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Practical Research 2, September 2019

Learning Attitudes of De La Salle-College of

Saint Benilde
Students towards Learning Physics
Arra Quitaneg-Abaniel

Abstract— The study aimed to investigate the attitudes of De La Salle College of Saint Benilde (DLS-CSB) students
towards learning Physics. The study used the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey (CLASS) (Adam,,
2005). The survey was administered to 100 DLS-CSB students who were taking Physics during the study. Factor
analysis revealed four dimensions of the students learning attudes in Physics: a) Math and its relation with Physics, b)
How to learn Physics, c) Real world connection and d) Problem solving strategy. Mean scores in both overall learning
attitude and components were compared across age, gender. Correlation of Physics grade and attitude towards
learning Physics was identified in the study. Results of the study revealed that over-all learning attitudes of students
in Physics were not affected by age and gender. However, the factor Math and its relation with Physics has higher
mean score for students in ages 17,18, 19 in the age group 17 to 23. Positive weak correlation was found between
Physics grades and learning attitudes of students. DLS-CSB students showed a positive learning attitudes towards
Physics, however the component Math and its relation to Physics needs to be addressed.

Index Terms— learning attitudes , Philippines, Physics, CLASS, factor analysis, MANOVA, correlation

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Practical Research 2, September 2019

T here are varied factors negative attitudes towards physics compared to other males and 57 females
affecting students’ physics practical work. grade levels. Age difference belonging to age groups
performance in physics. Reasons behind negative has significantly affected 17 (10 participants), 18
Teaching strategies, learning attitudes of students are lack students’ learning attitude, in (49 participants) 19 (16
environment, motivation, of motivation from the favour of 16 in the population participants) , 20 (16
epistemological beliefs and teacher when performing the of students having age 16 and participants) , 21 (4
learning attitudes towards practical tasks assigned to 17 [8]. participants), 22 (2
physics are some of the them. [14]Students’ attitudes The present study participants) , 23 (2
factors which can affect are influenced by interest and adapted the CLASS [1] to participants).
students’ performance in emotion [9]. When students identify the prevailing
physics. Learning attitude do not find a subject attitude of De La Salle – 2.2. Instrument
towards physics is found to interesting, they will not take College of Saint Benilde Colorado Learning
be a significant predictor of it seriously. Nolen argues students toward learning Attitudes about Science
academic success [2], [7]. that when memorization is Physics. It also aims to verify Survey (CLASS) is
Attitude towards science also emphasized in science the categories of the adapted. This survey
had significant positive learning, students may view statements of the instrument. measures students’
correlation with achievement science as boring and This study also compared the beliefs about physics and
of science students at the impractical [11]. learning attitudes towards learning physics. It has
secondary level [3]. Learning attitude of physics of male and female the ability to distinguish
Therefore, in order to students towards learning students and track the the belief as expert or
improve students’ academic science were found to be differences across age groups. novice view. It is consists
performance in physics , we consistently and significantly The researcher also of 42 statements and
should have a profound affected by gender. determined the correlation students are to respond
understanding on their Researchers show that girls between the students’ on a 5 point Likert scale.
learning attitudes in physics. are found to be better than learning attitude and Validation process of this
Attitudes are learned, boys in attitude towards academic achievement by instrument included face
attitudes respond to a learning or science [10], [4], using students’ grades in validity-interviews with
person’s experience. It also [2], [6]. Kaya [8] found that Physics. physics faculty to
takes time to change attitudes male students have slightly establish expert
[14]. . Anwer [4], defined higher average attitude scores interpretation, and
attitude as a multi faceted than female students, but the construct validity where
construct. Attitude can also difference is statistically 2 METHOD the survey is
be considered as a positive or insignificant (p=0.60). administered to 5000
negative feel towards any Sengoren [12] revealed students. The instrument
2.1. Participants
stimuli or objects in the no significant relation has also undergone
The participants of the
environment (Salta, 2004). between gender ang learning detailed factor analysis to
study are 100 students of
While attitude towards attitude in Physics. Other identify the categories of
De La Salle –College of
science is being associated researches found that male statements which were
Saint Benilde. However,
with notion and images that students’ attitude towards found to be: a ) real-
one has not indicated
the individual acquire about physics are higher compared world connection, b)
gender. Only 99
science as a result of to female students [5]. personal interest, c) sense
participants were used
interaction with different Age is also a factor which making or effort, d)
for analysis. The
circumstances. Attitude can affect students’ attitude conceptual connections,
participants were taking
towards science according to towards learning physics. It e) applied conceptual
Physics during the
Yara [13] indicate interest or was found that students from understanding, f)
implementation of the
feeling toward studying 10th grade has a more positive problem solving general,
study. It is consists of 42
science.Students have attitude towards learning g) problem solving
 Arra Quitaneg -Abaniel is currently pursuing doctorate degree program Science education at De La Salle University, Philippines. E-mail:
Practical Research 2, September 2019

