Empower B1 Word List EnG PDF
Empower B1 Word List EnG PDF
Empower B1 Word List EnG PDF
5 155 national park noun a large area of park for use by the
public, usually an area of special
5 154 natural adj Something that is natural exists or
happens because of nature, not
because it was made or done by
5 155 ocean noun people.
one of the five main areas that the
sea is divided into
5 60 paw noun the foot of certain animals, such as
cats and dogs
9 107 play live phrase If musicians play live, they play their
instruments rather than playing a
9 107 playlist noun a list of pieces of music chosen to be
broadcast or played
9 107 recording noun a place where music is recorded
studio using special equipment
9 160 romance noun a story about love
9 160 scene noun a short part of a film, play, or book in
which the events happen in one
9 160 science noun place
a film based on a story about life in
fiction film the future or in other parts of the
9 160 soap opera noun universe
a series of television or radio
programmes that continues over a
long period and is about the lives of a
group of characters
9 160 studio noun a room where television/radio
programmes or musical recordings
are made
9 160 thriller noun a book or film with an exciting story,
often about crime
9 107 track noun one song or piece of music on a CD,
record, etc
10 118 afraid of adj frightened of
action film noun a film in which the characters have ˈækʃən fɪlm
exciting physical adventures
care about sth verb to think that something is important ˈkeər əbaʊt
and to feel interested in it or worried
about it
career noun a job that you do for a long period of kəˈrɪə
your life and that gives you the
chance to move to a higher position
cash machine noun and
a earn more
machine, money
usually in a wall outside a ˈkæʃ məʃi:n
bank, that you can get money from
using a plastic card
cave noun a large hole in the side of a cliff, keɪv
mountain, or under the ground
celebrate verb to do something enjoyable because it ˈselɪbreɪt
is a special day, or because
something good has happened
celebration noun when you celebrate a special day or selɪˈbreɪʃən
celebrity noun conversations about the private lives sɪlebrɪti ˈgɒsɪp
gossip of famous people
character noun a person in a book, film, etc ˈkærəktə
do your best phrase to do something as well as you can du: jɔː ˈbest
do your phrase to do work which teachers give you du: jɔː ˈhəʊmwɜːk
homework to do at home
documentary noun a film or television programme that dɒkjʊˈmentəri
gives facts about a real situation or
real people
doorbell noun a button that you press next to or on ˈdɔːbel
a door that makes a noise to let
someone know that you are there
download verb to copy computer programs, music or daʊnˈləʊd
other information electronically using
the internet
drama noun a play in a theatre or on television or ˈdrɑːmə
feather noun one of the soft, light things that grow ˈfeðə
from and cover a bird's skin
festival noun a series of special events, ˈfestɪvəl
performances, etc that often takes
place over several days
film verb to record moving pictures with a fɪlm
camera, usually to make a film for
the cinema or television
filthy adj extremely dirty ˈfɪlθi
first floor noun the level of a building directly above fɜːst ˈflɔː
the ground level
flat noun a set of rooms to live in, with all the flæt
rooms on one level of a building
floor noun a particular level of a building flɔː
get on with sb verb to like someone and be friendly with get ˈɒn wɪð
get to know phrase to become familiar with someone get tə ˈnəʊ
sb because you have met them and
talked to them
get together verb to meet in order to do something or get təˈgeðə
spend time together
ground floor noun the level of a building which is on the graʊnd ˈflɔː
grow apart verb to become less friendly grəʊ əˈpɑːt
look for a phrase to try to find something being sold lʊk fər ə ˈbɑːgɪn
bargain for less than its usual price
lose verb If you lose a game, competition, or luːz
election, the team or person that you
are competing with wins.
make a (big) phrase to change a situation (a lot) meɪk ə ˈdɪfərəns
make a phrase to decide something meɪk ə dɪˈsɪʒən
make a phrase to do something in a way that is not meɪk ə mɪˈsteɪk
mistake correct
make a phone phrase to call someone on the telephone meɪk ə ˈfəʊn kɔːl
make friends phrase to begin to know and like someone meɪk ˈfrendz
(with sb)
make money phrase to earn money meɪk ˈmʌni
make our own phrase to be responsible for our futures meɪk aʊər əʊn ˈlʌk
make phrase to develop and improve meɪk ˈprəʊgres
make sense phrase to have a meaning or reason that you meɪk ˈsens
can understand
make the phrase to take full advantage of something meɪk ðə ˈməʊst əv
most of
mash verb to crush food until it is soft mæʃ
match noun a sports competition in which two mætʃ
people or teams compete against
middle child noun a child who has a younger and an mɪdl ˈtʃaɪld
older brother or sister
miserable adj unhappy ˈmɪzərəbl
miss verb to not hit or catch something as you mɪs
mix verb to combine two or more substances mɪks
to make one substance
mix sth/sb up verb to confuse two people or things by mɪks ˈʌp
thinking that one person or thing is
the other person or thing
move house phrase to leave your home in order to live in muːv ˈhaʊs
a new one
move in/into verb to begin living in a new home muːv ˈɪn/ˈɪntuː
move out verb to leave your home and go to live muːv ˈaʊt
somewhere else
musical adj relating to music ˈmjuːzɪkəl
practical skills phrase the ability to do things that are useful ˈpræktɪkəl skɪlz
in real situations
presenter noun someone who introduces a radio or prɪˈzentə
television programme
tail noun the long, narrow part that sticks out teɪl
at the back of an animal's body
take a break phrase to stop an activity for a short time in teɪk ə ˈbreɪk
order to rest or eat
take a chance phrase to take a risk teɪk ə ˈtʃɑːns
I typed my password. 2 23
He uploaded some photos. 2 23