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S.N.Kuf:OO:r Sher Roa:J.
Judge New Delhl-110003


Shrl V. P. Jain enjoys a unique position

amongst Astrologer teachers, being an Astrologer as
well as MA In Mathematics with Astronomy. He Is
one of the most prominent· teachers In Delhi
teaching Astronomy relevant to Astrology as well
as 'Shadabala' for the last five years, to the
Inquisitive and brilliant elite of budding Astrologers
preparing for 'Jyotlsh Praveen' and 'Jyotlsh
Vlsharad' examlnaUon:!i conducted by · Indian
.council of Astro.loglcal Sciences (Regd.) · Madras.
founded by Dr. 13. V. Raman.

As oer OU( expectation, he has jUSt brought

out the first pan of Shadbala - slightly time -
consuming mathematical calc:.tlatlon for
quantification of overall relative planetary strength.
Clear understanding of Shadbala Is necessary for
brilliant astrological predictions.

Predictions that a person shall earn a fortune

after shifting to western side far away from his
hometown: that he Is likely to lose elections to a
lady belonging to erstwhile royal family, much before
elections without there being any possibU!ty of
Imagining such a candidate; that a person would
acquire so much promlnance that security guards
would move around him, and several other similar
predictions could be based only on proper
understanding of Shadbala strength of planets, their
periods and inter-periods. Brlddha Yavan Jataka
and Sarvartha ChlDtemant and other classical
works are replet«; with many hints to make such
brilliant predictions. Budding astrologers must
therefore study this book to lay a solid foundation ·
to make brilliant predictions on the basis of
Sthanbala, Dlgbala, Drugbala, Kalabala,
Cheathabala, Nalaarglkabala and appreciating value
of and Kaathaphalaa.
Shrl V. P. Jain has assured us that second
part of this book with classical references and many
Illustrations shall be brought out very soon to
provide very rich material for budding astrologers
enabling them to make brilliant predictions on the
scientlflc basis of quantification of planetary
strength which fonns the very foundation of Vedic
and poat-vedlc astrology.

(5. N. Kapoor)

I am grateful to the following for the help and

inspiration given to me for completing the task successfully.
(I Dr. B.V. Raman, the BEESHMA PITAMAH of
astrological world, for I have adopted his principles
& tables from his book on Graha and Bhava BaJa.
(I Justice S.N. Kapoor, my teacher, who had spared
his valuable time for writing foreword for this book.
(I Shri M.N. Kedar, my teacher of Astrology and old
colleague, who hal! inspired me and also for his
continuous persuasion without which I would not have
completed this book.
(I All other teachers of ICAS, Delhi Chapter I who
taught me astrology, the divine science.
(I Shri K. Rangachari who edited the language of the
(I Smt. Neeru Aggarwal who worked hard for
composing and designing the book.

V.P Jain
305 Technology Apartments
l.P.Extention, Delhi] I0092

Introduction -
Bhava Balas of Planets &
their Significance By Dr. T.S. Wasan

1. Shadbala -Introductory

2. Positional Strength (Sthana bala) 4

3. Directional (Digbala) 21

4. Temporal Strength (Kala bala) 24

s. Motional strength (chesta bala) 42

6. Natural Strength (Naisargika bala) 47

7. Aspect strength (Drik bala) 48

8. House strength (Bhava bala) 56

9. lshta Phala and Kashta Phala 62

I d. Tables ( I to IX ) 65

II Summary 71

Ttie astrological predictions are generally based on

the pvsition of the planets in the birth chart (called Rasi
chart or lagna chart or (D-1). The position of the planets
in own house, exaltation sign, Mooltrikona sign, or friend's
sign are treated as very good. On the other hand if the
planet is debilitated, combust, in enemy's sign etc. are
treated as bad or the planets .become weak or ineffective
or will give unfavourable results. It is like a general check
up of a patient by a doctor. Whenever the need arises, the
doctor asks for X-ray and several other tests.
In similar way this great science of astrology provides
many theoretical and practical,methods to find out the real
strength of the bhavas. In practice the theoretical procedure
is to judge the strength from sub-divisional charts, through
delineation and judgement ofbhavas with reference to other
bhavas etc.
To find out the real strength of the planet and bhava,
the mathematical valuation of strength is also described in
the classical texts. This is six-fold analysis of the strength
of the planets.
The author passed Jyotisha Praveena and Jyotisha
Visharada Examinations as a student of the astrological
classes are conducted by Delhi Chapter I of Indian Council
of Astrological Sciences. Since 1991 he is teaching
Astronomy, Shadbala, Longevity and predictive astrology.
There was a great demand from the students of a lesson
Type book on SHAD BALAS, which may be convenient for
the beginners to understand the subject thoroughly.
This Part I includes the introduction and various types
of mathematical calculations to fmd out the shadbalas of
planets and the strength ofthe twelve bhavas. There are
many books available on this subject, but in this book the
author has tried to make it very simple for the beginners;
The part II of this book will contain the practical use
of the shadbalas and bhava balas in predictive astrology.
Dr. T.S. Wasaon, former Chairman Bangalore
chapter and presently vice president, I.C.A.S. has also,
at our request, sent his views on the use of $hadbala.
We hope the astrologer community, well wishers and
especially the budding astrologers, we mean students of
astrology would fmd this book quite handy informative and



Dr. T.S. Wasaon, Jyolish Vachaspati
Vice President I.C.A.S., and fonner
Chainnan, Bangalore Chapter.

In sthana bala exalted planets give auspicious results

(100%). When the planets are debilitated will not give
beneficial results. If planets sit in friendly house auspicious
nature is only Y. th part. In own house Y:z th part. In
Mooltrikona signs o/. th part.
A planet" will be giving better results in enemies house·
rather than in debilitated sign.
A planet with ojha or Yugma bala gives happiness,
friendship, courage, fixity of mind and independent
profession or work.
Generally the Moon is strong from Shukla Paksha
Ekadashi to Krishna Paksha Panchami and she will be weak
from sixth ofkrishna paksha to Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha.
When he is strong, she gives determination and
If a planet has good Chest a bala, it gives kingdom,
high respect and good source of money with fame and
A planet with good Ayana bala takes the native to
its direction in travel. The said planet should not be combust
or debilitated.
Shubha grahas, when they are Vakri (Retrograde),
they give good results. if malefics are retrograde, they
cause grief and purposeless wandering. But according to
Bh.avartha Ratnakara, the malefics give good results
when they are retrograde.
Jataka Tathva says retrograde planets have
exaltation power.
The effects of Planets in odd and even rasis are as
follows. In odd rasis it makes the person courageous and
warrior like. If it is weak in those rasis it makes the native
cruel and dull witted. In even rasis it gives soft nature,
fear for quarrel, love for water, flowers and clothes. lfthey
arc weak they give contrary results to the above.
A planet with good Divaratri BaJa is capable of
conferring lands, vehicles etc. and the native will defeat
his enemies. Divaratri Bala is also called as Nathonatha
A planet w·hich becomes a victor in graha yuddha
can give complete happiness and kingdom that can last for
many years.
The c!Tccts of lord ofthe year, month, week and hora
arc experienced in their dasha. They give happiness, wealth
and fame.
The lord of the month will give two fold results as
against the lord of the year. The week lord gives two fold
results when compared to the month lord. Hora lord gives
two fold results when c'omparcd to week lords. Here hora
means "Kala Hora"
A planet with paksha bala destroys the enemies and
confers diamonds. rubies, com·cyance, wife, gold, land and
Benefics with alround strength gives good habits,
truthful nature upright and respectful towards wise men and
god and will be blessed with good robes and oranaments.
Malefics with all round strength makes a person selfish,
jealous of virtuous people, intent on promoting quarrels.
They are wicked, treacherous, dirty, ungrateful, slanderers
and ugly.

cflo'(l'lll1 'fll:

Shri Veetaragaya Namah



Shadbalas consist of different types of strengths by which

the dynanism of planets ·are dertermined. 'Shad' means six
in Sanskrit. The categories of balas, and the method of
arriving at and the necessity for finding out their strength,
are the questions that naturally arise in our mind when 'we
think of shadbala.

The shadbalas are of six kinds namely : -

(i) Sthana BaJa (Positional)

(ii) Dig BaJa (Directional)
(iii) Kala BaJa (Temporal)
(iv) Chesta BaJa (Motional)
(v) Naisargik BaJa (Natural)
(vi) Drik BaJa (Aspectual).

The references to these Balas are found in different

classical texts like Brihat Prasara Jatak Parijata,
Saravali and Phaladipika to quote a few. While the purposes
of calculating the strength of planets are given below, the
actual method of their calculation is described in subsequent
Utility of Shadbalas in Astrology :-
Would a brother/friend/relative of ours who is week
be in a position to help us in times of need? The natural
answer would be 'No'. That relative/friend will not be in
a position to help us (as he is weak) though he would like
to help us by heart. Instead he would expect us to help
him. The same idea also applies to planets. A weak planet
will not be in a position to give the desired results but may
even harm the native irrespective of its nature of being a
Benefic or Malefic. Hence it is very essential to know the
strength of planets before venturing on predictions.
1. Benefic or Malefic results of Dasa-Antardasa of
any planet would depend upon the relative strength
of that planet. Normally the results of main Dasa
Nath are spread through out the dasa period but
mainly the results of Antar dasa arc felt during the
Antar-dasa Nath's period. If the Dasa Nath is
strong and Antar dasa Nath is weak, the results
due to Dasa Nath will be predominant while that
of Antar dasa Nath will be lesser in intensity. If
the Antar dasa Nath is also powerful, the results
of Antar dasa Nath would prevail.
2. The Bhava results will also. be influenced by the
planets which are posited in the bhava or are
aspecting it, or the lords and Karakas of that
Bhava according to their inherent strength. The
stronger the planet, the better will be its results
for that bhava.
3. Ayurdaya too depends on the strength of planets
and relative bhavas.
4. lshta (auspicious) phala and Kashta (inauspicious)
phalas are obtained by considering the Uchchabala
and Chcsta-Bala of the various planets. By the

calculation of these Ishta and Kashta we
know whether a particular planet will give more
happiness or trouble in general.
It can therefore be seen that the shadbalas of planets,
Ishtaphala and Kashtaphala, play an important role while
giving predictions, though most of the Astrologers do not
use these due to the tedious and time consuming calculations
involved. But by giving predictions without considering
shadbala, one may lead to fallacious conclusions. Hence
it is necessary to ascertain the strength of each planet and
bhava before giving predictions.



