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Python Basics Including NumPy and SciPy

c Mark Wickert
November 2, 2014

1 Introduction 2

2 Before Numpy 2
2.1 The Environment and Choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1.1 Launching the IPython Notebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1.2 Launching the IPython QT Console with the Canopy Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1.3 Launching the IPython QT Console From the Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1.4 Launching the Native Python Console From the Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.5 Ending Your Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 Data Types and Simple Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2.1 Hello World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2.2 float, complex, long, int, str, and boolean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3 Data Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3.1 Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3.2 Tuples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3.3 Dictionaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.4 Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.5 Formatting Strings and Gathering User Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.5.1 Formatting Strings and Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.5.2 Gathering User Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.6 Flow Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.6.1 If, elif, and else . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.6.2 For Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.6.3 While Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.6.4 The Statements break and continue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.7 Exceptions: try, except, and finally Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.8 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.9 Object Oriented Python: Writing a Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.9.1 Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.9.2 Writing a Simple Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3 After Numpy 27
3.1 NumPy Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.1.1 The N-Dimensional Array and Available Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.1.2 Array Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.1.3 Working With Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4 Graphics and More with Matplotlib 34

5 Signals and Systems Tools and Examples 34
5.1 The Scipy Module scipy.signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5.2 The Signals and Systems for Dummies Module ssd.py . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.3 Modules for Digital Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.4 A Simple DSP Class Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.4.1 The class Code Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.4.2 Lowpass and Bandpass Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

6 References 42

In [1]: %pylab inline

#%matplotlib qt
#from __future__ import division # use so 1/2 = 0.5, etc.
import ssd
import scipy.signal as signal
from IPython.display import Image, SVG

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [2]: pylab.rcParams[’savefig.dpi’] = 100 # default 72

#pylab.rcParams[’figure.figsize’] = (6.0, 4.0) # default (6,4)
#%config InlineBackend.figure_formats=[’png’] # default for inline viewing
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats=[’svg’] # SVG inline viewing
#%config InlineBackend.figure_formats=[’pdf’] # render pdf figs for LaTeX

1 Introduction
This tutorial is structured around the idea that you want to get up and running with Python using PyLab
as quickly as possible. The first question I asked my myself before I started using PyLab was why consider
Python? What makes it a vialble alternative to other languages available for scientific and engineering
computations and simulations? OK, everyone has favorites, and presently MATLAB is very popular in the
signals and system community. Is there a need to change? This is a debate that lies outside the scope of
this tutorial, but the ability to use open-source tools that work really, really well is very compelling.
To answer the first question, why consider Python, I can say:

1. The NumPy library

2. combined with Matplotlib

3. The SciPy library of modules, particularly signal, provides reasonable suppost for signals and systems
work. Additional libraries of modules are also available

2 Before Numpy
I have been saying a lot about using Python with Numpy as a means to do scientific and engineering analysis,
simulation, and visualization. The fact of the matter is, Python is a good language for doing many other
things outside the computational realm.
Numpy plus Scipy are key elements to the attractiveness of using Python, but before getting too carried
away with the great scientific computing abiliies of the language, you should learn some basics of the language.
This way you will feel more comfortable at coding and debugging.
Before exploring the core language, I will spend time going over the environment and various choices.

2.1 The Environment and Choices
How you choose to work with Python is up to you. I do have some strong suggestions. But first I want to
review four options in order of most recommended to least recommended. My recommendations assume you
are just starting out with Python, so I have a bias towards the IPython notebook.
The first thing you want to do is get a version of Python with scientific support installed. A good place
to get started is the IPython homepage installation site.

2.1.1 Launching the IPython Notebook

Regardless of the operating system, Windows, Mac OS, or Linux, you want to get a terminal window open.
It is best if the terminal window is opened using a file manager such that the path is already set to where
any exisiting Python modules of interest reside, such as ssd.py. Note: In Windows 8x you actually are
opening a command prompt. This is done by clicking the file menu from the file manager and then selecting
command prompt. It turns out with the notebook interface you can easily navigate to a location interest
and then launch an existing notebook or create a new notebook.

In [13]: Image(’Python Basics_files/LaunchNotebook.png’,width=’100%’)


From the above you can see that the notebook is all set. Note that the first cell is only relevant if you
intend to render your notebook to pdf using the LaTeX backend. This requires that you install Pandoc and
then an appropriate install of the TeX/LaTeX type setting system. The Pandoc Web Site provides details.
The second cell issues commands to fine tune the configuration of the notebook. The first line makes
sure the workspace is populated with %pylab, which gives you full access to NumPy and Matplotlib without

having to type the module name or namespace. Note: commands that begin with % are known as IPython
magics, which in general allow you to perform OS operations outside the default (see option four) Python
console. The option inline directs all plots to show up right in the notebook. If you prefer pop-up plots,
enable the second line. The resolution of the embedded png plots can be controlled using the third line.
The fifth line, if uncommented and run as a magic (put % at start) with change the render mode from
png to pdf. This will then result in a link to plots that opens them in a pdf viewer. For LaTeX to pdf
rendering, this will create crisp vector graphics. I recommend using this only when you get ready to export
a notebook to pdf. You will have to use Run All from the Cell menu to convert all graphics to pdf and
then switch back later to again have regular inline plots.
The two import lines just bring my ssd (Signals and Systems for Dummies ssd.py module into the
workspace). Note: for this to be sucessful ssd.py must be in the same folder as the notebook you are
working from. Once you import a module you can navigate to another location in your file system. By the
way, IPython magics make general OS path manipulation a breeze. Some of then don’t even require that
you forst type %. You do need to know basic Linux/Unix OS commends. I show you a few examples below:

In [52]: pwd # check your path

Out[52]: u’/Users/wickert/Documents/Documents/IPython notebooks’

In [53]: # Move up one level



In [54]: %cd ’IPython_notebooks/Python Basics_files’/

/Users/wickert/Documents/Documents/IPython notebooks/Python Basics files

In [55]: %ls

GetStarted.ipynb Python Basics 13 0.png Python Basics 38 0.png

LaunchCanopyEditor.png Python Basics 31 0.png Python Basics 40 0.pdf
LaunchNotebook.png Python Basics 32 0.png Python Basics 4 0.png
LaunchPythonTerm.png Python Basics 33 0.png ssd.py*
Launchqtconsole.png Python Basics 34 0.pdf ssd.pyc
Printformat table.pdf Python Basics 35 0.pdf
Printformat table.svg Python Basics 37 0.png

If you are reading the present document in pdf format, you should consider downloading the notebook
version so you can follow along with interactive calculations and experiments, as you learn Python Basics.
Moving on to the QT console. . .

2.1.2 Launching the IPython QT Console with the Canopy Editor

The second and third options are actually closely related. Both of these options have you working at a
commandline console, much like Octave or Matlab. All the features of IPython are available at the QT
console. The environment is very very nice. This is how I got started with Python, as the notebook interface
was not fully released.
OK, as the second choice for getting started with Python, I recommend the qtconsole in combination
with the Canopy. To bring up this environment simply launch the Canopy app (Windows, Mac OS, or
Linux), and then click the Editor button:

In [14]: Image(’Python Basics_files/LaunchCanopyEditor.png’,width=’90%’)


From the above figure you can see the top window is a code editor with Python syntax highlighting and
other features. This is an Enthought (makers of Canopy) product. They plan to someday have a debugger
included with the editor.
The lower window is the IPython console. By enabling the the Keep Directory Synced to Editor option
you can freely move around to import code modules from various locations and always have the path in
command console where you want it. By default when Canopy opens the editor it starts the qtconsole woth
pylab. It also by default has all plots going to pop-up windows. The inline plots mode for the qtconsole is
available, but not that great compared to the IPython notebook.

2.1.3 Launching the IPython QT Console From the Terminal

If you prefer to use your own editor (many good choices out there) or if you are not using Canopy, you can
always start the qtconsole from the terminal. For quick calculations, where I don’t care to have documentation
created, this is my favorite interface. As I said earlier, I think starting with the notebook is best, and it
documents your work, which can be very useful for assignments. With the qtconsole documentation is on
your own. I wrote the Dummies book using this interface.
As with the notebook, you want to open the terminal already pointing to the folder where your Python
files of interest reside (yes you can always navigate using cd later). The next step (Windows, Mac OS, Linux)
is shown below:
In [8]: Image(’Python Basics_files/Launchqtconsole.png’,width=’90%’)

Note: The option --pylab is used to start up pylab as was done in earlier environments. Everything
else you see in the above figure is very similar to the Canopy editor with qtconsole.

