Module and Phase Classes Parameter Reference Paths and Aliases
Module and Phase Classes Parameter Reference Paths and Aliases
Module and Phase Classes Parameter Reference Paths and Aliases
The following diagram illustrates the relationships among control module, equipment module, unit, and phase classes.
Overview of the Batch Tutorial
Parameter reference paths and aliases
When a phase algorithm references a parameter, the general format is:
module/function block/parameter.field
For example, the following could be used to reference the current value of the output parameter of the PID function block in a flow control module,
When the phase logic in a unit module references a module, an alias (placeholder) enclosed in number signs (#) can be used in place of:
the module name
the full path
part of the path, starting from the beginning
For example, an alias such as #FLOW_CONTROL# could be set up to reference any of the following:
If the control module is part of an equipment module, the control module name would be preceded by the equipment module name.
When the unit module is created, click Aliases under the unit module, select the alias, and open its Properties dialog to assign the parameter reference
You can create additional aliases for non-class-based modules at the unit class level using the New → Alias option on the context menu.
In a class-based system, aliases are automatically created for each module when the module class is added to a unit class. With class-based modules,
you can
browse to any parameter within the module. This will be demonstrated during phase logic configuration.
Equipment definition
Before defining equipment configuration, you need to have a complete understanding of the physical layout of the plant equipment. The plant's P&ID
are a good place to start.
It is clear that some elements of the process are nearly identical. At a high level, all the equipment pieces for the color tanks are the same, as are the
pieces for the blenders. At the lowest level, the valves used for output from the color tanks are similar to the valves used in other parts of the process,
such as
input of base and color ingredients to the blenders. Using the DeltaV system's class-based design features will greatly simplify configuration of these
elements of
the process system.
Class-based design
Areas and process cells
Control module classes
Equipment module classes
Unit classes and unit modules
Equipment definition
Class-based design
The DeltaV system provides class-based design of common elements that can be used in both batch and continuous projects, consistent with the
defined for batch processing in ISA S88.01. With class-based modules, users can easily design reusable elements (such as control modules for valves and
motors). The class is used to define the properties that are the same or similar for most of the items (such as the control logic, alarm parameters, and
settings). Then individual instances are created from the class. For example, a control module instance for a particular valve can be quickly created from
a preconfigured
control module class, inheriting all the common parameters, logic, etc., from the class. The control module instance specifies the I/O information that
ties it to the physical piece of equipment it controls. If other parameters have been marked as being configurable at the instance level, changes can be
made to
those parameters as well. However, for the most part, the control module instance will be almost identical to the class from which it was created.
Changes made to a class (such as a control module class) after instances have been created from it are automatically propagated to the instances (the
modules). This is the main difference between creating a module from a predefined library template and creating a module from a class. If you create a
from a library template, there are no links between the module and the template; any changes made to the template have no effect on modules already
from that template.
In some cases, one or more parameters are different on a small number of the instances created from a class. The class designer can mark these
parameters at
the class level as being configurable at the instance level. There is a check box named Use default value from library object on the Properties dialog
of each
configurable parameter at the instance level. By default, this check box is selected so that a change in the parameter value at the class level (in the
library) will
propagate to the instance. The user must clear this check box to break the link to the class. The user can re-select this box to re-establish the link.Only
this box is cleared can the user modify the value of the configurable parameter.
Key points for creating classes are that few of the instances created from a class should require changes beyond the necessary I/O assignments, and the
changes should involve very few parameters. If a subset of a class of valves is different enough from the original class, but the instances in the subset
are similar
to each other, it may be better to create a new class for that smaller group.
The DeltaV Explorer hierarchy
Defining equipment in the DeltaV Explorer
Equipment definition > Class-based design
The DeltaV Explorer hierarchy
The figure below shows the Library section of the hierarchy in the DeltaV Explorer. It includes class categories in the Advanced Definitions section that we
create later in this tutorial.
The following figure shows the System Configuration section of the hierarchy in the DeltaV Explorer, as it will appear later in the tutorial when we have
completed the tutorial configuration.
Equipment definition > Class-based design
Defining equipment in the DeltaV Explorer
Equipment definition in DeltaV Batch is done in the DeltaV Explorer and includes these activities:
Creating areas in the Control Strategies section
Creating process cell classes in the Advanced Definitions section
Creating process cells in the Control Strategies section
Creating control module classes, equipment module classes, and unit classes in the Advanced Definitions section
Creating unit modules, equipment modules, and control modules in the plant areas or process cells in the Control Strategies section
Equipment definition
Areas and process cells
Areas are for holding logical groupings of control strategies. They are not class based and do not share common properties since areas by themselves do
have properties. However, areas in your batch system are used to contain process cells, which in turn contain all of the equipment for a production of a
Process cells provide a way to organize equipment in a batch system. A process cell is a logical grouping of unit modules, equipment modules, and control
modules that control all the equipment required for production of a batch. Process cells are class based in that process cells within a single class share
properties. Process cell classes are defined in the Advanced Definitions section of the DeltaV Explorer Library. They can be grouped into categories for
organization. In our simple paint system, we will leave the process cell class category as General and create a single process cell class named
In the System Configuration section of the DeltaV Explorer we will create an area named EXTERIOR_PAINT that will hold a process cell named
based on the process cell class PRODUCTION.