Shadbalas mean six types of strengths as "shad" in Sanskrit

means, six. Each planet will occupy a sign and a house and
due to its position or aspect by other planets it gets certain
These strengths are measured by the following : -
(I) Positional Strength or Sthana Bala
(2) Directional Strength or Dig Bala
(3) Temporal strength or Kala Bala
(4) Motional Strength or Chesta Bala
(5) Natural Strength or Naisargik BaJa
(6) Aspect Strength or Drik Bala
Before proceeding to the method of calculation of the
above six strengths we should have a horoscope which will
be called the standard horoscope for this book : -
Date ofBirth : 12/13-9-1981 Saturday/Sunday
Time of Birth : I :30 A.M.(IST) 48 ghati 32 phala
LMT : Jb- gm_ 52' A.M.
Terrestrial Latitude 28° 39' (N)
Terrestrial Longitude 77° 13' (E)
Sun Rise
Sun Set
Convert the longitudes in degrees. The minutes are
to be converted into decimal places of degree. The method
26' = 26 X J00 + 60 = 0°.43
53' =53 X J00 + 60 = 0.0.88
34' = 34 X J00 + 60 = 0°.57
These have been rounded off to the nearest two places
of decimal.

Longitudes Longitude in
Planet in Zodiac degree
Rashi Degree Minute upto 2 places
of Decimal

Ascendant 2 26 26 86.43

Sun 4 26 22 146.37

Moon 10 9 30 309.50

Mars 3 13 II I 03. 18

Mercury 5 20 32 170.53

Jupiter 5 20 27 170.45

Venus 6 6 16 186.27

Saturn 5 16 26 166.43

Rahu 3 7 10 97.17

Ketu 9 7 10 277.17

(for standard "horoscope)

Moon Mars
Rahu I
Ketu I Sun

Venus Jupiter



Sun Jupiter

Moon Ranu

Mars Venus
Mars Saturn

, Sun Milly
Rahu Jupiter . Saptamsa - D/7


Lagna Venus


Navamsha- D/9 Jupiter

Moon Sun Mars Rahu

fSllturn 7 1\U:uy
Ketu Lagna Jupiter Sun

Dwadasamsa - D/12

Mars Rahu

Trimsamsa - D/30 Venus
' Rahu/
Sun Ketu

(for standard_horoscope)







Note :
1. Units for shadbala : Shadbala are measured m
One Rupa = 60 Shashtiamsas
2. The two shadowy planets Rahu and Ketu are
excluded for Shadbala calculations.
The method of calculating each of the six strengths is given
in the foUowing pages :
A planet occupies a certain sign which can be

i) Exaltation sign
ii) own or Mooltrikona sign
iii) a friend's sign
. iv)' a Neutral's sign
v) an enemy's stgn or
vi) Debilitation sign
These positions are giving certain strength or weakness to
a planet. The strength gained due to position in a particular
place including a sign is known as positional strength I
sthana BaJa. It consists of five types of balas namely :

(a) Uchchabala
Saptavargiya bala
(c) Yugma Yugma BaJa i.e. Ojayugmarasyamsa BaJa
(d) Kendra BaJa
(e) Drekkana BaJa .
. (a) UchchaBala :
This strength is maximum when the planet is at its deep
exaltation point and is assigned sixty shashtiamsas. When
. it is at its debilitation point, its strength is minimum say, a
value of zero shashtiamsa. There is gradual increase from
debilitation point to exaltation point and decrease from
exaltation point to debilitation point. The distance between
exaltation point and debilitation point is 180" on either side
of the zodiac.
This implies that the Uchchabala of a planet is due
to its distance from the debilitation' point and it gains sixty
shastiamsas in 180". If x" is its distance from debilitation

.1 0
point its uchchaba1a = X
x 60 + 180 = x/3 Shashtiall}sas
By this we deduce the formula Uchchabala is equal
to difference between the longitudes of the Planet and its
debilitation point divided by three.
'Jchchabala =Planets longitude- its debilitation point
if it becomes more than 180° deduct it from 360°
Another simpler and short method is given below :-
. Let us consider Moon, its exaltation point is 33° and
debilitation point is 213°.
If Moon is at A, its Uchchabala = 213 - A
If Moon is at B. its Uchchabala = B - 213

i.e. if the Planet is ahead of exaltation point but behind

debilitation point, the debilitation point - longitude of planet
is to be considered.
1f the planet is ahead of debilitation point but behind
exaltation point, the longitude of Planet- debilitation point
is to be taken.
1n short the difference between them should not
exceed 180° if it exceeds reverse their position. Let the
position of planet be X and debilitation point D.
Uchchabala = (X·D>f 3 or <D·X>f 3 , (X- D) or (D- X)
whichever is less than 180° is to be taken.
Accordingly Uchchabala is calculated for the standard.
horoscope : -

Planet Longit- Debilit- Differe- Uchcha

udes in ation nee (not BaJa
decimals point exceeding

Sun 146.37 190 43.63 14.54

Moon 309.50 213 96.50 32.17

Mars I 03.18 118 14.82 4.94

Mercury 170.53 345 174.47 58.16

Jupiter 170.45 275 104.55 34.85

Venus 186.27 177 9.27 3.09

Saturn 166.43 20 146.43 48.81

(b) Saptavargiya BaJa

Planets have two types of friendship
(i) Natural i.e. Naisargik
(ii) Temporary i.e. Tatkalik
(Naisargik) Permanent Friendship :
The chart for Naisargik friendship is given below. This is
the same as found in most of the text books.
(Sec the chart on next page )

Friend Neutral Enemy

Sun Moon, Mars Mercury Venus

Jupiter Saturn

Moon Sun Mars, Jupiter None

Mercury Venus, Saturn

Mars Sun, Moon Venus Mercury

Jupiter Saturn

Mercury Venus Mars,, Jupiter Moon.

Sun Saturn

Jupiter Sun, Moon Saturn Mercury

Mars Venus

Venus Mercury Mars Sun

Saturn Jupiter Moon

Saturn Mercury Jupiter Sun, Mars

Venus Moon
(Tatkallk) Temporary Friendship :
The planets in II, III, IV, X, XI and XII houses from
a planet are temporary friends and the planets which are
in I, V. VI, VII, VIII and IX houses from it are temporary
enemies. Combining the two for a horoscope we get the
re lahons
. h'1p as beow:
Nalsargik .Temporary Resultant
Friend Friend Fast Friend (FF)
Friend Neutral Friend (F)
Friend Enemy Neutral (N)
Enemy Neutral Enemy (E)
Enemy Enemy Bitter Enemy (BE)
The Panchadha Maitri chakra will have to be prepared
for the standard horoscope.
It is to- be prepared from Rash I chart only and
is applicable for other charts also.

Fast Friend Neutral Enemy Bitter

Friend Enemy


Sun Mars Mercury Moon - -

Jupiter Venus

Moon - - Sun Mars -

Mercury Venus

Mars Sun Venus Moon - -

Jupiter Saturn Mercury

Mercury Sun Mars - Jupiter .Moon

Venus Saturn

Jupiter Sun - Moon Saturn Mercury

Mars Venus

Venus Mercury Mars Sun - Moon

Saturn Jupiter

Saturn Venus - Mercury Jupiter Moon


Saptavargiya ·BaJa :- The strength of a planet 'due,
to its position in the seven vargas is known as
SBJ?tavargiyabala. If a Planet is in
(i) Mooltrikona sign = 45 Shashtiamsa
(In rashi chart only)
(il) Own sign (Sva Rashi) = 30 Shashtiamsa
(iii) Fast friends sign = 22.5 Shashtiamsa
(Adhi Mitra Rashi)
(iv) Friend's Sign = 15 Shashtiamsa
(Mitra Rashi)
(v) Neutrals' sign = 7.5 Shashtiamsa
(Sarna Rashi)
(vi) Enemy's Sign = 3.75 Shashtiamsa
(Shatru Rashi)
(vii) Bitter Enemy's sign = 1.875 Shashtiamsa .
(Adhi Shatru Rashi)
The Saptavarga charts have been given earlier.
Sun is in Mooltrikona in Rashi chart = 45 Shashtiamsa,
Sun in Moon's bora which is Neutral as per Panchadhamatri
chakra = 7.5
Sun· in Mars's Rashi in Dreshkon Chart a FF = 22.5
Sun in Moon's Rashi a Neutral (in Saptamsa) -= 75 etc.
This (as given on the next page) is the way to fill the chart
and get Saptavarga BaJa.

Sun Moon Mars IMere- Jupi- Ven- !Sat-
ury ter us urn

Ra:shl 45 3.75 7.5 45 1.875 45 7.5

Hora 7.5 7.5 7.5 . 22.5 22.5 7.5 7.5
Dresh- 22.5 3.75 30 22.5 7.5 30 30
Sa pta- 7.5 3.75 30 1.875 7.5 15 7.5
Nava- 22.5 3.75 15 1.875 7.5 15 22.5
Dwada- 1s• 3.75 22.5 22.5 7.5 IS 3.75
sam sa
Treisa- 7.5 3.75 22.5 3.75 3.75 22.5 3.75

Total 127.5 30 135 120 58.13 150 82.5


(c) Yugmayugma BaJa = Ojayugmarasyamsa Bala

The strength acquired by a planet due to occupying
an odd or even signs in the Rashi chart and Navamsha chart
is called Yugmayugma Bala.
Moon and Venus are powerful in even signs in Rashi
chart and Navamsha chart and they get fifteen Shashitamsa
for each i.e. if they are in even Rashi in Rashi chart they
get fifteen Shashtiamsa, if in even Rashfin Navamsha chart
they get another fifteen shashtiamsa. If they are in even Rashi
in both Rashi and Navamsha they will get 15 + 15 = 30
shahstiamsa if in even Rashi in one and in odd in other they
will get 0 +15 = 15 or 15 + 0 = 15 shashtiamsa. If in odd
Rashi in both the charts the strength is equal to 0.
Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn get fifteen
shashtiamsas each for occupying odd Rashis in Rashi chart
and Navamsha chart.
The Yugrnayugma Bala of planets in the standard horoscope
is as given below·:
Planets Rashi Navamsha yugma

Sun Odd Rashi 15 Even Rashi 0 15

Moon Odd Rashi 0 Odd Rashi 0 -
Mars Even Rashi 0 Odd Rashi 15 15
Mercury Even Rashi 0 Even Rashi 0 -
Jupiter Even Rashi 0 Even Rashi 0 -
Venus Odd Rashi 0 Even Rashi 15 15
Saturn Even Rashi 0 Even Rashi 0 -

(d) Kendra Bala

Planets in a kendra (value ofkendra bala is to be
considered in Rashi chart only) get 60 shashtiamsas, in
Panaparas get 30 shashtiamsas, in Apoklima get 15
shashtiamsas as Kendra Bala.
There is a diversity of opinion for choosing a Kendra,
some consider the I, IV, VII & X houses as Kendra while
some others take the signs in these Bhavas as Kendras
We follow Parashara's view and consider the signs ir
deciding kendras as i.e. as the planets are in Rashl Char
and not in chalit chart.

