 150°
210° = 45 v. Subtract from 60 V, Yi number degrees
210° = 60 V. Full 60 V between 180° and 210°
over 180°
240° = 30 v. Subtract from 45 V, Yi number degrees 240° = 30 V. Subtract from 60 V, 1 for each degree over
over 210° 210°

270° = 15 v. Subtract from 30 V, Yi number degrees 270° = 15 V. Subtract from 30 V, Yi number degrees
over 240° over 240°

300° = ov. Subtract from 15 V, Yi number degrees 300° = 0 V. Subtract from 15 V, Yi number degrees
over 270° over 270°

III - JUPITER (Plus) IV - SA TURN (Minus)

30° = 0 Virupas (V) 30° = 0 Virupas (V)

60° = 15 V. Add to 0 V, 1;2 number degrees over 30°

60° = 60 V. Add to O V, 2 for each degree over 30°
90° = 45 V. Subtract from 60 V, Yi for each degree
90° = 45 V. Add to 15 V, I for each degree over 60° over 60°
120° = 60 V. Add to 45 V, 112 number degrees over 90° 120° = 30 V. Subtract from 45 V, Yi for each degree
over 90°
150° = O V. Subtract from 60 V, 2 for each degree over
120° 150° = 0 V. Subtract from 30 V, 1 for each degree over
J 80° = 60 V. Add to 0 V, 2 for each degree over 150°
I 80r) = 60 V. Add 0 V, 2 for each degree over 150°
21 O'' = 45 V. Subtract from 60 V, Yi number degrees
over 180" 2 I 0" = 45 V. Subtract from 60 V, Y2 for each degree
over 180°
240° = 60 V. Add to 45 V, Yi number degrees over 210°
240'' = 30 V. Subtract from 45 V, Y2 for each degree
270' -:-:-- 45 V. Subtract from 60 V, 1Yi times degrees over over 2 I 0"
240'J 270" ~- 60 V. Add to 30 V, I for each degree over 240°
300" -- 0 V. Subtract from 45 V, 112 number degrees 300" --:: 0 V. Subtract from 60 V, 2 for each degree over
over 27()" 270°




oo 30° 60° 90° 120° 150° 180° 210° 240° 270° 300°


oo 30° 60° 90° 120° 150° 180° 210° 240° 270° 300°
60V fiOV 60V
I II A"'''
I I ~ I I I I
11:.',, /

1°= Yiv
oo 30° 60° 90° 120° 150° 180° 210° 240° 270° 300°

60V 60V 60V


0° 30° 60° 90° 120° 150° 180° 210° 240° 270° 300°



Aspected Planets (Arcs and Numerical Values)


Planets 63°48 1
64°08 1
73°33 1
76°47 1
87°54 1
98°35 1
262°21 1

MOON xx - - - - 34°47 1 198°33 1 .

63°48 1 + 2.4 + 50.7
MARS - xx - - - 34°27 1 198°13 1
64°08 1 -2.2 -60.

VENUS - - xx - - - 188°48'
73°33' + 55.6
SUN - - - xx - - 185°34'
76°47 -57.2

MERCURY - - - - xx - 174°271
87°54' + 48.9
JUPITER - - - - - xx 163°46'
98°35' + 27.5
SATURN 161°27' 161°471 171°121 174°26' 185°33 1 196°14' xx
262°21 -22.9 -23.6 -42.4 -48.9 -57.2 -51.9

Plus + 2.4 + 182.7
Minus -22.9 -23.6 -42.4 -48.9 -57.2 -54.1 -117.2

Balances -22.9 -23.6 -42.4 -48.9 -57.2 -51.7 + 65.5

DRISHTI BALA - 5.7 - 5.9 -10.6 -12.2 -14.3 -12.9 + 16.4
( !4 of Balances)



Aspected Planets (Arcs and Numerical Values)


Planets 1°20' 13°37' 36°48' 38°15' 291°39' 333°28' 352°17'

VENUS - xx 35°28' 36°55' 290°19' - -

1°20' + 2.64 + 3.27 + 4.51

MERCURY - xx - - 278°02' - -

13°37' + 0.59

SUN - - xx - 254°51' 296°40' -

36°48' -22.35 -2.80

MOON - - - xx 253°24' 295°13' -

38°15' + 22.98 + 2.04

JUPITER 69°41' 81°57' 105°09' 106°361 xx 41°49 1 60°38'

291°39' +24.41 +36.57 + 52.54 + 53.18 + 20.78 + 15.38

SATURN - 40°09' 63°20' 64°47 1 - xx -

333°28 1 -20.18 -58.0 -57.37

MARS - - - 45°58 1 299°221 - xx

352°17' - 7.79 - 0

Plus +24.41 +36.57 + 55.18 + 56.45 + 28.08 + 22.82
Minus -20.18 -58.0 -65.16 -22.35 -2.80

Balances +24.41 + 16.39 - 2.42 8.71 + 5.73 + 20.02 +15.38

DRlSHTI BALA + 6.10 + 4.10 - 0.60 2.17 + 1.43 + 5.00 + 3.87
( Y4 of Balances)




Rasi 7.50 45.00 22.50 3.75 15.00 3.75 15.00
Hora 7.50 30.00 22.50 22.50 22.50 7.50 7.50
Drekana 7.50 15.00 30.00 22.50 7.50 3.75 15.00
Saptamsa 22.50 15.00 15.00 7.50 30.00 3.75 22.50
Navamsa 22.50 15.00 15.00 22.50 22.50 3.75 7.50
Dwadasamsa 7.50 7.50 30.00 30.00 7.50 3.75 7.50
Trimsamsa 15.00 22.50 15.00 15.00 15.00 3.75 22.50
SAPTA VARGA Totals 90.00 150.00 150.00 123.75 120.00 30.00 97.50
Uccha 51.10 58.25 41.90 9.54 5.55 58.55 15.44
Kendra 60.00 60.00 15.00 15.00 60.00 15.00 30.00
Yugma - 30.00 - 30.00 - - 15.00
Ling a 15 - - 15.00 - - -

STHANNA Totals 216.10 298.25 206.90 193.29 185.55 103.55 157.94

DIK 19.97 40.50 34.81 51.13 23.81 28.21 22.26
Natonna 20.92 39.08 39.08 60.00 20.92 20.92 39.08
Pak sh a 59.52 0.48 59.52 0.48 0.48 0.48 59.52
Tribhaga - - - 60.00 60.00 - -

Dina - 45.00 - - - - -
Hora - 60.00 - - - - -
Mas a - - - - - 30.00 -
Varsha - - - - 15.00 - -

KALA Totals 80.44 144.56 98.60 120.48 96.40 51.40 98.60

AYANA 55.75 3.90 38.65 48.10 10.32 42.82 30.38
CHEST A 46.90 0.48 32.30 31.00 48.50 33.00 38.30
NAISARGA 60.00 51.43 17.15 25.72 34.29 42.86 8.58

SHAD BALA TOTALS 479.16 539.12 428.41 469.72 398.87 301.84 356.06
Drish ti -0.60 -2.17 +3.87 +4.10 + 1.43 +6.10 +5.00
Yudha (none)

TOTALS (Modified) 478.56 536.95 432.28 473.82 400.30 307.94 361.06

The Shad Bala 45

Yudha Bala is not often encountered in horoscopes. 4. Divide the difference in Shad Bala virupas of the
Like drishti, it is a subsidiary (or modification) of the contesting planets by the difference in their latitudes.
Shad Bala. Yudha means "strife," and refers to a con- (If the difference in latitude does not exceed 1°, omit
dition of conjunction wherein planets are within 1 ° this step.) The result gives virupas of Yudha Bala.
longitude of each other. In other words, it might be said 5. Add these virupas to the Shad Bala of the victor,
that they are striving for the same position. Which of and subtract the same number from the Shad Bala of
the two is the victor depends upon which is brighter and the vanquished planet.
which has the more northerly latitude.
Although the relative brilliance of the planets and EXAMPLE
luminaries has been established in naisarga bala, the An exact conjunction of Mars with Saturn occurred
general order is sometimes modified by temporary con- at 2 A.M., Greenwich, November 4, 1877.
ditions. For example, Mars is brighter than usual during Saturn 2°12' S. Lat.
the twelve year cycle of his closest orbital approach to Mars 1°59' S. Lat.
the Earth, especially while he is in opposition to the
0°13' Difference
Sun. However, the Naisarga Schedule of relative bril-
liance can be used as a standard for yudha bala calcu- Shad Bala from hypothetical natal chart, Nov. 4, 1877:
lations. Mars: 463 virupas
1. Planets must be within 1 ° of longitude of each 13 7 virupas Difference
2. Determine the difference in virupas of Shad Bala Since the difference in latitudes of Mars and Saturn
for the two planets. is less than 1°, omit Step 4. Mars, the victor, receives
3. Find difference between latitude of the conjunct 13 7 virupas added to his Shad Bala; Saturn loses 13 7
planets from a Western ephemeris. If one is North and virupas:
the other South, add the two latitudes to find the arc of Shad Bala, Mars= 463 + 137, or 600 virupas
difference. Shad Bala, Saturn = 326 - 137, or 189 virupas


Calculation of the Shad Bala completes the basis for planet operating at full strength to bring benefits into
all further work in Hindu astrology. Shad Bala is the the life. Even the malefics will operate favorably under
means by which a planet's strength is measured, so such high Shad Bala. Mars will give energy, enterprise
that proper delineation may ensue. An average amount and strength, while Saturn brings perseverance, patience
of Shad Bala is 360 virupas, indicating that a planet's and foresightedness.
influence is neutral for good or for evil. As in Western astrology, a planet's strength not only
Less than 300 virupas Shad Bala debilitate a planet, conditions the natal horoscope, but has a relative effect
blocking its ability to bring benefits, even though the during transits and progressed periods.
planet is a benefic. In such instances there is a lack or
absence of those qualities indicated by the planet and HOUSE STRENGTH
the house in which it is located, or even over which it Although the virupa strength for each of the houses
rules. Benefics so debilitated would bring overindul- may be calculated by the following method, it is actu-
gence or misplaced sympathy. ally useful only as applied to the 1st house, inasmuch
More than 480 virupas of Shad Bala indicate a as the latter represents the individual as he is when
46 Constellational Astrology
coming into this world, indicating both his physical and Add Vi V. for each degree:
mental condition at birth. Since the first house rules the 18.58° --;- 2 = 9.26 Jupiter drishti
head, and therefore the capacity to think, Jupiter and Plus starting point of arc = 54.26 virupas
Mercury in relation to the Ascendant are used in this 45 .00 virupas
Jupiter to Ascendant
calculation, together with the Shad Bala of the planet
ruling the Ascendant. 13°37' Aries
The strength of the Ascendant is also necessary in ASCENDANT 10°14' Taurus
calculating the natural length of life when it has the Arc of Difference 26°37' (less than 30°; no
highest Shad Bala in a horoscope. (Although the rules value)
for this particular Ayurdaya are not given in this text,
they may be found in various Hindu source books.) VENUS, Ruler of ASC. = 307 .94 virupas, Total Shad
+ 54.26 virupas, Jupiter
The strength of the Ascendant equals the total drishti
virupas of shad bala for the planet ruling the Ascend- + 30.00 virupas, Animal rasi
ant, plus full drishti strength of Mercury and Jupiter in
relation to the Ascendant, plus virupas for nature of the
1st house rasi: 60 virupas if a "human" rasi - Gemini, Total Strength of ASC: 392.20 virupas
Virgo, Libra, Aquarius; Sagittarius if between 1° and
15°; 30 virupas if a "four footed" rasi - Aries, Taurus, EXAMPLE: Calvin Coolidge (Shad Bala Speculum, Fig-
Leo, Capricorn; Sagittarius if between 15° and 30°. ure 10)
15 virupas if either Cancer or Pisces rasi. Scorpio re-
ceives nothing. JUPITER 8°35' Cancer
The Ascendant is without strength if it has less than
360 virupas. Arc of Difference = 30°42' (between 30° and
1. Determine arcs of Mercury and Jupiter to the
- 30°
Ascendant. Locate where the arcs fall, as shown in the
Drishti Graph (Figure 14). Note the virupa value for 0°42' (or 0.7°)
both spans. Make certain to use the proper graph for Add Yi V. for each degree: 0.7° --;- 2 = 0.35 Jupiter
Mercury (I), and Jupiter (III) .
2. Using the virupa value given for the span in
which the planet is located, add (or subtract) the num- MERCURY 27°54' Gemini
ber of degrees of the arc to (or from) the base virupa ASCENDANT 9°17' Leo
value which precedes the arc. Change to decimals of a
degree. This figure gives the drishti value for Mercury
Arc of Difference = 41°23' (between 30° and
and/or Jupiter as they relate to the Ascendant.
- 30°
3. Combine planet's drishti virupas as obtained in
11°23' (or 11.38°)
Step 2, with the Modified Total Strength of Shad Bala
for the ruler of the Ascendant. Add virupa value ac- Add Yi V. for each degree: 11.38°--;- 2 = 5.66 Mercury
cording to the nature of the first house rasi. The result drishti
is the total strength of the Ascendant.
SUN, Ruler of ASC. = 497.14 virupas, Total Shad
EXAMPLE: Queen Victoria (Shad Bala Speculum, Fig- Bala
ure 17) + 0.35 virupas, Jupiter
JUPITER 21°39' Capricorn
+ 5.66 virupas, Mercury
ASCENDANT 10°14' Taurus
Arc of Difference = 108°35' (between 90° and 120°) + 30.00 virupas, Animal rasi
90° onASC.
18°35' (or 18.58°) Total Strength of ASC: 533.15 virupas

Sthanna Bala as a source of planetary strength re- ence over the nature of the profession and the sources
veals the stamina or relative ability to endure or resist from which wealth, power and social prestige are de-
outside pressures, and to preserve integrity against in- rived. In this respect, the four elements represent the
ner forces of decadence and disintegration. In the world four major class divisions in traditional India. Water is
of matter it corresponds to mass, inertia and cohesion. symbolic of the Brahman, or priest class; Fire, that of
When a planet is strong in sthanna bala it contains the the Kshatrya, the ruler and the warrior; Air represents
ability to fulfill life's duties successfully, and to credit- the Vaisya, the business man, trader, and farmer; Earth
ably discharge obligations in that department of life symbolizes the Sudra, or craftsman and laborer.
indicated by the planet. It derives from accomplishment Uccha Bala is the most important after the Sapta
(or the lack of it) in former lives, and promises con- Vargas. It is significant in that it is the record of meri-
tinuation in this lifetime of what has or has not been torious karma possessed by the individual, derived from
hitherto achieved. High sthanna bala shows virtue and completing actions beyond the necessity of duty. A
steadfastness, while low sthanna bala indicates vacilla- value of 30 virupas is average. Anything in excess of
tion and irresponsibility. this promises increased merit. The planet having the
Several balas make up Sthanna Bala; the most im- highest uccha bala indicates the most favorable path by
portant are Sapta Varga, Uccha and Kendra. Less im- which to attain liberation from the necessities of karma
portant are Yugma and Linga Bala. The first three which so often bring miseries to the human existence.
reveal spiritual causes working in this lifetime which Uccha also marks the most suitable path leading to
are the result of actions in previous lives. In order to spiritual illumination.
control or modify karma it is necessary to know its Kendra Bala reveals the various types of karma as
source and those areas in this life which are immedi- it relates to the individual. Planets in angular houses
ately pertinent to it. indicate karma already sown and being reaped in this
Among the elements making up the Sapta Varga, lifetime. Planets in succedent houses indicate past
the rasi carries the greatest importance in delineation, karma which is being developed in this lifetime. Plane.ts
since it contains within itself the subdivisions of the in cadent houses reveal karma which is to be sown Ill
sapta vargas. The rasi is comprehensive, while the sub- this lifetime, and offers a complete freedom of choice as
divisions are relative specializations. This is true even to its ultimate nature.
in cases where the rasi has a smaller number of virupas Yugma and Linga Bala are minor elements augment-
than the subdivisions contained within it. For example, ing the positive or negative qualities of a planet, but ~re
in Queen Victoria's horoscope, the Sun in its rasi posi- not widely employed as independent sources of delm-
tion receives 7 .50 virupas, while in saptamsa bala it eation. Linga bala does show the limits of creativity in
receives 22.50 virupas. Nonetheless, the saptamsa can- an individual, which finds its fullest expression in the
not and does not outweigh the influence of the rasi. planet having the highest linga bala, considered in con-
Hora Bala comprises the elements of masculinity and nection with other factors of the horoscope.
femininity. When a planet occupies a Sun hora, the Nine, and the navamsa of 1/9th of a rasi, relate to
aggressive qualities will be stressed, with their relative the entry into a higher cycle involving spiritual elements
power of radiation and positiveness. Conversely, a beyond those of natural man. It is a number of discon-
planet occupying a Lunar hora has its feminine, or re- tent and striving, in that the old has been destroyed and
ceptive qualities emphasized, with their fruitful con- the new has not yet been accomplished. In practice the
sequences. navamsa is the most frequently used of the subdivisions,
Drekana positions of planets reveal their affinity with next to the rasi. The most fortunate navamsa is the one
one of four castes, and consequently have a great inftu- bearing the same name as the rasi it occupies.

48 Constellatfonal Astrology
Hindu astrologers have such high regard for the VENUS and MARS relate to the Karna Rupa, or
value of the navamsa in delineation that they erect a Astral Body, manifested through desire by which the
chart showing the position of the Ascendant and the nervous and physical body is energized, motivated
seven planets in their navamsa positions. Scarcely any and/or restrained. It is the source of the "pleasure-
question is considered in the natal horoscope without pain" principle.
further consideration of the navamsa chakra. Rasis give
the details of the trunk and branches of the tree of JUPITER develops the Causal Body by means of
karma, while the navamsas describe the twigs on which Buddhi, which stimulates the intuition, by-passing in-
the fruit of karma is held. Thus a planet well-placed by tellectual efforts to arrive at truth. Jupiter also has in-
navamsa position gives power to advance the Ego to fluence in the development and operation of the con-
higher realms of existence. Being a subdivision, it re- science as critic of the Ego. As such, it sits in judgment
veals the more specific lines along which the karma will over thoughts, desires and actions, and thereby governs
be manifested. the Astral Body through the Mind and Will. As the
In addition to their natural and rasi rulerships, the force of the Linga Sharira, or Etheric Body, it governs
seven karmic planets influence the life according to the silver thread by which the Astral Body is attached
their individual relationship to the seven principles of through the heart to the Physical Body. Vitality pours
man. through this avenue of Jupiter, and when it is severed,
death occurs.
SUN relates to Atma, or Spirit, expressed in the Will
and vitality and the qualities flowing from them, such SATURN governs the Physical Body by setting the
as honor, ambition and glory. latter's limits of development in size, strength and dura-
bility. This slowest of the karmic planets manifests
MOON relates to Buddhi, or comprehension mani- through self-preservation, awareness of necessity, social
festing through judgment, recollection, memory and organizations with their laws, justice, and Time as the
emotional content. dimension of duration. A soul lacking development to
meet the trials of its journey is required to undergo
MERCURY relates to Manas, or discrimination such adversities as disease, poverty, deprivation and
manifesting itself in the interpretation of sense impres- limitation, in relation to the ignorance, selfishness, in-
sions and contact of one mind with another such as difference, sloth and lack of faith which the soul has
through language, gestures and symbols. ' carried from previous incarnations.

Several types of chakras are used in India for pur- For additional reference, the exact longitudes of the
poses of delineation. Although chakra means "wheel," Ascendant and planets are listed at the side of the rasi
the term now applies to any schematic arrangement of chakra. Because the sectors always represent the same
the zodiac. Most commonly used is the rasi chakra, a rasi, the symbols for the rasis are never used. Figure 18
chart in the form of a square, showing the planets and illustrates the sequence of correspondence between rasi
the Ascendant in their rasi positions without considera- and sector, and should be memorized.
tion of house cusps or longitudes. Each sector repre- As already explained, the nirayana horoscope is the
sents a rasi, the order of which never varies. The square Western horoscope converted to a sayana, or consteIIa-
in the upper left comer of the rasi chakra is always tional chart by application of the ayanamsha for the
Pisces; next, to its right, is Aries, and so on in a clock- birth year. It is used primarily in calculating the Shad
wise direction. The Ascendant is symbolized by the Bala,
letter "B," identifying the 1st house of the horoscope. Classical Hindu works on astrology, such as Sripati
From this position the houses are counted in a clock- Paddhati, advocate the use of a different type of horo-
wise manner - the opposite to the system used in West- scope for purposes of delineation, termed bhava chakra
ern astrology. (bhava = "house"). This chakra is constructed by tak-
ing the longitudes of the Midheaven and Ascendant of
the nirayana horoscope and establishing the interme-
RASI CHAKRA diate house cusps by trisection, i.e., dividing the longi-
tudinal distance between Midheaven and Ascendant by
three. This amount is added to the longitude of the
Mid heaven to mark the 11th house cusp, and in turn
<"'(' ~ IT
* added to the 11th cusp to obtain the 12th house cusp.
Cusps of the 2nd and 3rd houses are obtained by divid-
ing the longitudinal distance between the Ascendant
and Nadir by three, adding this amount to the Ascend-

-- § ant, and again to the 2nd house cusp as thus estab-

lished, to obtain the 3rd house cusp.
Although the trisected chart produces planetary
house positions and rulerships which may differ from
those established in the nirayana horoscope, the func-
\tj tions of the two are different. The bhava chakra will
give the more accurate results in delineation.
Also important is the fact that the cusps of the bhava
chakra are considered as being at the center of the
house, at which point the full influence of the house is
J 1ll ~
l1Jl exerted. In other words, a house in the bhava chakra
extends from mid-point of the preceding house cusp to
the mid-point toward the following house cusp. A



-- \C)

--- ---

planet is strongest at the cusp, diminishing in influence of the time-space relationships of love, health, profes-
as it approaches the half-way point between two cusps, sion, physical appearance, recognition or rejection by
where its power is minimal. For this reason the mid- society and other environmental forces as they are
point boundaries of the houses in the bhava chakra brought into play with the subjective drives of the indi-
should be indicated by dotted lines in the chart, so that vidual. Thus the bhava chakra marks those events in
a planet's relative influence in the house it occupies life which deeply affect the personality and create
may readily be seen. An example of a bhava chakra is changes which are of great import.
given in Figure 19. In addition to the chakras already mentioned, Hindu
Compare these house cusps with those of the astrologers use a square-form chart to indicate the posi-
nirayana horoscope (Figure 2). Note in particular that tions of the planets and Ascendant in the navamsas
Jupiter falls in the 12th house of the bhava chakra. which they occupy, and also one for the saptamsa posi-
While the rasi chakra is important as an indication tions. These are utilized in the same manner as the rasi
of the karma derived from a person's own actions and chakra and are of particular aid in matters pertaining
motives: the bhava chakra gives a more detailed plan to material wealth or affinity for natural resources.


Western astrologers, weary of would-be critics of 19. Mridu 39. Purnachandra

astrology who confront them with case histories of 20. Kamala 45. Saumya
people born on the same day at approximately the same 46. Mridu
21. Padma
hour, and who have not led identical lives, will be
22. Vishnu 47. Sith ala
pleased with the Hindu refinement of delineation by
23. Brahma 49. Indumukha
means of the shastyamsas. Each shastyamsa equals
l/60th of a rasi, or Y2 a degree. These are used to dis- 25. Deva 50. Pravina
tinguish differences in character, fate and fortune be- 26. Ardra 54. Subhakara
tween individuals whose births may have occurred at 29. Kamalakara 58. Payodhya
virtually the same time and place. Shastyamsas com- Sudha 59. Bhramana
prise one of the most delicate and revealing tests, show- Indurekha
38. Amrita 60.
ing the vicissitudes of life with its infinite variety of
patterns on all levels of human activity. Some of the shastyamsas have the same name, in.di-
Shastyamsas are numbered from one to sixty. Each catincr that they are expressions of similar forces exist-
has its assigned value in degrees and minutes, begin- ing a~ong certain degrees of the zodiac.
ning with 0°-0°30' in odd, or positive rasis, and with Used with the sapta vargas, the shastyamsas become
29°30'-30° in even, or negative rasis, as given in Table the cap stone of the pyramid constituting virtue and
III. Their Sanskrit names have been adapted in English power or their lack. Planets located in favora~le sapta
translation to reveal the particular character and influ- varaas' and in a favorable shastyamsa have their power
ence which is exerted under each degree within a rasi. gre~tly increased. Hindu astrologers rate these benefic
For example, Yakshavali (No. 5) has a dual nature. locations for planets as follows:
Although generally denoting a benevolent spirit, in
Hindu legends and literature the yakshasas take part in a) In an angle.
hair-raising episodes, being equated with tigers, leop- b) In the 5th or 9th house.
ards, snakes, etc., and are considered more dangerous c) In exact exaltation.
by night than by day. Yama (No.' 35) among other d) In its exaltation rasi.
characteristics, is Lord of Death, corresponding to e) In its mula trikona.
Pluto in the Greek mythos. He is the great judge or
f) In swakshetra.
dispenser of punishment and reward, dwelling in the
g) In the rasi of a Great Friend.
region of the Lower World whither the soul goes after
release from the body. h) In the rasi of a Friend.

Garala (No. 9) means serpent-poison, and also -. or 5th or 9th

Should ·1 planet occupy an ang1e,
harkens back to the time when the serpent was wor- house, and' at the same tune. be Ioca t c d I·n 'any of the
shipped as a symbol of creative wisdom. Davagni (No. . . nsidcrcd to have a
other positions listed above, It IS co . •.
3 3) signifies destruction~ those having this shastyamsa varga of 2, and is termed parijatamsa, mcamng s~1r-
occupied by a planet or cusp will in such manner suffer rou71(kd or protected." If in additior.1 ~ ph~nct occu.p1~.s
according to the house position and nature of the planet one of the favorable sapta vargas, it is given a vlirgL1
or cusp. If on the Midheaven it may indicate loss of of 3, termed uttamamsa ("elevation · '') · If 1't I·s loC'lted
reputation or honor. Vishapradigdha (No. 40) means in two favorable sapta vargas, it has a varga of ,,4,
"smeared with poison," connoting the possibility of termed gopurasamsa ("at the Gate of the Tc~1 plc ) ·
slander, especially if this degree is on the Midhcaven. If it is l;cated in three favorable sapta vargas, it has a
value of 5 vargas, termed simhasamsa ("posture of the
BENEFICIAL SHASTYA1'v1SAS: lion," or "kin;ly throne"). With a value of 6 vargas,. a
planet is termed paravatamsa (highest one can go ll1
3. Deva 14. Devaganesa the astral world); with 7 vargas, dcvalokamsa
4. Kubero 17. Amrita ("Heaven realmcd") ~ with 8 vargas it is also "Heaven
6. Kinnara 18. Chandra realmcd."' With l) vargas it is iravatamsa ( "satiatilH1,
54 Constellat?°o,nal Astrology
g1vmg enjoyment"); with 10 vargas a planet is In the even rasis the first dasamsa is named after the
vyshnasamsa ("related to the god Vishnu"); with 11 rasi which is the 9th forward from the rasi being sub-
vargas it is saivamsa ("related to the god Shiva") ; with divided. Thus the first dasamsa in the even rasi Taurus
12 vargas it is bhasvadamsa ("luminous or splendid") ; would be named for Capricorn. Following in zodiacal
and with 13 vargas a planet is vaisheshikamsa ("con- order, the 10th dasamsa of the rasi Taurus would be
taining all dignities"). Libra.
These names are poetic and metaphorical, but it is
well to be able to recognize them, as they are frequently SHODASAMSA = I/16th of a rasi, or 1°40'
used in delineations. Being terse Sanskrit terms, they In the odd rasis the first shodasamsa is named after
supply a brief but intrinsic guide to the essence of the the rasi itself, and the remaining follow in regular
varga strength of a planet. Through their use, applica- zodiacal order up to twelve. The 13th shodasamsa is
tion to individual horoscopes will become natural. called Brahma, or Saturn, the 14th is Vishnu, or Mer-
cury, the 15th is Hara, or Mars, and the 16th shoda-
samsa is Ravi, or Sun.
DASAMSAS AND SHODASAMSAS In the even rasis this order is reversed, the first
shodasamsa being Ravi (Sun), the 2nd, Hara (Mars),
In order for a planet to have 13 favorable vargas it the 3rd, Vishnu (Mercury), the 4th, Brahma (Saturn),
is necessary to include dasamsa and shodasamsa. These and the 5th is named for the rasi immediately preceding
are rarely used, but if a planet has all the other vargas the rasi being subdivided. The rem~ining eleven move
in favor, these should be considered. in reversed zodiacal order, so that the last shodasamsa
of an even rasi is named after the rasi itself.
In evaluating the various vargas, Mantreswara, a
DASAMSA = 1/lOth of a rasi, or 3°
Hindu authority, states that a favorable navamsa is
In the odd rasis, the first dasamsa is named after the equal to a favorable rasi. The other five vargas ( hora,
rasi itself, and the remaining nine follow in regular drekana, saptamsa, dwadasamsa and trimsamsa), are
zodiacal order. Thus the first dasamsa in Aries is called equal to one-half as much as the rasi. Shastyamsa,
Aries, and the next nine are in regular sequence, the dasamsa and shodasamsa are equal to one-fourth of a
last being Capricorn. rasi.

. Hor?scopes ':hich indicate probabilities of attaining 8. Moon in Taurus on the Ascendant, Sun in the 4th
kmgsh1p or eqmvalent powers are said to possess Raja house, Jupiter in the 7th, and Saturn in the 10th, gives
Yoga ("Royal union"), whence has come the idea raja yoga.
that certain

combinations in a horoscope denote kincrlyb
9. Saturn in Capricorn on the Eastern horizon,
prerogatives. In the Brilzat Jataka, Vahara Mihira de- Moon in the 3rd house, Mars in the 6th, Mercury in the
votes a chapter to discussion of planetary conditions 7th, Jupiter and Venus in the 4th, gives raja yoga.
which indicate raja yoga. As noted previously this 10. Venus in Pisces on the Eastern horizon, Mars in
Hindu philosopher and astrologer was a member ~f the Capricorn, Jupiter and Moon in Sagittarius; or Mercury
court of K~ng Vikramaditya, whose reign began in 56 in Virgo on the Eastern horizon, Mars or Saturn in
B.C. At this early date, Mihira quotes from authorities Capricorn, and Moon, Jupiter and Venus in the 4th
preceding him, sometimes criticizing the rules which house, gives raja yoga.
they had formulated.
11. Moon in Pisces on the Eastern horizon, Saturn
One .such authority, Yavana, asserted that a person in Aquarius, Mars in Capricorn, Sun in Leo, gives raja
born with three malefics in the rasis of their exaltation
would be a king. This was denied by another ancient
12. Mars in Aries with Jupiter in Cancer on the
pundit, Jivasrinan. Undaunted by such professional dis-
agreement, Mihira favored a set of rules for raja yoga Eastern horizon, Saturn in Aquarius and Sun in Leo,
formulated by another authority antedating himself, as gives raja yoga.
follows: 13. Saturn rising in Capricorn, Mars in Aries, Moon
in Cancer, Sun in Leo, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in
Libra, give ability to gain power and honor.
14. If three or more planets occupy rasis which they
1. If the four major planets, Saturn, Jupiter, Sun and rule, or are exalted therein, and are trine to each other,
Mars, be in their exaltation rasis, with one of them lo- the person inherits power or position held by his father.
cated in the 1st house.
15. When Sun is in Aries, just rising, with the New
2. If three of these major planets are exalted and one Moon just past conjunction with the Sun, and Mars is
of them occupies the 1st house. in Capricorn, Saturn in Aquarius and Jupiter in Sagit-
3. If _the Moon is in the 1st house, and two of the tarius, the person inherits power or position held by the
four maJor planets be exalted, and one of them is also father.
in the 1st house with the Moon. 16. Venus in its own rasi in the 4th house, Moon in
4. If the Moon is in Cancer and one of the four the 9th, and the other planets in the 1st, 3rd and 1 lth
major planets be exalted in the 1st house. houses, gives kingship if the person is of a royal family .
. The preceding rules indicate only a probability of 17. A strong benefic on the Ascendant and another
kmgly power; other conditions must be found in the
in the 4th house, with the remaining planets in either
horoscope to give certainty:
the 6th, 10th or 11th house, the person becomes a king
5 · When ~he Moon or the Ascendant occupies if he is the scion of a royal family, and will be virtuously
vargottama (its own navamsa), and is aspected by four
or more planets, there is raj a yoga. (Note: In Hindu
18. Each of these alternative planetary patterns also
astrology, planets can aspect only forward in the horo-
scope.) gives raja yoga:
a) Moon in Taurus rising, Jupiter in the 2nd,
6 .. Mars e_xalted, Sun and Moon in Sagittarius, Sat-
with the remaining planets in the 11th house.
urn 111 _Capncorn on the Ascendant, gives raja yoga.
(M_ars is ~xalt~d in ~8° Capricorn, and may or may not b) Sun and Moon in the 10th house, Saturn in
be m_ conjunction with Saturn. The requirement is that the 1st, and the remaining planets in the
Capncorn be on the Ascendant and Saturn conjoins it.) 11th house.
7. Both Saturn and Moon exalted, with either on the c) Moon in the 10th, Saturn in 11th, Jupiter in
Ascen?ant, .sun and Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Libra, the 1st, Mercury and Mars in 2nd, and Ve-
Mars 111 Anes, and Jupiter in Cancer, gives raja yoga. nus and Sun in the 4th house.

.5 6 Constellational Astrology
d) Mars in the 1st, Saturn in 4th, Moon in 7th, The rules for raja yoga were formulated before the
Jupiter in 9th, Venus in 10th and Sun and beginning of the Kali Yuga ("Dark Age," which ac-
Mercury in the 11th house. cording to Hindu calculations, began in 3 100 B.C.),
when conditions were far different than they are today.
The foregoing rules may produce a king or leader, The population of the world was much smaller, divided
even though he is not born of a royal family. In all into diminutive kingdoms, principalities, tribes, clans,
cases the yogas are ideal, and can only be approxi- etc., each with its leader or chief. Modem day applica-
mated in modern times. A person with these raja yoga tions of these rules would indicate success in govern-
factors in his horoscope might be contemporary with mental positions or analogous occupations.
ideals of a base nature, and his "'kingly rule'' would re- The possibilities of planetary patterns denoting lead-
flect these inferior aspirations of leadership. Societies ership or power are enormous, and by no means ex-
invariably receive the leaders which they deserve hausted by the preceding rules. There are others appli-
through karmic inheritance. States, no less than indi- cable to persons endowed with unusual ability, energy
viduals, have a karma (mass consciousness), which and ambition. As an example of the variety of planetary
brings them into various situations such as peaceful patterns which have been given in Hindu rules, consider
prosperity, war, famine, crime, etc. The king, premier, the following indication of a spendthrift. Sun in 10th,
governor, president, dictator, or whatever, reflects those Saturn in 7th, and any one of the remaining planets in
attitudes which are most apt to bring about or crystal- the 1st house, indicate a wastrel, or "playboy" reck-
lize the karma of the society under his control. lessly enjoying and dissipating his wealth.
In a horoscope where benefic rasis are occupied by
When a person's horoscope indicates kingship, acqui- benefics, and the malefic rasis are occupied by malefic
sition of this power occurs during the Dasa or Bhukti planets, the person may be a leader of predatory hunt-
of the planet occupying the 10th or 1st house of the ers or of thieves. This would indicate a racketeer in
bhava chakra. In instances where no planet occupies our society. Despite the element of moral weakness,
either of these houses, the strongest planet in the Ghart such a planetary pattern would promise great wealth.
wtJl be the indicator of the dasa or bhukti. Where loss In connection with patterns of raja yoga, it is inter-
of power is indicated, such will occur during the dasa esting to examine some modern cases of men who ar-
or bhukti of a planet occupying the point of its deepest rived at "kingship," or its equivalent, in contemporary
depression. The dasas and bhuktis referred to are those society, without benefit or assistance of family inherit-
of the Vimshottari system, explained in Part Three; ance. Outstanding in this respect is Adolph Hitler, who
they can also be those of the various planetary periods rose from obscurity to become absolute dictator of
outlined in the Ayurdaya~ or natural length of life. Germany for a period of eleven years.


April 20, 1889 0 Nirayana Longitudes:

6:50 P.M., LMT ~ ~ Q
ASC. 28°50' TIJ2
13° E., 48°15' N. 0 4°44' <"'('
D 10°44' t
? ~ 19°44' <"'('
~ 28°44'
Reported Death: *
2! 11 °44' t
Berlin, May 1, 1945 ~ 20°44' <'('
17°14' §
Ayanamsha: 26°15'35" )) 2! n 19°45' II
u B
Ra.fa Yoga 57
"B", the Ascendant in this horoscope, is in the last the dasa of Mars marked his coming into power. His
navamsa of Virgo, which is the Virgo navamsa and disappearance occurred during the bhukti of Venus, a
therefore vargottoma, a high point of strength. Mars benefic which should have protected him. This gives
is in mula trikona and so is Jupiter. Sun is exalted and rise to the suspicion that he did not die at the time.
the Moon is well-associated by being in the same rasi However, Venus in the horoscope is in its detriment,
as Jupiter. Adverse indications are Saturn in its detri- occupying the 8th house, and receiving an aspect from
ment in Cancer in the 11th house, and Mercury, ruler
Saturn in that it occupies the 10th rasi forward from
of the Ascendant, in the rasi of its deepest depression.
Saturn. Whether it was suicide or escape, Hitler was
This weak Mercury caused Hitler to use his powers in
an evil way and to lead his people and himself into accompanied by Eva Braun, revealing the Venusian
disaster. In the vimshottari system of planetary periods, element surrounding his death or disappearance.


July 29, 1883 at J) ~

Nirayana Longitudes:
'(j _,.,__
1 :54 P.M., LMT ? ASC. 24°47'
12° E., 44°5' N. 0 9°47' §
0 » 12°47' ()
~ 16°47' ~
~ 7°17' §
Death: 2! 22°17' TI
April 28, 1944 ~ 25°17' TI

? 11°17' ()
Ayanamsha: 26° 13' B n 10°38' ~

The rasi chakra for Mussolini gives another exam- Like Hitler, Mussolini rose to power through po~u­
ple in modern times of a man achieving "kingship" lar reaction to the devastation of World War I, which
without benefit of family inheritance. Favorable ele- had been both bloody and costly for Italy, with?ut
ments are Moon exalted; Venus, ruler of the Ascendant, bringing any advantages of a material nature. Playmg
conjunct Jupiter in the 9th; Sun and Mercury, rulers upon this national discontent, and the fear of the well-
of the 1 I th and 9th houses, conjunct in the I 0th. Un- to-do class that the working classes would revolt, he
favorable clements are Moon, ruler of the 10th, be- managed to seize absolute power. His gangster-like
sieged in the 8th house by Mars and Saturn; and tactics and brutal suppression of freedom of every
Venus, ruler of the 1st and 8th conjunct Jupiter, kind were excused by the industrialists of the world
ruler of the 6th rasi forward from the Ascendant. because they seemed to thwart the threat of anarchy
Mussolini became Prime Minister of Italy in 1922, among the workers of Italy. By arousing the vanity
during the dasa of Jupiter. In 1943 his government and n~ilitary spirit of his countrymen, Mussolini man-
collapsed, and he was brutally murdered in 1944; both
aged to engage in wars of conquest and aggressions
events occurring during the dasa of Saturn. The nature
which were characterized by their cowardly and un-
of his murder as well as the fact that his body was
publicly dishonored are indicated by natal Moon be- justifiable methods. Having been born of the discon-
sieged by Saturn and Mars in the 8th rasi forward tent of war, his downfall came as a result of the dis-
from the Ascendant in the chakra. content of the people with war.
58 Constellational Astrology

Francis I Charles V Henry VIII

9/12/1494 2/28/1491 6/28/1491

B 9 ? d' J) 9
u: 0 ~
J) ~ B

ci' ?
0 2! B cl'
~ J)

These rasi chakras are derived from the horoscopes sponsibilities of being a monarch. Devoted to work,
of three princes of the 16th century who became kings. he became a brilliant strategist in military and politi-
Francis the First acquired kingship through marriage; cal affairs, indicated by Jupiter, Sun and Mercury in
Charles the Fifth became king through inheritance, the 3rd house. Saturn in its debility in the 5th is
and emperor by election; Henry the Eighth became proof enough of his sorrows with his children.
king by succession, following the death of his elder Henry the Eighth has no exaltations in his horo-
brother. These horoscopes all lack indications of strong scope, but does have Saturn in the 7th in Capricorn
raja yoga. Conditions existing during the reign of each (and incidentally, Uranus there also), with Venus in
of these men produced religious, philosophical and the 11th house in Taurus, indications of an amorous
scientific upheavals. It is therefore not remarkable that nature and trouble in marriage. This is intensified by
the charts of these kings should be so deficient in the opposition of Mars to the Moon (from the 3rd
representing ideal conditions of dharma. or social to the 9th)~ which also brought into being the religious
order. nature of his conflicts with the world at large, result-
Francis the First had Mercury exalted, with Saturn ing in his struggle and break with the Roman Catholic
strong in Aquarius, but his Moon was afflicted by Church over his divorce and the question of separation
Saturn and Mars. He suffered defeat and capture by of Church and State powers. For his theological argu-
Charles the Fifth at the battle of Pavia, and was re- ments against Luther he had received from the Pope
leased only through the efforts of his sister and by mak- the title, Defensor Fidei, which the British royal fam-
ing humiliating concessions to Charles. Undoubtedly ily continues to assume. In an act of liberalism he
the exalted Mercury with Sun and Jupiter protected managed to make himself head of the Church of
him from the complete ruin which his defeat would England and thereby enrich his impoverished treasury
normally have brought. Moon and Saturn in the 9th with the plunder of the powerful and wealthy monastic
house give an indication of his cruelty in persecuting order then extant in his country.
the Protestant Huguenots in his domains. Religious Each of these kings managed to reign for the full
controversy, indicated by Moon opposition Mars from length of life. The two examples which follow are in-
the 3rd and 9th houses, is also present in the horoscope stances of monarchs who were deposed. Both lost their
of Henry the Eighth. thrones as a consequence of World War I. Czar Nich-
Charles the Fifth. while the most successful of the olas abdicated, and was assassinated a year later. Kaiser
three, was apparently the least content with his lot. Wilhelm lost his throne as a result of losing the war,
Mars in the 6th house is unfavorable for health, and and spent the remainder of his life in exile. Both lacked
Saturn in the 5th is unfavorable for romance or recre- the stature and stamina necessary to govern a nation
ation. This combination aroused in him a stern sense in troubled times and to see it emerge successfully
of duty and a complete acceptance of the heavy re- from a devastating war.

cl' 2L B
Nirayana Longitudes:
ASC. 24°10' Il
Kaiser Wilhelm n T? 0 11°10' V5
)) 1°10' 11l
Jan. 27, 1859
6 0°34'
~ 17°10' t
Ayanamsha: 25°50'29"
0 u 2! 16°10' ~
'i? 28°10' 1Tl
~ 13°10' §
.Q 4°53' =

)) 0
d' ~
2,C ~ Nirayana Longitudes:
ASC. 13°40' S'\_
Czar Nicholas 0 1°02' ~
MaylS,1868 u )) 13°10'
6 2 ° l O'
~ 5°06' ~

B u 10°10' *
Ayanamsha: 25°58'
n 'i? 16°40'
T.~ 701 O'
.Q 4°54' St

In the rasi chakra of Kaiser Wilhelm there are no war. He and his entire family were assassinated a year
exalted planets and Moon is in its <lcL'pcst depression. after his abdication-a fate indicated by Saturn in the
Saturn, Jupiter and Sun are in rasis of Enemies, while 4th in an Enemy rasi in opposition to Sun in the l 0th,
Saturn and Venus an: in rasis of their detriment. Saturn in its Enemy rasi, together \Vith Mercury. 1\.1oon, ruler
opposing the Sun from the 2nd to the 8th house indi- of the 12th, joining J upitcr, ruler of the 5th, in the
cates his inheritance of the throne and the eventual 8th house, indicating the death of the children, is a
loss of it, together with loss of all his possessions. classic example of the manner in which planets change
Czar Nicholas received his crown through heredity their natures acnwding to their rasi rukrships and oc-
and lost it through revolution following a disastrous cupancies.

Oct. 2, 1869
7:35 A.M. Ayanamsha: 25°59"
Porbandar, India
69°42' E., 21°40' N.



Rasi Chakra Navamsa Chakra

w 2! 12;! ~


B ~ B
? 0 ~ 2!
~ d' ~

Mahatma Gand/11· 61
Search for an example of raja yoga exemplified by a try" movement in which hand-powered spinning wheels
man who achieved true leadership in modern times has were used to make yarn for homespun cloth, although
been disheartening, since materialism and worship of men also participated in this demonstration of defiance
physical power has virtually eclipsed attention to the against the great British textile industry in India. His
attainment of spiritual power. An illustrious exception famous and arduous ''salt march to the sea" was joined
is provided by Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma means by both men and \Vomen.
Great Soul, actually the engendering Spirit behind Mars in the 1st house in its detriment, conjunct
the souL an appellation which was spontaneously and Venus, shows the strife which attended his life. In the
reverently bestowed upon Gandhi by his people, and navamsa chakra, the Ascendant, Mercury and Saturn
in due time, by the spiritual seekers of the entire are in Sagittarius, giving emphasis to a profession per-
world. tainincr to law. both at home and abroad (Jupiter,
Gandhi was born into the Bania (Merchant) caste, ruler ~f the 1st and 4th; Mercury, ruler of the 7th and
but his father's family had held the office of Prime 10th). Jupiter himself. in Scorpio in the nav~msa 12th.
Minister for three generations. Actually, his horoscope shows transcendental powers of penetration. Saturn.
exceeds the rules for raja yoga, in which respect it is ruler of the 2nd and of speech, with Mercury in its
rather weak. On the other hand, by strong and directed detriment, gave him a difficult time when he began
control of the Will, Gandhi transformed his karma to his law career. It is reported that at his first appearance
such an extent that by his example alone there is as- before the court to plead a case, he was unable to
surance that astrology is not entirely fatalistic, as many speak. Eventually he employed this Saturn with saga-
have assumed. He was, however, not able to surmount cious eloquence in the cause of freedom, first for the
the conditions of his death, as promised in the natal Indian population living in South Africa, and later
horoscope. But as Jesus of Nazareth before him, he was for those of his native land. (Note that Saturn is in
able to forgive his assassin after the fatal shot had Scorpio in the 2nd house of the nirayana chart.)
been fired. Saturn rules the 4th house in the nirayana chart:
As the people of every country who have knowledge the homeland and the house of endings. It was during
of events in the world at large know, Gandhi was the the Saturn bhukti in the planetary periods of life that
primary leader of the movement which eventuaIIy lib- he was assassinated. But this event took place under
erated India from the British rule which had endured Jupiter's dasa period (which gave him the strength to
for more than two centuries. His power stemmed from forgive his assailant), and during Mercury antaradasa
his philosophy of action through non-violence, inspired (Mercury, ruler of the 9th. showing use of speech
by the ancient Hindu epic, The Bhagavad Gita, and with an international appeal. and also ruler of the 12th.
the New Testament, both of which were his constant indicating secret enemies). V cnus, ruler of the 8th house
reading companions. as well ;s the I st, conjunct Mars in the 1st, square
To understand Gandhi it is necessary to understand Moon in the natal chart shows violent death.
the teaching of these works, particularly the Gita, with Since Gandhi rose above karma. it has seemed fitting
its instructions for attaining self-discipline and self- to include the non-karmic planets in his horoscope.
knowlcdge, and the means by which to transform de- Neptune forms a grand trine with Moon and Satur~,
sire and attachments to things of the material world and a square to Uranus. Pluto opposes Saturn (m
which arc of diminishing worth, to that which is un- Hindu delineation, the opposition gives full strength
changeable and enduring: the highest good being to of 60 virupas). and is trine to Sun. Uranus is trine to
know God. Venus and Mars.
The strength in Gandhi's horoscope lies primarily This astrological testimony of a man born to his
in the angular position of five of the karmic planets, time, and yet e~ceeding the limitations of his time, can
all of which are bencfics with the exception of Mars. only he explained hy his tireless attention to ovcr-
Moon is swakshetra, dignified in Cancer in the 10th, con~ing the limitations imposed by karma. His biog-
forming strong aspects to Venus and Mars in the I st raphy shows the manner in which he bent every effort
house, and to Jupiter in the 7th. Venus, rnler of the to supersede his own weaknesses and faults, and to
Ascendant, is mula trikona. Moon in the Midheaven place his Will in the service of his fellow man and of
in its own sign reveals the wide renown of this saintly God. It may be said that Gandhi developed the spirit-
person, and his appeal to the public, particularly wom- ual power within himself not only to free India from
en, who lovingly call him Gandhiji. It was women foreign domination, but to serve as an inspiration for
most notably who responded to hi~ "Cottage Indus- the peoples of the world. Thus he did not die in vain.

Chandra means Moon. Certain rules are given in 9. When any of the five karmic planets occupy the
Hindu astrology for delineating the influence of the 2nd rasi from the Moon, the native enjoys extraordi-
Moon in the natal horoscope according to its position nary benefits, such as renowned wisdom and wealth.
by rasi and aspects to other planets. (As in the foregoing, there are 31 variations to this
1. Moon angular to the Sun (conjunction, square,
opposition) gives poor results in moral consciousness, 10. When any of the five karmic planets occupy the
general knowledge or intellectual precision and wealth. 2nd and 12th rasis from the Moon, the native is gen-
(Some Hindu writers exempt the Full Moon from erous, wealthy, enjoys life and has the attendance of
this rule because it is then at its height of splendor faithful friends and servants. (There are 181 possible
with an attendant increase in power. Actually, the variations of these combinations.)
Moon's strength is greater at opposition than at (In the absence of any of the combinations listed in
any other time, and should favor wealth, health Rules 8, 9 and 10, Hindu astrologers say that the
and intellectual attainment.) Moon is isolated from the other planets, indicating
a person who endures social ostracism. loneliness,
2. Moon in the 2nd. 5th. 8th or 11th rasis forward poverty, illness, ignorance and the miseries resulting
from the Sun modifies the preceding rule, and the from limited emotional, intellectual or economic
native would be average in the qualities cited. outlook. However, this condition may be ofTset by
3. Moon in the 3rd, 6th. 9th or 12th rasi forward other more favorable circumstances in the chart.)
from the Sun. indicates that the native would excel in 11. Modifications of Rules 8, 9 and 10:
the qualities cited in Rule 1.
a) Mars in the 2nd or 12th rasi from the Moon,
4. Moon aspected by Jupiter in a daytime birth is the native will be energetic, powerful, bold
fortunate for obtaining and enjoying great wealth. and able to obtain wealth.
5. Moon aspected by Venus in a nighttime birth b) Mercury in the 2nd or 12th rasi from the
gives a happy disposition. Moon. the native will be skillful, eloquent
and proficient in the arts.
6. Moon aspected by both Jupiter and Venus in
c) J upitcr in the 2nd or 12th rasi from the
either a day or nighttime birth brings the possibility
Moon, the native will be virtuous, happy and
of both wealth and happiness throughout life.
publicly esteemed, and wilJ hold some posi-
7. If benefic planets occupy the 6th, 7th and 8th tion of honor or authority.
rasis forward from the Moon, the native will have d) Venus in the 2nd or 12th rasi from the Moon,
political power, executive ability, wealth and victory the native will be very rich, given to sensual
over adversaries. pleasures, but capable of great happiness.
(There is a question among Hindu astrologers as to c) Saturn in the 2nd or 12th rasi from the
whether this rule obtains only if Jupiter, Venus and Moon, the native will enjoy other people's
Mercury occupy one or two of the specified rasis to wealth, engage in a variety of occupations
the exclusion of other planets. In any case, the bene- and be a leader of men. If the birth occurs
ficial results promised depend upon the strength of in the daytime with the Moon above the
the three benefics in Shad Bala or, to a lesser degree, horizon, this combination brings much good,
upon the strength in sapta varga position.) but if the Moon is below the horizon, it
8. When any of the five karmic planets occupy the can bring great evil. In a nighttime birth,
12th rasi from the Moon. the native will be strong, the same conditjons apply in reverse.
healthy, amiable. famous, contented and happy. (There 12. If all four benefics are in the 3rd, 6th, 10th or
are 31 variations to this rule, based upon the combina- 1 1th rasis from the Ascendant, the native will become
tions of the five planets involved.) immensely wealthy.

Gandanta 63

13. If all three benefics (excepting the Moon) are 11th rasis from the Moon, the native will have suf-
in the 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th rasis from the Moon, the ficient wealth to be free from monetary worries.
native has or acquires independent means and does not 15. If only one benefic is in one of the above men-
have to work for a living. tioned rasis from the Moon, the native will have
14. If only two benefics are in the 3rd, 6th, 10th or moderate wealth.


Gandanta is a term used by Hindu astrologers to in- RAsr GANDANTA: The Moon within three degrees of
dicate an inauspicious time of birth. It denotes danger transiting the juncture of one of the following three
of death to the new-born, as well as ruin and/or death pairs of rasis: Cancer-Leo; Scorpio-Sagittarius;
to the entire family of the individual born with this Pisces-Aries.
condition in the horoscope. There are three kinds of Tithi and N akshatra Gandanta are increased in evil
gandanta: portent if they occur when the Moon is on either hori-
zon, and bring even more evil if the Sun and Moon
TITHI GANDANT A: The Moon within three degrees of form an eclipse.
forming a conjunction with the Sun. Evil from horoscopes afflicted by gandanta seems
more apt to fall upon the family than upon the infant
NAKSHATRA GANDANTA: The Moon within three hours subject, especially if the child survives and lives to
of transiting the juncture of one of the following maturity. So strong is this conviction in India that
pairs of nakshatras: aslesha-magha; jyeshta-mula; animals born with a gandanta horoscope are considered
revathi-ashvini. (See Table IV for longitudes of the a threat to the well-being of their owners, and are
nakshatras in the constellations.) usually given away.


Nirayana Longitudes:
~ ~
ASC. 6°36' ~
0 29°22' §
August 18, 1830 ? J) )) 27°08' §
u ~ 6°36' *
Ayanamsha: 25°26' ?t 12°29' St,
~ 2! 12°58' t
n ~ 27°59' II
T;i 26°42' §

.Q 15°26' SL,
2! B

Moon is in the last quarter of aslesha-magha nak- Gandanta). The evil produced is augmented by the
shatra, close to the juncture of the rasis Cancer-Leo, fact that the Sun-Moon conjunction formed a Solar
and within four hours of conjunction the Sun. Thus eclipse. Thus, in this horoscope there is a perfect exam-
Moon is within the required 3° of forming a conjunc-
ple of all three types of gandanta, with the additional
tion with the Sun (Tithi Gandanta); within three
hours of transiting the juncture of aslesha-magha adversity of an eclipse. Although not part of gan-·
(Nakshatra Gandanta); and within three hours of danta proper, Saturn adds to the evil by being on the
transiting the juncture of the rasis Cancer-Leo (Rasi precipice of this eclipse.
64 Constellational Astrology
No student of European history can be unaware of karma and reincarnation. The soul develops through
the multitude of disasters which struck this conscien- many lifetimes of experiences, and furnishes a fitting
tious and well-meaning individual. Franz Joseph's son, vehicle for the Ego, or Atma. In astrology, the Moon
Archduke Rudolph, was found dead of a gunshot represents the Soul, whereas the Sun represents Atma.
wound in a hunting lodge, together with his sweet- Beginning its development in the rasi Aries, coinci-
heart. One of the most sensational scandals of the late dent with the first of the nakshatras ( ashvini), the soul
19th century, its mystery was only uncovered at the traverses in a number of incarnations, the Fire repre-
end of World War II, when private papers of the sented by Aries, the Earth represented by Taurus, the
Imperial Austrian government were found, revealing Air represented by Gemini, and finally the Water,
that the Prince had killed himself upon imperial com- represented by Cancer. After completing one cycle
mand to avoid an even greater scandal. Franz Joseph's of the four elcments, the soul is ready to enter a higher
sister was accidentally burned to death at a charity place of consciousness. At the change-over time there
bazaar in Belgium. His wife was assassinated by an comes a summing up of the experiences of the lives
anarchist, after a very unhappy life with the Emperor, completed in the four different elements, with an at-
during which time she often spent long periods on an tendant series of balances to settle the debts and receive
island where she had built a fantastic Greek temple. the rewards of karma.
These absences caused her to be most unpopular, and
This process of liberation, perm1ttmg further prog-
led to the Emperor's liaison with a mistress widely
known in Vienna. ress to be made by the soul, often results in a life-
time of seemingly destructive clements, such as prema-
Maximillian, brother of Franz Joseph, was promoted
ture death, loss of wealth, family, etc. Not only do
as Emperor of Mexico, and finally executed by the
individuals pass through such cycles, but groups of in-
indigenous peoples of that country. Maximillian's
wife, Carlotta, spent months in the courts of Europe dividuals, such as families, clans, tribes and nations,
trying to save her ill-fated husband, finally going mad evolve in a similar pattern. The juncture points of the
when he was executed. nakshatras and rasis under gandanta indicate times of
Upon the death of Archduke Rudolph, Franz Joseph fulfiIIment and expiation, and also mark a period of
named a nephew to be his heir-apparent, but changed transition to another stage of evolution.
his choice when the selection proved to be scandalous. Cycles of this sort are not exclusively the creation
His second choice was another nephew, Grand Duke of esoteric groups, but have been conjectured by scien-
Ferdinand, who with his wife was assassinated at Sa- tific observers. The historian Macaulay pointed out that
rajevo, precipitating Europe into World War I, which no family of the English aristocracy lasted for more
eventually destroyed the Austro-Hungarian Empire. than six generations. Similar examples have been noted.
Many other examples of the tragedies which befell The contemporary philosophy of history tends to em-
Franz Joseph and his family could be cited, but these phasize recurrent phases in the development of man-
should suffice to illustrate the powerful influence for kind. An added note might be considered: There arc
evil in a gandanta horoscope. exactly nine nakshatras in each cycle of the four rasi
In gandanta, and the theory behind it, may be seen elements. The number 9 has long been regarded as
the acceptance by the Hindu mind of the doctrine of denoting a time of transformation.

In delineation of the houses the bhava chakra is might very possibly be in the 2nd house of the bhava
used, the erection of which has been explained in the chakra, etc. Consequently, in applying the following
Introduction to Part Two. Briefly, the cusp of each rules, a bhava chakra for the nativity should be erected.
house in this trisected horoscope occupies the middle Despite the variance in the house cusps between this
and strongest point of the house, whose limits extend and the Western system, the meaning of the houses is
half way to the preceding cusp, and midway to the generally the same, although the Hindu system in-
following cusp. Thus a planet which may be in the volves greater refinement and exactitude of interpre-
1st house in either the sayana or nirayana horoscope, tation.