2.1.4 Launching the Native Python Console From the Terminal

In the beginning there was and there still is, the basic Python intaractive console. For a Python beginner,
wanting to learn how to do scientific/engineering calculatins in Python, this is the least desireable way to go.
Chances are you will have occasion to use this environment soon enough, so no rush right now. If you decide
to play with an embedded Linux device Rasberry Pi or BeagleBone Black, and use Python to program it,
this is where you will find yourself. Take this as good news, as Python has many uses.
To launch the Python console start a terminal (command prompt) session as before and simply type

In [9]: Image(’Python Basics_files/LaunchPythonTerm.png’,width=’90%’)


2.1.5 Ending Your Session
Not mentioned up to this point, is how you end a Python session.

• In the notebook you use the File menu and select Close and Halt
• On both the qtconsole and the traditional Python console you type exit()

Note: The () are required since exit() is a function that takes no arguments.
Now its finally time to start discussing some language details. . .

2.2 Data Types and Simple Calculations

2.2.1 Hello World
The classic first program in any language is Hello World. In Python this is accomplished quite simply via:

In [85]: print(’Hello Python World!’)

Hello Python World!

As I roll through basics be aware that comments begin with # and multiline comments look like

A multiline comment
The second line
The third line

if I need access to a particular Python module I need to import it first:

# Here I will import the SciPy signal processing module and

# give it a short name of signal
import scipy.signal as signal

More of discussion of import and modules will occur later. Until I start talking about NumPy I will
keep all he topics limited to what you can do with native Python. Note: If you need to contiune a line you
can use \ (backslash). You cannot break a string this way. You can also break lines at commas.

2.2.2 float, complex, long, int, str, and boolean
The Native Python data types are actually rather few. When Numpy is brought in this changes, but for
now that is not the case.

Float In signals and systems work the float type is actually is actually a double as found in the C
language. This means it consumes 64 bits (8 bytes) of memory. A float is created by simply including a
decimal point in the number.

In [71]: a = 1.2
b = 4.603

Out[71]: 5.523599999999999

To be sure you can use the built-in function type(). To compare several calculation I will string together
several calls to type() with parenthesis and commas in between. This way I can display the rults all on one
line. Note: I have actually created a compount type known as a tuple. More on tuples later.

In [87]: (type(a), type(2), type(2*a)) # note the upcasting to float

Out[87]: (float, int, float)

In [88]: type((type(a), type(2), type(2*a))) # still have to explain tuples

Out[88]: tuple

The native operations available with float types are given in the following table. The table order is
from lowest to highest precedence.

In [18]: #SVG(’Python Basics_files/Operations_table.svg’)

Native Type Standard Arithmetic Operators

Name Operator Quick Example
>>> 3 + 4.5
Addition +
>>> 10 - 7.3
Subtraction -
>>> 3.4 * 39.1
Multiply *
/ Note one number must be >>> 45.2/89.1
a float in Python 2.7 0.5072951739618407
// In Python 3.3 or >>> 67//8 or 67/8
Integer Division
/ In Python 2.7 (see note) 8
% Note with numpy you >>> 13 % 8
typically use mod(a,b) 5
>>> 3**8
Exponentiation **
Note: In Python 2.7 Python 3.3 division behavior is available if you make
your first import (be careful with this):
>>> from __future__ import division

A frustration with Python 2.7 (what I am currently using in this IPython notebook), is that when do
perform simple division such as

x = 6/7

thinking you will form a float, you instead get and integer. In the example above you get 0. In Python
3.3 this is resolved. I am making a big deal about this because over and over again I get tripped up.
So what can you do? In Python 2.7 I find it best to just remember to put a decimal point on one of
the two numbers when working with ratios of integers in math calculations. A hard conversion to float is
possible using the native function float(), e.g.,

x = 6/7.
# or
x = 6/float(7)

Another option is to import the new Python 3.3 division rule into Python 2.7 as follows:

In [98]: from __future__ import division

(6/7,6//7) # display two results, again using a tuple

Out[98]: (0.8571428571428571, 0)

Note: It is strongly recommended that this import be placed before any other imports. Also, with this
division change, when you really want integer division you need to use //. More on the int type coming up.

Complex Another standard type to Python is complex. √ For signals and systems work, complex plays a
significant role. The constant 1j gives you access to −1, and allows you to readily form complex quantities.
In the following example I will again create a tuple just for the convenience of displaying multiple results
without using a formatted print statement.

In [19]: z1 = complex(1.,3) # z = complex(x,y) builds a complex type

z2 = 5. - 20j
(z1 + z2, z1 - z2, z1*z2, z1/z2)

Out[19]: ((6-17j), (-4+23j), (65-5j), (-0.12941176470588237+0.08235294117647059j))

The convenience of built-in complex arithmeic is very nice. I need to mention however, that getting access
to functions beyond the operators listed in the table above, requires the import of specific code modules. The
math and cmath bring in additional functions for float or real numbers and complex numbers respectively.
Don’t get too excited about jumping in to use these modules. With NumPy, which will be talked about
later, the use of math and cmath is taken care of for you. AN with NumPy you will have full vector/matrix
support. I just mention it here so you know it does exist, and if for some strange case you don’t want to use
NumPy, this is what you will have work with.

Int and Long For integer math, indices, and loop counters, Python has the types int and long. The int
type is a signed integer similar to int in the C language. The size of int depends upon the machine you are
running on. If you import the sys module you can find out more information about int for your machine:

In [93]: import sys


Out[93]: 9223372036854775807

On a 64-bit OS the maximum value should be like 264−1 −1, accounting for the fact that one bit is needed
for the sign and since zero is represented you have to stop one value short of 263 .
The native math capability of Python goes one step further via the long type. The long type offers
unlimited size! Furthermore if you are working with an int type and perform an operation that exceeds
the maximum size, it will converted to a long integer for you. Loop counters however, are bound to the
maximum size on int. There are work arounds for this too.

In [94]: x = 34
(type(x),x) # display two results, again using a tuple

Out[94]: (int, 34)
In [95]: y = x**32
(type(y),y) # display two results, again using a tuple
Out[95]: (long, 10170102859315411774579628461341138023025901305856L)
In [99]: 1-y
Out[99]: -10170102859315411774579628461341138023025901305855L
Notice in the above examples that long integers are displayed with L appended to the end.

Other Bases In computer engineering you often need to work with other bases.

Bitwise Operations Along with the display of integers in other formats, Python also supports the
bitwise operations shown in the following table.
In [19]: #SVG(’Python Basics_files/Bitwise_table.svg’)

Native Bitwise Arithmetic Operators

Name Operator Quick Example
>>> ~0x001 + 0x100
Bitwise not ~
254 since hex(~0x001) = -0x2
>>> bin(0b0001<<2)
Shift left <<
'0b100' or 4
>>> bin(0b11001>>3)
Shift right >>
'0b11' or 3
Exclusive OR bin(0b1010^0b1111)
(XOR) '0b101' or 5
>>> bin(0b101100 & 0xf)
'0b1100' or 12
>>> bin(0b1000 | 0b0001)
OR |
'0b1001' or 9

Note: If you search the Internet you will find little helper functions to
allow you to represent hex values with proper sign extension.

String String creation and manipulation in Python is a breeze. In signals and systems work string manip-
ulation often shows up when working with formatted printing, on the screen or in a text file, and in labels
for plots.
The ability to mix fixed text with formatted numbers, on the fly, is very handy when you have to tabulate
analysis and simulation results. Formatted print strings will discussed when I discuss the print() function.
Presently the basic of type str are discussed.
Formally a string in Python is a sequence of immutable characters. Immutable means the values of the
string cannot be changed. You can easily create a new string from an existing string, and this is where you
can introduce changes you may desire.
A string can be indicated using: (1) single quotes (2) double quotes, or (3) triple quotes to create a string
xa = ’Bat’
xb = "Bat"
xc =\
Many bats flying
through the air.

In [124]: xa = ’Bat’
xb = "Bat"
xc =\
Many bats flying
through the air.
# Use a tuple to display some results

Out[124]: (’Bat’, str, ’Bat’, ’\nMany bats flying \nthrough the air.\n’)

Note: The multi-line string has embedded line feed, \n, characters.
Single and double quotes are interchangeable and are useful when you want to preserve quotes that belong
in a string, e.g.,

In [108]: xd = "It’s a beautiful day"


Out[108]: "It’s a beautiful day"

Don’t be afraid to experiment!

String can be concatenated or added quite easily:

In [114]: ’Hello,’ + ’ ’ + ’what is your name?’

Out[114]: ’Hello, what is your name?’

The number of characters in a string can be found using the len() function, while individual characters
can be accessed using brackets, e.g., xd[3].
Indexing can be used to obtain substrings. The indices are integers which run from 0 to len()-1. To
generate substrings use brackets, i.e.,

In [121]: len(xd)

Out[121]: 20

The table below sumarizes basic string manipulation, including the fun topic of slicing. Slicing returns
with native Python lists, tuples, and NumPy ndarrays.