So Kendras are I, IV, VII & X (Rashis).
Panaparas are next to 1Cendras i.e. Rashj ofll;-v,
VIII and XI.
Apoklimas are next to Panaparas or just behind the
Kendras i.e. III, VI, IX and XII.
The Kendra Balas of Planets in the standard horoscope

Planets Kendra/Panapara Kendra BaJa


Sun Apoklim 15 Shashtiamsas

Moon " 15 II

Mars Panapara 30 "

Mercury Kendra 60 II

Jupiter Kendra 60. "

Venus Panapara 30 II

Saturn Kendra 60 "

(d) Dreshkon BaJa

The planets are ofthree kinds :
(i) Masculine planets
(ii) Hermaphrodite planets
(iii) Female Planets.
Masculine planets are Sun,Mars and Jupiter
Hermaphrodite planets are - Mercury and Saturn
Female Planets are Moon and Venus
The male planets get strength of 15 shashtiamsas if

they are in frrst Dreshkon of the in which they are
posited. The hermophrodites are assigned 15 shashtiamsas
if they are in second Dreshkon while the female planets
get 15 shashtiamsa when they are in third Dreshkon of the
rashi in which they are posited.
Dreshkon Bala of the planets in the standard
Planets Sex Dreshkon Dreshkon
Sun Male Third 0
Moon Female First 0
Mars Male Second 0
Mercury Hermophrodite Third 0
Jupiter Male Third 0
Venus Female First 0
Saturn Hermophrodite · Second 15
Total Sthana Bala
Planets Uchcha- Sa pta- Yugma- Kendra Dres- Total
bat a varg- yugma Bat a hkon Sthan
iya Bala Bala
Sun 14.54 127.5 15 15 - 172.04
Moon 32.17 30 - 15 - 77.17
Mars 4.94 135 15 30 - 184.94
Mercury 58.16 120 - 60 - 238.16
Jupiter 34.85 58.13 - 60 - 152.98
Venus 3.09 150 15 30 - 198.09
Saturn 48.81 82.50 - 60 15 206.31

Exercise- 1

Horoscope: POB = Delhi

DOB = 1Oth June, 1933 TOB = 9hJ1' AM
Asc. = 15"29' in Cancer
Mars = 23°44' in Leo
Jupiter = '21°43' in Leo
Moon = 23°32 in Sagittarius
Satum(R) = 23°17' in Capricorn
Rahu = 8°32' in Aquarius
Sun = 25°53' in Taurus
Mercury = 10°10' in Gemini
Venus = 9°3' in Gemini
Ketu = 8°32' in Leo.

1. Find out the Uchchabala, Kendra Bala and Dreshkon

Bala of the above horoscope.
2. Describe Saptavarigya and Yugmayugma bala of
the horosocope stated above.
3. Compute the total Sthanbala.



Directional strength or Digbala is the strength gained by

the planets due to the occupancy of different directions by
them in the horoscope.
Direction : - The directions in a horoscope are as
The Ascendant represents the East while the
seventh house represents the west, the tenth the south
while the fourth the northern direction.
Every planet is powerful in a particular direction and
gets certain amount of strength by virtue of its being posited
in that direction.

Planets Powerful Powerless

direction direction

Jupiter & Mercury I house VII house

Moon& Venus IV house X house
Saturn VII house I house
Sun & Mars X house IV house
When these planets are at Bhava Madhya at their
powerful house, they will get 60 shashtiamsa as directional
Their directional strength will be zero, when they will
be at the Bhava Madhya at their powerless point as they
will lose all directional power.
The directional strength increases uniformly from
powerless point to the Powerful point from zero to sixty
shashtiamsa and decreases uniformly from powerful point
to powerless point from sixty to zero shashtiamsa. The
difference between the longitudes of powerful and
powerless point equal to hundred and eighty degrees hence
in one degree it gains or loses
60 / 180 = 1/3 shashtiamsa.
When the diherence oflongitudes of a planet from that of
its powerless point is divided by three it gives the directional
strength of the planet. The difference between the longitudes
of the planet and powerless point should not be more than
one hundred and eighty degrees. In case the difference
exceeds one hundred and eighty degrees deduct the
longitudes of the planet from powerless point.



The Bhava Madhya of the four Kendra Bhavas are as

follows (in decimals) :-

86.43 IV 166.15

VII 266.43 X 346.15

Planet Long- Power- Differ- D1gbala
itudcs less nee of
of Point Iongit-
Planet udes

Sun 146.37 166.15 19.78 19.78+3 = 6.59

Moon 309.50 346.15 36.65 36.65+3 = 12.22
Mars 103.18 166.15 62.97 62.97+3 = 20.99
Mercwy 170.53 266.43 95.90 95.90+3 = 31.97
Jupiter 170.45 266.43 95.98 95.98+3 = 31.99
Venus 186.27 346.15 159.88 159.88+3 = 53.29
Saturn 166.43 86.43 80.00 80.00+3 = 26.67

Let us see for Sun 166.15- 146.37 = 19.78

(as the difference from longitude of Sun- powerless point
is more than one hundred and eighty degrees the deduction
has been done from Powerless point.)
For Moon 346.15 - 309.50 36.65 and
For Saturn 166.43 - 86.43 = 80
(here we have subtracted the longitudes of powerless point
from that of Saturn as it is less than one hundred and eighty
Plt-iase therefore ensure that the difference between
the longitudes of the planet and that of powerless point is
always less than one hundred and eighty degrees.




The temporal strength is the strength of planets due to time

and it is found out by considering the year, month, day of
the week, Hora of the day etc. at the time of birth of the
It consists of the following Nine Balas : -

(a) Nathonnath BaJa (b) Paksha BaJa

(c) Tribhaga Bala (d) Abda BaJa
(e) Masa BaJa (f) Vara BaJa
(g) Hora BaJa (h) Ayana BaJa
(i) Yuddha BaJa
(a) Nathonnath Bala :
Certain planets are strong at mid-night and powerless
at mid-day while certain others are powerless at mid-night
and powerful at mid-day. This strength is known as
Nathonnath Bala or Divaratri Bala and measured after
taking into account whether the native's birth took place
during day-time or night-time. Sun, Jupiter and Venus are
powerful at mid-day and powerless at mid-night. While
Moon, Mars and Saturn are powerful at mid-night and
powerless at mid-day. Mercury is considered as powerful
always whether it may be day or night.
The method is as under : -
Mid-night means local mid-night ·and by mid-day
represents local mid-day.
Sun, Jupiter and Venus will get sixty Shashtiamsha at
local Twelve Noon. Their strength goes on decreasing till,
at local mid-night, reduced to .zero. In the case of Moon,
Mars and Saturn it is reversed i.e. they will have sixty
shashtiamsa at Local mid-night and zero at local mid-noon.
For finding out mid-day = Add half the din-man
(duration of day) in the time of sunrise. In the case of
standard horoscope sunrise is 6h 5'" (1ST) and sunset is
18b 28'"
Din -man= 18h 29'"- 611 5'" = 12b 24 10 •
Half of Din-man = 12b 24'" 7 2 = 6h 12'".
Mid-day= 6h 5'" + 6h 12 10 = 12h 17'" (1ST)
Mid-night = I2h 17'" + 12 11 = 24h 17'" = 0 11 17 (1ST)

Step I - Find out the difference of time of birth of the

native and that of local mid-night and convert into minutes
(it should not exceed 12 hours or 720 minutes) for example:
(a) If the time ofbirth is 5-30 AM (1ST) and local mid-
night is 0-15 (1ST) the difference is 5b30m- Ohl5'"
= 5h]5'"= 315'".
(b) If the time ofbirth is 2-30 PM (1ST) and local time
mid-night is 0-15 (1ST) or 24-15 (IST) difference
is 24h15'"-14h30'"= 91'45'"= 585'"as 2-30 PM is
Step II- As the maximum strength is sixty shashtiamsa
gained I lost in 12X60 =nom so for finding out the strength
of the planets strong at mid-day divide the difference by
seven hundred and twenty and multiplying by sixty i.e.
dividing by twelve we get the strength of Sun, Jupiter and
i.e. in this example for case (a)
315 x 60 + 720 = 315 + 12 = 26.25 shashtiamsas
For case (b)
585 x 60 + 720 = 585 + 12 = 48.75 shashtiamsas
for the planets strong at mid-night i.e. Moon , Mars and
Saturn deduct above results from sixty.
t.e. for case (a)
60.00- 26.25 = 33.75 shashtiamsas
for case (b)
60.00- 48.75 = 11.25 shatiamsas
Now we apply it to the standard horos·cope for
calculating the nathonnatha Bala. The birth time is I hour
30 minutes = 90 minutes.
The difference oftime of birth and the local mid-night
= 90m -17m= 73'"

Nathonnath Bala of Sun, Jupiter and Venus

= 73 + 12 = 6 .I shashtiamsas.

Nathonnath Bala-.o( Moon, Mars and Saturn

.= 60- 6.1 = 53.9 shashtiamsas
Mercury is always powerful hence its Nathonnath Bala
= 60 shashtiamsas.