confidence and h) normality conditions needed Grade has no significant

problem solving Data from 42 questions was before MANOVA can be multivariate effect on how to
sophistication subjected to principal axis applied. The Box’s test of learn physics (p=0.456), real
world connection (p=0.836)
(Adams,2006). factor analysis. The Kaiser- equality of covariance
and problem solving strategy
Myer-Olkin measure of matrices showed p=0.49,
(p=0.288). But it has
2.3. Procedures sampling adequacy was which is greater than 0.001, significant univariate effect
The students 0.683. The scree plot shows therefore MANOVA on math and relation to
answered the CLASS three major factors. proceeded. physics (p=0.03). Higher
survey during their Extraction method used was grade bracket 95-100 and 90-
Physics class. They were Principal component analysis Table 2. Multivariate 94 has a more positive
given enough time to to establish five-factor tests learning attitude towards
analyze each item. The solution. Rotation method physics in terms of the factor
Math & Relation to physics. A
students were assured used was promax with Kaiser
factor that could have
that their answer will be normalization. Criterion of affected this result is that
held confidential. loading was set to 0.50 . Only Physics involves a lot of
Personal information 39 items were retained. The problem solving and
which were obtained factor loadings is shown in recognition of the
from the students are: table 1. Factors identified relationship between math
gender, age, Physics were not the same as the and physical phenomena can
grade and name. factors named in CLASS v. 3. Table 2 shows that there are help students achieve more in
significant main effects for physics.
But version 2 of the CLASS
grade (p=0.049) at a
2.4 Statistical was reviewed to identify the significance level p=0.05. But 3.3. Physics Grade and
Treatment factors in this study. Thirteen there are no significant main Attitude towards
questions were identified as effects of gender and age on learning
The researcher used factor 1. These questions the learning attitude of Physics
factor analysis to identify pertain to understanding students in Physics From the literatures,
the different components problem solving and the attitude towards learning
connection of the problems Based on table 3, there are no physics predict academic
of CLASS based on the
significant multivariate effect success. Table 4 shows that
current setting. It was not and equation to physics
of gender (p=0.569), age there is a positive , weak
assumed that the same concepts.
(0.483) and grade (0.501) on correlation between overall
components will be the overall attitude of learning attitude and Physics
obtained as the CLASS 3.2 Attitudes of students toward learning grade (r=0.187). How each
version 3. Students toward Physics. There are also no factor correlates with the
Multivariate analysis Learning Physics significant multivariate effect students’ grades were also
or MANOVA was used as a Function of of gender on Math and investigated in the study. It
to study how gender, age Age , Gender and Relation to Physics (p=0.799), shows a positive weak
on How to learn physics correlation between a) Math
and grade affects the Grade
(p=0.431), on real world and Relation to physics
students’ attitude toward
connection (p=0.833) and on (r=0.133), b) how to learn
learning Physics. Each To further understand problem solving strategy physics (r=0.152), c) real
factor was also how attitude toward learning (p=0.013). Age also has no world connection (r=0,078).
investigated to check if Physics is related to age level significant effect on how to But is also shows a negative
some factors are and gender, mean factor learn physics (p=0.926), real weak correlation between
functions of gender , age scores were analysed using world connection (p=0.745), problem solving strategy and
or grade. Multivariate Analysis of problem solving strategy physics grade (r=-0.024).
Correlation between (p=0.754), but has a From these results, overall
Variance (MANOVA). The
significant effect on math learning attitude of students
grade and students results are reported in the
and relation to physics has a positive association
learning attitude in following sections. Some of (p=0.028). Scheffe’s test for with their Physics grades.
Physics was also the data do not satisfy post hoc comparison of Thus, learning attitude of
investigated using normality conditions. This means show that lower age students can be a predictor of
Descriptive statistics. includes : a) How to learn group, (17,18,19) has more their academic success.
physics, b) real world positive attitude towards Problem on their learning
connection and c) problem learning Physics in terms of attitudes needs to be
3SECTIONS the factor Math and Relation
solving strategy. These were addressed to improve their
3.1. Factor analysis to physics. academic performances.
transformed to satisfy
Practical Research 2, September 2019