In [16]: #SVG(’Python Basics_files/StringOperations.svg’)

Native string operations
Name Operation Quick Example
xa + xb
Concatenate/ >>> ‘Hello’ + ‘ ‘ + ‘World’
to concatenate
adding ‘Hello World’
x*n or
Replicate/ n*x >>> ‘Bat’ * 3
multiply to replicate a ‘BatBatBat’
string n times
x[n] >>> x = ‘Bat’
x[-1] >>> x[1]
the end value ‘a’
Indexing x[-2] >>> x[-1]
the second t
from the end
x[n:m] >>> x = ‘Bright colors’
the substring >>> x[1:6]
from n to m-1 ‘right’
x[:m] >>> x[7:]
the substring ‘colors’
from 0 to m-1 >>> x[:-1]
x[n:] ‘Bright color’
>>> x[::2]
the substring
‘Bih oos’
Slicing: from n to the
In the above the third argument is the
Many forms end
optional stride (the default, if not
possible x[n:-1]
given is 1) factor which controls the
the substring
step size as you run from 0 to the
from n to
end-1 end in this case, since only :: is
x[n:-2] given.
the substring
from n to
Note: Indexing and slicing will work the same way when wiring with
Python lists and tuples, and the Numpy ndarray.

There are many functions for searching and modifying strings. Too many to cover here. If you feel the
need, do some searching on your own. As a specific example, consider breaking a string down into substrings
and then put back together in a differnt form. Below I use find() to do some simple string parsing to assit
in the tear-apart:
In [120]: xd[0:5] + xd[xd.find(’beau’):xd.find(’day’)-1]
Out[120]: "It’s beautiful"

Boolean The boolean type has it place in making logical decisions in program flow. In Python the boolean
type holds either True (1) or False (0). You will see booleans in action when I discuss program flow. Logical
operation as used in program flow control return booleans. A few simple examples follow:
In [161]: b1 = True
b1 > 1
Out[161]: False
In [162]: 34 > 0 and 4 < 3
Out[162]: False
In [163]: 34 > 0 or 4 < 3
Out[163]: True

2.3 Data Structures
Python’s native data structures of interest here are lists, tuples, and briefly dictionaries. All three
of these data structures are sequences that can be thought of as containers for Python objects. The most
import object you will be using is the ndarray, which I have made mention of many times. Although note
mentioned in the section on string, they are also sequences of characters.

2.3.1 Lists
Simply put, a list is a mutable (changable) sequence of objects. A list can be created using brackets:

In [146]: l1 = [1,’abc’,23.4]

Out[146]: [1, ’abc’, 23.4]

Indexing and slicing of lists works the same as with strings. In fact a list can hold strings as you see in
the above example.
When I introduce for loops a little bit later, you will encounter a list object containing integers. With
regard to for loops, the native function range(), is frequently used to create a list of integers. Consider the
examples below:

n1 = range(start,stop,step) # = [start,start+step,start+2*step,...]
n2 = range(20) # = [0,1,2,...,19]

If start is omitted the sequence starts at 0. If step is omitted the step size is 1. Note step may be
The fact that lists are mutable means I can write

n1 = range(10)
n1[4] = 20 # replace the 5th element with 20, not a problem

In [169]: n1 = range(10)

Out[169]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

In [170]: n1[4] = 20

Out[170]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 20, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

In [136]: (type(n1),len(n1))

Out[136]: (list, 10)

List can contain lists, and so on. Below I create n2 as a list of two lists made from subsequences of the
original n1.

In [137]: n2 = [n1[:5],n1[5:]]

Out[137]: [[0, 1, 2, 3, 20], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]

Indexing and slicing into n2 now requires two indices:

In [144]: n2[1][:3]

Out[144]: [5, 6, 7]

There are methods (functions) associated with list objects. In engineering/scientific applications of
Python you need to be aware of lists, but explicit use of lists beyond range() (or the memory conserv-
ing xrange()) is minimal, as NumPy’s ndarray is more powerful. As a simple example consider sort()
which places the list elements in ascending order:

In [171]: n3 = sort(n1) # Note n1.sort() sorts in-place


Out[171]: array([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 20])

List Comprehensions Indexing through lists and performing calculations is a frequent task, at least
without NumPy. Python allows you to combine looping and list manipulation into one operation.

new_list = [function_of_index for index in range(n1,n2+1)]

#or to list the values in the terminal immediately
[function_of_index for index in range(n1,n2+1)]

Below is a simple example that returns a list of numbers corresponding to 3 + 4n + n2 for 0 ≤ n ≤ 10.

In [173]: [3+4*n+n**2 for n in range(0,11)]

Out[173]: [3, 8, 15, 24, 35, 48, 63, 80, 99, 120, 143]

When you use list comprehensions you can write very terse Python code. I encourage you to explore list
comprehensions as you feel more comfortable with the language. With NumPy the list comprehension still
provides a convenient way to fill a list or array with values of interest, but again NumPy has its own ways
too, that most likely are even faster.

2.3.2 Tuples
A tuple is like a list, but it is immutable (not changable). Your first reaction to this might be ‘what good is it
if I can’t change it’. It turns out that the immuatabilty aspect is perfect for the needs of engineering/scientific
Creating a tuple can be done using parenthesis much like you do with lists. One significant difference
is that a single element tuple requires a comma so as not to be confused with the ordinary use of parenthesis.

In [147]: t1 = (1,2,23.5,’abcd’)

Out[147]: (1, 2, 23.5, ’abcd’)

In [159]: t2 = (27)
t2 # This is not a one element tuple

Out[159]: 27

In [160]: t3 = (34.5,) # the comma does it, its a one element tuple

Out[160]: (34.5,)

In [156]: type(t3)

Out[156]: tuple

Trying to change a value of a tuple element fails, as you can see from the following:

In [151]: t1[1] = 56

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-151-4a896955a572> in <module>()
----> 1 t1[1] = 56

TypeError: ’tuple’ object does not support item assignment

A typical use of the tuple is as a return from a function call. Each element of the tuple can be an object
such as a list or with NumPy an ndarray. You can then unpack the tuple into its constituent objects, say
a frequency array and a frequency response array. Further analysis follows.
Suppose you have a function that returns a tuple of two lists. List 1, denoted l1, containing numbers
and list 2, denoted l2, containing characters, you can unpack the tuple into two lists as follows:

In [152]: # First set up the scenario by artificially creating

# a tuple containing two lists
l_composite = ([0,1,2,3,4],[’a’,’b’,’c’,’d’,’e’])
# Break the tuple apart
l1,l2 = l_composite

In [153]: l1

Out[153]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

In [154]: l2

Out[154]: [’a’, ’b’, ’c’, ’d’, ’e’]

Tuples have functions, such as len(),

2.3.3 Dictionaries
A dictionary is a mutable (changable) sequence of values that is addressable using a name/key. The key
needs to be unique, but the value does not. Dictionaries like lists are mutable.
The motivation for introducing dictionaries at this time is because some of the numerical algorithms in
SciPy return dictionaries. If you should need to use one of these algorithms, then you will need to know
something about dictionaries.
To create a dictionary using braces to create {key : value} pairs.

In [180]: weekdays = {’monday’ : 1, ’tuesday’ : 2, ’wednesday’ : 3,

’thursday’ : 4, ’friday’ : 5}

Out[180]: dict

You can now access the dictionary elements using the keys:

In [177]: weekdays[’wednesday’]

Out[177]: 3

Dictionaries have a collection of associated functions. For example, you can list the keys using the keys()

In [179]: weekdays.keys()

Out[179]: [’tuesday’, ’thursday’, ’friday’, ’wednesday’, ’monday’]

If you have a dictionary but don’t know whats inside, you can list() it as tuples. The order of the list
is the hash ordering, which is an internal order scheme for fast retrieval.

In [181]: weekdays.items()

Out[181]: [(’tuesday’, 2),

(’thursday’, 4),
(’friday’, 5),
(’wednesday’, 3),
(’monday’, 1)]

2.4 Variables
You have already seen variables in action, but there are some fine points you need to know about them.
Variable names can contain characters, numbers, and underscores. Variables cannot begin with a number.
Since everything in Python is an object, all objects have an address. If you declare a structure variable
(say a list) it is given an address. If you later set the list variable name equal to the first variable you will
not be creating a new object. Rather you create a new reference to the same object. Python does have a
copy method for these instances when you really do want a copy.

In [184]: a1 = [0,23.4]
a2 = a1

Out[184]: ([0, 23.4], [0, 23.4])

In [185]: a2[0] = 56.8


Out[185]: ([56.8, 23.4], [56.8, 23.4])

Notice in the above reassignement of the first element of list a2, the values held by a1 have followed.
In other words a1 references the same object. To insure you actually make a copy, you can use some form
of copy method. For Numpy ndarrays seen later, there is a copy() method. For lists you can use a4 =
list(a3) to make a copy:

In [190]: a3 = [2,17]
a4 = list(a3)

Out[190]: ([2, 17], [2, 17])

In [193]: a4[1] = 20
(a3,a4,’<== It works!’)