Though different methods are given at different places,

the method explained above is the simplest in modern
context. Therefore other methods for calculating the
BaJa have not been given to avoid confusion.
(b) Paksha BaJa :
This is the strength of the planets gained by the
Paksha/fortnight in which the native was born. Ashubh
(Malefic) planets are strong in Krishna Paksha i.e. dark
halfwhen the Moon is waning. The shubha planets arc
strong in Shukla Paksha i.e. when the Moon is waxing. Sun,
Mars, Saturn and afflicted Mercury are Ashubhas (Malefics
or Papas) while Jupiter, Venus and well associated Mercury
are shubhas (Benefics). Moon is benefic from eighth day
of bright half (shukla Paksha) to 8th day of dark half
(Krishna Paksha).
For calculation of PAKSHA BALA
Find out the difference of longitudes of Moon and
Sun. It should not be more than one hundred and eighty
degrees, the formula becomes
(Moon's longitude- Sun's longitude) x 60 + 180
=(Moon's longitude- Sun's Longitude) + 3
if the numerator is more than one hundred and eighty reverse
the Moon and Sun i.e. (Sun's longitude-Moon's Longitude)
divided by three will give the shashtiamsas of shubhas
(Benefics). The Paksha Bala of Ashubhas (Malefics) will
be obtained by deducting the Paksha Bala of Bcnefics from
sixty. Moon's Paksha Bala will always be doubled.
For the standard horoscope : -
(Moon's longitude.:... Sun's longitude)+ 3
(as the numerator is less than 180°)
= (309.50- 146.37) + 3 = 163.13 + 3 = 54.38
Ben.efics i.e. Venus and Jupiter.
Paksha BaJa = 54.38 Shashtiamsa each.
Paksha Bala of Moon= 54.38 x 2 = 108.76 shashtiamsas
As Mercury is associated with Jupiter and Saturn but
nearer to Jupiter it will be taken as benefic. Its Paksha Bala
is 54.38.
PakshaBala of Mars, Sun and Saturn
= 60- 54.38 = 5.62 shashtiamsas each.
By the above it is concluded that the students should
not confuse.themselves with the Paksha. When the Moon
is increasing the Balas of Benefics and the Moon are
increasing and of Malefics decreasing.
When the Moon is decreasing the balas ofbenefics
and Moon are decreasing and malefics increasing. The
Paksha Bala depends on the longitudes of the Moon and
the Sun.
Substance of the above is as under:-
Find out
(i) (Longitude of Moon- Sun) + 3
or (Longitude of Sun- Moon)+ 3
(The numerator should be less than 180°)
It will give the Paksha Bala of Shubhas irrespective
of Paksha whether it is Krishna or shukla.
(ii) For malefics- Paksha Bala = 60- result of(i)
(iii) For Moon -take it as Benefic and multiply the
Bala by two.
(c) Tribhag Bala :
It is the strength obtained by the planets due to that
part of day/ night in which the native was born.
The day and night arc divided into three equal parts
and for every part one planet gets sixty shashtiarnsas while
Jupiter always gets sixty shahtiamsas and the rest get zero.
The chart showing the planets to get sixty shashtiamsas is
given below :
Day Night
lst Part Mercury Moon
lind Part Sun Venus
Illrd Part Saturn Mars
Jupiter always gets sixty shatiamsas.
Method for calculation of Tribhaga BaJa : -
Find the time of Sun rise and sunset at the place of
birth. Deducting Sunrise time from Sunset time (in Railway
time) we get the duration of day. Dividing this by three we
will get the length of each part of the day. By adding one
p'art with Sun rise time the ending time oflst part is arrived
at, which will be the beginning time of the II part. By adding
the duration of time of a part to it we will get the ending
time of II part which is also the starting time of III part
and it will end at Sun set.
Find out the Ratriman i.e. duration of night= Twenty
four - duration of the day (Dinaman) and dividing it by
three we will get the duration of each part for night. As
we have found out for the day we shall find the I, II and
Ill parts of night by substituting Sunset for Sunrise and
Sunrise for Sunset in the above.
Now the Tribhaga Bala of the standard horoscope is
calculated : -
Sunrise = 6-05 AM
Sunset = 6-29 PM = 18-29 PM
Duration of day = J8h29m - 6h05'" = I 2h24m
Duration of night = 24h - 12h24'" = 1 Jl'36'"
As the. birth time is 1-30 AM i.e. night we are to find
the Part of night.
So II h36m + 3 = 3h-52m is the duration of each part .
of 'Ratriman'
1st Part of night starts from time of Sunset I Sh29m and
adding one part i.e. 3h52mwe observe I part ends at 22hlJm.
lind Part of night starts from 22h2J m and extends upto
(22h2J m+ 3h52m;., 26h 13m) 2h I 3m (early morning of the next
day) . '
III Part of night starts from 26hJ3m (or 2h13m AM) to 6h
sm (time of Sunrise of next day)
Therefore the native was born in II part of night. So Venus
will get sixty shashtiamsas.
Venus and Jupiter would get sixty shashtiamsas each
as tribhaga BaJa and the rest will get zero.
(d) Abda BaJa :
For Astrological purposes only the Indians considered
a year of three hundred and sixty days and a month of thirty
days. These years and months are neither related to
movement of Sun nor that of Moon. They are not related
, to luni-solar year also.
The Abdadhipati i.e. lord of the first day of such
an year of the birth ofNative will get fifteen shashtiamsa
as Abda Bala and rest will get zero.
'Ahargana' is the number of days passed upto any
particular epoch. The number of days elapsed since the
creation are known as Srishtyadi Ahargana.
To count Srishtyadi ahargana upto a particular day
is difficult.
On the basis of the table I grven in the book Graha
and Bhava Balas by Dr. B.V. Raman another table of

Ahargana has been prepared in which the table starts from
1951 instead of 1827.
On the basis of this new table which is given as Table
-1 (page 65) the ahargana for the date of birth of the
standard horoscope is as under :-
Ahargana on 31-12-1980 = 10767
No. of days passed from = 243
1-1-81 to (as per table II)
No. of days passed in Sept. 1981 = 13
I I 02'3
Dividing it by three hundred and sixty we get a quotient
of thirty and remainder as two hundred and twenty three.
.. No. of years completed is thirty and every year
number of days more than complete week = 360 + 7 = 3
(which is the remainder). So in thirty completed years we
will have number of days more than completed weeks will
be 30 x 3 = 90.
The first day of next year will be 90 +I= 91 days.
Dividing it by seven we get 91 + 7 = 13 & remainder nil.
The frrst day of the year in which the birth took place
was therefore Tuesday and lord is Mars.{Tableiii)
So Mars will have Abda BaJa = 15 Shashtiamsa and
other planets will get 0.
(e) Masa Bala :
In a Month ofthirty days, Number of days more than
complete weeks are two (thirty divided by seven and
remainder is two).
To find out the day on the 1st day of the month in
which the native was born the calculations are :-

No. of days passed up to the date of birth = 11 023
(as calculated in Abdabala)
11023 ..,_ 30 = 367 13/ 30
No. of days more than complete weeks in 367 months
= 367 X 2 = 734
N·o. of days more than complete weeks on the 1st day of
month in which the native was born = 734 + 1 = 735
Now 735 + 7 = 105 & remainder zero.
So 1st day of the month of birth was Tuesday and
its lord is Mars. Therefore, Mars gets thirty shatiarnsas as
Masa BaJa and the rest of the planets get zero.
(f) Vara BaJa :
The number of days including 12th Sept. 1981 =
NOTE: The time ofbirth of the native is 1-30 AM of
13-9-1981. The Gregorian Calender date starts from mid-
night while the Indian day starts from sunrise and ends on
the next Sun rise. Therefore, the date according to Indian
system was 12-9-81 and not 13-9-81. So we have incl_uded
. ihe 12th only not the 13th in the above data.
Now calculation ofVara on the day ofbirth = 11022
+ 7 = 1574 4 / 7 i.e. four is the remainder after completion
of I 574 weeks. Now count zero = Tuesday, One =
Wednesday, Two = Thursday, Three = friday, Four =
Saturday. Therefore, the day was Saturday and its lord was
Saturn which will get fortyfive shashtiamsas and rest zero
as Vara Bala. ·
(g) Hora BaJa :
Hora is of One hour and starts from the Sunrise. In
the present case Sunrise is 6-5 am IST and the time of
birth is 1-30 am i.e. 25-30 1ST.
Now 25h30'"(-) 6h5m = I9h25m means I 9 horas have
elapsed and the 20th Hora day was running.
Keeping the planets in a circle according to their
decreasing sidereal time anti clockwise we have the
following figure. Saturn has got maximum ST and the
decreasing order is Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and

As the day of birth is Saturday. The lors of 1st Hora will

be Saturn, that of II will be Jupiter and so on.

Hora 1/8/15/22 2/9/16/23 3/10/17/24 4/11/18

Lord Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun

Hora 5/12/19 6/13/20 7/14/21

Lord Venus Mercury Moon

So the lord of twentieth Hora is Mercury and it will

get sixty shashtiamsas as Hora Bala and other planets will
get zero.

(h) Ayana BaJa :
The strength of a planet being in the North or South
of the Celestial'Equator is known as Ayana Bala.
Ayana Bala depends upon d,eclination (Kranti) of a
planet. The declination is the ang'ular distance of a planet
from it to the foot of the perpendicular on celestial equator.
If the planet is in the north of Equator the declination
is North and word 'N' or (+) sign is written after the
degrees of declination. If it is towards south the word 'S'
or (-) sign is shown after the degrees of declination.
Sun crosses the equator twice every year. Once going
towards North from South and this point is known as
Vernal equinox or spring equinox and second time going
to South from North and this point is named 'Autumnal
Equinox'. At these two Equinoctical points (spring equinox
and Autumnal equinox) the declination of Sun is zero as it
is on the equator and its distance from equator is zero.
The declination is one of the pair (declination, Right
ascension) which shows the position of a heavenly body
with respect to vernal equinox and equator.
The declination is always measured in respect of a
Sayana Graha. Therefore, the sayana longitudes of
a planets are to be determined by adding ayanamsa
to the nirayana longitudes.
The maximum declination of Sun is 24°(23°27') which
is the inclination of ecliptic with the equator. For Ayana
Bala we will take the maximum declination as 24° towards
North and 24° towards south i.e. the total movement in
declination will be 24 + 24 = 48°.
Determination of declination from Nirayana
(I) Convert the N irayana longitudes of all the planets

into Sayana longitj.ldes.
(2) Find out their distance from the nearest equinoctical
vernal equinox !Uld Autumnal Equinox have 0° and 180"
Sayana longitudes. This: distance will be called
1. From o• to 90" Bhuja will be longitude - o·
2. From 90• to 180" Bhuja will be 1800- longitude
3. From 180" to 270" Bhuja will be longitude - 180°
4. ·From 270° to 360° Bhuja will be 360° - longitude
When Bhuja is Declination is

o· 0
15• 362'
30• 362' + 341' = 703'
45° 703' + 299' = 1002'
60• 1002' + 236' = 1238'
75• 1238' + 150' = 1388'
90• 1388' +52'= 1440'

For intermediate longitudes fmd the Declination by the

rule of three. Let the degrees of planet be 215" as it is in
between 180" and.270" so Bhuja is 215 - 180 = 35"
Declination for 35• of Bhuja for {30"+5"(proportion of
increase from 30• to 45")}.
= 703' + 299 X 5 +15
= 703' + 100' = 803' nearly.
Calculation of Ayana BaJa :
For Sun, Venus, Mars and Jupiter the North
declination should be added to twenty four and Southern
declination should be deducted from twenty four i.e. their
declination should be counted from the extreme southern
end. It can also be implied that they get maximum Ayanabala,
when they are at Northern end of their path afterwards they
start moving down. Sun's Ayanabala is always doubled.

For Saturn and Moon the southern declination is added

to· twenty four and Northern declineation deducted from
twentyfour which means that they get the maximum
Ayanabala while at the southern. end of their path and zero
when at the Northern end.
For Mercury the declination whether Southern or
Northern is always additive to twentyfour i.e. Mercury is
strong in Ayanabala when at the southern/Northern ends
and weak at the equator.
The maximum Ayanabala is sixty shashtiamsas and the
declination from Southern end to Northern end is 24 + 24
= 48".
·Jn 48" Ayanabala is raised from zero to sixty
sashtiamsa so in x· the Ayanabala will be X X 60 + 48
i.e. the formula becomes
Ayanabala = (24 ± declination) x 60/48
the ± for addition or subtraction of declination as per
. rules given above.

