Level 3 Brochure 2017
Level 3 Brochure 2017
Level 3 Brochure 2017
for safer
Basic examination is divided into 3 parts: Main method examination is divided into 3 parts
• Part A – Technical knowledge in material science and • Part D - Level 3 knowledge relating to the test method
process technology. applied.
• Part B – Knowledge of the certification body’s • Part E - Application of NDT method in the sector concerned,
qualification and certification system. including the applicable codes, standards and specification.
Part of the examination covering codes, standards and
• Part C - General Knowledge of at least four methods as specifications are open book examination.
required for level 2 and chosen by the candidate from
the methods RT,UT,MT,PT,VT which shall include at least • Part F* - Drafting of one or more NDT procedures in the
one volumetric method (UT or RT) :15 for each method. relevant sector. The applicable codes, standards and
specifications shall be available to the candidate.
*For a candidate who has already drafted an NDT procedure in a successfully passed level 3 examination, the certification
body may replace the drafting of a procedure with the critical analysis of an existing NDT procedure covering the relevant
method and sector, and containing errors and / or omissions.
Candidates with ASNT / ACCP and other Level III qualification can seek exemption from BINDT in Part A (Basic Examination
in Material Science etc..), Part C (General Knowledge of at least 4 methods) and Part D (Level 3 knowledge relating to the
respective methods). Please contact us (admin@astar-training.com) for further clarifications.
PCN Level 3 Training Requirements
Applicants For Graduates
Full Course For Graduates holding Valid level III
Method certification
Basic 80hr 40hr 4hr
All candidates shall fulfil the minimum prior industrial experience in the applicable method and minimum
requirements of vision as prescribed by BINDT .
All candidates shall hold a valid level 2 certificate in the same method and sector as the level 3 certification
Candidates without level 2 certification can directly appear for level 3 examination along with level 2
practical examination provided the training and experience requirements for both levels are met.
Candidates holding valid ASNT or equivalent level III certificate can seek exemptions from BINDT in Parts A,
C & D.
For details on required industrial experience and any further clarifications, Please refer to BINDT document
http://www.bindt.org/admin/Downloads/PCNGEN.pdf or contact us at admin@astar-training.com
1000 1500 600 1400
(PART A, B & C)
Candidates availing exemptions will be given a 10% discount on the fee upon submission of completed PSL-49
approved by BINDT. Please contact us at admin@astar-training.com for any further clarifications.
Courses can be scheduled exclusively for companies with minimum enrolment of 4-6 candidates.
General Note
Service tax is applicable on the fees as charged in respective A-Star Training & Consultancy Pte Ltd
country. #05-111, Trade hub 21,
18 Boon lay Way, Singapore 609966
Applications for enrolment must include a $1000 T: +65-64625153, +65-64650877
payment. This amount will be fully refunded if the candidate F: +65-68750183
withdraws from the training 7 days prior to commencement E-mail: admin@astar-training.com,
of training. A $500 penalty will be levied for notice of astar@astar-training.com
withdrawals of less than 6 days’ notice. Website: http://www.astar-training.com