Types of Plagirism
Types of Plagirism
Types of Plagirism
2. “Remix” – Plagiarism
In the remix type of plagiarism, one person collects information from
various sources and mix all together as a single document then claim
the work as their own work.
3. “Ctrl+C” – Plagiarism
In the written document a significant portion of text copied from any
single source without any alteration then it is called Ctrl+C kind of
4. “Hybrid” – Plagiarism
In the hybrid type of plagiarism, Perfectly cited source documents are
copied and arranged as a new document without citation.
5. “Find-Replace” – Plagiarism
Changing the most common keywords and phrases in the copied
content and not making any changes in the essential document is
called “Find and Replace” – kind of plagiarism.
6. “Recycle” – Plagiarism
Recycle is also called self-plagiarism. It refers to the act of borrowing
from one’s own previous document without a proper citation.
7. “Mashup” – Plagiarism
When the written document is copied from more than one source and
all are mixed together without any proper citation then it is called
mashup kind of plagiarism
9. “Aggregator” – Plagiarism
In this type of plagiarism, the written document includes all the
proper citation but it does not contain original work then it is called
aggregator plagiarism.