The calculation of Ayanabala for standard horoscope
is given in the following chart.
Ayanamsa = 23° 35' 50" = 23.60
Calaculation of Ayanabala of the
standard horoscope
Part A

Name of Nirayana Sayana Difference from

Planet Longitude Longitude Equinoctical

Sun 146.37 169.97 10.03 (N)

Moon 309.50 333.10 26.90 (S)
Mars I 03.18 126.78 53.22 (N)
Mercury 170.53 194.13 14.13 (S)
Jupiter 170.45 194.05 14.05 (S)
Venus 186.27 209.87 29.87 (S)
Saturn 166.43 190.03 10.03 (S)
Nirayana 146.37
Ayanamsa +23.60
and so on for other planets
Difference from Equinoctical Point
180- 169.97 = 10.03 (N)
360- 333.10 = 26.90 (S)
180- 126.78 = 53.22 (N)
194.13- 180 = 14.13 (S)
194.05- 180 = 14.05 (S)
209.87- 180 = 29.87 (S)
190.03-180 = 10.03 (S)
Calaculation of Ayanabala of the
standard horoscope (Cont.)
Declination in Declination
minutes in tn
minutes Decimals

362 X = 242.06
)0.03/)5 4° 02 1 4°.03
362 + 34) X )).90115 = 632.53 I 0° 33 1
)002 + 236 X 8.22115 = ))3].33 18° 51 I 18°.85
362 X J4.J3/)5 = 341.06 5° 41 I 5°.68
362 X )4.05/)j = 339 5° 39 1 5°.65
362 + 34) X )4.87/)5 = 700 II o 40 1 11°.67
362 X )0.03115 = 242.06 4° 02 1 4°.03

Note: Declination of longitudes from 0° to 180° is North. and

180° to 360° is South.
Part C
Name of Ayanabab

Sun (24 + 4.03) X 5/4 X 2 !:: 70.08

Moon (24 + 10.55) X 5/4 = 43.19
Mars (24 + 18.85) X 5/4 = 53.56
Mercury (24 + 5.68) X 5/4 = 37.10
Jupiter (24- 5.65) X 5/4 = 22.94
Venus (24 - 11.67) X 5/4 = 15.41
Saturn (24 + 4.03) X 5/4 = 35.04

(h) Yuddhabala :
Two planets are said to be at war when the difference
between their longitudes is less than one degree. The planet
with lesser longitude wins in this war and gains some
strength while the strength of the loser is deducted by the
same amount.
Sun and Moon are two luminaries and as such any
planet in conjunction or within one degree of these two is
not at war with them.
Calculation for Yuddhabala
The balas (in shashtiamsas) upto in Kalabala
are calculated for both the planets at war i.e. Positional
strength + directional strength + temporal strength upto
Horabala (Temporal strength except Ayanabala and
Yuddhabala which is now being found out).
It is to be divided by the difference of the diameters
of the discs (in seconds) of the fighting planets.

Diameter of the discs of planets

Planets Diameter of disc
(Bimb Pariman)

Mars 9".4
Mercury 6".6
Jupiter 190".4
Venus 16".6
Saturn 158".0

The Yuddhabala of the standard horoscope.

In this horoscope Mercury and Jupiter are at war as
their longitudes are respectively 170°.53 and 170°.45. The
longitude of Jupiter is lesser and hence Jupiter wins.
Balas upto Hora Bala :
Mercury Jupiter

Positional strength 238.16 152.98

Directional strength 31.97 31.99
Temporal strength
Nathonnath bala 60.00 6.10
Paksha Bala 54.38 54.38
Tribhagabala - 60.00
Hora bala 60.00 -
Total 444.51 305.45

Difference= 444.51-305.45 = 139.06 (shashtiamsa)

Difference in diameter of disc= 190.4-6.6 = 183".8
Yuddhabala = 139.06 + 183.8 = 0.8 (shashtiamsa)
Now Mercury's yuddhab.ala is - 0.80 (negative)
Jupiter's yuddhabala is + 0.80 (positive)

Note : Table for Computation of Total Kalabala for

standard Horoscope is given on the following page

Computation of Total Kalabala for the standard
Category Name of Planet
Ka 1:..bala Sun Moon Mars Mere. Jup. Ven. Sat.

Natbonnath 6.10 53.90 53.90 60.00 6.t0 6.t0 53.90

Paksha 5.62 108.76 5.62 54.38 54.38 54.38 5.62
Tribhaga - - - - 60 60 -
Abda - - t5 - - - -
Mas a - - 30 - - - -
Vara - - - - - - 45
Hora - - - 60 - - -
Ayana 70.08 43.t9 53.56 37.t0 22.94 t5.4t 35.04
Yuddha - - - -0.80 +0.80 - -

TOTAL 81.80 205.85 t58.08 2t0.68 t44.22 135.89 139.56




Chestabala is the strength due to retrogression of a planet.

The planets become retrograde when they are nearer to
earth. (Refer to my book on Astronomy). The strength
gained due to arc of retrogression is known as chestabala.
Chestabala is maximum when the difference between the
average of mean longitude and true longitude with
sheeghrochcha is maximum i.e. when the planet is at a
maximum distance from earth, it is Apogee or say
Earth moves round the sun or say Sun appears to move
round the earth. As the longitudes used are geo-centric
longitudes, the longitudes of Sun will be ever increasing
and the Sun will not appear retrograde at any time. As
Moon revolves around the earth, its longitudes will also
be ever increasing and not decreasing at all i.e. the Moon
will never be retrograde.
The inferior planets retrograde when they are in
between the Earth and the Sun as they are nearer to earth
at that time. When they are nearest to the earth i.e. on
perigee, they are nearly in the middle of their retrograde
movement. They retrograde sometime before and sometime
after the perigee.
The superior planets are retrograde sometime before
and sometime after the opposition. When they are in
opposition, they are nearly in the middle of the retrograde
Longitudes :
Mean longitudes are the longitudes which are obtained
by considering the motion of a planet being uniform and
in a circular path instead of an elliptical one.
The epoch is taken at the begiiming of 1st January
1900 mid-night at 76°(E) {The meridian ·of Ujjain
considered as meridian of India by the Indian
As inner planets (Mercury and Venus) remain nearer
to Sun, their mean longitudes will be taken as that of Sun.
It has been pointed out earlier that the superior planets
(Mars, .Jupiter and Saturn) will be in the middle of their
retrograde motion when they are nearest to earth and in
opposition with the Sun.
They will be farthest to earth when they are in
conjunction with the Sun. So fheir sheeghrochcha will be
the same as mean longitude of the Sun.
. For finding out the mean longitudes of Sun, Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn and seeghrochcha of Mercury and Venus
the tables from IV and IX will be used as shown below :
Calculation :
First find out the number of days elapsed from the
epoch to the time ofbirth. For the standard horoscope from
the mid-night (ofUjjain) ofist January 1900 to 1.30 AM
(IST) on 13th September, 1981.
198 1-1 900 = 8 1 years (as the base year is I 900 and
not I 90 I)
No of days in 81 yrs = 81 x 365 = 29565 days
Addit.ional days for leap year = 20 days
No. ofdays from 1-1-81 to 12-9-81 = 255 days
·No. of days from 12 mid-night of
Ujjain to 1.30 1ST* = 0.04 days
Total no. of days = 29840.04 days
• { 1.30 IST = 1h.30'- Oh.26' (LMT correction for Ujjain)
= 1h.04' = 0.04 days}
As stated earlier Mean longitude of Sun = Mean
longitude of Mercury = Mean longitude of Venus =
Seeghrochcha of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
So the Mean loongitudes of Sun, Mars, Jupiter ,
Saturn and Seeghrochca of Mercury and Venus are to be
found out as under for the standard horoscope.
Calculation of Mean longitude of Sun :
From Table IV
For 20,000 days = 272.0531
9000 days = 230.4239
800 days = 68.4821
40 days = 39.4240 (10 x 4 units value)
0.04 days = 0.04 ( 0.04 x 0.98 i.e. 0.04x1)
Total 610.4231
Constant at epoch= 257.4568
867.8799 =867°.88(I'ounded)
deduct multiples of 360 and get
867.88- 720 = 147°.88 which is mean longitude of
Calculations of Mean longitudes of Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn and Seeghrochcha of Mercury and Venus from

tables V to IX are as given below :

Mean Longitudes Seeghrachcha

Mars Jupiter Saturn Mere. Venus

20,000 days 40.39 221.93 308.79 126.36 2.93

9,000 days 36.17 27.87 300.95 110.86 19.32

800 days 59.22 66.58 26.75 33.85 201.72

40 days 20.96 3.32 1.34 163.69 64.09

0.04 days 0.02 - - 0.16 0.06

for 29840.04days 156.76 319.70 637.83 434.92 288.12

Constant al Epoch 270.22 220.04 236.74 164.00 328.51

Correction - @-3.87 @1-5.08 ©+6.56 ©-5.01

Total 426.98 535.87 879.65 605.48 611.62

Deduct multiple -360.00 -360.00 -720.00 -360.00 -360.00


66°.98 175°.87 159°.65 245°.48 251°.62

A. Less correction 3.33 + 0.0067 x 81 = 3.87

B. Add 5°+ 0.001 X 81 =5 + 0.08 = 5.08
c. Add 6.67- 0.00133 X 81 = 6.67- 0.11 = 6.56
D. Less 5°+ 0.0001 x 81 = 5 + 0.008 = 5.01 (Rounded)
Now chesta Kendra =

Mean longitude + True longitude

Sh eeg hroc h c ha-
lfthe chesta kendra is more than 180° deduct it from 360°
or reverse the position i.e.

Chesta kendra =
(Mean longitude+ True longitude)- Seeghrochcha

Chesta kendra
Chesta Bala =

Planet Seeghr- True Mean 1/2 (true Reduc- Chesta
ochcha Long- I..ongi- +Mean) edCh- Bata
tude tude Longi- stake-
tude ndra
1 2 3 4 5 6
Mars 147.88 103.18 66.98 85.08 62.80 20.93
Mercury 245.48 170.53 147.88 159.21 . 86.27 28.76
Jupiter 147.88 170.45 175.87 173.16 25.28 8.43
Venus 251.62 186.27 147.88 167.08 84.54 28.18
Saturn 147.88 166.43 159.65 163.04 15.16 5.05

Note 1. Column 5 is arrived at by finding out the

difference between figures of Column one
and four and it should not be more than
I goo i.e. column 1 -'- column 4 if more than
I goo take column 4 - column 1 which will
be less than 1goo.
2. Column 5 + 3 =column 6 as per formula
given earlier.



This strength depends upon the luminosity ·of the planets.