information needed and in components affecting to Physics is significantly

3.4. Prevailing Attitude doing problem-solving, it is students’ learning attitude in different across age group.
of De La Salle College not enough to just solve one physics : a) Math and its Participants belonging to age
of Saint Benilde problem, and it is important Relation to Physics, b) How 17,18 and 19 show more
students toward to make sense out of the to learn Physics, c) Real positive learning attitude in
learning Physics formulas before these can be world connection and d) Physics in terms of Math and
used. For the real world Problem solving strategy. It its Relation to Physics. Grade
Table 5 summarizes the connection, students can be implied that in order has a significant univariate
learning attitude of De La generally also have positive to improve students learning effect on math and relation to
Salle College of Saint Benilde mean scores in each question, attitude in physics, these physics. Physics involves a
students towards physics. thus a positive attitude components need to be lot of problem and
Likert scale was used in the towards learning physics is addressed. The students recognition of the
questionnaire. Positive 1 affected by how they see its should clearly see the relationship between math
score is given to both agree real world connection. relationship of Math and and physical phenomena can
and strongly agree, 0 for Knowing the importance and Physics, emphasis on the help students achieve more in
neutral answer and -1 for impact of what they are physical meaning of the physics.
strongly agree. For negative learning in their real life mathematical equation
statements, scoring is experiences contributed to should be given. Students Overall learning attitude
reversed. A prevailing their liking of learning should also be given a of students has a positive
negative mean for the first Physics. background on what works association with their Physics
factor Math and Relation to Positive mean scores of in learning Physics, for them grades. Thus, learning
physics reveals that students students are also shown in to be able to know how to attitude of students can be a
generally do not have a the last factor, which is the deal with the subject. Real predictor of their academic
positive attitude towards Problem solving strategy. world connection should also success same as the findings
math and its relation to Despite of their negative be emphasized, when of Akpinar (2006), Ali (2013)
physics. Students perceive mean scores in the first factor, students see the practicality and Tuan, (2005).
physics as difficult because of students show a positive of what they are learning, Problem on their learning
its association with attitude in the problem they develop interest on the attitudes needs to be
mathematics. Reviewing the solving strategy in physics. subject, and this interest can addressed to improve their
questions belonging to the Students enjoy solving elicit a positive attitude academic performances. One
first factor, this is how the physics problem. They also towards learning Physics. way to address this is to
negative mean scores of try to analyze few problems Since physics deals with a lot develop creative and
students can be interpreted, in detail to help them solve of problems, students should innovative lesson plans (Ali,
students have a negative other physics problems. They also be exposed to correct, 2013). Real world
attitude towards Math and its also recognize that problem solving strategies, connection and practicalities
relation to Physics, they do memorizing problem solving drills or exercises can help of learning physics should be
not see the physical procedure will not help them them realize these strategies, emphasized in physics
phenomena represented by in studying physics, because this can increase their classroom and activities.
the equations. They do not they have to relate important confidence and can change Students get motivated to
recognize the relationships information to what they their negative attitudes learn when they know that
between variables as reflected already know. towards problem solving. they can use what they learn
in the mathematical formulas The overall attitude of The overall learning in school. Connecting physics
used in physics. They think De La Salle College of Saint attitude of students is not concepts to the real world
that if they do not know the Benilde towards learning significantly affected by and to what can be observed
formula and they were not physics is positive. This gender which is contrary to by the naked eye can make
able to solve a problem learning attitude can still be the results of Gardner (1975) Physics concepts concrete
exactly the same as the new reinforced through the use of and Schibeci (1984). The and no longer abstract for
given problem, there is no varied and new teaching and results of this study is the students. The situation given
way that they can solve it. learning strategies. The same with Kaya (n.d) and to the students should also be
Mean scores in the component of learning Sengoren (2006). Gender contextualized, so that they
second factor, how to learn physics which refers to Math difference in each component can relate to every discussion
physics is positive. This and its relation to physics of the learning attitude is also that you will have in class.
shows that students have needs to be addressed to elicit found to be statistically Hands on experience, project
patiently tried to understand positive attitude of students insignificant. There is also no method can also enhance
the physics concepts and towards this factor. significant difference on the their attitudes towards
problem solving. It is overall learning attitude of learning Physics. When
reflected in their answers to 4 CONCLUSION AND students across age group, students enjoy tasks given to
the questions that they IMPLICATIONS contrary to the findings of them, positive learning
recognize that to learn The results of the study Kaya (n.d). However the attitude is developed.
physics you have to read revealed the different factor Math and its Relation The overall attitude of De
Practical Research 2, September 2019

La Salle College of Saint

Benilde towards learning
physics is positive. This is a
result of conceptual approach
in discussing physics. At
DLS-CSB, physics subject is
also contextualized to the
courses of students. In this
way, students are able to see
how Physics can help them in
their courses and in their
future career. However, the
component Math and its
relation to physics needs to
be addressed. More time
should be given on
discussing the relationship of
the mathematical formulas to
the physical phenomena. The
students should be able to
explain a concept by
analysing the variables and
the relationship which exists
in a particular mathematical
Addressing the
problems on learning
attitudes of students toward
learning physics can improve
academic achievement in

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