The Ascendant always marks the time when the in- SUN bestows a square body with large, strong banal
dividual arrived in this world, which, if accurate, is structure. The face is broad, the hair limited and tends
the time when the first breath was drawn, "and he to stand out from the head. Sun in this position fre-
became a living soul." The Ascendant, together with quently indicates a person of a bilious or irritable
the nature of the entire first house, is therefore of pri- temperament who demands attention even when he
mary importance in revealing the personal character- docs not command it. Sun in the 1st house often marks
istics which the individual has brought with him from a person who avoids physical work or who works at
previous incarnations into the present one. The world occupations which arc not strenuous. He is prone to
knows him accordingly-by his physical appearance, anger easily and is proud, valiant and somewhat cold-
his temperament, his preferences and prejudices, and hearted. When afflicted in the 1st, Sun denotes poor
his reactions to his environment. The 1st house is also eyesight, or vision impaired by disease. When very
the primary indicator of the health and ailments of weak in Shad Bala (less than 300 virupas), or in the
the individual, although other houses, particularly the rasi of its fal1, it may bring poverty, lack of public
6th, contribute in such matters. recognition, and sorrow through children.

EFFECTS OF THE PLANFTS ON IlODIL y FORM MOON on or near the Ascendant gives a soft, round
No single planet can entirely take control of a func- body with a large chest development. Although usually
tion or part of man's constitution, but must be com- stout, Moon in this position may also denote a thin
bined with other influences in the chart. Nevertheless, body with much delicacy of formation. The eyes are
a planet may become dominant at times, and express lustrous, the speech soft. Moon is a traditional mark
its inherent nature apart from that of other planets. of discrimination. If it is waxing in the 1st house the
Thus a planet on or near the Ascendant tends to modify native will have a strong constitution and a long life,
the structure and quality of the physical body. The marked by fearlessness, power and wealth. However, if
more powerful the planet, the greater its manifested Moon is waning the opposite is likely to be the case.
influence. A planet occupying its own rasi, or a varga
which it rules, or in which it is exalted, would be MARS gives a youthful body, with broad shoulders,
most apt to demonstrate the effects described in the narrow waist and vigorous movements. The disposition
following rules. is generous but passionate, and a temperament inclined

66 Constellational Astrology
to be fickle. Mars in the 1st house indicates a person tion with the wicked. Physically it is said to cause the
of a daring or impulsive nature, leading to situations body to be deformed or crippled in some manner.
which can shorten the life. Even when well aspected (Note: These are extremes of delineation and would
it tends to bring danger or injury to the limbs. occur only if there are other supporting indications in
the horoscope.)
MERCURY gives a body of medium build character-
ized by quick, nervous movements. There is apt to be a EFFECTS OF MOIST AND DRY ELEMENTS
speech impediment, but also ability to talk, great curi-
osity, and a fun-loving disposition. With Mercury in Water rasis and moist planets on the Ascendant tend
the 1st house, the native will be sharp-witted, skillful to make the body stout. The three full water rasis are
in. the art of communication, and learned in whatever Pisces, Cancer and Capricorn. Half-water rasis are
occupation he follows. It tends to give excellence in Aquarius, Taurus and Sagittarius. One-fourth water
all pursuits in which the tongue is the main instru- rasis are Aries, Libra and Scorpio. Full dry rasis are
ment. If well associated it can bring a long life. Leo, Gemini and Virgo. The moist planets are Moon,
Venus and Jupiter, while Sun, Mars, Saturn and Mer-
cury are dry.
JUPITER gives a large body and a phlegmatic
temperament which causes the native to move slowly From this rule it may be seen that the Hindus clas-
and deliberately. Often it bestows a high, broad fore- sify the rasis differently than the Western system of
head and a fair complexion, while traditionally it in- fire, earth, air and water signs. The question may
dicates intelligence and understanding. Jupiter in the arise as to whether rasis or signs are the more signifi-
1st gives a handsome appearance, good fortune, a long cant in producing fleshiness or leanness in the body.
life and fortunate progeny. Observation indicates signs as the more influential in
youth and early maturity, after which time the rasis
VENUS gives a beautifully proportioned body, with become dominant. Queen Victoria is a good example,
a great love of ease. Traditionally it bestows eyes that with the sign Gemini and the rasi Taurus on the As-
are soft or quite striking, and fine or wavy hair. Venus cendant. Moon, a moist planet, conjuncts the Sun, a dry
in the 1st house denotes not only a beautiful but a planet, close to the Ascendant. Victoria was notably
healthy body which can enjoy a long life. The life is slender in her youth but became very stout around and
apt to be happy, even though the disposition tends to after her 40th year. In a11 cases the astrologer must
be selfish. balance various factors in the horoscope before making
judgments on this matter.
SA TURN is disposed to inactivity. When strong, it 1. Any of the fully dry rasis on the Ascendant causes
gives a tall, muscular body inclined to be awkward in the body to be lean.
gait or movement. The teeth are generally large and
2. Dry rasis on the Ascendant with dry planets
the hair straight and usually dark. Saturn powerful in
therein, causes the body to be lean and may even pro-
the 1st house makes for leadership in government or
duce emaciation.
civil affairs. If weak, his presence denotes melancholia
or sorrow arising from restrictions which frustrate the 3. A fuJl water rnsi on the Ascendant with .moist
drive to achieve recognition. Because of its self-pre- planets occupying the 1st house, the body tends to
serving drives it can denote indolence, and when af- become very obese. (The common belief that fat peo-
flicted, depravity. ple arc better natured than the average person seems
to be born out in astrology, since the moist planets,
Moon, Jupiter and Venus, are all bcnefics and tend to
RAHU in the 1st house, the native will be success-
give corpulence when on the Ascendant.)
ful in possessing wealth, but is apt to be short-
lived. Often there are diseases of the head, face or neck. 4. If the ruler of the Ascendant joins dry planets
or occupies their rasis, the body will be lean.
KETU in the 1st house, the native is incJined to be 5. If the ruler of the Ascendant occupies the 8th
morose, sullen, unappreciative of favors from others, house or a navamsa whose ruler is a dry planet, the
and a gossip monger. Traditionally it marks the out- body inclines to be lean. If a moist planet, the body
cast, or one fallen from a high position, and associa- tends to be stout.
Ffrst House Delineatfon 67

6. If the ruler of the Ascendant joins or is aspected and 5th houses, the native will be required to endure
by moist planets, the body becomes stout. unhappiness at the end of life.
8. If ruler of the Ascendant combines with benefics
CIRCUMSTANCES FOR HAPPINESS in angles, or in the 5th or 9th houses, has benefic as-
pects and is joined with ruler of the 10th, the native
Happiness should not be confused with wealth or
will have a good reputation, excellent surroundings,
with success in achieving power or reputation. It con-
live comfortably, have material well-being, and lead a
sists in being able to accept the varying fortunes of
long and happy life.
life with cheerfulness and equanimity. Happiness is a
condition of being, rather than of having, and con- 9. When ruler of the Ascendant has more than 480
sequently is relegated by Hindu astrologers to 1st virupas of Shad Bala, occupies an angle with beneficial
house rulership. aspects, the native will have a long life, be protected
from dangers, possess good character, reputation and
1. If the Ascendant is an auspicious rasi occupied or
material wealth.
aspected by benefics, the native will have happiness
from infancy. On the contrary, inauspicious rasis cou- 10. If Jupiter and ruler of the Ascendant occupy
pled with malefics. or aspects with malefics, give un- angles, and the 5th, 8th and 9th houses are free from
happiness from childhood. Also, several malefic planets malefics the native will be virtuous, charitable,
healthy, and enjoy life beyond 90 years.
in the 1st house tend to make the native unhappy
throughout his lifetime.
As may be seen by the foregoing rules, judgment
2. If ruler of the Ascendant occupies its vargottama, of a person's ability to enjoy life, or to have good
or exaltation navamsa of its exaltation rasi; or its own health and a happy disposition is based upon the
or a Friend's drekana; or is in conjunction with a Ascendant and its ruler. Afflictions to these points tend
benefic or receives strong aspects from a benefic, the to destroy health, happiness, and possibly the life it-
native will know how to be happy regardless of his self. Even when not beset by ill health or ill fortune,
material circumstances. a person with an afflicted 1st house will be disc?n-
3. Benefics in the 11th and 12th houses, with the tented, repining and sometimes malicious, holdmg
ruler of the Ascendant powerful and in an angle, and Heaven and his fellowman responsible for his own
Jupiter occupying 5 favorable vargas (simhasamsa), mistakes and disappointments.
are indices of a happy life. INDICATIONS OF POOR HEALTH

4. Benefics in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd houses, with the 1. If ruler of the Ascendant is in conjunction with
ruler of the Ascendant a benefic, and Venus having 6 a malefic, or in the 8th house.
favorable vargas ( paravatamsa), indicates that the na- 2. If ruler of the Ascendant occupies the 6th, 8th
tive will have much happiness in the first and middle
or 12th houses, or is associated with their rulers.
portions of life.
3. If ruler of the Ascendant is weak in Shad Bala
5. If Venus occupies 7 favorable vargas (devalokam-
and malefic planets occupy the 1st house.
sa), while ruler of the Ascendant occupies 4 favorable
vargas ( gopurasamsa), and the Ascendant is aspected 4. If ruler of the Ascendant is weak, occupies an
by bcncfics, the native will be happy in the middle and angle, or the 5th or 9th houses.
latter part of life.
6. Jupiter powerful in an angle with the ruler of
the Ascendant occupying 9 favorable vargas (iravatam- 1. If ruler of the Ascendant and Mars are joined
sa), gives happiness from the beginning of life. The by evil planets in the Ascendant, there will be wounds
native will be blessed with loved ones, friends, wealth or sores caused by weapons or stones.
and good health, as well as a happy disposition. 2. If Saturn joins the ruler of the Ascendant and
7. If Venus occupies the first half of the Ascendant they arc aspected by Mars or Sun occupying the 1st
(in the bhava chakra), the native enjoys happiness in house there will be wounds to the head due to falls,
the beginning of life. If Venus occupies the second or from missiles or fire.
half of the I st house (i.e., to the midpoint from the (These two rules indicate the difference between in-
2nd house cusp), and there are evil planets in the 4th juries caused by Mars, and those under Saturn. Mars
68 Constellatfonal Astrology
is implicated in woun_ds that draw blood, while Head, where the power of intelligence is located,
wounds that crush, bruise, or break bones originate while Ketu is the Dragon's tail, which lacks power
with Saturn. The 1st house is the analogue of Aries, of direction.)
and malefics therein tend to cause wounds and scars 4. If Rahu, Mars and Saturn occupy the Ascendant,
to that part of the head above the eyebrows and ears. or if the ruler of the Ascendant is with Rahu and
Taurus properly has rulership over the face below either Mars or Saturn in the 8th house, the native is
the brows and including the throat.) prone to diseases of the gcnito-urinary organs: in a
3. If Saturn or Rahu occupy the Ascendant in the man afflictions of the testicles; in a woman, of the
bhava chakra, the native suffers from devils or evil ovaries.
spirits. In modern terminology this would mean mental (The conditions described here are apt to ~e more
or nervous diseases or derangements such as tremors, severe if the ruler of the Ascendant is weak m Shad
St. Vitus dance, epilepsy, and all emotional states char-
Bala, or occupies the rasi of its fall, or the rasi or its
acterized by obsessive or compulsive behavior.
subdivisions which are ruled by Enemies. Conversely,.
(While Saturn and Rahu produce similar effects
any strength held by the Ascendant or its ruler aids
when in the 1st house, Rahu also causes nightmares,
in alleviating the evil consequences indicated.)
unfounded or inordinate fears and phobias. Ketu, the
South Node, afflicts the psyche also, but in a much As with all rules given in these pages, the student
weaker manner than Rahu. Hindu astrologers ex- is cautioned to avoid literal application. Competent
plain this apparent discrepancy with Western concepts interpretation of any horoscope requires that all fac-
of the two Nodes by the fact that Rahu is the Dragon's tors constituting the chart be given due consideration.


As in Western astrology, the 2nd house describes a 2nd house of Taurus. The assimilation of food begins
person's ability to gather, hold and use wealth. In the with the mouth and the gustatory senses. Food rep-
Hindu system it also describes his looks, in the limited resents the wealth or poverty of the body.
meaning of whether the face is handsome or ugly.
Furthermore, this house rules the eyes as well as the
ability to see. Beautiful or disfiguring eyes, poor or
keen eyesight, are all judged from the conditions set A handsome or beautiful face, or the opposite, is
forth in the 2nd house, taken in connection with cer- judged from the horoscope by the nature of the 2nd
tain other planetary factors. house and its ruler. The following rules arc not the
The 2nd house also indicates the quality of the only combinations which give facial beauty. Other ele-
voice, structure of speech and the attendant ability or ments in the chart contribute their influence.
lack of ability to move others, to persuade, or to please 1. 1f ruler of the 2nd occupies an angle and is as-
them. In this context it is of great importance to pected by bcncfics, or if a benefic occupies the 2nd
those who must use their voice in a vocational manner. house, the native will have a handsome or attractive
What may seem even stranger to the Western face.
astrologer is that the 2nd house in the Hindu system 2. If ruler of the 2nd occupies the rasi of its exalta-
defines the manner in which a person eats, the type tion, that of a Friend or its own, and has 4 vargas,
of food eaten, and the quality of service. In a country the native will have a full face, with strong bony
where hunger and starvation are known to thousands, structure and well-padded flesh.
being well-fed becomes tangible evidence of having 3. If malefics occupy the 2nd house, or its ruler is
wealth. However, there are deeper and more logical weak and conjuncts or is aspectcd by malefics, the
reasons for this analogue with eating and the natural native will have ugly and repulsive features.
Second. House Del'i?ieatfon 69

4. If ruler of the 2nd is a malefic. conjunct gulika, * 6. If ruler of the 2nd occupies its exaltation rasi, or
or if it conjuncts any malefic. and occupies debili- its own or a Friend's rasi, the native will be a capable
tated or unfriendly navamsas. the person's face easily speaker before legal assemblies.
shows irritability and anger. 7. If ruler of the 2nd joins a malefic in the 10th
•::(Note: There is no equivalent in Western astrol- house and is combust the Sun, the native will be de-
ogy for the term gulika. or its meaning. The nearest feated in public assemblies. Those with such a config-
thing to it is the planetary hour ruled by Saturn. The uration would be ambitious to succeed in some
rules for calculatin_g the position of gulika are based competitive office but would be outdone because of
on hour-day divisions, complex and of minor value for poor debating ability.
the Western astrologer. A ''debilitated navamsa" re- 8. If ruler of the 2nd is conjunct the Sun and re-
fers to one whose ruler is located in a rasi of its ceives aspects from malefics, the native is a bore, or is
fall or detriment, or which is ruled by an enemy ignorant in speech, but stubbornly clings to the idea
planet. This weakness of the ruler of the navamsa that he or she is an excellent speaker.
causes it to be debilitated. As an example. a chart The following rules pertain to the ability to
might have Venus located in the Pisces navamsa, the conceive abstract ideas and translate them into com-
ruler of which ( 1upiter) is located in the rasi Capri- municative symbols other than speech.
corn. Although Venus is in a navamsa of its exalta-
1. Mathematical skill is indicated by:
tion, which is excellent, the navamsa itself is debili-
a) Mars with Moon in the 2nd, aspected by
tated because its ruler is in the rasi of its fall.)
Mercury; or Mercury powerful in an angle.
b) Mercury exalted in the 2nd, Jupiter in the
SPEAKING ABILITY 1st, and Saturn in the 8th house.
Many a person with something worth saying has c) Jupiter in an angle, or the 5th or 9th. house,
discovered to his chagrin that he is unable to speak Venus in exaltation, while Mercury is both
effectively or persuasively. On the other hand, many exalted and ruler of the 2nd.
people have successfully talked their way to fame and 2. An adept astrologer is indicated by Mercury i~
fortune, despite their lack of valid ideas. The follow- an angle, ruler of the 2nd powerful, Venus in the 2n
ing rules deal with such ability, or its lack. house and another benefic in the 3rd; or by benefics
1. If the ruler of the 2nd conjuncts Jupiter in the in the 2nd house in exaltation rasi, and ruler of the
12th house, the native is apt to be dumb or inarticu- 2nd powerful.
late. (This is an illustration of planets which govern
oratory being lodged in a house normally inaccessible
to the conscious mind. Such being the case, the power Two ExAI'vlPLES OF SPEAKING ABILITY
of speech is limited or inhibited.) The rasi chakras of Sir Winston Churchill, Figure
2. If ruler of the 2nd occupies an angle, or the 5th 26, and Adolph Hitler, Figure 20, illustrate two m?de~
or 9th house, and at the same time is exalted, joined examples of extraordinary power of spee~h .. I~ H1tler_s
or aspected by benefics, the native becomes an elo- chakra, Venus, ruler of the 2nd house. is m i~s det~­
quent and humorous speaker. ment, but associated with the Sun in its ex_altation r~s1,
3. If ruler of the 2nd occupies an angle, is in deep and Mars in its mula trikona. Moon con1unct Jupiter
exaltation and has 6 favorable vargas, and J upitcr or in the latter's mula trikona. Ascendant is vargottam~.
Venus has 5 vargas, and Mercury is in a navamsa Mercury is in its fall in Pisces. but .in th~ actual ~tl~
which he rules in Virgo or Gemini rasi, the native house. (Because the last degree of Virgo nses, the rast
will be a powerful and eloquent speaker. chakra appears to be in conflict with statements re-
4. If the navamsa dispositor of ruler of the 2nd garding house positions. However, it is correctly placed
house is Mercury, which is exalted or has 4 vargas
in the rasi chakra.)
and favorable aspects, the native will become a de-
termined and unique speaker and teacher. These planetary positions are all indicat~ons of spe~k­
5. If Jupiter is powerful, occupies a beneficial rasi, ing ability. Hitler was certainly a spe.11-bmd_er, ~esp1te
or is vargottama; or if ruler of the 2nd is in conjunc- the lack of intelligent thoughts or ideas m his ha-
tion with Jupiter or has 6 vargas: or if the ruler of rangues. Mercury gives fluency of speech, but in its
the 2nd conjuncts Venus or Mercury and has 9 vargas, fall is shallow of content. Hitler frequently prated
the native becomes a persuasive speaker. sheer nonsense, and when his speeches are examined in
C onstel1 ati on al Astrology
printed form they reveal a shocking lack of ration- vanity in the wake of defeat in war and a tragic de-
ality. Venus, ruler of the arts, including that of speech, pression. To this mass mind, Hitler's irrational emo-
in its detriment (he painted insipid picture-postcard tionalism and dogmatic rantings of hate were eagerly
scenes) gave persuasive powers of the tongue only to and enthusiastically accepted as absolute trnth.
a people whose emotions were those of humiliated


Nirayana Longitudes:
Nov. 30, 1874
n ASC. 28°34' §
10:00 P.M. 0 12°31' l1l
Near London, Eng. » 14°9' st,
t 21°2' 1112
~ 22°16'

u 17°41' 1112
? ~ 25°17' Til
T? 13°54' \13
Ayanamsha: 26°3'
0 u d1 n 28°25'
9 ~

Winston Churchill. who became Prime Minister of Curiously enough, both men attempted to paint as an
Great Britain in 1940 as an open enemy of Hitler, avocation, and neither could be considered seriously as
has Cancer on the Ascendant, with its ruler in the rasi creative in this field of expression. In view of the
Leo. Moon, significator of the public, in the 2nd, gave partial evidence, it appears that Venus with the Sun
Churchill the ability to sway the British people to meet in Scorpio in the 5th house is better off than Venus
what he promised would be a war of "blood, sweat with the Sun in Aries in the 8th house!
and tears.'' Furthermore, Moon in Leo indicates great
pride, thus enlarging the scope of Cancer. giving am-
bition to attain power with likelihood of success, in
contrast to Hitler's Saturn in its detriment in Cancer.
Mercury, ruler of mental processes and discrimina- Much attention has been given in India to the vessels
tive judgment, in the 4th house, ruled by Libra, in- in which food is served, most of which are of metal.
dicates both intellectual and measured appeal for sup- Since the quantity and quality of food is also of
port of the homeland against open enemies, represented import, and the caste system decreed the manner of
by Saturn in the 7th. Mars with Jupiter in its detri- service, the 2nd house became an indicator of dining
ment in the 3rd reveals invective speech on a large habits. Rules pertaining to the degree of excellence of
scale and for far-reaching purpose. Churchill's use of food and service measure affluence by gold vessels,
''V for Victory,'' as a symbol accompanied by the then silver. china and glassware of exquisite workman-
opening notes of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, may be ship; then on down the scale to brass, copper, bronze
a reflection of Venus with the Sun in the 5th house. and vessels of iron. Poverty extending back many gen-
However, as with Hitler, Venus is in its detriment. erations is judged hy the use of worn-out tableware
Sec01id H oirne Delineatfon 71
made of the cheapest materials (2nd house occupied by benefics, the native lives on free lunches or forms of
a malefic; navamsa dispositor of the ruler of the rasi charity wherever it is available, without shame.
occupied by the ruler of the 2nd, weak and unas-
The nature of the appetite also comes under con- The 2nd house of itself does not bestow wealth, but
sider~tion. M_alefics in the 2nd house denote strong
rather indicates the ability to appropriate and use it.
appetite but mterfere with the proper assimilation of In delineation of a chart it is necessary to find sources
food. They also tend to coarsen perception of delicate of wealth outside the 2nd house.
flavors, so that the individual seeks stimulation from
Briefly, the 1st house if well-aspected aids in gaining
pungent foods, and is indifferent to the way in which
wealth by regulation of health and native intelligence.
they are served. Mars or Sun in the 2nd denote a taste
From the 3rd may come assistance given by relatives
for .condiments, such as peppers, spices and curries.
or persons in one's immediate environment; through
Desire !or alcoholic beverages comes under this plane-
travel, communications and skills. The 4th house in-
tary stim~lus. Saturn in the 2nd turns the appetite
dicates wealth through advantages of family influ-
tow~rds bitter, sour or ill-smelling foods, such as garlic
ence, or from the land. The 5th points to acquisition
or hmburger cheese. It also indicates preference for
of wealth from children, speculation, entertainment,
foods that are difficult to eat, or to prepare for eating.
creative expression or inventions. The 6th house is the
I.n general, benefics in the 2nd house tum the ap- source of acquisition through servants, agents, ani-
petite toward bland and sweet foods such as fruits mals and advantages gained through social adjustment.
grains, nuts, vegetables, milk and milk 'products, honey: Partnerships of all kinds are the source of wealth
etc. T~e. ap?etite for food does not exceed the power from the 7th, but it also indicates money gained from
of ass1mtlat1on, which is very high when benefics oc- open enemies or opponents in law suits. The 8th house
cupy this house. indicates wealth inherited through wil1s or devices
A large appetite is indicated when the ruler of the from any source; or wealth derived from the assistance
2nd joins a malefic and occupies a shastyamsa such as of other people's influence or the use of their goods.
davagni, dandayudha or kalamsa. Also if the ruler The 9th house points to wealth through religion,
of the 2nd occupies the navamsa of its fall, joins a philosophy, science, law, foreign traveL international
malefic, and is aspected by another malefic. commerce, teaching, and corporate investment. The
A moderate appetite is indicated when the ruler of 10th is the source of wealth derived from the profes-
the 2nd is conjunct or aspected by benefics. sion, the government, from those in authority, from
Rapid eaters are indicated when the ruler of the reputation or award gained by public service. It is the
~nd house is exalted, or is aspected by a benefic; or is house most often used to indicate ability to earn money
m shastyamsa mirdu; or is otherwise powerful in Shad by one's own efforts. The 11th house indicates riches
Bala or vargas. from profit in commercial enterprises, friends, fraternal
groups, or ''luck," with its unexpected windfalls. Even
Slow eaters arc indicated when malcfics aspect the
the 12th house may be a source of wealth which, in
ruler of the 2nd at full force. Such persons have little
its positive aspect, comes through self-sacrifice. It has
appreciation of refinement in food.
long governed prisons, hospitals, and all places where
Coarse or dirty meals are indicated when the ruler charity and patience are in high demand. In its more
of the 2nd is in conjunction with Saturn or Mars hidden nature, the 12th may indicate wealth derived
and is debilitated or in shastyamsa yama, unaspected
from unknown sources.
by benefics.
Of the rasi subdivisions which contribute ability
When the ruler of the 2nd is in a n~wamsa of its to gain wealth, the most important arc the so.ptamsas
fall, or otherwise unfriendly, and at the same time is and the shastyamsas. A planet in exaltation, in mula
weak in Shad Bala, the native will feed on the bounty trikona, or in swakshetra, and angular. is especially
of others a~1d take advantage of their hospitality. If favorable for power and \vealth if it is vargoW1ma or
the ruler. of the 2nd is aspected by planets in their uttama, and has more than 480 virupas of Shad Bala.
fall, he will abuse his benefactors. Even if such a planet Joes not join thl' ruler of the 2nd
When Saturn rules the 2nd house, or is combined house, its promise of wealth is strong. Hl)\\'cvcr, if it
:Vith the ruler of the 2nd; or if the ruler of the 2nd aspects the ru kr of the 2nd, or any planet therein, the
IS stronaly
b ·1spcctccl
< - by S·dt u1·n wit· h out ·mtcrposmg
· evidence for wealth is mrnsually strong.
72 Constellational Astrology
In the matter of obtaining wealth it should be noted powerful in Shad Bala and the rasi dispositor of the
that a powerful malefic is fully as good a promisor as ruler of the 2nd in an angle.
a benefic, except that the wealth is obtained by more 4. The saptamsa dispositor of ruler of the 10th
effort, or by ruthlessness. Such a planet may also indi- powerful in Shad Bala, and receiving aspects from
cate wealth easily acquired, but in a dishonest or un- Jupiter and Venus.
scrupulous manner. Conversely, a benefic closely as- 5. Ruler of the 2nd in a drekana whose ruler is in a
sociated with the 2nd house by rulership or occupancy, navamsa which is ruled by a powerful planet.
if in its fall or detriment, either by rasi, navamsa or 6. Ruler of the 2nd in its highest exaltation and
saptamsa, the wealth promised would be slow in com- conjunct or aspected by Jupiter, while at the same
ing, or obtained only after long delays and much in- time an exalted planet occupies the 2nd house, joined
convenience. or aspected by Jupiter.
Badly situated malefics in the 2nd house show waste 7. Rulers of the 2nd, 4th and 9th houses, together
of wealth if and when obtained, and frequently affords with Jupiter, all occupying the 10th house, and pow-
little comfort or happiness. Badly afflicted planets are erful in Shad Bala.
those in their fall, detriment, rasi of an Enemy, com- 8. Ruler of the 2nd in exaltation, or its mula tri-
bust, or powerfully aspected by other malefics. Sun in kona, or in its own rasi, and receiving an aspect from
the 2nd is a malefic, indicating waste of wealth due to ruler of the 11th house, or Jupiter.
extravagance, or ambition to be admired. Mars shows 9. Ruler of the 10th occupying gopurasamsa ( 4 var-
waste of wealth from indulgence in the passions or ap- gas) and aspecting the navamsa dispositor of ruler of
petites, especially gambling. Saturn in the 2nd indicates the Ascendant.
loss of wealth due to selfishness, fear, timidity or lack 10. Ruler of the 2nd occupying gopurasamsa, or sim-
of action. Being a miserly position for Saturn, the per- hasamsa ( 5 vargas) , or the navamsa dispositor of ruler
son is apt to hold on to money, preserving it intact of the 2nd is a benefic.
until its usefulness is passed or destroyed. Mars associ- 11. Ruler of the 2nd occupying gopurasamsa, and
ated with Mercury in the 2nd shows danger of loss Jupiter occupying paravatamsa ( 6 vargas).
through sharp practices; or the person may seek to 12. The four angles occupied by Jupiter, Venus, a
gain wealth by taking unfair advantage of others. It well-associated Mercury, and a waxing Moon, with
is a condition which seems to attract fraud and dis- the ruler of the 2nd occupying simhasamsa.
honesty, especially if the planets are weak and the 13. Rulers of the 1st, 2nd and 11th houses each
Nodes intervene. having paravatamsa, and three benefics occupying
Hindu astrologers have elaborate and detailed rules angles.
for determining more than average wealth according 14. Moon in the 2nd house, and the cusp of the
to planetary strength in the chart. These are based on 2nd occupies paravatamsa, and ruler of the 2nd joins
how many people-relatives or groups of people-a a benefic.
person can financially assist. From this is estimated the 15. Jupiter occupying simhasamsa, Venus occupying
extent of his wealth. It is unlikely that the Western gopurasamsa, ruler of the 2nd powerful in Shad Bala
astrologer, who deals primarily with persons of average and occupying iravatamsa ( 9 vargas).
income or resources, would want to involve himself
with computing above average wealth in a horoscope, ENORMOUS WEAL TH
unless for research purposes. However, some of the
1. Ruler of the 2nd and 11th houses, and Jupiter,
rules for ascertaining outstanding wealth are as fol-
Moon and Sun each having vaisheshikamsa ( 13 var-
gas), and ruler of the 11th powerful in Shad Bala.
GREAT WEALTH 2. Venus in the 12th house and Jupiter in the 2nd,
each having vaisheshikamsa.
1. Ruler of the 2nd house joining a benefic planet 3. Ruler of the Ascendant and Jupiter in the same
while in its exaltation rasi, er an angle of the horo- rasi; in the 2nd, 5th or 9th rasi; or in an angular
scope, or a rasi ruled by friendly planets or benefics. house, both with vaisheshikamsa.
2. Ruler of the Ascendant and ruler of the 2nd house 4. Ruler of the 10th house in a drekana whose
both in their exaltation rasis, and receiving beneficial ruler is in a saptamsa ruled by a plahet which oc-
aspects. cupies an angle, or 5th or 9th house, and ruler of the
3. Ruler of the 2nd exalted, or occupying the 5th, 2nd has vaisheshikamsa.
9th or 11th house, with the ruler of the Ascendant 5. Ruler of the Ascendant in a drekana whose ruler
Second House Delineation 73
is in a saptamsa the ruler of which, or its dispositor, qualities which are allied with the astral world.
has vaisheshikamsa. (In this situation wealth originates Three malefics, Saturn, Mars and Sun, occupy all but
from the great-grandparents.) one of the angular houses, indicating conditions
To illustrate planetary conditions which give great which required Rama to lead armies in a great war,
wealth, Hindu texts use the horoscope of Sri Rama, and that only by the most tremendous efforts would
Emperor of ancient India, and hero of the epic he be victorious. Offsetting this unfavorable situation
Ramayana. In the rasi chakra, Figure 27, four angles is the beneficial effect of Venus and Jupiter exalted,
are occupied by planets in exaltation: Jupiter in Can- Moon in its own rasi combined with Jupiter, Mer-
cer in the 1st, Saturn in Libra in the 4th, Mars in cury in the 11th house in Taurus, and Venus in the
Capricorn in the 7th, and Sun in Aries in the 10th. rasi of a Great Friend. Had there not been a balancing
Venus is exalted in Pisces in the 9th. In addition, the influence from benefics, this exceptionally wealthy Em-
Nodes are well-placed in Gemini and Sagittarius, giv- peror-leader would have been a tyrannical and cruel
ing an intellect able to counteract the undesirable ruler.


~ 0 ~ u
)) B


n ?
Constellational Astrology
of the 4th has vaisheshikamsa, the native will receive
much wealth from maternal relatives.
1. Ruler of the 2nd joined to the navamsa dispositor Father: If ruler of the 2nd is powerful, joins or is
of ruler of the 10th, occupying an angle, with aspects aspected by both ruler of the 9th and by Jupiter, t~e
from benefics. native receives wealth from the father or from his
2. A benefic exalted and occupying the 1st, 2nd or spiritual teacher, or by work with charities.
11th house, powerfully aspected by the navamsa dis- Sons: To gain wealth from male offspring the ruler
positor of the ruler of the 2nd. of the 2nd must be powerful, joined by ruler of the
3. Ruler of the Ascendant occupying the 2nd or 5th, and by Jupiter, and ruler of the Ascendant have
11th house, and ruler of the 2nd occupying the As-
4. Ruler of the rasi occupied by the navamsa dis- WEAL TH FROM OUTSIDE SOURCES
positor of ruler of the Ascendant, aspecting the rulers
1. Gain through marriage, if ruler of the 2nd is
of the 2nd and 10th, which are joined in an angle,
powerful, joins or is aspected by ruler of the 7th and
and ruler of the 2nd is also aspected by benefics.
by Venus, and ruler of the Ascendant is strong in Shad
5. If ruler of the Ascendant is the most powerful
planet in Shad Bala, occupies an angle, and is con- Bala.
2. Gain through open enemies, if ruler of the 2nd is
junct Jupiter, and ruler of the 2nd has vaisheshikamsa
powerful, joins or is aspected by ruler of the 6th, and
(13 vargas), the native will have much self-acquired
Mars is ruler of the Ascendant and has vaisheshikamsa
wealth after thirty.
and more than 480 virupas of Shad Bala.
WEAL TH ACQUIRED DURING OR AFTER MIDDLE AGE 3. Gain through profession or government position,
1. Ruler of 2nd house occupying an angle, or 5th if ruler of the 2nd is strong, joins or is aspected by
or 9th house, and in conjunction with ruler of the ruler of the 10th, and is joined or aspected by Jupiter.
11th, while receiving aspects from benefics, and is 4. Gain through profitable work or business, ruler
strong in kala bala. of the 2nd must be strong, joined or aspected by Jupi-
2. Ruler of the Ascendant joining ruler of the 2nd ter and ruler of the 11th house.
or 11th, together with a benefic planet, and the rasi 5. Financial success as a banker or money lender, if
dispositor of ruler of the Ascendant powerful and oc- the navamsa dispositor of ruler of the Ascendant oc-
cupying the 1st house. cupies the shastyamsa mridu, and is in a favorable
navamsa or saptamsa while receiving an aspect from
WEAL TH THROUGH PERSONAL EFFORT Jupiter. Or, if the navamsa or drekana dispositor of
1. The navamsa dispositor of ruler of the Ascendant the rulers of the 2nd or 11th houses is in an angle with
powerful, friendly to the ruler of the 2nd house, and vaisheshikamsa.
in its own rasi, or in an angle, or 5th or 9th house. (Note: If in these rules pertaining to wealth, the
2. Ruler of the 2nd in an angle, or the 5th or 9th planets specified are weak, occupy depression rasis or a
rasi forward from ruler of the Ascendant. rasi belonging to an Enemy, or are otherwise afflicted,
3. Ruler of the 2nd a benefic and powerful, and at instead of gaining wealth the native loses it through
the same time is in conjunction with an exalted planet the agencies listed.)
or is itself exalted.
4. A general indication of abundance and wealth is POVERTY AND Loss OF WEAL TH

ruler of the 1st house in the 2nd, and ruler of the 2nd 1. If the 2nd house ruler is a malefic, has malefic
in the 1st or 11th house. conjunctions or aspects, and is exalted, while ruler of
the Ascendant is weak and conjoins a malefic, the na-
WEAL TH ACQUIRED THROUGH RELATIVES tive makes his livelihood by helping others in a sub-
Brothers: Rulers of the 1st and 2nd conjunct or servient or menial capacity.
aspected by ruler of the 3rd house, and located in the 2. If evil planets occupy the 2nd house, while its
3rd, and ruler of the 3rd has vaisheshikamsa ( 13 var- ruler is weak and aspccted by malefics, and ruler of
gas). Or, ruler of the 3rd with Jupiter occupying the Ascendant is conjunct a malefic in the 6th, 8th or
the 2nd, and having vaisheshikamsa, and aspected by 12th house (known as dusthana houses); or if the ruler
ruler of the Ascendant. of the 2nd is a malefic occupying a rasi ruled by a ma-
Mother: Ruler of the 2nd house powerful, joined lefic which has aspects from a malefic, the native earns
or aspected by ruler of the 4th. If, in addition, ruler a living with great difficulty.
Seconcl House Delineation 75
3. When the navamsa disposito.r of ruler of the 2nd 2. When ruler of the 2nd occupies either the 8th or
is in a navamsa ruled by Saturn or Mars, and is in the 12th house in a cruel shastyamsa, and the 2nd and 8th
6th, 8th or 12th house, joined or aspected by a malefic; are occupied by malefics.
or when malefics are in the 2nd house, and rulers of 3. If ruler of the 2nd is in its fall, occupies the 8th
the 2nd and 11th houses are each conjunct a malefic, house and is conjunct the Sun.
there is danger that the native, though born to wealth, 4. If ruler of the 10th and the Ascendant join in
will fall into poverty. the 8th house in the shastyamsa Yama (No. 35) or
4. The navamsa dispositor of the ruler of the 12th Damshtrakarla (No. 48).
in the rasi of its fall, occupying an angle with malefics, 5. If ruler of the 2nd and 12th exchange houses,
and aspecting the ruler of the 2nd full force ( opposi- while ruler of the Ascendant is in the 8th house, con-
tion), brings about financial downfall. junct a malefic, and aspects the rulers of the 12th and
2nd houses, loss of wealth from anger or revenge of
5. If the navamsa dispositor of the ruler of the rasi the ruling classes is indicated.
occupied by the ruler of the 2nd house is in the
shastyamsa Kalamsa (No. 44) or Dandayudha (No. LOSSES THROUGH FIRE OR THEFT
52), or similar adverse shastyamsas, and in vargas
ruled by Mars or Saturn, the native becomes penniless. 1. If ruler of the 2nd has no beneficial vargas, oc-
cupies a varga ruled by Mars or Saturn, while conjunct
Mars, and receiving an aspect from the ruler of the 6th
1. When ruler of the Ascendant or the 11th house 2. If the navamsa dispositor of the ruler of the 2nd
occupies the 11th, and is in a cruel shastyamsa con- joins with a malefic in the 6th, 8th or 12th house, and
joined with malefics. is joined or aspected by ruler of the 1st.


<3' B ~ 2.{.
May 27, 1836 Q 0 ~ Nirayana Longitudes:
New York State ASC. 26°29' ~
Time, Long. & Lat. 0 10°29' ~
not known. I> 26°29' llJ.?
~ 5°29' er
~ 3°29' II
2! 20°29' II
9 25°29' Il
Ayanamsha: 25°31' ? l;> 3°59' ::=
u n 24°10' er

Jay Gould started life in poverty, but became a mul- Moon, ruler of the 3rd, is in the 5th house, govern-
timillionaire by his shrewd and often dishonest activi- ing risks or gambles. Saturn, ruler of the 9th (invest-
ties in high finance. Even during his lifetime he was ment) and the 10th (reputation) is located in its
known as one of the "robber barons" of Wall Street exaltation rasi, Libra, but in the 6th house, which in
because of his outrageous manipulations. Although an the Hindu system governs thieves. Here the unlovely
intelligent man, he turned his abilities to unadmirable side of the character is revealed, for Saturn is opposed
ambitions. In his rasi chakra (Figure 28) ruler of the by Mars in its mula trikona in the 12th. Both planets
2nd, Mercury, is swakshetra, and is associated with are strong by rasi but in dusthana houses. and act as
the benetics Jupiter and Venus, the latter being also twin guards of selfishness (Saturn) and boldness
ruler of the I st house. (Mars) over the rest of the planets.

Ayanamsha: 25°45'
June 12, 1852
7:35 A.M., London

69 L-.:::.:..:::......=:..::.:=----- ~--~~---~~
8°Y5 52' U


Rasi Chakra Navamsa Chakra Saptamsa Chakra

» 0 ll B
? ~
u <1
n 0
B ~ ))
9 D
n 2!

?j r3' ~ ?

B 0 9 d'
n ? u

Second House Delineation 77
Barney Bamato, born Barnet Isaacs, was a spectacu- is in the 12th from Jupiter. In the saptamsa chakra,
lar South African millionaire of the 19th century. Most Jupiter is in the 12th house from the Ascendant, and
of his wealth was secured by smuggling diamonds, or Mars is in the 8th forward from Jupiter.
by acting as a "fence" for diamond smugglers working In addition to what has already been said about
in the South African mines. Mars in Leo occupying the 2nd house of the nirayana
In his nirayana horoscope, Saturn is in the 10th horoscope, this malefic is posited in Taurus (its detri-
house, denoting ambition and struggle for power. ment), in the 8th house in the navamsa chakra (wealth
However, Saturn in Aries is in its fall, indicating a from other people), square the Moon (the public), a
threat to the reputation, or a possible downfall situation further emphasized in the saptamsa chakra
(strengthened by the opposition from Jupiter in the with Mars in the 7th house with Ketu.
4th). In the navamsa chakra, Saturn is with the Sun Finally the Moon, although in the 10th house of the
and Venus in the 12th, house of self-undoing, opposite nirayana horoscope, is in the 9th of the rasi chakra
Mercury in its fall in the 12th rasi forward from Jupi- (international affairs), and in Pisces, the natural 12th
ter. Barnato committed suicide by jumping from a house rasi (conspiracies), trine Venus and the Ascend-
steamship. There was no apparent explanation for his ant (protection). In the navamsa chakra, Moon is in
death. Furthermore, Saturn is in the shastyamsa Yama the 5th house (speculation and gambling), and square
(No. 35), "Lord of Region of the Dead." In the sap- Mars in Taurus in the 8th. In the saptamsa chakra,
tamsa chakra, Saturn is in its detriment in the 6th rasi Moon is also in Aquarius rasi, but in the 12th house,
forward from the Ascendant, in opposition to the together with Venus, ruler of the 3rd, wherein the Sun
Moon, Venus and Jupiter in the 12th, and square Sun is posited, and which is in square aspect to the M?on.
in Taurus. Sharing this position of Moon and Venus is Jupiter,
Mercury and Sun in Taurus (natural significator of all of which oppose Saturn in the 6th house.
wealth) are in the 11th house (luck), square Mars in The prominence of dusthana houses in these chakras
the 2nd house (wealth) in Leo ruled by Sun (gambling is remarkable. Dusthana, meaning "Evil Standing:"
and speculation). This planetary configuration testifies pertains to the 6th, 8th and 12th houses, ':hether m
to unscrupulous practices in obtaining riches. Mercury the natural zodiac, or as counted forward either from
is ruler of the 4th house (lands and mines) and also the Ascendant in any particular horoscope, or from
of the 12th (secrecy, activities behind the scenes). In any planet under consideration. The interested student
the navamsa chakra, Mercury is in its fall in the 6th will find many more dusthana positions in the chakras
rasi forward from the Ascendant. In the saptamsa of Barney Barnato than have been cited here.
chakra, Mercury is in Capricorn rasi, the 6th forward
The shastyamsas in this chart are also most pertinent.
from Saturn in Leo, which is the 8th rasi forward from
Moon in Pretapurisa (No. 12 in even rasis), "City of
Mercury. Sun is in Taurus rasi, squared by three benefics
(protection), Jupiter, Venus and Moon in Aquarius the Dead," combines with the shastyamsa of Saturn
(No. 35) to proclaim the malefic intent of t~is man.
(the natural 11th, house of luck), but in the 12th from
Sun is in Garala (No. 9), "a venemous snake:' Ve~us
the Ascendant. Although his illegal activities were
in Mridu (No. 46) indicates the subtlety underlymg
known to authorities, no evidence against Barnato
was ever brought to light. his financial manipulations. Mars in Agni (No. 10~,
denoting fire (the motive power to attain wealth m
Jupiter in the nirayana chart is in Libra (natural this inst:·rnce), also indulgence of the appetites. Barnato
significator of other people), posited in the 4th house, was well-known as a bon vivant. Jupiter and the As-
and ruler of the 6th and 10th. In considering sources cendant are both Annita (No. 38), giving protection
of wealth, the 4th points to family or to land; the 6th of the gods. Mercury in Saumya (No. 45) further
to employees, servants, or thievery; the l 0th to pro- substantiates bcnefic immunity (he was never caught
fession (career) or government. In the rasi chakra,
in his nefarious dealings).
Moon is in the 6th house forward from Jupiter, while
Mercury and Sun arc in the 8th forward in Taurus, This has been only a brief analysis of one horoscope,
the natural significator of wealth. In the navamsa with particular attention given to the 2nd house and
chakra, Jupiter is in Aries (the natural 1st house), and its ramifications. However, it serves to illustrate the
in the 7th from the Ascendant (what belongs to others manner in which any horoscope may be studied to
is appropriated to the self). Sun, Moon and Saturn are reveal the various meanings of the planets in both
all in the 6th house forward from Jupiter, and Mercury their rasi positions and their positions in other vargas.
78 Constellational Astrology
In general, the navamsa chakra relates to the fruit of earth. Both of these chakras are used in India to delin-
karma which is ripening. The saptamsa often shows eate greater details pertaining to the acquisition of
the fruition of past karmic accumulation and as such wealth than is afforded in either the nirayana horo-
reveals an affinity with Nature and the products of the scope or the bhava chakra.


July 30, 1863

2:22 P.M., LMT
9 ~
Ayanamsha: 25°54'
83°11' W., 42°19' N. 260 20
St. &l
32' 13'

t- lo-'>
og ,___ _ _ _ _ _ __ 0

0 0

Rasi Chakra N avamsa Chakra

w e w ? J)
u '(5

~ B
J) cJ 2!
B ? ~
b°6 I
9 0 n
Second House DeUrieatfon 79
Henry Ford, famed throughout the world as the associated with Mars-Sun, which is devalokamsa, or
first to manufacture automobiles on a mass production "Heaven real med." In other words, Henry Ford had
basis for consumers in low income brackets, and sub- assistance and protection from higher spiritual powers.
sequently known for his philanthropic enterprises of The shastyamsa of Venus is Subhakara (No. 54),
colossal dimensions, began life in virtual poverty. The "Creator of good fortune."
first large scale evidence that he was a man with more
The full-strength aspect of Moon opposition Sun
on his mind than making profit from his enterprises
and Mercury in Cancer shows awareness of the needs
was during World \Var I, when he built his "Liberty
of the common people, whom he served by giving
Ships" with which to promote peace. This venture was
them economical transportation. At the same time,
a failure, but the Foundation that bears his name is
Moon in its detriment is in the shastyamsa Mrityukara
not. The vimshottari system of planetary periods would
(No. 31), "Causer of death." It cannot be gainsaid that
throw light on these matters. However, in the present
the automobile has become a major factor in mass mur-
context we are dealing with indications of great wealth
der, surpassing even the fatalities of a great war. In the
as revealed by the 2nd house and its relationships.
navamsa chakra, Sun, Venus and Mars are all in dus-
Since Henry Ford evidently exceeded his karma, the thana houses from the Moon. However, three planets
transcendental planets are included in his horoscope. in the navamsa chakra are mula trikona-Moon, Mars
In this respect, Pluto (which has dominion over the and Mercury-so that one might say despite highway
masses) is in Aries, and supersedes Mars in rulership mayhem, the motor car has served a more useful than
for long-range and long-lasting projects. Uranus, destructive purpose. Although everyone who drives a
planet of extremes, but also ruler of the New Age, is car is subject to injury or death, the majority of peo-
in Taurus, the natural 2nd house of wealth, and posited ple manage to avoid serious mishap to themselves,
in the 7th (other people). Jupiter, ruler of the 2nd even though few have escaped having at least a dented
house, located in the 11th (circumstances and luck), fender!
forms a grand trine to Uranus and the Moon (the
Unusual ideas of economy are revealed by the Saturn
public) in the 3.rd house (transportation).
-Jupiter conjunction in Virgo, which are in the 3rd
Neptune in the 4th house, trine Sun and Mercury house (transportation) from their ruler, Mercury in
in Cancer in the 5th forward from Neptune, shows Cancer (the mode of transportation). Jupiter is in its
protection of family and children. It has been publicly fall in the rasi chakra. It was said that Mr. Ford
asserted that the Ford Foundation was set up to avert didn't care what color the customer wanted his car
monetary drain through inheritance taxes on the Ford painted, as long as he wanted it black (Saturn's color)!
clan. Despite this possible motivation, the Ford Foun- Many a broken am1 attests to the tenacity with which
dation has benefited creative people (the 5th) through- he retained the hand cranking system years after elec-
out the world (the 9th forward from the Ascendant tric starters were standard on other makes of cars.
in the rasi chakra). But as many will fondly remember, his car would go,
Henry Ford's fortune came as a result of his me- required little maintenance, and could be handled by
chanical inventiveness, shown by Scorpio occupying almost anyone. Jupiter, which rules the house of wealth
the I st house, ruled by Mars in Leo in the 10th. This in the nirayana horoscope, is in Leo in the 2nd house
powerful Mars, joined by bencfic;: Venus, enabled him of the navamsa chakra, strengthening the grand trinc
to turn what had hitherto been a luxury into a prac- in the natal chart regarding the ability to acquire
tical necessity. Mars also gave him the ability to or- riches bestowed by this bencfic.
ganize and to take leadership (10th house), substanti- Saturn in the navamsa chakra is in the 9th house,
ated by the following favorabk vargas: rasi Leo, hora receiving full aspect from Mercury in mula trikona, re-
Sun, drekana Leo, saptamsa Leo, navamsa Aries, and vealing the success of his product not only in his
trimsamsa Aries. These circumstances surrounding native land, but in foreign countries as well. Saturn is
Mars are most powerful, since Sun, ruler of the Mid- in shastyamsa Indumukha (No. 49). ''having the ap-
heavcn, is not only a Great Friend, but is the dispositor pearance of beauty and intelligence.·· What person who
of Mars, ruler of the Ascendant. Furthermore. the was fortunate enough to own a Ford did not think it
shastyamsa of Mars is Yakshavali (No. 5), '·A Spirit beautiful. and also intelligent. since this mechanical crea-
(attendant of Kubera)," who in turn is ''Goel of Treas- ture could go under its own motive power! Nor was
ure (akin to Pluto).'' Thus the horoscope is most it accidental that this car was nicknamed Tin Lizzy.
fortunate indeed, having the equivalent of 7 vargas Jupiter rules tin. Lizzy is a diminutive of Elizabeth,
80 Constellational Astrology
from the Hebrew which means "consecrated to God." by distance), which demanded greater tolerance be-
Need it be added that money, whether referred to as tween people and ideas, and eliminated the dependence
"tin" or "lettuce" (an analogue to Venus in Taurus, of residence upon its proximity to places of employ-
natural ruler of the 2nd house of the zodiac), has ment. The latter has created problems in city planning
come to be worshipped as a god in this age? Jupiter which have not yet been solved.
is in shastyamsa Maya (No. 11). In coacluding this vignette on the wealth acquired
Perhaps no other single individual has had so pro- by Henry Ford, and also this section on delineation
found an effect upon the social organization, morals of the 2nd house, it may be revealing to note that the
and economic institutions of our time. Modem his- Ascendant in the nirayana horoscope is in shastyamsa
torians claim that Henry Ford's liberation of the peo- Payodhya (No. 5 8), "container of water; the ocean,"
ple from the confining modes of travel prevalent at which brings to mind the nursery rhyme jingle:
the turn of the century created new dimensions in "Little drops of water, tiny grains of sand,
popular concepts of work, pleasure and time (measured Make the mighty ocean, and the prosperous land."


In Western astrology, the 3rd house pertains pri- The 3rd house is also an indicator of the faculty of
marily to the development of manual skills and the hearing. Poor hearing is obviously an inability to re-
ability to communicate on everyday matters (journal- ceive communication from others. One rule pertaining
ism, short-distance travel, etc.). It also governs brothers to such is that, if malefics occupy the 3rd, 5th, 9th or
and sisters, and one's immediate environment, includ- 11th houses forward from any planet under considera-
ing neighbors. Although in general, Hindu astrology tion, and not aspected by benefics, hearing is impaired.
implies these same interpretations of the 3rd house,
the emphasis is placed differently. Furthermore, Mars SIBLINGS
is considered as co-ruler of this house, since it signifies
skill as well as militant action. The West parallels 1. If the ruler of the 1st house is in friendship with
this use of Mars by using it as a ruler of surgeons and the ruler of the 3rd, there will be cordiality and co-
dentists. operation between the native and his brothers. Enmity
between these significators indicates quarrels and strife.
Since the family unit is the nucleus of all Oriental
2. Brothers will be prosperous if the 3rd house is
society, rather than dealing with communication per
occupied by a benefic; its cusp is besieged by benefics;
se, the Hindu astrologer looks to the 3rd house for
its ruler is exalted, or is in conjunction with or strongly
conditions existing between brothers and sisters as an
aspected by benefics. Weakness either in Shad Bala or
index of environment, neighbors, and capacity to com-
vargas, or malefics aspecting the points mentioned, in-
municate. Although women in the East are by no
dicates troubles, danger, or short life of the native's
means considered unimportant, it is the male member
of the family who is most valued for his projection of
3. If ruler of the 3rd house and Mars occupy even
the family into the world of commerce and society
rasis or navamsas, the native will have sisters.
at large.
4. If ruler of the 3rd occupies an odd rasi and is
Mars, as co-ruler of the 3rd, gives vikrama, meaning aspected by Jupiter, Sun and Mars, the native will
courage, valour and skill. Courage is defined as that have brothers.
quality of mind, or glandular balance, which prepares 5. In general, brothers older than the native are
a person to encounter danger or adversity with firm- indicated by the 11th house and its associations.
ness and control, enabling him to act with vigor and 6. If ruler of the 3rd house and Mars are in navamsas
decision in times of stress or danger. (Vikrama might ruled either by Mercury or Saturn, brothers will be
be equated with the function of the adrenal glands.) sterile, sisters, barren.
Third House Delineation 81
VIKRAM A 7. If Mars is powerful in Shad Bala or vargas, or
joins a cruel shastyamsa, or is in the 12th house, the
1. If ruler of the 3rd house, or Mars, occupies bene- native suffers defeat in battle.
ficial navamsas, the native will be courageous. 8. The ruler of the 3rd house combined with other
2. If a powerful Sun occupies simhasamsa ( 5 vargas), planets or the Nodes:
or if ruler of the 3rd, or Mars, is powerful, courage a) If combust the Sun (within 15°), the native is
and military skill are indicated. cowardly.
3. If ruler of the 3rd is powerful, and has 13 vargas, b) If with the Moon, he is bold in mind, but
the native will have outstanding courage. ordinary in external appearances.
4. If ruler of the 3rd is exalted, associated with c) If with Mars, he is furious and powerful.
malefics in a cardinal rasi, or cardinal navamsa, the d) If with Jupiter, he will be bold and versed
native will be bold before battle, but may lose heart in the science of diplomacy.
if immediate success is not achieved. e) If with Venus, the native is passionate, and
5. If ruler of the 3rd is in a fixed rasi, or in a engages in quarrels or fights arising from his
fixed navamsa, the native's courage increases after the lust for women.
battle begins. f) If with Saturn, the native becomes stupid and
6. If ruler of the 3rd occupies a cruel shastyamsa, dull.
or is combined with or aspected by malefics, the native g) If with Rahu or Ketu, the native will appear
becomes stupid or dull in warfare. bold but have a timid and wavering mind.


July 22, 356 BC ?