It is constant and same for all the horoscopes.
Following table shows the Natural strength of all the seven

Name of Ratio of Natural strength in

Planet Natural strength Shashtiamsas and
in decimals
Sun 7/7 X 60 60.00
Moon 617 X 60 51.43
Mars 217 X 60 17.14
Mercury 317 X 60 25.71
Jupiter 417 X 60 34.29
'Venus 517 X 60 42.86
Saturn 1/7 X 60 8.57


Aspectual strength is the strength of Planets gained due

to aspect of other planets on it.
Drishti or Aspect :
The aspected planet is always taken ahead and
aspecting one behind i.e. for calculation of Drishti Kendra
or Aspect angle the longitudes of aspecting planets are
subtracted from the aspected planets.
Normally the planets aspect the other planets most
powerfully at the position 180 degree away from it. But
Mars, Jupiter and Saturn (outer planet) have special aspect
or vishesha Drishti i.e. Mars aspects the fourth and eighth
house with full Drishti while Saturn aspects the third and
tenth house with full Drishti and Jupiter aspects the fifth
and ninth house from it with full Drishti.
Drishti Kendra or Aspect Angle:
Drishti Kendra or Aspect Angle is obtained by
subtracting the longitudes of Aspecting planet from the
Aspected planet.
(Table follows on the following page)
Table of Aspect Angle
Drishti Kendra or Aspect Angle =
Longitude of Aspected planet- Longitude of Aspecting planet.
Aspecting Planets
Long- 146.37 309.50 103.18 170.53 170.45 186.27 166.43
ltades Plan- Sun Moon Mars Mer- Jupi- Venus Saturn
ets ury ter
506.37 Sun - 196.87 43.19 335.84 335.92 320.10 339.94
309.50 Mom 163.13 - 206.32 138.97 139.05 123.23 143.07

463.18 Mars 16.81 153.68 - 292.65 292.73 276.91 296.75

530.53 Mer- 24.16 221.03 67.35 - 0.08 344.26 4.10
170.53 cury
530.45 24.08 220.95 67.27 359.92 - 344.18 4.02
546.27 Ven- 39.90 236.77 83.09 15.74 15.82 - 19.84
186.27 us
526.43 Sat- 20.06 216.93 63.25 355.90 355.98 340.16 -
166.43 urn

Drishti Value :
The Drishti Values are calculated by any of the two
methods as given on next page. One is in the shape of
formulae and the other deducable from the figure.

Method I:
When Aspect Drishti Value
angle is is
(a) 0 - 30 degree = Nil
(b) 30·- 60 degree = (D K- 30)/2
(c) 60 - 90 degree = (D K- 60) + 15
(d) 90 - 120 degree = (120- D K)/2 + 30
(e) 120- 150 degree = 150- D K
(I) 150 - 180 degree = (D K- 150) X 2
(g) 180 - 300 degree = (300- D K)/2


Here points have been used for shashtiamsas.

(1) From aspect angle 300° to 30° the Aspect value
or Drishti value is zero.
(2) It increases from 0 to 15 points in 30° i.e. from

30° to 60°. So there is an increase of 1 point for
every 2°.
(3) Increase from 15 points to 45 points is from 60°
to 90° the increase is of 30 points in 30°. In other
words for every degree the increase is I point.
(4) From 90° to 120° there is a decrease of 15 points
(decrease of 15 points in ,30°) i.e. for every two
degrees there is a decrease of I point.
(5) From 120° to 150° (in 30°) there is decereasc
of30 points (30pts. to Opt.). So for every degree,
the decrease is of 1 point.
(6) From 150° to 180° (in 30°), the increase is zero
pt. to 60pts. (60 points), so for every degree, the
increase of 2 points.
(7) From 180° to 300° (in 120°) the decrease is from
60 pcints to 0 points (60 points) i.e. for every
two degrees the decrease is of one point.
By using the figure (II method) we can calculate the
aspect value very easily. Before proceeding to actual
calculations, the special aspect may be considered
(a) The special aspect of Mars arc of IV house and VIII
house i.e. when the aspect angle from Mars is 90°
to 120° and 210° to 240° and value of this special
Drishti is 15 Shasht iamsas or points. The reason for
these 15 points has not been given anywhere (to my
knowledge). But it is not without rule and in my view
the rule is the IV house starts from 90° and VIII starts
from 210° the aspect value is 45 shashtiamsas at
these aspect angles. To make it a full drishti an
addition of 60 - 45 15 shashtiamsas is to be done.
(b) The special aspect ofjupitcr is on V and IX houses.
When it is 120° to 150° or 240° to 270° behind the
aspcctcd body and it is full = 60 shasht iamsas. The
aspect value at 120° and 240° behind is 30 pts and
to make it a full Drishti add 60 - 30 = 30 points
. (shashtiamsas).
(c) The special aspect of saturn is on Illrd and Xth
houses i.e. from 60° to 90° and 270° to· 300° of
aspect angle. The aspect value at 60° and 270° of
aspect angle is 15 points. To get full Drishti value an
addition of 60 - 15 = 45 points/shashtiamsas is to
be done.
So the addition for special aspects are summarized as
Aspect angle Add in
(i) Mars 90° to 120J 15
210° to 240°
(ii) Jupiter 120°to 150J
240° to 270°
(iii) Saturn 60° to 90J 45
270° to 300°
Subha grahas will have benefic Drishti to be denoted
by ( +) sign and Ashubhas will have Malefic Drishti to be
shown as (-) sign.
The Jupiter, Venus, Waxing Moon (7th to 8th) and
well are shubhas while Sun, Mars,
Saturn, Waning Moon (8 of Krishna Paksha to 7th of Shukla
Paksha) and badly associated Mercury are Ashubhas.
Drishti Pinda :
The total Aspect value of all the planets considering
positive for shubhas and negative for Ashubhas, the Drishti
Pinda will be arrived at.

Drik BaJa :
Drik bala is one fourth of the Drishti Pinda.
Aspected Planet
Sun Moon Mars Mercury upiter Venus Saturn

Moon . 51.57 - ·7.36 39.49 39.53 31.62 41.54

Mercury - 11.03 3.68 - - - -

Jupiter 10.95 3.64 - - - -

"' +30.00

Venus - 26.77 11.55 - - - -
1! Total of+51.57+78.75 +26.23 +39.49 +39.53 +31.62 +41.54

<"' Sun - 26.26 - - - 4.95 -

Mars 6.60 46.84 - 22.35 22.27 38.09 18.25
Saturn - 6.93 1.63 - - - -


Total of -6.60 -80.03 -46.63-22.35 -22.27-43.04-18.25

Ashubha Drishtibala

Net +44.97 -1.28 -20.40 +17.14 +17.26 -11.42 +23.29

Drishti Pinda

DrikBala+ 11.24 -0.32 -5.10 +4.29 +4.32 -2.86 +5.82

Note:. Jupiter's special aspect is on Moon, so +30 has been

shown. Saturn's special aspect is on Mars so +45
has been incorporated.

Total Shad BaJa of the Standard Horoscope

BaJa Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

onal 172.04 77.17 184.94 238.16 152.98 198.09 206.31
ional 6.59 12.22 20.99 31.97 31.99 53.29 26.67
rat 81.80 205.85 158.08 210.68 144.22 135.89 139.56
nat - - 20.93 28.76 8.43 28.18 5.05
Natural 60.00 51.43 17.14 25.71 34.29 42.86 8.57
11.24 -0.32 -5.10 4.29 4.32 -2.86 5.82

Total 331.67 346.35 396.98 539.57 .J76.23 455.45 391.98

(In Shas )
In Rupas 5.52 5.78 6.62 9.00 6.27 7.59 6.54
0. ----
REMEMBER : I Ruoa = 60 Shashtiamsas
Gradation of the strength of the Planets :
The planets require certain minimum strength in rupas
to acquire average strength i.e. they are moderate (neither
strong nor weak). If their strength is more than that, they
arc strong. If their strength is less than the specified, they
arc weak.
That required stn:ngth is:
(i) Sun 5 Rupas
(ii) Moon 6 Rupas
(iii) Mars 5 Rupas
(iv) Mercury 7 Rupas
(v) Jupiter 6.5 Rupas
(vi) Venus 5.5 Rupas
(vii) Saturn 5 Rupas.
As the number of Rupas for moderate strength differ
the strength of a planet is to be divided by the minimum
required strength. If it is more than l the planet is strong.
lfless than 1, it is weak. The strength of different planets
can be compared by this also : -
Shadbala Minimum Strength
in Rupa Required
Sun 5.52 5 = 1.10 v
Moon 5.78 6 = 0.964 VII
Mars 6.62 5 = 1.32 11
Mercury 9.00 7 = 1.29 IV
·Jupiter 6.27 6.5 = 0.965 VI
Venus 7.59 5.5 1.38 I
Saturn 6.54 .;- 5 = 1.31 Ill
In this case Venus is the strongest, Mars is at II place,
Saturn, Mercury, Sun, Jupiter and Moon are in the
descending order of strength.
Minimum requirement for Ba!as in
Shashthiamsas as per Brihat Parashar Hora shastra
is as under :
Sthan Kal Drik Chesta Ayana
Sun 16S 112 3S so 30
Moon 133 100 so 30 40
Mars 96 67 30 40 20
Mercury 16S 112 3S so 30
Jupiter 16S 112 3S so 30
Venus 133 100 so 30 40
Saturn 96 67 30 40 20


Each Bhava has been assinged certain events or function.

The first house is known as Tanu ·Bhava. It represents the
body of the individual including complexion etc. The II
Bhava represents Wealth, Family etc. If a bhava is strong,
the native will enjoy the indications of the Bhava fully. If
the bhava is week, the native will not be in a position to
enjoy the significations of the bhava.
The strength of a Bhava is determined by :
(i) Bhavadhipati Bala ic the strength of the lord of
the bhava.
(ii) Bhava Digbala.
(iii) Bhava aspect strength or say Bhava Drishti Bala.
(1) Bhavadhipati Bala :
It is the strength of the bhava or the lord of the Rashi
in which Bhava Madhya falls. These have been calculated
in previous chapters.
(2) Bhava Digbala :
It is the strength obtained by the various Bhavas due
to their Bhava Madhya being in different Rashis. The entire
zodiac has been classified into four types of Rashis namely:
(a) Nara rashis (Human signs) are represented by
,Mithuna (Gemini), Kanya (Virgo), Tula (Libra),
first half of Dhanu (Sagittarius) and Kumbha
(Aquarius). If the Madhya of ascendant falls in
Nara Rashi, the I house acquire a strength of 60
shashtiamsas (one Rupa) and it gradually loses
strength@ I 0 shashtiamsas per Bhava (whether
clock wise or anticlock wise) till it is reduced
to 0 in the VII Bhava. If the Bhava Madhya of
VII is in a Nara Rashi it will have digbala as zero.
In other words:
Bhava Madhya of I house = 60 shashtiamsas
if in Nara Rashi
Bhava Madhya of II/XII = 50 -do-
house if in Nara Rashi
Bhava Madhya of III/XI = 40 -do-
house if in Nara Rashi
Bhava Madhya of IV/X = 30 -do-
house if in N ara Rashi
Bhava Madhya ofV/IX = 20 -do-
house if in Nara Rashi
Bhava Madhya ofVINIII = 10 -do-
house if in Nara Rashi
Bhava Madhya of VII house = 0 -do-
if in N ara Rash i
(b) Jalachara Rashis:- Watery or aquatic Rashis
are known as Jalachara Rashis. they are Karkata
(cancer), second half of Makar (Capricorn), and
Meena (Pices). If the Bhava Madhya of fourth