Create an area
Create a process cell class
Create a process cell
Equipment definition > Areas and process cells
Create an area
1. In the DeltaV Explorer, click System Configuration/Control Strategies.
2. Right-click, and then select New Area from the context menu. A new area, AREA1, is created.
3. Rename the area EXTERIOR_PAINT.
Equipment definition > Areas and process cells
Create a process cell class
1. In the DeltaV Explorer Library, click Advanced Definitions/Process Cell Classes/General.
2. Right-click, and then select New Process Cell Class. A new class, PCELLCLS1, is created.
3. Rename the new process cell class PRODUCTION.
Equipment definition > Areas and process cells
Create a process cell
1. In the DeltaV Explorer, click System Configuration | Control Strategies | EXTERIOR_PAINT.
2. Right-click and select New | Process Cell from the context menu.
3. Name the new process cell PAINT_BLEND. Check the Class Required box and browse for the process cell class PRODUCTION. (In the Browse dialog,
General and then double-click PRODUCTION to select it.)
An easier way to create a process cell from a class is to drag the PRODUCTION process cell class to the area, EXTERIOR_PAINT, which creates a process cell named
You can then rename PCELL1 to PAINT_BLEND. From this point on, we will use the drag-and-drop method when available.
Equipment definition
Control module classes
Control modules are the basic control elements in a batch system. Each pump, valve, or control loop is controlled by a separate control module. Each
module has
a unique tag and all the information for a module can be accessed through its tag name. Depending on the type, a control module can be composed of
parameters, history collection strategy, alarms, conditions, algorithms, and display elements.
Control module classes define the common properties of a group of control modules. You can further group control module classes into categories to help
organize the classes for large systems.
Control modules can be created individually from scratch. They can also be created from templates that exist in the DeltaV Library or they can be created
instances of control module classes. In this tutorial, we will create two control module classes (for valves and tank level indicators) and then create
modules from the classes. To speed up the tutorial configuration, other control module class categories and classes have already been imported.
Create a control module class category
Editing the NC_VALVE control module class
Making a parameter configurable
The Configure dialog in DeltaV Explorer
Modifying the module class to enable simulation
Creating a control module class for level indicators
Related information
Modules: general information
Equipment definition > Control module classes
Create a control module class category
1. In the Advanced Definitions section of the DeltaV Explorer Library, expand Control Module Classes. In addition to the default category, General, it
two categories, AnalogControl and DeviceControl, that were imported as part of the Startup.fhx file.
2. Right-click Control Module Classes, and then select New Category.
3. Rename the new category AnalogInput.
Create a control module class from a library template
Equipment definition > Control module classes > Create a control module class category
Create a control module class from a library template
The batch system in the paint example contains a number of similar valves. Rather than create the module class from scratch, we will define a control
class for on-off valves using a preconfigured control module template in the DeltaV Module Template Library as the starting point.
1. In the Module Templates section of the Library, open the Valves-NormallyClosed category.
2. Select the module template VLVNC-11, and then drag it to the DeviceControl category under Control Module Classes.
3. Rename the new class (VLVNC-11_1) to NC_VALVE (for normally closed valve).
Equipment definition > Control module classes
Editing the NC_VALVE control module class
Use Control Studio to make changes to the NC_VALVE control module class. The changes to be made include adding a Deadtime block, an input
parameter for
the valve setpoint, and an output parameter for the PV. We will also change the mode properties for the DC1 block to allow Cascade as a permitted mode
and to
change the normal and target modes to Cascade. (The reason for making these changes to the mode properties is that the phases will write to the CAS
Later, during testing, you will have to put some of the valves in AUTO mode to change the setpoint.) The Deadtime block will be used to simulate the
opening and closing. The valve setpoint and PV parameters will be used later when the control module is added to an equipment module.
After configuring the logic for the module, we will open the Properties dialog and select Process as the primary control display for this module.
Selecting the
display at the class level eliminates the need to set the display for all the individual control module instances created from the class. (In a real process
system, it
may well be that many process graphics are available, but in this tutorial, only one process graphic is used.)