The Mills Grind Efficiently: Dear Readers
The Mills Grind Efficiently: Dear Readers
The Mills Grind Efficiently: Dear Readers
AERZEN invests
Machine park renewed and
represented in over 100 countries, through more to the corresponding openings, however,
than 43 subsidiaries. And, like any family, we are hen the Borgstedt Family ing power from 4 to 30 kW. According noise does not escape from the station.
happy about new additions: This year we have took over the Milser Mühle to Borgstedt, the relatively low pressure
celebrated the establishment of Aerzen North Calculation of the optimal room
130 years ago, at first, it only range is reached with the longer lifetime
Africa and Aerzen Thailand. With these new ventilation
produced feed material, and then, from of the blowers, the locks and the pipings,
subsidiaries, we want to strengthen our orienta- 1918, it started to produce flour for human and, in particular, the pipe bends. Using a special AERZEN online-tool, the
tion towards international markets, and be a
food. “Therefore we selected oilfree com- Seven AERZEN blowers, not of sound- so-called “room ventilation calculator”, the
competent business partner for our customers
pressing AERZEN Positive Displacement insulated design, are in a central station, maximum required inlet air quantity, the
in all regions. Trade fairs provide an important
Blowers of series GM as conveying air with three further units, which are sound- ventilator power and the size of the wall
forum for dialogue with our customers about
new requirements, trends and solutions. We are producer for the closed piping systems. insulated, located in an adjacent room. openings were determined. In this calcula-
looking forward to our participation in several Until today we are only using AERZEN The version without acoustic hoods was tion program, the installed type of
trade fairs in the coming months and to having a units“- says Mastermiller Friedrich-Wil- consciously selected in order to avoid con- machine must first be selected – in
personal conversation with you. helm Borgstedt. These blowers are from
A cordial welcome to our stand, and please several generations of the series, due to Friedrich-Wilhelm Borgstedt,
Senior chief Milser Mühle
visit the parent company in Aerzen whenever you the long operation period of the units.
wish! “Today, pneumatic conveying is neces-
sary for the economical operation of a
Yours, modern mill company”, explains the senior
We would always decide on AERZEN. Our main reasons for doing so are the
chief. In the Mehlstraße, eleven AERZEN
high quality and reliability of the units, their longevity as well as the geographic
units have been working with a highest
proximity of the manufacturer.
pressure from 650 to 750 mbar and driv-
COMPACT C O M • P R E S S 1|15
AERZEN this case “Blower”, however, “Com- situations, production also takes place on including all standard accessory compo-
Thailand founded pressor“ or “Turbo Units“ may also Sunday mornings. Therefore, a reliable and nents for effective operation at the push
be selected. The type of suction must then fail-safe supply of conveying air is impera- of a button. They can be used in all cli-
With the recently opened be defined – in the case of Milser Mühle, tive for Borgstedt. Only then, – can the mill mates and will work in the most difficult
subsidiary in Thailand’s capi- the options are: “room suction from out- operate on as troublefree basis – an essen- ambient conditions just as safely as they
tal Bangkok, AERZEN is side of the room“, or “room suction out of tial requirement for meeting the delivery will in a hall installation – reliably, durably
now present in the “Land of the room“. The calculation is effected after dates agreed with customers. and energy-efficiently. As an option, AER-
Smiles”. Since 3rd December input of the following information – the However, such solutions for pneumatic ZEN blowers can also be supplied in ATEX-
2014, Mrs. Jittarat Maneewan, Jittarat Maneewan, totally installed motor rating, the ambi- conveying concepts in the food industry are design according to EU-guideline 94/9/EC.
who already knows our prod- AERZEN’s new ent temperature, the admissible tempera- not – “ready-made“ –. In the preliminary This is an increasingly important criterion
ucts very well, has been work- Business Develop- ture increase, the maximum intake volume stages of such an investment, a detailed not only for the food industry, but also
ing as Business Development ment Manager in flow of the whole station, the installation specification has to be compiled. AERZEN for many other branches of industry such
Manager for Thailand. In her height and the flow velocity. The combina- supplies the AERZEN Positive Displace- as the synthetics industry, environmental
role, she reports directly to Mr. Andy Lim, AERZEN tion of this data produces precise findings ment Blowers of the series Delta Blower – technology, the chemical and pharmaceu-
Singapore, General Manager for South East Asia. which can then be used to determine the “Generation 5“ – tailor-made for all ranges tical industries, in refineries and in power
Opening a new office in Thailand is part of the optimal solution. Although splitter silenc- of application in the pneumatic conveyance plant technology.