house falls in tliese Rashi, it will get 60.
shashtiamsas and in X it will get 0 shashtiamsas.
the digbala is reduced as such Rashis are away
from IV Bhava like the pr,evious example ofNara
Rash is.
(c) Chatushpada Rashis or Quadruped Rashis:-
These are Mesha (Aries), Vrishabha (Taurus),
Sinha (Leo), second half of Dhanu· (Sagittarius)
and 1st half of Makar (Capricorn). If the Xth
Bhava Madhya falls in these it will get 60
shashtiamsas. The strength is reduced as it goes
away from Xth Bhava reaches near to IV Bhava.
(d) Keeta Rashis or insect sign :- There is only
one Rashi namely Vrischika (Scorpio) which is
Keeta Rashi. When it is in the VII Bhava
Madhya, the VII bhava acquires a strength of60
shashtiamsas and if I Bhava Madhya falls in it,
the I Bhava will have zero digbala. The digbalas
of the Bhavas whose Bhava Madhya falls in Keeta
Rash is goes on increasing by I 0 shashtiamsas per
house as it is away from I house.
(3) Bhava Drishtibala or Bhava's Aspect strength:
A Bhava gets certain strength by the aspect of the
planets on its Bhava Madhya. The Drishti Bala on the
various Bhavas is measured as was done for the Drishti
Bala of the Planets in chapter VII with the following
(a) Mercury is always benefic for Bhava Drishti Bala
Irrespective of its association.
(b) The Drishti BaJa's of Mercury and Jupiter
including special aspect are taken as obtained ·
(full). While that of other planets (including their
special aspect) are divided by 4 i.e. only one-

fourth Drishti BaJa over the Bhava Madhya is
taken. The shubhas is faken positive, while the
ashubha Drishti Balas due to aspect of ashubhas
is taken negative. The sum total will the Drishti
Bala on a particular Bhava.
Total Bhava-Bala is obtained by adding these Bala's of
a Bhava.
The calculations of the Bhava BaJa is given in the chart
Sun Moon Mars Mere. Jup. Ven. Sat.
! 146.37 309.50 103.18
I 446.43 300.06 136.93 343.25
170.45 186.27 166.43
275.98 260.16 280.00
n 473.00 326.63 163.50 9.82 302.47 302.55 286.73 306.57
lll. 499.57 353.20 190.07 36.39 329.04 329.12 313.30 333.14
N 526.15 19.78 216.65 62.97 355.62 355.70 339.88 359.72
v 559.58 53.21 250.08 96.40 29.05 29.13 13.31 33.15
VI 86.64 283.51 129.83 62.48 62.56 46.74 66.58
vn 266.43 120.06 316.93 163.25 95.90 95.98 80.16 100.00
VIII 293.00 146.63 343.50 189.82 122.47 122.55 106.73 126.57
IX 173.20 10.07 216.39 149.04 149.12 133.30 153.14
X 199.78 36.65 242".97 175.62 175.70 159.88 179.72
XI 379.58 233.21 70.08 276.40 209.05 209.13 193.31 213.15
XII 413.01 266.64 \03.51 309.83 242.48 242.56 226.74 246.58

"' Shubh Dnsht1 BaJa Ashubh UrJShtJ BaJa

="' Moon
Mere. Jup. Ven. Total Sun Mars Sat. Total
I 3.27 12.05 12.01 4.98 32.31 - - 2.5 13.75
n 6.75 - - 1.66 8.41 - - - -
m 13.74 - - - 13.74 - .80 - .80
N 10.42 - - - 10.42 - 4.49 - 4.49
v 6.24 - - - 6.24 2.90 +3.75* 0.39 17.49
VI 2.06 17.48 17.56 2.09 39.19 10.41 5.04 5.40 32.10
vn - 42.05 42.01 8.79 92.85 7.49 6.63 10.00 24.12
vn - 27.53 27.45 9.16 94.14 0.84 13.77 5.86 20.47
IX - 0.96 0.88 4.18 6.02 11.60 + 3.75* 1.57 27.37
X 0.83 51.24 51.40 4.94 108.41 12.53 7.13 14.86 34.52
XI 6.27 45.48 45.44 13.34 110.53 8.35 2.95 10.86 22.16
XI 9.56 28.76 +30.00* 9.16 106.20 4.17 - 6.68 10.85

I. * Is special.aspect of Jupiter 30, Mars 15/4 = 3. 75
and Saturn 45/4 = 11.25.

2. Rest of the table is continued on the next page.

Drishti Directional Bhavadi-
Total Total
Bhavab!lla Bhavabala
.! BaJa Strength pati BaJa in Shas- in Rupas
= htiamsa

I 18.56 60.00 539.57 618.13 10.3

II 8.41 40.00 346.35 394.76 6.6
III 12.94 10.00 331.67 354.61 5.9
IV 5.93 30.00 539.57 575.50 9.6
v -11.25 20.00 455.45 464.20 7.7
VI 7.09 50.00 396.98 454.07 7.6
VII 68.73 30.00 376.23 474.96 7.9
VIII 73.67 20.00 391.98 485.65 8.1
IX -21.35 20.00 391.98 390.63 6.5
X 73.89 0 376.23 450.12 7.5
XI 88.37 50.00 3%.98 535.35 8.9
XII 95.35 40.00 455.45 590.80 9.8




The Ishta Phala or Kashta Phala indicate the nature of

results to be had in the Dasha or Antar-Dasha of a planet.lf
the lshta (good) phala, of a planet is more than its Kashta
(bad) Phala. The planet will be more helpful in its Dasha
or Antar-Dasha. If the Kashta Phala is more than the lshta
Phala, it indicates that the ptaitet is not helpful in this period
and may give adverse results. The formulae for lshta Phala
and Kashta Phala are:

Ishta Phala Uchcha Bala x Chesta BaJa

Kashta Phala Uchcha BaJa) (60- Chesta BaJa)

We have to fmd out the Uchcha Bala and Chesta Bala

for finding out the lshta Phala and Kashta Phala.
The Uchcha Bala of all the planets of the standard
horoscope have been calculated while finding out the
positional strength. The Chesta Bala of all the planets except
the two lumanaries (Sun and Moon) have been found out
in chapter 5.
Though Sun and Moon never retrograde, yet a method
has been prescribed to fmd out their Chesta Bala, which
is essential for calculating their lshta Phala and Kashta
Ph ala.
Sun's Chesta BaJa :
Add ninty degrees to the Sayana longitude of the sun
and if it is more than 180° deduct it from 360°. After that
divide by 3.
In the case of standard horoscope :
Sun's Nirayana Longitude = 146°.37
Ayanamsa = +23°.60
Sun's Sayana Longitude = 169°.97
= +90°
as it is more than 180° deduct from 360°
J60°- 259°.97 = 100°.03
Chesta bala of Sun = 100.03 = 33.34
Chesta bala of Moon :
Deduct the longitiude of Sun from that of Moon and
divide by three ifless than 180°, otherwise divide by three
after deducting it from 360°
In the case of Standard Horoscope :
Moon's Longitude = 309.50
Sun's Longitude = - 146.37
which is less than 180° so no necessity of deducting it from
Moon's Chesta Bala = 163.13 = 54.38
= Paksha Bala of Benefics.

Planet lshta Phala Kashta Phala

Sun X 33.3 "'22.00 X 26.7 ""34.84

Moon X 54.38 "'41.83 X 5.62."' 12.51

Mars )( 20.93 "' 10.17 X 39.07 "'46.38

Mercury ..J;8.t6 x 28.76"' 4o.9o X 31.24"' 7.58

Jupiter X 8.43"' 17.13 I X 51.57 "' 36.01

Venus X 28.18 "' 9.33 X 31.82 "'42.55

Saturn 5.05"' 15.70 ll.19 X 54.95 "'24.80

For this horoscope Moon and Mercury are the planets

which have more Ishta Phala than Kashta Phala. So they
will give good results during their Dasha and Antar-Dashas
while the others are reverse. Especially Venus and Mars
whose Kashta Phala is much more than the Ishta Phala,
will give adverse results in their Dashas and Antar-Dashas.
Though Sun, Jupiter and Saturn are also having their Kashta
Phala more than Ishta Phala but the difference is not so
wide as in other cases. The results of Dashas and Antar-
Dashas are to be judged very carefully as the stronger of
the lords ofDasha or Antar-Dasha will predominate over
the other for giving the results.

Table I

31st Ahar- 31st Ahar- 31st Ahar·
Dec. gana Dec. Gana Dec. Gana

1951 174 1971 7479 1991 14784

1952 540 1972 7845 1992 15150
1953 905 1973 8210 1993 15515
1954 1270 1974 8575 1994 15880
1955 1635 1975 8940 1995 16245
1956 2001 1976 9306 1996 16611
1957 2366 1977 9671 1997 16976
1958 2731 1978 10036 1998 17341
1959 3096 1979 10401 1999 17706
1960 3462 1980 10767 2000 18072

1961 3827 1981 11132 2001 18437
1962 4192 1982 11497 2002 18802
1963 4557 1983 11862 2003 19167
1964 4923 1984 12228 2004 19533
1965 5288 1985 12593 2005 19898
1966 5653 1986 12958 2006 20263
1967 6018 1987 13323 2007 20628
1968 6384 1988 13689 2008 20994
1969 6749 1989 14054 2009 21359.
1970 I 7114 1990 14419 2010 21724
Table II

Days from 1st January to the end of the month

January 31 July 212

February 59 August 243
March 90 September 273
April 120 October 304
May 151 November 334
June 181 December 365

Add one day in leap year for all the months from February.

Table III

Tuesday 0 or 7 Saturday +4

Wednesday + 1 Sunday +5

Thursday +2 Monday +6

Friday +3

Table IV
Mean position of the Sun at the Epocb
(At 0 hr on 1st January 1900 A.D. 76° E) 257°.4568

Units Hundreds Thousands Ten thousand!