Between 10 P.M. and Nirayana Longitudes:
Midnight. ASC., 13° ::::
Pella, Macedonia B 0 0 12° §
» 13 0 T1J2
~ 10°30' T1J2

Ayanamsha: + 5° ~ ~ 10 f;1.,

(5° Aries was the point ~ 2..! oo T1J2

S? 25° f;1.,
of the vernal equinox)
~ u: ? 11° ~

Alexander the Great enjoyed unusual advantages in Mars. As all who are familiar with history know,
early training for his outstanding leadership. At the Alexander gained enormous wealth through his con-
age of twenty he inherited from his father a kingdom quests. Mars is also ruler of the 10th, receiving full
which had been developed into a first-class state, com- strength from Saturn, ruler of the Ascendant (and
plete with a highly trained army toughened and sea- natural ruler of the 10th house in the zodiac), all of
soned by battle experience. which proclaim the far-reaching authority and power
In the rasi chakra, the 3rd house of the horoscope which this militant ruler wielded. Furthermore, Mars
is Aries, ruled by Mars, posited in the 8th, a house of is in the 3rd rasi forward from the Sun, giving mili-
death. He died of fever when he was only thirty-three tary courage and skill of a high order. Sun is in
years old. The 8th house also indicates treasure of the shastyamsa Kantaka (No. 36), ''thorn; point of a
enemy. Moon and Jupiter share this position with needle," indicating the sharpness of his strategies.
Constellativnal Astrology
wealth of those he sought to conquer. That this wealth
Sun occupies 6 favorable vargas: rasi Cancer, hara was of vast extent is shown by Mercury, also in the
M oon ' drekana Scorpio., saptamsa
Pisces, dwadasamsa
h. h 7th, and ruler of the 2nd house from it (the opponent's
0 '
and trimsamsa Pisces, the rulers of w IC house of possessions and resources), with three power-
are all Great Friends of the Sun. But perhaps even ful planets therein: Moon representing land, Jupiter,
more important is Sun's navamsa, which is Libra, ruled
oreat riches. and Mars representing armed forces. Pos-
by a Great Enemy, Venus, posited in Leo, the 7th
~ibly no other military leader in history has met with
house in the rasi chakra-again showing the power
such vast odds and with such singular success.
at Alexander's command with which to possess the



Being the analogue of the constellation Cancer, the
4th house has close relationship with the Moon, hence 1. If the cusp of the 4th falls in its exaltation rasi,
its fundamental meaning is sustainment of the person- or rasi of a Friend, or a benefic, the native will be
ality. Showing the source of this support it first straightforward and honest.
delineates the parents, then kinsmen, and finally the 2. A person will be pure in heart and mind:
earth which represents the mother of all mankind. a) If ruler of the 4th is powerful, with 4 favor-
From the latter comes rulership over land, houses or able vargas, or occupies its own or the navamsa
dwellings, and modes of travel. Because of its associa- of a Friend.
tion with the parents, the 4th may represent their b) If ruler of the Ascendant is in the 4th, joined
virtues or vices, and the legitimacy of birth. It is also with or aspected by benefics, and occupies 6
a significator of death. favorable vargas.
The 4th house. if well-aspected, pertains to happi- c) If the 1st house is occupied by Jupiter and
ness, security, nourishment (Cancer rules the stomach), Venus, or has three strong aspects from bencf-
harmony with family and good fortune with property. ics, and there is a benefic in the 4th, and ruler
In the Hindu system, the 4th also rules the heart as of the 4th joins a benefic.
it has bearing on the emotions and on integrity. 3. A person will be corrupt of heart if ruler of the
4th is in conjunction with Saturn or Rahu, and aspected
STATES OF MIND AND HEAL TH or joined by other malefics.
4. If Rahu is in the 4th, aspected by malcfics, a
1. A person will be happy, and therefore healthy, person may put on the appearance of purity of heart
if Jupiter is in the 4th. has 4 favorable vargas, and
but will be corrupt.
ruler of the 4th is in the 2nd, 11th, 5th or 7th house. 5. If there is a malefic in the 4th, or ruler of the
2. If Jupiter is weak in Shad Bala or vargas, and 4th is between two malcfics, the native will be a cheat.
ruler of the 4th is weak and joined to a malefic, the 6. If ruler of the 8th joins a malefic and ruler of
native will be miserable even though wealthy.
the 4th, while no benefics join or aspect the cusp of
3. Unhappiness results if a depressed planet (in its
the 4th house, the person will be a dissimulator.
fall) occupies the 2nd, 4th or 5th house, and ruler of
the 4th occupies the 4th house in a cruel navamsa.
4. Constant ill health will be the consequence if
ruler of the 4th is in conjunction with Sun and Mars, Different societies have different rules of conduct,
and this ruler is not traveling towards its exaltation. so that what is sinful in one culture may not be so
5. Ill health wil1 result if Sun or Mars is depressed in another. A person is said to be sinful who habitually
in the 4th house with malefics, or if Sun or Mars is acts against the accepted customs of the society in
depressed in the 4th. and ruler of the 4th occupies a which he lives. Such action causes loss both of respect
navamsa ruled hy Saturn or Mars. and of status. The ability to adapt to the demands of
Fourth House Delineatfon 83

one's social or legal culture and its mores marks the 1. If ruler of the 4th is powerful, and aspected by
difference between "virtue" and "sinfulness." a benefic, the virtue of the mother is sound and
1. If the 4th house is occupied by malefics, or if cannot be doubted.
ruler of the 4th lies between malefics, or is aspected 2. Moon occupying the 1st, joined with Rahu or
by malcfics, and at the same time occupies a cruel Ketu, may constitute grounds for suspicion about the
shastyamsa, a person becomes sinful in the eyes of his virtue of the mother. These grounds will be even
associates or the law of the land. stronger if ruler of the 6th joins ruler of the 4th, in
2. Afflictions in the 4th, malefics in the 4th without the 4th or 9th house.
beneficial aspects, while Venus and Moon are in angles 3. Indications of a person being born of adultery:
in cruel shastyamsas, aspected by malefics, indicates a) If ruler of the 6th joins ruler of the 1st, 4th
incestuous drives. and 9th.
3. Ruler of the 4th conjunct a malefic, aspected by b) If the navamsa dispositor of ruler of the 6th
another malefic, indicates incestuous drives. combines with ruler of the 4th, and is aspected
4. If ruler of the 7th, joined with Mars or Saturn in by malefics.
the 4th house in a cruel shastyamsa, the person may c) If the cusp of the 4th is besieged by malefics
commit incest with sisters. and the ruler of the 4th, or the Moon is
5. If the Moon is conjoined with Mars, and ruler aspected by malefics, and ruler of the 9th is
of the 4th house is in the 4th aspected by malefics, the weaker than ruler of the 1st house.
person may have sexual congress with his mother. d) If the Sun and Moon are in conjunction and
6. Ruler of the 4th joined with Rahu, and receiving Jupiter neither joins nor aspects them, and a
a malefic aspect from Mars, indicates that the native malefic joins or powerfully aspects Sun and
may commit adultery. Moon. (Note: The conjunction is more evil
Such extreme deviations from prevailing social or immediately preceding than follmving the
moral codes should not be predicted from a horoscope time of exact conjunction, and operates with-
unless the evil indications are very strong, with no in an orb of 3 °.)
beneficial influences to balance or neutralize them. An instance when charges of illegitimacy proved
Rather these rules should be taken as indications of false is exemplified in the horoscope of Count Joseph
psychological fixations of the love symbol upon the Kwilecki (Figure 32). The child's mother was over
mother or other members of the immediate family, fifty when he was born, but it was not until Count
which prevents the person from achieving happiness Joseph was six years old that a peasant woman,
through normal union with the opposite sex, or which Cecilia Mayer, came forth to claim him as her .own
completely turns desire from its customary outlet into son. The case was tried and re-tried in three differ-
channels of other sexual aberrations. ent courts all of which handed down a verdict in
favor of tl1e Countess. However, in 1909, ·a higher
court at Posen over-ruled these former decisions, and
declared that Joseph was the son of Cecelia. The father,
Sometimes questions arise about the legitimacy of a Count Ignaz, appealed, and in May, 1910, the. supr:me
person's birth, particularly in lawsuits concerning in- tribunal at Leipzig cancelled the high courts rulmg.
heritances of property, etc. The commonest form which establishing the child as Count Joseph Kwilecki. The
makes the daily news headlines is the so-called "pa- death of the mother, brought on by grief caused by
ternity suit," or those instances where a wealthy man the unfavorable court decision at Posen, occurred in
has died and some woman suddenly appears, claiming February, 191 O, before the appeal in Leipzig found her
that he is the father of her child and who is thus son to be legitimate.
entitled to a share of his estate. Powerful._ evidence that Joseph was the legitimate
If for any reason the virtue of a person's mother son of Countess Isabc11a Kwilecki is Venus in the 4th
is in question, it may clearly be seen from the horo- house of the child's chart, with a full aspect from
scope whether such suspicions have any foundation in another benefic, Jupiter in the 10th. Furthermore. Ve-
fact. (Again keep in mind the basic rules of astrological nus is in the shastyamsa Nirmala ( 53), '·spotless: im-
prediction: one testimony indicates a possibility, two maculate." Hmvever V cnus also receives strong square
indicate a probability, and three arc required for a aspects from two malcfics: Saturn, ruler of the 4th, in
certainty.) The student is advised to use the rules that the I st house; Scorpio, ruled by Mars in its detriment
follow cautiously and with discretion. in the Taurus 7th-one of the natural homes of Venus,

Jan. 27, 1897 Nirayana Longitudes:
5:00 A.M. ASC., 21 °26' 11l
Berlin, Germany 9 u 0 10°56' \r3
» 28°26' _,.,_
0 ~ 15°26' ~

n~ u: ~ 0°56' \r3
2! 21°56' SL
~ 26°26' ~
Ayanamsha: 26°34' J) ~ 2°56' 11l
n 19°10' \r3

the other being Libra wherein the Moon is posited, it was exactly square the Ascendant and Jupiter in the
which is the 12th house of the rasi chakra. Thus both 10th. The mother's death occurred when Joseph was
open and secret enemies of the child are indicated, thirteen years old, bringing Mars to 28°26' Taurus,
which primarily affect the mother, not only causing exact square to Moon in the child's 12th. That her
her great public embarrassment, but ultimately her death was brought about by "the sorrow and indignity
death. of the Posen judgment,,, is verified by Mercury, ruler
The open enemy is represented by Mars, who is in of her 8th house, posited with the Sun in her 12th.
shastyamsa Gulika (30), "son of Saturn, but less pow-
erful." which pointedly describes the woman Cecelia-
Satum being in the 1st house of the chart, and ruler
of the 4th. Unfortunately, Alan Leo's 1001 Notable Na- Probabilities concerning the extent of the mother's
tivities, from which this data is taken, does not identify life may be read from the native's own horoscope. How-
the actual plaintiff in the various court proceedings, ever, such a calculation should be made only when the
but refers to him as Count Hector K. From the rasi mother's birth data is not known. In such cases an
chakra it appears that this man was either a brother approximate indication of her death can be obtained
or first cousin of Count Ignaz Kwilecki, the latter from the child's horoscope. Since the mother's karma
being signified by Jupiter in Leo in the 10th house. is so interming1cd with that of the child, important
The 3rd forward from the 10th is Libra, wherein the events in her life will be reflected in the charts of her
Moon is located. Sun, ruler of the 10th, is in the 12th children. A fundamental principle in astrology is that
house forward from the mother's 1st (the 4th in the an event in the life of a parent, as indicated by pro-
child's chart), suggesting possible rivalry between the gressions, transits, or primary arcs to the Ascend-
father and Count Hector for the affections of Isabella. ant or its ruler, will be reflected by corresponding
Since the mother's faithfulness to her husband is al- progressions, etc., in the native's 4th house or its ruler.
ready testified to by the chart, it is quite likely that Angles of a child's horoscope very frequently have a
Hector sought retaliation in the attempt to disprove correspondence with the angles of the parents' horo-
her as the rightful mother of Joseph. scopes. However, the following rules may furnish no
The conspiracy between Count Hector and Cecilia is more than one testimony. Should they provide more,
indicated by his 12th house position in Libra, the 6th the mother's chart, even though erected only on the
forward from Mars in the 7th house of open enemies. Sun's position for the year of her birth, must be con-
Using a degree for a year, Mars had progressed to sulted before mGking any definite predictions. All as-
21 °26' Taurus when the legitimacy of the child was trologers have an ethical responsibility in making state-
first brought to attention of the courts, at which time ments regarding the death of anyone.

Fourth House Delineation 85
A long life for the mother is indicated: RELATIONS WITH KINSMEN

1. If a benefic is in the 4th house; if the Moon 1. If ruler of the 4th is a benefic, aspected by benef-
joins a benefic; or if ruler of the 4th is powerful in ics, and Jupiter is powerful in Shad Bala, the native
Shad Bala. will be respected by his kinsmen.
2. If either Moon or Venus is powerful, occupying 2. If ruler of the 4th occupies an angle, or the 5th
a good navamsa, and aspected by benefics in any of the or 9th house, and has 13 favorable vargas, and is
angles, while the 4th house has beneficial conjunctions not joined or aspected by a malefic, the native becomes
or aspects. the helper of his relatives.
3. If the navamsa dispositor of ruler of the 4th is 3. If Jupiter occupies the 4th, or is joined or as-
in an angle, counting from the Ascendant; or if it is pected by ruler of the 4th, the native becomes a leader
in an angle counting from a powerful Moon. of his kinsmen.
4. If Jupiter, Mercury and Moon are in the 4th, or
The ensuing rules for estimating the time of the aspect the cusp of the 4th, the native will be of great
mother's demise are given by Venkatesa Daivagnya in assistance to his kinsmen.
his work, Sarwartha Chintarnani: 5. If ruler of the 4th is conjunct malefics, occupy-
1. From the child's horoscope, determine as an in- incrb a rasi whose ruler is in its fall, or in the house of
dicator the strongest of any of the three following ele- an Enemy, the native will be rejected by kinsmen.
ments: a) The cusp of the 4th house; b) The ruler of 6. If Jupiter is joined to a number of malefics, the
the rasi on the cusp of the 4th; c) The Moon. native will hate his relatives or do mischief to them.
2. Having established which is the strongest of these, 7. If the navamsa dispositor of Jupiter or the ruler
find the navamsa it occupies. Count forward from the of the 4th is combust, depressed, or in the rasi of an
navamsa Aries (No. 1), to this navamsa. The number Enemy, the person will be guilty of despicable deeds
of the count gives the number of years the mother against his kinsmen.
will live after the birth of the child.
3. If ruler of this navamsa is retrograde, the years LAND ACQUIRED THROUGH OWN EFFORTS
of the mother's life should be doubled. If the rulers of the 1st and 4th houses are both pow-
4. If ruler is in its own rasi or navamsa (vargottama), erful, and in mutual reception, while aspected or joined
the years are to be trebled. by benefics.
5. If while retrograde, the ruler also receives an
aspect from a benefic, the years are to be quadrupled. LAND ACQUIRED THROUGH BROTHERS

6. If the navamsa ruler is ativakra, the years of the I. If ruler of the 4th is aspected by Mars, or if
mother are trebled. Ativakra is from the Sanskrit, ati, ruler of the 4th is aspected by ruler of the 3rd.
meaning "great," and vakra, "retrograde." There is 2. If the navamsa dispositor of the 4th house oc-
much confusion about the meaning of this term, but cupies an angle or is joined, or aspected by Mars.
research has shown that during its period of retro-
gression, a planet is ativakra when it is in the longi- LAND ACQUIRED FR01'1 WIFE
tudinal mid-point of its period of retrogression, and If Venus is in the 4th, or if ruler of the 4th is in
the longitudinal point in which it resumes its forward the 7th house, or if ruler of the 4th and 7th are
motion. Friends.


Venus, ruler of the 4th house, is in navamsa Aquari- I. When there is mutual reception by house between
us, the count of which is 11 from Aries navamsa. Sat- the rulers of the 4th and 10th houses, with Mars pow-
urn, ruler of Aquarius navamsa, is retrograde. There- erful.
fore the years are doubled, making 22. Ruler of the 2. If rulers of the 10th and 4th are Friends, and
navamsa Aquarius being in its own rasi, these years powerful.
are trebled ( 3 X 22), or 66 years. In the case given the 3. If the 4th house is occupied by benefics, and
mother died when the native was 69 years old. The Mars and ruler of the 4th join, or arc aspcctcd by
four to five percent error between 66 and 69 years benefics.
is tolerable, considering that this calculation is based 4. If ruler of the 4th is in the 11th house, occupies
upon but one testimony. 4 favorable vargas as well as a favorabk shastyamsa.
86 Constellational Astrology
Loss OF LANDS proclaims to the world his social position. He who
1. If the cusp of the 4th house is besieged by malef- rides is immediately raised above the pedestrian, even
ics, or if it occupies evil rasis or navamsas. if he rides only a jackass. Cavalier, which is equivalent
2. If ruler of the 4th occupies the rasi of its depres- to the word gentleman, actually means a man who
sion, or if it is combust, or occupies the rasi of one rides a horse. In the East, to possess or ride an elephant
of its Enemies, or is joined or aspected by malefics. is a royal prerogative. As has been amply discussed by
3. If ruler of the 4th is in the 2nd house, depressed sociologists, the automobile in the United States is
or combust, or in an Enemy rasi, and is joined by more than a convenience; it is also of importance as a
malefics. status symbol. Because vehicles support social preten-
4. If ruler of the 4th is exalted in the 2nd, while sions, matters concerning them and their ownership
joined by a malefic, the native will sell his lands. are revealed by conditions of the 4th house and its
5. If ruler of the 10th house is in the 4th, occupying ruler. (The 3rd house rules travel itself.)
the navamsa of a malefic and an evil shastyamsa, the 1. If ruler of the 4th is powerful and benefics aspect
native will lose his lands by poor management, care- the cusp of the 4th, the native will have some sort of
lessness, or inability to pay his taxes to the government. conveyance. (This covers a wide range of modes of
The same results occur if ruler of the 4th occupies the travel, and merely lifts the individual above the pe-
10th under similar conditions. destrian class.)
2. Fine clothes, jewelry, perfumes, as well as con-
OWNERSHIP OF HOUSES veyances, may be ascertained by reference to Venus, or
1. The rulers of the I st and 7th jointly occupying by the strength of the 4th house.
the 4th house, is an indication that the native will 3. If ruler of the Ascendant, the Moon, and ruler
possess many houses. of the 4th are joined in the 1st house, the native will
2. If either the ruler of the 1st or 7th occupies the be of the cavalier class, so that when he goes about
4th, and is exalted, or in a house ruled by a Natural he can ride a horse (or taxi), and will not be obliged
Fri~nd, beneficially aspected or otherwise powerful, the to go afoot, or travel in a bullock cart (streetcar, bus
native obtains houses without effort on his part. or subway). In our present time this would also indi-
3. If ruler of the 4th is angular, powerful and cate a person who purchases a new automobile and
possesses beneficial aspects, the native will own several does not have to resort to the used-car lots.
houses. 4. If ruler of the Ascendant or the 4th house is
4. I~ ruler ~f the 4th is in the navamsa of its deep combined by conjunction or aspect from Moon, Ve-
exa:tatto?, while occupying 13 favorable vargas, the nus and Jupiter, and all three are free from debility,
native will own many houses. combustion or occupation of Enemy rasis, the native
5. If the navamsa dispositor of the ruler of the 4th will have three conveyances. If one of the benefics in
house is angular, the native will come into possession of this case is exalted, he will own numerous conveyances.
houses. (Note: This rule refers to property coming 5. When ruler of the 4th is in the 9th, and Jupiter
through inheritance from a powerful and fortunate and Venus are in the 4th, and ruler of the 9th is in an
grandparent, and relates to karma from two incarna- angle or in the 5th or 9th, the native will have clothes,
tions which gives the right to own property.) ornaments, conveyances and other luxury items im-
6. If ruler of the 9th is angular, while ruler of the ported from abroad.
4th is in the rasi of a Friend, and a planet in the 4th 6. If the rulers of the 4th and 9th arc in the 4th
is exalted, the native will own a fashionable or artistic house, or aspecting its cusp, and have 13 favorable vat-
residence. gas, the native will have luxurious conveyances and
7. If ruler of the 4th and 10th join in one of the many other pleasurable possessions.
angles, and Saturn is also angular, the native will have 7. If ruler of the 4th is a benefic, occupying the 6th,
a house built and furnished on a grand scale. 8th or 12th house, combust the Sun, and aspected by
~- If ruler of the 4th or its navamsa dispositor joins ruler of the 9th, the native will possess old, rickety,
or is aspected by a malefic in the 8th or 12th house, out-of-date or otherwise undesirable conveyances.
the native will have his home ruined.
The water triplicities, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces,
1 ust as the possession of houses or lands gives a per- ruling the natural 4th, 8th and 12th houses in the
son social status and prestige, so possession of vehicles zodiac, are often referred to as Houses of Endings. In
Fifth House Del'ineation 87

Harary Astrology, for example, the 4th indicates the prisons, or by suicide would be indicated here, in rela-
end of the matter in question. Just as fire triplicities tion, of course, to other factors in the chart.
pertain to life and vitality, earth triplicities govern sub- The following rules pertain to death by drowning.
stance and service, and air triplicities relate to thoughts, In Part Three, the Hindu system of determining length
skills, .relationships with others, etc., so the first of the of life, or time of death, is given more completely.
water triplicities (Cardinal Water), indicates the end of 1. A planet in depression in the 4th, with a malefic,
life on earth, at least in this incarnation. or ruler of the 4th weak and situated in a water rasi
in the 6th house, joined by a malefic, indicates that
From Midheaven to Nadir ( I 0th to 4th houses) is the native may fall into a well, tank or other water
the Line of Fate, and is therefore of a karmic nature. place. Danger of death from such an accident depends
The Ascendant indicates what a person has brought upon the weakness and evilness of the planets involved.
with him into this life, and which gives or withholds 2. If ruler of the Ascendant is weak and occupies
the Will to change karma brought from previous in- the 4th house with a malefic and the Sun, and the rasi
carnations. so occupied is in the depression rasi of the ruler of the
The 4th as one of the houses of endings has particu- Ascendant, and ruler of the 4th is weak and joins Moon
lar .bearing on the end of life for the parents, but as and Venus, there is danger of death by drowning in
will be seen in the rules pertaining to 8th house deline- a large body of water.
ations, aspects to the 4th are of considerable importance 3. If rulers of the 1st and 7th occupy the 4th house,
to the native as well. Some astrologers have equated aspected by ruler of the 10th, there is danger of
the 4th house with the grave; the 8th as a house of drowning.
transformation or transition, and also, in the Hindu 4. When the navamsa dispositor of ruler of the 4th
system, as a means of detem1ining the cause of death. is conjunct or aspected by ruler of the 7th, or ruler
The 12th is customarily designated as the house of of the 4th, there is danger of falling into water and
confinement, or of self-undoing. Death in hospitals, drowning.


The 5th house has rulership over children, the abil- INDICATIONS OF PROGENY
ity to procreate, and creativity in general. The character 1. If the 5th house cusp, or its ruler, or Jupiter, is
and prosperity of children and all creative efforts as to
joined or aspected by benefics.
merit and degree of success are also indicated here. 2. If Jupiter is ruler of the 5th and powerful, or if
In this connection, the 5th house pertains to the in- ruler of the 1st and 5th are in the same house, or if both
terior Self, its cultivation, and preparation for the
are exalted or in rasis of Friends.
next incarnation. Unselfish love, whether for children 3. If rulers of the 1st and 5th join a benefic in an
or others, brings an increase in morality and sensitivity angle, and at the same time ruler of the 2nd is strong.
toward humanity. It is the gateway to higher degrees 4. H the navamsa dispositor of ruler of the 5th is
of spiritual awareness. Spiritual awareness is termed joined by a bencfic, especially if this combination oc-
atma vidya ( atma meaning "man's immortal self," and
curs in the 5th house.
vidya, "knowledge"), and leads to what is called mok-
sha-emancipation from karma.

The 5th house also indicates man's intelligence, wis- I. If ruler of the 5th is a masculine planet (Sun,
dom, ministerial capacity and thos~ psychic powers Mars or Jupiter), in a masculine rasi and navamsa~ the
which the individual may develop through the use of majority of children will be of the masculine sex and
mantras (sacred utterances) given him by a guru ( spir- the first-born will be a boy.
itual teacher). In matters of health, the 5th house per- 2. If ruler of the 5th is a feminine planet (Venus or
tains to the physical heart. Moon), occupying a feminine rasi and navamsa, there
88 Constellational Astrology
will be a majority of females among the children and 2. If Mercury is in the 5th, a malefic in the 1st or
the first-born will be a girl. 4th, and other malefics in the 5th and 9th. (Note: The
3. If Mercury or Saturn rules the 5th house in rasis implication here is one of sterility. Mercury and Saturn
and navamsas ruled by either of these planets; or if are sexually impotent planets, and in the 5th would
the rasi and navamsa containing the ruler of the 5th tend to destroy fertility.)
do not agree (i.e., if one is odd, the other even), the
sex of the child cannot be predicted. ADOPTION

If the 5th house is occupied by a rasi ruled by Mer-

cury or Saturn, and these planets are located therein,
1. If ruler of the 5th aspects ruler of the 1st, or the native may adopt a son. (Note: Since in India male
if ruler of the 5th occupies the 5th, or if ruler of the children are considered the more important, adoption
1st is in the 5th. of a female is not so likely as in cultures where girls
2. If the rulers of the 1st and the 5th occupy each are as welcome as boys.)
other's navamsas.
It is considered a great misfortune in India when
1. In general, malefics in the 5th house, especially none of the children survive the parents, since it is
when weak, combust or depressed, with malefic as- believed that such circumstances destroy the parents'
pects, show misery through children. Children may be chances of reaching svarga (paradise) after death. The
the "innocent" cause, either by being sickly or deficient family becomes extinct under the following condi-
in intelligence and morality. It is also possible that tions:
their entire make-up will be inharmonious with that 1. If Venus and Mercury occupy the 7th house,
of the parents. with malefics in the 4th and Jupiter in the 5th, and
2. Ruler of the 5th in the 6th, 8th or 12th house, there are evil planets in the 8th house forward from
aspected by ruler of the 1st, Mars and Rahu, gives chil- the Moon.
dren who will constantly abuse the parents. 2. If malefics are in the 1st, Moon in the 4th, ruler
of the 1st in the 5th, and ruler of the 5th is com bust,
in its fall, or has less than 300 virupas of Shad Bala.
1. If the 5th house is aspected by a malefic, and 3. If evil planets occupy the 5th, 8th, and 12th
Jupiter is in the 5th, or ruler of the 5th joins or is houses, the family dies out through poverty.
aspected by a malefic.
2. If ruler of the 5th is in its fall, or combust, or INTELLIGENCE AND WISDOM
in a cruel navamsa (i.e., ruled by Saturn or Mars), and The Sun, natural ruler of the 5th house, symbolizes
has malefic aspects, or is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house. the central source, or Supreme Intelligence of all
3. If the drekana dispositor of the navamsa dis- creation, and refers to the wisdom gained by man
positor of ruler of the 12th aspects ruler of the 5th through non-selfish motives. The Sun is both benefic
house. and malefic, in that it destroys personal desires in favor
4. If ruler of the 5th is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th, and of spiritual growth. It allows one and all to take the
has malefic aspects, and occupies a cruel shastyamsa. consequences of his karma, but also gives the inner
5. If ruler of the 5th house is in the 5th, with Rahu, strength to surmount the shortcomings of past lives.
and is unaspected by a benefic, there may be death of In this function Jupiter, ruler of the 9th house (philos-
a child from snake bite. (Note: In India, where poison- ophy, religion, and higher education), is an important
ous snakes account for thousands of deaths, this rule is aid. Mercury docs not give intelligence per se, but
easily applicable. In countries where snake bite is rare, bestows the ability to communicate, such as is required
the same consequences might come from diseases of the by the effective teacher and spiritual guide. The Moon
nervous system, or those of epidemic nature, such as signifies the innate wisdom of Nature, ruling intuition
poliomyelitis.) and memory.
1. If a weak Moon occupies the 1st house, and a 1. If ruler of the 5th 1s a benefic, with beneficial
combust Jupiter is in the 8th, and all malefics except conjunctions or aspects, or occupies a benefic house.
the Sun arc in the 5th and 9th. 2. If ruler of the 5th is in its exaltation navamsa,
Sixth House DeUneation 89

with beneficial aspects, and lies between two benefics. FORESIGHT AND KNOWLEDGE

3. If the navamsa dispositor of ruler of the 5th has 1. If ruler of the drekana occupied either by Mercury
a beneficial aspect, and ruler of the 5th house is a or ruler of the 5th is in an angle, or in the 5th or 9th
benefic. house, aspccted by benefics, the native will be very sa-
gacious and able to read the thoughts of others.
4. If ruler of the rising navamsa of the house oc- 2. If Mercury occupies the 5th, aspected by Jupiter,
cupied by Mercury is in an angle, or the 5th or 9th
or if Venus or ruler of the 5th house is in the 5th,
house, the intellect will be acute and comprehensive.
aspected by Jupiter, the native will be able to
(Note: In interpreting this rule it is necessary to re-
impart his knowledge to others.
member that the cuspal degree also has subdivisions
3. If ruler of the 5th occupies 4 favorable vargas,
according to the Sapta Varga Tables. However, in the
and the rasi dispositor is aspected by ruler of the 1st
case of the rasi chakra, the rising navamsa, i.e., the
house, the native will have foresight and prudence.
navamsa occupied by the Ascendant, determines the
navamsas for the remaining cusps, since each sector of
the rasi chakra is exactly 30° in longitude. This rule
indicates that the native 's efforts to develop and use This condition is indicated if the 5th house is oc-
his intelligence gained in former lives bears fruit by cupied by a malefic, and ruler of the 5th lies between
extra endowment of intelligence in this incarnation.) two malefics, and is aspected by a malefic.


The 6th, a dusthana house, being inconjunct the 1st death, whereby the 8th house reveals continuance of
house ( 150°), is chosen to represent enemies on every the story. . .
plane. In the physical realm the enemy is disease. In From the 6th house may be read matters pertammg
social relationships the enemy is represented by people to tastes for different classes of food, and diseases espe-
who, in our opinion, lack understanding, malign and cially related to the organs of digestion and the appe-
accuse us unjustly; or by thieves and other dishonest tites. Circumstances of untimely death also come under
persons who rob or harm us in some way or another. the 6th house. In addition to conditions of health,
When evil thoughts enter the psyche, rebellion is en- Western astrology customarily assigns rulership of em-
gendered in the empire of the mind, soul and body, ployees, servants and the armed forces to the 6th.
causing some organ or part of the body to manifest Although Hindu astrology deals with these same sub-
symptoms which we call ill health, sickness, and some- jects, it does so more on the basis of the planets and
times malignancy. For example, disgust, dejection or the constellations than by house position.
resentment clog the kidneys. Fear or apprehension
create malfunctioning of the breathing apparatus. It
is now recognized by psychiatrists and psychologists
in allied fields that every physical ailment has a psychic I. If ruler of the 6th house is joined with a malefic
or mental origin. To the astrologer this unhealthy in the I st or 8th, the native 's body will be covered
condition can be revealed by careful examination of with sores, or will be subject to cuts. In addition, if
the 6th house and its ruler. ruler of the 6th combines with Mars, there is danger of
If competently forewarned, a person can protect him- smallpox, madc- more serious if the conjunction oc-
self against those enemies of his health which usually curs in the I st house.
enter through environmental agencies. Failure to heed 2. If ruler of the Ascendant combines with Mars
the warnings on this level may lead to destruction of and Mercury in the 12th or 4th, diseasc- is apt to arise
mental composure, disruption of family and social from faulty elimination, indigestion, or malfunction
ties, and finally, if unchecked, to disease and even of the gall bladder.
90 Constellatfonal Astrology
3. If Moon, Mercury and ruler of the 1st are in 10. If either Rahu or Kctu occupy the 6th, as-
conjunction with Rahu, syphilis is indicated. There pected by a malefic in a cruel navamsa, the native
will be a similar affliction if these planets occupy Sun's suffers from pisachas (evil spirits). (In modern termi-
navamsa. If they join Mars, leprosy is indicated. If nology, phobias, neuroses or psychotic disorders.)
with Saturn, black leprosy may result. (Black leprosy 11. If Sun and Moon are conjunct in the 6th house,
is ulcerous and causes disfigurement.) the native suffers from sarpasula (pains that cause
4. If Moon, Mercury and ruler of the Ascendant join him to twist and writhe like a serpent).
the Sun in the 1st house, there will be disease of the 12. If Mercury and Mars are in the 6th, aspected by
blood affecting that part of the body indicated by the Moon and Venus, and especially if Mercury is in an
rasi on the Ascendant, according to the following evil navamsa, wasting of the body occurs.
schedule: 13. If Saturn and Mars, with either Rahu or Ketu
Aries -Head Leo -Nose Sagittarius-Eyes are in the 6th, aspected by the Sun, rapid wasting
Taurus -Face Virgo -Genitals Capricorn -Feet away of the body is indicated. If there are no beneficial
Gemini-Neck Libra -Hands Aquarius -Knees aspects, the condition would be severe. Diseases such
Cancer -Ears Scorpio-Sides Pisces -Stomach as asthma, tuberculosis, muscular distrophy, certain
forms of paralysis, generally cause the body to waste
5. If the Sun with another malefic occupies the 6th, away.
aspected by a third malefic, fevers and bilious com- 14. Moon in the 6th, Saturn in the 8th, and a malefic
plaints are indicated. in the 12th, with ruler of the Ascendant in the navamsa
6. If Mars is in the 6th house in a cruel navamsa, of a malefic, indicate sinus infections or other afflic-
aspccted by a malefic, fevers afflict the native. (Note: tions of the nose and palate.
In this instance, cruel navamsas would not only be 15. If the 6th house is occupied by a water rasi,
those ruled by Mars or Saturn, but also Leo, ruled by with Moon in the 6th, or ruler of the 6th in a water
the malefic Sun. rasi, aspectcd by Mercury, stones or other obstructions
7. If ruler of the Ascendant and ruler of the 6th of the urinary tract are indicated.
house join: 16. If the rasi dispositor of ruler of the 6th com-
bines with Saturn in the 1st house, the native is subject
Sun - danger of fever. to castration.
Moon - danger of fluids m the body, such as 17. If ruler of the 7th, together with Venus, oc-
edema. cupies the 6th house, a husband will be impotent, or
a wife sterile, and unfit for sexual relations.
Mars - danger from fights, war, or smallpox.
Mercury - danger of bilious complaints, gas, ob- APPETITES

structions or other irregularities of the Whenever possible, people base their choice of foods
bowels. upon the pleasure derived from them, or the cravings
J upitcr - the native will be free from disease. of the physical system for a food which will supply a
needed substance. The former is indicated by the 1st
Venus - the Will power is weak and sickly. house and its ruler. In the latter condition it is the
Saturn - diseases accompanied by sharp pains, 6th house and its ruler which act as indicators in the
selection of food.
such as neuritis, arthritis, rheumatism
and neuralgia. 1. If there is a bencfic in the 6th, aspected by an-
other benefic, and ruler of the 6th is joined to a benefic
Rahu or - headaches, or complaints involving the placed between two malefics, highly seasoned or
Ketu head; also ungrounded fears. spiced foods arc desired.
2. If Jupiter and Mercury occupy the 6th, or a rasi
8. If Moon is in the 6th house, aspected by a ma- ruled by either of these planets is on the 6th house
lefic, and at the same time occupies a cruel navamsa, cusp, and at the same time Jupiter or Mercury occupy
suffering from exposure or drafts is indicated. a bcncfic shastyamsa, foods which are conducive to
9. If Mercury is in the 6th in a cruel navamsa, mental activities arc chosen.
aspected by a malefic, phlegmatic complaints are in- 3. lf Jupiter occupies the 6th, or if Venus rules the
dicated. If Saturn is so conditioned, there is trouble 6th and has 4 favorable vargas, sweets and other sclf-
with the spleen. indulgcnt foods arc favored.
Sixth House Delineation 91
4. If the 6th falls in an evil rasi, all sweets are 5. If Jupiter is in a rasi ruled by Mercury, the na-
rejected. tive will have fine raiment, attendants, and may have
5. If ruler of the 6th, aspected by a benefic, oc- the post of a minister.
cupies Aries or Scorpio, rich food, with butter and 6. If Jupiter is in Leo the native will be the head of
other fats are demanded. an army. If Jupiter is in a rasi which he rules, the
native may be either a king, minister, or a com-
FRIENDS AND ENEMIES mander of armed forces, or possess immense wealth.
7. If Jupiter is in Capricorn, the native will be base,
1. If Jupiter is in the 6th, the native will overcome poor and unhappy.
his enemies.
2. If ruler of the 6th is conjunct or aspected by UNTIMELY DEATH OR CONFINEMENT
a benefic and occupies a beneficial rasi, the native will
make friends of his enemies. 1. If ruler of the Ascendant and ruler of the 6th
3. If ruler of the 9th occupies the 6th, aspected join Saturn in an angle, or in the 5th or 9th house,
by ruler of the 6th, Saturn and Mars, the native may imprisonment is indicated. The same will result if Rahu
suffer from fire or theft. or Ketu takes the place of Saturn. (The time when
4. If ruler of the 6th joins the Sun, Rahu or Ketu, such may occur is during the dasas, bhuktis and an-
the native either becomes a thief or suffers from theft· taradasas of the planets involved, as explained in Part
or he may act as a perjurer in litigations. If ruler of Three.)
the Ascendant and the Moon are joined or aspected by 2. When ruler of the 6th combines with Venus and
benefics, the native himself will not be a thief but may Sun or Saturn, with Rahu, in a cruel shastyamsa, the
be subject to theft. The same applies if Rahu or Ketu native is likely to be beheaded. (Such a rule must be
occupy the 6th, aspected by a malefic, or if ruler of applied cautiously, since many factors in the chart
the 6th occupies cruel vargas. may contribute toward a contrary result. A fatal end-
ing of this sort would most likely occur if any of the
planets here involved were depressed, combust, or in
rasis of an Enemy planet.)
1 If Mercury is in a rasi ruled by Saturn, the na- 3. When the Moon occupies the 6th, 8th or 12th
tive will do other people's work, will be poor and con- house, aspected by ruler of the 1st, and joined by
tract debts. Saturn and Rahu, death by accidenf is indicated.
2. If Mercury is in Sagittarius, the native will be 4. If ruler of the 6th or 8th, along with ruler of
honored by his superiors, will be learned and have the 3rd, combine with Saturn or Rahu, while oc-
skill in arguing both sides of a question. A mediator. cupying a varga ruled by Mars or Saturn, death in
3. If Mercury is in Pisces, the native will have the battle is indicated.
superior hand over his servants, and be skilled in the 5. When ruler of the 8th house is in a "serpent"
handicrafts of low caste people. or "rope'' drekana, death by imprisonment or hanging
4. If Jupiter is in a rasi ruled by Mars, the native is indicated. (The serpent drekanas arc 2nd and 3rd
will have military leadership, wealth, and good serv- of Cancer, 1st and 2nd of Scorpio, and the 3rd of
ants. Pisces. The rope drekana is the 1st of Capricorn.)

The 7th house is the analogue of Libra, ruled by additional factors are always present in each horo-
Venus, and is the division of the horoscope most scope. However, since it is the nature of the Sun
closely associated with the astral body of man, known to give self-confidence, independence, pride, and
as the Kama Rupa, or Desire body, the most obvious love of authority-all of which are adverse to
influence of which is in matters of sex, since it involves the limitations imposed by marriage-if unaspect-
those who are of opposite nature. Consequently, mar- ed and alone, Sun in the 7th house is apt to pro-
riage and relationships centered about marriage are ini- duce problems.
tiated or controlled by this house. The marriage part-
ner, conditions of the marriage, length of marriage, MOON: Alone and without aspects, gives an attractive
number of marriages, and offspring come under its personal appearance. The native will be lovable
influence. and have a very agreeable disposition.
Because of the partnership relation involved, the
MARS: Gives strong passions which incline toward
7th house also pertains to business or similar forms of
the committing of improper acts. The native is
association with others. Furthermore, inasmuch as oth-
likely to suffer afflictions from diseases associated
ers are a factor in producing or denying wealth, the
with the 7th house, and will lead a wanderer's
7th has to do with prosperity or poverty; happiness
life. It also signifies the death of the marriage
or misery; legal matters in general, and thus deals
with "open enemies." Although the rules given here
pertain to marriage per se, they also may be applied
to partnerships of any kind. MERCURY: Indicates that the native dresses well, will
become learned, attain public esteem, and have a
For both sexes the 7th house is the principle signifi- wealthy partner.
cator of marriage, since each sex seeks completion in
its opposite. Masculine planets in the 7th, or associated
JUPITER: Augurs for a good marriage, much wealth,
with them, favor marriage for women, whereas those
good children, and a generous and amiable dis-
that are feminine apply for men. The rules for pre-
dicting marriage for women are practically the same
as those for men. However, the motives for achieving
marriage are different. The planetary indicators for VENUS: Presages that the native will marry well, and
men are Moon and Venus, while those for women are have wealth, but it also indicates intrigues and
Sun and Mars. death of the marriage partner.

On the physical plane, the 7th house rules over the

genito-urinary system, as well as those diseases arising SA TU RN: Indicates that the native will be poor, a
from over-indulgence of the passions, or the denial of roamer, distressed by loneliness, and will suffer
them. either from the marriage partner or the lack of


RAHU: Indicates loss of wealth through intrigues
SUN: Alone and unsupported by beneficial aspects, with the opposite sex. The native may be sepa-
brings displeasure of sovereigns, deformity of the rated from the beloved, may lose sexual potency,
body, a wandering life and the possibility that and is apt to be self-willed and foolish.
the native wi11 be wifeless and have little kind-
ness, generosity or sympathy in his soul. It also KETU: Gives affiiction by diseases which relate to the
augurs humiliation in the sense that one's pride bowels, and brings about the loss of the marriage
or dignity is often impaired or offended. partner. The native is likely to attract disrespect,
These conditions are not to be predicted in the seek the company of evil persons of the opposite
life of everyone having Sun in the 7th, since sex, and suffer loss of vital power.

Seventh House Delineation 93

NATURE OF THE MARRIAGE PARTNER the wife may murder her husband, or cause the de-
A marriage partner may bring advantages or dis- struction of his family, i.e., will not bear children who
advantages, wealth or poverty, good or bad luck, hap- will survive him. (In this case, Mercury is more cruel
piness or misery, according to conditions indicated in and dangerous than Mars as ruler of the 7th house,
the natal horoscope. Possibility of evil takes many since Mars has warmth, while Mercury is cold and
forms, and has many degrees of intensity, from bad sterile.)
temper to bad health. Relatives can be evil and un-
fortunate, or helpful and good. The partner may be SOCIAL POSITION OF MARRIAGE PARTNER

extravagant, wasteful, slanderous, criminal, psychotic A comparison between ruler of the 1st and ruler of
or neurotic, or just the opposite. the 7th house will denote equality or disparity between
1. If a benefic is in the 7th, or if ruler of the 7th the native and the marriage partner. The greater the
is in conjunction with a bcncfic, or if it occupies its difference between the two significators, the greater
exaltation, or its own or a Friend's rasi, and at the the social inequality.
same time has at least 4 favorable vargas, the marriage 1. If ruler of the 7th is less powerful than ruler of
partner will bring great happiness. the 1st or if ruler of the 7th is com bust, or in a debili-
2. If Venus is ruler of the 7th, combined powerfully tated or ' unfriendly rasi, the native marries into a
with benefics, in a beneficial navamsa or other favor- family of lower social standing than his own.
able varga, the wife will have a sweet voice, gracious 2. If ruler of the 7th is more powerful than ruler
manner, fine character, and will bear children of ad- of the 1st, and if the 7th house ruler occupies a bene-
mirable qualities. ficial navamsa, or has beneficial aspects or conjunc-
3. If ruler of the 7th combines with a malefic, or if tions or has 13 favorable vargas, or is in deep exalta-
a malefic occupies the 7th house, or if the navamsa tion,' the native marries into a family of higher social
dispositor of ruler of the 7th joins a malefic, the mar- position than his own.
riage partner will bring evil or unhappiness into the 3. In the horoscope of a man, if ruler of the 2~d
life. house is more beneficial than ruler of the 7th, he will
4. If either the ruler of the 7th or the dispositor of marry a woman of a social position equal to his own,
Venus occupies the rasi or navamsa of its fall, the man and she will be of a compatible temper and devoted
will have a malevolent wife; but the evil will be averted to her husband.
if the significators are conjunct benefics or receive
aspects from benefics. INDICATIONS OF EARLY MARRIAGE
5. If ruler of the 7th is in its fall, or in the rasi 1. If ruler of the 7th is c1osc to ruler of the 1st, or if
of an Enemy planet, or is aspected by a malefic, while
a bencfic is close to the cusp of the 1st or 7th house.
in combustion or conjunct malefics and without bene- 2. If a benefic is in the 1st, 2nd or 7th house, oc-
ficial aspects, the native will reap sorrow through the
cupying a beneficial varga, and if the dispositor of
marriage partner.
this benefic varga is conjunct or aspected by a benefic.
6. In the horoscope of a man, if Moon is ruler of 3. If ruler of the 7th house occupies 6 favorable
the 7th house, conjunct or in aspect with an evil
vargas, and ruler of the 2nd is powerful. and the rasi
planet, and occupies a rasi or navamsa ruled by a
dispositor of ruler of the l st occupies a favorable
malefic, the wife will be cruel-hearted, sinful and dis-
honest. shastyamsa.
7. If Mars rules the 7th, is without power; com-
bust; in its fall; in the rasi of an Enemy; or in a "bird"
drekana ( 1st drekana of Leo), the wife will be cruel- If the rasi occupied by the Moon of the prospective
hearted or unfaithful. bride occupies a kalatra rasi of the intended groom,
8. If the dispositor of the Sun, or ruler of the 7th or occupies a rasi in trinc to a kalatra rasi. she will
occupies a rasi or navamsa ruled by a malefic, and is bear him children. There arc three positions in a male
joined or powerfully aspected by a malefic, without horoscope termed kalatra rasi:
the assistance of aspects or conjunction with a bcncfic, a) The rasi ruled by the navamsa dispositor of the
the marriage partner will be given to drunkenness. 7th house ruler.
9. If Mercury rules the 7th, joined with a malefic, b) The exaltation rasi of the 7th house ruler.
or occupies its fall or the rasi of an Enemy, or is c) The navamsa occupied by the cusp of the 7th
c1osely besieged by male fies in the 8th or 12th house, house.
94 Constellational Astrology
Two MARRIAGES house, the native will have many wives. In a female
1. If the cusp of the 7th house is ruled by a malefic, horoscope, this would indicate many suitors and af-
and ruler of the 7th is in its fall, and the 7th is fairs of the heart.
occupied by a malefic. 5. If ruler of the 9th occupies the 7th, and ruler of
2. If the dispositor of Venus is in an odd rasi in the 7th occupies the 4th house, and ruler of the As-
a male chart, occupies the rasi or navamsa of its fall, cendant or ruler of the 11th occupies an angle.
joined to one malefic, and aspected by another. (The
same rule applies in a woman's chart, though in this CELIBACY
case the dispositor of Venus must be in an even rasi.) 1. If at birth four or more planets possessed of at
3. If Mars occupies the 7th, 8th or 12th house, re- least 300 virupas, occupy a single house.
ceiving no aspect from ruler of the 7th. 2. If the dispositor of the Moon is opposed by Saturn,
and has no other aspects, and is devoid of strength.
THREE MARRIAGES 3. If the Moon occupies a drekana ruled by Saturn,
1. If there are many malefics in the 2nd and 7th and is aspected by Saturn.
house, and ruler of the 2nd or 7th is aspected by ma- 4. If the Moon occupies a navamsa ruled by Saturn
lefic planets. or Mars, and receives a powerful aspect from Saturn
2. If a malefic occupies the 1st, 2nd or 7th house, (180°, 60° or 270°).
and ruler of the 7th is in its fall, or combust.
The following rules not only give planetary condi-
1. If a powerful Mercury occupies the 10th rasi for- tions of death, but also indicate how soon after mar-
ward from the rasi containing ruler of the Ascendant, riage death may occur. The closer the besieging ma-
and Moon occupies the 3rd or 7th house, counting in lefics to the significator, the sooner the death of the
the same manner, a man will be surrounded by many partner. If there is a wide difference between besieged
women with whom he will have intimate relations. and besieging planets, death comes long after marriage.
2. If rulers of the 12th and 2nd houses occupy the 1. Ruler of the Ascendant or the 7th in its fall,
3rd, aspected by Jupiter, or by ruler of the 9th. combust, or in the rasi of an Enemy, while occupying
3. If ruler of the 7th is in an angle or in the 5th a cruel shastyamsa.
or 9th house, and occupies vargas of exaltation, or 2. Ruler of the 2nd besieged by two malefics within
those of its own rasi, or rasi of a Friend, while it is an orb of 15° on either side. (Note: The 2nd house is
conjoined ruler of the 10th house. 8th from the 7th, and thus rules death of the marriage
4. If rulers of the 7th and 11th join, or mutually partner.)
aspect each other (always counting forward in the 3. Cusp of the 7th house or its ruler between two
zodiac), and are powerful while in the 1st, 5th or 9th malefics within an orb of 15° on either side.


The 8th house is the natural analogue of Scorpio, of life, but all matters pertaining to death or endings.
ruled by Mars, and gives indications of the length of At death the soul leaves the body of physical senses
life; time, manner and cause of death; and the proba- and depends thereafter upon the activated spiritual
ble Ioka ("place") to which the soul will go immedi- senses and memory. Memory is composed of all sense
ately after death. The 8th house also pertains to dis- experiences of the lifetime which have been stored in
eases. Judging the natural length of life is dealt with the astral reservoir. The loka to which the soul goes
specifically under the ayurdaya system (Part Three). immediately· following death is dependent upon the
However, as indicator of the reservoir of the astral mental attitude at the time of death. The Hindu be-
body, the 8th house is significant not only for length lieves that for his soul's peace it is important to die
Eighth House Delineation 95

in a peaceful state of mind. Worry, regrets, fears, MARS: Bile, indicates death through weapons, cuts,
hatreds, unfulfilled vengeance, etc., are all very del- burns, and those diseases or accidents brought on
eterious to the soul during life, but are especially so by impulsive or ill-timed behavior.
at the time of death. "Deathbed repentences" have
little bearing on the destination of the soul after death, MERCURY: Wind, bile and phlegm, produces ail-
for the loka to which it goes is determined by the entire ments of the nervous system and the brain; also
life's experiences and conduct. smallpox, shingles, and paralysis.


JUPITER: Phlegm, produces diseases of an obscure
The Hindu considers it fortunate to die during the nature, brought on by worry, or lack of disci-
season of the year when the Sun is increasing in its pline. It has always been an indicator of disorders
northerly declination, i.e., from December 21st until
of the liver.
June 2 lst. It is also fortunate to die when the Moon
is increasing in light, separating from malefic aspects
and applying to aspects with benefics. Since the Indian VENUS: Wind and phlegm, indicates diseases or ail-
generally abhors leaving the boundaries of his native ments involving the throat, diabetes, and those
land, to die away from home, or in a foreign country, maladies derived from excessive drinking or thirst.
is thought to be especially evil.
1. If the cusp of the 8th house is a fixed rasi, the SATURN: Wind, indicates malfunctioning of the
native dies at home, or in his permanent residence. body caused by inability to assimilate food; or
2. If the cusp of the 8th is a cardinal rasi, and its diseases brought about by lack of food or proper
ruler is in a cardinal rasi, the native will die in a nourishment. It has long been associated with both
foreign land, or far from his home.
starvation and gluttony.
3. If the cusp of the 8th house is a mutable rasi, the
native dies while traveling.


Each planet is related to various ailments, diseases, If two or more planets are indicators of the cause
or accidents bringing harm to the body, and sometimes of death due to house occupancy, the strongest takes
death. These afflictions more or less parallel the ancient precedence as significator. The weaker planets furnish
concept of the body having four humours: blood, additional indications of ailments which may contrib-
phlegm, choler (yellow bile), and melancholy (black ute to death. The following are only a few of the
bile), which reveal the nature of the disease and the possible planetary conditions which may bring about
part of the body which is malfunctioning. The term death:
"wind," as used under planetary humours, indicates 1. Sun in the 1Oth, with Mars in the 4th, indicates
pain in connection with any particular humour. death from a falling stone or similar heavy object, or
If the 8th house is unoccupied, and its ruler is a fall from a mountain.
strongly aspected, the humour governed by the aspect- 2. Saturn in the 4th, Moon in the 7th, and Mars in
ing planet involves that part of the body represented the I 0th house, indicate accidental death by falling
by the rasi on the cusp of the 8th house. When several into a well. (This might be extended to mean falling
strong planets aspect this cusp there is a combination into an industrial excavation or a mine shaft.)
of humours causing death. If the 8th house is oc-
cupied, the planets therein take precedence as indi- 3. Sun and Moon in Virgo strongly aspected by a
cators of the major cause of death. malefic, augurs death due to evil deeds or relatives~
or suicide motivated by family differences or quarrels.
PLANETARY HUMOURS AND THEIR INFLUENCES 4. If a waning Moon, Mars, Saturn and Sun occupy
the 8th, 10th, 1st or 4th house, the native may be beat-
SUN: Bile, indicates death by fire or fever.
en to death by a club or similar object.
MOON: Wind and phlegm, indicates watery diseases, 5. If a waning Moon, Mars, Saturn and Sun occupy
such as dysentery, diarrhea, blood impurities, chol- the 9th, I 0th, 1st or 4th house, death by asphyxiation,
era, pneumonia, plagues, and drowning. fire, or from a beating is indicated.
96 Constellational Astrology
6. If Saturn, Moon and Mars occupy the 2nd, 4th TIRYA LOKA
and 10th houses respectively, the native may die from This loka, meaning "middle course," lies between
a surgical operation, or from insect bites. naraka and deva lokas, and is the closest in contact
7. If Sun, Mars, Saturn and Moon occupy respec- with the humanity of the material world, including
tively the 1st, 5th, 8th and 9th houses, the native may the animal functions of man. Thus its supporting in-
die by falling from a precipice, or by being struck by stincts are sustained and nourished by those needs and
lightning. drives which exist around hunger, self-preservation
and sexual drives. If either the 16th or 22nd drekana
When none of the preceding rules apply, the cause from the Ascendant is ruled by Sun or Mars, the soul
of death may be determined from the 22nd drekana is being guided to tirya loka.
( decanate), counted forward from the one occupied by
the Ascendant. The ruler of this drekana, or the ruler
of the rasi containing it, will often reveal the nature DEVA LOKA

and cause of death. The third loka upward represents the "World of
the Bright Ones," and is ruled by Venus and Moon.
It supports the needs and drives for beauty, harmony,
form and design in all things. If ruler of the 16th or
22nd drekana from the Ascendant is Venus or Moon,
THE LOKAS the soul is ready for deva loka.

Properly speaking, the 8th house of the birth figure
may be considered the 1st house of the soul as it leaves The fourth and highest loka is ruled by Jupiter. It
the body. Hence the 8th house is used to indicate the is the place of emancipation from the necessity of
loka to which the soul will go at death. However, since karma, i.e., the bindings to human existence. A soul
the span of time between birth and death is often reaching this loka need only reincarnate according to
extensive, it is only in a general sense that the horo- its own will, desire or purpose. Usually it reincarnates
scope can indicate the destiny of the soul after leaving in order to help others who have been left behind in
this life. It would be fallacious to ignore a person's the process of soul evolvement. If the 16th or 22nd
activities throughout his life, which may alter the di- drekana from the Ascendant is ruled by Jupiter, brah-
rection in which the soul is traveling at the time of ma loka is the goal toward which the soul is moving.
death (or re-birth). With this reservation in mind,
compare the rulers of the drekanas on the cusps of THE LOKAS IN THE HEAVENS
the 6th and 8th houses, or to be more exact, count
There is a symbolic relationship between these lokas
the 16th and 22nd drekanas forward from the Ascend-
and the constellations. The heavens are divided into
ant. This is quickly done by consulting the Tables
a northern and southern hemisphere, with the path
of Sapta Varga Boundaries. The stronger of the two
of the Sun (or the zodiac) lying between them. Con-
rulers (in Shad Bala) will generally indicate the loka
stellations of the northern half of the heavens are of
to which the soul is destined.
a noble, positive, heroic nature, while those of the
southern half are brutish and animal-like, representing
those organisms which lie below the human intelligence
or refinement of structure. Being thus limited, they
The lowest of the lokas adjacent to our material lack moral purpose or ideals.
world is naraka, whose indicators are Saturn and Mer- Naraka loka, the lowest plane, is represented by that
cury. This is the realm of demons, in the meaning portion of the heavens lying south of the ecliptic. Tirya
of souls that are either human or sub-human, but loka has its correspondence in the celestial sphere
lacking in love, virtue, or rectitude. Such souls may within the zodiacal belt itself, lying 8° north and south
have intelligence but lack wisdom, and live in this of the path of the Sun. Deva loka corresponds to that
loka as a matter of evolutionary purification. If either span of the heavens beyond the zodiacal belt, from
the 16th or 22nd drekana forward from the Ascendant 8° north to 60° north of the celestial equator. Brahma
has Mercury or Saturn as ruler, then naraka is the loka is centered in the path of the circumpolar stars
place to which the soul evolves. which revolve around the present North Star, Polaris.
Ninth House Delineation 97

Among these circumpolar constellations is the Great greatest virupa strength will indicate from which loka
Bear, or Big Dipper, which the Hindus call the Seven the soul has come into this life.
Rishis, referring to the seven sages of ancient humanity
This is a field of inquiry which is usually limited
who contributed so greatly to the continual enlighten-
to esoteric astrology in the Western system. To the
ment and spiritual insight of man.
Hindu, with his living belief in reincarnation, the sub-
ject of the lokas is very pertinent and of great impor-
THE LOKA PRIOR TO PRESENT INCARNATION tance. Only an astrologer of deep spiritual insight
Just as the Hindus have indicated the method for should attempt to delve into this matter, since it re-
generally determining the loka to which a soul is quires a spiritual intuition developed by practices
traveling, they also have a calculation indicating the which promote the inner awareness of the soul. For
loka occupied by the soul in the period previous to the the most part Western astrologers will find the sub-
present birth, based on the stronger of the two lumi- ject of cursory interest. and will not seek to explore
naries. The ruler of the drekana in which the Sun is its full possibilities. Nevertheless, it must be empha-
posited is compared with the ruler of the drekana in sized that this is a most revealing and transcendentally
which the Moon is posited. The one which has the useful branch of astrology.


The 9th house is the analogue of Sagittarius, whose assist the native 's success through relationships with
ruler is Jupiter. In Hindu astrology, it has most of government (law and diplomacy), religious institutions
the associations used in the Western system, with a ;nd corporate bodies dealing with higher education
few additional meanings. In general, the 9th house has or charitable activities. Such a configuration attracts
rulership over the conscience of the native, together influential friends and professional advancement. The
with his understanding of ethics, religious sensibili- opposite applies if the 9th or its ruler is in evil, cruel,
ties, and application to philosophy. It indicates capac- or weak combinations.
ity for mastering higher academic education. The 9th 2. Moon in the 9th conjunct Jupiter, or in its exal-
house also pertains to the native 's father, in that the tation rasi or navamsa, the native will be prosperous,
father is the first teacher and guide of the child in learned, virtuous, and have estimable children.
matters of ethical or religious behavior. Thus it also 3. If Jupiter or Venus occupies the 9th, in exalta-
represents the native 's guru, or spiritual teacher. Since tion, or in its own navamsa, or that ruled by a Friend,
the 9th is the 5th from the natural 5th house, grand- together with ruler of the 9th, the native will have
children arc represented here. Traditionally, it has to pc~·ception of religious or ethical principles. and will
do with long journeys, corporations. investments, etc. perform meritorious deeds.
Finally, it is the most important indicator of the na- 4. If ruler of the 9th is in the navamsa of a bcnefic,
tivc's past incarnation, revealing whether or not he has or is aspccted by a bcnefic, or is located betwcc1~ two
come into this life prepared for a hioher b
of benctlcs, the native will be skilled in matters of philoso-
spiritual evolvemcnt, and takes precedence over the phy and religion.
meaning of the drckanas in this respect. 5. If the Moon is disposed by a planet which is
its Enemy. or is weak in Shad Bala or vargas, or is in
its fall, and occupies the 9th house, the native is apt
to he involved in disgraceful intrigues, esrccially with
1. When ruler of the 9th is a bencfic, powerful and women. This is all the more likely if Venus is weak
conjoined or aspected by beneflcs, there is much to and in conjunction with malefics.
98 Constellatfonal Astrology
PATERNAL RELATIO~SHIPS and it is up to the discrimination of the astrologer to
make predictions accordingly.
1. If ruler of the 9th is a benefic, and the Sun is
in conjunction with a benefic, or if a benefic occupies 1. If ruler of the 9th joins ruler of the 3rd, and is
the 9th house, the native will have happiness through conjunct or aspected by benefics occupying a benefi-
the father. cial navamsa or shastyamsa, the native obtains wealth
through his brothers.
2. If the Sun or ruler of the 9th is exalted, or 2. If ruler of the 5th house is in conjunction with
found in 6 favorable vargas, prosperity of the father ruler of the 9th. or if ruler of the 5th aspects ruler of
is indicated, and the native will reap advantages there- the 9th, and Jupiter docs likewise, the native will re-
from. ceive wealth through his children, or through gam-
3. The native will equal his father in reputation bling.
and position if his Ascendant coincides with the fa- 3. If the rulers of the 7th and 9th exchange houses,
ther's 10th house cusp. He will inherit the father's and Venus is in the 7th, the native will receive wealth
wealth if his Ascendant is the same as that of the father, through his wife or partner.
or of the latter's 3rd house cusp. Another indica-
tion of inheritance from the father is Sun at birth in PHILANTHROPY
the native's own 10th house.
To do great acts of charity one must possess great
4. If the native's Ascendant falls in the 6th or 8th wealth. However, persons of very moderate means may
house of the father's horoscope, he will be critical of initiate movements or stimulate organizations that are
his father, or cast blame upon him. However, if the devoted to the accomplishment of charitable deeds. If
native's Ascendant falls in the 2nd, 9th or 11th house the dama yogas set forth in the following rules are
of the father's chart, he will be a faithful and obedient combined with raja yogas in a natal horoscope, they
enable the native to draw the attention of men who
5. If the nakshatra occupied by the Moon is the possess wealth to invest in philanthropic activities.
8th, 9th or 10th, counted from the nakshatra of the Thus a person whose own fortune is limited may act
Moon in the father's horoscope, the native will pursue as a direct force in obtaining money from wealthy
the same work as his father and there will be harmony individuals for charitable or educational purposes.
and helpfulness between them. The same conditions 1. If ruler of the 9th is exalted, aspectcd by benefics,
also indicate long life for the native, as well as long and the 9th house is occupied by a benefic, the native
life to the sons of the native. takes active part in charitable movements and becomes
6. A well-aspected or favorably occupied 9th house notable in such endeavors.
indicates estimable quality and character of the grand- 2. If ruler of the 9th is aspected by Jupiter and oc-
children, as well as their good fortune. cupies 6 favorable vargas ( paravatamsa), the native
becomes a philanthropist, depending upon his own
7. If the lunar nakshatra of the native is the 27th, fortune or influence among people of wealth.
1st or 2nd, counted from the lunar nakshatra of the
3. If the Ascendant or its ruler is aspected by ruler
father, the native will travel to distant countries and
of the 9th, and if ruler of the Ascendant occupies an
cause his father sorrow and grief, originating in open
angle, or the 5th or 9th house, the native takes an
or secret hostility or disobedience of the son, implying
active and commendable part in philanthropic work.
a denial of the bonds and traditions of the family, its
culture and religion. 4. If a benefic occupies the 9th, and the cusp of the
9th falls in a cruel navamsa (i.e., ruled by Mars or
Saturn), or an evil shastyamsa, the native will perform
charitable acts for selfish purposes.
As has been previously emphasized, rules concerning 5. If Rahu or Saturn occupies the 9th house in
wealth or prosperity must be considered in relation cruel vargas, and if rulcr of the 9th is posited in a
to other elements in the chart, together with the indi- cruel rasi or navamsa, the native will be cold-hearted,
vidual's occupation, family status, etc. For the follow- injuring others without compunction in order to grat-
ing dam a yogas ( dama = "gift"), to bestow great ify his ambition or malicious intents. Even the pres-
wealth, the native would have to be born in a wealthy ence of Saturn or Rahu in the 9th will give ulterior
or influential family. However, there are exceptions, motives to acts of charity.