Out[193]: ([2, 17], [2, 20], ’<== It works!’)

2.5 Formatting Strings and Gathering User Input

Strings and gathering user input may seem unrelated, but they come together when you to write interactive
programs in Python. I have placed this section here so that it can put to use in the section on flow control
coming up next.

2.5.1 Formatting Strings and Printing
Being able to control the format of numers displayed both on the screen and in files allows you to effectively
communicate the results of your Python analysis and simulation. Python supports two approaches: string
interpolation and formatting strings. I will be showing just string interpolation, as to me it is very easy to
pick up, as it follows from a background in C. Formatting strings do give more control.
To print a string to the console/terminal, IPython qtconsole, or IPython notebook, you use the print()
with a formatted string as the argument, or in many cases all rolled up into one statement. A string
interpolation expression takes the form format % values, where format is a string and values is a tuple
of values. The % character present in the string format indicates a value should placed in the string using a
format specification.
Consider the following simple example:
In [197]: v1 = 3.141516
v2 = 2*v1
print(’v1 = %6.4f and v2 = %2.4e’ % (v1,v2))
v1 = 3.1415 and v2 = 6.2830e+00
Note: The values to be formatted are contained in the tuple following the % character. The formatting for
the values always follows a % as well. Don’t be confused, there are multiple uses of % in string interpolation.
If you simply wanted a string for use in plot labels, etc. you can write:
In [198]: str1 = ’v1 = %6.4f and v2 = %2.4e’ % (v1,v2)
Out[198]: ’v1 = 3.1415 and v2 = 6.2830e+00’
As I said from the start, string interpolation is very much like string formatting in C. The format string
specifications are given is the table below.
In [21]: #SVG(’Python Basics_files/Printformat_table.svg’)

Format specifications for strings and use in print()

Character Type Example
d Integer print(‘x = %d’ % x)
Engineering notation with e or
e,E print(‘x = %2.4e’ % x)
E respectively for the exponent
f Floating point print(‘x = %6.4f’ % x)
General f or e depending upon
g need. Decimal point and print(‘x = %2.4g’ % x)
trailing zeros may be ommitted
o Octal, not too common print(‘x = %o’ % x)
s String print(‘x = %s’ % x)
Hexadecimal lower or upper
x,X print(‘x = %x’ % x)
case, i.e., 0x or 0X

Note: d, f, and s are the most common format types. The f

specification is very nice for floats.

When for loops are introduced in the next section you will see how nice tabular lists of data can be
prepared. As a quick example which iterates over the list [-23, 34, 1004] consider:
In [203]: # Use of format specifications; also not line continue via \
for k in [-23,34,1004]:
print(’Decimal: %o, Decimal padded: %4d, Hex: %x,\
Hex string: %s’ % (k,k,k,hex(k)))

Decimal: -27, Decimal padded: -23, Hex: -17, Hex string: -0x17
Decimal: 42, Decimal padded: 34, Hex: 22, Hex string: 0x22
Decimal: 1754, Decimal padded: 1004, Hex: 3ec, Hex string: 0x3ec

2.5.2 Gathering User Input

User input may be provided interactively or in the case of a Python script via command line areguments.
Both are of interest, with the latter perhaps being more relevant to Python applications running under the
control of another program.

Interactive User Input The function used to accept user inputs is

val = input(’format string’)

Below is a simple example:

In [200]: val = input(’Enter a number: ’)

Enter a number: 234.5

In [202]: (val,type(val))

Out[202]: (234.5, float)

Running Scripts with Command Line Arguments as Inputs There are times when you may want
to write a Python script that you can run from the command line or perhaps have another program call.
As an example, I have written GUI apps in another language that bring together both command line C++
executables and Python script outputs.
A Python script is a *.py file containing code you might ordinarily type at the Python or IPython
prompt. You run the script right from the terminal provided by your OS:

Marks-MacBook-Pro:IPython_notebooks wickert$ python my_script.py arg1 arg2 arg_etc

Note: You can also run scripts from IPython using the %run magic, i.e.,

In [28]: %run my_script arg1 arg2 arg_etc

Note: one or more command line argument may be supplied following the script file name. The script
is actually a Python code module that may contain functions as well as a script body, that will run from the
command line. Any functions in the module can be used by importing the modules namespace into your
Python (IPython) environment using:

import my_script

A sample script that reads four command line arguments is given below. This script imports methods
from the sys module for reading the command line arguments and the os module to allow the full path to
the script to be discerned. Having the full path comes in handy when you want to read or write files from
your script and you have called the script from another directory, say even via another program.


A simple command line script program taking four arguments:
string = a file_name, e.g. data_set.txt
int = an interger loop variable
float = a calculations variable

float = a second calculations variable

Note all command line arguments are read as strings, so no

quotes are required.

Mark Wickert, October 2014


# import needed modules and packages

from sys import argv, exit
import os
import numpy as np

#Get the app path for use later

app_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

Sample command line:
>>>python cmd_line_test.py cmd_test_results.txt 5 109.8 -34.567
# Read command line arguments and convert as needed
if len(argv) < 4+1: # argv[0] is the script name itself
print(’error: Need 4 command line arguments!’)
print(’User provided only %d.’ % len(argv))
out_file = argv[1]
N_loops = int(argv[2])
value1 = float(argv[3])
value2 = float(argv[4])
# Do something with the collected inputs
print(’Echo commandline inputs back to user:’)
print(’argv[0] = %s’ % argv[0])
print(’argv[1] = %s’ % out_file)
print(’argv[2] = %d’ % N_loops)
print(’argv[3] = %6.4f’ % value1)
print(’argv[4] = %6.4f’ % value2)
# For reading and writing files you may want the full path
print(’FYI, the path to your script is:’)
print(’%s’ % app_path)
# Create an empty N_loops x 2 2D array
output_data = np.zeros((N_loops,2))
for k in xrange(N_loops):
output_data[k,0] = value1 + k*10.0
output_data[k,1] = (value1 + k*10.0)/value2
np.savetxt(app_path + out_file,output_data)

Running the above script from the terminal prompt results in:

Marks-MacBook-Pro:IPython_notebooks wickert$ python cmd_line_test.py

sample_output.txt 20 1823.69 -38276.76
Echo commandline inputs back to user:
argv[0] = cmd_line_test.py
argv[1] = sample_output.txt
argv[2] = 20

argv[3] = 1823.6900
argv[4] = -38276.7600
FYI, the path to your script is:

A quick look at the file sample output.txt reveals a nice list of two columns separated by a space.

1.823690000000000055e+03 -4.764483723282744027e-02
1.833690000000000055e+03 -4.790609236518451192e-02
1.843690000000000055e+03 -4.816734749754159051e-02

The complementary Numpy function loadtxt() (discussed later) can easily load a text file into ndarrays,
using a variety of options.
Note: this script has also used a numpy method that makes it easy to write ndarrays to a text file. More
will be said about reading and writing ndarrays to files in the NumPy chapter.

2.6 Flow Control

The control of program flow is fundamental to moving on just using Python with NumPy. A lot of good
analysis can be done without flow control, but sooner or later you need to include some looping and decision
The key operators used for decision logic in Python are shown in the table below.

In [22]: #SVG(’Python Basics_files/LogicalOperations_table.svg’)

Logical and boolean comparison operators

Operator Type Example
X < Y Less than 5 < 6 returns True
X <= Y Less than or equal to 5 <= 4.9 returns False
X > Y Greater than 5 > 6 returns False
X >= Y Greater than or equal to 5 >= 4.9 returns True
X == Y Equal to (same value) 5 == 5.01 returns False
X != Y Not equal (also X <> Y in 2.X) 5 != 5.001 returns True
not X If X is false then True; else False not (5 < 6) returns False
(5 < 6) or (5 != 6) returns
X or Y If X is false then Y; else, X
(5 < 4) and (5 != 6) returns
X and Y If X is false then X; else Y

This is also where one of the unusual aspects of Python comes to light, that of code indenting. Indenting
and unindenting code by 4 four spaces is the standard. Python code editors are set up this way, or you can
make it so if not.
Indenting must be consistent all the way through a code block inthe IPython notebook or in general in
code module file. It is easy to mess up your indenting, so be careful. This is an area that a newcomer is
likely to get frustrated with. Hang in there, it gets better with practice.
In this section I cover if, elif, else blocks, for loops, and while loops. What I will leave for self
study is try, else, and finally blocks.