AERZEN service strategy to always be close to our ers in the channels allow air to enter the
customers and to be able to support them directly. station, the noise level outside the building
The co-operation with the present sales partner, is minimized.
Uni Royal International, will continue - in particular
In operation around the clock
in the After Sales range.
Production at the Milser Mühle normally
takes place behind the mills, from Mon-
Laser-based coupling day mornings through Saturday mornings,
alignment – efficient and prior to the cleaning work. In exceptional
Machines that are optimally aligned have lower
operating and maintenance costs. Thanks to pre- Three AERZEN Positive Displacement Blowers with
partly dismounted acoustic hood in an adjacent room
cise alignment, the “Mean Time Between Failure”
is reduced and machine availability is increased.
For this reason, AERZEN applies across the group
the laser-based alignment system OPTALIGN
smart RS5 AERZEN. This enables the alignment
of directly driven machines. The customer ben-
efits are obvious: lower-wear operation, increased AERZEN Positive Displacement
machine availability and prevention of production Blowers in the central station
failures. Using this approach, AERZEN expands
its service competence. For any questions, just
contact our service managers on site, or our spe-
cialists in our parent company.
Lobe Compressors Delta Hybrid.
he new E-design reduces energy now used. This enables perfect ventila-
consumption depending on volume tion below the acoustic hood at the lowest
flow and differential pressure by power consumption levels.
up to four percent. This is possible as a
Longevity individually adapted
result of numerous design enhancements,
such as the flow-optimised routing of the The longevity of the electric blowers is
intake air in the acoustic hood and the ensured by, amongst other things, the 3D model of the new fair stand for the “Maintenance”
filter silencer. In particular, the patented adsorbent free discharge silencer which fair in Dortmund.
intake cone is to be emphasized, which not does not contaminate downstream sys-
only minimizes pressure losses, but also tems. The blower units can also be equip-
restricts the entry of sound. The revised ped with the new AERtronic intelligent Automatic
cooling concept is essential for high energy control, which is installed in modular
efficiency: instead of a mechanically-dri- design and, consequently, can be adapted
re-lubrication devices
Robust and energy efficient: the new Delta Blower
ven acoustic hood fan, an electrical fan is individually. Moreover, there is an “ALL-in- E-Design Packaged units with high annual operating times
may require more service calls for the re-lubri-
cation interval of the electric motors. Therefore,
AERZEN has included automatic re-lubrication
devices in the After Sales Service Programme.
These systems are driven by electric motors;
Vibration measurement and analysis the dispensers are provided with the necessary
ble for existing standard
Monitoring by Aerzener
n order to detect any damage to the and using an existing measuring system, motors.
Maschinenfabrik GmbH
compressor stage as quickly as possi- the customer can identify independently The new automatic
ble, Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH any deviations from the standard which In the final stage of expansion “Delta Real re-lubrication devices
provides its customers with comprehen- might occur. Alternatively, existing AER- Time Monitoring” monitors vibrations, from AERZEN
sive solutions for vibration measurement tronic control systems can be equipped the pressure and the temperature of the
and analysis. By means of SPN-nipples, with vibration sensors, in order to display machine via sensors. All of the measured
values of up to eight diagnostic units are Aerzen do Brasil celebrated
merged in real time in an independent
switch cabinet and these values are trans-
its 15th anniversary
mitted immediately via internet, ether- Last year, the team at our subsidiary Aerzen do
net or GSM-modem to a special server at Brasil celebrated its 15th anniversary: to have been
Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH, where in business successfully for 15 years in the impor-
they are stored and can be retrieved at any tant, but highly competitive Brazilian market, is
time. If deviations from trend are observed a great achievement. To celebrate this milestone,
there, countermeasures can be initiated at all Aerzen do Brasil colleagues, and their families,
once. were invited to a celebration “in the green”.
Questions, Suggestions,
We are looking forward to all your queries, com-
ments and suggestions on our customer journal
and we are at your disposal for further informa-
tion on Aerzen products and services. Give us a
View over aeration basins 1 and 2 onto
visit on our website:
the allocated oxygen station.
21st until 23rd April 2015
Maintenance, Stuttgart/Germany he Kötz wastewater treatment plant, since 2000, two small Hans Kempfle,
29th/30th April 2015 located a few kilometres south of positive displacement sewage work operator in Kötz
Mining Copperbelt, Kitwe/Zambia Günzburg, was designed for a popula- blowers have supplied
5th/6th May 2015 tion equivalent of 45,000. About 20,000 in- oxygen for the sand col- Due to their high reliability and
Schüttgut, Basel/Switzerland 6th/7th May 2015 habitants are connected at present. Due to lector aeration. The units low maintenance costs we absolutely
IE EXPO 2015, Shanghai/China the additional discharge of industrial waste- were installed in separate recommend AERZEN positive
6th until 8th May 2015 water, the average daily load corresponds to buildings in close proxim- displacement blowers and turbo
OzWater 2015, Adelaide/Australia a population equivalent of about 35,000. ity to the aeration basins compressors.