The 10th house is the analogue of Capricorn, ruled with the Sun would take channels of a Martian nature,
by Saturn, and governs the profession or occupation i.e., militant, aggressive, physically demanding; requir-
which gives a person his livelihood. It also reveals his ing skill in engineering; the use of explosives or power
honor, reputation and public standing, as weII as his derived from heat; use of sharp instruments.
dignity. From these are derived the power to com-
mand, or the ability to hold executive office or posi- SUN: Indicates livelihoods gained through grains.
tion. Wealth, or inheritance, especially from the fa- gold, medicine, governmental positions. and all
ther as representing authority, may also be indicated by professions where honor, dignity. and adminis-
this house. trative qualities are required. It also indicates
Most importantly, the 10th is the house of karma theatrical enterprises, speculation. gambling or
in its application of a person's own actions upon the the operation of gambling houses. Sun in the 10th
world, and the reaction of the world upon the indi- connotes a doctor, phamrncist, chemist. manu-
vidual self. Hence it is a house of trial, in which the facturer or researcher in chemistry and drugs,
person's wisdom (as gained from the 9th) is tested. The gold miner, trades dealing \Vith gold or precious
Book of Job in the Old Testament illustrates this karmic metals or jewels, councillor, judge, administrator
meaning in its application to· an individual. The sin of government or non-profit foundations. etc. Also
which brought upon Job his great sufferings and losses advisor to lovers; humorist; operator of lotteries.
was self-complacency, allowing him to rest upon satis- race tracks ' baamina
houses, and in general all
faction with his own conduct. Such self-appraisal is occupations ascribed to the Sun in Western as-
not acceptable to the Lords of Karma, and hence Job trology.
was '"tested."
MOON: Indicates trades having to do with the public
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATION at large, especiaIIy in those areas pertaining to its
Although the I 0th house of the natal horoscope is needs and wants. It often involves selling or trad-
usually referred to as an indicator of the profession or ing in household goods, foods and food products,
occupation, it is important to keep in mind that the wc;men 's clothing~ children's necessities. agricul-
10th house forward from the Sun or Moon may also ture, public rela;ions, display of merchandise or
be used for the same purposes in delineation. If the Sun goods. products of the sea or trades involving
or Moon is more powerful in Shad Bala than the As- ~atcr; fads, or catering to the imagination of the
cendant, it is better to take the I Oth house lying for- general public. The occupation is not apt to be as
ward from the luminary which has the greater physically demanding as under some of the other
strength. The same rules will still apply. In general, planets. but it c:m be exhausting in that the Moon
professional or occupational opportunities arc in- requires constant awareness of the changing in-
creased by the presence of planets in the I 0th house, terests of the public.
especially if they arc dignified by rasi position, or by
strength in Shad Balas or vargas. If they arc outstand- MARS: Gives preference for those occupations requir-
ingly dignified they will tend to raise the person's ma- ing physical dexterity, bravery, fearlessness and
terial status in life. a!..!grcssiveness. On the militant side it indicates
When ruler of the I 0th and its navamsa dispositor s~;vice in the armL'd forces, policemen. firemen,
arc considered as indices of the profession or occupa- and other professions which guard or protect. Be-
tion, the following delineations of the planets in re- cause of its joy in the physical, Mars connotes ath-
lation to the 10th house may serve as guides to in- letics, physical education, hygienic or sanitary
terpretation. As a modifier of the occupation, the engineers, fighters and others who engage in n1111-
navamsa dispositor of ruler of the I 0th is of particu- pe~itivc spo;ts. All professions having t<.) do with
lar use. For example, where Sun rules the I 0th, and heat. metal. sharp instruments, explosives, power,
Mars is the navamsa dispositor, vocations associated dangerous or corrosive chemicals, belong to 1\fars.
Constellational Astrology
It may also indicate those who live by aggression through self-inflicted bodily injuries. Being of a
and force, such as gangsters, thugs and robbers. cruel and heartless nature, Saturn often rules oc-
cupations which create ill-will between persons,
or by those which profit from the misfortunes of
MERCURY: Inclines to all pursuits which deal in others.
communication of ideas, facts, concepts and knowl-
edge of every sort. In this capacity it gives skill (Note: If ruler of the 6th occupies the 10th, and
as a teacher, lecturer, writer, journalist, travel- ruler of the 10th is conjunct Saturn in a rasi or
ler, missionary, priest or minister, broadcaster, navamsa ruled by the ruler of the 6th, the native
newspaper editor or reporter, as well as employee will command many servants. Likewise, if the
or owner of any enterprise which has to do with navamsa dispositor of ruler of the 10th is in con-
the sending or receiving of information. junction with Saturn, or occupies an angle, em-
ployment of servants is indicated.)
JUPITER: Presages success in counseling, law, or all
professions where good judgment and probity
are required. As a rule, Jupiter gives pursuits
which are not only well-paid and highly respecta- A person who is determined to lead a good life can
ble, but also physically µndemanding. There is overcome much adverse planetary influence, but he will
generally a certain moral contentment in Jupiter- not escape being severely tested, should indications of
ian professions, so that it often indicates judges, evil exist in his 10th house.
senators, bankers, church dignitaries, teachers on 1. If ruler of the 10th is powerless, conjunct a
the college or university level, philosophers and malefic, and occupies an evil shastyamsa, the native
sociologists. However, it may also indicate a per- will have an unsavory reputation which he well de-
son who is connected in an associative way with serves.
such professions or occupations. 2. Saturn and Sun in the 10th, aspected by Mars
or a badly associated Mercury, and either Mars or Sun
VENUS: Indicates occupations devoted to creating in an evil navamsa, indicates a bad reputation.
physical and emotional pleasure through beauty, 3. If Saturn or Mars occupy the 10th, aspectcd pow-
harmony, form, design and balance. It could be erfully by a malefic, or if ruler of the 10th is in its
said to govern all matters which please the senses; fall, or an evil varga, the native will become shameless
but it also creates peace and harmony through and be disgraced.
compromise and adjustment, as well as order and 4. If ruler of the 10th is well-aspected, or if pow-
understanding. Occupations which deal in liaison erful bcnefics occupy the 10th, the native will be re-
between various elements of a social or economic spected and determined in his efforts to do good.
group come under the rulcrship of Venus, and it
is said to control strategy, either in the military
or professional occupations. Although Venus is INHERITED WEAL TH
given rulcrship over the arts, feminine affairs and
Whichever of the planets occupy the 10th house,
luxuries, among more common occupations it per-
the source of inherited wealth is indicated, as follows:
tains to dairy farming, agronomy, floriculture and
SUN From the father.
MOON From the mother.
SATURN: Holds dominion over all occupations which
MARS From the husband, partners, or open
require hard work, tedious or exacting skills, or
no skill at all. It is often indicative of occupations
which arc lowly. despised, disgraceful, degraded, MERCURY From friends.
or which use cheap or inferior material. Because JUPITER From brothers or children.
of the limiting factor of Saturn, the work which
VENUS From the wife.
comes under his rulership frequently pays little,
or there is lack of ahility to work, so that the SATURN From inferiors, servants, or em-
native lives off public charity, or by inciting pity ployees.

The 11th house is the analogue of Aquarius, ruled OCCUPANCY OF THE ELEVENTH HOUSE
by Saturn, since the Hindu system does not use the For beneficial effects from planets in the 11th
non-karmic planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Most house, it is assumed that the planets are powerfully
textbooks on Western astrology summarize the 11th situated. Wealth, riches, etc., may be interpreted as
house as governing "friends, hopes, wishes and cir- other than possession of money, land, and so forth,
cumstances." The sign of the Water Bearer is also used but also as well-endowed with spiritual resources earned
in defining the ensuing Aquarian Age, whose keynote from the 9th house, and public standing earned from
is humanitarianism and universal brotherhood. Be- the 1Oth. Servants may mean any assistance from oth~rs
cause ancient Hindu texts were written at a time when in the furtherance of one's spiritual as well as matenal
mate.rial well-being was of great importance, and Ura-
nus yet to have its influence in the far distant future,
Hindu delineation of the 11th house is primarily con- SUN: The native will be wealthy, long-lived, highl~
cerned with "luck," good fortune, domestic harmony, respected, free from sorrow. and will hold a posi-
lasting friendships, etc.. most of which parallel the
tion or office of authority.
Western interpretation of this house.
Any of the karmic planets is considered of beneficial
MOON: The native will be idealistic. honorable, long-
influence when posited in the 11th house, the benefit
lived, fortunate with children and servants.
being along those lines over which the planet has
rulership. However, the amount or value of the benefit
depends upon the strength of the planet (in Shad Bala). MARS: The native will be brave, of good character,
Even the malefics exert a favorable influence when well-to-do, and free from sorrows.
strong, whether in the 11th or any other house posi-
tion. The esoteric meaning of a planet in the 11th MERCURY: The native will be truthful, opulent,
house is that the Ego has been found reliable and happy, long-lived, and possessed of servants.
sound, and therefore receives its rewards in this life.
The 11th house represents gain in wealth or prop- JUPITER: The native will be fearless. wealthy, long-
erty, or in those things which add to one's comfort, lived. travel in style or comfort, but will have few
pleasure or social dignity. As such, it appears to repre-
sent wealth acquired without effort: capital investment,
rents, or any form of profit which seems great in com-
parison to the work involved. Hence it comes under VENUS: The native will be born to riches. fond of
the heading of "luck." Also the 1 I th, being the 2nd the company o f wome 11 .:111 d refined society, and
from the 10th house, represents money earned through will enjoy many luxuries.
profession or occupation.
Indications of domestic harmony with the marriage SATURN: The native will be long-lived. have lasting
partner are also found here, this being the 5th from re sou recs, goou1 111comc.
• ,
, 1··,1~c,
o-" ·111d
" be free from
the 7th house, the natural 5th representing romance, diseases.
love, and children. Consequently, with a favorable l 1th
house, enduring love between a married couple may RAHU: The native will be prosperous, long-lived,
be expected. Indications of enduring friendship share
have many cliildrcn. but is likely to suffer from
in the delineation of this house, for unless marriage
car trouble.
partners live on a friendly basis, the marriage is in
jeopardy. The 3rd house rules friends and neighbors
of a casual nature. The I I th determines the quality KETU: The native \\·ill hoard money. hut will have
and substantiality of friends as well as marriage part- many good qualities. and \Yill bL' suo:essfl~1 i.1: the
ners. pursuit of thL' necessities or comforts of lik.

102 Constellational Astrology
INDICATIONS OF ABUNDANT WEAL TH own or the rasi of a Friend, and favorable vargas.
1. If ruler of the 11th occupies an angle, or the 3. If the navamsa dispositor of ruler of the 11th is
5th or 9th house, and is exalted, and if the cusp of the a benefic which occupies a rasi whose ruler lies between
11th is besieged by benefics. two benefics.
2. If ruler of the 11th is aspected by or in conjunc- 4. If the drekana dispositor of ruler of the 11th is
tion with ruler of the 10th, is exalted, and occupies its a benefic, and aspected by ruler of the 10th.


The 12th house is the analogue of Pisces, ruled by a position will be emphasized if the Sun is weak
Jupiter. This has been called the house of expenditure, in other respects. Even when well-conditioned, the
confinement and loss, and in the Hindu system is a Sun in this house is unfortunate for the father,
dusthana house, which literally means a place where and will delay public recognition of the native's
misery and ill-luck stand. Consequently it has much abilities, even though they are most deserving.
the same meaning as it does in Western astrology,
which traditionally has regarded it as a house of se- MOON: The native incurs dislike from many people,
cret sorrow, self-undoing and confinement, especially in is subject to various miseries and insults; his
such institutions as hospitals and prisons. In India the affairs will suffer through inactivity or ineptitude.
12th house also has rulership over the left eye, the feet,
and the bedroom.
As a general rule, no planet can bring much benefit MARS: The native may have some affliction of the
into the life when it occupies the 12th house. In the eyes, such as strabismus. He is apt to be cruel,
esoteric interpretation, the 12th represents the end of dealing in slanders and making himself objection-
a karmic cycle and the preparation for a new one. able. Marriage will be unfortunate, or may never
Hence there is usually a thrusting away of possessions, occur.
or a resignation of useless objectives and desires which
would hinder the soul on its forward journey. MERCURY: The native will be unhappy and generally
On the worldly plane, this karmic resignation leads miserable, will remain ignorant or devoid of edu-
to discontent with ordinary ambitions or accomplish- cation, suffer humiliation which makes him cruel
ments. The person so afflicted tends to be inept, ex- or inactive.
travagant, and impractical in material affairs. The
Piscean nature is that of a dreamer, a theorist, a vision-
ary, whose mind is set on matters beyond his im- JUPITER: The native will be hated by others, will
mediate power of comprehension. be a boaster, foul mouthed, childless, lazy or re-
quired to perform menial tasks.

OCCUPANCY OF THE TWELFTH HOUSE VENUS: The only planet which can do well in the
The delineations ascribed to the planets and Nodes 12th house. It indicates wealth, good reputation,
when they occupy the 12th house apply most especially social success and happy relations with the op-
if the person is grossly materialistic. posite sex, and a fortunate marriage.

SUN: The native will hate his father, have defective SA TURN: Indicates an indigent, imprudent, childless
eyesight, will lack means of support and be child- person, who is likely to be defective in some limb,
less. Such conditions are not to be expected in and is stupid to the point of being driven out by
every case of a 12th house Sun, but the evil of such his enemies.
Twelfth House Delineation 103
RAHU: The native will be intent upon committing ruler of the 12th, and occupy cruel navamsas, the na-
sinful acts in secret, 1s extravagant, and suffers tive will spend money for immoral purposes.
from watery diseases. 4. If ruler of the 10th is a malefic, and aspects or
joins the ruler of the 12th, while occupying an evil
KETU: The native is prone to commit secret acts or unfriendly navamsa, the native's money is wasted.
which are immoral, spend his substance on vile 5. If ruler of the 12th is powerless, joined or as-
or unworthy things, is profligate, consumes the pected by the ruler of the 6th house, and is in con-
wealth of others by setting fires or engaging in junction with Rahu, the native will lose money through
similar acts of destruction. He tends to thwart the enemies:
good intentions of other people, delighting in a) joined or aspected by ruler of the 7th house,
malicious gossip. There is apt to be injury to or loss of money through the wife.
diseases of the eyes. b) joined or aspected by ruler of the 4th house,
loss of money through the mother.
c) joined or aspected by ruler of the 5th house,
loss of money through children.
1. If the navamsa dispositor of ruler of the 12th is d) joined or aspected by ruler of the 9th house,
a benefic, occupying a beneficial navamsa, and aspected loss of money through the father.
by benefics, the native will spend money on charitable
2. If Venus and Jupiter occupy the 12th, aspected by 1. If ruler of the 12th is powerless and occupies a
Mercury and Moon, and occupy 6 favorable vargas, the debilitated or cruel navamsa.
native will spend his money for meritorious and noble 2. If the cusp of the 12th occupies evil or cruel
purposes, such as public parks, schools, hospitals, etc. vargas, and ruler of the 12th is in conjunction with
3. If Saturn or Rahu are in the 12th, or join the Saturn or Rahu.


In the foregoing sections on planetary influences in and those which are available in English often have
the twelve houses of the zodiac, only the most out- not been adapted to application in our modern world.
standing or influential have been touched on to demon-
Customs and ideals change, but the fundamental
strate the method used. To the Western astrologer
laws remain the same, so that properly viewed and
these delineations have been offered as a pattern from
understood by the serious student of today, the ancient
which may be derived a broader application, using
practices can shed much light on the procedures of
the tools and knowledge of astrology already acquired
delineation. From the general rule one can develop the
from Western teachings. Special attention has been
particular significance in a given instance, but time,
drawn to the Hindu use of the many subdivisions of
the rasis which give greater refinements to chart de- patience, and constant testing are required.
lineation than the Western system provides. Evaluation of an astrological chart is an elusive sci-
Obviously, it would be impossible to include de- ence, requiring subtlety of spirit as well as awareness
tailed rules for every event or circumstance in a horo- of the facts at hand. One can employ statistics labo-
scope. In India there are some four hundred thousand riously computed and still miss the essence of a chart;
astrological maxims, of which five thousand were while those with more ambition than scholarship will
translated and examined for ultimate inclusion in this scatter their energies and in one inept delineation
work. When this vast storehouse of horoscopic apho- destroy forever the confidence of the client. A horo-
risms is realized, it is obvious that but a small dent has scope is a many-faceted image of the person described
been made in the Hindu accumulation of tested knowl- therein. and must be treated with the respect and
edge. Much of the Sanskrit texts .remain untranslated, cautious study which it deserves.

In general, the same principles apply to a woman's 3. The 7th rasi forward from the Ascendant or the
horoscope as to that of a man, but physiological and Moon, indicates her welfare, happiness, and the na-
psychological differences as well as the limitations im- ture of her husband.
posed by society upon women necessitate certain dis- 4. When ruler of the 7th house in the horoscope of
tinctions to be made in delineations. Usually, adverse a woman has less than 300 virupas of Shad Bala, or is
relationships with the opposite sex will manifest them- without bcnefic aspects, her husband will be weak and
selves in a woman's chart through the husband or her contemptible.
male relatives, according to the conditions by which 5. Mercury and Saturn in a woman's 7th house fre-
they are represented. The same applies to a man's re- quently signify impotence in her husband.
lationships with women. However, there are a num-
6. If the rasi of a woman's 7th house cusp is cardi-
ber of Hindu maxims which relate only to women,
nal, her husband will be away from home frequently.
some of which are included here.
7. If the Sun is aspected by a malefic and occupies
When applying these rules it should be remembered the 7th house rasi of a woman's chart, her husband
that one testimony is never sufficient evidence for pre- will abandon her.
diction. Other conditions in the horoscope must be 8. Mars aspected by a malefic while occupying the
taken into account. Furthermore, the Western astrolo- 7th house indicates the woman will become a widow
ger should keep in mind that these indications of while young.
feminine reactions were formulated in a society where 9. Saturn in the 7th house aspected by a malefic
marriage is not necessarily based upon mutual desire often indicates a woman who is long-lived but never
on the part of the man and woman involved, but upon married.
decisions made by their elders, and traditionally with 10. If the Moon is in the 5th house in Scorpio,
the aid of astrology. Virgo, Leo or Taurus rasi, the woman will have few
It is thought, particularly in the United States, that
11. If the 7th house rasi, or the navamsa occupied
Western women enjoy greater independence than their
by the 7th house cusp belongs to Saturn, Mars or the
Eastern sisters, contracting marriage on their own, as
Sun, afflictions to the uterus are indicated.
the mind and heart dictate. But there is much evidence
that marriages in the West follow the old adage, 12. Malefics in the 4th house incline to unchastity.
"Marry in haste and repent at leisure." Surely the 13. The 9th house reveals the extent of a woman's
universal wisdom of the stars is applicable to men and asceticism.
women of both East and West. Here we are dealing 14. If the Ascendant is in Taurus rasi and Aquarius
primarily with women. Note the importance given the navamsa, and Venus and Saturn are in opposition, a
Ascendant and the Moon. Whenever they arc men- woman may be afflicted with an excess of passion and
tioned as alternates, whichever is the stronger in Shad seek gratification from other females who play the
Bala should be used in calculations and interpretations. masculine role. The same applies when the Ascendant
is in Libra rasi and Aquarius navamsa, and Saturn
1. A woman's beauty, physical makeup and per-
and Venus arc in opposition.
sonality are to be judged from the rasis occupied by
the Ascendant and the Moon. 15. A similar relationship may occur when Venus
occupies Aquarius or Capricorn navamsa, and Saturn
2. If both Ascendant and Moon arc situated in evcn- occupies a Taurus or Libra navamsa, with the 8th
numbcrcd rasis she will be truly feminine in char- navamsa of Aquarius on the Ascendant.
acter. If this condition is accompanied by benefic 16. Also, a woman may seek the sexual companion-
aspects to the Ascendant and Moon, she will have ex- ship of other women if Venus and Saturn are 180°
cellent qualities, such as steadfastness, virtue and at- apart and the 8th navamsa of Aquarius is on the As-
tractiveness. cendant.

F ernale Horoscopes 105
Trimsamsas are especially revealing in judging the MARS: The woman will be a wicked wife
character of a woman. Certain delineations are based and maltreat her husband.
upon the rasi position of the Moon or Ascendant, and SATURN: She will behave in a low or com-
the trimsamsa position of the Moon or the Ascendant man manner.
(in each case, whichever is the stronger in Shad Bala). JUPITER: She will be the wife of a king, or
The planetary positions in the trimsamsas are taken equivalent in high position.
from 1he Sapta Varga Schedule of the individual horo- MERCURY: She will have a masculine or ama-
scope. zonian disposition.
VENUS: She will be attached to a man with-
SATURN: She will serve as a slave or menial, AND IN A TRIMSAMSA RULED BY:
or be unchaste. MARS: The woman will have good qual-
JUPITER: She will be virtuous and of lofty ities.
ideals. SATURN: She will be sexually cold and unre-
MERCURY: She will be deceitful. sponsive.
VENUS: She will be wicked and use her JUPITER: She will have many good qualities.
charms for evil purposes. MERCURY: She will be skilled in conversa-
tion dextrous and artful.
MOON OR ASCENDANT IN TAURUS OR LrnRA RASI, AND VENUS: She 'will be very chaste and lovely.
SATURN: She will be married twice. RASI, AND IN A TRI!\.1SAMSA RULED BY:
JUPITER: She will be highly respected. MARS: The woman will be a drudge and a
MERCURY: She will be intelligent. menial.
VENUS: She will be famous. SATURN: She will be joined to a man of low
MooN OR ASCENDANT IN GEMINI OR VIRGO RASI, AND JUPITER: She will be devoted to her husband.
IN A TRIMSAMSA RULED BY: MERCURY: She will be a gossip and full of
MARS: The woman will be dishonest. wickedness.
SATURN: VENUS: She will be pleasure-loving and bar-
She will be barren and show little
evidence of femininity. ren.
JUPITER: She will be virtuous and faithful. NAKSHATRAS
MERCURY: She will be endowed with all good
Although the influence and consideration of the
nakshatras will be discussed later in a more general
VENUS: She will be dissatisfied in marriage
application, there arc some delineations which properly
and nurture her dissatisfaction.
belong in this context. Nakshatras arc detcm1ined by
the zodiacal longitude of the Moon in the nirayana
chart. These lon;itudes and their boundaries are given
in Table IV, with their identifying numbers. The fol-
MARS: The woman will be self-willed and lowing rules arc offered with the usual warning that
uncontrolled. no single aspect or condition will necessarily result in
SATURN: She may kill her husband. the effect described.
JUPITER: She will have many good qualities. I. If rulers of the Ascendant, the 9th house, and
MERCURY: She will be skilled in the arts. the rasi occupied by the Moon are bcnctics~ or if
VENUS: She will be virtuous as well as beau- benefics are located in the 1st and 9th houses, and the
tiful. Moon is free of combustion or eclipst.', the woman
106 Constellational Astrology
will be held in high esteem by her relatives, will be FIGURE 33
very handsome and do much good, pleasing her hus-
band with her virtuous disposition and by bearing him
2. Women born with the Moon in nakshatras 3, 6,
8, 9, 18, 19 or 24, will be barren.
3. A woman whose Moon is in nakshatra Jyesta (18)
will marry a man whose eldest brother will die.
x x
4. If the woman's Moon is in nakshatra Visaka
( 16), the youngest brother of the husband will die.
5. If the woman's Moon is in nakshatra Aslesha
(9), the husband's father will die.
(Note: The deaths indicated in the last three rules B
may be expected soon after marriage.) 0
If a woman's menses begins when the transiting Moon
is passing through an anupachaya house (nakshatras
1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 or 12), which are 90°, 180° or
210° from Mars in the natal horoscope, pregnancy is
easily ascertained. In this example chakra (natal), there is only one
If the menses is characterized as fertile according to rasi, Aquarius, which is anupachaya and aspected by
the preceding rule, pregnancy is best accomplished Mars ( 90°), while the only upachaya houses which
from five to fifteen days after the first appearance of would be transited by the Moon within the allotted
the menses, during the time when Moon is transiting five to fifteen day period are the 10th and 11th. Thus
an upachaya house (nakshatras 3, 6, 10 or 11), and if the menses begins when Moon is in the constellation
aspects either the natal or transiting Jupiter. Under Aquarius, impregnation could occur when Moon trans-
such conditions of conception, the woman's health is its the 10th and 11th houses and receives an aspect
conserved and safe delivery of the child assured. from Jupiter (either natal or transiting).


As has already been stated, the constellations ( rasis) The following brief description of the Moon's effect
refer to the more hidden part of the personality. This in the various rasis is taken from the Brihat Jataka,
is the psychic nature, negative to the rational mind, by Varaha Mihira. In the original Sanskrit the text
manifesting itself without interference only when the is in verse (slokas), and highly metaphoric, so that
conscious mind is asleep or off guard. Thus the char- English translations often seem overly literal, and even
acteristics indicated by the constellations in most cases at times absurd. However, it may be of interest to the
are overlaid or concealed by the rational mind which student to study this material and experiment in adapt-
is represented by the signs of the zodiac. ing the content to broader and more significant mean-
ing. In several instances, such interpolation has been
Naturally, the Moon is only one element of the horo- indicated by phrases in parantheses. It may be noted
scope, hence it is not to be expected that more than a that for the most part these delineations pertain to
portion of its influence will be prominent in any single the Moon in a male horoscope, though it is possible
horoscope. The stronger the Moon, the more likely also to find applicability to women, using due discre-
it will be to reveal its power among the other planets. tion.
Moon in the Rasfa 107
The native will have round, voluptuous eyes; will The native will walk crookedly but fast, with his
relish vegetables and spicy foods, but will eat moder- body bent (tenacity of purpose, especially when
ately. He will be of quick temper but soon mollified, thwarted); the hips will be high (philosophical-Jupi-
will always be on his legs (untiring energy), and inter- ter exalted in Cancer) ; will be subject to the influence
ested in sex. Will be weak-kneed (changeable), and of women (feminine rather than masculine in nature) ;
have no permanent wealth of his own. Will be fond will be a good friend (inborn sense of universality).
of fighting and of women, and clever in serving others. He will be versed in astrology and build a big house
Will have disfigured nails and a wounded head (rash ("In my Father's House there are many Mansions").
and argumentative, with consequent results). Will be His wealth will increase and decrease as the waxing
proud and best among his brothers (must be first); and waning Moon (he will be alternately generous and
will have lines in his palm the shape of a weapon, niggardly). He will be short and have a thick neck
known as sakti, and be afraid of the water (fear of (restrained and obstructive toward assimilating the
emotional ardor being dampened or rebuffed). ideas of others), but capable of being won over by
sweet words, as well as being a good speaker himself.
Will be attached to his friends, and fond of water
and parks (in rapport with Mother Nature).
The native will be of fine appearance, have a stately
or sportive gait (fond of going astray), broad thighs LEO RASI
(receptively sympathetic), and a large face (honor- The native will be of irascible temper, with large
able); will have moles on his back, face and sides. cheeks, a broad face, and brown eyes (a broad and
Will be liberal in gifts, and endure hardships; will down-to-earth view of things, or a clear intellect) ;
have great influence and run high as a wave (author- will have few children and will hate women (regards
ity); will have a large hump on the neck (a thyroid himself as self-sufficient). He will be fond of animal
condition?); will have daughters (be endowed with food, forests and mountains (sympathetic to the mas-
creativity in the arts); and have a phlegmatic tempera- culine side of Nature) ; will be angry over trifles for a
ment (calm, not easily aroused). Will be abandoned by long time; will be afflicted by hunger, thirst, stomach
his kinsmen and separated from his wealth and sons ache, toothache and mental agony (finds it difficult to
(creative accomplishments may not live after him). assimilate any ideas other than his own); will be lib-
Will be liked by all, and of a patient nature. Will eral in his gifts and bold in combating adversaries;
be a large eater (requires spiritual nourishment for will be of fixed principles, haughty and attached to
creative work); fond of young women (enjoys that his mother (his bark is worse than his bite, or in other
which is beautiful), and firm in his friendships words he is not as self-sufficient as he thinks).
(ideals); will be happy in the middle and concluding '
portions of life (will reap the benefits of what has VIRGO RASI
been sown in youth). The native will have lovely eyes ("the better to see
you, my dear"), and a slow gait due to modesty or
GEMINI RASI bashfulness. Shoulders and arms will be drooping
The native will be fond of women and clever in (from serving others). He will be happy; soft in body
sexual intercourse, have voluptuous eyes (delight in and speech; truthful; skilled in the arts; learned in
the visible world); be learned in the sciences; will the sciences; virtuous; intelligent (an Earth rasi, ruled
carry messages (gossip?); will have curly hair (a reach- by Mercury); and fond of sexual union. He wilI enjoy
ing out of the intellect); skilled in wit; in reading the the house and wealth of other people (servitude has
thoughts of others; fond of mirth and an adept in its rewards); will live in foreign lands (be carried away
gambling (will tackle anything); will possess beautiful by imagination), and have daughters but few sons
features and be affable in speech. He will eat much (creativity with little recognition from posterity).
(curiosity about everything); be fond of music and
skilled in the art of the dance (seeks coordinated har- LIBRA RASI
mony in life); will join in pleasures with hermaphro- The native will respect the Devas (deities), Brahmins
dites (secs diversity in Nature as a unified whole); and and holy men; will be pure (will not covet the wealth
will have an elevated nose (ferrets out news or infom1a- of others) ; will be learned in the Vedas (Holy Scrip-
tion). tures). He will be subject to the influence of women
108 Constellatfonal Astrology
(henpecked); will be tall (aspiring); will have a promi- matters (form and authority); will be weak in the
nent nose (searches for truth) ; will be of thin or defi- lower limbs (insufficient understanding, especially in
cient limbs (understanding may be thwarted); will be intuitive perception-Moon debilitated in Capricorn);
fond of travels (has good imagination), and never lack will have good eyes (aware of what is going on), and
money (inner resources); will be a trader (exchange a thin waist (conservative); will understand and follow
ideas); will bear the name of a Deva coupled with an when once advised (not imaginative); will be liked by
excellent surname granted by a body of learned men all and slow at work (does things the hard way); will
(receives recognition from high places). He will be not be able to endure cold or chill (is not adaptable
sickly ("the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to change). He will have wandering habits (attention
to-"); will aid his relatives, only to be reviled and vacillates); exceeding strength (persistence); will be an
rejected by them (those of his own kind are mentally author; will be of a niggardly disposition (not en-
and spiritually beneath him). dowed with keen insight); and attached to old women
of low caste (holds on to outmoded or unworthy
ideas); will be relentless and have no shame (dogged
and insensitive).
The native will have wide-apart eyes, a broad chest,
rounded thighs and knees (one of wide influence); will
be separated from his parents and preceptors (does not AQUARIUS RASI

make educational progress) ; will be afflicted with dis- The native will have a long neck like that of a
ease when young (indolent); will be honored by the camel (the Sanskrit term is figuratively used for a
king's family (liked by those in high places). His com- man who is not true to his promises-one who can
plexion will be ruddy or dark (passionate or malevo- twist his neck any way); will have a muscular body,
lent nature): he will not be straightforward; will have rough and covered with hair (lacking refinement,
lines in his hands and feet the shape of fish and birds more bestial than human, representing man's animal
(signifying in Hindu palmistry that the early life is nature); will be tall (so also aspiring); will have large
good, middle life moderate, later life evil) ; and will feet, thighs, back, buttocks, face and lower belly (en-
endeavor to conceal his sins (secretly docs harm to dowed with native understanding); will be deaf (hard-
others). hearted); will be addicted to other men's wives;
utilize the wealth of others and commit sinful deeds
SA GITTARIUS RAsr (anti-social, defies convention); will have pecuniary
losses and gains (instability, unsettled in his mind);
T~e nati:e:Villhave a long face and neck ( philo- will be fond of flowers and perfumes (desires Venusian
sophically mch?ed and ~spiring); will inherit prop-
pleasures); and will walk without tiring (indefatigable
er.ty fro~ the ~ath~r (will learn from his teachers) ; zeal to accomplish his own objectives). (Note: Keep
w~ll be liberal m his gifts: will be a poet (inspired);
in mind that in ancient Hindu astrology, Aquarius
will be .powerful. and skilled in speech (ability to
is ruled by Saturn only.)
commumcate): will have large teeth, ears, lips and nose
(capable of assimilating and communicating ideas)·
will engage in numerous works and be a good me~ PISCES RASI
chanic (skillful in whatever he undertakes). His shoul- The native will deal in pearls and other products of
ders will not he prominent (avoids carrying his share the sea (he will have intuitive wisdom-"The Pearl of
of the burden):. will. ~ave disfigured nails and strong Great Price"), and enjoy the property of other men
arms (nervous d1spos1t1on and military leadership); will (appreciate without appropriating resources which he
have a profound and inventive intellect; will be famil- has not earned); will be fond of his wife and children.
iar with the Jaws and codes nf government; will hate He will have a symmetrical body with all the limbs
his kinsmen (has a sense of superiority in what he fully developed and shining (as without, so within-
knows); cannot he subdued hy force, but vields to emanating inner poise); will have a long nose and a
kind treatment. ~
large head (great capacity for knowledge and wis-
dom); will overcome his enemies (inner awareness, for
CAPRICORN RASI a man's worst enemy is himself); will be subject to the
influence of Venus (exalted in Pisces-hence he will
The native \vi!J he attached to his wife and sons
be attracted to the arts); will have beautiful eyes (with
(fond of rossessions); will he interested in all religious
\vhich to sec beauty): will he fair in appearance (god-
The Nakshatras 109
like); will come hy hidden treasure, be rich and learned Moon in the twelve rasis, as follows: "The effects de-
("hidden treasure'' is again a reference to the wisdom scribed will fully come to pass only if the rasi occupied
which comes from the unconscious-"greater wealth by the Moon, the planet ruling it, and the Moon herself
has no man than this"). (Note: Remember again that are all strong .... '' (Note: To be strong, the Moon
Pisces is ruled by Jupiter only.) should be above the horizon in a night birth, and below
In the original text there is an additional sloka by the horizon in a day birth, and must thus be away
way of instruction in the use of these delineations of from the Sun.)


The nakshatras, of which there are twenty-seven, hair cut, to get married, or to honor the dead. Natu-
are divided into groups of nine, termed pariyaya, rally, the rules pertaining to the nakshatras are ex-
meaning cycle. The rulerships of the nakshatras (the tensive, and cannot be dealt with in detail here. The
seven planets and the Nodes), repeat themselves in the interested reader is referred to a standard text book,
same sequence in three pariyayas, each totaling one Kalaprakasika, for greater guidance on the subject.
hundred and twenty years, or one-third of the zodiac. In aeneral the first nine nakshatras from that of the
Each nakshatra consists of 13°20', beginning with 0° natal Moon ~ignify: 1) birth; 2) fortune; 3) danger;
Aries, and continues by this number of degrees until 4) well-being~ 5) obstacles; 6) help; 7) slaughter;
the circle of 360° is completed. 8) friendship~ 9) intimate friendship.
The nakshatras arc divided into padams (quarters), The second pariyaya, beginning with the 10th nak-
of 3°20'. Since each rasi contains 30°, and two naksha- shatra from the natal Moon. has one-half the strength
tras make up only 26°40', it may be seen that the first of the first pariyaya. For bcnefic results, the 1st quarter
padam of the third nakshatra Krithika belonas to of the 3rd nakshatra, the 4th quarter of the 5th, and
' ' b
Aries; the other three padams of Krithika are in the 3rd quarter of the 7th nakshatra should be avoided.
Taurus, ending at 10°00'. Rohini is entirely in Taurus. It is said that the nakshatras in the third pariyaya
The 5th nakshatra is half in Taurus and half in Gem- from birth have no adverse influences. However, the
ini. Thus, some nakshatras (but not all) span two 22nd nakshatrn from the natal Moon is adverse; like-
rasis, giving great significance to the padams. Consult wise the 27th nakshatra from the Moon's position at
Table I Y for the nakshatra position of the natal birth is to be avoided for initiating any project.
( nirayana) Moon and its rulcrship. Unfavorable nakshatras. when nothing of impor-
In Schedule E the nakshatras arc listed hy number, tance should be undertaken. arc Numbers 2. 3, 6, 9, 10,
each with its Sanskrit name and English equivalent, I 1, 18, 22. 25 and 26. Also the 10th and 19th nakshatra
symbolic animal, presiding deity and caste rulcrship. from the natal Moon position. Unfavorable days to
The personal characteristics bestowed by the Moon in initiate anything arc Saturday. Sunday and Tuesday,
the various nakshatras are epitomized in Schedule F. being ruled by Saturn, Sun and Mars. respectively.
The nakshatras arc of primary importance in elec- As has already been indicated, the nakshatras gov-
tional astrology, i.e., selection of the right time to ern almost everything under the Sun. but it is the
undertake any 1ww venture, whether it be to get a Moon \vhich is the indicator of good or bad fortune.

1. Ashvini Horsemen Horse The two divine horsemen (cf., Vaisya
Castor and Pollux)
2. Bharani Bearer-away Elephant Yama, Lord of Death Lowest
3. Krithika Cutter, axe Sheep Agni, God of Fire Brahm in
4. Rohini Ruddy Serpent Prajapati, Lord of Created Sudra
5. Mrigasirsha Antelope head Serpent Soma, God of the Moon Serving
6. Ardra Moist Dog Rudra, God of Storm Butcher
7. Punarvasu Good, brilliant Cat Aditi, Mother of the 12 gods Vaisya
and the 12 months
8. Push ya Nourisher Sheep Brihaspati, Priest and Teacher Kshatrya
of the gods
9. Aslesha Entwiner, embracer Cat Sarpa, God of Serpents Lowest
10. Magha Mighty Rat Pitras, Fathers of the Manes Sudra
(ancestors who have achieved
11. P. Phalguni Phala = fruit Rat Ariman, Chief of the Manes Brahm in
Guni = quality;
sometimes de-
notes fig t•ee
12. U. Phalguni Phala = fruit Cow Bhaga, Gracious Lord, Brother Kshatrya
Guni = quality; of the Dawn, bestowing wealth,
sometimes de- love and marriage
notes fig tree

(Note: All naks_h~ltras _up to I 2 represent gods or divine beings; their numbers are frequently used as synonyms for
the qual1t1es with which their names are associated.)

13. Hasta Hand Buffalo Savitar, a variation of the Solar Vaisya

14. Chitra Brilliant Serving
Tiger Savi tar, builder, forger (cf.,
Roman Vulcan); Indra's thun-
derbolts. Forms the hodies of
men an<l animals. Invoked for
15. Svathi Sword Buffalo Vayu, God of the Winds Butcher
I 6. Vishakha With spreading Tiger Inc.Ira and Agni Lowest
17. Anuradha Success
Deer Sudra
Mitra, one of the Adityas
18. Jyeshta Oldest Deer Indra Serving
19. Mula Root Dog Nirriti (calamity) Butcher
20. P. Ashadha Unsubdued Monkey Apas, God of Water Brahmin

The Nakshcttras 111
SCHEDULE E (continued)

21. U. Ashadha Unsubdued Cow Vishvadevas (collective gods) Kshatrya

22. Sravana Hearing Monkey Vishnu Lowest
23. Sravishta Superlative of Lion The eight Vasus Serving
24. Shatabhisha Hundred Horse Varuna, God of the Firmament Butcher
physicians (cf., Greek Uranus)
25. P. Bhadrapada Beautiful quarter Lion Ajaekpat, one-footed goat; Brahm in
26. U. Bhadrapada Beautiful quarter Cow Budnya (bottom snake) Kshatrya
27. Revathi Wealthy Elephant Pushan (the prosperer) Sudra


In India, the selection of the marriage partner is DH INAM

customarily a matter reserved for the heads of the
families involved, and often the bride and groom are The first in importance pertains to "luck," or karma.
betrothed at a very early age. Since it is of primary Count the number of nakshatras from the bride's
importance that a marriage be based upon conditions Moon (number one in the count), to and including
governed by the karmas of the individuals concerned, the nakshatra occupied by the intended groom's Moon.
an elaborate but effective system involving a compari- The counting is always forward.
son of the two horoscopes has been developed. Most Of the nine nakshatras of each pariyaya, that oc-
of the rules are based upon the relative positions of cupied by the natal Moon is always first, regardless of
the natal Moons in the nakshatras, or Lunar Mansions. where it falls in the entire list of twenty-seven. The
There arc ten lunar comparisons to be taken into second nakshatra following that of the natal Moon
consideration when calculating the suitability of a signifies fortune; the third denotes disaster: the fourth
proposed marriage. These arc: Dhinam, Rajju, Ganam, favors well-being; the fifth produces obstruction; the
Rasi, Yoni, Mahendhram, Sthree-Dheergham, Rasyad- sixth shows aid; the seventh inclines to slaughtec the
hipathi, Vasyam, and Vcdhai. The most important in eighth tends toward friendship; and the ninth leads to
order of influence arc the first five named, but in any great friendship.
case there should be agreement between five of these I. For a harmonious marriage, the nakshatra of the
nakshatra relationships. groom's Moon should be the 2nd, 4th, 6th or 8th from
Having ascertained the zodiacal longitude of the that of the bride's Moon.
natal Moon for both parties (from Table IV), the fol-
lowing rules for lunar comparison are applied. For 2. Lack of harmony between the couple is indicated
case of reference, the number of each nakshatra is if the nakshatra of the man's Moon is 3rd, 5th or 7th
used rather than its name. from that of the woman's Moon.

The following aphorisms are only general guides to 12. U. Phal[Iuni \\'ill he loved by all, earn money through
judgment. The descriptions will be best fulfilled when his learning, happy and fond of pleasure.
the Moon is strong in the natus. Thus, even though a
13. Hasta Will be industrious, impatient, fond of
nakshatra declares wealth, other influences in the radical
drink, merciless and thievish.
chart may gainsay it, in which case the prediction of the
nakshatra will be fulfilled only during those periods of 14. Clzitra Will wear beautiful garments and flow-
the life when the Moon becomes a chief ruler. ers, have beautiful eyes and limbs.
15. Svathi Will be modest, clever in trade, compas-
1. Aslivini sionate, sweet-spoken and virtuous.
The native will be fond of ornaments,
lovely in appearance, liked by all, clever 16. Vishakha Will be envious, covetous, bright in ap-
and intelligent. pearance, clever in speech and quarrel-
2. Bharani He will carry out his purposes to the end,
will be truthful, clever, happy and 17. Anuradha 'Nill he opulent, dwell in foreign lands,
healthy. unable to endure hunger, and will ram-
ble from place to place.
3. Krithika A heavy eater, fond of the society of ma-
trons (a suspicion attaches to his moral 18. Jyeslzta Will have few friends, be contented but
conduct); will be brilliant and famous. irritable.

4. Rolzini 19. Mula Will be proud, wealthy, happy, of a soft

Will be truthful, pure, sweet-tempered,
disposition, firm-minded, and luxurious
well-spoken, with a settled mind and
in his Jiving.
lovely in appearance.
20. P. Ashadha \Vill have an amiable marriage partner,
5. Mrigasirslza Fickle, sharp-witted, timid, eloquent, in-
will he proud and firm in friendship.
dustrious, wealthy and sensual.
21. U. Aslzadha Will be well-behaved, righteous, have
6. Ardra Perfidious, haughty, ungrateful, mischiev- many friends, be grateful and amiable.
ous and sinful.
22. Sra\'Cllla Will be prosperous and learned, have a
7. Punarrnsu Amiable. dull, easily contented, fond of liheral-min<led marriage partner, will be
food anJ drink: afllicted by disease. rich and have wide-spread fame.

8. Pushya Self-controlled. composed in mind, liked 23. Sravishta Lihcral, generous, wealthy, courageous,
hy all, learned, wealthy and inclined to f and of music but greedy.
virtue. 24. Shatahhislw Truthful. unfortunate, will conquer en-
9. Aslesha Insincere, inclineJ to hoarding, sinful, emies, be daring and hard to win over.
ungrateful and deceitful. 25. P. Bhad- Afll icted, hen-pecked, wealthy and clev-
rapada er, but miserly.
I 0. Maglza Will be wealthy, have many servants, en-
joy life. worship the goJs (i.e., he reli- 26. U. Blwd- Clever in speech, happy, possess chil-
gious). and will be very industrious. rapada dren, will overcome his enemies and be
Vi rt llOUS.
I J. P. Plzalguni Will speak sweetly, he generous. bright
in appearance. fond of wandering and 27. Rernthi Will have a symmetrical body, be liked
loyal to his sovereign. hy all, courageous, clean and healthy.

The Nakshatras 113
3. An unhappy union is indicated by the following Padha - Nakshatras 1, 9, 10, 18, 19, 27.
pairs of nakshatras: 3 and 9; 9 and 15; 14 and 20; 17 Ooroo - Nakshatras 2, 8, 11, 17, 20, 26.
and 23; 23 and 2; 24 and 3. Nabhi - Nakshatras 3, 7, 12, 16, 21, 25.
4. A happy marriage is indicated by these pairs of Kanta - Nakshatras 4, 6, 13, 15, 22, 24.
nakshatras: 6 and 12; 11 and 17; 14 and 8; 7 and 13. Siro - Nakshatras 5, 14, 23.
5. When the groom's Moon is more than nine nak-
shatras forward from that of the bride's, the marriage For a favorable marriage the nakshatras occupied
is fortunate except in the following instances: If the by the Moons of the bride and groom should not be
groom's Moon is in the first quarter of the 12th nak- in the same Rajju division. If they are in the same
shatra forward from the bride's; in the fourth quarter Rajju, the following delineations apply:
of the 14th nakshatra forward; or in the third quarter
of the 16th nakshatra forward. Padha leads to travel in foreign countries, bringing
loss of social position, or unorthodox views.
BOTH NATAL MOONS IN THE SAME NAKSHATRA Ooroo results in loss of property.
1. An auspicious marriage if in nakshatras 4, 6, 10, Nabhi presages loss of offspring.
13, 16, 22, 26, 27. Kanta portends death of the wife.
2. An average marriage if in nakshatras 1 3 5 7 Siro portends death of the husband.
8, 11, 12, 14, 17,20,21. ' ' ' '
3. Marriage should be avoided if both nakshatras are GAN AM
in 2, 9, 15, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25.
The third of the most important of the ten lunar
NAKSHATRAS IN THE SAME RASI considerations pertains to wealth. Here the nakshatras
1. To assure a favorable marriage, the natal Moon are divided into three groups:
of the intended groom should be prior in zodiacal
longitude to that of the prospective bride's. Deva Ganam: 1, 5, 7, 8, 13, 15, 17, 22, 27.
2. If the nakshatra of the groom's Moon follows Manushya Ganam: 2, 4, 6, 11, 26.
that of the bride's, a favorable marriage is also pos- Rackshasa Ganam: 3, 9, 10, 14, 16, 18, 19, 23, 24.
sible, providing the natal Moon of the woman is in
nakshatra 1, 3, 5, 10, 13, 15, 20, 24. (Note: Nos. 12, 20, 21, 25 are not mentioned in the
3. Of nakshatras that belong to the same rasi, the text of Kalaprakasika. It is possible they belong to
following are inauspicious and should be avoided: Manushya Ganam, but there is no certainty in this con-
2 and 3; 8 and 9; 23 and 24. jecture.)
1. If the natal Moons of the man and woman are·
COMBINATIONS OF CERTAIN NAKSHATRAS in nakshatras belonging to the same ganam, the suit-
Special significance is given the following pairs of ability of a marriage is exceIIent.
nakshatras belonging to the natal Moons of a married 2. If the man's Moon is in a deva ganam nakshatra,
couple: Mutual afTection and happiness: 20 and 26, and the woman's Moon is in a manushya ganam, the
21 and 2 7. Prosperity and affluence: 2 and 8, 19 and 25. prospects for a suitable marriage are fair. .
111-feeling between husband and wife: 27 and 6, 18 3. If the nakshatra position of the man's Moon is
and 12, 16 and 22. Separate domiciles of husband and in dcva boanam , and the woman's is in rackshasa ganam,
wife: 1 and 22. Widowhood: 26 and 5. Many sons: marriage would be adverse.
4 and I 0, 25 and 4. Disgraceful sons: 16 and 10. Many 4. If the man's Moon is in manushya ganam and the
daughters: 1 and 7, 17 and 21. Death and material woman's in rackshasa ganam, marriage would be very
loss: 12 and 5, 13 and 19. harmful, even fatal to both parties.
The adverse conditions in these ganam considera-
tions are negated if rulers of the rasis in which the
RAJ JU Moons are l~catcd are the same, or friendly planets.
Also, the evil is abated if the Moons are in opposite
Second in importance among the ten lunar consider- rasis. Finally, the effect of the rackshasa and manushya
ations, governing felicity in married life and immunity combination is neutralized if the bride's Moon is more
from widowhood. The nakshatras are here divided than 14 nakshatras forward from the one occupied
into five groups: by the groom's Moon.
114 Constellatfonal Astrology
RASI 2. A man and woman will be mutually hostile in
a marriage relationship if the nakshatras occupied by
The fourth in order of importance shows growth their Moons are ruled by Monkey and Sheep; Deer
of family. This lunar comparison is based on the rasi and Elephant; Horse and Buffalo; Cow and Tiger; Rat
position of the Moons, which may be either favorable and Cat; Serpent and Rat; Dog and Deer-all of which
or unfavorable. should be avoided.
1. Bride's Moon in 2nd rasi from groom's, inclines 3. Nakshatras not having the same animal ruler-
to a long life. ship, nor the mutually hostile combination cited in
2. Groom's Moon in 2nd rasi from bride's is very rule 2, are considered neutral, indicating sexual rela-
adverse. (Note: The evil is negated or diminished if tions of an average sort.
this 2nd rasi is even-numbered: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo,
3. Bride's Moon in 3rd rasi from groom's gives
happiness, whereas groom's Moon in 3rd rasi from This marital consideration develops attachment, pro-
bride's brings misery. motes well-being and prolongs life. The man's Moon
4. Bride's Moon in 4th rasi from groom's bestows should be in the 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 19th, or
wealth; groom's Moon in 4th rasi from bride's brings 25th nakshatra forward from that occupied by the
woman's Moon.
5. Groom's Moon in 5th rasi from bride's, widow-
hood is indicated. The converse is the case if the bride's
Moon is in the 5th rasi forward from the groom's. STHREE-DHEERGHAM
6. Bride's Moon in 6th rasi from groom's brings
many sons; groom's Moon in 6th rasi from bride's indi- This marital consideration promotes general wel-
cates loss of sons. (Note: Such misfortune may be fare. The nakshatra occupied by the groom's Moon
averted if the rasis are any of the following pairs: should be 13 nakshatras beyond that of the bride's
Aries-Virgo; Sagittarius-Taurus; Libra-Pisces; Aqua- Moon.
rius-Cancer; Leo-Capricorn; Gemini-Scorpio. In RASY ADHIP A THI
these, the bride's Moon should be in the first named
rasi, the groom's in the second.) This marital consideration pertains to the harmony
7. If the natal Moons of the bride and groom are between the rulers of the rasis occupied by the natal
in rasis opposite each other in the zodiac, the couple Moons of the prospective bride and groom, and indi-
will have a long and happy life.
cates prosperity through foods grown in the soil.
8. Ill effects indicated in the rules given for position Although the relationships given here may contradict
of the Moons in the rasis can be negated if the rulers some of the rules found elsewhere, it should be re-
of the man's and woman's rasis in which their Moons membered that these arc special applications estab-
are posited are the same; or if rulers of their rasis are lished by tradition. The Moons of the man and woman
friendly planets; or if their Moons are in rasis oppo- should be in rasis whose rulers arc friends according
site each other.
to the following schedule:
SUN Friendly to Jupiter only.
The fifth in importance among the lunar compari- MOON Friendly to Mercury and Jupiter only.
sons, and is believed to give many sons. The word yoni
MARS Friendly to Mercury and Venus only.
literally means the female reproductive organs, hence
this consideration for marriage suitability is based upon MERCURY Friendly to all except Sun.
the sexual rapport indicated between the various nak- JUPITER Friendly to all except Mars.
shatras. Here the animal symbol which is assigned to VENUS Friendly to all except Sun and Moon.
each nakshatra is compared with the animal symbol SA TURN Friendly to all except Jupiter.
of another (Schedule E).
1. Natal Moons of a man and woman having the These relationships between lunar rasi positions are
same animal representative indicates a well-mated cou- not always mutually friendly. A man with Moon in
ple: Horse, I and 24; Elephant, 2 and 27; Sheep, 3 Pisces would find a suitable mate in a woman with
and 8; Serpent, 4 and 5; etc. Moon in any rasi except Aries or Scorpio. However, a
The Nakshatras 115
woman with Moon in Capricorn or Aquarius would FURTHER EVIDENCE PERTAINING TO MARRIAGE
not find a man with Moon in Pisces desirable. Moon Of the ten considerations, or lunar comparisons just
in a Saturn-ruled rasi is not reciprocally amicable to reviewed, it is important that there be agreement in
rasis ruled by Mars, Moon, Sun and Jupiter. The best at least five. Less than this indicates a general lack of
relationships are obviously those which are mutually compatibility and the union should be avoided. How-
friendly. When the Moon is in good rapport with ever, additional appraisal can be made by considering
the other's lunar rasi, but the latter's is not harmonious the relationships existing between certain planets in the
to the former, it is better that the woman's Moon be two charts.
the one that is friendly to that of the man.
In a man's chart the Moon and Venus are the most
important. If the Moon is conjunct or opposition the
VASYAM Sun in the woman's chart, or has other strong aspects,
the suitability of marriage is increased. Likewise, if
The ninth of the marital considerations favors de- the man's Venus is conjunct, opposed to or square the
velopment of posterity, and is based upon the relation- woman's Mars, the possibility of a good marriage is
ships of the rasis occupied by the natal Moon in the favored.
nakshatras of the man and woman. Harmony between
In a woman's chart the Sun and Mars are the most
the couple may be predicted if the rasis of the two
important planetary considerations. He~ Sun shoul~
Moons are concordant. These are interchangeable, i.e.,
form a strong aspect with the Moon m the man_ s
the following groupings of rasis in which the Moon
is posited apply to both parties. chart, and her Mars should have a strong aspect to his
Aries: Leo and Scorpio Libra: Capricorn If there are no such aspects, then the conjunction,
Taurus: Cancer and Leo Scorpio: Virgo opposition or square of planets which are Natural
Gemini: Virgo Sagittarius: Pisces Friends should be considered. Where there are no
Cancer: Scorpio and Capricorn: Aquarius strong aspects between mutually friendly planets there
Sagittarius and Aries is little likelihood of a marriage being a suitable one.
Leo: Libra Aquarius: Aries
Virgo: There are still other considerations concerning mar-
Gemini and Pisces Pisces: Capricorn
riage, among which is the traditional _rule. in India
that a man's caste (or position in the social hierarchy)'
VEDHAI should always be higher than that of the woman's. (In
other words, a woman should look up to, and respect
The last of the lunar comparisons is based upon her husband.)
the nakshatras occupied by the natal Moons, and is N akshatras are also classified as male, female, and
thought to give many sons. Marriage should not take hermaphrodite, the latter indicating both male and
place if the Moons of the prospective bride and groom
female characteristics in one individual:
occupy the following pairs of mutually antagonistic
Female: 2, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21,
1 - 18 22, 23.
6 - 22 10 - 27
Male: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 13, 17, 25, 26, 27.
2 - 17 7 - 21 11 - 26
3 - 16 Hermaphrodite: 5, 19, 24.
8 - 20 12 - 25
4 - 15 9 - 19 13 - 24 Naturally, the most favorable combinations. of these
nakshatras for a man and woman contemplatmg mar-
The remaining nakshatras consist of a triad, 5, 14, riage is that they be "male" and "female,'' respectively.
23, indicating that a combination of any two of the If they be otherwise, that is, if the man's naksh~tra
three is also adverse. Moon is female, and the woman's male, the relation-
Exceptions to this rule of antagonistic nakshatras ship will be adverse. If the nakshatras of the man a?d
occur when the Moons are in opposite rasis; or in rasis woman be hermaphrodite and female; hermaphrodite
ruled by the same or friendly planets, in which case and male· both male or both female, the influence is
a compatible marriage is possible. mediocre.