2.6.1 If, elif, and else

In Python the core flow control structure is if, elif, else:

if condition1:
elif condition2:
elif conditionN:
All code blocks must be indented (by convention 4 spaces and not a tab) from the if, elif, else
statements. A condition can be passed over by including the pass statement in place of an actual block.
Coding continues following the elseblock by outdenting. No blank lines required. AT first this seems
strange, but you get used to it. The Canopy code editor as well as the editor used for code in the IPython
notebook help get you up to speed.
In [210]: my_value = 10
if my_value <= 4:
print(’I am in the first block!’)
elif my_value > 4 and my_value <= 8:
print(’I am in the second block!’)
print(’I am in the default block!’)
I am in the default block!
In [217]: modeA = ’Green’
modeB = ’hot’
if (modeA.lower() == ’green’) and (modeB.lower() != ’cold’):
print(’What I am looking for!’)
print(’No match!’)
print(’Entered a new block due to outdent’)
What I am looking for!
Entered a new block due to outdent

2.6.2 For Loops

The for loop in Python is differnt from that found in most other languages.
for element in sequence:
# Outside for loop due to outdent. Carry on with the program flow
What you see in the above says that a for loop is governed by the for element in sequence statement.
The words for and in must appear. How you choose to handle element and sequence is up to you. The
simplest configuration is to let element = k, and index variable and define a sequence (list) of integers
using the Python native range() function:
for k in range(10)
print(’Index k = %d’ % k)
As defined above k steps over the values in the list, which here has values 0,1,2,...,10-1. The use of
range() is convenient since it can generate a sequence of values to iterate over. The xrange() function is
better still because it does not have to allocate memory for the entire list.
The list you interate over can be most anything. In signals and systems work you typically have a
sequence (list) of numbers, integer or floating point. Below I fill a list with floats manually, but once NumPy
is on board you will fill nrrays by some other means.

Get Two For One by Using the Iterator enumerate When you process float values in a loop your
frequently need to use both the sequence index and the value itself. The loop interation contruct that I
really like makes use of the Python iterator enumerate. Consider:

x = [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]

for n, xn in enumerate(x):
print(’n = %d and xn = %4.1f’ % (n, xn))

The iterator enumerate returns both an index to x and the value at the corresponding index, in that
order. Check it out in the notebook:

In [10]: # enumerate() Demo

x = [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5] # An input list of floats
y = [0.0 for i in range(6)] # A list filled using list comprehension
for n, xn in enumerate(x):
y[n] = xn**2 # note how I make use of both n and xn
print(’n = %d, xn = %4.1f, and y[n] = %4.2f’ % (n, xn, y[n]))

n = 0, xn = 0.0, and y[n] = 0.00

n = 1, xn = 0.1, and y[n] = 0.01
n = 2, xn = 0.2, and y[n] = 0.04
n = 3, xn = 0.3, and y[n] = 0.09
n = 4, xn = 0.4, and y[n] = 0.16
n = 5, xn = 0.5, and y[n] = 0.25

Another useful interator is reversed(). You can run everything in reverse:

In [18]: # reversed() Demo

x = [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5] # An input list of floats
y = [0.0 for i in range(6)] # A list filled using list comprehension
for n in reversed(range(len(x))):
y[n] = x[n]**2 # without xn I have to access the list directly
print(’n = %d, xn = %4.1f, and y[n] = %4.2f’ % (n, xn, y[n]))

n = 5, xn = 0.5, and y[n] = 0.25

n = 4, xn = 0.5, and y[n] = 0.16
n = 3, xn = 0.5, and y[n] = 0.09
n = 2, xn = 0.5, and y[n] = 0.04
n = 1, xn = 0.5, and y[n] = 0.01
n = 0, xn = 0.5, and y[n] = 0.00

2.6.3 While Loops

The while loop is very similar to the for loop, but the loop control point is different. Interation is controlled
by a logical compare at the top of the loop and exit the loop occurs when the condition becomes false. The
previous iteration of the loop takes place before you actually jump out of the loop. Also, you must manage
the variable used to form the condition.

while condition:

While condition is True looping continues. Infinite looping is also possible

# A never ending loop

while True

As a simple example consider:

In [13]: i = 5 # initialize the looping variable

while i <= 10: # form the True/False condition
i += 1 # incrementthe looping variable


2.6.4 The Statements break and continue

When looping using for or while, you can use break to jump out of the loop and continue with normal
program flow. You can also use continue to skip the remainder of the code in the for block or while block
and come around to the next iteration.

In [16]: #break and continue Demo

print(’Here I break at 2’)
for i in range(4):
if i == 2: break
print(’i = %d’ % i)
print(’Here I continue at 2’)
for i in range(4):
if i == 2: continue
print(’i = %d’ % i)

Here I break at 2
i = 0
i = 1
Here I continue at 2
i = 0
i = 1
i = 3

2.7 Exceptions: try, except, and finally Blocks

Another aspect of flow control is the ability of a program handle runtime errors without crashing your
program. For the purposes of this intro tutorial. I consider exception handling to be a more advanced topic.
I am however including some discussion on this topic incase you are looking at code samples you may find
on the internet.
In Python exceptional handling is taken care of using try, except, and finally blocks. The idea behind
exception handling is to have the program catch that an exception has been raised or thrown, then handle
it in a safe way, and finally let the user know something about what happened.
To be completed later. . .

2.8 Functions
To me the heart and soul of any programming language is the ability to write reusable functions. In Python
functions are written using a def construct.

def function_name(arguments): # arguments are optional


Function docstring to describe the purpose and variable input/output
function_body # The function body must be indented
return one_or_more variables # The use of return is optional

Note: The return statement does not have to appear at the end of the function. You can actually return
from multiple locations if you need to. The bottom line is the function does end when it reaches a return
Arguments to the left can be given default values. If say two arguments are given default values and you
want to overide the lasgt value only, you must explicity refer to the last value in the function call and give
it a value:

def my_f1(a,b,c=5,d=25):
return a + b + c + d

# Using the function

x = my_f1(2.3,-4.7)
y = my_f1(2.3,-4.7,d=20)

In [19]: def my_function(a,b,c=8):

A simple example function that takes three arguments:
a = arg1
b = arg2
c = arg3, which has a default value of 8
x = a + 31.5*b/c for c != 0 otherwise
a + 31.5*b/1000
# Conditional evaluation
if c == 0:
x = a + 31.25*b/1000
x = a + 31.25*b/c
return x

In [20]: # test the function using the default c and with c = 0


Out[20]: (88.125, 10.625)

2.9 Object Oriented Python: Writing a Class

2.9.1 Basics
Object oriented programming (OOP) is quite easy in Python. So, what is it and how do you do it? The
following subsection walks through a simple examples. Once NumpY is introduced a signal processing I
develop the start of a simple filter class.
An object is a collection of data, say scalar numbers, lists, Numpy ndarrays, and functions. To create a
new object type you first have to create a class. The class defines what data types and functions the object
will contain. An object is said to encapsulate the data and functions that operate on the data.
Objects can inherent data and functions from an existing class, if you wish. This can be a very useful
property, as it can save you the trouble of starting from scratch if some other class type has much of what
you need in your new class.

2.9.2 Writing a Simple Class
In a separate code module or right here in the Notebook, you write a class as follows:

In [20]: # Simple starter class entitled Entity for holding name,

# date, and time, and having some methods
# Import some modules needed for your class
import time # a Python standard library module
import datetime # a Python standard library module

class Entity(object): # object is the default to inherit from

A simple starter class

Mark Wickert October 2014

# You begin by initializing the class. This is the class
# constructor:
def __init__(self, me): #Note self refers to the object itself
self.name = me
# current time since epoch in float seconds
self.time = time.time()
# year, month, date stucture
self.date = datetime.date.fromtimestamp(self.time)

# This is a special method that can be implemented to provide

# a string representation of the object.
def __str__(self):
string1 = ’Person %s started at %10.2fs, \n’ \
% (self.name,self.time)
string2 = ’which corresponds to year %d, month %d, and day %d.’ \
% (self.date.year,self.date.month,self.date.day)
return string1 + string2

# This is a special method that can be implemented to provide

# the official representation (repr) of the object.
# Without it you just get an object address when you type
# the object name and press enter.
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)

# Create a method to re-set the Entity name.

def set_name(self,new_name):
self.name = new_name

# Time in seconds the Entity has been in service

def service_time(self):
return time.time() - self.time

Note: You see self everywhere when you write a class. All objects and data must be preceeded by self
and every class method (function) must begin with a reference to self. Forgetting self somewhere in your
class definition is a fairly common error. Be on the look out for this error.

In [22]: # Create a new object of type Entity having name Joe

person1 = Entity(’Joe’)

In [23]: # Use the repr method to give the representation of person1

Out[23]: Person Joe started at 1414386667.63s,

which corresponds to year 2014, month 10, and day 26.

In [24]: # Change the name of person1 using the setter method


In [25]: # Verify that the name change took place


Out[25]: Person John started at 1414386667.63s,

which corresponds to year 2014, month 10, and day 26.

In [26]: str(person1)

Out[26]: ’Person John started at 1414386667.63s, \nwhich corresponds to year 2014, month 10, and day 26.

