Mike Bystol Football Training
Mike Bystol Football Training
Mike Bystol Football Training
t’s always been a bit of a mystery professional football players, and his cli- The point is he became a better football
Roberto Garza
Corey Wooton
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the initial concept of functional training they would not be here. It’s a huge
workouts. But after one or two years commitment for them.
of this type of training they get more BFS: What is a common misconcep-
injuries and the field goal kicker starts tion about how pro football players train?
throwing them around on the field. MB: I think the biggest misconcep-
The smart guys are back in the weight- tion is that we think the NFL guys have
room a few weeks after season and access to all the greatest training and
train hard 11 months out of the year. medical equipment. I have learned in
this industry that the grass is very rarely
BFS: How often do the players train greener on the other side. Some of the
in-season? rehab is very primitive. Cold lasers, Bystol met up with two of his colleagues
at a recent seminar at the Poliquin
MB: Training hard in-season is frequency-specific microcurrent, hyper- Strength Institute in East Greenwich,
the only way a player can maintain baric chambers, nutritional supplements Rhode Island. Here is Bystol with Ben
their strength and muscle mass over are things I see as standard for rehab. It’s Prentiss (center), who works with many
NHL players, and Keith Albert (right),
a season that may last 20 weeks. My amazing how very few teams know about who trains professional basketball
guys will work out four times a week these. It’s also amazing that some teams players.
during in-season training. I find this don’t have squat racks in their weight-
works better than just two total-body room anymore. impossible. NFL guys need specific
workouts. workouts designed for them. Every min-
BFS: It seems a lot of strength train- ute of that 16-20 weeks has to be about
BFS: Are the workouts shorter ers are claiming that they train a lot them getting better.
in-season? of pro football players. Are these claims
MB: I do drop the volume of exaggerated? BFS: What advice would you give
training in-season, so during a work- MB: For sure. If a guy has 10 strength coaches who work with high school
out in the off-season I may do 20-24 professional athletes that he is working football coaches?
sets, but during the season I might with, then he is going to be working 12 MB: Learn how to teach proper
drop that to 12-16 sets. to 14 hours a day, unless he trains them form. Learn how to squat and deadlift,
in groups. Any pro guy who does all and train more posterior chain. Very few
BFS: When do you do your heaviest group training in my opinion is wasting weightrooms that I’ve seen will have a
workouts during the season? their time, as these guys only have 16-20 back extension or glute-ham or a reverse
MB: I do a very heavy leg work- weeks out of the year away from their hyper machine. If you’re going to invest
out Monday following the game so team. They all have individual issues the time to take on the role of a strength
that they are completely recovered they need to address, such as injuries. coach, get outside help from experts in
by Sunday. A lot of guys will say to If they’re working in groups, that’s that field. So, for example, take a course
me, “Oh, my legs are sore – I had 72 in Olympic lifting from an Olympic
plays.” I tell them that the option is to lifting coach.
do that workout today or do it a day
closer to the game and risk it affect- BFS: Here’s a loaded question. What
ing their ability to play. It’s a very do you think about the BFS program?
easy concept for the body to adapt MB: It’s very good. They focus on
to. Players are amazed how well they the basics. I think they are goal-oriented
feel after they train like this for a few as far as teaching those lifts that are very
weeks. I would 100 percent guaran- important to kids. They are not into the
tee the workouts my guys do during hocus-pocus circus training with func-
season are tougher than most off- tional types of training. I think BFS is a
season workouts. Working out with Bystol with two of the top coaches in very strong company for not going the
their respective fields, weightlifting
me is extra work and costs them extra coach Pierre Roy (center) and strength
easy way with training – they are not just
money. If they weren’t getting results, coach Charles Poliquin. selling what everyone wants to hear.
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