OrificeCalculator 1
OrificeCalculator 1
OrificeCalculator 1
Customer: Shell
Tag: 22-RO-001
Note: Values for the beta ratio are approximate, typically within
2% - 5% for gases and steam
1% for liquids
The ASME MFC-3M 1989 equation is used in this program. However,
several equation factors are assumed and can directly affect the
calculation results
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion: 1.0
Discharge Coefficient: 0.6
Base Temperature: 60 Deg F (15.56 Deg C)
Base Pressure: 14.7 PSIA (101.3 kPa-A)
Pressure Tap Location: Flange Tap
Also, this program does not take into consideration two calculation
variables - the Reynolds Number correction and the expansion factor.
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