In [27]: person1.service_time()

Out[27]: 17.271279096603394

3 After Numpy
With Python basics taken care of, now its time to move on to the real focus of using Python for science and
engineering. NumPy (Numerical Python) is an open-source Python library for numerical computing. When
you combine NumPy with MatPlotLib and SciPy, and the IPython console or notebook app, and you really
have a very powerful set of tools. The full NumPy documentation.
The writing for the NumPy section is far from complete. At present I have placed many tables.

1. Numpy Fundamentals
2. Working with 1D Arrays

a. Signals

b. Systems

3. Working with 2D Arrays (Matrices)

4. The signal processing functions of ssd.py and digitalcom.py
5. A DSP Class using NumPy and Matplotlib

3.1 NumPy Fundamentals

3.1.1 The N-Dimensional Array and Available Types
The essence of the ndarray is shown in the figure below. Numerical operations with ndarrays mostly run at
full compiled code speed. This is particulary true if the math operations you perform on an array do not
change the size of the array.
Once an array is created you can access the attributes and many other methods using the . operator.
To see the complete list type:


In [37]: #SVG(’Python Basics_files/Ndarray_stucture.svg’)

The structure of the ndarray

The element data type,

e.g., float64 or int8

dim count How many dimensions
Elements per dimension:
(n, m, …)
Bytes per row, p,
bytes per element, q
The data memory block
data with row and element

e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 … … …

From outside

User/Python e0 e1 e2 e3 Note: C-ordering

view of 2D is the default as
e4 e5 e6 e7 shown. Fortran
array with
e8 e9 e10 e11 ordering (by
n = ? and
column) is also
m = 4 ... … … … possible

As a quick example consider:

In [33]: # Here I use the ‘array()‘ method (see Array Creation below)
A = array([1., 34.,-345, 98.2])

Out[33]: array([ 1. , 34. , -345. , 98.2])

In [34]: A.dtype

Out[34]: dtype(’float64’)

In [36]: A.shape # This a 1D array

Out[36]: (4,)

When using PyLab, which makes the IPython environment similar to MATLAB, you work with ndarrays
in a very natural manner. The default data type for floats is double precision or 64 bit (128 bits for complex).
Many other data types can be used to make more efficient use of memory. The table below lists the types
and makes mention of how you declare types and perform casting from one type to another.

In [22]: #SVG(’Python Basics_files/ndarray_types_table.svg’)

Available ndarray data types set by dtype
Type Description
bool Boolean (True or False) stored as a bit
int8 Byte (-128 to 127)
int16 Integer (-32768 to 32767)
int32 Integer (-2**31 to 2**31 - 1)
int64 Integer (-2**63 to 2**63 - 1)
uint8 Unsigned integer (0 to 255)
uint16 Unsigned integer (0 to 65535)
uint32 Unsigned integer (0 to 2**32 - 1)
uint64 Unsigned integer (0 to 2**64 - 1)
float16 Half precision float: sign bit, 5b expo, 10b mantissa
float32 Single precision float: sign bit, 8b expo. 23b mantissa
float64 Double precision float: sign bit, 11b expo, 52b mantissa
Complex number, represented by two 32-bit floats (real &
Complex number, represented by two 64-bit floats (real &
Note: The highlighted types are the defaults on a 64-bit OS. Type casting
is possible using methods such as y = uint32(x), etc.

3.1.2 Array Creation

The table below provides examples of commly used methods to create ndarrays.

In [23]: #SVG(’Python Basics_files/Creating_ndarrays_table.svg’)

Creating NumPy ndarrays
Method Description Example
>>> a = array([1,2,3,4])
This is the core method used to
will create an int64 array
create ndarrays from a list. The
>>> a =
array() dtype argument is good for array([1,2,3,4],dtype=float16)
setting the per element data will create a float16 array

>>> a = ones(20)
ones(n1) Will create an array of specified
a 20 element 1D array
or length (n1 or n1xn2, etc)
>>> a = ones((5,4))
ones((n1,n2)) containing all ones as 1D,2D, …
a 5x4 2D array of ones
Similar to ones() except fills >>> a = zeors(20)
array with zeros a 20 element 1D array
Create a new array of zeros or
ones_like() >>> a = ones(10)
ones that replicates the shape
zeros_like() >>> b = zeros_like(a)
of the input argument
Special 1D Array
Creation Methods
Create an array of values
arange([start, ] running from start to stop- >>> x = arange(0,5,0.5)
stop[,step] step, where step is the step creates an array of floats [0,0.5,1.0,…,4.5]
Create an array of linearly
linspace(start,s >>> x linspace(1,2,6)
spaced of num values running
top,num=50) creates the array [1.0,1.2,1.4,1.6,1.8,2.0]
from start to stop
Create an array of log spaced of >>> x = logspace(0,1,10)
logspace(start, num values running from creates the array [1. , 1.291, 1.668, …,
stop, num=50)
10start to 10stop 5.995, 7.743, 10.]

Note: I frequently use arange() to create index vectors and initialize arrays using zeros() and/or
Tip: If you add step to stop in arange() the final value will be stop.

3.1.3 Working With Arrays

Working with arrays is where it’s at! You want to solve problems using a technical computing and visualiza-
tion environment. Working with arrays is how you get your analysis and simulation work done. There are
many core functions/methods for this. In the following four tables below I provide some important example
methods. Obviously there are many more, and with SciPy and many code modules written by people all
over the world, the list goes on and on and on.
A good Web site to go to is PyPI. Not all packages are listed here (mine included at present), but many
are. Web searches often end up at this site.

In [25]: ‘

Popular methods for working with ndarrays
Function Description Example
all() True if all elements are nonzero >>> x =
all(x) = False
any() True if any (at least one) elements are nonzero >>> x =
any(x) = True
find() Return the indices where ravel(condition) is >>> x =
true array([0,1,2,2,1,7])
find(x >= 3) =

Slicing 1D arrays
(a few cases)
x[n:m] The 1D subarray from n to m-1 >>> x =
x[:m] The 1D subarray from 0 to m-1 array([0,1,2,3,4,5])
x[n:] The 1D subarray from n to the end x[:2] = array([0,1])
x[n:-1] The 1D subarray from n to end-1 x[::3] = array([0,3])
x[1:-2] = array([1,2])
x[n:-2] The 1D subarray from n to end-2
x[n:m:k] The 1D subarray from n to m-1 with k index
Slicing 2D arrays
(a few cases)
x[n:m,j:k] The 2D subarray from n to m-1, j to k-1 >>> x =
x[n:m,:] The 2D subarray from 0 to m-1, all columns array([[0,1,2],
x[:,j:k] The 2D subarray all rows, columns j to k-1 [3,4,5]])
x[n:m:o,j:k:l] The 2D subarray with striding by o and l in x[:2,:2] =
rows and columns respectively
x[-1,-1] =
x[n:-1,:] The 2D subarray from n to end-1, all columns array([[5]])
x[:,j:-2] The 2D subarray all rows, columns j to k-2
x[3,:] The 2D subarray row 3, all columns
x[:,0] The 2D subarray all rows, column 0

In [26]: #SVG(’Python Basics_files/ndarray_methods2_table.svg’)

Popular methods for working with ndarrays (cont.)
Function Description Example
Shape &
reshape() Reshape a 1D or 2D array to a new shape; the >>> x = arange(0,5)
new shape must be consistent. 1D 6 elements
y = reshape(x,(2,3))
2D 2x3 elements
concatenate() Join a sequence of arrays together. The arrays >>> x =
must have the same shape except in the axis array([[0,1,2,3,4,5]])
used for combining. axis=0 is rows, axis=1 is 2D 1x6 elements
columns. concatenate((x,x),
2D 1x6 elements
2D 1x12 elements
hstack() Stack arrays horizontally. A subset of >>> x =
concatenate() array([[0,1,2,3,4,5]])
2D 1x6 elements
x = x.T #transpose
2D 6x2 columns
vstack() Stack arrays vertically. A subset of >>> x =
concatenate() array([[0,1,2,3,4,5]])
2D 1x6 elements
2D 2x6 columns
flatten() Values of the argument array become a 1D >>> x =
array. May be done in-place with x.flatten() array([[0,1,2,3,4,5]])
1D 6 element
transpose() or Like matrix transpose for 2D arrays. In-place >>> x =
array.T via x.T. array([[0,1,2,3,4,5]])
2D 6x1 array

In [27]: #SVG(’Python Basics_files/ndarray_methods3_table.svg’)

Popular methods for working with ndarrays (cont.)
Function Description Example
Many other standard functions, e.g., trig,
are also available for array operations
mean(x) The sample mean of the values contained in >>> x =
array x. array([0,1,2,3,4,5])
mean(x) = 2.5
var(x) The sample variance of the values contained >>> x =
in array x. array([0,1,2,3,4,5])
var(x) = 2.9167
std(x) The sample standard deviation of the values >>> x =
contained in array x. array([0,1,2,3,4,5])
std(x) = 1.7078
sum(x) The sum of the values contained in array x. >>> x =
sum(x) = 15
prod(x) The sample mean of the values contained in >>> x =
array x. array([0,1,2,3,4,5])
prod(x) = 0
cumsum(x) The sample mean of the values contained in >>> x =
array x. array([0,1,2,3,4,5])
cumsum(x) = array([0,
cumprod(x) The sample mean of the values contained in >>> x =
array x. array([1,1,2,3,4,5])
cumprod(x) = array([1,
min(x) The sample mean of the values contained in >>> x =
array x. array([0,1,2,3,4,5])
min(x) = 0
max(x) The sample mean of the values contained in >>> x =
array x. array([0,1,2,3,4,5])
max(x) = 5
conj(x) The sample mean of the values contained in >>> x = array([2+5j])
array x. conj(x) =
x.real & The real or imaginary part of the values >>> x = array([2+5j])
x.imag contained in array x. Also real(x), imag(x) x.real = array([ 2.])
imag(x) = array([ 5.])