Being traditionally an observational astrology, the other than from the pos1t1on they occupy in the zo-
Hindu system gives attention to certain astronomical diac at a given time. However, they can receive aspects
phenomena which the Western system is apt to ne- according to the nature of the planet with which they
glect. This is particularly exemplified in the matter of are associated and the constellation they occupy.
the Moon's Nodes, their nature and influences in the Be this as it may, the greatest significance of the
horoscope. Rahu and Ketu, the North and South Nodes is their lack of vitalizing intelligence. The in-
Nodes respectively, are an important part of every fluence of a planet always stimulates with inherent
delineation. In the Vimshottari System they arc used intelligence; the Nodes do not, even in that portion
on a par with the planets as rulers of periods during of the zodiac which they occupy. Wherever a Node is
the lifetime. located, the lower elemental forces are permitted to
Much can be understood concerning the Nodes by enter and act upon the astral or psychic body of the
considering what we know about these phenomena of individual. Elemental forces are those relating to the
our Solar system. First, they arc not bodies like the mineral, vegetable or animal kingdoms, but not to
planets, but merely locations of a time-space relation- the human or the divine. Planets represent intelligences
ship between the Moon, Sun and Earth, marking the superior in their nature to the human, and exercise
points where the orbit of the Moon around the Earth powers which reveal super-human, or semi-divine wis-
intersects the orbit of the Sun's apparent path in the dom.
Heavens. The Node's "movement" is always retrograde, The influence of these higher powers is dulled by
taking approximately nineteen years to complete the the Nodes, much as a mute suppresses the tones of a
cycle of the zodiac.
violin. The Nodes belong to the Moon, which rep-
We might not be particularly concerned with the resents the psychic nature with its race memory and
Nodes were it not for the fact that they are involved unconscious recollections of the distant past. During
in both solar and lunar eclipses. An eclipse occurs only primitive stages of evolution, man's survival depended
when one of these nodal points is in the same longitude upon being at one with the forces of Nature. Lunar-
as the luminaries at either the New or Full Moon. inspired goddesses preceded Solar gods. Instinct and
Eclipses are of varying intensities of strength, from total intuition were paramount. As man evolved, the rea-
to partial, according to the distance between the Nodes soning mind difTerentiated its objectives from those of
and the Sun and Moon; but any orb up to 15° will Nature, so that innate psychic abilities retreated under
result in at least a partial eclipse. the onslaught of the developing intellect. Man's Will
In ancient astronomy the Nodes were symbolized by and self-direction increased at the expense of his ele-
a fearsome dragon which periodically "swallowed" the mental instinctual nature (as modern psychology has
Sun or the Moon. In other words, the Nodes were amply demonstrated).
thought of as enemies of the luminaries-the sources of The foregoing statements regarding the Nodes
light and warmth which give to all creation life, need not be applied literally to any horoscope, but it
vitality, energy, fertility, initiative and the Will to sur- is well to keep in mind that we retain vestiges of
vive. Since light stands for intelligence and enlight- the elemental qualities which they represent. Even
enment, it became evident that the nature of the though the developing intellect constantly compresses
Nodes, counteracting this light, was one of lethargy its animal-instinctual-psychic constituent into smaller
and ignorance.
and smaller compass, it still remains as a necessary
Having no body, the Nodes cannot send forth vi- component of our psychological being. Without his
brations or radiations. Having no magnetism, they primordial instinct, man could not survive. Hence the
cannot attract. In other words, not being physical en- elemental forces of the Nodes have their proper place,
tities, they cannot emanate force, nor can they deflect but it must be remembered that this is at variance
it as do the planets. Nodes cannot influence by aspects; with the reasoning mind.
only their conjunction with the luminaries or the Being allied to that early period of evolution domi-
planets may be considered, since they have no power nated by the reptilian life-expression, the Nodes arc by

The Nodes 117
nature cold-blooded, sluggish and inactive. Snakes, liz- is fretful, unworthy and petty in its significance. Un-
ards and similar creatures become dormant unless like Saturn, the depression under Rahu stems from
warmed by the Sun. During the cold winter months inability to initiate action, fecklessness and inertia from
insects disappear into the ground, birds fly to warmer lack of red blood. The bodily ailments caused by Saturn
climates, and many animals hibernate. Under the are generally slow to develop and are chronic. Those
warmth of the spring Sun all Nature comes alive. The under Rahu include neurotic complaints, such as hys-
Nodes have no such quickening power, nor do they teria, delirium, nightmares, delusions and minor forms
favor development of the higher mind or spiritual as- of temporary mental instability which are not chronic.
piration. Weeds grow of their own accord; it takes hard Ketu partakes of the nature of Mars, but on an in-
work to cultivate a garden. Wherever the Nodes are in ferior level and of a weaker influence. Robbery due to
the horoscope, the elemental forces rush in, di- Mars would be a drastic and even fatal event, while
minishing the \Vill, crowding out the influences of the Ketu would bring pilfering, petty thievery sometimes
Sun and Moon, and in general weaken the control habitual, and that form of stealing known as vandal-
of the intelligence over desire. ism, characterized by senseless destruction. Malefics
Hindu symbology personifies these influences as may bring afflictions of enduring or severe nature, but
rackshasas, pisachas, etc.; we might call them demons, they are always of heroic dimensions. Those of the
not in the sense of a purposefully evil entity, but rather Nodes are pesky rather than noble. Naturally, when
as mindless elementals lacking intelligent direction. a Node conjuncts a malefic planet it augments the lat-
Generally it can be said that the Nodes cause evil ter's power to bring evil.
arising out of ignorance, apathy, lack of Will-power, The Nodes have their good qualities. We need the
indecision, hasty actions, sloth, and the inability to instinctual attributes which they represent. To be in
recognize and assume responsibility. They have con- harmony with these lower, natural forces is necessary.
trol over all attitudes of mind acquiescent to the de- Psychic faculties have their value if controlled, and the
mands of the desire-body, and which lack the higher desire-nature gives strength. Ability to endure adverse
qualities of aspiration and Will. conditions, especially privation, comes from these nodal
The list of evils associated with the Nodes in de- points. Cattlemen, for instance, have long been aware
lineation is long, including poverty of thought, ab- that runts survive hard winters, whereas the good
sence of hope, inertia, torpor, sluggishness, laziness, stock dies off. So among men, the more primitive can
indifference, shiftlessness, listlessness, negativity, care- exist where the highly intellectual would perish. In-
lessness, negligence, slovenliness, stupidity. lack of self- stinctual knowledge of self-protection derives from the
sufficiency and absence of self-respect. Some forms of Nodes·' it miaht0
be said that their benefits come from •
mental aberration come under their sway, such as that sixth sense which warns us to act or not to act m
compulsions, obsessional behavior, unreasoned fears, sudden crisis where there is not time for analytical
delusions, nightmares and phobias. On the physical appraisal of the situation. Kctu is especially useful in
level they represent dirt and filth, and the diseases attaining spiritual development which is co.ntingent
arising from them, such as epidemics, pestilences and upon mortifications of the body, since he gives the
plagues. Also they control vermin, parasites of all kinds. ability to endure such stringent measures.
including the human and the psychic. The Nodes in- However, Rahu, the Dragon's Head, is considered
duce wounds and accidents through carelessness, loss stronger than Kctu, the Dragon's Tail. Hence in the
of material goods by lack of ordinary precaution, as Vimshottari system, Rahu has the longer planetary pe-
well as invite robbery. riod. In fact, it is almost as long in duration as Sat-
While it might appear that the afflictions of the urn's, while Ketu's period is much shorter. and equal
Nodes bear marked resemblance to those of Saturn and to the malefic he most resembles, Mars.
Mars, which arc also enemies of the luminaries, they Although the Nodes arc more inimical to the lumi-
arc never as strong nor as enduring as the influences of naries than to any of the planets, since they belong to
the planets, and will always operate on a level inferior the Sun and Moon, they Jo have a planetary equalizer
to that of Mars or Saturn. For example, Saturn, like in Mercury. Representing the reasoning mind, Mercury
Rahu, can produce sloth, melancholy and apathy re- can ofTsct or neutralize much of the malefic influence
sulting from an enterprise or ambition being thwarted of the Nodes. It is true that both Sun and Moon also
and one's cfTorts coming to naught. However, the na- represent intelligence, but inasmuch as they govern so
ture of this gloom of disappointment is of a high and many fields, their influence is diffused compared to
tragic order, whereas the misery brought on by Rahu Mercury's specialization in the processes of thought. It
118 Constellational Astrology
is not only the intelligence represented by Mercury, negative sense it would mean apathy, failure to act
but its liveliness, curiosity and constant activity which wisely, or to take actions promoted by fear or excessive
combat the lethargy and indifference represented by caution. In short, Rahu is primarily passive in manifes-
the Nodes, and the astral influences to which they are tation.
susceptible. Ketu, being of the nature of Mars, influences the
In modem times, news of psychic phenomena such life through lack of premeditative action (impulsive
as the intrusion of poltergeists, or of more darksome action) which in the benefic form would give instinc-
and occult occurrences, generally comes from com- tive foresight, response to "hunches," and protective
munities where the influx of Mercurial activities has reflexes. Its malefic expressions include hasty or ill-
been at a minimum. Most of the eerie tales we hear considered speech or acts motivated by irrational urges.
come from localities where the inhabitants, either by Ketu is primarily active in manifestation.
clannishness or stubborn resistance to new ideas, have The principal distinction between Rahu and Ketu
remained in isolation from the modern world. Folk of is one of amplitude. Rahu affects matters on a larger
such places are close to the earth, live according to scale than Ketu. If Rahu is involved in robbery, "the
traditional lore and superstitions, and more often than take" would be impressive, whereas Ketu would be
not act upon emotional urges rather than with reason. content with pilfering things of little or no intrinsic
It is this insulation against the cosmopolitan curiosity value. Poison is in the head of the snake, or Dragon
of Mercury which we find in such places as Ireland, (Saturn), whereas it is the Scorpion's tail (Mars), that
the Balkans, and in areas of the United States, which does the mischief.
provide the breeding ground and fertile soil for the The delineations given here are for the position of
more elemental manifestations of the Nodes. However, the Nodes in the natal chart, but apply particularly
this condition also occurs in the most modem city, and to the periods ruled by them, whether dasa, bhukti or
involves any individual who rejects rational thought antaradasa. The power of Rahu or Ketu is greatly in-
and exists primarily on the plane of the desire-body. creased in its evil effects if in the natal chart they are
Having no corporeal existence, the Nodes, more than associated with either of the luminaries, Saturn or
any of the planets, derive their character from the con- Mars. When Rahu is strong by rasi, house and aspects,
stellations which they occupy in the :n.irayana chart. or associated with benefic planets, his periods of ruler-
The dispositors of the Nodes must also be taken into ship give happiness, children, political power and fi-
consideration in delineation. According to the condi- nancial rewards. If, however, he is weak in rasi, etc.,
tion of the dispositors, and the houses in which the or associated with malefics, his dasa and its sub-periods
Nodes are posited, their domains of influence may be in- bring persecution by Government or those in author-
terpreted. ity, loss of prestige and social position, and possible
Although passivity and inferiority is a characteristic death by poison or execution.
of the Nodes, a dasa ruled by either of them is not Ketu, whether favorably or unfavorably situated,
necessarily lacking in activity. On the lower planes ac- has a much lesser range of expression, and of a more
tivity may go on at a great rate, but will not manifest mediocre nature. Happiness would be more ephemeral;
itself in higher levels. In a broad sense it might be political power would be restricted to the district
said that during a dasa under Rahu or Ketu there is ward; and financial gains might be in terms of a re-
no inner development beyond that which has already duction in the rent! Whereas under Rahu, persecution
been achieved prior to the period ruled by the Node. by the government might mean a trial for espionage,
Under such a dasa the fruits of the desires' aims may under Ketu it may be no more than an investigation of
be reaped, but there will be no inner changes such as last year's income tax return; and as for loss of pres-
result from the conscious direction of the aspiring Will. tige, perhaps the neighbors are not on speaking terms
because your front yard is in a state of neglect.

Just as with the malefics when strong and well-

placed, the Nodes can be influential in achieving good
in the life of the individual, although the influence is
weaker. The primary characteristic of Rahu, being of In the 1st: Causes diseases of the brain, possibility
a Saturnine nature, produces results through abstain- of poisoning, injury from firearms, sharp instruments
ing from action, which in its positive expression could or fire due to carelessness; destruction of relatives, sor-
be instinctual precaution and foresight; whereas in the row, troubles of a personal nature and defeat in battle.
The Nodes 119
In the 2nd: Brings loss of money, wealth or position In the 11th: Again, this is a better than average
through ineptitude or negligence. The native suffers house position, and unless badly conditioned, the pe-
from careless dietary habits and mental torpor or dis- riods ruled by Rahu should bring the respect of the
traction. Employers or superiors are apt to be unsympa- community and friends. Much comfort and gain in
thetic, and much sorrow comes from falsehood and wealth, especially houses and lands, is possible.
In the 12th: Apt to bring exile in foreign places, or
In the 3rd: This being the natural home of Mercury, isolation, and dependency upon the public for care or
who enjoys contact with the outside world, there is a assistance. It indicates a period of mental and emo-
better than average possibility for the periods under tional stress, sometimes severe enough to require hos-
Rahu in this house to be beneficial, bringing gains pitalization. The marriage partner and children suffer,
through relatives, success in trips, correspondence, and and there is much expenditure with little profit. There
other matters ruled by Gemini-Mercury. may be loss of money invested in agricultural pursuits.
In the 4th: There may be loss of lands, troubles
with government officials, or with taxes; accidents in KETU IN THE HOUSES DURING DASA, BHUKTIS AND
conveyances, and sorrows in the home-life. Death may
occur to the native himself, or to his mother.
In the 1st: Unreasonable fears and jealousies; fevers
In the 5th: Possibility of mental or emotional stress and physical exhaustion from excessive and wasteful
and derangement; trouble with diet, litigation, and love activity. Apt to suffer from diseases arising from filth,
affairs. Children are the source of difficulties and losses. carelessness or self-indulgence, such as smallpox, bu-
In the 6th: Fear of fire or thieves; losses through bonic plague, dysentery, typhoid and venereal diseases.
those who work for the native, and of small animals.
In the 2nd: Loss of money, extravagance, quarrels
Health suffers from lack of attention to diet. There is
and bitter speech. Inclines toward malnutrition or di-
also possibility of respiratory or skin afflictions.
gestive disturbances. Unfavorable for married life.
In the 7th: Brings troubles to partnerships, both
business and marital, due to failure to meet obligations In the 3rd: Usually brings a measure of happiness,
incurred under such relationships. It is an evil period but can also bring enmity or discord from brothers
for commercial enterprises, farming, or investments. and sisters.
Servants prove to be unreliable or malicious, and the
In the 4th: Dangerous for marriage partner and chil-
native is plagued by insects and fear of serpents.
dren but indicates gains from houses, lands and pro-
In the 8th: Unreasonable morbidity and fear of duce of the earth.
death. Support from partners is withdrawn, or fails
to materialize. There may be loss of children or the In the 5th: Losses or disappointments through chil-
marriage partner, fear of thieves and danger from wild dren and all creative activities. Extremely adverse for
animals. Residence is likely to be in remote or un- speculation of any sort. Mental healt~ suffers . f~om
pleasant surroundings. tense emotional states and an over-active~ susp1c1ous
In the 9th: Possible death of the father or spiritual
teacher; loss of social prestige, investments, and the In the 6th: Can be dangerous for physical well-be-
respect of children. ing, which suffers from poisons, fire, or injuries intlic~ed
by inferiors or thieves. It is not good for incurnng
In the 10th: This is a favorable position for Rahu, debts, which can prove to be excessive.
and unless very badly afflicted, bestows favors and
patronage during dasa, bhukti and antaradasa periods. In the 7th: Worries and losses through business part-
Also it assists in proper application to worthy purposes nerships, marriage and children. A time of harassment
and legitimate ambitions. However, if the 10th is an by open enemies or lawsuits. Native is apt to be tactless
unfavorable rasi, and Rahu is aspected by or associated in social dealings and incur the enmity of friends.
with malefics, the contrary may be expected. Under Health problems arise from gcnito-urinary diseases.
such conditions there is exile from home, unsettled
residence, or the native is subject to slander or perse- In the 8th: Dangerous for the life, if supported by
cution for immoral behavior. other indications. The native meets with problems of
120 Constellational Astrology
non-support or lack of assistance from partners. May ernment. Indicates a period of great sorrow and mental
indicate death of the father, and on the physical level affliction.
there may be asthmatic or respiratory disorders.
In the 11th: Gives considerable happiness with friends,
In tlze .9th: Difficulties regarding religious beliefs, and activities involving social welfare or charitable
or \Vith educational institutions. Death of the native's work.
guru. teacher or mentor. Loss of social prestige, failure
In the 12th: Imprisonment or banishment. Native
in educational pursuits, or the untimely termination of
is forced to depend upon public welfare or the charity
academic education.
of friends and relations. Changes of residence and
In the 10th: Public dishonor or loss of reputation. wanderings. In general, a period of misery and suffer-
Troubles through those in authority, the law or gov- ing which also carries the danger of impaired eyesight.


Strictly speaking, there is no parallel in India to 1. Nirayana position of natal Moon = 3 ° 48' Gemini
the Western system of progression. either primary or Zod. Long. of Moon (from 0° Aries) = 63 ° 48'
secondary. However, there is a method of prediction This falls in nakshatra 5 (53° 20' to 66° 40')
often used in Hindu astrology utilizing planetary pe- Longitude at end of nakshatra = 66° 40'
riods. It is called the Vimshottari Dasa and is based Minus longitude of Moon - 63° 48'
' Degrees remaining in nakshatra = 2° 52'
upon the longitude of the Moon at birth and the nak-
shatra which it occupies. The word dasa means period
(of time). The number of years in each cycle of nine 2. Nakshatra No. 5 is ruled by Mars, and has a period
dasas (corresponding to the pariyayas of the naksha-
of seven years.
tras), totals 120, which is considered to be the ideal
span of life, and from which the system takes its name
-vimshottari from vim ( 20), and sat a ( 100). One 3. Multiply years ruled by the nakshatra occupied by
hundred and twenty is also one-third of the circle of natal Moon by the remaining degrees (from birth
the zodiac, and represents the benefic trinc aspect. to the end of the Moon's nakshatra), and divide by
the degrees of a complete nakshatra. The result will
The first dasa of life begins with the longitudinal give the number of years and days in the first dasa of
position of the natal Moon in the nakshatras, and ends life.
when the next nakshatra (or dasa), takes over, begin-
ning the second period of life, and so on. The duration Stated in figures, using Coolidge's Moon as an ex-
of these dasas vary as in the pariyayas, repeating them- ample,
selves in the same order in a cyclical pattern as do their Convert degrees to minutes:
planetary rulers. A nakshatra = 13° 20' = 800'
Only the first planetary period of life-that belong- Remainder of nakshatra = 2° 52' = 172'
7 years X 172' 1.505 years remaining in natal
ing to the nakshatra occupied by the Moon at birth-
may vary in its duration. Since the time interval as- 800' nakshatra.
signed to each nakshatra has a boundary of 13°20', it
is necessary to calculate the proportionate years which
remain when the natal Moon is located in an inter- 4. Convert decimal of a year to days by multiplying
mediate point of the nakshatra. This calculation is decimal by 3651/4 days:
based on the distance from the Moon's longitude in .505 X 365 V4 = 184.451 days (or 184 days).
the nakshatra to the longitude at which the nakshatra
ends. The distance is then converted into time. An Thus the first planetary period in the life of Calvin
example of the procedure is applied to the horoscope Coolidge would be ruled by Mars for 1 year, 184 days
of Calvin Coolidge, using Table IV. after his birth.

124 Constellational Asfrology
Having determined the length of the first planetary givmg him a fortunate young manhood. During this
period, the remaining dasas follow in sequence and for time he left the family farm with his father's blessing,
the duration given in the list of nakshatras in Table choosing a Jupiterean profession-Law. Upon being
IV. To find the calendar date for the beginning and admitted to the bar he was accepted as a partner in an
end of the subsequent planetary periods, use as a start- established law firm of good repute. Thus Jupiterean
ing point the number of years and days which com- good fortune was mirrored in his professional life, giv-
plete the first dasa of life. To this add the number of ing impetus to his political activities which were al-
years for each ensuing planetary period according to ready becoming apparent.
the nakshatra table. February 1st, 1898, marked the opening of his own
law office in Northampton, Massachusetts, and election
PLANETARY PERIODS FOR CALVIN COOLIDGE to his first public office-that of City Councilman. Al-
Year Month Day though this position carried no salary, it led to his
election as City Solicitor the following year, with a
Birth: 1872 July 4 stipend of $600.00 per annum, a substantial addition to
Mars dasa (remainder anyone's income in those days.
in birth nakshatra) 1 year 184 days In 1906 Coolidge was elected to the Massachusetts
End of Mars dasa Jan. 4 House of Representatives, through which office (by his
own admission) he sought to further his legal career.
Rahu dasa 18 years But progress was slow and unspectacular, as indicated
End of Rahu dasa Jan. 4 in his natal chart by the planetary ruler of this period
being close to the cusp of the 12th house. Nonethe-
Jupiter dasa 16 years less, Jupiter, being near its highest exaltation point,
End of Jupiter dasa Jan. 4 insured the quality and stability of any progress made.
Saturn dasa 19 years
In 1908 Saturn became the planetary ruler for the
next 19 years, ushering in a period of great ambition,
End of Saturn dasa 1927 Jan. 4 heavy responsibility, scant pleasure and very little
Mercury dasa rest. In 1910, and again in 1911, he ran for and
17 years
was elected to the office of Mayor of Northampton.
End of Mercury dasa 1944 Jan. 4 For the first time he was putting politics before his
career in law-an attitude which led him to seek and
Calvin Coolidge died in 1933 during Mercury's plan- gain, first the Lt. Governorship and next the Governor-
etary period, making it unnecessary to calculate dates ship of Massachusetts, then the Vice-Presidency which
beyond this time. During the first, or Mars dasa, deli- ultimately led to the highest office of all, President of
cate health for both mother and child and also un- the United States. These offices were not achieved or
happiness for the mother are indicated. Actually, Cool- administered without much sacrifice of personal com-
idge's mother was not strong, and died when he was fort and convenience. Saturn in the 5th house of Cool-
twelve years old. idge's horoscope, in opposition to Sun, Venus and
His childhood and adolescence took place in the 18 Mercury, shows the willingness to give up personal
year period of Rahu, the Moon's north Node, which is satisfactions and pleasures in favor of the demands of
well-placed by rasi, and in the 10th house. Being so ambition. Publicity regarding his taciturn manner is
favorably situated, it gives good advantages in educa- well known, but one also has to remember that during
tion and professional training. as was the case in Cool- this Saturn period Coolidge lost both his father and his
idge's life. Jupiter ruled the next period of 16 years, son.

Since the dasas endure for such long intervals, they Example: To find the bhuktis in force from the
provide only a basic outline lacking in definite details beginning and end of a dasa, using the Saturn dasa of
which distinguish the sub-periods of life and help fix Calvin Coolidge, which covers the period between
the times of change, achievement, defeat and rest. As a January 4, 1908, and January 4, 1927, consult Table V
matter of refinement, the dasas are divided into periods -6 headed Saturn Dasa. The number of days given
termed bhuktis, which are further divided into an- for Saturn bhukti is 1098.79. Change to years and days,
taradasas. Each bhukti is one-ninth of a dasa, whereas dividing by 365114 days for a mean year. This figure
each antaradasa is one-ninth of a bhukti. Their pro- is added to the date on which the dasa begins (Jan. 4,
portionate spans of influence follow the same order as 1908), and the result converted to a calendar date by
that of the dasas. means of Table VI (Days Between Two Dates) . Each
bhukti period is successively added to the day and year
The ruler of the first bhukti in any dasa is the same on which the previous bhukti ends, until all nine are
as that of the dasa itself. The rulers of the next eight completed. The resulting schedule (G) will indicat~
bhuktis follow in the sequence given for the dasas. the beainning
and end in calendar dates of each bhukt1
Thus the first bhukti of a Mars dasa will be Mars bhukti, of the dasa for Calvin Coolidge under consideration.
and will rule for 7 / l 20th of the Mars period, which is In calculating the bhuktis of any dasa, the date on
7 years (7/120 X 7). The second bhukti in a Mars dasa which the last bhukti ends theoretically should be the
is Rahu bhukti, ruled by Rahu, whose span of time is same as the last date of the dasa period itself. However,
18 years ( 7I120 X 18) . The third bhukti of Mars dasa it sometimes happens that these do not coincide exactly.
is Jupiter bhukti, ruled by Jupiter, whose span of There may be a discrepancy of a day, more or l~ss,
time is 16 years ( 7/120 X 16). Next comes Saturn since the decimals in the Tables have not been earned
bhukti with a rule of 7/120 X 19 years; Mercury bhukti out to more than two points, and also because of the
with a rule of 7/120 X 17 years; Ketu bhukti with a variations in our calendars, such as leap year, etc.
rule of 7/120 X 7 years; Venus bhukti with a rule of
7I120 X 20 years; Sun bhukti with a rule of 7/120 X
A brief delineation of the bhuktis of the Saturn dasa
6 years; and finally Moon bhukti with a rule of 7 /120 in Coolidge's nirayana horoscope will indicate how
X 10 years. they operated during this period of his life. As .already
mentioned the entire Saturn dasa is charactenzed by
dedication' to ambition for power and position. In
From this illustration it may be seen that each bhukti 1910, Coolidge ran for office for the first time without
of any dasa period rules for a period according to the considering it as an aid to furthering his legal career.
dasa years of the governing planet or Node, divided However, it was not until the Sun bhukti of the Saturn
by 120 (the ideal length of life, represented by each dasa that he was elected Governor of Massachusetts
pariyaya), and multiplied by the number of years con- ( 1918), which office brought with it his first real glo~.
trolled by the ruler of the bhukti period in the same He served two terms as Governor while the bhuktis
planetary sequence as that given the dasas. These are
of Moon and Mars were in effect.
fixed terms of rulership, based upon the periods set
forth in Table IV. During the Moon bhukti the Boston police ~trike
occurred (Sept. 9, 1919), which, being an extraordmary
The procedure in figuring the bhuktis of a Mars event, attracted national attention and brought Cool-
dasa has been given because it is important that the idge to prominence in the public eye. In th~ na~al
underlying principle be understood. However, such chart, Moon is conjunct Mars, representing publw stnfe
laborious calculations are not necessary in actual prac- and law enforcement: both are in the I 0th house, in-
tice, since the periods of bhuktis and antaradasas are dicative of publicity.
worked out for each dasa in Table V, and augmented In 1920, during the Mars bhukti, Coolidge was
in Table VI I. These, together with Table VI, giving elected Vice-President. In the natal chart, Mars is the
clays between two dates, can be used to arrive at the least elevated of the three occupants of the l 0th house,
bhukti and antaradasa period in any dasa with very and is almost on the cusp of the 11th. (The bhava
little effort. chakra shows it to be in the 11th house.) Its influence,



Beginning of Saturn Dasa and Bhukti 1908 Jan. 4

Saturn Bhukti, 1098.79 days 3 Yrs. 3.04 days
End of Saturn Bhukti 1911 7.04 Jan. 7
Mercury Bhukti, 983.13 days 2 Yrs. 252.63 days
End of Mercury Bhukti 1913 259.76 Sept. 16
Ketu Bhukti, 404.84 days 1 Yr. 39.57 days
End of Ketu Bhukti 1914 299.33 Oct. 26
Venus Bhukti, 1156.63 days 3 Yrs. 60.88 days
End of Venus Bhukti 1917 360.21 Dec. 26
Sun Bhukti, 346.98 days OYrs. 346.98 days
(Convert days to years) 1 Yr. - 365 days
End of Sun Bhukti 1918 342.19 Dec. 8
Moon Bhukti, 578.32 days 1 Yr. 213.07 days
1 Yr. - 365 days
End of Moon Bhukti 1920 190.26 July 9
Mars Bhukti, 404.82 days 1 Yr. 39.57 days
End of Mars Bhukti 1921 229.83 Aug. 17
Rahu Bhukti, 1040.96 days 2 Yrs. 310.46 days
1 Yr. - 365 days
End of Rahu Bhukti 1924 175.29 June 24
Jupiter Bhukti, 925.3 days 2 Yrs. 194.8 days
1 Yr. 365 days
End of Jupiter Bhukti 1927 5.09 Jan. 5

though strong, was diminished in its results, for the for the peculiar and mysterious nature of this adversity.
Vice-Presidency has often been a form of oblivion as (Sec analysis of the Nodes.)
well as honor. J upitcr bhukti brought rewards based on personal
However, Rahu bhukti was already exerting its in- achievement, for it was during this period that Cool-
fluence when Coolidge succeeded to the Presidency idge was elected President (Nov. 4, 1924). This indi-
upon the death of Warren G. Harding, August 3rd, cation of popular approval must have been far more
1923. Rahu is the most elevated factor in the natal gratifying than achieving the Presidency through the
chart, indicating attainment of the highest order. Fur- death of a predecessor. However, this period also saw
thermore, the nature of Rahu agrees with the circum- the death of his son on July 7, 1924, at the age of 16,
stances of Coolidge's succession to the Presidency and the death of his father in 1926.
through adversity befalling his chief. It also accounts The loss of a parent when death is more or less to

Vimshottari Dasas 127
be expected, is amply accounted for by Jupiter, ruler of paradoxical to the position which he held. However,
the bhukti in Saturn's dasa, and also ruler of the natal his inner nature is revealed by the Leo Ascendant in
8th house, and posited on the cusp of the 12th. But the nirayana chart, with its great need for power and
in the case of the son's death, much stronger evidence acclaim. That it was power and glory for its own sake
is required. Jupiter rules the 5th house in the nirayana which he unconsciously sought is demonstrated by his
chart, and although it is a benefic credited with bring- scrupulous refusal to profit financially from the ad-
ing children into the world, in Hindu astrology it is vantages which his position as President presented.
said to also take them away. Furthermore, the dusthana There was no admixture of greed; no 2nd house con-
houses are involved. Jupiter rules the 8th, is in the 12th siderations of material gain, and nothing resembling
of the bhava chakra, while Saturn, ruler of the 6th nepotism to influence him. During his administration,
house, is located in the 5th. Another condition exists no relatives or cronies received appointments on the
which illustrates the Hindu aphorism that planets ly- strength of their connections.
ing in the 6th, 8th or 12 rasis from the ruler of the In the Hindu system, Saturn, like the Sun, stands
dasa, bring evil during their bhukti periods. Jupiter is for ambition. In Coolidge's natal chart, Saturn opposes
in the 8th rasi from Saturn, and would tend to bring a stellium of all the other planets. From the drishti
ill fortune in the affairs indicated by Saturn (5th house analysis (Fig. 15), it may be seen that Saturn alone
-children), during its bhukti. The antaradasas of this made powerful aspects, and was powerfully aspected;
period, given later, provide further evidence of loss posited in the 5th house, Leo's natural domain, further
through death. substantiates the hidden drive for rulership possessed by
Love of power and glory were not patent in the this man. When at one time during his Presidency
demeanor of Calvin Coolidge, reflecting his Virgo As- Coolidge was made Honorary Chief of an American
cendant in the sayana horoscope. His quiet, simple, Indian tribe, and posed for photographs in a feathered
unassuming and somewhat retiring personality was headdress, the smile which he wore was truly that of a
legendary during his Presidency, especially since it was Big Chief!


Further refinement in delineation is possible through their respective periods of rulership within each ~f the
subdivisions of the bhukti periods, termed antaradasas, bhuktis. For example, Mars dasa, Jupiter bhukt1, the
of which there are nine in each bhukti. They have the first antaradasa is under Jupiter, with a period of 45.4
same planetary rulerships in the same sequence as the days; the next antaradasa is under Saturn, ruling for
dasas and bhuktis, and their calculation is based on the 54 days, etc.
same principle. The ruler of the first antaradasa of any To ascertain the interval of time during which an
bhukti is the same as that of the bhukti itself (under antaradasa is effective in any bhukti, add to the date
the dasa to which the bhukti belongs). In a Mars on which the bhukti begins, the number of days con-
bhukti, the first antaradasa is under Mars, ruling tained in the antaradasas of the bhukti being subdi-
7 I l 20ths of the period governed by Mars bhukti in vided.
Mars dasa, or 8.7 days. The second antaradasa in Mars In the example of Coolidge's Saturn dasa and its
bhukti is under Rahu, lasting for 22.4 days. The third bhuktis, the first antaradasa would be Saturn, with a
is under Jupiter, lasting for 19.9 days, etc. Cf. Table span of 17 4 days (Table V-6). This figure is added
V-3. to the date when the Saturn dasa (and bhukti) began
To subdivide a bhukti consult Table V headed by -in this case, January 4, 1908, or 4 + 174 = 178 days.
the planet of the dasa under consideration. The antara- Convert to a calendar date, using Table VI, where it
dasa rulers are listed in the column to the left, with will be found that 178 equals June 27 (1908), marking
128 Constellational Astrology
the end of the first antaradasa in the Saturn bhukti. have been completed. The end of Saturn's antaradasa
Continue using the Saturn Dasa Table and the Saturn (Jupiter) should coincide with the end of the Saturn
bhukti column. Mercury has a period of 15 5. 7 days; bhukti (January 7, 1911). (Note: The date on which
this, added to the 178 days terminating the Saturn
the ninth antaradasa ends in any bhukti should be the
antaradasa, results in 333.7 days, which gives Novem-
ber 29 (still in 1908) as the end of the Mercury antara- same as the end of the bhukti period itself; but again,
dasa. Add the number of days for each succeeding as already explained, there may be a slight deviation
planet and the Nodes in the antaradasas until all nine between these last two dates.)


It is sometimes useful to know the influences in force 3. From Table VII-6,

when an outstanding event in the life has occurred. To Converting 15 years to days = 54 78 Days
avoid computing the entire series of bhuktis and an- Add days of Interval + 211 Days
taradasas up to a given event, use may be made of the
Total days in Interval = 5689 Days
Cumulative Tables of Bhuktis and Antaradasa (Table
VII), in which the years ruled by each dasa are con- 4. From Table VII-6, in columns under Antaradasas,
verted into days, and thereby indicate the planetary nearest lesser number is 5641.5
rulers of both bhukti and antaradasa for a particular
calendar date. This is accomplished by the following 5. To the extreme left of this line is Venus, ruler of
steps: the antaradasa. At the head of the column is Rahu,
1. Date of the event. ruler of the bhukti.
Thus the event (gaining the Presidency) occurred
2. Subtract the beginning date of the dasa in in the Saturn dasa (ambition), Rahu bhukti (most
which the event occurred. elevated point in the horoscope), and Venus antaradasa
(ruler of the Midheaven).
3. Convert the difference into days, as given in
the schedule at the top of the Cumulative Ta-
bles under the proper dasa rulership for the EXAMPLE B
time of the event.
1. Death of Son: 1924, July 7 (188 Days)
4. In the section under Antaradasa, find the near- 2. Saturn dasa began: 1908, Jan. 4 ( 4 Days)

est lesser number, as determined in Step 3. Interval 16 Years, 184 Days

Or 5844 Days
5. The planetary ruler of the antaradasa in effect + 184 Days
at the time of the event is to the left in the 3. Total days in Interval 6028 Days
Tables, on a line with the figure determined
by Step 4. The ruler of the bhukti is found 4. Nearest lesser number: 6014.5
at the head of the column containing this 5. On this line and in this column, Jupiter rules both
same number. the bhukti and the antaradasa.
Thus John Coolidge's death occurred during his
EXAMPLE A father's Saturn dasa, Jupiter bhukti and antaradasa.
As mentioned previously, Jupiter is eight rasis from
1. Coolidge succeeded to Saturn, and would tend to bring misfortune in those
Presidency: 1923, Aug. 3 (215 Days) affairs indicated by Saturn <luring its bhukti and an-
2. Saturn dasa began: 1908, Jan. 4 ( 4 Days) taradasa. It is the ruler of the 8th house (death), and
Interval = 15 Years, 211 Days 5th (children), occupying the 12th (sorrow), and in a
Vimshottari Dasas 129
dusthana house from Saturn, which is in the 5th. of Jupiter, so that it holds a "neutral" position, counter-
Jupiter's influence in brincrina
b b
about the loss of a child acting the adverse influences of Jupiter and a powerful
is doubly indicated by its rulership of both bhukti Sun.
and antaradasa at the time of the son's death.
Mercury's opposition from Saturn shows Coolidge's
EXAMPLE C conservatism. During his administration, his watch-
word was "Economy," an aim toward which members
Coolidge's election to the Presidency, November 4, of his Cabinet were often recalcitrant (Saturn in Sagit-
1924, took place 308 days after the death of his son.
tarius, natural 9th house domain). However, Jupiter
Adding 308 to 6028 days already obtained above, gives
as ruler of the 8th, would invite material support
6336 days. From Table VII-6, the nearest lesser num-
ber to this figure falls in Jupiter bhukti and Mercury from people in general (or perhaps their concurrence
antaradasa of the Saturn dasa. with ideas regarding a conservative economy, since the
The disturbing influences of Jupiter ruling both the Teapot Dome scandal was of the very recent past).
bhukti and antaradasa during the event of July 7th, is Jupiter also rules the 5th, wherein Saturn, ruler of the
here mitigated by the Mercury antaradasa. Mercury is dasa of this time, is posited. The 5th is a trikona hc:mse,
ruler of the 2nd (material resources), and 11th houses, and considered fortunate since it is in trine to the
and is in its own sign in the 11th (hopes, wishes and Ascendant. The public support which gained Coolidge
circumstances). Although close to the natal Sun ( 11°), the election is shown by Saturn's rulership of the 7th
it is almost free from combustion, and is within 11° house.


In delineating the combined effects of dasas, bhuktis be kept in mind that in those instances where benefics
and antaradasas, attention must be given to the Com- rule the houses, or the ruler is conjunct benefics, or
pound Friendships and Enmities existing between the the house contains a benefic, or where the ruler, either
planetary rulers involved. Benefits are augmented when benefic or malefic, is very high in Shad Bala, the ad-
these rulers are Friends; the opposite if they are Ene- versities described may be negated and in their stead,
mies. A dasa or its sub-periods if ruled by malefics with beneficial events may be expected.
a high Shad Bala is more advantageous than periods
ruled by benefics with a weak Shad Bala. A planet is DASA PERIODS ACCORDING TO HOUSE RULERSI-llP
powerful if it has more than 480 virupas of Shad Bala; The I st house is not treated here since it represents
with less than 300 virupas it is weak.
the native's happiness which depends upon the con-
During the dasas ruled by dusthana planets-those tributions from the other houses. However, the effect
governing the 6th, 8th or 12th house-there is likeli- of any planet in the 1st house, and the ruler of the rasi
hood of disease, wounds, theft, enmities and death. If of the 1st house should be noted.
a benefic rules a dusthana house the evil incurred takes During the dasa of tlze 2nd house ruler, if a malefic,
a milder form. When the bencfic is high in Shad Bala, or conjoins a malefic, or the 2nd is occupied by a
the problems or discomfitures it brings are apt to be malefic, the bhuktis or antaradasas of Saturn, Mars,
those resulting from self-indulgence or opportunities Sun and Rahu will bring loss of wealth.
to have an excess of pleasures in life. During tlze dasa of the 3rd house ruler, bhuktis and
The following delineations are naturally limited in antaradasas ruled by malcfics incline to difficulties with
their scope and arc offered as guides to the student for close relatives, neighbors, contracts, communications
more detailed observations and application. In general, or short journeys.
the karma ripened in any dasa is brought into mani- During the dasa of the 4th house ruler. bhuktis and
festation during the bhukti of the planet ruling the antaradasas ruled by malefics bring about conditions
dasa. The minor agencies through which the karma is which cause the native either to leave home or be
precipitated are indicated by the rulers of the antara- forced to leave home and family, or create losses and
dasas as well as the bhuktis. Although evil aspects troubles connected with the home, the mother or fam-
seem to be emphasized in these delineations, it should ily.
130 Constellatfonal Astrology
During the dasa of the 5th house ruler, if a malefic, evil planets may cause losses through the government,
or conjoins a malefic, the bhuktis and antaradasas of change of legislation or civil restrictions. Occupational
evil planets bring emotional instability, possibility of status is variable, with possibility of accepting em-
a nervous breakdown, or more serious psychotic prob- ployment which is distasteful or for which the native
lems. Improper diet may endanger the health, or food is ill-suited. Friends are the source of much sorrow and
is apt to be scarce, ill-prepared or contaminated. In prove unable to help in trying situations. There are
general, all 5th house matters suffer. urges to participate in social or political reforms
During the dasa of the 6th house ruler, if a malefic, which are unpopular or not founded upon good judg-
weak or afflicted, the bhuktis and antaradasas bring ment. Actions tend to thwart achievement of goals,
losses from iitigation, fire, theft, servants or those in leading to chronic unhappiness which upsets the health
the native's employment. Inability to adjust to social and mental stability.
or environmental demands and requirements leads to During the dasa of the 12th house ruler, if bhuktis
ill health, such as jaundice, liver and spleen disorders. and antaradasas are ruled by Sun, Mars, Saturn or
During the dasa of the 7th house ruler, if evil or Rahu, and these are weak, afflicted or ill-placed in
conjunct a malefic, the bhuktis and antaradasas ruled the natal chart, brings loss of self-determination either
by malefics bring possibility of quarrels with, or sepa- from illness of a physical or mental nature, or from
rations from persons of the opposite sex, the marriage violation of the law. It follows that the wealth and
or business partner, or the native may suffer illness reputation suffer, especially if the native has not ad-
which could lead to his death. In any case, the native hered to proper spiritual principles and his secret
will act contentiously, or without conciliatory attitudes. transgressions are revealed. It is a time of sorrow, or
The health suffers from diseases of the genito-urinary contact with those who are sorrowful. Under many of
system. these conditions, Rahu may cause injury from reptiles,
During the dasa of the 8th house ruler, if a malefic parasites, theft, and misplaced sympathy.
or conjunct a malefic, there is likelihood of loss of
wealth or inheritance, and/or material loss through
the marriage or business partner. Little support is
offered by other persons, and the reputation often is The following delineations treat the planets ac-
under attack. There is also possibility of death of the cording to their natural functions and influences. How-
native, or trouble and sorrow through the death of ever, the position of a planet by house, its Shad Bala
others. The body suffers from diseases of the throat and relationship to other planets, as well as its rasi
and excretory organs. position, are also to be considered. Emphasis here is
During the dasa of the 9th house ruler, if a malefic placed upon a planet's association with other planets,
or conjoined a malefic, and the bhuktis and antaradasas and the aspects it receives from them. To be "associ-
~re rul~d by mal~fics, brings misery in travel, especially ated with" means to be in the same rasi, or the same
m ~ore1gn countnes. Inability to achieve a higher edu- house, even when the orb exceeds 15 °.
ca~1~n or the of such training creates problems; In applying these delineations it must be remem-
rehg1on and philosophy are occasions of worry and bered that no planetary period can produce an effect
concern. It is an inopportune time for investment and beyond that promised in the natal horoscope. If the
is apt to be characterized by hatred or envy of 'rela- birth chart is especially fortunate, the most dire plane-
tives and the hostility of brothers and sisters. tary periods will not bring about results of a disastrous
During the dasa of the 10th house ruler, if malefic nature. Possibility of death, mentioned in connection
or conjoined a malefic, and the bhuktis and antara- with some of these periods, may occur only when
dasas are ruled by evil planets, there will be lack of the natural length of life tem1inates during such a
con~traint, or violation of the law which brings about dasa, or if several other indications of death are strong
pumshment. Employers or those in authority incline and coincident with that dasa.
to be unsympathetic; employment is difficult and with These delineations also may be used as outlines for
small remuneration. Public recognition or success is interpreting the antaradasa periods during a bhukti.
denied and the reputation may suffer from slander or Naturally, they would not produce effects as strong
libel. The health is prone to diseases of a wasting or as the bhuktis, but in general the nature of their in-
debilitating nature.
fluence would correspond to the bhukti-dasa relation-
During the dasa of the 11th house ruler, if malefic ships, and the over-all influence of the dasa would be
or conjoined a malefic, the bhuktis and antaradasas of the same.
Vimshottari Dasas 131
The strength of a planet in the chart, either from if related to an Enemy planet located in an angle.
position, Shad Bala, etc., must always be considered. This is not to say that the latter is not strong, but
Strong planets, both malefic and benefic, bring more rather that beneficial results are always greater be-
positive results into the life than weak planets. The tween Friends than Enemies.
nature of a planet's action and influence in the last
analysis is determined by the house it rules and the The order followed here under combined rulership
house in which it is situated. Judgments in this respect of dasas and bhuktis is according to the regular se-
are similar to those used in Western astrology, with quence of the planets in the Vimshottari system, which
this exception: Planets ruling a dasa will give more varies from the more typical order of planets accord-
benefits during the bhukti or antaradasa of another ing to their rulership over the days of the week. De-
planet which is a Friend (Natural, first, Compound, lineation of the Nodes has already been considered in
second), located in an unfavorable or weak house, than a preceding section.


(Sun Dasa) Sun Blzukti the marriage partner, as well as increase of prop-
If the Sun is well-situated, this period promotes erty and wealth. It is often marked by fortunate
progress in education, advancement in position or opportunity to purchase houses, lands, or items of
authority, and brings recognition from superiors personal adornment. Frequently this period indi-
or the Government. It indicates a time of good cates pleasant journeys or voyages overseas, or the
health, increase of wealth, and enjoyment of com- achievement of some office or desirable employ-
forts and luxuries, providing that the Sun in the ment.
natal horoscope has some bearing upon wealth If Moon is afflicted, waning, or combust the
or comfort by association with the 2nd or 4th Sun, illness in the family, public disgrace, quarrels
houses. with superiors and/or loss of wealth, property or
If on the contrary, Sun is debilitated, in its position is probable. Servants and those in the
fall, or the rasi of an Enemy (Natural or Com- employ of the native often prove unreliable or
pound Enemy), or occupies the 6th, 8th or 12th causes of trouble. These evils are aggravate d if
house, or rules one of these houses, there is likeli- the Sun is also weak. When the Moon is located
hood of trouble with relatives, difficulties with in the 6th 8th or 12th house there is possibility
' .
superiors, loss of power and wealth, either by of drowning, unreasonable fears and worn~s
death or through the father. There may be loss of which can lead to melancholia and possible sm-
patrimony or of actual support from the father. cide.
The magnitude of the evils depends upon the de-
gree of affliction to the Sun.
(Sun Dasa) Mars Bhukti
If Mars is exalted, occupies an angle or the
(Sun Dasa) Moon Bhukti 5th or 9th house, there can be increase in wealth
When there is a good relationship in the horo- and property with general prosperity. It is a
scope between Sun and Moon and the Moon is time of courageous action, powerful positions, and
' a firmness of mind which brings about success in
well-situated in an angle or the 5th or 9th house,
or if the Moon occupies the rising rasi, this period projects of an executive nature, especially when en-
may denote marriage if the native is of proper gineering, military or other Martian occupations
age. If already married, it denotes the possibility are involved. When Mars receives a powerful as-
of birth of a child, happiness from children and pect from the ruler of either the 9th or 10th
132 Constellational Astrology
house, it brings a time of attainment of some with the family, estrangement or separation from
desired office, and a likelihood of much traveling. loved ones, and the possibility of imprisonment
If Mars is not well-situated in the horoscope, or long hospitalization. All affairs suffer under
this period brings quarrels with both superiors this bhukti; it can mark the time of death of the
and friends, as well as inferiors. Mental attitudes parents, or if Saturn is in the 2nd or 7th, accident
tend to change rapidly, with a considerable com- or death to the native. Diseases of the body which
pulsion to engage in wicked deeds which might are brought about by poor circulation, faulty elim-
lead to imprisonment. If Mars is in either the 2nd ination or calcification are common to this bhukti.
or 7th house, the health suffers from acute fevers,
infections, or accidents from fire, sharp instru-
ments or machinery. The tendency to become (Sun Dasa) Mercury Bhukti
overly excited in anger can bring about heart When Mercury is exalted, in an angle or the
seizures, apoplexy, or injury from other persons. 5th, 9th or 11th house, this bhukti brings the
respect of educated and intelligent persons. Speech
is powerful and persuasive, filled with wit, humor,
(Sun Dasa) Jupiter Bhukti
vivacity and similar ingredients which make for
If Jupiter is exalted in the horoscope, or occu- success in Mercurial pursuits.
pies an angle, or the 5th, 9th or 11th house, this When Mercury is poorly situated in the horo-
bhukti denotes a favorable time for education or scope and is located in a dusthana house, this
educational work, especially in philosophy, sci- bhukti brings much wandering both of the mind
ence, religion, law, or related professional occu- and the physical body, with little profit. The speech
pations. In ordinary affairs, it brings opportunity is apt to be slow, ill-tempered or boring. There is
for marriage, or the birth of a child, and inclines danger from indiscreet talk or from inability
superiors or those in authority to bestow favors to speak frankly or truthfully. If Mercury is in
of a material nature. In general, the prosperity the 2nd or 7th house of the natal chart, this
will not only be maintained but increased.
bhukti brings trouble with the wife and children,
Should Jupiter be poorly situated in the horo-
accidents due to haste or lack of foresight, and
scope, this bhukti brings troubles from various
illness to the organs of speech.
sources which manifest through the family. For
a married woman, it brings difficulties in the af-
fairs of the husband; to the single woman it brings
(Sun Dasa) Ketu or Rahu Bhukti
difficulty in employment or broken promises from
suitors. It is a time characterized by hypocrisy, These have been discussed in a separate section.
either of the native or those close to him, and cre- However, the Nodes are enemies of the luminaries
ates trouble by prompting persons to make prom- and when in the dasas of either Sun or Moon, the
ises which they cannot keep or which they do not Ketu or Rahu bhuktis would not be favorable
wish to keep. Cheating others under the guise of periods. Likewise, in the dasas of Ketu or Rahu,
piety, religion, or improper application of the the bhuktis of Sun and Moon would not be good
law, often accompanies this bhukti when Jupiter periods. The bhuktis of Rahu and Ketu arc most
is weak. favorable in the Mercury, Jupiter and Venus dasas.

(Sun Dasa) Saturn Bhukti (Sun Dasa) Venus Blzukti

When Saturn is fortunately situated, this bhukti Venus well-placed in the horoscope, or in the rasi
brings happiness, moderate prosperity, and is help- Cancer, marks a good time to choose a marriage
ful in marriage or in contracting a happy mar- partner, especially for a man to choose a wife.
riage. If Saturn is exalted or otherwise situated in For women, it indicates a time of amicable rela-
an outstanding manner, it brings additional tionships with other women and a period of much
wealth, honor, authority, or leadership in one's pleasure. The luxuries of fine living attract the
community. It is generally a time of sober applica- interest, and opportunities for enjoying them are
tion of talent, energy and thought. plentiful. It generally favors prosperity and plea-
When Saturn is afflicted. or is in the 6th, 8th or surable pursuits.
l 2th rasi from the Sun. it brings about troubles If Venus is in a dusthana house it can bring
Vimshottari Dasas 133
the displeasure of superiors, anxiety in marriage, brings danger of mental disease, losses through
and illicit love affairs. So afflicted, Venus bhukti sloth, self-indulgence or ill-founded generosity.
can bring loss of the wife or husband and/or When Venus is afflicted and conjunct ruler of the
children. If it is also associated with the ruler of 8th or 12th house, it may indicate danger of acci-
the 7th house, while being a dusthana planet, it dental death.


(Moon Dasa) Moon Bhukti and prosperity. It favors marriage or birth of a

When Moon is well-placed and associated with child and possible benefits from the Government.
the rulers of the 9th and/or 10th house, this bhukti When Jupiter is debilitated, this bhukti may
denotes opportunity for marriage, or if married, bring the death of the father or of a son. There is
the birth of a child. It gives increase of wealth, apt to be demotion, dismissal, or deportation dur-
happiness and general prosperity, as well as reali- ing this period, which warns against impetuous or
zation of wishes, and honor from the public or grandiose projects and travel to foreign lands.
Government. Jupiter in the 2nd or 7th, or conjunct the rulers
When Moon is afflicted this bhukti indicates of these houses, brings ill health; both the liver
a sudden loss of wealth or occupation, mental and the heart may be involved.
anguish and illness, or troubles through the moth-
er. Moon in the 2nd or 7th house and afflicted (Moon Dasa) Saturn Bhukti
indicates disappointments in the career, inability When Saturn is favorably situated, this bhukti
to achieve success due to sloth or lack of public brings an increase in the family as well as general
support, and the possibility of death by drowning material well-being. It is also considered a good
or suffocation. time in which to start a new business.
If Saturn is not favorably situated, or in the
{Moon Dasa) Mars Bhukti 2nd, 6th, 8th or 12th house, there is possible dis-
If Mars is well-situated this bhukti brings in- honor or slander and loss of prestige. Physically
crease of wealth, honors and happiness. However, it can bring the loss of a limb, surgery, and the
if Mars is badly situated or occupies a dusthana possibility of falls, suffocation or injury from fall-
house, there is danger of litigation, destruction ing objects.
of wealth and property, and loss of health from
blood diseases. It may indicate accidents or surgi- (Moon Dasa) Mercury Bhukti
cal operations. When Mars occupies the 2nd or When Mercury is well-situated, especially in the
7th house, or if the rasi dispositor of Mars is lo- 5th, 9th or 11th house, it can mean an increase in
cated in the 7th rasi from the Moon, the mind wealth. The intellect is sharpened, leading to an
becomes agitated, the speech is vituperative and increase in knowledge. In this instance Mercury
rash, and the actions are aggressive, overbearing acts as a rational influence and may bring about
and imperious. Such behavior creates antagonism the cessation of disputes, as well as solutions to
in superiors and partners, with resulting losses problems of business and trade. Such awareness
through such persons. and insight may lead to recognition by superiors
or associates, with subsequent rewards and content-
(Moon Dasa) Jupiter Bhukti ments.
When J upitcr is well-situated this period is When Mercurv is unfavorably situated, this
accompanied by an increase of property, comfort bhukti may bring losses of a material nature, espe-
134 Constellational Astrology
cially in enterprises connected with animals. It is an annoyance and source of trouble. There is often
indicative of a time of loss of public favor, and separation from loved ones, either by travel or by
may lead to imprisonment if Mercury is especially illness; and wealth may be dissipated through in-
afflicted in the natal horoscope. Mercury in the attention, neglect, or theft. If Venus is heavily
2nd or 7th often creates conditions leading to ill- afflicted or very weak, this period can bring acci-
ness during this bhukti. dental death.

(Moon Dasa) Venus Bhukti (Moon Dasa) Sun Bhukti

When Venus is well-placed in the horoscope When Sun is well-placed this is a time of pros-
and conjunct the Moon or strongly aspected by perity, and can bring about recovery of property
the Moon, this is a time of much pleasure and ma- or wealth previously lost. The native is popular,
terial well-being. Venus operates to bring love and well-received by superiors and loved by friends
marriage into the life, or to intensify the awareness and family. It often indicates the birth of children.
of love and entertainment of friends and family. When Sun is unfavorably placed, or in the 6th,
Materially it denotes gain, and may possibly bring 8th or 12th rasi from the Moon, it may bring loss
about the discovery of hidden treasure. of reputation, quarrels with those in power, and
When Venus is weakly situated the reverse pre- subsequent loss of wealth. This bhukti carries the
vails, and particularly warns against improper at- further possibility of loss through bandits, and
tachments to other persons. There is apt to be loss injuries from serpents or insects. In the 2nd or
of reputation, scandal and public censure due to 7th house, the Sun can bring fevers and trouble
weakness of the love nature. Women prove to be with the lungs.


(Mars Dasa) Mars Bhukti When Jupiter is afflicted or weak in the natal
Ma:s well-placed gives birth to sons during this horoscope, the reverse is indicated, and warns
bhukti, and 1f Mars is conjunct the ruler of the against undertaking projects which arc not found-
Ascendant, it brings military advancement success ed on solid ideas. The tendency is to become too
in trades associated with Mars, and gain' through expansive or to undertake more than one can han-
an empl?yer or by marriage. It is generally a pros- dle, with the resulting misfortune. Over-indul-
perous time. gence on any level can mean subsequent physical
If Mars is not well-situated in the chart, then illnesses, especially those involving the liver or
~his bhukti brings accidents from firearms, sharp digestive system.
instruments'. ~r machinery. There is a possibility
of loss or m1ury through the Government, mili-
tary forces, bandits or those of a Martian nature. (Mars Dasa) Saturn Bhukti
Often this period indicates a time for surgery. When Saturn is well-situated, this dasa-bhukti
combination can be a period of success through
(Mars Dasa) Jupiter Bhukti application of hard work and serious thought. It
If Jupiter is well-situated and is the ruler of tends to bring increases in the family, prosperity,
the 5th, 9th or 11th house, or is located in the 5th and leadership in associations connected with
9th or 11th rasi from either the Ascendant o; trade.
Mars, this bhukti brings great honor and fame. It When Saturn is not strong in the horoscope, or
always indicates a time of general prosperity and when it is located in the 5th, 9th, or 11th rasi from
well-being. Mars, or in the 6th, 8th or 12th house, it may bring
Vimshottari Dasas 135
unprofitable or disagreeable travels to foreign When Venus is not well-situated the reverse is
countries, dishonor or loss of wealth, dismissal or the case, and this period is marked by sorrows, loss
deportation. If Saturn is very afflicted and Mars is of wealth, trouble through the marriage partner
not favorably placed, this may bring a period of or children, and disappointment in the career or
great moral weakness which could lead to homi- occupation. Should Venus be in the 2nd or 7th
cide, or some evil deed resulting in imprisonment. house, there is a possibility of illness from physi-
In the 2nd or 7th, Saturn can bring quarrels with cal excesses.
loved ones, separations and possibility of accidental
(Mars Dasa) Sun Bhukti
(Mars Dasa) Mercury Blzukti The Sun favorably situated denotes honor, fame,
When Mercury is well-situated this is a favorable courage, prosperity in business, good health and
period, characterized by a righteous mode of life, increase of family. When the Sun is not favorably
obedience to the laws and rules of society which situated, this bhukti tends to bring mental an-
leads to respect and public authority. It inclines guish, physical injuries, loss of wealth or position,
to spiritual interests but is also indicative of ma- and irritability with those closely associated with
terial prosperity. the native. If Sun is in the 2nd or 7th house there
If Mercury is unfavorably situated this a pe- is a fear of accidents or trouble involving children.
riod which threatens dishonor, loss of close rela-
tives, wife or children. It may bring imprisonment
if Mercury is in the same rasi as Mars. When (Mars Dasa) Moon Bhukti
Mercury is conjoined Saturn it causes malicious Moon in Cancer or Taurus rasi, or in trine as-
speech and emphasizes the cruel side of the per- pect or conjunction ruler of the 1st, 4th, 9th or
sonality, leading to quarrels and general unpopu- 1Oth house, brings opportunities for marriage and
larity. Should Mercury be located in the 2nd or public success. It is generally a period of domestic
7th house there is possibility of serious illness. tranquility, with fulfillment of reasonable desires.

(Mars Dasa) Venus Blzukti When Moon is weak or in the 6th, 8th or 12th
When Venus is well-situated, conjunct or strong- rasi from the Ascendant or Mars, this period is
ly aspected by the ruler of the Ascendant, this pe- liable to bring troubles to the women or children
riod brings opportunity for marriage, birth of a in the family, disapproval from superiors, and loss
child, gain from property and general prosperity. of wealth. Should the Moon be waning and in
Venus inclines the interests to love , romance ' per- the 2nd or 7th house there is a possibility of
sonal enjoyments and happy associations with oth- serious illness or mental affliction and even sudden
ers. death.


