Practical Research 2 Format 2
Practical Research 2 Format 2
Practical Research 2 Format 2
Abstract— The study aimed to investigate the attitudes of De La Salle College of Saint Benilde (DLS-CSB) students
towards learning Physics. The study used the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey (CLASS) (Adam,,
2005). The survey was administered to 100 DLS-CSB students who were taking Physics during the study. Factor
analysis revealed four dimensions of the students learning attudes in Physics: a) Math and its relation with Physics, b)
How to learn Physics, c) Real world connection and d) Problem solving strategy. Mean scores in both overall learning
attitude and components were compared across age, gender. Correlation of Physics grade and attitude towards
learning Physics was identified in the study. Results of the study revealed that over-all learning attitudes of students
in Physics were not affected by age and gender. However, the factor Math and its relation with Physics has higher
mean score for students in ages 17,18, 19 in the age group 17 to 23. Positive weak correlation was found between
Physics grades and learning attitudes of students. DLS-CSB students showed a positive learning attitudes towards
Physics, however the component Math and its relation to Physics needs to be addressed.
Index Terms— learning attitudes , Philippines, Physics, CLASS, factor analysis, MANOVA, correlation
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Practical Research 2, September 2019
T here are varied factors negative attitudes towards physics compared to other males and 57 females
affecting students’ physics practical work. grade levels. Age difference belonging to age groups
performance in physics. Reasons behind negative has significantly affected 17 (10 participants), 18
Teaching strategies, learning attitudes of students are lack students’ learning attitude, in (49 participants) 19 (16
environment, motivation, of motivation from the favour of 16 in the population participants) , 20 (16
epistemological beliefs and teacher when performing the of students having age 16 and participants) , 21 (4
learning attitudes towards practical tasks assigned to 17 [8]. participants), 22 (2
physics are some of the them. [14]Students’ attitudes The present study participants) , 23 (2
factors which can affect are influenced by interest and adapted the CLASS [1] to participants).
students’ performance in emotion [9]. When students identify the prevailing
physics. Learning attitude do not find a subject attitude of De La Salle – 2.2. Instrument
towards physics is found to interesting, they will not take College of Saint Benilde Colorado Learning
be a significant predictor of it seriously. Nolen argues students toward learning Attitudes about Science
academic success [2], [7]. that when memorization is Physics. It also aims to verify Survey (CLASS) is
Attitude towards science also emphasized in science the categories of the adapted. This survey
had significant positive learning, students may view statements of the instrument. measures students’
correlation with achievement science as boring and This study also compared the beliefs about physics and
of science students at the impractical [11]. learning attitudes towards learning physics. It has
secondary level [3]. Learning attitude of physics of male and female the ability to distinguish
Therefore, in order to students towards learning students and track the the belief as expert or
improve students’ academic science were found to be differences across age groups. novice view. It is consists
performance in physics , we consistently and significantly The researcher also of 42 statements and
should have a profound affected by gender. determined the correlation students are to respond
understanding on their Researchers show that girls between the students’ on a 5 point Likert scale.
learning attitudes in physics. are found to be better than learning attitude and Validation process of this
Attitudes are learned, boys in attitude towards academic achievement by instrument included face
attitudes respond to a learning or science [10], [4], using students’ grades in validity-interviews with
person’s experience. It also [2], [6]. Kaya [8] found that Physics. physics faculty to
takes time to change attitudes male students have slightly establish expert
[14]. . Anwer [4], defined higher average attitude scores interpretation, and
attitude as a multi faceted than female students, but the construct validity where
construct. Attitude can also difference is statistically 2 METHOD the survey is
be considered as a positive or insignificant (p=0.60). administered to 5000
negative feel towards any Sengoren [12] revealed students. The instrument
2.1. Participants
stimuli or objects in the no significant relation has also undergone
The participants of the
environment (Salta, 2004). between gender ang learning detailed factor analysis to
study are 100 students of
While attitude towards attitude in Physics. Other identify the categories of
De La Salle –College of
science is being associated researches found that male statements which were
Saint Benilde. However,
with notion and images that students’ attitude towards found to be: a ) real-
one has not indicated
the individual acquire about physics are higher compared world connection, b)
gender. Only 99
science as a result of to female students [5]. personal interest, c) sense
participants were used
interaction with different Age is also a factor which making or effort, d)
for analysis. The
circumstances. Attitude can affect students’ attitude conceptual connections,
participants were taking
towards science according to towards learning physics. It e) applied conceptual
Physics during the
Yara [13] indicate interest or was found that students from understanding, f)
implementation of the
feeling toward studying 10th grade has a more positive problem solving general,
study. It is consists of 42
science.Students have attitude towards learning g) problem solving
Arra Quitaneg -Abaniel is currently pursuing doctorate degree program Science education at De La Salle University, Philippines. E-mail:
Practical Research 2, September 2019