Corporation Finals 1 Theories
Corporation Finals 1 Theories
Corporation Finals 1 Theories
9. Treasury shares. - A stock that has been issued by the Minimum Subscription and Paid-In Capital
corporation as fully paid and later reacquired but not In case of no-par value shares, the 25% requirement will
retired. be based on the authorized number of shares. If the
10. Convertible shares. A stock which is convertible or authorized capital is pegged at 2,000 no-par value
changeable from one class to another class. shares, then at least 500 no-par value shares must be
-owners of the corporation
Board of directors
-elected by the shareholders SHARE CAPITAL
-responsible for the formulation of the overall policies Preference Shares xx
for the corporation and for the exercise of corporate Ordinary Shares xx
powers. Share Premium xx
-elects chairman of the board
-designate professional management team or Total Share Capital XX
administrative officer
-must be a director of the corporation, but he cannot TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY XX
act as president and secretary or as president and
treasurer at the same time.
-the president is the only officer required by law to be a SHARE CAPITAL- reflects the amount of resources
director received by a corporation as a result of investment by
shareholders, donations or other share capital
Corporate Secretary transactions.
-must be a resident and citizen of the Philippines
-it is generally the duty of the secretary to make and RETAINED EARNINGS- (or accumulated profits or losses
keep its records and to make proper entries of the ) is the amount of capital accumulated and retained
votes, resolutions and proceedings of the shareholders through the profitable operations of the business
and directors in the management of the corporation.
SHARE CAPITAL- It is the shares to be subscribed and
paid in or secured to be paid in by the shareholders,
Corporate Treasurer-is the proper officer entrusted
either in money, property or services, at the time of
with the authority to receive and keep the money of the
corporation and to disburse them as he may be organization of the corporation or afterwards, and upon
authorized. which it is to conduct its operations.
CORPORATE BOOKS AND RECORDS LEGAL CAPITAL- Legal capital is that portion of the
contributed capital or the minimum amount of paid-in
Stock and transfer book - It is a record of the names of capital, which must remain in the corporation for the
shareholders , installment paid and unpaid by protection of corporate creditors
shareholders and dates of payment, any transfer of
stock and dates thereof, by whom and to whom made. Determination of LEGAL CAPITAL
Books of accounts - These represent the record of all PAR VALUE- is the aggregate par value of all issued and
business transaction. The books accounts normally subscribed shares.
include the journal and the ledger.
NO PAR VALUE- the total consideration received by the
Subscription book - It is a book of printed blank corporation for the issuance of its shares to the
shareholders including the excess of issue price over the
Shareholders’ ledger -It is a ledger which details the stated value (Section 6, par. 3, Corporation Code of the
number of shares issued to each shareholder . Philippine).
Subscribers’ ledger-It is a subsidiary ledger for the SHARE PREMIUM- (or Additional Paid-in Capital). It is
subscriptions receivable account; it reports the the portion of the paid-in capital representing amounts
individual subscriptions of the subscribers. paid by shareholders in excess of par. It may also result
Stock certificate book -It is a book of printed blank from transactions involving treasury stocks, retirement
certificates of stock. of shares, donated capital, share dividends and any
other “gain” on the corporation’s own stock
SHARE CAPITAL transactions.
-The owners’ equity section of a corporation’s
Two Basic Types of Shares
statement of financial position is called shareholders’
equity. Ordinary Share- This share represents the basic
ownership class of the corporation. When only one class
of share is issued, it must be ordinary share. Ordinary
shares are the entity’s residual equity.
Preference Share- This share gives its owners certain WITHOUT PAR- When shares without par value are
advantages over ordinary shareholders. These special sold, the proceeds should be credited to the share
benefits relate either to the receipt of dividends when capital account.
declared before the ordinary shareholders (preferred as
-If the no-par stock has a stated value, the excess
to dividends) or to priority claims on assets in the event
proceeds over stated value may alternatively be
of corporate liquidation (preferred as to assets).
credited to share premium.
Terms Related to Share Capital
Considerations for Issuance of Shares
Authorized Share Capital
-The number of authorized shares indicates the -Actual cash paid to the corporation
maximum number of shares the corporation can issue -Tangible or intangible properties actually received by
as specified in the article of incorporation. the corporation
-Labor already performed for or services actually
-This maximum number of shares when multiplied by
rendered to the corporation
the par value of the share will yield the authorized
-Previously incurred indebtedness by the corporation
share capital.
-Note that any increase or decrease in the authorized Actual cash paid to the corporation
share capital requires prior approval of the SEC and -Most share issues are for cash since the primary
formal amendment to the articles of incorporation reason for issuing shares is to raise capital for a
corporation’s operating activities. The entries to record
Issued Share Capital the issuance of shares for cash will depend on whether
-These are shares which have been sold and paid for in the share is with or without par value.
-Issued shares may include treasury shares.
-Share Capital, either Ordinary Shares account or SUBSCRIPTION OF SHARES
Preference Shares account, is credited for the total par
The subscription contract is a legally binding contract
value of fully collected subscriptions or in the case of
which provides for
no-par value shares, for the total consideration received
-the number of shares subscribed
in relation to the issue.
-the subscription price
-Share Capital is debited only when the issued shares
-the terms of payment and
are retired, redeemed or canceled by the corporation.
-other conditions of the transaction