(Jupiter Dasa) Jupiter Bhukti When Jupiter is unfavorably situated, it inclines

If Jupiter is exalted or occupies an angle, or the the native to associations with persons of low or
5th or 9th house, or is in the rasi Sagittarius or vulgar habits. The affairs arc apt to suffer from
Pisces, this bhukti will bring honor and respect neglect which can bring loss of wealth. It is usual-
from superiors or the Government, increase of
ly a time of separations from family, and may be
property, and promotion of charitable activities.
It ushers in a period of opportunity for marriage a period in which the father or son dies. 1f
or the birth of a child, and brings lavish living Jupiter is in the 7th or conjoined the ruler of the
conditions in comparison to the usual mode of life. 7th, this can be a period of serious illness.
136 Constellational Astrology
(Jupiter Dasa) Mercury Bhukti increase of wealth or honor, the favor of supe-
Mercury well-situated in the horoscope causes riors, and advancement in the profession or em-
this period to be most favorable for the acquisition ployment. If Sun is not favorably placed, this
of knowledge or the renewal of educational pur- bhukti can bring diseases, especially those of the
suits. Prosperity and family happiness are often head, and general disagreement with brethren and
achieved under this bhukti, and it can mark a time family. If Sun is in the 2nd or 7th, the physical
of recognition of a gifted child. ailment is likely to be one which is debilitating.
When Mercury is badly placed in the horo-
scope the reverse is true, and the period is char-
(Jupiter Dasa) Moon Bhukti
acterized by general loss of material well-being
and estrangement in family relationships. It tends When the Moon has benefic positions, this
to make the speech sharp, the morals loose and bhukti brings a general increase of prosperity to-
the manner abrupt or unsociable. There may be gether with personal and family happiness. It has
travels under this aspect but they prove to be a particular effect on the charitable nature and
difficult or accompanied by illnesses, especially often gives opportunities to engage in social or
of the intestinal tract and the eyes. charitable works for which there is public honor.
If the Moon is badly situated, the reverse is the
case, and there is likelihood of loss of wealth
(Jupiter Das a) Ven us Bhukti through a brother, maternal uncle or mother.
. Venus well-situated brings a period of prosper- Neighbors prove to be quarrelsome or sources of
ity and enjoyment. Artistic interests are awakened trouble. This bhukti warns against carelessness
and under this influence talents of such nature may with possessions since it often brings losses through
b~ developed. Opportunities for marriage, the robbers or thieves.
birth of a child, and honors to the parents occur
under this bhukti.
. W~en Venus is not favorably situated, this bhuk- (Jupiter Dasa) Mars Bhukti
t1_ brmgs trials and tribulations in the marriage, Mars well-situated gives this bhukti opportuni-
disagreement with brothers, loss of material ties for educational achievements and honors.
possessions and excessive indulgence in sensual There is general well-being, domestic happiness
pleasures. Should Venus be in the 2nd or 7th and a possible addition to the family. Most un-
house, or strongly aspected by the rulers of these dertakings meet with success through public ac-
houses, death may occur from poisoning, or may ceptance and support of all efforts.
come through a woman. If Mars is unfavorably placed in the horoscope,
the reverse is likely to be the case. Additionally,
it brings the possibility of injury to the eyes, ill-
(Jupiter Dasa) Sun Bhukti
health from over-weight, and inclines to undue
If Sun is well-situated, this period marks an anxiety and needless fears.


(Saturn Dasa) Saturn Bhukti If Saturn is not well-placed, this period is in-
When Saturn is benefically placed, this bhukti dicative of general unpopularity, loss of prestige
brings honor and preferment in the occupation, or of office, and failure in business or trade. When
and the support and acclaim of those of lower Saturn is especially weak or receives strong aspects
social standing. Often it brings political gain or from malefics, this can be a time of injuries from
honor and the increase of wealth from land or sharp instruments, falls, or machinery. It has long
property. Under favorable circumstances, inheri- been associated with diseases of a tumorous nature
tances are indicated by this bh ukti. and if Saturn is in the 2nd or 7th house, badly
V imshottari Dasas 137
afflicted, it can indicate illness from a malignant is unfavorably situated, this bhukti brings loss
growth and a lingering death. of credit, material lack, and separation from broth-
ers or business partners. On the physical level, it
(Saturn Dasa) Mercury Bhukti may bring heart trouble, or depression which may
If Mercury is favorably situated and strong, this lead to a suicidal attempt.
is a time of success in all competitions, or of liter-
ary achievement. Its influence is largely felt in (Saturn Dasa) Moon Bhukti
those areas ruled by Mercury, and the mind is If Moon is in Taurus or Cancer rasi, or aspected
conditioned to good judgment and creative activ- by Jupiter, or conjunct Mercury, and otherwise
ity. favorably situated, this period is an opportunity
Should Mercury be weak or unfavorably situ- to gain much fame or success, and brings the
ated, it promises success in all affairs in the early support or gifts from elderly people or the Gov-
period of the bhukti, with the ultimate loss of ernment. Being a happy period, it leads to much
all, or a severe set-back in its latter portion. popularity, and can be the time of receiving a
Mental habits are undisciplined and the personal- legacy. When Moon is unfavorably placed, .the
ity is apt to be crafty, knavish or inclined to reverse is true and the health suffers from chills,
malicious acts, for which there is ultimate rejec-
' .
poor circulation or chronic debility of the respi-
tion by friends and family. Mental affliction or ratory system.
severe emotional disorders can be experienced
during this bhukti, which lead to the commitment
(Saturn Dasa) Mars Bhukti
of irregular statements in writing. It is a time to
When Mars is well-placed, this bhukti brings
avoid all contracts and hasty writing, since such
favor from those in authority, increase of wealth,
may lead to lawsuits or imprisonment. Should
achievement of military rank, or in a profession
Mercury be in the 2nd or 7th, the diseases most
associated with Mars. When Mars is weak in the
often experienced are cutaneous and respiratory.
horoscope, there is likely to be loss of ~eal~h
(Saturn Das a) Venus Bhukti through dishonest persons or from engagmg. m
dishonest activities. It warns against moral laxity,
When Venus is well-situated, this period brings and is often a time of injury from sharp instru-
general prosperity, marriage, birth of children, ments or fire. If Mars is in the 2nd, 7th or 8th
family support and approval. Often there is a fa-
house, severely afflicted, accidental death may oc-
vorable change of residence. If Venus is unfavor-
cur. It is a time of trials and troubles from n:any
ably situated there is general lack of harmony in sources which weaken the body and expose it to
the life, excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures,
highly contagious diseases.
or association with persons of mercenary or vul-
gar habits. Often the illnesses during this bhukti
are those arising from sexual excesses, but it can (Saturn Dasa) Jupiter Bhukti
also bring injuries from falls, falling objects, or When Jupiter is well-placed, this i_s a time. of
water. achievement and happiness. Conservativ~ bch~vior
leads to honor and respect. If Jupiter is afflicted
(Saturn Dasa) Sun Bhukti or badly situated, the reverse is the case. and
If Sun is favorably situated, this period can brings the possibility of contagious diseases, fine~,
bring promotion or wealth through aged persons imprisonment, and marital disco.rd. Should J1~p1-
or those in power. It often signifies an inheritance ter be in the 2nd or 7th, heavily afflicted. there is a
and is generally a period of happiness. When Sun possibility of death.

(Mercury Dasa) Mercury Bhukti beautiful, or undergoes redecorating. There is

When Mercury is well-situated, this is a time of often travel, especially in a southerly direction
increase in knowledge, gain from travels, writ- from that occupied by the native. There may be
ings, speaking, or trade. It is a time of family hap- prosperity and wealth in a foreign land, or jour-
piness and satisfaction in intellectual pursuits or neys for self-improvement, cultural purposes or
from young people. Should Mercury be afflicted pilgrimages.
or badly situated in the horoscope, there is possi- If the Moon is poorly situated in the horoscope,
bility of separation and quarrels with the family and especially if it is located in the 6th, 8th or
or young people, lack of success in communicating 12th house, there is possibility of danger from
ideas, and loss from business pursuits. J oumeys bandits, robbers, or the Government. Often the
are unpleasant or unprofitable. This period may morals are lax, resulting in irregular unions, loss
bring on nervous exhaustion. of reputation and wealth. When the Moon is lo-
cated in the 2nd or 7th house, the danger of ill-
(Mercury Dasa) Venus Bhukti ness is aggravated.
When Venus is well-situated, or in Taurus rasi,
this bhukti denotes gain in land and wealth, hap- (Mercury Dasa) Mars Bhukti
piness and the approval of superiors. It often indi- If Mars is well-situated, especially if conjunct
cates a time of active participation in charitable ruler of the Ascendant, this period indicates
or philanthropic work. Should Venus be unfavor- chances for happiness, approval of superiors, the
ably situated and especially if it is located in the birth of a son; but also difficulties in obtaining
6th, 8th, or 12th house, this bhukti may bring wealth, or wealth obtained only through hard
heart trouble, dysentery, loss of position with its work.
attendant distresses. A badly afflicted Venus in the When Mars is unfavorably situated, this bhukti
2nd or 7th house could mean an accidental death. often brings sorrows and trials with the family,
loss of position, troubles with the Government,
and compulsions to be dishonest or untruthful
(Mercury Dasa) Sun Bhukti
which lead to serious difficulties with all con-
When Sun is well-placed in the horoscope, this
cerned. Mars in the 2nd or 7th often indicates
bhukti brings general success in all departments
illness from infectious diseases.
of life: If Mars aspects the Sun, there is possibility
of gam from real estate. Sun conjunct ruler of
the Ascendant can bring personal fame and suc- (Mercury Dasa) Jupiter Blwkti
c~ss as ':'ell as wealth. If the Sun is unfavorably Jupiter well-situated indicates a period of gen-
situated m the horoscope, the reverse is the case, eral health, wealth and prosperity. It is especially
~nd ill health or injuries involving fire or sharp concerned with higher education, association with
mstruments may be encountered. Illness or death learned persons, or engagement in social or reli-
is likely if Sun is very afflicted in the 2nd or 7th gious work. When afflicted, Jupiter brings the re-
house. verse condition, with the additional possibility
of illness from poison, or a possible paralysis.
(Mercury Dasa) Moon Bhukti
Moon favorably situated brings opportunities (Mercury Dasa) Saturn Bhukti
for a fortunate marriage during this bhukti. It When Saturn is well-placed in the horoscope,
also is indicative of gain in material wealth as this bhukti is favorable for the pursuit of knowl-
well as acquisition of property. The home becomes edge, gives good judgment and keen insight. It
the center of much happiness and is usuaily very is generally an advantageous time, bringing hap-

Vimshottari Dasas 139
piness in family relationships and proper recogni- enemies, mental aberrations and morbid or un-
tion of work well done. When Saturn is not well- healthy interests. Children and travel to foreign
placed, this period can bring harassment from countries are especially troublesome.


(Venus Dasa) Venus Bhukti (Venus Dasa) Jupiter Bhukti

Venus well-placed in the horoscope makes this When Jupiter is in a benefic situation this bhukti
period one of prosperity, entertainment, enjoy- usually marks a period of great success and pros-
ment of luxury and amorous pursuits. Tradition- perity. It inclines the mind to religious or philo-
ally, it indicates favorable travel toward the West, sophical ideas and tends to gamer respect by caus-
and the company of bright, cheerful people. When ing the native to behave in an approved manner.
Venus is afflicted in the horoscope, this bhukti Family life is pleasant, and there may be a mar-
brings pleasures which are of a physically or fi- riage or the birth of a child. Many cultural or
nancially exhausting nature. The sympathies are pleasurable pursuits are indicated during this
engaged by persons who do not merit them. Wom- bhukti.
en or loved ones prove to be a source of irritation. When Jupiter is unfortunately situated, the re-
verse is the case and brings the possibility of not
being circumspect or careful in choice of associ-
(Venus Dasa) Moon Blwkti ates or enterprises. It is often a time of quarrels
Should the Moon be well-situated, this is a with both family and superiors, resulting in loss
time of achieving fame and success through writ- of material wealth.
ings, matters dealing with the public, especially
those of a Venusian nature, approval of superiors, (Venus Dasa) Saturn Bhukti
increase in income, and much pleasure in music or
If Saturn is fortunately situated, this period
promises happiness from brothers, general pros-
When the Moon is poorly situated, this is a pe- perity, and the undertaking of charitable enter-
riod in which public support is denied. It warns prises. It is particularly favorable for business,
against speculation of any sort and is usually char-
bringing income in excess of expenditure. If
acterized by losses through children, women, · Saturn is unfortunate, this bhukti may bring dan-
travel to foreign countries, and failure to win the ger to the parents, loss of business, and troubles
approval of superiors.
to the wife and children.

(Venus Dasa) Mars Bhukti (Venus Dasa) Mercury Bhukti

When Mars is fortunately situated, this bhukti If Mercury is well-situated, this is a prosperous
denotes honors, especially from the Government, period in all activities. It usually brings the com-
or highly placed persons or institutions. It is al- pany of cheerful, entertaining and witty people,
ways favorable for improved financial conditions, much pleasurable travel and enjoyment of cultural
good employment, gains through inventions, prop- pursuits. When afflicted, Mercury in this bhukti
erty, or those matters ruled by Mars. denotes the possibility of dismissal from a posi-
If Mars is not well-placed, it is a period of loss, tion, loss of reputation through gossip, or the in-
especially from neglect of business for pleasure, dulgence in gossip which creates trouble. Often
and there is general censure of one's activities there is a residence away from home, which is
by the public. It is not a favorable time for busi- unpleasant or unsatisfactory. If Mercury is in the
ness or family affairs. 2nd or 7th house, it may denote illness.


SUN - Total Count, 48 JUPITER - Total Count, 5 6

Sun: 1-2-4-7-8-9-10-11 Jupiter: 5-6-8-11 Sun: 1-2-3-4-7-8-9-10-11 Jupiter: 1-2-3-4-7-8-10-11
Moon: 3-6-10-11 Venus: 6-7-12 Moon: 2-5-7-9-11 Venus: 2-5-6-9-10-11
Mars: 1-2-4-7-8-9-10-11 Saturn: 1-2-4-7-8-9-10-11 Mars: 1-2-4-7-8-10-11 Saturn: 3-5-6-12
Mercury: 3-5-6-9-10-11-12 Ascendant: 3-4-6-10-11-12 Mercury: 1-2-4-5-6-9-10-11 Ascendant: 1-2-4-5-6-7-9-10-11

MOON - Total Count, 49 VENUS - Total Count, 52

Sun: 3-6-7-8-10-11 Jupiter: 1-4-7-8-10-11-12 Sun: 8-11-12 Jupiter: 5-8-9-10-11
Moon: 1-3-6-7-10-11 Venus: 3-4-5-7-9-10-11 Moon: 1-2-3-4-5-8-9-11-12 Venus: 1-2-3-4-5-8-9-10-11
Mars: 2-3-5-6-9-10-11 Saturn: 3-5-6-11 Mars: 3-5-6-9-11-12 Saturn: 3-4-5-8-9-10-11
Mercury: 1-3-4-5-7-8-10-11 Ascendant: 3-6-10-11 Mercury: 3-5-6-9-11 Ascendant: 1-2-3-4-5-8-9-11

MARS -Total Count, 39 SATURN -Total Count, 39

Sun: 3-5-6-10-11 Jupiter: 6-10-11-12 Sun: 1-2-4-7-8-10-11 Jupiter: 5-6-11-12
Moon: 3-6-11 Venus: 6-8-11-12 Moon: 3-6-11 Venus: 6-11-12
Mars: 1-2-4-7-8-10-11 Saturn: 1-4-7-8-9-10-11 Mars: 3-5-6-10-11-12 Saturn: 3-5-6-11
Mercury: 3-5-6-11 Ascendant: 1-3-6-10-11 Mercury: 6-8-9-10-11-12 Ascendant: 1-3-4-6-10-11

MERCURY -Total Count, 54 ASCENDANT - Total Count, 49

Sun: 5-6-9-11-12 Jupiter: 6-8-11-12 Sun: 3-4-6-1 0-1 1-1 2 Jupiter: 1-2-4-5-6-7-9-10-11
Moon: 2-4-6-8-10-11 Venus: 1-2-3-4-5-8-9-11 Moon: 3-6-10-11-12 Venus: 1-2-3-4-5-8-9
Mars: 1-2-4-7-8-9-10-11 Saturn: 1-2-4-7-8-9-10-11 Mars: 1-3-6-10-11 Saturn: 1-3-4-6-10-11
Mercury: 1-3-5-6-9-10-11-12 Ascendant: 1-2-4-6-8-10-11 Mercury: 1-2-4-6-8-10-11 Ascendant: 3-6-10-11

(Note: The count always begins with the rasi in which the planet is located.)


In predicting the quality, nature and time of karmic Taking the Sun as the first planet to be processed,
precipitation in the individual horoscope, the planetary its schedule shows that it receives one unit of strength
periods are first in importance. Following these are the from the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th
transits and their effects, which in Hindu astrology are rasis (the 1st representing its own rasi). From the Moon,
judged by a system known as Ashtaka Varga ( ashtaka Sun receives one unit of strength in the 3rd, 6th, 10th
= eight; varga = division). This system has three spe- and 11th rasi sectors (counting from the rasi occupied
cific uses: 1) To furnish additional means of judging by the Moon). From Mars the Sun receives one unit in
the karmic effects in life as indicated by the planetary the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th rasis
pattern of the natal horoscope. 2) To accurately esti- from that occupied by Mars in the natal rasi chakra
mate and interpret the effect of transits. 3) To calculate (the 1st being its own rasi). This process is repeated
the natural length of life in horoscopes in which either for the remaining planets and the Ascendant in the
Mars or Saturn has the highest Shad Bala. Sun's ashtaka varga chakra, giving a total of 48 units of
To judge transits the Hindu astrologer erects a strength for the Sun.
special type of chart for each of the seven planets and
The same procedure is followed for the Moon and
the Ascendant. These are called ashtaka varga chakras.
for each of the remaining planets and the Ascendant,
Ashtaka refers to these eight foci to be considered.
using their own schedule of counts.
The form used is the typical square of twelve divisions,
affording the astrologer a complete survey of the effects
of transits at a glance. This type of diagram has an SUN'S AsHT AKA VARGA CHAKRA-CAL VIN COOLIDGE
advantage in that the rasi assigned to each sector never
The rasi chakra for Calvin Coolidge (Figure 34 - a)
changes; the mutable rasis always occupy the comer
shows position of the Sun as Gemini. Beginning with
sectors, beginning with Pisces at the upper left, as in
the rasi chakra. its natal rasi position, the units the Sun receives ac-
cording to its Ashtaka Varga Schedule are one each from
The ashtaka varga chakras indicate numerically the
Gemini ( 1st rasi) , Cancer (2nd), nothing from L~o,
strength each planet possesses as it transits any of the
one from Virgo (4th), nothing from Libra or Scorp10,
twelve rasis in its own ashtaka varga chakra. The
one each from Sagittarius (7th), Capricorn (8th),
strength is determined by a system based on rasi re-
Aquarius (9th), Pisces (10th), and Aries ( 11th). Noth-
lationships between any particular planet and the re-
ing from Taurus.
maining planets and the Ascendant, for which a
Schedule of Counts is necessary (Schedule H). It is also Under Sun's schedule of counts, the Moon in Gem-
necessary to have a rasi chakra of the natal horoscope ini from where its count begins, contributes to the
for reference. The total number of units which each Su~'s ashtaka varga chakra one unit each to Leo (3rd
planet earns in its own ashtaka varga is indicated at the rasi), Scorpio (6th) , Pisces ( 10th) , and Aries ( 11th) ·
beginning of that planet's schedule. If the total count
Mars, also in Gemini, contributes one unit to Gem-
varies from these figures, an error has been made.
ini (1st rasi), and one each to Cancer, Virgo, Sagit-
For purposes of calculation, eight chakra forms are
tarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries, since
prepared, one for each planet and the Ascendant. The
the count for Mars in the Sun's schedule is the same as
counting used in this method begins with the rasi posi-
that for the Sun, and the two are in the same rasi. (If
tion of the planet contributing the units, and not from
Mars were in a different rasi than that of the Sun, the
the rasi position of the pla~et whose ashtaka varga
count would be the same, but would begin from
chakra is being calculated. The usual procedure is to
wherever Mars is posited.)
place a dot to indicate each unit of strength in the
twelve rasis. The use of a wheel device to facilitate Mercury, being likewise in Gemini, contributes one
these computations is given later, but first it is im- unit to the Sun's ashtaka varga in Leo (3rd rasi), and
portant to understand the underlying principle in- one each to Libra (5th), Scorpio (6th), Aquarius (9th),
volved. Pisces (l 0th), Aries (11th), and Taurus (12th).

FIGURE 34- a

"~}) c~/'~

FIGURE 34- b

•• •• •• ••
•• •• •• •• 5 7 3 4 3 6 3 4 5 5 4 6
•• ••
• 0 •• 4 J) 2 0 c! 2 5 ~ 4

•• Total 48 •• 4 Total 49 5 3 Total 39 5 5 Total 54 4

•• •
• • ••• •• ••
4 3 6 2 3 4 4 2 3 4 4 5
• • • •

4 8 3 4 4 8 4 3 3 6 6 3 6 5 5 4

2! 6 6 ~ 3 2 ? 1 2

• Total 56 3 3 Total 52 6 3 Total 39 3 4 Total 49 5

4 4 4 5 1 4 6 4 2 6 3 1 2 5 4 4

The Ashtaka Varga 143
Jupiter is in Cancer, from which the count begins. (4th), Gemini (7th), Cancer (8th), Leo (9th), Virgo
Hence he gives to the Sun's ashtaka varga chakra one (10th), and Libra ( 1 lth).
unit each to Scorpio (5th rasi from Cancer), Sagit- The Ascendant (B), in Leo in the Coolidge rasi
tarius (6th), Pisces (9th), and Taurus (11th). chakra, contributes one unit each to Libra (3rd rasi
from itself), Scorpio (4th), Capricorn (6th), Taurus
Venus in Gemini (from where its count begins),
(10th) , Gemini (11th), and Cancer (12th) .
contributes one unit each to Scorpio (6th rasi), Sagit-
This completes calculation of strength for the
tarius (7th), and Taurus (12th).
Sun's ashtaka varga of Calvin Coolidge. The same proc-
Saturn, being located in Sagittarius, contributes one ess is repeated for the remaining planets and the As-
unit to the Sun's ashtaka varga chakra from its own cendant, in each case using its own schedule of counts.
rasi (the 1st), and one each to Capricorn (2nd), Pisces The results are shown in Figure 34 - b.



The method just described for arriving at the plane- From the diagram given, copy the groups of figures
tary strength in each ashtaka varga chakra by use of in their proper band, and secure all the discs. at the cen-
the Schedule of Counts is a laborious task and liable ter with a machine screw and wing nut with washer.
to error unless one is scrupulously on guard. ' Hindu Make the center holes just large enough to permit clea.r-
astrologers employ a device by which to obtain these . will
ance of the screw (otherwise the contnvance .
planetary strengths in a very short time and with wobble). It is helpful to punch a small hole ~eside
little effort. It consists of nine moveable discs of di- each planetary symbol on the discs, through which .a
minishing size, with their common center held to- pencil. or stylus can be use d to ro tate them to thelf .
gether in such a manner that each disc may be rotated ..
proper pos1t10ns .
when settmg th e \yuheel for a parucu-
separately while setting up the wheel for the individual lar horoscope.
horoscope, and then secured so that all are held in
place while the work is carried out.
These discs are divided into twelve equal sectors.
The names or symbols of the twelve constellations are
. d move the disc
entered on the rim of the largest disc in counterclock- With the wing nut slightly 1oosene '
wise sequence. Next in order is the band for the As- marked Ascendant to correspond with the c~ste ~­
cendant, then Saturn (7), Venus (6), Jupiter (5), Mer- tion in which it is posited in the rasi chakrda. to: e:
. . h kra Ascen an is
cury ( 4), Mars ( 3), Moon ( 2), and finally the Sun ample, in the Coolidge rasi c a ' . as indi-
( 1), which occupies the smallest or innermost disc. Leo, and is lined up with this constella~:rs. Venus
The numbers of the planets correspond to the days of cated on the rim of the wheel. Sun, M~o?, ., d up
. . . Gem1111 are 1me
the week, Sun being the 1st day, Moon the 2nd, and and Mercury, all bemg m rasi . ' · Cancer is
. . . ·t r m ras1 '
so on, until Saturn, the 7th day. The Ascendant has with Gemm1 on the wheel. 1upi e ' f the wheel·
no number, and its ashtaka varga must be calculated moved into place over C ancer s 0· seament •
o • 'When'
. h that of Saa1ttanus.
from the Schedule of Counts. Each planetary band, and Saturn is lined up wit . h ina nut to
and that for the Ascendant, has a group of numbers all the discs are thus in place. tighten t e w 0
in its twelve sectors, the use of which will be explained prevent them from slipping. . f th Sun whose
subsequently. To compute the ashtaka varga or h'e h ar~ in the
number is 1, find all numerals of 1 w I~h 1 and in-
11 · on the v. ee ·
To CONSTRUCT AN ASHTAKA VARGA WHEEL segments for each constc at10n k their position in a
dicate by a dot or other mar ' ference the rasi
Cut nine separate discs from a sturdy weight of blank ashtaka varga form. using as r~ the Coolidge
bristol board (smooth finish). It is a good idea to make chakra of the individual hor~s~op~. : in the ashtaka
a thicker disc to match the largest in size, and place rasi chakra. the Sun is in Gemmi. w hicf om Sun~ Mars.
it beneath the wheel to give it rigidity. This could be ·
varga wheel receives a cou nt of .1 eac tr 1 of 4 units of
of heavy-gage plastic, or thin plywood, masonite, etc. Saturn and the Ascendant. making a to a . 1 in Can-
A diameter of eight inches for the outer disc makes . . N nt the numeta 1
strength in Gemim. ext cou L the numeral
a convenient size. Reduce the radius of each of the cer, and again there is a total of ~· In. e~">, Virgo. Pro-
remaining discs by three-eighths of an inch. Divide 1 occurs only three times. and Jtkewise 1nn1ents~belong-
l · the seg ..
all nine discs into twelve equal sections, as in any ceed to look for the numeral 111 t these counts
. R member t 1w -
Western horoscope, and mark each with its planetary ing to each constel 1ation. e whose total
symbol and corresponding number ( 1 to 7), beginning pertain to the Sun's ashtaka varga on1y.
with the Sun as in the pattern shown in Figure 35. count is 48. '"'d in the same
The Ascendant follows the band for Saturn, and lastly Using a separate chakra form. proc~c strenoth for
the outermost disc carries the names or symbols of the . h shtaka var aa o
manner in computmg t e a ' ' . .::il sections for
constellations. the Moon whose number is 2. Find 111 t le . -
146 Constellational Astrology
each constellation all numerals of 2, and set down Proceed to find the numeral 3 appearing under each
the total in the proper rasi in the Moon's chakra. In constellation for ascertaining Mars' ashtaka varga
Coolidge's ashtaka varga, as shown from the computa- strength; 4 for Mercury's, and so on, keeping the
tion wheel, the Moon receives 1 unit from itself, from computation wheel in the position fixed for the indi-
Mercury, Jupiter and Ascendant-a total of 4 units in vidual horoscope until the ashtaka varga chakras for
each of the planets have been computed. Numerals ac-
the rasi Gemini. Continue looking for the number 2
credited to the Ascendant arc also counted in this
in the subsequent constellations. Only Mars and Jupiter
method, inasmuch as it too contributes unit strength
include 2 under Cancer, giving it a total of 2 units of
to each planet's ashtaka varga. But, as already noted,
strength. The numeral 2 appears five times under Leo, the ashtaka varga for the Ascendant itself must be
and thus contributes a unit strength of 5 in this rasi. computed from the Schedule of Counts ( H). In order
Aries receives the high count of 7 units of strength for to avoid error, check the total value required for each
the Moon in its ashtaka varga chakra, since the num- of the planets and the Ascendant found in this same
ber 2 appears seven times in this constellation. Schedule.


The eight chakras calculated for the ashtaka varga sits through rasis having 3 units bring bodily priva-
apply throughout life, and provide the means of im- tions due to unsettled home life, wanderings and
mediately estimating the effect of a planet's transit mental distress.
through any rasi. Generally speaking, a planet strong When a planet transits a rasi having 4 units of
in Shad Bala and located in a rasi which has 5 or more strength the blessings arc mixed, but it does bring op-
uni~s in its own ashtaka varga chakra, brings benefits portunity for gain in material goods, although with
durmg its transits. However, although strong in other physical discomfort or great expenditure of time and
respects, when a planet is located in a rasi of its ashtaka energy. Transits through rasis having 5 units bring
varga which is low in units, it will bring difficulties, new clothes and adornment, happiness through chil-
even when in transit through rasis which have many dren and good people, together with the acquisition
units. Likewise, a planet in its depression, or in an of knowledge and wealth. With 6 units, transits
Enemy rasi, or in eclipse, causes troubles and sorrows. create personal attractiveness, give a fascinating per-
The highest number of units possible for any one sonality, develop excellence in character, victory in
chakra sector is 8, indicating a rasi in which the par- contests and the settlement of lawsuits in a just man-
ticular planet involved would give great benefits. A ner. There is often wealth, fame, physical well-being
rasi sector which has no units indicates a malefic in- and a new car or home. Transits through rasis having
fluence during the planet's transit of that rasi. Thus 7 units indicate honors, superior wealth. advancement
the scale of strength is from 0 to 8 units in any ashtaka in all departments of life, and success in any under-
varga chakra rasi. takings. With 8 units, transits promise great fame. ex-
A planet transiting a rasi devoid of units in its own ceptional glory with all the attendant benefits.
ashtaka varga chakra is productive of disease, infamy It must be remembered that the transits of planets list-
and danger, according to the nature of the planet and ed in Western ephemerides is according to their sign po-
the rasi it transits. A transit through a rasi with only I sition. The ashtaka varga chakras arc predicated on
unit of strength brings disease, miseries, dangers and transits through the constellations; hence it is necessary
hardships according to the nature of the planet. A to change the sign position of a planet to its constclla-
transit through a rasi with but 2 units brings mental tional equivalent in delineating the effects of transits.
anguish, displeasure of superiors. hunger. disturbances The method (the same as for erecting a nirayana chart)
in the emotional life, and loss through robbery. Tran- is to subtract the ayanamsha from the position of the
The Ashtaka Varga 147
planet as given in the Western ephemeris for any de- MERCURY
sired date. Since the ayanamsha for 1950 is 27° 06' 40", If Mercury is in exaltation and associated with a
and it takes seventy-t\vo years to increase 1°, the ap- rasi which in its own ashtaka varga chakra has but
proximate ayanamsha of 27° would suffice for a period 1 2 or 3 units, affairs pertaining to the house occupied
of thirty-five years prior to 1950, and thirty-five years b~ Mercury are advanced, not impaired. If in an angle,
after, being within one-half a degree of the exact or in the 5th or 9th rasi from the Ascendant, and the
figure. Rather than subtract 27° from the sign position rasi occupied by Mercury has 8 units ashtaka varga,
of a transiting planet, subtract one whole sign ( 30°), pre-eminence in learning is promised.
and add 30_ The ashtaka varga rasi which has the greatest number
As a rule, delineations of transits are based upon of units indicates the solar month in which to co~­
the transit of a planet through the rasis of its own mence any serious study' and will result in the acqms1-
ashta_ka varga chakra. Accordingly, for effects of Venus tion of great scholastic erudition and honors. C~n­
transits, the Venus ashtaka varga chakra is consulted. versely, the rasi in the ashtaka varga of Mercury ~hie~
However, there are exceptions to this rule, which are has few or no units, when transited by Saturn, mdi-
covered later. It is also important to note that transits cates the death of a near paternal relative, or the loss
of the Asccndant's ashtaka varga are based upon the of some benefit or advantage.
planetary ruler of the Ascendant, since obviously the
Ascendant does not "transit" the zodiac.
SUN AND MOON When Jupiter in the natal chart is strong by :xalta-
If the ashtaka varga of either the Sun or the Moon tion in its own rasi, in an angle or the 9th ras1 from
sh~ws a rasi devoid of units, the solar month during the Ascendant and this rasi contains 8 ashtaka varga
' · and power
which the Sun transits that rasi should be avoided for units the native rises to unusual prominence
t~e initiation of any undertaking, since such a condi- in lif~ and will achieve outstanding fame and glory. d
' · h M on· a) an
tion presages failure. In addition, if Jupiter is conjunct t .e . 0 . · h k
. . h 7 umts m its as ta a
If the Moon occupies an angle, or is in the 5th or the rasi occupied by 1up1ter as . d
9th rasi forward from the Ascendant, and is in an . ·n b fortunate m love an
varga chakra, the native WI e "ft d hildren
unfriendly rasi, or the rasi of its depression, or waning, marriage enjoy great wealth, and have g1 e c Ith.
and the rasi of the Moon in its own ashtaka varga b) If the 'rasi contains 6 units, the native will be ~ea {
chakra has only 2 or 3 units, the affairs represented and own many vehicles. c) If the rasi has ~ ~mdt~, otud-
by the h~:mse occupied by the Moon bring disappoint- . · 11 contests is m ica e ·
standing virtue, and victory m a . h. h in Jupi-
ment, farlure or disaster. In effect, the Moon's transit U sin the time of day when the ras1 w ic
(J b f
through a rasi which is thus debilitated brings some ter's ashtaka varga chakra has the greatest ~um) er o _
two and a half days each month which are "unlucky," units is on the Ascendant (the time o.f s.unnse ' ~o~
a condition lasting throughout life. . t results in impregna 10 '
summation of the marna?e ac h "Id This same
Moon, strong in an angle, or in the 5th or 9th rasi and ensures the safe delivery of the c 1 • • •
from the Ascendant, and located in a rasi which has rule can be applied in breeding animals, or mvestmg
4 or more units in its own ashtaka varga chakra, indi- money.
cates a person eminent in learning, famous, wealthy,
physically strong and a leader of men.
MARS Angular or in the 5th rasi forward from the. ~-
' . . d b Venus has 8 umts m
If Mars is exalted and occupies the 1st, 4th, 9th or cendant and the rasi occupie Y •
' h fve may engage m
10th rasi from the Ascendant, while in its ashtaka its ashtaka varga chakra, t e na 1 d y If it
V<:~rga chakra the rasi it occupies has 8 units, the native
large transportat10n en t crp r1',...,s
or hea an arm . .
will be a millionaire, an emperor, or head of a religion.
contains 7 units, the native WI
. ·n have wealth, 3ewe1s,
' .
Great political or military success is promised for and enjoy many luxuries throughout hfe. . h th
the person whose Ascendant at birth is occupied by If Venus at birth is depressed, or occu~ies. t ~ d,
~ I· t the gams indicate
Mars in the rasi Sagittarius Aries Leo Capricorn or 8th or 12th rasi from the A scu1l ,rn · .
· I d by the rasi
Scorpio, providing that an~ of tl1ese ~asis in Mars' will be destroyed through the a ff airs ru e
. ·t, · the ashtaka varga
ashtaka varga chakra holds more than 4 units of with the least number of um s H1
strength. chakra of Venus.
148 Constellational Astrology
SATURN Enemy rasi which has 5 or more units in its ashtaka
If Saturn is conjunct the Sun in the 1st or 5th house, varga, and the Moon occupies an auspicious varga, the
or in the rasi of an Enemy, or its depression, and has native will have a long life.
4 or 5 units in its ashtaka varga, the native will have In general, Saturn's transits through the rasis of his
many servants, animals, and much property, and will own ashtaka varga chakra will give a fairly good esti-
be attended by persons who slavishly adore him. If mate of the native's financial condition and income.
the ashtaka varga rasi has 7 units, the native will have In transits of those rasis having few units, Saturn
abundant wealth, while 8 units indicate vast real estate marks a time of limitations and hard work, and possi-
or farm holdings, or the head of a profitable manu- ble losses of a financial nature. Its transits through
facturing enterprise. rasis with more than average units mark periods when
If one of the rasis in the ashtaka varga chakra is solid progress is made, bringing increase in income and
devoid of units there is apt to be serious illness, possi- material security.
ble death, or loss of wealth when Saturn transits that
If Saturn at birth is angular and in exaltation, while The ashtaka varga chakra of the Ascendant is of
the rasi in the ashtaka varga has less than 4 units, the help in delineation of health matters. The ruler of the
native is apt to be short-lived. Ascendant is used and its transits through the rasis in
If natal Saturn is strong, occupies the 1st house, and its own ashtaka varga chakra are noted. During transits
has 5 units in this rasi in its ashtaka varga chakra, the of rasis with above average units, the health will be
native endures suffering from birth, and experiences good, providing the ruler is not weak in the natal
loss of wealth. In this instance a strong Saturn is not chart. During the transits of rasis with few units, or no
beneficial. But if Saturn is in depression, or in an units at all, the health will be poor.

The system known as Sarva Ashtaka Varga (sarva important undertakings. This would mean the solar
meaning "all") is a refinement of the ashtaka varga month corresponding to the rasi being transited. How-
chakras in delineating the influence of transits. It in- ever, this axiom may also apply when an undertaking
volves a composite chakra based on the seven planetary is of a definite planetary character, so that a transit
ashtaka varga chakras (that of the Ascendant is ex- through a rasi pertaining to matters governed by such
cluded), and contains in each of its rasi sectors the a planet would succeed or fail according to the units
total number of units acquired by that same rasi in ascribed to the particular rasi. .
the ashtaka vargas of the seven planets. In other To erect a sarva chakra, add the sum of the uruts
words, sarva ashtaka varga is taken from the calcula- for each planet in the ashtaka varga chakras, as credit~d
tions already described in the previous section, and to each of the rasis, beginning with Sun's count m
could be termed a condensed version of the several Aries, then Moon's count in Aries, etc. Continue in the
individual chakras. same manner with each rasi for the seven planets. The
The total units earned by the seven planetary ashtaka following schedule demonstrates the method, using
varga chakras (as given in the Schedule of Counts) is Coolidge's ashtaka varga chakras (Figure 34 - b) as
337. This sum, divided by twelve, gives an average the basis of calculation.
strength of 28 units for each rasi in the sarva chakra. The total of 44 units for Aries is a very high value
Hindu authorities assert that transits of any sarva rasi for any rasi in the sarva ashtaka varga, and indicates
containing less than 22 units should be avoided for all that any planet transiting Aries would have bestowed







= *
3 6
D 7 3 4 2 5 2 6 3 4 4 4 5
~ 6 3 4 2 5 2 4 4 3 3 0 3
~ 5 4 6 4 4 5 4 4 3 5 5 5
'-+ 8 3 4 6 3 5 4 4 4 4 7 4
~ 8 4 3 3 6 4 6 4 1 3 6 4
~ 6 6 3 1 3 1 3 6 2 3 2 3
SARVA 44 27 28 22 29 22 30 30 22 26 27 30
TOTALS er () II § ~ t V5 NW
1ll NW



30 44 ASC. 27 28
!:> 14°36'
)) 19°23'

27 22 5°04'9
'(j' 16°12' 16°09' ~
w20°08'ij: 21°20'W
29°00' ~
26 29

16°12' n

22 30 30 22

2! 13°23' ? 18°34'

Transits - Constellational Long.

August 4, 1923, 10:35 PM, EST., Ayanamsha, 1923: 26°44'03"
Plymouth, Vermont Complement: 3°16'

much benefit in the affairs of Mr. Coolidge. It is inter- planets in Cancer, it does have significance. Moon
esting to note that the time of national elections in the stands for the public in general, and this was cer-
United States occurs during the Sun's transit through tainly an event which made a public figure of Coolidge.
the constellation Libra, which in Coolidge's sarva is in To a considerable extent the Moon characterized his
excess of average units. administration, which was rather mediocre in tenor
To illustrate the sarva ashtaka varga technique, the but effective in ridding the government of the ad-
transits at the time of President Harding's death are verse effects of inflation after World War I, and the
shown in Coolidge's sarva ashtaka varga chakra for scandals of the Harding administration.
that event (Figure 36). Harding's death was announced Jn this sarva chakra, the transiting Moon in Aries
at 10: 35 PM Standard Time in Plymouth. Vermont, relates to the natal chart where Moon is located in
where Coolidge was located on August 4th, 1923. Sign the 10th house, and nearest the Midheaven with the
longitude of transiting planets has been changed to exception of Rahu. In the nirayana horoscope, Aries
constellational longitude. (Note: Although the outer is on the cusp of the 9th house from the Leo As-
planets are not used in the Hindu system, Neptune cendant, and stands for law. This is sign~ficant in
and Uranus have been included here as a matter of that Coolidge first achieved his Presidency by process
interest, and because they have considerable bearing of law rather than by his own efforts in campaigning.
on the event. In the natal chart, Aquarius rules the Although the office of Vice-President has generally
7th house, and Cancer the 12th.) been obscured, in this case it proved to be the step by
which the highest post in the country was gained.
Most notable here is the Moon in Aries, since it has The many planets in Cancer rasi of the sarva figure
such a high number of units. However, Moon is too would fall in the natal 12th house, indicating unusual
ephemeral in its transit to be the sole indicator of an conditions surrounding the events which brought
event of such importance, but as dispositor of the five Coolidge the Presidency. He succeeded to this office

Sarva Ashtaka Varga 151
not only because of a death, but a death surrounded 2. Conversely, good effects may be expected from a
by many peculiar and contradictory events which can planet's transit of a rasi which in the sarva chakra con-
only be described as mysterious. Sun coming to a con- tains more than the average number of credits, pro-
junction of Neptune by transit gives addhional wit- viding that the rasi occupied by the natal planet shows
ness to the strangeness of the situation. Although Moon above average credits in the sarva figure. This maxim
in the natal figure is lowest in Shad Bala, the nature holds true even if the planet should be weak in the
of Coolidge's accession to the Presidency would not natal chart by any of the conditions set forth above
require a strong planet. It was not an office won by in- as favorable.
dividual efTort but one bestowed by chance, or luck. Although the planets in Coolidge's natal chart pos-
For such "luck'' the 11th house (natal) would be the sess most of the favorable conditions described under
logical indicator, and in it arc posited Jupiter, Sun and Rule 1, they also meet with some of the provisions
Mercury, all strong in Shad Bala, while Mercury is also given under Rule 2. To avoid contradictory judgment
ruler of the I I th house and dispositor of the Moon. in such instances, the foliowing instructions are given
From this brief survey it is evident that the condi- in the Brilzat Jataka. From the sapta varga bala of
tions of the sarva chakra have significance in relation the planet, note its strength in virupas. The average
to transits at the time of an event in question. These number of virupas for any planet is 52.50; more than
are especially pertinent when consideration is given this would indicate strength in bringing about a par-
to the fact that transits refer to our relations with the ticular planet's influence in transits. Less than 5~.50
world about us, our physical environment and the virupas indicates weakness and an inability to achieve
people in our personal experience. the beneficial effects otherwise indicated by the tran-
sit. In the sapta varga ba1as of Coolidge's natal. cha:1,
all of the planets except Saturn are very high m
Essentiall'· the sarva chakra reflects the planetary Although 28 units is average for a rasi in the ~arva
strength or weakness in the natal horoscope. If a natal ....
ashtaka varga chakra, a d e fi c1ency
· o f -?2 or less is re- .
planet is weak or afflicted, its transits throuoh rasis .
mrcd before a raSI . .
IS mar k
re di Y ''eak
\-. during ..... a transit.
wit~1 high units of sarva arc less powerful than ~hrough ln Coolidge's sarva chakra the fo II owing ra
· sis are be-
. · T ?7· Cancer 22; Virgo,
rras1s with few units. The bo-eneral rules reo-arding
de- low average m um ts: aurus. - , •
. .. . C .
26·, 'wd Aquanus. - ,·7 ·
. ?
ineation of the sarva chakra and its transits arc: 22; Sag1ttanus, 22; apncorn,
1. A planet will produce inauspicious effects if in However. according to the rule cited. it would be possi-
.... · h" h t to pro-
the sarva chakra there arc less than average credits in ble for any of the strong planets m is c ar ,·
the rasi occupied by the planet at birth, ~ven though duce benetic results whilc transiting any of these ralsts.
. d , strolo{rers emp oy
such a planet in the natal figure shows strength As in the Western system, H m u a ~ . .
through occupancy of: . . . ., , 'nts within a nar-
thc transits as a factor m t1mmg c\ c
a) its own rasi (swakshetra) row rano-e. Transits of themselves do not produce n~r
o I . th r1turc 'llld purpose
b) a rasi ruled by a Natural Friend cause any important event. t is e 1 • • • d to
c) its exaltation rasi of the natal horoscope and the planetary p~no ds . ,
. . . . "t rnst be VICWC dS
d) a trikona house (I st, 5th or 9th from Ase.) occasion these. In this hght. trans1 s n · .
.101"fr1ted at the time
e) an upachaya house (3rd, 6th, I 0th or 11th catalysts which precipitate events · k . d
from Ase.) of birth and consummated in the dasas. bhu ·tis an
f) bcnefic vargas antaradasas of each life's expression.

The method of judging the length of life when 2. THE EKADHIPA TY A CH AKRA
Saturn is the strongest planet in Shad Bala, or when The trikona chakra is now reduced by the ekadhi-
the life events themselves are of a strong Saturnine patya ( eka meaning "one"; dhi, "strength"; and patya,
nature, is called Sarva Ashtaka Varga Ayurdaya. As "ruler"), and is based upon the stronger of the rulers
the name implies, it makes use of the sarva ashtaka in those rasis ruled by a mutual planet: Aries-Scorpio;
varga chakra. The term ayurdaya means "years of life". Taurus-Libra; Gemini-Virgo; Sagittarius-Pisces; and
Capricorn-Aquarius. Leo and Cancer, being the only
Method of Calculation rasis ruled by the Sun and Moon respectively, are not
reduced or altered. The remaining ten rasis are reduced
1. THE TRIKONA CHAKRA according to the following rules, and apply only to the
The sarva ashtaka chakra is reduced by trikona, or trikona chakra.
triplicities, according to the following rules:
a) If both the rasis being processed are occupied by
a) If all three rasis of a triplicity in the sarva one or more planets in the rasi chakra, the num-
chakra contain the same number of units, the ber of units credited to them in the trikona
units are eliminated and each rasi receives a chakra remain the same.
count of zero.
b) If one of a pair of rasis is occupied, and has
b) If one of the three rasis in a triplicity has no more units in it than the unoccupied rasi, the
units, the other two retain their units unaltered. unoccupied rasi's units are reduced to zero.

c) If all three rasis of a triplicity in the sarva c) If one rasi is occupied and has less units than the
chakra have an unequal number of units, reduce unoccupied rasi, the units of the unoccupied rasi
the units for all three to the number contained are reduced to the same number as that of the
in the rasi with the least units. occupied rasi.






Sarva Ayurdaya 153
d) If one rasi is occupied, and has the same num- b) Multiply the number of units in each rasi by
ber of units as the unoccupied rasi, the units of its basic planetary number, if it is occupied by
the unoccupied rasi are reduced to zero. one or more planets in the rasi chakra; if there
is more than one planet, add their respective
e) If both rasis are unoccupied by a planet, and numbers and then multiply.
have an unequal number of units, the one hav-
ing the greater number is reduced to the units c) The sum of these two calculations is entered in
of the lesser. a rasi chakra form. When all twelve rasis have
been thus computed, the figures obtained are
f) If both rasis are unoccupied, and have an equal added together.
number of units, the units for each are reduced
to zero. d) The sum total of units in all the rasis is then
multiplied by 7 and the result divid~d by 2~0,
3. SARVA AYURDAYA giving the number of Lunar years m the life
The ekadhipatya chakra obtained by reduction of span.
the trikona chakra is used to calculate the years of
life when Saturn is the strongest element in the chart. e) To change Lunar years to Solar years, multiply
For this calculation a Schedule of Basic Rasi and Plane- the number of Lunar years by 324 (the number
tary Numbers is necessary, following which are the of days in a Lunar year)' and divide the result
rules to be applied. by 365 (the number of days in a Solar year)·
This figure will represent the number of years
. t the
a) Multiply the number of units in each rasi of the in the natural length of life accor d mg 0
ekadhipatya chakra by the basic rasi number. sarva ayurdaya system.
9 0
April 20, 1808 LOUIS NAPOLEON III ~ d'
1:00 A.M.
Paris, France u:
Rasi Chakra

B T?

21 22 30 21

33 32
Sarva Chakra
36 27

38 28 27 22

Ayanamsha: 25 °07'
21 22 22 21

21 21
22 22

22 21 21 22

21 22 21 21

21 21
21 22

21 0 21 21
20° "r23'



The horoscope of Emperor Louis Napoleon III has Gemini, 21-Virgo, 22 units, neither occu?ied. Give
been chosen to illustrate the sarva ashtaka varga ayur- lesser number of units (21), to both ras1s (2-e).
daya because he was a strong Saturnine person. Both Sagittarius, 22-Pisces, 21 units. Pisces occ~pied a_nd
the sayana and nirayana charts, together with the four with the lesser number of units. Both ras1s receive
chakras to be used in this system, are presented in Fig- 21 units ( 2-c) .
ure 3 7. The rasi chakra, as in all instances, is based .
Capncorn, .
22-Aquarzus, 2 1 um'ts · Aquarius
. occu-
upon the nirayana chart. The sarva chakra, as pied and with the lesser number of umts. Both
already explained, is derived from the ashtaka varga, rasis receive 21 units ( 2-c) ·
of which it is a condensed version.


The sarva chakra is reduced, according to the rules
The number of units in each rasi of the e~adhip~ty~
for triplicities, to produce the trikona chakra. In
chakra is to be multiplied by its Basic Rasi Num er,
Louis Napoleon's sarva chakra, the unit values in the . h there is one or more
triplicities, all of which come under Rule 1-c, are and likewise in those ras1s w ere h et
, . N ber for eac p 1an
as follows: planets, the Basic Planetary um . . IDI·ng
b) T 0 av01d tune-consu
is also multiplied ( 3-a,. . · . d . dd the Basic
FIRE: Aries, 22; Leo, 27; Sagittarius, 38. Since multiplications if a rasi is occupi~ N ab r and then
Planetary Number(s), the Basic Rast . um e ' d
these units are all unequal, each fire sign · bem 0er processe .
multiply by the units in t e rasi k
receives the lowest number of the three, or . 1 kadhipatya cha ra,
22 in the trikona chakra. For example, in this part1cu ar e . _ . ·11 be
. F th ras1 chakra it w1
EARTH: Taurus, 30; Virgo, 22; Capricorn, 36. Pisces contains 21 umts. rom e < d Mercury
found that Venus (Basic Nun~ber,. ), a;hose Basic
Again all being unequal, each earth rasi
receives the lowest number of units in this (Basic Number, 5), are also ;de~ist~;;ther, come to
triplicity, or 22 in the trikona chakra. Number is 12. These, a (the units in
AIR: Gemini, 21; Libra, 27; Aquarius, 33. All 24, which is then multip~icd by f S04 to Pisces.
Pisces), giving a total umt-v~lue
being unequal, each receives the lowest b of 7. plus 5
. h a Basic Num er
number of units, or 21 in air rasis for the Aries, with 22 umts, as : in a total of 20, which
trikona chakra. for the Sun and 8 for Mars, giv g . a value of
. . . . b" (22). gives '
WATER: Cancer, 32; Scorpio, 28; Pisces, 21. The multiplied by its unit num t:r ·
latter, being the lowest, is credited to each 440 to Aries. . , h of the rasis in
of the water rasis in the trikona chakra. This procedure is repeated fot. e<ic The sums
the ekadhipatya ch~1kra. S~e ;:i~~~e tog;ther ( 3-c),
EKADHIPATYA REDUCTION OF TRIKONA CI-IAKRA credited to each ras1 arc then < • F Bowing rules
. . I f 2823 umts. o
Cancer and Leo rasi units remain unaltered. g1vmg a grand tota o , d divide by 270.
3-d and e, multiply 2823 b~ ~· ' ~ life span. Mul-
Aries, 22-Scorpio, 21 units, with only Aries occu-
pied. Aries rasi receives 22 units; Scorpio, zero which gives 73.19 Lunar yeai s ~~v~d~ by 365, which
(2-b). tiply Lunar years by 324. and L · Napoleon III
equals 64.97 Solar years of Jif~.h ~UIS "'S remarkably
Taurus, 22-Librn, 2 I units. Taurus with greater
wh1c con L1
number of units, and unoccupied. Libra with actually live~ 64. 72 years.. the sarva ayurdaya
lesser units and occupied. Both Taurus and Libra close to the figure as calculated by
receive 21 units (2-c). system.



504 440 210 168

546 84
Total Rasi Units
105 220

189 0 252 105

Louis Napoleon III was born April 20, 1808, at During this period Louis Napoleon became inter-
1 : 00 AM, Paris, the younger son of Louis, King of ested in political theory, and published several pamph-
Holland, who was brother of Napoleon I, and Hortense, lets concerning his ideas. The death of the Duke of
daughter of Empress Josephine by her first marriage. Reichstadt, in 1832, left him heir presumptive of the
Thus he was both nephew and step-son of Napoleon I, Bonapartistes, although his uncle, Joseph, was the
whom he often saw, and who at one time awarded the actual head of the family. His planned coup d'etat at
boy the Legion of Honor. Strasburg in October, 1836, failed, resulting first in
Upon Napoleon's defeat and banishment to Elba, imprisonment, and then banishment to America. In
the Bonaparte family was allowed to remain in France 1837 he returned to Switzerland to see his mother,
during the restoration of the Bourbons. When Na- who died October 3rd of that year.
poleon escaped Elba and returned, the family was in One of his companions of this period published a
Paris. However, upon his second defeat and exile to political pamphlet written by Louis Napoleon which
St. Helena, the Bonapartes were expelled from France so enraged the Bourbon monarchy that they demanded
by the Bourbon monarchy. he be expelled from Switzerland. Volunteering to
Hortense took her son to Switzerland. Here and at leave, he went to England, where he led the life of a
Augsburg, Bavaria, which his mother had chosen for fashionable young gentleman. Once again he turned
his education, he spent the next fifteen years. Appar- to writing, publishing a tract, Ideas of Napoleon,
ently a gentle and studious boy, he attracted little which praised the former Emperor for his leadership
attention until 1830, when he and his elder brother and administration of government. This led to his re-
joined the Italians in Romagna to fight the Pope. entering France in 1840, set upon overthrowing the
Both were taken ill at Forli, and when Hortense ar- Bourbon regime.
rived she found her older son dead, and Louis Na- Once again his coup failed, and he was condemned
poleon very ill. Nursing him back to health, they to life imprisonment. His next six years were spent in
escaped capture by the Austrians and re-entered confinement, during which time he devoted himself
France. There the two were given twelve days to leave to the study of political theories. Finally, on May 26th,
the country. After a brief sojourn in England in 1831, 1846, he escaped under the guise of a workman and
they returned to Switzerland. returned to his life of fashion in England.

Sarva Ayurdaya 157
Discontent in France ended with the Bourbon King, 10th being a fixed sign) to gain this objective. Saturn
Louis Phillipe, who lost his throne in 1848. Louis Na- in Scorpio indicates cleverness, cunning, and a some-
poleon offered his services as kincrb
a trip to what dangerous character, as shown by the many at-
France, where he was promptly arrested and again tempts to usurp power.
requested to leave the country, with which order he
complied. However, he was elected to the French As- As in the example of Queen Victoria's horoscopes,
sembly in the same year, and later in 1848 was elected when around the age of forty her natal Gemini char-
President of the French Republic. acteristics changed to those of a Taurean person, so a
similar change took place in the life of Louis Napoleon
His coup d'etat of December 1851 ended the con- when the influences promised in his nirayana cha~
stitutional government, and when a plebiscite was began to take over. The constellation Ascendant is
held in November of 1852, he was overwhelmingly Sagittarius, with Libra on the Midheaven, an_d Saturn
proclaimed Emperor. The first ten years of his reign in its exaltation there. Capricorn, however, still shares
were enormously successful. His marriage to Eugenie 1st house influence, so that the natal will-to-power and
de Montijo was socially and politically a great asset, position was maintained from birth to death. Moon,
and the French Court became a center of culture. also in the 1st house, and in Aquarius in both say~a
and nirayana charts, is under Saturn's influence, as is
Nonetheless, his rulership was not a continued suc- Jupiter ruler of the nirayana Ascendant. Thus may
· ·
' the strong Saturnine dommat10n th ro ughout
~ess, for events during the following years of his term be seen .
d ·
the life. However, it is Saturn exalte m 1 ra L"b which
m power were tied in with those of France as a nation.
Presuming upon the circumstances to which he was is the most revealincr difference between the two ~harts,
b • • fl e m the
born, Louis Napoleon had managed to achieve the as well as the addition of J up1terean m uenc
position of Emperor, but in fact he was more an in- nirayana horoscope. Saturn here reveals a. more open
tellectual and social arbiter than administrator. In . ..
d1sposlt1on generous, a d ven t urous and with honesty
P~ivat_e life he was kind, amiable and quick to please of purpose,' such as Saturn m· scorpio does not.
his fnends. The worst acts of his administration were
committed by his associates (Mars conjunct Sun) It was when the constellationa1 chart began to ?%er~
rather than by himself, but his lack of efficiency ate actively (about the time he was electedLPr~si ~:­
and ability to grasp the problems of his time ulti- of the Republic) which gives the clue to omsd ; 0
Tl1 no longer nee
mately resulted in the Franco-Prussian War. After the poleon's later years. ere .":as These had finally
de:ea~ of France in 1870, Louis Napoleon went into further pursue political amb1t10ns. .
'd that the mrayana
exile m England, where he died at Chisclhurst Janu- b
been attained. It might also e sai L d' to his
ary 9th, 1873. ' · f the karma 1ea mg
chart gives a clear picture 0 . d with
rkably m accor
downfall and which \Vas rema d glory
' . . h by the memory an
. In his sayana chart (Figure 37), the sign Ascendant the France of his time, w ere · d of the
. . hed in the nun
is Capricorn, with Saturn in the 1Oth house near the of Napoleon I was extmgms d ·re came to
~idheaven, revealing great ambition to attain power French people, and th e mona rchy an cmpi
m government, and also a strong determination (the an end.