In [28]: #SVG(’Python Basics_files/ndarray_methods4_table.svg’)

Popular methods for working with ndarrays (cont.)
Function Description Example
To and From Files
and Conversion
x.tofile(fname) Writes an array to a binary file. Assume a >>> x =
float type. This a quick means to save array([0,1,2,3,4,5],dty
data in binary form, but not very robust. pe-float64)
Reads an array from a binary file. >>> x =
Assumes a l=float type by default. fromfile(x_arr.bin)
x =
Undoes the operation of tofile (see returns
above) array([1.,2.,3.,4.,5.])

tolist(x) Converts an array to a standard Python >>> x =

list. Leave the comforts of ndarrays. array([0,1,2,3,4,5])
returns [0,1,2,3,4,5]
savetxt(x) Save an array to a text file with rows and >>> x =
columns matching x. Columns space array([[0,1,2,3,4,5],
separated. [6,7,8,9,10])
2 rows and 6 columns of text
x = Load a text file into one or more arrays. A >>> x,y =
loadtxt(fname) very flexible means of reading data sets. loadtxt(fname,
Take out columns 0 & 2

4 Graphics and More with Matplotlib

Being able to intergrate visulaization with engineering calculations is extremely important. In Python this is
done using matplotlib. When you import pylab, see the first few cells of this document/notebook, matplotlib
is brought into your workspace.

5 Signals and Systems Tools and Examples

5.1 The Scipy Module scipy.signal
The full on-line help is here. The function name listing is given below:

[ ’abcd_normalize’, ’absolute_import’, ’argrelextrema’, ’argrelmax’,
’argrelmin’ , ’band_dict’, ’band_stop_obj’, ’barthann’, ’bartlett’,
’bench’ , ’bessel’, ’besselap’, ’bilinear’, ’blackman’,
’blackmanharris’ , ’bode’, ’bohman’, ’boxcar’, ’bspline’, ’bsplines’,
’buttap’ , ’butter’, ’buttord’, ’cascade’, ’cheb1ap’, ’cheb1ord’,
’cheb2ap’ , ’cheb2ord’, ’chebwin’, ’cheby1’, ’cheby2’, ’chirp’,
’cmplx_sort’ , ’cont2discrete’, ’convolve’, ’convolve2d’,
’correlate’ , ’correlate2d’, ’cosine’, ’cspline1d’, ’cspline1d_eval’,
’cspline2d’ , ’cubic’, ’cwt’, ’daub’, ’decimate’, ’deconvolve’,
’detrend’ , ’dimpulse’, ’division’, ’dlsim’, ’dltisys’, ’dstep’,
’ellip’ , ’ellipap’, ’ellipord’, ’fftconvolve’, ’filter_design’,
’filter_dict’ , ’filtfilt’, ’find_peaks_cwt’, ’findfreqs’,
’fir_filter_design’ , ’firwin’, ’firwin2’, ’flattop’, ’freqresp’,
’freqs’ , ’freqz’, ’gauss_spline’, ’gaussian’, ’gausspulse’,

’general_gaussian’ , ’get_window’, ’hamming’, ’hann’, ’hanning’,
’hilbert’ , ’hilbert2’, ’iirdesign’, ’iirfilter’, ’impulse’,
’impulse2’ , ’invres’, ’invresz’, ’kaiser’, ’kaiser_atten’,
’kaiser_beta’ , ’kaiserord’, ’lfilter’, ’lfilter_zi’, ’lfiltic’,
’lombscargle’ , ’lp2bp’, ’lp2bs’, ’lp2hp’, ’lp2lp’, ’lsim’,
’lsim2’ , ’lti’, ’ltisys’, ’medfilt’, ’medfilt2d’, ’morlet’,
’normalize’ , ’np’, ’nuttall’, ’order_filter’, ’parzen’,
’periodogram’ , ’print_function’, ’qmf’, ’qspline1d’,
’qspline1d_eval’ , ’qspline2d’, ’quadratic’, ’remez’, ’resample’,
’residue’ , ’residuez’, ’ricker’, ’s’, ’savgol_coeffs’,
’savgol_filter’ , ’sawtooth’, ’scoreatpercentile’, ’sepfir2d’,
’signaltools’ , ’sigtools’, ’slepian’, ’spectral’, ’spline’,
’spline_filter’ , ’square’, ’ss2tf’, ’ss2zpk’, ’step’, ’step2’,
’sweep_poly’ , ’symiirorder1’, ’symiirorder2’, ’test’, ’tf2ss’,
’tf2zpk’ , ’triang’, ’unique_roots’, ’vectorstrength’,
’waveforms’ , ’wavelets’, ’welch’, ’wiener’, ’windows’, ’xrange’,
’zpk2ss’ , ’zpk2tf’]

5.2 The Signals and Systems for Dummies Module ssd.py

The full on-line help is here. The function name listing is given below:

[’BPSK_tx’, ’CIC’, ’NRZ_bits’, ’NRZ_bits2’, ’OA_filter’,
’OS_filter’ , ’PN_gen’, ’am_rx’, ’am_rx_BPF’, ’am_tx’,
’biquad2’ , ’bit_errors’, ’cascade_filters’, ’conv_integral’,
’conv_sum’ , ’cpx_AWGN’, ’cruise_control’, ’deci24’,
’delta_eps’ , ’dimpulse’, ’downsample’, ’drect’, ’dstep’,
’env_det’ , ’ex6_2’, ’eye_plot’, ’fft’, ’fir_iir_notch’,
’from_wav’ , ’fs_approx’, ’fs_coeff’, ’interp24’, ’line_spectra’,
’lms_ic’ , ’lp_samp’, ’lp_tri’, ’m_seq’, ’mlab’, ’my_psd’,
’peaking’ , ’plot_na’, ’plt’, ’position_CD’, ’prin_alias’,
’pylab’ , ’rc_imp’, ’rect’, ’rect_conv’, ’scatter’, ’signal’,
’simpleQuant’ , ’simple_SA’, ’sinusoidAWGN’, ’soi_snoi_gen’,
’splane’ , ’sqrt_rc_imp’, ’step’, ’ten_band_eq_filt’,
’ten_band_eq_resp’ , ’to_wav’, ’tri’, ’upsample’, ’wavfile’,
’zplane’ ]

5.3 Modules for Digital Communications

Modules under development by Dr. Wickert include: digitalcom/py,

5.4 A Simple DSP Class Case Study

Filters are used frequently in DSP. Filters have characteristics, such as impulse response, frquency response,
pole-zero plot. Filters are also used to operate on signals (sequences). You may want to use a filter operate
on contiguous blocks/frames of data. When this is done the filter has to maintain state from use-to-use.
Lowpass filters are used in decimators and interpolators,

5.4.1 The class Code Base

A filter object would be nice for keeping all of the above information organized. A preliminary version of the
class is implemented below:

In [52]: from __future__ import division #provides float div as x/y and int div as x//y
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as signal
import ssd
# Create an FIR filter object around the signal.firwin method
class FIR_filter(object):
An FIR filter class that implements LPF, HPF, BPF, and BSF designs using
the function signal.firwin.