1. 0.9856 98.5602 265.6026 ]36.0265
2. 1.9712 197.1205 171.2053 272.0531
3. 2.9568 295.6808 76.8080 48.0796
4. 3.9424 34.2411 342.4106 184.1062
5. 4.9280 132.8013 248.0133 320.1327
6. 5.9136 231.3616 153.6159 96.1593
7. 6.8992 329.9218 59.2186 232.1868
8. 7.8848 68.4821 324.8212 8.2124
9. 8.8704 167.0424 230.42391 144.2389

'Table V
Mean Position at the Epoch : 270.22°
Units Hundreds Thousands Ten thousand5
I. 0.524 52.40 164.02 200.19
2. 1.048 104.80 328.04 40.39
3. 1.572 157.21 132.06 240.58
4. 2.096 209.61 296.08 80.78
5. 2.620 262.01 I 00.10 280.97
6. 3.144 314.41 264.12 121.16
7. 3.668 6.81 68.14 321.36
8. 4.192 59.22 232.15 161.55
9. 4.716 111.62 36.17 1.74
Table VI
Mean position at the Epoch = 220°.04
.. . .
(]·nit-s. Tens Hundreds Ten thousands
I. .·;OS , '(t'83 8.31 83.1 110.96
2. .17. . '1.66 16.62 166.19 221.93
3. .25 2.49 24.93 249.29 332.89
4. .33 3.32 33.24 332.39 83.85
5. .41 4.15 41.55 55.48 194.82
6. .50 4.99 49.86 138.58 305.78
7. .58 5.82 58.17 221.67 56.74
8. .66 6.65 66.48 304.77 167.71
9. .75 7.48 74.79 27.87 278.67
Less correction (3.33 + 0.0067t)
Table VII
Mean position at the Epoch = 236°.74
Units Tens Hundreds Thousands thousands
1. .03 .33 3.34 33.44 334.39
2. .07 .67 6.69 66.88 308.79
3. .10 1.00 10.03 100.32 283.18
4. .13 1.34 13.38 133.76 257.57
5. .17 1.67 16.72 167.20 231.97
6. .20 2.01 20.06 200.64 206.36
7. .23 2.34 23.41 234.08 180.75
8. .27 2.68 26.75 267.51 155.14
9. .30 3.01 30.10 300.95 129.54
Add correctiOn (5°+ 0.001 t)
Table VIII
Mercury's Apogee Product Table (mercury's
The adopted Apogee of the planet is 164° at the epoch.
Its mean position is equal to that of the Sun.

Add Correction : (6.67 - 0.00133 t)

Units Tens Hundreds Thousands Ten thousands

1. 4.09 40.92 49.23 132.32 243.18

2. 8.18 81.84 98.46 264.64 126.36
3. 12.28 122.77 147.70 36.95 9.54
4. 16.37 163.69 196.93 169.27 252.72
5. 20.46 204.62 246.16 301.59 135.90
6. 24.55 245.54 295.39 73.91 19.08
7. 28.65 286.46 344.62 206.23 262.26
8. 32.74 327.38 33.85 338.54 145.44
9. 36.83 8.31 83.09 110.86 28.63

Table IX
Product Table of Apogee of Venus (Venus
In computing the position of Venus we adopt the epoch,
i.e., I st January 1900 (Civil time). The mean position of
Venus is the same as that ofthe Sun, while the Apogee at
the epoch is 328°.51.
Less Correction : (5°+ 0.0001 t)

Units Tens Hundreds Thousands lfen thousands

I. 1.60 16.02 160.21 162.15 181.46

2. 3.20 32.04 320.43 324.29 2.93
3. 4.81 48.06 120.64 126.44 184.39
4. 6.41 64.09 280.86 288.59 5.86
5. 8.01 80.11 81.07 90.73 187.32
6. 9.61 96.13 241.29 252.88 8.78
7. 11.21 112.15 41.50 55.02 190.25
8. 12.82 128.17 201.72 217.17 '11.71
9. 14.42 144.19 1.93 19.32 193.18

70 .

Shadbala : Six -fold strength consists of:

1. Positional Strength 2. Directional Strength
3. Temporal strength 4. Motional Strength
5. Natural Strength 6. Aspect Strength
t. Positional Strength or Sthana Bala :
It consists of five balas :
(i) Uchchabala : It is obtained by dividing the
difference of longitudes between the planet and the
debilitation point by 3. In if X and Dare the longitudes
of planet and debilitation point, it is= X-D/3 or D-X/3
where the numerator should be less than 180°.
(ii) Saptvargiya bala : It is obtained by a planet
according to its relation with the lord of the rashi where it
is posited in the seven divisional charts :
1. Rashi, 2. Hora, 3. Drekkana, 4. Saptmansha,
5. Navamsha, 6. Dwadsamsha, 7. Trimsamsha
Prepare the Panchdha Maitri chaka and allot the strength
in Sashtiamsha as given below: Mooltrikona sign 45, Own
sign 30, Fast Friend's Sign 22.5, Friend's Sign 15, Neutral's
sign 7.5, Enemy's sign 3.75 and Bitter enemy's sign 1.875.
(iii) Yugma Yugma Bala or Ojayugma Bala : Moon
and Venus get I 5 shashtiamsa bala for each if they are
posited in even sign and even navamsha otherwise zero.
The rest i.e. Sun, Mars. Mercury, Jupiter anrl saturn get
15 shashtiamsa·bala for each in odd rashi and odd navamsha
otherwise zero.
(iv) Kendra Bala :The planets which are psoited in
kendra get 60, in Panphara 30 and in Apoklima 15
shashtimsa bala.
(iv) Drekhna Baka : Masculine planet i.e., Sun, Mars and
Jupiter get 15 shashtiamsa bala if they are in the 1st
Dreshkona of a rashi while Mercury and Saturn get 15 in
2nd Dreshkona and female planets i.e. Moon and venus
get 15 in 3rd Dreshkona.
The sum-total of these five balas is the sthanbala or
positional strength of a planet.
2. Directional strength or Dig bala :
Name of Powerful Strength Powerless Strength
Planet Direction In Shash- Direction in Shash
tiamsha tiamsa
Jupiter & I house 60 VII house 0
Mercury cusp cusp
Moon & IV house 60 X house 0
Venus cusp cusp
Saturn VII house 60 I house 0
cusp cusp
Sun & X house 60 IV house 0
Mars cusp cusp

In between it is calculated propertionately.

3. Temporal strength or Kal bala :
It consists of nine Balas.
(i) Nathonath bala or Divaratri Bala:
Sun, Jupiter and Venus get 60 shashtiamsa BaJa at
mid-day and 0 at mid-night. Moon; Mars and Saturn get
60 shashtiamsa bala at mid-night and 0 at mid-day. In ther
psoitions it is calculated proportionately. Mercury always
get 60 shashtiamsa bala.
(ii) Paksha BaJa :
Benefics are Jupiter, Venus, Moon ans Unafflicted

Mercury. Malefics are Sun, Mars, saturn andaffiicted
Longitude of Moon - Longitude of Sun
Paksha Bala ofbenefics " ' - - - - - - - - - - - -
in case numerator is more than 180° reverse the
position of the Moon and the Sun.
For malefics Paksha Bala = 60- Paksha bala of shubha
For Moon Paksha Bala = 2 x Paksha: BaJa of shubhas
.(iii) Tribhag Bala :
Day and night each is divided into three parts. The
lord of the part of the day or night in which the native was
born gets 60 shashtiamsa bala. Jupiter always gets 60
shashtiamsa bala. Rest of the planets get o_bala.
(iv) Abda bala :
The lord of the frrst day of the year (reckoned 360
days per year from shristiyadi) gets 15 shashtiamsa bala
and other zero.
(v) Masa Bala :
The lord of the frrst day of the month (reckoned 30
days per month from shristiyadi ) gest 30 shashtiamsa baia'
and rest zero.
(vi) Vara bala :
The lord of the week-day of birth gets 45 shashtiamsa
bala and rest zero.
(vii) Hora Bala:
Lord of the Hora of birth time gets 60 shashtiamsa
bala and others zero.

(viii)Ayana Bala :
. Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Venus are strong when their
declination is 24° (N) and weak on 24° (S) declination.
It is reversed in case of Moon and Saturn. While Mercury
is strong at declineation 24°(N) and 24°(S).
Ayan bala for Sun, Mars; Jupiter and Venus in shashtiamsa
= (24+ North dec lineation or (-) south declineation) x 60
+ 48

Ayan bala for Moon and Saturn in shashtiamsa.;, (24+

Southern declineation or (-) Northern dec lineation) x 60
+ 48
Ayan bala for Mercury in shashtiamsa = (24 + declineation
whether North or south) x 60 + 48
Ayan bala of Sun is always doubled.
(iX) Yudha ha"La: ·
In case the difference of longitudes between two
planets (excluding Sun and Moon) is less than 1°, they are
at war.
Yudha Bala =The difference of their strength upto Hora bala
difference of diameter of their discs
It is added to winner's strength and c:teducted from
the loser.
The Sum of these nine balas is kala bala.
4. Motional strength (chesta bala) :
It is the strength gained by a planet due to retrogration.

Chesta kendra = [(M. long.+ T. long.)+ 2]

if numerator is more than 180°, deduct it from 360°.

chesta kendra
Chest a bala_ =
5. Natural strength :
For all horoscopes it is :
Sun Moon Jupiter Venus Saturn
I 51.43 17.14 25.71 34.29 . 42.86 8.57
6. Aspect strength (Drik bala) :
(i) Drishti kendra or aspect angle from all the planets
are found out.-
(i.J) From Dristi kendra the aspect value is found out
(iii) Aspect value is positive for benefics and negative for
Male tics.
(iv) By adding I subtracting the aspect value the dristipind
is found out.
(v) Dividing the drishti pind by four, Drik bala or aspect
strength is known.
The toatal of all these six kinds ofbalas will give the
shadbala of a planet in shashtiamsa.
Dividing this shadbala by 60 the strength in Rupa will
·be obtained.
The followinftable exhibits the minimum requirement
of the respective bala by the different planets.

Sthan Kal Drik Chesta Ayana
Sun 165 112 35 50 30
Moon 133 100 50 30 40
Mars 96 67 30 40 20
Mercury 165 112 35 50 30
Jupiter 165 112 35 50 30
Venus 133 100 50 30 40
Saturn 96 67 30 40 20

Bhava BaJa·:
is the sum of
(i) Strength of the lord of bhava madhya
(ii) Directional strength (dig bala)
(iii) Aspect strength or Drik bala

(i) Strength of the lord of Bhava Madhya is this

(ii) Directional Stretfgth or Drik ba/a : It is accl)rding
to the rashi of the Bhava- Madhya as_given-'in the following
table. ·


3,6, 7, II and ro so .() 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 so
First half of 9
4,12 la:er 30 40 so ro so 40 30 20 10 0 10 20
half of9
and lsi .
half of 10 .
L'hatushpa<l · ·
rashi 1,2,5 and 30 20 10 0 10 J) 30 40 so ro so 40
2nd half of JO'
Keel rasl\i 0 10 20 30 40 so 6) so 40 30 20 10

(iii) Aspect -strength or Drik bala : is found out by

considering the Bhava-Madhya as a planet. In the Bhava
Bali Mercury is ahvays Benefic. The aspect strength of
and Jupiter including their special aspect value,
·is taken in full while that of other planets including their
special aspect is divided by 4. Strength of Benefic planets
taken positive and that of malefic as negative. The total
is divided bv 60 for converting the shashtiamsa into Rupa-
lshta Bala =juchcha bala X rhcsta bala

Kashta Bala 60 - uchcha bala) x ( 60 - chcsta bala)

Chcsta bala of Moon is paksha bala of benefic

Chest a bala of Sun= (Sayan longitude of Sun+ 90) 3
ifthe numerator is more than 180 deduct it from 360.


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