There are several systems of judging the natural served in the natal chart. A new-born child is extremely
length of life, or ayurdaya, used by Hindu astrologers, susceptible to its surroundings, and often its survival
the major one being based on the planet which has depends on intelligent care, affection and proper nour-
the highest Shad Bala in the natal chart. Just as the ishment provided by the parents and their culture.
sarva ashtaka varga ayurdaya applies only to a horo- Consequently, a horoscope showing an early death of
scope with a strong Saturn influence, so pindaja ayur- a child born in adverse surroundings, or of poor par-
daya is used when the Sun has the greatest strength, ents, might not be fatal in situations where the en-
naisarga ayurdaya when the Moon is the most power- vironment and parentage are advantageous. Many of
ful, and so on. Each system differs from the others, so the rules given here are not to be interpreted literally,
that the rules for sarva ayurdaya do not apply in work- but used as indicators of a child born with a weak
ing out the natural length of life when using the Sun, vitality, or one who is especially influenced by adverse
Moon, or any of the other planets as the strongest conditions of environment.
factor. The bhinna ashtaka varga ayurdaya (Mars),
comes the closest to sarva in the method of calcula- Even when the natal figure seems to hold little
tion, but differs in procedure after the ekadhipatya promise for survival, examination of the mother's
chakra has been determined. chart is necessary. When there are harmonious relation-
ships existing between her chart and that of the child's,
All of these systems are complicated and involve many adverse conditions will be nullified. Special
much time and effort, so that as a matter of practical points of agreement are benefic planets in the ma-
approach the Hindu astrologer first determines from ternal chart joined with, or strongly aspecting the
certain planetary patterns in the natal horoscope Ascendant, ruler of the Ascendant, or the luminaries
whether the length of life warrants further work. in the child's horoscope. On the other hand, if malef-
Nativities are divided into three classes: those indi- ics in the mother's horoscope strongly aspect by con-
cating death before the age of thirty; those indicating junction, square or opposition, either the Ascendant,
an average length of life-thirty to seventy years; and its ruler, or the luminaries in the infant's chart, the
those which promise a long life of over seventy. child's life is endangered through interference with
The planetary patterns which indicate a life of less the vital digestive and circulatory systems.
than thirty years are not subject to a methodical sys- The following rules give some of the planetary pat-
tem, and therefore are not to be considered by any of terns which are especially adverse for proper nour-
the systems of ayurdaya. Karma, regarded by the ishment, development and survival of the new-born.
Hindus as the ultimate cause of death before thirty,
is divided into four classifications. Those dying in 1. Moon in the 6th, 8th or 12th house: a) close to
infancy, or before the age of four, are said to be sub- conjunction with Ke tu; b) aspected by a malefic and
ject to the karma of the mother. Those dying between within 1° 30' of conjuncting the Sun, or posited in
four and eight are under karma arising from the pa- the last 3 ° of a water rasi.
ternal side of the family. Those dying between the 2. When other planetary conditions threaten the
ages of eight and twelve are believed to be paying life of the child, the danger is augmented if the Moon
the debt of their own karma, while those dying be- is in a fateful degree (in the constellations) :
tween twelve and thirty years of age are paying a
debt of race karma as well as their own. To the Hindu Aries 8° Cancer 22° Libra 4° Capricorn 20°
way of thinking, all persons partake of a race karma Taurus 25° Leo 21° Scorpio 23° Aquarius 20°
even though they are not individually responsible for Gemini 22° Virgo 1° Sagittarius 18° Pisces 10°
If the Moon is in a fateful degree, joined or aspected
In estimating the planetary patterns which have by a malefic, and if the Moon is heavily afflicted at the
bearing on an early death, the circumstances of the time of birth, the mother often endures prolonged and
parents, their health, financial and social position must difficult labor which endangers her life as well as that
also be considered as modifying the conditions ob- of the child.

The Ayurdaya 159
3. Malefics in the 6th, 8th or 12th house besieging configurations in the natal horoscope.
Venus and Jupiter, frequently cause the immediate 1. Sun Moon and Mars in the 5th house give 9 years
death of both mother and child. ' ..
of life. This combination can have many vanatlons.
The most fatal would be Mars, Moon and Sun, in that
4. Saturn, Mars and Sun in close conjunction in
order within 5° of longitude. Moon waning, com-
the 6th or 8th house signify possibility of immediate
bust ~nd besieged by Mars and Sun, are all indicators
death of the child.
of a short life. If the planets are more than 5 o. apart
5. All planets in cadent houses give poor vitality and the Moon is leaving combustion, the penod of
and often bring about the death of the child between 9 years would be extended.
two and six months after birth. A malefic ruling the Ascendant and posited in the
12;h house from the Moon, with Moon aspected by
6. Waning Moon in the 1st house, with a malefic in
an angle or in the 8th, indicate possibility of death another malefic, gives 9 years of life.
within the first year. 3. Saturn ruling the 1st and in ~apricom navam~;~
aspected by Mercury, gives the child 10 years of
7. Benefics in the 6th or 8th, aspected by malefics,
and hatred of the father.
indicate death of the child within fifteen months.
4. Saturn ruling the 1st in Sc~rpio ~a~::~ a~f e~t~
8. Moon in 6th or 8th house, aspected by malefics, ing the Sun, gives 12 years of life an
indicates short life for the child, but if benefic planets father.
intervene by aspects to the Moon, or occupy angles, the d 8th house, if malefics and
child will survive infancy but may die in early child- 5. Rulers of the 1st an f lif
hood. in mutual rasi reception, give 18 years o
· · e. .
uler of the Ascendant in exaltation, Saturn Ill
9. Ruler of Ascendant in the 7th, conjunct a malef- 6. R . a joined by Ketu, gives a
Sagittarius or Pisces navams
ic and afflicted by aspects from two malefics, indi- life expectancy of 19 years.
cates possibility of death within a month after birth, . . ected by Moon, Venus
providing no beneficial aspects intervene. Should there 7. Malefics m angle.s, ur;;: th house, gives a life
be beneficial aspects, death may occur before puberty. or Jupiter, and Moon m 6t
expectancy of 20 years.
In general, Moon afflicted in the 6th, 8th or 12th . . Scorpio in the 1st house
house, with malefics in angles and ruler of the As- 8. Sun conjunct Ju~1ter m I ives a life expect-
cendant in the 6th, 8th or 12th, or Moon without with ruler of the 8th m an ang e, g
beneficial aspects, or Moon and Ascendant besieged by ancy of 22 years. . h ·
malefics, three malefics in 8th house, or Jupiter and . . s depression, or m t e ras1
9 Saturn in the 1st, m it fi in cadent houses,
Venus in 6th, besieged by malefics, indicate grave dan- · with bene cs '
of a Natural Enemy, 27 years.
ger to the child in infancy and the likelihood of an 6
. expec t a ncy of 2 or
gives a hfe I fi
early death. If Rahu or Ketu join the malefics under alefic aspected by a ma e c,
any of the above conditions, the negative probabilities 1o. Ruler of the 8th a m f Moon's navamsa
. h 8th and ru 1er o
for life expectancy are increased. However, if either with Jupiter m t e ' ' y of 28 years.
Jupiter or Venus is strong and well-placed in the horo- in the 8th, gives a life expectanc
Moon and Saturn, gives a
scope, conjoined to, or aspecting the Ascendant, its 11. Sun in 8th, conjunct
ruler, or the Moon, the adversities may be cancelled.
life expectancy of 29 years. 1 . and rnler
An additional counterindication of a short life span h own navamsa ru e1 '
12. Moon between e~ h 27th or 30th year.
is evidenced by Moon in its own rasi, drekana, or of the 8th, death occurs m t e d t
navamsa, aspected by a benefic, near its Full, or in the d ruler of Asccn an
1st house occupying the rasi Taurus. The Full Moon 13. Ruler of the 8th angular, aib1 tween 30 and 32
th occurs e
is always a strong factor for survival, and may offset without strength, dea
many of the evils promised by an otherwise afflicted years. h 8th house
horoscope. . in an angle or t e .
14. Wamng Moon . h Ascendant occupied by a
The following rules are taken from the Jataka Pari- joined by a malefic, with t ~ ives a life expectancy
jata, a Sanskrit work on planetary patterns which re- malefic and without strengt ' g
veal the varying lengths of life according to specific of 32 years.
160 Constellational Astrology
EsTIMA TING POSSIBLE LENGTH OF LIFE physical existence far in excess of the usual mortal
attainment. These planetary patterns include the fol-
Short Life Span (Less than 30 Years)
a) Rulers of Ase. and 8th house in fixed rasis. 1. Sun, Jupiter and Mars in vargottama navamsa, in
b) Ruler of Ase. in cardinal, ruler of 8th in common Capricorn or Aquarius in the 9th house, with either
rasi. rasi being on the cusp of the 9th. Taurus or Gemini
c) Ruler of Ase. in common, ruler of 8th in cardinal must be on the Ascendant with the Moon in the 1st
rasi. house strong in Shad Bala and trine to Sun, Jupiter
and Mars.
Average Life Span (Between 30 and 70 Years) 2. Cancer on the Ascendant occupied by Moon and
a) Rulers of Ase. and 8th in common rasis. Jupiter, with Sun in the 11th, Venus and Mercury
b) Ruler of Ase. in cardinal, ruler of 8th in fixed in 10th, Mars in 6th, and Saturn in the 3rd.
rasi. 3. Jupiter in Leo Ascendant, Venus in Cancer, Mer-
c) Ruler of Ase. in fixed, ruler of 8th in cardinal cury in Virgo, Sun in the 3rd, and the remaining
rasi. planets in the 6th, 10th and 11th houses.
4. Saturn in exact conjunction the Ascendant, Sun
Long Life Span (Over 70 Years) and Mars in the 4th, Rahu in the 12th, and the re-
maining planets in the 3rd house.
a) Rulers of Ase. and 8th in cardinal rasis. Planetary patterns do not in themselves produce
b) Ruler of Ase. in fixed, ruler of 8th in common
extended life spans such as indicated in works dealing
with extraordinary longevity. Emphasis is placed on
c) Ruler of Ase. in common, ruler of 8th in fixed
the supposition that the adept has graduated to a high-
er circle of the spiritual world. Varaha Mihira re-
counts twenty-seven such horoscopes in the Brihat
Jataka, and even today the belief persists in India that
such persons are now alive, though not generally
Benefics in angular or trikona houses, malefics in recognized. A western parallel is contained in the story
cadent houses, indicate exceptional longevity. Also, one of St. Germain, well-known in France before the
or more planets exalted or occupying its own rasi, Revolution of 1789. He was always described as being
drekana or navamsa; ruler of the Ascendant powerful youthful, between forty and fifty years of age, an
and aspected by benefics; Jupiter high in sthanna, outstanding wit and conversationalist. Although much
chesta or uccha balas, in an angle, clear of the Sun, given to social activities, he never ate in public. In
and Ascendant with more than 480 virupas, give pro- 17 84 he was reported dead, but evidence has been
tection and promise of a long life. Even when other given that he was seen and recognized as late as 1821,
factors indicate danger, a child born with ruler of the still youthful and vigorous. An excellent account of
Ascendant strong and in an angle or a trikona house; his life is given by Maurice Magre in his book, Magi-
or with Rahu in Aries, Taurus or Cancer, will survive cians, Seers and Mystics.
to reach a ripe old age. All aspects to the Moon by Suryanarain Rao in his translation of the Sarwartha
Venus greatly strengthen the vitality, while Moon in its Chintamini, writes in a footnote, "Yoga is the com-
own rasi, drekana, navamsa, aspected by benefics, or bination of nervous energy and a strong cohesive
near its Full, also give assurance of more than average bond which, when properly developed, raises a man
longevity. above the terms of ordinary life; gives him command
over the elemental forces, and allows him to fix his
own end whenever he finds it convenient. One or two
EXTRAORDINARY SPAN OF LIFE thousand years is nothing for a developed Y ogin, and
it is recorded that by very high Yoga development the
Hindu astrology is predicated on an ideal life span Maha Rishis prolong their lives. Anjaneye, Aswathana
of 120 years, but allows that some exceptional plane- Bali, Vyasa, Vibhishana, Kripacharya and Parasurana
tary patterns occur which give a lifetime far beyond are still living; they are chiranjeevies [ageless per-
ordinary calculation. Horoscopes are cited, presumed sons], and will die when the present Kalpa [Age], con-
to be charts of adepts who were able to extend their cludes."
The Ayurdaya 161
The ayurdaya gives the natural length of life. As has been stated earlier, the particular ayurdaya
However, this span may be shortened by unwise living employed for this calculation is contingent upon the
or thinking. Excesses of any sort tend to curtail the planet which has the greatest strength in the horo-
vital forces, such as greed, lust, envy and mental dis- scope. The Sarva Ashtaka Varga Ayurdaya has al-
content of every sort. The reverse is also true; the ready been explained. In the ensuing section, the
natural span of life can be extended through conscious Pindaja Ayurdaya, based on the strength of the Sun,
effort and control of the desires and appetites, as has will be given. It is not feasible within the confines of
this book to explain the ayurdaya system for each
been achieved in the science of yoga in India, and
planet and the Ascendant. Those who have interest
received with adaptations into Western culture with
in calculating the length of life according to the var~
markedly beneficial results in the improvement of
ious rules for planets other than Saturn and the ~un
as included here, should consult the source books cited
in the Bibliography. Most people in Western cultu:es
When estimating the strength of a planet, the modi- are not interested in knowing how long they are gomg
fications contributed by drishti and yudha bala are not to live, since they do not accept the theory of rein-
considered. Also, those values earned by rulerships carnation. "Eat, drink, and be merry, for. tomorrow
over the traditional divisions of Time as expressed in we die," is a concept foreign to the Onenta.l, and
dina, hora, masa or varsha bala, are 'excluded. These also to the traditional Occidental understandi?~ of
strengths relate to social values only, since they pertain . f lif To the trad1t10nal
the meamng and purpose o e.
to the timeliness of the individual's functions within cultures both East and West, "As ye sow, so shall ye
' l'f t' but to aeons of
the social group; hence have little effect upon the reap," applies not just to a 1 e !Il1e,
processes which determine the length of life. Time.

The Pindaja Ayurdaya system is used when the According to the rules for pindaja, each planet con-
Sun is the strongest planet in the horoscope, either by tributes a certain number of years to the length of
virtue of its own virupas, or because it gains one-half life based upon the planet's relationship to its exalta-
the virupas of a planet in combustion. It is also the tion point, or its opposite, the point of deepest de-
method used for Planetary Periods of the life in in- pression ( uccha strength). Maximum years are con-
stances where the individual has acquired much pow-
tributed when a planet is in its exact exaltation point;
er, authority or wealth.
the minimum, which is one-half the years of the
The horoscope of Queen Victoria has been chosen
maximum, is contributed when the planet is in its
to illustrate the pindaja ayurdaya. Although the Moon
in her chart has the highest Shad Bala, it is combust, deepest point of depression. These are designated as
allowing the Sun to absorb one-half its virupas. Con- Invariable Reductions, but are subject to certain modi-
sequently, the Sun is the strongest planet inasmuch as fications which either reduce or increase the years
its Shad Bala is already high. contributed by uccha.



Exalted Depressed Exalted Depressed

SUN 19 years 9.5 years MERCURY 12 years 6.0 years
MOON 25 years 12.5 years JUPITER 15 years 7.5 years
MARS 15 years 7.5 years VENUS 21 years 10.5 years
SATURN 20 years 10.0 years


1. Invariable Reductions, according to planet's Schedule J gives the maximum years each planet
distance from highest exaltation point ( uccha). contributes to the length of life when it occupies its
2. Possible Reductions: exact degree of exaltation, also the years contributed
a) A planet occupying the rasi of a Natural En- when the planet is in exact depression. Intermediate
emy. positions give proportionate years to the length of
b) A planet com bust the Sun. life, and are calculated as follows:
1. Subtract the longitude of the planet from the
c) Planets above the horizon are liable to chak-
longitude of its uccha exaltation point, adding 360°
radahani ( chakra = wheel; dahani = reduc-
if necessary to perform the subtraction. (See Figure 9).
tion). (Planets within 5 ° orb above the As-
2. If the remainder is less than 180°, subtract from
cendant are considered to be in the 1st
house.) 360°. If remainder is more than 180°, retain as is.
3. Reduce the remainder to minutes (multiply by
3. Invariable Increases: for the navamsa on the As-
60 and divide by 21,600-number of minutes in the
complete circle of 360°).
4. Possible Increases: for the rasi on the Ascendant. 4. Multiply quotient by maximum years of the
5. Occasional Reduction: for a malefic in the 1st planet. The product is the number of years contributed
house. to the length of life.

Pinda.fa Ayu1,daya 163

Example: SUN, Queen Victoria POSSIBLE REDUCTIONS

Only one of the three possible reductions may be

Sun's exaltation point, 10° Aries 10° Long. applied to any single planet. When a planet meets the
To permit subtraction + 360° requirements of more than one of these rules, that
which takes away the greatest number of years is used.
Minus Sun ·s longitude 36° 49' 1. A planet in the rasi of a Natural Enemy loses
Remainder (in excess of 180) 333° 11' one-third of the years remaining after the Invariable
Reduce to minutes: 333° X 60 + 11' = 19991'
2. A planet combust the Sun loses one-half the
Divide by 21,600 = 0.925' X 19 (Sun's maximum years remaining after the Invariable Reduction. The
years) orbs of combustion in this instance are: Moon, 12°;
Mars, 17°; Mercury direct, 14°; Mercury retrograde,
Sun's uccha strength = 17 .5 8 years
12°; Jupiter, 11°; Venus direct, 10°; Venus retrograde,
Calculating in like manner the Invariable Reductions 8°; Saturn, 15°.
for each planet in Queen Victoria's horoscope, the 3. All planets above the horizon are liable to chak-
years of life contributed are: radahani. When sharing occupancy of a house, that
which has the highest Shad Bala is used. The number
SUN 17.58 (17.5845) MERCURY 6.95 (6.954) of years in this reduction are different for benefics
MOON24.63 (24.627) JUPITER 8.20 (8.195) and malefics. Mercury is considered a benefic unless
it is badly aspected or besieged by malefics. Planets
MARS 12.74 ( 12.738) VENUS 20.75 (20.746) not located exactly on the cusp of any house must
SATURN 12.59 (12.585) have their proportionate value calculated.



Position of Planet: Malefics Retain: Bene/ics Retain:
1st House Cusp Total Uccha Years Total Uccha Years
12th House Cusp Zero U cc ha Years 1/2 Uccha Years
I 1th House Cusp 1/2 Uccha Years 3/4 Uccha Years
10th House Cusp 2/3 Uccha Years 516 Uccha Years
9th House Cusp 3/4 Uccha Years 7/8 Uccha Years
8th House Cusp 415 Uccha Years 9110 Uccha Years
7th House Cusp Total Uccha Years Total Uccha Years

Ascendant it is not subject to .chakr:~ ~~~· horizon,

Exwnple: Application of chakradahani, Queen Victoria
3. The remaining planets, bemg ab · the
l. Sun in Taurus, rasi of a Natural Enemy, loses h · Of the planets m
are subject to chakrada am. . Slnd Bala and
1./3 its remaining years. Sun is not subject to chak- 12th house, Mercury has the lughdest d ' Jupiter and
radahani since it is within 5° of the Ascendant. . h I e to be re uce .
therefore ts t e on Y on · ,,.foch thcv
f the house in .l
2. Moon com bust, loses 1/2 the years remaining Saturn, each sole occupan t o .
. b' t t the reduct10n.
after the Invariable Reduction. Being within 5 ° of the are posited, arc su JCC o
164 Constellational Astrology
Planet's Distance From 11th Cusp
MERCURY in 12th house (a benefic in this chart): X Maximum Change in Years
Mercury's uccha years = 6.954 Total Degrees in 10th
On 1st cusp retains total uccha years = 6.954 (Convert minutes to decimals of a degree)
On 12th cusp retains 1/2 uccha years = 3 .4 77 10.35° X 0.6836 yrs.
Maximum change = 3 .4 77 Years _ = 0.2807 Years
25 20
Distance from Ascendant = 26°37' Jupiter's uccha years on 1 lth cusp = 6.1464
Total degrees in 12th house = 58°14' Years retained + 0.2807
Jupiter after chakradahani = 6.4271 Years
Planet's Distance From Ase. Having completed the Invariable and Possible Re-
X Maximum Change in Years ductions under Basic Rules 1 and 2, the number of
years contributed by each planet as determined thus
Total Degrees in 12th
far for Victoria's chart are:
(Convert minutes to decimals of a degree)
26.62° X 3.477 yrs.
_ = 1.589 Years SUN -in rasi of Natural Enemy 11. 72 Years
58 230
MOON -in combustion 12.31 Years
Mercury's uccha years on Ascendant = 6.954
MARS -no reduction 12.74 Years
Years retained - 1.589
MERCURY -chakradahani 5.36 Years
Mercury after chakradahani = 5.365 Years
6.43 Years
JUPITER -chakradahani
VENUS -no reduction 20.75 Years
SATURN -chakradahani 1.34 Years
SATURN in 11th house: Total 70.65 Years
Saturn's uccha years = 12.585
Malefic, 0 years on 12th cusp The student may question why a planet, customarily
On 11th cusp retains 1/2 uccha years = 6.2925 favored when above the horizon, should shorten the
Maximum change = 6.2925 Years life. In this respect it should be kept in mind that
Distance from 12th cusp = 8°32' elevated planets arc propitious for mental and spiritual
Total degrees in 11th house = 40°00' development, whereas planets below the horizon rep-
resent the animal functions which further physical sur-
vival and therefore have greater bearing on determin-
Formula: ing the natural length of life.
Planet's Distance From 12th Cusp
X Maximum Change in Years
Total Degrees in 11th
(Convert minutes to decimals of a degree) This is an invariable increase according to the
8.53° X 6.2925 yrs. navamsa occupied by the Ascendant. It can contribute
1.3414 Years retained by as much as twelve years to the life. For each navamsa
Saturn. which has passed over the Ascendant since the begin-
ning of the previous Aries navamsa, of which there
are nine in the entire zodiac, the life has one year
added to it.
JUPITER in 10th house:
Jupiter's uccha years = 8.195
Benefic, retains 5 /6 yrs., 10th cusp = 6.8300 Method of Calculation
Retains 3/4 yrs., I Ith cusp = 6.1464
Divide the zodiacal longitude of the Ascendant by
Maximum change = 0.6836 Years 40. If there is no remainder, the years contributed
Distance from I Ith cusp = 10°21' amount to I 2. If there is a remainder, convert to min-
Total degrees in 10th house = 25°18' utes and divide by 200 (the number of minutes in a
Pindaja Ayurdaya
navamsa). The result is the number of years contrib- REDUCTION FOR A MALEFIC IN THE 1sT HOUSE

uted by the navamsa on the Ascendant. Fractions of a This is an occasional reduction and applies only
navamsa may be changed into fractions of a year at when Sun, Saturn or Mars occupies the 1st house.
the rate of 20' to 3 6.5 days.
Method of Calculation
Example: Ascendant, Queen Victoria's horoscope.
Ascendant, 10°14' Taurus, or 40°14' zodiacal longi- a) Consider the rasi degree on the Ascendant ~s
tude. degrees and decimals of a degree, and not zodi-
Dividing by 40 gives 1, with a remainder of 14', acal longitude.
which is practically no remainder. Therefore, consider
b) Divide this figure by 360. The resulting deci~al
12 navamsas to have risen since the Aries navamsa.
fiaure is used to multiply the total years of hfe
Thus twelve years are added to the life span.
obtained by the preceding reductions. The an~
INCREASE FOR RASI ON ASCENDANT swer from this calculation represents the numbe
of years to be deducted from the total years.
This constitutes a possible increase if the Ascendant
is strong ( 360 virupas or more). The rasi on the As-
cendant contributes to the length of life in much the Exarnple:
same manner as does the navamsa increase. For each Sun a malefic, within 50 of Ascenda~t ind Que~
complete rasi that has passed over the Ascendant since Vic;oria's horoscope, is therefore cons1dere to e
the Aries rasi, one year is added to the life.
in the 1st house.
Method of Calculation Degrees on Ascendant = 10014' Taurus
Convert the longitude of the Ascendant into degrees 10 230
and decimals of a degree and divide by 30, which gives · = 0.0285
the years and decimals of a year contributed by the
Years of life contributed by:
Example: Planets 70.65 Years
Ascendant: 10°14' Taurus, or 40.23° longitude Navamsa on Ase. 12.00 Years
30 = 1.34 years added to natural length of life Rasi on Ase. i. 34 Years
Total 83.99 Years
As shown in Part One, Queen Victoria's Ascendant - 2.39 (Reduction for malefic
proves to have 392.20 virupas, well above average. In 83.99 x .0285 = in 1st house)
addition, the Ascendant is exceptionally fortunate be-
Pindaja Ayurdaya 81.60 Years
cause the Moon conjoins it, the latter being almost in
exact exaltation. The factors fully warrant inclusion
1 years, 243 days, or 81.67
of the years contributed to the life by the rasi As- Victoria actually lived 8
cendant. years.

These planetary periods, which are in force Example: Queen Victoria. Sun contributes 11. 72 years.
throughout the life both as to length and order, are
Being a malefic in the 1st house, its Planetary Period
based upon the pindaja calculations. The sequence of
is reduced by .0285 of its own years.
these periods is:
1. Sun always rules 1st period (this being Pindaja 11.72 X .0285 = .33 years reduction
System). Length of Sun's Planetary Period = 11.39 Years
2. The order of the remaining planets' and As-
cendant's rulership over successive periods is deter- This procedure is repeated for each of the periods,
mined by their house position in relation to the Sun's giving the following results:
house position. In each of these contingencies the
planet with the highest Shad Bala takes precedence.
a) Planets in houses angular to the house occu- SUN 11.39 Birth to 11.39
pied by the Sun. MOON 11.97 11.39 to 23.36
b) Planets in houses succedent to house occu- JUPITER 6.24 23.36 to 29.60
pied by the Sun. 12.96 29.60 to 42.56
c) Planets in houses cadent to house occupied by 5.21 42.56 to 47.77
the Sun. MERCURY
MARS 12.37 47.77 to 60.14
Example: Horoscope of Queen Victoria SATURN 1.30 60.14 to 61.44
SUN invariable ruler of 1st period. VENUS 20.14 61. 44 to 8 1. 5 8
MOON angular with Sun, highest in Shad Total 81.58
Bala among angular planets.
Delineation of the pindaja periods of life are par-
JUPITER angular, next highest Shad Bala ticularly significant as they pertain to and reveal the
after Moon. development, inheritance or change in power, author-
ASCENDANT (always angular), lowest in Shad ity or wealth that karma may bring. At birth there
Bala of this group. was little prospect of Victoria becoming Queen.
MERCURY cadent to house containing Sun, George III and his eleven children had prior claim to
highest Shad Bala of cadent planets. the throne. Of these, Victoria's father, Duke of Kent,
fourth among the sons, died in 1820 when she was
MARS cadent to Sun, next highest Shad less than a year old. There was considerable probabil-
Bala to Mars. ity that the Duke's older brothers would beget heirs
SATURN cadent to Sun, next highest Shad to the throne who would naturally take precedence
Bala to Mars. over Victoria. But this proved not to be the case. The
VENUS cadent to Sun, lowest Shad Bala offspring of two of the unclcs died in infancy. The
among cadent planets. eldest uncle, who became King George IV, died with-
out an heir. He was succeeded in quick order by two
. T~e len?th of each Pindaja Planetary Period is more of the royal brothers, each of whom died soon
id~nt1cal with the years contributed by its ruler, with after becoming king.
this exception: If the entire length of life has been
reduced because of a malefic in the 1st house this re- SUN, Pindaja Period-May 24, 1819, to September,
duction must be applied in proportion to each of the 1830.
Planetary Periods, and each reduced by the number of In 1830, when Victoria was scarcely twelve years
years or decimals of years obtained by this factor. (A old, George IV died, and she became direct heir to
Table of Logs to Base Ten will facilitate these compu- the throne, coinciding with the end of the Sun's
tations.) planetary period in her chart. Biographical data per-

.1 ()()
Pindaja Ayurdaya
MARS Pindaja Period-March, 1867, to July; 1879.
taining to this Queen, who reigned longer than any ' . . d July, 1879 ' to October,
previous British monarch, need not be repeated here SATURN, Pinda1a Perza -
save for the purpose of highlighting the major events 1880.
which occurred under the various planetary periods. . th Mars and Saturn periods the Queen took
D urmg e . · was h er chief
. bl" affairs Disraeli
MOON, Pindaja Period-September, 1830, to Septem- little part m pu ic · · I 1876 she was
d Gladstone her nemesis. n
ber, 1842. counse1or, an f a·a" Her daughter,
"ti f "Empress o 1n 1 •
gi~en the ti. e odied in 1878. In 1867 she published
Victoria became Queen June 20, 1837, and was coro- Princess Abee, D of the Prince Consort, fol-
nated a year later with much pomp and ceremony. a work on The Early ays · on her life
She and Prince Albert were married February 10, 1840, lowed in 1869 by s~lections from h;~dd1i~~allment ap-
and in November of the same year the Princess Royal in the Highlands with Albert. (A 1 f the Life
was born. In November, 1841, the Prince of Wales was peared in 1885.) In 1874 the 1st vo ump~b7ished (the
ti Prince Consort, was
born. Also during this Moon period there were di- and Letters of ze h t was initiated under
verse "bedroom" scandals in the palace, and three at- 2nd volume in 1880) · Thu~h: ~oon and Jupiter pe-
tempts on the Queen's life. (There were others in Mercury, but prec~~ed b\·1 Mars (the man in her
1850, '69 and '82.) riods came to frmt10n w I e ·1 d
life) 'and Saturn ( th e sarrow) preva1 e .
JUPITER, Pindaja Period-September, 1842, to De-
80 to January,
cember, 1848. VENUS, Pindaja Period-October, 18 '
This was a period of lavish fetes, a journey to Scot-
d th of the Prince Consort,
land where the Queen and Albert purchased Balmoral Nineteen years after the . e~ and mourning, Vic-
Estate and built a home there. Under this Jupiterean a period marked by rest~1ct10n f her constellational
influence, four more children were born. · t the heritage o
toria came m 0
, I h"p-Venus. m
s· ce becoming Queen
Ascendant s ru ers 1 . he had come to
reat fortune, s
ASCENDANT, Pindaja Period-December, 1848, to she had amasse d a g d w at long last she
December, 1861. erson· an no
look like a Taurean P . , d i· ht in what had been
t ke Venusian e ig ·
was able to a . She made year1y tnps
1848 ushered in a period of strife for the govern- . h ed durinoo her reign.
ments of the European continent and monarchs of the accomp11s . d in countless publ"c 1
to the Continent; she ~ffic1ate ·ews of the armed
time, many related to Victoria, sought aid from the ceremonials and dedicattonls, 1r8e8v71 her Golden Jubilee
United Kingdom. The Crimean War took place, and
forces and the B ntts · · h navy
. · hn took noticeable enJOY- ·
the Queen was moved to give active aid for the wound-
was celebrated, in wh1~h..s e he opened the People's
ed and their families. The Victoria Cross was insti- ther act1v1ttes s f the
ment. A mong o d I .d the cornerstone o
tuted in 1857. Three more children were born. Pahce in the East End, an aih Iebrated her 75th
' · In 1894 s e cc • ·
Imperial Institute. d in 1897 , marking sixty
MERCURY, Pindaja Period-December, 1861, to
birthday at Balmoral; an . d Jubilee became a
March, 1867. . the Diamon . f
years of her reign, . . ' last ceremonrnl unc-
In 1861, when Victoria was forty years old, the tide British Empire Festival.. V1ctorf1als •foundation stone of
1 ying o t 1e
turned for her. The ill-fated year when Abraham Lin- ti on ( 1899) was th c a hnncd forty years
the V1ctona an . d Albert Museum, p '
coln took office marked the death of both her mother
and her beloved Prince Consort. In that same year the earI .ier b y the Prince Consort.
Trent altercation involving a British vessel, the United . this final Venusian period,
States Navy, and the Confederacy took place and was As a touching part .of . ,. t a box of chocolates
. B War V1ctona sen .. h fl .
not yet settled when death took Prince Albert. Vic- dunng the oer ' Af . , under the Bntts ag,
. · South nca · ·
toria went '11to retirement, ceased living at Bucking- to every so Id ier m d tertained their wives.
· troops an en ·
ham Palace, took no part in the festivities attendant the received departmg d in 1900, following
trip to I re 1an . h
wedding of the Prince of Wales (1863). In 1866 the There was a fi na I .
nd others close to t c
Austro-Prussian war broke out, but through Victoria's many deaths in the royal fanll yh~alth failed markedly,
· t' her own e,
influence and intercession its scope was limited. She be- Queen. At this 1me . d"' th January 22, 1901.
gan work on memoirs of Albert and their life together. and she joined them all m t:a ,

Varsha means year in Sanskrit. The Varshika horo- gives the days of the week as well as the month, is
scope is erected for any year of life based on the Sun's satisfactory.
return to the degree occupied at birth. Thus it may be 3. From the Varshika Increment Table, take incre-
said to correspond to the Western Solar Return chart, ment of days, hours, minutes and seconds for the age
although differing in some major respects. The devel- of the person for whom the varshika horoscope is to
opments, or outcome of the karma for a particular be erected.
year, as indicated in the natal nirayana horoscope, 4. Add this increment to the day of birth and to the
may be read from the varshika chart. Since all solar local mean time of the birth chart (the same for both
return charts depict transiting conditions which affect sayana and nirayana charts), which gives the LMT of
the individual through exterior relationships, the kar- the sayana chart for the varshika year.
ma revealed by the varshika is not that developed
5. Add to this new LMT the sidereal time (Green-
from within, but as it is culminated through the
wich) of the day indicated for the say an a Sun as ob-
social environment, or the immediate world in which
tained in Step 2. On the data accumulated, proceed to
one lives.
erect a sayana horoscope as if it were a birth chart.
The system for erecting a varshika horoscope as pre- When this is completed, convert it to a nirayana
sented here is based on the Sanskrit text, U ttara chart by subtracting the ayanamsha for the varshika
Kalamrita. Its primary value is to enable the student year from the degrees and minutes of the planets,
to use the Western, or sign ephemerides, inasmuch as house cusps and Nodes. The nirayana varshika chart
Indian ephemerides are not commonly available. At is then used for delineating the events of that year
first glance the method may seem cumbersome, since in the native's life.
something like cross-references between the sayana and It will be found that the Varshika horoscope differs
nirayana charts are involved, plus the necessary appli- from the customary Western Solar Return chart both
cation of the ayanamsha for the given year. as to house cusps and planetary degrees. This dis-
A Table of Varshika Increments facilitates estab- crepancy is due to the constantly increasing ayanamsha,
lishing the local mean time of the varshika occurrence which creates a difference of 20' of time for each year
for the year under surveillance (Table VIII). In the of life between the exact return of the Sun in the con-
lnc.rement columns, "D" stands for days of the week, stellations, and its return in the signs. Consequently,
which are numbered according to the typical Hindu the Sun's return to its natal position as found in a
method of 1 for Sunday. 2 for Monday, etc. Western ephemeris docs not give the same results as
taking the Sun's natal nirayana position and adding
Varshika calculations are based on the natal nirayana
the ayanamsha for the varshika year.
chart, which has been obtained by applying the aya-
namsha to the sayana horoscope as explained in the Example: Varshika Chart for Harry S. Truman, 1948
Introduction. (For births after 1900 add 50%" per
year to 26° 24' 47". For births prior to 1900, sub- Birth data: Lamar, Missouri (37°30' N; 94°17' W)
tract 50%" per year from this figure.) May 8 (Thursday), 1884~ 4:14 PM,
1. Determine the ayanamsha for the varshika year, I. Ayanamsha for 1948
using 1900 as the base year. Add this figure to the ( 48 x 501/4") - 00° 40' 12"
Sun's Jongitude in the natal nirayana chart. (The Ayanamsha for 1900 f 26° 24' 47"
ayanamsha for the varshika is always added, whether Calculated ayanamsha, 1948 27° 04' 59"
the year of its application is before or after 1900.) Long., natal nirayana Sun 22° 29' 39" Aries
2. Using the resulting sum, obtain the sign longi- 49° 34' 38"
tude of the Sun from the ephemeris of the required Sun's Long. on day of 30°
year. Any Western ephemeris, such as Raphael's, which Varshika sayana chart t 9n 34' 38" Taurus

The V arshika
year; Truman's mother passed away the year previous
2. From 1948 ephemeris, Sun's
to his nomination and election to the Presidency.
Long., Monday, May IO = 19° 43' 16" Taurus
(Disregard 8'3 8" difference) Coolidge's horoscope has already been dealt with
3. Increment Day Hour Min. Sec. in demonstrating the techniques of constellational as-
for age 64 3 9 46 40 trology, both as to erecting and evaluating the nira-
4. Natal LMT yana chart, and its progressions. Truman's horoscope is
presented here as an illustration of the varshika, or the
(Thursday) + 5 4 14 00 PM
constellational version of the Solar Return for the
year he won the Presidential election.
LMT 8 14 00 40 (from noon, 9th)
8 days = It is well-known that political analysts of both the
Sunday, Democratic and Republican parties gave Truman little
May 9 (or 2 00 40 AM, May 10) hope for victory in the campaign of 1948. Nor does
the Solar Return chart for that year show much prom-
5. Sid. T. ( 1948 ise. The 10th house, with Capricorn on the cusp, is
Eph.) 3 08 48 May 9 unoccupied. Saturn, its ruler, is square Sun in the 1st.
+ 14 00 40 (Varshika LMT) The New Moon, although exalted in Taurus, is square
Sid. T. 17 09 29 Mars, ruler of the Ascendant. Perhaps the most prom-
Corrections ising aspect is Mars trine Jupiter in the 9th, so that
for one might be led to predict that Truman was hea~ed
LMT Int., for some sort of legal profession, or diplomatic service
andEGMT 3 29 abroad.
Calculated Jupiter is actually the key to his attaining the high-
Sid.T. 17 12 58 est position in the land-when the karma had ripened.
Varshika Sayana Horoscope Not only is this great benefic the most elevated planet
in natal sayana and nirayana horoscopes, but this posi-
The .nearest sidereal time in Dalton's Table of tion is maintained in the varshika charts, and has the
Houses 1s 17 h · 1?- m. 9 s., w h"1c h gives
· .
19° Sagittarius added strength of being angular in the 1Oth house of
~or the Midheaven of the sayana varshika figure. (It
government. In Cancer he is exalted. In Sagittarius he
is not necessary to correct for the difference in sec- is ruler of his own rasi, and is also mula trikona.
~nds.) The chart is erected for 37 N. latitude, and
Furthermore, Jupiter is in his own drekana, saptamsa
he planets rectified in the usual manner. and dwadasamsa, so that he has the good fortune to
. This sayana varshika chart is then converted to a occupy simhasamsa ("The Lion's Throne'') giving an
mrayana varshika chart by subtracting the ayanamsha overwhelming promise of political success in 1948.
. . t
for 1948 (27°04'59" , or 27°05') . Th e WOr k IS · f aCI·1·I-
For that year, Mars, ruler of the Midheaven,_ is JUS
tat~d b.y using the complement of this figure, or 2°55', leaving Cancer, where it is in its fall,.as in the
~h1ch is added to the degrees of the cusps and planets natal chart. But in the varshika it is within a few mm-
1 ~ the sayana chart, and then subtracting 30° or a full
utes of enterinoe Leo , where it will be in mutual. recep-
sign. '
tion with the Sun. and trining Jupiter. Natal mray~na
The sayana ~nd nirayana natal horoscopes for Harry Mars in the 1Oth house (the promise at birth) is tnne
~ru,man are .given in Figure 39, and the resulting the varshika Midheaven. This Scorpio-ruled Midheav-
;ly~ma and mrayana varshika charts in Figure 40. A cn of the year when Truman was elected President is
olar Retu~n chart erected according to the Western remarkably descriptive of the personality changes
system is given for purposes of comparison in Figure which took place at that time. The world has since
41. come to know this hitherto man-of-no-particular-dis-
tinction as an aggressin~ and sharp-tongued public
It is interesting to note that both Calvin Coolidge
figure. which neither the Libra Ascendant nor the
and Harry S. Truman attained the office of President
Cancer Midhcavcn of the sayana natal would indi-
of the United States through the deaths of the duly
cate, although the Moon, ruler of the 10th, in Scorpio
el~cted President during their respective terms in the
in the I st, and trine Venus, ruler of the Ascendant,
~ice-Presidency. Both had suffered personal loss
rough .death shortly before they were elected to serve does show this tendency in the native as depicted in the
as President. Coolidge's son died earlier the same sayana chart.
170 Constellational Astrology
The Moon in the nirayana varshika gives further varshika Ascendant, is in its detriment in Cancer, it is
testimony of Truman's success in 1948. It is within in the 6th house of service, and in trine aspect to the
50 of its exact exaltation point, and conjunct Mercury, Midheaven.
ruler of the nirayana natal's Ascendant and Midheaven. In conclusion, the nirayana varshika chart as read
Representing the public at large, this Moon indicates in relation to the natal nirayana horoscope, reveals that
victory due to being "in tune with the times." Mercury the rise to eminence and public favor in 1948 was not
in the varshika was in exact conjunction of its natal so much due to the actions which Truman himself
nirayana position, and Venus was about to do like- had undertaken up to this time, but as a result of the
wise. Lastly, although Saturn, ruler of the nirayana karmic conditions to which he was born.


May 8, 1884
4:14 P.M., LMT
Lamar, Missouri ~ §
94017' W., 37030' N. 06' 32'

V) _ _ _ _ _ __
Sayana Horoscope


l 9°V:304'


10 70
~ n
55' 21'

Nirayana Horoscope

~ r---------

Ayanamsha: 26°11'19"
Complement: 3°48'41'
(or 3°49')

22° .f 53'



N 0

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,,@0
Sayana Varshika
0 Vt
0 ~


""" Nirayana Varshika

Ayanamsha ( 1948): 2ros'

Complement: 2"55'





!~ support of the theory that early Hindu writers of ion is purposely false. On the other hand, bidden refer-
religious philosophic texts intentionally concealed the ence to the true annual rate of the precession appears
date when the signs of the zodiac coincided with the in certain verses of Chapter One, wherein details of
constellations, detailed examination will be made of the length of years belonging to various mythological
th~ evidence contained in the Surya Siddhanta. The ages is accurately indicated. The f~llowing excerpts
third chapter of this work gives the annual rate of the will aid in demonstrating the esotenc meaning con-
precession as 54" per year, which in this writer's opin- tained in this ancient Sanskrit work.



" 13 · · · ·Twelve months make a year ... this is called a A day of the gods = 1 Year
day of the gods.

"14. Six times sixty of them are a year of the gods. A year of the gods = 360 Years

4,320,000 Years
12,000 x 360
"l5. Twelve thousand of these divine years are a Cha- A Chaturyuga 4,320,000 Years
turyuga (quadruple age) of ten thousand times four hun- Also, I 0,000 x 432
dred and thirty-two solar years.
dawn and a twilight in-
"16 . number of years) composes the Chaturyuga The following yugas each h ave a
. · . · · · [this
inclusive of its dawn and twilight. eluded in their length.

t 432 000 Years

1I10 Chaturyuga amounts o ,
".17 · The tenth part of a Chaturyuga multiplied succes- = 4 x 432 ,ooo l ,728,000 Years
K . y by fo ur, th rec, two, and one, gives
. the length of the ::s: ~ x
432 ,ooo = 1,296,000
A Krita Yuga Years
nta and other ages.
A Treta Yuga = ; x 432 ,ooo = 864,000 Years
A Dwapara Yuga = x 432 ,ooo = 432,000 Years
A Kali Yuga = 4,320,000 Years
A Chaturyuga

= 306,720,000 Years
"18 · 0 ne and seventy Chaturyugas are styled a Manvan- 71 x 4,320,000 1,728.000 Years
tara; and at the end is said to be a twilight, which has the + 1 Krita [twilight] = 308,448,000 Years
number of years of a Krita Yuga, and which is a deluge. 1 Manvantara
= 4,318.272.000 Years
"19. I n. a Kalpa are reckoned fourteen such Manvantaras, 14 x 308,448.000 1,728,000 Years
with their respective twilights, and at the commencement + 1 Krita [dawn] = 4,320,000,000 Years
of a KI · a fifteenth dawn, having the length of a Krita
a pa is

From these verses of the Surya Siddhanta, it is deduced that:

I KALPA = 14 Manvantaras + 1 Krita Yuga
l MANVANTARA = 71 Chaturyugas + 1 Krita Yuga
1 CHATURYUGA IO x 432,000 Years
1 KRITA 4 x 432,000 Years

176 Constellational Astrology
The first clue by which the initiate may obtain the significance in ancient civilizations. That it has an
true rate of precession from these passages in the Surya esoteric meaning is evident from its use in describing
Siddhanta is stated twice: a Chaturyuga is 12,000 X the vast mythological ages. What concerns us here is
360, and also is 10,000 X 432 (Verse 15). Such re- the clever use to which these numbers are put for the
dundancy in Sanskrit literature, the prime aim of which purpose of revealing the arithmetic of the precessions
is brevity, must be for an important reason. Evidently of the equinoxes. The double statement in Verse 15
it is to introduce a series of numbers having a hidden must be a device to serve notice upon the alert that
significance, namely 432 and 10, or multiples thereof. more is intended to be conveyed than appears on the
Ancient Babylonian priests, as well as the Brahmins of surface.
India, made use of these identical figures. In the chro-
nology recorded by the Chaldean priest Berosus, the Using the principle of breaking up numbers into
first period, extending from Creation to the Flood, their component parts, and allowing certain transposi-
covers the reigns of ten kings and consists of 432,000 tions but with strict retention of these same digits,
years. '
the assertion (Verse 18), that one Manvantara equals
There is little doubt that 432, used in conjunction seventy-one Chaturyugas, plus one Krita, may be re-
with multiples of 10, was a symbolic number of great stated variously:

1 Manvantara =
(71 x 4,320,000) + 1,728,000 = 308,448,000
1 Manvantara =
(710 x 432,000) + (4 x 432,000) = 308,448,000
1 Manvantara =
714 x 432,000 = 308,448,000
Based upon the last of these revampings, it may be
said that one Kalpa consists of:
[ (14 x 714) +4] x 432,000 = 4,320,000,000
Simplifying brackets and parentheses:
14 x 714 = 9,996
+ 4
10,000 X 432,000 = 4,320,000,000-years of one
Kalp a
It is noticeable that the element of [ (14 x 714) + 4] the rate of precession as it has been determined with
is a most. p~culiar way of stating the figure 10,000. precise astronomical instruments centuries after the
Not only is It unnecessarily cumbersome, but so awk- Surya Siddhanta was composed, the results are very
ward that it would scarcely have been used unless there revealing.
was some special reason. Experience has revealed such
circumlocutions are used to call attention to the num- Converting the 140° to seconds of space, gives 504,-
ber 10,000. 000" as the longitude precessed in 10,000 years. Di-
Assuming at this point that the authors of the Surya viding by the 10,000 years gives an annual rate of pre-
Siddlwnta were not ignorant of the rate of precession cession of 50.4", which is remarkably close to that
of the equinoxes, they would be aware that in 714 fixed by modern astronomy, which gives the figure of
years the equinoxes would precess 10° of longitude. 50.2564" per year. There is only a small discrepancy
These two numbers, 714 and 10, have figured conspicu- of about 0.15" per year. If the theories of present-
ously in the descriptions of a Manvantara and a Kalpa. day astronomy arc correct, the rate of precession varies
If the equinoxes precess I 0° in 714 years, in 1000 years slightly over long periods of time. It is anticipated
they would precess 14 °, and in 10,000 years, the preces- that at some period in the future the precessional rate
sion would amount to 140'). will actually be 50.4" per year, and may well have
If the amount of precession is divided by the number been that amount in the past. Thus, it is quite possible
of years. the result is the annual rate of precession. If that the rate of 50.4" was entirely accurate wheill the
14WJ is divided by 10,000, and the result compared with Surya Siddhanta was written.
Hora Drek. Sapt. Nav. Dwad. Trim. Hora Drek. Sa pt. Nav. Dwad. Trim.
0°00'00" 0 er er er er er 0°00'00" 0 II II === II er
2G30' Cl 2°30'
3c20' Cl 3°20' TTl
4°17'08.5" Cl 4°17'08.5"
6°40' II
II = 5°00'
6°40' .t
St ;::

7°30' § 7°30'
8°34'17" II 8°34' 17" St
10-00· SL § St .t 10°00' === \r5 === t
12 c 30' 12°30' lTl
12c51'25.5" § 12°51'25.5"
13c20' SL 13°20'
)) » .t
15°00' .../'\...
17°08'34" SL
11).1 16°40'
-"'- *
17°30' lll 17 ° 30' II
20·00· .t .../'\...
II 18"00'
;:: er -
21·25' 42.5" TlJ.1 21°25'42.5"
22°30' \t5 22°30' ('.j * _.......
23· 20' Tll 23°20' er
25'42'51" .../'\...
= .../'\...
25°42'5 l"
26'40' .t 26°40' ~
2r30· 27°30'
TAURUS § § ~
0 00'00" D Cl lll \t5 Cl ('.j 0'00'00"
» §
2 30' II 2-30' $1,
3 ·20· 3°20' ;::
4°17'08.5" 11)2 TIJ.1
4 17'08.5" J
5 00' § TIJ.1 5°00' Tl:l/
6 40' :tE 6°40'
7 30' St 7c30'
8 34' l 7" \t5 8°34'17"
* -"'- nt

Tll ')" HQ 10 00'

.t *
12 30' -"'- * 12 °30' I
12 5 I '25.5" 12 5 \'25.5"
0 Tll
13 13°20'
20' Cl
0 J
15 00' CJ lll 15 00'

16 40' II 16°40' ~
17 08'34" :tE 17 08'34"
00' vs §
\r5 V5
21 25' 42.5" er 21°2s· .n.5" - ;::

22 30' ;:;:::: 22 30'
t( lll
23 20' SL 2r20' -
25 00'
25 42'5 !" ~
1E lll 25'00'
- - L---- - 00
2o 40· 111.1 26°40'
- - L----- TI
27 30' er 27 ·30'

Hora Drck. Sa pt. Nav. Dwad. Trim. Hora Drek. Sapt. Nav. Dwad. Trim.
0°00'00" 0 SL SL er SL er 0°00'00" 0 _,..,_ _,..,_ -"- ~ er
2°30' 1lJ.? 2 °30' 11l
3°20' cs 3°20' 11l
4 ° 17'08.5" 1lJ.? 4 ° I 7'08.5'' lll
6°40' Il
= 5°00'
6°40' t
t =
7° 30' lTl 7°30' V5
8°34'17" ~ 8 ° 34' I 7" t
10°00· t § t
t 10°00'
= \tj
= t
12°5 I '25.5" lTl 12°51'25.5" V5 *
15°00' })
15°00' })
= er
16°40' 16°40'
17°08'34" t
= *
17°30' 17°30' cs
18°00' * II 18°00' II
20°00· er ~ er 20°00· II er II
21°25'42.5" V5 21°25' 42.5"
22° 30' cs 22° 30'
* §
23r'20' 1ll 23°20' cs
25°00' II ~ 25°00' SL -"-

25°42'51" = 25°42'51" er
26''40' .t 26°40' II
2T30' § 27°30' 11Jl

0'00'00" }) nv V5 nv cs 0 00'00" }) cs § cs
r3o' * ~ 2°30'
11l 11l
4 I 7'08.5'' er
= 3''20'
4° I 7'08.5" II

5'00' lTl lTJl 5r'OO' V5 lTJl

6'40' 6'40'
7• 30' * t T30'
8' 34' 17" cs 8 ° 34' I 7" §
10···00· V5 er V5 JO 00'

12'00' 12°00'
* *
12 30'
12 5 I '25.5" II
= 12 '30'
12'51'25.5" SL
13 20' 0 13 '20' 11l
15 oo· 0 15'00' 0 cs
16 40' II * 16°40' t
1708'34" § 17°08'34" lTJl
1730' er 17' 30' II
20 00' 0 § 0 V5 20'00' § V5 § V5
21 25'42.5" Cl 21 25'42.5" ~

30' II 22 30' SL
23 20' Q 23 20' =
25 oo· .§ TJl 25'00' 1lJ.? lll
25 42'51" nv. 25' 42'5 l" 11l
26 40'
27 ~o·
26 40'
* _,..,_
27 30'


Hora Drek. Sapt. Nav. Dwad. Trim. Hora Drck. Sapt. Nav. Dwad. Trim.
0°00'00" 0 t t er t er 0°00'00" 0 :::::; ;::: ::::= :::::; er
3°20' ~
3°20' Tll *
:::::; :::::; 5°00' * er :::::;
6°40' II 6°40' t
7°30' 7°30' 8
8°34'17" :::::; * 8°34'17" <'('

10°00' er § er t 10°00' II V3 II t
12°30' ~ 12°30' §

12°51'25.5" 12°51'25.5" 8
13 ° 20' * SL 13°20' :::::;

15°00' » II 15°00' » st
17°08'34" er
T1l? 16°40'
17°08'34" II *
17°30' § 17°30' TlJl
18°00' II 18°00' II
::::= <'(' ::::=
20°00' SL -"- SL 20°00'
21°25'42.5" ~ 21°25'42.5"
22° 30' TI}l 22°30' Tll
23 °20' 23°20' 8
25°00' -"- -"- 25°00'
t ..r...

25°42'51" 25°42'51" st
26°40' t 26°40'
27°30' 1ll 27°30'

§ (:)
}) \t3 § \t3 \t3 ~ 0°00'00" ))
:::::; 2°30'
3°20' :::::; 3 °20' ..r...
4°17'08.5" SL 4 ° ! 7'08.5" 8 TlJl
5coo' 5°00'
6°40' * lTJl
7°30' * er 7°30'
8°34' 17" TI}l 8°34'17" ..r... §
10°00' cr 10°00'
~ 8
12°00' st *
1r30· II * 12°30'
12'' 51'25.5" -"- 12''51'25.5" lll
13°20' 8 13 °20' ll)l
15°00' 0 § 15°00' 0 .t
16''40' II 16°40' ¥5
17°08'34" Tll 17°08'34" -"-

17"30' SL 17°30' V3 lll V3

2 I "25'42.5"
§ ll}l V3 20°00·
? I ''?5'42.5"
- t
22" 30' _,.._ 22°30' :::::;
23'' 20' SL 23°20' V3 lll

25''00' lll 11l 25''00' 7t

25 42'51" 25 °42'5 l"
26 '40'
11Jl ?6 '40' * :::::;
27 30' t 2T 30'


Yr. Ahargana Yr. Ahargana Yr. Ahargana Yr. Ahargana Yr. Ahargana
1800 458 1840*12547 1880*27157 1920*41766 1960*56376
1801 823 1841 12913 1881 27523 1921 42132 1961 56742
1802 1188 1842 13278 1882 27888 1922 42497 1962 57107
1803 1553 1843 13643 1883 28253 1923 42862 1963 57472
1804* 1918 1844*14008 1884*28618 1924*43227 1964*57837
1805 2284 1845 14374 1885 28984 1925 43593 1965 58203
1806 2649 1846 14739 1886 29349 1926 43958 1966 58568
1807 494 1847 15104 1887 29714 1927 44323 1967 58933
1808* 859 1848*15469 1888*30079 1928*44688 1968*59298
1809 1225 1849 15835 1889 30445 1929 45054 1969 59664
1810 1590 1850 16200 1890 30810 1930 45419 1970 60029
1811 1955 1851 16565 1891 31175 1931 45784 1971 60394
1812* 2320 1852*16930 1892*31540 1932*46149 1972*60759
1813 2686 1853 17296 1893 31906 1933 46515 1973 61125
1814 3051 1854 17661 1894 32271 1934 46880 1974 61490
1815 3416 1855 18026 1895 32636 1935 47245 1975 61855
1816* 3781 1856*18391 1896*33001 1936*47610 1976*62220
1817 4147 1857 18757 1897 33367 1937 47976 1977 62586
1818 4512 1858 19122 1898 33732 1938 48341 1978 62951
1819 4877 1859 19487 1899 34097 1939 48706 1979 63316
1820* 5242 1860*19852 1900 34462 1940*49071 1980*63681
1821 5608 1861 20218 1901 34827 1941 49437 1981 64047
1822 5973 1862 20583 1902 35192 1942 49802 1982 64412
1823 6338 1863 20948 1903 35557 1943 50167 1983 64777
1824* 6703 1864*21313 1904*35922 1944*50532 1984*65142
1825 7069 1865 21679 1905 36288 1945 50898 1985 65508
1826 7434 1866 22044 1906 36653 1946 51263 1986 65873
1827 7799 1867 22409 1907 37018 1947 51628 1987 66238
1828* 8164 1868*22774 1908*37383 1948*51993 1988*66603
1829 8530 1869 23140 1909 37749 1949 52359 1989 66969
1830 8895 1870 23505 1910 38114 1950 52724 1990 67334
1831 9260 1871 23870 1911 38479 1951 53089 1991 67699
1832* 9625 1872*24235 1912*38844 1952*53454 1992*68064
1833 9991 1873 24601 1913 39210 1953 53820 1993 68430
1834 10356 1874 24966 1914 39575 1954 54185 1994 68795
1835 10721 1875 25334 1915 39940 1955 54550 1995 69160
1836*11086 1876*25696 1916*40305 1956*54915 1996*69525
1837 11452 1877 26062 1917 40671 1957 55281 1997 69891
1838 I 1817 1878 26427 1918 41036 1958 55646 1998 70256
1839 12182 1879 26792 1919 41401 1959 56011 1999 70621

TABLE II (continued)


Date Days Date Days Date Days Date Days
Jan. 0 0 April 0 90 July 0 181 Oct. 0 273
Feb. 0 31 May 0 120 Nov. 0 304
Aug. 0 212
Mar. 0 59 June 0 151 Dec. 0 334
Sept. 0 243


Date Days Date Date Days
Days Date Days
Jan. 0 0 April 0 Oct. 0 274
91 July 0 182
Feb. 0 31 May 0 121 Nov. 0 305
Aug. 0 213
Mar. 0 60 June 0 152 Dec. 0 335
Sept. 0 244

(To be Applied to Positions in the Constellations Only)


1. GHORA-Venerable, awesome, sublime; terrific, frightful, vio-

lent (as relating to pain or disease).

2. RAKSHASA-Demoniacal, of three classes: 1) semi-divine, be-

nevolent; 2) like Titans, enemies of the gods; 3) nocturnal de-
mons, sacrilegious, haunting cemeteries, devouring humans; evil
or malignant demons descended from Ravana.
1°~ 1°30' 3. DEVA-God or goddess; Bright One; the spiritual side of life;
Divine Intelligence; a Nature Spirit.

4. KUBERA-God of Treasure (akin to Pluto); regent of Northern

Quarter; deformed, monstrous, lazy.

5. YAKSHAVALl-Ghost, spirit (attendant of Kubera). Generally

benevolent and inoffensive, though sometimes classed with ma-
lignant spirits.

6. KINN ARA-Mythical being, half horse, half human (akin to

Sagittarius); celebrated as celestial musicians.

7. BHRASHTA-Fallen from the sky, banished to earth, decayed,

lost, ruined; sometimes vicious; disclassed; unchaste.