Mark Wickert October/November 2014

def __init__(self,order=20,f_type=’lpf’,cutoff=(0.1,),fsamp = 1.0,
Create/instantiate a filter object:
fir_object = FIR_filter(order,f_type,cutoff=(0.1,),fsamp=1.0,

order = the filter polynomial order; the number of taps is 1 + order

f_type = the filter type: ’LPF’ (lowpass), ’HPF’ (highpass),
’BPF’ (bandpass), or ’BSF’ (bandstop)
cutoff = the cutoff frequency/frequencies in Hz input as a tuple.
a pair of cutoff frequencies is needed for BPF and BSF designs
fsamp = sampling rate in Hz
window_type = the default is hamming, but others can be found in
signal.windows, e.g., hanning (or hann)

self.N = order # The number of filter taps is N+1
self.f_type = f_type # ’lpf’, ’hpf’, ’bpf’, ’bsf’
self.fc = array(cutoff) # The cutoff freq in Hz; two cutoffs for bpf & bsf
self.fs = fsamp # In Hz
# Choose a window from from the type in the signal catalog
self.window = window_type
# Design the filter
# Note under some circumstances the end coeffients may be almost zero
# or zero. In these cases trim the filter length and report that the
# requested filter order was not not achieved. The threshold for removing
# coefficients is b_eps
b_eps = 1e-10
if f_type.lower() == ’lpf’:
if len(self.fc) == 1:
self.b = signal.firwin(self.N+1,2*self.fc/self.fs,
print(’For LPF only one cutoff frequency required’)
elif f_type.lower() == ’hpf’:
if len(self.fc) == 1:
self.b = signal.firwin(self.N+1,2*self.fc/self.fs,
print(’For HPF only one cutoff frequency required’)
elif f_type.lower() == ’bpf’:

if len(self.fc) == 2:
self.b = signal.firwin(self.N+1,2*self.fc/self.fs,
print(’For BPF two cutoff frequencies required’)
elif f_type.lower() == ’bsf’:
if len(self.fc) == 2:
self.b = signal.firwin(self.N+1,2*self.fc/self.fs,
print(’For BSF two cutoff frequencies required’)
print(’Filter type must be LPF, HPF, BPF, or BSF’)
#Remove small or zero coefficients from the end of the filter
if self.b[0] < b_eps and self.b[-1] < b_eps:
self.b = self.b[1:-1]
print(’Effective/realized filter order = %d’ % (len(self.b)-1))

def freq_resp(self,mode = ’dB’,Npts = 1024):

A method for displaying the filter frequency response magnitude
or phase. A plot is produced using matplotlib

freq_resp(self,mode = ’dB’,Npts = 1024)

mode = display mode: dB magnitude or phase in radians, both versus

frequency in Hz
f = np.arange(0,Npts)/(2.0*Npts)
w,H = signal.freqz(self.b,[1],2*np.pi*f)
if mode.lower() == ’db’:
xlabel(’Frequency (Hz)’)
ylabel(’Gain (dB)’)
title(’Frequency Response - Magnitude’)
elif mode.lower() == ’linear’:
Write code here

elif mode.lower() == ’phase’:

xlabel(’Frequency (Hz)’)
ylabel(’Phase (rad)’)
title(’Frequency Response - Phase’)
elif mode.lower() == ’degrees’:
Write code here

elif mode.lower() == ’groupdelay’:

Since this calculation involves finding the derivative of the

phase response, care must be taken at phase wrapping points
and when the phase jumps by +/-pi, which occurs when the
amplitude response changes sign. Since the amplitude response
is zero the sign changes, the jumps do not alter the group
delay results.

Mark Wickert November 2014

theta = np.unwrap(np.angle(H))
# Since theta for an FIR filter is likely to have many pi phase
# jumps too, we unwrap a second time 2*theta and divide by 2
theta2 = np.unwrap(2*theta)/2.
theta_dif = np.diff(theta2)
f_diff = np.diff(f)
Tg = -np.diff(theta2)/np.diff(w)
min_Tg = np.min(Tg)
max_Tg = np.max(Tg)
xlabel(’Frequency (Hz)’)
ylabel(’Group Delay (samples)’)
title(’Frequency Response - Group Delay’)
print(’Error, mode must be "dB" or "phase"’)

def pz_plot(self,auto_scale=True,size=1.5):
Write doc string
Write code here

def impulse_resp(self):
Write doc string
Write code here

def step_resp(self):
Write doc string

Write code here

def firfilt(self,x,reset=False):
Write doc string
Write code here

def decimate(self,x,M,reset=False):
Assuming the filter design is lowpass of the appropriate bandwidth,
follow LPF filtering with downsampling by M.
Write code here

def interpolate(self,x,L,reset=False):
Assuming the filter design is lowpass of the appropriate bandwidth,
upsample by L then LPF filter. A gain scale of L is also included.
Write code here

The key features of the class at present is that it can design lowpass, highpass, bandpass, and bandstop
FIR filters using the window method. Once a filter object is created using say

fir = FIR_filter(31,’LPF’,(100,),1000)

you can then use methods to plot the frequency response magnitude in dB and the frequency response
phase in radians.
Notice that code place holders are present for adding more methods to the class:

1. Not shown impulse response plotting.

2. Not shown step response plotting.
3. Frequency response magnitude linear scale.
4. Frequency response phase in degrees.
5. Pole-zero plot using the function ssd.zplane.
6. Filtering of an input sequence x[n] to produce output y[n], with initial conditions maintained should
more than one frame of data be processed.
7. Decimation of x[n] by the factor M should the filter be an appropriately chosen lowpass filter. The
implementation of state maintenance is intended, so again seamless frames processing is possible.
8. Interpolation of x[n] by the factor L should the filter be an appropriately chosen lowpass filter. The
implementation of state maintenance is intended, so again seamless frames processing is possible.

9. Not shown is rational number rate changing.
10. Not shown is a means to choose alternate FIR types such as equal-ripple (remez) and frequency domain
sampling (fir2).

Making a Standalone Module The code has imports listed at the top should you desire to place it in a
module by itself. There is one detail missing however. Any of the current commands that plot, i.e., plot()
or stem() will require some rework in a standalone code module. YOu will want to changes the import
section of the module to look something like:

from __future__ import division

from matplotlib import pylab
from matplotlib import mlab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as signal
import ssd

All three matplotlib imports are needed, but it is plt that you will directly work with for doing plotting
inside the module. Take a portion of the frequency response plotting method for example. In the following
code listing I have added or augmented five lines:

def freq_resp(self,mode = ’dB’,Npts = 1024):

f = np.arange(0,Npts)/(2.0*Npts)
w,H = signal.freqz(self.b,[1],2*np.pi*f)
plt.figure() # create a blank figure using the plt object imported
if mode.lower() == ’db’:
plt.plot(f*self.fs,20*np.log10(np.abs(H))) #Draw a plot on the plt object
plt.xlabel(’Frequency (Hz)’) #Place a label on the plt object
plt.ylabel(’Gain (dB)’) #Place another label on the plt object
plt.title(’Frequency Response - Magnitude’) #Place a title on the plt object

The changes need to be made throught the class definition so it can draw plots when methods are called
from FIR filter objects. This of course assumes you have imported the module into your IPython notebook
or IPython qt console session.

5.4.2 Lowpass and Bandpass Examples

Try out the class with a few quick examples. I first make a lowpass filter and then a bandpass filter.

In [60]: # Lowpass: N = 31 or 32 Taps, fs = 1000 Hz and fc = 200 Hz

fir1 = FIR_filter(31,’LPF’,(200,),1000)

In [75]: # Bandpass: N = 64 or 65 Taps, fs = 1000 Hz and fc1 = 200 Hz, fc2 = 300 Hz
fir2 = FIR_filter(64,’BPF’,(200,300),1000)

Effective/realized filter order = 62

You may wonder in the above BPF design what the message *effective filter order of 62 is all about.
With the windowed FIR design approach, it is possible for the first and last coefficients to be very small or
even zero. This effectively reduces the filter order by two. In the filter constuctor I remove these coefficients
to reduce the calculation count and reduce the filter delay.

Frequency Response Magnitude Plots Verify that the frequency response magnitude in dB method
does indeed work.

In [76]: fir1.freq_resp()
legend(((r’FIR1 (LPF)’,r’FIR2 (BPF)’)),loc=’best’).get_frame().set_alpha(0.8)

Frequency Response Phase Plots Verify that the frequency response phase in radians method does
indeed work.

In [77]: fir1.freq_resp(’phase’)
legend(((r’FIR1 (LPF)’,r’FIR2 (BPF)’)),loc=’best’).get_frame().set_alpha(0.8)

Note: The neat matplotlib legend feature (.get frame().set alpha(0.8)) that allows the transparency
so the plot lines can be seen behind the legend frame. Here the opacity is 80% (100% or 1.0) means not
This is a cross-reference link to Mark Lutz, just to verify that it can be done.

6 References
Python Converage (core language only no NumPy or SciPy)
[1]: Mark Lutz, Python Pocket Reference, 5th edition, O’Reilly, 2014. On Amazon
[2]: Toby Donaldson, Visual QuickStart Guide Python, Third Edition, Peachpit Press, 2014. On Amazon

NumPy/SciPy Python Converage

[3]: Shai Vaingast, Beginning Python Visualization Crafting Visual Transformation Scripts, 2nd edition,
Apress, 2014. On Amazon
[4]: Python Scientific Lecture Notes. I suggest you download the one page per side pdf version.
[5]: Hans Petter Langtangen, A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python, 3rd edition, Springer,
2012. On Amazon
[6]: Ivan Idris, NumPy Beginner’s Guide 2nd Edition, PACKT PUBLISHING, 2013. On Amazon


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