12th until 14th May 2015 The wastewater treatment plant works which they support.
Pump Centre, Telford/Great Britain according to the mechanical-biological prin- This compound system offers the opera- compressors, so the units of the new series
14th May 2015 ciple. In the two stage nitrification process, tor two key advantages: for each loading now generate the required process air even
IPACK-IMA, Milan/Italy 19th until 23rd May 2015 the wastewater, which is mechanically pre- situation, even where process air require- more energy efficiently. Due to the com-
Achema, Frankfurt/Germany cleaned by a sand collector, is supplied with ments can fluctuate considerably, it ensures pound concept, the energy efficiency of the
15th until 19th June 2015 oxygen, to assist the action, and reproduc- an optimally adapted and safe process air process air generation achieves excellent
EXPO APA 2015, Bucharest/Romania tion, of the bacteria which are required for supply, and makes particularly energy effi- results, as it is possible to respond with great
15th until 17th June 2015 wastewater purification. In the activated cient generation possible. This is signifi- precision to varying requirements. Further-
sludge basin, the activated sludge sinks to cant because energy consumption involved more, up to now the units have been fail-
the bottom, and the cleaned clear water, with in process air generation at a wastewater ure-free and require very little maintenance.
a CSB degree of purification of 96 per cent, is treatment plant can amount to up to 80 per Comparing the investment and maintenance
then fed into the adjacent River Günz. cent of total costs. costs, even with a long-term consideration of
both systems, Kempfle assumes a balanced
Tailor-made solutions New dimensions in terms of energy
cost-ratio, as the lower procurement price
Sewage plant operator Hans Kempfle has of positive displacement blowers, plus their
experience with process air generation by All six units were supplied by the AERZEN ongoing maintenance costs, roughly cor-
IMPRINT turbo compressors as well as by positive dis-
placement blowers, as both systems are in
subsidiary RKR Gebläse und Verdichter
GmbH in Rinteln. The units each work in
responds with the higher investment costs
of turbo blowers. Therefore, he absolutely
AERZEN COM•PRESS operation in Kötz. In the current equipment pairs, in “alternate shifts”. One packaged unit recommends both air-bearing AERZEN turbo
Customer Journal of configuration, two AERZEN positive dis- is in continuous operation, while the second blowers as well as AERZEN positive displace-
Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH placement blowers, with a maximum intake one is kept as redundancy. For each pack- ment blowers for generation of process air in
Edition 1 · 2015 volume flow of 2,370 Nm³/h and 35 kW- aged unit, this concept results in approxi- wastewater treatment plants.
Publisher motor, have supplied one part of the aera- mately 4,400 operating hours per year. The process air requirements of a sewage
Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH
tion basins with oxygen since the year In spite of their different technical con- plant, whether operated locally or industri-
Reherweg 28
D-31855 Aerzen
2000. Since 2009, two AERZEN turbo com- cepts, in Kötz both systems have proved to ally, can only be achieved efficiently when
pressors type AT 50-0,6S, equipped with be outstandingly successful. Meanwhile, different machine types are combined. This
Editorial staff
M/Stephan Brand (v.i.S.d.P.), Sebastian Meißler, air bearings with maximum intake volume AERZEN continues to develop its range of has been proved by cost-effectiveness cal-
Andreas Gattermann, Frank Glöckner, flow of 2,187 Nm³/h and 37 kW motor, have turbo compressors to turbo blowers and culations undertaken by various engineering
Klaus Grote, Klaus Heller, Ingo Kammeyer, been supplying the other. Furthermore, positive displacement blowers to rotary lobe concerns.
Bernd Wöhlken
Pictures Oxygen station for supply of aeration basins 3 to 6, Two AERZEN positive displacement
Aerzener Maschinenfabrik, Aerzen do Brasil, equipped with two AERZEN positive displacement Surface of aeration basin 3. The oxygen bubbles on blowers have aerated the sand collector
Barlmeyer blowers with air bearings, installed in the year 2000. the surface are clearly visible. since the year 2000.
Maenken Kommunikation GmbH
Von-der-Wettern-Straße 25
D-51149 Cologne
Number of copies 3,800