8. KULAGUNA-Destroyer of family.

9. GARALA-Poison; a snake; venom.

10. AGNI-Sacrificial fire; the number three; Surya, the Sun, god of

11. MAY A-Source of the visible universe. In early usage, wisdom, 24°30'-25°
supernatural power. Later, signifying illusion, fraud, trickery, sor-
cery, witchcraft.

12. PRETAPURISA-Departed, deceased. (Preta = dead; puri = city;

literally, City of the Dead.)

13. APAMPATI-The god Varuna; having great authority; spiritual

(akin to Neptune and Uranus); lord of the waters; majestic; hav-
ing rulership over the Western Quarter.

14. DEVAGANESA-Ganesha, god of wisdom and accomplishment,

remover of obstacles; good fortune.

15. KALAMSA-Kala (black or dark blue). Time in general; to cal-

culate or enumerate; the proper time or season; Shiva, god of de-
struction and regeneration (cf., Saturn).

TABLE III (Continued)
(To be Applied to Positions in the Constellations Only)

16. SARPA-Demon of the Sky; a serpent; danger of injury by subtle

17. AMRITA-Immortal, imperishable, beautiful, beloved; nectar of
the gods.
18. CHANDRA-The Moon; reflection, memory, intelligence, beauty.

9°-9°30' 19. MRIDU-Soft, delicate, tender.

9°30' -10° 20. KOMALA-Tender, bland, sweet, charming, agreeable.

10°-10°30' 21. PADMABHANU-Splendor, flower of the Sun (bright flower).
10°30' -11° 22. VISHNU or LAKSHMI-Vishnu, Preserver of the World, and
Lakshmi (akin to Venus), his wife, goddess of fortune and beauty.

11° -11°30' 23. BRAHMA-Creator; holy.

24. MAHESVARA-The great Lord Shiva, god of destruction and re-
17°30' -18°
12°-12°30' 25. DEVA-Same as No. 3.
12°30' - 130 26. ARDRA-Moist; fresh; living; soft; full of feeling; tender.

27. KALINASA-Kali = strife, worst; nasa = loss, disappearance or

16° -16°30'
13°30' -140 28. KSHITISVARA-Lord of Destruction.
15°30' -16°
14° -14°30' 29. KAMALAKARA-Lotus pool; beautiful.
, nature but less powerful;
30. GULIKA - Son o f Saturn; of Saturn s
silently evil.
31. MRITYUKARA-Causer of death.
32. KALAMSA-Samc as No. 15.
33. DA VAGNI-Forest fire; all-consuming.
13° -13°30'
16°30' - 17° 34. GHORA-Same as No. 1.
12°30' -13°
35. Y AMA or AMA Y A-Yama = Lord of region of the delad; Amradyear
. If ontro . rewa
= "without maya," or illusion. Restraint; se -c '
and punisher of life's deeds.
· · or caustic.
17°30' -18° 36. KANTAKA-Thorn; point of a needle; stinging
11°30' -12°
· · ater or mi'lk) ; benefi-
37. SUDHA - A goo d d rink (nectar, JUtce, w
cial; sweet-tempered.

TABLE I II (Continued)
(To be Applied to Positions in the Constellations Only)
11 0 - 11 °30'
38. AMRITA-Same as No. 17.
19° -19°30' 39. PURNACHANDRA-Full Moon; beautiful; intelligent; popular.
100 - 10°30'
40. VISHAPRADIGDHA-Smeared with poison; slander.
20°-20°30' 41. KULANASA-Decay of the family; destruction of social forms.
90 _ 9030'
20°30'-21° 42. V AMSAKSHA-Faded glory; past achievements; decay.
3030' _ 90
43. UTPATAKA-To ascend, or fly upward; sudden inspiration.
go -8°30'
44. KALAMSA or KALARUPA-Same as Nos. 15 and 32.
45. SAUMYA-From Soma, the Moon; son of the Moon, Mercury.
70 _ 7030'
22°30'-23° 46. MRIDU-Same as No. 19.
23°-23°30' 47. SITHALA-Cool; cold; free from passion.
23°30' -24° 6° -6°30'
48. DAMSHTRAKARALA-Having terrible tusks; dangerous.
49. INDUMUKHA-Moon-faced; having the appearance of beauty
and intelligence.
24°30' -25° 5° - 5°30'
50. PRA VINA-Skilled; clever; conversant.
25° -25°30' 51. KALAGNI-The fire that destroys the world. Divine discontent.
25°30'-26° 52. DANDA YUDHA-Battle club. Abrupt, forceful.
26°-26°30' 3030'-40
53. NIRMALA-Spotless; immaculate.
26°30' -270 54. SUBHAKARA-Creator of good fortune. 3° - 3°30'

55. KRURA-Cruel; fierce; malignant. 2°30' -3°

2° -- 2°30'
56. SITHALA-Same as No. 47.
28° -28°30' 57. SUDHA-Same as No. 37. 1°30'-2°

58. PA YODHY A-Container of water; the ocean. 1° - 1°30'

29') - . 29° 30' 59. BHRAMANA-Holy; wandering; moving in an orbit. 0°30'-1°

29-:30' -30° 60. INDUREKHA-Moon-marked; reflection; inner beauty; innatl: 0° -0°30'



No. Name Boundaries Ruler Yrs. Dasa Period

Ending at
1. Ashvini 0°00' - 13°20' Ke tu 7 13 °20' Aries
2. Bharani 13°20' - 26°40' Venus 20 26°40' Aries
3. Krithika 26°40' - 40°00' Sun 6 10°00' Taurus
;::..... 4. Rohini 40°00' - 53°20' Moon 10 23°20' Taurus
·c 5. Mars 7 6°40' Gemini
C'j Mrigasirsha 53°20' - 66°40'
.._.. 6. Ardra 66°40' - 80°00' Rahu 18 20°00' Gemini
7. Punarvasu 80°00' - 93°20' Jupiter 16 3°20' Cancer
8. Push ya 93°20' - 106°40' Saturn 19 16°40' Cancer
9. Aslesha I 06°40' - 120°00' Mercury 17 0°00'Leo
120 Years

I 0. Magha 120°00' - 133°20' Ke tu 7 13°20'Lco

1 I. P. * Phalguni 133°20' - 146°40' Venus 20 26°40' Leo
;::..... 12. U. * * Phalguni 146°40' - 160°00' Sun 6 10°00' Virgo
13. Has ta Moon 10 23 °20' Virgo
I 60°00' - 173°20'
C'j 14. Chitra 173°20' - 186°40' Mars 7 6°40' Libra
I 5. Svathi Rahu 18 20°00' Libra
186°40' - 200°00'
~ I 6. Vishaka Jupiter 16 3°20' Scorpio
200°00' - 213°20'
17. Anuradha Saturn 19 16°40' Scorpio
213°20' - 226°40'
18. Jyeshta Mercury 17 0°00' Sagittarius
226°40' - 240°00'
120 Years

19. Mula Ke tu 7 13°20' Sagittarius

240°00' - 253°20'
20. P.* Ashadha Venus 20 26°40' Sagittarius
253°20' - 266°40'
6 I 0°00' Capricorn
21. U. * * Ashadha 266°40' - 2so 0 00' Sun
22. Sravana Moon 10 23 °20' Capricorn
C'j 2so 0 00' - 293°20'
·2 23. Sravishta Mars 7 6°40' Aquarius
293°20' - 306°40'
Cl.; ( Dhanishta)
24. Shatabhisha Rahu 18 20°00' Aquarius
(""') 306°40' - 320°00'
25. P. * Bhadrapada Jupiter 16 3°20' Pisces
320''00' - 333°20'
19 16°40' Pisces
26. U. * * Bhadrapada 333°20' - 346°40' Saturn
27. Rcvathi Mercury 17 0°00' Aries
346°40'- 0°00'
120 Years

* Purva =: Before, or in front of.

* *Uthara =-:= Crossing over.

Number of Days Contained in Bhuktis & Antaradasas
2195.5 Days, or 6 Years

BHUKTIS 0 J) ~ n u ? ~ u ~
Days 109.575 182.625 127.838 328.725 292.000 346.988 310.465 127.838 365.25

Sun 5.5
Moon 9.1 15.2
Mars 6.4 10.7 7.5
Rahu 16.4 27.3 19.2 49.3
Jupiter 14.6 24.3 17.0 43.8 38.9
Saturn 17.3 28.9 20.2 52.0 46.3 54.9
Mercury 15.5 25.9 18.1 46.6 41.4 49.1 44.0
Ke tu 6.4 10.7 7.5 19.2 17.1 20.3 18.1 7.5
Venus 18.3 30.5 21.3 54.8 48.7 57.9 51.7 21.3 60.9 ~
Sun 9.1 6.3 16.4 14.6 17.4 15.5 6.3 18.3 0
Moon 10.7 27.4 24.3 28.9 25.9 10.7 30.4 »
Mars 19.2 17.0 20.2 18.1 7.5 21.3 ~
Rahu 43.7 52.0 46.6 19.2 54.8 Q
Jupiter 46.2 41.4 17.0 48.7 u
Saturn 49.2 20.2 57.8?
Mercury 18.1 51.7 ~
Ke tu 21.3 '(j

Number of Days Contained in Bhuktis & Antaradasas
3652.5 Days, or 10 Years

BHUKTIS )) ~ n 2! ? ~ u 9 0
487.00 578.3 517.1 213.1 608.7 182.6
Days 304.4 213.1 547.9

Moon 25.4
Mars 17.8 12.4
Rahu 45.6 32.0 82.2
Jupiter 40.5 28.5 73.1 65.0
Saturn 48.2 33.7 86.8 77.1 91.6
Mercury 43.1 30.2 77.7 69.0 81.9 73.3
33.7 30.1 12.4
Ke tu 17.8 12.4 31.9 28.4 101.5
96.4 86.2 35.5
Venus 50.7 35.5 91.2 81.1 30.4 9.10
28.9 25.9 10.6
Sun 15.3 10.6 27.4 24.3 50.7 15.2 !>
48.2 43.1 17.8
Moon 17.8 45.7 40.6 12.4 35.6 10.6 ~
28.4 33.7 30.1 27.4 n
Mars 31.9 32.0 91.3
73.0 86.8 77.6 24.3 2.!
Rahu 28.5 81.l
77.l 68.9 28.9 ?
Jupiter 33.7 96.3
Saturn 81.9 25.9 ~
Mercury 30.2 86.2
Ke tu 35.6 10.6 u
Venus 30.5 9

Number of Days Contained in Bhuktis & Antaradasas
2556.75 Days, or 7 Years

BHUKTIS ~ n 2! ? ~ u 9 0 })

Days 149.144 383.513 340.90 404.82 362.206 149.144 426.125 127.838 213.063

Mars 8.7
Rahu 22.4 57.6
Jupiter 19.9 51.0 45.4
Saturn 23.6 60.8 54.0 64.1
Mercury 21.1 54.2 48.3 57.4 51.3
Ke tu 8.7 22.4 19.8 23.6 21.1 8.7
Venus 24.9 63.9 56.8 67.5 60.4 24.9 71.0
Sun 7.5 19.2 17.0 20.4 18.1 7.5 21.3 6.4
Moon 12.4 32.0 28.4 33.7 30.2 12.4 35.5 10.9 17.8})
Mars 22.4 19.9 23.6 21.1 8.7 24.9 7.4 12.4 ~
Rahu 51.2 60.7 54.4 22.4 63.9 19.2 32.0 n
Jupiter 53.9 48.3 19.9 56.8 17.0 28.4 u
Saturn 57.3 23.6 67.4 20.2 33.7 1?
Mercury 2 l.1 60.3 18.1 30.1 ~
Ke tu 24.9 7.4 12.4 u
Venus 21.3 35.5 9
Sun 10.70

Number of Days Contained in Bhuktis & Antaradasas
6574.5 Days, or 18 Years

T,-, ~ u ~ 0 )) ~
986.175 876.6 1040.954 931.388 383.513 1095.75 328.725 547.875 383.513

Rahu 147.9
Jupiter 131.5 116.9
Saturn 156.1 138.8 164.8
Mercury 139.7 124.2 147.4 131.9
Kc tu 57.5 51.1 60.7 54.3 22.4
Venus 164.4 146. I 173.5 155.2 63.9 182.6
Sun 49.3 43.8 52.0 46.6 19.2 54.8 16.4
Moon 82.2 45.7
73.1 86.8 77.6 32.0 91.3 27.4
Mars 57.5 19.2 32.0 22.4 ~
51. I 60.7 54.3 22.4 63.9
Rahu 131.5 156.2 57.5 164.4 49.3 82.2 57.5 .Q
Jupiter 146. l 43.8 73.0 51.1 2J
138.8 124.2 51. l
173.5 52.0 86.7 60.7 r..,
Saturn 147.5 60.7
155.2 46.6 77.6 54.3 ~
Mercury 54.3
63.9 19.2 32.0 22.4 u
Kc tu
Venus 54.8 91.3 63.9 ~
Sun 27.3 19.2 ()
Moon 32.0 ))

Number of Days Contained in Bhuktis & Antaradasas
5844 Days, or 16 Years

BHUKTIS U ? ~ u 9 0 )) ~ n
Days 779.2 925.3 827.9 340.9 974.0 292.2 487.0 340.9 876.6

Jupiter 103.9
Saturn 123.4 146.5
Mercury 110.4 131.1 117.3
Ke tu 45.5 54.0 48.3 19.8
Venus 129.7 154.2 138.0 56.8 162.3
Sun 39.0 46.3 41.4 17.8 48.7 14.6
Moon 64.9 77.1 69.0 28.3 81.2 24.3 40.6
Mars 45.5 54.0 48.3 19.8 56.8 17.1 28.4 ] 9.8
Rahu 116.9 138.8 124.1 51.1 146.1 43.9 73.0 51.1 131.5 n
Jupiter 123.3 110.4 45.5 130.1 38.9 116.92!
64.9 45.5
Saturn 131.1 54.0 154.2 46.3 77. l 54.0 138.8 1?
Mercury 48.4 137.9 41.3 69.0 48.4 124.2 11
Ke tu 56.8 17.1 28.4 19.8 51.1 u
Venus 48.7 81.2 56.8 146.1 9
Sun 24.4 17.1 43.8 0
Moon 28.3 73. l »
Mars 51.1 ~

Number of Days Contained in Bhuktis & Antaradasas
6939.75 Days, or 19 Years

BHUKTIS ? ~ '{j ~ 0 J) ~ .Q 2!
Days 1098.79 983.13 404.82 1156.63 346.98 578.32 404.82 1040.96 925.3

Saturn 174.0
Mercury 155.7 139.3
Kc tu 64.1 57.3 23.7
Venus 183.1 163.8 67.5 192.8
Sun 54.9 49.2 20.2 57.8 17.4
Moon 91.6 81.9 33.7 96.4 28.9 48.2
Mars 64.1 57.3 23.7 67.5 20.2 33.7 23.7
52.0 86.8 60.7 156.2
Rahu 164.8 147.5 60.7 173.5
77.1 54.0 138.8 123.4 2!
Jupiter 146.5 131.1 54.0 154.2 46.3
91.6 64.1 164.8 146.5 ?
Saturn 155.7 64.1 183.1 55.0
81.9 57.3 147.5 131.l ~
Mercury 57.3 163.9 49.2 54.0 u
33.7 23.7 60.7
Ke tu 67.5 20.2 154.2 ~
96.4 67.5 173.5
Venus 57.8 46.3 0
28.9 20.2 52. l
Sun 86.8 77 .1 »
Moon 33.7
Mars 60.7 54.0 ~
Rahu 138.7 .Q

Number of days Contained in Bhuktis & Antaradasas
6209 .25 Days, or 17 Years

BHUKTIS ~ u 9 0 )) t n 2! ?
Days 879.64 362.206 1034.875 310.483 517.438 362.206 931.375 827.91 983.131

Mercury 124.6
Ke tu 51.3 21.1
Venus 146.6 60.4 172.5
Sun 44.0 18.1 51.7 15.5
Moon 73.3 30.2 86.2 25.9 43.1
Mars 51.3 21.1 60.4 18.1 30.2 21.1
Rahu 131.9 54.3 155.3 46.6 77.6 54.3 139.7
Jupiter 117.3 48.3 137.9 41.4 69.0 48.3 124.2 110.4
Saturn 139.3 57.4 163.8 49.2 81.9 57.4 147.5 131.0 155.7 T?
Mercury 51.3 146.6 44.0 73.3 51.3 131.9 117.3 139.2 ~
Ketu 60.4 18.1 30.2 21.1 54.3 48.3 57.3 u
Venus 51.7 86.2 60.4 155.2 138.0 163.9 C(
Sun 25.9 18. 1 46.6 41.4 49.2 0
Moon 30.2 77.6 69.0 81.9 »
Mars 54.3 48.3 57.3 t
Rahu 124.2 147.5 n
Jupiter I 3 1.0 2!
Number of Days Contained in Bhuktis & Antaradasas
2556.75 Days, or 7 Years

BHUKTIS U ~ 0 » ~ .Q u ? ~

Days 149.14 426.12 127.83 213.16 149.14 383.50 340.90 404.81 362.20

Ke tu 8.7
Venus 24.9 71.0
Sun 7.5 21.3 6.4
Moon 12.4 35.5 10.9 17.8
Mars 8.7 24.9 7.4 12.4 8.7
Rahu 22.4 63.9 19.2 32.0 22.3 57.6
Jupiter 19.9 19.9 51.0 45.4
56.8 17.0 28.4
60.8 54.0 64.1
Saturn 23.6 67.4 20.2 33.7 23.6 51.3 ~
54.2 48.3 57.4
Mercury 21.1 60.3 18.1 30.1 21. l 21.l u
22.4 19.8 23.6
Ke tu 24.9 7.4 12.4 8.7 60.4 Cf>
63.9 56.8 67.5
Venus 21.3 35.5 24.9 18.1 0
19.2 17.0 20.4
Sun 10.7 7.5
28.4 33.7 30.2 »
Moon 12.4 32.0
19.9 23.6 21.1 ~
Mars 22.4
51.2 60.7 54.4 .Q
Jupiter 53.9 48.3 u
Sa tum 57.3 J,,

Number of Days Contained in Bhuktis & Antaradasas
7305 Days, or 20 Years

BHUKTlS ~ 0 » 0 n 2! ? ~ u
Days 1217.5 365.25 608.75 426.125 1095.75 974.00 1156.625 1034.875 426.125

Venus 202.9
Sun 60.9 18.3
Moon 101.5 30.4 50.7
Mars 71.0 21.3 35.5 24.9
Rahu 182.6 54.7 91.3 63.9 164.3
Jupiter 162.3 48.7 81.2 56.8 146.1 129.9
Saturn 192.8 57.8 96.4 67.5 173.5 154.2 183.1
Mercury 172.5 51.7 86.2 60.4 155.2 138.0 163.9 146.5
Ke tu 71.0 21.3 35.5 24.8 63.9 56.8 67.5 60.4 24.9 u
Venus 60.9 101.5 71.0 182.6 162.3 192.8 172.5 71.0 ~
Sun 30.4 21.3 54.8 48.7 57.8 51.7 21.3 0
Moon 35.5 91.3 81.1 96.4 86.2 35 .5 ))
Mars 63.9 56.8 67.5 60.4 24.9 0
Rahu 146.2 173.5 155.3 63.9 n
Jupiter 154.2 137.9 56.8 u
Saturn 163.9 67.5 1.'
Mercury 60.4 ti



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1 I 32 60 91 121 152 182 213 244 274 305 335

2 2 33 61 92 122 153 183 214 245 275 306 336
3 123 154 184 215 246 276 307 337
3 34 62 93
4 155 185 216 247 277 308 338
4 35 63 94 124
5 156 186 217 248 278 309 339
5 36 64 95 125
157 187 218 249 279 310 340
6 6 37 65 96 126
158 188 219 250 280 311 341
7 7 38 66 97 127
189 220 251 281 312 342
8 8 39 67 98 128 159
190 221 252 282 313 343
9 9 40 68 99 129 160
191 222 253 283 314 344
10 10 41 69 100 130 161
192 223 254 284 315 345
1I 11 42 70 101 131 162
193 224 255 285 316 346
12 12 43 71 102 132 163 347
194 225 256 286 317
13 13 44 72 103 133 164 348
195 226 257 287 318
14 14 45 73 104 134 165 349
196 227 258 288 319
15 15 46 74 105 135 166
228 259 289 320 350
16 136 167 197
16 47 75 106 229 260 290 321 351
17 137 168 198 352
17 48 76 107 230 261 291 322
169 199 353
18 18 49 77 108 138 231 262 292 323
170 200 354
19 19 50 78 109 139 232 263 293 324
171 201
20 20 51 79 110 140 355
233 264 294 325
172 202 356
21 21 52 80 11 1 141 234 265 295 326
173 203 357
22 22 53 81 l 12 142 235 266 296 327
174 204 358
23 23 54 82 1 13 143 236 267 297 328
175 205 359
24 24 55 83 114 144 237 268 298 329
176 206
25 25 56 84 115 145 360
238 269 299 330
177 207 361
26 26 57 85 116 146 239 270 300 331
178 208 362
27 27 58 86 117 147 240 271 301 332
179 209 363
28 28 59 87 118 148 241 272 302 333
180 210 364
29 29 88 119 149 242 273 303 334
181 211
30 30 89 120 150 365
212 243 304
31 31 90 15 1

F L. y b.., f d·1ys ·1fter February 28

or h\P EAR, one day must be added to each nulll er o ' . '

The following tables serve to easily locate the bhukti and antaradasa in force at
any given date. Because of the irregularities of the Western calendar now in use,
with its leap years and months of varying lengths, the intervals of rulcrship arc
given in terms of days. Years may be converted into days by means of these sched-
ules, which include a leap year every fourth year; but the student must take into
account where the leap year falls in his own problem. Every year divisible by 4 is
a ieap year with the exception of the century years 1700, 1800, 1900, 2 I 00, 2300
and 2500 A.D.
6 Years

1 common year ------------------------------- 365 days 4 years, 3 common and 1 leap ____________________ 1461 days
2 common years ----------------------------- 730 days 5 years, 4 common and 1 leap ____________________ 1826 days
3 common years _____________________________ 1095 days 6 years, 5 common and 1 leap ___________________ .2191 days

Days from Beginning of Sun Dasa to onset of each Bhukti


00.0 420.04 748.76 1040.76 1387.75 1698.22 1826.05
109.6 292.2

Days from Beginning of Sun Dasa to onset of each Antaradasa

)) 5.5 109.6
~ 14.6 124.8 292.2
b6 21.0 135.5 299.7 420.0
L! 37.4 162.8 318.9 469.3 748.8
513.1 787.7 1040.8
? 52.0 187.1 335.9
834.0 1095.7 1387.8
~ 69.3 216.0 356.1 565.1 1698.2
875.4 1144.8 1431.8
'{j 84.8 241.9 374.2 611.7 1449.9 1705.7 1826.1 !i?
892.5 1165.1
<;? 91.2 252.6 381.7 630.9 1887.0 0
1223.0 1501.6 1727.0
0 283.1 403.0 685.7 941.2 1905.3 ))
1240.4 1517.1 1733.3
)) 702. l 955.8 1935.7 i!
409.3 1269.3 1543.0 1744.0
~ 729.5 980.1 1957.0 n
1289.5 1561.1 175 l.5
n 997.l
1607.7 1770.7 2011.8 2(.
2! 1341.5
T,, 1649.1 1787.7 2060.5 l,'

~ 1807.9 2118.3 ?2
u 2170.0 u

10 Years

1 common year ------------------------------- 365 days 6 years, 5 common and 1 leap ____________________ 2191 days
2 common years ----------------------------- 730 days 7 years, 6 common and 1 leap ____________________ 2556 days
3 common years _____________________________ 1095 days 8 years, 6 common and 2 leap ____________________ 2922 days
4 years, 3 common and 1 leap _________ 1461 days 9 years, 7 common and 2 leap ____________________ 3287 days
5 years, 4 common and 1 leap _________ l 826 days 10 years, 8 common and 2 leap ____________________ 3652 days

Days from Beginning of Moon Dasa to onset of each Bhukti


00.0 304.4 517.8 1065.7 1552.7 2131.0 2648.0 2861.1 3469.8

Days from Beginning of Moon Dasa to onset of each Antaradasa
)) 00.0
~ 25.4 304.4
n 43.2 316.8 517.8
2! 88.8 348.8 600.0 1065.7
? 129.3 377.3 673.1 1131.1 1552.7
~ 177.5 411.0 759.9 1208.2 1644.3 2131.0
'CJ 220.6 441.2 837.6 1277.2 1726.3 2204.3 2648.0
~ 238.4 453.6 869.5 1305.6 1759.9 2234.4 2660.4
0 289.1 2861.1
489.l 960.7 1386.7 1856.3 2320.6 2695.9 2962.6 0
» 499.7 988.1 1411.0 1885.2 2346.5 2706.5
2993.0 3478.9 ))
~ 1033.8 1451.6 1933.4 2389.6 2724.3 3043.7 3494.1 ~
n 1480.0 1967.1 2419.7 2736.7 3079_3 3504.7 n
2! 2053.9 2497.3 2768.7 3170.6 3532.1 2!
? 2566.2 2797.2 3251.7 ,,.,
~ 2830.9 3348.0 3585.3 ~
'{j 3434.2 3611.2 ?J
~ 3621.8 ~

7 Years

I common year -----------------------·------- 365 days 4 years, 3 common and 1 leap ______________________ 1461 days
2 common years ---------------------·------- 730 days 5 years, 4 common and 1 leap ______________________ 1826 days
3 common years -----------------------------1095 days 6 years, 5 common and 1 leap ______________________ 2191 days
7 years, 6 common and 1 leap ________________________ 2556 days

Days from Beginning of Mars Dasa to onset of each Bhukti
532.657 873.557 1278.38 1640.58 1789.73 2215.85 2343.69
00.0 149.144

Days from Beginning of Mars Dasa to onset of each Antaradasa

~ 00.0
,Q 8.7 149.1
2! 31. l 206.7 532.6
51.0 257.7 578.0 873.5
~ 74.6 318.5 632.0 937.6 1278.4
995.0 1329.7 1640.6
u 95.7 372.7 680.3
1649.3 1789.7
700.l 1018.6 1350.8
S? 104.4 395.1 1674.2 1860.7 2215.8
1086.1 1411.2
0 129.3 459.0 756.9
1681.7 1882.0 2222.2 2343.7 »
773.9 1106.5 1429.3
D 136.8 478.2 1694.1 1917.5 2233. l 2361.5 ~
1140.2 1459.5
~ 510.2 802.3
1702.8 1942.4 2240.5 2373.9 n
1163.8 1480.6
n 822.2
1535.0 1725.2 2006.3 2259.7 2405.9 ~
2! 1224.5 2434.3 ?
1583.3 1745.1 2063.l 2276.7
~ 1768.7 2130.5 2296.9 2468.0 ~
?.5 2190.8 2315.0 2498.1 ?.5
~ 2322.4 2510.5 ~
0 2546.0 0

18 Years

1 common year ---------------------------- _________ 365 days 10 years, 8 common and 2 leap --------··----3652 days
2 common years -------------------------- _________ 730 days 11 years, 9 common and 2 leap _____________ .4017 days
3 common years -------------------------- _________ 1095 days 12 years, 9 common and 3 leap _____________ .4383 days
4 years, 3 common and 1 leap _______________ l 461 days 13 years, 10 common and 3 leap ___________ .4748 days
5 years, 4 common and 1 leap _______________ l 826 days 14 years, 11 common and 3 leap ____________ 51 13 days
6 years, 5 common and 1 leap -----· _________ 2191 days 15 years, 12 common and 3 leap -------··-··5478 days
7 years, 6 common and 1 leap _______________ 2556 days 16 years, 12 common and 4 leap ____________ 5844 days
8 years, 6 common and 2 leap ______ ......... 2922 days 17 years, 13 common and 4 leap ............ 6209 days
9 years, 7 common and 2 leap ------·---------3287 days 18 years, 14 common and 4 leap ............ 6574 days

Days from Beginning of Rahu Dasa to onset of each Bhukti
00.0 986.18 1862.78 2903.73 3835.12 4218.63 5314.38 5643.11 6190.98

Days from Beginning of Rahu Dasa to onset of each Antaradasa
n 00.0
2! 147.9 986.2
? 279.4 1103.1 1862.8
~ 435.5 1241.9 1927.6 2903.7
'(j 575.2 1366.1 2075.0 3035.6 3835.1
<;? 632.7 1417.2 2135.7 3089.9 3857.5 4218.6
0 797. l 1563.3 2309.2 3245.1 3921.4 4401.2 5314.4
}) 846.4 1607. l 2361.2 3291.7 3940.6 4456.0 5330.8 5643. l
6 928.6 1680.2 2448.0 3369.3 3972.6 4547.3 5358.2 5688.8 6
n 173 1.3 2508.7 3423.6 3995.0
u 4611.2 5377.4 5720.8 6213.4 n
2664.9 3563.3
4052.5 4775.6 5426.7 5803.0 6270.9 u
3687.5 4103.6 4921.7 5470.5 5876.0 Ii
~ 4164.3 5095.2 5522.5 5962.7 6382.7 1i
u 5250.4 5569. l 6040.3 643 7 .0 '(j
5588.3 6072.3 6459.4 9
0 6163.6 6523.3 0
)) 6542.5 ))

16 Years

1 common year ------------------------------------- 365 days 9 years, 7 common and 2 leap _____________ 3287 days
2 common years ----------------------------------- 730 days 10 years, 8 common and 2 leap _____________ _3652 days
3 common years ___________________________________ 1095 days 11 years, 9 common and 2 leap ____________ _4017 days
4 years, 3 common and 1 leap _______________ 1461 days 12 years, 9 common and 3 leap _____________ .4383 days
5 years, 4 common and 1 leap _______________ 1826 days 13 years, 10 common and 3 leap _________ __4 748 days
6 years, 5 common and 1 leap _______________ 2191 days 14 years, 11 common and 3 leap ____________ 5113 days
7 years, 6 common and 1 leap _______________ 2556 days 15 years, 12 common and 3 leap ___________ .5478 days
8 years, 6 common and 2 leap ______ ......... 2922 days 16 years, 12 common and 4 leap ___________ _5844 days

Days from Beginning of Jupiter Dasa to onset of each Bhukti


2873.3 3847.3 4139.5 4626.5 4967.4
00.0 779.2 1704.5 2532.4

Days from Beginning of Jupiter Dasa to onset of each Antaradasa

2! 00.0
1.> 103.9 779.2
~ 227.3 925.7 1704.5
lJ 337.7 1056.8 1821.8 2532.4
383.2 2552.2 2873.3
<j? 1110.8 1870. l
2609.0 3035.6 3847.3
0 512.9 1265.0 2008. l 4139.5
2626.8 3084.3 3861.9
}) 551.9 1311.3 2049.5 4180.1 4626.5
2655. l 3165.5 3886.2
t 616.8 1388.4 2118.5 3903.3 4208.5 4646.3 4967.4 n
n 662.3 1442.4 2166.8 2674.9
3947.2 4281.5 4697.4 5098.9 u.
2725.9 3368.4
2-! 1581.2 2290.9 3986.1 4346.4 4742.9 5215.8 T,,
2771.4 3498.5
I? 2401.3 4032.4 4423.5 4796.9 5354.6 ~
2825.4 3652.7
4073.7 4492.5 4845.3 5478.8 u
u 3790.6
5529.9 9
9 4090.8 4520.9 4865.1
0 4602. l 4921.9 5676.0 0
» 4939.0 5719.8 »
~ 5792.9 ~

19 Years

1 common year ------------------------------------- 365 days 10 years, 8 common and 2 leap ------ _____ 3652 days
2 common years ----------------------------------- 730 days 11 years, 9 common and 2 leap __________ .4017 days
3 common years ___________________________________ 1095 days 12 years, 9 common and 3 leap __________ .4383 days
4 years, 3 common and 1 leap _______________ 1461 days 13 years, 10 common and 3 leap ________ .4748 days
5 years, 4 common and 1 leap ________________ l 826 days 14 years, 11 common and 3 leap ____ ._____ 5113 days
6, 5 common and 1 leap _______________ 2191 days 15 years, 12 common and 3 leap ____ ._____ 5478 days
7 years, 6 common and 1 leap -----------·----2556 days 16 years, 12 common and 4 leap ____ ._____ 5844 days
8 years, 6 common and 2 leap _______________ 2922 days 17 years, 13 common and 4 leap ----·--·--6209 days
9 years, 7 common and 2 leap _______________ 3287 days 18 years, 14 common and 4 leap ____ ._____ 6574 days
19 years, 15 common and 4 leap ____________________ 6939 days

Days from Beginning of Saturn Dasa to onset of each Bhukti
000.0 1098.79 2081.92 2486.74 3643.37 3990.'35 4568.67 4973.49 6014.45

Days from Beginning of Saturn Dasa to onset of each Antaradasa
? 00.0
~ 174.0 1098.8
u 329.7 1238.1 2081.9
~ 393.8 1295.4 2105.6 2486.7
0 576.9 1459.2 2173.1 2679.5 3643.4
)) 631.8 1508.4 2193.3 2737.3 3660.8 3990.3
~ 723.4 1590.3 2227.0 2833.7 3689.7 4038.5 4568.7
n 787.5 1647.6 2250.7 2901.2 3709.9
2! 952.3
4072.2 4592.4 4973.5
1795.1 2311.4 3074.7 3761.9
? 4159.0 4653.1 5129.7 6014.5 2!
1926.2 2365.4 3228.9 3808.2 4236.1 4707.1 5268.5 6137.9 ?
~ 2429.5 3412.0 3863.2 4327.7 4771.2 5433.3 6284.4 ~
u 3575.9 3912.4 4409.6 4828.5 5580.8 6415.5 u
~ 3932.6 4443.3 4852.2 5641.5 6469.5 <i'
0 4539.7 4919.7 5815.0 6623.7 0
}) 4939.9 5867.1 6670.0 ))
~ 5953.9 6747.1 ~
n 6801.1 n

17 Years

1 common year ------------------------------ ------- 365 days 9 years, 7 common and 2 leap _____________ -3287 days
2 common years ---------------------------- _______ 730 days 10 years, 8 common and 2 leap _____________ -3652 days
3 common years ____________________________________ 1095 days 11 years, 9 common and 2 leap ____________ ..4017 days
4 years, 3 common and 1 leap ________________ 1461 days 12 years, 9 common and 3 leap _____________ -4383 days
5 years, 4 common and 1 leap ________________ 1826 days 13 years, 10 common and 3 leap ----·-------4748 days
6 years, 5 common and 1 leap --------·-------2191 days 14 years, 11 common and 3 leap ----·-·-----5113 days
7 years, 6 common and 1 leap ----············2556 days 15 years, 12 common and 3 leap ----·-------5478 days
8 years, 6 common and 2 leap -------·········2922 days 16 years, 12 common and 4 leap ----·-------5844 days
17 years, 13 common and 4 leap ____________________ 6209 days

Days from Beginning of Mercury Dasa to onset of each Bhukti
2276.68 2587.16 3104.60 3466.81 4398.18 5226.09
000.0 879.6 1241.81

Days from Beginning of Mercury Dasa to onset of each Antaradasa

~ 000.0
u 124.6 879.6
~ 175.9 900.7 1241.8
0 322.5 961.1 1414.3 2276.7
1466.0 2292.2 2587.2
)) 366.5 979.2
2318.1 2630.3 3104.6
~ 439.8 1009.4 1552.2 3466.8
2336.2 2660.5 3125.7
n 491.1 1030.5 1612.6
3180.0 3606.5 4398.2
1767.9 2382.8 2738.1
2..! 623.0 1084.8 3228.3 3730.7 4508.6 5226.1 ?
740.3 1905.8 2424.2 2807.1
r.., 1133.1 3285.7 3878.2 4639.6 5381.8 ~
2473.4 2889.0
~ 1190.5 2069.6
2962.3 3337.0 4010.1 4756.9 5521.0 u
'(j 2215.2 2517.4 5578.3 !?
2992.5 3358.1 4064.4 4805.2
~ 2535.5 5742.2 0
3078.7 3418.5 4219.6 4943.2
0 5791.4 »
» 3436.6 4266.2 4984.6
~ 4343.8 5053.6 5873.3 ~
n 5101.9 5930.6 n
2! 6078.1 2!

7 Years

1 common year ------------------------------- 365 days 4 years, 3 common and 1 leap ______________________ 1461 days
2 common years ----------------------------- 730 days 5 years, 4 common and 1 leap ______________________ l 826 days
3 common years _____________________________ 1095 days 6 years, 5 common and 1 leap ______________________ 2191 days
7 years, 6 common and 1 leap _______________________ .2556 days

Days from Beginning of Ketu Dasa to onset of each Bhukti
00.0 149.14 575.26 703.09 916.25 1065.39 1448.89 2194.60

Days from Beginning of Ketu Dasa to onset of each Antaradasa
u 00.0
9 8.7 149.1
0 33.6 220.1 575.2
.D 41.1 241.4 581.6 703.1
d 53.5 276.9 592.5 720.9 916.2
n 62.2 301.8 599.9 733.3 924.9 1065.4
u 84.6 365.7 619.1 765.3
1? 104.5 947.2 1123.0 1448.9
422.5 636.1 793.7 967.1 1174.0 1494.3 1789.8
~ 128.1 489.9 656.3 827.4 990.7 1234.8
u 1548.3 1853.9 2194.6 ?i
550.2 674.4 857.5 1011.8 1289.0 1596.6 1911.3 2245.9 u
681.8 869.9 1020.5 13 I 1.4 1616.4 1934.9 2267.0 9
0 905.4 1054.4 1375.3 1673.2 2002.4 2327.4 0
)) 1052.9 1394.5 1690.2 2022.8 2345.5 .D
d 1426.5 17 I 8.6 2056.5 2375.7 d
n 1738.5 2080.1 2395.8 n
2! 2140.8 2451.2 2!
I? 2499.5 '?

20 Years

1 common year --------------------------·--------· 365 days 11 years, 9 common and 2 leap ____________ __4017 days
2 common years ---------------------------------- 730 days 12 years, 9 common and 3 leap ____________ --4383 days
3 common years ------------------------·---------1095 days 13 years, 10 common and 3 leap ___________ _4748 days
4 years, 3 common and 1 leap _____________ l 461 days 14 years, 11 common and 3 leap ____________ 5113 days
5 years, 4 common and 1 leap _____________ l 826 days 15 years, 12 common and 3 leap ----·-------5478 days
6 years, 5 common and 1 leap _____________ 2191 days 16 years, 12 common and 4 leap ____________ 5844 days
7 years, 6 common and 1 leap _____________ 2556 days 17 years, 13 common and 4 leap ____________ 6209 days
8 years, 6 common and 2 leap _____________ 2922 days 18 years, 14 common and 4 leap ____________ 657 4 days
9 years, 7 common and 2 leap _____________ 3287 days 19 years, 15 common and 4 leap ____________ 6939 days
10 years, 8 common and 2 leap _____________ 3652 days 20 years, 15 common and 5 leap ____________ 7305 days

Days from Beginning of Venus Dasa to onset of each Bhukti
2617.63 3713.37 4687.37 5844.00 6878.88
00.0 1217.5 1582.75 2191.50

Days from Beginning of Venus Dasa to onset of each Antaradasa

9 00.0
0 202.9 1217.5
» 263.8 1235.8 1582.7
0 365.3 1266.2 1633.4 2191.5
n 436.3 2216.4 2617.6
1287.5 1668.9 3713.3
2! 618.9 2280.3 2781.9
1342.2 1760.2 3843.2 4687.4
l,1 781.2 2337. l 2928.0
1390.9 1841.4 3997.4 4870.5 5844.0
2404.6 3101.5
~ 974.0 1448.7 1937.8 4135.4 5034.4 5990.5 6878.9 u
LJ 1146.5 2465.0 3256.7
1500.4 2024.0 4192.2 5101.9 6050.9 6903.8 ~
~ 2489.8 3320.6
1521. 7 2059.5 4354.5 5294.7 6223.4 6974.8 0
0 2161.0 2560.8
4403.2 5352.5 6275.1 6996.1 »
2582. l 3558.0
4484.3 5448.9 636 l.3 7031.6 ~
~ 3649.3
642 l.7 7056.5 n
n 4541.1 5516.4
2! 5689.9 6577.0 7120.4 2!
? 6714.9 7177.2 h
~ 7244.7 ~


Increment AGE Increment

AGE Increment AGE
H. M. s. D. H. M. s.
D. H. M. s. D.
5 9 10 00
0 30 2 16 35 00 60
0 0 0 0 19 10
31 3 22 44 10 61 6 15
1 1 6 9 10 20
5 4 53 20 62 7 21 28
2 2 12 18 20 32
30 63 2 3 37 30
3 3 18 27 30 33 6 11 02
40 64 3 9 46 40
4 5 0 36 40 34 7 17 11
23 20 50 65 4 15 55 50
5 6 6 45 50 35 1
5 30 00 66 5 22 05 00
6 7 12 55 00 36 3
10 67 7 4 14 10
7 1 19 04 10 37 4 11 39
17 48 20 68 1 10 23 20
8 3 1 13 20 38 5
23 57 30 69 2 16 32 30
9 4 7 22 30 39 6
1 6 06 40 70 3 22 41 40
10 5 13 31 40 40
2 12 15 50 71 5 4 50 50
11 6 19 40 50 41
3 18 25 00 72 6 11 00 00
12 1 1 50 00 42
10 73 7 17 09 10
13 2 7 59 10 43 5 00 34
14 44 6 6 43 20 74 1 23 18 20
3 14 08 20
15 4 20 17 45 7 12 52 30 75 3 5 27 30
16 6 2 26 40 46 1 19 01 40 76 4 11 36 40
17 7 8 35 50 47 3 1 10 50 77 5 17 45 50
18 1 14 45 00 48 4 7 20 00 78 6 23 55 00
19 2 20 54 10 49 5 13 29 IO 79 1 6 04 10
20 4 3 03 20 50 6 19 38 20 80 2 12 13 20
21 5 9 12 30 51 1 1 47 30 81 3 18 22 30
22 6 15 21 40 52 2 7 56 40 82 5 0 31 40
23 7 21 30 50 53 3 14 05 50 83 6 6 40 50
24 2 3 40 00 54 4 20 15 00 84 7 12 50 00
25 3 9 49 10 55 6 2 24 10 85 I 18 59 10
26 4 15 58 20 56 7 8 33 20 86 3 1 08 20
27 5 22 07 30 57 l 14 42 30 87 4 7 17 30
28 7 4 16 40 58 2 20 51 40 88 5 13 26 40
29 10 25 50 59 4 3 00 50 89 6 19 35 50
90 45 00


AHARGANA-"Heap of Days." A means by which to BHINNA-In small parts.

determine the days elapsed since Creation.
BHUKTI-"Enjoyment." One-ninth of a Great Pe-
AKRITI-Arranged, or built. riod. The first subdivision of a dasa. Significant
in planetary periods of life.
AMSA-Portion. A division of the zodiac.
BINDU-Point. A unit of strength in the Ashtaka
ANT ARADASA-"In between." A subdivision of a
Varga system.
bhukti, or planetary period; used in "progress-
ing'' a horoscope. CHAKRA-Wheel. A term used in Hindu astrology
to indicate any diagram of planetary positions, or
ANUPACHA YA-Fertile, fruitful. Anupachaya Hous-
strengths, including a square-form chart.
es are the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th,
counted from and including the Ascendant. They CHAKRADAHANI-Reduction of the number of
are used in determining periods of fertility in years of natural life which a planet contributes
women. (Cf., Upachaya.) when it is above the horizon at birth. Used in
calculating the Ayurdaya.
ASHT AKA-Eight. Ashtaka Varga, referring to the
eight points of the horoscope (seven planets and CHANDRA-Moon.
the Ascendant) used in calculating the strength
CHESTA-Motion. Chesta Bala: a division of the
of transits.
Shad Bala based upon the orbital motion of the
ASRA YA-Having all planets in angles. planets, the phases of the Moon, and the Sun's
A TI KARA KA-Meaning is uncertain. Refers to the distance from perihelion.
longitudinal midpoint of a planet's retrogression, DASA-A planetary period expressed in terms of
where it is said to be the strongest. Time.
ATMA VJDYA-Man's immortal Self, plus Knowl- DASAMSA-A minor division of the rasi, being 3°, or
edge. l/lOth of a rasi; seldom used.
AYANA-Season of the Year. DEVA-"Bright One." The gods in Hindu mythol-
A Y ANAMSHA-The difference in longitude between ogy.
0° Aries in the constellations and 0° Aries in the DEV ALOKA-One of the abodes of the spirit, or
signs, measured along the ecliptic. Used in. con- soul, after death. It is the realm of Desire.
verting a Western to a Hindu, or constel1at1onal,
horoscope. DEVALOKAMSA-"FieJd of Heaven's Seat." A tenn
used to describe the condition of a planet having
A YURDA y A-Natural length of life. seven favorable vargas in addition to two or more
BALA-Strength. benefic locations by rasi or house.

BHASVADAMSA-"Luminous, or splendid."~. planet DHARMA-Duty which is owed to the social posi-

1iavmg bl
twelve favora e va '
rgas in add1t10n to
. tion to which one is born.
• 1 t' 1s by ras1 or house.
two or more benchc oca IOI DIK-Direction. Dik Bala: a planet's strength in rela-
BHA VA-A state of existing, or being .. "H~use.'' tion to the points of the compass.
Bliava Chakra: a l10ros Cope based on htnsect1on of
d' , I
. between t e car Ind DINA-Day. Dina Bala: a planet's strength according
t l1c longitudinal distance to the ruler of the astrological day of birth.

208 Constellational Astrology
DREKANA-A major division of the rasi, being 10°, KARMA-Action, or movement. The manifestation of
or 1/3rd of a rasi. It is equivalent to the decanates fate or destiny.
in Western astrology.
KARMA YOGA-Controlled action. The doctrine of
DRISHTI-"To see." Drishti Bala: A modification of renunciation of the fruits of action and the per-
Shad Bala. Strength of a planet which receives formance of any action without attachment.
an aspect from another planet within a designated KENDRA-Angular. Kendra Bala: one of the subdi-
range ( 30° to 300°), which varies according to
visions of Shad Bala which gives strength to a
the planet.
planet when in an angular house.
DUSTHANA-"Evil Standing." Applied to the 6th, KETU-The Moon's South Node, or Dragon's Tail.
8th and 12th houses of the horoscope, or to the
6th, 8th or 12th houses forward from any planet LAGNA-Ascendant of the horoscope. Designated by
or point being delineated. These positions are "B" (birth, or beginning), in the rasi chakras of
indicative of evil or misfortune. this text.

DW ADASAMSA-A division of the rasi beina 1/12th UNGA-Sex. Linga Bala: a subdivision of the Shad
' b
of a rasi, or 2°30'. Bala which indicates a planet's strength according
to its relative sexual affinity in its rasi position.
EKADHIPA TI-"One-strength ruler.'' A reduction of
the natural length of life contributed by any planet LOKA-Realm. The place to which the soul goes after
in the Bhinna and s~uva Ashtaka Varga Ayurdaya death.
MASA-Month. Masa Bala: one of the subdivisions of
GAN.D~N~ A-A condition in the birth horoscope Kala Bala, based upon the astrological ruler of
md1catmg destruction of the family or clan. It the month of birth.
is considered very evil.
GOPURASAMSA-"At the Gate of the Temple." Said
MULA-Root. Mula Trikona: "Three-angle root." A
~f a pl.a~et which occupies four favorable vargas
combination of planetary rulerships and exalta-
m add1t1on to two or more bcnefic locations in
the horoscope. tions which are highly favorable. Distinguished
from Swakshetra.
HORA-Hour. A division of the rasi, consisting of
15°. Hora Bala: a subdivision of Kala Bala, based NADI-A minor division of the rasi, being 150th of
upon the astrological hour of birth. a rasi, or 12'.

I RA VAT AMSA-''Extremc satisfaction." Said of a NAKSHATRA-Lunar Mansion, consisting of 13°20'.

p~~~net which occupies nine favorable vargas in ad- There arc twenty-seven in the zodiac, divided into
d1t1on to two or more benefic locations in the three sections ( Pariyayas) of 120° each.
NA ISARGA-"Natural Brightness." A strength in the
KALA-Time. Kala Bala: one of the divisions of the Shad Bala derived from the relative visible bril-
Shad Bala, hy which a planet's strength is esti- liance of the luminaries and planets. A fixed value.
mated according to various Time factors. NARAKA LOKA-''Demon Heaven." The lowest
KALATRA RASl-''Place representing the wife." Used realm of afterlife, having a Saturn-Mercury in-
in male horoscopes as points of marriage. Kalatra
rasis arc those ruled by the navamsa dispositor of NA TONN A-Meridian. Natonna Bala: a subdivision
the 7th house ruler; exaltation rasi of the 7th of Kala Bala which estimates planetary strength
house ruler: ;111d the rasi-cquivalcnt of the navamsa based upon the Sun's distance from the meridian.
occupied hy the 7th cusp.
NA VAMSA-Ninth part. One of the major divisions
KALI Yl '(iA-A¥c of Kali, or Dark Age, used in rcf- of the rasi, consisting of I 9th of a rasi, or 3°20'.
LTence to the prL·scnt Age of Man, v.:hen it is said It is the most important of the rasi divisions and
hL' h;1.., L.tlkn Imm spiritual grace. widely uscu in delineation.
Glossary 209
NEECHA-The point of a planet's exact depression SAPTA Y ARGA BALA-"Seven-field-strength." The
or fall, being 180° from its point of highest exalta- first of the subdivisions in calculating the Shad
tion (Uccha). Bala, and the most important in determining the
virupa value for each of the planets.
NIRA YANA-"Year without Seasons." Used to desig-
nate a horoscope erected according to the con- SARVA-Whole. The combined totals of the eight
stcllational longitude of the planets and cusps. Ashtaka Vargas. Also a term used to indicate the
The Hindu chart based on the fixed constellations method of calculating the natural length of life
as opposed to the Western chart ( Sayana) based when Saturn has the highest Shad Bala in the
on the moveable zodiac. horoscope.

PADAM-"Foot." A quarter; l/4th of a nakshatra, or SAYANA-"Year with Seasons." Applied to the sign,
3°20'. or moveable zodiac as used in Western astrology.
(Cf., Nirayana.)
PAKSHA-"Wing". Paksha Bala: a subdivision of
Kala Bala based upon the Moon being either SAVYA-Direct. Applied to counting forward in the
"light" or "dark," determined by its relative posi- N akshatras.
tion to its point of opposition to the Sun.
SHAD-Six. Shad Bala: the relative strength of each
PARAMOCHA-''Highest." Applied to the navamsa planet in the horoscope, the calculation of which
of a planet's highest exaltation. is required before any detailed delineation can be
PARA VAT AMSA-The condition of a planet having
six favorable vargas in addition to two or more SHASTYAMSA-l/60th of a rasi, or 1/2 a degree. A
benefic positions in the horoscope. symbolic refinement of the significance of plane-
tary position.
PARIJATAMSA-"Surrounded, or protected." A
SHODASAMSA-A minor division of the rasi, being
planet in an angle, the 5th or 9th house, and in at
I/16th of a rasi, or 1°52'30''.
least one other benefic situation. (Cf., Varga.)
SIMHASAMSA-"Sitting on the Lion's Throne.'' Said
PARry ~:V A-"To travel through, or around." A I/3rd
d1v1s1on of the N akshatras, consisting of 120°-or of a planet having five favorable vargas in addi-
tion to two or more bcncfic positions in the horo-
120 years, considered the ideal length of life.
PITRILOKA-The celestial realm of one's ancestors.
STHANNA-"Standing." Sthanna Bala: the first di-
RAHU-The Moon's North Node, or Dragon's Head. vision of Shad Bala, indicating the amount of
stamina with which to resist outside forces, or to
RAJA-Royal; kingly. stand against adversity.

RASI-Onc of the twelve divisions of the constella- SW AKSHETRA-'·Own field.'' A term applied to a
tional zodiac, consisting of 30° of constellational planet occupying a rasi or rasi subdivision over
longitude. Rasis arc measured from 0° Aries and which it has ordinary rulership (comparable to
arc analogous to the signs in Western astrology. planetary rulcrship of signs in Western astrology).

RUPA-Bocly. The complete potential strength of a TRIBHAGA-"Thrcc-divisioned." A suhdivision of

planet. (Cf., Virupa.) Kala Bala. in which day and night arc each divided
into three parts, the planetary ruler of which be-
SAIVASAMSA-Rclated to Shiva. A planet having stows vimpa strength according to the position
eleven favorable vargas in addition to two or of the natal Sun, with the exception of Jupiter,
more benefic positions in the horoscope. which ahvays receives full 60 virupas of Tribhaga.

SAPT AMSA-Seventh part. A division of the rasi, TRIKONA-"Threc-anglcd."

being I /7th of a rasi, or 41 °70'08.5". Used espe-
cially in delineating wealth or the affinity for TRIMSAMSA-One of the major divisions of thL'
natural wealth, such as land values. rasi, being I 30th of a rasi, or l 0 •
210 Constellational Astrology
UCCHA-Exaltation. Uccha Bala: a subdivision of V ARSHA-Year. One of the subdivisions of Kala Bala,
Shad Bala based upon a planet's relative distance based upon the planetary rulership of the astro-
from its exact exaltation point. (Cf., Neecha). logical year of birth.

UPACHAYA-"Eclipsed, or darkened." The 3rd, 6th, V ARSHIKA-A Solar Return horoscope according to
10th or 11th houses in a horoscope, either from the constellations.
the Ascendant or a given planet. Used in estab- VIKRAMA-Courage. Particular applicability to 3rd
lishing periods of infertility. (Cf., Anupachaya.) house delineation. Akin to Mars and function of
UTTAMAMSA-"Elevation." The condition of a the adrenal glands.
planet having three favorable vargas in addition VIMSHOTT ARI-A system based on a hundred and
to two or more benefic locations in the horoscope. twenty years of life. The method of progressing
VAISHESHIKAMSA-"Containing all dignities." Said the nirayana horoscope according to the Moon's
of a planet which occupies thirteen favorable position in the Nakshatras.
vargas in addition to two or more benefic positions VIRUPA-1 /60th of a rupa. The maximum strength
in the horoscope. given any planet or point in the horoscope.
VARGA-"Field." A division of the twelve constella- VYSHNASAMSA-Related to Vishnu. A planet which
tions, the rasi being the first and major division, occupies ten favorable vargas in addition to two
while its subdivisions constitute the remaining or more benefic positions in the horoscope.
vargas. The term Varga is also used to indicate a
planet in a particularly favorable position in the YOGA-Union (with the Divine).
horoscope, such as occupying an angle, the 5th YUDHA-Strife. Yudha Bala: a modification of
or 9th house, or is in exaltation, Mula Trikona, its Shad Bala, applied when two planets (the lumi-
own or a Friend's rasi or subdivision, or is con- naries excluded) are within 1° of conjunction.
junct Jupiter or Venus.
YUGMA-"Even-Odd." Yugma Bala: a subdivision
VARGOTT AMA-The navamsa of the same name as of Shad Bala which indicates planetary strength
the rasi in which it is placed. Planets so located according to occupancy of odd or even rasis or
are said to be Vargottama, and are very fortunate. navamsas.

nadha Rao. Narasaraopet, India, 1931. Magre. Translated from the French by Reginald
Merton. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York, 1932.
The ARCTIC HOME IN THE VEDAS, Bal Gangadhar ·(Published in England under title, The Return of
Tilak. Tilak Bros., Poona, India, 1925. the Magi.)

BRIHAT JATAKA, Varaha Mihira. Translation by The ORION-Researches into the Antiquity of the
N. Chidambaram. 2nd ed., revised and enlarged. Vedas, Bal Gangadhar Tilak. Tilak Bros., Poona.
·Minerva Press, Madras, 1905. No date.
PANCHA SIDDHANTIKA, Varaha Mihira (The as-
BR IHA T SAMHITA, Varaha Mihira. Translation and tronomical work of Mihira). Edited with an origi-
Notes by V. Subrahmanya Sastri and V.M.R. Bhat. nal commentary in Sanskrit, English translation
2 vols. V. B. Soobbiah & Sons, Bangalore, 194 7. and Introduction by G. Thibaut and M. S. Dvi-
vedi. Benares, 1889. Reprinted by The Bombay
As Propounded in Vimshottari Dasa, V. G. Rele.
PHALADEEPIKA, Mantreswara. Translation by V.
D. B. Taraporevala Sons & Co., Bombay. 2nd ed.,
1935. Subrahmanya Sastri. V. B. Soobbiah & Sons, Ban-
galore, 1937.
HINDU ASTROLOGICAL CALCULATIONS-Ac- SARA V ALI, Kalyana Varma. In Sanskrit. 2nd ed.,
cording to Modern Methods, M. Vijayaraghavulu. revised by Vasudev Pansikar. Nirnaya-Sagar
Published by the author, Madras, 1927. Press, Bombay, 1914.
SARA VALI, Kalyana Varma. Translation by Nem-
HINDU ASTRONOMY, W. Brcnnand. Illustrations
mara N. Krishna Rau, V. Visarada, J. K. Nidhi
and Diagrams. Chas. Straker & Sons, Ltd., London,
and V. B. Choudhari. N. N. Krishna Rau, Bom-
bay, 1961.
BOOK, Llewellyn George. Llewellyn Publications, nya. Translation by Bangalore Suryanarain Rao. In
Ltd., Los Angeles, 1940. 3 Parts. Caxton Press, Bangalore, I 922. (2nd ed.
of Part I, 1933.)
SRIPATI PADDHATI (Sanskrit work on calcula-
PHALA, Acharya Vara'ruchi. Translation by
tion). Translation with Notes and Sample Horo-
Nemmara N. Krishna Rau, V. Visarada, S. Rat-
scope, by V. Subrahmanya Sastri. V. B. Soobbiah
nakara, J. K. Nidhi and V. B. Choudhari. N. N.
& Sons, Bangalore. Revised ed., 1937.
Krishna Rau, Bombay, 1962.
SURYA SlDDHANTA-A Text Book of Hindu As-
lATAKA PARIJATA, Vaidyanatha Dikshita. Trans- tronomy. Translation by the Rev. Ebenezer Bur-
lation with Explanatory Notes by V. Subrahmanya gess. Reprinted from edition of I 860, University
Sastri. 2 vols. Revised ed., Vol. I, 1932~ Vol. II, of Calcutta, 1935. Edited by P. Gangooly.
1933. V. B. Soobbiah & Sons, Bangalore.
A 1001 NOTABLE NATIVITIES-An Astrological
"Who's Who." Alan Leo's Astrological Manuals,
KALAPRAKASIKA-The Standard Book on the Elec-
No. 11. L. N. Fowler & Co., London.
tion System. Translation and an Introduction to
the Study of Astrology, Explanatory Notes, etc., UTTARA KALAMRITA. Translation by V. Suhrah-
by N. P. Subramania Iyer. Lawley Press, Tanjorc, rnanya Sastri. V. B. Soobbiah & Sons, Bangalore,
1917. 1939.


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